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Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology

Volume 95, Issue suppl-1.2 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Recollections of -2 folds of origin theory regulation theory of the gastric ulcer that there was because it was a surgical doctor
Minoru Ooi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 89-89, 1998.

Japanese Article Why is a person a person?
Tadashi Tsujii
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 90-90, 1998.

Japanese Article The change of pathophysiology and the treatment of the acid associated diseases
Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 91-91, 1998.

Japanese Article The future of the organ transplantation in our country and problems
Yasuhiko Morioka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 92-92, 1998.

Japanese Article Cancer, the cancer which cannot fight which fights
Takeo Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 93-93, 1998.

Japanese Article New development of the cancer research by the extension of the genome analysis plan
Masaaki Terada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 94-94, 1998.

English Article Feedback control of pancreatic exocrine secretion: Its relationship to the management of the abdominal pain associated with chronic pancreatitis
Phillip P.Toskes
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 95-96, 1998.

Japanese Article We expect it of a specialist in young digestive organ [clinical intellect]
Tadayoshi Takemoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 97-97, 1998.

English Article The etiology of gallstone disease
Ian A.D.Bouchier
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 98-98, 1998.

Japanese Article The present situation and the prospects of MRCP
Hideo Uchida, 廣橋伸治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 99-99, 1998.

Japanese Article Application of the medical high level former image to digestive organ disease
Naoki Suzuki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 100-100, 1998.

Japanese Article We survey a study of the enterokinesis
Zen Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 101-101, 1998.

English Article Controversies in relationships between H.pylori, NSAID ulcers and reflux disease
James W.Freston
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 102-102, 1998.

English Article Molecular mechanisms of ulcer healing-Role of growth factors, angiogenesis and signal transduction pathways. Interference by NSAIDs and H.pylori with these mechanisms impairs ulcer healing
Andrzej Tarnawski
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 103-103, 1998.

English Article The bowel prep: A personal story
Robert E.Condon
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 104-104, 1998.

Michael M Meguid
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 106-106, 1998.

Giulio Marchesini
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 106-106, 1998.

Hisataka Moriwaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 106-106, 1998.

Daniel K.Podolsky
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 107-107, 1998.

Kei Matsueda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 107-107, 1998.

Adrian Barbul
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 107-107, 1998.

Zhu-Ming Jiang, Jian-Chun Yu, En-Ling Ma, Xiu-Rong Wang, Yu-Wu Liu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 108-108, 1998.

Tsuguhiko Tashiro, Hidero Yamamori, Kazuya Takagi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 108-108, 1998.

Iwasa Y.**, Iwasa M.**, Ohmori Y.**, Yamamoto A.**, Mizobuchi S.**, Kume M.**, Cui X.L.**, Ogoshi S.*
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 108-108, 1998.

Akira Terao*, James W.Freston**
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 109-109, 1998.

Nobuo Aoyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 109-109, 1998.

Yuji Mizokami
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 109-109, 1998.

Arakawa T, Higuchi K, Kobayashi K, Kuroki T
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 109-109, 1998.

Kenneth E.L.McColl
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 110-110, 1998.

Tsutomu Chiba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 111-111, 1998.

V.Stepan, M.Tatewaki, M.Matsushima, C.J.Dickinson, J.Del Valle, A.Todisco
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 111-111, 1998.

S.Watanabe, X.E.Wang, M.Hirose, N.Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 111-111, 1998.

Daniel K.Podolsky
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 112-112, 1998.

Seiichi Hirota, Koji Isozaki, Yukihiko Kitamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 112-112, 1998.

David A.Brenner
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 112-112, 1998.

Domenico Palli
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 113-113, 1998.

David Y.Grahrm
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 113-113, 1998.

Manfred Stolte
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 114-114, 1998.

Ronald J.Schlemper
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 114-114, 1998.

Wataru Yasui, Hiroshi Yokozaki, Eiichi Tahara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 114-114, 1998.

Mitsuru Sasako
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 115-115, 1998.

Rembacken BJ, Dixon MF, Axon ATR
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 116-116, 1998.

Shinji Tanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 116-116, 1998.

Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 116-116, 1998.

Takeo MORI
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 116-116, 1998.

Richard Pazdur
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 117-117, 1998.

Atsushi Ohtsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 117-117, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination for stomach discharge function by the S1-1 scintigraphy
Nobuyoshi Habu, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 120-120, 1998.

Japanese Article It is clinical significance a gastric emptying function test of the S1-2 fluid food
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 120-120, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the marker method establishment of the gastric emptying technique of the S1-3 solid food
Akira Torii, Gotaro Toda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 120-120, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the S1-4 electrogastrogram
Manabu Satake *, Michio Hongo **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 120-120, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement of the stomach discharge function by the S1-5 outside the body expression ultrasonography
春間賢, Field Jiro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 121-121, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the S1-6 abdomen noise
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 121-121, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the liver transplantation time in the S2-1 internal medicine
平松活志, Hirasawa Yuanlang, Sakae Matsushita period, Takeshi Urabe, Shuichi Kaneko, Kenichi Kobayashi 1), 荻野英朗, 鵜浦雅志 2), Toru Nakahama, Hiroshi Miyamori three a year), 猪俣裕紀洋, Koichi Tanaka 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 124-124, 1998.

Japanese Article Positioning of the S2-2 live donor liver transplant
Toshihiko Ikegami, Yasuhiko Hashikura, Shinichi Miyakawa, Seiji Kawasaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 124-124, 1998.

Japanese Article Adaptation expansion of the S2-3 segmental liver transplantation from live donor and the limit
Needle Yasushi Hara, Masatoshi Makuuchi, Tadatoshi Takayama, Keiichi Kubota, Masaru Hirata, Yoshiaki Kita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 124-124, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunocompetent cells found recent progress of the S2-4 islet cell transplantation newly, control structure of the rejection through NKT cells
Aha Yoichi, Seiyo Ikeda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 124-124, 1998.

Japanese Article The present situation and problems for the S2-5 clinic islet cell transplantation enforcement
Masaaki Miyamoto 1), Kazutomo Inoue 1), 元駿 1), Yoko Mullen2), Reinhard Bretzel3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 125-125, 1998.

Japanese Article active immuno-protection of the allogeneic insula pancreatica which we applied S2-6 Fas/FasL system to
Temple field Keizo, Plum lower Koji, Shoji Nakamori, Hiroaki Nagano, Court Security Office wise man, Morihito Kadota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 125-125, 1998.

Japanese Article Development - transarterial liposomal enclosure antisense oligonucleotide dosage therapy of the gene therapy for the S3-1 metastatic liver cancer
Shinji Tamura *, Sumio Kawata *, * which Umeki bears, Shinichi Kiso *, History of Yasushi Kaneta **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 128-128, 1998.

Japanese Article The prospects of the gene therapy to assume S3-2 tumor vessel neogenesis a target
Akira Mori, Shigeru Arii tree, Hiroaki Koyama, Yoko Kondo, Masaharu Furuya, Masayuki Imamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 128-128, 1998.

Japanese Article S3-追1 [Radiation auxiliary strengthening therapy for liver cancer suicide gene therapy]
大津留晶1), 川下雄丈, 神田和亮, 黒田宏昭2), 山下俊一1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 128-128, 1998.

Japanese Article It is suicide gene, in vivo Combination Gene Therapy by the cytokine gene introduction a new gene therapy for the S3-3 gastrointestinal carcinoma
Kennichiro Kosai
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 128-128, 1998.

Japanese Article Have the injury effect that ... cancer is specific for for an S3-4 liver cancer choice-like gene therapy; rearrange; adenoviral making
Keisuke Tateishi 1, Makoto Ohashi 1, Hirofumi Hamada 2, Masao Omata 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 129-129, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the prospects of the S3-5 esophageal cancer gene therapy
松原久裕, Yoshio Koide, Hideaki Shimada, Mutsumi Sugaya, Kentaro Tazaki, Tomoko Maeda, 舟波裕, 所義治, Miwako Arima, 岡住慎一, Takehide Asano, Takenori Ochiai 1), Masatoshi Tagawa, Sakiyama tree 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 129-129, 1998.

Japanese Article S3-追2 Measures and gene therapy problems of gastric cancer by the suicide gene
松倉則夫1), 島田隆2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 129-129, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of a gene, the chromosomal aberration in the abdomen region malignant tumor using the S3-6 Comparative Genomic Hybridization(CGH) method
Kei Shiraishi 1, 2, Yoshinori Sasaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 129-129, 1998.

Japanese Article It is analyzed the CCK-A receptor gene abnormality as S4-1 life-style related diseases onset accelerator
Akihiro Funakoshi 1), Kyoko Miyasaka 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 132-132, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of the expression of cholecystokinin (CCK)-A receptor in the S4-2 acute pancreatitis
Nakamura early person, Taizo Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Tashiro life, Yasuyuki Kihara, 大槻眞
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 132-132, 1998.

Japanese Article S4-追1 Expression and embryological study of cholecystokinin in the islets of Langerhans
清水京子, 白鳥敬子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 132-132, 1998.

Japanese Article S4-追2 New pancreatic exocrine regulatory mechanism by CCK: New intracellular signal transduction mechanism of CCK through the secretory vesicles G protein
大西洋英, 峯徹哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 132-132, 1998.

Japanese Article Instruction of HB-EGF, amphiregulin with the S4-3 gastrin
Miyazaki Yoshiji, 篠村恭久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 133-133, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the regulation of gene expression of the gastrin receptor in gastric mucosa covering epithelium cells due to the S4-4 gastrin stimulation
Honda Yoshitaka 1), Hitoshi Uemura 1) 2), Toshiyuki Takeuchi 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 133-133, 1998.

Japanese Article Relative - with examination - VIP receptor of PACAP, the PTH in S4-5 marmot isolation cecum ring race smooth-muscle cells, relaxant effect of the TRH and the mechanism of action
本村廉明, A great variety of kinds rock Yoshiharu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 133-133, 1998.

Japanese Article S4-追3 Regulation of the hunger period gastrointestinal hormone fluctuations due to motilin
持木彫人**, 鈴木秀樹**, 竹之下誠一**, 桑野博行**, 伊藤漸*
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 133-133, 1998.

Japanese Article After S4-6 digestive organ procedures about contribution of ileal brake mechanism(IBM) and PYY as onset of diarrhea and malnutrition as the disorder and the compensation mechanism
Koji Nakada 1), Nobuyoshi Habu 1), Yutaka Suzuki 1), Noboru Yanaihara 2), Teruaki Aoki 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 134-134, 1998.

Japanese Article S4-追4 The role of gut hormones in gastric acid secretion regulatory mechanism
田利晶1), 隅井浩治2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 134-134, 1998.

Japanese Article Likelihood of the prophylactic intervention of gene diagnosis and the peptic ulcer onset of a high critical group with the genetic predisposition of S5-1 peptic ulcers
東健, Shigeji Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 136-136, 1998.

Japanese Article Change - mechanism and measures of gastric mucosa phospholipid due to the S5-2 HP infection
Young Yasufumi Hayashi, Atsuko Nakatani
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 136-136, 1998.

Japanese Article Is the maintenance therapy unnecessary after S5-3 H.pylori sanitization treatment?
目良清美, Keiko Nishikawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 136-136, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the refractory gastric ulcer case after the S5-4 sanitization
Jin Sekine, Shuichi Ohara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 136-136, 1998.

Japanese Article Strategies for treatment of peptic ulcer of the 21st century based on S5-5 Evidence-based Medicine and Cost-Effectiveness
Yasuki Habu 1), Shigeto Mizuno 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 137-137, 1998.

Japanese Article S5-追1 Surgical treatment for duodenal ulcer: from the point of view of complications ulcer and laparoscopic surgery
柏木秀幸, 小村伸朗, 青木照明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 137-137, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for S5-6 perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU)
Kazuyuki Ono 1), Yoichi Tamiya 1), Katsuyoshi Hatakeyama 1), Yoichi Matsubara 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 137-137, 1998.

Japanese Article S5-追2 Pathophysiology and treatment strategy of perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU)
大森浩明, 旭博史, 井上義博, 齋藤和好
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 137-137, 1998.

Japanese Article Positioning of EMR in S6-1 esophagus superficial cancer treatment
Tsuneo Koyama, Akira Tomori Kotobuki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 140-140, 1998.

Japanese Article Positioning of the mediastinoscope lower esophagus withdrawal technique for S6-2 esophageal cancer
丹黒章, Hiroto Hayashi, Shigeru Yoshino sentence, Shigeru Takeda, 岡正朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 140-140, 1998.

Japanese Article A procedure and problems of the S6-3 early gastric cancer endoscopic mucosal resection
Kimiya Takeshita 1) 2), Masao Tani 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 140-140, 1998.

Japanese Article In a comparison between advantage and judging from operation under laparoscopy for the S6-4 early gastric cancer, surgical results for 6 years problems - particularly EMR
Masahiro Ogami, Yoshihide Otani, Tetsuro Kubota, Koichiro Kumai, Masaki Kitajima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 140-140, 1998.

Japanese Article S6-追1 Usefulness of percutaneous stomach wall endoscopic mucosal resection (PTEMR) for early gastric cancer endoscopic treatment
村井隆三, 安藤博
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 141-141, 1998.

Japanese Article Adaptation and problems of the endoscopic treatment of S6-5 early colorectal cancer
The Matsunaga public welfare, Naotaka Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 141-141, 1998.

Japanese Article S6-追2 Adaptation and problems of endoscopic treatment for colorectal early cancer
小林清典, 五十嵐正広
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 141-141, 1998.

Japanese Article Positioning of endoscopic lower treatment for S6-6 colorectal cancer and the operation under laparoscopy
Koichi Sato, Seigo Kitano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 141-141, 1998.

Japanese Article Gastric mucosa injury protective efficacy of P1-1 antioxidant vitamin E
Norimasa Yoshida, Toshiichi Yoshikawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 144-144, 1998.

Japanese Article Redox control of the gene expression in P1-2 gastric mucosa cells
Tadahito Shimada, Hideyuki Hiraishi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 144-144, 1998.

Japanese Article It is a production of the superoxide anion (O2) and the physiological role the new function of P1-3 gastric mucosa epithelial cells
手嶋茂忠, Six Kazuhito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 144-144, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of the active oxygen in the reperfusion injury (lipid peroxidation injury) of the P1-4 liver transplantation
Nobuhiro Okochi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 144-144, 1998.

Japanese Article P1-追1 Small intestine after intestinal ischemia-reperfusion, the involvement of reactive oxygen species in the liver sinusoidal endothelial dysfunction, in particular the usefulness of heat shock protein expression in the ischemic tolerance induction
櫻井洋至, 野口孝, 川原田嘉文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 145-145, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the oxidative stress in P1-5 human colorectal cancer
Shohei Kondo 1) 2), 1, Teraku, Ono), Masayuki Imamura 1), Hiroshi Hiai 2), Rich country Shinya 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 145-145, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of copper accumulation and the free radical in the liver by the cancerogenesis of the P1-6 hepatocellular carcinoma
Hiroyuki Fukuda, Masaaki Ehara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 145-145, 1998.

Japanese Article P1-追2 Treatment with active oxygen: diagnosis of cancer in photodynamic therapy
村田靖, 松井裕史
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 145-145, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - that we saw it from significance - portal vein hemodynamics of the endoscopic ligation therapy that used sclerotherapy in P2-1 esophageal varices treatment together
Toshiya Suzuki, Shoichi Matsuya, Hideaki Mizumoto, Hiromitsu Saisho
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 148-148, 1998.

Japanese Article P2-追1 Long-term course of the portal vein hemodynamics and after esophageal varices sclerotherapy
北野善郎, 卜部健, 金子周一, 小林健一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 148-148, 1998.

Japanese Article Strategies for treatment - that we saw it from choice - ultrasonic autoscope of the therapy judging from hemodynamics for P2-2 esophagus gastric varices
Fumiko Saito, Katsutoshi Ohara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 148-148, 1998.

Japanese Article P2-追2 Treatment strategy of esophageal varices, as viewed from the portal vein hemodynamics
今津博雄, 松井勉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 148-148, 1998.

Japanese Article Randomized Controlled Trial(RCT) which assumed palliative treatment, endoscopic sclerotherapy of the esophageal varices explosion by the P2-3 TIPS a control therapy
Yoshiyuki Narahara, Hidenori Kanazawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 149-149, 1998.

Japanese Article Isolated gastric varices strategies for treatment judging from P2-4 portal vein blood circulation map and portal vein hemodynamics
Fumio Chikamori 1), Yasuhiro Takase 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 149-149, 1998.

Japanese Article P2-追3 Effective endoscopic treatment and bleeding factor as seen from the blood vessel distribution and hemodynamics of solitary gastric varices
岩瀬弘明1), 楠神和男2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 149-149, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment of the gastric varices judging from P2-5 hemodynamics
Kazuhiko Obo, Jun Toyonaga
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 149-149, 1998.

Japanese Article P2-6 Hemodynamics and direct surgery of the esophagus and the gastric varices
大橋薫, 織畑剛太郎, 太田秀二郎, 高森繁, 児島邦明, 深澤正樹, 別府倫兄, 二川俊二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 150-150, 1998.

Japanese Article Reconstruction method of the pylorus side gastrectomy in consideration of P3-1 duodenal juice reflux, remaining stomach cancer chemoprevention
Hirokazu Yamaguchi, Hidekazu Tsuji, Nobuhiko Shimizu, Fumio Aoki, Norio Uenishi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 152-152, 1998.

Japanese Article P3- additionally 1 Comparison of postoperative failure of the pyloric save gastrectomy (PPG) and distal gastrectomy Billroth-I method (Gastrectomy B-I) for early gastric cancer
津村秀憲, 渡部洋三
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 152-152, 1998.

Japanese Article Through an evaluation and the pH monitoring that cardia with prophylaxis - endoscope of the reflux oesophagitis is in the form after P3-2 pylorus side gastrectomy
Yoshihide Otani 1), Hideki Ishikawa 3), Tetsuro Kubota 1), Koichiro Kumai 2), Masaki Kitajima 1, 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 152-152, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation - of measures - jejunum pouch substitute stomach for no gastric symptom after the P3-3 total gastrectomy
Kyoji Nakane, Koshiro Hioki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 152-152, 1998.

Japanese Article Prevention and measures of short bowel syndrome and the Bacterial overgrowth syndrome in the P3-4 Crohn disease surgical cure
Yuji Funayama, Iwao Sasaki, 内藤広郎, Kohei Fukushima, 柴田近, Tsuyoshi Masuko, Koyama incense, Shun Sato, Jin Ogawa, Tatsuya Ueno, Akihiko Hashimoto, Masanori Matsuno
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 153-153, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the ascending colon extent of resection in the right colon surgery judging from motility of the P3-5 large intestine
Hidejiro Kawahara, Katsuya Hirai, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 153-153, 1998.

Japanese Article We take measures with prevention of disorder after P3-6 rectal cancer surgery
Kotaro Maeda, Morihito Maruta, Kunihiro Toyama, Yoshi Sato sincerity, Yoshihiro Okumura, Measure Koji Mori, 小出欣和, Masahisa Matsumoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 153-153, 1998.

Japanese Article P3-追2 The significance of Duhamel variant and J type colonic pouch in rectal cancer reconstruction method
角田明良, 渋沢三喜, 山崎勝雄, 神山剛一, 草野満夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 153-153, 1998.

Japanese Article The evaluation that is 6, prospective with the endoscope for 010 subjects frequency of the P4-1 reflux oesophagitis
Ryuichi Iwakiri, 藤本一眞
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 156-156, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis about the clinical condition of the P4-2 GERD case
小村伸朗, Hideyuki Kashiwagi, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 156-156, 1998.

Japanese Article Characteristic of esophagus, the gastric mobility of P4-3 Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)
The Kato morning star, Shinya Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 156-156, 1998.

Japanese Article P4-追1 The paradoxical modulation by atropine of LES reaction by caerulein load
菅原隆**, 福土審**, 本郷道夫*
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 156-156, 1998.

Japanese Article P4-追2 Esophageal motor function of reflux esophagitis
杉浦敏昭, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 157-157, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution - of examination - esophageal hiatal hernia of the mechanism that reflux oesophagitis increases with P4-4 aging
Kazuhisa Amano, Adachi transone
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 157-157, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical condition -H.pylori infection of the reflux oesophagitis of the P4-5 Japanese, examination - of the gastric acid secretional capacity
Tomoyuki Koike, Shuichi Ohara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 157-157, 1998.

Japanese Article Frequency of the endoscopic reflux oesophagitis after P4-6 company medical examination and the Helicobacter pylori sanitization and the risk factor
Masahiro Kawanishi, Atsushi Sasaki period, Manabu Kimura, 岩尾年康 1), Goro Kajiyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 157-157, 1998.

Japanese Article Sanitization therapy of H.pylori judging from P5-1 gastric-acid secretion suppression
Hisato Hara 1) 2), 高後裕 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 160-160, 1998.

Japanese Article Including drug interaction of genetic polymorphism of sanitization therapy -CYP2C19 of H.pylori judging from P5-2 drug metabolism and CAM and OPZ -
Takahisa Furuta, 金子榮藏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 160-160, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems of the endoscopic diagnosis of P5-3 Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment and atrophic gastritis
Ozawa wide 1), 榊信廣 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 160-160, 1998.

Japanese Article The development of reflux oesophagitis after the P5-4 Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) sanitization and the long-term course
Hiroshige Hamada, 春間賢
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 160-160, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the ulcer recurrence example occurring after P5-5 Helicobacter pylori sanitization success
Tatsuro Tanaka, Yoshio Hoshihara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 161-161, 1998.

Japanese Article P5-追1 Examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract lesions that occurred Helicobacter pylori after eradication
塩谷昭子, 西岡新吾
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 161-161, 1998.

Japanese Article About drug-resistant importance in the P5-6 H.pylori sanitization treatment including -23S rRNA mutation in the gene and CAM-resistant examination -
Kazunari Murakami, Toshihiro Kubota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 161-161, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance as Quasispecies of P5-7 Clarithromycin(CAM)-resistant Helicobacter pylori
Shin Maeda, Haruhiko Yoshida
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 161-161, 1998.

Japanese Article P5-追2 The influence of the biopsy site in drug-resistant Helicobacter pylori strains detected
池澤和人1), 樫村博正2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 162-162, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on evaluation - pancreas microcirculation of the utility of the drug for the P6-1 acute pancreatitis -
Kazuhiko Shibuya, 砂村眞琴, Junichiro Yamauchi, Shinichi Egawa, Kazunori Takeda, Masao Kobari, Masanori Matsuno
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 164-164, 1998.

Japanese Article Experimental examination about the drug treatment of the acute pancreatitis by control of the P6-2 arachidonate cascade
Toshio Iida, Yokoi one, Yoshifumi Kaharada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 164-164, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the utility of the inhibitor for the P6-3 acute pancreatitis
Hajime Kitagawa two, Tooru Naruse
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 164-164, 1998.

Japanese Article The foundations of pancreatitis therapeutic drug that P6-4 is new and clinical analysis
廣畑佳秀, Nobuaki Watanabe, Yasuyuki Kihara, Nakamura early person, 大槻眞
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 164-164, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of pancreatic enzyme inhibitor, the antibiotic continuous arterial drop therapy for the P6-5 severe acute pancreatitis
Masayuki Tsuzuki, Kenji Omoto, Shinichiro Yamamoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 165-165, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the acetic acid octreotide administration for the P6-6 severe acute pancreatitis
Masahiko Hirota, Michio Ogawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 165-165, 1998.

Japanese Article The examination of the technique that is useful for a diagnosis of the P7-1 irritable bowel syndrome and clinical manifestations about the IBS diagnostic criteria for the public:
太原洋, Shigeru Yamato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 168-168, 1998.

Japanese Article It is examination by - questionary survey for the establishment of the diagnostic criteria of the P7-2 irritable bowel syndrome
Fumihiko Tanaka, Akira Torii
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 168-168, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the diagnostic criteria plan of P7-3 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Tomoyuki Sudo 1), Daisuke Sasaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 168-168, 1998.

Japanese Article The diagnostic criteria of the irritable bowel syndrome based on the pathophysiology of P7-4 brain intestines
Akira Fukudo 1, Michio Hongo 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 168-168, 1998.

Japanese Article For the establishment of the diagnostic criteria of the P7-5 irritable bowel syndrome about exclusion of - organic disease and an approach of the psychosomatic medicine -
Soichiro Miura, Toru Miyahara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 169-169, 1998.

Japanese Article About a utility of the retreatment with interferon beta for chronic hepatitis C that P8-1 interferon alpha was invalid
Tomoyuki Nemoto, Sakae Matsushita period, Shuichi Kaneko, Kenichi Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 172-172, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the efficacy of the twice a day administration of interferon alpha for P8-2 chronic hepatitis C and interferon beta method
Naohide Tanaka, Yasuyuki Arakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 172-172, 1998.

Japanese Article Strategies for treatment for IFN-resistant hepatitis C that predicted a change of the quantity of P8-3 HCV
Kinoyama Shingo, Toshio Ito, Tsuyoshi Yamada Taro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 172-172, 1998.

Japanese Article Application to nucleosidic analog hepatitis treatment judging from the mutation in the gene pattern of the P8-4 hepatitis virus
Nakano Tatsunori, Masashi Mizoe
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 172-172, 1998.

Japanese Article P8-5 A study of immune response at the time of γ + α-IFN treatment against the effects and chronic hepatitis C of IL10 to the HCV antigen-specific immune response
片山和宏1), 林紀夫2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 173-173, 1998.

Japanese Article It is significance of the UDCA therapy for - including a P8-6 IFN-resistant hepatitis C -SNMC unresponsiveness case
Toshiaki Nakashima, Kokichi Hironori, Koji Yang, Kei Tsunoda male, Yoshiki Nakajima, Hiromi Ishikawa, Koji Inaba, Yoshikuni Sakamoto, 岩井眞樹, Takeshi Okanoue, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 173-173, 1998.

Japanese Article Endoscopic findings of the P9-1 Sydney system, examination about grading of the histology
榊原真肇, Species wide Kenji
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 176-176, 1998.

Japanese Article A utility and problems of Sydney system judging from P9-2 atrophy intestinal metaplasia, H. pylori distribution
Shigeji Ito, 山崎幸直
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 176-176, 1998.

Japanese Article Diagnosis of atrophic gastritis using P9-3 Updated Sydney System
Kiichi Sato, Takeshi Kimura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 176-176, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the evaluation -3 fixed point biopsy of the P9-4 Sydney classification -
History of Takeshi Matsuhisa 1), Nobutaka Yamada 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 176-176, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems of the Endoscopic Topography recognition judging from the reversibility of the gastric mucosa function in the P9-5 H.pylori sanitization case
Shuichi Terao, Noriaki Tanaka, Kunihiko Takagi, Tomihiko Hirokawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 177-177, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of the histologic atrophy of gastric mucosa degree before and after the H.pylori sanitization that we determined according to P9-6 Updated Sydney System
Tatsu Sato I, Kazunari Murakami
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 177-177, 1998.

Japanese Article About intestinal bacterial flora (particularly Bacteroides vulgatus) in the P10-1 ulcerative colitis
Tetsuya Matsumura, Fukui sincerity
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 180-180, 1998.

Japanese Article Intestinal epithelium cells gene and the inflammatory bowel disease that are developed for P10-2 intestinal bacterial flora induction
Jin Ogawa, Iwao Sasaki, Kohei Fukushima, 内藤広郎, Yuji Funayama, 柴田近, Kenichi Takahashi, Shun Sato, Tatsuya Ueno, Masanori Matsuno
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 180-180, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of super antigenic toxin (YPM) derived from Yersinia bacteria in the etiology of P10-3 Crohn's disease (CD)
Swordswoman truth 1) 2), Masakazu Takazoe 3), Megumi Hoshino Tsu husband 2), Takayuki Matsumoto 4), Jun Abe 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 180-180, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to large intestine cancerogenesis of the P10-4 enteric bacteria
Horie Hisanaga, Shinki Okada, Akira Kanazawa Taro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 180-180, 1998.

Japanese Article Pathophysiological significance of the endotoxin derived from the intestinal tract in the P10-5 serious case liver damage
Hiroshi Fukui, Hiroyuki Kitano, Yoshihiro Nakatani
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 181-181, 1998.

Japanese Article New control measures of the ammonification due to clinical condition formation - intestinal bacterial flora of cirrhosis judging from P10-6 intestinal tract ecology
Meiji Watanabe, 河相覚
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 181-181, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical evaluation of endoscopic antidromic bile duct drainage technique (ERBD) for the P11-1 malignant extrahepatic biliary obstruction impossible of excision
Koji Uno, Takeshi Yasuda Jiro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 184-184, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - for problems - stent reocclusion of the P11-2 stenting treatment
Tetsushi Abe, Kaoru Ogawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 184-184, 1998.

Japanese Article Anticancer therapy and internal fistula technique for the P11-3 malignant biliary tract cancer impossible of excision
Truth mouth Kosuke, Seishi Watanabe
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 184-184, 1998.

Japanese Article Choice of the therapy for P11-4 malignant biliary tract stenosis impossible of excision
眞栄城兼清, Yoshihiro Hamada, Seiyo Ikeda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 184-184, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of internal fistula technique by Expandable metallic stent(EMS) for the P11-5 malignancy biliary tract obstruction and the anticancer therapy
Tetsuya Yoshioka, Hideo Uchida 1), Hiroshi Sakaguchi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 185-185, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the combination therapy for the P11-6 malignancy biliary tract stenosis non-resection case
Yasushi Shinohara, Toshihiko Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 185-185, 1998.

Japanese Article P11-追1 The role of the bile duct ultrasonography and three-dimensional bile duct ultrasonic inspection method (3D-IDUS) in the extrahepatic bile duct cancer treatment policy decision
玉田喜一, 冨山剛
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 185-185, 1998.

Japanese Article P11-追2 Diagnostic role of diagnosis PTCD bile cells in malignant biliary stenosis, diagnostic performance and limitations
山崎滋孝, 須田耕一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 185-185, 1998.

Japanese Article P11-追3 Improvement of significance and detection methods of bile in the K-ras gene mutation detection in malignant biliary stricture
田村和朗1), 蘆田寛2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 186-186, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the endoscopic therapy for the P12-1 common bile duct stone
Yoshinori Igarashi, Jun Ishiguro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 188-188, 1998.

Japanese Article About choice of the efficient therapy for P12-2 common bile duct stone
Yuta Nakamura, Kazuo Inui
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 188-188, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment of the efficient bile duct stone using P12-3 endoscopic nipple balloon expansion technique (EPBD)
Yutaka Komatsu, 川邊隆夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 188-188, 1998.

Japanese Article P12-追1 Treatment of common bile duct stones by endoscopic papillary dilatation
大橋明, 礒田憲夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 188-188, 1998.

Japanese Article P12-4 The treatment strategy for gallbladder choledocholithiasis based on pathology
酒井滋, 山川達郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 189-189, 1998.

Japanese Article P12-追2 The significance of it is seen from the medical economy mirror view the common bile duct stones treatment
中里雄一***, 稲垣芳則***, 高橋恒夫**, 柳澤暁***, 岡本友好***, 恩田啓二***, 柏木秀幸***, 羽生信義***, 青木照明***, 増田勝紀*
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 189-189, 1998.

Japanese Article P12-追3 Laparoscopic bile duct cut stone surgery as a good treatment efficiency
梅澤昭子, 徳村弘実, 松代隆
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 189-189, 1998.

Japanese Article A laparotomy poorness operation using ENBD for the P12-5 common bile duct stone and operation under laparoscopy
Yasuo Otani, Hiroyasu Makuuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 189-189, 1998.

Japanese Article The immune-mediated genetic expression change in the rat gastric pyloric gland part mucosa with the P13-1 stomach carcinogen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG) short-term administration and instruction of dendritic cell
Masashi Oka, Masao Ichinose
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 192-192, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - - of gastric cancer development of P13-2 Helicobacter pylori infection augmentation - - gerbil model
Nobuyuki Shimizu 1) 2), Norio Uenishi 2), Atsushi Sugiyama 3), Tsutomu Katsuyama 4), Tatematsu Masae 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 192-192, 1998.

Japanese Article H.pylori-positive follicular gastritis using the P13-3 thymectomy autoimmune disorder mouse, making of the MALT lymphoma resemblance lesion
大島庶幾, Kazuichi Okazaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 192-192, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution and cancer chemoprevention of the inflammatory allied material secretor (type II) phospholipase A2 overexpression in the P13-4 colorectal cancer carcinogenic model
Tadashi Ikegami, Yasushi Matsuzaki, Junichi Shoda, Naomi Tanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 192-192, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the antiinflammatory effect and cancer inhibition of the PAF receptors antagonist in the P13-5 rat colitis - carcinogenic model and the NSAID
Kazuhiro Sakuma 1), Takahiro Fujimori 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 193-193, 1998.

Japanese Article A large intestine tumor is enhanced by P13-6 enterocolitis.
Shinozaki University, Tetsuichiro Muto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 193-193, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the onset of mRNA which specifically develops in a P13-7 ulcerative colitis chronic inflammation department and the large intestine cancer part that assumes chronic inflammation the mother ground, and occurred
Riichi Hisamatsu 1) 2), Toshifumi Hibi 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 193-193, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of the bile acid in the active oxygen 1 hepatocyte disorder
Kokichi Hironori, Toshiaki Nakashima, Kei Tsunoda male, Koji Yang, Yoshiki Nakajima, Hiromi Ishikawa, Koji Inaba, Yoshikuni Sakamoto, Takeshi Okanoue, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 196-196, 1998.

Japanese Article About signal transduction in the culture rat stellate cells activation with 2 active oxygen
Koichi Uchida, Sakaida success, Kiwamu Okita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 196-196, 1998.

Japanese Article 3 Activation of liver cell injury and Ca2 + dependent neutral protease (calpain-μ) by Oxidative stress
左近賢人, 梅下浩司, 岸本慎一, 谷口一則, 宮本敦史, 大島聡, 江口英俊, 永野浩昭, 堂野恵三, 中森正二, 門田守人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 196-196, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - by cell kinetics -3H-thymidine autoradiography of 4 mouse hepatocytes
Grain field Shinichiro, Futoshi Nakayama Kotobuki, Masaya Furukawa, 真神易, Shunya Horibe, 新戸禎哲, Seki Tomoyuki, Toshihiko Saito 1), 東健 2), Hideto Iguchi 3), Takanori Hattori 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 196-196, 1998.

Japanese Article About the expression of oval cells in 5 normal (+/+) rats and Ws/Ws rat
松阪諭 1), Akihiro Toyosaka 1), Eizo Okamoto 1), Toru Tsujimura 2), Ayako Sugihara 2), Nobuyuki Terada 2), Impartiality Keiji 3), Kunio Uematsu 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 197-197, 1998.

Japanese Article The free form / deposition type 7S collagen ratio in 6 hepatocellular carcinomas tissue
Takeaki Suo, Law Masae child, Teiko Yamada, Manda vermilion law of nature, Of Yutaka Kawasaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 197-197, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the biliary excretion ability in 7 Dichloroethylene disorder livers
Takashi Ogasawara, Hajime Takikawa, Tadashi Sano charges, Kenichi Kitaura, Aiso Mitsuhiko, Upper fence Satoko, Akihiro Sato, Kazuko Akimoto, Toshiki Onishi, Masanori Ohashi, Chiharu Suzuki, Yukiko Takada, Yasumasa Hasegawa, Wako matter authority, Megumi Hoshino Tsu husband, Yasushi Kuyama, Kazuhiko Miyake, Masami Yamanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 197-197, 1998.

Japanese Article 8 Effect of the tauroursodeoxycholic acid which gives it to biliary excretion of cyclosporine A and the cholaic acid
佐藤昭宏, 滝川一, 佐野直代, 福村学子, 相磯光彦, 上垣佐登子, 小笠原隆, 秋元和子, 大西敏樹, 大橋正紀, 鈴木千春, 高田由紀子, 長谷川泰正, 高森頼雪, 西川稿, 星野恵津夫, 久山泰, 三宅和彦, 山中正己
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 197-197, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis by the separation - high resolution 1H-NMR method of presence aspect and cholesterol of phospholipid out of 9 bile
Hiromi Ishikawa, Toshiaki Nakashima, Kokichi Hironori, Yoshiki Nakajima, Kei Tsunoda male, Koji Yang, Koji Inaba, Yoshikuni Sakamoto, Takeshi Okanoue, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 198-198, 1998.

Japanese Article Associated with the complementation with effect on liver bile capillary pleural membrane fluidity - bile lipids secretion with the excretion having too much 10 conjugated bilirubin -
Tsuyoshi Kajiwara, 田妻進, Hiroyuki Miura, 服部宜裕, Hiroaki Miyake, Tomoji Nishioka, Hyogo Hideyuki, Yasushi Sunami, Closure Naruyuki, First deer Sumie, Hidenori Ochi, Yamashita Gunshi, Goro Kajiyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 198-198, 1998.

Japanese Article Bile acid-dependent lipids secretion and effect - in 11 liver excretion mechanisms with examination (the first report) - dimethyl ethanolamine (DME) administration about the phospholipid molecular species selectivity
Closure Naruyuki, 田妻進, Hiroyuki Miura, Hidenori Ochi, 服部宜裕, Tsuyoshi Kajiwara, Hiroaki Miyake, Tomoji Nishioka, Hyogo Hideyuki, Yasushi Sunami, 初鹿寿典恵, Yamashita Gunshi, Goro Kajiyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 198-198, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of LH, RH agonist in the rat hepatocellular carcinoma having 12 small molecule Androgen Receptor
Zeze Fujio, Hideaki Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 198-198, 1998.

Japanese Article It is significance of mitochondria disorder and the Caspase family protease activation hepatocytes apoptosis with 13 ethanol
Masayuki Adachi 1, Hajime Higuchi 1, Soichiro Miura 2, Hiromasa Ishii 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 199-199, 1998.

Japanese Article An antioxidant action and stellate cells activation inhibitory effect of estradiol in 14 liver fibrosis
Person of aspect Toshihiro, Ichiro Shimizu, Aya Hiasa, Hiroshi Honda kernel, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 199-199, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of serum in 15 acute hepatitis and hepatitis fulminant-soluble Fas ligand (FasL)
Tide field Tsuyoshi, Kenji Oyama, Kinya Okamoto, Village side Yoshikazu, Yutaka Horie, Takeaki Suo, Of Yutaka Kawasaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 199-199, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of cyclin D in the 16 lats regenerating liver and the activated mechanism
Akira Kato, Shinichi Ota, Attendant ground Hiromi 1), Shoko Adachi, Shinji Itoyama 2), 松崎宸 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 199-199, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of sex differences in liver damage severity and the cytokine production ability of 17 Concanavalin A-induced mouse hepatitis
中村公英, Hidejiro Takamoto, Nakade favorite subject, Field Keisuke Mori, Tomoko Matsui, Kazunobu Aso, Yoichi Sato, Qingdao A, Masashi Yoneta, Isao Makino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 200-200, 1998.

Japanese Article Specific simple and easy assay of the cytosolic leucine aminopeptidase activity out of 18 serum, liver
Excellent Kida chapter 1), Wano Chieko 2), Kaichiro Kobayashi, Naoki Kataoka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 200-200, 1998.

Japanese Article The congenic trial that the AFP-producing human liver cancer cells by 19 adenovirus / same kind tropism retroviral double infection method are specific for
Hirofumi Uto, Akio Ido, Akihiro Moriuchi, 中間哲文, Shun Ochiai is elegant, Naoto Komada, 堀剛, 弘野修一, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Tsubochi kernel
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 200-200, 1998.

Japanese Article In combination with the gene therapy -EBV(Epstein-Barr Virus) plasmid vector using the non-viral vector for 20 gastrointestinal carcinoma -
Yoshinori Harada, 岩井眞樹, 田中斉祐, Tetsu Muramatsu, 森敬弘, Takeshi Okanoue, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 200-200, 1998.

Japanese Article The telomerase activity in rat liver hyperplasia nodules with 21 DEN(Diethylnitrosamine) administration and the telomeric head
Iwasaki 1, Naoya), Kinji Ito 2), Tetsuro Takara, 永井一毅, 住野泰清 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 201-201, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the gene therapy using the 22 lats colorectal cancer liver metastasis model of immunity
森敬弘 **, 岩井眞樹 **, Yoshinori Harada **, 田中斉祐 **, Tetsu Muramatsu **, Takeshi Okanoue **, Takashi Kashima **, Taku Iwasawa *, Hideaki Tahara *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 201-201, 1998.

Japanese Article Gene introduction to the gastrointestinal carcinoma using 23 HVJ-liposome method
Tomita Hiroshi Shou, 完山裕基, Masayuki Ooe, 関本貢嗣, Satoshi Yamano group, Masahiro Amano, Morihito Kadota 1), History of Yasushi Kaneta 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 201-201, 1998.

Japanese Article systemic allelotyping of all genome regions in 24 primary liver cancer
Shinya Maekawa 1), Nobuyuki Enomoto 1), Fumiaki Marumo 1), History of Sato 1,000 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 201-201, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination about the PIVKA-II expression out of the hepatocellular carcinoma tissue in 25 aspiration biopsy tissue
Yutaka Tomita, Masaya Tamano, 小熊資男, Makoto Iijima, Room Kudoshi light, Osamu Suzuki, Shinichiro Asai, Satoshi Matsumura, Kazuo Kojima, Jin Sugaya, Akira Terano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 202-202, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the high sensitive PIVKA-II measurement for the diagnosis of 26 hepatocellular carcinomas and the effect of treatment judgment
Masashi Nagasawa, Shingo Maeyama, Toyohiko Yokoi, Isoo Yasuyuki, Zen Ito group, Masafumi Naito, 石橋一伸, Kazuhiro Katayama, Masayoshi Azuma, Toru Kashiwagi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 202-202, 1998.

Japanese Article About expression of antiCSAD autoantibody in 27 hepatocellular carcinoma patient serums and the significance
Keiko Kubo, Takahiro Yamazaki, Norie Kurokawa 1), Yoshinori Sasaki 2), Kiwamu Okita 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 202-202, 1998.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of human telomerase catalytic subunit mRNA in the hepatocellular carcinoma using 28 TaqMan method
小島広成, 横須賀收, River residence Shigenobu, Masami Tagawa, Fumio Imazeki, Hiromitsu Saisho
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 202-202, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of US-Angiography(US-Angio) in the treatment strategy decision of 29 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
Ogiwara Masaji, Masaya Furukawa, Hiroyuki Matsubayashi, Masahiko Yamada, Grain field Shinichiro, Toshiaki Mizoe, Jun Sanada, Kazuya Takeda, Kazuhiko Miwa, Yasushi Shinohara, Shunya Horibe, 新戸禎哲, Seki Tomoyuki, Toshihiko Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 203-203, 1998.

Japanese Article About depiction ability of the super paramagnetic substance iron oxide cystography MRI in 30 hepatocellular carcinomas
Yasushi Imai positive, Masahiro Nishikawa, Yoko Murayama, Masanori Kurokawa, Tsuyoshi Yonezawa 1), Shigeyuki Yoshida, Tokunaga command 2), Masaru Murata, Kunitaka Shibata, Takashi Shimano 3), Masahiko Osawa 4), Taku Murakami way, Jin Nakamura sincerity 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 203-203, 1998.

Japanese Article 31 mixed type liver cancer, examination of 11 resection cases
Masami Minagawa, Keiichi Kubota, Needle Yasushi Hara, Tadatoshi Takayama, Masatoshi Makuuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 203-203, 1998.

Japanese Article The transcatheter arterial embolization for 32 large size hepatocellular carcinomas and examination of recurrent risk factor in the percutaneous ethanol local injection combination therapy
Shin Arata Kotobuki, Katsuaki Tanaka, Hiroshi Okazaki, Katsumi Morita, Takehiko Kitamura, Manabu Morimoto, Satoshi Saito, 木場崇剛, Kazushi Numata, Saburo Nakamura, Hisahiko Sekihara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 203-203, 1998.

Japanese Article Results of the repeat TAE+PEIT therapy which put US-angiography for the hepatocellular carcinoma of 33 stage IV together
Toru Goto, Hishiki intellect, Seiji Tanaka, Tadashi Shiwa, Osamu Tochikubo 1), Cow Toshiaki Kubo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 204-204, 1998.

Japanese Article risk factor of the recurrence that we saw from according to the no recurrence survival period after 34 hepatocellular carcinoma resection and virus marker distinction
Katsushi Takada, Mountains young tree, Tsuneo Tanaka, Junichi Yamanaka, Eizo Okamoto 1), 八十嶋仁 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 204-204, 1998.

Japanese Article 35 stage StageIII, effect of treatment and prognosis of the TAE, SMANCS therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma of IV-A period
Itoh-Dai, Ryosuke Nagamatsu, Gen Takahashi, Fork of a river Seiji, Toshi Fujii kernel, 蘆田潔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 204-204, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the examination about the course prognosis after the hepatic arterial infusion therapy for the cirrhosis merger hepatocellular carcinoma 36 chronic hepatitis type B
Hiroaki Nagamatsu, Tetsu Itano, Ken Koga will, Yasushi Yoshiyama, Tatsuya Ide, Masahiko Kajiwara, Ijuin Hiroyasu, Takafumi Ono, 向坂彰太郎 1), Kenji Hirai 2), Michio Sada 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 204-204, 1998.

Japanese Article Cellular infiltration of the gastric mucosa which gives it to alcohol dehydrogenase activity of 37 human gastric mucosa and atrophic effect
The Osamu Matsumoto head, Yuichi Yokoyama, Mikiji Mori, Hidekazu Suzuki, Yukishige Okamura, 大庫秀樹, Yuji Nakamura, 加藤眞三, Hiromasa Ishii
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 205-205, 1998.

Japanese Article Apoptotic antagonism of gastric mucosa epithelial cells by the HGF through the expression of 38 COX-2 instruction
Tadahito Shimada, Mikiya Endo, The Nao Watanabe beauty, Kazuo Kojima, Yukio Otsuka, Kaori Horie, Hideyuki Hiraishi, Akira Terano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 205-205, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the apoptosis of gastric epithelium cells by the Fas/Fas ligand system in 39 gastric ulcers
Masaaki Shimada, Ken Ina next, Takafumi Ando, Akira Imada, Toru Sakai, Kyoto and Kazuhiro, Yuji Nishio, Takehiko Hosokawa, Masahiro Osuga, Ability castle Mitsuhiro, Tomoyuki Tsuzuki, Kazuhiro Ishiguro, Haruo Yamaguchi, Kusu Kazuo God
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 205-205, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on COX-2 expression inducibility due to various growth factor stimulation in 40 lats gastric mucosa epithelium cell line (RGM1)
Eiji Sasaki **, Tetsuo Arakawa **, Tominaga small slices of fish dressed with sauce **, Toshio Watanabe **, Yasuhiro Fujiwara **, Osamu Takaishi *, Takashi Fukuda **, Kazuhide Higuchi **, Tetsuo Kuroki **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 205-205, 1998.

Japanese Article Change by the aging of effects to give to rat gastric mucus metabolism of 41 gastrin
市川尊文 1), Kazuhiko Ishihara 3), 西元寺克禮 2), Kyoko Hotta 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 206-206, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination (the second report) about the cell cycle of 42 long-term Helicobacter infection mouse gastric epithelium cells
Junichi Yokokawa 1), Shinichi Takahashi 1), Kaori Nishikawa 1), Kazuhiro Watanabe 1), Star Satoshi Tani 1), Hideaki Mori 1), Shozo Saito 1), Tsutomu Kosaka 2), 宮崎年恭 2), Takeshi Ito 3), Masao Aragaki 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 206-206, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to migration, growth on culture gastric mucosa cells of 43 mechanical stress
Taro Nagata, Sumio Watanabe, Tanaka University, Mikako Nakajima, Itazu Tomoko, Miyoko Hirose, Nobuhiro Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 206-206, 1998.

Japanese Article Proliferative sthenia of the first stomach cultured cell due to 44 EB virus
Jun Nishikawa, Hideo Yanai, Koki Nakamura, Kiwamu Okita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 206-206, 1998.

Japanese Article Reactive examination for pro-45 maturity rat gastric epithelium tissue no serum alone culture establishment - growth factor and the extracellular matrix
Masao Ichinose **, 松原康朗 **, Naohisa Yahagi **, Masashi Oka **, Masako Tsukada **, 鈴木雄久 **, Tadashi Kido open **, Yasushi Shimizu kernel **, Masao Omata **, Kazumasa Miki *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 207-207, 1998.

Japanese Article The parietal cells of 46 gastric pits epithelium specifically express precursor protein kinase Furin
Hitoshi Uemura, Honda Yoshitaka, Toshiyuki Takeuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 207-207, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect - of association with contribution - Ito cell of the myofibroblast in 47 peptic ulcer repair mechanisms and the Vit A bolus dose
Masahiko Nakamura 1), Hiroshi Kishikawa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 207-207, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the mechanical stress on injury repair of 48 stomach smooth-muscle cells
Tanaka University, Sumio Watanabe, Taro Nagata, Miyoko Hirose, Hanako Misawa, Yuriko Sugiyama, Hiroto Miwa, Nobuhiro Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 207-207, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator(HGFA) in the 49 lats upper gastrointestinal tract morphogenesis
松原康朗 1, Masao Ichinose 1, Naohisa Yahagi 1, Masashi Oka 1, Tadashi Kido open 1, Masahiro Tsuji 1, Yasushi Shimizu kernel 1, 鈴木雄久 1, Masako Kato 1, Masao Omata 1, Tetsu Kimura 2, Kazumasa Miki 3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 208-208, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of heregulin in 50 gastrointestinal tracts and examination about effects
Jin Noguchi, Ken Wada, 赤松知憲 1), 坂本長逸 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 208-208, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the role of the neutrophil in the healing process of 51 gastric ulcers
Noriko Shimizu, Tetsuo Arakawa, Toshio Watanabe, Tominaga small slices of fish dressed with sauce, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Takashi Fukuda, Kazuhide Higuchi 1), Osamu Takaishi 2), Tetsuo Kuroki 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 208-208, 1998.

Japanese Article Rebamipide/Famotidine crossover controlled trial for 52 indomethacin induced gastric mucosa injury
Yuji Naito, It is still kernel Sugimoto, Shoji Iinuma, Takaaki Fujii, Nozomi Matsuyama one, Norimasa Yoshida, Toshiichi Yoshikawa, Motoharu Kondo 1), Eiko Imamoto, 朴義男 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 208-208, 1998.

Japanese Article It is analysis of the growth factor in the human duodenal ulcer healing process and the localization such as the receptors and the expression the wound healing of 53 gastrointestinal tracts
Shinya Iida 1), 3), Masahiko Onda 1), 徳永昭 1), Ikeda Kengo 1), Yoshihiro Hiramoto 1), Norio Matsukura 1), Itaru Egami 3), Shotaro Maeda 4), 細根勝 4), Hiroshi Katayama virtue 4), Nobuo Sueoka 2), Masafumi Kobayashi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 209-209, 1998.

Japanese Article 54 IT-066 has persistent binding capacity for human histamine H2 receptor
Yoko Otsuka, Hisashi Saito kernel, Michiko Tamai, Junko Hirakawa, Norio Tamai, Chishima success child 1), Yasuyuki Fukushima 2), Kentaro Sugano 3), Haruki Mori 4), Shinichiro Okawa 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 209-209, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of rebamipide which gives it to 55 lats acute gastric ulcer repair
Naoya Noguchi, Tide field Tsuyoshi, 高野友爾, Kotaro Hori, Akihide Hosoda, Of Yutaka Kawasaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 209-209, 1998.

Japanese Article About the pineal hormone for 56 stress ulcers, a role of melatonin (the second report)
Otsuka three kinds 4), 加藤公敏 4), Ichiro Murai 1), Satoshi Asai 2), Yoshiaki Matsuno 4), Masayo Asawa 4), Hiroko Itakura 4), 黒坂判造 3), Iwasaki 4, Arira), Koichi Ishikawa 2), Yasuyuki Arakawa 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 209-209, 1998.

Japanese Article 57 The role of NF-κB activation in experimental ulcer model by PMA
竹内哲5), 三浦総一郎1), 王林5), 水森美佐5), 重松武治2), 穂苅量太3), 樋口肇5), 広川雅彦4), 木村裕之5), 石井裕正5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 210-210, 1998.

Japanese Article About an effect of gap junctional role - irsogladine in restitution after the 58 lats gastric mucosa hydrochloric acid disorder -
Nobuo Takahashi, Castle Takushi, Kyoji Senoo, Katsushi Watanabe, Kenji Tsuchida, Yoshifumi Yokoyama 1), Fusao Ueda 2), Makoto Ito 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 210-210, 1998.

Japanese Article 59 Dynamics of endogenous zinc content in the rat acetic acid ulcer edges: including the impact of polaprezinc administration
大塚健1, 2), 西村眞人1), 細川好則3), 石川純代3), 須崎琢而3), 米田智幸4), 辰巳嘉英2), 光藤章二2), 児玉正2), 加嶋敬2), 吉村學1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 210-210, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of ammonia and monochloramine in the 60 lats gastric-acid secretion
Takasago Kenichi, Teruaki Matsui, Hideki Sato, Shimbashi Kazuhiko, Sawata Tetsuya, Tomoaki Watanabe, Now Kazuhiro Take, Ryo Hasegawa, Naohisa Hoshino, Shin Kaneta chapter, Iwasaki Arira, Yasuyuki Arakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 210-210, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the stomach discharge function of the each disease by 61 barium markers method
Kazuma Kikuchi, Grass Yasushi Nomoto, Osamu Kawamura, Takuo Yamada, Tatsuya Tamura, Igarashi さ 恵, Michiko Tomizawa, Descent from a mountain Yasuyuki, Three pear Keiko, Kazumi Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Tsunoda, Masayuki Kimura, 土岐宗利, Tsuneo Owada, Masatomo Mori 1), Toshikazu Sekiguchi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 211-211, 1998.

Japanese Article About the intragastric dynamics of the solid food capsule of 62 dysmotility-like Functional dyspepsia cases
Tsuyoshi Suzuki, 山本佳洋, Kiyoshi Abe, Masanori Hirano, Hiroshi Oka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 211-211, 1998.

Japanese Article Correlation of symptom and stomach discharge function of 63 NUD patients
Tanaka University, Hiroto Miwa, Masato Kawabe, Hajime Honda, Hidejiro Matsuyama, Toshio Murai, Ryuichi Okura, Sumio Watanabe, Nobuhiro Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 211-211, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give to a stomach discharge function of cisapride by 64 13C-acetate breath tests
Cutting the ears of rice case, Motoshi Kato, Masaki Katagiri, Jun Ishizuka, Komatsu Yoshito, The Sukegawa truth, Hidetoshi Kagaya, Keiko Nishikawa, Hiroshi Takeda, Toshiro Sugiyama, Masahiro Asaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 211-211, 1998.

Japanese Article 65 central gastric diastole
庄司知隆, Akira Fukudo 1), Michio Hongo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 212-212, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the-responsive difference in body of stomach and vestibular region the examination of the regulatory mechanism of the gastrointestinal hormone in 66 human stomach smooth muscle
Masaya Matsukawa, Shigeru Yamato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 212-212, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of hyperpolarization derived from endodermis with acetylcholine with 67 guinea pig duodenal submucous very small artery smooth muscle and the relaxation response
Imaeda Kenro, Castle Takushi, Kyoji Senoo, Yoshifumi Yokoyama, Makoto Ito 1), Hikari Suzuki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 212-212, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of glicentin on hungry phase upper gastrointestinal tract exercise of 68 dogs
Tatsuya Ueno, Iwao Sasaki, 内藤広郎, 柴田近, Yuji Funayama, Kohei Fukushima, Masanori Matsuno 1), Akira Oneda 2), Kazuyuki Sasaki, Takeya Sato 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 212-212, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of the CCK in the intestinal phase of the pancreas blood flow regulation after 69 meals
Morio Nakajima, Tooru Naruse, Hajime Kitagawa two, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Yasuyuki Nakae, 関泰長, 洪繁, 水野伸匡, Toshiyuki Yoshikawa, Masaya Mori, Atsushi Suzuki, Tetsuo Hayakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 213-213, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the glucagon site of action in the 70 lats intestinal tract
Hiroshi Kishikawa 1), Masahiko Nakamura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 213-213, 1998.

Japanese Article VIP in 71 Ex vivo rat duodenal vascular perfusion model, effects for the movement of intestine of the NO (nitric oxide)
Yutaka Yamamoto 1, Shinichi Oshima 2, Masaki Fujimura 2, Fujimiya Mineko 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 213-213, 1998.

Japanese Article Using enterokinesis - stomach muscle strip in 72 Ws/Ws rats -
Eri Seto, Yuichiro Kojima, Kenji Hosoda, Hiroyuki Otsuka, Masayuki Fujino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 213-213, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the node-positive case in 73 intramucosal carcinomas (m cancer)
Masahide Kaji, 木村寛伸, Funaki Kenichiro, Takeshi Goka one, Wild Kawamoto, Ichiro Onishi, Motoi Maeda one, Thicket lower Kazuhisa, Takashi Konishi, Masahiko Tsuji 1), Atsuo Miwa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 214-214, 1998.

Japanese Article Pathologic significance and regulatory mechanism of the serum gastrin secretion in 74 gastric cancer
Masao Miyaji, Takashi Oigoshi two, Kenji Nakamura, Yasushi Kondo law of nature, Tomoo Tajima, Hiroyasu Makuuchi 1), Norio Tani, Tsuyoshi Miwa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 214-214, 1998.

Japanese Article Frequency of the multiple gastric cancer that we examined according to 75 tissue typing, sex, age
Koichi Tokushige 1) 3), Ichiro Oishi, Shuichi Ichiki, Kojima Toyoshi, 武三津彦, Storehouse former Ryuji, Misono Toshiaki, Terukatsu Arima 1), Akio Matsuda, Hidehisa Ooi, Suenaga 2, Toyokuni)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 214-214, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic molecular biologic examination of 76 familial accumulation-related gastric cancer
Mami Mihara, 草野真暢, Hideki Kakiuchi, Fumio Ito, Yasushi Adachi, Takao Endo, Day Yuji Noda, Kozo Imai
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 214-214, 1998.

Japanese Article 77 residual stomach cancer development and GCP
Ken Kondo, Masato Kataoka, Yasushi Nakayama, Hiroyuki Matsubara, Kenji Tsuboi, 安藤修久, 三浦啓多, Toru Ichihara, 堀澤増雅 1), Yasuhisa Yokoyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 215-215, 1998.

Japanese Article It is searched the Epstein-Barr virus-related gastric cancer in the gastric cancer case after 78 gastrectomy
Jun Nishikawa, Hideo Yanai, Koki Nakamura, Kiwamu Okita 1), Keisuke Matsuzaki, Tomohiro Toda 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 215-215, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia(GAVE) where coagulation hemostasis by 79 Heater Probe was effective
Yoshinobu Sawai, Masahiro Nishikawa, Yasushi Imai positive, Yoko Murayama, Takahiro Fujihira, Japanese sunflower intellect, Masanori Kurokawa, Tsuyoshi Yonezawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 215-215, 1998.

Japanese Article Endoscopic treatment of the early gastric cancer using 80 argon plasma coagulation method
Tetsuji Takayama, Shinichi Katsuki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 215-215, 1998.

Japanese Article The detection of the 5-FU-resistant case due to 81 antiTS antibodies and examination of the CPT-11 combination chemotherapy
Tadaoka Nobuhiko, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Shinji Yamamoto, Seiji Takamura, The fence mountain age sum, 高橋宣胖
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 216-216, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance - of inflammation in 82 gastrointestinal tract cancerogenesis particularly clinical analysis - about the gastric cancer
Sen Mizushima chapter, Binzaburo Murohisa, Masami Yamada, Kitagawa coming up out of the ground 1), Small country Italy Taro 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 216-216, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic characteristic of various markers in 83 malignancy gastrointestinal tract mesenchyma system tumor
Toru Ichihara, Ken Kondo, Yasushi Nakayama, Masato Kataoka, 三浦啓多, Junichi Sakamoto, 堀澤増雅 1), Hiroaki Iwase 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 216-216, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of 84 stomach smooth muscle tumors
Masahiko Yamaguchi, Sei Takeuchi, 葛目正央, Kyoji Matsumoto, Akihiko Matsumiya, Hiroshi Nakano, Yasuo Yoshizawa, Hideaki Nagasaki, Midorikawa Takemasa, Kaoru Kumada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 216-216, 1998.

Japanese Article It is prevented the disorder after gastrectomy by 85 pylorus function preservation
小棚木均, Masanao Ito, Kenji Koyama 1), Masashi Kodama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 217-217, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of vagus nerve in 86 pylori side gastrectomy and the pylorus ring preservation
Hirotaka Kashimura, Sumio Takayama, 井上好央, Naoto Ogata, Chiaki Sekine, Hiroshi Nimura, A bank purely, Yoshifumi Sano, Akira Otani way, Yukio Hashizume, Katsutoshi Kobayashi, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 217-217, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the vagus nerve celiac branches preservation in 87 gastric cancer surgery
宮下知治, Takashi Fujimura, Keizo Taniguchi, Etsuro Bando, Tree south Shinichi, 伏田幸夫, Genichi Nishimura, Yutaka Yonemura, Koichi Miwa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 217-217, 1998.

Japanese Article After vagus nerve preservation J type jejunum pouch interposition fundusectomy for 88 upper third early cancer about quality of life
富田凉一, 丹正勝久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 217-217, 1998.

Japanese Article We take measures with prevention of disorder after 89 gastric cancer surgery
Toshio Imada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 218-218, 1998.

Japanese Article An effect and complications of the spleen complication ablation in 90 gastric cancer surgery
Suguru Otsuji I, Seiji Sawai, 萩原明於, Koki Taniguchi, Kazuya Kitamura, Takeru Sakakura is flat, Number of the white product male, The Okamoto sum truth, Hiroomi Matsumura, Toshiharu Yamaguchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 218-218, 1998.

Japanese Article Gastric mucosa epithelial cells-specific genetic expression control by 91 cancer-restraining gene p53 wild-type induction
Ryo Muraoka 1), Mitsuru Kaise 2), Satoshi Matsueda 1), Noritsugu Umeda 1), Tadataka Yamada3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 218-218, 1998.

Japanese Article 92 human gastric cancer, p53 gene introduction using adenoviral vectors in the colorectal cancer cell line
Takahiko Matsuura 1, 2, Hisao Ito 1, 2 out of Yutaka Kawasaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 218-218, 1998.

Japanese Article Selective gene introduction to 93 HER2.3&4 expression human gastrointestinal carcinoma
日浅厚則 1.2, Masato Watanabe 1, Hideki Toyota 1, Hidehiko Sawa 1, 向克巳 1, Toru Kobayashi 1, Takayuki Kanematsu 2, Hiroshi Shiku 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 219-219, 1998.

Japanese Article Lymph node metastaticity judgment of the gastric cancer with 94 immunohistologic gene diagnosis
Keisuke Matsuzaki, Tomohiro Toda, Toyoichi Kawano, Osamu Miura, South garden Yoshikazu, 長崎進
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 219-219, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the pS2 expression in 95 gastric mucosa epithelium
Tadahito Shimada, Mikiya Endo, The Nao Watanabe beauty, Kazuo Kojima, Yukio Otsuka, Kaori Horie, Hideyuki Hiraishi, Akira Terano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 219-219, 1998.

Japanese Article Stomach adenoma by 96 Differential Display(DD) method, difference in gene expression style of the gastric cancer
Hiroyuki Ono, 大和宣介, Yasuaki Sakai, Yutaka Umezawa sincerity, 谷穣, Sanji Tetsuya, Yutaka Handa, Shigehumi Morita, Hajime Yoshida, Crane well Mitsuharu, Ryoichi Misaka, Minoru Kawaguchi, Toshihiko Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 219-219, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination with chemokines activity and the Sydney classification in 97 gastric mucosa
Masahiro Osuga, Kusu Kazuo God
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 220-220, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the Sydney classification judging from expression of 98 cytokine
Hiroshi Hashimoto, Katsuko Yamashita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 220-220, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the atrophic gastritis extension factor using 99 multiple regression analysis
Ryoichi Kashiwagi 1), 坂本長逸 2), Taku Tsukui 2), Masayoshi Sakane 1), 三宅一昌 2), Nobuo Sueoka 2), Takahiro Fujimori 3), Field Bunpei Hata 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 220-220, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of 25 100 MALT lymphomas
野村知抄 2), Miho Watanabe 2), Yasushi Imai 2), Toshiaki Ito 2), Masami Iwata 2), 外間政希 2), Yorimitsu Italy product 2), Hiroyuki Uno 2), Masato Kamiya 2), Masatoshi Nishii 2), 保原怜子 2), Hidenori Ohashi 2), Kazuya Takahama 2), Watanabe truth 2), Yuji Horiguchi 2), Hiroshi Nakano 2), Ryo Mizoguchi order 1), Masao Kasahara 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 220-220, 1998.

Japanese Article 101 Changes in telomerase activity of gastric MALT lymphoma and follicular gastritis of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy after
三輪亘, 外山久太郎, 進士栄子, 鎌田一寿, 渡辺隆司, 竹吉由加志, 渡辺清治, 本間二郎, 野登誠, 金山正明1), 久富寿2), 長島洋治3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 221-221, 1998.

Japanese Article Three cases of Lymphocytic gastritis cured by sanitization therapy of 102 Helicobacter pylori.
Takeshi Morioka, Hiroshi Makino, High cherry tree Eisuke
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 221-221, 1998.

Japanese Article About stomach, duodenal lesion and Helicobacter pylori infection in 103 Crohn disease
Masato Matsumura, Hiroyuki Uno, Toshihiro Sakurai, Toshiyuki Matsui, Tsuneyoshi Yao 1), 尾石樹泰, Akinori Iwashita 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 221-221, 1998.

Japanese Article Once a day four-drug therapy with the conventional dose for 104 H.pylori sanitization
Yoshimitsu Suwa 1), Akihiko Matsuki 1), Hizawa Hiroki 1), 松川昌勝 1), Akihiro Munakata 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 221-221, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the patients background factor influencing 105 Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment
Satoshi Kamata existence, 春間賢, North level Yasuhiko, Eiji Miyoshi, Noriaki Manabe, Nobuaki Hattori, Hiroshige Hamada, Soichiro Kido, Mitsuhiro Mihara, Toyoko Goto, Kunihiko Kawamoto, Shinji Tanaka, Shoji Yoshihara, Corner well Koji, Goro Kajiyama 1), Yuzuru Kawamura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 222-222, 1998.

Japanese Article About association with the examination -H.pylori infection of 106 NSAIDs induced gastric ulcers -
Kazuma Okamoto, Kenichi Kuwahara, 甲斐広久, 村上正哲, Kenji Tamaki, 末永敏彰, Toshihide Ooya, Kazunari Masuda, 丸橋暉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 222-222, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of 107 Helicobacter pylori-negative peptic ulcer
Eiji Miyoshi, 春間賢, Satoshi Kamata existence, Noriaki Manabe, Nobuaki Hattori, Hiroshige Hamada, Soichiro Kido, Mitsuhiro Mihara, Toyoko Goto, Kunihiko Kawamoto, Shinki Miyamoto, North level Yasuhiko, Shinji Tanaka, Shoji Yoshihara, Corner well Koji, Goro Kajiyama 1), Yuzuru Kawamura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 222-222, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the quantity of gastric mucosa autologous fluorescence in 108 gerbil Helicobacter pylori infectivity gastritis
Yasushi Matsui *, Yasushi Murata *, Fumiyoshi Kobayashi ♯, Akinori Yanaka *, Akira Nakahara *, Hiroshi Muto *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 222-222, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of water-soluble vitamin E in 109 TNB creation-related colitis
Taiji Yamaguchi #*, Toshiichi Yoshikawa *, Norimasa Yoshida *, Koji Masui *, It is still kernel * Sugimoto, Yuji Naito *, Motoharu Kondo *, Hironobu Murase $
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 223-223, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the depression effect of n-butyric acid for the 110 lats TNBS-induced colitis model
Ryoichi Sato, Yasuo Suzuki, Kenji Tokita, Masako Kinoshita, Naoki Yoshimura, 宮本禎浩, Yasushi Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 223-223, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the aminoguanidine in 111 TNB enterocolitis active stage
Hiroshi Nakamura, Hideaki Tsukada, Hiroshi Ooya way, Small Masahiko Nomura, Kazuhito Fukuda, 児玉尚伸, Masaya Hosokawa, Kinsuke Tsuda, Yutaka Seino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 223-223, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment for the TNB colitis of 112 curcumin
小野村雅久, Hideaki Tsukada, Masaya Hosokawa, Hiroshi Nakamura, Kazuhito Fukuda, Tatsuhiko Saito, 児玉尚伸, 大屋道洋, Yutaka Seino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 223-223, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the plasmid induction to 113 TNBS colitis model large intestine
Ryoji Yoshioka, 坂充, Hiroshi Sato, Fumiko Saito, Hiroshi Origasa, Atsushi Irisawa, Yukio Sato, Masayuki Miyata, Katsutoshi Ohara, 西間木友衛, 粕川禮司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 224-224, 1998.

Japanese Article 114 The context of the TNBS response CD8 + TCR-Vβ14T cells and intestinal inflammation activity in TNBS colitis mouse
金武和人, 岩田尚, 廣田俊夫1), 斎尾征直2), 鬼束惇義, 林勝知, 田辺博, 二村直樹, 山田卓也, 阪本研一, 左合哲, 安村幹央, 飯田豊, 仁田豊生, 広瀬一1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 224-224, 1998.

Japanese Article The interleukin (IL) -15 activity in the intestinal local site of 115 inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients and the accommodation
Tomoyuki Tsuzuki, Ability castle Mitsuhiro, Toru Sakai, Takafumi Ando, Ken Ina next, Kusu Kazuo God
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 224-224, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of interleukin(IL) -16 in 116 inflammatory bowel disease
Tsutomu Nishiyama, Keiichi Mitsuyama, Hideo Tateishi, Tomohisa Saeki, 白地哲, Nobuo Tomiyasu, Yutaka Matsui, Michiko Ide, Jun Toyonaga, Michio Sada 1), Takashi Ueno up 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 224-224, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of interleukin(IL) -18 in 117 mouse experiment enterocolitis
Keiichi Mitsuyama *, Michiko Ide *, Nobuo Tomiyasu *, Tsutomu Nishiyama *, Hideo Tateishi *, Tomohisa Saeki *, 白地哲 *, Jun Toyonaga *, Michio Sada *, Masao Ikeda **, Masashi Kurimoto **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 225-225, 1998.

Japanese Article 118 The significance of the fecal α-1 antichymotrypsin and α2-macroglobulin Measurement of inflammatory bowel disease patients
萱澤正伸***, 齊藤治***, 小島敬史***, 田中正剛***, 寺西務***, 杉和憲***, 中川憲***, 松瀬亮一**, 田端一恵**, 内田壱夫**, 松本恒司*, 平田一郎***, 勝健一***
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 225-225, 1998.

Japanese Article 119 Relationship between expression and the inflammatory activity of TNF-α in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) intestinal mucosa
赤澤哲子, 久保善嗣, 檜垣真吾, 柳井秀雄, 吉田智治, 坂井田功, 沖田極
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 225-225, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of immune charge genetic polymorphism characteristics in 120 inflammatory bowel disease
Jun Matsuzawa, Kazuhito Sugimura, 石塚基成, Tsuyoshi Mochizuki, Narisawa Taro Hayashi, Teru Honma, Hitoshi Asakura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 225-225, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of CTL line for the large intestine epithelium cell line which we established than the large intestine mucous membrane tunica propria lymphocytes of patients with 121 ulcerative colitis
Takashi Sunakawa 1), Yonamine Yoshimasa 1), Kazuyoshi Kawakami 1), 1, Yukino, Kugai), 外間昭 1), Kinjo beach 1), 座覇修 1), Mamoru Watanabe 3), Toshifumi Hibi 2), 3), 金城福則 1), Saito thickness 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 226-226, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic localized examination of the VIP receptor in 122 inflammatory bowel disease
Hideaki Miyazawa, Kenji Ueda, Yasuda advantage, Satoru Taira, Shigeki Kaneta, Naoki Shimizu, Asako Shimizu, Well ferryman kernel, Yasumasa Shiratori, Masaaki Miyaoka, Toshihiko Saito 1), Sanae Ichikawa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 226-226, 1998.

Japanese Article Instruction of the mucomembranous immunity by the heat shock protein(HSP)65 gene introduction to a 123 lats large intestine mucous membrane
Hiroshi Origasa, 坂充, Hiroshi Sato, Fumiko Saito, Ryoji Yoshioka, Atsushi Irisawa, Yukio Sato, Masayuki Miyata, Katsutoshi Ohara, 西間木友衛, 粕川禮司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 226-226, 1998.

Japanese Article 124 Effect on rat acetic acid colon colitis polaprezinc: Including the impact on the expression of Heat Shock Proteins
小田嶋傑, 大高道郎, 岩淵朗, 小西永晃, 和田勲, Pacheco I, 正宗研
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 226-226, 1998.

Japanese Article Control with the butyric acid of the transcription factor expression induced by 125 intestinal epithelia cells
Akira Ando, Field Kazunori, Mitsue Shimada, Hiroki Takaya, Toshiro Kimura, Yoshio Araki, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 227-227, 1998.

Japanese Article A state of the Th2 cells predominance includes the peripheral blood lymphocyte of patients with ulcerative colitis for 126 active stage, and onset of IL4mRNA is found in non-stimulation
由崎直人, Sakamaki Sumio, Norihiro Takayanagi, 秋山剛英, Hiroyuki Kuroda, Yasuo Hirayama, Takuya Matsunaga, Yoshiro Niitsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 227-227, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of treatment of the rat TNBS enterocolitis using the column for 127 endotoxin adsorption
Takashi Fujishiro religion, 綾部時芳, Mitsunori Honda, 前本篤男, Sasaki Arumi, 藤谷幹浩, 渡二郎, Yusuke Saito, History of Ashida intellect, 高後裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 227-227, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the leukapheresis for 128 inflammatory bowel disease
Hideko Chiba, Nobuyuki Yokoyama, Cow Toshiaki Kubo, Naohiko Tomita, Akihiko Moriya, Yasuhiko Abe, Seiji Tanaka, Toru Goto, One Miyamoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 227-227, 1998.

Japanese Article 129 The prediction of steroid treatment reactivity of ulcerative colitis patients with Human glucocorticoid receptor β mRNA expression
折居史佳1), 綾部時芳, 今井伸二郎2), 蘆田知史1), 本田光則, 前本篤男, 藤城貴教, 佐々木有海, 藤谷幹浩, 野村昌史, 斉藤裕輔, 高後裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 228-228, 1998.

Japanese Article Administration effect of Germinated Barley Foodstuff(GBF) on 130 ulcerative colitis (UC)
Tomohisa Saeki **, Keiichi Mitsuyama **, Kanauchi law of nature *, Hideo Tateishi **, 白地哲 **, Nobuo Tomiyasu **, Tsutomu Nishiyama **, Michiko Ide **, Hideo Ikeda **, Jun Toyonaga **, Michio Sada **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 228-228, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the diet by the polyunsaturated fatty acid food exchange of n-3 in 131 ulcerative colitis origin
中村眞, Toru Furuya, Takayuki Ishii, Ken Yamane tree, Hiroshi Nozawa, Nobuaki Kizawa, Tadao Kawamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 228-228, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the fibrinolysis related protein measurement out of feces in 132 ulcerative colitis
Daisuke Ishizuka, Jujube Masako, It is divine favor in a piece, Michio Hidaka, Shinsuke Shimizu, Tomoko Kobayashi, Five Sanshu, Koichi Watanabe, 木幡義彰, Ichiro Sudo, Masaaki Miyaoka, Toshihiko Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 228-228, 1998.

Japanese Article Of the ulcerative colitis due to 133 pathogenicity enteric bacteria is intractable
Mitsunori Noguchi, Nobuo Hiwatari
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 229-229, 1998.

Japanese Article Association with the clinical analysis - of 134 endoscope and indeterminate colitis which it is hard to diagnose pathologically particularly proctitis type ulcerative colitis
Hoshiro Hideo, Tatsumi Hamada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 229-229, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the significance of the expression of CD40 in the monocytic / macrophage of 135 Crohn's disease
Naoko Sawada, Tatsuya Kiyohara, Harumi Ueyama, Junichiro Miyakawa, Shuji Kanayama, 篠村恭久, Yuji Matsuzawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 229-229, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about parenteral complications with 136 Crohn's disease
Shunji Matsumura 1), 春間賢, Field Jiro, Koji Nikami, Shinya Aoki, Shigeto Yoshida, Naoto Yamashita, Flower ノ 木睦巳, Tsuga victory, Country wide Maki, Hidekazu Okamoto, Kusu Hiroaki, North level Yasuhiko, Shinji Tanaka, Shoji Yoshihara, Corner well Koji, Shinnya Kishimoto, Goro Kajiyama, Toru Hidaka 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 229-229, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the likelihood of the diagnostic ultrasound in 137 inflammatory bowel disease
Hiroyasu Yamada, Corner Masaaki Oka, Chiyuki Watanabe, Small samurai family Shunya, 松村伸利, Shinji Nagata, Shohei Ishimaru, Shinki Miyamoto, Yu Nakamura, Ken Hirata, Now Kawakatsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 230-230, 1998.

Japanese Article About a clinical picture of 138 ischemic colitis
Masako Nagashima, Hiroko Nakao, Yukiko Daimon, 名生諭史, The Yu Okuyama right, Nobuyuki Sugata, Shinichi Sakamoto, 久津見弘, Hiroshi Otsuka friend, Seiji Shimizu, Yoshiichi Suyama, Shotaro Fujimoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 230-230, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the ulcerative colitis to see the onset in the families of all 139 mother and four brothers
Fukui sincerity, Mountain village truth, Tetsuya Matsumura, 中村好廣, Takashi Sakagami, Yasushi Sawada, Yukio Sawada, Masamichi Satomi, Takashi Shimoyama 1), In the west Takayuki 2), 田村和朗 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 230-230, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of 140 enterovesical fistula cases
Kunitoshi Nakagawa, Ei Abe, Takashi Toyoshima, 桃野哲
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 230-230, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the postoperative recurrent simple ulcer that administration had a complete response to of 141 Mesalazine
Yoko Murayama, Masanori Kurokawa, Masahiro Nishikawa, Yasushi Imai positive, Tsuyoshi Yonezawa 1), Depths Kunihiko, Takashi Shimano 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 231-231, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the infectious enteritis that presented an endoscopic image of 142 ischemic colitis resemblance
神岡諭郎 ★, Shigeru Hayashi sum ★, Ryukichi Kobe ★, Hideaki Ieda ★, Akihiko Oguri ★, Nao Eto ★, Mitsumasa Koike ★★
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 231-231, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of 143 transverse colon axis rotation symptom
Hiroshi Aramiya, Yamazumi Kazuyuki, River part Hideaki, Hiroshi Nakayama 1), Yasutoku Onizuka 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 231-231, 1998.

Japanese Article A quantitative evaluation of the large intestine gas by 144 abdomen flat plate and the clinical significance
Akira Koide example, Taketo Yamaguchi 1), Hidehiko Koyama 2), Kenichi Nakajima, Takeo Otaka, Tsuyuguchi Toshio, Hiromitsu Saisho 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 231-231, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the three-dimensional outside the body expression supersonic wave surface notation in 145 disease gallbladders
Hashimoto 1,000 tree, Goto Hidemi, Yoshiki Hirooka, Akihiro Ito, Yoshihiro Ishiguro, Shinya Kojima, Takanori Hirai, Tetsuo Hayakawa 1), Yasuo Naito 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 232-232, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the gallbladder shrinkage ability of patients with diabetes by 146 three dimensions outside the body expression ultrasonography
Hashimoto 1,000 tree, Goto Hidemi, Yoshiki Hirooka, Akihiro Ito, Yoshihiro Ishiguro, Shinya Kojima, Takanori Hirai, Tetsuo Hayakawa 1), Yasuo Naito 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 232-232, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the Tissue Harmonic Imaging method in 147 disease gallbladder diagnoses
Yoshiki Hirooka **, Goto Hidemi **, Akihiro Ito **, Yoshihiro Ishiguro **, Shinya Kojima **, Hashimoto 1,000 tree **, Takanori Hirai **, Tetsuo Hayakawa **, Yasuo Naito *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 232-232, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of MR cholangiography for 148 common bile duct stones
Small market Katsuyuki, Hideji Miyanishi 1), 川上卓久, Takaaki Iwase 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 232-232, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of XUM-G20-29R in the liver ductus pancreaticus intracavitary ultrasonography of 149 transnipple
Boundary Yoshitaka, Yutaka Noda, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi, Katsumi Kimura, Eight child chapter life, The Matsunaga public welfare, Toyohiko Yuki, Mikiko Nomura, Tadashi Sato, Kazuhiko Ishida, Tatsuya Kikuchi, Masayoshi Yoshida, Kiyoshi Utsumi, Shigeharu Senoo, Masanari Sugai, Satoshi Ito, Kyoko Okubo, Naotaka Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 233-233, 1998.

Japanese Article Oral cholangioscopic utility and adaptation for 150 biliary tract lesions
Yasuhiro Nakano, Yuri Satoshi, Akira Yoshida plus, Satoshi Sato sincerity, Miho Sagawa, Tomoyuki Ota, Akira Matsumoto example, A person from Ota is possible, Masanori Murakami, Yutaka Orii 1), Yusuke Mizukami, 高後裕 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 233-233, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on cholesterol crystal separation characteristics of various bile acid out of 151 bile
Kazu Ikeda ear, Abe well Shigeto, Michi Shimizu cord, Yasushi Matsuzaki, Junichi Shoda, Naomi Tanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 233-233, 1998.

Japanese Article About expression abnormality of gallbladder II type A phospholipase A2 in 152-prone cholesterol cholelithiasis and Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrance Conductance Regulator and the significance
Junichi Shoda 1, Masahito Kano 1, Tatsuro Nyumura 2, Tetsuya Ueda 3, Toru Asano 1, Naoki Miyahara 1, Tadashi Ikegami 1, Yasushi Matsuzaki 1, Naomi Tanaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 233-233, 1998.

Japanese Article Regulatory mechanism of the gastrointestinal hormone in 153 side nipple diverticulosis
富田凉一, 丹正勝久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 234-234, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to a gallbladder motor function of 154 endoscopic nipple expansion technique
Masanori Sugiyama, Spring village friend sentence, 中島正暢
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 234-234, 1998.

Japanese Article About a utility of ultrasonic autoscope lower fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNAB) in the diagnosis of 155 digestive system disease.
Tomoyuki Taki *, Toshiyuki Hattori *, Akira Arakawa *, Miyoshi Hironao *, Shinya Hayakawa *, High Katsuyoshi *, Shin Katayama *, Yutaka Ogura *, Toshiyuki Arai *, Hibi Nomo *, Yoshiki Hirooka **, Shinya Kojima **, Yasuo Naito **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 234-234, 1998.

Japanese Article About invention -cytologist sitting utility of 156 ultrasonic autoscope lower fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) method -
Sayo Mizutani child, Kazuhiko Ohashi, Mountain male Kenji, Tsuyoshi Furukawa, Akira Matsuura, Kurimoto member of a group, 中村常哉, Takashi Suzuki, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Atsuto Suzuki, 筒井茂, Kinichi Takeda, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Yu Ono rare 1), Taku Koshikawa, Yuji Ueyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 234-234, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility ... of the EST cut stone judging from strategies for treatment - biliary tract pressure for 157 bile duct stones
Deer Junya Shimura, The Ko Saito world
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 235-235, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison of sub-nitric acid material combination in common bile duct stone treatment using 158 endoscopic nipple balloon expansion technique and the non-combination
Cow Toshiaki Kubo, Junzaburo Kabe, Hiroshi Tamura 1), Kawanami Yoshinari, Jiro Saito, Ichiro Kawana, Shoichi Tomiyama 2), Daisuke Takahashi, Nakouji Kana 3), Hideko Chiba, Naohiko Tomita, Tomomi Makita, Tomoko Yokoyama, Yasuhiko Abe, 松田玲圭, Seiji Tanaka, Toru Goto 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 235-235, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of 159 common bile duct stone regimens
宇和川匡 2), Open country Shoichi 2), Tomoyuki Tanaka 2), Norio Mimori 2), Ryuzo Murai 2), Hole Sadao Sawa 2), Hiroshi Ando 2), Hirotsugu Yamazaki 2), Kumiko Kato 1), Hideaki Kurihara 1), Sakae Miyamoto 1), Norimasa Okabe 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 235-235, 1998.

Japanese Article 160 Combined with ingenuity of the stone percutaneous transhepatic duodenal papilla dilatation against through nipple approach is difficult common bile duct stone cases
花田敬士, 日野文明, 天野始, 村上祥子, 山崎総一郎, 大林諒人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 235-235, 1998.

Japanese Article Lithectomy of the laparoscopic transcystic duct as the most effective therapy for 161 cholecystocholedocholithiasis
Riverside Akihiro **, Toshihiko Kobayashi **, Yutaka Takeuchi **, Masayuki Yoshida **, Taizo Kimura *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 236-236, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the comparison with the percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography gallbladder drainage method the examination of the supersonic wave instruction lower percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography gallbladder aspiration enforcement case for 162 acute cholecystitis
Yanai ordinary man, The Tadashi Sakai method, Akira Kato, Kakinuma fine weather, Yuka Miyasaka, Hideo Obayashi, Michio Yamane, Junichi Tazawa 1), Katsuhiro Sanada 2), History of Sato 1,000 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 236-236, 1998.

Japanese Article New finding of the esophagus motor function of achalasia by 163 microtransducer method
Beam well Shinichiro, Nobuyoshi Habu, Akira Miyakawa, Hisashi Yamamoto, Koji Nakada, Shigeo Morita, Kei Hashimoto Expo, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Hideyuki Kashiwagi, 小村伸朗, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 236-236, 1998.

Japanese Article About association with the examination - of the reflux oesophagitis in patients with 164 scleroderma particularly esophageal pressure abnormality -
加藤則廣, Nagase Kiyosuke, Inner tree Takafumi, Hiroshi Onishi life, Hisataka Moriwaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 236-236, 1998.

Japanese Article About relations with gastroesophageal reflux disease and the esophagus dyskinesia in 165 this country
Haruo Hayashi, Beautiful root Kazunori
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 237-237, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the esophagus dyskinesia that we saw according to the symptom of 166 GERD cases
Tsuyoshi Suzuki, 山本佳洋
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 237-237, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in patients with 167 asthma bronchial
池田一毅 1), Takeshi Nakamura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 237-237, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - of long-term maintenance therapy - cost-effectiveness that is main in Nizatidine for 168 gastroesophageal reflux disease
Authority of Shibata fine weather
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 237-237, 1998.

Japanese Article About the pathologic difference in clinical analysis - young people and elderly people with 169 reflux oesophagitis -
Tomohiko Shimatani, Masanori Inoue, Yoko Horikawa, Yukinobu Kawai, Goro Kajiyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 238-238, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the comparison between - young people and elderly people about clinical condition of 170 gastroesophageal reflux
Masahiko Miyachi, Masahisa Nagata 1), Tetsu Takayama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 238-238, 1998.

Japanese Article About contribution of stomach background mucosa in 171 gastroesophageal reflux disease and Helicobacter pylori
Shigeki Koyama, Tadao Baba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 238-238, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical condition of the color change group in 172 gastroesophageal reflux disease and clinical significance
Junichi Akiyama, Satoshi Matsueda, Ryosuke Shoda, Shigeru Yamato, Masako Asayama, Rei Nagahama, Daisuke Mototani, Mountain Miwa, Kazuhide Kurosaka, Newly-opened field Ayako, 太原洋, Kenichiro Sekikawa, Kiyono Fukushima, Masaya Matsukawa, Ryo Muraoka, Naohiko Masaki, Shigeki Hayashi, We obtain Shimojo and see it, Noritsugu Umeda 1), Kiyoshi Saito 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 238-238, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the change of the emotional disorder in the before and after therapy of patients with 173 reflux oesophagitis
All Asada examples, Hiroshi Hisatsune, 高垣伸匡, Seiichiro Yasuda, Masahiro Otani, 沖映希, Masako Mukai, Shigeto Mizuno, Tadashi Ito, Early cloud Takanobu, Inoue glume tree, Hajime Omi, Kunihiko Kimoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 239-239, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the cardia function before and after the cardioplasty using 174 Computerized axial manometry(CAM)
金哲宇, Hideyuki Kashiwagi, 小村伸朗, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 239-239, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of acid, the bilirubin reflux measurement in 175 gastroesophageal reflux disease
Harushi Osugi, 綛野進, Nobuyasu Takada, Yoshihiko Nishimura, Tadashi Takemura solstice, 船井隆伸, Plum Sakae column, Miyuki Fujita, Sakae Okuda tree, Masakatsu Ueno, Hiroaki Kinoshita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 239-239, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by 176 24 hours bile monitoring
Shigeru Takeda, 丹黒章, Hiroto Hayashi, Takayuki Morioka, 岡正朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 239-239, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on examination - endoscope image of 177 gastric cancer postoperative reflux esophagitis -
Tadashi Sato, Naotaka Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 240-240, 1998.

Japanese Article After the thoracic esophagus resection that saw as 178 gastroesophageal reflux models about examination - reflux oesophagitis of the cervical esophagus, development of the Barrett epithelium
Masanori Nakamura, Kawano dragon good luck
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 240-240, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic discussion about the canceration of 179 achalasia
Osamu Chino, Hiroyasu Makuuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 240-240, 1998.

Japanese Article Association prognostic after a naked eye type of 180 esophagus superficial cancer and histologic tumor extension and excision
Tadashi Nishimaki, Tatsuo Kanda, Chikara Suzuki, Katsuyoshi Hatakeyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 240-240, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical utility of the HCV antibody measurement by all 181 active immunity measuring assembly Eve net EV20
Koji Orii, Eiji Tanaka, 清澤研道
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 241-241, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the serum in 182 chronic hepatitis C-soluble HLA-DR antigen
Katsumi Hosoi, 加川建弘 1), Masao Hagiwara 2), History of Isao Watanabe, Shohei Matsuzaki 1), Kimiyoshi Tsuji 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 241-241, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of serotyping 1-6 assay using the peptide which is specific for 183 HCV genotype 1-6
尹聖哲, Hidenobu Nagano, Keiichi Shimizu, Land tax officer Yoshiko, Yasushi Seo, Toshiaki Ninomiya, Masahiko Sugano, Masato Kasuga
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 241-241, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of in vivo of 184 HCV NS5A and NS5B and the in vitro binding capacity
Yukihiro Daita 1, 2), Tatsuya Yamashita 1, 2), Seishi Murakami 2), Shuichi Kaneko 1), Kenichi Kobayashi 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 241-241, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis about the suppression of the intracellular interferon signal transmission with 185 hepatitis C virus NS5A protein
Masayuki Kurosaki, Nobuyuki Enomoto, 佐久聞郁行, Naoya Sakamoto, Shinya Maekawa, Nagayama Kazunori, Yoshiko Fukuma, Fumiaki Marumo 1, History of Sato 1,000 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 242-242, 1998.

Japanese Article Pro-hepatitis C virus culture growth using 186 EB virus infection lymphocytes cell line examination
Naoya Sakamoto 1), Masayuki Kurosaki 1), Nobuyuki Enomoto 1), Tomoko Sakamoto 3), Fumiaki Marumo 1), History of Sato 1,000 1, 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 242-242, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the prognosis of the HCV antibody-positive hepatocellular carcinoma in 187 chronicity hemodialysis patients
Kakinuma fine weather, The Tadashi Sakai method, Akira Kato, Yuka Miyasaka, Hideo Obayashi, Michio Yamane, Yanai ordinary man, Junichi Tazawa 1), History of Sato 1,000 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 242-242, 1998.

Japanese Article Frequency of 188 hepatitis C virus (HCV) carriers
Tadayoshi Imaizumi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 242-242, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the acute aggravation of the HCV carrier normal for 189 ALT long terms
Laboratory of crossroads Ichiro, Kazumi Yamazaki, Ichikawa dragon tree, Mikio Yamanishi, 川上眞寿弘, Toshi Shirahama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 243-243, 1998.

Japanese Article Cytokine production ability of the dendritic cells in patients with 190 chronic hepatitis C
Akihiko Ito, Norio Hayashi, 考藤達哉, Tetsuo Takehara, Kudzu lower celebration reason, Tomohide Tatsumi, Yutaka Sasaki, Akinori Kasahara, Masatsugu Hori
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 243-243, 1998.

Japanese Article 191 HCV-RNA positive, HBs antigen-negative chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, anti-hepatitis B core antigen in the hepatocellular carcinoma patient serum, detection of HBV-DNA
Toshiharu Eto, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Shun Ochiai is elegant, Hirofumi Uto, 中間哲文, Akihiro Moriuchi, Naoto Komada, 堀剛, Akio Ido, 弘野修一, Hiroshi Tsubochi kernel
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 243-243, 1998.

Japanese Article About a correlation of liver residual function and BTR in 192 C type chronic liver disease
Shinji Nakaya, Description of Habu University, Shuhei Nishiguchi, 田守昭博, Hiroki Sakaguchi, Tadashi Takeda, 塩見進, Morikazu Seki, Tetsuo Kuroki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 243-243, 1998.

Japanese Article 193 Clinical study of initial IFN-β and α same day regimen for chronic hepatitis C
冨田栄一, 杉原潤一, 西垣洋一, 林秀樹, 高井信治, 今尾要浩, 戸田勝久, 向井強, 塩屋正道, 杉山昭彦, 名倉一夫, 若原達男
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 244-244, 1998.

Japanese Article 194 Study of IFNβ two divided doses + IFNα administration method for chronic hepatitis C
小畑達郎1), 宮田央2), 田中憲明3), 大野研而1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 244-244, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the natural type interferon alpha short-term administration for chronic hepatitis C of 195 low viral load
Virtue Hideki Ue, Masao Takasu, Lamina superficialis Nobuyuki, Yoshihisa Sato, Saeko Yajima, Naohiro Kawamura, Mitsuhiro Saito, Makiko Imamura, Takanori Yokoyama, Hiroshi Nakajima, Shinichi Takahashi, Shozo Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 244-244, 1998.

Japanese Article Antioxidant activity and liver fibrosis inhibitory effect of 196 interferon-alpha
Ichiro Shimizu, Person of aspect Toshihiro, Aya Hiasa, Shigehito Hayashi, Hiroshi Honda kernel, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 244-244, 1998.

Japanese Article About cancerogenesis after an interferon treatment outcome and the treatment for 197 IFN-resistant chronic hepatitis C
Gen Takahashi, Ryosuke Nagamatsu, Itoh-Dai, Fork of a river Seiji, Toshi Fujii kernel, 蘆田潔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 245-245, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of 198 C type chronic liver disease, IFN incompleteness complete response case
Tatsuya Miura, Akihiko Murakami, Takayuki Kato, Masaki Kitagawa, Atsushi Ikehata, Seiji Kaga, Mitsuru Ono, Yoko Ishikawa 1), 佐熊勉, Wealth place Nobukazu 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 245-245, 1998.

Japanese Article Liver tissue, serum of patients with 199 chronic hepatitis type B and the HBV existing infected patient, examination of the presence style of HBVDNA in the peripheral blood lymphocyte
Murakami good basis, Takeshi Okanoue, 南祐仁, Paulownia island Toshihiko, Masashi Sakamoto, Cheap residence Koichiro, Yoshito Ito, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 245-245, 1998.

Japanese Article The mutation of core promoter in the course of 200 acute and chronic HBV infection and the pre-C region and prognostic association
Koichi Abe, Tomoko Ichikawa, Tsuguhiko Okano, Masaru Matsui example, Kazuyuki Suzuki, Shunichi Sato 1), Kazumi Ishikawa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 245-245, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the propagermanium combination interferon chronic administration law for 201 chronic hepatitis type B
Masafumi Naito, Shingo Maeyama, Toyohiko Yokoi, Isoo Yasuyuki, Masashi Nagasawa, Zen Ito group, 石橋一伸, Kazuhiro Katayama, Masayoshi Azuma, Toru Kashiwagi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 246-246, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the interferon beta four weeks new day after day (daily multiple times) administration for 202 chronic hepatitis type B
奥新浩晃, Kazuhiko Morii, Fumitoshi Kishi, Shiro Yuasa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 246-246, 1998.

Japanese Article Lamivudine administration lower adrenal gland steroid interruption therapy for 203 chronic hepatitis type B
Makoto Yoshiba, Kazuhiko Sekiyama, Kazuaki Inoue, Rikiya Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 246-246, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of 89 autoimmune hepatitis in 204 Nagasaki region
Katsuhisa Omagari, Hideki Kinoshita 1), Kato history on record, Keisuke Nakata 2), Takayuki Kanematsu 3), Masao Kusumoto 4), Gan Mori 5), Ryuji Furukawa 6), Tanioka one 7), Field Hitoshi Shima Ichiro 8), 古賀満明, Michitami Yano 9), Shigeru Kawano 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 246-246, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about 205 HBV, HCV and alcohol-negative liver cancer
Yasuhiro Nishizaki, Masaru Itakura, Mitsuru Wasada, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Kobayashi sentence virtue 1), Junzo Uchiyama, Koichi Shiraishi, History of Isao Watanabe, Shohei Matsuzaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 247-247, 1998.

Japanese Article Detection of the TT virus DNA in patients with 206 non-B non-C type hepatocellular carcinoma
生駒次朗 1), Naoki Nakagawa 1), Tomoaki Ishihara 1), Kiyohiko Hiranuma 1), Noriko Kawamura 1), Fujita still oneself 1), 亀井昭 1), Satoshi Ishida 1), 玉置繁憲 1), Masahiko Kakiuchi 1), Yukihiko Adachi 1), Shozo Watanabe 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 247-247, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the prophylactic IFN administration for 207 HCV pollution accidents
Takashi Mikami, Kazunori Muramoto, Hitoshi Nakajima, Koichi Kawata, Shu Nara Yashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 247-247, 1998.

Japanese Article Is the myocardial disorder in 208 interferon therapy detectable by 123I-BMIPP myocardial scintigraphy?
Yuki Michiko Naka, Masahiro Nomura, Kondo good luck, Tomomi Nada, 岡久稔也, Satoshi Shibata will, 岡村誠介, Hiroshi Honda kernel, Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 247-247, 1998.

Japanese Article About clinical features of the thyroid function abnormality with the interferon therapy for 209 chronic hepatitis C
Akira Fukuda, Yasuhiro Tsuda, Satoru Yoshimoto peak, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, 大澤仲昭
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 248-248, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of cyclic periodic interferon treatment for 210 intractable chronic hepatitis C
Takashi Kishida, Masafumi Naito, Kazuhiro Katayama, Toru Kashiwagi 1), Norio Hayashi 2), Satoshi Sasai law 3), 木下盛敏 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 248-248, 1998.

Japanese Article Pathologic examination of the osteopenia in 211 chronic liver disease
Mitsuhiro Saito, Masao Takasu, Lamina superficialis Nobuyuki, Saeko Yajima, Yoshihisa Sato, Naohiro Kawamura, Makiko Imamura, Virtue Hideki Ue, Takanori Yokoyama, Hiroshi Nakajima, Shinichi Takahashi, Shozo Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 248-248, 1998.

Japanese Article Vitamine D receptor gene polymorphism and bone density in 212 liver cirrhosis and association with the bone metabolism marker
Noriko Matsunaga, Upper measure Jiro, Of Yutaka Kawasaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 248-248, 1998.

Japanese Article About instruction of recognition mechanism -CD14 and LPS binding protein(LBP) of the endotoxin derived from enteric bacteria in 213 alcohol liver disease
Ikejima Kenichi, Nobuhiro Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 249-249, 1998.

Japanese Article Enterobacterial detection during the ascitic fluid in 214 serious case liver damages
Yoshinori Inagaki **, Keiji Onda **, Yuichi Nakazato **, Midori Kawano *, 保科定頼 *, 横田徳靖 **, Katsuhide Sano **, Yuji Ishii **, Yoichi Toyama **, Riyunosuke Ogawa **, Katsuhiko Machida *, Teruaki Aoki **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 249-249, 1998.

Japanese Article Nodular clinical analysis in livers 215 20mm in diameter or less
A person from Ota is possible, Akira Matsumoto example, Akira Yoshida plus, Satoshi Sato sincerity, Miho Sagawa, Yasuhiro Nakano, Tomoyuki Ota, Yuri Satoshi, Masanori Murakami, Yutaka Orii 1), Village Teiko 2), Hiroya Saito 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 249-249, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the liver three dimensions image making with three-dimensional subregion identification ability for 216 preoperative simulation
Tetsuya Kurosaki, Furrow village Yasuki, Hirotsugu Yamazaki 1), Naoki Suzuki, Hattori hemp boon 2), Mitsuko Ariizumi 3), Shuichi Takahashi 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 249-249, 1998.

Japanese Article 217 nitric monoxide (NO) induces Oxidative Stress to gastric mucosa cells
Koji Masui, Yuji Naito, 朴義男, Takaaki Fujii, Hiroki Manabe, Norimasa Yoshida, Toshiichi Yoshikawa, Motoharu Kondo
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 250-250, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of instruction type nitric monoxide synthase (iNOS) in 218 peptic ulcers and relations of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)
Mitsuru Kaise, Jun Miwa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 250-250, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the cell damage of Helicobacter pylori(HP) in 219 gastric mucosa cultured cells
Akihiro Saiga, Takuya Kamioka, 井口幹崇, Willow Kimihiko Oka, Shintaro in the north, Teruko Shiotani, Shuichi Ito, Shingo Nishioka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 250-250, 1998.

Japanese Article About activation of the protein C system by Helicobacter pylori in 220 THP-1 cells
Seiko Oka, Ichiro Imoto, Yasushi Hashimoto, Shigeru Nakajima person, Kazuyuki Nakao, Norihisa Ikemura, Tomoyuki Shibata, Takashi Satoshi, Yukiko Taguchi, Yukihiko Adachi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 250-250, 1998.

Japanese Article Depression effect of VitaminE for the neutrophilic associated gastric mucosa lesion by 221 H.pylori
It is still kernel Sugimoto, Norimasa Yoshida, Hiroki Manabe, Kyoichi Kasai, Tatsuya Nakamura, Yutaka Ichikawa, Yuji Naito, Yutaka Morita, Toshiichi Yoshikawa, Motoharu Kondo
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of the CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism which gives it to pharmacokinetics and H.pylori sanitization effect of 222 proton pump inhibitor
Shunsuke Sakai, Nobuo Aoyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the ureB gene of 223 Helicobacter pylori isolates
Shun Tanahashi kernel, Tomoyuki Ono, Naoki Sawai, Yamaoka Yoshio, Tadashi Kodama, Takashi Kashima *, Masakazu Kita, Jiro Imanishi **, 加藤文敬 ***
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article 224 bead-ELISA method enables fixed-quantity of VacA out of the gastric juice
Daisuke Shirosaka 1), Nobuo Aoyama, Masaaki Shirakawa, Yutaka Yoshida, Tetsushi Iida, Shunsuke Sakai, Takahiro Ikemura, Yukiko Shinoda, Masanori Sakashita, Masaki Miyamoto, Masato Kasuga, Storehouse garden Hisao 2), 和田昭裕 3), 平山壽哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of VacA genotype according to the disease of 225 H.Pylori
Kengo Shimoi, Shinji Suzuki, Shun Sakurazawa autumn, 堀内亮郎, Ariake Koichiro, Tetsuya Nomura, Kenichi Ishii, Takahiro Ishikura, Kazuhiko Fujiki, Akihiro Araki, Kimio Honda, Yasuko Enomoto, Kazuya Iwabuchi, 1, Takashimizu good, Toshifumi Okusa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article Classification - by the sanitization treatment preferences -PCR-RFLP method due to 226 H.pylori vacuolation toxin genes
Eiji Masuda, Osamu Yoshihara plus
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article Simple and easy screening method of 227 H.pylori cag Pathogenicity Island
Tsuneo Ikegami, Shin Maeda, Keiji Ogura, Haruhiko Yoshida, Yasushi Shiratori, Masao Omata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the antiCagE antibody on detection of 228 CagE protein and IL-8 instruction by H.pylori
Keiji Ogura, Shin Maeda, Tsuneo Ikegami, Haruhiko Yoshida, Yasushi Shiratori, Masao Omata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in 229 Helicobacter pylori infection gastric mucosa
澤岡均, Jun Kawano, Shingo Tsuji, Masahiko Tsujii, River aspect Naoki, Hiroaki Murata, Masatsugu Hori
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on COX-2 expression of Helicobacter pylori water extract in 230 gastric cancer cells
Hiroaki Murata, Jun Kawano, Shingo Tsuji, Masahiko Tsujii, 澤岡均, River aspect Naoki, Masatsugu Hori
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article About effects of Helicobacter pylori which gives it to the histamine liberation of 231 human isolation gastric mucosa mast cells and IL-8
Koyanagi light kernel *, Upper Yoichi Azuma *, Tetsuo Ebihara *, Salt Junko Shima *, Harumi Mimura *, Yasutaka Minagawa *, Katsuhiko Tsuda *, Kazunori Asai *, Shingo Yamamura *, Hiroki Tomono *, 黒澤進 *, Yaka ratio Koji *, Takashi Nakamura *, Nobuaki Wada **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article Activation of vascular endothelial cells with 232 Helicobacter pylori water extract
Kyoichi Kasai 1), 2), Norimasa Yoshida 2), Jun Ochiai 2), 高山龍烈 2), Fujita Shukuko 2), Yukiko Tanaka 2), Koji Masui 2), Sugimoto still kernel 2), Yuji Naito 2), Toshiichi Yoshikawa 2), Motoharu Kondo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article 233 Activation and its localization NFκB in H.pylori infection gastric mucosa
磯本一, 宮崎正信, 水田陽平, 竹島史直, 大曲勝久, 村瀬邦彦, 河野茂
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article Led by examination - telomere head about the significance of the remaining stomach flame as 234 precancerous condition -
The Ryu Hirasawa up, Hiroyasu Iishi, Upper temple Fumiya, Noriko Sakai, Koji Tono, Masaharu Tatsuta 1), Shingo Ishiguro 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the Helicobacter pylori antigen assay in the 235th flight
Ryuichi Okura, Hiroto Miwa, Watanabe fine weather life, Toshio Murai, Nagahara chapter kernel, Kenji Sato, Tatsuo Ogiwara, Nobuhiro Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article A utility and problems of 236 urinary H.pylori antibody quickness detection kits
Soichiro Yamamoto, Tadashi Uemura fruit, Shiro Okamoto, Hiroshi Masuda, Shuji Yamaguchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article Advantage - (the third report) in patients on dialysis of new noninvasive technique - carbon dioxide electrode method as 237 H.pylori(Hp) infection diagnoses
Kazuo Ito, Chizuko Okada, Kenji Hatanaka, Shingo Kato, Yoshiyuki Kimoto, Masahiko Tanaka, 岩井淳浩, Jun Kawaguchi, Shigeaki Nagao, Toru Miyahara, Soichiro Miura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 255-255, 1998.

Japanese Article 238 Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide and gastric mucosa apoptosis
Nobuhiko Takahashi, Toshikatsu Okumura, 浦等, 高後裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 255-255, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about cell proliferation and apoptosis of gastric mucosa epithelial cells in Helicobacter pylori-positive gastritis of patients with 239 gastric cancer and patients with chronic gastritis
Tetsuo Yoshimura 1), 下山克 1), Makoto Fukuda product 1), Tatsuya Mikami 1), Masanori Tanaka 2), Akihiro Munakata 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 255-255, 1998.

Japanese Article About instruction of the apoptosis by the H.pylori pathogenicity factor using the cultured cell derived from 240 humans
佐藤幸浩 1, Kiichi Sato 1, 小島利周 2, Takeshi Kimura 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 255-255, 1998.

Japanese Article About an association between oxyntic recovery and gastric mucosa histology after the sanitization in 241 H.pylori-positive severe atrophic gastritis case
Katsunori Iijima, Shuichi Ohara, Jin Sekine, Tomoyuki Koike, Yuji Kubota, Masaru Kato chapter, Kenichi Honda, Yutaka Konno, Shigeru Asagi, Takayoshi Toyota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 256-256, 1998.

Japanese Article About an acid-secreting change after 242 Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment
Shigeki Koyama, Tadao Baba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 256-256, 1998.

Japanese Article A change before and after the H.pylori sanitization of pepsinogen I in 243 gastric mucosa and II positive cells.
Yasuko Enomoto, Toshifumi Okusa, Kazuhiko Fujiki, 1, Takashimizu good
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 256-256, 1998.

Japanese Article Does medical treatment after 244 Helicobacter pylori sanitization success include the significance?
Shinji Katsushima, Toshiyuki Kimura, Ito illumination, Nomoto still, 住友康眞, Shangdong Takehiro, Ken Nishihara, Kanji Nagatani 1), Tetsuro Iguma, Tomoko Okamoto 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 256-256, 1998.

Japanese Article Recurrent ulcer and intractable ulcer after 245 Helicobacter pylori sanitization
Kazuhiko Inoue, Osamu Mihara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 257-257, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems after the Helicobacter pylori(Hp) sanitization therapy judging from 246 course sightings
Akiko Yanagisawa, Masumi Akimoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Sachiko Deguchi, Norio Tamai, Ryo Tanaka group, Mariko Tsuchiya, 石黒久貴, Tsuyoshi Kurihara, Akiko Niimi, Jun Maeda, Mutsuo Shigemoto, Katsuko Yamashita, Izumi Yokoyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 257-257, 1998.

Japanese Article Upper gastrointestinal tract complications after 247 H.pylori sanitization treatment
Takayuki Shirai, 原澤茂
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 257-257, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of reflux oesophagitis, stomach caused after 248 Helicobacter pylori(Hp) sanitization and the duodenal erosions
Kusu Kazuo God 1), Hiroshi Kaneko 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 257-257, 1998.

Japanese Article 249 Helicobacter pylori (Hp) eradication therapy to accompany Problem: Problems of drug resistance and after the eradication
三輪純, 貝瀬満
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 258-258, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems of the CAM resistant bacteria in 250 H.pylori sanitization therapy
Star Satoshi Tani, Hidehiko Ninomiya, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Kengo Tokunaga, Akifumi Tanaka, Shinichi Takahashi 1), Masao Aragaki, Takeshi Ito 2), Shozo Saito 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 258-258, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems (about drug resistance) in 251 H.pylori sanitization treatment
Koichi Sakurai, Yutaka Takahashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 258-258, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the re-sanitization therapy of 252 H.pylori sanitization unsuccessfullness cases
Takashi Kawai 1), Toshihiko Saito 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 258-258, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of high Endothelin-1 blood disease in 253 cirrhosis
間宮康貴, Hidenori Kanazawa, Yoshiyuki Narahara, Yuji Nagata, Hitoshi Yoshimoto, Hitoshi Saito, Hajime Kuroda, 坂本長逸, Masafumi Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 259-259, 1998.

Japanese Article Is the evaluation of the cardiac sympathetic nerve dysfunction possible in 254 liver cirrhosis?
Kondo good luck, Masahiro Nomura, Yuki Michiko Naka, Tomomi Nada, 岡久稔也, Satoshi Shibata will, 岡村誠介, Hiroshi Honda kernel, Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 259-259, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the partial hepatectomy postoperative morphological and functional liver regeneration in 255 cirrhosis rats
Masashi Hashimoto, Toyofusa, Nakamura, Masamichi Matsuda, Seishi Udagawa, 渡邊五朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 259-259, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the energy metabolism improvement effect with the midnight snack in patients with 256 cirrhosis
Three-wheeled Kei line 1), Ryo Shiraki 2), Masahiko Kato 2), Masahiro Tajika 2), Yasushi Mori true 2), Satoshi Murakami male 2), Hiroshi Onishi straight 2), Hisataka Moriwaki 2), Toshie Morioku 1), Yasutoshi Muto 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 259-259, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the clinical response of the branched chain amino acid preparation in patients with 257 cirrhosis
Hideki Hayashi, Eiichi Tomita, Junichi Sugihara, 今尾要浩, Shinji Takai, Katsuhisa Toda, Tsuyoshi Mukai, Masamichi Shioya, Akihiko Sugiyama, Yoichi Nishigaki, Kazuo Nagura, Tatsuo Wakahara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 260-260, 1998.

Japanese Article A utility and problems of the liver abscess irrigation using 258 drainage tubes
Kaizaki wisdom, Yoshida Takahiro, 佐藤広隆, Yasuto Mori, 宮元進
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 260-260, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination judging from a change of the quantity of UDCA effect of treatment - non-UDCA bile acid in 259 primary bilious cirrhosis
Tetsu Ikeuchi, Shu Yokosuka, Fumio Imazeki, Masami Tagawa, River residence Shigenobu, Hiromitsu Saisho
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 260-260, 1998.

Japanese Article From the analysis of examination - serum fibrosis marker of UDCA, the colchicine combination therapy for 260 primary biliary cirrhosis -
Takaaki Ikeda 1), Nagahori Masakazu 2), Fumie Kobayashi 3, 4), Shinichi Totsuka 1), Fumiaki Marumo 4), History of Sato 1,000 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 260-260, 1998.

Japanese Article Serum RANTES level and UDCA in 261 primary bilious cirrhosis (PBC)
Tomohiro Suzuki, 新沢穣太郎, Jun Tojiyo, Hiroshi Ohira plus, 西間木友衛, 粕川禮司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 261-261, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the NK activity of serum free form CDCA concentrations in 262 biliary atresia and liver cirrhosis
Masaru Hirata, 斎浦明夫, Yoshiaki Kita, Needle Yasushi Hara, Masatoshi Makuuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 261-261, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the antiplatelet membrane glycoprotein specific antibody in 263 chronic liver disease
Tadashi Doi, The Hisashi Honma up, Woman Shinichi Sawa, Yoshiro Niitsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 261-261, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the liver biopsy of the transinternal jugular vein in 264 hepatic disorder
Toshiyuki Baba, Hitoshi Nishida, Keiji Mitamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 261-261, 1998.

Japanese Article About contribution of TTV in patients with 265 acute hepatitis
Tatsuro Kanda, Shu Yokosuka, Toshikatsu Seta, Tetsu Ikeuchi, 小島広成, Keiichi Fujiwara, A book many; newly, River residence Shigenobu, Masami Tagawa, Fumio Imazeki, Hiromitsu Saisho
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 262-262, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of TTV in the non-A non-B non-C type hepatic disorder in 266 this hospital
Yuji Kojima, Hiroshi Kato, Miho Araki, Makoto Kuroda, Wake 1 trillion, 東山浩敬, Sato soldier of the Imperial Guard, 財田至啓 1, Hiroshi Fukuya 2, Shozo Watanabe 3, Yukihiko Adachi 4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 262-262, 1998.

Japanese Article Detection of the TTV DNA in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with 267 non-B non-C type chronicity liver damage and examination of the clinical picture
Takashi Kusama 1), Channel Hitoshi 1), Shinichi Shigeoka 1), Eriko Ikai 1), Junichi Koyama 1), Yasuhiro Taga 1), Kotaro Nishimura 1), Toshiichi Takahira 1), Inner swamp Masaei 1), Takahashi wheat 1), Koshiyama Tatsumi 1), Sumio Imazu 1), Shibata 1, Gyotoku), Arihiro Miyazaki 1), Ken Asanuma tree 1), Masuda Kazuhiko 1), Toshio Tanabe 1), 仲紘嗣 1), Hiroaki Okamoto 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 262-262, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical significance of 268 HBs antigen, HBV in the HCV antibody-negative chronic liver disease and TTV detection
Koichi Takaguchi 1), Atsuhiko Sato 2), Takahiko Oka 3), Masaharu Ando 4), Takashi Nishihara 5), Keiji Kida 1), Yutaka Ogawa way 2), Shosaku Hayashi 3), Osamu Kawamata 6), 山内寿靖 6)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 262-262, 1998.

Japanese Article About the TTV infection in the hemodialysis patient of 269 this hospital
Junichi Sugihara, Eiichi Tomita, Yoichi Nishigaki, 今尾要浩, Shinji Takai, Katsuhisa Toda, Tsuyoshi Mukai, Hideki Hayashi, Masamichi Shioya, Akihiko Sugiyama, Takeshi Takahashi, Kazuo Nagura, Tatsuo Wakahara 1), 野口享秀 2), Around the island Keiko 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 263-263, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis about the TTV infection in 270 patients on dialysis
Kenichi Takagi 1), Shigetoshi Fujiyama 1), Motoko Tanaka 2), Kazutaka Matsushita 2), Kimio Tomita 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 263-263, 1998.

Japanese Article More effective use - of choice -EO of the esophagogastric varicose therapy judging from 271 portal vein hemodynamics
Jun Sanada, Toshihiko Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 263-263, 1998.

Japanese Article It is examined the Hassab surgery enforcement case after 272 endoscopic sclerotherapy
Hidejiro Ota, Kaoru Ohashi, Kuniaki Kojima, Masaki Fukazawa, Tomoe Beppu, Shunji Futagawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 263-263, 1998.

Japanese Article Emergency by endoscope, the IVR in consideration of portal vein hemodynamics for 273 esophagi, gastric varices and prophylactic treatment
Large derby hat law 1), Takashi Abe 2), Shuichi Sezai 1), Hisatomi perception Taro, Tomonori Fujishima, Kyoko Daito, 伊藤慎芳, Yukihiro Sakurai, Yuzuru Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 264-264, 1998.

Japanese Article A haemodynamic change before and after the destruction wiring for 274 esophageal varices and examination of rate of recurrence, a bleeding rate and the survival rate
Koji Matsuzaki, Kazumasa Miki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 264-264, 1998.

Japanese Article Natural history and vital prognosis factor (analysis using time dependency covariates) of liver cirrhosis who had 275 stomach domes part varices
司城博志, Nobuo Akiyoshi, 金哲浩 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 264-264, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility to the diagnosis of the collateral pathway by the new imaging method using 276 0.5-T devices
True wisteria Toshiaki 1), Ryuichi Minamino 1), Hirohiko Abe 2), Michio Sada 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 264-264, 1998.

Japanese Article 277 Prognosis after esophageal varices sclerotherapy by MR angiography (Part 2)
勝島慎二, 木村利幸, 住友康眞, 山東剛裕, 西原謙, 長谷寛二1), 松下正樹2), 猪熊哲朗, 岡本朋子3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 265-265, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - by strategies for treatment - MR angiography judging from hemodynamics of 278 gastric varices
佐藤隆啓, Seiji Toyota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 265-265, 1998.

Japanese Article Arterial hemodynamics in the liver after 279 portal vein branch embolization
Masato Nagino 1, Yuji Nimura, Junichi Kamiya, Michio Kanai, Katsuhiko Uesaka, Yuasa celebration Expo, Naokazu Hayakawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 265-265, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance - of clinical positioning - effect of treatment and lipiodol combination of the partial splenic artery embolization (PSE) for 280 portal hypertension
History of Isao Watanabe **, Masaru Itakura *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 265-265, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the small perfusion defect area in 281 portal vein CT
Yasuo Sakurai, 姜貞憲, Kunihiko Tsuji, 潟沼朗生, Masashi Nomura, Spring Shinichi, Seishi Watanabe, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Hideto Ito, Nobuyuki Yanagawa, Manabu Osanai, Shigeki Miyoshi, Truth mouth Kosuke
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 266-266, 1998.

Japanese Article Two patients who showed a portal vein lump change to graft hepatic portal vein left branch after 282 live donor liver transplant
斎浦明夫, Needle Yasushi Hara, Yoshiaki Kita, Masaru Hirata, Keiichi Kubota, Tadatoshi Takayama, Masatoshi Makuuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 266-266, 1998.

Japanese Article Intracellular pH adjustment in the 283 mol motte isolation interlobular duct of pancreas
Hiroshi Ishiguro, Tooru Naruse, Hajime Kitagawa two, Yasuyuki Nakae, 関泰長, 洪繁, 水野伸匡, Toshiyuki Yoshikawa, Masaya Mori, Morio Nakajima, Atsushi Suzuki, 汪幼学, Tetsuo Hayakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 266-266, 1998.

Japanese Article Rise in Na+ in hepatocytes with 284 experiment acute pancreatitis ascitic fluid and Ca2+ ion concentration
Takashi Ueda, Yoshinori Takeyama, Moat Yuichi, Masayuki Araumi, Takase success three, Masahiro Goto, Masahiro Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Kuroda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 266-266, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution - of apoptotic instruction mechanism -Fas-Fas ligand system of 285 mouse ductus pancreaticus ligation models
Hiroaki Yasuda, Kei Kataoka plus, Mayuko Moriguchi, Ten tortoise justice life, Junichi Sakagami, Masato Kato, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 267-267, 1998.

Japanese Article PAP, transforming growth factor-beta 1 in 286 lats spontaneous attack chronic pancreatitis model (WBN/Kob), effect of expression dynamics and Saiko-keishi-to of IL-6
Resurrection-type soldier, Motoo Ryoji, 謝敏玉, 澤武紀雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 267-267, 1998.

Japanese Article 287 Study of the expression of Transforming growth factor-β1 and extracellular matrix in arginine repeated administration pancreatitis model rat
山口泰三, 田代充生, 木原康之, 中村早人, 吉川裕之, 福満健一郎, 賈冬梅, 廣畑佳秀, 大槻眞
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 267-267, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the liver pancreatemphraxis in the aggravation of 288 acute pancreatitis
Masayuki Araumi, Yoshinori Takeyama, Takashi Ueda, Moat Yuichi, Takase success three, Masahiro Goto, Masahiro Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Kuroda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 267-267, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the neutrophilic phylaxis ability in 289 mouse acute pancreatitis models
Nobuhiko Hatano *, Masanori Sugiyama *, Yutaka Atomi *, Taku Watanabe ★
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 268-268, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of abdominal cavity macrophage TNF - alpha-producing reply with 290 experiment pancreatitis ascitic fluid
Akihiko Sato, Lower Toru Segawa, 正宗淳, The Motoi Fujita sum, Masaru Koizumi, Takayoshi Toyota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 268-268, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the significance of the neutrophilic accumulation in the liver injury at 291 acute pancreatitis
Masahiro Goto, Yoshinori Takeyama, Takashi Ueda, Moat Yuichi, Masayuki Araumi, Takase success three, Masahiro Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Kuroda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 268-268, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of Kupffer cell in the liver damage at 292 serious case pancreatitis
Moat Yuichi, Yoshinori Takeyama, Takashi Ueda, Masayuki Araumi, Takase success three, Masahiro Goto, Masahiro Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Kuroda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 268-268, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution - of hepatocellular damage mechanism -apoptosis instruction and transforming growth factor-beta in 293 severe acute pancreatitis
Takase success three, Yoshinori Takeyama, Takashi Ueda, Moat Yuichi, Masayuki Araumi, Masahiro Goto, Masahiro Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Kuroda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 269-269, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to atrophy, fibrosis of the pancreas by the difference of the biliary debouchement site in 294 pancreas bile duct ligation models
河野通康, Ryoichi Aizawa, 新津彰良, Ishida Isago child, Taketo Sekimoto, Tadashi Muroi tree, Naoko Tajima, Hirokazu Nishino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 269-269, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of effects and the methylprednisolone of the LPS in the 295 lats experimental acute pancreatitis
Kyo Takaoka Jiro, Kei Kataoka plus, Masato Kato, Junichi Sakagami, Hiroaki Yasuda, The 1000, Kawasaki capital, Saori Osawa, Ami Nakabayashi, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 269-269, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the treatment of the rat caerulein pancreatitis with 296 basic Fibroblast Growth Factor(bFGF)
Masaya Hosokawa, Yutaka Seino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 269-269, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase in the onset, the reproduction of the 297 lats caerulein pancreatitis
池上覚俊, Jin Yoshida, Akira Takahashi, Junichi Shinkawa, Shigeru Tanaka Castle, Keiji Mitamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 270-270, 1998.

Japanese Article Deterrent effect - of pancreas fibrosis and FOY-305 with study on 298 free radicals and pancreas fibrosis - SOD inhibitor repeated doses
Naoki Matsumura 1), Koji Ochi 2), Takaaki Mizushima 1), Side Hiroshi Yamamoto 3), Hideo Harada 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 270-270, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the glucocorticoid on 299 lats pancreatic acinus circumference fibrous bud-like cells
中村文泰 1), Yutaka Shintani 1), Takao Saotome 2), Junnya Tanba 1), Utako Yoshioka 1), Yoshihide Fujiyama 1), Tadao Baba 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 270-270, 1998.

Japanese Article CCK-B/gastrin receptor expression in 300 lats pancreatic acinus circumference fibrous bud-like cellular (rPFCs)
Yutaka Shintani 1), Takao Saotome 2), 中村文泰 1), Junnya Tanba 1), Yoshihide Fujiyama 1), Tadao Baba 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 270-270, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the heavy particles line radiation effect on 301 pancreatic cancer
Katsuhiro Uchiyama, Country cheap Yoshio 1), Kuniaki Ishioka, Shizuka Azuma, Shigeru Furui 2), Koichi Ando 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 271-271, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic study on Radio im mu no scinti graphy for the pancreatic cancer using 302 99m Tc-labeled monoclonal antibody A7
Hiroomi Matsumura, Suguru Otsuji I, Shinichiro Kobayashi, The Okamoto sum truth, Toshiharu Yamaguchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 271-271, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of matrix metalloprotease 2(MMP-2) out of the pure pancreatic juice obtained than 303 pancreatic cancer case
Seiji Kaino, Tetsu Kondo, Kei Shiraishi, Hitoko Hatano, Toshibumi Furui, Kiwamu Okita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 271-271, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the mutation in the gene in the pancreatic cancer carcinogenesis process using 304 mouse models
廣田衛久 1) 2), Hiroyuki Shibata 3), Tetsuo Noda 1) 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 271-271, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give to the pancreas external secretion of the human of secretin using 305 11C-methionine PET and the caerulein
Mitsuko Takasu 1), Lower Toru Segawa 1), Kenji Kimura 1), Motoi Fujita sum 1), 下瀬川恵久 2), 畑澤順 2), Masaru Koizumi 1), Takayoshi Toyota 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 272-272, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the pancreas exocrine function in 306 CCK-B receptor (CCKBR) deficiency mice
Hiroshi Shinozaki 1), Kyoko Miyasaka 2), Akira Nagata 3), Atsuo Jimi 4), Akihiro Funakoshi 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 272-272, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility for the pancreatic disease of 307 helical CT (the MPR method)
Yuta Nakamura, Saburo Nakazawa, Junji Yoshino, Kazuo Inui, Takao Wakabayashi, 奥嶋一武, Takashi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Nishio, Takashima Toshin, Hiroshi Ukai
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 272-272, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the progress level diagnosis of the ultrasonic autoscope in 308 pancreatic cancer
Koichi Takano, 猪狩功遺, Akira Kamei, Eiichi Sato, Shingo Asahara, Hiroyuki Fukada, Naomi Toga, Kazuko Beppu 1), Makoto Seki, Country soil Norihiro 2), Akio Yanagisawa, Hiroshi Kato 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 272-272, 1998.

Japanese Article Supersonic wave 3D image: IVUS 3D imaging and Power Doppler 3D imaging for 309 abdomen malignant tumors
Tetsuya Kaneko, Akimasa Nakao, 野本周嗣
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 273-273, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the Tissue Harmonic Imaging method in 310 pancreatic disease diagnoses
Yoshiki Hirooka **, Goto Hidemi **, Akihiro Ito **, Yoshihiro Ishiguro **, Shinya Kojima **, Hashimoto 1,000 tree **, Takanori Hirai **, Tetsuo Hayakawa **, Yasuo Naito *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 273-273, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of three islet cell tumors that we diagnosed in 311 ultrasonic autoscope lower fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA)
Kinichi Takeda, Kazuhiko Ohashi, Mountain male Kenji, Tsuyoshi Furukawa, Akira Matsuura, Kurimoto member of a group, 中村常哉, Takashi Suzuki, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Sayo Mizutani child, Atsuto Suzuki, 筒井茂, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Yu Ono rare 1), Taku Koshikawa, Yuji Ueyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 273-273, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the serum catalase in 312 pancreatic disease
The Fukui law of nature world, Makoto Kano, Yasushi Takamatsu, Plum Keiko, Yasuyuki Arakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 273-273, 1998.

Japanese Article Autoimmune pancreatitis with 313 localized narrowings type ductus pancreaticus image
Akira Horiuchi, Kenji Takekawa, Kawamo good luck, Shinya Maejima, Norikazu Niikura, Hideaki Hamano, 清澤研道 1), Tadashi Nakamura, Yasushi Akamatsu next 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 274-274, 1998.

Japanese Article It is two patients of the autoimmune pancreatitis who had the primary sclerosing cholangitis all over 314 courses
Takashi Meguro, Akira Kamata justice, Tatsuya Yoshida, Aida peak 1,000, Yoshiyuki Inoue, History of Miyasaka road, Shoichi Hotta, Morimichi Fukuda 1), Yuji Miyasaka, Fujita Miyoshi, Takayuki Morita 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 274-274, 1998.

Japanese Article Over a general idea of 3 case - autoimmune pancreatitis of the pancreatitis in acknowledgment of 315 ductus pancreaticus narrowing
Takao Taniguchi, Shuji Seko, 為我井道子, Osamu Nishida, Fumihiko Inoue, Motozumi Okamoto, Takashi Mizumoto 1), Hisato Kobayashi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 274-274, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the ductus pancreaticus narrowing type chronic pancreatitis that 316 steroids succeeded
Shuichi Kurata, Former Yohei Shima 1), Yasuji Kikuchi 2), Hideaki Mizumoto, 鈴木泰俊 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 274-274, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of 317 pancreas lymphangiomas
Shiro Oka, Country field Tetsuko, Hiroyuki Ito, Seiichiro Kimura, Yasuhiro Nikami, Mulberry well Toshio, Katsushi Yamada 1), Ota fence purely, Yoshimasa Kirihara, Excellence Shinichi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 275-275, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the pancreas head gastrinoma that presented ectopic ACTH syndrome after 318 liver metastases recurrence
Ichiro Onishi, Funaki Kenichiro, Takeshi Goka one, Wild Kawamoto, Masahide Kaji, 木村寛伸, Motoi Maeda one, Thicket lower Kazuhisa, Takashi Konishi, Masahiko Tsuji 1), Atsuo Miwa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 275-275, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of 319 large intestine epithelial serrated proliferative lesion
Shigeji Hamaya 1), Satoru Wada 2), Myota Miura 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 275-275, 1998.

Japanese Article The tissue construction in the lesion marginal region of 320 large intestine nodules colonization-like lesion and examination of the cellular proliferative capacity
Masanori Murakami, Tomoyuki Ota, Yutaka Orii, A person from Ota is possible, Yuri Satoshi, Akira Matsumoto example, Yasuhiro Nakano, Miho Sagawa, Satoshi Sato sincerity, Akira Yoshida plus
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 275-275, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of growth and the extension of the large intestine tumor using 321 early colorectal cancer
Iwase Australia, Hideyuki Konishi, Light wisteria Shoji 1), Tadashi Kodama 2), Takashi Kashima 1), Takanori Hattori 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 276-276, 1998.

Japanese Article Using discussion - antip21 Cip1 antibody of the cell kinetics in the growth extension of a lot of 322 large intestine tumor and antiKi-67 antibody -
Minoru Matsuura, Kazuhiko Nishimura, Yuzo Kodama, Tsuyoshi Fujita, History of Iku Sekimoto, Tadashi Soga, Shunichi Yoshida
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 276-276, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the liver metastasis risk factor by 323 morphometry
Keiichi Sato, Ken Ashikaga, Katsuya Hirai, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 276-276, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical application to gastrointestinal carcinoma imaging of 324 111In labelled antibody
Okamoto sum truth 1), Suguru Otsuji I 1), Shinichiro Kobayashi 1), Hiroomi Matsumura 1), Kazuya Kitamura 1), Ushijima positive 2), Chiho Maeda 2), Toshiharu Yamaguchi 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 276-276, 1998.

Japanese Article 325 The significance of GST-π expression in ACF: protection from apoptosis by bile acid
信岡純, 高山哲治, 大井雅夫, 勝木伸一, 宮西浩嗣, 佐々木紀幸, 新津洋司郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 277-277, 1998.

Japanese Article Manufacture of 326 human colorectal cancer cell line colo205 cellular monoclonal antibody which specifically induces cell death
Hidehiko Matsukawa 1), Takanori Kanai 2), Makoto Naganuma, Toshiyuki Tahara, Toshihiko Ezaki, Kazuhiro Kashiwagi, Atsushi Nakazawa, Haruhiko Ogata, Hiromasa Ishii 1), Mamoru Watanabe 2), Toshifumi Hibi 1) 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 277-277, 1998.

Japanese Article New significance of cyclooxygenase(COX)-2 in the development of 327 colorectal cancer extension
Attendant ground Hiromi, Shinichi Ota, Akira Kato 1), Shoko Adachi, Shinji Itoyama 2), 松崎宸 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 277-277, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the expression of cell proliferation activity and invasion, the metastatic associated factor using 328 resection persistence colorectal cancer models
國弘真己, Shinji Tanaka, North level Yasuhiko, Toshihiko Shimizu, Satoshi Oe is the way it goes, Yuichi Hirota, Net Tooru Oka, 伊藤雅啓, Shinji Nagata, Old Akira Doi, Shoji Yoshihara, 春間賢, Corner well Koji, Goro Kajiyama 1), Masahiko Nishiyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 277-277, 1998.

Japanese Article 329 Effect of PPARγ is on the proliferation and differentiation of colon cancer cell line
北村信次, 宮崎義司, 篠村恭久, 近藤真也, 金山周次, 松沢佑次
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 278-278, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of p53 in the hematogenous metastasis and the VEGF onset of 330 elderly people colorectal cancer
Takuya Yamamura, Takao Ozasa, Masayuki Kimura 1), Osamu Akaishi, 月川賢, Susumu Yamaguchi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 278-278, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the intracellular information transmission system to promote the gastrin gene transcription in 331 human colorectal cancer cells
Hirohisa Nakata 1), Koichi Yokono 2), Tsutomu Chiba 3), Hisamitsu Baba 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 278-278, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase(hTERT) gene expression in colorectal cancer by 332 in situ hybridization method
Yoshitaka Kiuchi, Shinji Kumagai, Nobuo Hiwatari, Masaki Senda, 高木承, Seiichi Takahashi, Kenichi Negoro, Takayoshi Toyota 1), Akio Otani, Hiroshi Nagura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 278-278, 1998.

Japanese Article It is examination of the expression in colorectal cancer of the polypeptide N- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 333 UDP-N- acetylgalactosamine
耕崎拓大 1), Nishimori success 1), 宮地永輝 1), Nobuhito Okamoto 1), Autumn Yosuke Sawa 1), Satoshi Tamura 1), Tadashi Morita example 1), Saburo Onishi 1), Hirofumi Nakayama 2), Hideaki Maruyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 279-279, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about genomic imprinting of insulin-like growth factor2(IGF2) in 334 colorectal cancer
高野友爾 3, Tide field Tsuyoshi 3, Kensuke Umeki 2, Akihide Hosoda 3, 3 out of Yutaka Kawasaki, Masato Makino 1, Nobuaki Kaihara 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 279-279, 1998.

Japanese Article About significance of the syndecan-1 expression in 335 early colorectal cancer
藤谷幹浩, 渡二郎, Yusuke Saito, Mitsunori Honda, 前本篤男, Sasaki Arumi, Takashi Fujishiro religion, 綾部時芳, Fujimoto Kei example, History of Ashida intellect, Kinichi Yokota 1), Tomoyuki Ota, Masanori Murakami, Yutaka Orii 2), 高後裕 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 279-279, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the abnormality of the genes in 336 poorly-differentiated type large intestine adenocarcinoma and prognostic examination
Shigeru Wakatsuki, Masaru Kato chapter, Jin Sekine, Shuichi Ohara, Takayoshi Toyota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 279-279, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the onset of Microsatellite Instability(MSI) in the atypical epithelium appearing for 337 ulcerative colitis and p53
Tsuneo Ishizuka, Hiroshi Kashiwagi, Fumio Konishi, Purple wisteria Kazuhisa, Shigehiko Masubuchi, 金澤曉太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 280-280, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the proliferating cells in the atypical duct complicated for 338 ulcerative colitis and the apoptotic related protein
Nobuko Yamashita 1) 2), Masahiro Ikegami, 井上好央, Masayoshi Fukuda 2), Norihiko Sagara, Motoki Izumi, Mika Matsuoka, Hiroshi Asakawa, Small Kaoru Ido male, Akira Torii, Gotaro Toda 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 280-280, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of colorectal cancer complicated with 339 ulcerative colitis
Yuichi Hirota 1), Shinji Tanaka 1), 春間賢 1), 國弘真己 1), Satoshi Oe 1 that it is usual), Tsuga victory 1), Kunihiko Kawamoto 1), North level Yasuhiko 1), Shoji Yoshihara 1), Corner well Koji 1), Goro Kajiyama 1), Fumio Shimamoto 2), Jiro Fujimura 3), Sachiko Murakami 4), Shinzo Murakami 5), Corner Masaaki Oka 6), Toru Hidaka 7), Osamu Kawano interest 8)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 280-280, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination (the second report) of the K-ras gene point mutation test for the detection out of patients with 340 colorectal cancer feces
Takashi Nishikawa *, Hiroshi Morikawa *, Yoshihito Nakagawa *, Michiaki Shiozaki *, Shinichi Sasaki *, Masaya Tanaka *, Akio Matsumoto *, Ken Maemura Tarou *, Osamu Saito *, Ichiro Hirata *, Kennichi Katsu *, Ryoichi Matsuse **, Uchida one husband **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 280-280, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of 341 peritoneal dissemination-positive colorectal cancer
Tomoko Ogawa, Hiroshi Murabayashi two, Hideaki Nakano, Shinichi Uehara, 楠田司, Koji Takahashi, Hisashi Onishi, 岡南裕子, Ikuo Nakamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 281-281, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination about the utility of electrochemotherapy(ECT) for 342 colorectal cancer
Masaji Kikukawa, Shigeki Kuriyama, 美登路昭, It is Hirohisa in Tsujino, Toshiya Nakatani, 辻本達寛, Masaharu Yamazaki, Okuda Koji, Nishiwaki success, Yoshiharu Hitoshi, Hiroshi Fukui
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 281-281, 1998.

Japanese Article Epidemiology (examination in the medical examination of the self-defense official) of the colorectal adenoma in 343 Japanese middle-ages men
Koichi Shinchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 281-281, 1998.

Japanese Article Genetic examination of 344 Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis two
Mitsuru Mizuno, 松本主之, Kazunori Hoshika, The end and Hiroshi, Fumitoshi Kuroki, Keisuke Honda, Shoji Takeda, Yoichiro Kobori, Mitsuo Iida
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 281-281, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the PTEN mutation in the gene in 345 large intestine neoplastic disease
Kenichi Negoro, Seiichi Takahashi, Yoshitaka Kiuchi, Masaki Senda, 高木承, Masahiro Iwabuchi, Nobuo Hiwatari, Takayoshi Toyota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 282-282, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of large intestine tumor-related lesion development risk in 346 colorectal cancer anamnestic cases
Suzuki Yu Makoto, Takayuki Sunayama, Sasaki High School, Takahiko Kiso, Shin Takagi Jiro, 立古浩雅, Kenji Miyoshi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 282-282, 1998.

Japanese Article It is a course sighting by the PET 347 colorectal adenoma
Sei Yasuda 1, Sakae) 2), Hiroyasu Makuuchi 2), 貞廣荘太郎 2), Masaya Mukai 2), Hideki Ishida 2), Nobuhiro Tokunaga 2), Tomihiko Kimura 2), Tomoo Tajima 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 282-282, 1998.

Japanese Article Reactivity to sulindac of 348 large intestine adenomatous polyps and relations of the COX-2 expression
Nobuyuki Matsuhashi, Jun Nakajima, Jun Suzuki, Yasuyuki Fukushima, Yoshio Yazaki 1), Teruaki Oka 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 282-282, 1998.

Japanese Article It is ... using 349 VIP, proximal role - Ex vivo rat large intestine isolation perfusion method in the large intestine exercise control of the NO
Shinichi Oshima *, Masaki Fujimura *, Fujimiya Mineko **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 283-283, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of direct action of Adrenomedullin, Calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP), Calcitonin, Amylin for 350 mol motte isolation large intestine ring race smooth-muscle cells and the mechanism of action
落合利彰, A great variety of kinds rock Yoshiharu, 本村廉明, Osamu Yasuda, Hiroaki Kubo, Yuzuru Araki, Shuji Hamada, Hajime Nawata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 283-283, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give electrolyte transportation in the rat distal large intestine and smooth muscle motion of 351 amylin
大屋道洋, Hideaki Tsukada, Masaya Hosokawa, Hiroshi Nakamura, 児玉尚伸, Kazuhito Fukuda, 小野村雅久, Yutaka Seino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 283-283, 1998.

Japanese Article Protective efficacy of the epalrestat for the large intestine movement disorder of 352 streptozotocin (STZ) diabetes rats.
大屋道洋, Hideaki Tsukada, Masaya Hosokawa, Hiroshi Nakamura, 児玉尚伸, Kazuhito Fukuda, 小野村雅久, Yutaka Seino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 283-283, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement of the large intestine exercise in the 353 lats TNB creation-related colitis
Kenichiro Sekikawa, Ryosuke Shoda, Shigeru Yamato, Junichi Akiyama, Kiyono Fukushima, 太原洋, Newly-opened field Ayako, Masaya Matsukawa, Naohiko Masaki, Ryo Muraoka, Shigeki Hayashi, Satoshi Matsueda, We obtain Shimojo and see it, Noritsugu Umeda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 284-284, 1998.

Japanese Article Association of bowel function abnormality and the anastomotic region actinal side movement of intestine after 354 low anterior resection
Masayuki Fujita, Masatoshi Oya, Shuichi Akao, Hiroshi Ishikawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 284-284, 1998.

Japanese Article Invention of the simple and easy and easy percutaneous transhepatic bile duct biopsy in 355 biliary tract cancer diagnoses
佐藤幸浩, Kiichi Tamada, Tsuyoshi Tomiyama, Shinichi Wada, Akira Ohashi, Toshiyuki Aizawa, Norio Ueno, Kenichi Ido, Takeshi Kimura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 284-284, 1998.

Japanese Article Around diagnosis and treatment -PTCD of 356 malignancy biliary tract obstruction -
Ichiro Konishi 1), Nobuhiko Ueda 2), Spring Ryohei, Teisuke Hirono
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 284-284, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of MRCP in the drainage route decision of 357 obstructive biliary disease
Shinichi Wada, Kiichi Tamada, Tsuyoshi Tomiyama, 佐藤幸浩, Akira Ohashi, Toshiyuki Aizawa, Takamitsu Miyata, Shigeo Tano, Kenichi Ido, Takeshi Kimura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 285-285, 1998.

Japanese Article Hyperthermia, chemistry, radiotherapy for 358 progress biliary tract cancer
神澤輝実, Junichi Ishiwatari
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 285-285, 1998.

Japanese Article Adjuvant therapy for 359 cholangiocarcinoma
Hideaki Ando, Junichi Tanaka, Kenji Koyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 285-285, 1998.

Japanese Article Cholangioscope lower microwave coagulation therapy for 360 cholangiocarcinoma
Tsunehiko Maruyama 1) 2), 轟健 1), Toru Kawamoto 1), Naoto Koike 1), Mutsumi Nozue 1) 2), Takashi Fukao 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 285-285, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the metallic stent internal fistula technique for 361 malignancy biliary tract stenoses
Hideki Ishikawa, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Shizu Yuko, Akihiro Miyata, Kazuo Isobe, Kenichi Takano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 286-286, 1998.

Japanese Article It is comparison ... with ... Uncovered stent about a utility of Covered stent for 362 malignancy biliary tract stenoses
Authority of Italy Hiroshi Sayama, Yutaka Komatsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 286-286, 1998.

Japanese Article Diagnosis and the treatment -covered EMS in 363 malignancy biliary tract stenoses examination - for the porta hepatis obstructing case in particular
Kenichi Sumiyoshi, Quadrature Teruyuki 1), Keiichi Matsumoto 2), Hitoshi Sakumoto 2), Shuko Kato 1), 東征樹 1), 高橋利彰 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 286-286, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the metallic stent in 364 gastrointestinal carcinoma
Shunichi Kawasaki, Hideyuki Ubukata, Good luck place lap, Yuichiro Ozeki, Jiro Shimazaki, Ken Tsuda arrow, Akira Okamoto order, Sakae Konishi, Taro Tazaki, 渡辺睦弥, Katano bare sincerity, Masahiko Uetake, Hiroshi Ito, Yoshiyuki Sonoda, 後藤悦久, Watanabe morality, Ichiro Nakata, Shigeru Sato example, Tabuchi Chongwen, Tetsuo Soma
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 286-286, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that it was hard to insert an internal fistula stent in for 365 biliary tract obstruction
中山壽之, The Ugajin young, Hiroshi Miyake, Sadao Amano, Shigeru Fujisaki, 大井田尚継, Takeshi Nezu, Masahiro Fukuzawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 287-287, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the Wallstent custody technique of the single-stage transnipple for 366 malignancy biliary tract stenoses
Motohiro Takasaki, Masahiro Takamatsu, Ryoichi Yamamoto, 堤克嘉, Keita Inoue
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 287-287, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the ischemic reperfusion creation tunica mucosa intestini tenuis disorder using 367 mast cells deficiency rats (Ws/Ws rat)
Toshiro Kimura, Akira Ando, Field Kazunori, Masako Fukuda, Uchihara Keiji, Hitoshi Sakumoto, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 287-287, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of histamine which gives it to apoptosis of the tunica mucosa intestini tenuis by 368 ischemia reperfusion
吉由諭史, Takanori Koyama 1), Takahiro Noda, 岡本多代, Sukeyuki Sakata, Ryuichi Iwakiri, 藤本一眞 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 287-287, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on tunica mucosa intestini tenuis growth dynamics of 369 selective neurotensin (NT) receptor blocker (SR48692)
Kazuhiro Iwase 1), Mark R.Hellmich2), Courtney M.Townsend Jr. 2), Jun Higaki 1), 三方彰喜 1), Yasushi Tanaka person 1), Haruhiko Kondo 1), Masato Yoshikawa 1), 上池渉 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 288-288, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about intestinal mucosa hyperpermeability effects of 370 nitric oxide and the mechanism
Tsutomu Teranishi **, Osamu Saito **, Ken Nakagawa **, Islet Takafumi **, Ryoichi Matsuse *, Kazue Tabata *, Uchida one husband *, Seigo Tanaka **, 萱澤正伸 **, Cedar Kazunori **, Ken Maemura Tarou **, Ichiro Hirata **, Kennichi Katsu **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 288-288, 1998.

Japanese Article 371 primary small intestinal cancer, analysis of the immunohistologic and cancer-related gene cluster abnormality of the duodenal cancer
宗行毅, 永井盛太, Kentaro Yamagiwa, Hideya Kida, Yokoi one, Yoshifumi Kaharada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 288-288, 1998.

Japanese Article About the association of VEGF concentrations during in the plasma in patients with 372 ascitic fluid and the ascitic fluid and the significance
Hiroshi Kawahara, 福羅匡普, 土島睦, Island Nakakou will, Toru Ito, 堤幹宏, Osamu Takase Jiro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 288-288, 1998.

Japanese Article A compensation function and gastrointestinal hormone dynamics after 373 small intestine wide excision
Kentaro Yamagiwa, Yoshifumi Kaharada, Takashi Toko, Yokoi one
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 289-289, 1998.

Japanese Article Exercise duodenal for 24 hours of 374 Functional dyspepsia and patients with irritable bowel syndrome
One Chinese bridge, Akira Fukudo, Taisuke Nomura, Manabu Satake, 庄司知隆, 金澤素, Takashi Sugawara, Yuka Endo 1), Michio Hongo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 289-289, 1998.

Japanese Article Growth-stimulative effect for the small intestine of 375 bombesin
Jun Inoue, Keigo Yoshinaga, Kenichi Sugihara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 289-289, 1998.

Japanese Article Using onset of examination -PEPT1 culture cell line about the penicillin -G transport mechanism in 376 diabetes rat small intestine -
田中新亮 1), 2), Yoshio Ogura 1), Kazuo Yamada 1), Akihide Hosoda 2), 2 out of Yutaka Kawasaki)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 289-289, 1998.

Japanese Article Detection and property analysis of the host receptor of the hemolysin which 377 Aeromonas produces
King love flat 1), 2), 和田昭裕 2), 平山壽哉 2, Kunihiko Murase 1), Yohei Mizuta 1), Shigeru Kawano 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 290-290, 1998.

Japanese Article Association between examination - intestinal bacterial flora and bacterial translocation - of the gut immunity mechanism in 378 diabetes
中島正暢 ***, Yutaka Atomi ***, Shigeru Kamiya *, Kenichi Fukushima **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 290-290, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the lymphocytes colonization structure to be found in 379 Crohn's disease ileum mucosa villuses
Makoto Naganuma 1), Mamoru Watanabe, Takanori Kanai 2), 一松収, Akira Yamamoto Jiro, Norio Maeda, 矢島知治, Susumu Okamoto 1), Yasushi Iwao 3), Hiromasa Ishii 1), Toshifumi Hibi 1) 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 290-290, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of immunoglobulin concentrations in the intestinal juice in 380 diabetes rats and pancreatic juice
中島正暢 **, Sadamu Shinkawa **, Mizuhiro Mogi **, Masanori Sugiyama **, Yutaka Atomi **, Shigeru Kamiya *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 290-290, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the endotoxin on bowel lymphatic T cell migration in 381 GALT
Hiroshi Serizawa 1), Soichiro Miura 2), Hitoshi Fujimori, Seiichiro Ozeki, 穂苅量太 3), Kyoko Toda 4), Kei Hamada Castle 1), Masaharu Tsuchiya, Hiromasa Ishii 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 291-291, 1998.

Japanese Article An effect of the vitamin A which gives it to the tunica mucosa intestini tenuis IgA reply of 382 protein deficiency mice and the mechanism of action
Takeshi Futagawa, 手嶋茂忠, Six Kazuhito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 291-291, 1998.

Japanese Article Somatoscopy of the intestinal mucosa homing of the lymphocytes between 383 epithelial cells
Seiichiro Ozeki 6), Soichiro Miura 1), Hitoshi Fujimori 6), 穂苅量太 2), Yoshikazu Tsuzuki 6), Hiroshi Nagata 3), Hiroshi Serizawa 4), 八村敏志 5), Shuichi Kaminogawa 5), Hiromasa Ishii 6)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 291-291, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the Ag presenting ability of the intestinal epithelium cells using 384 OVA-specific T cell receptor transgenic mice (OVA-TCR Tg)
Makoto Okamoto Kiyo 1), Takanori Kanai 2), 矢島知治, Koichi Nakamaru, Atsushi Nakazawa, Hiromasa Ishii 1), Taketo Sato, Sonoko Habu 3), Mamoru Watanabe 2), Toshifumi Hibi 1) 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 291-291, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - of vascular operation-related material-producing - intracellular signal transduction mechanism of tunica mucosa intestini tenuis epithelial cells at 385 long chain fatty acid absorption
Hideo Yoshida **, Hiroshi Kishikawa **, Soichiro Miura *, Masahiko Hirokawa **, Tetsu Takeuchi **, Hajime Higuchi **, Shigeyuki Koreki **, Takeji Shigematsu **, Hidekazu Suzuki **, Suguru Saito paternal blood **, Hiromasa Ishii **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 292-292, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of triglyceride (MCT) in 386 TNBS enteritis
Tomoyuki Tsujikawa, Jin Sato, Katsuhiro Uda, Takashi Ihara, Toshihiko Okamoto, Yoshio Araki, Masaya Sasaki, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba 1), 太田宣康, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Norio Kashiwabara 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 292-292, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about selenium deficiency and the serum glutathione peroxidase (GPx) density in the patients of 387 nasal feeding
Hiroshi Kajiyama, Kunihiko Murase, Yohei Mizuta, Yukishige Miyazaki, Shigeru Kawano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 292-292, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of SMA embolism that was successful for treatment by 388 Thrombus aspiration (transcatheter embolization aspiration) therapies
Soichiro Ogiwara, Jin Iwabuchi, Tetsuo Ebihara, Takeshi Ogawa, Yoshikuni Hoshika, Shingo Yamamura, Hiroki Tomono, Susumu Kurosawa, Yaka ratio Koji, Takashi Nakamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 292-292, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the small intestinal perforation that resulted in mass diarrhea, bloody bowel discharge after 389 bone marrow transplantation
Masahiko Inamori, Saito KIBUN Co., Ltd., Reiko Kitamura, Yoko Tokita, Tadashi Umezawa, Hideyuki Kayama, Minoru Naito, Shizuo Tominaga, Katsuaki Tanaka, Hisahiko Sekihara 1), Tetsunori Funabiki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 293-293, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of 390 nonspecific multiple intestinal ulcers
Shoichi Fujii, Hideaki Kimura, Kazutaka Koganei, Akira Ishiyama, Fumihiko Kito, Tsuneo Fukushima 1), Yoshio Nakamura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 293-293, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the P1 stenosis type ischemia-related enteritis
Hiroyasu Ito *, Yasuhiro Kawashima *, Potato shallows group light *, Rock Toshiaki Tsutsumi *, Masato Nishimura *, Hiroaki Kondo *, 塚田英裕 *, Tomoyuki Okumura **, Shunichi Higashide **, Hideki Noda **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 296-296, 1998.

Japanese Article Eight cases of P2 adults intussusception
Masao Yoshioka, Junji Shiode, Hideko Fukuoka, Takashi Nakanishi, Toru Nawa, Tamiya Morikawa, 蓮井利実, Akira Oya source, Itoshima Tatsuya 1), 高畑隆臣, Hideyuki Kimura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 296-296, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the ileus case in the P3 our department for the past 3 years
Jun Sato, Teruyuki Kishida, 篠澤功, Tanaka lap, Tetsuo Hoshino, Tatsunokuchi benevolence, Shunji Fujimori, Yasushi Tamagawa person, Yutaka Yoshida, 坂本長逸, Masafumi Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 296-296, 1998.

Japanese Article P4 peritonitis case complicated for the protein-losing erosive enterocolitis that required small intestinal resection in large quantities
Masaki Ueno 1), 田伏克惇 1), 辻毅 1), Koji Shirai 1), Kazuo Arii 1), Temple Hiroshi Nishi period 1), Takashi Nogami 1), Takanobu Aoyama 1), 西野佳浩 1), Hijioka Taizo 2), Mitsuru Sakakibara 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 296-296, 1998.

Japanese Article P5 Acute abdomen after raw squid intake that is likely to be due to Spiruria larvae typeX: For transition and the monthly number of occurrences of the year by number of occurrences
青山庄, 高橋洋一, 樋上義伸, 樋口勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 297-297, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the Diphyllobothrium latum disinsection 5 case in the P6 this hospital
Maki Shichi child, Matakichi Ryoji, Tetsuo Hirata, Hanita Shinichi, Satoshi Nakasone tree, 座覇修, 外間昭, Kinjo beach, 佐久川廣, 金城福則, Saito thickness
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 297-297, 1998.

Japanese Article Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope image of the strongyloidiasis that we were able to prove by P7 biopsy
Shiro Miyazato, 1) Tomiyama Ryosaku, Masaaki Taira, Masaaki Yamashiro *, Kinjo beach, 金城福則, 斎藤摩 **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 297-297, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the P8 ileum malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Shinya Maruta, Castle Kosuke, Yasuo Otsuka 1), Suzuki summer student 2), Shinko Ando 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 297-297, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of carcinoid which occurred in P9 terminal ileum
Tetsuya Kajimoto, Tadashi Tashiro, 成瀬勝, Toshihiko Sasaki, Riyunosuke Ogawa 1), Teruaki Aoki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 298-298, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis - of one -PTEN abnormality of the genes of P10 Cowden disease
Naohiko Harada, 3, Koyanagi Yuki, Takashi Sugimura 1), Kazuhiko Nakamura, A great variety of kinds rock Yoshiharu 2), Hideya Shirahama 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 298-298, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the peritoneal primary serous papillary adenocarcinoma detected with P11 right umbilical part mass
Masahiko Nakazono, Hiroshige Hayashi, Takashi Kajimoto, 里見建裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 298-298, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the intestinal amyloidosis that egested a funicular thing in stool by P12 ischemia-related small intestine lesion
West Katsuhisa *, Gen Yamada *, Masamichi Nasu *, Iguchi New Year's Day *, Kaji Shusuke *, Kazuo Chihara *, Shinya Inamoto **, Shigeru Maeda **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 298-298, 1998.

Japanese Article Nutritional Support System(Team) in a utility of the TPN in the P13 sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis and our institution
Tabei success, Hirotaka Kubo, Yasuhiro Tabata, Toshiaki Kaneta, Yutaka Suzuki, Haruo Tomita, Teruaki Aoki 1), Masaaki Nakayama, Hiroyasu Yamamoto, Yoshito Kawaguchi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 299-299, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to EGF under the P14 intravenous nutrition, alimentary canal mucosa proliferation potency of the transforming growth factor-alpha administration
Satoshi Suzuki, Masayuki Orii, Hiromasa Kazama, Eyelet Shuhei, Takayuki Senda, Shunichi Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 299-299, 1998.

Japanese Article After P15 digestive organ surgery likelihood - of the manganese (Mn) accumulation to problems - basal ganglia of the hyperalimentation (IVH)
Kazuhiro Iwase 1), Haruhiko Kondo 1), Jun Higaki 1), 三方彰喜 1), Yasushi Tanaka person 1), Masato Yoshikawa 1), 大須賀慶悟 2), Shinnichi Hori 2), 上池渉 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 299-299, 1998.

Japanese Article P16 IL-12, pathological examination about the mouse intestinal tract lesion with the intraabdominal coadministration of IL-18
Shinji Konno 1), Yasushi Sawada 1), In the west Takayuki 2), Takashi Shimoyama 1), Kenji Nakanishi, Haruki Okamura 1), Shinichiro Kashimura 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 299-299, 1998.

Japanese Article Making of the P17 TNBS enteritis model
Tomoyuki Tsujikawa, Katsuhiro Uda, Takashi Ihara, Yoshio Araki, Masaya Sasaki, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba 1), 太田宣康, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Norio Kashiwabara 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 300-300, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the diabetic stomach and intestines symptom by the hydrogen simultaneous analysis during 13CO2 during the P18 exhalation and the exhalation
Taku Watanabe, Mitsuo Nakamura, Asako Kaji, Akira Terada success, Naoko Yamada, Tando Yusuke, Hasegawa example good luck, Brook Yoshiji, Toshihiro Suda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 300-300, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about ileal cecum joint echogram at the P19 liquid flow and the association with mouth - cecum transit time
Takeo Otaka, Taketo Yamaguchi 1), Hidehiko Koyama 2), Akira Koide example, Kenichi Nakajima, Tsuyuguchi Toshio, Hiromitsu Saisho 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 300-300, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis about the abdominal CT diagnosis of P20 Crohn disease
Kaoru Yokoyama, Kobayashi Kiyonori, 梁広, Kenji Wakabayashi, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masahiro Igarashi, Katsumata attendant Sakae, 西元寺克禮 1), Yoshinori Isobe 2), Hiroyuki Mitomi 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 300-300, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of chronic upper mesentery arterial thrombosis that we were able to diagnose by P21 abdominal ultrasound and CT
Atsushi Ishii, Makoto Soga
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 301-301, 1998.

Japanese Article Experimental examination (the third report) about the endotoxin removal effect by the P22 hemofiltration
Masahiro Sogabe, 岡久稔也, Shigehito Hayashi, Person of aspect Toshihiro, Soichi Ichikawa, Teru Bando fruit, Satoko Taoka, 日下至弘, Many Tazu Masaya, Great Yoshio Kida, Akemi Tsutsui, Naoki Rokusha, 岡村誠介, Satoshi Shibata will, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 301-301, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on associated - with P23 omeprazole and water, the sodium regulatory mechanism particularly sodium metabolism (including cytochrome P-450 2C19) -
芝祐信, Katsuaki Sugiura, Erika Ishihara, Shunsuke Kamiyama, Bear British Jiro, Akira Ehata, Masaaki Sano, Middle Hama truth, 加賀谷寿孝 1), Fumiaki Marumo 2), History of Sato 1,000 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 301-301, 1998.

Japanese Article Active oxygen disorder in the P24 amyloidosis and the treatment
寺崎久泰, Yuki Ando male, Shinichi Yoshimatsu, Masayuki Ando
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 301-301, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the stress in the P25 rat DSS colitis
Masahiro Sugisawa, Hajime Nagase, Powder river Atsushi, Saito KIBUN Co., Ltd., Shizuo Tominaga, Hisahiko Sekihara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 302-302, 1998.

Japanese Article Contribution of mast cell in the P26 DSS colitis rat
Yoshio Araki, Akira Ando, Tomoyuki Tsujikawa, Masaya Sasaki, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 302-302, 1998.

Japanese Article About the enterocolitis depression effect in the mouse experiment enterocolitis model with the P27 antiIL-6 receptor antibody
Mitsunari Yamamoto, Hiroaki Ito, 金澤済江, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hideji Nakamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 302-302, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of adaptive cytoprotection in the P28 ulcerative colitis acute inflammation model
Toru Kawano 1), 綾部時芳 2), Masashi Yoneta 3), Satoshi Ohara, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, 柿坂明俊 1), 高後裕 2), Shinichi Kasai 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 302-302, 1998.

Japanese Article P29 intestinal tuberculosis, change of the peripheral blood monocyte active oxygen-producing ability in Crohn's disease
Kentaro Sawaguchi, Seiichi Nakayama, 宮入守
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 303-303, 1998.

Japanese Article P30 Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and Crohn's disease
Mitsuro Chiba 2), Tsuneo Fukushima 1), Yasuo Horie 2), Masahiro Iizuka 2), Osamu Masamune 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 303-303, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - intestinal tuberculosis of CD44 in P31 Crohn's disease granuloma and isoform, comparison ... with granuloma of pulmonary sarcoidosis
Atsushi Ikehata **, 冨地信和 *, Seiji Kaga **, Mitsuru Ono **, Tatsuya Miura **, Akihiko Murakami **, Takayuki Kato **, Masaki Kitagawa **, Yoko Ishikawa **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 303-303, 1998.

Japanese Article Intestinal lymphatic form change in P32 Crohn's disease
Satoru Taira, Moat high Shiro, Hideaki Miyazawa, Kenichi Nakata, Kazuhiko Tsuchiya, Hirokazu Sugiura, Yumiko Taguchi, Yasumasa Shiratori, Shigehiro Katsumata, Masaaki Miyaoka, Toshihiko Saito 1), Sanae Ichikawa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 303-303, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of the abdominal ultrasonography for the P33 large intestine lesion
Shigenobu Sato, Toshiaki Eriguchi, Treasure corner Yumi, Takashi Kato, Takeshi Kinpara, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Shigeto Uesugi, Kozo Nagai, 賀古眞 *, Camellia Tetsuya **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 304-304, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the activity of the ulcerative colitis by the P34 outside the body expression ultrasonography
Hidehiko Koyama, 笠貫順二, Toru Sato, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Yuko Mitsunaga, Yoshinobu Nagato, Kazuaki Yasuhara, Toshihiko Nakano, Ryoichi Kaneko, 野口武英, 伊藤文憲
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 304-304, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of the diet on drug consumption in the ambulatory treatment of the P35 ulcerative colitis
Shinji Ishigami
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 304-304, 1998.

Japanese Article The mind and body medical treatment method for the P36 ulcerative colitis and the response mechanism
Akinori Masuda, Daisuke Deguchi, Chest Takao, Shinichi Nozoe 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 304-304, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the surgery adaptation of the P37 ulcerative colitis severe case
Michihiro Yukawa, Masahiro Iizuka, 伊藤博彰, Yasuo Horie, Mitsuro Chiba, Osamu Masamune
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 305-305, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the BS diagnosis in the place of the P38 primary care
Height of end Shoichi 1) 2), Yu Kobayashi Taro 2), Hiroshi Mizuno 2), Tomoya Tominaga 2), Kan truth, Akira Sato 2), Hiroshi Suzuki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 305-305, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the bone density of patients with P39 inflammatory bowel disease
Daisuke Shimizu, Kazutaka Koganei, Hideaki Kimura, 篠騎大, 山岸茂, Chishima Takashi, Three sides of Daisuke, Shoichi Fujii, Akira Ishiyama, 長掘優, Fumihiko Kito, Tsuneo Fukushima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 305-305, 1998.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the P40 endometriosis of intestine
Spring Shinichi, Masashi Nomura, Manabu Osanai, Shigeki Miyoshi, Seishi Watanabe, Nobuyuki Yanagawa, 潟沼朗生, Hideto Ito, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Kunihiko Tsuji, 姜貞憲, Yasuo Sakurai, Truth mouth Kosuke
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 305-305, 1998.

Japanese Article Diagnostic significance - stool property of the bile acid composition ratio fecal as P41 colorectal cancer screening and effect - of the diet
Yoshihiko Kawase, Yasuhiro Kunii, Tomoo Watanabe, Sasaki forest male, Ishibiki Yoshiro, 冨木裕一, Kenji Narumi, Toshiki Kamano, Masahiko Tsurumaru 1), Motonari Kanou 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 306-306, 1998.

Japanese Article About a utility in the colorectal adenoma of the P42 fecal lysozyme measurement
Junichi Iwamoto, Yukiya Hakozaki, Kusuhara Kenro, Takuya Matsumura, Shinichi Kobari, Masashi Iwata, Masahiko Kobayashi, Toshiro Kondo, Kenichi Ohba, Ryu Shirahama interest 1), Setsu Suzuki 2), Satoru Wada 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 306-306, 1998.

Japanese Article cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 expression in the P43 colorectal adenoma and the localization
Yoichi Sakurai, 村岡正朗, Kunihisa Nakayama, 野副泰智, Mitsutaka Shoji, 小林栄孝, Osamu Kamino, Masashi Uchimura, 浦口貴, Masaji Suganuma, Hiroki Imazu, Shigeru Hasegawa, Toshiki Matsubara, Masahiro Ochiai, 船曵孝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 306-306, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical examination about cellular proliferative capacity of P44 serrated adenoma and the grade
Kobayashi sentence virtue, Mitsuru Wasada, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Nishizaki, Masaru Itakura 1), Shohei Matsuzaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 306-306, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of large intestine flatness torose lesions P45 10mm or more
Takashi Sato, Tadahiko Hoshiyama, Sachiko Tamura, 細江伸央, Takako Furukawa, Nobuo Takada, Yoshio Kikkawa, 山崎康朗, 古部勝, Hisao Tomioka 1), Hiroyuki Hiruta, Noriaki Kameda 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 307-307, 1998.

Japanese Article Positioning - of the poorly-differentiated carcinoma in P46 rectal adenoma poorly-differentiated sm adenocarcinoma - colorectal cancer
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 307-307, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of P47 ascending colon, the cecal cancer
Naoto Okada, Shozo Okamura, Shinji Ohashi, Three bamboo Masahiro, Fumihiro Urano, Masaya Shimodaira, Shinichi Kanamori, Itaru Oyama, 瀬川昂生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 307-307, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the present conditions and the treatment strategy of the P48 colorectal cancer liver metastasis
末廣剛敏, 松股孝
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 307-307, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment for the P49 colorectal cancer liver metastasis
The Shun Imai product, Shotaro Saegusa, Toshio Iida, Kenji Tanikawa, Shunichi Nakagawa, Takashi Toko
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 308-308, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical condition and treatment of colorectal cancer with the P50 peritoneum dissemination
History of Naganuma, Hideto Sasaki, Hisaya Kuroda, Akira Ito Expo, Hiroyuki Kato, 藤森健而 1), Tetsuro Yamaguchi 2), Yoshiro Okuda 2), Hiroshi Nakano 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 308-308, 1998.

Japanese Article Recurrent pattern of the peritoneal lavage cytodiagnosis positive case in P51 colorectal cancer
Satoshi Ishikawa, Yoshikazu Mine, Kazuya Yoshida, Hisakazu Shindo 1), Keisuke Iwasaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 308-308, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the laparoscopic supporting lower large intestine resection for the colorectal cancer case with P52 complications
Hiroshi Tanabe, Kimi Yamauchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 308-308, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the characteristic of the alcohol consumption habit of the large intestine tumor patients who underwent P53 endoscopic excision
Kazunari Iseki, Hideki Ishikawa 1) 2), Evacuation Ikuko, Kenichiro Mitani 1), Tatsuya Ioka 2), Hiroyuki Narahara, 加地到 3), Toru Otani 2) 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 309-309, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of apoptosis in the canceration and the p53, bcl-2 protein onset of P54 colorectal adenoma
Koya lily, Masayuki Orii, Mitsuhiro Sugawara, Eyelet Shuhei, Amano ちの, Shunichi Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 309-309, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression and proliferative activity of the p27 gene in P55 colorectal cancer
Genichi Nishimura, 宮下知治, 伏田幸夫, Takashi Fujimura, Tetsuo Hashimoto, The field of cogon grass original capital, Koichi Shimizu, Tetsuo Ota, Yutaka Yonemura, Koichi Miwa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 309-309, 1998.

Japanese Article P56 Gene therapy in vitro against human gastric cancer and colon cancer cells by introducing and IFNβ combined administration of ODC antisense oligonucleotide using HVJ-liposome
北村玲子1)2), 根本崇宏2), 斉藤紀文, 富永静男, 田中克明, 関原久彦1), 脊山洋右, 久保田俊一郎2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 309-309, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on constitution fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation of antitumor effect - cell membrane phospholipid of the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid for P57 human colorectal cancer cells
中村曉, Meiji Watanabe
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 310-310, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP) component nerve fiber density of the P58 colorectal cancer transitional region mucosa
平安良博 **, Masatoshi Oya **, Shuichi Akao **, Hiroshi Ishikawa **, 黄海文昌 *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 310-310, 1998.

Japanese Article About a telomeric long rule factor in P59 colorectal cancer
高木承, Yoshitaka Kiuchi, Nobuo Hiwatari, Masaki Senda, Seiichi Takahashi, Kenichi Negoro, Takayoshi Toyota
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 310-310, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the nonfamilial colorectal cancer development that we saw than P60 DNA Replication Error(RER) and K-ras mutation
Purple wisteria Kazuhisa, Tomohiro Okamoto, Fumio Konishi, Masayuki Kojima, Shingo Senba, Shigehiko Masubuchi, Hiroshi Kashiwagi, Toshihiko Tsukamoto, 金澤曉太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 310-310, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical examination about aberrant crypt foci in the P61 rat colitis - carcinogenic model and tumor
Kazuhiro Sakuma 1), It is Hirabayashi or is, Kazuhito Ichikawa, Masami Ishida 2), Tauchi Kiyonori 3), Rie Osugi, Shigeaki Sato 4), Shigeru Maeda 5), Takahiro Fujimori 2), Akira Terano 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 311-311, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about quantity of out of the tissue in P62 colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer prostaglandin E2 and the cellular proliferative capacity
Yasushi Hashimoto winter, Masayuki Orii, Masaki Endo, Amano ちの, Anzai Hirotaka, Motohiro Ishii, Nobuhiko Ito, Takao Fujiwara, Shunichi Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 311-311, 1998.

Japanese Article Study on cancer inhibition with the NSAID of experiment colorectal cancer in the P63 DSS, AOM induction
Hirotaka Anzai, Masayuki Orii, Yasushi Hashimoto winter, Toshimi Chiba, Kunio Sato, Shunichi Sato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 311-311, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression in the gastrointestinal carcinoma of P64 rck/p54(DEADbox/RNA helicase)
Yoshihito Nakagawa, Hiroshi Morikawa, Takashi Nishikawa, Michiaki Shiozaki, Yoshiki Katake, Akio Matsumoto, Ken Maemura Tarou, Masaya Tanaka, Osamu Saito, Ichiro Hirata, Kennichi Katsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 311-311, 1998.

Japanese Article Does right side colon cancer increase to the elderly people with why the examination about the colorectal cancer carcinogenesis process judging from P65 age, localization, RER?
Makoto Okamoto **, Koichi Togo *, Tsuneo Ikegami **, Jun Kato **, Yutaka Yamaji **, Masayuki Matsumura *, Haruhiko Yoshida **, Takao Kawabe **, Yasushi Shiratori **, Masao Omata **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 312-312, 1998.

Japanese Article gastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST)"uncommitted type" of the P66 rectum
Kyoji Matsumoto, Masahiko Yamaguchi, 成原健太郎, Sei Takeuchi, 葛目正央, Akihiko Matsumiya, Hiroshi Nakano, Kaoru Kumada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 312-312, 1998.

Japanese Article Adulthood Neuronal intestinal dysplasia which presented P67 megacolon
Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Toru Kawano, Emi Imamura, Satoshi Ohara, 柿坂明俊, Shinichi Kasai 1), 藤谷幹浩, 綾部時芳, 高後裕 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 312-312, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the diverticula of colon perforation that resulted in P68 mesocolon abscess
Hisaya Kuroda, Hideto Sasaki, Akira Ito Expo, Hiroyuki Kato, History of Naganuma, 藤森健而
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 312-312, 1998.

Japanese Article Three cases of P69 intestinal tract Angiodysplasia
Futoshi Miyanaga hilum, Ichiro Takahata, Koichi Yokoyama, Chihiro Yoshida 1), Ken Kobayashi, Masayuki Suzuki 2), Akio Takekawa 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 313-313, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of three P70 large intestine type adults intussusception
Keiko Shiratori, Masayuki Kaneko, Renpei Kondo 1), Kasukawa Toshihiko, Takashi Sugimura 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 313-313, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of sigmoid colon cancer that produced P71 peritoneal
Toshiyuki Asama, Nearby Takehiko, Hirotsugu Terayama, Matsuda year, Tatsuo Kobayashi 1), Yasuaki Tamura, Yasuyuki Yazaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 313-313, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of sigmoid colon cancer with the plasma cell infiltration of the P72 altitude
Keiko Iwata, Genichi Nishimura, 宮下知治, 伏田幸夫, Takashi Fujimura, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Koichi Shimizu, Tetsuo Ota, Yutaka Yonemura, Koichi Miwa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 313-313, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of all situs inversus with the P73 synchronism multiple primary cancer (stomach, large intestine)
Atsushi Chiba 1), Motoi Shindo Expo, Tatsuro Katahira, Seiichi Takemura, 北守茂, Yuri Satoshi 2), Masanori Murakami, Yutaka Orii, Yusuke Mizukami 3), 高後裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 314-314, 1998.

Japanese Article Three colorectal cancer which was detected by P74 PET
Sei Yasuda Sakae, Hiroyasu Makuuchi, 貞廣荘太郎, Masaya Mukai, Hideki Ishida, Nobuhiro Tokunaga, Tomihiko Kimura, Tomoo Tajima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 314-314, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the gastrointestinal amyloidosis that showed AA type protein without P75 underlying disease being detected
Yoshinari Miyakawa 1), Capital field Shinichi 1), 1, Chiwa, Matsuura), Akira Torii 1), Italy tsubo Mariko 1), Gotaro Toda 1), Tsuneo Matsuki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 314-314, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 infection that P76 was able to observe the healing course in endoscopically
Shuko Kato, Kenichi Sumiyoshi, 東征樹, 高橋利彰, Quadrature Teruyuki 1), Akira Yamamoto 2), Sako Masaru Den 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 314-314, 1998.

Japanese Article Two patients who experienced delivery during P77 IBD treatment
Mikio Imamura, Hideo Yamauchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 315-315, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of Crohn disease that a syringeal choke was found in by P78 leukapheresis
Hiroko Oizumi 1), Masao Saito 1), Manabu Nakagawa 1), Masae Oishi 1), Yoda existence straight 1), Naoyuki Kawamura 1), Naoki Kobayashi 2), Yoshio Kiyama 2), Direct Toru Hara 2), Toshio Hika 2), Masaharu Kasai 2), Motoki Yonekawa 3), Akio Kawamura 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 315-315, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the right colon type ulcerative colitis found in P79 elderly people
古川健亮 *, Satoshi Tani *, 福田昌輝 *, Akihiko Nishizawa *, Makoto Sakai *, Munetaka Morita *, Kitazawa Zhuang flat ※, Munetada Oimomi *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 315-315, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the P80 right-sided colitis type ulcerative colitis with the specific oesophageal ulcer
Hiroyuki Konishi, Yoko Mitsuhashi, Nobuyuki Fujino
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 315-315, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of ulcerative colitis (UC) where P81 blood hypercoagulability was thought about in an etiology
Yasuhiro Miyake, 雫稔弘, Shun Yamamoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 316-316, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on two - asymptomatic one case of the P82 area-related ulcerative colitis
Masashi Nomura, Spring Shinichi, Shigeki Miyoshi, Manabu Osanai, Nobuyuki Yanagawa, 潟沼朗生, Hideto Ito, Seishi Watanabe, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Yasuo Sakurai, Kunihiko Tsuji, 姜貞憲, Truth mouth Kosuke
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 316-316, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the unclassifiable type enterocolitis that was complicated with P83 immunodeficiency, and was relieved by thymomectomy
Shiro Nakamura, Makoto Inagawa, Kawashima profound knowledge, Meal Masaki Muro, Toga honor, Yoshio Kamino, Hirokazu Yamagami, Kyoko Umeda, Shinichi Sasaki, 澤禎徳, Junichi Hara, 押谷伸英, Takayuki Matsumoto, Tetsuo Arakawa, Morikazu Seki 1, Akira Tabata Expo, Mitsuru Hatayama 2, Yoshihisa Watanabe, Hiroyuki Sakuma 3, Kitano public welfare 4, Tetsuo Kuroki 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 316-316, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the acidophilic enterocolitis that we showed P84 submucosal tumor-like findings, and precipitants became clear
Virtue Masaki Hayashi, Jiichi Nakagawa 1), Kazuhiro Yasuda 2), Masao Matsumoto 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 316-316, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison between structure and other flavivirus - of 5 new' noncoding region structural model - Stem-loop Domain II of the P85 hepatitis C virus
Masao Honda, Shuichi Kaneko, Kenichi Kobayashi 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 317-317, 1998.

Japanese Article About an effect of recurrent prevention with the IFN treatment on P86 C type HCC
Channel Hitoshi, Toshio Tanabe, Junichi Koyama, Takashi Kusama, Eriko Ikai, Yasuhiro Taga, Toshiichi Takahira, Inner swamp Masaei, Sumio Imazu, Koshiyama Tatsumi, Arihiro Miyazaki, Takahashi wheat, Shibata Gyotoku, Ken Asanuma tree, Inudo Nobuyuki, Masuda Kazuhiko, 仲紘嗣
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 317-317, 1998.

Japanese Article As compared with each group according to clinical features - IFN effect of treatment of the HCV carrier that the liver function was normalized after P87 interferon therapy ...
Yasuhiro Tsuda, Akira Fukuda, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, 大澤仲昭
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 317-317, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the interferon injection method effect-like antiviral effect after the P88 interferon administration:
Fusao Ikeda, Hiroyuki Shimomura, Tadashi Miyake exhibition, Yutaka Nakagawa, Shinichi Fujioka, Mamoru Ito, Takao Tsuji
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 317-317, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about antinuclear antibody (ANA) and the IFN treatment in the P89 C type chronic liver disease
Tatsuya Ide, Seiji Noguchi, Akiyoshi Fuyuhiko, Yasuyo Uchimura, Sasaki A, Kimiyoshi Tanaka, Ichiro Miyajima, Shiro Murashima, Michio Sada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 318-318, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of chronic hepatitis C that depression developed after P90 interferon therapy in approximately one year, and committed suicide
Daisaku Nishimura, Naoyuki Katada, Hiroshi Hoshino, Tatsuhiko Mabuchi, Spring water wealth Noriko, Rie Suzuki, Hiroshi Sano, 加藤活大
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 318-318, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical significance of the nonvir emic HCV-seropositive case that we saw than the change of the P91 HCV antibody profile
Cedar Sen Anbo, Noburu Yuki one, Michio Kato, Kennya Iyoda, Yoshimi Kakiuchi, Eriko Fujii, Kenji Fujimoto, Way field Tomoki, Akira Kaneko, Yamamoto Yoshiji, Kurosawa peace, Masahiro Ikeda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 318-318, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the autoimmune disorder in patients with P92 hepatitis C
新澤穣太郎, Hiroshi Ohira plus, Tomohiro Suzuki, Jun Tojiyo, 西間木友衛, 粕川禮司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 318-318, 1998.

Japanese Article Identification of the peripheral blood T lymphocytes apoptosis in patients with P93 chronic hepatitis C
Emi Kanako, 兪孝一, 司城博志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 319-319, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the HCV-NS5A amino acid alterations in the patient on dialysis with positive P94 HCV
Noriko Tanaka 1), Osamu Yoshihara plus, Miyako Suzuki man, Eiji Masuda, Yukinori Yamada, Keiichi Arai 2), Masahiro Kakihara, Takashi Nakano 1), Shun Tsujimura, Kiyoshi Kawano 3), Tadashi Tanaka positive 4), Takenobu Kamata 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 319-319, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the HGV infection in the maintenance patient on dialysis with positive P95 HCV-RNA
Spring water wealth Noriko, Daisaku Nishimura, Naoyuki Katada, Hiroshi Hoshino, Tatsuhiko Mabuchi, Rie Suzuki, Hiroshi Sano, 加藤活大
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 319-319, 1998.

Japanese Article It is ... about the development of examination ... of the case in acknowledgment of cancerogenesis particularly gastric cancer after interferon therapy for the P96 chronic hepatitis
廣畑成也, Koichi Yasutake, Akira Nishizaki, 中島卓利, 堀田和亜, Takao Tamura, Ishii newly, Kazuya Iwamoto, 1, Kanda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 319-319, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the intractable hepatic hydrothorax which we confirmed the traffic of abdominal cavity - thoracic cavity by the intraabdominal infusion of the P97 ICG, isotope and improved by thoracoscopic diaphragm osculum choke technique
Takeshi Tsujino, Mariko Ogura, Nobuyuki Minagawa, Shiyo Yamada person, Hiroaki Tsukahara, Michiyasu Yoshitsugu, Yoshihisa Kato, Masashi Iori, Ryo Nakata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 320-320, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the portal vein hepatic vein shunts in the liver through the P98 portal vein lump
Yasutaka Nagao 1), Corner water right track 1), Kyohei Maruyama 1), Toshiro Maeda 1), Mitsunari Nakao 1), 大同毅 2), Ryoji Iizuka 2), Bell mountain Hiroshi 2), Koki Taniguchi 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 320-320, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - of the utility judging from stomach kidney shunt occlusion lower sclerotherapy (SO-EIS)- hemodynamics for the P99 isolated gastric varices
Hiroto Moriyasu, Masahiko Matsumura, 本田泰啓, Hiroshi Fukui
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 320-320, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment of the gastric varices with selective B-RTO for the purpose of the P100 stomach kidney shunt road preservation
Shinichi Suzuki, Nobuyuki Senda, Mika Hiroki, Hidenori Ishigaki, Nobuo Takano, Chiaki Kimura, Nobutaka Takahashi, Ko Yamada way, Junichi Ishibashi, Keiichi Tadokoro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 320-320, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of shunts type hepatic encephalopathy treated effectively with choke art by the IVR for a P101 left gastric vein - renal vein shunt road
Takuzo Nanbu, Tetsuya Fukunaga, Katsuyuki Kito, Shoichi Shimizu, Kenji Fuse 1), Yasutaka Tokuda 2), Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 321-321, 1998.

Japanese Article Bile acid concentrations out of the serum liver tissue of patients with terminal cholestatic liver disease that received P102 UDCA administration
Yoshiaki Kita, Masaru Hirata, Needle Yasushi Hara, Tadatoshi Takayama, Keiichi Kubota, Masatoshi Makuuchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 321-321, 1998.

Japanese Article About the taste disturbance in patients with P103 hepatic disorder examination - of a - serum zinc level and the lingual papilla
Motoko Yamada 1), 野々山進, Gennyuki Yamane 2), Kazuo Funatsu 4), Yoshio Mizuno 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 321-321, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - by the evaluation -HAD scale of the quality of life in patients with P104 chronic liver disease
Tadashi Ito, Early cloud Takanobu, 高垣伸匡, Masahiro Otani, Seiichiro Yasuda, All Asada examples, 沖映希, Masako Mukai, Hiroshi Hisatsune, Shigeto Mizuno, 井上頴樹, Hajime Omi, Kunihiko Kimoto, Keiichi Kawai
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 321-321, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of blood Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the P105 chronic liver disease
Kenji Kamino, Valley water Masato, All ages Koichi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 322-322, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis about the utility of the branched-chain amino acid granules chronic administration for patients with P106 cirrhosis
Noriko Kawamura, Masahiko Kakiuchi, Tomoaki Ishihara, 亀井昭, Naoki Nakagawa, Kiyohiko Hiranuma, It is still oneself Fujita, Satoshi Ishida, 玉置繁憲, 生駒次朗 1), Shozo Watanabe 2), Yukihiko Adachi 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 322-322, 1998.

Japanese Article The corticosteroid-induce glaucoma case that occurred during treatment of the P107 autoimmune hepatitis
Kitade good luck size, Black Kazuki Kochi, Takehiko Ando, Yasuhiko Kimura, Tetsushi Ito, Morita wing, Keiji Arima, Akira Watanabe Shiro, Mikio Nishioka 1), Hiroshi Okada, Toshiaki Nakatsu 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 322-322, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the liver outpatient department for the purpose of the early detection of the P108 hepatocellular carcinoma
Katsuaki Ukai, Hiroyoshi Onodera, Masaki Suzuki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 322-322, 1998.

Japanese Article P109 Usefulness of serum α-L-Fucosidase in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) diagnosis: comparative study of the AFP and PIVKA-II
西川かおり, 森秀明, 横川潤一, 岸野智則, 角田仁, 山口嘉和, 高橋信一, 斎藤昌三1), 柏瀬由紀子, 日比望2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 323-323, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the modified high sensitive PIVKA-II assay in the P110 hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis
生駒次朗 1), Tomoaki Ishihara 1), Kiyohiko Hiranuma 1), Noriko Kawamura 1), Naoki Nakagawa 1), Fujita still oneself 1), 亀井昭 1), Satoshi Ishida 1), 玉置繁憲 1), Masahiko Kakiuchi 1), Yukihiko Adachi 1), Shozo Watanabe 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 323-323, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the quick assay of blood liver cancer marker (PIVKA-II, AFP) using the P111 electricity chemiluminescence method (pico Lumi)
山舗昌由 1), Akira Nishimura 2), Tobara Keiji, Toshiharu Ueki, Dove field long bunch, Seigo Sakaguchi 3), Isao Kondo 4), Tadashi Kosaka species 5), Tsutomu Nobori, Ken Ko rare 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 323-323, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the clinical utility of various tumor markers for the P112 small hepatocellular carcinoma
Masako Mukai, 高垣伸匡, Makoto Yasuda Ichiro, Masahiro Otani, 沖映希, All Asada examples, Hiroshi Hisatsune, Shigeto Mizuno, Tadashi Ito, Early cloud Takanobu, Inoue glume tree, Hajime Omi, Kunihiko Kimoto, Keiichi Kawai
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 323-323, 1998.

Japanese Article Supersonic new technique nativetissue harmonic imaging in the P113 hepatocellular carcinoma
Masahiro Asano, Yuji Horiguchi, Masami Inoue, Hideo Imai, Hiroshi Sakamoto, Tomohiro Suzuki, Yasushi Kubo, Yuko Nakamura, Takao Hayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 324-324, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the methylation of the p16INK4 CpG region in the P114 liver cancer
Kaneto Hiroyuki, Shigeru Sasaki, Taku Suzuki, Fumio Ito, 辻崎正幸, Day Yuji Noda 1), Taku Omura taste, 佐藤隆啓, Yoshiyasu Kano, Seiji Toyota 2), Kozo Imai 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 324-324, 1998.

Japanese Article Activity and expression of N-acetylglucosamine transferase type V (GnT-V) in the P115 gastrointestinal carcinoma and the clinical significance
Willow Masahiko, Yutaka Aoyagi, Takeshi Suda, Masato Igarashi, Takashi Kuroiwa, 和栗暢生, Mita existence product, Koichi Kawai, Takashi Yokota, 五十嵐広隆, Yasushi Suzuki, Hitoshi Asakura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 324-324, 1998.

Japanese Article PMCT, PEIT combination therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma of the P116 superficial nature
Adzuki bean field Takeo, Shigeru Fujisaki, Hiroshi Miyake, 大井田尚継, Igarashi Satoru Makoto, Kei Kimizuka, Sadao Amano, Masahiro Fukuzawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 324-324, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the hepatic infarction in percutaneous ethanol for the P117 hepatocellular carcinoma and the acetic acid injection therapy
Horse filling Hiroyuki, Keisuke Hamasaki, Kazuaki Okubo, Tomohiro Aritomi etiquette, Hiroki Ishikawa, Daisaku Tobita, Kazuhiko Nakao, Kato history on record, Keisuke Nakata, Katsumi Eguchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 325-325, 1998.

Japanese Article Using trial -CO2IADSA, cystography echocardiography of TAE not to use the contrast media for the P118 hepatocellular carcinoma for and supersonic wave lower TAE -
Masahiko Katayama, Toshio Kurita, Noriko Goto, Naoki Okano, Shigeru Nakano, Toru Aoyagi two, Koji Matsuzaki, 蜂矢朗彦, Kazunari Iida, Kazumasa Miki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 325-325, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the transarterial local hyperthermia chemotherapy for the P119 hepatocellular carcinoma
Tetsuya Furukawa, Rie Tanaka, Sumie Maeda, Haruo Yamamura, Takao Ikeuchi 1), Manabu Morimoto, Katsuaki Tanaka 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 325-325, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma 9 lesion with the P120 blood flow
Hiroaki Nagano **, Court Security Office wise man **, Plum lower Koji **, Junzo Shimizu **, Shinji Kishimoto **, Hidetoshi Eguchi **, Atsushi Miyamoto **, Temple field Keizo **, Shoji Nakamori **, Mitsuru Goto one **, Kenichi Wakasa *, Morihito Kadota **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 325-325, 1998.

Japanese Article A prognosis and problems of the P121 Stage IV-A hepatocellular carcinoma
Akira Matsumoto example, A person from Ota is possible, Akira Yoshida plus, Satoshi Sato sincerity, Miho Sagawa, Yasuhiro Nakano, Tomoyuki Ota, Yuri Satoshi, Masanori Murakami, Yutaka Orii 1), Hiroya Saito 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 326-326, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma in acknowledgment of P122 spontaneous remission
Masaharu Ando, 石川茂直, Kazuko Koike, Tsuyoshi Fujimoto, Morihito Nakatsu, Masaki Ohara, 池田宣聖, Kinnichiro Suwaki, Mamoru Hirohata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 326-326, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the liver undifferentiated cancer that we were complicated with P123 hemophagocytic syndrome, and haemoperitoneum persisted
Takahisa Sakai, Nobuyasu Ito, Yasuyo Morita, Masatoshi Deguchi, Masanori Kihara 1), Kojiro Takase 2), 為田靭彦 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 326-326, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the liver undifferentiated cancer with the cystic change that racked its brains about P124 preoperative diagnosis
Yasushi Uchida, 雫稔弘, Chie Nogami, Makoto Moriya, Hajime Wakabayashi, Shun Yamamoto 1), Shuji Akagi, Makoto Watanabe, Yoshiichi Kinoshita 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 326-326, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the intrahepatic bile duct undifferentiated cancer that followed the course that P125 was sudden
Kazuhiro Mori, Futoshi Kawahara, 仲井培雄, Yuichi Shima, Shigeru Takeyama 1), Hiroshi Makino 2), Takeshi Hara Joji 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 327-327, 1998.

Japanese Article One patient who was able to have a diagnosis of mixed liver cancer by the liver biopsy of the P126 transinternal jugular vein during the lifetime
North corner Katoku, Miki Tachibana, Toshihiko Fukuchi, Keiji Omura, Yukihiko Fukushi, Hajime Kuwayama 1), 森吉臣 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 327-327, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the extrahepatic developmental form hepatocellular carcinoma with the P127 spleen direct extension
Hiroki Imazu, Toshiki Matsubara, 船曵孝彦, Masahiro Ochiai, Yoichi Sakurai, Shigeru Hasegawa, 浦口貴, Masashi Uchimura, Osamu Kamino, Yasuko Jinbo, 小林栄孝, Mitsutaka Shoji, 松原文惠
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 327-327, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of 46 P128 caudate lobe origin hepatocellular carcinomas
Tatsuo Yamamoto 1), Hiroshi Kasugai 1), 加地到 1), Atsuo Inoue 1), Koji Tono 1), Toru Otani 1), Hiroshi Sasaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 327-327, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the liver tumor resection case that progressed to P129 inferior vena cava
Field wave Toshiaki, Tsuyoshi Kurokawa, Yoshihisa Kawase, Akimasa Nakao
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 328-328, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of malignant tumor accompanying hypercalcemia complicated with P130 hepatocellular carcinoma.
Yuji Yokoyama, Toshihisa Okawa, Tono one finally, 下村壯治, Hiroko Iijima, Yoshihide Asano, Naoki Hara, Masao Ono, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Hiroshi Imanishi is it lower, Yoshiki Amuro, 1, Kotobuki, Hata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 328-328, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case that a hepatitis B virus genome was detected more serum for chronic hepatitis C that developed a hepatocellular carcinoma though P131 interferon therapy was effective
Kenji Suzuki, Yoko Kasuga, 島田紀朋, Yoshihiko Naito, Tomohisa Ishikawa, Karasawa sincerity, Okubo solstice, Niiya Minoru, Kiyotaka Fujise, Masayuki Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 328-328, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the porta hepatis cyst who had P132 right hepatic duct obstruction and bile duct calculosis
佐藤佳浩, Yasuhiro Kojima, Kumiko Ito, Eishin Akatsuka, Ryoichi Ishibata, Hiroyuki Igari 1), Takao Iwasaki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 328-328, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of P133 cyst internal hemorrhage and hepatic cyst adenoma which caused intraabdominal explosion
Kyoko Harada, Kazuhiro Ota, Mari Araki, Keiichi Tanaka 1), Hideyuki Higashihara, Masatoshi Okazaki 2), Yoshiko Iwata 3), 須尭慎也, 城崎洋 4), 溝口幹朗 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 329-329, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of fibrous cholangitis with the P134 retroperitoneum fibroma
Masashi Hagiwara, 永井一毅, Mie Tomori, New Koichi, Masao Kusano, Yutaka Takahashi, Shuichi Kubo, Hiroshi Hosaka husband
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 329-329, 1998.

Japanese Article Give interferon therapy after P135 liver cancer resection; an example of chronic hepatitis C of the four years liver cancer no recurrence
石橋一伸, Shingo Maeyama, Toyohiko Yokoi, Isoo Yasuyuki, Masashi Nagasawa, Zen Ito group, Masafumi Naito, Kazuhiro Katayama, Masayoshi Azuma, Toru Kashiwagi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 329-329, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the liver angiomyolipoma that presented with extrahepatic growth all over the P136 chronic hepatitis C course, and had difficulty in diagnosis
清水辰宣, Market Miho, Ichiro Honjo, Masato Ozaki, Akifuji Yoichi, Hiroshi Shio
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 329-329, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the liver accessory lobe axis rotation which had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreatomegaly furuncle before P137 technique
西俊希, Yukio Murata, Motohide Yamashita, Shin Kubota three, Hideji Kariya, Susumu Kubota, Shunji Yamamoto, Masayuki Yamamoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 330-330, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the severe liver damage by flutamide which we were able to save by P138 treatment
Yokoyama is still positive
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 330-330, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of P139 Hepatic diffuse lymphangio matosis
Hironao Takahashi, Shinobu Miyake good luck, Eiko Nakamura, Naoyuki Isazaki, Forest period tree, Masataka Shinoda, Masayuki Kimura, Takashi Suzuki 1), Kazuhiro Tashiro 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 330-330, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of 36 P140 pyrogenic liver abscesses
Masaaki Yamashiro 1), Masaaki Taira, Shiro Miyazato
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 330-330, 1998.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment for four P141 small intestine leiomyosarcoma liver metastases
Akira Suzuki eight, Takanobu Sakaguchi, Toshio Nakamura, Hiroyuki Konno, Tooru Nakamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 331-331, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the P142 liver epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Shohei Nakanishi ***, Hosooka Tetsuya ***, Miwa Ando ***, Hiroko Kamiya ***, Mizuno Kotobuki ***, Yutaka Hasegawa ***, Itsuo Suehiro ***, 由宇芳才 ***, Masaki Saito *, Tsuneyuki Ishida *, Shuichi Okumura *, Tetsuya Nakamura **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 331-331, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the TTV-N22 clone measurement in P143 non-B non-C type chronic liver disease and chronic hepatitis C
Yukinori Yamada, Nishiyama example, White field Nobuhiro, Takanobu Irie, Arata Kimura, Gain Yoshiko Sawa, Keiichi Arai, Eiji Masuda, Miyako Suzuki man, Osamu Yoshihara plus, Takenobu Kamata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 331-331, 1998.

Japanese Article P144 type B, C type, examination about the clinical significance of the HNT22 detection in the non-B non-C type chronic liver disease
Yamamoto Yoshiji, Michio Kato, Kennya Iyoda, Yoshimi Kakiuchi, Cedar Sen Anbo, Eriko Fujii, Kenji Fujimoto, Way field Tomoki, Akira Kaneko, Noburu Yuki one, Kurosawa peace, Masahiro Ikeda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 331-331, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the TT virus infection in patients with P145 alcohol liver disease
Hirokazu Yano, 堤幹宏, Sawada sincerity, 土島睦, Island Nakakou will, Yasuhiro Ueshima, Hiroshi Kawahara, Osamu Takase Jiro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 332-332, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the chronic administration (3MU once a week) in small quantities intermittent interferon for P146 chronic hepatitis type B
Kanji Nagatani, Shangdong Takehiro, Toshiyuki Kimura, Shinji Katsushima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 332-332, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the IFN long-term administration example for the P147 chronic hepatitis B
The Takashi Honda sum, Motohiko Tanaka, Hideto Kinzawa, Shigetoshi Fujiyama, Kimio Tomita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 332-332, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 family whom a P148 HBs antigen-negative and HBV-DNA-positive person accumulated
Keiji Kida *, Hisafumi Morimoto *, Ikuko Hiratsuka *, Suguru Ohara trunk *, Tomohiro Nishina *, Chiho Tomioka *, Yoko Furukawa *, Tomoki Inaba *, Koichi Takaguchi *, Yasuhiro Yoshida *, Kozo Kawai *, Yutaka Kitsu state *, Osamu Kawamata **, 山内寿靖 **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 332-332, 1998.

Japanese Article About association with clinical significance - antimitochondrial antibody of the anti-centromere antibody in the P149 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) patients -
Jun Tojiyo, Hiroshi Ohira plus, 新澤穣太郎, Tomohiro Suzuki, Sei Kuroda kernel, 西間木友衛, 粕川禮司 1), Hiroaki Sato, Meeting Shinji 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 333-333, 1998.

Japanese Article Development - of the new therapy by the cytoprotective property of expression of Hepatic Adaptive Cytoprotection -Nitric Oxide by the P150 Nitric Oxide contribution
Toru Kawano 1), Masashi Yoneta 2), Satoshi Ohara, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, 柿坂明俊, Shinichi Kasai 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 333-333, 1998.

Japanese Article Using examination - heartbeat R-R space variation index of autonomic nervous system disorders at the P151 acute liver damage -
New Koichi, 永井一毅, Mie Tomori, Tsuyoshi Nakabayashi, Masashi Hagiwara, Masao Kusano, Yutaka Takahashi, Shuichi Kubo, Hiroshi Hosaka husband
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 333-333, 1998.

Japanese Article Histochemical identification and analysis of the liver lymph capillary in the P152 chronic liver disease
Yusuke Yamauchi, 道堯浩二郎, Masanori Abe, Shunichi Masumoto, Koji Tada, Norio Horiike, Favor place Hajime Mori
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 333-333, 1998.

Japanese Article About contribution of processing of liver regeneration -pro HB-EGF after the partial hepatectomy in the P153 HB-EGF transgenic mouse -
Shinichi Kiso, Sumio Kawata, Shinji Tamura, Yoshiaki Inui, We remember Umeki, 伊薩信之, Akira Yamada, Junichiro Miyakawa 1), Shigeki Higashiyama, Naoyuki Taniguchi 2), Takao Iwawaki, Michiko Saito, Kenji Kawano 3), Yuji Matsuzawa 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 334-334, 1998.

Japanese Article Preoperative prediction of the splenectomy effect on patients with P154 ITP
Hisakazu Shindo, Satoshi Ishikawa, Kazuya Yoshida
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 334-334, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the P155 preoperative liver residual function
Manabu Sakai, Kenichi Ota, Shinichi Yamazaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 334-334, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about immunosuppression effects of P156 Chinese medicine "Astemisia capillaris hot water" (TJ-135)
山舗昌由 1), Akira Nishimura 2), Seigo Sakaguchi 3), Isao Kondo 4), Tsutomu Nobori, Ken Ko rare 1), Masahiro Yamamoto, Ichiro Arai, Amagai 5, Sakae)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 334-334, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - of the pelvic peritonitis due to examination - chlamydial diseases of the P157 one's own experiments case that it occurred for violent right hypochondrium pain, and Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome was diagnosed and the perihepatitis
Seiko Asai, Fukahara Toshiaki, Toshifumi Kudo, Moat light, 兼信正明, Sho Kato one, Osamu Yamamoto, Shingo Shikano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 335-335, 1998.

Japanese Article Family system of P158 silent type serum cholinesterase abnormality symptom (G365R)
Tetsuichi Sakamoto, Tetsuo Maeda, Masaki Mita, Takako Nakahara, Haruhiko Hagino, Takashi Fujisawa, Mitsuo Maeda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 335-335, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of macrolipase blood disease with enzyme affinity immunoglobulin complicated for P159 alcoholic cirrhosis
Takashi Yuki, Shino Tanaka, Kazuhisa Amano, Toshiharu Ishihara, Shuji Akagi, Kazuya Hirakawa, Adachi transone, Ryo Fukuda, Makoto Watanabe, Yoshiichi Kinoshita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 335-335, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the portal vein thrombosis that it was thought that it was caused by hypercoagulability due to P160 high triglyceride blood disease, and responded to anticoagulant therapy
Tetsuya Fukunaga, Katsuyuki Kito, Takuzo Nanbu, Shoichi Shimizu, Kenji Fuse 1), Yasutaka Tokuda 2), Yoshihide Fujiyama 3), Tadao Baba 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 335-335, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the malignant insulinoma with the liver metastasis that responded to P161 TAE
Shinichi Kawachi, Minoru Nakai, Toshio Asano, Junko Shirako, Shinobu Tanahashi, Masaaki Kametani
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 336-336, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of hepatic cyst adenocarcinoma which resulted in P162 cyst infection and obstructive jaundice
Katsuhiko Horii, Osamu Yamazaki, Mitsuharu Matsuyama, Shinichi Mikami, Shuichi Kawai, Yutaka Kato, Tsutomu Ko, Yuichi Arimoto, Fukunaga Yosuke, Shinya Tanimura, Kenji Mizukami, Yasuhisa Fujimoto, Masayuki Tono, 奥野匡宥
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 336-336, 1998.

Japanese Article About the long term prognosis of 56 P163 endoscopic gastrostomy enforcers
Yukiko Soda 1, 谷浦博之 1, Hiroshi Endo 2, Masato Ishida 2, Masayuki Inoue 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 336-336, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the at-home enteral feeding using the PEG of patients with P164 Crohn's disease
Yutaka Suzuki, 石橋由朗, Tabei success, Nobuyoshi Habu, Hirotaka Kubo, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 336-336, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the primary esophagitis due to the herpes simplex that occurred by P165 hematemesis
Hiroshi Tsuyama 1), 芳炭哲也 1), 中川原寿俊 1), Yasuo Hirono 1), Toshiya Takeda 1), Toru Kamata 1), Masahiro Kamino 1), Ueda path of righteousness 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 337-337, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the origin of the P166 reflux oesophagitis
Takashi Kobayashi, Takao Wakabayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 337-337, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the clinical picture of the P167 gastroesophageal reflux disease
Green Naoko, Takeshi Kamiya
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 337-337, 1998.

Japanese Article A gastric acid reflux phenomenon and symptom in the P168 gastroesophageal reflux disease
Hisashi Saito kernel, Yoko Otsuka, Michiko Tamai, Junko Hirakawa, Chishima success child, Haruki Takahashi, Excellent wealth Hitomi, Shinichiro Okawa 1), Haruki Mori 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 337-337, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the prognostic value from a symptom P169 reflux oesophagitis
Tadashi Soga, Minoru Matsuura, Yuzo Kodama, Tsuyoshi Fujita, History of Iku Sekimoto, Kazuhiko Nishimura, Shunichi Yoshida
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 338-338, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathological study about P170 Endoscopic-negative reflux disease(ENRD)
Toshihiro Kusaka 1), Yoshio Hoshihara 2), Takahiro Fujimori 1), Tsutomu Chiba 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 338-338, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of an etiology and the treatment in the P171 gastroesophageal reflux disease
法水淳, Mitsuhiko Kubo, Gain swamp studies
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 338-338, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment of P172 GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Noble example, Yasushi Sugano, Side Shinya, Yasuki Habu, Keisuke Kiyota, Hideto Iguchi (1), Hiroshi Hisatsune, Masako Mukai, 沖映希, Shigeto Mizuno, Early cloud Takanobu, Kunihiko Kimoto, Keiichi Kawai (2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 338-338, 1998.

Japanese Article Frequency of the reflux oesophagitis in the P173 remaining stomach patients and the clinical condition
Tomoko Katsube, Kazuhisa Amano, Adachi transone, Skewer mountain Yoshinori, Number Hideaki Mori, Toshiharu Ishihara, Makoto Watanabe, Yoshiichi Kinoshita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 339-339, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the P174 postoperative reflux esophagitis
Hiroshi Inoue, The Kato Kansho era, Nobutaka Uemura, Osamu Inoue will, Seiichiro Kishi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 339-339, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the esophageal varices explosion risk factor in the P175 this hospital
Tsuyoshi Mochizuki fruit, Naotaka Matsuura, Noboru Hirooka, Tsuyoshi Tajima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 339-339, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the comparison with endoscope findings an evaluation of the esophageal varices by the P176 dynamic helical CT
満崎克彦, Yasuyuki Yamashita, Ichiro Ogata, 土亀直俊, Mutsumasa Takahashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 339-339, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination and measures of the blood donation road of the esophageal varices by P177 EVIS
Yuko Matsumoto, Masahiro Matsumoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 340-340, 1998.

Japanese Article IVR-endoscopy combined therapy for the esophagus gastric varices with the hemodynamics that P178 is special
Kitagawa male light 3), Yasushi Omori 1), 陣崎雅弘 2), 橋本統 2), Masayuki Nakatsuka 2), 矢島知治 1), 小澤壮治 3), Nobutoshi Ando 3), Yasushi Iwao 1), Koichiro Kumai 1), Masaki Kitajima 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 340-340, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of the esophageal varices consolidation chemotherapy by the P179 argon plasma coagulation method
Koichi Furukawa **, Takeshi Harada **, Noriyoshi Tada **, Katsumasa Tsunashima **, Iga Yoshiro *, Yuichi Murayama *, Haruo Shimizu *, Hiroyuki Enomoto 5
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 340-340, 1998.

Japanese Article Esophageal cancer diagnosis using P180 Digital Radiography
Shinko Ando, Goto Hidemi, Yasumasa Niwa, 有沢富康, Yu Kameyama line, Masumi Matsui, Naoto Nomura, Tsutomu Hosoi, 新海眞, Toyohiro Sakata, Tetsuo Hayakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 340-340, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of CD44v6, cyclin D1 in P181 esophagus superficial cancer and the progressive cancer and nm23-H1 protein and examination about the clinical significance
Hideki Toyota 1, 2, 中村常哉 2, Takashi Suzuki 2, Kazuhiko Ohashi 2, Pier Shunzo Oka 3, Masayuki Shinoda 3, Shigeo Nakamura 4, Hiroshi Shiku 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 341-341, 1998.

Japanese Article We assume P182 growth factor receptor a molecular target and are developed the new gastrointestinal carcinoma therapy using the genetic engineering
Masakazu Ueda, プサラス drill shop Koss, Masaki Kitajima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 341-341, 1998.

Japanese Article One patient who received an intratumoral local administration of interferon-beta for P183 esophagus malignant melanoma
Yokoyama is still positive, Tadashi Nakazawa man, Fumihiko Komada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 341-341, 1998.

Japanese Article The merits and demerits of the stent insertion for upper gastrointestinal tract stenosis by the P184 malignant tumor case
中川原寿俊 *, Keiko Iwata *, Root mound Hideaki *, 宮下知治 *, 二宮致 *, 経田淳 *, Valley table *, Takashi Fujimura *, Tetsuo Hashimoto *, Koichi Shimizu *, Koichi Miwa *, Yagi Masao **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 341-341, 1998.

Japanese Article Dairy farming, fishery of the P185 Hokkaido certain land area and comparison of the person with atrophic gastritis frequency in the commercial practitioner
外間政希, Miho Watanabe, Yasushi Imai, Toshiaki Ito, Masami Iwata, Yorimitsu Italy product, Hiroyuki Uno, 野村知抄, Masato Kamiya, Masatoshi Nishii, 保原怜子, Hidenori Ohashi, Kazuya Takahama, The Watanabe truth, Hiroshi Sakamoto, Hideo Imai, Hiroshi Nakano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 342-342, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of antiHelicobacter pylori IgG antibody prevalence in the P186 dentistry practitioner and C13 urea breath test (UBT)
松田玲圭 1), Tsunematsu law, 森實敏夫 2), Cow Toshiaki Kubo, Ichiro Kawana, Shoichi Tomiyama, 石井當男 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 342-342, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about P187 well water water to drink and the Helicobacter pylori infection
Daisaku Tobita, Crane Nobuhiko, 有冨朋礼, Hiroki Ishikawa, Keisuke Hamasaki, Shotaro Tsuruta, Kazuhiko Nakao, Kato history on record, Keisuke Nakata, Katsumi Eguchi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 342-342, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - in the examination -Helicobacter pylori-positive case of the effect that P188 smoking gives to gastric mucosa
Yu Nakamura 1), 春間賢 2), Chiyuki Watanabe 1), Hiroyasu Yamada, Corner Masaaki Oka, Now Kawakatsu 1), Hiroshige Hamada 2), Mitsuhiro Mihara, Satoshi Kamata existence, Shoji Yoshihara, Corner well Koji, Goro Kajiyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 342-342, 1998.

Japanese Article P189 Study of the diagnostic performance of the rapid urease κ (Liquid rapid urease test) at the time of judgment eradication
大草敏史, 高清水一善, 藤木和彦, 細井広子, 佐崎なほ子, 荒木昭博, 下井謙吾, 本田公男, 堀内亮郎, 鈴木伸治, 桜沢俊秋, 岩淵一也, 有明浩一郎, 石井賢一, 石倉隆宏, 野村哲也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 343-343, 1998.

Japanese Article Injury defense effect with alimentary canal mucosa injury and the sucralfate by the P190 Helicobacter pylori(Hp) derived factor
Katsushi Watanabe, Castle Takushi, Kyoji Senoo, Kenji Tsuchida, Nobuo Takahashi, Todoroki Yuzo, Yoshifumi Yokoyama, Makoto Ito 1), Kunio Tochikubo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 343-343, 1998.

Japanese Article In vitro effect of rifampicin on P191 Helicobacter pylori
Shigeru Fujimura, Takeshi Kawamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 343-343, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of four person combination therapy for the case that sanitization was unsuccessful by P192 Shinzo person combination therapy
Junko Suzuki *, Tetsuya Mine *, Akiko Kataoka *, Hideki Ono *, Tomohiro Tsuchida *, Toshiro Fujita *, Tora Kobayashi filling **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 343-343, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the association between atrophic gastritis - intestinal metaplasia and telomerase activity using P193 gastric biopsy materials
小島利周 1, Kiichi Sato 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 344-344, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the development of the P194 intestinal metaplasia
眞部紀明, 春間賢, Mitsuhiro Mihara, Kunihiko Kawamoto, Satoshi Kamata existence, Toyoko Goto, Soichiro Kido, Nobuaki Hattori, Hiroshige Hamada, Eiji Miyoshi, North level Yasuhiko, Shinji Tanaka, Shoji Yoshihara, Corner well Koji, Goro Kajiyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 344-344, 1998.

Japanese Article Pathologic change of the P195 gastric mucosa and relative examination with quantity of of H.pylori bacteria and the type
Mikio Karita *, Tetsu Matsumoto **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 344-344, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of cytokine expression patterns in the P196 Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) infection gastric ulcer onset background gastric mucosa
Upper Shinji Yamamoto, Yoshiro Kitano, Takeshi Urabe, Shuichi Kaneko, Kenichi Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 344-344, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the association with the IL-8 production of P197 pic B gene variant and the gastric mucosa epithelium
Ability castle Mitsuhiro, Haruo Yamaguchi, Kazuhiro Ishiguro, Masaaki Shimada, Tomoyuki Tsuzuki, Masahiro Osuga, Kyoto and Kazuhiro, Akira Imada, Takehiko Hosokawa, Yuji Nishio, Toru Sakai, Ken Ina next, Takafumi Ando, Kusu Kazuo God
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 345-345, 1998.

Japanese Article The cellular proliferative capacity in the P198 human shrunken stomach mucosa and relation of inflammation
Nobuyuki Sugata, 久津見弘, Hiroko Nakao, Yukiko Daimon, 名生諭史, The Yu Okuyama right, Shinichi Sakamoto, Hiroshi Otsuka friend, Masako Nagashima, Seiji Shimizu, Yoshiichi Suyama, Shotaro Fujimoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 345-345, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the role of transforming growth factor-beta in gastric mucosal damage of P199 Helicobacter pylori
Jun Koike, Atsushi Takagi, Sumio Watanabe, Riyuzo Deguchi, Muneki Igarashi, Tsuyoshi Miwa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 345-345, 1998.

Japanese Article Serum antiVacA antibody positive rate in P200 gastric cancer and the control group, comparison about the antibody titers
下山克, Makoto Fukuda product, Tetsuo Yoshimura, Tatsuya Mikami, Akihiro Munakata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 345-345, 1998.

Japanese Article Variety of the P201 Helicobacter pylori cagA gene
Fuminori Hoshino 1, Masayo Hashida 1, Takeshi Ito 3, Shinichi Takahashi 2, Shozo Saito 2, Takashi Ando man 1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 346-346, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the variety in the urel gene of the Helicobacter pylori strain isolated in P202 all parts of the world
We look at Yutaka Katayama 1) 2), 東健, Yoshiyuki Ito, Shigeji Ito, 須籐弘之, Hideo Miyachi, 山崎幸直, 栗山勝 1), Hajime Kuwayama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 346-346, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of localization of P203 Helicobacter pylori and the development activity quantity of oxygen in the gastric mucosa tissue
Hirokazu Tashiro 1), North sinus Tetsuji 1) 2), Masayuki Suzuki 4), Naoto Kurihara 3), Hiromi Ono 2), Atsushi Hayashi 1), Great Harashin 1), Koichi Suzuki 4), Hidekazu Suzuki 5), Hiromasa Ishii 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 346-346, 1998.

Japanese Article P204 H.pylori-producing vacuolation toxin and early gastric cancer
山崎幸直, Toishita Tetsuya, Shigeji Ito, Fukiko Hirano, Mayuko Kuwahara, 李相植, Hiroyuki Sudo, It is looked at Yutaka Katayama, Yoshiyuki Ito, Hideo Miyachi, Thicket Koji, 東健, 栗山勝 1), Osamu Hosokawa, Watanabe Kunishige, Noboru Tsuda will 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 346-346, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the endoscopic image change before and after the P205 H.pylori sanitization therapy
Kazuhiko Ishida, Naotaka Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 347-347, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on change of follow-up - after the H.pylori sanitization therapy for P206 peptic ulcer particularly the serum pepsinogen, serum antiHpIgG antibody titers
原澤尚登, Ken Okano justice, Ogiwara Akifumi, Ryo Hasegawa, Shin Kaneta chapter, Ushiyama Kotobuki, 加藤公敏, Hiroshi Kawamura, Teruaki Matsui, Norio Kawamura, Megumi Kobashi Tsu, Iwasaki Arira, Yasuyuki Arakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 347-347, 1998.

Japanese Article P207 Helicobacter pylori and acid secretion
Hideki Sato, Now Kazuhiro Take, Tomoaki Watanabe, Takasago Kenichi, Shimbashi Kazuhiko, Ryo Hasegawa, Naohisa Hoshino, Shin Kaneta chapter, Teruaki Matsui, Iwasaki Arira, Yasuyuki Arakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 347-347, 1998.

Japanese Article About change over time of gastric acid secretional capacity with the P208 Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment and the stomach motility
Jin Makino 1), Tadao Baba 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 347-347, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems - chronic gastritis with the P209 H.pylori sanitization treatment is improved; or -
Kaori Suzuki, Hiromasa Kashimura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 348-348, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of the gastritis image by the sanitization of H.Pylori based on P210 Sydney classification
Kosaka star Taro, Origin of Higashida, Quadrature Teruyuki, 東征樹, Shuko Kato, Chie Yamamoto, Kenichi Sumiyoshi, 高橋利彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 348-348, 1998.

Japanese Article We provide the treatment with the clinical condition of the recurrence example after P211 H.pylori sanitization and survey it
Masashi Ohara 1), Shigeru Asagi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 348-348, 1998.

Japanese Article Difference in chemokines-producing pattern in approximately the sanitization in gastric ulcer (GU), duodenal ulcer (DU) patients with positive P212 H.pylori
Yuichi Sato, Hitoshi Asakura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 348-348, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) onset after the P213 Hp sanitization
Goji Hino, Toshinari Nakano, Yasuo Amo, Koichi Matsuzaki, 竹内幸俊, Old Kawadomi Noriko, Ruins spring kernel, Yoshihiko Kawashima, Toshihiko Watanabe, Kyoichi Inoue
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 349-349, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of Secretin in the P215 Pepsin-secreting adjustment and endogenous Prostaglandin
Midori Ikeda, Keiko Shiratori, Naoaki Hayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 349-349, 1998.

Japanese Article Using the elucidation -OLETF rat of the gastric-acid secretion mechanism through the P216 CCK-A receptor -
Kenji Kanekawa, Yasuyuki Kihara, Nakamura early person, 大槻眞
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 349-349, 1998.

Japanese Article Experimental examination about the change over time of the number of G, ECL cells with the P217 acid-secreting suppression
Chen steel, Hideyuki Kashiwagi, Eiichiro Hagiwara, 小村伸朗, Yusuke Moriya, Masamitsu Watanabe, 石橋由朗, Yutaka Suzuki, Toru Takaoka, 金哲宇, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 350-350, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of the somatostatin receptor in the gastric mucosa of the P218 rat
伊豫隆, Hiroshi Kaneko, Konagaya Toshihiro, Motoaki Uruma, Forest Saburo-saving, Hiroshi Kodera, Terunori Mitsuma 1), Tatsuji Shimizu, Akira Imada, Kusu Kazuo God 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 350-350, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the localization of calcineurin(protein phosphatase 2B) in the P219 gastrointestinal tract
Small Akira Nishinaga, Michio Otaka, Suguru Odajima, Satoshi Ito, Akira Iwabuchi, Pachco Ivan, Isao Wada, Osamu Masamune
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 350-350, 1998.

Japanese Article Localized - immunohistologic examination of Cyclooxygenase-2(Cox-2) in the P220 gastric ulcer periphery gastric mucosa
Tatsunokuchi benevolence, 二神生爾, 三宅一昌, Taku Tsukui, 坂本長逸, Masafumi Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 350-350, 1998.

Japanese Article Change - immunohistologic examination - of cyclooxygenase -2 in the gastric ulcer development by the P221 ischemia/reperfusion
Kentaro Nakamoto 1), Yosuke Kishimoto 1), 2 out of Yutaka Kawasaki), Junichi Hasegawa 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 351-351, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of a growth factor and the expression level of the receptor to be involved in microcirculation in the gastric mucosa in the phase at each P222 gastric ulcer
Masumi Akimoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Akiko Yanagisawa, Ryo Tanaka group, Mariko Tsuchiya, Akiko Niimi 1), 石黒久貴, Tsuyoshi Kurihara 2), Jun Maeda, Mutsuo Shigemoto, Katsuko Yamashita 1), Izumi Yokoyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 351-351, 1998.

Japanese Article Experiment and research about the gastric mucosa protection of Adrenomedullin using the P223 rat
Takashi Kanemoto tree, Kunihiko Aoyagi, Keiji Kawakubo, Doi Hiro, Yuji Yano, Tomofumi Yamamoto, See blue; kernel, Masatoshi Fujishima 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 351-351, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - from an aspect of significance - cell adhesion of the Substance P in the P224 non steroidal anti-inflammatory agent-induced gastric mucosa injury
Depths Kazumi 1), Junichi Yamao 2), Norie Umemoto 2), Koji Yamamoto 2), Masahide Yoshikawa 2), Cheap dragon one 1), Hiroshi Fukui 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 351-351, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the culture gastric mucosa cell cytotoxicity of P225 Peroxynitrite
Takako Sasai, Hideyuki Hiraishi, Kenji Oinuma, Yajima Noriaki, Norihisa Yamaguchi, Tadahito Shimada, Akira Terano
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 352-352, 1998.

Japanese Article Nitric oxide and stomach, duodenal disease in P226 serum and dietary effect
Kanji Kodama, Corner well Koji, Tamako Kido, Masanori Kawano, Keiko Nojima, Ryo Yamauchi, Shiro Okahara, Shinji Tanaka, Shoji Yoshihara, 春間賢, Goro Kajiyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 352-352, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of giant Carcinoma in adenoma of the P227 stomach
Masao Miyano 1), Shohei Iijima 2), Hiroshi Yoshida, Hideki Okamoto, Takuya Murao, Toyoaki Ishihara 1), 團野迪樹 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 352-352, 1998.

Japanese Article One patient who showed signet ring cell adenocarcinoma to a portion of the P228 stomach hyperplastic polyp
Kazuhiro Kojima 2), Toru Urushihara 2), Toshio Omori 2), Takayuki Hiranuma 1), Junichi Kurusu 1), Yasuhiro Morita 2), 星野英久 2), Koichi Yokoyama 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 352-352, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the stomach intramucosal carcinoma that showed sternal metastasis in the seventh month for P229 four years after surgery
礒垣淳, Yutaka Takeuchi, Riverside Akihiro, Masayuki Yoshida, Toshihiko Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 353-353, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of secondary amyloidosis who had the P230 IIc type early gastric cancer
Yasushi Kojima intellect 1, Tsuyoshi Kurihara 1, Kazuhiro Toyota 1, Hirofumi Nakatsuka 1, Hisashi Oshiro 1, Wild waterfall Keiko 2, 土本伝哉 2, Norihiko Katayama 2, Toshibumi Omoto 3, Kiyomi Taniyama 4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 353-353, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the gastric cancer that laparotomy local site resection was performed after P231 mitral valve reimplantation
Toshihiko Kobayashi, Masayuki Yoshida, Riverside Akihiro, Yutaka Takeuchi, 礒垣淳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 353-353, 1998.

Japanese Article P232 stomach, jejunum, one case of the colic triple cancer
Hiromi Kaneko, Mitsu Nanba male, 佐久間威之, Tadashi Yoda kernel, Noriko Yamaguchi, 佐々木欣郎, Masakatsu Sunakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 353-353, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the POEMS syndrome who had the P233 gastrointestinal carcinoma
Nagashio Yoshikuni, Takeshi Nagata, Akira Murata Minoru, 廣畑佳秀, Yasuyuki Kihara, Shintaro Abe, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Ikuo Murata, 大槻眞
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 354-354, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the P234 metastasis-related stomach malignant neurilemmoma
Shigemori Chika 1), Tetsuya Ikeda 1), Taku Aota true 2), Michiaki Oiwa 2), 李昌珍 2), Seiji Oogaya 3), 日下政哉 3), Takashi Yamazaki 5), Yasushi Yamagiwa 4), Jun Uchida original 5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 354-354, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical pathological examination of the P235 gastric carcinoid
Masayoshi Yoshida, Toyohiko Yuki, Tadashi Sato, Kazuhiko Ishida, Yutaka Noda, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi, Katsumi Kimura, The Matsunaga public welfare, Mikiko Nomura, Eight child chapter life, Tatsuya Kikuchi, Kiyoshi Utsumi, Boundary Yoshitaka, Shigeharu Senoo, Masanari Sugai, Satoshi Ito, Kyoko Okubo, Yoshiki Katakura, Naotaka Fujita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 354-354, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of P236 duodenum papilla mammae part carcinoid
Kumiko Suzuki **, Akira Suzuki **, 坂井庸祐 **, Shigeru Hasegawa straight **, Satoshi Otsuka **, Jinichi Kameyama **, Shun Kudo *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 354-354, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the dip type duodenum adenoma 3 case given P237 EMR
Aida peak 1,000, 高野眞寿, Akira Kamata justice, Tatsuya Yoshida, Iku Mitani life, Yoshiyuki Inoue, History of Miyasaka road, Takashi Meguro, Shoichi Hotta, Morimichi Fukuda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 355-355, 1998.

Japanese Article Interaction of P238 Lansoprazole and Acetaminophen
佐仲雅樹, Hideaki Makino, Hideyo Tanaka, West Shuta Nakagawa, 江夏偉育, Yoshinori Hanada, Mizue Tamura, Hirama intelligence life, Masayuki Ohara, 山川泰利, Megumi Hoshino Tsu husband, Yasushi Kuyama, Jin Osawa, Hajime Takikawa, Kazuhiko Miyake, Masami Yamanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 355-355, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect to give to blood kinetics of Omeprazole in the coadministration of P239 Maalox suspension and granules
安海義曜, Koji Ono, Appendicular stone Masaki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 355-355, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the duodenal ulcer that pH monitoring was useful on the occasion of treatment strategy decision for P240 24 hours
東征樹, Kenichi Sumiyoshi, Shuko Kato, 高橋利彰, Quadrature Teruyuki 1), Akira Yamamoto 2), Sako Masaru Den 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 355-355, 1998.

Japanese Article pS2 immunohistochemistry using significance - endoscope important point biospy sample of the stomach type epithelium onset in the P241 duodenal ulcer repair
徳永昭, Masahiko Onda, Takeshi Okuda, Tetsuya Okino, 李栄浩, Yoshihiro Hiramoto, Ikeda Kengo, Tsuyoshi Oguri, Shinya Iida, Teruaki Kiyama, Yoshiyuki Toshiro, Norio Matsukura 1), Nobuo Sueoka, 坂本長逸, Masafumi Kobayashi 2), Yuichi Sugizaki 3), Kiyohiko Yamashita 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 356-356, 1998.

Japanese Article Is the dosage of H2-blocker effective for prevention of gastric mucosal damage after the intervention therapy in the P242 ischemic heart disease?
Toru Goto, Hishiki intellect, Seiji Tanaka, Tadashi Shiwa, Osamu Tochikubo 1), Cow Toshiaki Kubo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 356-356, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the examination for stomach discharge function using the P243 radiopacity marker examination - by the simultaneous enforcement with - RI gastric emptying function test
Akira Miyakawa, Nobuyoshi Habu, Koji Nakada, Beam well Shinichiro, Hisashi Yamamoto, Kei Hashimoto Expo, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Teruaki Aoki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 356-356, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the protease inhibitor administration for the P244 remaining stomach flame
Ken Kondo, Masato Kataoka, Yasushi Nakayama, Hiroyuki Matsubara, Kenji Tsuboi, 安藤修久, 三浦啓多, Toru Ichihara, 堀澤増雅
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 356-356, 1998.

Japanese Article Postoperative motor ability and quality of life of the subtotal gastrectomy case for the P245 early gastric cancer
Setsu Emoto, Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, 道清勉, Tominaga Harumi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 357-357, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on the questionnaire results of postoperative evaluation - outpatient of the P246 pylorus side gastrectomy, Billroth I method reconstruction -
Shohei Osawa, Tadashi Kondo sentence, 西田靖仙, Kuniaki Okada, Takashi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Ishizu, 秦庸壮, Hideki Kawamura, Period field Yasuhisa, Shinji Shiroyama, Kenichiro Yamashita, 相木総良
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 357-357, 1998.

Japanese Article It is an evaluation of an osteoporosis of symptom after the gastrectomy and the bone metabolic derangements by the MD method bone quantity measurement disorder after P247 gastrointestinal tract surgery
Shunji Kato **, Masahiko Onda **, 徳永昭 **, Yoshiyuki Toshiro **, Hirokazu Hasegawa **, Masao Miyashita **, Norio Matsukura **, Koji Sasajima **, Kiyohiko Yamashita *
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 357-357, 1998.

Japanese Article It is examined the jejunum Pouch reconstruction for quality of life improvement after P248 total gastrectomy
藤原由規, Kazuhiko Nakagawa, Masato Kusunoki, Mountain village Wuping
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 357-357, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the correlation of expression of E-cadherin and tumor form in the P249 early gastric cancer
Kyoto and Kazuhiro, Akira Imada, Ken Ina next, Kusu Kazuo God
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 358-358, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the presence of Duodeno-Gastric Reflux which we saw from patients with P250 gastric cancer
Yoshihisa Shibata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 358-358, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the expression of the Nitric Oxide Synthase(NOs) activity in the P251 gastric cancer
Masanori Kawano 1, Corner well Koji, Tamako Kido, Kanji Kodama, Keiko Nojima, Shiro Okahara, Shinji Tanaka, Shoji Yoshihara, 春間賢, Goro Kajiyama, Ryo Yamauchi 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 358-358, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the thymidine phosphorylase activity in the P252 progressive stomach cancer
Atsushi Nashimoto, 藪崎裕, Yoshiaki Tsuchiya, Mitsuhiro Tsutsui
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 358-358, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the P253 stage II gastric cancer
木村寛伸 1), Masahide Kaji, Takashi Konishi, Funaki Kenichiro, Takeshi Goka one, Wild Kawamoto, Ichiro Onishi, Motoi Maeda one, Thicket lower Kazuhisa, Masahiko Tsuji, Atsuo Miwa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 359-359, 1998.

Japanese Article It is a comparison of isosmotic administration and the hypoosmolality administration pharmacokinetics of the perioperative intraabdominal cisplatin chemotherapy for the P254 gastric cancer case
Crossroads valley Shunichi, Masato Makino, Masahide Ikeguchi, Michio Maeda, Nobuaki Kaihara
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 359-359, 1998.

Japanese Article The present situation of the 5-FU continuation +CDDP small quantity continuation therapy for the gastric cancer in the P255 our department
Hideji Nishikawa, Akifumi Higuchi, Maki village Sakae, Noburu Kawarasaki, Young beach law of nature, Takashi Matsunaga
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 359-359, 1998.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the progressive stomach cancer by the P256 EAP strange law
Takao Tamura, Koichi Yasutake, Akira Nishizaki, 堀田和亜, 廣畑成也, 中島卓利, Kazuya Iwamoto, Ishii newly, 1, Kanda
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 359-359, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the inoperable gastric cancer in the P257 this hospital
Yasuaki Sakai, Yutaka Umezawa sincerity, 谷穣, Sanji Tetsuya, Yutaka Handa, Shigehumi Morita, Hiroyuki Ono, Hajime Yoshida, Crane well Mitsuharu, Ryoichi Misaka, Minoru Kawaguchi, Toshihiko Saito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 360-360, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of natural history and the H.P. sanitization course of the P258 stomach MALT type lymphoma (following MALToma)
Shinji Ohashi, Shozo Okamura, Three bamboo Masahiro, Fumihiro Urano, Masaya Shimodaira, Shinichi Kanamori, Naoto Okada, Itaru Oyama, 瀬川昂生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 360-360, 1998.

Japanese Article The IgH rearrangement in P259 stomach malignant lymphoma and the stomach MALT lymphoma and immunohistologic examination about p53
谷穣 1), Yasuaki Sakai, Yutaka Umezawa sincerity, Sanji Tetsuya, Yutaka Handa, Shigehumi Morita, Hiroyuki Ono, Hajime Yoshida, Crane well Mitsuharu, Ryoichi Misaka, Minoru Kawaguchi, Toshihiko Saito, Yasuhiro Mizuguchi 2), Jun Horiguchi, Michizo Sasagawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 360-360, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison - by the presence or absence of clinical analysis -H.pylori infection of the P260 NSAIDs origin hotheadedness sex gastric mucosa injury
Yagi Nobuaki, Kazuhiro Kamata, Akito Imai, Shoji Iinuma, Italy valley Kenji 1) 2), Toru Sakaguchi Taro 1), Yuji Naito, Norimasa Yoshida, Toshiichi Yoshikawa, Motoharu Kondo 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 360-360, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with P261 diabetes
Satoshi Okamoto, 平原睦庸, Morita connection, Moriai Tetsuya 1), Isao Makino 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 361-361, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of H.pylori infection and the sanitization for the P262 chronic liver disease
Gen Sugiura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 361-361, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case that contribution of H.pylori(Hp) and the duodenal gastric epithelium metamorphosis was guessed by P263 duodenal ulcer perforation choke postoperative ulcer recurrence
仲井培雄, Futoshi Kawahara, Kazuhiro Mori, Yuichi Shima, Shigeru Takeyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 361-361, 1998.

Japanese Article Serologic approach for the P264 Helicobacter pylori-negative NSAIDs-negative ulcer
Ito illumination, Shinji Katsushima, 住友康眞, Nomoto still, Shangdong Takehiro, Toshiyuki Kimura, Ken Nishihara, Kanji Nagatani
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 361-361, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about P265 non-H.pylori and non-NSAID peptic ulcer
Tomoyuki Ono, Shun Tanahashi kernel, Kyoko Sakai, Naoki Sawai, Yamaoka Yoshio, Light wisteria Shoji, Tadashi Kodama, Takashi Kashima
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 362-362, 1998.

Japanese Article Grade of stomach myogenicity tumor judging from P266 metastasis recurrence symptom example
Yasushi Nakayama, Takeshi Kondo, Hiroyuki Matsubara, Kenji Tsuboi, 安藤修久, Masato Kataoka, Toru Ichihara, 三浦啓多, 堀澤増雅
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 362-362, 1998.

Japanese Article Surgical results of the P267 duodenal cancer and clinicopathologic examination
Akihiko Horiguchi, Shuichi Miyakawa, 三浦馥
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 362-362, 1998.

Japanese Article Gallbladder shrinkage ability judging from P268 Helicobacter pylori infection
Takeshi Shiota, Jun Matsumoto, Terukatsu Arima 1), Takafumi Yamamoto 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 362-362, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of stomach, the gallbladder dyskinesia of patients with P269 chronic pancreatitis
Takaaki Mizushima, Naoki Matsumura, Koji Ochi, Hideo Harada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 363-363, 1998.

Japanese Article About expression of nerve growth factor(NGF) protein in P270 intrahepatic calculosis about a role as colony stimulating factor(CSF) in the chronic inflammation lesion -:
Tetsuo Ota 1), Ayman Elnemr, 安居利晃, Hirohisa Kitagawa, 伏田幸夫, Genichi Nishimura, Takashi Fujimura, Koichi Shimizu, The field of cogon grass original capital, Takukazu Nagakawa 2), Koichi Miwa 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 363-363, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the venous return in the P271 selective cystic artery cystography
Akira Kamei, 猪狩功遺, Eiichi Sato, Koichi Takano, Shingo Asahara, Hiroyuki Fukada, Naomi Toga, Kazuko Beppu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 363-363, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the cholecystitis sine concremento that P272 bile duct run abnormality was regarded as one of the origin of the obstruction of cystic duct
Shigeru Hasegawa, Fumie Matsubara, 小林栄孝, Mitsutaka Shoji, Yasuko Jinbo, 浦口貴, Hiroki Imazu, Toshiki Matsubara, Yoichi Sakurai, Masahiro Ochiai, 船曵孝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 363-363, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the duplicated gallbladder which showed the form that P273 was rare
Ryuichi Narita, Yoshimitsu Okubo, Hidekazu Honda, Takuto Hikichi, Mugikura Masatoshi, 落合浩暢, Yutaka Ejiri, Juichi Nakano 1), Masayuki Sato, Jun Muto, Ashino Yoshikazu 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 364-364, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the bile duct non-expansion-shaped pancreas bile duct junction abnormality that the right and left ventral aspect ductus pancreaticus which developed in P274 gallbladder explosion keeps open, and ductus pancreaticus joins bile duct
Hiroshi Sugita two, Sugimoto tree, Hiroshi Kikuchi, Hajime Matsushita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 364-364, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the bile duct ductus pancreaticus junction department form by P275 MRCP
Doai Katsumi, Katsuhiro Uchiyama, Shin Matsuoka, Island Hideki, Minoru Honda, Country cheap Yoshio 1), Hiromitsu Saisho 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 364-364, 1998.

Japanese Article Three cases that presented secondary cholangitis sclerosing-like clinical condition after P276 serious case infection
Kazuhiko Koike, Hisashi Koda is flat, Osamu Nakazawa 1), Forest Shuya, Yuichi Onuma, We look at wisteria chapter kernel 2), Masakatsu Ando 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 364-364, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of P277 porta hepatis bile duct Inflammatory pseudotumor
Takahisa Ishikawa, Masao Watanabe, Shinoda sub-Ichiro, Masahiro Asaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 365-365, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of cystic duct tumor that P278 IDUS was useful
Shingo Asahara, 猪狩功遺, Akira Kamei, Eiichi Sato, Koichi Takano, Hiroyuki Fukada, Naomi Toga, Kazuko Beppu 1), Country soil Norihiro 2), Akio Yanagisawa, Hiroshi Kato 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 365-365, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of gallbladder cancer that was able to perform curative resection of the torose lesion in the gallbladder more than P279 20mm after leaving for four years
Shigeru Fujisaki ***, *** having good adzuki bean field, Igarashi Satoru Makoto ***, Hiroshi Miyake ***, 大井田尚継 ***, 秦怜志 ***, Sadao Amano ***, Masahiro Fukuzawa ***, 金子弥樹 *, Naohide Tanaka *, Koji Tsubaki *, Yasuyuki Arakawa *, Toshikazu Uchida **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 365-365, 1998.

Japanese Article Study on efficiency of the P280 gallstone dissolution therapy (the tenth report)
Yoshiki Ono, Naoko Sugiyama, Mayumi Abe, 小川眞広, Iori Goto, Yasuyuki Arakawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 365-365, 1998.

Japanese Article Around examination - endoscopic nipple balloon expansion technique (EPD) of the treatment of a lot of P281 bile duct stone
Hiroshi Nakagawa 1), Yoshiki Hirooka 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 366-366, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison of the endoscopic treatment (EST and EPBD) for the P282 common bile duct stone
積木隆, Masahiro Nakamura, Masahiro Inada, 太田安英, Yoshiharu Okimoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 366-366, 1998.

Japanese Article About choledocholithiasis treatment after the P283 EPBD induction
Yoshiyuki Fujita, Masataka Maruyama
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 366-366, 1998.

Japanese Article Single-stage treatment with laparoscopic choledochotomy lithectomy for P284 bile duct calculosis
Gen Yamazaki, Yoshiro Yamazaki, Nobuyoshi Hatanaka, Keiji Kuwata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 366-366, 1998.

Japanese Article Validity of the early operation for the acute cholecystitis judging from P285 medical care economy
Toru Ichihara, 堀澤増雅, Yasushi Nakayama, Masato Kataoka, Ken Kondo, Satoshi Miura many 1), Junichi Sakamoto 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 367-367, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case that inserted metallic stent endoscopically and percutaneously, and showed improvement of the ADL transfor P286 porta hepatis cholangiocarcinoma
Shinsuke Kayashima 1, 3), Yukiya Yoshida 1), Hitoshi Horii 2), Kazuo Takei 1, 3), Masaki Matsuoka 1), Naoya Murashima 1), Kazuo Hayakawa 1), Sotaro Fukuchi 1), Kenichi Ohba 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 367-367, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of duodenal stricture merger malignancy biliary tract stenosis that P287 duodenum stent was useful
Hideyuki 1 Kim), Yasuhiko Sumitomo, Keiichi Kiritani, Hiroshi Kanamori, Agawa Hiroyuki, Masaaki Shimatani, Naoyuki Suzuki, Hiromi Kojima, Kazuki Ito, Koichi Kojima, 久保田佳嗣 2), Kyoichi Inoue
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 367-367, 1998.

Japanese Article Progress level diagnosis of pancreas, the biliary tract cancer by P288 EUS, IDUS
Nobuyuki Yanagawa, Truth mouth Kosuke, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Manabu Osanai, 潟沼朗生, Hideto Ito, Shigeki Miyoshi, Spring Shinichi, Seishi Watanabe, Masashi Nomura, Yasuo Sakurai, Kunihiko Tsuji, 姜貞憲
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 367-367, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of gallbladder cancer that was available for follow-up with P289 image
Naomi Toga, 猪狩功遺, Akira Kamei, Eiichi Sato, Koichi Takano, Shingo Asahara, Hiroyuki Fukada, Kazuko Beppu 1, Country soil Norihiro, Makoto Seki 2, Akio Yanagisawa, Hiroshi Kato 3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 368-368, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination - of diagnosis - histologic background of the small pancreatic cancer by the P290 pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis
Akihiko Nakaizumi, Hiroyuki Uehara, Toru Otani, Masaharu Tatsuta 1), Akemi Takenaka 2), Shingo Ishiguro 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 368-368, 1998.

Japanese Article About chemotaxis to the perineurium alveus (perineural space) of P291 pancreatic cancer cells for the purpose of mechanism elucidation of the perineural infiltration of - - - pancreatic cancer - - -
Tetsuo Ota, Fumio Futagami, 安居利晃, Hirohisa Kitagawa, The field of cogon grass original capital, Takashi Fujimura, Genichi Nishimura, Koichi Shimizu 1), Takukazu Nagakawa 2), 1, Katsura, Ueno 3), Koichi Miwa 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 368-368, 1998.

Japanese Article In contrast to expression of p21 protein -p53 protein in the P292 pancreatic cancer and
Prince Otsubo Shiro 1), Iku Hu new 1), Yasushi Yamaguchi 1), Hiroyuki Watanabe 1), 阿依古麗 1), Motoo Ryoji 1), Okai High School 1), 澤武紀雄 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 368-368, 1998.

Japanese Article Mutation and expression of p53, Bax, Bcl-2 gene in the cultured cell derived from P293 human pancreatic cancer
舩冨等, Seki Tetsuya, Nobuyuki Ohba, Suzuko Makino, Keiji Mitamura
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 369-369, 1998.

Japanese Article The K-ras mutation analysis out of the duodenal washings in the P294 pancreatic cancer diagnosis and CEA densitometry
Kei Nakamura spring, Masahiko Onda, Eiji Uchida, Akira Matsushita, 柳健, 山村進, Takayuki Aimoto, Tadashi Kobayashi, Arima Yasuo, Takashi Tajiri, Kiyohiko Yamashita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 369-369, 1998.

Japanese Article Pancreatic cancer using the P295 nude mouse model, living body immunostaining for colorectal cancer
日下至弘, Shigehito Hayashi, Naoki Rokusha, Satoko Taoka, Teru Bando fruit, Satoshi Shibata will, 岡村誠介, Hiroshi Honda kernel, Ichiro Shimizu, Kunio Ii, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 369-369, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the oxidative stress in the pancreatic acinus cell damage and the oxidative DNA P296 WBN/Kob rat disorder
Shigeyuki Koreki 1), Soichiro Miura 2), Naoyuki Watanabe 1), Yuichi Yokoyama 1), Shinzo Kato 1), Hiromasa Ishii 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 369-369, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on rat pancreas fiber content of P297 arginine large quantities repeated doses
Hisato Takei, Ichiro Arai, Toshiyuki Kitani, Amagai Sakae, Atsushi Ishige, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yasuhiro Komatsu 1), Susumu Taguchi 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 370-370, 1998.

Japanese Article Trypsin activity suppression with the P298 composition protease inhibitor
Masamitsu Hasegawa, Hiroshi Takeyama light, Muneyuki Takayama, Minoru Yamamoto, Yoshinori Nakamura, Tetsushi Hayakawa, 田中守嗣, Tadao Manabe
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 370-370, 1998.

Japanese Article A course judgment of the acute pancreatitis judging from the change of the P299 prognosis score and evaluation of the pancreatic enzyme inhibitor continuous arterial drop therapy
Eiji Uchida, Masahiko Onda, Kei Nakamura spring, Tadashi Kobayashi, Takayuki Aimoto, 山村進, 柳健, Akira Matsushita, Takashi Tajiri, Kiyohiko Yamashita
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 370-370, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of the acute pancreatitis to give to P300 endotoxin system of measurement
岡久稔也, Masahiro Sogabe, Person of aspect Toshihiro, Soichi Ichikawa, Teru Bando fruit, Satoko Taoka, 日下至弘, Many Tazu Masaya, Great Yoshio Kida, Akemi Tsutsui, Shigehito Hayashi, Naoki Rokusha, 岡村誠介, Satoshi Shibata will, Susumu Ito
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 370-370, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the cystography echocardiography in the P301 pancreas lesion diagnosis
潟沼朗生, Truth mouth Kosuke, Yasuo Sakurai, Manabu Osanai, Nobuyuki Yanagawa, Hideto Ito, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Shigeki Miyoshi, Spring Shinichi, Seishi Watanabe, Masashi Nomura, 姜貞憲, Kunihiko Tsuji
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 371-371, 1998.

Japanese Article Three-dimensional-CT-pancreatography(3D-CTP) using P302 Cone-beam CT
Great Yoshio Kida, 岡久稔也, Soichi Ichikawa, Teru Bando fruit, Satoko Taoka, Masahiro Sogabe, 日下至弘, Many Tazu Masaya, Akemi Tsutsui, Shigehito Hayashi, Naoki Rokusha, 岡村誠介, Satoshi Shibata will, Susumu Ito 1), Makimoto Hiromi, Junji Ueno 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 371-371, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the digestion and absorption breath test using the P303 13C-labeled fat comparison - with - steatorrhoea patients and patients with non-steatorrhoea
Asako Kaji, Mitsuo Nakamura, Taku Watanabe, Naoko Yamada, Toshihiro Suda 1), Wataru Maruyama 2), Tsuneo Matsubayashi 3), Yasuto Sasaki 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 371-371, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the long term prognosis of the P304 mass plasticity pancreatitis
Yuji Hattori, Taketo Yamaguchi, Ryo Ishii fruit, Hiroyuki Ono, Hideaki Suzuki, Masahiko Saito, Shoichi Tsuchiya, Takeshi Ishihara, Tsuyuguchi Toshio, Hiromitsu Saisho
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 371-371, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the autoimmune pancreatitis with the P305 significant eosinophilia and cholestasis
Akira Takahashi, Jin Yoshida, Jin Sakamoto, 津保勝郎, Imamura class man, Sandai River Akio, 池上覚俊 1), Seki Tetsuya, Hiroshi Suzuki 2), Yuji Aoyagi, Hitoshi Nishida, Junichi Shinkawa, Shigeru Tanaka Castle, 船冨等, Keiji Mitamura 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 372-372, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of pancreatogenous pleural effusion and the chronic pancreatitis who had mediastinitis that responded to P306 octreotide
Yoshio Ino, Hisato Igarashi, Masanobu Inoue, Jogen Kenichi, Toshiaki Ishibashi, Keiichiro Okoshi, Yoshiyuki Arita, 澄井俊彦, Hajime Nawata 1), Yosuke Yamakawa 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 372-372, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the severe acute pancreatitis that P307 primary hyperparathyroidism seemed to be a cause
Nagano Kudoshi, Hidetaka Kitada, 一二三倫郎, Tetsu Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki Ogata
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 372-372, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of ten pancreatic cancer non-resection cases which survived more than P308 one year
猪狩功遺, Akira Kamei, Eiichi Sato, Koichi Takano, Shingo Asahara, Hiroyuki Fukada, Naomi Toga, Kazuko Beppu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 372-372, 1998.

Japanese Article Oncogenic pathological examination in the P309 pancreas endocrinoma
Hiroyuki Tadokoro, Koichi Suda, Sincerity river sentence truth
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 373-373, 1998.

Japanese Article P310 Examination of the islets of Langerhans tumor surgery patients 18 cases
中馬誠, 須賀俊博, 藤永明, 宮川宏之, 長川達哉, 水上靖代
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 373-373, 1998.

Japanese Article An extremely rare example of the early duodenum papilla cancer which developed severe acute pancreatitis for P311 no jaundice
The Hosokawa Kotobuki sum, Shina Horiuchi, County Tomoko, Shallows ノ field light example, 須貝茂, Tetsuro Kobayashi 1), Hiroki Nomura, Yasuhiro Mizushima 2), 唐澤学洋 3), Kozo Imai 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 373-373, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the body of pancreas cauda fat substitution with the P312 pancreas neuroma of amputation stump
Masato Kitagawa, 世古口務, 林忠毅, Koji Fujii, Makoto Shimomura, 中村菊洋, Toshio Yamamoto 1), Masatoshi Noda 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 373-373, 1998.

Halida Rebiya, Alim Gao, XueZhen
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 374-374, 1998.

Japanese Article Of the digestive system disease practice support by V1 telemedicine support equipment RF-25, actually
Toshio Ueda 1), Hita Shintaro 2), Yoshinari Kumagai 3), Hiroshi Tanaka 4), Hidetoshi Kimoto 5), Mt. Shimazu person 1), Toshi Sugimoto 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 376-376, 1998.

Japanese Article Recurrence of the esophageal varices which we examined from V2 ultrasonic autoscope
Yasuhiro Konishi, Takeshi Nakamura, Hiroshi Senoo, Hajime Kida, Tsutomu Chiba
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 376-376, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of Covered Ultraflex with the reflux prevention mechanism in the V3 endoscope lower treatment
Keiichi Matsumoto 1), Quadrature Teruyuki 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 376-376, 1998.

Japanese Article Laparotomy choledocholithotomy for V4 choledocholithiasis, utility of the RTBD tube drainage technique
Jin Sekido, Volost Katsumi, Itaru Endo, Shinji Watarai, Hiroshi Shimada
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 376-376, 1998.

Japanese Article A utility and problems of the common bile duct stone lithotripsy by V5 percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography bile duct mirror lower Flashlamp pumped dye laser
Hideo Obayashi, The Tadashi Sakai method, Kakinuma fine weather, Akira Kato, Yuka Miyasaka, Michio Yamane, Yanai ordinary man, Junichi Tazawa 1), Yujiro Tanaka 2), History of Sato 1,000 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 377-377, 1998.

Japanese Article V6 gallbladder, common bile duct stone exclusion method using the nipple balloon expansion technique of invention - laparoscopic transcystic duct of the single-stage treatment with operation under laparoscopy for the common bile duct stone
Shigeru Fujisaki, Takeshi Nezu, 萩原紀嗣, Hiroshi Goto, Shu Uehara Ichiro, 大井田尚継, 秦怜志, Hiroshi Miyake, Sadao Amano, Masahiro Fukuzawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 377-377, 1998.

Japanese Article Laparoscopic bile duct stone lithectomy in the V7 our department
三好康敬 1), Arrow Yuko Wada 1), Yoshiaki Bando 1), Iwasaka still kernel 1), 村澤正甫 1), Kazuhiko Masuda 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 377-377, 1998.

Japanese Article V8 From the situation of therapy for common bile duct stone - nipple function preservation by mini-laparotomy
小西一朗, 二上文夫1), 永川宅和2), 太田哲生, 萱原正都, 北川裕久, 上田順彦3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 377-377, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) for the hepatocellular carcinoma by the intraabdominal irrigation method of the V9 transcustody tube
Kazuhiko Miwa, Futoshi Nakayama Kotobuki, Masaya Furukawa, Masahiko Yamada, Toshiaki Mizoe, Yasuo Mizumura, Ogiwara Masaji, Shuji Futaki, Hisato Ishida, 真神易, Shunya Horibe, 新戸禎哲, Seki Tomoyuki, Toshihiko Saito 1), South Kohei 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 378-378, 1998.

Japanese Article Compare microwave treatment - percutaneous approach for the V10 hepatocellular carcinoma and the laparoscopic approach
Osamu Noguchi, Namiki Izumi, Mayumi Shimizu, Hideki Watanabe, Yuji Hoshino, Uchihara Masakatsu, Shozo Miyake, Sakai Takahiro 1), History of Sato 1,000 2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 378-378, 1998.

Japanese Article Application of the operation under laparoscopy for the V11 early gastric cancer
Nobuyasu Kanou ***, Kazunori Kasama ***, Shigeru Yamada Kotobuki ***, Takashi Sakuma ***, Motoi Kuroki husband ***, Kenichiro Omoto ***, Uchida Chihiro ***, 大畑賀央 ***, Hiroshi Kusanagi ***, Watai existence ***, Samurai Akihiko ***, Suguru Sato chapter ***, Nobuo Toda *, Ryoichi Wada *, Takahiro Nakazato *, Saito Keiji *, Kyo Nagatani flat *, Tooru Mitsushima *, Narita sincerity **, Takeshi Kokubo **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 378-378, 1998.

Japanese Article Positioning of endoscopic aspiration mucosa excision (EAM) for the V12 early gastric cancer
Megumi Torii male 1) 2), 三浦賢佑 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 378-378, 1998.

Japanese Article Laparoscopic gastrectomy with the lymph node dissection for the V13 early gastric cancer (we included the sm cancer)
Ichiro Uyama, Atsushi Sugioka, Ryohei Soga, Kazuyuki Torii, Junko Fujita, Tetsushi Ezaki, Yoshiyuki Komori, 蓮見昭武
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 379-379, 1998.

Japanese Article Invasion depth of measurement - gastrointestinal carcinoma of the hardness with the V14 supersonic wave touch sensor, diagnosis - of the invasive range
Noriko Sakai, Hiroyuki Yano, The Ryu Hirasawa up, Hiroyuki Uehara, Akihiko Nakaizumi, Hiroyasu Iishi, Masaharu Tatsuta
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 379-379, 1998.

Japanese Article Endoscopic demucosation of the early gastric cancer based on V15 ultrasonic autoscope (EUS and 3DEUS) image
Junko Fujisaki, Hiroaki Suzuki
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 379-379, 1998.

Japanese Article Laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery adaptation with the D2 lymph node dissection that V16 is certain
Tetsushi Hayakawa, Hiroshi Takeyama light, Takuji Fukui, Kenji Kobayashi, Yoshinori Nakamura, 田中守嗣, Tadao Manabe
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 379-379, 1998.

Japanese Article Vascular treatment in the V17 laparoscope adjuvant lower colectomy, problems and measures of the lymph node dissection
関本貢嗣 3, Tomita Hiroshi Shou 3, Masayuki Ooe 3, Yasuhiro Tamaki 3, Last field success 3, Shuji Takiguchi 1, 三宅泰裕 3, Masahiro Amano 3, Taku Kadota person 2, Morihito Kadota 3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 95(suppl-1.2): 380-380, 1998.