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The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders
Volume 10, Issue / 1991
English Article Japanese Article
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Prognosis of sarcoidosis, which took steroid treatment by extrapulmonary lesions 白井正浩, 佐藤篤彦, 千田金吾, 早川啓史, 岩田政敏, 中野豊, 安田和雅, 志知泉, 須田隆文, 田村亨治 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 3-4, 1991. |
Steroid therapy and convalescence in the cardiac sarcoidosis 高田勝利, 山本正彦, 伊奈康孝, 野田正治, 佐藤俊英, 羽柴初美, 宮地厚雄, 伊藤伸介, 佐藤滋樹, 佐橋浩一 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 5-6, 1991. |
α granuloma formation experiments with hemolytic streptococcus cell wall components (SCW) 宮川洋介, 麻生博史, 中西真之, 重松信昭 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 7-8, 1991. |
Control quick wit of the γδT cell receptor expression in the sarcoidosis 田村尚亮, 高橋さつき, 貫和敏博, 吉良枝郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 9-10, 1991. |
Histologic reexamination using the three-dimensional reconfiguration method about the sarcoid pulmonary disease 羽野寛, 荻原正雄* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 11-12, 1991. |
Histological examination of the occurrence site of sarcoidosis lung granular shadow as seen in open-chest lung biopsy example 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 13-14, 1991. |
COLLAGENASE IN BAL FLUID OF PATIENTS WITH SARCOIDOSIS Power C., O'Connor C.M., Ward K., Yoshida, T., Fitzgerald M.X. The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 15-15, 1991. |
About an origin material of the sarcoidosis lesion formation 江石義信, 安藤登, 武村民子*, 松井泰夫** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 16-17, 1991. |
Genetic control of the immune response for the hemolytic streptococcus antigen 上川路信博, 笹月健彦, 重松信昭* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 18-19, 1991. |
Study of the HLA antigen in patients with Japanese sarcoidosis Kunigane Koji, Shosaku Abe, Etsuro Yamaguchi, Yoshikazu Kawakami The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 20-21, 1991. |
Sarcoidosis and clinical study on HLA 立花暉夫, 三宅忠夫, 白倉良太* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 22-23, 1991. |
Examination of the HLA antigen in a pulmonary sarcoidosis chronicity case (more than lesion continuation ten years) and the spontaneous remission case (a lesion disappears within five years) Sonoko Nagai, Takateru Izumi The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 24-26, 1991. |
Problems judging from the follow-up of the cardiac sarcoidosis serious case arrhythmia case 大森文夫, 立花暉夫* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 27-28, 1991. |
Examination of the ACE significant high level case in the sarcoidosis 野田正治, 高田勝利, 伊奈康孝, 山本正彦, 佐藤俊英, 羽柴初美, 伊藤伸介, 宮地厚雄, 佐橋浩一, 佐藤滋樹 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 29-30, 1991. |
Clinical study of sarcoidosis, which has brought about a relapse and remission during long-term use of steroids 須田隆文, 佐藤篤彦, 白井正浩, 安田和雅, 早川啓史, 千田金吾 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 31-32, 1991. |
1, 2 views of the intractable case judging from an autopsy case 岩井和郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 33-34, 1991. |
Visual prognosis of the eyes sarcoidosis 129 case 大原國俊, Akira Okubo, Hiroshi Sasaki The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 35-36, 1991. |
Long-term prognosis and its related factors of heart sarcoidosis (heart sarcoidosis) 永田まこと*1, *2, *3, 岳マチ子*1, *2, *3, 渋谷実*1, *2, *3, 堀江俊伸*1, *2, *3, 細田瑳一*1, *2, *3, 太田淑子*1, *2, *3, 廣江道昭*4, 関口守衛*5 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 37-38, 1991. |
About the convalescence of the Sa symptom which passed more than ten years 森川伸雄, 迎寛, 崎戸修, 織田裕繁, 寺崎裕美, 澤英顕, 千住玲子, 福島喜代康, 門田淳一, 小森清和, 原耕平 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 39-40, 1991. |
Examination about the association between convalescence and TBLB views of the pulmonary sarcoidosis 鈴木栄一, 山田聡, 平原克己, 須貝孝治, 桶谷典弘, 篠川真由美, 来生哲, 荒川正昭 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 41-42, 1991. |
Clinical study on long term prognosis of the sarcoidosis and associated factor 立花暉夫, 大森文夫*1, 上田英之助*2, 越智規夫*3, 坂谷光則*4, 桝野富彌*5, 松田実*6 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 43-44, 1991. |
Examination of a long term prognosis of the sarcoidosis and the associated factor 臺丸尚子, 池田東吾*, 林真一郎*, 上川路信博*, 松葉健一*, 重松信昭* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 45-46, 1991. |
Immunohistochemical analysis of the sarcoidosis pulmonary granuloma 原嶋文治, 杉崎勝教, 安部康治, 美藤恵子, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 47-48, 1991. |
Expression of LFA-1 antigen of sarcoidosis alveolus lymphocytes by 3-Color Analysis 山口悦郎, 伊藤昭英, 古家乾, 檜沢伸之, 阿部庄作, 川上義和 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 49-50, 1991. |
Expression of Interleukin 2 receptorα(IL-2R) mRNA of sarcoidosis patients alveolus lymphocytes 西崎浩, 片岡幹男, 品川克至, 塩見勝彦, 細谷茂衛, 前田剛, 飛岡徹, 森由弘, 江尻東伍, 大熨泰亮, 木村郁郎, 中田安成* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 51-52, 1991. |
Examination of the soluble CD4 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the sarcoidosis 古家乾, 山口悦郎, 伊藤昭英, 檜沢伸之, 阿部庄作, 川上義和 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 53-54, 1991. |
soluble CD4 in the sarcoidosis, examination of soluble CD8 佐藤滋樹, 伊奈康孝, 高田勝利, 佐藤俊英, 羽柴初美, 野田正治, 伊藤伸介, 宮地厚雄, 佐橋浩一, 山本正彦, 森下宗彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 55-56, 1991. |
Clinical examination of TCRγδ cells of the sarcoidosis patients peripheral blood 杉江琢美, 許榮宏, 沖和彦, 木野智慧光, 中田光*, 中野裕康*, 河端美則*, 岩井和郎*, 小林フミ子**, 松井泰夫*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 57-58, 1991. |
About the property of TCRγδ cells found in active sarcoidosis patients peripheral blood 中田光, 中野裕康, 山田博之, 岩井和郎, 杉江琢美*1, 小林フミ子*1, 武村民子*2, 松井泰夫*2, 山口哲生*3, 小高稔*3, 安保徹*4, 吉開泰信*5, 野本亀久雄*5 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 59-60, 1991. |
Examination of the picture by the culture of patients with sarcoidosis BAL-F cells Chika Shoji, Takako Kawai, Masahiro Narita, Keiichiro Matsunaga, Takao Okubo, Kazumi Isobe *, Shigeaki Ono *, Kiyoshi Kato ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 61-62, 1991. |
It is IL-2 receptor in a monocyte in the sarcoidosis, alveolus macrophage 伊奈康孝, 高田勝利, 山本正彦, 野田正治, 佐藤俊英, 羽柴初美, 伊藤伸介, 宮地厚雄, 佐橋浩一, 佐藤滋樹, 森下宗彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 63-64, 1991. |
Comparison between iron ion and transferrin receptor, sarcoidosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis of the alveolar macrophage Takashi Mori, Kazushige Sugawara, Ohara autumn ear, Kazuki Konishi, Masao Tamura The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 65-66, 1991. |
Trial of the experimental pulmonary granuloma making by intratracheal IL-1 and the TNF infusion 守義明, 伊藤晴方, 小西一樹, 田村昌士, 高山和夫*, 冨地信和** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 67-68, 1991. |
Effect of the cytokine in the In Vitro granuloma formation 川井孝子, 庄司知香, 成田雅弘, 大久保隆男, 大野重昭*, 加藤清** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 69-70, 1991. |
About reactiveness with various granulomatous disease of ANTI-KVEIM MONOCLONAL antibody (IHY-1) Koichi Takahashi, Shinichi Ishioka, 保沢総一郎, Toru Koyama, Toshifumi Saito, Yamakido Hideto, Seal Kyosuke, Michio Yamakido The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 71-72, 1991. |
Sarcoidosis and histologic search of miliary tuberculosis granuloma 細川康雄, 望月一郎, 堀江史郎, 中川佐和子, 小山茂, 小泉知展, 平井一也, 太田輝夫, 本田孝行, 久保恵嗣, 小林俊夫, 関口守衛 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 73-74, 1991. |
The pulmonary and bronchial capillary wall of the sarcoidosis patients and response between cells 望月一郎, 細川康雄*, 堀江史朗*, 本田孝行*, 平井一也*, 小泉知展*, 中川佐和子*, 小山茂*, 関口守衛* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 75-76, 1991. |
Pathological examination of the granulomatous vasculitis in the sarcoidosis lungs 武村民子, 松井泰夫*, 折津愈*, 秋山修*, 平賀洋明**, 大道光秀**, 平澤路生**, 斎木茂樹***, 三上理一郎**** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 77-78, 1991. |
AntiCD4 given In vivo, the reinforcement and inhibition of the mouse GaGM granulation tissue speciation due to the antiCD8 antibody 浅野美佐子, 中根明夫, 沼田昭彦, 皆川知紀, 加藤敬香*, 矢野郁也**, 大道光秀***, 平賀洋明*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 79-80, 1991. |
About association with sarcoidosis and the Human Herpes Virus-6 infection 立花暉夫, 山西弘一*, チュウML*, 高橋理明* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 81-82, 1991. |
About the nature of TCRγδ cells found in active sarcoidosis patients peripheral blood 片岡幹男, 塩見勝彦, 西崎浩, 細谷茂衛, 前田剛, 飛岡徹, 森由弘, 西井研治, 江尻東伍, 守谷欣明, 大熨秦亮, 木村郁郎, 中田安成* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 83-84, 1991. |
ADA activity in the serum of the sarcoidosis patients and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid 長澤博, 内山克己, 湯橋容子, 石井慎一, 玉利真由美, 田井久量, 岡野弘 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 85-86, 1991. |
About Interleukin-6 in the sarcoidosis patients 塩見勝彦, 細谷茂衛, 西崎浩, 前田剛, 飛岡徹, 森由弘, 江尻東伍, 片岡幹男, 大熨泰亮, 木村郁郎, 中田安成* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 87-88, 1991. |
Examination of CD8+ cells predominance cases in BALF in the sarcoidosis active stage 伊藤伸介, 伊奈康孝, 佐藤滋樹, 佐橋浩一, 宮地厚雄, 野田正治, 羽柴初美, 佐藤俊英, 高田勝利, 山本正彦, 森下宗彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 89-90, 1991. |
Immunohistochemical analysis of the sarcoidosis pulmonary granuloma 重永武彦, 松本哲郎, 北真治, 麻生真佐, 幡手雄幸, 瀧川修一, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 91-92, 1991. |
The GM-CSFmRNA expression due to sarcoidosis patients BAL cells and the clinical significance 伊藤昭英, 山口悦郎, 古家乾, 檜沢伸之, 阿部庄作, 川上義和 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 93-94, 1991. |
Difference of alveolus macrophage in the sarcoidosis and the cell kinetics of lymphocytes 岩瀬彰彦, 田村尚亮, 高橋さつき, 貫和敏博, 吉良枝郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 95-96, 1991. |
Examination about the convalescence of the eyes sarcoidosis 岳中耐夫, 福田浩一郎, 田中不二穂, 志摩清 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 97-98, 1991. |
The run of retinal blood vessels and sarcoidosis case that caused malformation 石田敬子 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 99-100, 1991. |
Comparison with status of eye of the sarcoidosis and medical views 山口正雄, 大田健, 鈴木直仁, 上田隆, 山下直美, 石井彰, 滝沢始, 伊藤幸治, 堀内正*, 沼賀二郎**, 望月學*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 101-102, 1991. |
Kidney, vessels lesion by the sarcoidosis 浜口欣一, 中沢了一*, 土田弘基*, 三浦靖彦*, 三村信英* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 103-104, 1991. |
Differential diagnosis of the sarcoidosis by a chest X-ray and the CT 西村浩一, 泉孝英, 長井苑子, 北市正則, 大島駿作, 伊藤春海* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 105-106, 1991. |
CT evidence of sarcoidosis lung field lesion 荒川昭彦, 安永忠正, 岳中耐夫*, 福田浩一郎*, 田中不二穂*, 志摩清* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 107-108, 1991. |
Analysis of 65 cases suspected of monkey carp dough JIS from status of eye 平賀洋明, 大道光秀, 田垣茂, 小野弘光*1, 市石昭*2, 樋口真琴*2, 勝島晴美*3, 大塚秀勇*4, 西野和明*5, 斉藤一宇*6, 花田一誠*7 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 111-112, 1991. |
About a characteristic of the older onset sarcoidosis 佐々木昌博, 三浦一樹, 門脇裕子, 加賀谷学, 塩谷隆信, 三浦傅 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 113-115, 1991. |
Clinical examination of 80 sarcoidosis 横崎恭之, 城戸優光, 二階堂義彦, 平岡克己, 永田忍彦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 116-117, 1991. |
About Fc receptor of the alveolus macrophage in the sarcoidosis 大塚盛男, 村山淳一, 高橋伸禎, 佐藤哲夫, 矢野平一, 吉澤靖之, 長谷川鎮雄 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 118-119, 1991. |
Five cases of the sarcoidosis in acknowledgment of the lesion which was remarkable to the central bronchus 折津愈, 生島壮一郎, 朱殷浩, 秋山修, 松井泰夫, 武村民子* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 120-121, 1991. |
Examination of the heart lesion which occurred during pulmonary sarcoidosis observation 飛岡徹, 森由弘, 西崎浩, 塩見勝彦, 細谷茂衛, 前田剛, 江尻東伍, 片岡幹男, 木村郁郎, 中田安成*, 三河内弘**, 西崎良知** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 122-123, 1991. |
Examination of the cardiac sarcoidosis in our hospital 外村洋一, 岳中耐夫, 福田浩一郎, 田中不二穂, 木村義博, 志摩清 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 124-125, 1991. |
Survey of recent heart sarcoidosis reported cases in Japan 矢崎善一, 布田伸一, 細川康雄, 堀江史郎, 関口守衛, 望月一郎* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 126-127, 1991. |
About the Heerfordt syndrome case which we experienced in our hospital 山口文夫, 萩原照久, 雨宮英子, 高橋義孝, 古田勝彦, 井上昌彦, 寺尾一郎, 庄田利明, 仲谷善彰, 橋本修, 堀江孝至, 池田稔*, 山田一仁* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 128-129, 1991. |
Sarcoid myopathy who had intestinal emphysematosa Authority of Kato fine weather, Munehiko Morishita, Akira Imamura, 大圓修身, Miyako Tonai, Hiroyuki Oshika, 真垣一成, 高野勝, Isamu Ikeda, 沖良生, Takashi Oguri, Ebi *, Ko Sahashi * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 130-131, 1991. |
Two cases of the sarcoidosis that showed a lesion to an epididymis 大道光秀, 平賀洋明, 田垣茂, 吉井千春, 谷昌尚* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 132-133, 1991. |
One case of the sarcoidosis that occurred for heart failure, and took the serious course Hiroshi Tomioka Sea, Miki Hasegawa, Miki Okazaki, It is Nobuyuki in a piece, Hiroko Sakamoto, Riyosuke Ishihara, Hironobu Iwasaki, Bunichi Umeda, 中井準, Okucho Tomihisa circle *, Hiroshi Kato * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 135-136, 1991. |
One case of Sarcoidosis which accepted Punched out lesion on exophthalmos and the skull 西村純子, 鬼塚徹, 吉松哲之, 水城まさみ, 津田富康, 岡島透 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 137-138, 1991. |
One case of the sarcoidosis in acknowledgment of an epididymis lesion 寺崎久泰, Iwakoshi one, 杉本峯晴, Masayuki Ando, Shukuro Araki The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 139-140, 1991. |
An example of the sarcoidosis that the bilateral embryonate outside regions were invasion-like shadow, and they showed a lot of foam cells and vasculitis in TBLB Hot water bridge Yoko, Hiroshi Nagasawa, Hiroaki Hirose, Prince Rupert's metal castle, Katsumi Uchiyama, Quantity of Hisashi Tai, Hiroshi Okano, Tadaaki Tokuda * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 141-142, 1991. |
An example of the sarcoidosis that showed various clinical manifestations (acute pulmonary disease, renal failure, uveitis) in a short term 杉浦芳樹, 新実岳, 長谷川由美, 飯島直人, 吉川公章, 長谷川寛*, 加藤万之輔*, 鈴木敬** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 144-145, 1991. |
An example of the sarcoidosis that we were complicated with a stomach malignant lymphoma, and pulmonary fibrosis moved 三間聡, 市川健太郎, 篠川真由美, 鈴木栄一, 来生哲, 荒川正昭 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 146-147, 1991. |
One case of found Wegener granuloma of the excrescence of the TCRγδ^+ T cell 沖和彦, 許栄宏, 杉田博宣, 中野裕康*, 中田光*, 川端美則* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 148-149, 1991. |
One case of the sarcoidosis who had the IgA nephropathy 舘野純生, 高尾正彦, 塚本雄介, 小林豊, 小林フミ子* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 150-151, 1991. |
Example that a sinobronchial syndrome was suspected, and presented with diffuse small granular shadow in chest X-ray, and had a diagnosis of sarcoidosis by open lung biopsy 田中茂, 長井苑子, 川谷暁夫, 西村浩一, 北市正則, 大島駿作, 泉孝英, 神頭徹* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 152-153, 1991. |
One case of the sarcoidosis that showed a many organs lesion in skin, eyes, the lungs, kidney 飯塚一秀, 出浦照國, 鍋島邦浩, 平良隆保, 越川昭三, 小林フミ子*, 斉藤昭**, 新井春枝**, 山中宣昭*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 154-155, 1991. |
Thyroid gland disorder in the sarcoidosis long-term case 小林フミ子, 片桐史郎*1, 許栄宏*1, 尾形英雄*1, 水谷清二*1, 和田雅子*1, 杉田博宜*1, 岩井和郎*2, 小須田達夫*2, 宮地純樹*3, 田村静夫*4, 米田良蔵*4, 倉島篤行*4, 鷲崎誠*4 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 10: 156-157, 1991. |