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Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society

Volume 7, Issue suppl / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article KL. Efforts for the present conditions of the iPS cells study and the medical application
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 3-3, 2018.

English Article IL1. How can we ensure better outcomes for patients with pulmonary fungal diseases?
David W.Denning1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 4-4, 2018.

English Article IL2. IL-5 from Discovery to Clinical implications - it is a journey
Qutayba Hamid
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 4-4, 2018.

English Article IL3. Precision Medicine in Asthma : The Intersection of Biology and Biologics
Sally E.Wenzel
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 5-5, 2018.

English Article IL4. Evolution and Increasing Complexity of the Therapeutic Landscape in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
David R.Gandara
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 5-5, 2018.

Japanese Article PL. - A trace until pulmonary medicine - today and certain future forecast map
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 6-6, 2018.

Japanese Article SL1. Lung cancer: Basic knowledge and clinical application
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 6-6, 2018.

Japanese Article SL2. Change of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis - concept and latest treatment strategy -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 7-7, 2018.

Japanese Article SL3. Development to a pathologic diagnosis of the chronic cough
藤村政樹1, 大倉徳幸2, 原丈介2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 7-7, 2018.

Japanese Article SL4. Problems of COPD treatment: Start of therapy time and treatment regimen
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 8-8, 2018.

Japanese Article SL5. Paradigm shift of the bronchial asthma inhalation therapy
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 8-8, 2018.

Japanese Article SL6. Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) and respiratory illness
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 9-9, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the lesson Chairman from symposium 1 omics analysis to the respiratory domain
西岡安彦, 熊ノ郷淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 13-13, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-1. Genome analysis and bioinformatics
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 13-13, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-2. Respiratory illness that proteomics of the exosome reads
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 13-13, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-3. Application to exact phenotypic analysis of the meta rag mixture
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 13-13, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-4. Respiratory illness and Microbiome
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 14-14, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-5. Human eosinophilic multi-omics analysis in the acidophilic inflammatory disorder
宮田純1,2,5, 川島祐介3, 小原收3, 福永興壱5, 有田誠2,4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 14-14, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the problems Chairman around symposium 2 IIPs
横山彰仁, 冨岡洋海
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 14-14, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-1. Effect on cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis - convalescence with the background of collagenosis and directional ... of the IPAF diagnosis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 14-14, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-2. Adaptation of the Cryo biopsy to interstitial pneumonia
馬場智尚1, 武村民子4, 片野拓馬1, 真玉豪士1, 相子直人1, 磯本晃佑1, 大利亮太1, 田畑恵里奈1, 新谷亮多1, 佐渡山伸子1, 池田慧1, 山川英晃1, 丹羽崇1, 仲川宏昭1, 織田恒幸1, 奥田良1, 関根朗雅1, 北村英也1, 小松茂1, 萩原恵里1, 岩澤多恵2, 梅田茂明3, 奥寺康司3, 小倉高志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 15-15, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-3. Problems MDD around IIPs
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 15-15, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-4. Breathing rehabilitation
片岡健介, 近藤康博, 木村智樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 15-15, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-5. Acute exacerbation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 15-15, 2018.

Japanese Article The respiratory infection with symposium 3 resistant bacteria: On the basis of a drug resistant bacterium (AMR) measures action plan; and a term of the Chairman
舘田一博, 掛屋弘
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 16-16, 2018.

Japanese Article S3-1. The present conditions and problem of the respiratory infection with resistant bacteria
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 16-16, 2018.

Japanese Article S3-2. Effect after the AMR action plan announcement
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 16-16, 2018.

Japanese Article S3-3. Role of efforts ICD to hospital infection measures
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 16-16, 2018.

Japanese Article S3-4. Role of the "efforts to AMR measures" pharmacist
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 17-17, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the usability test Chairman of respiratory illness based on comprehensive understanding of symposium 4 CRP (clinical image, pathology)
岡輝明, 仲村秀俊
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 17-17, 2018.

Japanese Article S4-1. Quality of life, prognostic rating system (the general remarks) judging from a form and a function
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 17-17, 2018.

Japanese Article S4-2. A form and function (including participation of the small airway disease) in the COPD
清水薫子, 今野哲
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 18-18, 2018.

Japanese Article S4-3. A form and function (including CPFE, PPFE) in the interstitial pneumonia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 18-18, 2018.

Japanese Article S4-4. A form and function (including asbestos) in the pneumoconiosis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 18-18, 2018.

Japanese Article S4-5. Usability test (generalization) based on CRP
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 18-18, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the side effect of symposium 5 clinical department cooperation measures Chairman of the immune checkpoint inhibitor
弦間昭彦, 滝口裕一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 19-19, 2018.

Japanese Article S5-1. Mechanism of immune-mediated adverse event (irAE)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 19-19, 2018.

Japanese Article S5-2. Pneumonitis: What it saw in the analysis - Post-marketing survey Intermediate analysis -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 19-19, 2018.

Japanese Article S5-3. Timing - of digestive organ (large intestine, the liver) side effect - specialist introduction
新井誠人, 滝口裕一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 19-19, 2018.

Japanese Article S5-4. Construction of the clinical department, type of job cross-sectional cooperation system
中西洋一, 岡本勇, 田中謙太郎, 岩間映二, 米嶋康臣, 大坪孝平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 20-20, 2018.

Japanese Article S5-5. Risk factor (the future of the side effect predictive biomarker search study) of the immune-mediated adverse event
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 20-20, 2018.

Japanese Article Are the guidelines based on the evidence of symposium 6 foreign countries applicable to clinical practice of Japan? Term of the Chairman
平井豊博, 今野哲
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 20-20, 2018.

Japanese Article S6-1. COPD
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 20-20, 2018.

Japanese Article S6-2. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
千葉弘文, 錦織博貴, 高橋弘毅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 21-21, 2018.

Japanese Article S6-3. Lung cancer: Can you extrapolate the data of the overseas clinical study to Japan? The present conditions and problem
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 21-21, 2018.

Japanese Article S6-4. Pulmonary hypertension
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 21-21, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the directional Chairman of symposium 7 third group pulmonary hypertension diagnosis and the treatment strategy
花岡正幸, 守尾嘉晃
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 22-22, 2018.

Japanese Article S7-1. The third group pulmonary hypertension judging from the condition of a patient
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 22-22, 2018.

Japanese Article S7-2. The third group pulmonary hypertension judging from a diagnostic method and the problems
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 22-22, 2018.

Japanese Article S7-3. The third group pulmonary hypertension judging from video diagnosis
岩澤多恵1, 加藤真吾2, 小倉高志3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 22-22, 2018.

Japanese Article S7-4. Directionality of the third group pulmonary hypertension that we examined from JRPHS cash register strike Lee
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 23-23, 2018.

Japanese Article S7-5. The third group pulmonary hypertension judging from the results of the Nice meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 23-23, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the end-of-life medical Chairman in symposium 8 respiratory illness
朝野和典, 山本信之
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 23-23, 2018.

Japanese Article S8-1. Informed consent in the medical care at the end of life
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 23-23, 2018.

Japanese Article S8-2. Importance of the end-of-life medical care and ACP of the lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article S8-3. An end-of-life medical problem in the pneumonia practice and future directionality
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article S8-4. End-stage medical COPD / interstitial pneumonia in end-stage medical non-cancerous respiratory illness in respiratory illness
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the problems Chairman in the sleep respiratory disorder management as the symposium 9 breathing care
陳和夫1, 吉川雅則2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article S9-1. It is ... for update of evolution - instruction management of the CPAP technology
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article S9-2. An evaluation and validity of the CPAP utilization time
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article S9-3. Treatment option - electrical stimulation therapy except the CPAP
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article S9-4. Sleep respiratory disorder with the other domains disease (neuromuscular disorders, cardiovascular disease)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article S9-5. Information and communication technology (ICT) and at-home respiratory care
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of importance - Chairman of the education to symposium 10 Dr. usefulness - young person of the reviewed physical examination, other types of job
長澄人, 喜舎場朝雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article S10-1. Physical signature of respiratory illness
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article S10-2. Pulmonary auscultatory basics, examination by a stethoscope training
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 27-27, 2018.

Japanese Article S10-3. Pulmonary examination by a stethoscope to learn by a video and a quiz
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 27-27, 2018.

Japanese Article S10-4. Practice of the chest examination by a stethoscope education including differentiation with the cardiovascular disease
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 27-27, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of symposium 11 COPD guidelines revision and the future whereabouts Chairman
一ノ瀬正和, 黒澤一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article S11-1. Definition, epidemiology, the condition of a patient
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article S11-2. Diagnosis, testing
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article S11-3. Treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article S11-4. Exacerbation, convalescence
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the new development Chairman of the symposium 12 intractable asthma
東田有智, 堀口高彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article S12-1. The condition of a patient of the intractable asthma, Phenotype end type
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article S12-2. Evaluation for intractable asthma differentiation
岩永賢司, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article S12-3. Effective inhalation therapy
近藤りえ子1,2, 堀口高彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article S12-4. Biological drug
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article S12-5. Thermoplasty
放生雅章1, 飯倉元保2, 杉山温人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 30-30, 2018.

English Article YIS1-1. Application of human pluripotent stem cells to respiratory research[Machine Translation] (ヒト多能性幹細胞の呼吸器研究への応用)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 33-33, 2018.

English Article YIS1-2. Semaphorin 7 A is involved in the treatment resistance of EGFR-TKI in lung adenocarcinoma[Machine Translation] (セマフォリン7Aは, 肺腺癌のEGFR-TKIの治療抵抗性に関与している)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 33-33, 2018.

English Article YIS1-3. Novel combination therapy of MEK inhibitors based on epithelial-mesenchymal transition in KRAS mutant lung cancer[Machine Translation] (KRAS変異肺癌における上皮間葉移行に基づいたMEK阻害薬の新規併用療法)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 33-33, 2018.

English Article YIS1-4. Elucidation of the formation mechanism of antigen nonspecific allergic condition by type 2 natural lymphocytes[Machine Translation] (2型自然リンパ球による抗原非特異的アレルギー病態の形成機序の解明)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 34-34, 2018.

English Article YIS1-5. Recruited monocytes and type 2 immunity promote adult lung regeneration
Jason Rock
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 34-34, 2018.

English Article YIS1-6. Zinc deficiency caused by zinc uptake transporter ZIP2 / SLC39A2 gene splice switch causes mucous overproduction in cystic fibrosis (CF) airway epithelial cells[Machine Translation] (亜鉛取り込みトランスポーターZIP2 / SLC39A2遺伝子のスプライススイッチによる亜鉛欠乏が, 嚢胞性線維症 (CF) 気道上皮細胞における粘液過剰産生を惹起する)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 34-34, 2018.

English Article YIS1-7. Impact of mediastinal lymph node neutrophils on invasive pneumococcal infection[Machine Translation] (縦隔リンパ節好中球が侵襲性肺炎球菌感染症に与えるインパクト)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 34-34, 2018.

English Article YIS1-8. Exploring the evolutionary pattern of disease state in COPD by visualization of mouse lung tissue transformation pattern by chronic smoking[Machine Translation] (慢性喫煙によるマウス肺組織変容様式の可視化によりCOPDにおける病態の進展様式を探求する)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 35-35, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the new finding Chairman of the COPD to connect in the young person symposium 2 next generation
杉浦久敏, 小林哲
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 35-35, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS2-1. Being able to discover what we were able to discover in the COPD cohort
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 35-35, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS2-2. Possibility of the new biomarker in the COPD practice
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS2-3. Systematic review and GRADE in the COPD medical treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS2-4. Technique of the human iPS cells which aimed at COPD treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of young person symposium 3 epithelium mesenchyma conversion, wall mesenchyma conversion and the respiratory illness Chairman
田中明彦, 浅井一久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS3-1. Pulmonary fibrosis and epithelium mesenchyma conversion
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS3-2. Asthma and epithelium mesenchyma conversion
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS3-3. COPD and epithelium mesenchyma conversion
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS3-4. Pulmonary hypertension and wall mesenchyma conversion
坂尾誠一郎1, 西村倫太郎2, 田邉信宏2,3, 巽浩一郎2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 38-38, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of an etiology, the pathologic new development Chairman in the young person symposium 4 interstitial pneumonia
鈴木拓児, 荒屋潤
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 38-38, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS4-1. Mainly on gene factor - MUC5B genetic polymorphism of IPF
堀益靖, 山口覚博, 坂本信二郎, 益田武, 中島拓, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 服部登
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 38-38, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS4-2. Epigenome (containing the noncoding RNA)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS4-3. Protein constancy maintenance mechanism and IPF
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS4-4. Macrophage - about functional variety - fibrosis of the disease-specific macrophage
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article YIS4-5. Relation of the solidification fibrinolytic system in the condition of a patient formation, fibrosis of the interstitial pneumonia
藤本源1, 小林哲1, 樋口友里恵1, 齋木晴子1, 藤原拓海1, 岡野智仁1, 浅山健太郎1, 都丸敦史1, 高橋佳紀1, 藤原研太郎1, 大西真裕1, 中原博紀1, ガバザエステバン2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article PS1-1. Taking a lesson from the past - of COPD - paradigm shift
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article PS1-2. The change of bronchial asthma treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 43-43, 2018.

English Article PS1-3. LEUKOTRIENES : One step in our understanding of asthma
Pierre Sirois
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article PS1-4. The change of the infection and expectation to the future
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article PS2-1. Lung cancer: Progress of the medical treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 44-44, 2018.

Japanese Article PS2-2. The image which became the basics of pulmonary HRCT development
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 44-44, 2018.

Japanese Article PS2-3. Contribution of diffuse lung disease - Japan
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 44-44, 2018.

Japanese Article PS2-4. Look back on a study of the disturbance of pulmonary circulation, and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), ARDS, etc
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 44-44, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of chairperson special symposium 3 asthma, COPD guidelines stretch Takeru Miza
橋本修, 平田一人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article PS3-1. Watch the stretch of asthma, COPD guidelines; the "COPD" fifth edition
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article PS3-2. Asthmatic JGL2018
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article PS3-3. ACO diagnosis and guide of the treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article PS3-4. Cough and practice guidelines on expectoration
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the respiratory practice Chairman for practical medical doctors by the practical medical doctor of the chairperson special symposium 4 practice medical doctor
保澤総一郎1, 田中裕士2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article PS4-1. Sleep apnoea syndrome. "Can you sleep well? Word and respiratory illness of "
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article PS4-2. COPD
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article PS4-3. From the situation of problems - medical office of the bronchial asthma as Common Disease -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article PS4-4. Chronic cough
田中裕士1,2, 加藤冠1,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 47-47, 2018.

English Article IS1-1. Update on Pharmacotherapy in COPD
Sanjay Sethi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 51-51, 2018.

English Article IS1-2. The Global Burden of COPD in Japan and the World : A GBD comparison
Joan B.Soriano1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 51-51, 2018.

English Article IS1-3. Importance of Detection and Management of Early COPD : Stategy of KOCOSS Cohort
Ki-Suck Jung
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 51-51, 2018.

English Article IS1-4. Pharmacologic recommendation and appropriate use of ICS in COPD
Kwang Ha Yoo
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 51-51, 2018.

English Article IS1-5. Pharmacological treatment strategy for COPD patients
Satoshi Konno
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 52-52, 2018.

English Article IS2-1. DNA Repair as an Emerging Target for the Lung Cancer-Emphysema Overlap
Catherine Rufatto Sears
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 52-52, 2018.

English Article IS2-2. Molecular profiling of lung cancer in the new therapeutic algorithm of lung cancer care
Roxana Grinberg
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 52-52, 2018.

English Article IS2-3. Update On Immunotherapy In Lung Cancer
Chong-Kin Liam
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 53-53, 2018.

English Article IS2-4. In search of new therapy targeting histone methylation in cancer
Ken Tajima1, Toshifumi Yae1, Fumiyuki Takahashi1, Shyamala Maheswaran2, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 53-53, 2018.

English Article IS3-1. Infectious Disease : Recent advances in nontuberculous mycobacterial disease
David Horne
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 53-53, 2018.

English Article IS3-2. The role of clofazimine in treatment regimens for nontuberculous mycobacterial disease
Jakko van Ingen
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 53-53, 2018.

English Article IS3-3. Non-antibiotic strategy against infectious disease
Yuanlin Song, Dong Yang, Linlin Wang, Shimeng Ji, Lin Tong, Jing Bi, Cuicui Chen, Jian Zhou, Chunxue Bai
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 54-54, 2018.

English Article IS3-4. Recent advances in nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease
Jae-Joon Yim
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 54-54, 2018.

English Article IS3-5. Host factors in pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial (PNTM) disease - Transcriptome analysis in PNTM infection -
Masashi Matsuyama
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 54-54, 2018.

English Article IS4-3. Anti-Fibrotic Therapy for IPF : Japanese Experience
Yoshikazu Inoue
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 55-55, 2018.

English Article IS4-4. Antifibrotic therapy for pulmonary fibrosis in China
Hui-Ping Li
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 55-55, 2018.

English Article IS5-1. Unraveling the pathogenesis of severe asthma for optimal targeted add-on therapies with biologics
Guy Brusselle
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 56-56, 2018.

English Article IS5-2. Molecular Targeted Therapies in Severe Asthma
Monica Kraft1,2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 56-56, 2018.

English Article IS5-3. Role of microRNA in severe asthma
Kittipong Maneechotesuwan
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 57-57, 2018.

English Article IS5-4. Different response patterns to omalizumab in severe allergic asthma
Hisako Matsumoto
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article Joint term of plan 1 (the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis) Chairperson basic knowledge of tuberculosis that is shameful unless we know it
鈴木克洋, 石田直
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article JP1-1. Diagnosis of the pulmonary tuberculosis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article JP1-2. Treatment of the pulmonary tuberculosis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article JP1-3. Treatment of the interferon gamma free study and latent tuberculosis infection
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article JP1-4. Cooperation with a medical institution and the public health center in tuberculosis measures
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a term of - Chairman mainly on joint plan 2 (Japanese breathing care rehabilitation society) exercise and respiratory illness - asthma, COPD, interstitial pneumonia
塩谷隆信, 岡田泰昌
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article JP2-1. Mechanism and rating system (including questionnaire, the exercise testing) to cause physical limitation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article JP2-2. Image analysis and motor function
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article JP2-3. "The behavior modification" which is why is significance of need or ... behavior modification in respiratory organs domain
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article JP2-4. Respiratory illness and exercise to result in an obstructive ventilatory defect
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-5. About exercise, nutrition therapy, medical therapy, oxygen inhalation therapy for the detailed exposition interstitial pneumonia
小倉高志1, 佐渡山伸子1, 佐々木琢磨2, 中澤篤人3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the guide Chairman of Asthma-COPD overlap (syndrome) ACO (S) for joint plan 3 (Japanese Society of Allergology) Japan
橋本修, 玉置淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article JP3-1. ACO judging from asthma
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article JP3-2. ACO (S) judging from COPD
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article JP3-3. Similarity, difference of the guide of ACO with Japan and the world
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the Chairman thinking about now of joint plan 4 (Japanese intensive care medical society) Critical care
志馬伸朗, 田坂定智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article JP4-1. ARDS practice guidelines 2016
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article JP4-2. Septicemic practice guidelines 2016 for Japan
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article JP4-3. qSOFA and SIRS
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article JP4-4. ARDS-related multicenter study in Japan
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article JP4-5. Artificial respiration management of the ARDS
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of re-biopsy - present conditions and future - Chairman of the joint plan 5 (Japanese respiratory endoscopic society) lung cancer molecules marker
木浦勝行, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article JP5-1. EBUS-GS for the periphery lesion
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article JP5-2. Cryo biopsy
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article JP5-3. An approach method and problems of re-biopsy
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article JP5-4. What is made from a very small amount of specimens such as bronchoscope or EUS?
中島崇裕, 吉野一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article JP5-5. Significance, timing, frequency of re-biopsy after EGFR-TKI, ALK-TKI, the cytotoxic tolerance
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article JP5-6. Fact-finding (REMEDY study) about the examination in the case that resulted in condition of a patient progression during EGFR-TKI treatment of EGFR T790M mutation and the treatment strategy decision
矢野幸洋1, 鏡亮吾2, 野上尚之3, 山本信之4, 安宅信二5, 坂英雄6, 田代尚樹7, 瀬戸貴司8
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of - Chairman to think about from pulmonary disease - establishment mechanism in the joint plan 6 (the Japan Rheumatism Association, Japanese sarcoidosis / granulomatous disease society) systemic disease
佐野統, 杉山幸比古
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article JP6-1. Establishment mechanism of the pulmonary disease of the rheumatoid arthritis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article JP6-2. Approach - from pathogenesis - immunologic point of view of the pulmonary disease complicated with inflammatory bowel disease
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article JP6-3. - to think from a sarcoidosis - Akune bacteria etiology
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article JP6-4. Collagen disease of lung (interstitial pneumonia due to collagen diseases)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article JP6-5. Mainly on systemic vasculitis - ANCA-related vasculitis -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the perioperative care Chairman in the patients with joint plan 7 (Japanese respiratory surgical society) respiratory illness
栂博久, 奥村明之進
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article JP7-1. Perioperative care of the COPD merger case
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article JP7-2. Perioperative care of the pulmonary fibrosis merger case
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article JP7-3. Perioperative care of the obstructive sleep apnoea merger case
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article JP7-4. Point to keep in mind of the surgical treatment for patients with impaired pulmonary function
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article JP7-5. Lung cancer preoperation risk assessment using National clinical database (NCD)
遠藤俊輔1, 池田徳彦2, 近藤丘3, 奥村明之進4, 千田雅之5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a term of the Chairman about ICD class new pneumonia practice guidelines
門田淳一, 朝野和典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article ICD-1. Classification of pneumonia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article ICD-2. Constitution (mainly on flow chart) of guidelines
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article ICD-3. Introduction of the concept of a disease severity classification and sepsis of pneumonia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article ICD-4. About new pneumonia practice guidelines
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article ICD-5. Infection measures and infection prophylaxis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA1. Allergy to Year Review in Assembly, immunity, inflammatory academic sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA2. Year Review in Assembly 2017 infection, tuberculosis arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA3. Year Review in Assembly tumor arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA4. Year Review in Assembly respiratory care arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA5. Year Review in Assembly clinical problems arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA6. Year Review in Assembly obstruction lung disease arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA7. Year Review in Assembly 2018 diffuse lung disease arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA8. Year Review in Assembly circulation of the blood in the lungs, pulmonary injury arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA9. The latest topics in the respiration control study
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article YRA10. Year Review in Assembly cells, molecular biology arts and sciences sectional meeting
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of by the advice of ... Chairman of the studying abroad to ferry special plan 1 studying abroad - young person respiratory organs physician
平井豊博, 田坂定智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article Special plan 2 Respiratory Investigation editing committee: With the weak point of the English medical thesis which the how to write English medical thesis seminar Japanese writes? Term of the Chairman
西村正治, 西岡安彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the present conditions and the problem (smoking cessation promotion Committee) Chairman of the special report 1 smoked free promotion
長瀬隆英, 室繁郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article SR1-1. Statement about the electronic cigarette
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article SR1-2. Smoked free promotion in the community
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article SR1-3. The latest knowledge about the passive smoking
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article SR1-4. Significance of the smoking cessation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 83-83, 2018.

Japanese Article SR2. Lung cancer registration joint committee report
奥村明之進1, 木浦勝行2, 高橋和久3, 秋田弘俊4, 横井香平5, 滝口裕一6, 永安武7, 伊達洋至8, 新谷康1, 宮岡悦良9, 淺村尚生10, 吉野一郎11
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 83-83, 2018.

Japanese Article SR3-1. About 2018 DPC, PDPS revision
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article SR3-2. The results of the 2018 medical service fees revision respiratory organs domain and the evaluation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the council for special report 4 specialty, future plan Committee, gender equality Committee report Chairman
橋本修, 金子猛
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article SR4-1. It is ... in the knowledge of the attending physician that a new specialty began, and ... intellect profits and the programing of the respiratory organs domain
西川正憲1, 門田淳一2, 横山彰仁3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article SR4-2. We will work on plan Committee in the future and report it
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article SR4-3. Gender equality Committee activity report
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article SR4-4. About female support
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a term of the (the Board of Education) Chairman about e-learning cloud for the purpose of upbringing of the special report 5 respiratory division professional
桑平一郎, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article SR5-5. About a gender equality
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article EL1. Management of patients with COPD with the hypoxemia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 89-89, 2018.

Japanese Article EL2. The present conditions and the future prospects of the asthmatic treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 89-89, 2018.

Japanese Article EL3. EGPA (acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 89-89, 2018.

Japanese Article EL4. The condition of a patient of overlap (ACO) of asthma and the COPD judging from the aging response of the respiratory tract
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 89-89, 2018.

Japanese Article EL5. The present conditions and problem of the cancer immunity
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article EL6. The condition of a patient of the aging-related lung disease and new treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article EL7. LAM practice guidelines (ATS / JRS): It is standardized the diagnosis treatment by mTOR
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article EL8. Recent topic over the biomarker of the interstitial lung disease
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article EL9. Vital point of chest simple X-ray - To eliminate Reading error -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article EL10. The main point of the lung cancer practice guidelines revision
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article EL11. New respiratory infection
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article EL12. Respiratory care in the medical care at the end of life
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article EL13. A clinical evaluation of the respiratory mechanics: Mainly on lung volume and its subdivision and compliance, airway resistance
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article EL14. Natural immunity in the intractable asthma and acquired immunity
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article EL15. From responsibility gene identification about the origin of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis to hereditary interstitial pneumonia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article EL16. From bronchoscope maneuver - re-biopsy, Cryo biopsy necessary for pulmonologist to thermoplasty -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article EL17. A cancer and pulmonary embolism
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 93-93, 2018.

Japanese Article CPC1. One case that fibrosis of both superior lobes progressed, and presented a diffuse ground glass shadow
渡邊崇靖1, 石井晴之1, 槇田広佑2, 鈴木未佳3, 山田嘉仁3, 滝澤始1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 94-94, 2018.

Japanese Article CPC2. One patient who performed lung transplantation in collagen disease of lung with the Sjogren's syndrome
木庭太郎, 平田陽彦, 玄山宗到, 三宅浩太郎, 小山正平, 岩堀幸太, 滝本宜之, 長友泉, 武田吉人, 木田博, 熊ノ郷淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 94-94, 2018.

English Article LS1. COPD Management : Where does the evidence lead us in 2018?
Antonio Anzueto
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article LS2. Optimal how to use lung cancer treatment 2018 - immune therapy and killer cells anticancer agent - of the turbulence
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article LS3. The future of lung cancer treatment mainly on the biomedicine
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 98-98, 2018.

Japanese Article LS4-1. We understand a characteristic of the oral antimicrobial for AMR measures
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 98-98, 2018.

Japanese Article LS4-2. A diagnosis and treatment of the respiratory infection in the aged society
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 98-98, 2018.

English Article LS5. Current concepts of severe eosinophilic asthma : Management with biological agents
Emilio Pizzichini1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 99-99, 2018.

Japanese Article LS6-1. Does the treatment of the stage III non-small cell lung cancer change? - - to consider the possibility
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 99-99, 2018.

Japanese Article LS6-2. It has just begun when to this of the treatment strategy of the stage IV non-small cell lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 99-99, 2018.

Japanese Article LS7-1. The hypoxic management in the home oxygen therapy during exercise
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article LS7-2. Pathologic understanding and breathing rehabilitation (mainly on COPD) using the examination of exercise load cardiorespiratory function
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article LS8. The asbestos associated diseases that we examined from an image
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article LS9-1. BT adaptation patients image in severe asthma treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article LS9-2. Clinical results in NCGM (national international medical research center)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article LS10-1. Seriously ill asthma treatment and IgE
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article LS10-2. We think about treatable traits in severe asthma treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 101-101, 2018.

English Article LS11. Asthma and COPD Update 2018
Claus F.Vogelmeier
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 102-102, 2018.

English Article LS12. Optimizing Management of COPD : How variable grading and staging systems affect prognosis and future risk
Joan B.Soriano
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article LS13-1. Significance of the real world evidence in the asthmatic treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 103-103, 2018.

English Article LS13-2. Complementing the randomised controlled trial evidence base : The Salford Lung Study in asthma management
Emilio Pizzichini1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 103-103, 2018.

Japanese Article LS14. The latest treatment of the driver gene lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 103-103, 2018.

Japanese Article LS15. New treatment options for non small cell lung cancer Atezolizumab
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 104-104, 2018.

English Article LS16. IPF : Update on Diagnosis and Treatment
Kevin R.Flaherty
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 104-104, 2018.

Japanese Article LS17-1. Chinese medicine respiratory tract ciliary movement activated basic examination to improve the biophylaxis mechanism of the lungs, respiratory tract clearance with "Hochuekkito and Seihaito"
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article LS17-2. Significance of the Hochuekkito in the breathing rehabilitation of patients with COPD
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article LS18. Impact to an examination for IGRA of the fourth generation QFT
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article LS19. To obtain an eye-opener ... bowel movement not to strain; ...
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 106-106, 2018.

Japanese Article LS20-1. Do you not overlook it? Treatable muscular disease
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 106-106, 2018.

Japanese Article LS20-2. Unexpected diagnosis of the 72 years old man conveyed in CO2 narcosis
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 106-106, 2018.

English Article LS21. What are COPD exacerbations? How do we assess and manage them?
Masaharu Nishimura1, Paul W.Jones2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 107-107, 2018.

Japanese Article LS22. Measurement update of expiration nitric oxide (NO) concentrations: Based on an NO measurement handbook
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 107-107, 2018.

Japanese Article LS23. Treatment strategy of the non-epithelium squamous non-small cell lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 108-108, 2018.

Japanese Article LS24-1. Significance and interpretation up-to-date of the expiration NO measurement
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 108-108, 2018.

Japanese Article LS24-2. "Inflammaging" - in respiratory tract inflammation - asthma of the elderly people asthma
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 108-108, 2018.

Japanese Article LS25-1. From the situation of form and treatment - collagenosis physician of the interstitial lung disease to be complicated for polymyositis / dermatomyositis -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 109-109, 2018.

Japanese Article LS25-2. Treatment strategy of the interstitial pneumonia complicated with polymyositis / dermatomyositis (PM / DM)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 109-109, 2018.

Japanese Article LS27-1. Importance of the pneumonia prevention for patients with COPD 65 years or older
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article LS27-2. Pneumococcal vaccine inoculation - in-hospital system maintenance and spread - that we want to wrestle simply because it is pulmonologist to the area
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article LS28. The pulmonary hypertension that a respiratory physician examines
西山理, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article LS29. Art ... which manages the present conditions and the examination of the tuberculosis diagnosis for fine-view - T-SPOT
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article LS30. Prescription to a condition of a patient evaluation for home oxygen therapy introduction and the individual situation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article LS31. Fact - of the immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment in present situation - NSCLC of the treatment in evidence and Real World of the nivolumab
田宮基裕1, 田宮朗裕2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article ES1-1. Significance of the examination for PD-L1 using 22C3 in the non-small cell lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article ES1-2. Immune checkpoint inhibitor in the PD-L1-positive non-small cell lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the new approach high flow therapy and NPPV Chairman of the evening seminar 2 respiratory care
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 113-113, 2018.

Japanese Article ES2-1. Respiratory care of the acute respiratory failure
北島尚昌, 福井基成
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 113-113, 2018.

Japanese Article ES2-2. Respiratory care of the chronic respiratory failure
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 113-113, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the treatment strategy of evening seminar 3 sputum bloody, the hemoptysis and the Up to Date Chairman of the endovascular treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article ES3-1. ... which overlooks respiratory endovascular treatment ... history for the hemoptysis, and knows the current evidence
川島正裕, 益田公彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article ES3-2. Paradigm shift of the IVR blood vessel embolization for the intractable hemoptysis
長谷部光泉1, 松本知博1, 富田康介1, 須田慧1, 夏山雄揮1, 亀井俊佑1, 山本章太1, 橋田和靖1, 遠藤じゅん1, 川島正裕2, 益田公彦2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article ES4. Mainly on - at-home breathing care to think about the optimal breathing care to patients with chronic respiratory disease -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 115-115, 2018.

English Article ES5. Aiming for maximum lung function benefits with umeclidinium / vilanterol to prevent future deteriorations in COPD
Ian Naya
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 115-115, 2018.

English Article ES6-1. What is IPF? - Current understanding and future -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 116-116, 2018.

English Article ES6-2. Imaging of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis : current challenges and future directions
Simon Walsh
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 116-116, 2018.

English Article ES6-3. The Treatment of IPF in 2018
Kevin K.Brown
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 116-116, 2018.

Japanese Article ES7-1. Asthma and coexistence symptom as Type2 inflammation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 117-117, 2018.

Japanese Article ES7-2. Type2 respiratory tract inflammation and type 2 spontaneous lymphocytes (ILC2)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 117-117, 2018.

Japanese Article ES8. PMX therapy - by diagnosis and treatment - advanced medical administration system of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis acute exacerbation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 117-117, 2018.

Japanese Article ES9. Total treatment strategy of the Driver Mutation-positive lung cancer
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 118-118, 2018.

Japanese Article ES10. We think about a treatment strategy of the ALK-positive lung cancer aiming at long-term survival
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 118-118, 2018.

Japanese Article ES11. Main point ... of a diagnosis and the treatment to learn from ... case for a master of the interstitial pneumonia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article ES12-1. IL-5 and acidophilic inflammation
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article ES12-2. It is ... from condition of a patient and treatment - clinical side of the severe asthma
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article ES13. Treatment of the elderly people pulmonary artery-related pulmonary hypertension
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article Term of the Chairman examining seminar 14 pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in evening
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article ES14-1. Complications of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease to become the problem in clinical practice
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article ES14-2. The source of infection of the pulmonary MAC symptom and the measures
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 121-121, 2018.

Japanese Article ES15. Treatment strategy - lung cancer practice guidelines on stage IV non-small cell lung cancer update ...
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 121-121, 2018.

Japanese Article ES16. Bronchial asthma treatment: Up-to-Date
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a term of ... Chairman for the better life of the seminar 17 COPD total management ... patients in evening
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article ES17-1. Is based on total management - inhalation therapy of the COPD practice and the medical cooperation; and ...
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article ES17-2. Total management of the exacerbation risk
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article ES18. A problem and the prospects of the breathing rehabilitation judging from an enlightenment activity of the COPD
千住秀明, 髻谷満
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article ES19. For frailty and Ninjin'yoeito - health longevity -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 124-124, 2018.

Japanese Article AS1. Eosinophilic exhaustive analysis derived from the nasal polyps of patients with acidophilic sinusitis
宮田純1,2, 福永興壱1, 川島祐介2, 渡辺貴志2, 小原收2, 別役智子1, 有田誠2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article AS2. Examination about the association between decreased respiratory function and outdoor fungus by the yellow sand
岩田京子, 渡部仁成, 倉井淳, 鰤岡直人, 清水英治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article AS3. Cadherin-related family member3 activates an eosinophilic effector function
中込一之1,2, 野口哲1,2, 小林威仁1,2, 杣知行1,2, 永田真1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article AS4. Irregular of the eupnea in patients with COPD
佐藤秀彰, 三尾友彦, 赤上巴, 嶺崎祥平, 内田義孝, 小宮山謙一郎, 宮下起幸, 永田真, 仲村秀俊
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article AS5. Participation in COPD condition of a patient of the NCOA4-dependent feh re-Chino fuzzy
吉田昌弘, 皆川俊介, 荒屋潤, 原弘道, 保坂悠介, 市川晶博, 斉藤那由多, 坪内和哉, 石川威夫, 沼田尊功, 金子由美, 中山勝敏, 桑野和善
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article AS6. Role of the C/EBPα, protease balance in the mouse chronicity smoking stimulation
上桝潔1, 佐藤篤靖1, 田辺直也1, 長谷川浩一1, 谷村和哉1, 濱川瑶子1, 水谷達志1, 佐藤晋1, 小川惠美子2, 室繁郎1, 平井豊博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article AS7. The latest proteome analysis of the exosome in the pulmonary lymph vessels myoma symptom
滝本宜之1, 武田吉人1, 木庭太郎1, 玄山宗到1, 木田博1, 広瀬雅樹2, 井上義一2, 鳴海良平3, 朝長毅3, 熊ノ郷淳1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article AS8. Is clinical with onset responsibility gene identification in adult onset cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (IIPs), and is pictorial, the characteristic of the breathing physiology
瀬戸口靖弘, 北川佐代子, 石割茉由子, 鳥山和俊, 河越淳一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article AS9. Making of the predictive model of the pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis
金村宙昌1, 北村淳史1, 今井亮介1, 石井賢二1, 次富亮輔1, 岡藤浩平1, 冨島裕1, 仁多寅彦1, 西村直樹1, 小林大輝2, 田村友秀1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article AS10. - associated with the clinical examination - asthma, cough variant asthma and closeness of 85 adult pertussis
山下英俊1,2, 蓑輪一文1,2, 平元良英1, 佐伯裕子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article AS11. Cohort study to evaluate the effectiveness of the low dose CT examination in Hitachi-shi
名和健1, 藏本健矢1, 清水圭1, 山本祐介1, 市村秀夫1, 佐川元保2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article AS12. A second phase study (NEJ005 / TCOG0902) of the gefitinib / chemotherapy combination of EGFR mutation in the gene-positive NSCLC: Latest update analysis
宮林貴大1,2, 大泉聡史2, 菅原俊一2, 湊浩一2, 原田敏之2, 井上彰2, 藤田結花2, 前門戸任2, 渡部聡2, 弦間昭彦2, 出村芳樹2, 原田眞雄2, 磯部宏2, 木下一郎2, 森田智視2, 小林国彦2, 萩原弘一2, 相羽惠介3, 貫和敏博2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article AS13. A sleep-related factor in high blood pressure and diabetes and obese effect: Nagahama study
松本健1, 村瀬公彦1, 田原康玄1, David Gozal2, Dale Smith3, 南卓馬1, 谷澤公伸1, 小賀徹1, 長島俊輔1, 若村智子1, 平井豊博1, 松田文彦1, 陳和夫1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 129-129, 2018.

Japanese Article AS14. Pay the attention to the examination - fractal level of the CT parameter in the COPD, a change of the Low attenuation volume; and -
清水薫子1, Nguyen Van Tho2, 鈴木雅1, 牧田比呂仁1, 木村孔一1, 木村裕樹1, 今野哲1, 小川惠美子2, 中野恭幸2, 西村正治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 129-129, 2018.

Japanese Article AS15. In form and the outcome course clinical as for the ARDS due to pneumonia with the difference: Prospective accumulation result of 101 cases
一門和哉, 川村宏大, 江口善友, 保田祐子, 廣重滋夫, 神宮直樹, 坂田能彦, 阿南圭祐, 久永純平, 仁田脇辰哉, 中野愛子, 菅守隆
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 129-129, 2018.

Japanese Article MS1. Relations with the clinical cluster and serum Leptin level of the OSA patients
神津悠1, 権寧博1, 引地麻梨1, 鹿野壮太郎1, 伊佐浩紀1, 赤星俊樹1, 吉澤孝之2, 赤柴恒人2, 内山真2, 橋本修1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article MS2. Examination of the breathing resistance according to the posture in the obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
町田良亮, 漆畑一寿, 牛木淳人, 安尾将法, 山本洋, 花岡正幸
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article MS3. The intermittent hypoxia causes selenoprotein P and an expression of HIP/PAP rise through an expression of miR-203 drop
太田浩世1, 内山智子2, 山内基雄1, 藤田幸男1, 広中安佐子2, 土田澄代2, 山内晶世2, 牧野舞2, 友田恒一1, 高沢伸2, 吉川雅則1, 木村弘3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article MS4. An association between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and internal organs obesity: Association between abdominal viscera fat area and aggravation of OSA by girth of the abdomen and the CT
南卓馬1, 立川良2, 松本健1, 武山博文3, 村瀬公彦3, 谷澤公伸1, 小賀徹3, 平井豊博1, 陳和夫3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article MS5. Examination of an awakening CO2 ventilation response in the obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and the CO2 during sleep
佐久間貴士, 齋藤雅俊, 西木一哲, 野尻正史, 中瀬啓介, 加藤諒, 四宮祥平, 亀田茉莉, 高原豊, 小島好司, 藤本由貴, 及川卓, 中川研, 水野史朗, 長内和弘, 栂博久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article MS6. Clinical examination of the antiemesis therapy at the Carboplatin combination chemotherapy for elderly people progress lung cancer
河路広大1, 末次隆行2, 金澤裕信3, 八木朋子3, 砂永祐介3, 本川郁代2, 中塩屋二郎2, 坂木由宗3, 副島賢忠3, 井上博雅4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article MS7. Clinical examination about the death that occurred within 30 days after the from head to foot anticancer treatment in the lung cancer case
金田桂1, 小澤雄一1, 杉山未紗1, 小谷内敬史1, 天野雄介1, 角谷拓哉1, 佐藤慈子1, 長谷川浩嗣1, 棚橋雅幸2, 丹羽宏2, 松井隆1, 横村光司1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article MS8. Clinical examination of the lung cancer metastases to spine case having a spinal cord crossing symptom
福井崇大1, 谷哲夫1, 浅岡雅人1, 舩津洋平1, 黄英文1, 加行淳子2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article MS9. About treatment preferences and palliative care for the elderly people lung cancer in our hospital
橋本教正, 相川政紀, 酒井勇輝, 川井隆広, 林康之, 恒石鉄兵, 岩坪重彰, 岩田敏之, 山藤緑, 西村尚志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article MS10. Of DNAR instructions, actually
岩田晋, 岩木舞, 野木森健一, 玄崇永, 伊藤友憲
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article MS11. The forced expiratory volume in one second secular variation in general Japanese middle and old age men and relations with obesity, the weight gain
竹内友恵1, 滝口寛人1, 新美京子1, 端山直樹1, 小熊剛1, 青木琢也1, 西崎泰弘2, 浅野浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article MS12. Examination about the long-term course of the emphysema without the obstructive ventilatory defect
田中悠子, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進吾, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article MS13. Effect of the weight change on clinical course of patients with COPD
阿部結希, 鈴木雅, 牧田比呂仁, 今野哲, 清水薫子, 木村裕樹, 木村孔一, 武井望, 松本宗大, 西村正治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article MS14. Examination about the secular variation of the forced expiratory volume in one second by the disease severity distinction of the airflow obstruction in general inhabitants
佐藤建人, 町田浩祥, 中野寛之, 五十嵐朗, 東海林佳兼, 井上純人, 柴田陽光
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article MS15. Examination about the effect that an iron deficiency state gives to smoking instruction inflammation and the emphysema formation
佐藤建人, 町田浩祥, 中野寛之, 五十嵐朗, 東海林佳兼, 井上純人, 柴田陽光
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article MS16. Clinical radiologic examination of the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer surgery case
小川和雅1, 藤森賢2, 河野匡2, 森口修平1, 高橋由以1, 村瀬享子1, 望月さやか1, 花田豪郎1, 宇留賀公紀1, 高谷久史1, 宮本篤1, 諸川納早1, 黒崎敦子3, 岸一馬1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article MS17. Examination of the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer using HRCT fibrosis score
行徳宏1, 山口博之1, 石本裕士1, 嶋田緑1, 谷口寛和1, 千住博明1, 角川智之1, 中富克己1, 坂本憲穂1, 福田実2, 迎寛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article MS18. About an association between existing lung field abnormality shadow and pulmonary disorder to occur after antiPD-1 antibody administration
小澤雄一1, 松井隆1, 長谷川浩嗣1, 金田桂1, 天野雄介1, 棚橋雅幸2, 丹羽宏2, 横村光司1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article MS19. Drug-related pneumonia case by nivolumab in our institution
森川紗也子, 赤尾謙, 相馬智英, 渡邊俊和, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 丹羽義和, 峯澤智之, 岡村拓哉, 魚津桜子, 三重野ゆうき, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article MS20. Examination of the lung cancer case that resulted in pulmonary disorder by the nivolumab in an associated institution in Nagasaki
千住博明1, 池田喬哉1, 朝野寛視2, 須山隆之3, 本田徳鷹4, 嶋田緑1, 谷口寛和1, 行徳宏1, 竹本真之輔5, 梅山泰裕6, 小河原大樹3, 北崎健7, 山口博之1, 中富克己1, 福田実8, 迎寛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article MS21. IL-33 conducting airway inflammation and beaker cells metaplastic examination in the leptin loss obese mice (ob/ob mice)
近藤光子, 有村健, 武山廉, 多賀谷悦子, 玉置淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article MS22. Effect of new anti-inflammatory mediator Resolvin E3 (RvE3) in the House dust mite (HDM) conducting airway asthma model
佐藤真季子1, 齋藤悠1, 古賀康彦1, 小野昭浩1, 矢冨正清1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 蜂巣克昌1, 前野敏孝1, 石塚全2, 土橋邦生3, 中倉敬4, 岡島史和5, 池田紘之6, 福田隼6, 周東智6, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article MS23. Examination about the role of transcription factor RORγt in the chronic respiratory tract inflammation using the OVA long-term exposure asthma model mouse
吉田和史, 森島祐子, 櫻井啓文, 角田義弥, 中嶋真之, 松山政史, 際本拓未, 松野洋輔, 石井幸雄, 檜澤伸之
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article MS24. The effect that CHI3L1 gene eQTL gives for asthma
金澤潤1, 増子裕典1, 谷田貝洋平1, 飯島弘晃2, 内藤隆志2, 斎藤武文3, 野口恵美子4, 今野哲5, 西村正治5, 広田朝光6, 玉利真由美6, 坂本透1, 檜澤伸之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article MS25. Role of CD103+ dendritic cells involved in sthenia of the female sex hormone-dependent IL-5 production
宮坂智充1, 増田千愛1, 川上佳織1, 河野資1, 井ノ口仁一2, 高柳元明1, 高橋知子1, 大野勲3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article MS26. Short-term convalescence prediction of spontaneous pneumothorax using the chest flat plate
吉峯晃平, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 村上行人, 末安巧人, 西澤早織, 棟近幸, 後藤夕輝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 138-138, 2018.

Japanese Article MS27. Usefulness of hybrid stent (AERO(TM)) for the malignant respiratory tract lesion and safe examination
沖昌英, 鳥居厚志, 山田有里紗, 重松文恵, 石田あかね, 丹羽英之, 中畑征史, 岡さおり, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 坂英雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 138-138, 2018.

Japanese Article MS28. Can the biopsy become recurrent risk of the lung cancer in preoperation? Examination about recurrent risk factor of the stage IA non-small cell lung cancer
水守康之, 中原保治, 花岡健司, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 三宅剛平, 塚本宏壮, 佐々木信, 河村哲治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 138-138, 2018.

Japanese Article MS29. Comparison with clinical picture and the angiography views in patients with hemoptysis
渡辺綾乃, 甲斐翔太郎, 阿部岳文, 野末剛史, 大嶋智子, 佐竹康臣, 藤井雅人, 佐野武尚, 山田孝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 138-138, 2018.

Japanese Article MS30. About an association between chest CT image views and mortality in the acute dyspnea syndrome (ARDS)
今井亮介1, 西村直樹1, 高橋理2, 金村宙昌1, 石井賢二1, 次富亮輔1, 岡藤浩平1, 北村淳史1, 冨島裕1, 仁多寅彦1, 田村友秀1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 138-138, 2018.

Japanese Article MS31. Effect of the type 1 allergic sensitization in chronic progressive pulmonary aspergillosis
櫻井章吾, 古橋一樹, 安井秀樹, 穂積宏尚, 鈴木勇三, 柄山正人, 榎本紀之, 藤澤朋幸, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article MS32. The clinical examination of the galactomannan antigen false-positive case in the pulmonary European blastomycosis and in vitro cause elucidation
高園貴弘1,2, 西條知見1, 芦澤信之1, 大島一浩1, 田代将人2, 山本和子1, 今村圭文1, 宮崎泰可1,2, 泉川公一2, 柳原克紀3, 迎寛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article MS33. The diagnosis situation and clinical picture of 34 human meta pneumovirus-related pneumonia
生方智, 木村望, 神宮大輔, 矢島剛洋, 庄司淳, 渡辺洋, 高橋洋
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article MS34. Examination of the protective role in influenza viral infections of ADAM10
岡森慧1, 石井誠1, 朝倉崇徳1, 鈴木翔二1, 楠本竜也1, 鎌田浩史1, 南宮湖1, 八木一馬1, Ahmed E Hegab1, 堀内圭輔2, 長谷川直樹3, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article MS35. Examination of the Platelia Aspergillus IgG measurement in pulmonary aspergillosis
名越咲1, 鈴木純子1, 渡邊宏樹1, 城幸督1, 永井英明1, 松井弘稔1, 大田健1, 亀井克彦2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article MS36. Clinical examination of 30 interstitial pneumonia that was able to continue treatment with long-term pirfenidone five years or more
片野拓馬, 磯本晃佑, 池田慧, 山川英晃, 織田恒幸, 奥田良, 北村英也, 馬場智尚, 小松茂, 萩原恵里, 小倉高志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article MS37. Examination of the course after the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis acute exacerbation in the antifibrosis medicine group, the non-administrated group
森令法, 古郷摩利子, 永田一真, 細谷和貴, 河内勇人, 平林亮介, 伊藤宗洋, 藤本大智, 立川良, 中川淳, 籏智幸政, 大塚浩二郎, 富井啓介
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article MS38. Examination of the effect of the antifibrosis medicine on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with atypical views
坂本晋, 松山尚世, 仲村泰彦, 一色琢磨, 鈴木亜衣香, 伊藤貴文, 鏑木教平, 澤田哲郎, 佐野剛, 磯部和順, 高井雄二郎, 本間栄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article MS39. Effect of clinical features and the antifibrosis medicine for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with the PPFE lesion
杉野圭史1,3, 仲村泰彦1, 一色琢磨1, 松本敬子2, 坪井永保3, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article MS40. Prospective multicenter study (SETUP study) final report about the effectiveness of thrombomodulin(TM) for the acute exacerbation of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and the safety
緒方嘉隆, 新井徹, 木田博, 丸毛聡, 松岡洋人, 郷間厳, 山本傑, 杉本親寿, 橘和延, 枝廣龍哉, 濱崎俊光, 森雅秀, 審良正則, 井上義一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article MS41. Examination of the frequency of the centrilobular granular shadow and autoantibody
森田正人, 舟木佳弘, 山本章裕, 山崎章, 清水英治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article MS42. Clinical image, pathological examination about the establishment mechanism of the cyst lesion of the MPO-ANCA-positive interstitial pneumonia
田畑恵里奈1, 武村民子2, 馬場智尚1, 仲川宏昭1, 片野拓馬1, 真玉豪士1, 相子直人1, 磯本晃佑1, 大利亮太1, 新谷亮多1, 佐渡山伸子1, 小松茂1, 萩原恵里1, 小倉高志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article MS43. A long term prognosis and a recurrence, the chronicity of 121 hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and risk of death factor search
西田隆, 河手絵理子, 吉田悠貴, 小島彩子, 山田真紗美, 中元康雄, 太田池恵, 小田島丘人, 石黒卓, 高久洋太郎, 鍵山奈保, 倉島一喜, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article MS44. Examination of serum NGAL in the pulmonary sarcoidosis patients
加藤慎平, 乾直輝, 井上裕介, 穂積宏尚, 安井秀樹, 柄山正人, 鈴木勇三, 古橋一樹, 藤澤朋幸, 榎本紀之, 中村祐太郎, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article MS45. Inhibition of the GM-CSF antibody titers in rhGM-CSF chronicity inhalation animals and the internal GM-CSF bioactivity
田澤立之1, 中垣和英2, 伊藤祐子1, 橋本淳史1, 飯塚真理子1, 中野龍1, 田中崇裕1, 竹内志穂1, 中田光1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article MS46. An effect of the Nasal high flow on acute exacerbation of the chronic type 2 respiratory failure and safe examination
大塚竜也, 畑岡知里, 鈴木歩, 阿部武士, 谷津年保, 中村優, 田代祐介, 榊原智博, 三浦元彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article MS47. Usage situation and problems of high flow nasal cannula by respectively department of our hospital
橋本重樹, 久下朋輝, 清水裕平, 田幡江利子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article MS48. Examination of the successful predictor of the respiratory care by the high flow nasal cannula in the interstitial lung disease acute exacerbation case
小谷内敬史, 長谷川浩嗣, 杉山未紗, 金田桂, 後藤彩乃, 天野雄介, 角谷拓哉, 佐藤慈子, 小澤雄一, 松井隆, 横村光司
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article MS49. Clinical examination of Nasal High Flow system in our hospital
関谷友樹, 古塩純, 久代航平, 木村夕香, 島岡雄一, 石田晃, 西堀武明, 佐藤和弘
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article MS50. Does High-flow nasal cannula improve quality of life? ?
仁志川晴香, 牧野英記, 田口禎浩, 甲田拓之, 梶原浩太郎, 兼松貴則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article MS51. Expression of bacteria poverty food receptor Siglec-1 drop in the alveolus macrophage of the COPD
丹野篤, 藤野直也, 山田充啓, 杉浦久敏, 平野泰三, 田中里江, 一ノ瀬正和
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article MS52. Examination about an active nitrogen species and the active sulfur species in COPD merger asthma (ACO)
京極自彦, 杉浦久敏, 沼倉忠久, 市川朋宏, 山田充啓, 一ノ瀬正和
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article MS53. Effect of the oxidative stress on IL-33 expression of human respiratory epithelia
相澤洋之1, 小荒井晃1, 宍倉裕1, 柳澤悟1, 山谷睦雄2, 杉浦久敏1, 沼倉忠久1, 山田充啓1, 市川朋宏1, 藤野直也1, 一ノ瀬正和1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article MS54. Examination of the neutrophilic lymphocytes ratio in patients with COPD (NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio)
櫻井香1, 中鉢正太郎1, 入江秀大1, 堤昭宏1, 亀山直史1, 黄英文2, 寺嶋毅3, 仲村秀俊4, 浅野浩一郎5, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article MS55. Examination of the factor associated with the rapid drop of the respiratory function of patients with COPD
町田浩祥, 佐藤建人, 中野寛之, 東海林佳兼, 五十嵐朗, 井上純人, 柴田陽光
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article MS56. Examination of the Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) frequencies in the Ground Glass Nodule (GGN) case
次富亮輔, 今井亮介, 金村宙昌, 石井賢二, 岡藤浩平, 冨島裕, 仁多寅彦, 西村直樹, 田村友秀
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article MS57. The PD-L1 expression drop by the secular variation of the tissue specimen and effect on effect of treatment prediction
河内勇人1, 藤本大智1, 古郷摩利子1, 永田一真1, 中川淳1, 立川良1, 大塚浩二郎1, 籏智幸政1, 今井幸弘2, 富井啓介1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article MS58. Examination with the checkpoint inhibitor administration case and soluble IL-2 receptor level of immunity that we experienced in our hospital
井草龍太郎, 滝田克也, 鳴海創大, 木村啓二
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article MS59. Examination of the effectiveness of the nivolumab for patients with elderly people non-small cell lung cancer 75 years or older
安部祐子1, 田宮朗裕1, 田宮基裕2, 中濱賢治1, 谷口善彦1, 白山敬之3, 伊佐俊一1, 井上貴子2, 西野和美2, 熊谷融2, 鈴木秀和3, 平島智徳3, 今村文生2, 安宅信二1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article MS60. It is Phase Ib study of the Pembrolizumab for the Japanese existing treatment PD-L1-positive non-small cell lung cancer KEYNOTE-025
西尾誠人1, 高橋利明2, 吉岡弘鎮3, 中川和彦4, 福原達朗5, 山田一彦6, 一木昌郎7, 田中洋史8, 瀬戸貴司9, 酒井洋10, 笠原寿郎11, 里内美弥子12, 野口一夫13, 嶋本隆司13, 加藤晃史14
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article MS61. Mesothelioma death in Osaka prefecture showing a remarkable rapid increase ‥ Current situation and consideration
飯田慎一郎1, 石垣裕敏1, 中島康博1, 河原正明1, 前田純2, 中野孝司1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article MS62. The walk correlates with the convalescence of patients with lung transplantation adaptation interstitial lung disease for prealbumin level and six minutes
大島綾子1, 原島伸一1,2, 陳豊史3, 西村亜希子4, 小松輝也3, 高橋耕治3, 半田知宏5, 池添浩平5, 佐藤晋5, 大島洋平6, 幣憲一郎1, 伊達洋至3, 稲垣暢也1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article MS63. Attempt of the hospital transfer support with the aspiration pneumonia regional alliances pass
西田幸司1, 中野仁夫1, 岡本忠司1, 林靖大1, 高岩卓也1, 濱川正光1, 桝田元1, 高島純平1, 草間加与1, 郷間厳1, 南恵2, 金海美希3, 高田實4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article MS64. Establishment of the online reception desk system of the ultimate analysis of the pulmonary tissue by the electron beam micro analyzer
森山寛史1, 小林正義2, 朝川勝明3, 坂上拓郎3, 小屋俊之3, 桑原克弘1, 大平徹郎1, 高田俊範4, 菊地利明3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article MS65. Report second about the pulmonary age and history of cigarette smoking in the staying clinical survey testee of our hospital
深草元紀1, 石田也寸志2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article MS66. Organ fibrosis control through the non-coding RNA resolution by RBM7
福島清春1,2, 佐藤荘2, 木田博1, 熊ノ郷淳1, 審良静男2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article MS67. Functional analysis of the M2 macrophage in chronic aggravation of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and the acute exacerbation
南野高志1, 岡元昌樹1, 大西紘二2, 加來庸一郎1, 今岡治樹1, 富永正樹1, 一木昌郎3, 桃崎征也4, 川山智隆1, 菰原義弘2, 竹屋元裕2, 星野友昭1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article MS68. Control of the pulmonary fibrosis condition of a patient by Glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4)
坪内和哉1,2, 荒屋潤1, 吉田昌弘1, 皆川俊介1, 原弘道1, 中山勝敏1, 桑野和善1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article MS69. Expression of IL-9 in the pulmonary disease of the interstitial pneumonia and IL-9 receptor analysis
鈴川真穂1, 長瀬洋之2, 蛇澤晶1, 松井弘稔1, 大田健1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article MS70. Development of new pulmonary fibrosis treatment that targeted Carbohydrate sulfotransferase15 (CHST15)
甲斐吉郎1,2, 米山博之3, 北畠正大4, 伊藤利洋4, 友田恒一1, 吉川雅則1, 木村弘5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article MS71. Significance of the obstructive index in the obstruction lung disease using the CT image analysis
望月芙美1, 飯島弘晃1, 藤原啓司1, 嶋田貴文1, 石川博一1, 増子裕典2, 坂本透2, 小熊毅3, 佐藤晋3, 室繁郎3, 檜澤伸之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article MS72. A pulmonary volume and relations of the respiratory impedance that we analyzed in the CT in patients with emphysema
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article MS73. Respiratory impedance in the untreated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), comparison between central airway narrowing and respiratory function
安尾将法, 北口良晃, 小坂充, 漆畑一寿, 牛木淳人, 山本洋, 花岡正幸
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article MS74. Subclassification of the obstructive ventilatory defect by the breathing cycle time-series data analysis of the respiratory impedance
北岡裕子1, 玄山宗到2, 森村治2, 平田晴彦2, 木島貴志3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article MS75. Estimate of the flow volume curve by the forced Osh military ration method
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article MS76. Examination of the intrapulmonary shunts rate before and after the embolization of the pulmonary arterio-venous fistula who had the emphysema
宮本篤志1, 小林正典1, 清家則孝1, 柳生恭子1, 松下晴彦1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article MS77. Clinical examination, convalescence analysis in NHCAP where a primary causative organism was identified
浅野涼, 松浦駿, 久保田努, 持塚康孝, 大石享平, 直井兵伍, 望月栄佑, 上原正裕, 津久井賢, 小清水直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article MS78. Association with the macrophage NF-κB activity inducibility of the pneumococcus strain and the clinical picture of pneumonia
井手口周平1, 山本和子1, 鍵本啓介1, 井手昇太郎1, 高園貴弘1, 西條知見1, 今村圭文1, 宮崎泰可1, 柳原克紀2, 福田雄一3, 常彬4, 迎寛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article MS79. Examination about the usefulness of the blood culture sampling in medical care, care-related pneumonia
伊藤明広, 石田直, 山崎晶夫, 金田俊彦, 横山俊秀, 時岡史明, 有田眞知子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article MS80. Pleural effusion bacterial flora analysis using the next-generation sequencer
白石良樹1, 友松克允1, 坂巻文雄1, 端山直樹1, 小熊剛1, 青木琢也1, Kirill Kryukov2, 中川草2, 今西規2, 浅野浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article MS81. Clinical picture of the Legionnaires' pneumonia in this country
宮下修行, 青木洋介, 菊地利明, 関雅文, 舘田一博, 比嘉太, 清田浩, 牧展子, 内納和浩, 小笠原和彦, 渡辺彰
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article MS82. Blood poison-related prediction of the cancer chemotherapy by the FLT accumulation evaluation of the vertebral body by Volume-based analysis
梅田幸寛1, 佐藤譲之1, 杉山光寿1, 中嶋康貴1, 三ツ井美穂1, 島田昭和1, 山口牧子1, 本定千知1, 門脇麻衣子1, 重見博子1, 森川美羽1, 早稲田優子1, 安斎正樹1, 辻川哲也2, 岡沢秀彦2, 石塚全1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article MS83. Clinical examination of the Topoisomerase-I / II expression in the Amrubicin administration non-small cell lung cancer case
櫻井麗子1, 解良恭一2, 三浦陽介1, 塚越優介1, 笠原礼光1, 砂長則明3, 齋藤龍生4, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article MS84. Examination of the docetaxel + bevacizumab maintenance therapy after the cisplatin + pemetrexed + bevacizumab induction therapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
西本幸司1, 柄山正人1, 乾直輝1, 榎本紀之1, 藤澤朋幸1, 中村祐太郎1, 黒石重城2, 松井隆3, 朝田和博4, 松田宏幸5, 小清水直樹6, 豊嶋幹生7, 妹川史朗8, 山田孝9, 増田昌文10, 早川啓史11, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article MS85. The first / 2 aspect clinical study of the Erlotinib / docetaxel combination therapy for the existing treatment 3B / stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer: WJOG4708L
木村達郎1, 川口知哉1,2, 工藤新三1, 千葉康敬2, 丹羽崇3, 渡部克也4, 木島貴志5, 小暮啓人6, 小栗鉄也7, 笠井尚8, 林秀敏2, 小野哲9, 田中洋史10, 吉岡弘鎮3, 矢野聖二11, 山本信之12, 中西洋一13, 中川和彦2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article MS86. Phase II clinical study of the TS-1+CBDCA combination therapy for the interstitial pneumonia merger untreated progress non-small cell lung cancer
埴淵昌毅1,2, 安宅信二3, 大串文隆4, 清水英治5, 葉久貴司6, 軒原浩1, 西岡安彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article MS87. Epidemiologic survey of the pulmonary NTM symptom in two medical institutions of Okinawa and pulmonary M. Elucidation of the clinical features of the abscessus symptom
長野宏昭1, 金城武士2, 根井雄一郎1, 山城信1, 藤田次郎2, 喜舎場朝雄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article MS88. Clinical examination about activity and the oxidative stress of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
根本健司, 大石修司, 薮内悠貴, 後藤瞳, 野中水, 田地広明, 秋山達也, 荒井直樹, 石川宏明, 兵頭健太郎, 三浦由記子, 林原賢治, 斎藤武文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article MS89. Significance of the antigravity muscles evaluation in the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) symptom
朝倉崇徳1, 山田祥岳2, 鈴木翔二1, 岡森慧1, 楠本竜也1, 新島友輝2, 南宮湖1, 八木一馬1, 鎌田浩史1, 舩津洋平1, 石井誠1, 陣崎雅弘2, 別役智子1, 長谷川直樹3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article MS90. Examination about the effect that high carbon dioxide blood symptom and long-term non-invasive artificial respiration therapy gives to convalescence of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
北島尚昌, 丸毛聡, 宇山倫弘, 林優介, 網本久敬, 白石祐介, 小谷アヤ, 山城春華, 原伶奈, 島寛, 白田全弘, 井上大生, 片山優子, 糸谷涼, 福井基成
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article MS91. Study for the development, first aspect physician-led trial of the new multidrug-resistant tuberculosis therapeutic vaccine
岡田全司1, 橋元里実1, 仲谷均1, 西松志保1, 木岡由美子1, 西田泰子1, 井上義一1, 露口一成1, 林清二1, 喜多洋子1, 朝野和典2, 金田安史2, 中島俊洋3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article MS92. A comparison between ICS / LABA and effectiveness of ICS / LABA+LAMA, and ICS+LAMA in the intractable asthma: Meta analysis of the randomized controlled trial
安藤浩一1,2, 田中明彦1, 大西司1, 井上紳2, 相良博典1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 151-151, 2018.

Japanese Article MS93. Effective and safe examination of the antiIL-13 antibody therapy for the intractable asthma: Meta analysis of the randomized controlled trial
安藤浩一1,2, 本間哲也1, 田中明彦1, 大西司1, 井上紳2, 相良博典1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 151-151, 2018.

Japanese Article MS94. Use of omalizumab and mepolizumab for the severe asthma by paranasal CT views
安場広高1, 小林良樹2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 151-151, 2018.

Japanese Article MS95. The change of the respiratory function before and after the bronchial thermoplasty enforcement in patients with severe asthma and examination of the effect of treatment predictor
下田由季子, 飯倉元保, 石井聡, 森野英里子, 鈴木学, 高崎仁, 仲剛, 泉信有, 竹田雄一郎, 杉山温人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 151-151, 2018.

Japanese Article MS96. Examination about the clinical benefit of the inhalational instruction DVD in patients with bronchial asthma
瀧田好一郎, 近藤りえ子, 出口亜里紗, 横井達佳, 堀口紘輝, 吉田隆純, 加藤圭介, 桑原和伸, 伴直昭, 廣瀬正裕, 志賀守, 堀口高彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 151-151, 2018.

Japanese Article MS97. Life-style related diseases study (FOLD registry) of the relative Fukuoka lungs with MUC5B genetic polymorphism and the chronic respiratory disease risk in the Japanese
山本悠造1, 緒方彩子1, 濱田直樹1, 津田徹2, 高田昇平3, 井上直征4, 矢寺和博5, 迎寛6, 星野友昭7, 永田忍彦8, 藤田昌樹9, 渡辺憲太朗9, 吉井千春10, 若田好史11, 徳永章二12, 清原千香子12, 中西洋一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 152-152, 2018.

Japanese Article MS98. Examination about safety and the usefulness of Cryobiopsy for the diffuse lung disease
丹羽崇1, 小倉高志1, 馬場智尚1, 武村民子2, 田畑恵里奈1, 新谷亮多1, 仲川宏昭1, 織田恒幸1, 奥田良1, 関根朗雅1, 北村英也1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 152-152, 2018.

Japanese Article MS99. Significance of many fields consultation (MDD) in the interstitial pneumonia of HRCT diagnosis Possible UIP pattern
古川大記1, 近藤康博2, 谷口博之2, 上甲剛3, 福岡順也4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 152-152, 2018.

Japanese Article MS100. Clinical diagnosis of idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (PPFE)
榎本泰典1, 中村祐太郎1, 佐竹康臣1, 澄川裕充2, 上甲剛3, 藤澤朋幸1, 榎本紀之1, 乾直輝1, 黒石重城4, 横村光司5, 小清水直樹6, 豊嶋幹生7, 妹川史朗8, 山田孝9, 白井敏博10, 早川啓史11, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 152-152, 2018.

Japanese Article MS101. Examination of the respiratory allied hospitalization in patients with idiopathic chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia
山崎亮, 西山理, 佐野博幸, 岩永賢司, 東本有司, 久米裕昭, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 152-152, 2018.

Japanese Article MS102. Participation of pulmonary tissue habitual presence-related lymphocytes in the steroid-resistant bronchial asthma
間藤尚子1, 平原潔2, 市川智巳2, 中山雅之1, 中澤晶子1, 山沢英明1, 鈴木拓児1, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article MS103. Study of the human peripheral airway stem cell
田中悠祐1,2, 角俊行1,2, 多田周2,3, 山口美樹2, 平井幸恵2, 渡辺敦3, 高橋弘毅1, 佐久間裕司2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article MS104. Examination of the differentiation derivative method of pulmonary epithelial cells by the directly re-programming
楠本竜也1, 石井誠1, 四倉正也2, Ahmed E Hegab1, 齋藤史武1, 浜本純子1, 朝倉崇徳1, 鎌田浩史1, 南宮湖1, 岡森慧1, 淺村尚生2, 家田真樹3, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article MS105. It is ... using elucidation - single cell RNA-seq of the coordinate increase, differentiation mechanism of respiratory epithelia cells at trachea generating
清川寛文, 岸本圭史, 森本充
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article MS106. Importance of hyaluronic acid proteoglycan binding protein 1 in the mouse lungs which are in the process of the development
田中広輔, 小澤純一, 渡邉貴明, 新井幸男, 松岡菊美, 難波文彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article MS107. Examination of the effect that presence or absence of administration history before Afatinib gives for an effect of the Osimertinib
宮下洋佑, 高遼, 河野加奈, 松本直久, 朝尾哲彦, 加藤元康, 柴山里奈, 嶋田奈緒子, 田島健, 小山良, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article MS108. Examination of the effectiveness of afatinib and the cetuximab combination for the EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer
竹原朋宏, 長谷川華子, 胡谷俊樹, 小林慧悟, 眞鍋維志, 増澤啓太, 浜本純子, 安田浩之, 川田一郎, 副島研造, 別役智子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article MS109. Examination of the treatment strategy for EGFR mutation in the gene-positive NSCLC with metastases to brain
猿渡功一1, 神宮直樹2, 今村光佑3, 小松太陽4, 牛島淳5, 丸山広高6, 柏原光介7, 池田徳典8, 冨田雄介1, 佐伯祥1, 藤井一彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article MS110. A phase I study of afatinib, the bevacizumab combination therapy for EGFR mutation-positive NSCLC: OLCSG1404
青江啓介1,3, 近森研一1,3, 前田忠士1,3, 亀井治人1,3, 二宮崇2,3, 野上尚之3, 別所昭宏3, 久山彰一3, 藤本伸一3, 杉本啓介3, 瀧川奈義夫3, 木浦勝行2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article MS111. Prospective cohort study (HER2-CS STUDY) about clinical features of the progress non-small cell lung cancer with the HER2 abnormality
山崎正弘1,2, 谷脇雅也2, 出口奈穂子2, 田中妙2, 別所昭宏2, 石川暢久2, 杉本啓介2, 津端由佳里2, 井上政昭2, 三好誠吾2, 金地伸拓2, 小畑秀登2, 粟屋禎一2, 塩田雄太郎2, 村上功2, 澄川崇2, 市川裕久2, 瀧川奈義夫2, 窪田哲也2, 徳毛健太郎2, 小谷昌広2, 埴淵昌毅2, 大橋圭明2, 堀田勝幸2, 木浦勝行2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article PP1. Examination of the lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 (LPCAT1) gene introduction to alveolus type 2 epithelial cells by adeno-associated virus (AAV)
中瀬啓介, 長内和弘, 佐久間貴士, 西木一哲, 野尻正史, 加藤諒, 四宮祥平, 東野茉莉, 高原豊, 齋藤雅俊, 小島好司, 藤本由貴, 中川研, 及川卓, 水野史朗, 石崎武志, 栂博久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article PP2. The optimal gene introduction method to the respiratory cells due to the adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector
黒崎史朗1,2, 内堀亮介3, 間藤尚子2, 水上浩明4, 萩原弘一2, 久米晃啓5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article PP3. Mechanobiology of the airway smooth muscle: System engineering by the three-dimensional cultural method
浅野周一1, 伊藤理2, 諸沢美香1, 長谷川好規1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article PP4. Lipid distribution analysis using MALDIimaging in the network formation of the vascular endothelial cells which we differentiated from iPS cells and induced
清水泰生, 中村祐介, 塩原太一, 藤牧未央, 堀金有紀子, 曽田紗世, 横山達也, 渡邉泰治, 池田直哉, 三好祐顕, 知花和行, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article PP5. Control of the mTORC2-SPARC course through XPLN by HDAC inhibitor
神尾孝一郎, 吾妻安良太, 臼杵二郎, 松田久仁子, 猪俣稔, 西島伸彦, 國保成暁, 板倉潮人, 山口朋禎, 藤田和恵, 齋藤好信, 阿部信二, 久保田馨, 弦間昭彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article PP6. Role of terminal glycosylation product receptor (RAGE) in the pulmonary fibroblasts migration ability
田中望未, 伊狩潤, 穴澤梨江, 鈴木優毅, 勝俣雄介, 島田絢子, 松浦有紀子, 川田奈緒子, 多田裕司, 巽浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article PP7. As for the BTB and CNC homology 1 genetic defects, the branch of the embryo mouse lungs due to inflammation makes it restrain becoming it
新井幸男, 田中広輔, 渡邉貴明, 小澤純一, 松岡菊美, 難波文彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article PP8. Importance of the mesenchyma polarization in the tracheal morphosis
岸本圭史, 森本充
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article PP9. Examination of the effect of the oxidative stress in the periodic extension stimulation model of type 2 alveolar cells and pirfenidone
田中徹, 齋藤好信, 松田久仁子, 神尾孝一郎, 阿部信二, 久保田馨, 吾妻安良太, 弦間昭彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article PP10. It is examined the dual restoration style due to the alveolus stem cell in the alveolus rebuilding after an acute pulmonary injury
長谷川浩一, 佐藤篤靖, 水谷達志, 上桝潔, 濱川瑶子, 田辺直也, 佐藤晋, 室繁郎, 平井豊博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article PP11. Protein S shows a protective effect for ALI
浅山健太郎1, 小林哲1, 藤原拓海1, 岡野智仁1, 都丸敦史1, 高橋佳紀1, 藤原研太郎1, 中原博紀1, 藤本源1, 安間太郎2, ガバザダレッサンドロコリナ2, ガバザエステバン2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article PP12. The effect that Fra-2 expression gives to myofibroblast in the alveolus second partition formation
辻野和之1, 津久井達哉2, Dean Sheppard2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article PP13. Use experience of pirfenidone and the nintedanib in our hospital
松崎晋一1,2, 宇津木光克1, 岩下広志1, 久田剛志2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article PP14. Comparison of the use of pirfenidone in our hospital or nintedanib case
大場岳彦, 伊藤達哉, 狹川玲, 佐藤謙二郎, 鎌倉栄作, 須原宏造, 高崎寛司, 磯貝進
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article PP15. Use experience of Nintedanib in our hospital
中村貴裕, 加藤元康, 河野加奈, 山田朋子, 井原宏彰, 金丸良太, 佐藤匡, 原田紀宏, 十合晋作, 長岡鉄太郎, 高橋史行, 瀬山邦明, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article PP16. Comparison of a use experience effective case of the nintedanib for the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in our hospital and the invalid case
廣重滋夫, 中野愛子, 仁田脇辰哉, 阿南圭祐, 久永純平, 坂田能彦, 神宮直樹, 江口善友, 保田祐子, 川村宏大, 一門和哉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article PP17. Clinical examination of the nintedanib administration case for the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
三木雄三, 角田尚子, 西村美沙子, 松井秀記, 住谷充弘, 少路誠一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article PP18. Use experience of nintedanib in the true clinical practice
宮田祐人, 本間哲也, 佐藤春奈, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 大田進, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article PP19. 33 examination using Nintedanib
竹内真弓, 竹田隆之, 齊藤昌彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article PP20. Examination of the treatment case of nintedanib for the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in our hospital
西村春佳, 森住俊, 豊田優子, 鈴江涼子, 小山壱也, 香川耕造, 内藤伸仁, 河野弘, 後東久嗣, 西岡安彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article PP21. Effect of treatment of the nintedanib for the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients with impaired pulmonary function
安部光洋1, 津島健司1,2, 酒寄雅史1, 鈴木健一1, 伊狩潤1, 寺田二郎1, 巽浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article PP22. The effectiveness of the nintedanib by the concomitant drug distinction in the INPULSIS study for the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients
吾妻安良太1, Michael Kreuter2, Manuel Quaresma2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article PP23. The effect that the background factor of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients gives to long-term efficacy of the nintedanib: Subgroup analysis of the INPULSIS-ON study
小倉高志1, Michael Kreuter2, Susanne Stowasser3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article PP24. Examination of effect of treatment by Nintedanib in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and blood growth factor
先成このみ, 小田桂士, 城戸貴志, 矢寺和博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article PP25. Examination of tolerability and the effect of treatment of the antifibrosis medicine in patients with elderly people idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
澤田哲郎, 卜部尚久, 一色琢磨, 鏑木教平, 磯部和順, 坂本晋, 高井雄二郎, 本間栄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article PP26. Examination of acute exacerbation case the past nine years of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in our hospital
山添正敏, 冨岡洋海, 和田学政, 高田寛仁, 吉積悠子, 森田充紀, 山下修司, 古田健二郎, 木田陽子, 金子正博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article PP27. Respiratory failure disease severity and clinical picture, convalescence of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis acute exacerbation
榎田啓十, 堀尾幸弘, 滝原崇久, 高橋史成, 新美京子, 端山直樹, 小熊剛, 青木琢也, 浅野浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article PP28. Inspection by the own omen case of the revision plan of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis acute exacerbation proposed newly
山内浩義, 坂東政司, 中澤晶子, 中山雅之, 間藤尚子, 山沢英明, 鈴木拓児, 萩原弘一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article PP29. Examination about the cause of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis acute exacerbation
持塚康孝, 久保田努, 大石享平, 直井兵伍, 望月栄佑, 上原正裕, 松浦駿, 津久井賢, 小清水直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article PP30. The serologic marker growth rate at the acute exacerbation improves a convalescence prediction of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis acute exacerbation by the HRCT pattern
新井徹1, 杉本親寿1, 橘和延1, 井上康1, 杜倉紗代子2, 審良正則1, 笠井孝彦1, 北市正則2, 林清二1, 井上義一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article PP31. Examination of the clinical features of the patients having a relapse of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis acute exacerbation (AE-IPF)
秋山訓通, 榎本泰典, 西本幸司, 吉村克洋, 鈴木勇三, 古橋一樹, 榎本紀之, 藤澤朋幸, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article PP32. Clinical examination of the interstitial pneumonia acute exacerbation except idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
宮下晃一, 河野雅人, 齋藤合, 小柳悠, 堤あかり, 小林健, 三木良浩, 橋本大, 中村秀範
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article PP33. Invasive artificial respiration therapy for the interstitial lung disease with the acute respiratory failure
池上達義, 河内寛明, 吉田寛, 田中瑛一郎, 大井一成, 野口進, 深尾あかり, 寺下聡, 堀川禎夫, 杉田孝和
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article PP34. Association between adrenal cortical steroid medicine early reactivity and convalescence at the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis acute exacerbation
堀尾幸弘, 榎田啓十, 高橋史成, 滝原崇久, 新美京子, 端山直樹, 小熊剛, 青木琢也, 浅野浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article PP35. Use experience of PMX-DHP for the interstitial pneumonia in our hospital
金井亮憲1, 小泉晴美1, 橋本恒1, 藤井裕明1, 青木絢子1, 高橋健一1, 金子猛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article PP36. Clinical significance of the autoantibody in the sarcoidosis
川端宏樹1, 丈達陽順1, 長谷川智子2, 城戸貴志1, 佐藤実2, 矢寺和博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article PP37. Significance of the Th1 / Th2 type cytokine mRNA measurement derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the sarcoidosis
安東優1, 藤島宣大1, 渡辺絵理奈1, 本城心1, 松本紘幸1, 後藤昭彦1, 竹野祐紀子1, 安田ちえ1, 水上絵理1, 宇佐川佑子1, 山末まり1, 小宮幸作1, 橋永一彦1, 竹中隆一2, 濡木真一1, 梅木健二1, 平松和史3, 宮崎英士4, 門田淳一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article PP38. Examination of lymphocytes profile using the EBUS-TBNA lymph node biopsy specimen
赤尾謙, 峯澤智之, 森川紗也子, 岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article PP39. Examination of the fast vital capacity drop predictor in the sarcoidosis
片山加奈子1, 橘和延1, 新井徹1, 杉本親寿2, 佐々木由美子1, 竹内奈緒子1, 審良正則3, 笠井孝彦4, 北市正則5, 林清二1, 井上義一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article PP40. Examination of the pulmonary sarcoidosis symptom which needed treatment with systemic steroid
木村孔一1, 今野哲1, 山口哲生2, 四十坊典晴3, 服部健史4, 山田嘉仁5, 清水薫子1, 鈴木雅1, 西村正治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article PP41. Examination of the chronic pulmonary berylliosis 5 case in our hospital
横山多佳子, 加藤千博, 堀内実, 黒川良太, 櫻井悠加里, 加藤宗博, 山本俊信, 宇佐美郁司
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article PP42. Examination of the revival predictor in the chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
竹内奈緒子1, 新井徹1, 佐々木由美子1, 杉本親寿1, 橘和延1, 審良正則1, 笠井孝彦1, 北市正則2, 林清二1, 井上義一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article PP43. Two cases in which Mepolizumab was administered to chronic eosinophilic pneumonia complicated bronchial asthma to reduce oral steroids
佐藤春奈, 宮田祐人, 本間哲也, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 山口宗大, 井上英樹, 大田進, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article PP44. Two cases that were regarded as eosinophilic pneumonia with the Chinese medicine
平田優介, 桑原由樹, 小島章歳, 戸田麻衣子, 小林由美子, 菊池聡, 坂井浩佑, 三上慎太郎, 教山紘之, 森山岳, 植松和嗣
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article PP45. 2 cases of the desquamative interstitial pneumonia that an acidophile increased by bronchoalveolar lavage
稲葉恵1, 田代貴大1, 福嶋一晃1, 高橋比呂志1, 岸裕人1, 牛島淳2, 平田奈穂美1, 吉永健1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article PP46. One case who had the B-cell lymphoma diffuse large-cell for a pulmonary lymph vessels myoma symptom
折茂真実, 近藤光子, 玉置淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article PP48. Examination of blood endogenous secretary RAGE in the IPF patients
山口覚博1, 岩本博志1, 坂本信二郎1, 堀益靖1, 益田武1, 中島拓1, 宮本真太郎1, 大下慎一郎1,2, 藤高一慶1, 濱田泰伸1,3, 服部登1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article PP49. Participation of the RIP3 control-related necroptosis in the IPF condition of a patient formation
皆川俊介1, 吉田昌弘1, 荒屋潤1, 原弘道1, 坪内和哉1, 斉藤那由多1, 市川晶博1, 保坂悠介1, 川本浩徳1, 内海裕文1, 小林賢司1, 和久井大1, 沼田尊功1, 石川威夫1, 金子由美1, 中山勝敏1, Park Sung Woo2, 桑野和善1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article PP50. Observational, prospective study about control-related B cells in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and follicular T-helper cells
浅井悠一郎1, 千葉弘文1, 錦織博貴1, 矢部勇人1, 亀倉隆太2, 川田耕司2, 一宮慎吾2, 高橋弘毅1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article PP51. A condition of a patient elucidation of pulmonary fibrosis that we applied metabolic loam analysis to and new treatment development
大河内眞也1,3, 沼倉忠久3, 田畑雅央1, 色川俊也1, 小川浩正1, 岡田克典2, 黒澤一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article PP52. Possibility of the nucleic acid innovative drug development for pulmonary fibrosis
都丸敦史1, 小林哲1, 藤原拓海1, 浅山健太郎1, 高橋佳紀1, 藤原研太郎1, 大西真裕1, 中原博紀1, 藤本源1, 田口修3, Esteban Gabazza2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article PP53. Human pneumonic fibroblasts, effect examination of the antifibrosis medicine in the vascular endothelial cells cocultivation
中村祐介, 清水泰生, 藤牧未央, 堀金有紀子, 丁倫奈, 小池亮祐, 正和明哲, 渡邉泰治, 塩原太一, 新井良, 知花和行, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article PP54. Examination about the pulmonary fibrosis marker inhibitory effect of microRNA derived from exosome
猪俣稔, 神尾孝一郎, 吾妻安良太, 松田久仁子, 柏田建, 國保成暁, 渥美健一郎, 林宏紀, 藤田和恵, 齋藤好信, 阿部信二, 弦問昭彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article PP55. Effect to bleomycin inductivity pulmonary fibrosis by the inhibition of the Skp2E3 ligase
美甘真史1,2, 北川恭子2, 酒井聡2, 内田千晴3, 大畑樹2, 西本幸司1,2, 丹伊田浩行2, 北川雅敏2, 乾直輝4, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article PP56. Analysis of the antifibrosis effect of the ERK5 inhibitor for pulmonary fibrosis lungs fibroblasts
門屋講太郎1, 十合晋作1, 難波由喜子1, Miniwan Tulafu1, 北村英也2, 小倉高志2, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article PP57. The dasatinib inhibits TGF β inductivity epithelium mesenchyma conversion and inhibits pulmonary fibrosis
金丸良太, 高橋史行, 加藤元康, 田島健, 井原宏彰, 濃沼淑芳, Aditya Wirawan, Moulid Hidayat, 早川乃介, 武田育子, 田島学, 松本直久, 金森幸一郎, 朝尾哲彦, 高遼, 高橋元美, 柴山里奈, 小山良, 嶋田奈緒子, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article PP58. Pulmonary fibrosis inhibition mechanism through the PPARα activation by the fenofibrate
菊池亮太1, 岩井悠希1, 辻隆夫1,2, 山口佳寿博2, 中村博幸1, 青柴和徹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article PP59. Three cases that presented PPFE after a pneumonectomy
兵頭健太郎1, 薮内悠貴1, 後藤瞳1, 野中水1, 秋山達也1, 笹谷悠惟果1, 田地広明1, 石川宏明1, 荒井直樹1, 根本健司1, 三浦由記子1, 薄井真悟2, 島内正起2, 南優子3, 大石修司1, 林原賢治1, 斎藤武文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article PP60. Validity evaluation of the use of CBDCA+nab-PTX for the thymic carcinoma
勝又萌, 幸田敬悟, 三輪聖, 松山亘, 加藤史照, 小笠原隆, 笠松紀雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article PP61. We look at the rear of S-1 for the existing treatment progress recurrence thymic carcinoma and analyze a mark
曽根原圭1, 立石一成1, 牛木淳人1, 安尾将法1, 山本洋1, 小泉知展2, 花岡正幸1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article PP62. Clinical examination of the thymic carcinoma 12 case in our hospital
徐千恵子1, 石岡宏太1, 杉原快1, 酒井徹也1, 高橋左枝子1, 笹田真滋1, 大村兼志郎2, 大竹宗太郎2, 梶政洋2, 廣瀬茂道3, 中村守男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article PP63. A treatment strategy and convalescence including the preoperation therapy for thymic cancer 13 surgery case
田中明彦1, 楠堂晋一1, 本村文宏2, 秋江研志2, 長谷川大2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article PP64. Factor about the convalescence of the metastases to lung excision case
片岡正文1, 川井治之2, 渡邉一彦2, 張田信吾2, 大原利憲1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article PP65. Clinical examination of the malignant lymphoma that chest lesion was the opportunity of the diagnosis
安田俊介1, 眞田弘樹1, 久保田真吾1, 濱崎哲郎1, 東元一晃1, 柳正和2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article PP66. Clinical examination about the nonsmokers small-cell lung cancer
小島彩加, 高橋珠紀, 郷田康文, 嶋一樹, 八木由生, 伏屋芳紀, 西岡慶善, 庄司剛, 片倉浩理, 酒井直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article PP67. The Taylor maid lung cancer management that used Japanese and Chinese practice studies together
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article PP68. Usefulness of Diffusion-weighted Whole body Imaging with Background body signal (DWIBS) in the lung cancer
古河俊哉, 田熊翔, 大山吉幸, 池田正輝, 草ヶ谷英樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article PP69. Examination about the usefulness of the convalescence prediction by the primary lung cancer TNM classification seventh edition and the eighth edition comparison
酒井千緒, 増田美智子, 阿野哲士, 菊池教大, 石井幸雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article PP70. Examination of the PD-L1 expression in the seasonal polymorphism cancer 3 case which we experienced in our hospital
西江美幸, 原口水葉, 田中拓, 野口拓哉, 小野泰平, 倉林慎太郎, 高橋みなみ, 西野誠, 渡邉利奈子, 塩見哲也
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article PP71. The present conditions of the examination of PD-L1 expression of patients with lung cancer in our hospital
榊原智博, 畑岡知里, 鈴木歩, 阿部武士, 伊藤あゆみ, 谷津年保, 大塚竜也, 中村優, 田代祐介, 三浦元彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article PP72. Examination of the PD-L1 frequencies in patients with progress non-small cell lung cancer and the checkpoint inhibitor administration ratio as the initial treatment of immunity
宮脇英里子1, 釼持広知1, 小林玄機1, 中島和寿1, 大森翔太1, 和久田一茂1, 小野哲1, 内藤立暁1, 村上晴泰1, 高橋利明1, 中島孝2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article PP73. Examination in PD-L1 expression differences and examination for two kinds of PD-L1 in our hospital
川合祥子, 山本美暁, 佐藤祐, 竹内孝夫, 北園美弥子, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦, 高森幹雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article PP74. PD-L1 immunostaining in our hospital and examination about the effect of treatment of the antiPD-1 antibody medicine
玉野井大介, 入來豊久, 猿渡功一, 冨田雄介, 佐伯祥, 中村和芳, 岡本真一郎, 一安秀範, 藤井一彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article PP75. Significance of the PD-L1 antibody staining for the non-small cell lung cancer of our hospital
廣田周子, 倉石博, 小澤亮太, 山本学, 増渕雄, 小山茂
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article PP76. Examination about PD-L1 frequencies after the checkpoint inhibitor administration of immunity
川名祥子, 中村敦, 鶴見恭士, 鈴木香菜, 清水恒, 杉坂淳, 小野紘貴, 相羽智生, 百目木豊, 齊藤亮平, 寺山敬介, 川嶋庸介, 戸井之裕, 矢満田慎介, 木村雄一郎, 本田芳宏, 菅原俊一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article PP77. The effect of the antiPD-1 antibody on interstitial pneumonia merger non-small cell lung cancer and examination about the safety
鏡亮吾, 花岡健司, 勝田倫子, 三宅剛平, 水守康之, 塚本宏壮, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article PP78. Most of Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumor develop PD-L1: Examination in relatively new surgery materials
佐野由文, 坂上倫久, 重松久之, 岡崎幹生, 藻利優
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article PP79. About the association of PD-L1 expression and patients background factor, the rate of treatment success
光石彬史1, 加茂徹郎1, 荒井大輔1, 正木克宜1, 篠田裕美1, 高橋秀徳1, 千代谷厚1, 田島敦志2, 仲地一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article PP80. The present conditions of the PD-L1 / TPS evaluation according to the presentation sampling method in the non-small cell lung cancer
酒井徹也, 笹田真滋, 杉原快, 徐千恵子, 石岡宏太, 高橋左枝子, 中村守男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article PP81. Examination of the nivolumab administration case for the non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
幸田裕一, 横井崇, 三上浩司, 柴田英輔, 金村晋吾, 堀尾大介, 祢木芳樹, 藤本英利子, 赤野友美子, 中村智子, 多田陽郎, 南俊行, 栗林康造, 木島貴志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article PP82. Use experience of Nivolumab for progress, recurrent non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
高田健二1, 藤原慶一1, 尾関太一1, 大川祥1, 岩本佳隆1, 萱谷紘枝1, 南大輔1, 佐藤賢1, 米井敏郎1, 佐藤利雄1, 尾瀬功2, 柴山卓夫1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article PP83. Long-term follow-up data in the prospective pilot study of the nivolumab treatment for mild cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis merger non-small cell cancer
藤本大智1, 森本剛2, 細谷和貴1, 河内勇人1, 森令法1, 平林亮介1, 古郷摩利子1, 永田一真1, 中川淳1, 大塚浩二郎1, 富井啓介1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article PP84. Effect of treatment of the nivolumab to consider from PD-L1 staining results of the autopsy tissue
井上卓哉1, 渡邊直樹1, 溝口仁志1, 金地伸拓1, 坂東修二2, 石井知也1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article PP85. Examination of Nivolumab for the non-small cell lung cancer case with metastases to brain
杉山智英1, 笠井尚1, 中村洋一1, 神山由香理1, 若松郁磨2, 中原理恵2, 松隈治久2, 森清志3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article PP86. It is examined the chemotherapy effect after the exacerbation in the use of nivolumab case for the existing treatment progress non-small cell lung cancer
砂川泉子1, 鏑木教平1, 磯部和順1, 坂本晋1, 高井雄二郎1, 栃木直文2, 伊豫田明3, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article PP87. Examination of the effect of treatment of the chemotherapy after the Nivolumab administration
守口知, 千葉亮祐, 齋藤平佐, 長島広相, 森川直人, 前門戸任
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article PP88. Role of FDG-PET as the early treatment effect measurement of the nivolumab therapy in the existing treatment progress non-small cell lung cancer
解良恭一1, 樋口徹也2, 成清一郎3, 砂長則明4, 久田剛志4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article PP89. Examination of the use of nivolumab 32 case in our hospital
志津匡人, 市川元司, 今井直幸, 矢口大三, 小林大祐, 井上徳子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article PP90. One case that suffered from treatment of the pulmonary disorder thought about according to pseudoprogression with the Nivolumab administration
井部達也, 児玉裕章, 濱元陽一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article PP91. Examination of the non-small cell lung cancer case that administration was discontinued for a reason except the tumor flare in nivolumab treatment
木村英晴, 松岡寛樹, 木場隼人, 丹保裕一, 曽根崇, 笠原寿郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article PP92. Association between change and effect of treatment of the non-small cell lung cancer with the immune checkpoint inhibitor of the peripheral blood neutrophils lymphocytes ratio
杉原快, 徐千恵子, 酒井徹也, 石岡宏太, 高橋左枝子, 笹田真滋, 中村守男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article PP93. About clinical features of the ALK-positive lung cancer in our hospital
伊藤達哉, 狹川玲, 鎌倉栄作, 佐藤謙二郎, 高崎寛司, 大場岳彦, 磯貝進
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article PP94. Examination of the ALK gene-positive lung cancer in our hospital
山本学, 倉石博, 小澤亮太, 廣田周子, 増渕雄, 小山茂
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article PP95. We look at the rear of 18 cases that we introduced a that mouth nib into for ALK fused gene-positive lung cancer and examine a mark
益弘健太朗, 高田創, 那須信吾, 森田沙斗武, 田中彩子, 白山敬之, 森下直子, 鈴木秀和, 岡本紀雄, 平島智徳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article PP96. Clinical examination of the ALK gene translocation-positive lung cancer in our hospital
彌勒寺紀栄, 加藤泰裕, 渡邊景明, 四方田真紀子, 善家義貴, 大熊裕介, 細見幸生, 岡村樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article PP97. Examination of 12 patients with ROS1 fused gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
香川友祐1, 堀尾芳嗣1, 大矢由子1, 古田裕美1, 山口哲平1, 渡辺尚弘1, 上村剛大1, 清水淳市1, 樋田豊明1, 坂尾幸則2, 谷田部恭3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article PP98. We look at the rear of ALK lung cancer treatment in our hospital for ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer treatment sequence examination and analyze a mark
大場智広, 塚原雄太, 木田言, 積山慧美里, 栗岩早希, 西沢知剛, 川辺梨恵, 佐藤新太郎, 赤坂圭一, 天野雅子, 松島秀和
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article PP99. Examination of the Alectinib administration case in our hospital
野口進, 河内寛明, 吉田寛, 大井一成, 深尾あかり, 寺下聡, 池上達義, 堀川禎夫, 杉田孝和
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article PP100. monomer preference ... of elucidation - Afatinib of the synergy by the Afatinib cetuximab combination
小林慧悟1, 大芦彩野1, 安田浩之1, 谷哲夫2, 浜本純子1, 増澤啓太1, 眞鍋維志1, 川田一郎1, 猶木克彦1, 副島研造1, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article PP101. Convalescence analysis using Lung-molGPA for the lung cancer metastases to brain case with the mutation in the gene
海老規之, 村上行人, 後藤夕輝, 末安巧人, 西澤早織, 棟近幸, 吉峯晃平, 吉松由貴, 神幸希, 浅地美奈, 井手ひろみ, 鶴野広介, 宮嶋宏之, 飛野和則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article PP102. Semaphorin7A is involved in treatment-resistant new mechanism of EGFR-TKI
甲原雄平1, 長友泉1, 小山正平1, 木島貴志2, 木田博1, 熊ノ郷淳1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article PP103. Elucidation of the establishment and the resistance mechanism of the cancer cell strain using pleural effusion, the ascitic specimen after the molecular target medicine resistance
眞鍋維志, 胡谷俊樹, 竹原朋宏, 小林慧悟, 増澤啓太, 長谷川華子, 安田浩之, 川田一郎, 猶木克彦, 副島研造, 別役智子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article PP104. Examination about the association between pleural effusion amylase and EGFR mutation in the gene in patients with our hospital lung cancer
井本早穂子1, 里見良輔1, 越部麻友子1, 宗松男1, 細尾咲子1, 藤本和志1, 額賀重成1, 八木一馬1, 舩津洋平2, 小山田吉孝1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article PP105. Examination about the change of 4,000m above sea level SpO2 and dyspnea considerably during hypoxia exposure
中野隆之1, 安藤真由子2, 永井明日香3, 海老原明典3, 岩元徳全3, 岩崎正之1, 桑平一郎3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article PP106. Breathing muscular strength and peak flow rate of normal children
田上未来1, 松田雅弘1, 椿拓海2, 大杉紘徳1, 冨田和秀3, 大瀬寛高4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article PP107. Examination of the respiratory function using the spirometry neotype level by the LMS method
森和貴1, 柴田洋1, 芦澤洋喜1, 伊波奈穂1, 吉富淳1, 増田昌文1, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article PP108. Prediction of the spirometry level by the MOS tog back side
三好誠吾1, 中村行宏1, 加藤高英1, 山本将一朗1, 仙波真由子1, 濱田千鶴1, 濱口直彦1, 岡崎幹生2, 重松久之2, 佐野由文2, 松原稔3, 檜垣實男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article PP109. It is examination ... using the ... wide area cycle Osh military ration method about the relationship of body composition and the respiratory function of patients with obesity
新國悦弘, 三浦絵美里, 大河内眞也, 田畑雅央, 色川俊也, 小川浩正, 黒澤一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article PP110. Examination of the usefulness of the impulse Osh military ration method in the diffuse lung disease
麻生純平, 石井晴之, 布川寛樹, 渡邊崇靖, 小川ゆかり, 本多紘二郎, 田村仁樹, 渡辺雅人, 横山琢磨, 倉井大輔, 皿谷健, 滝澤始
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article PP111. Reexamination of the gas transport theory in one alveolar wall that the pulmonary diffusing capacity is an index of the effective pulmonary blood flow
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article PP112. The degree of leaning of the third phase of Volumetric Capnogram (SBT-CO2) by the breathing reflects pulmonary diffusing capacity once: Suggestion from a mathematics model
閔庚火華1, 和田晋一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article PP113. Development of the IoT- "breathing fluctuation index" monitoring system
中村浩士1, 中島章太2, 矢上弘之3, 田中幹也4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article PP114. Examination of the pulmonary sound of respiratory surgery postoperative complications
片岡大輔1, 鈴木隆1, 清川浩2, 門倉光隆1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article PP115. About the recovery of the respiratory function test one-year after excision of a lobe of lung after the operation in patients with lung cancer
横場正典1,2, 市川毅4, 原田真也2, 西成田詔子2, 三藤久2, 久保田勝2, 佐藤之俊3, 猶木克彦2, 片桐真人1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article PP116. A ratio, the characteristic of severe asthma in this country and control patients with poor severe asthma and the treatment actual situation: KEIFU study
長瀬洋之1, 足立満2,3, 松永和人4, 吉田敦5, 大古場知子5, 小島知之5, 林暢哉5, 江本夏伯5, 東田有智6
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article PP117. The actual situation of the elderly people asthma in our hospital
岩永賢司, 西川裕作, 吉川和也, 白波瀬賢, 佐伯翔, 山崎亮, 綿谷奈々瀬, 大森隆, 佐野安希子, 西山理, 山縣俊之, 佐野博幸, 東本有司, 久米裕昭, 原口龍太, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article PP118. Ozone short-term exposure effect on respiratory function of patients with adult asthma
渡部仁成1, 倉井淳1, 野間久史2, 岩田京子1, 清水英治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article PP119. Observational study of the bronchial asthma onset in inhabitants with a history of the Ishinomaki-shi temporary housing residence
押方智也子1, 渡辺麻衣子2, 石田雅嗣3, 小林誠一3, 鎌田洋一4, 栗山進一5, 矢内勝3, 釣木澤尚実1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article PP120. Asthmatic epidemiologic survey by results of receipt data and the specific health checkup
富田康裕1, 福冨友馬1, 入江真理2, 畦川和弘3, 下田照文4, 岡田千春5, 中村陽一6, 谷口正実1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article PP121. Asthmatic fact-finding by cell-phone application "asthma log"
原田紀宏1, 伊藤潤1, 原田園子1,2, 三道ユウキ1, 上田翔子1, 浅地美奈1, 中村愛1, 笹野仁史1, 田辺悠記1, 竹重智仁1, 松野圭1, 石森絢子1, 牧野文彦1, 熱田了1, 堀賢1,3, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article PP122. Change of prevalence and the tick allergen sensitization of the asthma for inhabitants with a history of the temporary housing residence in Ishinomaki-shi
釣木澤尚実1, 押方智也子1, 石田雅嗣2, 小林誠一2, 鎌田洋一3, 栗山進一4, 矢内勝2, 渡辺麻衣子5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article PP123. The actual situation of the severe asthma in the respiratory society authorized /-related institution in Kagoshima
東元一晃1,2, 町田健太朗1, 金澤裕信1, 岩川純1, 濱崎哲郎1, 末次隆行1, 是枝快泉1, 窪田幸司1, 佃屋剛1, 松山崇弘1, 田上あさ子1, 井上博雅1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article PP124. Examination of the clinical background of the asthmatic grand mal case of the average between gestation periods
関谷潔史, 渡井健太郎, 岩田真紀, 永山貴紗子, 中村祐人, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 劉楷, 富田康裕, 林浩昭, 上出庸介, 福冨友馬, 森晶夫, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article PP125. Trend of the adult asthma attack inpatient in our hospital for 10 years
近藤友喜, 加藤早紀, 松浦彰伸, 木村元宏, 高木康之, 杉野安輝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article PP126. Examination of the effect of the beta 2 stimulant drug on acidophile adhesion by the periostin and effector function instruction
野口哲1,2,3, 中込一之1,3, 小林威仁1,2,3, 杣知行1,3, 中元秀友2, 永田真1,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article PP127. IL-6 by IL-17F, effect of steroid and LABA on IL-8 production
中嶋真之1, 川口未央1, 太田恭子1, 藤田純一1, 松山政史1, 松倉聡2, 塩澤利博1, 中澤健介1, 増子裕典1, 際本拓未1, 松野洋輔1, 森島祐子1, 佐藤浩昭1, 坂本透1, 檜澤伸之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article PP128. Effect on cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs) production through the natural immunity reply in the human acidophile
奥隅真一1, 福永興壱1, 宮田純2, 持丸貴生1, 渡辺理沙1, 松坂雅子1, 田野崎貴絵1, 鎌谷高志1, 馬塲里英1, 桑江美聡1, 上田壮一郎1, 有田誠3, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article PP129. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) which gives it to the balance of the macrophage (M) type 1 / M2 type -2 effect
藤本源1, 藤原研太郎1, 岡野智仁1, 藤原拓海1, 浅山健太郎1, 高橋佳紀1, 都丸敦史1, 大西真裕1, 中原博紀1, 小林哲1, ガバザエステバン2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article PP130. Effect - Nagahama epidemiologic studies that smoking and IgE in the general population give to an eosinophil count
砂留広伸1, 松本久子1, 出原裕美1, 長崎忠雄1, 金光禎寛1,2, 石山祐美1, 森本千絵1, 小熊毅1, 伊藤功朗1, 田原康玄3, 室繁郎1, 陳和夫1, 平井豊博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article PP131. The cedar pollen induces an eosinophilic effector function directly
小林威仁1, 宮内幸子1,3, 内藤恵里佳1,3, 家村秀俊1,3, 野口哲1,2, 内田義孝1,3, 中込一之1,3, 杣知行1,3, 中元秀友2, 永田真1,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article PP132. It is examined the effect of the functionality beta 2 stimulant drug the steroid medicine for the respiratory epithelia barrier disorder with the incense stick smoke extract for a long time
龍田実代子, 石井由美子, 神尾敬子, 松元幸一郎, 山本宜男, 藤田明孝, 榎津愛実, 田村健太郎, 福山聡, 中西洋一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article PP133. The effect that the smoking that we examined from factors derived from respiratory epithelia gives to the asthmatic patients
河越淳一郎1, 瀬戸口靖弘1, 杉山伸也1, 冨樫佑基1, 笠木聡1,2, 中山秀章1, 鳥山和俊1, 石割茉由子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article PP134. Significance of the 1-methyl adenosine densitometry in patients with asthma and COPD
平井啓太1, 白井敏博2, 岸山和樹1, 山部喬之1, 秋山紗記子1, 下敷領貴之1, 伊藤邦彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article PP135. Respiratory tract analysis at at the attack of patients with bronchial asthma and recovery
吉田悠貴, 高久洋太郎, 小島彩子, 山田真紗美, 西田隆, 河手絵理子, 中元康雄, 太田池恵, 小田島丘人, 石黒卓, 鍵山奈保, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇, 倉島一喜
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article PP136. Association between sarcopenia and desaturation at chewing in patients with COPD
寺嶋毅1, 中島隆裕1, 篠崎太郎1, 岩見枝里1, 池村辰之介1, 松崎達1, 中村ゆり子2, 萩原僚一2, 澁井武夫2, 野村武史2, 別役智子3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article PP137. Phenotype classification using the CT of patients with our hospital COPD
三好崇夫1,2, 玉岡明洋1, 古澤春彦1, 藤江俊秀1, 根井雄一郎3, 大山咲希2, 古家若葉2, 小池史華2, 赤座美穂2, 笹野哲郎2, 宮崎泰成1, 稲瀬直彦1, 角勇樹2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article PP138. Prediction of the chronic respiratory failure extension in patients with COPD with Mild hypoxemia
上桝潔, 佐藤晋, 長谷川浩一, 谷村和哉, 濱川瑶子, 田辺直也, 佐藤篤靖, 室繁郎, 平井豊博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article PP139. Fact-finding study of the COPD exacerbation patients practice judging from receipt data
茂木孝, 楠裕司, 服部久弥子, 木田厚瑞
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article PP140. Examination of the allergenic sensitization situation in patients with COPD
津村真介, 村本啓, 藤井慎嗣, 柏原光介, 千場博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article PP141. Examination of patients with COPD with the night hypoxemia
田代祐介1, 小川浩正2, 畑岡知里1, 鈴木歩1, 阿部武士1, 伊藤あゆみ1, 谷津年保1, 大塚竜也1, 中村優1, 榊原智博1, 三浦元彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article PP142. Examination about the association between airflow obstruction and serum vitamin D
尾上あゆみ1, 大森久光1, 東憲孝2, 三原修一3, 林俊成4, 津田徹5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article PP143. Association between nourishment evaluation and osteoporosis of patients with COPD using MNA-SF
長敬翁, 山本佳史, 藤田幸男, 坂口和宏, 茨木敬博, 藤岡伸啓, 熊本牧子, 本津茂人, 山内基雄, 友田恒一, 吉川雅則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article PP144. Examination of the risk factor of the acute exacerbation in patients with COPD
中本啓太郎, 佐々木結花, 宮岡智花, 松田周一, 大澤武司, 下田真史, 大藤貴, 山名一平, 上山雅子, 森本耕三, 矢野量三, 宮本牧, 國東博之, 田中良明, 奥村昌夫, 内山隆司, 吉田直之, 吉森浩三, 吉山崇, 早乙女幹朗, 倉島篤行, 尾形英雄, 工藤翔二, 後藤元
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article PP145. Examination about the rehospitalization of the COPD acute exacerbation in our hospital
根井雄一郎, 百瀬匡, 長野宏昭, 山城信, 喜舎場朝雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article PP146. Characteristic of the breathing rehabilitation effect of patients with COPD
原田尚子1, 高橋太郎1, 荻野直2, 川島拓馬2, 鈴木慎一郎1, 大塚健悟1, 宮尾直樹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article PP147. Attempt of the COPD management in the general medical doctors using the online questionnaire system
三上優1, 土屋淳郎2, 福田佳那子3, 矢込進3, 永井真理子3, 武藤真祐1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article PP148. The examination about the association between condition of a patient and sarcopenia of patients with COPD of our hospital and sarcopenia prophylaxis
田口雅彦, 石原祥子, 前原正規
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article PP149. Rearward examination at the examination for image interval in patients with COPD that had a diagnosis of lung cancer for stage 4
小林このみ1, 渡邉彩香1, 小泉佑太1, 路昭暉1, 竹下裕理1, 東名史憲1, 豊田光1, 酒瀬川裕一1, 江崎崇1, 田中祐輔1, 倉持美知雄1, 新井秀宜1, 関順彦2, 山口正雄1, 大田健3, 長瀬洋之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article PP150. Examination of the presence or absence of pneumonia merger in the COPD acute exacerbation needing hospitalization and the clinical significance of the pneumonia merger
安井秀樹1,2, 右藤智啓2, 鈴木勇三1,2, 佐藤潤2, 乾直輝1, 妹川史朗2, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article PP151. Effect in the perioperative period of obstruction lung disease (OLD)
齋藤合, 小柳悠, 宮下晃一, 堤あかり, 小林健, 河野雅人, 三木良浩, 橋本大, 中村秀範
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article PP152. Is going to perform operations with the COPD; the examination about complications respiratory after preoperative evaluation and the operation of the patients
梅津和恵, 前野敏孝, 柏木千春, 竹村仁男, 山口彩, 山口公一, 増渕裕朗, 北原信介, 原健一郎, 久田剛志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article PP153. Clinical examination about the bronchiectasis due to the non-cystic fibrosis
稲木俊介1, 合地美奈1, 馬場優里1, 上井康寛1, 高橋直子1, 高木正道1, 桑野和善2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article PP154. 2 cases of the Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy which developed in patients with COPD
常見安史, 高野智子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article PP155. One case of Fabry disease which presented a severe obstructive ventilatory defect
若林宏樹1, 松澤康雄1, 岩崎広太郎1, 山口貴宣1, 塩屋萌映1, 早川翔1, 入江珠子1, 吉田正1, 力武はぎの1, 岡田倫明1, 熊野浩太郎1, 蛭田啓之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article PP156. 31 years old woman case of the Swyer-James syndrome where it was thought that Multimodal imaging was useful for a diagnosis and pathophysiological understanding
濱田和希1, 大石景士2, 上原翔1, 末竹諒1, 山路義和1, 浅見麻紀1, 枝國信貴1, 平野綱彦1, 椎木健裕3, 澁谷景子3, 松永和人1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article PP157. Examination of the long term prognosis of the pulmonary nontuberculous Mycobacterium (NTM) which we performed pneumonectomy in symptom
朝倉崇徳1, 早川信崇2, 長谷川直樹3, 南宮湖1, 竹内健2, 鈴木翔二1, 石井誠1, 別役智子1, 阿部能明4, 大内基史2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article PP158. Treatment fact-finding of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease using the National database
森本耕三1, 泉清彦2, 内村和広2, 阿戸学3, 御手洗聡2, 長谷川直樹4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article PP159. Examination for the change over time of the antiMAC antibody in the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease of our hospital
西井洋一1, 古橋一樹1, 中村祐基1, 鈴木勇太1, 齋木晴子1, 坂口直1, 伊藤健太郎1, 渡邉文亮1, 畑地治1, 小林哲2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article PP160. Does CAM, the EB two people treatment for the pulmonary MAC symptom induce CAM tolerance?
伊藤靖弘, 岩泉江里子, 大場久乃, 藤田薫, 三輪清一, 金井美穂, 白井正浩, 早川啓史
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article PP161. About the antimicrobial activity for MAC bacteria of antibacterial peptide LL-37
山羽悠介1, 伊藤穣1, 鈴木克洋2, 菊地利明3, 小川賢二4, 長谷川直樹5, 藤内智5, 倉島篤行7, 渡辺彰8, 打矢恵一9, 新実彰男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article PP162. Are the hospital infection measures of the nontuberculous Mycobacterium necessary?
丸毛聡1, 高詰江美2, 中塚由香利2, 宇野将一2, 高橋有2, 福井基成1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article PP163. QuantiFERON (QFT) can become the screening tool of antiIFN - γ autoantibody
吉澤和孝, 坂上拓郎, 青木亜美, 青木信将, 茂呂寛, 小屋俊之, 菊地利明
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article PP164. Purulent spondylitis due to the nontuberculous Mycobacterium without the pulmonary disease
中川雅登1, 平山陽子1, 上林憲司1, 高木順平1, 野口哲男1, 藤本遼2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article PP165. Efforts to person of early detection, exposure to pulmonary tuberculosis decrease by the pressure to a physician
岩越一, 岸裕人, 野村真欣, 福田浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article PP166. Examination of the death predictor of patients with tuberculosis treated with our hospital
蜂巣克昌, 古賀康彦, 鶴巻寛朗, 矢冨正清, 前野敏孝, 久田剛志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article PP167. We look at the rear of the adult pneumococcal pneumonia case in our hospital and examine a mark
田代貴大1, 福嶋一晃1, 高橋比呂志1, 稲葉恵1, 岸裕人1, 牛島淳2, 平田奈穂美1, 吉永健1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article PP168. Examination of invasive pneumococcal infection (IPD)
眞鍋亮, 本間哲也, 河原朋子, 三國肇子, 佐藤春奈, 木村友之, 桑原直太, 神野恵美, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 山口宗大, 大田進, 井上英樹, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article PP169. The characteristic of patients with pneumococcemia: About the convalescence of the patients who do not meet a standard with sepsis
倉井大輔, 田村仁樹, 皿谷健, 渡辺雅人, 石井晴之, 滝澤始
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article PP170. Analysis of clinical picture and the capsule serotype of the mucoid type pneumococcal pneumonia
土屋一夫1, 古橋一樹1,2, 名倉理教2, 櫻井章吾1, 安井秀樹1, 穗積宏尚1, 柄山正人1, 鈴木勇三1, 榎本紀之1, 藤澤朋幸1, 中村祐太郎1, 乾直輝1, 前川真人2, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article PP171. Examination of 14 respiratory infections related tos Streptococcus anginosus group
喜友名朋, 宮城一也, 兼久梢, 橋岡寛恵, 新垣若子, 鍋谷大二郎, 金城武士, 原永修作, 健山正男, 藤田次郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article PP172. The detection situation of the ESBLs-producing bacteria of gram-negative bacilli detected in respiratory illness in our hospital
柴田尚宏, 野坂博行
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article PP173. Examination about the clinical significance of the expectoration neutrophils englobement image in pneumonia
堀江秀行1, 伊藤功朗1,2, 小西聡史1,2, 山本佑樹1,2, 平井豊博2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 188-188, 2018.

Japanese Article PP174. An example of the chronic pneumonia by Pasteurella multocida
塚越優介1, 蜂巣克昌1, 青木周平1, 原田航1, 笠原礼光1, 三浦陽介1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 矢冨正清1, 櫻井麗子1, 小野昭浩1, 古賀康彦1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明3, 前野敏孝1, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 188-188, 2018.

Japanese Article PP175. Clinical examination of the Pasteurella pneumonia case in our hospital
伊元孝光, 野原冠吾, 久田友哉, 松野和彦, 知花なおみ, 喜屋武幸男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 188-188, 2018.

Japanese Article PP176. Examination of the Pasteurella respiratory organs infection experienced in our hospital
柳生恭子1, 小林正典1, 宮本篤志1, 岡隆子1, 清家則孝1, 松下晴彦1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 188-188, 2018.

Japanese Article PP177. Examination of the usefulness of the pleurography lower treatment for intractable pneumothorax
西澤早織, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 後藤夕輝, 村上行人, 末安巧人, 棟近幸, 吉峯晃平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article PP178. Experience of 11 spontaneous hemopneumothorax that we operated for in our hospital
小林零, 北原佳奈, 永山加奈, 高橋保博, 川野亮二
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article PP179. Clinical examination of the pleural effusion retention case in direct hospital admission of emergency elderly patients
松本錦之介, 柳瀬隆文, 九野貴華, 白井雄也, 光井雄一, 鈴木真優美, 内田純二, 上野清伸, 谷尾吉郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article PP180. Pleurodesis by the thoracoscopic dispersion method of uni-talc for the malignant pleural effusion (the poudrage method)
吉田健也, 松澤令子, 長谷川万里子, 岩本公一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article PP181. Usefulness of the intrapleural pressure measurement in the course prediction after the deaeration treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax
後藤夕輝, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 村上行人, 末安巧人, 西澤早織, 棟近幸, 吉峯晃平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article PP182. Treatment strategy for intractable pneumothorax that it is hard to operate for in the municipal Sapporo Hospital pneumothorax center
楠堂晋一, 田中明彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article PP183. Seven cases of the idiopathic mediastinal emphysema in our hospital
清家則孝1, 小林正典1, 宮本篤志1, 柳生恭子1, 松下晴彦1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 190-190, 2018.

Japanese Article PP184. Use experience of the blood clotting XIII factor preparation in the intractable pulmonary fistula
古川皓一1, 引石惇仁1, 覺野重毅1, 杉中美穂1, 小川晃一1, 古瀬秀明1, 高田宗武1, 吉田也恵1, 西島正剛1, 大谷賢一郎1, 紙森隆雄1, 藤原寛1, 加地政秀2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 190-190, 2018.

Japanese Article PP185. Clinical examination of the bronchial arteries embolization enforcement case for the hemoptysis case in our hospital
佐久間典子1, 戸島洋一1, 酒井俊彦1, 河野正和1, 小谷野友里1, 長瀬雅則2, 三間康之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 190-190, 2018.

Japanese Article PP186. Clinical examination about the convalescence of patients with sputum bloody, hemoptysis in the acute phase General Hospital
関健一1, 木村悠哉1, 中村和憲2, 野間聖1, 杉本栄康1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 190-190, 2018.

Japanese Article PP187. Examination - of 24 complications - vascular injuries in the operation in the percutaneous bronchial arteries embolization
山本章太, 益田公彦, 武田啓太, 川島正裕, 成本治, 鈴木純子, 大島信治, 山根章, 田村厚久, 永井英明, 松井弘稔, 大田健
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 190-190, 2018.

Japanese Article PP188. Examination of OSAS using simple SAS monitor and the specific medical examination
上山雅子1, 國東博之2, 及川眞一3, 鈴木文男1, 後藤元2, 工藤翔二4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 191-191, 2018.

Japanese Article PP189. Clinical examination of the percutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure measurement usefulness
會田啓介1, 上遠野賢之介2, 河野めぐみ3, 多田智3, 白神梨沙1, 田中健1, 萩谷政明1, 本間敏明1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 191-191, 2018.

Japanese Article PP190. Examination about the merger of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and the restless legs syndrome
中積泰人, 古荘志保, 野村智, 安井正英
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 191-191, 2018.

Japanese Article PP191. Examination of the sleep apnoea syndrome merger in patients with bronchial asthma
三尾友彦1, 宮下起幸1,2, 三浦雄1, 赤上巴1, 内田義孝1, 中込一之1, 杣知行1, 仲村秀俊1, 永田真1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 191-191, 2018.

Japanese Article PP192. Clinical features of patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis with the sleep respiratory disorder
笠木聡1,2, 鳥山和俊1, 河越淳一郎1, 杉山伸也1, 山越志保1, 冨樫佑基1, 中山秀章1, 瀬戸口靖弘1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 191-191, 2018.

Japanese Article PP193. Examination of the depressed mental state in the OSA patients during CPAP treatment
横江琢也, 渡部良雄, 張秀一, 清水翔平, 藤嶋彬, 刑部優希, 土屋裕, 岡田壮令, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 191-191, 2018.

Japanese Article PP194. Convalescence investigation of patients with sleep apnoea syndrome in our hospital
中村暁子, 片山伸幸
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 192-192, 2018.

Japanese Article PP195. 1 case that was able to evaluate a CPAP, a sleeping drug, the effect of the intraoral device for idiopathic central sleep apnoea in PSG
柳原万里子1,2,3, 對木悟1,2,3, 中山秀章1,4, 小林美奈1,2, 杉山藍1,2, 井上雄一1,2,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 192-192, 2018.

Japanese Article PP196. About the effect of the intraoral device (OA) in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)
天田敦子1, 長南達也1, 野寺博志1, 小川浩正2, 櫻井啓文3, 中嶋真之3, 田口真人3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 192-192, 2018.

Japanese Article PP197. Analysis of identification of the type III interferon (IFN - λ) expression depressant action in the respiratory epithelia by IL -17A and the mechanism
丹羽充1, 藤澤朋幸1, 森和貴1, 山中勝正1, 安井秀樹1, 鈴木勇三1, 柄山正人1, 穂積宏尚1, 古橋一樹1, 榎本紀之1, 中村祐太郎1, 乾直輝2, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 193-193, 2018.

Japanese Article PP198. Examination about mechanism of the epithelium mesenchyma conversion in alveolar cells and the effect of the antifibrosis medicine
松倉聡1, 堀内一哉1, 高宮新之介1, 酒井翔吾1, 黒田佑介1, 佐野文俊1, 大橋慎一1, 諸星晴菜1, 藤崎恭子1, 萩原洋輔1, 田中洋子1, 鈴木浩介1, 石井源1, 植松秀護1, 北見明彦1, 鹿間裕介2, 相良博典3, 笠原慶太1, 門倉光隆1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 193-193, 2018.

Japanese Article PP199. The sST2 / IL-33 balance controls neutrophilic chemokines production in the bronchial epithelium
渡辺雅人, 中本啓太郎, 佐田充, 乾俊哉, 布川寛樹, 麻生純平, 田村仁樹, 小田未来, 小川ゆかり, 本多紘二郎, 横山琢磨, 皿谷健, 倉井大輔, 石井晴之, 滝澤始
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 193-193, 2018.

Japanese Article PP200. Examination of the factor correlating with respiratory epithelia cytokine in the asthma
知花和行, 渡邉泰治, 塩原太一, 堀金有紀子, 内田信彦, 丁倫奈, 正和明哲, 中村祐介, 小池亮祐, 新井良, 清水泰生, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 193-193, 2018.

Japanese Article PP201. Examination of the role of nitric oxide in the ciliary movement
加藤香織1, 城戸貴志1, 生越貴明1, 川波由紀子1, 野口真吾1, 川波敏則1, 迎寛2, 矢寺和博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 193-193, 2018.

Japanese Article PP202. Examination about the Sarco / Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase (SERCA) effect sthenia by the TLR7 stimulation
蒲生俊一1, 玉田勉1, 村上康司1, 有竹秀美1, 村松聡士1, 奈良正之2, 杉浦久敏1, 一ノ瀬正和1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 193-193, 2018.

Japanese Article PP203. Respiratory tract glandular hair motion activation mechanism through the chloride concentration in pH in cells with ambroxol and cells
細木誠之, 中張隆司, 丸中良典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 194-194, 2018.

Japanese Article PP204. Role of mucinous supersecretion and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the Th2 type allergic property respiratory tract inflammation
赤羽朋博, 武山廉, 多賀谷悦子, 近藤光子, 玉置淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 194-194, 2018.

Japanese Article PP205. Ciliary movement change at the anticancer agent load in mouse bronchiole ciliary cells
田宮暢代1, 細木誠之2, 中張隆司2, 丸中良典2, 高山浩一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 194-194, 2018.

Japanese Article PP206. Clinical examination of the antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia in our hospital
藤井真央1, 矢谷敦彦1, 岩田帆波1, 堀朱矢1, 竹中かおり1, 植田史朗1, 西馬照明1, 山根隆志2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 195-195, 2018.

Japanese Article PP207. Examination of 16 antiaminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (ARS) antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia
笠原千夏, 伊藤浩, 大槻遼, 錦見弘子, 春田由貴, 久賀孝郎, 和田裕紀子, 松下明弘, 町田和彦, 松尾正樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 195-195, 2018.

Japanese Article PP208. Examination of 12 antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia which we experienced in our hospital
町井春花, 稲垣雅康, 酒井麻里, 谷本光希, 横山佑衣子, 木村令, 佐野未来, 西山裕乃, 篠塚怜衣, 山田衣里子, 高納崇, 青山大輔, 横山俊彦, 野村史郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 195-195, 2018.

Japanese Article PP209. Clinical examination of the antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia
四宮俊, 臼井裕, 相馬真智香, 加賀亜希子, 中込一之, 仲村秀俊, 永田真
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 195-195, 2018.

Japanese Article PP210. Clinical examination of the antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia
山田朋子, 加藤元康, 河野加奈, 中村貴裕, 宮下洋佑, 松本直久, 金森幸一郎, 田島学, 井原宏彰, 田島健, 小山良, 長岡鉄太郎, 高橋史行, 瀬山邦明, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 195-195, 2018.

Japanese Article PP211. Clinical examination of the antiARS antibody-positive case in our hospital
柿崎有美子, 内田賢典, 飯島裕基, 小林洋一, 筒井俊晴, 宮下義啓
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 195-195, 2018.

Japanese Article PP212. Clinical examination of the long-term course of the antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia
山川英晃1, 相子直人1, 北村英也1, 片野拓馬1, 真玉豪士1, 磯本晃佑1, 大利亮太1, 田畑恵里奈1, 新谷亮多1, 佐渡山伸子1, 池田慧1, 丹羽崇1, 仲川宏昭1, 織田恒幸1, 奥田良1, 関根朗雅1, 馬場智尚1, 小松茂1, 萩原恵里1, 岩澤多恵2, 奥寺康司3, 武村民子4, 小倉高志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article PP213. Examination of clinical features in idiopathy and the ARS antibody-positive nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
塩谷咲千子, 益田武, 山口覚博, 坂本信二郎, 堀益靖, 宮本真太郎, 中島拓, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 濱田泰伸, 服部登
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article PP214. Chest image evidence of antiaminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antibody (antiARS antibody)-positive interstitial pneumonia
大林昌平1, 端山直樹1, 滝原崇久1, 新美京子1, 小熊剛1, 青木琢也1, 佐藤慎二2, 浅野浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article PP215. Clinical examination of the antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia of nonsmokers in our hospital
湯浅瑞希, 西耕一, 磯野泰輔, 谷まゆ子, 黒川浩司, 西辻雅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article PP216. Clinical examination of the antiKS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia in our center
相子直人, 山川英晃, 北村英也, 片野拓馬, 真玉豪士, 磯本晃佑, 大利亮太, 田畑恵里奈, 新谷亮多, 佐渡山伸子, 池田慧, 丹羽崇, 仲川宏昭, 織田恒幸, 奥田良, 関根朗雅, 馬場智尚, 小松茂, 萩原恵里, 小倉高志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article PP217. Analysis of the BAFF (B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family) value out of serum in antiARS antibody syndrome and chronic fibrous interstitial pneumonia (CFIP) and BALF
大重雅寛, 寒川卓哉, 松山洋美, 三山英夫, 籾博晃, 内田章文, 上川路和人, 隈元朋洋, 渡辺正樹, 水野圭子, 井上博雅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article PP218. Clinical examination of the diffuse lung disease given BAL in our hospital
椿原基史1, 後藤秀人1, 増本菜美1, 池田秀平1, 金子猛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article PP219. Examination about the significance of Alb, KL-6, SP-D, SP-A out of the serum in the convalescence prediction of the chronic fibrous interstitial pneumonia and the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
若松謙太郎1, 永田忍彦2, 熊副洋幸1, 川床健司1, 合瀬瑞子1, 岡村晃資1, 野田直孝1, 長岡愛子1, 原真紀子1, 赤崎卓1, 槇早苗1, 伊勢信治1, 出水みいる1, 川崎雅之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article PP220. Examination of a total cell count, lymphocyte counts, B-cell number, BAFF (B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family) and serum BAFF level in BALF in the diffuse lung disease
松山洋美, 寒川卓哉, 大重雅寛, 三山英夫, 籾博晃, 内田章文, 坂上公太, 窪田幸司, 渡辺正樹, 町田健太朗, 水野圭子, 井上博雅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article PP221. Bronchoscopic clinical examination for the diffuse lung disease in our hospital
水品佳子, 太田洋充, 工藤史明, 椎原淳, 三輪千尋, 大柳文義, 小山信一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article PP222. Examination about diagnostic usefulness of cryobiopsy for the diffuse lung disease and the safety
中野貴之, 今林達哉, 片山勇輝, 平井聡一, 西岡直哉, 大倉直子, 田宮暢代, 金子美子, 山田忠明, 内野順治, 高山浩一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article PP223. Examination of the surgical lung biopsy for the diffuse lung disease
古泉貴久, 広野達彦, 渡辺健寛
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article PP224. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, diagnosis fact-finding by the true clinical practice of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
井上義一, 今井洋子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article PP225. Comparison of the diagnostic criteria of the interstitial pneumonia having scenery of collagenosis in the chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia
吉村克洋1, 榎本泰典1, 西本幸司1, 河野雅人1, 鈴木勇三1, 榎本紀之1, 藤澤朋幸1, 中村祐太郎1, 乾直輝1, 澄川裕充2, 上甲剛3, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article PP226. Examination about the usefulness of serum heme oxygenase -1 (HO-1) as the convalescence prediction marker in the interstitial pneumonia (IP)
品田佳那子1, 原悠1, 長井賢次郎1, 室橋光太1, 池田美彩子1, 佐々木寿2, 湯本健太郎1, 中島健太郎1, 牛尾良太1, 木村泰浩1, 柴田祐司1, 田代研1, 渡邉恵介1, 篠田雅宏1, 佐藤隆1, 川名明彦2, 新海正晴1, 金子猛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article PP227. Analysis of the periphery blood phosphorus lipid concentrations in patients with interstitial pneumonia
清水泰生1, 中村祐介1, 新井良1, 塩原太一1, 森田弘子1, 小池亮祐1, 丁倫奈1, 正和明哲1, 九島祥友2, 角田卓也3, 渡邉泰治1, 三好祐顕1, 知花和行1, 武政聡浩1, 石井芳樹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article PP228. Examination of the usefulness of the forced Osh military ration method in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (FOT)
森勇樹, 山田玄, 錦織博貴, 千葉弘文, 高橋弘毅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article PP229. COPD, empyema merger pulmonary fibrosis, examination of the usefulness of the objective evaluation using the CT image automatic measurement software of the interstitial pneumonia
福島喜代康1, 金子祐子1, 江原尚美1, 中野玲司1, 松竹豊司1, 久保亨1, 吉田伸太郎1, 坂本憲穂2, 尾長谷靖2, 迎寛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article PP230. National survey report of autoimmune alveolar proteinosis (APAP) of the infection merger
新井徹1, 杉本親寿1, 中田光2, 山口悦郎3, 瀬戸口靖弘4, 一和多俊男4, 海老名雅仁5, 長和俊6, 田澤立之2, 石井晴之7, 内田寛治8, 木田博9, 森本浩之輔10, 松室昭子1, 広瀬雅樹1, 審良正則1, 笠井孝彦1, 北市正則11, 井上義一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article PP231. Examination of the clinical background of the alveolar proteinosis in our hospital
三好啓治1, 後藤功1, 松永仁綜1, 鶴岡健二郎1, 中村敬彦1, 吉田修平1, 田村洋輔1, 今西将史1, 池田宗一郎1, 藤阪保仁1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article PP232. Examination of four alveolar proteinosis in our hospital
佐藤譲之, 早稲田優子, 杉山光寿, 中嶋康貴, 三ツ井美穂, 島田昭和, 山口牧子, 本定千知, 門脇麻衣子, 重見博子, 梅田幸寛, 森川美羽, 安斎正樹, 石塚全
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article PP233. Examination of the clinical significance of the hyaluronic acid out of the BAL liquid in the alveolar proteinosis
東川隆一, 二階堂雄文, 佐藤佑樹, 齋藤香恵, 福原奈緒子, 王新涛, 福原敦朗, 佐藤俊, 金沢賢也, 谷野功典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article PP234. Clinical significance of the GM-CSF neutralizing capacity of serum autoantibody of the autoimmune alveolar proteinosis (APAP) patients
小坂顕司, 山口悦郎, 米澤利幸, 柴田寛史, 松原彩子, 加藤俊夫, 田中博之, 横江徳仁, 伊藤理, 久保昭仁
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article PP235. Cytomorphologic evaluation of the alveolus macrophage in the alveolar proteinosis
石田学1, 石井晴之1, 田澤立之2, 小田未来1, 麻生純平1, 福田のぞみ1, 半田知宏3, 大河内眞也4, 富井啓介5, 井上義一6, 中田光2, 滝澤始1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article PP236. B-cell activator in the autoimmune alveolar proteinosis
広瀬雅樹, 松室昭子, 新井徹, 杉本親寿, 審良正則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article PP237. We use positive negative pressure-type outside the body respirator together and are examined total lung alveolar proteinosis four that we washed
木村俊貴, 城臺孝之, 吉田知栄子, 岡本真一郎, 中村和芳, 一安秀範, 藤井一彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article PP238. The elucidation of clinical features in the secondary alveolar proteinosis: National case investigation (the second report)
石井晴之1, 中田光2, 半田知宏3, 大河内眞也4, 石田学1, 小田未来1, 小出卓5, 田澤立之2, 富井啓介6, 井上義一7
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article PP239. Two cases of the secondary alveolar proteinosis that occurred during interstitial pneumonia treatment
天野雅子1, 塚原雄太1, 木田言1, 江本かおり1, 積山慧美里1, 栗岩早希1, 西沢知剛1, 大場智広1, 佐藤新太郎1, 赤坂圭一1, 松島秀和1, 武村民子2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article PP240. Alveolar proteinosis is intractable; a factor: Interstitial lung disease, national survey about the collagenosis associated diseases merger
井上義一1, 新井徹1, 杉本親寿1, 中田光2, 山口悦郎3, 瀬戸口靖弘4, 一和多俊男4, 海老名雅仁5, 長和俊6, 田澤立之2, 石井晴之7, 内田寛治8, 木田博9, 森本浩之輔1,10, 松室昭子1, 広瀬雅樹1, 審良正則1, 笠井孝彦1, 北市正則11
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article PP241. Investigation of the involvement of M2 macrophages in Monocrotaline-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling and the effect of autologous bone marrow-derived cells in lung transplantation
山里代利子1, 山里正演2, 石田明夫2, 大屋祐輔2, 藤田次郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article PP242. Establishment of the third group pulmonary hypertension rat model by the SU5416 / hypoxia exposure
和田洋典, 北口良晃, 安尾将法, 小林信光, 立石一成, 漆畑一寿, 牛木淳人, 山本洋, 花岡正幸
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article PP243. Effect of the highly-concentrated oxygen exposure on neonate and intrapulmonary glycolysis system metabolites of the adult beast mouse
難波文彦, 田中広輔, 小澤純一, 渡邉貴明, 松岡菊美, 新井幸男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article PP244. Examination of the serum Angiopoietin-1, -2 concentrations in patients with pulmonary hypertension
鈴木清一郎1, 榎本紀之1, 安井秀樹1, 穗積宏尚1, 柄山正人1, 鈴木勇三1, 古橋一樹1, 藤澤朋幸1, 中村祐太郎1, 乾直輝1,2, 渡邉裕司2, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article PP245. The clinical examination in the chronic thrombo embolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) patients with the mental disorder and prognostic examination
田島寛之1, 笠井大1, 三輪秀樹1, 内藤亮1, 重城喬行1, 杉浦寿彦1, 坂尾誠一郎1, 田邉信宏1,2, 巽浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article PP246. Evaluation of three pulmonary hypertension in our hospital
島理佳子, 佐々木朝矢, 白石素公, 青山崇, 串間尚子, 石井寛, 福田佑介, 三浦伸一郎, 藤田昌樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article PP247. Three cases of the relatively rare pulmonary hypertension
林原賢治1, 薮内悠貴2, 後藤瞳2, 野中水2, 笹谷悠惟果2, 秋山達也2, 田地広明2, 石川宏明2, 荒井直樹2, 兵頭健太郎2, 根本健司2, 三浦由記子2, 高久多希朗2, 大石修司2, 斎藤武文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 202-202, 2018.

Japanese Article PP248. Examination of the pulmonary hypertension in CPFE in our hospital
森川昇1, 中西陽祐1, 味水瞳1, 坂口才1, 土谷美知子1, 長坂行雄2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 202-202, 2018.

Japanese Article PP249. Clinical features of patients with lung cancer who had thromboembolism or the disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome
金地伸拓1, 溝口仁志1, 井上卓哉1, 渡邊直樹1, 坂東修二2, 石井知也1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 202-202, 2018.

Japanese Article PP250. One case of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer which led to a definitive diagnosis in autopsy
中村慧一, 鈴木北斗, 堂下和志, 黒田光, 高橋政明, 山崎泰宏, 藤田結花, 辻忠克, 藤兼俊明
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article PP251. About the effectiveness of dissection in the EGFR mutation detection in Cobas
古郷摩利子1, 藤本大智1, 細谷和貴1, 河内勇人1, 平林亮介1, 森令法1, 伊藤宗洋1, 永田一真1, 中川淳1, 大塚浩二郎1, 籏智幸政1, 今井幸弘2, 富井啓介1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article PP252. Results of the T790M mutation search after the EGFR-TKI treatment in patients with EGFR-positive lung cancer
鈴木貴人, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article PP253. Examination of the factor becoming the PD-L1 overexpression every specimen in NSCLC
小林史, 横山琢磨, 石川周成, 佐久間翔, 平田彩, 小川ゆかり, 倉井大輔, 皿谷健, 石井晴之, 滝澤始
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article PP254. Examination of liquid biopsy of the EGFR mutation in the gene in our hospital
西田浩平, 中坪彩恵子, 澤信彦, 石島見佳子, 上浪健, 金津正樹, 赤澤結貴, 矢野幸洋, 森雅秀, 山口俊彦, 横田総一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article PP255. Examination about the re-biopsy of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
手塚敏史, 稲山真美, 阿部あかね, 吉田成二, 葉久貴司
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article PP256. Three cases that were regarded as radiation-induced lung cancer after the chemoradiotherapy (CRT)
中辻優子, 岩井亜美, 佐藤一郎, 桑原学, 篠木聖徳, 谷恵利子, 江口陽介, 南謙一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article PP257. How should you use liquid biopsy and the re-biopsy properly?
小宮一利, 中島千穂, 平川治樹, 小楠真典, 安部友範, 中村朝美, 田中将英, 高橋浩一郎, 木村晋也, 荒金尚子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article PP258. Examination of the re-biopsy for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer in our hospital
山田直生, 植松慎矢, 大木元達也, 山谷昂史, 石川遼一, 中井恵里佳, 西健太, 多木誠人, 中川和彦, 森田恭平, 黄文禧, 吉村千恵, 若山俊明, 西坂泰夫
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article PP259. Examination of the effectiveness of the Osimertinib for the plasma EGFR T790M mutation-positive progress non-small cell lung cancer
内藤智之, 桐田圭輔, 宇田川響, 松本慎吾, 梅村茂樹, 葉清隆, 仁保誠治, 後藤功一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article PP260. Clinical examination of three false mesothelioma-like lung cancer that we experienced in our hospital
栗岩早希, 松島秀和, 木田言, 塚原雄太, 江本かおり, 積山慧美里, 西沢知剛, 大場智広, 川辺梨恵, 佐藤新太郎, 赤坂圭一, 天野雅子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article PP261. Examination of the clinical features according to the EGFR mutation in the gene in the lung adenocarcinoma
後藤功1, 池田宗一郎1, 今西将史1, 田村洋輔1, 吉田修平1, 中村敬彦1, 鶴岡健二郎1, 松永仁綜1, 三好啓治1, 今川彰久1, 藤阪保仁2, 花岡伸治3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article PP262. Examination of the venous thromboembolism 9 case complicated with lung cancer in our hospital
橋岡寛恵, 新垣若子, 喜友名朋, 兼久梢, 西山真央, 上若生, 新里彰, 鍋谷大二郎, 宮城一也, 古堅誠, 原永修作, 健山正男, 藤田次郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article PP263. Clinical examination (treatment, convalescence after background and the onset) about the thrombosis complicated with lung cancer
眞田弘樹1, 安田俊介1, 久保田真吾1, 濱崎哲郎1, 東元一晃1, 柳正和2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article PP264. Chemotherapy in the lung cancer who had the chronic kidney disease and prognostic examination
高橋直子1, 合地美奈1, 上井康寛1, 馬場優里1, 稲木俊介1, 高木正道1, 桑野和善2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article PP265. Use experience of nintedanib for the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer
太田宏樹1,2, 杉野圭史1,3, 太田智裕2, 一色琢磨1, 澤田哲郎1, 磯部和順1, 坂本晋1, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article PP266. Clinical examination of the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer surgery case
小川和雅1, 藤森賢2, 河野匡2, 森口修平1, 高橋由以1, 村瀬享子1, 望月さやか1, 花田豪郎1, 宇留賀公紀1, 高谷久史1, 宮本篤1, 諸川納早1, 黒崎敦子3, 岸一馬1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article PP267. It is examination about the acute exacerbation after an operation of the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer in our hospital
加藤高英1, 中村行宏1, 仙波真由子1, 山本将一朗1, 濱田千鶴1, 三好誠吾1, 濱口直彦1,2, 岡崎幹生2, 重松久之2, 佐野由文2, 檜垣實男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article PP268. Clinical characteristic of eight patients who complicated carcinomatous pericarditis due to the lung cancer
李昊, 田中希宇人, 細尾真奈美, 堀内康平, 扇野圭子, 大森奈緒, 佐山宏一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article PP269. Examination of the symptomatic epilepsy-prone risk in patients with lung cancer with metastases to brain
山口牧子, 佐藤譲之, 杉山光寿, 中嶋康貴, 三ツ井美穂, 島田昭和, 本定千知, 早稲田優子, 梅田幸寛, 森川美羽, 安斎正樹, 門脇麻衣子, 石塚全
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article PP270. The hilar region lung cancer of the right superior lobe is a high-risk group of Oncologic emergency
田口禎浩, 牧野英記, 仁志川晴香, 甲田拓之, 梶原浩太郎, 兼松貴則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article PP271. We look at the rear of the case that changed EGFR-TKI, and it is examined by an adverse event
坂田能彦, 川村宏大, 廣重滋夫, 保田祐子, 江口善友, 神宮直樹, 久永純平, 阿南圭祐, 仁田脇辰哉, 中野愛子, 一門和哉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article PP272. Diarrhea, oral mucositis with the Afatinib administration, examination of the usefulness of Hangeshashinto and the minocycline administration for the purpose of the side effect prevention of the eruption
綿屋洋1, 一木昌郎2, 鶴田伸子3, 山田一彦4, 武岡宏明2, 岡山雄亮2, 佐々木潤2, 星野友昭4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article PP273. Three cases of the lung cancer that developed Trousseau syndrome
谷川元昭, 岩本圭右, 伊藤有平, 井谷英敏, 笹野元, 豊嶋弘一, 近藤成人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article PP274. An example of the drug-related pulmonary disorder by pembrolizumab which we were able to save by use of Infliximab
宮崎邦彦, 萩本聡, 佐藤信也, 児玉孝秀
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article PP275. Two cases of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer that the significant cytoreductive effect with the PD-1 inhibitor was obtained
瓜生恭章1, 洪絃寿1, 市橋良夫2, 石原英樹3, 原田博雅3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article PP276. A case in which Pembrolizumab responded to Pleomorphic carcinoma with cancerous pleural effusion
藤原大士1,2, 大木隆史1, 淺井康夫2, 高橋典明2, 勝呂元1,2, 橋本修2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article PP277. An example of the lung cancer that caused Hyper Progressive Disease by Nivolumab
宇津木光克1, 松崎晋一1, 久田剛志2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article PP278. One case of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer where condition of a patient control was obtained using Pembrolizumab after nivolumab
齊藤亮平, 菅原俊一, 鶴見恭士, 鈴木香菜, 清水恒, 杉坂淳, 小野紘貴, 百目木豊, 相羽智生, 川名祥子, 寺山敬介, 川嶋庸介, 戸井之裕, 中村敦, 矢満田慎介, 木村雄一郎, 本田芳宏
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article PP279. Example that ROS-1-positive non-small cell lung cancer was treated effectively with Nivolumab
西達也, 森俊太, 松本千晶, 田村朋季, 工藤健一郎, 久山彰一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article PP280. An example of the multiple cancer which responded to nivolumab for the small-cell lung cancer
早川翔, 松澤康雄, 岡田倫明, 力武はぎの, 吉田正, 入江珠子, 若林宏樹, 熊野浩太郎, 塩屋萌映
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article PP281. Example that caused a low Ca blood symptom due to hypoparathyroidism after Pembrolizumab administration
梅口仁美, 栗原有紀, 井上周, 竹之下博正
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article PP282. Examination of the case that resulted in hypothyroidism and secondary adrenal insufficiency during Pembrolizumab administration at the same time
田村智宏1, 大島央之1,2, 山田豊1,2, 吉川弥須子1, 山口昭三郎1, 橋本幾太1, 鏑木孝之1, 佐藤浩昭2, 檜澤伸之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article PP283. Three cases of the non-small cell lung cancer which produced a bright spot after administration of Nivolumab
澤信彦, 中坪彩恵子, 西田浩平, 細野裕貴, 石島見佳子, 金津正樹, 赤澤結貴, 上浪健, 矢野幸洋, 森雅秀, 山口俊彦, 横田総一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article PP284. One case of the pulmonary squamous cancer which serious bullous dermatitis occurred in by nivolumab
石田あかね, 鳥居厚志, 山田有里紗, 重松文恵, 丹羽英之, 岡さおり, 中畑征史, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article PP285. Examination of the acute renal failure case that occurred by Nivolumab administration
盛田麻美1, 渡邉香奈1, 鈴木綾1, 土屋善慎2, 益子茂人2, 佐藤光博2, 福原達朗1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article PP286. Examination of the effect that a neovascularisation inhibitor gives for the metabolism of lung cancer cells
増澤啓太1, 荒井大輔1, 安田浩之1, 額賀重成1, 川田一郎1, 猶木克彦1, 江本桂2, 杉浦悠毅3, 末松誠3, 副島研造4, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article PP287. PIK3CA mutation in the COPD merger lung cancer
澤兼士1, 洪泰浩2, 川口知哉1, 上林聡之3, 浅井一久1, 光岡茂樹4, 木村達郎5, 吉村成央6, 吉本直樹4, 久保昭仁7, 坂英雄8, 松村晃秀9, 鰐渕英機10, 山本信之2, 西山利典11, 平田一人1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article PP288. Lung cancer increase inhibitory effect by the combination of highly-concentrated oxygen and anticancer agent and the molecular mechanism
胡谷俊樹, 浜本純子, 竹原朋宏, 小林慧悟, 眞鍋維志, 長谷川華子, 増澤啓太, 安田浩之, 川田一郎, 猶木克彦, 副島研造, 別役智子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article PP289. Most T790M is present on the allele same as EGFR active form mutation in the gene in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
日高典子1, 岩間映二1,4, 久保直樹1,5, 原田大志2, 宮脇恒太3, 田中謙太郎1, 岡本勇1, 馬場英司4, 赤司浩一3, 佐々木裕之5, 中西洋一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article PP290. Examination of new pleurisy treatment that assumed a lymphatic vessel a target
小林誠1, 岡崎達馬1, 突田容子1, 小松理世1, 杉浦久敏1, 海老原覚2, 一ノ瀬正和1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article PP291. We get re-sensitivity of the chemotherapy after mogamulizumab administration in the lung cancer
黒瀬浩史1, 大植祥弘1, 鈴木進2, 磯辺みどり1, 山岡誉明1, 八十川直哉1, 橘高誠1, 阿部公亮1, 白井亮1, 加藤茂樹1, 小橋吉博1, 岡三喜男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article PP292. Prospective study about pleural effusion retention and the cytokine: VEGF, IL-8, examination by the each disease of transforming growth factor-beta
皿谷健, 大熊康介, 渡邊崇靖, 三倉直, 小林史, 麻生純平, 布川寛樹, 小川ゆかり, 田村仁樹, 本多紘二郎, 佐田充, 小田未来, 井上真奈美, 横山琢磨, 倉井大輔, 石井晴之, 滝澤始
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article PP293. New control measures development of the KRAS mutation lung cancer by HDAC and the MEK inhibition
山田忠明1, 谷本梓2, 谷口寛和3, 宿谷威仁4, 矢野聖二2, 高山浩一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article PP294. The treatment strategy which assumed survivin in the Kras mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma a target
角俊行1,2, 田中悠祐1,2, 多田周1,3, 平井幸恵1, 山口美樹1, 山田玄2, 渡辺敦3, 高橋弘毅2, 佐久間裕司1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article PP295. Possibility of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer model mouse
高橋佳紀1, 藤原拓海1, 浅山健太郎1, 都丸敦史1, 藤原研太郎1, 大西真裕1, 中原博紀1, 藤本源1, 小林哲1, ガバザコリーナ2, ガバザエステバジン2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article PP296. Development of the EGFR gene lung cancer mouse model that incorporated L858R and T790M mutation
藤原研太郎1, 小林哲1, 藤原拓海1, 岡野智仁1, 浅山健太郎1, 都丸敦史1, 高橋佳紀1, 中原博紀1, 藤本源1, 安間太郎2, ガバザダレッサンドロコリナ2, ガバザエステバン2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article PP297. Examination of the cancer-causing mechanism using the transforming growth factor-beta 1 overexpression pulmonary fibrosis mouse model
中原博紀1, 小林哲1, 浅山健太郎1, 都丸敦史1, 高橋佳紀1, 藤原研太郎1, 大西真裕1, 藤本源1, ガバザコリーナ2, ガバザエステバン2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article PP298. The present conditions of the acute phase breathing rehabilitation of patients with interstitial pneumonia by 2 institution collaborative investigation
秋保光利1, 高橋佑太3, 田村友秀4, 青野ひろみ2, 吉村邦彦2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article PP299. Effect of the breathing rehabilitation in patients with interstitial pneumonia that is waiting for the brain death lungs transplantation
平澤純1, 小川智也1, 渡邉文子1, 古川拓朗1, 三嶋卓也1, 新貝和也1, 長江優介1, 近藤康博2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article PP300. It is the fact-finding of patients with IPF at breathing rehabilitation intervention and PPFE in our hospital
馬上修一1, 本田勇斗1, 柳生美幸1, 須藤美和1, 安齋明子1, 八木田裕治1, 遠藤正範1, 佐々木貴義1, 加藤光恵1, 杉野圭史2,3, 安藤真弘2, 森清志2, 坪井永保1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article PP301. 2 institution collaborative investigation about the effective time of the acute phase rehabilitation for patients with interstitial pneumonia
高橋佑太1, 秋保光利2, 吉村邦彦3, 次富亮輔4, 田村友秀4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article PP302. The case that underwent rehabilitation using Nasal high flow (NHF), and tried the difference with the nose cannula
小林正典1, 宮本篤志1, 清家則孝1, 柳生恭子1, 松下晴彦1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article PP303. Examination of the factor influencing the generation, the nutritional status in patients with old respiratory illness
辻有佳子1, 河野裕治1, 石川綾子1, 杉浦翼1, 森悦子1, 板野里奈1, 青柳陽一郎2, 加賀谷斉2, 志賀守3, 廣瀬正裕3, 堀口高彦3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article PP304. Association of body composition data and respiratory function test data in the sarcopenia with respiratory illness
楯野英胤1,2, 山崎洋平1, 加藤栄助1, 林誠1, 渡部良雄1, 横江琢也1, 鹿間裕介1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article PP305. Role of the rehabilitation in the exacerbation early detection during long-term home oxygen therapy
中川諒, 新智美, 松岡さつき, 新謙一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article PP306. The effect that education hospitalization gives for a respiratory function test for a short term on patients with COPD
吉野谷清和1, 藤井由加里2, 山原純2, 中島早希1, 本多英弘1, 藤本康之2, 工藤慶太1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article PP307. Examination - about the background factor of walk test - laborious work time hypoxemia in the interstitial lung disease
小山田吉孝, 舩津洋平, 井本早穂子, 渡瀬麻友子, 宗松男, 細尾咲子, 藤本和志, 額賀重成, 八木一馬, 里見良輔
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article PP308. The factor which has an influence on the ventilatory volume increase once in patients with COPD during exercise
枝廣龍哉, 暮部裕之, 細野裕貴, 呉家由子, 香川浩之, 押谷洋平, 辻野和之, 好村研二, 三木真理, 三木啓資, 北田清悟
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article PP309. Examination of patients with COPD given cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in our hospital
香川浩之, 枝廣龍哉, 暮部裕之, 細野裕貴, 呉家由子, 押谷洋平, 辻野和之, 好村研二, 三木真理, 三木啓資, 北田清悟
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article PP310. New biomarker search of asthma, the COPD by the latest proteomics of the exosome
玄山宗到1, 武田吉人1, 木庭太郎1, 葉山善友1, 滝本宜之1, 木田博1, 植田幸嗣2, 熊ノ郷淳1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article PP311. Examination of the usefulness of the expiration nitric oxide densitometry in the practical clinical practice
萩本聡1, 會田有香2, 金澤潤2, 佐藤信也1, 宮崎邦彦1, 児玉孝秀1, 佐藤浩昭3, 檜澤伸之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article PP312. Establishment of the monitoring index by the wide area cycle Osh military ration method in the asthmatic practice
小川浩正1,2, 柴崎篤2, 田村弦3, 色川俊也1, 大河内眞也1, 三浦絵美里1, 新國悦弘1, 黒澤一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article PP313. Differentiation of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) by the diagnostic criteria and fungal sensitization serious case asthma (SAFS)
田中淳1,2, 小熊剛1, 渡井健太郎2, 上出庸介2, 福冨友馬2, 関谷潔史2, 谷口正実2, 浅野浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article PP314. Expiration NO densitometry in the supporting diagnosis of the late onset asthma
末竹諒1, 浅見麻紀1, 平野綱彦1, 濱田和希1, 上原翔1, 大石景士2, 山路義和1, 枝國信貴1, 松永和人1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article PP315. Analysis (interim report) of distribution and the effect factor of the Japanese expiration nitric oxide concentration based on the Tohoku medical megabank community-based cohort investigation
山田充啓1, 杉浦久敏1, 布施昇男2, 寳澤篤2, 高井貴子2, 土屋奈歩2, 光根歩1, 栗山進一2, 山本雅之2, 一ノ瀬正和1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article PP316. Comparison of the inhalational steroid therapy in the clinical cough variant asthma subtype classified by impulse Osh Lome Tolly
菅原洋行1, 常松和則1, 横山早織2, 宮島さつき2, 高橋弘毅2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article PP317. Comparison of the bronchial asthma subtype classified by impulse Osh Lome Tolly
菅原洋行1, 常松和則1, 横山早織2, 宮島さつき2, 高橋弘毅2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article PP318. Effect of the environmental allergen on expiration nitric oxide concentrations measured in NO breath
上出庸介1, 粒来崇博2, 藤田教寛1, 岩田真紀1, 永山貴紗子1, 中村祐人1, 田中淳1, 渡井健太郎1, 濱田祐斗1, 劉楷1, 富田康裕1, 三井千尋1, 林浩昭1, 福冨友馬1, 関谷潔史1, 森晶夫1, 谷口正実1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article PP319. A cause and treatment of the chronic cough in our hospital
安武美紀, 餘家浩樹, 稲田順也
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article PP320. Examination of the factor involved in the effectiveness of the tiotropium in the asthma
森本千絵, 小熊毅, 石山祐美, 砂留広伸, 長崎忠雄, 松本久子, 平井豊博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article PP321. Examination about the clinical response of the long acting anticholinergic drug in patients with bronchial asthma
鈴木歩, 畑岡知里, 阿部武士, 伊藤あゆみ, 谷津年保, 大塚竜也, 中村優, 田代祐介, 榊原智博, 三浦元彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article PP322. Clinical examination of the tiotropium Respimat administration case for patients with bronchial asthma
黄文禧, 山谷昂史, 山田直生, 西健太, 中井恵里佳, 植松慎矢, 石川遼一, 多木誠人, 中川和彦, 森田恭平, 吉村千恵, 若山俊明, 西坂泰夫, 網谷良一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article PP323. Examination about the usefulness of the macrolide therapy for the neutrophils-related sinusitis merger asthma
武山廉, 清水悠里, 赤羽朋博, 有村健, 八木理充, 多賀谷悦子, 近藤光子, 玉置淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article PP324. Sublingual immune therapy fourth report for the nasal inflammation merger asthma
森田恭平1, 吉村千恵1, 池田浩己2, 中治仁志3, 森島敏隆4, 大木元達也1, 山田直生1, 山谷昂史1, 石川遼一1, 植松慎矢1, 中井恵里佳1, 西健太1, 多木誠人1, 中川和彦1, 黄文禧1, 若山俊明1, 西坂泰夫1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article PP325. Is the asthma improved by use of air cleaner?
小池史華1, 古家若葉1, 大谷義夫3, 谷千尋4, 宮崎泰成2, 稲瀬直彦2, 三好崇夫1,2, 赤座美穂1, 笹野哲郎1, 角勇樹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article PP326. Examination about the effect on expiration nitric oxide concentration (FeNO) according to the ICS/LABA inhalant
斎藤丈, 鈴木慎一郎, 高橋太郎, 大塚健悟, 原田尚子, 宮尾直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article PP327. One case of the aspirin asthma that the rise of urinary LTE4 was absent though we judged that we were positive in a celecoxib internal use study
磯谷澄都, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 丹羽義和, 山蔦久美子, 森川紗也子, 峯澤智之, 榊原洋介, 岡村拓哉, 魚津桜子, 三重野ゆうき, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article PP328. Usefulness of the rapid hyposensitization for the molecular target medicine which came to have difficulty in administration by severe eruption continuously
長瀬まき1, 大島信治2, 川島正裕1, 井上恵理1, 横須賀響子1, 扇谷昌宏1, 佐藤研人1, 花井みき1, 益田公彦1, 鈴木純子1, 田村厚久1, 山根章1, 松井弘稔1, 永井英明1, 大田健2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article PP329. Can expiration nitric oxide high level guess by an interview?
伊藤昌之1, 戸来依子1, 青柴和徹2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article PP330. Investigation of the bronchial asthma case who had the sleep apnoea syndrome in our hospital
大山バク1,2, 粒来崇博1, 駒瀬裕子1, 薄場彩乃1,2, 檜田直也1, 峯下昌道2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article PP331. One case of the elderly people diffuse-related pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage with alprostadil
福田麻佐美1,2, 淺井康夫1,2, 野口貴央1,2, 深井有美1,2, 菅谷健一1,2, 大木隆史2, 清水哲男2, 権寧博2, 高橋典明2, 橋本修2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article PP332. Examination of the correlation of spirometry and MOS tog back side
伊藤健太郎, 中村祐基, 鈴木勇太, 齋木晴子, 坂口直, 西井洋一, 畑地治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article PP333. Association between COPD diagnosis and I-PAG score in the screening using COPD - PS
中山雅之1, 坂東政司1, 小谷和彦2, 間藤尚子1, 山沢英明1, 鈴木拓児1, 大石修司3, 斎藤武文3, 萩原弘一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article PP334. Associated factor of the successive bone density drop in patients with COPD
山本佳史, 藤田幸男, 寺本佳奈子, 坂口和宏, 茨木敬博, 藤岡伸啓, 長敬翁, 山内基雄, 友田恒一, 吉川雅則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article PP335. Examination about the clinical significance of KL-6 in patients with COPD
高松和史, 大山洸右, 小笠原史也, 荻野慶隆, 穴吹和貴, 高山裕介, 酒井瑞, 向田賢市, 大西広志, 窪田哲也, 横山彰仁
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article PP336. The immunoglobulin isolation light chain low level becomes the new biomarker predicting COPD exacerbation
谷村和哉1,2, 室繁郎1, 佐藤晋1, 佐藤篤靖1, 長谷川浩一1, 上桝潔1, 濱川揺子1, 加藤元一2, 平井豊博2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article PP337. Significance of the expectoration acidophile compartmentation high level in patients with COPD
田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article PP338. Related examination of respiratory tract acidophile inflammation and the CT index in the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
前谷知毅, 丸毛聡, 林優介, 宇山倫弘, 白石祐介, 網本久敬, 渡邉アヤ, 原伶奈, 山城春華, 島寛, 白田全弘, 北島尚昌, 井上大生, 片山優子, 糸谷涼, 福井基成
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article PP339. It is a relation of the maximal intake, expiration nasal cavity internal pressure and BODE index of the patients after COPD acute exacerbation
市川毅1, 田尻さくら子2, 横場正典4, 木村雅彦5, 山口紗輝1, 堀水湧1, 川上晶子1, 及川悟1, 近藤哲理6, 片桐真人4, 豊倉穣3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article PP340. Examination of E/E' in patients with COPD
岸本伸人1, 河野洋二1, 塚崎佑貴1, 吉田千尋2, 三崎伯幸2, 西山礼花3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article PP341. Usefulness of the 24 hours pulse oximetry in patients with COPD
小池亮祐, 中村祐介, 正和明哲, 渡邉泰治, 塩原太一, 新井良, 知花和行, 清水泰生, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article PP342. Examination of the factor having an influence on the pulmonary arterial pressure of patients with COPD
吉田誠1, 平本哲哉2, 森脇篤史3, 恐田尚幸1, 岩永知秋1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article PP343. Examination of the quantity of muscle in patients with COPD
西木一哲, 水野史朗, 佐久間貴士, 中瀬啓介, 野尻正史, 加藤諒, 四宮祥平, 亀田茉莉, 高原豊, 齋藤雅俊, 小島好司, 藤本由貴, 及川卓, 中川研, 石崎武志, 長内和弘, 栂博久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article PP344. Lung function to have an influence on the exacerbation hospitalization of obstructive respiratory illness, examination of the cardiac activity parameter
鶴巻寛朗1, 吉見誠至2, 原田孝2, 古賀康彦1, 小野昭浩1, 齋藤悠1, 矢冨正清1, 蜂巣克昌1, 塚越優介1, 笠原礼光1, 佐藤真季子1, 三浦陽介1, 櫻井麗子1, 砂長則明1, 原健一郎1, 前野敏孝1, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article PP345. Examination about the role of Adiponectin in the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease extension
藤岡伸啓1, 友田恒一1, 仁多寅彦2, 茨木敬博1, 坂口和宏1, 山本佳史1, 山内基雄1, 吉川雅則1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article PP346. Peripheral blood follicle T-helper cells and examination of control-related B cells including the comparison with the asthmatic patients in patients with COPD
重原克則1,3, 亀倉隆太1, 川田耕司1, 宮島さつき2, 矢部勇人1,2, 高橋弘毅2, 一宮慎吾1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article PP347. Clinical significance of the serum heat shock protein densitometry in patients with COPD
川本珠貴, 金澤博, 杉谷新, 小島和也, 久保寛明, 吉田真也, 杉山由香里, 岡本敦子, 佐藤佳奈子, 井尻尚樹, 山田一宏, 渡辺徹也, 浅井一久, 栩野吉弘, 平田一人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article PP348. Control of the smoking stimulation inductivity cell aging by the PARK2-dependent mitophagy
坪内和哉1,2, 荒屋潤1, 佐藤奈穂子1, 皆川俊介1, 原弘道1, 中山勝敏1, 桑野和善1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 220-220, 2018.

Japanese Article PP349. Role of lysophospholipid acyl transferase LPCAT1 in the emphysema mouse model
田野崎貴絵1, 福永興壱1, 進藤英雄2, 加川志津子1, 持丸貴生1, 松坂雅子1, 鎌谷高志1, 馬塲里英1, 上田壮一郎1, 清水孝雄2, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 220-220, 2018.

Japanese Article PP350. The intermittent smoking exposure raises the self-proliferative capacity of the alveolus type II epithelium stem cell
入江秀大, 中鉢正太郎, 堤昭宏, 亀山直史, 櫻井香, 石井誠, 尾崎真理, Ahmed E Hegab, 別役智子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 220-220, 2018.

Japanese Article PP351. IRF3 does accelerated participation for emphysema formation exacerbation by the LPS, neutrophilic function activation
石井崇史1,2, 新倉雄一2, 細木敬祐1, 長瀬隆英1, 山下直美2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 220-220, 2018.

Japanese Article PP352. The present conditions of the pneumonia hospitalized care in our hospital
森脇香莉, 香川洋輔, 尾崎紀仁, 山根高, 北口聡一, 菅原文博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article PP353. Examination of the case to repeat hospitalization due to pneumonia
川上真由, 伊東亮治, 大西史恵, 佐藤千賀, 渡邉彰, 阿部聖裕
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article PP354. Significance of the CT at pneumonia diagnosis in the emergency visit
末安巧人, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 後藤夕輝, 村上行人, 西澤早織, 棟近幸, 吉峯晃平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article PP355. Procalcitonin (PCT) is more useful for a disease severity evaluation of elderly people pneumonia than WBC, CRP
赤木隆紀, 原田泰志, 宮崎浩行, 竹田悟志, 牛島真一郎, 森専一郎, 和田健司, 永田忍彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article PP356. Examination of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis case that became the hospitalization as pneumonia
和田学政, 山添正敏, 高田寛仁, 吉積悠子, 森田充紀, 山下修司, 古田健二郎, 金子正博, 冨岡洋海
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article PP357. Frequency of the cough in the community-acquired pneumonia of the non-elderly people that it was thought that ambulant treatment was possible and examination for the duration
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article PP358. The effectiveness of the steroid administration in patients with severe community-acquired onset pneumonia using DPC data
立和田隆1, 野口真吾1, 城戸貴志1, 村松圭史2, 内藤圭祐1, 赤田憲太朗1, 川波敏則1, 浅川剛3, 松田晋哉2, 迎寛4, 矢寺和博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 222-222, 2018.

Japanese Article PP359. Clinical examination of the pneumonia case in maintenance patients on dialysis
藤井雅人, 甲斐翔太郎, 渡辺綾乃, 阿部岳文, 野末剛史, 大嶋智子, 佐竹康臣, 佐野武尚, 山田孝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 222-222, 2018.

Japanese Article PP360. The efforts of the aspiration pneumonia regional alliances pass in our hospital and the effect
杉中美穂, 引石惇仁, 覺野重毅, 古川皓一, 小川晃一, 古瀬秀明, 吉田也恵, 高田宗武, 西島正剛, 大谷賢一郎, 紙森隆雄, 藤原寛
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 222-222, 2018.

Japanese Article PP361. Significance of the blood culture at aspiration pneumonia diagnosis
岡久将暢, 飛野和則, 後藤夕輝, 村上行人, 末安巧人, 西澤早織, 棟近幸, 吉峯晃平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 222-222, 2018.

Japanese Article PP362. Present conditions report of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease, Internet survey
伊藤明広, 石田直, 大石和徳, 大曲貴夫, 川名明彦, 関雅文, 舘田一博, 藤田次郎, 渡辺彰, 門田淳一, 菊地利明, 丸山貴也, 山田充啓
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article PP363. Clinical examination of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease case that determined a treatment strategy by the MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) measurement for the clarithromycin
高原誠, 三吉政道
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article PP364. Examination of the solitary tubercle type lungs non-tuberculous ulcer acid-fast bacterium disease of our hospital
田中佳人1, 當麻景章1, 田中寿志1, 糸賀正道1, 石岡佳子1, 坂本博昭1, 白鳥俊博1, 土屋純一郎1, 高梨信吾2, 田坂定智1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article PP365. Examination about the case that nontuberculous Mycobacterium was detected in gastric juice
荒川健一, 荒井亮輔, 中野泰, 加行淳子, 西尾和三
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article PP366. We look at the rear about the Mycobacterium superinfection in the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease, pulmonary tuberculosis and study a mark
小林岳彦1, 露口一成2, 吉田志緒美2, 安部祐子1, 内藤真依子1, 片山加奈子1, 池上直弥1, 園延尚子1, 倉原優1, 蓑毛祥次郎1, 井上義一2, 林清二1, 鈴木克洋1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article PP367. Examination of the case who had the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease and pulmonary tuberculosis
西尾智尋1, 王康治1, 小西弘起1, 冨岡洋海2, 佐藤敦夫3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article PP368. Clinical examination of the mixed infection case of Mycobacterium avium complex and Mycobacterium gordonae in the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
磯本晃佑, 萩原恵里, 織田恒幸, 山川英晃, 片野拓馬, 小松茂, 大利亮太, 相子直人, 真玉豪士, 小倉高志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article PP369. 1 case of GATA2 deficiency who had the Mycobacterium kansasii infection
岩崎剛平1, 河本健吾1, 田村佳菜子1, 稲田祐也1, 伊東友好1, 舘秀和2, 田中亨2, 三好隆史3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article PP370. The detection situation of Mycobacterium abscessus complex in Showa University and erm (41) analysis
関口綾香1, 山口史博1, 船木俊孝1, 清水翔平1, 張秀一1, 藤嶋彬1, 刑部優希1, 井上大輔1, 柿内佑介1, 山崎洋平1, 楯野英胤1, 加藤栄助1, 若林綾1, 林誠1, 渡部良雄1, 横江琢也1, 松倉聡1, 鹿間裕介1, 福地邦彦2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article PP371. Clinical examination of the pulmonary M.kansasii case in our hospital
伊井敏彦, 佐野ありさ, 井手口優美, 小玉剛士, 北村瑛子, 比嘉利信
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article PP372. Examination of the clinical picture of Mycobacterium abscessus complex
河野加奈1, 藤本雄一1, 十合晋作1, 武井理美2, 中村文子2, 大坂顯通2, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article PP373. Three cases of the M.massiliense symptom which followed a good episode of care by early oral antimicrobial switch introduction
松本宗大, 鈴木雅, 山下優, 武井望, 木村孔一, 長岡健太郎, 今野哲, 西村正治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article PP374. Examination of non-HIV - pneumocystis pneumonia in our hospital
小野寺克洋, 宇田川輝久, 畠山哲八, 大内譲, 鈴木俊郎, 勝又宇一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article PP375. Examination of the pneumocystis pneumonia in our hospital
柴田洋1, 伊波奈穂1, 芦澤洋喜1, 森和貴1, 吉富淳1, 増田昌文1, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article PP376. Examination of pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in our hospital and 62 suspected cases
三宅剛平, 河村哲治, 中原保治, 塚本宏壮, 水守康之, 小南亮太, 大西康貴, 花岡健司, 佐々木信
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article PP377. Comparison between clinical examination - survivors and fatal case of the pneumocystis pneumonia that occurred during rheumatoid arthritis treatment
大島一真, 鈴木雅文, 原田直之, 倉島優理亜, 佐藤麻里, 上野学, 茂木充
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article PP378. Clinical comparison of an HIV case and the non-HIV case in the pneumocystis pneumonia
菅沼伸一, 竹山佳宏, 真下周子, 大舘満, 倉橋祐子, 米田一樹, 飯島淳司
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article PP379. Clinical examination of the pneumocystis pneumonia in the non-HIV patients in our hospital
村上有里奈1, 北原佳泰1, 岸本祐太郎1, 二橋文哉1, 青野祐也1, 永福建1, 右藤智啓1, 佐藤潤1, 妹川史朗1, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article PP380. Protective efficacy of the pneumocystis pneumonia with the alternate-day administration of the sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim medical mixture, We look at the single institution rear and examine a mark
大槻歩, 中島啓, 佐藤賢弥, 城下彰宏, 田中悠, 徳本晶子, 根本祐宗, 都筑隆太, 野間聖, 三沢昌史, 青島正大
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 226-226, 2018.

Japanese Article PP381. Clinical examination of the pneumocystis pneumonia
村瀬享子, 森口修平, 高橋由以, 小川和雅, 花田豪郎, 望月さやか, 宇留賀公紀, 高谷久史, 宮本篤, 諸川納早, 岸一馬
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 226-226, 2018.

Japanese Article PP382. Efforts of "swallowing outpatient department" by the many types of job in our hospital (deglutition usability test)
中川直子1, 津田泰成1, 栗山祥子1, 村上朗子1, 山本章人1, 窪田由美子2, 馬場亜矢2, 田村清美2,3, 福田沙織3, 吉岡泰子3, 高橋和久4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article PP383. Examination of the predictor of the oral intake establishment after the treatment of patients with aspiration pneumonia
元根正晴1, 眞本卓司2, 前田一石3, 中村成史1, 吉田寿子1, 中村充代2, 田代裕子1, 鈴木真美1, 中辻めぐみ1, 高田實1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article PP384. Examination of the factor involved in the advisability of the home discharge in the case after aspiration pneumonia treatment
千葉佐保子1, 石渡庸夫1, 佐々部正孝1, 小林健太郎2, 稲瀬直彦3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article PP385. Smoking cessation support, practice of the treatment that district Medical Association conducts by area many types of job cooperation
安田雄司, 新谷泰久, 横村一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article PP386. Early convergence method of the seasonal flu in-hospital out break
山口統彦1, 上野一枝2, 桑名良和3, 地森絢子3, 佐々木信治3, 酒井俊輔1, 平松政高1, 寺田晴子1, 久原華子1, 合屋将1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article PP387. Examination by the in-hospital working group about the use of immune checkpoint inhibitor
坂巻文雄1, 齋藤雄紀2, 近藤祐介1, 田崎厳1, 伊藤洋子1, 添田真司3, 尾崎昌大3, 三村一平3, 向井正哉4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article PP388. Cooperation with the community pharmacy by the inflection of the inhalational instruction request book
佐藤英夫1, 長谷川隆志2, 小屋俊之2, 菊地利明2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article PP389. The present conditions of the respiratory practice in the medical office in Saitama
倉島一喜, 高久洋太郎, 高柳昇, 柳澤勉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article PP390. It is the questionary survey about "aspiration pneumonia" and the case to fill in in a cause of the death in death certificate making
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article PP391. It is the difference by the yellow sand day definition about the effect on respiratory function of the yellow sand
倉井淳1, 渡部仁成1, 野間久史2, 岩田京子1, 清水英治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article PP392. Clinical examination of the pleural effusion that accumulated in the asbestos Exposure person
小澤聡子1, 伊藤優2, 伊藤悠2, 柳生洋行2, 川島英俊2, 石井宏志2, 高橋良平2, 木越宏紀3, 菅野健児3, 山本健嗣3, 前原孝光3, 金子猛4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article PP393. Clinical picture of the cough patients consulting a community-acquired respiratory internal medicine outpatient
川口俊1, 濱田彩佳1,2, 洲鎌芳美1,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article PP394. Evaluation of dyspnea in patients with respiratory illness
田中和樹, 柄山正人, 安井秀樹, 鈴木勇三, 穗積宏尚, 古橋一樹, 榎本紀之, 藤澤朋幸, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article PP395. Clinical examination of the case that received an emergency visit for main complaint for dyspnea
鈴木慎太郎1,2, 垂水庸子2, 原田拓2, 齋藤司2, 相良博典1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article PP396. Examination of the risk assessment of the perioperative respiratory complications in the preoperative respiratory internal medicine introduction case
西田千夏1, 城戸貴志1, 野口真吾1, 小田桂士1, 高木努1, 川端宏樹1, 立和田隆1, 川波敏則1, 石本裕士2, 迎寛2, 矢寺和博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article PP397. Making of the acid base balance analysis application by the iOS programming
北室真人, 阿部秀一, 岸昌美, 土屋由美子, 佐々木春夫, 先川知足, 相原令, 木村誠
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article PP398. Behavior analysis of the cough initial diagnosis role playing using the para-electronic chart
岡澤成祐1, 勢藤善太1, 平井孝弘1, 木戸敏樹1, 田中宏明1, 下川一生1, 徳井宏太郎1, 高千紘1, 神原健太1, 猪又峰彦1, 今西信悟1, 山田徹1,2, 林龍二1,3, 松井祥子1,4, 山本善裕5, 戸邉一之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article PP399. Inhalational training of the inhalant for the faculty of medicine student fifth grader
山崎章1, 原田智也1, 福嶋健人1, 近藤りえ子2, 堀口高彦2, 東田有智3, 清水英治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article PP400. Is there the difference for lung cancer and a non-cancer efforts -1 to respiratory illness terminal phase using POLST?
喜多信之, 中村洋之, 吉原多美子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article PP401. Was the intention of the patients granted for medical care efforts -2 to respiratory illness terminal phase using POLST for terminal phase?
中村洋之, 喜多信之, 吉原多美子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article PP402. About measures for prevention of quitting a job to be able to see from the duty actual situation and the attitude survey of the female physician
岡隆子, 柳生恭子, 小林正典, 宮本篤志, 清家則孝, 松下晴彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article PP403. Examination of the effectiveness of the denosumab in patients with respiratory illness during steroid internal use
鈴木勇太, 畑地治, 西井洋一, 伊藤健太郎, 齋木晴子, 中村祐基
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article PP404. Examination of the zinc deficiency disorders of patients with our hospital respiratory illness
中村敬哉, 江村正仁, 小林祐介, 野村奈都子, 五十嵐修太, 吉岡秀敏, 庭本崇史, 西川圭美, 高田直秀, 児嶌駿
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article PP405. Search of the fibrosis biomarker using the proteomics of the serum exosome
松木隆典1, 武田吉人1, 木庭太郎1, 玄山宗到1, 滝本宜之1, 木田博1, 熊ノ郷淳1, 伊藤眞里2, 植田幸嗣3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article PP406. The acute phase in the interstitial pneumonia model mouse, fibroblastic analysis in chronic phase inflammation and examination of the DNA disorder association marker
金澤智, 三浦陽子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article PP407. IL-34 induces pulmonary fibrosis through M2 macrophage differentiation in a mouse pulmonary disorder model
三國肇子, 山口宗大, 河原朋子, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 宮田祐人, 平井邦朗, 大田進, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article PP408. Role of PLC ε in the bleomycin instruction pulmonary fibrosis mouse model
桂田雅大1, 永野達也1, 枝松裕紀2, 梅澤佳乃子1, 堂國良太1, 安田裕一郎1, 山本正嗣1, 小林和幸1, 片岡徹2, 西村善博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article PP409. The effect that the combination of EGFR-TKI and immune checkpoint inhibitor gives to a mouse naphthalene lungs injury model
濱田直樹, 柳原豊史, 緒方彩子, 三雲大功, 鈴木邦裕, 有村雅子, 神宮司祐治郎, 古鉄泰彬, 原田英治, 中西洋一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article PP410. Cell senescent role in the fibrosis extension pulmonary after radiation exposure
市川晶博, 原弘道, 荒屋潤, 皆川俊介, 保坂悠介, 斉藤那由多, 吉田昌弘, 坪内和哉, 石川威夫, 沼田尊功, 金子由美, 中山勝敏, 桑野和善
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article PP411. Analysis of the pulmonary disease of the Lat Y136F knock-in mouse (IgG4-related lung disease model mouse)
早稲田優子1, 松井祥子2, 渡辺知志3, 佐藤譲之1, 杉山光寿1, 中嶋康貴1, 三ツ井美穂1, 島田昭和1, 園田智明1, 山口牧子1, 本定千知1, 門脇麻衣子1, 重見博子1, 梅田幸寛1, 森川美羽1, 安斎正樹1, 石塚全1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article PP412. Examination of the antifibrosis effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor in the bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis mouse
城守貞章, 平田博国, 佐藤構造, 舘脇正充, 相馬亮介, 杉山公美弥, 福島康次
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article PP413. Examination of the antifibrosis effect of multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor TAS-115 in the mouse pulmonary fibrosis model
小山壱也, 豊田優子, 西村春佳, 香川耕造, 森住俊, 河野弘, 後東久嗣, 西岡安彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article PP414. Examination of the effect of treatment of the nintedanib in the rheumatoid arthritis model with the chronic diffuse interstitial fibrosis of lung
三浦陽子1, 金澤智1, 大久保仁嗣2, 新実彰男2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article PP415. 17 (R) -Examination of the fibrosis depressant action in the pulmonary fibrosis model of ResolvinD1
矢冨正清1, 齋藤悠1, 佐藤真季子1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 笠原礼光1, 蜂巣克昌1, 塚越優介1, 原健一郎1, 小野昭浩1, 古賀康彦1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明1, 前野敏孝1, 土橋邦生1, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article PP416. Analysis of the tolerability of pirfenidone for seriously ill idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
中村雅之, 岡元昌樹, 富永正樹, 財前圭晃, 坂元暁, 南野高志, 川山智隆, 星野友昭
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article PP417. Ofev Capsules Specific Usage Results Survey for IPF Patients (All Example Studies) - Interim report -
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article PP418. Examination about tolerability and the effectiveness of the nintedanib in our hospital
坂本慶太, 泉信有, 松林沙知, 橋本理生, 鈴木学, 高崎仁, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 竹田雄一郎, 杉山温人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article PP419. Examination about weight loss, the cancellation of the nintedanib administration for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
戸井之裕, 木村雄一郎, 中村敦, 矢満田慎介, 本田芳宏, 菅原俊一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article PP420. Examination of the tolerability of the nintedanib in the interstitial pneumonia case
一色琢磨, 澤田哲郎, 坂本晋, 本間栄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article PP421. Examination of the adverse event in the use of Nintedanib in our hospital
中村行宏, 濱口直彦, 加藤高英, 仙波真由子, 山本将一朗, 濱田千鶴, 三好誠吾, 檜垣實男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article PP422. Clinical examination of the lung cancer merger idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis receiving the nintedanib in our hospital
花輪智秀, 近藤光子, 原裕子, 有村健, 武山廉, 多賀谷悦子, 玉置淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article PP423. An example of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis merger non-small cell lung cancer which nodular shadow increased after nintedanib discontinuation
福永健太郎1, 入山朋子1, 加藤悠人1, 河島暁1, 村山恒峻1, 柏木裕美子1, 内田泰樹1, 樋上雄一1, 山口将史1, 長尾大志, 橋本雅之2, 五十嵐知之2, 花岡淳2, 中野恭幸2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article PP424. Examination about tolerability and the use of pirfenidone and the nintedanib in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
中嶋康貴, 梅田幸寛, 杉山光寿, 佐藤譲之, 三ツ井美穂, 島田昭和, 山口牧子, 本定千知, 門脇麻衣子, 重見博子, 森川美羽, 早稲田優子, 安斎正樹, 石塚全
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article PP425. The fact about the tolerability at changes from pirfenidone in the interstitial pneumonia to nintedanib or combination
柴田寛史, 米澤利幸, 小坂顕司, 松原彩子, 加藤俊夫, 田中博之, 横江徳仁, 伊藤理, 久保昭仁, 山口悦郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article PP426. It is examination about effect of treatment and the tolerability by the change from Nintedanib to Pirfenidone
小田桂士, 城戸貴志, 田原正浩, 矢寺和博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article PP427. Clinical examination of the drug-related pulmonary disorder in our hospital
関谷宗之, 坂本晋, 一色琢磨, 伊藤貴文, 鏑木教平, 澤田哲郎, 佐野剛, 磯部和順, 高井雄二郎, 本間栄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article PP428. Examination of the case with suspected drug-related pulmonary disorder in our hospital
本城心1, 安東優1, 藤島宣大1, 渡辺絵理奈1, 松本紘幸1, 後藤昭彦1, 竹野祐紀子1, 安田ちえ1, 水上絵理1, 宇佐川佑子1, 山末まり1, 小宮幸作1, 橋永一彦1, 濡木真一1, 梅木健二1, 平松和史2, 門田淳一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article PP429. Examination of the amiodarone lungs in our hospital
金城和美1, 川瀬香保里1, 新家治子1, 松本正孝1, 高月清宣1, 山本侑毅2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article PP430. Examination about the risk factor of chemotherapy and the interstitial pneumonia acute exacerbation for the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis merger progress lung cancer
宮本篤1, 岸一馬1, 伊達洋至2, 高橋和久3, 木浦勝行4, 本間栄5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article PP431. Examination of 19 cases that they presented with drug-related pulmonary disorder during chemotherapy of the lung cancer, and was given chemotherapy again
寺田悟1, 羽白高1, 油谷英孝1, 上山維晋1, 中西智子1, 濱尾信叔1, 稲尾崇1, 加持雄介1, 安田武洋1, 橋本成修1, 田中栄作1, 田口善夫1, 野間惠之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article PP432. Examination of the drug-related pulmonary disorder with the nab-Paclitaxel therapy corresponding to non-small cell lung cancer
柏田建, 齋藤好信, 高橋聡, 小林研一, 渥美健一郎, 菅野哲平, 武内進, 林宏紀, 野呂林太郎, 峯岸裕司, 藤田和恵, 阿部信二, 清家正博, 久保田馨, 弦間昭彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article PP433. Examination of the drug-related pulmonary disorder due to the antiPD-1 antibody
富貴原淳, 阪本考司, 森瀬昌宏, 長谷川好規
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article PP434. Three cases that caused exacerbation of the interstitial pneumonia after Everolimus dissolution coronary stenting
高橋由以1, 森口修平1, 小川和雅1, 村瀬享子1, 望月さやか1, 花田豪郎1, 宇留賀公紀1, 宮本篤1, 高谷久史1, 諸川納早1, 黒崎敦子2, 岸一馬1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article PP435. Two examination of drug-related pneumonia with the Laninamivir administration
小川卓範1,2, 田中希宇人2, 李昊2, 堀内康平2, 扇野圭子2, 大森奈緒2, 宮田純1, 井上卓1, 佐山宏一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article PP436. One case of the drug-related pulmonary disorder with the bepridil hydrochloride which confirmed DLST positive transformation after spontaneous remission
時田心悟, 平田博国, 杉立渓, 佐藤構造, 立川香里, 城守貞章, 有福一, 渡邉浩祥, 吉田匠生, 若山知薫, 杉山公美弥, 福島康次
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article PP437. Drug-related pneumonia with the Unseiin and example that it was thought, but Ligusticum acutilobum and Scutellaria root were with positive in the lymphocyte stimulation test according to the component for lymphocyte stimulation test negative of the Unseiin
山脇聡, 越智裕介, 勝部乙大, 添田聖子, 河野雄太, 黨雅子, 黨康夫
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article PP438. Examination about the uninfected pulmonary complication that occurred after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
上井康寛1, 合地美奈1, 西脇嘉一2, 馬場優里1, 高橋直子1, 稲木俊介1, 高木正道1, 桑野和善3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article PP439. Examination about the uninfected pulmonary disease after the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
四方田真紀子1, 楊川哲代2, 酒井文和2, 比島恒和3, 大橋一輝4, 岡村樹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article PP440. 4 cases of the interstitial pneumonia who had thrombocytopenia
串間尚子, 温麟太郎, 池田貴登, 佐々木朝矢, 中尾明, 松本武格, 石井寛, 渡辺憲太朗, 藤田昌樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article PP441. Examination of the interstitial pneumonia to be complicated with psoriasis
川本浩徳, 原弘道, 古部暖, 奥田慶太郎, 内海裕文, 小林賢司, 柳澤治彦, 和久井大, 皆川俊介, 石川威夫, 沼田尊功, 荒屋潤, 金子由美, 中山勝敏, 桑野和善
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article PP442. Examination of the organized pneumonia in our hospital
井上恵理1, 大島信治2, 長瀬まき1, 花井みき1, 横須賀響子1, 川島正裕1, 鈴木純子1, 益田公彦1, 山根章1, 蛇澤晶3, 大田健2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article PP443. National questionary survey of primary fimbria malfunction (PCD)
橋本直紺1, 長谷川好規1, 慶長直人2, 高瀬真人3, 竹内万彦4, 土方美奈子2, 本間栄5, 稲瀬直彦6
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article PP444. Condition of a patient analysis of the pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis for the clinical application
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article PP445. The effectiveness of the molecular biologic diagnosis technique of the pulmonary lymphoma using the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
城戸貴志1, 川波敏則1, 石井寛2, 原可奈子3, 鈴木雄1, 吉川裕喜5, 松元信弘6, 石本裕士7, 原敦子7, 坂本憲穂7, 吉井千春8, 藤田昌樹2, 中里雅光6, 門田淳一5, 迎寛7, 矢寺和博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article PP446. Examination of the past video diagnosis history in the interstitial pneumonia merger progress lung cancer
渡邉彩香1, 小林このみ1, 豊田光1, 小泉佑太1, 路昭暉1, 竹下裕理1, 東名史憲1, 江崎崇1, 酒瀬川裕一1, 田中祐輔1, 倉持美知雄1, 新井秀宜1, 関順彦2, 山口正雄1, 大田健3, 長瀬洋之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article PP447. Examination of the image views of the interstitial lung disease case that an aspiration risk was suggested on an improved citric acid inhalational cough test (improved cough test)
佐々木由美子1,2,3, 新井徹3, 井上義一3, 林清二1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article PP448. Examination of the lung function change before and after VATS in patients with interstitial pneumonia
野尻正史, 佐久間貴士, 西木一哲, 中瀬啓介, 加藤諒, 四宮祥平, 高原豊, 東野茉莉, 齋藤雅俊, 小島好司, 藤本由貴, 及川理恵子, 中川研, 及川卓, 水野史朗, 石崎武志, 長内和弘, 栂博久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article PP449. Three cases that it showed a honey cone lung-like cystic change to be unilateral, and to progress to the lung cancer postoperative affected side survival lungs
濱島良介1, 塩津伸介2, 大村亜矢香1, 宇田紗也佳1, 吉村彰紘1, 辻泰佑1, 弓場達也1, 内匠千恵子2, 平岡範也1, 上島康生3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article PP450. Examination of empyema treatment using the three-dimensional image construction software (SYNAPSE VINCENT)
南方孝夫, 新谷裕美子, 大島穣, 氷室直哉, 片岡大輔, 山本滋, 鈴木隆, 門倉光隆
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article PP451. Examination of the chest CT views in the blood culture-positive case of haemodialysis patients
田宮暢代1, 金子美子1, 山田忠明1, 内野順治1, 西村眞人2, 橋本哲也3, 高山浩一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article PP452. About a characteristic in the chest CT of the elderly people cardiogenic pulmonary edema
冨田桂公, 唐下泰一, 酒井浩光
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article PP453. About the evaluation of the respiratory function using the chest X-ray video
大倉徳幸1, 笠原寿郎1, 渡辺知志1, 阿保未来1, 原丈介1, 曽根崇1, 木村英晴1, 吉田周平2, 懸川誠一2, 田村昌也2, 松本勲2, 真田茂3, 田中利恵3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article PP454. Examination of the change over time using the chest CT in patients with COPD having an asthmatic element
穴澤梨江1, 川田奈緒子1, 松浦有紀子1, 伊狩潤1, 鈴木優毅1, 多田裕司1, 高柳晋1, 松岡伸2, 松下彰一郎2, 巽浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article PP455. Related examination of the quantitative analysis and respiratory function using the chest CT in patients with empyema merger pulmonary fibrosis
鈴木優毅1, 川田奈緒子1, 松浦有紀子1, 伊狩潤1, 穴澤梨江1, 安部光洋1, 津島健司1,2, 松岡伸3, 巽浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article PP456. Exploratory examination of the skeletal muscle rating system using the CT in patients with respiratory illness
三輪聖1,2, 安井秀樹2,3, 佐藤潤2, 右藤智啓2, 妹川史朗2, 須田隆文3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 240-240, 2018.

Japanese Article PP457. Four cases of the ALK-positive lung cancer that bevacizumab succeeded for radiation brain necrosis after the normal position radiotherapy for the metastatic brain tumor
谷川健悟, 水野圭子, 松山洋美, 鵜木泰自, 美園俊祐, 俣木浩子, 隈元朋洋, 内田章文, 井上博雅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article PP458. Examination of the docetaxel + cisplatin combination concurrent chemoradiotherapy for the local progress non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
松尾彩子1, 瀬戸口健介1, 宇都加寿子1, 重草貴文1, 小田康晴1, 坪内拡伸1, 坂元昭裕1, 有村保次2, 柳重久1, 飯干宏俊1, 松元信弘1, 中里雅光1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article PP459. Carboplatin for the unresectable stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer, safety and the effectiveness of the dose of radioactivity increase in the paclitaxel combination radiotherapy
本津茂人1, 井上和也2, 三浦幸子2, 田崎正人1, 太田浩世1, 熊本牧子1, 藤田幸男1, 山本佳史1, 山内基雄1, 友田恒一1, 吉川雅則1, 長谷川正俊2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article PP460. We look at the rear of the chemoradiation combination therapy for the unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital and examine a mark
篠崎太郎, 池村辰之介, 中島隆裕, 松崎達, 寺嶋毅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article PP461. Observational study to test safety, the effectiveness of the combined modality therapy for NSCLC for neighboring organ permeation stage 3
根本祐宗1, 三沢昌史1, 野守裕明2, 立石晶子1, 都筑隆太1, 大槻歩1, 中島啓1, 杉村裕志2, 庄司一寅3, 青島正大1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article PP462. Examination about the chemoradiotherapy (cisplatin + docetaxel combination therapy) for the stage III non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
山本将一朗1, 中村行宏1, 加藤高英1, 仙波真由子1, 濱田千鶴1, 三好誠吾1, 濱口直彦1, 藻利優2, 岡崎幹生2, 重松久之2, 佐野由文2, 濱本泰3, 檜垣實男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article PP463. Observational study to test safety, the effectiveness of the combined modality therapy for NSCLC stage3A (N2)
立石晶子1, 三沢昌史1, 野守裕明2, 根本祐宗1, 佐藤賢弥1, 城下彰宏1, 田中悠1, 都筑隆太1, 大槻歩1, 中島啓1, 野間聖1, 杉村裕志2, 庄司一寅3, 青島正大1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article PP464. Treatment result of the human trunk part normal position radiotherapy for the T3-4 (more than 5cm) N0M0 lung cancer
成田篤哉1, 武田篤也2, 鶴貝雄一郎2, 栗林英彦1, 林伸充1, 榎本達治1, 佐伯典之1,3, 原悠3, 金子猛3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article PP465. Clinical examination of the irradiation pneumonitis with the normal position radiotherapy in our hospital
岸本祐太郎1, 北原佳泰1, 村上有里奈1, 二橋文哉1, 青野祐也1, 永福建1, 右藤智啓1, 佐藤潤1, 妹川史朗1, 今井美智子2, 須田隆文3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article PP466. Examination about the combination of Z-100 in the lung cancer radiotherapy
内田泰樹1, 重森度1, 行村瑠里子1, 福永健太郎1, 黄瀬大輔1, 山口将史1, 大澤真1, 長尾大志1, 小川惠美子1, 吉橋彩子1, 青木健2, 津川拓也2, 中野恭幸1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article PP467. Examination of the enzyme target sensibilization radiotherapy in the lung cancer domain
深堀範1, 梅山泰裕1, 菅崎七枝1, 木下明敏1, 小幡史郎1, 尾長谷靖2, 迎寛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article PP468. Background factor of the PD-L1 overexpression patients in our hospital
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article PP469. We look at the rear of the clinical features about the VTE (venous thromboembolism) case complicated with lung cancer diagnosed in our institution and study a mark
田村賢太郎, 鈴木学, 下田由季子, 橋本理生, 石井聡, 森野英里子, 高崎仁, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 竹田雄一郎, 杉山温人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article PP470. Clinical pictorial examination of the empyema merger lung cancer
渡邉裕文, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article PP471. Association between background factor and vital prognosis including the obesity in patients with lung cancer
鈴村倫弘1, 松本吉矢2, 澤兼士2, 吉本直樹1, 光岡茂樹1, 木村達郎3, 吉村成央4, 川口知哉1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article PP472. Clinical examination of patients with advanced lung cancer that led to a diagnosis with the symptom due to metastases to bone and metastases to brain
阪上和樹, 山根健志, 門谷英昭, 井本和紀, 小川未来, 千葉玲哉, 長安書博, 眞本卓司
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article PP473. About the correlation of introduction time and the survival period of the chemotherapy
村田泰規1, 矢嶋知佳1, 清水理光1, 谷内七三子1, 久保田馨2, 弦間昭彦2, 廣瀬敬1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article PP474. Relationship with PD-L1 expression ratio and other factors
鳥山和俊1, 笠木聡1,2, 河越淳一郎1, 杉山伸也1, 冨樫佑基1, 中山秀章1, 瀬戸口靖弘1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article PP475. Usefulness of the immunostaining in the subclassification with biopsy specimens of the non-small cell lung cancer
太田登博1, 桐田圭輔1, 宇田川響1, 梅村茂樹1, 松本慎吾1, 葉清隆1, 仁保誠治1, 石井源一郎2, 後藤功一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article PP476. Examination of the resistant mechanism for the second generation first EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor
宇留賀公紀1, 藤井丈士2, 山本岳1, 森口修平1, 高橋由以1, 小川和雅1, 村瀬享子1, 望月さやか1, 花田豪郎1, 高谷久史1, 宮本篤1, 諸川納早1, 岸一馬1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article PP477. Examination about the possibility that epithelium mesenchyma conversion (EMT) contributes to the malignant transformation of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer
飛梅亮1, 荻野広和, Tania Afroj1, 後東久嗣1, 軒原浩1, 吉田光輝2, 川上行奎2, 滝沢宏光2, 小川博久3, 常山幸一3, 西岡安彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article PP478. Examination of the primary lung cancer that there was no fibrosis in an image, but showed fibrosis to the background lungs pathologically
遠藤駿1, 笹原有紀子1, 小澤貴裕1, 原哲1, 今瀬玲菜1, 島田裕之1, 山内秀太1, 榊原ゆみ1, 小林亜紀子1, 山崎啓一1, 山仲一輝1, 神靖人1, 松原修2, 稲瀬直彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article PP479. Examination about the effect that dietary habits before treatment give for the chemotherapy of patients with lung cancer
矢野幸洋1, 大上恵理2, 中坪彩恵子1, 澤信彦1, 細野裕貴1, 西田浩平1, 石島見佳子1, 上浪健1, 金津正樹1, 赤澤結貴1, 山口俊彦1, 森雅秀1, 横田総一郎1, 佐古田三郎3, 福尾惠介2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article PP480. Examination of the interstitial pneumonia with the immune checkpoint inhibitor in our hospital
石井知也1, 溝口仁志1, 井上卓哉1, 渡邊直樹1, 金地伸拓1, 坂東修二2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article PP481. Examination about effect of treatment and the bowel movement abnormality of the immune checkpoint inhibitor in our hospital
片山勇輝, 山田忠明, 平井聡一, 西岡直哉, 張田幸, 大倉直子, 中野貴之, 谷村恵子, 今林達哉, 田宮暢代, 金子美子, 内野順治, 高山浩一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article PP482. Examination about the treatment with checkpoint inhibitor and effect predictor in our hospital of immunity
久保創介1, 小林信明1, 神巻千聡1, 三神直人1, 原田寛子1, 鄭慶鎬1, 片倉誠悟1, 平馬暢之1, 寺西周平1, 間邊早紀1, 山本昌樹1, 新海正晴2, 工藤誠1, 金子猛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article PP483. We see the rear about the background factor of the group of patients where the treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitor was called off early and study a mark
中尾明, 島理佳子, 池田貴登, 佐々木朝矢, 矢次博, 田中真実, 青山崇, 松本武格, 串間尚子, 白石素公, 石井寛, 渡辺憲太朗, 藤田昌樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article PP484. We look at the relative rear of effect of treatment of the antiPD-1 antibody treatment for the non-small cell lung cancer and the immune-mediated adverse event and examine a mark
伊藤竜, 大橋和政, 高田俊範
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article PP485. It is examined the treatment after an immune checkpoint inhibitor for the non-small cell lung cancer
戸塚猛大, 加藤友美, 高野夏希, 久金翔, 高橋聡, 小林研一, 菅野哲平, 武内進, 野呂林太郎, 峯岸裕司, 清家正博, 久保田馨, 弦間昭彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article PP486. Clinical examination about immune-mediated adverse event (irAE) which we experienced in our hospital
田中知宏1, 大坪亜矢1, 眞水飛翔1, 太田毅1, 石田卓士1, 佐藤佑輔2, 古川俊貴2, 小林理3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article PP487. Relations of PD-L1 and irAE in the Pembrolizumab treatment
杉坂淳, 菅原俊一, 鶴見恭士, 鈴木香菜, 清水恒, 小野紘貴, 相羽智生, 百目木豊, 川名祥子, 齊藤亮平, 寺山敬介, 川嶋庸介, 戸井之裕, 中村敦, 矢満田慎介, 木村雄一郎, 本田芳宏
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article PP488. Clinical examination of the non-small cell lung cancer case which resulted in the drug-related pulmonary disorder with the immune checkpoint inhibitor
木村悠哉, 関健一, 野間聖, 杉本栄康
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article PP489. Examination of the risk factor for the onset of the drug-related interstitial lung disease due to the antiPD-1 antibody
中西雄, 益田武, 堀益靖, 宮本真太郎, 中島拓, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 濱田泰伸, 服部登
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article PP490. Examination of the adverse event for the nivolumab administration case for the non-small cell lung cancer
巴山紀子1, 廣石拓真1, 鹿野幸平1, 藤田哲雄1, 天野寛之1, 中村純1, 平野聡2, 中村祐之1, 多部田弘士1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article PP491. Examination of effect of treatment of the nivolumab for the progress non-small cell lung cancer and the immune-mediated adverse event
後藤由比古, 猿渡功一, 坂本安見子, 城臺孝之, 坂田晋也, 佐藤亮, 猪山慎治, 冨田雄介, 佐伯祥, 中村和芳, 岡本真一郎, 一安秀範, 藤井一彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article PP492. Examination of the Osimertinib administration case in our hospital
山本美暁, 高森幹雄, 北園美弥子, 川合祥子, 矢野光一, 佐藤祐, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article PP493. Examination of the Osimertinib administration case for the EGFR T790M mutation-positive progress non-small cell lung cancer
西澤司1, 清水哲男1, 萩原エリ1, 飯田由子1, 永田弥人1, 畑岡つかさ1, 林健太郎1, 佐藤良博1, 淺井康夫1,2, 中川喜子1, 辻野一郎1, 大地康司1, 高橋典明1, 橋本修1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article PP494. Clinical course of the EGFR T790M mutation-positive non-small cell lung cancer receiving the Osimertinib
鵜木泰自, 籾博晃, 上川路和人, 三山英夫, 水野圭子, 井上博雅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article PP495. Examination of 24 Osimertinib administration cases in our hospital
谷本光希, 横山佑衣子, 町井春花, 木村令, 佐野未来, 西山裕乃, 篠塚怜衣, 山田衣里子, 高納崇, 青山大輔, 横山俊彦, 野村史郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article PP496. Multicenter rearward observational study about the effectiveness, the safety of the Osimertinib for patients with T790M-positive lung adenocarcinoma
杉本武哉1, 赤松弘朗1, 野口進2, 東祐一郎3, 柴木亮太4, 庄野剛史5, 佐藤孝一6, 早川隆洋7, 玉置真也8, 山本信之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article PP497. Use experience of the Osimertinib in our hospital
川井隆広, 相川政紀, 酒井勇輝, 林康之, 恒石鉄兵, 橋本教正, 岩坪重彰, 岩田敏之, 山藤緑, 西村尚志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article PP498. Examination of the re-biopsy for the EGFR-TKI existing treatment non-small cell lung cancer case in our hospital
若林綾, 清水翔平, 張秀一, 藤嶋彬, 刑部優希, 井上大輔, 柿内佑介, 山崎洋平, 楯野英胤, 加藤栄助, 林誠, 渡部良雄, 横江琢也, 鹿間裕介
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 248-248, 2018.

Japanese Article PP499. Examination of the effect of treatment by the actual situation of the re-biopsy for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer, the T790M rate of detection and the Osimertinib
垣内洋祐, 猿渡功一, 冨田雄介, 佐伯祥, 中村和芳, 岡本真一郎, 一安秀範, 藤井一彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 248-248, 2018.

Japanese Article PP500. The present situation of Re-biopsy and the examination after the EGFR-TKI tolerance in our hospital of plasma
増野智章1, 矢部道俊1, 宮崎周也1, 板井真梨子1, 藤崎秀明1, 重永武彦1, 門田淳一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 248-248, 2018.

Japanese Article PP501. We look at the rear about the EGFR mutation in the gene search by liquid biopsy in our hospital and examine a mark
鮫島有美子, 原聡志, 堅田敦, 東浩志, 浦野順平, 寒川貴文, 辻博行, 牧尾健史, 杉山陽介, 原彩子, 高田哲男, 木下善詞, 細井慶太, 閔庚火華
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 248-248, 2018.

Japanese Article PP502. Examination about the EGFR mutation in the gene using liquid biopsy in our hospital
田崎正人, 本津茂人, 山内基雄, 友田恒一, 吉川雅則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 248-248, 2018.

Japanese Article PP503. The fact of the re-biopsy of patients with EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
長井賢次郎, 原悠, 品田佳那子, 室橋光太, 成田篤哉, 池田美彩子, 佐々木寿, 牛尾良太, 木村泰浩, 中島健太郎, 湯本健太郎, 田代研, 柴田祐司, 渡邉恵介, 長倉秀幸, 篠田雅宏, 佐藤隆, 新海正晴, 金子猛
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 248-248, 2018.

Japanese Article PP504. Clinical examination of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis (ABPM) 14 case in our hospital
西山裕乃, 酒井麻里, 稲垣雅康, 谷本光希, 横山佑衣子, 町井春花, 佐野未来, 木村令, 篠塚怜衣, 山田衣里子, 高納崇, 青山大輔, 横山俊彦, 野村史郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 249-249, 2018.

Japanese Article PP505. Examination of recurrent pattern and treatment of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis
小島彩子, 石黒卓, 吉田悠貴, 山田真紗美, 西田隆, 中元康雄, 河手絵理子, 太田池恵, 小田島丘人, 高久洋太郎, 鍵山奈保, 倉島一喜, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 249-249, 2018.

Japanese Article PP506. Examination about the comprehensive classification, diagnostic criteria of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis
石黒卓, 小島彩子, 吉田悠貴, 山田真紗美, 太田池恵, 中元康雄, 河手絵理子, 西田隆, 小田島丘人, 高久洋太郎, 鍵山奈保, 倉島一喜, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 249-249, 2018.

Japanese Article PP507. Chest CT evidence of allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis
服部繁明, 小熊剛, 岡田直樹, 原田一樹, 田中淳, 北原麻子, 友松克允, 浅野浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 249-249, 2018.

Japanese Article PP508. Examination of the culture fungus of patients with allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis
友松克允1, 原田一樹1, 田中淳1, 小熊剛1,5, 高柳昇2,5, 福永興壱3,5, 亀井克彦4,5, 浅野浩一郎1,5, ABPM研究班 日本医療研究開発機構5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 249-249, 2018.

Japanese Article PP509. Clinical picture of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis (ABPM) revival case
岡田直樹, 小熊剛, 服部繁明, 原田一樹, 田中淳, 北原麻子, 新美京子, 端山直樹, 友松克允, 青木琢也, 浅野浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 249-249, 2018.

Japanese Article PP510. The lungs, pleura lesion pattern analysis of acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis (EGPA)
高橋玄樹1, 端山直樹1, 新美京子1, 小熊剛1, 青木琢也1, 佐々木則子2, 若林孝幸2, 佐藤慎二2, 鈴木康夫2, 野川茂3, 瀧澤俊也3, 小澤秀樹4, 檜垣惠4, 高木敦司4, 小川吉明5, 安藤潔5, 坂巻文雄1, 浅野浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 250-250, 2018.

Japanese Article PP511. Background factor of the new Aspergillus fumigatus sensitization in patients with adult asthma
渡井健太郎, 福冨友馬, 関谷潔史, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 富田康裕, 林浩昭, 上出庸介, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 250-250, 2018.

Japanese Article PP512. The effect that antiPD-1 antibody gives for a respiratory tract inflammation and lung function
鈴木勇三1,2, 柄山正人1,2, 妹川史朗2, 朝田和博2, 横村光司2, 山田孝2, 増田昌文2, 松田宏幸2, 草ヶ谷英樹2, 黒石重城2, 小清水直樹2, 豊嶋幹生2, 早川啓史2, 安井秀樹1,2, 穗積宏尚1,2, 古橋一樹1,2, 榎本紀之1,2, 藤澤朋幸1,2, 中村祐太郎1,2, 乾直輝1,2, 須田隆文1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 250-250, 2018.

Japanese Article PP513. Examination about the respiratory function of patients with asthmatic non-merger allergic rhinitis with the prolonged chronic cough
加藤冠1,2,4, 田中裕士3,4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 250-250, 2018.

Japanese Article PP514. Inhibition - of the acquired tolerance by asthmatic crisis model - childhood stress caused by childhood stress
河野資1, 大内竜介1, 宮坂智充1, 大河原雄一2, 高柳元明1, 高橋知子1, 大野勲3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 251-251, 2018.

Japanese Article PP515. Incidence of complication, lung function of acidophilic sinusitis (ECRS) in the bronchial asthma, specific IgE antibody of the microbe
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 251-251, 2018.

Japanese Article PP516. Lipid mediator and linkage characteristics out of the expiration condensate in the bronchial asthma with the respiratory function
内田義孝1,2, 杣知行1,2, 内藤恵里佳1,2, 家村秀俊1,2, 宮内幸子1,2, 中込一之1,2, 永田真1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 251-251, 2018.

Japanese Article PP517. Does colonization to the respiratory tract of the environmental fungus have an influence on the FENO level of the chronic cough patients?
小川晴彦1, 大倉徳幸2, 藤村政樹3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 251-251, 2018.

Japanese Article PP518. Analysis about IL-33 as the respiratory tract inflammation biomarker at asthmatic exacerbation
高橋浩一郎1, 貞松宏典1, 田代宏樹1, 加藤剛2, 木村晋也1, 荒金尚子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 251-251, 2018.

Japanese Article PP519. Functional analysis of CD163 as the M2 macrophage marker in the bronchial asthma
徳永佳尚1, 今岡治樹1, 森松嘉孝1, 加來庸一郎1, 坂崎優樹1, 松岡昌信1, 菰原義弘2, 藤原章雄2, 川山智隆1, 竹屋元裕2, 星野友昭1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 251-251, 2018.

Japanese Article PP520. Effect of treatment of the macrolide for the HDM instruction allergic property respiratory tract inflammation
貞松宏典1, 高橋浩一郎1, 田代宏樹1, 加藤剛2, 内田賢3, 木村晋也1, 荒金尚子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article PP521. Effect of the repeated bronchiectasia by the salbutamol inhalation in the OVA inductivity mouse asthma model
神野恵美, 大田進, 田中明彦, 河原朋子, 三國肇子, 佐藤春奈, 木村友之, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 山口宗大, 井上英樹, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 鈴木慎太郎, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article PP522. The effect that the repeated respiratory tract shrinkage gives for a cough response to assume a bronchial smooth muscle contraction trigger
山村健太1, 原丈介1, 大倉徳幸1, 藤村政樹2, 酒井珠美1, 阿保未来1, 曽根崇1, 木村英晴1, 笠原寿郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article PP523. Examination of the mechanism of action of the new sublingual immune therapy in the tick antigen-induced mouse chronic asthma model
加藤茂樹, 白井亮, 八十川直哉, 橘高誠, 黒瀬浩史, 阿部公亮, 大植祥弘, 小橋吉博, 岡三喜男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article PP525. Comparison - of examination -1 day twice preparation and the once a day preparation about the medication adherence of the ICS/LABA inhalant
古家正1, 中村陽一1, 小松崎恵子1, 橋場容子1, 遠藤順治1, 磯崎淳1, 稲瀬直彦2, 宮崎泰成3, 相良博典4, 足立満5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article PP526. Outpatient specialized in bronchial asthma by the many types of job cooperation aiming at the adherence improvement of the asthmatic patients
谷本安, 大石沙織, 黒岡昌代, 大上康広, 石賀充典, 田中寿明, 高橋秀治, 濱田昇, 河田典子, 木村五郎, 宗田良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article PP527. Examination of the factor associated with the effect of the inhalational instruction carried out for elderly people
伊藤玲子, 権寧博, 古川典子, 丸岡秀一郎, 橋本修
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article PP528. Examination about bronchial asthma, the inhalant continuance rate in patients with COPD and the background
石倉麻沙子, 鈴木綾花, 高橋聡貴
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article PP529. Inhalational instruction using an inhalational instruction cooperation system with the ethical pharmacy
北俊之1, 新屋智之1, 市川由加里1, 寺田七朗1, 原丈介2, 笠原寿郎2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article PP530. Inhalational device choice and examination of the inhalational error on the basis of the palatability of the asthmatic patients
青木康弘1, 原史郎2, 須賀達夫1,3, 前野敏孝3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article PP531. Drug release properties of the dry powder inhaler Ellipta and diskus
近藤哲理1, 谷垣俊守2, 日比野真1, 堀内滋人1, 福田稔1, 田尻さくら子3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article PP532. A fact and examination of the intake pattern of the asthmatic patients using the intake current meter
大林浩幸1, 有賀充江1, 工藤沙帆里1, 岡田豊子2, 石関一則2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article PP533. Examination of the clinical response by the inhalational instruction standardization in our hospital
加藤諒, 佐久間貴士, 西木一哲, 中瀬啓介, 野尻正史, 四宮祥平, 東野茉莉, 高原豊, 齋藤雅俊, 小島好司, 藤本由貴, 中川研, 及川卓, 水野史朗, 石崎武志, 長内和弘, 栂博久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article PP534. Examination about the usefulness of the inhalational maneuver evaluation by the nurse and the inhalational instruction
中野寛之1,2, 井上純人1, 五十嵐朗1, 東海林佳兼1, 佐藤建人1, 町田浩祥1, 細川早苗2, 柴田陽光1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article PP535. Obtain cooperation of recognition investigation questionnaire - administration of the COPD in Matsusaka-shi; and ...
中村祐基1, 古橋一樹1, 鈴木勇太1, 齋木晴子1, 坂口直1, 伊藤健太郎1, 西井洋一1, 渡邉文亮1, 畑地治1, 勝田浩司2, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article PP536. "The frailty prevention is the case control study of the syndrome at COPD and old age about the frailty in elderly people general usability test (CGA) outpatient department"
千田一嘉1,2, 西川満則2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article PP537. Examination of the relationship of a peripheral blood eosinophil count and clinical features in the COPD
野田純也, 進藤丈, 安藤守秀, 安部崇, 白木晶, 中島治典, 日比美智子, 堀翔
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article PP538. It is examination about the effect of becoming it and fibrosis empyema to give for the survival period of home oxygen therapy patients with the history of cigarette smoking
扇谷昌宏, 松井弘稔, 鈴木純子, 渡辺将人, 城幸督, 名越咲, 長瀬まき, 花井みき, 佐藤研人, 永井英明, 大田健
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article PP539. Analysis of the effect of periodontal disease to give to the decreased respiratory function in local general inhabitants: Hisayama-machi study
福山聡1, 松元幸一郎1, 竹内研時2, 緒方大聡1,3, 竹下徹2, 古田美智子2, 須磨紫乃2, 秦淳3, 二宮利治3, 山下喜久2, 井上博雅4, 中西洋一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article PP540. The examination of the long-term clinical course of the smokers who are careless for a diagnosis of the COPD: Than Hokkaido COPD cohort study
武井望, 鈴木雅, 牧田比呂仁, 今野哲, 清水薫子, 木村裕樹, 木村孔一, 西村正治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article PP541. Examination of a respiratory function and the physical activity of the "Tokai University citizen health sports university" participant
沓澤智子1, 浦野哲哉2, 岩本敏志1, 中岡正昭3, 津田麻佐子4, 松木秀明1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article PP542. Examination about the respiratory function of empyema merger pulmonary fibrosis (CPFE) less than 70% of ratio of the forced expiratory volume in one second in our hospital
堂下和志, 中村慧一, 鈴木北斗, 黒田光, 高橋政明, 藤田結花, 山崎泰宏, 辻忠克, 藤兼俊明
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article PP543. Comparison of the COPD case that we diagnosed by different COPD examination in the 3 area
川口諒1, 中山雅之1, 坂東政司1, 堂嶽洋一2, 間藤尚子1, 山沢英明1, 鈴木拓児1, 萩原弘一1, 杉山幸比古3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article PP544. Examination about the effectiveness of the questionnaire in the COPD of the CT examination discovery
兒玉明里, 濱口愛, 谷野良輔, 白築陽平, 奥野峰苗, 中尾美香, 天野芳宏, 堀田尚誠, 沖本民生, 津端由佳里, 濱口俊一, 栗本典昭, 礒部威
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article PP545. Examination of the usefulness of the tiotropium / olodaterol combination drug in patients with COPD
大成洋二郎, 齊藤尚美, 山根真由香
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PP546. Examination of the usefulness of the low-dose salmeterol fluticasone combination drug for patients with COPD
安井秀樹1,2, 乾直輝1,2, 大場久乃2, 横村光司2, 佐藤潤2, 小清水直樹2, 佐藤雅樹2, 豊嶋幹生2, 山田孝2, 増田昌文2, 白井敏博2, 須田隆文1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PP547. Examination of the effectiveness of the glycopyrronium / indacaterol combination drug to patients with COPD
花田宗一郎1, 御勢久也1, 澤口博千代1, 村木正人1, 東田有智2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PP548. About the physical activity-related change with the anticholinergic drug in patients with COPD
森由弘1, 市川裕久1, 南木伸基2, 荒川裕佳子1, 中村洋之3, 亀井雅4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PP549. Examination of the tiotropium bromide hydrate / olodaterol hydrochloride combination drug short-term use effect on patients with COPD
渡邉直人, 牧野荘平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PP550. Usefulness of the forced Osh military ration method in the treatment evaluation of patients with untreated COPD
高橋進悟, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PP551. The extension and the exercise tolerance of the exercise time that we obtained by acupuncture to COPD were maintained after treatment in three months
三木啓資, 前倉知典, 枝廣龍哉, 暮部裕之, 細野裕貴, 呉家由子, 押谷洋平, 香川浩之, 辻野和之, 好村研二, 三木真理, 北田清悟, 前倉亮治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article PP552. Effective and safe examination of the antiIL-5 antibody therapy for the COPD with Eosinophilic phenotype: Meta analysis of the randomized controlled trial
安藤浩一1,2, 田中明彦1, 大西司1, 井上紳2, 相良博典1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article PP553. Examination of the difference in self-assessment about the inhalational maneuver and objective evaluation and the inhalational instruction effect
野田直孝1, 藤野祥3, 梅野なるみ3, 神代広平3, 木村晶子3, 川床健司1, 合瀬瑞子1, 岡村晃資1, 長岡愛子1, 原真紀子1, 赤崎卓2, 槇早苗2, 伊勢信治1, 出水みいる1, 若松謙太郎1, 川崎雅之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article PP554. Pharmacokinetics of Alpha-1 MP in the Japanese α1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) patients
瀬山邦明1, 貫和敏博2, 佐藤匡1, 鈴木雅3, 今野哲3, 高橋和久, 西村正治3, Steinmann Kimberly4, Sorrells Susan4, 林賢一5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article PP555. We look at the rear about the clinical characteristic of the empyema in elderly people our hospital 60 years old or older and the pneumonia concomitant pleural effusion and examine a mark
野川ひとみ, 麻生マリ, 阿部航也, 阿部祐紀, 和田敏弘, 岩渕勝好
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article PP556. Clinical examination of the lung abscess
河岸由紀男, 林大輝, 村中絵美里, 辻博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article PP557. Examination of pleural pneumonia, the empyema in our hospital
久田友哉, 伊元孝光, 野原冠吾, 松野和彦, 知花なおみ, 喜屋武幸男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article PP558. Examination of the empyema case in the Toyooka Hospital
三好琴子1, 中治仁志1, 池尾聡2, 阪森優一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article PP559. Clinical examination of the acute empyema case in our hospital
酒井菜摘, 小原竜軌, 岡島正明, 細井牧, 寺田正樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article PP560. We look at the rear of empyema and the pleurisy and examine a mark
伊藤悠1, 伊藤優1, 柳生洋行1, 川島英俊1, 石井宏志1, 高橋良平1, 小澤聡子1, 木越宏紀2, 菅野健児2, 山本健嗣2, 前原孝光2, 金子猛3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article PP561. Genetic agreement of isolate and the oral bacteria of the empyema by the next-generation sequencer and the lung abscess
勝田倫子1, 犬伏順也3, 江口徹3, 寺田邦彦2, 鏡亮吾1, 福田泰1, 大西康貴1, 加藤智浩1, 花岡健司1, 三宅剛平1, 水守康之1, 塚本宏壮1, 佐々木信1, 河村哲治1, 中原保治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article PP562. One case of the young man who had a diagnosis of SLE with acute empyema
蜂須賀康己, 藤岡真治, 魚本昌志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article PP563. 2 cases that the guide sheath (GS) drainage of the transbronchus was effective for an intractable lung abscess
三ツ井美穂, 石塚全, 安斎正樹, 早稲田優子, 森川美羽, 梅田幸寛, 門脇麻衣子, 重見博子, 本定千知, 山口牧子, 島田昭和, 佐藤譲之, 杉山光寿, 中嶋康貴
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article PP564. About usefulness of various disease severity prediction score in the treatment outcome prediction of the empyema
鶴野広介, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 後藤夕輝, 村上行人, 末安巧人, 棟近幸, 西澤早織, 吉峯晃平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article PP565. Examination of the operation under thoracoscopy for the acute empyema
道免寛充1, 樋田泰浩2, 桐山琴衣1, 古川聖太郎1, 市之川一臣1, 山田秀久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article PP566. The serum albumin is superior to a pneumonia disease severity index to predict the 30-day mortality rate of the inpatient with outside Parliament development pneumonia
宮崎浩行, 永田忍彦, 原田泰志, 赤木隆紀, 竹田悟志, 吉田祐士, 牛島真一郎, 森専一郎, 和田健司
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article PP567. Examination of an erector muscle of spine cross section and the pneumonia onset in the cot case
篠原岳, 前田紀章, 衛藤祐介, 黄勇澤, 藤崎公達, 中山國明, 門馬正志, 梅川淳一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article PP568. The effect that antimicrobial administration in pneumonia treatment gives in a hydrogen concentration during the expiration
笠島真志1, 久保田勝聖1, 白澤昌之1, 小澤貴裕1, 西成田詔子1, 中原善朗1, 井川聡1, 横場正典1, 小林こず恵2, 小久保謙一2, 佐々木治一郎1, 片桐真人1, 小林弘祐1,2, 猶木克彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article PP569. Correlation of pre-sepsine and inflammatory response marker (CRP, WBC), examination about the convalescence prediction of the pre-sepsine
澁佐隆1, 海瀬俊治2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article PP570. The deglutition functional disorder in elderly people and examination about the induction expectoration osteopontin concentration
峠岡康幸1, 礒部威2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article PP571. Examination of the adult 7 case of the bronchial / bronchiolitis that assumed primary immunodeficiency disease (PID) background
小熊昂1, 今野哲1, 鈴木雅1, 清水薫子1, 山田雅文2, 有賀正2, 西村正治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article PP572. Examination of the familial mediterranean fever that received the chest pain that we experienced in our hospital for main complaint
高野峻一, 田口浩平, 内田恵, 神戸将彦, 池田香菜, 中川純一, 塚越正章
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 262-262, 2018.

Japanese Article PP573. Estimate of the pertussis prevalence in patients with cough
山口統彦, 酒井俊輔, 美馬尚徳, 平松政高, 寺田晴子, 久原華子, 合屋将
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 262-262, 2018.

Japanese Article PP574. Present conditions report of the influenza Internet survey
石田直, 大石和徳, 大曲貴夫, 川名明彦, 関雅文, 舘田一博, 藤田次郎, 渡辺彰, 門田淳一, 菊地利明, 丸山貴也, 山田充啓
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 262-262, 2018.

Japanese Article PP575. Usefulness of the fiber-formed structure expectorating in the primary causative organism estimate of the respiratory infection
大石享平, 久保田努, 持塚康孝, 直井兵伍, 望月栄佑, 上原正裕, 松浦駿, 長岡深雪, 津久井賢, 小清水直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article PP576. A convalescence comparison between beta lactam + macrolide combined treatment and beta lactam monotherapy in the community-acquired pneumonia: Tendency score analysis using multicenter cash register strike Lee
中島啓1, 青島正大1,2, 大槻歩1,2, 三沢昌史1,2, 鈴木基1,3, 森本浩之輔1,3, 有吉紅也1,3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article PP577. Initial treatment for resistant bacteria choice of community-acquired onset pneumonia estimated by a drug sensitivity test
奥村隼也, 進藤有一郎, 佐野将宏, 榊原利博, 村上靖, 長谷川好規
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article PP578. Examination about the effectiveness of the pneumococcal vaccine in patients with chronic respiratory disease
増田寿寛, 田村可菜美, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article PP579. One case of the treatment-resistant Rethia mucilaginesa chest infection
宗哲哉1, 山下直樹1, 比嘉花絵2, 宮田剛彰2, 下川秀彦3, 川野大悟4, 吉松隆4, 小山倫浩5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article PP580. Examination of the case that detected Escherichia coli from bronchial washings
塚本宏壮, 竹野内政紀, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 水野翔馬, 福田泰, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 花岡健司, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 三宅剛平, 水守康之, 横井陽子, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article PP581. One case of the bronchitis due to the influenza bacilli which was invalidity clinically bacteriologically though we gave reception-related good Cefcapene pivoxil
笠松悠1, 住谷充弘2, 角田尚子2, 西村美沙子2, 松井秀記2, 三木雄三2, 少路誠一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 264-264, 2018.

Japanese Article PP582. Examination of origin bacteria of the COPD acute exacerbation patients
柳生恭子1, 小林正典1, 宮本篤志1, 岡隆子1, 清家孝則1, 松下晴彦1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 264-264, 2018.

Japanese Article PP583. A change of CPAP Adobe alane by the remote monitoring system introduction: Multicenter randomized controlled trial
村瀬公彦, 谷澤公伸, 津田徹, 大井元晴, 赤星俊樹, 成井浩司, 名嘉村博, 大平徹郎, 吉嶺裕之, 坪井知正, 山城義広, 安藤眞一, 葛西隆敏, 北英夫, 巽浩一郎, 鰤岡直人, 富井啓介, 近藤康博, 小賀徹, 酒巻哲夫, 森田智視, 平井豊博, 黒田知宏, 陳和夫, 遠隔モニタリング研究班
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article PP584. Does the treatment adherence of the CPAP not decrease by the extension of the meeting practice interval?
大平徹郎, 松山菜穂, 馬場順子, 清水崇, 松本尚也, 森山寛史, 宮尾浩美, 桑原克弘
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article PP585. A going to hospital interval between the CPAP therapy in patients with sleep apnoea syndrome and change of the adherence
松本洋祐1, 高井雄二郎1, 小林美奈穂1, 福永俊二2, 杉山邦3, 山城義広4, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article PP586. Association following sleep apnoea between gasp-like breathing and continuous positive airway pressure therapy adherence
山口泰弘, 日比慎一郎, 濱谷広頒, 石井正紀, 秋下雅弘
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article PP587. About the difference of the CPAP therapy continuance rate under our hospital respiratory organs internal medicine, circulatory organ internal medicine management
岩田帆波, 矢谷敦彦, 藤井真央, 堀朱矢, 竹中かおり, 植田史朗, 西馬照明
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article PP588. Examination about the long-term treatment trend of Complex Sleep Apnea
中山秀章1,2, 鳥山和俊1, 河越淳一郎1, 杉山伸也1, 冨樫佑基1, 柳原万里子2, 笠木聡1, 井上雄一2, 瀬戸口靖弘1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article PP589. Usefulness of the seeing through lower video analysis in the upper respiratory tract usability test of patients with sleep apnoea syndrome
高井雄二郎1, 佐藤大輔1, 松本洋祐1, 福永俊二2, 大橋直樹3, 池田健3, 大宮航3, 杉山邦男4, 山城義広5, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 266-266, 2018.

Japanese Article PP590. It is treatment-resistant with metabolism re-programming of the cancer cell in the acid tumor environment
岩井悠希1, 菊池亮太1, 辻隆夫1,2, 山口佳寿博2, 中村博幸1, 青柴和徹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article PP591. The AXL kinase controls immunodepression molecules in EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung adenocarcinoma
突田容子1, 藤野直也1, 宮内栄作1, 井上彰2, 板倉康司1, 山田充啓1, 岡崎達馬1, 桜田晃3, 杉浦久敏1, 岡田克典3, 一ノ瀬正和3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article PP592. The KRAS/BRAF mutation induces PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer cells through MAPK/ERK course
三浦陽介1, 砂長則明1, 包品杰2, 解良恭一2, 塚越優介1, 笠原礼光1, 増田友美1, 櫻井麗子1, 土橋邦生3, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article PP593. Examination about an anticancer effect of the pemetrexed using the non-small cell lung cancer cell line and the resistant mechanism
谷野良輔, 奥野早苗, 兒玉明里, 中尾美香, 天野芳宏, 堀田尚誠, 濱口愛, 沖本民生, 津端由佳里, 礒部威
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article PP594. Tumor extension promotion by the differentiation to cancer-related fibroblastic myofibroblast: Examination of the participation of PAI-1
益田武, 難波将史, 中島拓, 堀益靖, 宮本真太郎, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 濱田泰伸, 服部登
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article PP595. Analysis of the ASCL1-positive group in the non-small cell lung cancer
宮下直也1, 堀江真史2, 齋藤朗1,3, 長瀬隆英1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article PP596. IPF prospective cohort study
西山理1, 山崎亮1, 西川裕作1, 佐野博幸1, 岩永賢司1, 東本有司1, 久米裕昭1, 原口龍太2, 東田有智1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article PP597. The prospective cohort study for the smoking-related respiratory intractable disease in Fukuoka: Life-style related diseases meeting for the study of the Fukuoka lungs
緒方彩子1, 鈴木邦裕1, 濱田直樹1, 一木克之2, 津田徹2, 高田昇平3, 北里裕彦4, 井上直征5, 矢寺和博6, 迎寛11, 永田忍彦7, 吉井千春8, 岡元昌樹9, 星野友昭9, 石井寛10, 藤田昌樹10, 渡辺憲太朗10, 若田好史12, 徳永章二12, 錦谷まりこ13, 中西洋一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article PP598. Clinical form classification of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis using the cluster analysis
青島洋一郎, 柄山正人, 堀池安意, 鈴木清一郎, 安井秀樹, 穗積宏尚, 鈴木勇三, 古橋一樹, 藤澤朋幸, 榎本紀之, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article PP599. Comparison of the model performance of the GAP model by the % lung capacity calculation method in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
錦織博貴, 千葉弘文, 浅井悠一郎, 近藤瞬, 池田貴美之, 小林智史, 森勇樹, 大塚満雄, 高橋弘毅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article PP600. %Examination about the course of the IPF patients of FVC >= 80%
佐伯翔, 西山理, 山崎亮, 佐野博幸, 岩永賢司, 東本有司, 久米裕昭, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article PP601. Convalescence of IPF which we examined from a flow volume curve
仲川宏昭1,2, 大利亮太1, 磯本晃佑1, 小松茂1, 桑平一郎3, 小倉高志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article PP602. Examination of the usefulness of the Charlson comorbidity index as the interstitial pneumonia acute exacerbation convalescence predictor
室橋光太1, 原悠1, 長井賢次郎1, 品田佳那子1, 池田美彩子1, 中島健太郎1, 木村泰浩1, 柴田祐司1, 田代研1, 湯本健太郎1, 渡邉恵介1, 篠田雅宏1, 佐藤隆1, 工藤誠2, 新海正晴1, 金子猛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article PP603. Examination as the substitute marker for negative heart sign of serum SP-A in the interstitial pneumonia
佐々木寿1, 原悠2, 藤倉雄二1, 叶宗一郎1, 新海正晴2, 金子猛2, 川名明彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article PP604. Examination of the clinical significance of the serum in the interstitial pneumonia-soluble IL-2 receptor
佐藤佑樹, 二階堂雄文, 美佐健一, 東川隆一, 福原奈緒子, 齋藤香恵, 王新涛, 谷野功典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article PP605. Significance of the antiCCP antibody in the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
勝又峰生, 穗積宏尚, 安井秀樹, 鈴木勇三, 柄山正人, 古橋一樹, 藤澤朋幸, 榎本紀之, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article PP606. Examination of BCL2L11 genetic polymorphism and the redox in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
磯部和順1, 一色琢磨1, 鏑木教平1, 卜部尚久1, 伊藤貴文1, 澤田哲郎1, 佐野剛1, 坂本晋1, 高井雄二郎1, 栃木直文2, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article PP607. Change over time of serum matrix metalloproteinase-7 is an independent prognostic factor of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
村瀬裕子1, 祖開暁彦2, 半田知宏1, 谷澤公伸1,3, 宇野賀津子4, 池添浩平1, 中塚賀也1, 久保武5, 小賀徹3, 長井苑子6, 陳和夫3, 三嶋理晃7, 平井豊博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article PP608. Examination of secondary pneumothorax complicated for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
堀越公子, 加藤元康, 河野加奈, 中村貴裕, 山田朋子, 吉川仁美, 井原宏彰, 朝尾哲彦, 岡本翔一, 高木陽, 小山良, 長岡鉄太郎, 児玉裕三, 高橋史行, 瀬山邦明, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article PP609. Examination about the convalescence of secondary pneumothorax
高橋史成1, 滝原崇久1, 中村法子2, 堀尾幸弘1, 榎田啓十1, 新美京子1, 端山直樹1, 小熊剛1, 青木琢也1, 岩崎正之3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article PP610. Analysis of thorax flattening and the prognostic factor in the chronic interstitial lung disease
岡林比呂子, 一安秀範, 赤池公孝, 濱田昌平, 中村和芳, 岡本真一郎, 藤井一彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article PP611. It is examination about the tracheal deviation in a hilum of lung fist of Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis
石井寛1, 渡辺憲太朗1, 串間尚子1, 木下義晃1, 藤田昌樹1, 上甲剛2, 酒井文和2, 小倉高志2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article PP612. Usefulness of the pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (PPFE) diagnosis by the pulmonary echo
上原正裕, 久保田努, 持塚康孝, 大石享平, 直井兵伍, 望月栄佑, 松浦駿, 津久井賢, 小清水直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article PP613. Examination of the pirfenidone effect of treatment for Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis (PPFE)
相馬智英, 後藤康洋, 峯澤智之, 榊原洋介, 岡村拓哉, 丹羽義和, 森川紗也子, 三重野ゆうき, 魚津桜子, 加藤敦, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article PP614. Two cases of relatively rare secondary own omen PPFE
斎藤武文, 薮内悠貴, 後藤瞳, 野中水, 笹谷悠惟果, 秋山達也, 田地広明, 石川宏明, 荒井直樹, 兵頭健太郎, 根本健司, 三浦由記子, 高久多希朗, 大石修司, 林原賢治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 271-271, 2018.

Japanese Article PP615. Examination of the antiTrichosporon asahii antibody-positive chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
大西康貴, 河村哲治, 東野貴徳, 中原保治, 佐々木信, 塚本宏壮, 三宅剛平, 東野幸子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article PP616. Examination of the summer type hypersensitivity pneumonitis in our hospital
伊志嶺朝彦, 山元隆太, 村山義明, 福里夏海, 新里敬, 玉城和則, 下地勉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article PP617. Clinical examination of the summer type hypersensitivity pneumonitis in our hospital
石川利寿1, 河崎勉1, 島矢和浩1, 安部由希子1, 片佑樹1, 岡安香1, 鵜浦康司1, 中村陽一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article PP618. The low absorption lesion of the chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis spreads with fibrosis: Difference with the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
新井徹1, 小橋保夫2, 杉本親寿1, 審良正則1, 笠井孝彦1, 北市正則3, 井上義一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article PP619. Examination of the fibrous chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis that we diagnosed after a surgical lung biopsy in our hospital
保田祐子, 川村宏大, 一門和哉, 菅守隆
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article PP620. The measurement of the quantity of bird antigen in the environment in the chronic bird-related hypersensitivity pneumonitis
瀬間学, 宮崎泰成, 稲瀬直彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article PP621. Examination about the clinical significance of the pigeon serum lymphocyte stimulation test in the chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
上山維晋, 油谷英孝, 寺田悟, 中西智子, 濱尾信叔, 稲尾崇, 加持雄介, 安田武洋, 橋本成修, 羽白高, 田中栄作, 田口善夫
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article PP622. It is examined the usefulness of the respiratory function test after antigen provocation in the chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
石塚聖洋1,2, 井上幸久1, 宮崎泰成1, 稲瀬直彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article PP623. Examination of cytokine chemokines before and after the antigen inhalation in the bird-related hypersensitivity pneumonitis
井上幸久1, 石塚聖洋2, 白井剛1, 増尾昌宏1, 立石知也1, 古澤春彦1, 藤江俊秀1, 玉岡明洋1, 坂下博之1, 宮崎泰成1, 稲瀬直彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article PP624. Examination of BALF in the CHP patients and blood CCL15
渡部雅子1, 堀益靖1, 岩本博志1, 山口覚博1, 坂本信二郎1, 益田武1, 宮本真太郎1, 中島拓1, 大下慎一郎2, 藤高一慶1, 濱田泰伸3, 服部登1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article PP625. Examination about relations with antigen identification, evasion and the exacerbation in the hypersensitivity pneumonitis
島寛, 丸毛聡, 林優介, 宇山倫弘, 網本久敬, 白石祐介, 小谷アヤ, 原伶奈, 山城春華, 白田全弘, 北島尚昌, 井上大生, 片山優子, 糸谷涼, 福井基成
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article PP626. Examination of 2 cases of the bird-related chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis that thorough antigen evasion was effective
結城将明, 岩田裕子, 茂田光弘, 河野美佳, 江本範子, 笠井昭吾, 大河内康実, 徳田均
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article PP627. Clinical significance of the pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis shadow in the collagenosis-related interstitial lung disease
榎本泰典1, 中村祐太郎1, 澄川裕充2, 上甲剛3, 西本幸司1, 吉村克洋1, 藤澤朋幸1, 榎本紀之1, 乾直輝1, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article PP628. Examination of the clinical picture of the organized pneumonia diagnosed pathologically
松井秀記, 角田尚子, 西村美沙子, 三木雄三, 住谷充弘, 少路誠一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article PP629. Examination of the organized pneumonia case with the characteristic of IPAF
佐藤陽子, 林涼子, 島岡洋介, 岩渕悠介, 松本強
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article PP630. One case of the organized pneumonia complicated with spondarthritis with suspected ankylosing spondylitis
木下康平, 布山智恵, 小原一葉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article PP631. Examination of the pulmonary disease with the rheumatoid arthritis in our hospital
高野智子1, 常見安史1, 加藤冠2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article PP632. Examination of the cause directly leading to death of the rheumatoid arthritis merger interstitial pneumonia in our hospital
大塚淳司1, 吉澤滋2, 山城朋子1, 春藤裕樹1, 川野奈菜1, 恐田尚幸1, 石松明子1, 猪島尚子1, 田口和仁1, 吉田誠1, 岩永知秋1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article PP633. Examination of the usefulness of IPF guidelines on rheumatoid arthritis-related classical interstitial pneumonia HRCT criteria in the video diagnosis
土屋裕1,7, 江頭玲子2, 澄川裕充3, 上甲剛4, 福岡順也5, 近藤康博6, David Lynch7, Joshua Solomon8
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article PP634. Examination of the effect of the biological drug in patients with pulmonary disease merger rheumatoid arthritis
岩江奈津子1, 松本亮1, 橋場弥生2, 久保和義2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article PP635. Clinical investigation about a sinobronchial syndrome, the pleural effusion of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had the yellow nail with bucillamine
高田宗武, 引石惇仁, 覺野重毅, 古川皓一, 杉中美穂, 小川晃一, 古瀬秀明, 吉田也恵, 西島正剛, 大谷賢一郎, 紙森隆雄, 藤原寛
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article PP636. Examination of the prognostic factor in the interstitial lung disease with the primary Sjogren's syndrome
神谷陽輔1, 藤澤朋幸1, 榎本泰典1, 河野雅人3, 横村光司4, 妹川史朗2, 中村秀範3, 安井秀樹1, 穗積宏尚1, 柄山正人1, 鈴木勇三1, 古橋一樹1, 榎本紀之1, 中村祐太郎1, 乾直輝1, 須田隆文1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article PP637. Clinical examination of six antiKu antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia
大利亮太1, 山川英晃1, 片野拓馬1, 真玉豪士1, 相子直人1, 磯本晃佑1, 田畑恵里奈1, 新谷亮多1, 佐渡山伸子1, 池田慧1, 丹羽崇1, 仲川宏昭1, 織田恒幸1, 奥田良1, 関根朗雅1, 北村英也1, 馬場智尚1, 小松茂1, 萩原恵里1, 武村民子2, 小倉高志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article PP638. Multifaceted examination using clinical information, HRCT, the surgical lung biopsy tissue in the lesion in the systemic lupus erythematosus-related thorax: Multicenter retrospective study
榎本紀之1,2, 江頭玲子1,3, 田畑和宏1,4, 笠原寿郎5, 岸一馬6, 石塚全7, 井上義一8, 近藤康博9, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article PP639. BALF VEGF-C/-D level in the acute respiratory distress syndrome
山下雅大, 前門戸任
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article PP640. About effect of treatment of convalescence and the thrombomodulin of the DIC merged ARDS case
江口善友, 一門和哉, 川村宏大, 廣重滋夫, 保田祐子, 神宮直樹, 坂田能彦, 阿南圭祐, 久永純平, 仁田脇辰哉, 中野愛子, 菅守隆
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article PP641. The effectiveness of azithromycin as the adjuvant setting for moderate disease, the seriously ill ARDS: We look at the single institution, rear and analyze a mark, tendency score
川村宏大, 一門和哉, 菅守隆
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article PP642. 1 case of the Good syndrome discovered in pneumonia with the onset of the ARDS
喜多秀文1, 恩田貴人1, 小林隆2, 石田信彦2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article PP643. Clinical examination about the pulmonary disorder with the waterproof spray
堅田敦, 細井慶太, 牧尾健史, 寒川貴文, 浦野順平, 辻博行, 東浩志, 鮫島有美子, 原彩子, 杉山陽介, 高田哲男, 原聡志, 木下善詞, 閔庚火華
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article PP644. Diagnosis predictive model of the drug-related ARDS
阿南圭祐, 一門和哉, 川村宏大, 廣重滋夫, 江口善友, 保田祐子, 坂田能彦, 神宮直樹, 久永純平, 仁田脇辰哉, 中野愛子, 菅守隆
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article PP645. Usefulness of the air leak management by Digital monitoring for spontaneous pneumothorax
栽原彩1, 松本容子1, 古川龍太郎1, 小原さやか1, 谷口友理1, 放生雅章2, 松本順3, 臼井一裕1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article PP646. Examination of female pneumothorax that we experienced in our hospital
東浩志, 高田哲男, 堅田敦, 鮫島有美子, 牧尾健史, 浦野順平, 寒川貴文, 辻博行, 原彩子, 杉山陽介, 原聡志, 木下善詞, 細井慶太, 閔庚火華
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article PP647. One case of the primary lung cancer that was discovered with atrial fibrillation, and led to a diagnosis in EBUS
澤田友里1, 滝瀬淳1, 高澤聖子1, 村田圭祐1, 武井宏輔1, 土屋卓磨1, 堀江健夫1, 伊部崇史2, 井出宗則3, 久田剛志4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article PP648. Examination of the primary lung cancer case with peritoneal metastases in our hospital
浅岡雅人1, 黄英文1, 舩津洋平1, 谷哲夫1, 別役智子2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article PP649. - that later bronchial wash is more useful than before lung biopsy of examination - transbronchus of the timing of the bronchoscope washing at bronchoscopy for the primary lung cancer
陳昊, 岩嶋大介, 菅沼秀基, 奥田雅人, 小林淳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article PP650. The metastases to brain of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer with the symptom have a poor prognosis
属増晃一, 鹿毛秀宣, 安藤孝浩, 天野陽介, 長瀬隆英
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article PP651. Examination about the effect on lung cancer brain lesion of the immune checkpoint inhibitor
加藤智浩, 竹野内政紀, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 水野翔馬, 福田泰, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 花岡健司, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 三宅剛平, 塚本宏壮, 水守康之, 横井陽子, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article PP652. It is weighed liquid biopsy against re-biopsy after EGFR-TKI treatment of the EGFR mutation-positive lung cancer in our hospital
森口修平, 宇留賀公紀, 高橋由以, 小川和雅, 村瀬享子, 花田豪郎, 望月さやか, 高谷久史, 宮本篤, 諸川納早, 岸一馬
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article PP653. Pictorial characteristic of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung adenocarcinoma
岡林麻子1,5, 長谷川瑞江1,4, 桂秀樹1, 黄英哲2, 関根康雄2, 廣島健三3, 酒井文和4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article PP654. The present conditions of examination for PD-L1 (22C3) in our hospital
小谷昌広, 阪本智宏, 武田賢一, 牧野晴彦, 山口耕介, 田中那津美, 井岸正, 山崎章, 清水英治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article PP655. Clinical examination of patients with elderly people lung cancer
中野千裕, 山岸亨, 小高倫生, 渡邉賀代, 岸本久美子, 押尾剛志, 今泉知里, 新妻久美子, 島田長茂, 根本雄志, 松瀬厚人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article PP656. Examination about the lung cancer that FDG-PET in our hospital is low accumulation
清水理光1, 谷内七三子1, 矢嶋知佳1, 村田泰規1, 久保田馨2, 弦間昭彦2, 廣瀬敬1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article PP657. Lung field confinement-related ground glass type in our hospital, examination of the surgical biopsy case for the partial full type lesion
門谷英昭1, 眞本卓司1, 山根健志1, 井本和紀1, 阪上和樹1, 小川未来1, 千葉玲哉1, 長安書博1, 松田由美2, 永野晃史2, 井上清俊2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article PP658. The present conditions of the re-biopsy for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer in the prefectural Hiroshima Hospital respiratory organs center
濱井宏介, 中本可奈子, 棚橋弘貴, 谷本琢也, 庄田浩康, 石川暢久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article PP659. Examination of the change of position in the pleurodesis for the carcinomatous pleurisy
村田順之1, 青江啓介2, 大畑秀一郎1, 宇都宮利彰2, 坂本健次1, 関千尋2, 近森研一2, 前田忠士2, 亀井治人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article PP660. Examination about the clinical picture of the benign asbestos pleural effusion
伊志嶺篤1, 中野亮司2, 佐治花衣2, 細川桂輔2, 竹田真一2, 餌取諭2, 福原正憲2, 菊地憲孝3, 劔持喜之2, 佐藤くみ子2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article PP661. Examination of serum before treatment in the malignant pleural mesothelioma-soluble mesothelin-related peptide and the clinical background
鏑木教平1, 磯部和順1, 小林紘1, 卜部尚久1, 一色琢磨1, 伊藤貴文1, 澤田哲郎1, 佐野剛1, 坂本晋1, 高井雄二郎1, 伊豫田明2, 澁谷和俊3, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article PP662. Examination of the cytokine profile of the cancerous pleural effusion in the lung cancer
端山直樹, 大林昌平, 岡田直樹, 榎田啓十, 服部繁明, 竹内友恵, 高橋玄樹, 高橋史成, 滝口寛人, 北原麻子, 友松裕美, 友松克允, 滝原崇久, 新美京子, 小熊剛, 青木琢也, 浅野浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article PP663. Examination of the pleurodesis with sterilization adjustment talc for the carcinomatous pleurisy
西村美沙子1, 角田尚子1, 三木雄三1, 松井秀記1, 住谷充弘1, 少路誠一1, 津谷あす香2, 駄賀晴子2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article PP664. Three examination that were given pleurodesis with the 50% dextrose in water for intractable pneumothorax
兼久梢, 鍋谷大二郎, 喜友名朋, 橋岡寛恵, 新里彰, 新垣若子, 金城武士, 宮城一也, 古堅誠, 原永修作, 健山正男, 藤田次郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article PP665. Examination of the antitumor effect of the Heat Shock Protein 70 function inhibition by small molecule compound VER-155008 in pleural mesothelioma cells
坂井浩佑1,2, 井上麻耶1, 桑原由樹1, 小島章歳1, 戸田麻衣子1, 小林由美子1, 菊池聡1, 平田優介1, 教山紘之1, 三上慎太郎1, 森山岳1, 弦間昭彦2, 植松和嗣1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article PP666. The pleurectomy decortication that we performed for right pleura dissemination of the appendix origin pseudomyxoma peritonei
岡部和倫, 田尾裕之, 林雅太郎, 古川公之, 宮崎涼平, 横山新太郎, 原暁生
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article PP667. Examination of the pleurodesis by talc for the carcinomatous pleurisy in our hospital and OK-432
高谷久史, 森口修平, 高橋由以, 小川和雅, 村瀬享子, 望月さやか, 花田豪郎, 宇留賀公紀, 宮本篤, 諸川納早, 岸一馬
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article PP668. We look at the rear in the successive change of patients with our hospital spontaneous pneumothorax and examine a mark
中西陽祐1, 土谷美知子1, 坂口才1, 味水瞳1, 森川昇1, 上田桂子3, 一瀬増太郎3, 長坂行雄2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article PP669. Examination about the clinical significance of the soluble IL-2 receptor during pleural effusion in the carcinomatous pleurisy
森田雅子1, 松田宏幸1, 一條甲子郎1, 藤田総文1, 志知泉1, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article PP670. Examination of three treated progress non-small cell lung cancer primary in Pembrolizumab
菊池教大, 酒井千緒, 増田美智子, 阿野哲士, 石井幸雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article PP672. It is examined four cases receiving the ceritinib after that mouth nib administration for ALK gene translocation-positive lung adenocarcinoma
森山英士1, 佐野ありさ2, 今津善史3, 飯干宏俊3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article PP673. One case of Sarcomatous Carcinoma which showed ALK positive
氷室直哉1, 鈴木隆1, 新谷裕美子1, 南方孝夫1, 大島穣1, 片岡大輔1, 山本滋1, 楠本壮二郎2, 石田博雄3, 田澤咲子4, 門倉光隆1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article PP674. One case of the elderly people progress ALK lung cancer that we made start of therapy with a that mouth nib during maintenance dialysis
古堅誠, 兼久梢, 喜友名朋, 西山真央, 宇治宮蕗, 橋岡寛恵, 上若生, 新垣若子, 新里彰, 鍋谷大二郎, 西山直哉, 山内桃子, 金城武士, 仲松正司, 宮城一也, 原永修作, 屋良さとみ, 健山正男, 藤田次郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article PP675. One of the ALK-positive lung adenocarcinoma which showed a response by readministration after discontinuing a that mouth nib by an economic reason for 12 months
広瀬敏幸1, 阿部あかね2, 手塚敏史2, 稲山真美2, 吉田成二2, 葉久貴司2, 湯浅志乃3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article PP676. One case that was regarded as drug-related pleurisy by afatinib
児玉裕章, 井部達也, 濱元陽一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article PP677. Histories of treatment of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive small-cell lung cancer
飛田真悠子1, 越智宣昭2, 長崎泰有2, 中川望2, 本多宣裕2, 山根弘路2, 瀧川奈義夫2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article PP678. One patient whom acute artery of lower extremity embolism developed in during lung cancer chemotherapy including the cisplatin
笠原礼光1, 青木周平1, 矢冨正清1, 原田航1, 蜂巣克昌1, 塚越優介1, 三浦陽介1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 櫻井麗子1, 古賀康彦1, 小野昭浩1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明3, 前野敏孝1, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article PP679. One case of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer which became completely resectable by Carboplatin +nab paclitaxel combination preoperative chemotherapy
竹藪公洋1, 猪狩智生1, 佐藤未来1, 高岡和夫2, 石川慶大3, 川村健3, 飛岡弘敏4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article PP680. Example that we performed thoracoscopic pulmonary fistula closure technique for intractable pulmonary fistula complicated with pleura dissemination (M1a lung cancer), and it was if chemotherapy introduction was possible
高澤聖子1, 滝瀬淳1, 土屋卓磨1, 武井宏輔1, 澤田友里1, 村田圭祐1, 堀江健夫1, 伊部崇史2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article PP681. Two cases that metastasis to many organs was suspected, but were synchronism multiple cancer
三崎伯幸, 吉田千尋
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article PP682. Examination about the immune checkpoint inhibitor for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive case in our hospital
片山公実子, 小口展生, 岡田あすか, 黒野由莉, 堀本和秀, 上田将秀, 村上伸介, 竹中英昭, 長澄人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PP683. Ten clinical examination using the checkpoint inhibitor immune for non-small cell lung cancer of the PD-L1 ultrahigh voltage electron microscope expression (more than TPS 80%)
堀内康平, 李昊, 扇野圭子, 田中希宇人, 大森奈緒, 佐山宏一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PP684. Examination for the back treatment after the antiPD-1 antibody therapy in the progress non-small cell lung cancer
出村芳樹, 奥野雄大, 田畑未央, 多田利彦, 菅野貴世史, 塩崎晃平, 赤井雅也
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PP685. We look at the rear about the effect that an immune checkpoint inhibitor gives the next treatment and examine a mark
渡邉洋美1, 久保寿夫1, 工藤健一郎2, 南大輔3, 越智宣昭4, 原田大二郎5, 村上斗司6, 八杉昌幸7, 二宮崇1, 大橋圭明1, 市原英基1, 堀田勝幸1, 田端雅弘1, 木浦勝行1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PP686. Examination of the use of immune checkpoint inhibitor case in our hospital
笹原有紀子1, 遠藤駿1, 小澤貴裕1, 原哲1, 今瀬玲菜1, 島田裕之1, 山内秀太1, 榊原ゆみ1, 小林亜紀子1, 山崎啓一1, 神靖人1, 松原修2, 稲瀬直彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PP687. Treatment preferences - in use experience - metastases to brain of the immune checkpoint inhibitor in our hospital
味水瞳, 坂口才, 森川昇, 中西陽祐, 上田桂子, 土谷美知子, 一瀬増太郎, 長坂行雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PP688. It is clinical examination about the antiPD-1 inhibitor administration after palliative radiotherapy
後藤康洋, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 丹羽義和, 森川紗也子, 山蔦久美子, 峯澤智之, 榊原洋介, 岡村拓哉, 三重野ゆうき, 魚津桜子, 加藤敦, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article PP689. Examination about the treatment after the checkpoint inhibitor administration for the lung cancer of immunity
刀祢麻里1, 出雲雄大1, 徐立恒1, 吉村華子1, 粟野暢康1, 久世眞之1, 猪俣稔1, 守屋敦子1, 宮本信吾2, 國頭英夫2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article PP690. Significance of the sequential Pembrolizumab administration in patients with existing treatment with Nivolumab non-small cell lung cancer
藤田浩平, 岡村美里, 金井修, 中谷光一, 三尾直士
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article PP691. Examination of the effect predictor of nivolumab in 20 existing treatment non-small cell lung cancer
竹田隆之1, 竹内真弓1, 齊藤昌彦1, 竹本隆博2, 平田邦明2, 田中俊樹2, 牧原浩2, 竹田彬一2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article PP692. Examination of the effect on non-small cell lung cancer predictor of the nivolumab
箭内英俊, 松村聡介, 矢崎海, 沼田岳士, 太田恭子, 遠藤健夫
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article PP693. Examination of the predictor of the nivolumab therapy invalidity in the non-small cell lung cancer
朝田和博, 田村可菜美, 高橋進悟, 増田寿寛, 田中悠子, 遠藤慶成, 渡邉裕文, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article PP694. Efficacy of Benralizumab for Japanese asthmatics with poor control with high dose ICS / LABA
大田健1, 足立満2, 東田有智3, 高沼正幸1, 角野忠宏4, 三宅貴代美4, 江本夏伯5, 三浦聡之6, 佐々木絢子5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article PP695. Clinical investigations of Mepolizumab-introduced cases
横須賀響子1, 大島信治1,2, 長瀬まき1, 花井みき1, 佐藤研人1, 井上恵理1, 川島正裕1, 田下浩之1,2, 鈴川真穂1,2, 山根章1, 永井英明1, 松井弘稔1, 小林信之1,2, 庄司俊輔1,2, 大田健1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article PP696. Consideration of cases using Mepolizumab in our hospital
花岡健司, 竹野内政紀, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 水野翔馬, 福田泰, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 三宅剛平, 塚本宏壮, 水守康之, 横井陽子, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article PP697. A case in which the effect was further examined after changing from Omalizumab to Mepolizumab
知花和行, 伊藤紘, 天下井悠佳, 丁倫奈, 正和明哲, 中村祐介, 小池亮祐, 奥富泰明, 森田弘子, 渡邉泰治, 横山達也, 曽田紗世, 塩原太一, 池田直哉, 新井良, 船越友恵, 三好祐顕, 清水泰生, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article PP698. It is the treatment result by drug changes from omalizumab to mepolizumab in patients with bronchial asthma of our hospital
藤本祥太1, 関好孝1, 桐谷亜友1, 山中友美絵1, 渡邉直昭1, 細田千晶1, 宮川英恵1, 藤崎育実1, 栗田裕輔1, 木下陽1, 竹田宏1, 齋藤桂介1, 桑野和善2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article PP699. The effect of Mepolizumab on severe asthma
田辺悠記1, 原田紀宏1, 原田園子1,2, 笹野仁史1, 桂蓉子1, 上田翔子1, 三道ユウキ1, 中村愛1, 竹重智仁1, 松野圭1, 石森絢子1, 伊藤潤1, 熱田了1, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article PP700. Use experience of Mepolizumab for the allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
原丈介, 大倉徳幸, 山村健太, 阿保未来, 古林崇史, 鈴木淳也, 佐伯啓吾, 木場隼人, 内田由佳, 丹保裕一, 曽根崇, 木村英晴, 笠原寿郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article PP701. Consideration of use case of Mepolizumab for severe eosinophilic asthma in our hospital
古谷渉, 久野はるか, 山本千恵, 長谷川功, 久保田豊
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article PP702. Clinical examination of the mepolizumab administration case for the severe bronchial asthma in our hospital
沼田尊功, 古部暖, 奥田慶太郎, 川本浩徳, 内海裕文, 小林賢司, 柳澤治彦, 和久井大, 皆川俊介, 石川威夫, 原弘道, 荒屋潤, 金子由美, 中山勝敏, 桑野和善
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article PP703. Examination about the clinical effectiveness of mepolizumab for the severe asthma
中村祐人, 関谷潔史, 森晶夫, 岩田真紀, 永山貴紗子, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 渡井健太郎, 劉楷, 富田康裕, 三井千尋, 林浩昭, 上出庸介, 福冨友馬, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article PP704. Two cases of the severe bronchial asthma that was able to be given bronchial thermoplasty after two kinds of antibody treatment
杉山光寿, 森川美羽, 中嶋康貴, 佐藤譲之, 三ツ井美穂, 島田昭和, 山口牧子, 本定千知, 重見博子, 門脇麻衣子, 梅田幸寛, 早稲田優子, 安斎正樹, 石塚全
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article PP705. An example of the acidophilic bronchiolitis that antiIL-5 antibody treatment is effective, and chases the course after the treatment cancellation
上田翔子1, 伊藤潤1,2, 原口瑞樹1, 石森絢子1, 原田園子1, 三道ユウキ1, 中村愛1, 笹野仁史1, 田辺悠記1, 竹重智仁1, 松野圭1, 牧野文彦1, 長島修1, 原田紀宏1, 熱田了1, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article PP706. Comparison between group of expiration nitric oxide (FeNO) high level and low level group in patients with bronchial asthma
吉村華子, 粟野暢康, 徐立恒, 刀祢麻里, 久世眞之, 猪俣稔, 守屋敦子, 出雲雄大
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article PP707. Examination of the airway responsiveness of patients with existing treatment bronchial asthma
廣瀬正裕, 加藤研一, 鬼頭雄亮, 出口亜里紗, 横井達佳, 堀口紘輝, 吉田隆純, 瀧田好一郎, 加藤圭介, 桑原和伸, 志賀守, 近藤りえ子, 堀口高彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article PP708. The airway hypersensitivity study of patients with bronchial asthma and examination about IOS
廣瀬正裕, 加藤研一, 鬼頭雄亮, 出口亜里紗, 横井達佳, 堀口紘輝, 吉田隆純, 瀧田好一郎, 加藤圭介, 桑原和伸, 伴直昭, 志賀守, 近藤りえ子, 堀口高彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article PP709. Examination of the specific IgE antibody titers between the aspergillosis species
横井達佳, 桑原和伸, 出口亜里紗, 堀口紘輝, 吉田隆純, 加藤圭介, 伴直昭, 廣瀬正裕, 志賀守, 近藤りえ子, 堀口高彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article PP710. Comparison of the nitric oxide concentration during the expiration that we measured by NObreath, NIOX Vero and off-line law
永山貴紗子, 関谷潔史, 渡井健太郎, 岩田真紀, 中村祐人, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 劉楷, 富田康裕, 三井千尋, 林浩昭, 上出庸介, 福冨友馬, 森晶夫, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article PP711. Clinical examination of the severe acidophile type asthma on the basis of expiration NO
内藤恵里佳1,2, 杣知行1,2, 家村秀俊1,2, 宮内幸子1,2, 内田義孝1,2, 中込一之1,2, 永田真1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article PP712. Examination of the usefulness of the expiration nitric oxide levels which measured it in NIOX VERO in patients with adult severe asthma
劉楷, 上出庸介, 関谷潔史, 岩田真紀, 永山貴紗子, 中村祐人, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 渡井健太郎, 富田康裕, 三井千尋, 林浩昭, 福冨友馬, 森晶夫, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article PP713. Examination about the airway hypersensitivity of Asthma-COPD overlap
遠藤慶成, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進吾, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article PP714. Examination about the usefulness of the MOS tog back side in the differentiation of the respiratory symptom
西馬照明, 矢谷敦彦, 岩田帆波, 藤井真央, 竹中かおり, 植田史朗
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article PP715. Is the "dyspnea -12 Japanese edition" questionnaire useful for an onset prediction of the COPD acute exacerbation?
羽白高, 油谷英孝, 中西智子, 上山維晋, 寺田悟, 濱尾信叔, 稲尾崇, 加持雄介, 橋本成修, 田中栄作, 田口善夫
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article PP716. GOLD2017 classification in patients with Japanese COPD
小林誠一, 花釜正和, 石田雅嗣, 佐藤ひかり, 小野学, 矢内勝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article PP717. - other frailty rating systems that are the rating system that <basics check list> is useful in patients with COPD and comparison - with the sarcopenia
平井邦朗, 山口宗大, 大田進, 本間哲也, 山本真弓, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article PP718. Examination of asthma, the COPD overlap (ACO) criteria that we made in our hospital
町田浩祥, 佐藤建人, 中野寛之, 東海林佳兼, 五十嵐朗, 井上純人, 柴田陽光
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article PP719. Examination of the night monitoring usefulness by the pulseoxycapnometer in the COPD
田中健1, 白神梨沙1, 會田啓介1, 河野めぐみ2, 多田智2, 萩谷政明1, 本間敏明1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article PP720. Phenotype classification of the lungs, the respiratory tract lesion of smokers based on the cluster analysis of 3D-CT data
柄山正人, 安井秀樹, 鈴木勇三, 穗積宏尚, 古橋一樹, 榎本紀之, 藤澤朋幸, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article PP721. Significance of the expiration NO measurement in the ACO diagnosis
高山裕介, 大西広志, 小笠原史也, 大山洸右, 荻野慶隆, 穴吹和貴, 高松和史, 酒井瑞, 向田賢市, 窪田哲也, 横山彰仁
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article PP722. Search of the parameter predicting reactivity of the inhalational steroid medicine in the COPD
山路義和, 大石景士, 上原翔, 濱田和希, 末竹諒, 伊藤光佑, 浅見麻紀, 枝國信貴, 平野綱彦, 松永和人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article PP723. The breathing resistance before the SABA inhalation predicts respiratory tract reversibility in patients with COPD
赤松泰介, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article PP724. Condition of a patient evaluation of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients using the breathing irregular index
藤田幸男, 山内基雄, 山本佳史, 本津茂人, 友田恒一, 吉川雅則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article PP725. Examination of the effect that the long-term change of the symptom contributes to exacerbation in a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
丸毛聡, 前谷知毅, 林優介, 宇山倫弘, 網本久敬, 白石祐介, 渡邉アヤ, 原伶奈, 山城春華, 島寛, 白田全弘, 北島尚昌, 片山優子, 糸谷涼, 福井基成
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article PP726. Examination of the COPD acute exacerbation case in our hospital
百瀬匡, 長野宏昭, 根井雄一郎, 山城信, 喜舎場朝雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article PP727. Relative cross-sectional examination of views and the COPD exacerbation history of the deglutition evaluation
吉松由貴, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 後藤夕輝, 村上行人, 末安巧人, 西澤早織, 棟近幸, 吉峯晃平, 神幸希, 浅地美奈, 井手ひろみ, 鶴野広介, 宮嶋宏之
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article PP728. Examination about the change of the respiratory function in patients with bronchiectasis
佐々木朝矢, 矢次博, 串間尚子, 松本武格, 吉村力, 石井寛, 白石素公, 渡辺憲太朗, 藤田昌樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article PP729. Change of the respiratory function by the illness medicine cooperation inhalational instruction introduction for the obstruction lung disease
光石彬史1, 正木克宜1, 天谷拓也2, 加茂徹郎1, 荒井大輔1, 篠田裕美1, 高橋秀徳1, 千代谷厚1, 小林義美2, 仲地一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article PP730. Convalescence investigation of the bronchiectasis in our hospital
門脇徹, 坪内佑介, 西川恵美子, 岩本信一, 多田光宏, 木村雅広, 小林賀奈子, 池田敏和, 矢野修一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article PP731. Examination of the pulmonary epithelium stem cell in the mechanism of the emphysema onset
堤昭宏, Ahmed E Hegab, 石井誠, 尾崎真理, 櫻井香, 入江秀大, 亀山直史, 中鉢正太郎, 別役智子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article PP732. The discrete microRNA-146a-containing exosome regulates cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) gene expression from human pulmonary fibroblasts
牧野文彦1, Hesham Basma2, Xiangde Liu2, 原田紀宏1, 高橋和久1, Stephen Rennard2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article PP733. Examination about NEAT1 and IL-8 in patients with COPD
井尻尚樹1,2, Alice Panariti2, Qutayba Hamid2, James Martin2, Carolyn Baglole2, 平田一人1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article PP734. Examination about the serum heme oxygenase -1 (HO-1) level in the COPD
湯本健太郎1, 原悠1, 室橋光太1, 品田佳那子1, 池田美彩子1, 中島健太郎1, 木村泰浩1, 牛尾良太1, 柴田祐司1, 田代研1, 長井賢次郎1, 渡邉恵介1, 篠田雅宏1, 小林信明2, 山本昌樹2, 佐藤隆1, 工藤誠2, 新海正晴1, 金子猛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article PP735. Evaluation of various active oxygen, free radical removal activity ability of the COPD patient serum by the MULTIS method
坂口和宏, 藤田幸男, 山本佳史, 本津茂人, 藤岡伸啓, 茨木敬博, 山内基雄, 友田恒一, 吉川雅則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article PP736. We see the rear about the initial correspondence of the patients who reached the diagnosis with phthisis pulmonum in our hospital and examine a mark
西沢知剛1, 木田言1, 塚原雄太1, 江本かおり1, 積山慧美里1, 栗岩早希1, 大場智広1, 川辺梨恵1, 佐藤新太郎1, 赤坂圭一1, 天野雅子1, 倉井大輔2, 松島秀和1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article PP737. Comparison of the pulmonary tuberculosis 3 case that presented with the different characteristic image views that occurred after checkpoint inhibitor administration of immunity
金井修, 藤田浩平, 岡村美里, 中谷光一, 三尾直士
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article PP738. An example of the tuberculosis of bronchus that suffered from treatment by the side effect of the antiphthisic drug
坪内佑介, 木村雅広, 西川恵美子, 岩本信一, 多田光宏, 門脇徹, 小林賀奈子, 池田敏和, 矢野修一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article PP739. Analysis of the patients who had a diagnosis of tuberculosis after hospitalization in Hebei General Hospital
角田裕美, 平良真奈子, 石藤智子, 大嶋ナガミ
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article PP740. Comparison about the hospitalization course of patients with tuberculosis in the third emergency hospital
平林亮介1, 中川淳1, 細谷和貴1, 河内勇人1, 森令法1, 伊藤宗洋1, 古郷摩利子1, 藤本大智1, 永田一真1, 立川良1, 大塚浩二郎1, 籏智幸政1, 有吉孝一2, 富井啓介1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article PP741. Usefulness of QFT-3G and T-SPOT in the diagnosis of the pulmonary tuberculosis that an examination for expectoration smear is with negative
山入和志1, 柴多渉1, 藤本寛樹1, 山田康一1, 掛屋弘1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article PP742. Analysis of the risk factor of the present conditions of the pulmonary tuberculosis contacts medical examination in our hospital and the IGRA-positive case
西木慎太朗1, 佐野剛1, 卜部尚久1, 磯部和順1, 坂本晋1, 高井雄二郎1, 高森恵美2, 塚田真弓2, 舘田一博2, 本間栄1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article PP743. Evaluation of the biomarker in the time aspect of the infection tuberculosis
小橋吉博, 八十川直哉, 橘高誠, 黒瀬浩史, 阿部公亮, 大植祥弘, 白井亮, 加藤茂樹, 岡三喜男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article PP744. Clinical examination about the pulmonary tuberculosis excretion of the organism case in our hospital
島矢和浩, 安部由希子, 石川利寿, 片佑樹, 岡安香, 鵜浦康司, 河崎勉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article PP745. Clinical examination of the tuberculous pleurisy given a local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy in our hospital
甲斐翔太郎, 渡辺綾乃, 阿部岳文, 野末剛史, 大嶋智子, 佐竹康臣, 藤井雅人, 佐野武尚, 山田孝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article PP746. Clinical examination of the excretion of the organism-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in our hospital
白石訓, 島津葉月, 高木康裕, 橋本昌枝, 呉家圭祐
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article PP747. Clinical examination of the use of high flow therapy case for patients with tuberculosis that presented acute respiratory failure
安部祐子1, 倉原優1, 小林岳彦1, 露口一成1,2, 鈴木克洋1, 林清二1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article PP748. Examination of the convalescence rule factor of chronic progressive pulmonary aspergillosis
石川宏明, 薮内悠貴, 野中水, 後藤瞳, 笹谷悠惟果, 秋山達也, 田地広明, 荒井直樹, 兵頭健太郎, 根本健司, 三浦由記子, 大石修司, 林原賢治, 斎藤武文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article PP749. Examination of a survival rate of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and the factor to affect
古橋一樹, 櫻井章吾, 神谷陽輔, 安井秀樹, 柄山正人, 鈴木勇三, 穗積宏尚, 榎本紀之, 藤澤朋幸, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article PP750. Examination of the pulmonary aspergillas infections in the chronic lung disease case to perform long-term systemic therapy of adrenal cortical steroid medicine
相馬真智香, 臼井裕, 加賀亜希子, 四宮俊, 永田真
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article PP751. Clinical examination of the examination for serum aspergillosis precipitating antibody case
細田千晶1, 桐谷亜友1, 藤本祥太1, 山中友美絵1, 渡邉直昭1, 宮川英恵1, 藤崎育実1, 栗田裕輔1, 関好孝1, 木下陽1, 竹田宏1,2, 齋藤桂介1, 桑野和善2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article PP752. Pulmonary aspergillosis by voriconazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus (cyp51A gene G448S mutation)
大西涼子, 浅野幸市, 鱸稔隆, 松野祥彦, 安田成雄, 加藤達雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article PP753. Clinical examination of 52 lung cryptococcosis
山田真紗美, 石黒卓, 吉田悠貴, 小島彩子, 西田隆, 中元康雄, 河手絵理子, 太田池恵, 小田島丘人, 高久洋太郎, 鍵山奈保, 倉島一喜, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article PP754. Clinical examination of the lung cryptococcosis case that we experienced in our hospital
佐藤美佳, 二村圭祐, 牛嶋太, 高嶋浩司, 青山昌広, 谷川吉政
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article PP755. The situation of the community-acquired respiratory virus in Okinawa of outbreak: Examination in University of the Ryukyus
鍋谷大二郎, 金城武士, Gretchen Parrot, 西山直哉, 宮城一也, 古堅誠, 原永修作, 屋良さとみ, 健山正男, 藤田次郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article PP756. Clinical picture of the adult influenza case that we experienced in our hospital in the summer in 2017
高橋洋, 木村望, 神宮大輔, 矢島剛洋, 生方智, 庄司淳, 渡辺洋
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article PP757. Clinical picture and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid evidence of four influenza type B viral pneumonia
宮本篤志1, 小林正典1, 清家則孝1, 柳生恭子1, 松下晴彦1, 平田一人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article PP758. Clinical picture of the human meta pneumovirus outbreaks in the elderly people institution
木村望, 神宮大輔, 矢島剛洋, 生方智, 庄司淳, 渡辺洋, 高橋洋
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article PP759. Examination about patients background of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital and the treatment
宇野大樹1, 中野寛之2, 井上純人2, 齋藤博生1, 五十嵐朗2, 東海林佳兼2, 佐藤建人2, 町田浩祥2, 柴田陽光2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article PP760. Examination of the immunoglobulin low level case in patients with pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
松田周一, 森本耕三, 佐々木結花, 倉島篤行, 後藤元
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article PP761. Association between condition of a patient and health-related quality of life in the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease (NTM) patients
温麟太郎, 松本武格, 串間尚子, 白石素公, 石井寛, 渡辺憲太朗, 藤田昌樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article PP762. Two sets of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease of the onset in the family
安部豪眞, 小澤達志, 島村貴史, 渡部春奈, 安東敬大, 小林寛明, 藤原高智, 富永慎一郎, 夏目一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article PP763. Clinical picture and the convalescence of the pulmonary MAC symptom: Single institution rearward observational study
城下彰宏, 中島啓, 青島正大, 田中悠, 佐藤賢弥, 根本祐宗, 立石晶子, 大槻歩, 野間聖, 三沢昌史
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article PP764. Difference in clinical image with existing smokers and the nonsmokers of the pulmonary MAC symptom in the non-HIV patients
小高倫生, 松瀬厚人, 山岸亨, 渡邉賀代, 岸本久美子, 中野千裕, 押尾剛志, 今泉知里, 新妻久美子, 島田長茂, 根本雄志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article PP765. Association between empyema score and clinical picture in the emphysema merger lungs MAC symptom
山本輝人, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article PP766. Clinical examination of the case that presented PPFE-like atelectatic consolidation all over the course of the pulmonary MAC symptom
後町杏子, 松井弘稔, 比嘉克行, 山本章太, 中村澄江, 宮川和子, 佐藤亮太, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 大田健
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article PP767. We are with positive MAC one time by sputum culture, and may a pulmonary MAC symptom be diagnosed with antiMAC antibody positive?
佐藤研人, 永井英明, 長瀬まき, 花井みき, 横須賀響子, 井上恵理, 川島正裕, 大島信治, 松井弘稔, 大田健
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article PP768. Clinical examination of the interstitial pneumonia who had the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium comlplex symptom
新谷亮多1, 萩原恵里1, 片野拓馬1, 真玉豪士1, 相子直人1, 磯本晃佑1, 大利亮太1, 田畑恵里奈1, 佐渡山伸子1, 山川英晃1, 池田慧1, 本間千絵2, 丹羽崇1, 仲川宏昭1, 織田恒幸1, 奥田良1, 関根朗雅1, 北村英也1, 馬場智尚1, 小松茂1, 小倉高志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article PP769. Three own omen of the relatively rare MAC symptom merger lung disease
高久多希朗, 薮内悠貴, 後藤瞳, 野中水, 田地広明, 笹谷悠惟果, 秋山達也, 石川宏明, 荒井直樹, 兵頭健太郎, 根本健司, 三浦由記子, 大石修司, 林原賢治, 斎藤武文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article PP770. Clinical features of patients with aspergillosis pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex symptom which is precipitating antibody-positive
鈴木翔二1, 朝倉崇徳1, 南宮湖1, 岡森慧1, 八木一馬1, 鎌田浩史1, 舩津洋平1, 中野泰1, 西村知泰2, 石井誠1, 海老原全3, 別役智子1, 長谷川直樹4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article PP771. The present conditions of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy in our hospital
齊藤健也1, 黒崎史朗1,2, 中山雅之1, 山本真一3, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article PP772. Examination about the local anesthesia lower pneumoscope views of patients on dialysis
大久保初美1, 大島央之2, 山田豊2, 田村智宏2, 吉川弥須子2, 山口昭三郎2, 橋本幾太2, 鏑木孝之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article PP773. Examination about the risk factor of the pneumothorax onset at use of two dimensional echography (EBUS-GS) in the guide sheath combination bronchial lumen
後藤祐介1, 今泉和良1, 中西亨1, 近藤征史1, 山口哲平2, 林正道1, 後藤康洋1, 魚津桜子1, 岡村拓哉1, 磯谷澄都1, 三重野ゆうき1, 榊原洋介1, 峯澤智之1, 森川紗也子1, 堀口智也1, 山蔦久美子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article PP774. Examination of anesthesia consumption and the risk factor of the bronchial thermoplasty which took effect by local anesthesia
辻本佳恵, 石井聡, 飯倉元保, 長野直子, 角和珠妃, 松林沙知, 坂本慶太, 下田由季子, 橋本理生, 鈴木学, 仲剛, 泉信有, 杉山温人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article PP775. Does the bronchoscopy become the risk of the recurrence after an operation?
渡邊直樹1, 溝口仁志1, 井上卓哉1, 金地伸拓1, 坂東修二2, 石井知也1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article PP776. Usefulness of Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) in the bronchoscope bottom re-biopsy of the existing treatment progress lung cancer
石綿司1, 三枝文恵2, 島田絢子1, 酒寄雅史1, 菅正樹1, 安部光洋1, 伊狩潤1, 川田奈緒子1, 寺田二郎1, 多田裕司1, 中谷行雄3, 巽浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article PP777. Examination about safety and the usefulness of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for elderly people
住吉一誠1, 原宗央1, 安部寿美子1, 吉田隆司1, 宮脇太一1, 岩神直子1, 岩神真一郎1, 高橋和久2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article PP778. Clinical examination of supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy (EBUS-TBNA) in our hospital
岡野智仁1, 坂倉康正1, 渡邉麻衣子1, 西村正1, 内藤雅大1, 井端英憲1, 大本恭裕1, 樽川智人2, 安達勝利2, 藤本源3, 小林哲3, 田口修4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article PP779. Propofol dexmedetomidine combination sedative usefulness in EBUS-TBNA and safe examination
原田寛子1, 山本昌樹1, 神巻千聡1, 三神直人1, 久保創介1, 鄭慶鎬1, 片倉誠悟1, 平馬暢之1, 寺西周平1, 間邊早紀1, 小林信明1, 工藤誠1, 金子猛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article PP780. Examination of the usefulness of the high flow therapy in the bronchoscopy
山根真由香, 齊藤尚美, 大成洋二郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article PP781. Virtual-assisted lung mapping (VAL-MAP) does not catch the effect in difference in virtual bronchoscope navigation software (LungPoint vs. VINCENT)
北村淳史1, 岡藤浩平1, 次富亮輔1, 石井賢二1, 冨島裕1, 仁多寅彦1, 西村直樹1, 今井亮介1, 金村宙昌1, 田村友秀1, 小島史嗣1, 板東徹1, 佐藤雅昭2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article PP782. Examination of the case that was able to be given chemotherapy after central airway narrowing cancellation by rays dynamics therapy (PDT)
南幸範, 梅影泰寛, 鳴海圭倫, 風林佳大, 奥村俊介, 佐々木高明, 山本泰司, 大崎能伸
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article PP783. Of the decision making of the respiratory care for the respiratory failure emergent admission, actually
立川良, 細谷和貴, 平林亮介, 森令法, 河内勇人, 伊藤宗洋, 古郷摩利子, 藤本大智, 永田一真, 中川淳, 大塚浩二郎, 富井啓介
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article PP784. Change according to the generation of the invasive artificial respiration management experience number of respiratory physicians
堀口智也, 岡村拓哉, 榊原洋介, 山蔦久美子, 森川紗也子, 峯澤智之, 三重野ゆうき, 魚津桜子, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article PP785. Setting of the inappropriate respirator of the each unit management pointed out by a breathing support team
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article PP786. About an activity of breathing care support team (RST) in our hospital
岡本竜哉, 鈴木学, 植村樹, 木村昭夫, 杉山温人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article PP787. The effect that the management method gives to the health-related quality of life of patients with chronic respiratory disease on breathlessness
森本美智子1,5, 河田照絵2,5, 今戸美奈子3,5, 毛利貴子4,5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article PP788. The actual situation of efforts and the support needs to the self-management for the breathlessness of patients with interstitial pneumonia
河田照絵1,5, 森本美智子2,5, 今戸美奈子3,5, 毛利貴子4,5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article PP789. Efforts about the safety improvement of the artificial respiration circuit in our hospital
山川竜之介, 利木良太, 目黒研一郎, 濱崎誠之, 森下達雄, 左成昭生
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article PP790. About introduction examination of PMH8000 in our hospital
利木良太1, 濱崎誠之1, 香取優美1, 山川竜之介1, 左成昭生1, 土井智喜2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article PP791. To support at home patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of the staying alone
秦野正範1, 吉野牧子1, 馬木良文2, 平野康之3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article PP792. 26 cases that we transferred from the ... core Hospital that 0.5 times a year or less could control the direct hospital admission of emergency of patients with HOT introduction COPD by at-home practice and reinforcement of many types of job collaboration (IPW) per person: Report ... of 8 years
新智美, 中川諒, 松岡さつき, 新謙一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article PP793. The effect that a difference of the subjective effectiveness of the sleeping drug in patients with COPD during sleeping drug high frequency internal use gives a vital prognosis
坪井知正1, 小賀徹2, 斎藤武文3, 高田昇平4, 矢野修一5, 大平徹郎6, 河村哲治7, 山中徹8, 阿部聖裕9, 角謙介1, 陳和夫2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article PP794. Examination about expression and the function in drug-related pulmonary disorder and pulmonary fibrosis of IL-38 which is new inflammatory cytokine
富永正樹, 岡元昌樹, 松岡昌信, 川山智隆, 木下隆, 坂崎優樹, 星野友昭
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article PP795. Examination of the adjuvanticity in humans of poly G ODN
柴田祐司1, 小林信明2, 片倉誠悟2, 寺西周平2, 長倉秀幸1, 山本昌樹2, 佐藤隆1, 新海正晴1, 工藤誠2, 金子猛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article PP796. Automatic fuzzy of the macrophage in the COPD and the pathologic significance
河野雄太1, Thomas Colley2, 伊藤一洋2, Peter J Barnes2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article PP797. Enhanced replication of human metapneumovirus in primary cells from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
神尾敬子1, Belinda Thomas2, Philip Bardin2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article PP798. HLA class II-binding analysis of the tubercle bacillus antigen T cell epitope domain
星野仁彦1, 宮寺浩子2, 徳永勝士3, 永井英明4, 吉山崇5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article PP799. Instruction mechanism of acidophile ETosis by Aspergillus Fumigatus
植木重治1, Josiane Neves2, 竹田正秀3, 福地峰世1, 今野泰典1, 蛇澤晶4, 浅野浩一郎5, 廣川誠1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article PP800. Acidophile Extracellular traps in the mucous plug of the allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
竹田正秀1, 植木重治1, 福地峰世1, 今野泰典1, 面川歩1, 嵯峨知生1, 嵯峨亜希子1, 守時由起1, 廣川誠1, 蛇澤晶2, 浅野浩一郎3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article PP801. - that elucidation - teeth lap disease-causing germs P.gingivalis of the aspiration pneumonia onset mechanism due to the oral bacteria promotes expression of PAFR and the adhesion to cells of the Streptococcus pneumoniae
今井健一, 神尾宜昌, 早田真由美, 渡辺典久, 宮千尋, 田中一, 田村宗明
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article PP802. Telomeric allied genetic examination in the smoking-related lung disease, Life-style related diseases study (FOLD registry) of the Fukuoka lungs
有村雅子1, 緒方彩子1, 濱田直樹1, 一木克之2, 津田徹2, 高田昇平3, 井上直征4, 矢寺和博5, 迎寛6, 星野友昭7, 永田忍彦8, 藤田昌樹9, 渡辺憲太朗9, 吉井千春10, 若田好史1, 徳永章二1, 清原千香子11, 中西洋一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article PP803. Examination of the predictor about the treatment continuation of the antifibrosis medicine in the true clinical practice
大石景士1, 平野綱彦1, 濱田和希1, 上原翔1, 末竹諒1, 山路義和1, 浅見麻紀1, 枝國信貴1, 松本常男2, 松永和人1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article PP804. Prognostic factor analysis in the interstitial pneumonia using the antifibrosis medicine
河野雅人, 齋藤合, 小柳悠, 宮下晃一, 堤あかり, 小林健, 三木良浩, 橋本大, 中村秀範
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article PP805. The FVC drop for one year of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients predicts mortality, but does not predict following FVC drop (INPULSIS, IMPULSIS-ON study)
井上義一1, Luca Richeldi2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article PP806. Does the inflammatory cells permeation of the surgical lung biopsy specimen in the idiopathic chronic diffuse interstitial fibrosis of lung reflect reactivity of the antiinflammatory treatment?
佐藤峻1, 桑原聖和1, 井坂由莉1, 岡谷匡1, 田中萌1, 川述剛士1, 田中健介1, 鈴木未佳1, 福岡みずき1, 河野千代子1, 田中真人2, 武村民子3, 山田嘉仁1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article PP807. The erector muscle of spine area that we measured in CT in IPF is involved in respiratory failure death
大久保仁嗣1, 金光禎寛1, 近藤康博2, 谷口博之2, 古川大記2,3, 八木光昭4, 新実彰男1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article PP808. Examination of the onset predictor of the fulminant form interstitial pneumonia acute exacerbation
坂本晋, 清水宏繁, 一色琢磨, 卜部尚久, 鈴木亜衣香, 鏑木教平, 澤田哲郎, 佐野剛, 磯部和順, 高井雄二郎, 本間栄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article PP809. An example of the antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia (UIP pattern) that condition of a patient control seemed to be a possibility by pirfenidone (PFD)
原田航1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 砂長則明1, 塚越優介1, 蜂巣克昌1, 古賀康彦1, 小野昭浩1, 矢冨正清1, 笠原礼光1, 青木周平1, 原健一郎1, 前野敏孝1, 平戸純子2, 久田剛志1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article PP810. Examination about the episode of care of the interstitial pneumonia to be complicated for an antiaminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antibody (antiARS antibody) syndrome
畠山由記久, 川口亜記, 池田美穂, 吉岡潤哉, 二ノ丸平, 岡村佳代子, 島田天美子, 吉村将, 大西尚
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article PP811. Safe study of cyclophosphamide IV therapy (IVCY) for antiMDA5 antibody-positive interstitial pulmonary disorder (RP-ILD)
坂元暁, 岡元昌樹, 海江田信二郎, 古賀琢磨, 井田弘明, 星野友昭
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article PP812. Effect of the antiinflammatory treatment judging from lymphocytes compartmentation of the bronchoalveolar lavage in the idiopathic chronic diffuse interstitial fibrosis of lung
桑原聖和1, 井坂由莉1, 岡谷匡1, 佐藤峻1, 田中萌1, 川述剛士1, 田中健介1, 鈴木未佳1, 福岡みずき1, 河野千代子1, 武村民子2, 山田嘉仁1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article PP813. Examination of the rehabilitation effect on patients with interstitial pneumonia to start adrenocortical steroid therapy newly
中西徳彦, 森高智典, 井上考司, 勝田知也, 塩尻正明, 橘さやか, 佐伯和彦, 山本哲也, 近藤晴香, 中村純也
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article PP814. Clinical examination of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis with the mine dust inhalation history
堀池安意, 柄山正人, 青島洋一郎, 鈴木清一郎, 安井秀樹, 穗積宏尚, 鈴木勇三, 古橋一樹, 藤澤朋幸, 榎本紀之, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article PP815. Clinical examination of the familial interstitial pneumonia in our hospital
真玉豪士, 馬場智尚, 片野拓馬, 相子直人, 大利亮太, 磯本晃佑, 田畑恵里奈, 新谷亮多, 佐渡山伸子, 池田慧, 山川英晃, 丹羽崇, 仲川宏昭, 織田恒幸, 奥田良, 関根朗雅, 北村英也, 小松茂, 萩原恵里, 小倉高志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article PP816. We look at the rear of Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) of our hospital and analyze it
財前圭晃1, 岡元昌樹1, 海江田信二郎1, 城戸貴志2, 小田桂士2, 川端宏樹2, 佐藤実3, 矢寺和博2, 井田弘明1, 星野友昭1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article PP817. Examination of the usefulness of 4MGS as the convalescence predictor in the interstitial pneumonia
吉田知栄子, 一安秀範, 廣佐古進, 出口秀治, 佐伯祥, 中村和芳, 岡本真一郎, 藤井一彦, 興梠博次
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article PP818. Evaluation of bone-salt, the bone metabolism in the chronic diffuse interstitial fibrosis of lung
二階堂雄文, 佐藤佑樹, 東川隆一, 齋藤香恵, 福原奈緒子, 王新涛, 谷野功典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article PP819. Examination about the respiratory allied hospitalization in IPF
西山理, 佐伯翔, 山崎亮, 佐野博幸, 岩永賢司, 東本有司, 久米裕昭, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article PP820. Prognostic examination of the non-HIV pneumocystis pneumonia complicated for existing interstitial pneumonia
濱田昌平1, 一安秀範1, 赤池公孝1, 岡林比呂子1, 高橋比呂志2, 平田奈穂美2, 吉永健2, 貞松智貴3, 榮田浩文3, 田代康正3, 藤井一彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article PP821. Examination about the convalescence of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis acute exacerbation survivor in our hospital
滝原崇久, 堀尾幸弘, 榎田啓十, 高橋史成, 新美京子, 端山直樹, 小熊剛, 青木琢也, 浅野浩一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article PP822. It is examined the convalescence predictive index in the case after an operation of the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer
上野史香1, 北口良晃1, 和田洋典1, 安尾将法1, 椎名隆之2, 浅香志穂3, 吉澤明彦4, 花岡正幸1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article PP823. Examination of the risk factor for the interstitial pneumonia acute exacerbation onset after the extrapulmonary organ surgery
高尾俊, 益田武, 山口覚博, 坂本信二郎, 堀益靖, 宮本真太郎, 中島拓, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 濱田泰伸, 服部登
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article PP824. It is examined acute exacerbation frequency and the risk factor after an operation of the interstitial pneumonia that took advantage of surgery except the pneumonectomy
宮村拓人1, 角川智之1, 由良博一1, 中島章太1, 石本裕士1, 高木理博3, 田中健之3, 坂本憲穂1, 永安武2, 迎寛1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article PP825. Examination of the antiMDA-5 antibody positive interstitial pneumonia 8 case in our hospital
中野仁夫, 西田幸司, 岡本忠司, 林靖大, 高岩卓也, 濱川正光, 桝田元, 高島純平, 草間加与, 郷間厳
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article PP826. Prognostic examination of patients with CADM-related interstitial pneumonia in our hospital
田中彩加, 有田眞知子, 武井玲生仁, 山形昂, 田中友樹, 古内浩司, 西原昴, 時岡史明, 石田直
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article PP827. Search of the new convalescence marker in the interstitial lung disease to be complicated with antiMDA5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis
藤澤朋幸, 穗積宏尚, 安井秀樹, 鈴木勇三, 柄山正人, 古橋一樹, 榎本紀之, 中村祐太郎, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article PP828. Mycophenolate mofetil treatment for the interstitial lung disease with the antiMDA-5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis lacking in a line symptom
高田俊範1,2, 吉澤和孝1, 林正周1, 朝川勝明1, 坂上拓郎1, 菊地利明1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article PP829. Clinical examination of the ANCA-related vasculitis that was under the medical treatment in our hospital
久永純平, 一門和哉, 川村宏大, 廣重滋夫, 保田祐子, 神宮直樹, 坂田能彦, 阿南圭祐, 仁田脇辰哉, 中野愛子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article PP830. Three cases of the MPO-ANCA-positive interstitial pneumonia that we cured in acknowledgment of the rise of MPO-ANCA antibody titers in the course and intervened in
岩崎一彦1, 大倉徳幸2, 渡辺知志2, 古林崇史2, 鈴木淳也2, 内田由佳2, 佐伯啓吾2, 木場隼人2, 山村健太2, 丹保裕一2, 阿保未来2, 原丈介2, 曽根崇2, 木村英晴2, 笠原寿郎2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article PP831. Convalescence and prognostic factor of the microscopic polyangiitis merger interstitial pneumonia
庄田武司1,3, 武内徹3, 礒田健太郎1,3, 金万淳一1,3, 大谷賢一郎2, 紙森隆雄2, 藤原寛2, 槇野茂樹3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article PP832. Association of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and the MPO-ANCA, pulmonary disease precedence type microscopic polyangiitis
穗積宏尚, 安井秀樹, 鈴木勇三, 河野雅人, 柄山正人, 古橋一樹, 榎本紀之, 藤澤朋幸, 乾直輝, 中村祐太郎, 須田隆文
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article PP833. A group of patients and convalescence comparison of the IPF group of patients that were MPO-ANCA-positive, and presented the chest image of the UIP pattern
渡邊俊和, 峯澤智之, 丹羽義和, 森川紗也子, 山蔦久美子, 榊原洋介, 岡村拓哉, 三重野ゆうき, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article PP834. Clinical examination of six microscopic polyangiitis that presented diffuse pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
岩間真由子, 山本雅史, 島浩一郎, 各務智彦, 佐藤健太, 篠原由佳, 糸魚川英之, 森美緒
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article PP835. Examination about the clinical significance of MPO-ANCA for the acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis
釣木澤尚実, 押方智也子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article PP836. 1 sister case of the identical twins whom interstitial pneumonia developed in together
河瀬成穂, 川口健太郎, 秦雄介, 堀田尚克, 塩田雄太郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article PP837. Two cases of the interstitial pneumonia in acknowledgment of Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) pattern
榎戸貴祥1, 渋谷英樹1, 汐崎紗知子1, 長村航1, 原啓1, 岸田由起子2, 田村浩一2, 大石展也1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article PP838. Consideration including BAL about three which we experienced in pulmonary disorder our hospital with the waterproof spray
小林功1,2, 家永浩樹1,2, 金森幸一郎1,2, 三道ユウキ1,2, 鈴木宣史1,2, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article PP839. One case of the exogenous pneumonia lipoid by the sesame oil gargle treated effectively with total lung washing art
赤坂圭一, 塚原雄太, 栗岩早希, 西沢知剛, 大場智広, 川辺梨恵, 佐藤新太郎, 天野雅子, 松島秀和
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article PP840. An example of DPB which caused significant improvement for the respiratory function that worsened after treatment once in the course of 20 years
直江徹, 小野貴広, 山田裕一, 中田尚志, 森裕二
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article PP841. One case of the acidophilic bronchiolitis that occurred during follow of the mediastinal lymphadenopathy
河原朋子, 大田進, 三國肇子, 佐藤春奈, 木村友之, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 山口宗大, 井上英樹, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article PP842. Systemic type Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) which led to a diagnosis by tissue biopsy by bilateral pneumothorax treatment of adults
石井航太, 松浦圭文, 原靖果, 安達優真
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article PP843. Onset case in the family of Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH) where TSC1 mutation in the gene was confirmed
庄司哲明1, 今野哲1, 新井田要2, 鈴木雅1, 加賀基知三3, 松野吉宏4, 瀬山邦明5, 西村正治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article PP844. Examination about the effectiveness and the safety when we used Pembrolizumab by initial treatment of the non-small cell lung cancer
発忠信1, 高瀬直人1, 冨田栄美子2, 福原謙二郎2, 明石章則2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article PP845. Use experience of pembrolizumab in our hospital
中坪彩恵子, 澤信彦, 細野裕貴, 西田浩平, 石島見佳子, 金津正樹, 赤澤結貴, 上浪健, 矢野幸洋, 森雅秀, 山口俊彦, 横田総一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article PP846. Use experience of the Pembrolizumab in our hospital
酒井勇輝, 林康之, 川井隆広, 恒石鉄兵, 橋本教正, 岩坪重彰, 岩田敏之, 西村尚志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article PP847. Clinical examination of the progress non-small cell lung cancer case given the Pembrolizumab
冨岡勇也, 萩原陽子, 堂嶽洋一, 三山英夫, 籾博晃, 水野圭子, 井上博雅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article PP848. Use experience of PD-L1 expression in our hospital and Pembrolizumab
小松雅宙, 高橋秀和, 蜂谷勤, 吉川佐和子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article PP849. Administration experience of Pembrolizumab for maintenance patients on dialysis
矢澤克昭, 居倉宏樹, 土井将史, 藤井真弓, 塚田義一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article PP850. Use experience of Pembrolizumab in the Kyoto medical center
岡村美里, 金井修, 藤田浩平, 中谷光一, 三尾直士
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article PP851. Examination of the initial treatment Pembrolizumab therapy for patients with PD-L1 overexpression non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
三浦理, 青木亜美, 野嵜幸一郎, 小山建一, 田中洋史, 横山晶
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article PP852. Use experience of PD-L1 expression and the Pembrolizumab in pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer
棚橋弘貴, 濱井宏介, 中本可奈子, 谷本琢也, 庄田浩康, 石川暢久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article PP853. Examination of the Pembrolizumab administration case for the progress recurrence non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
矢葺洋平1, 岡野義夫1, 畠山暢生1, 町田久典1, 門田直樹1, 田岡隆成1, 今西志乃1, 成瀬桂史2, 篠原勉1,2, 大串文隆1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article PP854. Consideration of cases using KEYTRUDA for non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
小川晃一, 藤原寛, 紙森隆雄, 大谷賢一郎, 西島正剛, 高田宗武, 吉田也恵, 古瀬秀明, 杉中美穂, 古川皓一, 引石惇仁, 覺野重毅
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article PP855. We look at the rear of the immune checkpoint inhibitor for the non-small cell lung cancer with the driver mutation and examine a mark
坂本博昭1, 田中寿志1, 田中佳人1, 糸賀正道1, 石岡佳子1, 白鳥俊博1, 土屋純一郎1, 當麻景章1, 馬場啓介2, 長谷川幸裕2, 高梨信吾1, 田坂定智1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article PP856. Examination of the non-small cell lung cancer with the Uncommon EGFR mutation in the gene in our hospital
山田朋子, 田島学, 田島健, 河野加奈, 宮下洋佑, 松本直久, 嶋田奈緒子, 柴山里奈, 朝尾哲彦, 高遼, 小山良, 高橋史行, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article PP857. Examination of the non-small cell lung cancer with Exon 20 insertion
関根朗雅, 片野拓馬, 相子直人, 織田恒幸, 丹羽崇, 新谷亮多, 馬場智尚, 小松茂, 萩原恵里, 小倉高志
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article PP858. Examination of the advanced age, EGFR mutation in the gene-negative progress non-small cell lung cancer practice
金子美子, 毛利貴子, 平井聡一, 片山勇輝, 張田幸, 西岡直哉, 大倉直子, 中野貴之, 田宮暢代, 山田忠明, 内野順治, 高山浩一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article PP859. Examination of the EGFR-TKI treatment for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer 80 years or older
天野雄介1, 金田桂1, 小谷内敬史1, 角谷拓哉1, 佐藤慈子1, 長谷川浩嗣1, 小澤雄一1, 松井隆1, 横村光司1, 棚橋雅幸2, 丹羽宏2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article PP860. Examination of the docetaxel + ramucirumab therapy enforcement case in our hospital
恒石鉄兵1, 酒井勇輝1, 相川政紀1, 川井隆広1, 林康之1, 岩坪重彰1, 橋本教正1, 岩田敏之1, 西村尚志1, 五明田匡2, 太田紗千子2, 玉里滋幸2, 吉村誉志2, 寺田泰二2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article PP861. Examination of the effect of treatment of the docetaxel + ramucirumab combination chemotherapy (DTX + RAM) in our hospital
三浦啓太, 朝尾哲彦, 松本直久, 高遼, 加藤元康, 柴山里奈, 田島健, 小山良, 嶋田奈緒子, 高橋和久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article PP862. The effectiveness of the ramucirumab + docetaxel combination therapy in the true clinical practice and safe examination
園延尚子1, 谷口善彦1, 西條伸彦1, 直木陽子1, 田宮朗裕1, 大町直樹1, 沖塩協一2, 安宅信二2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article PP863. The use results of docetaxel and the ramucirumab combination therapy in recurrent progress non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital
大川宙太, 竹山裕亮, 鴨志田達彦, 杉原潤, 川口陽史, 八木太門, 花田仁子, 瀧玲子
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article PP864. Examination of the clinical benefit of the nivolumab after the second treatment in the non-small cell lung cancer case and docetaxel + ramucirumab therapy
中村優, 畑岡知里, 鈴木歩, 阿部武士, 伊藤あゆみ, 谷津年保, 大塚竜也, 田代祐介, 榊原智博, 三浦元彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article PP865. Examination of the docetaxel + ramucirumab combination therapy in our hospital
高森幹雄, 山本美暁, 川合祥子, 北園美弥子, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article PP866. The effectiveness, safe examination of ramucirumab and the docetaxel combination therapy in existing treatment progress, recurrent non-small cell lung cancer
島袋活子1, 野口真吾2, 宇山和宏1, 鳥井亮1, 吉井千春1, 田中文啓3, 矢寺和博2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article PP867. Examination about the effectiveness of the docetaxel + ramucirumab combination therapy for progress, recurrent non-small cell lung cancer and the tolerability
小川ゆかり, 横山琢磨, 森田喜久子, 石川周成, 小林史, 石井晴之, 滝澤始
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article PP868. Nonrandomized phase II study with AMR in the elderly people or PS poor untreated extension type small-cell lung cancer alone
白澤昌之1, 井川聡1, 笠島真志1, 横場正典1, 福井朋也1, 大谷咲子1, 石原未希子1, 日吉康弘1, 西成田詔子1, 中原善朗1, 三藤久1, 久保田勝1, 佐々木治一郎2, 猶木克彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article PP869. Examination about the effect of the second chemotherapy with the platinum combination therapy after the amrubicin monotherapy for patients with poor advanced age or PS extension type small-cell lung cancer
白澤昌之, 井川聡, 楠原政一郎, 原田真也, 西成田詔子, 曽根秀之, 大熊友梨子, 小野泰平, 倉林慎太郎, 杉田景佑, 笠島真志, 久保田勝, 猶木克彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article PP870. The effectiveness of the albumin-binding paclitaxel for recurrent small-cell lung cancer and safe examination
三枝美香, 田村可菜美, 増田寿寛, 高橋進悟, 田中悠子, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article PP871. Convalescence examination of the febrile neutropenia that occurred during lung cancer chemotherapy
松本武格, 中尾明, 青山崇, 串間尚子, 石井寛, 渡辺憲太朗, 藤田昌樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article PP872. Examination of the convalescence predictor of the chemoradiotherapy case radical for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer, single institution, rearward observational study
田中悠, 三沢昌史, 佐藤賢弥, 城下彰宏, 立石晶子, 根本祐宗, 都筑隆太, 大槻歩, 中島啓, 野間聖, 青島正大
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article PP873. Examination of a treatment result, the prognostic factor in the extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer
望月栄佑, 久保田努, 持塚康孝, 大石享平, 直井兵伍, 上原正裕, 松浦駿, 三倉真一郎, 長岡深雪, 津久井賢, 小清水直樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article PP874. Chemotherapy in the elderly people small-cell lung cancer
日下圭, 田村厚久, 渡辺将人, 名越咲, 城幸督, 扇谷昌宏, 島田昌裕, 鈴木淳, 鈴木純子, 守尾嘉晃, 永井英明, 大田健
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article PP875. About the association of the permeation degree to convalescence of the limited-stage small-cell lung cancer and the central bronchus
林健太郎, 飯田由子, 萩原エリ, 永田弥人, 西澤司, 畑岡つかさ, 高橋美樹, 権寧博, 高橋典明, 橋本修
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article PP876. The effectiveness of the CBDCA + PTX therapy for the interstitial pneumonia merger small-cell lung cancer case in our hospital and safe examination
内山歩, 長井良昭, 中澤晶子, 中山雅之, 間藤尚子, 山沢英明, 鈴木拓児, 坂東政司, 萩原弘一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article PP877. Examination of the interstitial pneumonia merger small-cell lung cancer
鍵山奈保, 山田真紗美, 小島彩子, 吉田悠貴, 西田隆, 中元康雄, 河手絵理子, 太田池恵, 小田島丘人, 石黒卓, 高久洋太郎, 倉島一喜, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article PP878. The interstitial lung disease is a poor prognostic factor of patients with small-cell lung cancer
坂井健一郎1, 金地伸拓2, 喜多信之2, 石井知也2, 渡邊直樹2, 坂東修二2, 上田裕1, 宮脇裕史1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article PP879. Effect of the interstitial lung disease to give treatment outcome of the small-cell lung cancer
赤池公孝, 猿渡功一, 坂本安見子, 城臺孝之, 岡林比呂子, 坂田晋也, 濱田昌平, 猪山慎治, 佐藤亮, 入來豊久, 冨田雄介, 佐伯祥, 中村和芳, 岡本真一郎, 一安秀範, 藤井一彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article PP880. Examination of the CDDP/CBDCA + Pemetrexed + Bevacizumab induction chemotherapy Pemetrexed + Bevacizumab maintenance therapy for the progress recurrence non-small cell lung cancer
北口聡一1,2, 香川洋輔1, 森脇香莉1, 尾崎紀仁1, 山根高1, 菅原文博1, 江川博彌3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article PP881. Carboplatin, paclitaxel for the malignant pleural effusion merger progress lung cancer, clinical examination of the bevacizumab combination therapy
數寄泰介1, 平野悠太1, 佐々木諒子1, 戸根一哉1, 児島章1, 桑野和善2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article PP882. Efficacy and safety of carboplatin + paclitaxel +- bevacizumab therapy for interstitial pneumonia combined non-small cell lung cancer
細谷和貴, 藤本大智, 河内勇人, 平林亮介, 森令法, 伊藤宗洋, 古郷摩利子, 永田一真, 中川淳, 立川良, 大塚浩二郎, 籏智幸政, 富井啓介
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article PP883. Phase I/II trials of the driver mutation in the gene-negative existing treatment progress, nab-PTX therapy for recurrent NSCLC
越智宣昭1,2, 本多宣裕1,2, 山根弘路1,2, 瀧川奈義夫1,2, 原田大二郎2, 上月稔幸2, 野上尚之2, 別所昭宏2, 堀田勝幸2, 吉岡弘鎮2, 久山彰一2, 八杉昌幸2, 尾瀬功2, 木浦勝行2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article PP884. Examination of the killer cells-related anticancer medicine as the second treatment after elderly people initial EGFR-TKI
今井久雄1, 峯村浩之2, 杉山智英3, 山田豊4, 解良恭一5, 金沢賢也2, 笠井尚3, 鏑木孝之4, 湊浩一1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article PP885. Clinical examination about safety and the effectiveness of the platinum combination therapy for the progress recurrence lung cancer of elderly people in our hospital
渡邉直昭1, 関好孝1, 齋藤桂介1, 桐谷亜友1, 藤本祥太1, 山中友美絵1, 藤崎育実1, 細田千晶1, 宮川英恵1, 栗田裕輔1, 木下陽1, 竹田宏1, 桑野和善2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article PP886. Clinical examination of the carboplatin + nab-paclitaxel combination therapy for the interstitial pneumonia merger non-small cell lung cancer
新屋智之1, 北俊之1, 寺田七朗1, 市川由加里1, 曽根崇2, 木村英晴2, 笠原寿郎2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article PP887. Examination about the effect predictor of the salvage therapy after the nivolumab tolerance in the non-small cell lung cancer
小河原大樹1, 須山隆之1, 吉田將孝1, 原田達彦1, 早田宏1, 迎寛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article PP888. Clinical examination of the case that developed drug-related pulmonary disorder during pemetrexed dosing period
北原佳泰1, 村上有里奈1, 岸本祐太郎1, 二橋文哉1, 青野祐也1, 永福建1, 右藤智啓1, 佐藤潤1, 妹川史朗1, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article PP889. Convalescence of the progress non-small cell lung cancer which gave an anticancer agent after the drug-related pneumonitis by the cytotoxic anticancer agent again
柏原光介, 藤井慎嗣, 津村真介, 村本啓, 千場博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article PP890. Antiemesis effect of the first generation 5-HT3 receptor blocker and dexamethasone single dose in the Weekly CBDCA + PTX therapy
垣内大蔵, 大野康, 五明岳展, 佐々木優佳, 豊吉沙耶香, 柳瀬恒明, 伊藤文隆, 遠渡純輝, 湊口信也
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article PP891. Examination of the antiemesis therapy in Carboplatin combination moderate degree emetogenicity chemotherapy time retching, vomiting
曽田紗世, 新井良, 伊藤紘, 内田信彦, 天下井悠佳, 丁倫奈, 正和明哲, 小池亮祐, 中村祐介, 奥富泰明, 奥富朋子, 森田弘子, 渡邉泰治, 横山達也, 池田直哉, 塩原太一, 近江史人, 三好祐顕, 船越友恵, 知花和行, 清水泰生, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article PP892. One case of the small cell lung cancer who had the myasthenia gravis
船石邦彦1, 山崎正弘1, 齊藤尚美3, 大道和佳子1, 石山さやか1, 出口奈穂子1, 谷脇雅也1, 大橋信之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article PP893. It is examined the trachea recurrence case after juvenile lung adenocarcinoma technique
大島央之, 井上真佐子, 山田豊, 田村智宏, 吉川弥須子, 山口昭三郎, 橋本幾太, 川端俊太郎, 鈴木久史, 清嶋護之, 鏑木孝之
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article PP894. An example of Osteosarcoma which occurred in thoracic cavity
坂倉康正1, 西村正1, 岡野智仁1, 内藤雅大1, 井端英憲1, 大本恭裕1, 藤本源2, 小林哲2, 田口修2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article PP895. An example of the desmopasia type malignant pleural mesothelioma that we diagnosed by surgical pleural biopsy
西村正1, 坂倉康正1, 岡野智仁1, 内藤雅大1, 井端英憲1, 大本恭裕1, 樽川智人2, 安達勝利2, 藤本源3, 小林哲3, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article PP896. 2 cases of the false mesothelioma-related lung cancer that showed slow progress without treatment for a long term
濱元陽一郎, 児玉裕章, 井部達也
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article PP897. One case of the IgG4-related pleurisy that showed only pleural effusion retention, and racked its brains about a diagnosis
田中仁美, 八十川直哉, 大植祥弘, 橘高誠, 黒瀬浩史, 阿部公亮, 白井亮, 加藤茂樹, 小橋吉博, 岡三喜男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article PP898. One case of the epithelioid haemangiosarcoma which suddenly increased from indication due to the examination abnormality in three months
中本可奈子, 濱井宏介, 棚橋弘貴, 庄田浩康, 谷本琢也, 石川暢久
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article PP899. One case of the pneumonic hyperplastic osteoarthritis complicated with lung adenocarcinoma
小野紘貴, 菅原俊一, 鶴見恭士, 鈴木香菜, 清水恒, 杉坂淳, 相羽智生, 百目木豊, 齊藤亮平, 川名祥子, 寺山敬介, 川嶋庸介, 戸井之裕, 中村敦, 矢満田慎介, 木村雄一郎, 本田芳宏
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article PP900. An example of the pulmonary fibroleiomyoma-related hamartoma detected with medical examination
小濱みずき1, 中村美保1, 山田潤1, 玉田敏也1, 平林彩1, 梅谷俊介1, 奥野恵子1, 船田泰弘1, 田中宏樹2, 椎名祥隆3, 伊倉義弘4, 岩井泰博4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article PP901. One case of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer who had the pneumonic hyperplastic osteoarthritis
末久弘1, 松田英祐1, 坂尾伸彦2, 宮本章仁2, 大西哲平2, 佐伯隆人2, 井口利仁2, 藤澤憲司2, 松野剛2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article PP902. One case of cancer of endometrium metastases to lung, the metastases to pleura that recurred after an operation in the thirteenth year
矢島剛洋, 木村望, 神宮大輔, 生方智, 庄司淳, 高橋洋, 渡辺洋
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article PP903. 2 cases of the metastasis to renal cell carcinoma which suffered from airway narrowing with the fibrin
島村貴史, 小澤達志, 安部豪眞, 安東敬大, 渡部春奈, 小林寛明, 藤原高智, 富永慎一郎, 夏目一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article PP904. About the situation of the bronchial asthma merger in the adult anaphylactic patients
小松崎恵子1, 中村陽一1, 橋場容子1, 古家正1, 遠藤順治1, 河崎勉2, 宮崎泰成3, 稲瀬直彦4, 相良博典5, 足立満6
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article PP905. The smoking cessation becomes the risk factor of the aspirin asthmatic crisis in the existing smokers
林浩昭, 福冨友馬, 三井千尋, 岩田真紀, 永山貴紗子, 中村祐人, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 渡井健太郎, 劉楷, 富田康裕, 上出庸介, 関谷潔史, 森晶夫, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article PP906. Phenotype classification based on the exacerbation factor in the Japanese seriously ill asthmatic group
桑江美聡1, 福永興壱1, 鎌谷高志1, 渡辺理沙1, 奥隅真一1, 馬塲里英1, 田野崎貴絵1, 松坂雅子1, 持丸貴生1, 上田壮一郎1, 鈴木雄介2, 浅野浩一郎3, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article PP907. Examination of acidophilic sinusitis given endoscopic lower nose paranasal operations in our hospital
田尻智子1, 藤田修治2, 鳳山絢乃1, 祖開暁彦1, 後藤健一1, 深田寛子1, 中村保清1, 北英夫1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article PP908. Cluster analysis of the symptom exacerbation speed pattern using VAS of 190 seriously ill asthmatic attack hospitalization
田中裕士1, 中谷英仁2, 福冨友馬3, 関谷潔史3, 谷口正実3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article PP909. Comparison of a gastroesophageal reflux symptom in the asthma and the functional dyspepsia symptom
東名史憲1, 田中祐輔1, 竹下裕理1, 豊田光1, 渡邉彩香1, 宇治野真理子1, 江崎崇1, 酒瀬川裕一1, 小林このみ1, 小泉佑太1, 路昭暉1, 倉持美知雄1, 新井秀宜1, 山口正雄1, 大田健2, 長瀬洋之1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article PP910. Examination of a change and the episode of care of the antigen-specific IgE in patients with bronchial asthma during inhalational steroid continuation
大沼法友1, 濱田邦夫2, 吉田貴之2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 325-325, 2018.

Japanese Article PP911. The present conditions and problem of the inhalational support in the pharmacist
岩田真紀, 関谷潔史, 渡井健太郎, 永山貴紗子, 中村祐人, 田中淳, 濱田祐斗, 劉楷, 富田康裕, 三井千尋, 林浩昭, 上出庸介, 福冨友馬, 森晶夫, 谷口正実
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 325-325, 2018.

Japanese Article PP912. The effect that we are difficult to govern, and the number of the factors gives for condition of a patient control in the Japanese seriously ill asthmatic patients
渡辺理沙1, 福永興壱1, 馬場里英1, 鎌谷高志1, 桑江美聡1, 奥隅真一1, 田野崎貴絵1, 松坂雅子1, 持丸貴生1, 加畑宏樹1, 上田壮一郎1, 鈴木雄介2, 浅野浩一郎3, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 325-325, 2018.

Japanese Article PP913. Fungal antigen-specific IgE-positive rate in Japanese public adults
北原麻子1, 福冨友馬2, 白石良樹1, 小熊剛1, 岡田直樹1, 原田一樹1, 田中淳1, 友松克允1, 谷口正実2, 浅野浩一郎1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 325-325, 2018.

Japanese Article PP914. Examination of the bronchial thermopositive tea enforcement case in our hospital
丹羽義和, 磯谷澄都, 峯澤智之, 渡邊俊和, 森川紗也子, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 山蔦久美子, 榊原洋介, 岡村拓哉, 魚津桜子, 三重野ゆうき, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 中西亨, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article PP915. Examination of the change of airway hypersensitivity, the respiratory function in patients with bronchial asthma given bronchial thermoplasty
谷津年保1, 畑岡知里1, 鈴木歩1, 阿部武士1, 伊藤あゆみ1, 大塚竜也1, 中村優1, 田代祐介1, 榊原智博1, 保坂智子2, 小川浩正2,3, 三浦元彦1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article PP916. Examination of the pictorial analysis in the effect of treatment of the bronchial thermopositive T
森川美羽, 安斎正樹, 杉山光寿, 佐藤譲之, 中嶋康貴, 三ツ井美穂, 島田昭和, 山口牧子, 本定千知, 重見博子, 門脇麻衣子, 梅田幸寛, 早稲田優子, 石塚全
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article PP917. Examination of short-term complications after the bronchial thermoplasty
中畑征史, 鳥居厚志, 山田有里紗, 石田あかね, 重松文恵, 丹羽英之, 伊勢裕子, 岡さおり, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article PP918. Evaluation of the effect of treatment by the CT image analysis of Bronchial thermoplasty
武政聡浩, 内田信彦, 丁倫奈, 小池亮祐, 中村祐介, 正和明哲, 渡邉泰治, 池田直哉, 塩原太一, 新井良, 三好祐顕, 知花和行, 清水泰生, 石井芳樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article PP919. One case that bronchial thermoplasty was useful for intractable asthma-related cough
北村有希, 金光禎寛, 高桑修, 浅野貴光, 大久保仁嗣, 伊藤穣, 伊藤圭馬, 井上芳次, 福光研介, 武田典久, 福田悟史, 前野健, 小栗鉄也, 竹村昌也, 新実彰男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article PP920. We look at the rear of patients with severe asthma given bronchial thermoplasty and examine a mark
高田創1, 岡本紀雄2, 松野治3, 益弘健太朗1, 那須信吾1, 森田沙斗武1, 田中彩子1,3, 白山敬之1, 森下直子1, 鈴木秀和1, 源誠二郎3, 平島智徳1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article PP921. Examination of the bronchial thermoplasty case for the intractable asthma in our hospital
阿野哲士, 菊池教大, 増田美智子, 酒井千緒, 石井幸雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article PP922. Examination about the background factor affecting the effect of treatment of the bronchial thermoplasty
佐野安希子, 西山理, 佐野博幸, 綿谷奈々瀬, 西川裕作, 吉川和也, 白波瀬賢, 佐伯翔, 山崎亮, 山縣俊之, 東本有司, 岩永賢司, 久米裕昭, 東田有智
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article PP923. Attempt of the local anesthesia lower bronchus thermoplasty which does not use infusion anesthesia together
吉田正道, 油田尚総, 藤原篤司, 前田光, 寺島俊和, 児玉秀治, 鶴賀龍樹
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article PP924. Effect of the general anesthesia lower bronchus thermoplasty (bronchial thermoplasty: BT) using the air way for the intubation on intractable bronchial asthma
木曽原朗1, 石田輝明1, 内村圭吾1, かん秋明1, 黒澤隆行1, 増田貴史1, 田川公平1, 青山克彦1, 有賀仁2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article PP925. Examination about effect of treatment and the effect predictor of the bronchial thermoplasty
山村健太, 原丈介, 大倉徳幸, 古林崇史, 鈴木淳也, 佐伯啓吾, 木場隼人, 内田由佳, 丹保裕一, 曽根崇, 木村英晴, 笠原寿郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article PP926. Examination about the emphysematous change in the pneumonia fatal case
児玉秀治, 鶴賀龍樹, 寺島俊和, 前田光, 藤原篤司, 油田尚総, 吉田正道
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article PP927. Examination of respiratory illness in the surgery case of our hospital
神幸希1, 飛野和則1, 岡久将暢1, 後藤夕輝1, 村上行人1, 皆川亮介2, 古賀聡3, 梶山潔4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article PP928. Of the factor contributing to the physical activity in patients with COPD for climax and is examination of running transversely
濱川揺子1, 佐藤晋1, 上桝潔1, 長谷川浩一1, 谷村和哉2, 水谷達志1, 田辺直也1, 佐藤篤靖1, 室繁郎1, 平井豊博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article PP929. Quantity of saliva, association between sarcopenia and oxidative stress marker out of saliva in the climax COPD
中島隆裕1, 篠崎太郎1, 岩見枝里1, 池村辰之介1, 松崎達1, 寺嶋毅1, 中村ゆり子2, 萩原僚一2, 澁井武夫2, 野村武史2, 別役智子3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article PP930. Investigation of the night hypoxemia of home oxygen therapy patients by consecutive pulse oximetry
吉崎飛鳥1, 永野達也1, 船田泰弘2, 中田恭介1,3, 西馬照明4, 高月清宣1, 大西尚6, 櫨木暢子1,6, 堂國良太1, 桂田直子1, 立原素子1, 上領博1, 小林和幸1, 西村善博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article PP931. Problems in smokers in the COPD screening second year using examination
山本正嗣1, 上領博1, 富井啓介2, 西村善博1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article PP932. Clinical features of patients with COPD to cause a rapid bone density drop
亀山直史1, 中鉢正太郎1, 堤昭宏1, 入江秀大1, 櫻井香1, 佐々木衛1, 中村守男2, 仲村秀俊3, 浅野浩一郎1, 別役智子1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article PP933. Passive smoking in the inhabitants medical examination as the Shimane University illness foresight prevention study base and examination about airflow obstruction and the respiratory symptom
中尾美香, 奥野峰苗, 白築陽平, 兒玉明里, 天野芳宏, 堀田尚誠, 濱口愛, 沖本民生, 津端由佳里, 濱口俊一, 栗本典昭, 礒部威
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article PP934. Prevalence of diabetes (DM) in the general adults with the airway obstruction using the inhabitants medical examination
町田浩祥, 佐藤建人, 中野寛之, 東海林佳兼, 五十嵐朗, 井上純人, 柴田陽光
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article PP935. Analysis of the ACO ratio in the asthmatic patients in elderly people and non-elderly people
海老原明典, 永井明日香, 岩元徳全, 桑平一郎
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article PP936. COPD, asthma in elderly people, attempt of the stratification of ACO
寺田邦彦, 寺田忠之
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article PP937. Examination of the treatment response by the prospective crossover intervention study of LAMA and LABA in GOLD GroupA, B
平井邦朗, 佐藤春奈, 眞鍋亮, 桑原直太, 宮田祐人, 山口宗大, 大田進, 本間哲也, 山本真弓, 楠本壮二郎, 安藤浩一, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article PP938. Effect to give to the physical activity of inhalational anticholinergic drug four drugs in patients with COPD for climax
阿部武士, 畑岡知里, 鈴木歩, 伊藤あゆみ, 谷津年保, 大塚竜也, 中村優, 田代祐介, 榊原智博, 三浦元彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article PP939. Usefulness of triplet for COPD, the ACO patients, It is examined the clinical response by the ciclesonide + tiotropium / olodaterol combination drug reshuffling than existing treatment
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article PP940. Comparison of seven kinds of inhalational anticholinergic drugs in patients with COPD and urination disorder
鈴木慎一郎1, 大塚健悟1, 熊谷早希1, 佐藤好嗣2, 宇田川剛2, 高橋太郎1, 原田尚子1, 宮尾直樹1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article PP941. Change after a change effect and changes from LAMA/LABA preparation of DPI to LAMA/LABA (tiotropium / olodaterol) preparation of the SMI
廣瀬正裕, 加藤研一, 鬼頭雄亮, 出口亜里紗, 横井達佳, 堀口紘輝, 吉田隆純, 瀧田好一郎, 加藤圭介, 桑原和伸, 伴直昭, 志賀守, 近藤りえ子, 堀口高彦
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article PP942. Inhalation device preference survey in patients who used Breezhaler and Respimat in combination
福家聡, 佐藤寿高, 伊藤健一郎, 小島哲弥, 斉藤拓志, 西浦洋一, 磯部宏
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article PP943. Is it bronchodilator (Bronchodilator) or capacity of lung medicine (Lung deflator) to reduce? Effect analysis ... according to the lobe of the lung of Tiotropium to patients with ... COPD
堀創馬, 佐藤晋, 田辺直也, 谷村和哉, 長谷川浩一, 上桝潔, 濱川揺子, 水谷達志, 佐藤篤靖, 小熊毅, 室繁郎, 平井豊博
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article PP944. Examination of the effect that a bronchodilator gives to a qualitative characteristic of the respiratory tract coating liquid on COPD
有竹秀美1, 玉田勉1, 村上康司1, 蒲生俊一1, 村松聡士1, 奈良正之2, 杉浦久敏1, 一ノ瀬正和1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article PP945. We work on COPD enlightenment in Matsusaka-shi
畑地治1, 西井洋一1, 伊藤健太郎1, 齋木晴子1, 鈴木勇太1, 中村祐基1, 小林哲2, 田口修2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article PP946. One patient who underwent bronchoscopic capacity of lung weight loss technique with the shape-memory type coil
峯下昌道, 木田博隆, 半田寛, 西根広樹, 井上健男, 宮澤輝臣
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article PP947. Clinical examination of the adult mycoplasmal pneumonia in our hospital
南大輔, 尾関太一, 高田健二, 大川祥, 岩本佳隆, 萱谷紘枝, 佐藤賢, 藤原慶一, 柴山卓夫, 米井敏郎, 佐藤利雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article PP948. The increase of patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection of the 2016 winter season in the Japanese-clinic of Shanghai and change of the clinical picture
石田卓, 中村紘子, 安齋祐子, 松田綾, 松村雅方, 高橋英美, 梁君揺, 金潤華, 和田誠之
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article PP949. Specificity is extremely extremely low in a primary diagnosis of the mycoplasmal pneumonia of adults, and the mycoplasmal ribosomal protein L7/L12 frozen section diagnosis kit is not practical
山口統彦1, 佐々木信治2, 酒井俊輔1, 美馬尚徳1, 平松政高1, 寺田晴子1, 久原華子1, 合屋将1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article PP950. Examination about the usefulness of mycoplasmal pneumonia and the origin bacteria identification using the LAMP method for the pertussis infection
井上大輔1, 山口史博2, 清水翔平1, 張秀一1, 藤嶋彬1, 刑部優希1, 楯野英胤1,3, 加藤栄助1, 林誠1, 渡部良雄1, 鹿間裕介1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article PP951. One case of severe pneumonia due to the macrolide-resistant mycoplasma
松本宗大1, 長岡健太郎1, 山下優1, 武井望1, 木村孔一1, 鈴木雅1, 今野哲1, 石黒信久2, 西村正治1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article PP952. Clinical examination of the Legionnaires' pneumonia case
橘高誠, 白井亮, 田中仁美, 八十川直哉, 黒瀬浩史, 阿部公亮, 大植祥弘, 加藤茂樹, 小橋吉博, 岡三喜男
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article PP953. To select Legionnaires' pneumonia clinically?
宮下修行, 青木洋介, 菊地利明, 関雅文, 舘田一博, 比嘉太, 清田浩, 牧展子, 内納和浩, 小笠原和彦, 渡辺彰
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article PP954. Clinical examination of the Legionnaires' pneumonia in our hospital
神宮直樹, 阿南圭祐, 川村宏大, 一門和哉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article PP955. Chemosensitivity and clinical response for the Legionella of various antimicrobial
宮下修行, 青木洋介, 菊地利明, 関雅文, 舘田一博, 比嘉太, 清田浩, 牧展子, 内納和浩, 小笠原和彦, 渡辺彰
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article PP956. Examination of the prognostic factor in medical care, care-related pneumonia
山形昂, 伊藤明広, 山崎晶夫, 石田直
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article PP957. Comparison of the resistant bacteria risk of old and new guidelines in NHCAP
甲田拓之, 牧野英記, 田口禎浩, 仁志川晴香, 梶原浩太郎, 兼松貴則
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article PP958. Examination of the effectiveness of the qSOFA, SOFA score in the convalescence prediction of medical care, care-related pneumonia
浅井信博1,2, 渡邊弘樹1,2, 三鴨廣繁1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article PP959. Treatment strategy of the elderly NHCAP patients whom we looked after from an abdominal image
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article PP960. The hypoalbuminemia becomes the predictor of the oral intake resumption of patients with aspiration pneumonia
桑原直太, 本間哲也, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 山口宗大, 井上英樹, 大田進, 山口史博, 山本真弓, 楠本壮二郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article PP961. Examination of the cause of death and the risk of death factor of elderly people hospitalized with pneumonia
小谷野友里, 佐久間典子, 高村智恵, 河野正和, 酒井俊彦, 戸島洋一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article PP962. The examination of the factor about convalescence of medical care, care-related pneumonia: Participation of A-DROP, qSOFA, deglutition function, the eating situation, the nutritional status
金子正博, 和田学政, 山添正敏, 高田寛仁, 吉積悠子, 森田充紀, 山下修司, 古田健二郎, 木田陽子, 冨岡洋海
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article PP963. Use of NEWS-L in the convalescence prediction of CAP, NHCAP
村上行人, 飛野和則, 岡久将暢, 後藤夕輝, 末安巧人, 棟近幸, 西澤早織, 吉峯晃平
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article PP964. So that patients in deference to intention and the quality of life of the rearward examination individual with super elderly people NHCAP in our hospital-centered treatment takes care of you
川目千晶, 清水秀文, 佐々木篤志, 小島弘, 小林正宏, 堀江美正, 溝尾朗
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article PP965. Examination of the convalescence predictor of the deglutition function in patients with aspiration pneumonia
二橋文哉1, 北原佳泰1, 村上有里奈1, 岸本祐太郎1, 青野祐也1, 永福建1, 右藤智啓1, 佐藤潤1, 妹川史朗1, 須田隆文2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article PP966. Examination of the factor involved in a secession rate and the secession of the Bilebel PAP therapy for 769 respiratory failure
麻生マリ, 阿部航也, 野川ひとみ, 阿部祐紀, 和田敏弘, 岩渕勝好
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PP967. Clinical examination of patients with chronic respiratory failure that home oxygen therapy was introduced into
小柳悠, 齋藤合, 宮下晃一, 堤あかり, 小林健, 河野雅人, 三木良浩, 橋本大, 中村秀範
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PP968. LTOT +-Relationship between various QOL indicators and life prognosis in long-term NIV cases
角謙介1, 坪井知正1, 佐藤敦夫1, 望月吉郎2, 阿部聖裕3, 大平徹郎4, 斎藤武文5, 矢野修一6, 高田昇平7, 山中徹8
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PP969. An example of the Silver-Russell syndrome which required NPPV introduction
里方真理子, 大嶋康義, 西山佑樹, 森谷梨加, 才田優, 市川紘将, 朝川勝明, 青木信将, 渡部聡, 坂上拓郎, 小屋俊之, 菊地利明
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PP970. 4D lungs model and gas transport simulation at the high frequency ventilation therapy with the calculation hydrodynamics
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PP971. About usefulness of the negative pressure outside the body expression respirator combination positive as physical therapy in pneumonia treatment
指宿立, 鈴木学, 勝野貴史, 草場勇作, 松木怜, 松本周一郎, 田村賢太郎, 辻本佳恵, 長野直子, 松林沙知, 角和珠妃, 坂本慶太, 下田由季子, 橋本理生, 石井聡, 森野英里子, 高崎仁, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 竹田雄一郎, 杉山温人
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PP972. Change of serum cytokine concentrations with the endotoxin adsorption (PMX-DHP) therapy for the acute respiratory failure
大橋和政, 高田俊範, 伊藤竜
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article PP973. Examination of expiration end carbon dioxide (EtCO2) in the chronic respiratory disease
徐立恒, 猪俣稔, 粟野暢康, 久世眞之, 刀祢麻里, 吉村華子, 守屋敦子, 出雲雄大
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article PP974. Use experience of the transdermal blood gases measuring system in the COPD merger pneumoconiosis case to repeat hospitalization by the CO2 narcosis
遠藤正範1, 本田勇斗1, 柳生美幸1, 須藤美和1, 安齋明子1, 馬上修一1, 八木田裕治1, 佐々木貴義1, 加藤光恵1, 坪井永保1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article PP975. One patient who tracheotomized it for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) acute exacerbation, and received ventilator weaning using a portable respirator
福田陽佑1,2, 小田成人1, 宇野知輝1,2, 相良博典2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article PP976. Examination about the case given high flow therapy in our hospital
上田竜大, 井上寧, 長瀬清亮, 望月太一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article PP977. Comparison about the effectiveness in the CO2 narcosis patients with high flow quantity nose cannula oxygen inhalation therapy and the standard oxygen inhalation therapy
赤司俊介1, 松井弘稔1, 渡邉かおる2, 金野史1, 新福響太1, 松木明1, 河野史歩1, 武田啓太1, 成本治1, 田下浩之1, 田村厚久1, 赤川志のぶ1, 大田健1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article PP978. Comparison - with difference - Tokyo Metropolitan N industry high school student of the way of thinking of the high school student for the smoking except a housemate to the housemate and the Gunma Prefectural S high school student
渡邉直人1, 荒井一徳1,2, 牧野荘平1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PP979. About a change of state of the skin with the smoking cessation
嶋田奈緒子1, 瀬山邦明1, 兼広裕美子2, 石渡俊次3, 守尾嘉晃1, 島田和典4, 岩神真一郎3, 高橋和久1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PP980. Passive smoking exposure fact-finding results in the city of the Nara Prefectural A high school student
渡邉直人1, 荒井一徳1,2, 牧野荘平1, 南部光彦3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PP981. Domestic passive smoking exposure fact-finding results of the Nara Prefectural A high school student
渡邉直人1, 荒井一徳1,2, 牧野荘平1, 南部光彦3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PP982. Examination of the factor prescribing the smoking cessation achievement in the smoking cessation outpatient of the institution specialized in respiratory organs
橘和延, 所昭宏, 露口一成, 井上義一, 林清二
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PP983. Public Broadcasting System cigarette forum effect and other cigarette information recognition degree investigation of the citizen
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PP984. Examination of the association between long-term smoking cessation maintenance and social nicotine dependence of the smoking cessation foreign testee
谷口治子1, 吉井千春3, 磯村毅1, 加濃正人4, 小場弘之2,5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PP985. Consciousness of the young people for the new cigarette (electronic cigarette, heating-type cigarette)
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PP986. Comparison of the success in the smoking cessation foreign testee and the non-success
野上裕子, 恐田尚幸, 岩永知秋
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PP987. Examination of the effectiveness of the prevention of elementary school smoking education judging from the questionnaire of 1,649 people
國友史雄1, 竹内馨理2, 山本節子3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PP988. Elementary school of old China 3 which we saw from (KTSND) for nicotine dependence vote Ichihara children of the addition body shrine registered in the law codes meeting, examination about the effect of consciousness and the prevention of smoking education for the cigarette of the fourth grader
國友史雄1, 加濃正人2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PP989. Analysis - age, confidence of the patients background that stopped smoking cessation foreign consultation only in the first time, contribution - of the history of cigarette smoking
小泉佑太1,2, 早川ひろみ2, 林智恵美2, 石原美鈴2, 長瀬洋之1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PP990. One case of the drug-related enteritis by S-1 which we diagnosed with serious diarrhea
溝口仁志1, 渡邊直樹1, 井上卓哉1, 金地伸拓1, 坂東修二2, 石井知也1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PP991. 1 excision case of the pulmonary sequestration in the lobe of the lung who had the necrosing arteritis
齊藤朋人1, 石田光明2, 松井浩史1, 谷口洋平1, 宮良高維3, 尾形誠3, 蔦幸治2, 村川知弘1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PP992. Example that anti-centromere antibody coexisted with an antiRNA polymerase antibody in patients with lung adenocarcinoma which did not have a scleroderma symptom
丈達陽順1, 生嶋一成1, 野口真吾1, 川波敏則1, 城戸貴志1, 矢寺和博1, 佐藤実2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PP993. Attempt of the sustained larynx endoscope observation lower vocal cords rehabilitation for the motofacient pharyngemphraxis
山城信, 長野宏昭, 根井雄一郎, 喜舎場朝雄
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PP994. An example of the antiARS antibody syndrome who had the one side pleural effusion retention
中野愛子, 一門和哉, 川村宏大, 廣重滋夫, 江口善友, 保田祐子, 坂田能彦, 神宮直樹, 久永純平, 阿南圭祐, 仁田脇辰哉
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PP995. One case of the pulmonary epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
内藤雅大1, 坂倉康正1, 西村正1, 岡野智仁1, 井端英憲1, 大本恭裕1, 樽川智人2, 安達勝利2, 小林哲3, 田口修3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PP996. An example of the juvenile pulmonary haemangiosarcoma which occurred for diffuse pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
西川裕作1, 西山理1, 清水重喜2, 綿谷奈々瀬1, 佐野安希子1, 東田有智1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PP997. 2 cases that presented a toxic skin necrosis symptom during tuberculosis treatment
中野泰, 荒井亮輔, 荒川健一, 加行淳子, 西尾和三
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PP998. Inferior vena cava azygous vein-binding one case discovered with an azygos lobe
三浦弘之1, 後藤慎一2, 三浦隼3, 清水谷尚宏4, 内海健太4, 一和多俊男4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PP999. It is the clinical examination of the case who had the Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy during the hospitalizing of respiratory illness
佐藤圭樹, 近藤友喜, 加藤早紀, 松浦彰伸, 木村元宏, 高木康之, 杉野安輝
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PP1000. One case that performed blood vessel bypass operation for tracheal stenosis, and left a respirator
正村寿山, 曽根原圭, 安尾将法, 小林信光, 牛木淳人, 山本洋, 花岡正幸
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PP1001. It is examined the expansion lungs after drainage of the ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) merger empyema
佐藤一郎, 岩井亜美, 篠木聖徳, 桑原学, 谷恵利子, 中辻優子, 江口陽介, 南謙一
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 341-341, 2018.

English Article EPD1-1. A Case of an Empyema Thoracis Complicated by Mixed bacterial pathogen (Anaerobe and Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
Pulmonary and Critical Care, Philippine Heart Centre
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 345-345, 2018.

English Article EPD1-3. Drug Resistant Results In TB-DM Patients
Bambang Sigit Riyanto1, Retna Mustika Indah2, Nugroho Harry Susanto2, Ida Suta3, Tutik Kusmiati4, Banteng Wibisono5, Anis Karuniawati6, Sophia Siddiqui7, Muhammad Karyana8, Erlina Burhan9
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 345-345, 2018.

English Article EPD1-4. Does TB-DM Participants Clinically Worse Than TB ?
Banteng Hanang Wibisono1, Retna Mustika Indah2, Nugroho Harry Susanto2, Ida Suta3, Tutik Kusmiati4, Bambang Sigit Riyanto5, Anis Karuniawati6, Sophia Siddiqui7, Muhammad Karyana8, Erlina Burhan9
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 345-345, 2018.

English Article EPD1-5. Fever in Tuberculosis Patient
Erlina Burhan1, Retna Mustika Indah2, Nugroho Harry Susanto2, Ida Suta3, Tutik Kusmiati4, Bambang Sigit Riyanto5, Banteng Wibisono6, Anis Karuniawati7, Sophia Siddiqui8, Muhammad Karyana9
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 345-345, 2018.

English Article EPD1-6. Early results from a prospective cohort study of presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis patients across multiple sites in Indonesia (TRIPOD)
Retna Mustika Indah1, Nugroho Harry Susanto1, Ida Suta2, Tutik Kusmiati3, Bambang Sigit Riyanto4, Banteng Wibisono5, Anis Karuniawati6, Sophia Siddiqui7, Muhammad Karyana8, Erlina Burhan9
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 345-345, 2018.

English Article EPD1-7. Reliability of T-SPOT, TB for Screening of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection in Japan
Saki Manabe1, Nobuaki Kobayashi1, Ayako Aoki2, Harumi Koizumi2, Kenichi Takahashi2, Chisato Kamimaki1, Naoto Mikami1, Sousuke Kubo1, Hiroko Harada1, Yoshitaka Tei1, Seigo Katakura1, Nobuyuki Hirama1, Shuhei Teranishi1, Masaki Yamamoto1, Takashi Sato3, Masaharu Shinkai3, Makoto Kudo1, Takeshi Kaneko3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 346-346, 2018.

English Article EPD2-1. The Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Japanese Patients with Asthma
Kazuhiko Takabe
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 347-347, 2018.

English Article EPD2-2. Dysregulated ErbB2 Expression in Freshly Brushed Asthmatic Airway Epithelial Cells
Hideki Inoue1,2, Xiuxia Zhou1, John Trudeau1, Sally E.Wenzel1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 347-347, 2018.

English Article EPD2-3 Distinct Impact of Abdominal Visceral Adiposity on Asthma Symptoms
Houman Goudarzi, Satoshi Konno, Hirokazu Kimura, Hironi Makita, Munehiro Matsumoto, Nozomu Takei, Hiroki Kimura, Kaoruko Shimizu, Masaru Suzuki, Masaharu Nishimura
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 347-347, 2018.

English Article EPD2-4 Comparison of The Clinical Features Between Th2-high and Th2-low Asthma
Atsuki Fukada1, Mikio Toyoshima1, Daisuke Akahori1, Takafumi Suda2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 347-347, 2018.

English Article EPD2-5 Airway inflammation mechanisms in obesity-associated asthma by application of functional proteomics technology-a exploratory study
Hong Ping Zhang, Jing Zheng, Lei Wang, Gang Wang
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 347-347, 2018.

English Article EPD3-1. p116Rip affects cell motility and GM-CSF secretion in human lung fibroblasts
Yasuhiko Koga1, Masakiyo Yatomi1, Hiroaki Tsurumaki1, Yoshimasa Hachisu1, Haruka Saito1, Akihiro Ono1, Tamotsu Ishizuka2, Kunio Dobashi3, Takeshi Hisada1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 348-348, 2018.

English Article EPD3-2. AIM/CD5L Inhibits Resolution of Acute Lung Injury in Mice through Efferocytosis Inhibition
Hiroki Kimura1,2,4, Masaru Suzuki1, Satoshi Konno1,4, Takahide Nagase2, Toru Miyazaki3, Masaharu Nishimura1,4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 348-348, 2018.

English Article EPD3-3. Innate and Adaptive Immune Mechanisms Underlying Chronic Rejection in Solid Organ Transplantation
Christine M.Lin1, Ronald G.Gill2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 348-348, 2018.

English Article EPD3-4 Effect Of High Fat Diet And Aging On Lung Epithelial Stem Cells
Ahmed E Hegab, Mari Ozaki, Tomoko Betsuyaku
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 348-348, 2018.

English Article EPD3-5 A Model of Human Developing Alveoli Involving Expandable Alveolar Epithelial Type II cells Derived from iPS Cells
Yuki Yamamoto1, Shimpei Gotoh1,2, Yohei Korogi1, Masahide Seki3, Satoshi Konishi1, Satoshi Ikeo1, Naoyuki Sone1, Tadao Nagasaki1, Hisako Matsumoto1, Shigeo Muro1, Isao Ito1, Toyohiro Hirai1, Takashi Kohno4, Yutaka Suzuki3, Mchiaki Mishima1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 348-348, 2018.

English Article EPD4-1. Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for Allergic Bronchopulmonary Mycosis
Koichiro Asano1, Akira Hebisawa2, Noboru Takayanagi3, Yasuhiko Nakamura2, Takashi Ishiguro3, Junko Suzuki2, Jun Tanaka1, Tsuyoshi Oguma1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 349-349, 2018.

English Article EPD4-2. Phenotypes of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Identified by Cluster Analysis
Tsuyoshi Oguma, Jun Tanaka, Kazuki Harada, Katsuyoshi Tomomatsu, Koichiro Asano
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 349-349, 2018.

English Article EPD4-3. Asthma Control, Quality of Life and Emotional Feelings in Real Life-A Cross-sectional Study of Adult Asthma Patients (ACQUIRE-2)
Soichire Hozawa1, Mitsuru Adachi2, Masanori Nishikawa3, Atsushi Yoshida4, Tatsunori Jinnai4, Gen Tamura5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 349-349, 2018.

English Article EPD4-4. Symptoms and HR-QoL status in an uncontrolled severe asthma subgroup of ACQUIRE-2
Soichiro Hozawa1, Mitsuru Adachi2, Masanori Nishikawa3, Atsushi Yoshida4, Tatsunori Jinnai4, Gen Tamura5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 349-349, 2018.

English Article EPD4-5. Effects of Once-a-day Use of Inhaled Steroid (Fluticasone Furoate) Combined with LABA (Vilanterol) on Various Flow Data in Bronchial Asthma
Akira Umeda1, Ryohei Kamei1, Tateki Yamane1, Taichi Mochizuki1, Yasushi Inoue1, Taiji Watanabe1, Kenji Tsushima1, Yasumasa Okada2, Kazuya Miyagawa3, Atsumi Saito3, Hiroshi Takeda3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 349-349, 2018.

English Article EPD4-6 Effect of The Addition of Montelukast on Airway Inflammation and Remodeling in Symptomatic Asthma
Makoto Hoshino1, Junichi Ohtawa2, Kenta Akitsu2, Tetsuo Satoh3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 349-349, 2018.

English Article EPD5-1. A Case of Sporadic Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Presenting as Recurrent Pneumothorax
May Joy Torrico Canillas-Amancio, Annabelle Aclan Dela Roca, Omohaire Dilangalen, Jan Michael Ocampo
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 350-350, 2018.

English Article EPD5-2. The Associated Factors with Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria Infection among Previous Dust Exposured Workers
Jun-Pyo Myong, Ji-Won Lee
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 350-350, 2018.

English Article EPD5-3. Thoughts about Secondhand Smoke (SHS) Exposure among High School Students are Similar to those of their Households
Kazunori Arai1,2, Naoto Watanabe1, Sohei Makino1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 350-350, 2018.

English Article EPD5-4. Examination of The Rate of Quitting to Smoke among Smoker Patients who Underwent Lung Cancer Operation
Takaharu Kiribayashi, Hironobu Nishimuta, Osahiko Hagiwara, Toru Niitsuma, Kazuki Itoh, Shinya Kusachi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 350-350, 2018.

English Article EPD5-5. Factors Causing Left Main Bronchus Stenosis
Masataka Matsumoto, Kaori Kawase, Kazumi Kaneshiro, Kiyonobu Takatsuki
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 350-350, 2018.

English Article EPD5-6 Role of sound-spectrogram in the diagnosis of wheezes : bronchospasm or fixed airways narrowing ?
Yukio Nagasaka, Michiko Tsuchiya, Chikara Sakaguchi, Noboru Morikawa
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 350-350, 2018.

English Article EPD6-1. TWEAK induced TSLP Expression in Human Bronchial Epithelial cells
Kei Matsuno1, Norihiro Harada1, Tomohito Takeshige1, Sonoko Harada1,2, Ayako Ishimori1, Yuki Tanabe1, Hitoshi Sasano1, Ai Nakamura1, Yoko Katsura1, Fumihiko Makino1, Jun Ito1, Ryo Atsuta1, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 351-351, 2018.

English Article EPD6-2. Comparable serum periostin levels between asthma and asthma-COPD overlap, but not COPD
Toshihiro Shirai1, Keita Hirai2, Yasuhiro Gon3, Hiromasa Inoue4, Shu Hashimoto3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 351-351, 2018.

English Article EPD6-3. Contribution of neuropeptide Y to house dust mite-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation
Naohiro Oda1, Nobuaki Miyahara1,2, Daisuke Morichika1, Akihiko Taniguchi1, Satoru Senoo1, Utako Fujii1, Mikio Kataoka2, Mitsune Tanimoto1, Yoshinobu Maeda1, Katsuyuki Kiura3, Arihiko Kanehiro1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 351-351, 2018.

English Article EPD6-4. Circulating levels of tenascin-C as type 2 biomarkers in the patients with asthma
Mina Asaji1,2, Norihiro Harada1,3, Sonoko Harada1,3, Ayako Ishimori1, Yoko Katsura1, Yukinari Itoigawa1, Kei Matsuno1,3, Fumihiko Makino1, Jun Ito1, Junya Ono4, Kazunori Tobino1,2, Hisaya Akiba5, Ryo Atsuta1, Kenji Izuhara6, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 351-351, 2018.

English Article EPD6-5. Vocal cord dysfunction relationship to asthma : observed symptoms in a high-qualified athlete
Monika Nawrocka, Adam Maszczyk, Artur Golas
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 351-351, 2018.

English Article EPD6-6. Association between the GLCCI1 variant and response to inhaled corticosteroids in south Vietnamese asthmatics
Thanh Hai Ngo Nguyen1, Ngoc Van Tran1, Vu Hoang2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 351-351, 2018.

English Article EPD7-1. An Investigation of the Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE)
Chie Fuyama, Kohei Kinoshita, Ichiyou Ohara
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 352-352, 2018.

English Article EPD7-2. Acute exacerbations of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases : incidence, risk factors, and outcome
Atsushi Suzuki1,2, Tomoki Kimura1, Kensuke Kataoka1, Toshiaki Matsuda1, Toshiki Yokoyama1, Masahiko Ando3, Yoshinori Hasegawa2, Naozumi Hashimoto2, Koji Sakamoto2, Yasuhiro Kondoh1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 352-352, 2018.

English Article EPD7-3. Nintedanib Attenuated Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Alveolar Epithelial Cells
Hiroaki Ihara, Fumiyuki Takahashi, Motoyasu Kato, Ken Tajima, Tadashi Sato, Ryota Kanemaru, Daisuke Hayakawa, Aditya Wirawan, Moulid Hidayat, Motomi Takahashi, Yoshika Koinuma, Manabu Tajima, Naohisa Matsumoto, Koichiro Kanamori, Ikuko Takeda, Mizuki Haraguchi, Naoko Shimada, Kazuhisa Takahashi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 352-352, 2018.

English Article EPD7-4. Evaluation of the heterogeneity of respiration of the lung in interstitial pneumonia employing 4-dimension computed tomography deformable image registration
Naoki Koshimizu, Tsutomu Kubota, Yasutaka Mochizuka, Kyouhei Ooishi, Hyougo Naoi, Eisuke Mochizuki, Masahiro Uehara, Shun Matsuura, Miyuki Nagaoka, Shinichirou Mikura, Masaru Tsukui
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 352-352, 2018.

English Article EPD7-5. Significance of small airway involvement in development of honeycomb-like lesions in RA-UIP ; A report of 2 cases
Mitsuhiro Moda1, Masaaki Yuki1, Yuko Iwata1, Naohiro Sugitani2, Noriko Emoto1, Shogo Kasai1, Yasumi Okochi1, Hitoshi Tokuda1, Tamiko Takemura3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 352-352, 2018.

English Article EPD7-6. Usual Interstitial Pneumonia pattern in Lower hung Lobs as A Prognostic Factor in Idiopathic Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis
Kana Kono, Motoyasu Kato, Takahiro Nakamura, Tomoko Yamada, Manabu Tajima, Koichiro Kanamori, Hiroaki Ihara, Ken Tajima, Satomi Shiota, Shinichi Sasaki, Kuniaki Seyama, Kazuhisa Takahashi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 352-352, 2018.

English Article EPD8-1. Discovery of Respiration-synchronized Rhythmic Activity in the Hypothalamus : Implication for Hypothalamic Involvement in Respiratory Rhythm Generation
Isato Fukushi1, Yosuke Kono1,2, Shigefumi Yokota3, Shuntaro Okazaki1,4, Kotaro Takeda1,5, Hiroshi Onimaru6, Yasumasa Okada1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 353-353, 2018.

English Article EPD8-2. The impact of Amyloid and Tau deposition in absolutely normal cognitive patients with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Satomi Shiota1, Etsuko Imabayashi2, Koichi Kato2, Ai Sugiyama1,3, Mariko Yanagihara3, Yuichi Inoue3, Hiroshi Matsuda2, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 353-353, 2018.

English Article EPD8-3. The Impact of CPAP and OA on Nocturia Symptom in Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patients
Soichiro Ikeda1, Keiji Miyoshi1, Kenjiro Tsuruoka1, Ninsou Matsunaga1, Takahiko Nakamura1, Yosuke Tamura1, Shuhei Yoshida1, Masafumi Imanishi1, Isao Goto1, Akihisa Imagawa1, Yasuhito Fujisaka2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 353-353, 2018.

English Article EPD8-4. Non-invasive Ventilation (NIV) in a Case of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) WITH Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Rhea Anne Confesor Celis, Teresita Samartin De Guia
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 353-353, 2018.

English Article EPD8-5. Higher daytime PaO2 with O2 supplementation enhance survival in patients receiving long-term nocturnal NIV
Tomomasa Tsuboi1, Toru Oga2, Kensuke Sumi1, Yuichi Chihara1, Atsuo Sato1, Kazuo Chin2, Motoharu Ohi3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 353-353, 2018.

English Article EPD8-6. Hypnotics did not worsen a prognosis of patients receiving long-term oxygen and/or noninvasive ventilation
Tomomasa Tsuboi1, Toru Oga2, Takefumi Saito3, Shohei Takada4, Shuichi Yano5, Tetsuro Ohdaira6, Tetsuji Kawamura7, Toru Yamanaka8, Masahiro Abe9, Kensuke Sumi1, Kazuo Chin2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 353-353, 2018.

English Article EPD8-7. Telemedicine as a tool for early palliative care consultations for patients with severe lung disease
Prema R Menon1, Renee D.Stapleton1, Terry Rabinowitz2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 354-354, 2018.

English Article EPD9-1. Hypoxia-induced Pulmonary Hypertension in C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N mice : is there any difference ?
Shohei Shinomiya1, Shiro Mizuno1, Friedrich Grumminger2, Hossein Ghofrani2, Norbert Weissmann2, Werner Seeger2,3, Kazuhiro Osanai1, Hirohisa Toga1, Baktybek Kojonazarov2, Ralph Schermuly2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 355-355, 2018.

English Article EPD9-2. Heart rate change and oxygen desaturation-resaturation patterns during 6-min walk test in mild to severe chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Takeshi Inagaki1,2, Jiro Terada1, Misuzu Yahaba1, Naoko Kawata1, Takayuki Jujo1,3, Seiichiro Sakao1, Nobuhiro Tanabe1,3, Koichiro Tatsumi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 355-355, 2018.

English Article EPD9-3. Nintedanib Ameliorates The Pulmonary Hypertension Via Inhibition Of Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation And Endothelial Mesenchymal Transition In Rat Model
Takeo Tsutsumi1, Tetsutaro Nagaoka1, Yoshifumi Suzuki1, Takashi Yoshida1, Sachiko Kuriyama1, Yoshiteru Morio2, Kazuhisa Takahasi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 355-355, 2018.

English Article EPD9-4. HbA1c as a biomarker of pulmonary arterial hypertension in animal model
Shohei Shinomiya1, Shiro Mizuno1, Friedrich Grimminger2, Hossein Ghofrani2, Norbert Weissmann2, Werner Seeger2,3, Kazuhiro Osanai1, Hirohisa Toga1, Baktybek Kojonazarov2, Ralph Schermuly2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 355-355, 2018.

English Article EPD9-5. Experimental and human pulmonary veno-occlusive disease : similarities and differences
Fabrice Antigny1,2, Esther Nossent3, Melanie Lambert1,2, Benoit Ranchoux1,2, Audrey Courboulin1,2, Barbara Girerd1,2, Florent Soubrier4, Florence Lecerf1, Aurelie Hautefort1,2, Harm Jan Bogaard3, Elie Fadeil1,5, Gerald Simonneau1,2, Anton Vonk Noordegraaf3, Katrien Grunberg3, Marc Humbert1,2, David Montani1,2, Peter Dorfmuller1,2, Frederic Perros1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 355-355, 2018.

English Article EPD10-1. Overview of the Ongoing WINDWARD Phase III Trial Program of Benralizumab For the Treatment of Severe Uncontrolled Eosinophilic Asthma
Frank Trudo1, Mitchell Goldman2, Peter Barker3, James Zangrilli4
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 356-356, 2018.

English Article EPD10-2. Benralizumab Reduces Exacerbations and Improves Lung Function in Republic of Korea Patients With Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma : SIROCCO Trial Subgroup Analysis
Sang Haak Lee1, Hae-Sim Park2, Viktoria Werkstrom3, Yanping Wu4, James Zangrilli5, Gokul Gopalan5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 356-356, 2018.

English Article EPD10-3. Pharmacokinetic (PK) Exposure-Response (Asthma Exacerbation Rate [AER]) Relationship For Benralizumab, an Anti-Eosinophil Monoclonal Antibody, For Patients With Severe Asthma
Lorin Roskos1, Bing Wang2, Yen Lin Chia2, Binbing Yu3, Peter Barker4, Mitchell Goldman5
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 356-356, 2018.

English Article EPD10-4. Longitudinal Modeling of Prebronchodilator Forced Expired Volume in 1 Second (PreB-FEV1) Response to Benralizumab For Patients With Severe Asthma
Lorin Roskos1, Bing Wang2, Li Yan3, Binbing Yu4, Peter Barker5, Mitchell Goldman6
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 356-356, 2018.

English Article EPD10-5. Dupilumab Rapidly and Significantly Improves Lung Function and Decreases Inflammation by 2 Weeks in Patients With Uncontrolled Persistent Asthma
Alberto Papi1, Brian N.Swanson2, Heribert Staudinger3, Paul Rowe5, Jaman Maroni6, Shyamalie Jayawardena4, Jennifer Hamilton7, Nikhil Amin8, Gianluca Pirozzi3, Bolanle Akinlade9, Neil Graham10, Ariel Teper3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 356-356, 2018.

English Article EPD10-6. Dupilumab Efficacy in Severe Asthma Exacerbations by Different Baseline Patient Characteristics in Patients With Uncontrolled Persistent Asthma
Leonardo M.Fabbri1, Jonathan A.Berntein2,3, Heribert Staudinger10, Jaman Maroni4, Paul Rowe8, Shyamalie Jayawardena9, Laurent Eckert11, Nikhil Amin5, Bolanle Akinlade6, Gianluca Pirozzi10, Neil Graham7, Ariel Teper10
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 356-356, 2018.

English Article EPD11-2. Human Lung Fibroblasts Release Inflammatory Cytokines in Response to Immunoglobulin A Stimulation
Sayaka Arakawa2, Maho Suzukawa1, Koichi Kobayashi1,2, Hirotoshi Matsui1, Takahide Nagase2, Ken Ohta1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 357-357, 2018.

English Article EPD11-3. Chitin Induced Airway Inflammation and Production of Prostaglandin E2
Tomohito Takeshige1, Norihiro Harada1, Kei Matsuno1, Ayako Ishimori1, Yuki Tanabe1, Hitoshi Sasano1, Ai Nakamura1, Sonoko Harada1,2, Yoko Katsura1, Fumihiko Makino1, Jun Ito1, Ryo Atsuta1, Hisaya Akiba3, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 357-357, 2018.

English Article EPD11-4. IL-13 Induces Periostin and Eotaxin Expression in Human Primary Alveolar Epithelial Cells : Comparison with Paired Airway Epithelial Cells
Yoko Ito1,2, Reem Al Mubarak1, Robert Mason1, Nicole Roberts1, Kelly Correll1, Hong Wei Chu1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 357-357, 2018.

English Article EPD11-5. Mechanism of Periostin Production in Human Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cells
Kosuke Makita1, Yu Mikami2, Hirotaka Matsuzaki1, Naoya Miyashita1, Hideyuki Takeshima1, Satoshi Noguchi1, Masafumi Horie1, Hirokazu Urushiyama1, Motoyasu Iikura3, Masayuki Hojo4, Yasuhiro Yamauchi1, Takahide Nagase1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 357-357, 2018.

English Article EPD11-6. Inflammatory Responses Induce Identity Crisis of Alveolar Macrophages Leading to Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
Risa Ebina-Shibuya1, Masakazu Ichinose1, Kazuhiko Igarashi2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 357-357, 2018.

English Article EPD12-1. ADAM17 Protects Mice Against Elastase-Induced Emphysema Via Inactivation of CD62L
Shoji Suzuki1, Makoto Ishii1, Takanori Asakura1, Ho Namkoong1, Satoshi Okamori1, Kazuma Yagi1, Hirofumi Kamata1, Tatsuya Kusumoto1, Shizuko Kagawa1, Ahmed E Hegab1, Keisuke Horiuchi2, Naoki Hasegawa3, Tomoko Betsuyaku1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 358-358, 2018.

English Article EPD12-2. Retinoid X Receptor Partial Agonist Attenuates Elastase- and Cigarette Smoke Extract-induced Emphysema and Airway Inflammation
Daisuke Morichika1,5, Nobuaki Miyahara1,2, Utako Fujii1, Akihiko Taniguchi1, Naohiro Oda1, Satoru Senoo1, Mikio Kataoka1, Yoshinobu Maeda1, Hiroki Kakuta3, Toshiaki Okada5, Katsuyuki Kiura4, Mitsune Tanimoto1, Arihiko Kanehiro1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 358-358, 2018.

English Article EPD12-3. Protective Effects of IL-33 Against Elastase-induced and Cigarette Smoke Extract-induced Emphysema
Daisuke Morichika1,2, Nobuaki Miyahara1,3, Akihiko Taniguchi1, Utako Fujii1, Naohiro Oda1, Satoru Senoo1, Mikio Kataoka1, Toshiaki Okada2, Masayuki Hanaoka4, Tomohiro Yoshimoto5, Mitsune Tanimoto1, Yoshinobu Maeda1, Katsuyuki Kiura6, Arihiko Kanehiro1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 358-358, 2018.

English Article EPD12-4. Hydrogen-rich pure water prevents cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary emphysema in SMP30 knockout mice
Yohei Suzuki1, Tadashi Sato1, Masataka Sugimoto2, Hario Baskoro1, Keiko Karasutani1, Aki Mitsui1, Fariz Nurwidya3, Naoko Arano1, Yuzo Kodama1, Shin-ichi Hirano4, Akihito Ishigami5, Kuniaki Seyama1, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 358-358, 2018.

English Article EPD12-5. Acetylcholine amplifies smoke-induced lung inflammation and alveolar tissue destruction in mice
Yoko Hamakawa, Atsuyasu Sato, Kiyoshi Uemasu, Koichi Hasegawa, Tatsushi Mizutani, Naoya Tanabe, Susumu Sato, Shigeo Muro, Toyohiro Hirai
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 358-358, 2018.

English Article EPD12-6. Zinc Dyshomeostasis and Autophagy as Critical Determinants for Airway Epithelial Dysfunction in COPD
Eugene Roscioli2, Hai Bac-Tran1, Hubertus Jersmann1,2, Susan Lester2,3, Paul Reynolds1,2, Peter Zaleski2, Sandra Hodge1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 358-358, 2018.

English Article EPD12-7. Investigation of the CD1b Lipid Antigen Presentation Pathway in COPD
Miranda Ween1,2, Jonathan Whittall1,2, Charles Jones2, Hai Tran1,2, Sandra Hodge2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 359-359, 2018.

English Article EPD13-1. 5 cases of pleurodesis treatment for bilateral malignant pleural effusion.
Hironobu Nishimuta, Takaharu Kiribayashi, Osahiko Hagiwara, Toru Niitsuma, Kazuki Ito, Shinya Kusachi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 360-360, 2018.

English Article EPD13-2 The effectivity of endobronchial ultrasonography with a guide sheath transbronchial biopsy for diagnosing peripheral pulmonary lesions with interstitial lung disease
Takayasu Ito, Yasuhiro Kondoh, Tomoki Kimura, Kensuke Kataoka, Toshiaki Matsuda, Toshiki Yokoyama
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 360-360, 2018.

English Article EPD13-3. Percutaneous transthoracic biopsies (PTB) ultrasound guided of lung tumor
Sotheary Chhorn
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 360-360, 2018.

English Article EPD13-4. Efficacy and Safety of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy using CyberKnife in Stage I Primary Lung Tumor
Nobuyasu Awano1, Soichiro Ikushima1, Takehiro Izumo1, Tatsunori Jo1, Hanako Yoshimura1, Mari Tone1, Minoru Inomata1, Shingo Miyamoto2, Yuan Bae3, Toshio Kumasaka3, Yuriko Terada4, Yoshiaki Furuhata4, Ryutaro Nomura5, Kengo Sato5, Hideo Kunitoh2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 360-360, 2018.

English Article EPD13-5. Standard-dose osimertinib for refractory leptomeningeal metastases in T790M-positive EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer
Shigeki Nanjo1,2, Akito Hata2, Chiyuki Okuda3, Reiko Kaji2, Hideaki Okada3, Daisuke Tamura4, Kei Irie5,6, Hiroshi Okada5, Shoji Fukushima6, Nobuyuki Katakami2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 360-360, 2018.

English Article EPD13-6. Elucidation of Features of Complete Remission Cases as Compared with Long-Survivors in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Takuya Aoki1, Naoki Okada1, Shohei Oobayashi1, Ken Enokida1, Asako Kitahara1, Shigeaki Hattori1, Tomoe Takeuchi1, Fuminari Takahashi1, Genki Takahashi1, Kazuki Harada1, Jun Tanaka1, Masako Sato1, Yukihiro Horio1, Hiroto Takiguchi1, Hiromi Tomomatsu1, Katsuyoshi Tomomatsu1, Takahisa Takihara1, Kyoko Niimi1, Naoki Hayama1, Tsuyoshi Oguma1, Tetsuya Urano2, Koichiro Asano1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 360-360, 2018.

English Article EPD14-1 The Role of CD44 in the Regulation of Cancer Stem Cell Related Factors in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Aditya Wirawan, Fariz Nurwidya, Motoyasu Kato, Moulid Hidayat, Ryota Kanemaru, Hiroaki Ihara, Yoshika Koinuma, Daisuke Hayakawa, Ikuko Takeda, Manabu Tajima, Naohisa Matsulnoto, Koichiro Kanamori, Tetsuhiko Asao, Ryo Ko, Rina Shibayama, Ryo Koyama, Naoko Shimada, Ken Tajima, Fumiyuki Takahashi, Kazuhisa Takahashi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 361-361, 2018.

English Article EPD14-2. Role of Ubiquitin Ligase FBXW7 in the Quiescent Cancer Stem Cells in the Gefitinib Resistance in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Moulid Hidayat, Fumiyuki Takahashi, Ken Tajima, Motoyasu Kato, Fariz Nurwidya, Aditya Wirawan, Ryota Kanemaru, Hiroaki Ihara, Yoshika Koinuma, Daisuke Hayakawa, Ikuko Takeda, Manabu Tajima, Naohisa Matsumoto, Mizuki Haraguchi, Tetsuhiko Asao, Ryo Ko, Rina Shibayama, Ryo Koyama, Naoko Shimada, Kazuhisa Takahashi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 361-361, 2018.

English Article EPD14-3. High expression of ITGA11 adenocarcinoma is associated with tumor progression and postoperative recurrence
Takahiro Ando1, Hidenori Kage1, Keita Maemura1, Noriko Hiyama2, Toshio Sakatani1, Yosuke Amano1, Kousuke Watanabe1, Jun Nakajima2, Takahide Nagase1, Daiya Takai3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 361-361, 2018.

English Article EPD14-5. PD-L1 Expression in Pulmonary Pleomorphic Carcinoma
Maiko Naito1, Maiko Takeda2, Takahiko Kasai2, Seigo Ishii1, Yoshihiko Taniguchi1, Nobuhiko Saijyo1, Yoko Naoki1, Naoki Omachi1, Akihiro Tamiya1, Kyoichi Okishio3, Shinji Atagi3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 361-361, 2018.

English Article EPD15-1. Nintedanib Inhibits Pro-fibrotic Mediators with Relevance to Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease
Akiko Maruno1, Shinobu Suzuki1, Angela Ostermann2, Cara Williams2, Stefan-Lutz Wollin2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 362-362, 2018.

English Article EPD15-2. Efficacy and tolerability of anti-fibrotic agents for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chikatoshi Sugimoto1, Toru Arai1, Yumiko Sasaki2, Naoko Takeuchi2, Seiji Hayashi2, Shojiro Minomo2, Takehiko Kobayashi2, Kazunobu Tachibana2, Yasushi Inoue2, Yoshinobu Matsuda2, Keiko Nakao2, Yoshihiko Taniguchi2, Yoko Naoki2, Shoko Sonobe2, Yu Kurahara2, Reiko Sugawara2, Kazunari Tsuyuguchi1, Sayoko Tokura2, Yoshikazu Inoue1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 362-362, 2018.

English Article EPD15-3. Safety, tolerability and efficacy of nintedanib switched from pirfenidone in the patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Satoshi Ikeda, Akimasa Sekine, Tomohisa Baba, Takuma Katano, Goushi Matama, Naoto Matama, Kosuke Isomoto, Ryota Otoshi, Erina Tabata, Ryota Shintani, Shinko Sadoyama, Hideaki Yamakawa, Takashi Niwa, Hiroaki Nakagawa, Tsuneyuki Oda, Ryo Okuda, Hideya Kitamura, Shigeru Komatsu, Eri Hagiwara, Takashi Ogura
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 362-362, 2018.

English Article EPD15-4. The Prognosis of Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Treated with Anti-fibrotic Agents
Yoko Matsumoto, Aya Saihara, Ryutaro Furukawa, Sayaka Ohara, Yuri Taniguchi, Masayuki Hojo, Kazuhiro Usui
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 362-362, 2018.

English Article EPD15-5. Effects of nintedanib on pulmonary hypertension in IPF patients
Masahiro Tahara, Keishi Oda, Takako Kawaguchi, Hiroki Kawabata, Shingo Noguchi, Toshinori Kawanami, Takashi Kido, Kazuhiro Yatera
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 362-362, 2018.

English Article EPD15-6. Phase I Study of Systemic Morphine for Refractory Dyspnea in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease (JORTCPAL05)
Yoshinobu Matsuda1,3, Tatsuya Morita4, Tempei Miyaji5, Tomoko Ogawa6, Kuniko Kato2, Takashi Kawaguchi7, Akihiiro Tokoro1,3, Satoru Iwase8, Takuhiro Yamaguchi9, Yoshikazu Inoue3
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 362-362, 2018.

English Article EPD15-7. High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy on exercise capacity for interstitial lung disease : a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial
Atsushi Suzuki1, Masahiko Ando2, Tomoki Kimura1, Kensuke Kataoka1, Toshiki Yokoyama1, Eiichi Shiroshita3, Yasuhiro Kondoh1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 363-363, 2018.

English Article EPD16-1. Long-term Disease Activity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Masaru Suzuki, Hironi Makita, Satoshi Konno, Kaoruko Shimizu, Masaharu Nishimura
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 364-364, 2018.

English Article EPD16-2. Changes in the Prevalence of Airflow Limitation in Community-Dwelling Japanese Subjects : The Hisayama Study
Hiroaki Ogata1,2, Yoichiro Hirakawa2,3, Koichiro Matsumoto1, Satoru Fukuyama1, Hiromasa Inoue4, Takanari Kitazono3, Toshiharu Ninomiya2, Yoichi Nakanishi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 364-364, 2018.

English Article EPD16-3. Association of Serum Uric Acid levels and Outcomes of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : a Prospective Cohort Study
John Ray Tumolva Galamay, Teresita Samartin De Guia, Ma.Encarnita Limpin
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 364-364, 2018.

English Article EPD16-4. Cellular senescence associated with reduced larninB1 in COPD pathogenesis
Nayuta Saito, Jun Araya, Saburo Ito, Yusuke Hosaka, Tsukasa Kadota, Masahiro Yoshida, Akihiro Ichikawa, Yusuke Kurita, Kazuya Tsubouchi, Kenji Kobayashi, Hirofumi Utsumi, Haruhiko Yanagisawa, Hiroshi Wakui, Shunsuke Minagawa, Hiromichi Hara, Takeo Ishikawa, Takanori Numata, Yumi Kaneko, Katsutoshi Nakayama, Kazuyoshi Kuwano
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 364-364, 2018.

English Article EPD16-5. Proteomic Profiling of Serum Exosomes to Identify Novel Biomarkers for COPD
Taro Koba1, Yohito Takeda1, Takashi Shiromizu2, Ryohei Narumi2, Yoshitomo Hayama2, Muneyoshi Kuroyama1, Takayuki Takimoto1, Takanori Matsuki1, Hiroshi Kida1, Tsuyoshi Tomonaga2, Atsushi Kumanogoh1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 364-364, 2018.

English Article EPD16-6. Association between respiratory impedance measured by forced oscillation technique and exacerbations in patients with COPD
Hitomi Yamagami, Akihiko Tanaka, Hatsuko Mikuni, Tomoko Kawahara, Kuniaki Hirai, Yasunari Kishino, Shin Ohta, Tetsuya Homma, Sojiro Kusumoto, Mayumi Yamamoto, Yoshio Watanabe, Shintaro Suzuki, Takuya Yokoe, Tsukasa Ohnishi, Hironori Sagara
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 364-364, 2018.

English Article EPD16-7. Comparative Efficacy of Umeclidinium/Vilanterol and Tiotropium/Olodaterol in COPD Patients with High and Low Salbutamol (SL) Use : A Randomized Non-inferiority Trial
Ian Naya1, Gregory Feldman2, Bernardino Alcazar Navarrete3, Ana Souza4, Sadhana Patel1, David Lipson5, Lee Tombs6, Chris Compton1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 365-365, 2018.

English Article EPD17-1. New insights of the pathology of pulmonary fibrosis revealed by metabolome analysis
Shinya Ohkouchi1, Yoshinori Okada2, Hajime Kurosawa1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 366-366, 2018.

English Article EPD17-2. The bile acid membrane receptor GPBAR1 promotes pulmonary fibroblast migration by activating TGF-β1/p-Smad3 signaling pathway
Handong Jiang, Xueqing Liu
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 366-366, 2018.

English Article EPD17-3. The Effects of Inactive Form of Pepsin on Alveolar Epithelial Cells and Lung Fibroblasts
Shan Xue, Xueqing Liu, Handong Jiang
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 366-366, 2018.

English Article EPD17-4. Induced Expression of Mutant Surfactant Protein C in Mice Results in An Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Phenotype
Shin-ichi Nureki1, Yaniv Tomer2, Alessandro Venosa2, Scott Russo2, Jeremy Katzen2, Surafel Mulugeta2, Michael Beers2, Jun-ichi Kadota1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 366-366, 2018.

English Article EPD17-5. Phosphatase Control of TGF-β Signaling in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Yael Aschner1, Meghan R Nelson2, Maria I Wong2, Helen Roybal2, Ryan Holly2, Gregory P Downey1,2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 366-366, 2018.

English Article EPD17-6. Inhibitory Effect of Hypoxia Induced Factor1α on Transforming Growth Factor β-induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
Akira Ando, Naozumi Hashimoto, Yoshio Nakahara, Norihito Omote, Koji Sakamoto, Yoshinori Hasegawa
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 366-366, 2018.

English Article EPD17-7. Mechanobiology of Lung Fibroblasts : Real-time Imaging of ATP Release
Satoru Ito1, Kota Takahashi2, Kishio Furuya3, Shuichi Asano2, Masahiro Sokabe3, Yoshinori Hasegawa2
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 367-367, 2018.

English Article EPD18-1. Clinic usefulness of cardiac MRI for diagnosis of myocarditis as comorbidity on acute severe pneumonia
Midori Sugisaki1, Tatsuya Okuda1, Hitoshi Oonuma1, Junichi Kato1, Kentaro Nakamura2, Yuzuru Inoue1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 368-368, 2018.

English Article EPD18-2 Clinical significance of gram staining in the initial approach to pleural effusions
Hitomi Yoshikawa1, Yohei Suzuki1, Eriko Kuwasaki1, Yuki Uehara2, Norio Ohmagari3, Tadashi Sato1, Kazuhisa Takahashi1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 368-368, 2018.

English Article EPD18-3. Proteomic analysis for determining intrinsic factors of biofilm formation in Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis
Yoshitaka Tateishi
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 368-368, 2018.

English Article EPD18-4. Population-based Epidemiological Study on Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease in Japan : Analysis of National Database of Medical Insurance Claim
Kiyohiko Izumi1,2, Kozo Morimoto3, Naoki Hasegawa4, Kuzuhiro Uchimura1, Manabu Ato5, Satoshi Mitarai2,6
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 368-368, 2018.

English Article EPD18-5. Life Threatening Hemoptysis : A case of Chronic Cavitary Pulmonary Tuberculosis complicated with Aspergilloma
John Ray Tumolva Galamay, Teresita Samartin De Guia, Ma.Encarnita Limpin
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 368-368, 2018.

English Article EPD18-6. Retrospective Analysis of Lung Aspergillosis in Our Facility
Hiroko Shigemi1,2, Maiko Kadowaki1, Masaki Anzai1, Yuko Waseda1, Yukihiro Umeda1, Miwa Morikawa1, Akikazu Shimada1, Chisato Honjo1, Makiko Yamaguchi1, Miho Mitsui1, Masayuki Satoh1, Mitsutoshi Sugiyama1, Koki Nakajima1, Hiromichi Iwasaki2, Tamotsu Ishizuka1
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 368-368, 2018.

English Article EPD18-7. Evaluation of swallowing tests in patients with aspiration pneumonia
Etsuo Fujita1, Fuminori Ohta2, Megumi Kiyoi2, Kensaku Shojima3, Kousuke Shimada4, Yusaku Nishikawa5, Yuji Tohda5, Katsuhiro Yamamoto6
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 369-369, 2018.

Japanese Article "Pulmonary medicine, a trace to date and a certain future forecast map"
Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society 7(suppl): 481-481, 2018.