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Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan

Volume 71, Issue 2 / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Kim Jihi
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 57-58, 2009.

Japanese Article Koichi Nakajo
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 58-59, 2009.

Japanese Article Funakubo Emi "aches with weather"
Funakubo Emi
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 59-60, 2009.

Japanese Article 1. Protection effect of the saponin derived from oxidation disorder and Ginseng of the erythrocyte membrane by the oxidative stress
Yoji Suzuki 1, Nobutaka Okubo 1, Keiichi Sagawa 2, Shinji Maeda 1, Kensho Manda 1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 66-66, 2009.

Japanese Article 2. Essential role of p38 MAPK in caspaseindependent, iPLA2-dependent cell death under hypoxia/low glucose conditions
青戸守1, 新沢康英2, 鈴木洋司1, 大久保信孝1, 満田憲昭1, 辻本賀英2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 66-67, 2009.

Japanese Article 4. The expression level of the bHLH transcription factor of truncal cells by the docosahexaenoic acid and the change of the cell cycle
Masaru Katakura period, Michio Hashimoto, Kentaro Matsuzaki, 紫藤治
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 67-67, 2009.

Japanese Article 5. Targeting of sodium borocaptate (BSH) to glioma cells using immunoliposome conjugated with anti-EGFR antibodies by ZZ-His
B. Feng1, Tomizawa K.1,2, Michiue H.1, Han X-J.1, FujimuraA.1, I.Ohmori1, T.Nishiki1, H.Matsui1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 67-68, 2009.

Japanese Article 6. CaM kinase Iα-induced phosphorylation of Drp1 regutates mitochondrial morphology
韓小建1, 陸雲飛1, 李順愛2, 貝塚多久4, 佐藤泰史4, 富澤一仁1, アンガス・シ.ネアン3, 竹居孝二2, 松井秀樹1, 松下正之1,4
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 68-68, 2009.

Japanese Article 7. Control of localization and the enzyme activity in cells by the myristin oxidation ornamentation of LIM kinase 2b
高橋寿明1, 船越洋2, 中村敏一2, 田中潤也1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 68-68, 2009.

Japanese Article 9. The examination of the predictive blood flow change at rising movement
Kazuyoshi Kitaoka 1, Mitsuo Kitamura 1, Akihiro Inagaki 1, Masatake Akutagawa 2, Yosuke Kiuchi 2, Kazuo Yoshizaki 1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 69-69, 2009.

Japanese Article 10. The analysis of the pattern between the neurergic space-time in the rat cerebrum sensorimotor area using the optical membrane potential multiple sites simultaneous measurement system that addition treatment is unnecessary
Noriyuki Hama 1, Yuki Yoshida 2, Kyosuke Fujita 3, Shinichi Ito 1, Hirota Akihiko 1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 69-69, 2009.

Japanese Article 11. The adjustment of the reciprocity-related synaptic current between mouse second bulbus olfactorius mitral cells - granule cells by the metabolism type glutamate receptor type II
Mutsuo Taniguchi 1, Hideto Kaba 1, 2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 69-70, 2009.

Japanese Article 13. The role in the cell cycle G1/S check point of Thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP)
God bird Kazuyo 1, Yamaguchi sentence virtue 1, Naoya Hatano 2, Masaaki Tokuda 1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 70-70, 2009.

Japanese Article 14. The isolation of the new Ca2+ transporter developing in heart
Takashi Takeuchi, Single Yuki Nosaka, Akira Yamada, Satoshi Mori, Keiji Naruse
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 70-71, 2009.

Japanese Article 15. Mechanism: of the rat heart rate adjustment during exercise Suprarenalectomy and effect of the autonomic nervous system blocking agent
若杉理恵, 中本智子, 梁楠, 松川寛二
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 71-71, 2009.

Japanese Article 17. Role of caveolin -1 in the vascular smooth muscle abnormality shrinkage
岡田裕子1, 岸博子2,3, 川道穂津美2,3, 加治屋勝子2,3, 高田雄一3, 徳森大輔3, 小林誠2,3
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 72-72, 2009.

Japanese Article 18. About the onset of two reciprocal reflections due to the superior laryngeal nerve stimulation in the decerebrate rat
Riyuzo Yamagata, 古我知成
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 72-72, 2009.

Japanese Article 19. A sleep change to be found between for Fasting and stage Refeeding
Noriyuki Shimizu, 近久幸子, Hiroshi Senoo plus, 藤木通弘, 勢井宏義
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 72-72, 2009.

Japanese Article 20. Effect on sleep with the selective agonist of PPARα
大浦雅博, 佐藤俊介, 近久幸子, 藤木通弘, 勢井宏義
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 72-73, 2009.

Japanese Article 22. How is the direction that the neovascularity extends decided?
昆和典 1, Takashi Fujiwara 2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 73-73, 2009.

Japanese Article 23. Generation of ramified microglia-like cells from leptomeninges in vitro
A.Smirkin, H.Takahashi, H.Yano, J.Tanaka
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 73-74, 2009.

Japanese Article 24. The effect that the ketogenic diet therapy that is a therapy for intractable epilepsy gives to glia cells
Kana Kobayashi 1, Yuka Suzuki 2, Takahashi Kotobuki light 1, Eiichi Ishii 2, Yano former 1, Junya Tanaka 1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 71(2): 74-74, 2009.