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The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy

Volume 7, Issue / 2004
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Development ... to characteristic of excursion restrictions of the periarthritis scapulohumeralis to be complicated with a night pain and radiographic examination - exercise therapy
Norio Hayashi, Ken Ukai will, Yoshikazu Akabane, Inn for servants Shinya, Yukihiko Tanaka, Hosoi Masatoshi, Hotel south Takanori, Terumi Kondo, 増田一太, Masami Yamazaki, Forest A
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 1-5, 2004.

Japanese Article About our exercise therapy for the thoracic outlet syndrome and results
Norio Hayashi, Ken Ukai will, Yoshikazu Akabane, Inn for servants Shinya, Yukihiko Tanaka, Hosoi Masatoshi, Hotel south Takanori, Terumi Kondo, 増田一太, Masami Yamazaki, Forest A, Tsutomu Kasai, Toru Yoshida
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 6-9, 2004.

Japanese Article Exercise therapy for stability of the spinal segment
Akihiko Saito
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 11-18, 2004.

Japanese Article Development of the three-dimensional information conversion analysis model from a plane image
Takashi Fujikawa 1), Field village Expo 2)
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 19-26, 2004.

Japanese Article Reconsideration of the measurement procedure of the crus bone rotation range of motion
Takuya Ozawa 1), Takashi Kinpara 1), Masaki Yamashita 1), 中岡孝太 1), Mayumi Honda 1), Hironari Takeguchi 1), 加納繁照 1), Azusa Kawai 2), Yuji Maruyama 2), Akihiro Koyama 2), Hiroshi Ono 3), Naoki Tanaka 4), Sho Ueda Expo 4)
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 27-30, 2004.

Japanese Article Fall prophylactic efforts for latter term elderly women
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 31-35, 2004.

Japanese Article Information processing process - from processing 2 - tendon organ of the deep sensation information
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 37-41, 2004.

Japanese Article Change - by function, morphological change 1 - development of the skeletal muscle fiber
Atsushi Yamazaki
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 7: 43-49, 2004.