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Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology

Volume 94, Issue 2 / 1997
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Clinicopathological study of the fundic varices -Blood vessel structure in gastric paries-
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 83-91, 1997.

Japanese Article Study of mechanisms of pancreatic fibrosis and structural changes in liver cirrhotic patients
Kazuo TAKEI, Koichi SUDA
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 92-100, 1997.

Japanese Article The studies of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for pancreatic ductal stones
Norihito TAKI, Saburo NAKAZAWA, Kenji YAMAO, Kazumu OKUSHIMA, Junji YOSHINO, Kazuo INUI, Hitoshi YAMACHIKA, Naoto KANEMAKI, Takao WAKABAYASHI, Teruhiko IWASE, Hironao MIYOSHI, Takashi KOBAYASHI, Kazuhisa SUGIYAMA, Hiroshi NISHIO, Yuta NAKAMURA, Sayoko MIZUTANI, Ryuichi KATO, Toushin TAKASHIMA, Naomi ASAI, Shinya WATANABE
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 101-110, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the extramedullary stomach plasmacytoma
竹原佳彦1), 古土井明2), 平本智樹2), 平岩健太郎2), 堂園孝史2), 有田敏2), 加藤尚志3), 有馬信之3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 111-116, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the duct villus carcinoma in adenoma of longer axis 6cm that occurred in a duodenal descending limb
平井隆二1), 松本英男1), 太田徹哉1), 曽我浩之1), 清水信義1), 佐々木澄治2), 栄本昭剛3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 117-122, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of von Recklinghausen's disease who had the duodenum papilla cancer
Kazunori Nagayama 1), Namiki Izumi 1), Kazunori Saito 1), Osamu Noguchi 1), Yuji Hoshino 1), Uchihara Masakatsu 1), Shozo Miyake 1), Hiroyuki Kobayashi 2), Akane Kurie 2), Kazuhiro Taki 3), History of Hiroshi Noda 4), History of Sato 1,000 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 123-128, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the drug sensitivity liver damage that occurred by antimalarial drug (Fansidar(R))
岡崎有博, 渡辺勲史, 内山順三, 中野敦史, 西崎泰弘, 加川建弘, 松崎松平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 129-132, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the chronic GBV-C hepatitis that had the onset during the course of diabetes, and complicated aplasia pure red cell
金児猛夫1), 栗田純夫1), 藤沢亨1), 丸山雄造2), 袖山健3), 田中栄司3), 清沢研道3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 133-138, 1997.

Japanese Article One case that caused biliary tract internal hemorrhage and biliary tract obstruction by the false aneurysm which did penetration to bile duct after the percutaneous Wallstent(TM) custody
村山道典1), 長谷和生1), 渡邊千之1), 石山賢1), 藤岡高弘2), 近藤壽郎2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 139-142, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the choledocholithiasis to repeat a recurrence as a nucleus in biliary tract alien substance (fish bone) after endoscopic papillotomy
阪井貴久1), 木原昌則1), 我山秀孝1), 清水敦哉1), 国吉幹夫1), 為田靱彦2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 143-147, 1997.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with acute pancreatitis during interferon (IFN) treatment for chronic hepatitis C
石井禎暢1), 吉川正英2), 松本昌美2), 菊池英亮2), 増井一弘2), 水本靖士2), 梅本典江2), 辻之上裕久2), 玉川泰浩2), 河田充弘2), 川本博2), 上田重彦2), 折橋透2), 美登路昭2), 福井博2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 148-152, 1997.

Japanese Article The gastric emptying inhibiting factor that was found in human cancer culture supernatant
中村典子, 近藤行男, 松崎宸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 153-153, 1997.

Japanese Article Authorized medicine qualification authorization examination questions and the commentary (the 32nd)
Japanese digestive organ disease society
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 94(2): 154-155, 1997.