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The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders
Volume 5, Issue / 1985
English Article Japanese Article
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Sarcoidosis and Propionibacterium acnes Hiomi Honma The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 1-4, 1985. |
Sarcoidosis and blood corpuscle Ikuo Kimura The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 5-19, 1985. |
About the L-1 antigen variation in T-lymphocytes out of the sarcoidosis patients peripheral blood 高見剛, 菊地浩吉, 山本朝子*, 平賀洋明* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 23-24, 1985. |
About sarcoidosis and an HLA-DR antigen Etsuro Yamaguchi, Okazaki wish, Shosaku Abe, Yoshikazu Kawakami, Ikuhiro Tokita * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 25-26, 1985. |
HLA-DR and sarcoidosis 立花暉夫, 白倉良太*, 岸本進** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 27-28, 1985. |
T cell subset in the sarcoidosis skin lesion 森田秀樹, 相模成一郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 29-30, 1985. |
Significance of the two color analysis of BALF lymphocytes in the monkey carp dough JIS 田村尚亮, 篠原直樹, 山田充宏, 稲富恵子, 吉良枝郎, 石田康生*, 白井俊一* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 31-32, 1985. |
About the B cell growth factor (BCGF) production of alveolus lymphocytes in the monkey carp dough JIS 室田直樹, 宮坂信之, 三浦寧子, 赤川志のぶ, 橋本憲一, 青木延雄, 秋山修*, 折津愈*, 松井泰夫* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 33-34, 1985. |
Antibody production in the experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis Okazaki wish, Etsuro Yamaguchi, Yoshikazu Kawakami, Tsuguo Terai * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 35-36, 1985. |
About the effect of the change of the lymphocyte subset out of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the granulomatous pneumonia model and the treatment drug 滝沢始, 大田健, 堀内正, 庄司俊輔, 宮本昭正, 須甲松伸* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 37-38, 1985. |
Change of the pulmonary lymphocytes of the Propionibacterium acnes sensitization pulmonary granuloma marmot 江尻東伍, 森由弘, 岸俊行, 小林洋三, 片岡幹男, 中田安成, 大熨泰亮, 木村郁郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 39-40, 1985. |
Response to Propionibacterium acnes of sarcoidosis alveolus lymphocytes 森由弘, 江尻東伍, 岸俊行, 小林洋三, 片岡幹男, 中田安成, 大熨泰亮, 木村郁郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 41-42, 1985. |
IL-1 in the sarcoidosis case, examination about the IL-2-producing situation 長井苑子, 泉孝英, 竹内実, 大島駿作 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 43-44, 1985. |
About interleukin in the hypersensitivity pneumonitis 山口悦郎, 岡崎望, 川上義和, 寺井継男* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 45-46, 1985. |
Interferon system in the sarcoidosis 皆川知紀, 中根明夫, 安田泉, 木村浩一, 平賀洋明*, 山本朝子*, 菊地弘毅* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 47-48, 1985. |
Transmissive electron microscope views of the alveolus macrophage of the sarcoidosis case 北市正則, 泉孝英, 長井苑子, 大島駿作 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 49-50, 1985. |
Examination about the Fc receptor of the alveolus macrophage in the sarcoidosis patients and superoxide anion-producing ability 林真一郎, 中西真之, 麻生博史, 緒方賢一, 矢川克郎, 重松信昭 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 51-52, 1985. |
Cell surface marker of the lesion macrophage in the sarcoidosis 杉本峯晴, 西隆二, 中嶋博徳, 菅守隆, 安藤正幸, 荒木淑郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 53-54, 1985. |
About association with alveolus macrophage activation and the disease activity in the pulmonary sarcoidosis 西隆二, 杉本峯晴, 安藤正幸, 中嶋博徳, 荒木淑郎 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 55-56, 1985. |
Growth of multinucleate d giant cells derived from human peripheral blood monocyte with the lymphokine Masaki Ota, Tetsuro Okabe The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 57-58, 1985. |
Effect of MDP which gives it to a monocytic activator of sarcoidosis patient serums 山口浩司, 田中洋, 馬場徹 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 59-60, 1985. |
About localization of the T-ACE activity in various nodal disease 杉崎勝教, 水城まさみ, 鬼塚徹, 青木隆幸, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 63-64, 1985. |
Rise of the S-ACE activity in the miliary tuberculosis 安部康治, 水城まさみ, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 65-66, 1985. |
Proof of the T-ACE activity in various tuberculosis lesions Satoshi Yoshimatsu, Toru Onizuka, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 67-68, 1985. |
Analysis of BALF-ACE and factors indicating the correlation 水城まさみ, 安部康治, 青木隆幸, 津田富康 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 69-70, 1985. |
Effect to give the vascular endothelial cells of the sarcoidosis patient serum 須甲松伸, 信太隆夫, 小林信乏*, 滝沢始*, 大田健*, 真野健次**, 馬場徹*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 71-73, 1985. |
Experimental study of the sarcoidosis vascular disease 望月一郎, 福島雅夫, 広瀬芳樹, 河野宏, 五味英一, 鈴木和子, 草間昌三 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 74-75, 1985. |
Histopathological discussion about the other organs lesion distribution in the Fatal myocardial sarcoidosis autopsy case 木村寿子, 徳留省悟, 乾道夫 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 76-77, 1985. |
Airway hypersensitivity of the sarcoidosis patients 福田浩一郎, 樋口定信, 岳中耐夫, 志摩清 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 78-79, 1985. |
Association between ingredient and bronchoscope views and fundi views of plaque of the bronchial wall of the pulmonary sarcoidosis 荻原正雄, 田井久量, 佐藤哲夫, 三宅川登, 堀口正晴 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 80-81, 1985. |
Cutaneous reaction of the delayed type in the sarcoidosis 北郷修 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 82-83, 1985. |
Activity of sarcoid granuloma judging from a cell shape Shizuo Tamura, Tomoji Kumazaki, Nobuaki Tsuzuki, Masaki Otawa, Ryuichi Yamada, Tsuyoshi Uzawa, Mori Yoshiro * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 84-85, 1985. |
Six cases of effect and the almond domain sarcoidosis of the chronic affection giving obstinateness of the sarcoidosis to becoming it 渡辺憲太朗, 重松信昭, 中島格*, 上村卓也* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 86-87, 1985. |
Metabolism of vitamins D_3 due to sarcoidosis granuloma Tetsuro Okabe, Michio Fujisawa, Junichi Watanabe, Fumimaro Takaku The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 88-89, 1985. |
Examination about Type III Procollagen-N-Terminal Peptide in serum in the sarcoidosis and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid 浅井学, 高田勝利, 森下宗彦, 荒川啓基, 佐道理文, 山本正彦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 90-91, 1985. |
Examination of the ATLA antibody in the sarcoidosis patients 岳中耐夫, 樋口定信, 福田浩一郎, 志摩清, 山口一成*, 季聖烈*, 高月清* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 92-93, 1985. |
The exercise testing in the sarcoidosis (early) patients and comparison with BAL views 平賀通, 太田勝康, 平田一人, 白井誠一, 寺川和彦, 藤本繁夫, 栗原直嗣, 武田忠直 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 94-95, 1985. |
The present situation of the sarcoidosis in Kochi 寺尾誠也, 山下二郎, 町田健一, 三浦徹, 石川善紀* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 96-97, 1985. |
The present situation of the sarcoidosis in Shizuoka 源馬均, 佐藤篤彦, 池田隆史*1, 本間光雄*2, 萩原正雄*3, 石川創二*4, 梶川工*5, 成富鷹穂*6, 松原環*7, 田中暁*8, 半田満理子*9, 一山智*10, 岡野弘*11, 山崎晃*12, カレッドレシャード*13, 岡野博一*14, 近藤順一郎*15, 植村順*16, 岡田英也*17, 川勝純夫*18, 橋爪一光*19, 渡辺孝芳*20, 山本和利*21, 泉孝英*22 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 98-99, 1985. |
Examination of the sarcoidosis in the elderly 増山英則, 松井玲子, 水内知子, 村井容子, 松香裕子, 松瀬健, 木田厚瑞, 小林フミ子* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 100-101, 1985. |
About the convalescence of the sarcoidosis middle-age girls onset case 泉孝英, 長井苑子, 大島駿作 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 102-103, 1985. |
Examination about the effect to give to sarcoidosis of the smoking Takateru Izumi, Sonoko Nagai, Minoru Takeuchi, Masanori Kitaichi, Kazuhiko Watanabe, Shunsaku Oshima, 沢野哲重 *, Tadashi Mio person *, Keiji Hashimoto ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 104-105, 1985. |
One case of the optic disc sarcoidosis 藤本伸一, 松尾信彦, 小山鉄郎, 中山正, 小山雅也, 松尾俊彦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 106-107, 1985. |
One case of the central nervous system sarcoidosis 佐道理文, 高田勝利, 森下宗彦, 荒川啓基, 浅井学, 松原充隆, 岩田悟, 山本正彦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 108-109, 1985. |
Diabetes insipidus, one case of the sarcoidosis who had the central alveolar hypoventilation 三浦寧子, 佐藤隆, 室田直樹, 田ノ上雅彦, 大玉信一, 赤川志のぶ, 橋本憲一, 青木延雄 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 110-111, 1985. |
The sarcoidosis that presented the condition of a patient of the dilated cardiomyopathy resemblance 大森文夫, 朴永大, 永田正毅, 宮武邦夫, 木下直和, 榊原博, 立花暉夫* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 112-113, 1985. |
Immediately after pacemaker so, cardiac sarcoidosis was observed without a steroid, an example of a complete atrioventricular block 宮地純樹, 小出直, 安田敏男, 天野亘, 森田健, 秋山一男, 鈴木勝, 小須田達夫 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 114-115, 1985. |
One case of the cardiac sarcoidosis which presented ventricular tachycardia, an AV block 佐々木昭, 吉田総一郎, 中東広志, 秋田宏俊, 田畑洋司, 中村善一, 正路浩二郎, 丹治康浩, 斉藤公男, 姫井孟, 上原偉男, 国友忠義* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 116-117, 1985. |
Examination of Pacing cardiac sarcoidosis survivors Teruo Tachibana, Fumio Omori *, Junichi Azuma **, Susumu Kishimoto **, Akira Nonoyama ***, Terumasa Kagawa *** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 118-119, 1985. |
4 cases of the sarcoidosis that the differentiation with the malignant tumor became the problem in chest X-ray 桶谷典弘, 俵谷幸蔵, 篠川真由美, 原口通比古, 永井明彦, 来生哲, 荒川正昭, 伊藤慶夫* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 120-121, 1985. |
One case of the pulmonary sarcoidosis which presented multiple hollow state shadow in chest X-ray 郡義明, 南部静洋, 藤本憲治, 田口善夫, 望月吉郎, 種田和清, 岩田猛邦 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 122-123, 1985. |
One case of the sarcoidosis with the chylothorax 宮一路, 大浦雅之, 毛利孝, 板倉康太郎, 武内健一, 田村昌士 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 124-125, 1985. |
One case of limited-stage pulmonary amyloidosis complicated with sarcoidosis 秋山修, 折津愈, 松井泰夫, 一迫玲*, 藤原睦憲*, 武村民子* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 126-127, 1985. |
Three cases of the muscular sarcoidosis 折津愈, 秋山修, 松井泰夫, 藤原睦憲*, 武村民子*, 平賀洋明** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 128-129, 1985. |
Approved one case of the systemic lesion sarcoid-like by a tattoo pigment 佐藤章子, 松山秀一, 花田勝美*, 羽根田たえ子**, 大熊達義*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 130-131, 1985. |
One's own experiments case of the sarcoidosis with the eruption Nobuko Kitagawa, Toshiki Masuda, Jiro Arata The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 132-133, 1985. |
One case of the situation type skin sarcoid 山根康弘, 谷口雄一, 片山祥, 矢尾板英夫 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 134-135, 1985. |
One case of the sarcoidosis in acknowledgment of eosinophilia out of BAL 石崎武志, 平井雅晴, 貴志洋一, 佐々木文彦, 東博司, 佐賀務, 宮保進, 堀内一郎* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 136-137, 1985. |
One case of the sarcoidosis who had aplasia pure red cells 畑裕, Yoshio Shibata, Tatsuhiko Mieno, Takahashi brilliance, Rokuro Matsuoka, Satoshi Kitamura, Kazuo Muroi *, Yasusada Miura *, Toshio Suda ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 138-139, 1985. |
Sarcoidosis case who had the ITP acute during the course 立花暉夫, 倉田義之*, 大森文夫**, 上田英之助*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 140-141, 1985. |
Examination of the platelet function in the sarcoidosis 橋本憲一, 三浦寧子, 室田直樹, 田ノ上雅彦, 大玉信一, 赤川志のぶ, 青木延雄, 田中健彦* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 142-143, 1985. |
One case of the sarcoidosis diagnosed by the mass of the right finger 桃井康晴, 立花新太郎, 河端正也, 本田一穂*, 小林フミ子** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 144-145, 1985. |
It is a 1 case who had the sarcoidosis for purpura nephritis 俵谷幸蔵, 吉田和清, 深川光俊, 来生哲, 下条文武, 荒川正昭 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 146-147, 1985. |
One case of the sarcoidosis that assumed a scrotal mass main complaint 片岡幹男, 森由弘, 江尻東伍, 岸俊行, 中田安成, 大熨泰亮, 木村郁郎, 松村陽右*, 東條俊司* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 148-149, 1985. |
Examination of the eye manifestation of the sarcoidosis 柴崎玲子, 清水葉子, 堀内一郎, 石崎武志*, 西山敬三**, 小林俊夫*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 150-151, 1985. |
Examination about the eyes sarcoidosis of the person at old and middle age Toshiaki Yamamura, 狩野宏成, Kazuyuki Sasaki The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 152-153, 1985. |
BAL findings in the sarcoidosis with multiple nodular shadow 佐藤寿伸, Koichiro Kudo, Hiroyoshi Ishibashi, Junzaburo Kabe, 仲村恒敬 *, Makoto Goto * The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 154-155, 1985. |
Examination of the MR-CT image in the sarcoidosis 清水光春, 平木祥夫, 上者郁夫, 戸上泉, 加地充昌, 山本博道, 道家哲哉, 山本淑雄, 林英博, 木本真, 中田安成*, 大熨泰亮*, 木村郁郎* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 156-157, 1985. |
Examination of the chest CT views in the sarcoidosis case 片桐史郎, 岩井和郎, 米田良蔵*1, 倉島篤行*1, 小須田達夫*2, 宮地純樹*2, 本間日臣*3, 鷲崎誠*4, 関口守衛*5, 鈴木光*6, 小林フミ子*7 The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 158-159, 1985. |
Ga scintigraphy in the pneumoconiocis Ikuo Nakano, Hiroshi Mikami, Kimura Kiyonobu, Ichiro Sakai, Yuichi Sasaki, 安曽武夫, Yutaka Osaki The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 160-161, 1985. |
Relations with ^^67 Ga shinty views and BALF in the sarcoidosis 平賀洋明, 山本朝子, 菊地弘毅, 高見剛* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 162-163, 1985. |
Examination of the ^^67 Ga shinty enforcement sarcoidosis case 立花暉夫, 片山晶, 上田英之助*, 岸本進**, 岡田静雄*** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 164-165, 1985. |
Clinical examination of the ^^67 Ga - shinty in the pulmonary sarcoidosis 高橋英気, 岡田光子, 松岡緑郎, 北村諭, 古瀬信* The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 166-167, 1985. |
Problems of the treatment in the sarcoidosis Atsuko Miyazawa, 大原國俊, Takahashi brilliance *, Your Kazutoshi Expo *, Shiro Kira ** The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders 5: 168-169, 1985. |