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Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan

Volume 85, Issue 2 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article [the sixth] For next 100 years
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 21-21, 2023.

Japanese Article Physiological Society of Japan and I
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 22-23, 2023.

Japanese Article Physiology and Physiological Society of Japan and I
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 23-24, 2023.

Japanese Article The Physiological Society and the Circle of Encounters
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 24-25, 2023.

Japanese Article Memory in Physiological Society of Japan
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 25-26, 2023.

Japanese Article We think about evolution of the feel of a material
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 26-27, 2023.

Japanese Article Look back on 43 years as the member of Physiological Society
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 27-28, 2023.

Japanese Article My Research History and Physiology
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 28-29, 2023.

Japanese Article My Research Life and the Physiological Society of Japan
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 29-30, 2023.

Japanese Article Physiological Society of Japan and the days that we spent
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 31-31, 2023.

Japanese Article Participation of nesfatin-1/NucB2 in the eating depressant action of the vasopressin
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 34-34, 2023.

Japanese Article If students stop taking classes and experience the medical field, they will study by themselves
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 35-42, 2023.

Japanese Article Academic conference abstract 73rd West Japan Physiological Society
井上剛, 篠原一之, 中村渉
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 51-51, 2023.

Japanese Article Encouragement 01. Depression palliation of premenstrual syndrome caused by the geraniol fragrance
マークル遥, 桑木共之, 柏谷英樹
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 1-1, 2023.

English Article 奨励02. Activation of cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway attenuates monocyte-endothelial adhesion through FUT7 inhibition
Chia-Hsien Wu, Tsuyoshi Inoue
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 1-1, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 01. Spontaneous momentum, effect on benzopyrene exposure rat examination of the cinnamon bark using the sensitivity threshold
申敏哲1, 行平崇1,2, 小牧龍二1,3, 福永貴之1,4
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 1-2, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 02. Elucidation of the synergistic antiinflammatory mechanism through sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve in the macrophage
牟田久美子1, 梅根隆介1,2, Chia-Hsien Wu2, 中村恭菜2, 井上剛2, 西野友哉1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 2-2, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 03. Effect on urination function and behavior in the childhood stress model lat
上條中庸, 宮里実
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 2-2, 2023.

English Article 一般04. C-terminus of caveolin-1 promotes mitochondrial fission during vascular smooth muscle cell migration
Yuko Kato1, Shiho Satomi2, Hemal H.Patel3,4
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 2-3, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 05. The hyperactivity mutation of Cav1.2 and Nav1.2 affects the circuit formation with a different style in the mouse cerebral cortex
玉川(中川)直1, 菅生厚太郎2, 永田英孝2, 田川義晃1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 3-3, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 06. Elucidation of the blood pressure control mechanism through the crosstalk of nervous system, the immune system
梅根隆介1,2, Chia-Hsien Wu2, 中村恭菜2, 井上剛2, 西野友哉1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 3-3, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 07. The effect that a sense of pain, the most moving passage, sensation of pressure stimulation give to a multiinfarct dementia model rat on tongue
小牧龍二1,2, 行平崇1,3, 福永貴之1,4, 田中哲子1, 今井玲華1, 可徳晶子1, 羽田野雄太1, 申敏哲1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 3-3, 2023.

English Article 一般08. The physiological role of VRK1 in the central nervous system
Magdeline E.Carrasco Apolinario, Ryohei Umeda, Kenshiro Shikano, Hitoshi Teranishi, Reiko Hanada
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 4-4, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 09. Development of the COVID-19 diagnosis, disease severity judgment technology to be carried out by the ornamentation nucleoside measurement by LC-MS
永芳友1,2, 西口栞世1,2, 山村遼介1,2, 中條岳志1, 富澤一仁1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 4-4, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 10. Examination of the pulmonary hypertension improvement effect by Ophiocerdyceps sinensis
平石敬三1, 胡耀鵬1, 藤田孝之1, 井上隆司1, 倉原琳2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 4-4, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 11. The acetylcholine receptor stimulation causes macrophage cells linkage of the spleen and shows an antiinflammatory effect
中村恭菜, 井上剛
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 4-5, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 12. Antifatigue effect examination of black vinegar and the black ginseng using the rat habit that is a nocturnal animal
福永貴之1,2, 小牧龍二1,3, 行平崇1,4, 石原光菜1, 齊田栞里1, 竹田陸人1, 宮崎真里奈5, 松本祥幸5, 申敏哲1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 5-5, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 13. Anion channel expression in the taste bud-like structure of laryngeal part
徐嘉鍵, 中富千尋, 氏原泉, 小野堅太郎
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 5-5, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 14. Analysis of the intracerebral neurotransmitter change at the antiepileptic drug administration to epilepsy model zebra fish
梅田涼平1,2, 岡成和夫3, 寺西仁志1, 鹿野健史朗1, 花田礼子1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 5-6, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 15. Examination of the aspiration prophylaxis through the mouse deglutition-related line fibrosis inhibition by the vagal impulse
副島駿太郎1,2, 呉家賢2, 井上剛2, 熊井良彦1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 6-6, 2023.

Japanese Article Department 01. Elucidation of the natural immunity reply mechanism with the bacteria-specific ornamentation nucleoside
島村美帆1, 永芳友1,2, 西口栞世1,2, 山村遼介1,2, 中條岳志1, 富澤一仁1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 6-6, 2023.

Japanese Article Department 02. Downstream gene Bst1 of sphingosine kinase 2 is important to extension of renal ischemia reperfusion injury and kidney fibrosis
橋本典樹, 中村恭菜, 呉家賢, 井上剛
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 6-7, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 16. The living body effect at the exercise load under the summer heat environment
丸山崇, 上田陽一
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 7-7, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 17. Association with rupture and the renal disease age at onset of the inactivating mechanism in nonselective cationic channel TRPC6
岡田亮1,2, 森誠之2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 7-7, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 18. Two inactivating mechanism of the Cav1.2 channel through the calmodulin
蓑部悦子, 徐建軍, 亀山正樹
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 7-7, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 19. PCR genotyping for physiology: The Fast PCR amplification of gDNA by the Genome Trail method
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 7-8, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 20. Elucidation of the masticatory physiological significance in the depression model mouse
鎌手美栄1,2, 寺西仁志1, 河野憲司2, 花田礼子1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 8-8, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 21. The Ca2+ in cells regulates hERG channel electric current by a transcription control effect through MEK1,2-ERK1,2 course and the CaM-CaMK course
魏孟厳, 粂慎一郎, 小山内博基, 吉村健司, 黒川竜紀, 小野克重
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 8-8, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 22. Change of the cytokine expression of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells KARPAS299 by the anticancer agent exposure
宮里優人, 柳迫和徳, 砂川昌範, 花城和彦
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 8-9, 2023.

Japanese Article The public 23. A variety of smell replies in olfactory nerve cells are decided by a combination of agonist and allosteric effector to bind to the olfactory receptor
深田幸平, 稲垣成矩, 今井猛
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 9-9, 2023.

Japanese Article Academic conference abstract 54th Tohoku menstruation conversation
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 52-52, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 1. Elucidation of the water-secreting mechanism with the Boiogito
齊藤遥菜1, 佐藤(沼田)かお理2, 沼田朋大2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 10-10, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 2. Effect of the Daibofuto on various inflammatory response
佐々木花純1, 佐藤(沼田)かお理2, 沼田朋大2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 10-10, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 3. Cerebral cortex information processing of the somatosensory input accompanied with the voluntary movement
望月圭1, 中陦克己1, 稲瀬正彦2, 村田哲2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 10-10, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 4. Conversion of the walk posture of the Japanese monkey: Analysis of cinema Thich and the line activity
鈴木享1, 望月圭1, 守田和紀1, 鈴木喜郎1, 稲瀬正彦2, 中陦克己1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 10-11, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 5. Neuron activity of the rat dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus in sleep, the awakening cycle
高橋和巳, 加藤由美子, 永福智志
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 11-11, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 6. Elucidation of the role in the cells capacity of the LRRC8D channel adjustment ability
鈴木太郎1, 佐藤(沼田)かお理2, 酒井彩子2, 森俊太郎1, 沼田朋大2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 11-11, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 7. MccB gene (as a selective marker of the DNA recombination)
村上学1, 米倉学1, 村上アグニェシュカ1, 板垣史郎2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 11-11, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 8. Analysis of the uptake mechanism in tumor cells of L-glucose
小野幸輝1, 木村和都2, 杉浦歩3, 佐々木綾子4, 長友克広4, 尾崎拓2, 山田勝也1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 11-12, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 9. The reinforcement of the NMDA receptor response with nicotine
山崎良彦, 藤原浩樹, 後藤純一, 藤井聡
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 12-12, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 10. Mouse, rat, comparative study of the heart transcriptome of humans
岡本洋介1, 岡田大瑚2, 小林大礎1, 尾野恭一1
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 12-12, 2023.

Japanese Article Subject 11. About the human lymph flow rate guess method to think about from lymph change physiology
河合佳子1, 林もゆる1, 浅香智美1, 前島大輔2, 大橋俊夫2
Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 85(2): 12-13, 2023.