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Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan

Volume 76, Issue 1 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article From a background to the forehand front desk: Sensor channel (short novel) about cells life and death and homeostasis
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 1-10, 2014.

Japanese Article "The second" physiology
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 14-15, 2014.

Japanese Article Physiology of "the analysis"
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 16-18, 2014.

Japanese Article AFTERNOON TEA
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 19-20, 2014.

Japanese Article AFTERNOON TEA
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 20-21, 2014.

Japanese Article New development (S11) of the AMPA receptor traffic study
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 23-24, 2014.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation and motor function recovery (S21)
松川寛二1), 黒澤美枝子2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 25-26, 2014.

Japanese Article The new development of the brain plasticity study: It is (S32) from a physiology to a disease
小林克典1), 真鍋俊也2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 27-27, 2014.

Japanese Article Excitement spread and arrhythmia (S39) in the heart
古谷和春1), 本荘晴朗2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 28-28, 2014.

Japanese Article Trend (S47) of the recent study ethic
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 29-30, 2014.

Japanese Article Mechanism of the synapse remodeling and physiological significance (S60)
美津島大1), 林康紀2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 31-31, 2014.

Japanese Article Highly advanced function and breathing (S62)
桑木共之1), 荒田晶子2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 32-32, 2014.

Japanese Article O-01. Orientation of the MaxiK channel protein in the nuclear outskirts membrane of endoplasmic reticulum of HEK293 cells
村田喜理, 風間逸郎, 丸山芳夫
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 33-33, 2014.

Japanese Article O-02. Ambulatory exercise functional analysis after the spinal cord injury
李相勲1),2), 高島健太1),2),3),4), 石塚徹1), 八尾寛1), 小野寺宏2),3)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 33-33, 2014.

Japanese Article O-03. Development of the pinpoint gene expression method in the organ with intelligent nanobeads
高島健太1),2),3),4), 坂本聡5), 酒井誠一郎6), 八尾寛3), 半田宏5), 小野寺宏1),2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 33-34, 2014.

Japanese Article O-04. Ca2+ release from the light cup form presynaptic terminal endoplasmic reticulum store evoked genetically
江川遼, 細島頌子, 加藤秀理, 石塚徹, 八尾寛
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 34-34, 2014.

Japanese Article O-05. mGluR5-dependent action potential independence-like for a long time sustained spontaneous Ca2+ vibration occurs in the striatal neuron and astrocyte
田村篤史1), 山田尚宏2), 矢口雄一2), 小山内実1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 34-34, 2014.

Japanese Article O-06. Nerve activity history measurement using the MRI
菊田里美1), 中村幸代3), 山村行生3), 柳川右千夫2), 本間経康1), 笠原二郎3), 小山内実1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 34-35, 2014.

Japanese Article O-07. Modeling of the cerebral cortex cone cells for slow wave vibration development mechanism estimates
成田慎弥1,)2), 小島晴樹1), 虫明元1),2), 小山内実1),2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article O-08. Change depending on sleep - wakefulness of the AMPA type glutamic acid receptor
中村有孝1),2), 辛島彰洋1), 坪川宏2), 片山統裕1), 中尾光之1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article O-09. Dopamine D1 receptor expression of midbrain substantia nigra pars reticulata cells analysis
長友克広1), 菅世智子2), 山本欣郎3), 山田勝也1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article O-10. Sympathetic control (circulatory system evaluation due to the Tg rat) with the orexin
村上学1), 櫛方哲也2), 丹羽英智2), 大場貴喜3), 尾野恭一3), 廣田和美2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 35-36, 2014.

Japanese Article O-11. The change of the endogenous firing rate of the autonomic nervous system and the sinoatrial node cells is involved in mouse heart rate increase with the development after birth
尾野恭一, 安達健, 佐藤紳一, 柴田繁啓, 岡本洋介, 藤澤進, 大場貴喜
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article O-12. Phenytoin acts in the excitatory nerve ending to project on sea lion CA3 cone cells and inhibits glutamic release frequency
窪田寿彦, 若森実
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article O-13. K+ channel activity rise of culture humans proximal tubules cells by Tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)
中村一芳, 駒切洋, 久保川学
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article O-15. Change of the synaptic transmission in the astrocytic malfunction mouse
山崎良彦1), 田中謙二2), 金子健也1), 藤原浩樹1), 後藤純一1), 藤井聡1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 36-37, 2014.

Japanese Article O-16. Practice control of the stimulation discriminate learning through the striatum indirect way
西澤佳代1), 深堀良二1), 岡田佳奈2), 筒井雄二3), 小林和人1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article O-17. Response to sonic stimulation at selective destruction of the ceruleus nucleus noradrenaline neuron
今野浩平1), 川村尚貴1), 高橋和巳2), 永福智志2), 小林和人3), 井樋慶一4), 小山純正1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article O-18. Effect of the fen saic lysin systemic therapy on rat ventral aspect tegmental area neuron during a Pavlov conditioning problem and a social action
片山規央1), 浄土英一1), 岡本正博1), 鈴木喜明1), 星野研洋2), 永福智志1)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article O-19. Role of the ceruleus nucleus noradrenaline neuron in sleep, the awakening adjustment
高橋和巳1), 今野浩平2), 川村尚貴2), 井樋慶一3), 小林和人4), 永福智志1), 小山純正2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article P-1. Study of the cytotoxicity mechanism by the low temperature exposure
三海正隆1), 荒木美弥2), 小林大輔3), 挾間章博3)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article P-2. Reevaluation of the cells capacity regulatory mechanism using the flow cytometry
大槻瑠志亜1), 小林大輔2), 挾間章博2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article P-3. Light genetic inhibition of the acting macaque monkey foreleg line activity by the gene introduction to primary motor area
木下正治1), 笠原洋紀2), 畑中伸彦1), 松井亮介2), 知見聡美3), 伊佐かおる5), 水上浩明4), 小澤敬也4), 南部篤3), 渡辺大2), 伊佐正5)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 38-39, 2014.

Japanese Article P-4. Effect of chloroquine on thymic lymphocyte Kv1.3 channel electric current
風間逸郎, 丸山芳夫, 村田喜理
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article P-5. Neural mechanism of the walk control of the brittle starfish to feel from a local anesthesia experiment
松坂義哉1), 佐藤英毅2), 加納剛史2), 坂本一寛2), 青沼仁志3), 石黒章夫2),4)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article P-6. Sleep - wakefulness-dependent change of the somatic sensory area reply
辛島彰洋, 稲田浩之, 片山統裕, 中尾光之
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article P-7. Examination of the insulin effect for an FSH receptor reply and the adenosine receptor reply of Xenopus follicle cells
藤田玲子1), 木村眞吾2), 原田美里2), 松本光比古3), 久保川学2)
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 76(1): 39-40, 2014.