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The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders
Volume 3, Issue / 1983
English Article Japanese Article
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Study of the heart monkey carp dough JIS 関口守衛 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 1-10, 1983. |
About the motor ability of BAL lymphocytes in the monkey carp dough JIS 大塚盛男, 渡辺宏, 木村敬二郎, 長谷川堯, 長谷川鎮雄 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 11-13, 1983. |
Examination of a form and the function of the alveolus macrophage in the monkey carp dough JIS 杉本峯晴, 安藤正幸, 西隆二, 中嶋博徳, 興梠博次, 管守隆, 島津和泰, 荒木淑郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 14-17, 1983. |
Significance of the alveolar macrophage in the simian carp dough JIS Junnichi Chihara The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 18-22, 1983. |
About a monocytic modifying factor in a simian carp dough JIS patient serum Toru Baba, Takahiro Ochiai, Kenichi Ueno, 須甲松伸 * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 23-25, 1983. |
Examination of the Superoxide-producing ability of the monkey carp dough JIS patients monocyte 岸俊行, 江尻東伍, 小林洋三, 中田安成, 木村郁郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 26-28, 1983. |
Examination of monkey carp dough JIS and the BAL medium lymphocyte in the hypersensitivity pneumonitis 重原秀樹, 原口通比古, 阿部良興, 河本広志, 俵谷幸蔵, 永井明彦, 来生哲, 伊藤慶夫* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 29-32, 1983. |
PHA ConA reactivity of the monkey carp dough JIS patients peripheral blood 泉孝英 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 33-36, 1983. |
Over blood Immune complex in the eyes monkey carp dough JIS 吉川啓司, 若月福美, 小暮美津子 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 37-39, 1983. |
Immunoglobulin level in the monkey carp dough JIS 岡崎望, 寺井継男, 山口悦郎, 阿部庄作, 川上義和 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 40-43, 1983. |
About the culture of sarcoid granuloma 小林洋三, 江尻東伍, 岸俊行, 近藤昭, 中田安成, 木村郁郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 44-46, 1983. |
Experimental granulomatous pulmonary disease using Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Etsuro Yamaguchi, Tsuguo Terai, Okazaki wish, Yozawa Koichi, Yoshikazu Kawakami The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 47-49, 1983. |
The measurement of the pulmonary fluid volume in the monkey carp dough JIS out of the blood vessel 河内文雄, 岡田修, 内藤隆, 山岸文雄, 長尾啓一, 椙田隆, 渡辺昌平 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 50-51, 1983. |
Sthenia of the angiotensin converfing enzyme production of the monkey carp dough JIS patients peripheral blood monocyte 岡部哲郎, 藤沢道夫, 渡辺純一, 高久史麿 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 52-54, 1983. |
localization of ACE in sarcoidosis and experimental lung granuloma 鬼塚徹, 吉松哲之, 水城まさみ, 青木隆幸, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 55-57, 1983. |
One case of the hypersensitivity pneumonitis by Aspergillus fumigatus 矢野敬文, 林俊治, 市川洋一郎, 加地正郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 58-60, 1983. |
Family development case of the simian carp dough JIS Onaka Akio, Shigeji Saito, Takashi Kamo, Takeshi Kawai, Tadashi Sakai *, Hiroaki Hiraga **, Teruo Tachibana *** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 61-63, 1983. |
One case of the Crohn's disease that showed a granulomatous lesion for an upper gastrointestinal tract, a lower digestive tract and a forearm subcutaneous nodule 篠原敏弘, 相馬隆, 羽田忠紘, 小幡八郎, 関根輝夫 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 64-67, 1983. |
It is comparison with primary biliary cirrhosis and sarcoidosis about the form image of hepatic granuloma Kenichi Yunoe, Minoru Nomoto, Fumihiro Ichida The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 68-70, 1983. |
Electron microscopic study of the pulmonary monkey carp dough JIS 田村静夫, 熊崎智司, 続木信明, 野中拓之, 鵜沢毅, 母里義郎* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 71-74, 1983. |
Ultrastructure image of Mast Cell in the farmer pneumonopathy Ikuhiro Tokita, Shosaku Abe, Tsuguo Terai, Yoshikazu Kawakami, Ikuo Nakano *, Yutaka Osaki * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 75-78, 1983. |
study of bodies and the control example is electron microscopic observable in sarcoidosis patients bronchial wall 望月一郎, 小林俊夫, 小沢克良, 福島雅夫, 広瀬芳樹, 河野宏, 武田潤, 草間昌三 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 79-81, 1983. |
Bronchoscopic search of the main bronchus mucous membrane change of the pulmonary monkey carp dough JIS 荻原正雄, 田井久量, 佐藤哲夫, 山下知之, 堀口正晴 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 82-84, 1983. |
Examination of the simian carp dough JIS exacerbation case judging from a respiratory function Masami Nakamada, Shigeyuki Hoshino *, Hosaka civil virtues *, Hideo Igarashi *, Saito former *, 来生哲 *, Masaaki Arakawa *, Yoshio Ito ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 85-87, 1983. |
About the airway hypersensitivity in the monkey carp dough JIS patients 岳中耐夫, 樋口定信, 志摩清 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 88-90, 1983. |
Clinic of bronchoscope findings and the simian carp dough JIS Teruo Tachibana, Shigeki Hitomi *, Kenji Okada *, Einosuke Ueda **, Shizuo Okada *** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 91-93, 1983. |
Monkey carp dough JIS judging from the existing structure of the lungs, chronic pulmonary berylliosis, examination of the pulmonary disease of the hypersensitivity pneumonitis 北市正則 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 94-97, 1983. |
1 case that presented with large snowflakes-formed lung field lesion, and showed a pulmonary diffusing capacity drop 森川泰江, 桜庭晶子, 千治松洋一, 鷲崎誠, 稲富恵子, 渡辺一功, 本間日臣, 池本秀雄, 滝和博*, 斉藤脩* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 98-101, 1983. |
CT views of the intractable pulmonary monkey carp dough JIS 平賀洋明, 菊地弘毅, 山本朝子 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 102-104, 1983. |
An example of the monkey carp dough JIS which formed the mediastinal mass which was huge 坂本廣子, 片上信之, 李英徹, 石原享介, 岩崎博信, 梅田文一, 中井準, 薗潤*, 庄村東洋* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 105-107, 1983. |
One case of the monkey carp dough JIS which presented with fever of unknown origin, and had a diagnosis by liver biopsy 日野真一, 五十嵐正彦, 隆元英, 有賀光 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 108-110, 1983. |
One patient who showed monkey carp dough JIS followed by picture of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis at first, and died of lung cancer 市村貴美子, 高田勝利, 橋上裕, 森下宗彦, 吉川公章, 鳥井義夫, 水谷樹美雄, 山本正彦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 111-113, 1983. |
An example of the simian carp dough JIS who had active tuberculosis Tadashi Horiuchi, Masaru Suzuki, Yoshihiro Iwasaki, Hiroyoshi Ishibashi, Junzaburo Kabe, Hiroshi Oami *, Masahide Asano * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 114-117, 1983. |
1 autopsy case of the monkey carp dough JIS symptom which led to bichronicity pulmonary fibrosis early with a cavity 秋山修, 井上晃男, 折津愈, 松井泰夫, 武村民子*, 内藤恒克**, 大島大知**, 小林一三*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 118-121, 1983. |
1 autopsy case of the 15 years sighting 滝沢茂夫, 松本ゆづる, 不破義之, 鹿内健吉 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 122-124, 1983. |
One case of the simian carp dough JIS which progressed to multiple emphysematous bleb from BHL in the course of 21 years Kenji Uetake, Shoji Kudo, Hideki Yotsumoto *, Riichiro Mikami ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 125-128, 1983. |
Clinical examination of the monkey carp dough JIS case that we were able to observe more than three years 秋山仁一郎, 源馬均, 平田唯夫, 平沢亥佐吉, 本田和徳*, 佐藤篤彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 129-131, 1983. |
The monkey carp dough JIS intractable case which we were able to observe the course in more than three years 高橋英気, 貫和敏博, 松岡緑郎, 名取博, 荒井達夫, 吉良枝郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 132-134, 1983. |
BAL lymphocytes findings and clinical course in the simian carp dough JIS Sonoko Nagai, Takateru Izumi The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 135-137, 1983. |
About the effect of the adrenal cortical function at the steroid alternate-day administration in the monkey carp dough JIS 千田金吾, 佐藤篤彦, 早川啓史, 本田和徳 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 138-141, 1983. |
Prognosis of the simian carp dough JIS medical examination discovery group Takateru Izumi The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 142-143, 1983. |
Is complicated by the course center symptoms of sarcoidosis, 2 cases were considered activation of sarcoidosis 中西真之, 臺丸尚子, 石橋正文, 重松信昭 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 144-146, 1983. |
Trial of the use of Holter's electrocardiograph to the monkey carp dough JIS patients 江尻東伍, 岸俊行, 小林洋三, 中田安成, 木村郁郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 147-148, 1983. |
Examination about five of the monkey carp dough JIS with the heart lesion 長崎孝太郎, 小野誠治, 上綱昭光, 清貞和紀, 山木戸道郎, 西本幸男 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 149-151, 1983. |
One's own experiments case of the heart monkey carp dough JIS Toshihiro Fujita, Takaaki Katsuki, Akira Shiina, Masao Tsuchiya, Toshio Yaginuma, Saichi Hosoda, Toshihiro Nukiwa *, Tatsuo Arai *, Shiro Kira *, Seiichi Kobayashi **, Hideo Shimizu ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 152-154, 1983. |
Clinical study on heart lesion of the monkey carp dough JIS 立花暉夫, 大森文夫*, 榊原博*, 上田英之助**, 東純一***, 岸本進*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 155-158, 1983. |
Discussion of associated with early diagnosis by the radioisotope examination of the heart monkey carp dough JIS with the cardiac biopsy 廣江道昭, 川崎幸子, 日下部きよ子, 重田帝子, 金子まこと*, 関口守衛*, 廣沢弘七郎*, 岩井和郎**, 片桐史郎** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 159-162, 1983. |
One case of the simian carp dough JIS which presented multiple cranial nerve palsies, autonomic nervous system disorders Kazahaya Yasuko, North Kohei, 中野義澄, Keizo Hirayama, Shoji Okamoto * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 163-165, 1983. |
1 autopsy case of the monkey carp dough JIS which showed neurologic manifestation, and accepted a granulomatous lesion systemically 三間孝雄, 山本保, 荻間勇, 荒木俶彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 166-168, 1983. |
One case of the central nervous system monkey carp dough JIS 篠川真由美, 三間孝雄, 大西洋司, 山本保, 荒木俶彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 169-172, 1983. |
One case of the larynx monkey carp dough JIS which assumed a husky voice main complaint, and accepted a false cord mass 寺尾誠也, 町田健一, 塩見文俊, 山崎芳樹*, 岩田克美**, 中田安成*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 173-175, 1983. |
Examination of the eyes monkey carp dough JIS confirmed case who complicated glaucoma and the suspected diagnosis case Toshiaki Yamamura, 狩野宏成, Kazuyuki Sasaki The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 176-177, 1983. |
Discussion about the correlation of chronic fundi findings and other organs lesion in the simian carp dough JIS Fumiko Kobayashi, Hiomi Honma *1, Makoto Washizaki *1, Tatsuo Kosuda *2, Jun Miyachi tree *2, Ryo Yoneta storehouse *3, Atsuyuki Kurashima *3, Kazuo Iwai *4, Shiro Katagiri *4, Morie Sekiguchi *5 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 178-180, 1983. |
One case of the monkey carp dough JIS with the granuloma annulare 加藤英行, 藤條善彦, 矢尾板英夫, 貫和敏博* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 181-184, 1983. |
Measles, 5 cases of the monkey carp dough JIS who had the herpes zoster 堀川雅浩, 寺沢政彦, 小松茂夫, 洲崎健, 宮地辰雄, 末武富子, 新津泰孝 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 185-188, 1983. |
One case of the line monkey carp dough JIS 山田耕三, 芳賀英章, 朝長昭光, 広田正毅, 原耕平 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 189-191, 1983. |
Two cases of the monkey carp dough JIS (subcutaneous type) and immunohistologic examination 竹内誠司, 早川さゆり, 松崎照樹, 佐藤信輔, 佐藤良夫, 俵谷幸蔵*, 伊藤慶夫** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 192-194, 1983. |
One case of the monkey carp dough JIS with the Raynaud symptom 井上晃男, 秋山修, 折津愈, 武村民子*, 佐藤隆**, 光永慶吉**, 小林フミ子*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 195-198, 1983. |
One case of the monkey carp dough JIS which presented multiple organ failure 田中栄作, 南部静洋, 田口善夫, 藤本憲弘, 望月吉郎, 網谷良一, 種田和清, 岩田猛邦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 3: 199-200, 1983. |