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Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology

Volume 95, Issue 6 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A study of colonic mucins in two kinds of experimental colitis model in rat
Shiro NAKANO1), Susumu OHARA2), Toshihiko KUBOTA3), Katsunori SAIGENJI1), Kyoko HOTTA2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 513-523, 1998.

Japanese Article Long-Term Clinical Course and Prognosis of Patients with Crohn's Disease
Fumihito HIRAI, Hisashi FURUKAWA, Toshihiro SAKURAI, Toshiyuki MATSUI, Tsuneyoshi YAO1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 524-533, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of O139 type cholera
稲田浩之, 山浦修一, 小口智雅, 前山浩信, 大池淑元, 中川道夫, 宜保行雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 534-538, 1998.

Japanese Article Count of five and 203 this country reports of colon cancer complicated with ulcerative colitis
齊藤修治, 長嶺弘太郎, 小松茂治, 藤井義郎, 田中邦哉, 金村栄秀, 松尾恵五, 石山暁, 小尾芳郎, 鬼頭文彦, 福島恒男, 佐野仁勇*, 中村宣生*, 篠崎大**
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 539-546, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the primary caul abscess
Isao Matsumoto, Ichiro Takahashi, Makoto Shinagawa, Okamoto law of nature flower *, Shoji Kameda *, Kameyama wealth light **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 547-550, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome where a merger of multiple colorectal adenoma and rectal cancer was found after polyposis relief with the steroid therapy
Water waist British Shiro, Sakae Ohba, Michiko Sakai, Koji Adachi, Yutaka Inagaki, Hideo Morimoto, Goro Sugioka, Murakami truth *, Bamboo Kawamo *, Masato Kiriyama *, Yasuhiko Kojima *, 渡辺騏七郎 **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 551-556, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the autoimmune hepatitis who had the antiphospholipid syndrome
小林紀明, 酒井基成, 太田正治, 赤木美砂, 森能史, 藤野博也, 大石享, 稲田安昭, 岡上武*, 加嶋敬*
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 557-562, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 resection case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that a cystic artery was a blood donation road
Nobuhiko Taniai, Itaru Egami, Shigeru Okazaki tree, Masayo Wada, Masatomo Yoshioka, Masahiko Onda *, Takashi Tajiri *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 563-566, 1998.

Japanese Article One patient who complicated Schonlein-Henoch peliosis in acknowledgment of various gastrointestinal lesions in primary hemochromatosis
斉藤誠, 平野麻里, 桑原慎一, 三島真知子, 川村憲一, 藤本望, 斉藤弘, 宮崎保, 水無瀬昴**, 髭修平*, 浅香正博*
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 567-572, 1998.

Japanese Article Is discovered for no jaundice; one case of the middle lower part cholangiocarcinoma with the intraluminal superficial extension to gallbladder
大森茂, 奥田和明, 中村昌嗣, 我山秀孝, 宮崎光一, 田川新生, 高橋幸二*, 冨田隆*, 野田雅俊**, 高瀬幸次郎***, 中野赳***
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 573-577, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case of the subcutaneous nodular fat necrosis with the chronic pancreatitis
関知之, 中山大寿, 古川雅也, 松林宏行, 山田昌彦, 穀野真一郎, 水村泰夫, 真神易, 堀部俊哉, 新戸禎哲, 金田繁樹, 須藤一郎, 斎藤利彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 578-583, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of abdominal tuberculous lymphadenitis that supersonic wave guided biopsy was useful in a diagnosis
Chiyoko Ueda, 鍋島紀滋, Kanemasa Kazuyuki, Jiro Ochi, Atsushi Nishikawa Expo, Naoyuki Ohara, Megumi Torii male, Toshihiro Kusaka, Masahiro Okayama, 三浦賢佑
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 584-588, 1998.

Japanese Article Authorized medicine qualification authorization examination questions and the commentary (the 48th)
Japanese digestive organ disease society
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(6): 589-590, 1998.