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Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology

Volume 101, Issue 3 / 2004
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article To the ideal medical care that Tailor-made treatment - genome science in the gastrointestinal carcinoma brings
今井浩三, 吉田幸成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 255-263, 2004.

Japanese Article Adaptation and problems of the liver transplantation to liver cancer
Satoshi Kaihara, Shiro Ogino, Akioka Seiichi, Masahiko Okamoto, 吉村了勇
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 264-268, 2004.

Japanese Article One case that the covered stent custody was useful in the pneumopericardium which occurred after progressive esophagus cancer treatment
Takeshi Ichimura, Koido Kazumitsu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 269-273, 2004.

Japanese Article One case of the large intestine amyloidosis in acknowledgment of the significant calcification of the intestinal wall
Ken Yamane tree 1), Small Kaoru Ido male 1), 中村眞 1), Atsushi Saito 1), Yasuhiro Sato 1), Niiya Minoru 1), Nobuaki Kizawa 1), Kiyotaka Fujise 1), Mitsuhiro Omura 2), Masayuki Kobayashi 3), Gotaro Toda 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 274-280, 2004.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the liver abscess for a douglas' abscess derived from sigmoid diverticulitis
清水健1), 玉城清酬2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 281-287, 2004.

Japanese Article One case of elderly people with autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis cirrhosis who had a diagnosis of overlap syndrome
Junko Omori 1) 2), 加塚希 1), 片岡幹統 1), Kunio Haruyama 1), Akiko Yamato 1), Well ferryman kernel 1), 新戸禎哲 1), Yoji Harada 1)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 288-292, 2004.

Japanese Article One case of the pedunculated growth type hemangioma of liver that presented a submucosal tumor of the stomach image out of the liver
久多良徳彦1), 千葉俊美1), 安藤達也1), 塚原光典1), 小穴修平1), 照井虎彦1), 遠藤昌樹1), 猪股正秋1), 折居正之1), 鈴木一幸1), 上杉憲幸2), 菅井有2), 中村眞一2), 吉田俊巳3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 293-299, 2004.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with portal hypertension by mesenterium arterio-venous malformation
Kingo Hirasawa 1), Fief boatman 1), Hiroaki Ansaki 1), Nobuyuki Yokoyama 1), Shoichi Tomiyama 1), Hiroshi Matsukawa 2), Atsushi Nagano 2), Naomi Kawano 3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 300-305, 2004.

Japanese Article The disease that there is not the question and answer jaundice, and fever, significant blood sedimentation promotion, acute disease - hepatologist with the biliary system enzymopathy should note
Takeshi Okanoue *, Toshiaki Nakashima **
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 306-310, 2004.

Japanese Article Specialist qualification authorization examination questions and the commentary (the 117th)
Japanese digestive organ disease society
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 101(3): 308-309, 2004.