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The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy

Volume 9, Issue / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Brain activator action of the predictive posture controlling it and neck anteflexion posture
Katsuo Fujiwara
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 9: 1-14, 2006.

Japanese Article Clinical motion study based on the system theory
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 9: 15-22, 2006.

Japanese Article Experiment and research about the role of the psoas major muscle in posture controlling it
Takuya Ozawa 1, 3, 5), Hironari Takeguchi 2), Yasushi Yanagida justice 3), Satoshi Maekawa 4), 加納繁照 5)
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 9: 23-29, 2006.

Japanese Article Muscle tone of the stroke hemiplegia - In operation, of the muscle tone arrest; a person -
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 9: 31-38, 2006.

Japanese Article Regulatory mechanism - by exercise control process and regulatory mechanism - exercise
Victory Shinichi
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 9: 39-44, 2006.

Japanese Article Summary of the 2006 fee-for-service revision
Takuya Ozawa
The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy 9: 45-51, 2006.