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Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology

Volume 115, Issue suppl-1 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Step to a condition of a patient elucidation and conquest of hepatitis, the liver cancer which is a people's disease
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 2-2, 2018.

Japanese Article New specialty of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
下瀬川徹1, 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 4-4, 2018.

Japanese Article Coming cancer measures of our country
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 6-6, 2018.

Japanese Article Product made in wound of live imaging and the new medical technology based on the latest chemistry
浦野泰照1, 2, 3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 7-7, 2018.

Japanese Article AI, big data and medical care
喜連川優1, 2, 佐藤真一1, 原田達也2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 8-8, 2018.

Japanese Article Frailty sarcopenia and chronic disease management
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 10-10, 2018.

Japanese Article We regard pathological point of contact - gastric cancer pathology as digestive organ disease studies
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 11-11, 2018.

Japanese Article Approach of the female achievement promotion law and Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 14-14, 2018.

Japanese Article Whereabouts of the future local and at-home inclusion care
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 16-16, 2018.

Japanese Article It is discharge support for being at home, the role of the nursing from a hospital
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 17-17, 2018.

Japanese Article The role of the pharmacist in the local inclusion care: Examine hospitalization and release support, illness; importance of the medicine cooperation
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 18-18, 2018.

Japanese Article About the way of the outcome evaluation of the rehabilitation practice
神津玲1, 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 19-19, 2018.

Japanese Article It is supported the nutrition therapy for the at-home and local inclusion care by a hospital
濱田康弘1, 高山哲治2, 丹黒章3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 20-20, 2018.

Japanese Article The role that combination of primary care "including" hospital specialist "and" treatment at home serves as in chylopoietic disease practice?
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 21-21, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 1. Term of the translational research chairmanship using the clinical specimen
伊東文生, 榎本信幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 23-23, 2018.

Japanese Article Invention of the gastrointestinal carcinoma diagnosis using S1-1 serum SEREX antibody
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article Translational research of the gastric cancer which covered all information of the whole stomach based on humans and the helicobacter pylori genome analysis using the S1-2 gastric lavage waste fluid
山本博幸1, 渡邊嘉行1, 2, 伊東文生1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the malignant transformation mechanism in the duodenal epithelial neoplasm by the S1-3 exhaustive gene expression analysis
坂口賀基, 山道信毅, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of mucous membrane-related Dysbiosis as the new diagnosis biomarker of the S1-4 inflammatory bowel disease
西野恭平, 西田淳史, 安藤朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article Genetic screening as the presence diagnosis of S1-5 Colitis Associated Cancer
問山裕二, 奥川喜永, 楠正人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the virus factor in the carcinogenesis after antivirus treatment by S1-6 full length HCV viral genome analysis
前川伸哉, 坂本穣, 榎本信幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article The cancer-related gene profile using the clinical specimen of the S1-7 liver cancer and pathologic analysis
北畑富貴子, 朝比奈靖浩, 渡辺守
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article Biomarker search of the NASH ballooning using the S1-8 multicenter clinical specimen
小川祐二1, 江口有一郎2, 中島淳1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of choler Liquid biopsy in the S1-9 gallbladder cancer diagnosis
衣笠秀明1, 2, 能祖一裕1, 3, 岡田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article Modeling of the pancreatic cancer progress process by the S1-10 organoid
清野隆史, 佐藤俊朗, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 2. Term of the extension chairmanship of the personalized medicine in the gastrointestinal carcinoma
金子周一, 高山哲治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 27-27, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of PD-L1 expression mechanism and the function in the S2-1 EB virus-related gastric cancer
佐々木翔1, 西川潤2, 坂井田功1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of the trastuzumab combination chemotherapy effect of treatment prediction of intratumoral HER2 heterogeneity in the S2-2 HER2-positive stomach cancer
若槻尊1, 山本智理子2, 山口研成1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt of the personalized medicine based on a chemosensitive map using colon cancer cell line derived from the S2-3 patients
長山聡1, キョウハク2, 片山量平2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article Individualization treatment of RAS wild-type colon cancer using S2-4 Liquid biopsy
山田岳史, 小泉岐博, 内田英二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 28-28, 2018.

Japanese Article circulating tumor DNA chase during the colon cancer chemotherapy using the S2-5 next-generation sequencer
山内理海1, 卜部祐司2, 茶山一彰3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article EGFR downregulation and early tumor shrinkage of colon cancer with the S2-6 antiEGFR antibody medicine
岡田泰行1, 木村哲夫2, 高山哲治1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article Can you maximize a merit of effect - preoperative chemotherapy that the presence or absence of K-ras mutation in the gene gives to the surgery adaptation of S2-7 colon cancer liver metastases?
高本健史, 橋本拓哉, 幕内雅敏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the personalized medicine of the liver cancer chemoprophylaxis therapy judging from the mechanism of action of the S2-8 Pele Chino in
山下太郎, 本多政男, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility as the biological significance and treatment stratification factor of the IDH mutation in the S2-9 intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
藤原弘明, 立石敬介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the mFOLFIRINOX effect of treatment predictor in the pancreatic cancer which paid its attention to S2-10 5FU metabolism
堀口繁1, 伊藤由佳子2, 岡田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts aiming at personalized medicine based on the abnormality of the genes in the S2-11 pancreatic cancer
平野智紀, 垣内伸之, 児玉裕三
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article A fact and problem of the examination of S2-12 cancer clinical sequence
加藤真吾1, 市川靖史2, 中島淳1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 30-30, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 3. The development of digestion ductal carcinoma and term of the stem cell chairmanship
渡辺守, 妹尾浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 31-31, 2018.

Japanese Article Biological understanding of digestive organ cancer by the S3-1 basic tone lecture organoid
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 32-32, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the inflammatory cancer-causing course through the tumor stem cells re-programming of S3-2 excretory type intestinal epithelium cells
石橋史明1, 岡本隆一1, 2, 渡辺守1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article Control structure of a gastric epithelium stem cell and the carcinogenesis with the S3-3 CXCR4 signal
早河翼1, 崎谷康佑2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of Hes1 in the normal stem cell and tumor stem cells of the S3-4 intestinal tract
後藤規弘, 福田晃久, 妹尾浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the Dclk1, COX-2 protein expression in the S3-5 endoscopic large intestine saw tooth appearance lesion which we resected
森尾慶子, 八島一夫, 磯本一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article Correlation of BMP9 expression and convalescence, recurrent pattern in the S3-6 hepatocellular carcinoma
丹尾幸樹, 山下太郎, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the possibility of the new liver cancer therapy judging from the differentiation control of S3-7 viviparous liver trunk / progenitor cells
千葉哲博, 日下部裕子, 加藤直也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of E-cadherin in pancreas tumor using the S3-8 organoid
金田義弘, 芝田渉, 前田愼
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article The establishment of the S3-9 new intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma mouse model and examination of cancer origin cells
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 4. Term of the endoscopic treatment chairmanship of upper gastrointestinal tract cancer
北川雄光, 藤城光弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 35-35, 2018.

Japanese Article It is an effect of Hexanoyl group-modified alkaline-treated gelatin porous films in the ulcer after stomach ESD of the mini-pig for the specialist in S4-1
前田英仁, 佐々木文郷, 井戸章雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of persistence, talaporfin PDT for recurrent lesion local after cancer of the esophagus CRT in the S4-2 our hospital
天沼裕介, 堀松高博, 武藤学
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the rays dynamic therapy using the talaporfin for the local persistence recurrence case after the S4-3 cancer of the esophagus chemoradiotherapy
南出竜典, 依田雄介, 矢野友規
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article It is possibility of treatment with salvage endoscope (ESD/PDT) for persistence / recurrent esophageal cancer after S4-4 chemoradiotherapy
山口直之1, 2, 荻原久美2, 中尾一彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article We approach the stenosis prophylactic limit after S4-5 esophagus ESD: "The steroid station note method" and "investing method with a polyglycolic acid sheet and the fibrin paste"
坂口賀基, 藤城光弘, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a treatment result of ESD for rebuilding gullet cancer after cancer of the esophagus technique in the S4-6 our hospital
槁本哲, 水野研一, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article Endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique being aware of maintenance of S4-7 Triangulation
鈴木翔, 草野央, 後藤田卓志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article For elimination of usefulness - ESD of stomach ESD using the S4-8 clutch cutter
寺崎慶, 土肥統, 内藤裕二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 5. Term of the present conditions chairmanship of the constipation practice on the basis of chronic constipation practice guidelines
三輪洋人, 中島淳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article Condition of a patient and diagnosis ... Rome IV ... which was revised of the S5-1 chronicity constipation
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 40-40, 2018.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the S5-2 functionality back-raking disorder
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 40-40, 2018.

Japanese Article Mainly on S5-3 basic tone lecture chronicity constipation practice guidelines - treatment -
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 41-41, 2018.

Japanese Article New medicine development status in S5-4 chronicity constipation treatment
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 42-42, 2018.

Japanese Article It is fact-finding of the constipation of putting it for S5-5 Japanese
山本さゆり, 川村百合加, 春日井邦夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 42-42, 2018.

Japanese Article An annual prescription change of the aperient in the S5-6 our hospital and examination of the hypermagnesemia
鎌野俊彰, 中川義仁, 大宮直木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 42-42, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment by present conditions and guidelines classification examination of the constipation practice in the S5-7 general hospital
江口考明, 吉崎哲也, 岡田明彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 42-42, 2018.

Japanese Article Association with the prevalence of gene locus time and the constipation in the S5-8 Japanese
八木専1, 竹下英次1, 日浅陽一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article Japanese gut flora information by the S5-9 16S rRNA meta genome analysis: Characteristic judging from Bristol service score
高木智久, 柏木里織, 内藤裕二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result for the intractable constipation of the S5-10 single foramen-style laparoscopic lower colon complete removal technique
河原秀次郎1, 秋葉直志1, 矢永勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 6. Term of the liver cancer practice up to date chairmanship
工藤正俊, 國土典宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness and possibility of new liver residual function rating system ALBI-grade in the S6-1 liver cancer practice: nationwide survey
平岡淳1, 熊田卓2, 工藤正俊3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article Inspection of a staging system and the treatment algorithm in the S6-2 hepatocellular carcinoma
小笠原定久1, 大塚将之2, 加藤直也1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article Positioning of the contrasting sonography in the S6-3 liver cancer practice
西村貴士1, 2, 西口修平2, 飯島尋子1, 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article Early treatment effect measurement of the radiofrequency wave cauterization using S6-4 US - US image overlay fusion
南康範, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article Hepatic artery chemoembolisation combination normal position radiotherapy for the S6-5 hepatocellular carcinoma
河岡友和, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article The examination of the factor influencing effect measurement just after S6-6 TACE: Consideration about the significance of the TACE refractoriness definition
片山和宏1, 和田浩志2, 大川和良1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article S6-7 Molecular target treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma - Sorafenib → Regorafenib Introduction possibility of sequential therapy
森口理久1, 2, 新槇剛2, 伊藤義人1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and results of the medical therapy for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma with the S6-8 altitude vascular invasion
荒井邦明, 山下竜也, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy to examine from effect on S6-9 progress hepatocellular carcinoma analysis of sorafenib treatment and the liver arterial infusion chemotherapy
徳永尭之, 田中基彦, 佐々木裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 48-48, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination ... multicenter randomized phase II study (SCOOP-II trial) about the usefulness of the cisplatin intraarterial injection precedence for the S6-10 progress liver cancer
近藤正晃1, 森本学2, 田中克明1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 48-48, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 7. Term of the long term prognosis chairmanship of patients with hepatitis B
茶山一彰, 四柳宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 49-49, 2018.

Japanese Article Long term prognosis after the HBsAg disappearance in the S7-1 HBV continuation infected person
山崎一美1, 八坂貴宏2, 八橋弘1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 50-50, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the long term prognosis of the type B chronic liver disease case judging from presence or absence of S7-2 HBs antigen negative conversion
保坂哲也, 鈴木文孝, 熊田博光
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 50-50, 2018.

Japanese Article The cancer-causing risk of the examination Subtype-Bj patients of the long term prognosis of the S7-3 HBV genotypical Subtype-Bj patients is not low at all!
芳賀弘明, 奥本和夫, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 50-50, 2018.

Japanese Article Factor of S7-4 HBe antigen negative and the HBV carcinogenesis that the HBs antigen low level and the HBcr antigen high level became independent
鈴木雄一朗, 坂本穣, 榎本信幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 50-50, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - of analysis - drug cancellation possibility of the long term prognosis of the S7-5 nucleic acid analog preparation internal use patients
広瀬俊治, 鶴谷康太, 加川建弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 51-51, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the nucleic acid analog chronic administration case for the S7-6 type B chronic liver disease
小関至, 中島知明, 狩野吉康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 51-51, 2018.

Japanese Article Long term prognosis - multicenter study - of the type B chronic liver disease case that virus control is obtained by S7-7 nucleic acid analog
山田涼子, 阪森亮太郎, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 51-51, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the cancer-causing case after the nucleic acid analog chronic administration for S7-8 chronic hepatitis B
玉城信治, 黒崎雅之, 泉並木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 51-51, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness - of the examination - HB core related antigen of the liver carcinogenesis in the S7-9 HBe antigen negative, HBV DNA non-high level case
多田俊史, 熊田卓, 豊田秀徳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 52-52, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the HBV infection situation in patients with HIV infection in the S7-10 our hospital
堤武也1, 鯉渕智彦2, 四柳宏1, 2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 52-52, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of liver transplant and the HBV reinfection for the S7-11 HBV (HBV)-related liver disease
柘植雅貴, 今村道雄, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 52-52, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 8. Hepatitis C treatment: Term of the present conditions and the fine-view chairmanship
泉並木, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 53-53, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and drug choice of the DAA treatment aiming at S8-1 carcinogenesis restraint
坂本穣1, 佐藤光明2, 榎本信幸2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 54-54, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result in the intractable case of the host factor for DAAs for S8-2 chronic hepatitis C
厚川正則1, 豊田秀徳2, 高口浩一3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 54-54, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of DAA therapy for S8-3 Genotype type 1 chronic hepatitis C and the case to become the problem in future
今村道雄1, 辻恵二2, 茶山一彰1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 54-54, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of NS5A mutation nature of virus and the sensitivity for various antiviral drugs that resulted from S8-4 treatment unsuccessfullness
新田沙由梨, 朝比奈靖浩, 渡辺守
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 54-54, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the factor associated with the S8-5 SOF/LDV treatment unsuccessfullness
馬渡誠一, 森内昭博, 井戸章雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 55-55, 2018.

Japanese Article Problems in the re-treatment after the DAA treatment unsuccessfullness judging from S8-6 NS5A-RASs
内田義人, 中山伸朗, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 55-55, 2018.

Japanese Article The re-treatment strategy that we saw from an HCV virus after the S8-7 DAAs treatment non-complete response
田守昭博, ハイホアン, 河田則文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 55-55, 2018.

Japanese Article From drug-resistant mutation - national multicenter data analysis in the S8-8 DAAs combination therapy unsuccessfullness case -
板倉潤, 黒崎雅之, 泉並木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 55-55, 2018.

Japanese Article It is specialty and a problem in hepatitis C treatment after a liver transplant using S8-9 DAA
池上徹, 吉住朋晴, 前原喜彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 56-56, 2018.

Japanese Article We experience the use of the direct action type antiviral drug for the hepatitis C virus reinfection case after S8-10 liver transplant
島上哲朗, 北原征明, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 56-56, 2018.

Japanese Article The new onset and recurrence of the liver cancer after the S8-11 DAA treatment
阪森亮太郎, 山田涼子, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 56-56, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term outcome after the treatment with oral IFN-free for the S8-12 C type chronic liver disease
瀬崎ひとみ, 小林正宏, 熊田博光
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 56-56, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the carcinogenesis of the case given the DAA treatment for the S8-13 C type liver disease
井出達也1, 江口有一郎2, 鳥村拓司1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article It is the present conditions of the carcinogenesis after SVR with the S8-14 DAA treatment
竹内康人, 池田房雄, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - using participation - EOB-MRI of the host side factor for the liver carcinogenesis after the S8-15 hepatitis C DAAs treatment
豊田秀徳1, 熊田卓1, 田中靖人2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the change of the quantity of muscle in the antivirus treatment for patients with S8-16 hepatitis C
楊和典, 西川浩樹, 西口修平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the quality of life improvement effect with the DAA treatment that we saw according to S8-17 HCV genotype
米山弘人, 森下朝洋, 正木勉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 58-58, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and value in the local whole of hepatitis C treatment for S8-18 elderly people
大枝敏, 岩根紳治, 江口有一郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 58-58, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 9. Term of the progress chairmanship of the combined modality therapy for the pancreatic cancer
伊佐地秀司, 古瀬純司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 59-59, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for the local progress pancreatic cancer in our S9-1 classroom impossible of excision
山田豪1, 藤井努2, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 60-60, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance - of a treatment result and the histologic effect of treatment that saw chemoradiotherapy for the S9-2 local site progress pancreatic cancer according to surgery treatment - resectability classification that preceded
村田泰洋, 早崎碧泉, 岸和田昌之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 60-60, 2018.

Japanese Article A treatment strategy for the S9-3 UR-LA pancreatic cancer: Significance and adaptation of Conversion Surgery
元井冬彦, 畠達夫, 伊関雅裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 60-60, 2018.

Japanese Article A phase II study of the preoperation S-1 combination radiotherapy for the S9-4 Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: Main analysis results report of JASPAC05
杉浦禎一1, 池田公史2, 上坂克彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 60-60, 2018.

Japanese Article Combined modality therapy for the Borderline pancreatic cancer with the S9-5 artery permeation
齋藤圭, 中井陽介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article Preoperation GEM+nab-PTX combination therapy for the S9-6 Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
佐々木隆1, 齋浦明夫2, 笹平直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article Combined modality therapy strategy mainly on the GEM+nab-PTX therapy for the S9-7 local site progress pancreatic cancer
辻本彰子, 須藤研太郎, 山口武人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article Multicenter randomized phase II study of the gemcitabine +S-1 combination therapy vs. S-1 therapy for the S9-8 gemcitabine refractory progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
重川稔1, 大川和良2, 竹原徹郎1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of the chemical proton beam therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in the S9-9 our hospital
竹田康人1, 青柳裕之1, 玉村裕保2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of moving body pursuit IMRT using the EUS guide reserve fund marker custody for the local progress pancreatic cancer in the S9-10 our hospital
西川義浩, 松森友昭, 児玉裕三
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article Strong convergence supersonic wave (HIFU) therapy for the S9-11 pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
藤田充, 祖父尼淳, 糸井隆美
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article Percutaneous IRE (Irreversible electroporation, NanoKnife (TM)) treatment for the S9-12 local site progress pancreatic cancer
森安史典1, 佐野隆友1, 糸井隆夫2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 10. Term of the present conditions and the problem chairmanship in the IgG4-related chylopoietic disease
岡崎和一, 良沢昭銘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article Participation of the natural immunity in the S10-1 type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
内田一茂, 柳川雅人, 岡崎和一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on self antigen identification of the S10-2 autoimmune pancreatitis
塩川雅広, 児玉祐三, 妹尾浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article Pulmonary disease ... with characteristic - various image evidence of lesion in the S10-3 IgG4 associated diseases out of the pancreas
柿崎泰明, 牧野直彦, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic characteristic of the S10-4 IgG4-related gastrointestinal lesion
能登原憲司1, 4, 神澤輝実2, 4, 岡崎和一3, 4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the serum IgG4 level in the S10-5 cirrhosis case
宮副由梨, 田浦直太, 中尾一彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of 70 type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis in the S10-6 our hospital
松本慎平, 桑原崇通, 原和生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the serum IgG4 rate of change as the new revival prediction marker in the S10-7 autoimmune pancreatitis
鈴木大輔1, 2, 清水京子1, 徳重克年1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the revival predictor after the steroid dosage of the S10-8 autoimmune pancreatitis
鷹取元, 宮澤正樹, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 65-65, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical course after the S10-9 autoimmune pancreatitis steroid introduction
石井康隆, 芹川正浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Mainly on the analysis of the long-term results - revival case of the steroid therapy for the S10-10 autoimmune pancreatitis -
牛島知之, 岡部義信, 鳥村拓司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Association of the young onset and revival in the S10-11 autoimmune pancreatitis
田中俊多, 増田充弘, 塩見英之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Inspection of the clinical course in the S10-12 autoimmune pancreatitis untreated case
小澤真希子, 渡邉貴之, 村木崇
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium 11. Term of the present conditions and the problems chairmanship of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower treatment
北野雅之, 伊佐山浩通
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article EUS guide lower ethanol cauter therapy for the S11-1 pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
松本和幸, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the EUS guide bottom nerve block for the pain with the S11-2 pancreatic cancer
三長孝輔, 竹中完, 工藤正俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article S11-3 malignant biliary tract obstruction, examination of the validity of Primary EUS-HGS for the duodenal permeation case impossible of excision
中井陽介1, 伊佐山浩通1, 2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the safe stenting in the S11-4 ultrasonic endoscope lower cholangiogastrostomy
小倉健, 山田真規, 樋口和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term results ... multicenter prospective cohort study ... of ultrasonic endoscope lower bile duct duodenum anastomoses (EUS-CDS) using S11-5 new model LAMS (Hot AXIOS)
土屋貴愛1, 北野雅之2, 糸井隆夫1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness and limit of the EUS lower anterograde stenting for the S11-6 malignancy biliary tract obstruction
岩下拓司, 上村真也, 清水雅仁
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower gallbladder drainage technique for the S11-7 acute cholecystitis
藤田祐司, 石井研, 松橋信行
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the ultrasonic endoscope lower drainage for the S11-8 pancreas neighborhood liquid retention
加藤新, 桑谷将城, 坂本直哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article Nasal drainage lower continuation washing therapy of the transgastrointestinal tract for S11-9 Walled-off necrosis
田村崇, 糸永昌弘, 北野雅之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article New interventional EUS - EUS-guided coil deployment with sclerotherapy ... for the S11-10 isolated gastric varices
渋川悟朗, 入澤篤志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 1. Term of sarcopenia, life-style related diseases and the chylopoietic disease chairmanship
西口修平, 日野啓輔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-1 Helicobacter pylori infection and examination about the association of dyslipidemia
権頭健太, 高橋悠, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article Cumulative incidence of metachronous large intestine tumor in patients with PD1-2 life-style related diseases
木村聖路1, 西谷大輔1, 福田眞作2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article Correlation of clinical significance and cancer tissue, serum sarcopenia association miRNA of the skeletal muscle mass decrease in PD1-3 colon cancer
奥川喜永, 問山裕二, 楠正人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article Association of PD1-4 pancreas fatty change and the pancreas inside and outside hyposecretion
三宅隼人, 保田宏明, 阪上順一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the sarcopenia in the PD1-5 chylopoietic disease
白木亮, 大西祥代, 清水雅仁
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the sarcopenia exercise marker in the PD1-6 non-alcoholic fat-related liver disease
高橋宏和1, 2, 北島陽一郎1, 3, 江口有一郎2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the change over time of the quantity of line in the PD1-7 sarcopenia
武田果林, 中本伸宏, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the rating system of the quantity of muscle of patients with liver disease in the PD1-8 our hospital
楊和典, 岩田恵典, 西川浩樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the sarcopenia diagnosis in patients with PD1-9 cirrhosis
大原正嗣, 小川浩司, 坂本直哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 74-74, 2018.

Japanese Article The impact that PD1-10 body composition (atrophy skeletal muscle, offal fat accumulation) gives for progress liver cancer treatment
佐伯一成1, 山崎隆弘2, 坂井田功1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 74-74, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of carnitine giving it to the sarcopenia of patients with PD1-11 cirrhosis
平松憲, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 74-74, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of sarcopenia and the offal fat obesity in the PD1-12 abdomen transplant surgery
海道利実, 濱口雄平, 上本伸二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 74-74, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 2. Term of the optimal treatment strategy chairmanship for unresectable progress recurrence gastrointestinal tract cancer in line with true clinical practice
朴成和, 吉野孝之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy (Y-shaped gullet bypass operation) for the PD2-1 cancer of the esophagus impossible of excision
石黒秀行, 坂本宣弘, 瀧口修司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the antiPD-1 antibody in the PD2-2 squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus
工藤敏啓1, 佐藤太郎1, 土岐祐一郎2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article The future of the treatment of the PD2-3 progress recurrence cancer of the esophagus impossible of excision
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the repetition chemotherapy in the taxane abdominal cavity for the PD2-4 gastrointestinal carcinoma peritoneum dissemination
北山丈二1, 石神浩徳2, 山口博紀3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article Optimal treatment strategy in the PD2-5 progress recurrence stomach cancer impossible of excision
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article Near future forecast map of PD2-6 progress recurrence stomach cancer treatment impossible of excision
馬場英司1, 有山寛2, 赤司浩一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article Look at the rear of TAS-102 for the PD2-7 progress colorectal cancer impossible of excision; mark examination [HGCSG1503]: Analysis by the background factor
中積宏之1, 小松嘉人1, 坂本直哉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article Optimal treatment strategy in PD2-8 progress recurrence colon cancer impossible of excision
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article Near future forecast map of PD2-9 progress recurrence colon cancer treatment impossible of excision
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 78-78, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 3. Term of the problems chairmanship over long-term results of the helicobacter pylori sanitization
村上和成, 前田愼
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 79-79, 2018.

Japanese Article Actual situation - obesity of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization patients in the PD3-1 Yamagata cohort, analysis ... of metabolic syndrome related conditions
佐々木悠1, 阿部靖彦1, 2, 上野義之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the risk factor of the reflux oesophagitis onset with the PD3-2 H.pylori sanitization treatment
吉田雄一朗, 蔵原晃一, 八板弘樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article Helicobacter pylori (H. which we saw according to PD3-3 age pylori) Change of histologic gastritis in approximately the sanitization
榮浩行1, 岡田裕之1, 田中健大2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article It is the difference in risk of the gastric cancer after sanitization by later histologic intestinal metaplasia before PD3-4 sanitization and the endoscopic atrophy
新倉量太, 平田喜裕, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article The irregularities irregularity of the gastric mucosa appearing after PD3-5 sanitization makes a gastric cancer diagnosis difficult
山崎琢士1, 千葉井基泰2, 猿田雅之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the intermediate zone as the area of predilection for gastric cancer after PD3-6 sanitization
八木一芳1, 佐藤祐一2, 寺井崇二3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a clinicopathologic characteristic of the discovery gastric cancer after PD3-7 sanitization
佐藤知子1, 平澤欣吾1, 前田愼2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the clinical endoscopic characteristic in the course long-term after PD3-8 sanitization after sanitization of the discovery gastric cancer
中野薫1, 藤崎順子1, 山本智理子2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article It is featured the discovery gastric cancer after Helicobacter pylori (Hp) sanitization by the number of years after PD3-9 sanitization in the course
堀口徳之, 田原智満, 大宮直木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article PD3-10 H. Comparison of the oncogene mutation using the next-generation sequencer in the poorly-differentiated and well differentiated each gastric cancer detected before and after pylori sanitization
兒玉雅明1, 2, 沖本忠義2, 村上和成2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article PD3-11 H. Examination of the molecular pathology of the gastric cancer inhibitory effect in the course case long-term after pylori sanitization
道上祐己, 渡二郎, 三輪洋人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 4. Term of the present conditions and the measures chairmanship of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the aged society
平石秀幸, 岡政志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 83-83, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect by the present conditions and the aging of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the PD4-1 our hospital
関英幸, 鈴木潤一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article Vomiting of blood, bloody bowel discharge treatment of PD4-2 elderly people: Is it urgently an endoscope or systemic management?
内山崇, 野中敬, 小松達司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the long-term course of the esophageal varices in PD4-3 elderly people
日向有紀子1, 中村真一2, 徳重克年1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - of the endoscopic hemostasis case in present conditions - our hospital of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding case of the PD4-4 elderly aged 75 or over
松田可奈1, 小野尚子2, 坂本直哉1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the hemorrhagic stomach duodenal ulcer of PD4-5 elderly people
齊藤陽一, 今井幸紀, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and measures of the PD4-6 elderly people bleeding peptic ulcer
岩本淳一1, 松崎靖司1, 溝上裕士2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical features and treatment result of the super elderly people upper gastrointestinal bleeding by the comparison between the PD4-7 age
岡村卓磨, 横澤秀一, 新倉則和
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination ... of clinical features - risk factor of the hemorrhagic stomach duodenal ulcer in PD4-8 elderly people
福士耕, 富永圭一, 平石秀幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article The PD4-9 steroid administration is associated with dose-dependency for hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer rebleeding
八田和久1, 近藤穣1, 2, 小池智幸1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article The urgent endoscopic present conditions for the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the PD4-10 our hospital
榊原祐子, 石田永, 三田英治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the elderly people haemorrhagic ulcer in the PD4-11 our hospital
本藤有智, 平名浩史, 河相覚
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for the non-varix-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the PD4-12 depopulation aging local digestive organ disease center
沢井正佳, 堀内葉月, 松本昌美
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article Stomach ESD afterbleeding protective efficacy of the new device PGA sheet pasting law in the PD4-13 elderly people antithrombotic drug internal use case
小林伸也, 森宏仁, 正木勉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 87-87, 2018.

Japanese Article PD4-14 Consideration of gastric cancer cases of elderly people who was founded by hematemesis and melena
和田郁雄, 竹上正之, 宮本幸雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 87-87, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 5. GERD diagnosis, term of the battle front chairmanship of the treatment
木下芳一, 藤原靖弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 89-89, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between change and helicobacter pylori infection of the quarter of century of the PD5-1 reflux oesophagitis prevalence
山道信毅1, 和田亮一2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the risk factor involved in PD5-2 reflux oesophagitis aggravation
萱嶋善行, 蔵原晃一, 八板弘樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of new questionnaire GERD-TEST in the PD5-3 GERD practice
中田浩二1, 4, 松橋信行2, 春間賢3, 4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the association between PD5-4 GERD and acidophilic esophagitis
橋本篤, 藤原靖弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the condition of a patient evaluation by functional lumen imaging probe in the PD5-5 GERD practice
三上博信, 石村典久, 木下芳一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article Presence of laryngopharynx reflux in the PD5-6 PPI-resistant NERD case
松村倫明1, 鈴木猛司2, 加藤直也1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the symptom-related factor in the PD5-7 PPI-resistant NERD patients
阿部泰明, 小池智幸, 齊藤真弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the pathophysiology of PD5-8 P-CAB-resistant GERD
正岡建洋, 亀山尚子, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of acid drying effect and P-CAB-resistant NERD by PD5-9 P-CAB
川見典之, 貝瀬満, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about usefulness and the treatment response case of vonoprazan for PD5-10 PPI-resistant GERD
山田真也, 戸祭直也, 吉田憲正
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the remission maintenance effect of the vonoprazan for patients with obtained PPI-resistant reflux oesophagitis of the PD5-11 symptom improvement
水野秀城, 上山本伸治, 樋上義伸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term results - Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for GERD of the endoscopic treatment for PPI-resistant GERD in the PD5-12 our hospital: ESD-G ...
太田和寛, 竹内利寿, 樋口和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and invention of endoscopic treatment (ARMS) for PD5-13 PPI-resistant GERD
角一弥, 池田晴夫, 井上晴洋
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 93-93, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 6. Term of the clinical topics master of ceremonies whom we saw by antiTNFLα antibody therapeutic drug introduction for the inflammatory bowel disease
仲瀬裕志, 猿田雅之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 95-95, 2018.

Japanese Article How long can you respond for Crohn's disease if you do not do PD6-1 Top-down without using antiTNF - α antibody preparation?
津田早耶, 加藤順, 北野雅之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 96-96, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of clinical topics in the PD6-2 Crohn's disease infliximab top-down treatment
宮嵜孝子1, 渡辺憲治2, 樋田信幸1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 96-96, 2018.

Japanese Article Management of antiTNF - α antibody treatment aiming at PD6-3 Crohn's disease long-term remission
北村和哉, 岡藤啓史, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 96-96, 2018.

Japanese Article Optimal administration strategy to think about from the long-term treatment result of antiTNF - α antibody for PD6-4 Crohn disease
諸井林太郎1, 遠藤克哉2, 角田洋一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 96-96, 2018.

Japanese Article PD6-5 Utility of Budesonide Bridge Treatment for Infliximab Effect Reduction in Crohn's Disease
長坂光夫, 鎌野俊彰, 大宮直木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article About a clinical course of antiTNF - α antibody preparation in the PD6-6 ulcerative colitis
齊藤詠子, 松岡克善, 渡辺守
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect on long term prognosis by the immunomodulator combination at use of antiTNF - α antibody preparation in the PD6-7 ulcerative colitis
南木康作, 長沼誠, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of Drug monitoring in the infliximab treatment of the PD6-8 inflammatory bowel disease
池谷賢太郎1, 杉本健2, 花井洋行1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of preoperation antiTNF - α antibody preparation treatment in the PD6-9 Crohn's disease surgery case
水島恒和1, 2, 土岐祐一郎2, 森正樹2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 98-98, 2018.

Japanese Article Problems and measures of antiTNF - α antibody preparation treated Crohn's disease case judging from a PD6-10 surgery case
小金井一隆, 辰巳健志, 杉田昭
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 98-98, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of antiTNF - α antibody therapeutic drug for the inflammatory bowel disease judging from PD6-11 surgery
岡田聡, 畑啓介, 渡邉聡明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 98-98, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 7. Liver fibrosis: Term of the basics of diagnosis, treatment and the clinical chairmanship
竹原徹郎, 河田則文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 99-99, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of CTGF as the new treatment target, biomarker in PD7-1 liver fibrosis
牧野祐紀, 疋田隼人, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the diagnostic significance of serum galectin -9 concentrations in the PD7-2 chronic liver disease
藤田浩二1, 樋本尚志2, 正木勉1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between liver fibrosis and serum AKR1B10 in the PD7-3 NASH patients
神野正隆, 本多政夫, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article PD7-4 Study on fibrosis degree and intestinal flora extension using Fib4 index in hepatitis C patients
山本健太1, 廣岡芳樹1, 2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article Correlation of liver fibrosis marker M2BPGi in the PD7-5 chronic liver disease and various nutrition-related markers
恵荘裕嗣, 丸澤宏之, 妹尾浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the video diagnosis by Transient Elastography as the liver fibrosis rating system that PD7-6 is noninvasive and MR-Laparoscopy
斎藤聡, 小林正宏, 川村祐介
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the new antifibrosis treatment with PD7-7 NOTCH1 inhibitor
北出光輝, 鍛治孝祐, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article PD7-8 G protein conjugate receptor control factor ARRDC3 is involved in NASH fibrosis extension
佐々木翔一, 神田達郎, 森山光彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article The oral administration type redox nanoparticles to maintain PD7-9 antioxidant action inhibit liver fibrosis in the NASH mouse
江口暁子1, 長崎幸夫2, 竹井謙之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article Importance of microRNA-200b for the hepatitis symptom in the PD7-10 non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis
中村昌人, 千葉哲博, 加藤直也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article Development of the antifibrosis therapeutic drug for the PD7-11 C type cirrhosis
木村公則1, 原田憲一2, 溝上雅史3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article New development to basic study and clinical practice of the cellular therapy aiming at PD7-12 cirrhosis improvement
土屋淳紀, 渡邉雄介, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 8. How did the C type liver cancer practice change in DAA? Term of the chairmanship
坂本直哉, 建石良介
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 103-103, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of liver carcinogenesis, liver cancer recurrence after PD8-1 C type chronic liver disease antiviral therapy SVR
中西裕之, 黒崎雅之, 泉並木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 104-104, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the liver carcinogenesis deterrent effect after the HCV exclusion with the PD8-2 DAAs treatment
永田紘子, 朝比奈靖浩, 渡辺守
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 104-104, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the risk factor cancer-causing after DAA treatment in the PD8-3 C type chronic liver disease
飯尾悦子, 松浦健太郎, 田中靖人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 104-104, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the HCC carcinogenesis risk after PD8-4 DAA treatment SVR
佐藤光明, 坂本穣, 榎本信幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 104-104, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect that SVR by PD8-5 DAA gives to new carcinogenesis, liver cancer recurrence, liver residual function
中井正人, 須田剛生, 坂本直哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article Factor ... multicenter study ... to contribute to the recurrence of the case given DAA after PD8-6 hepatocellular carcinoma radical cure
中村進一郎, 能祖一裕, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that DAA treatment after PD8-7 liver cancer treatment gives to a recurrence
小林正宏, 鈴木文孝, 池田健次
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article It is the examination about the recurrence after the antiviral therapy after PD8-8 hepatitis C association liver cancer curative treatment
南達也, 建石良介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 105-105, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after the DAAs treatment for the PD8-9 hepatitis C-related hepatocellular carcinoma existing treatment case
水野和幸, 豊田秀徳, 熊田卓
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 106-106, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about liver cancer recurrence after the DAA complete response for the PD8-10 C type liver cancer history case
小関至, 荒川知明, 狩野吉康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 106-106, 2018.

Japanese Article What kind of influence does the virus extermination with the direct action type antiviral drug after PD8-11 hepatocellular carcinoma treatment have on relapse-free survival rate?
大木隆正1, 佐藤新平2, 小尾俊太郎3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 106-106, 2018.

Japanese Article It is liver cancer recurrent inhibition with the DAA treatment and a comparison with the convalescence improvement effect - IFN based treatment after PD8-12 HCV association liver cancer curative treatment
長沖祐子, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 106-106, 2018.

Japanese Article Does the PD8-13 Direct acting, antivirals treatment promote liver carcinogenesis?
溝上雅史, 是永匡紹, 考藤達也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 107-107, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 9. Term of the master of ceremonies feeling the border of the alcoholic / non-alcoholic liver disease
佐々木裕, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 109-109, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the background factor according to the quantity of drinking of the non-viral fatty liver in the PD9-1 2016 clinical survey testee
三浦美香1, 依田芳起1, 榎本信幸2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article The comparison that became the grouping with the alcohol intake of patients with PD9-2 non-B non-C type chronic liver disease
村上英介, 中原隆志, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical pathologic difference of the chronic hepatic dysfunction acute exacerbation in PD9-3 alcoholicity and the non-alcoholic fatty cirrhosis
楮柏松, 中本伸宏, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article A drinking history investigation in the PD9-4 our hospital and effect of the drinking on liver carcinogenesis
所征範, 清家正隆, 村上和成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give a lipid liver disease of the quantity of PD9-5 drinking
児玉和久, 橋本悦子, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article Quantity of new drinking prediction scoring using the PD9-6 clinical parameter
藤井英樹1, 倉井修2, 河田則文1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article Carbohydrate chain loss transferrin (CDT) is useful for distinction of the alcohol participation in the PD9-7γ-GTP rise case
杉本和史, 岩佐元雄, 竹井謙之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect and relations with the PNPLA3 genetic polymorphism that the alcohol intake in the PD9-8 medical examination testee gives to the condition of a patient of the lipid liver disease
瀬古裕也1, 西大路賢一2, 伊藤義人1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the difference of a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Alcoholic liver disease using PD9-9 Fibroscan and the intermediary group
菊池真大1, 2, 堀江義則3, 金井隆典4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article The ethanol intakes PD9-10 21 g a day or more may influence it for liver fibrosis, a survival period
青木智子1, 2, 飯島尋子1, 2, 西口修平2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article Contribution of the hepatocytes automatic fuzzy in the condition of a patient of the PD9-11 fat-related liver disease
坂根貞嗣, 疋田隼人, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 10. Term of the latest knowledge chairmanship of the drug induced hepatic injury
滝川一, 松崎靖司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 113-113, 2018.

Japanese Article Prospective case accumulation of the PD10-2 drug induced hepatic injury case
相磯光彦, 田中篤, 滝川一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of the drug induced hepatic injury in the PD10-3 general hospital
森奈美, 本田洋士, 辻恵二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article Incidence of the drug induced hepatic injury in the PD10-4 national hospital mechanism liver disease network collaborative investigation and examination of becoming fulminant
山崎一美1, 太田肇2, 八橋弘1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article The actual situation of medicamentosus acute hepatic failure and LOHF in the PD10-5 our country: Analysis of the case that occurred for 2010-15 years
中山伸朗, 中尾将光, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 114-114, 2018.

Japanese Article Early diagnosis of the PD10-6 drug induced hepatic injury and attempt of the aggravation prediction
柿坂啓介, 鈴木悠地, 滝川康裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 115-115, 2018.

Japanese Article The change of the drug induced hepatic injury in the PD10-7 our hospital and examination of the characteristic of the antinuclear antibody-positive drug induced hepatic injury
吉田理, 阿部雅則, 日浅陽一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 115-115, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the transporter gene by the next-generation sequencer in the PD10-8 cholestasis type drug induced hepatic injury
加川建弘, 広瀬俊治, 鶴谷康太
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 115-115, 2018.

Japanese Article Participation of the platelet aggregation in the development of PD10-9 hepatic sinusoid obstruction syndrome out of the blood vessel
田島秀浩, 太田哲生, 宮下知治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 115-115, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 11. Term of the comparison between development and effectiveness (including IPMN) chairmanship of the new screening of the pancreatic cancer
眞嶋浩聡, 潟沼朗生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 117-117, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness as Liquid biopsy of the long-chain functionality RNA out of the serum vesicle in the PD11-1 pancreatic cancer out of the cells
高橋賢治, 北野陽平, 太田嗣人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 118-118, 2018.

Japanese Article About clinical usefulness of the pancreatic cancer-related mutation in the gene detection using circulating tumor DNA in patients with PD11-2 pancreatic cancer
高田良司1, 大川和良1, 加藤菊也2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 118-118, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness of the KRAS mutation screening using the digital PCR in the PD11-3 pancreatic cancer diagnosis
杉森慎, 前田愼
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 118-118, 2018.

Japanese Article Development of the pancreatic cancer screening by the PD11-4 blood meta rag mixture
小林隆1, 平田祐一2, 吉田優1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 118-118, 2018.

Japanese Article Development of the pancreatic cancer screening test using polyamines out of PD11-5 saliva
朝井靖二1, 糸井隆夫1, 砂村眞琴2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the pancreatic cancer screening for patients with diabetes based on an amino acid profile out of the PD11-6 plasma
水野卓1, 山門實2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the risk factor of the pancreatic cancer development in the families with the PD11-7 pancreatic cancer family history
伊藤泰斗, 清水京子, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the washing suction pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis in the PD11-8 pancreatic cancer early diagnosis
楠瀬寛顕, 越田真介, 伊藤啓
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article Development of the new survey instrument for the pancreatic cancer using race urine characteristics of the PD11-9 nematode
石川卓哉1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article IPMN preoperation benign, malignancy screening using the PD11-10 artificial intelligence
桑原崇通1, 原和生1, 丹羽康正2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 12. Term of the preoperation practice chairmanship of the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma
窪田敬一, 笹平直樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 121-121, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of bile duct biopsy and ENBD of the transnipple for the PD12-1 naive nipple hepatic portal region domain bile duct stricture case
川嶋啓揮1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article The thing which mapping biopsy brings for PD12-2 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma
中川圭1, 菅野敦2, 海野倫明1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the new oral cholangioscope (SpyGlass DS) in the PD12-3 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma preoperation mapping biopsy
小川貴央, 伊藤啓, 越田真介
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the probe type cofocus laser endoscopy for the bile duct stricture lesion including the PD12-4 hepatic portal region domain
小畑雅寛, 桑原崇道, 原和生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article Preoperation measures of the PD12-5 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma and the excision results
青木琢, 松本尊嗣, 窪田敬一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article A multicenter retrospective study of the PD12-6 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma preoperation biliary tract drainage: A subgroup analysis of EPOD-hilar study
中井陽介1, 松山眞人2, 伊佐山浩通3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of inside stent in the biliary tract drainage endoscopic in preoperation for the PD12-7 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma
秋山大1, 高橋祐2, 笹平直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the preoperation choler return for the PD12-8 hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma
上野公彦, 味木徹夫, 福本巧
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article Preoperation surgery simulation using the image analysis software for the PD12-9 hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma
棚橋義直, 杉岡篤, 加藤悠太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 124-124, 2018.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 13. Term of the present conditions and the problem chairmanship of the chronic pancreatitis practice
五十嵐良典, 正宗淳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 125-125, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination that we attack the useful nature of the early intervention for the chronic pancreatitis in PD13-1 early stage
石川卓哉1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 126-126, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt ... of treatment strategy - cross over study for PD13-2 early chronic pancreatitis and the chronic pancreatitis suspected diagnosis case
山脇博士1, 二神生爾2, 岩切勝彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 126-126, 2018.

Japanese Article Chronic pancreatitis and difference of the early chronic pancreatitis judging from the onset of the PD13-3 pancreatic cancer
佐藤愛, 入澤篤志, 澁川悟朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 126-126, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of pancreatic lithiasis treatment in the PD13-4 our hospital
菊田和宏, 正宗淳, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 126-126, 2018.

Japanese Article The endoscopic measures of the transnipple for the chronic pancreatitis with PD13-5 pancreatic duct stenosis and treatment result of the ESWL
宇都宮蘭, 林毅, 潟沼朗生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical usefulness of the pancreatic duct stenting for pancreatic calculus merger pancreatic duct stenosis with the PD13-6 chronic pancreatitis
伊藤謙, 岡野直樹, 五十嵐良典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article Evaluation of medical treatment and the pancreas function for the PD13-7 pancreatic lithiasis
関藤剛, 芹川正浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of the endoscopic pancreatic calculus treatment using the basket for the PD13-8 pancreatic calculus removal
齋藤友隆, 中井陽介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the EUS guide lower pancreatic duct drainage in PD13-9 good nature pancreatic duct stenosis
酒井利隆, 越田真介, 伊藤啓
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of EHL using the digital oral pancreatic duct endoscope for the calculus in the PD13-10 pancreatic duct
宮野亮, 小倉健, 樋口和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the chronic pancreatitis surgery in the PD13-11 our hospital
佐藤英昭, 石田晶玄, 海野倫明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the surgical treatment for the PD13-12 chronic pancreatitis
社本智也, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 128-128, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 1. Term of the basics of Barrett adenocarcinoma and the clinical chairmanship
瀬戸泰之, 飯島克則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 129-129, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about expression inhibition of SOX2 in the WS1-1 Barrett esophagoplasty and ΔNp63 and the role of Squamous cytokeratin
玉川祐司, 石村典久, 木下芳一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 130-130, 2018.

Japanese Article It is inhibition by the microenvironmental change and GSK3β inhibition in the carcinogenic process from WS1-2 Barrett's esophagus
宮下知治1, 源利成2, 太田哲生1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 130-130, 2018.

Japanese Article Mechanism of the esophagus carcinogenesis by the reflux to the esophagus of the WS1-3 duodenal juice
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 130-130, 2018.

Japanese Article Secular variation - by examination - multicenter prospective study of frequency and the risk factor of the from WS1-4 Barrett's esophagus newcomer symptom
阪口博哉, 増田充弘, 梅垣英次
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 130-130, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the Barrett cancer of the esophagus in the WS1-5 our hospital
水上敦喜, 松田充, 酒井明人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 131-131, 2018.

Japanese Article Pathologic examination of the Barrett oesophageal adenocarcinoma using the examination of WS1-6 intra-esophageal pH impedance monitoring
阿部泰明, 小池智幸, 齊藤真弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 131-131, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the Barrett's esophagus which we diagnosed in WS1-7 our hospital and the Barrett cancer of the esophagus
細野功, 宮原良二, 後藤秀実
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 131-131, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-8 superficial type adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus: Difference of the extension style in LSBE and the SSBE origin
山崎明, 藤崎順子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 131-131, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the endoscopic ablative usefulness for the WS1-9 Barrett adenocarcinoma
三浦裕子, 坂口賀基, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 132-132, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - of a tissue type according to the Invasion depth of 1,702 biological manner - this country reports of the WS1-10 adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus, lymph node metastases
西隆之1, 小澤壯治2, 幕内博康3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 132-132, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 2. Term of functional test of digestive tract state-of-the-art and the applied chairmanship
屋嘉比康治, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article The cervical esophagus motor function evaluation that is new using WS2-1 TDI (Tissue Doppler Imaging)
中藤流以1, 眞部紀明2, 春間賢3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article Endoscopic views of the achalasia case without "Esophageal Rosette" diagnosed by WS2-2 High-resolution manometry
星野慎太朗, 川見典之, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the muscular layer hypertrophy using EUS in the WS2-3 achalasia
田中心和1, 渡邊大輔1, 豊永高史2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of per-oral endoscopic myotomy for WS2-4 Spatic esophageal disorders
高橋一也1, 佐藤裕樹1,2, 寺井崇二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the endoscopic lower esophagus admittance measurement for the WS2-5 adult acidophile-related esophagitis
明杖直樹1,2, 新井誠人1,2, 加藤直也1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article Association with esophagus motor disorder and the cutaneous symptom in patients with WS2-6 diffuse scleroderma
栗林志行1,2, 保坂浩子1, 草野元康1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article Stomach function evaluation of the functional dyspepsia patients and healthy subject by the WS2-7 fluid food endurance test
亀山尚子, 正岡建洋, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of examination with 13C expiration docimasy gastric emptying ability and the water to drink drink test in the evaluation of WS2-8 functionality dyspepsia and the condition of a patient and the symptom onset mechanism of the post-gastrectomy syndrome
中田浩二1, 三森教雄2, 矢永勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the early gastric emptying ability in the differential diagnosis of the FD group of patients with the WS2-9 early chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic enzyme abnormality
阿川周平1, 二神生爾1, 山脇博士2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article Diagnosis of the irritable bowel syndrome by the intestinal peristalsis sound analysis at the WS2-10 medical examination
末内辰尚1, 岡久稔也2, 高山哲治1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article The usefulness of the cine MRI for the WS2-11 chronicity intestinal pseudo-obstruction symptom: Inspection of the certainty of the diagnosis after the long-term course
大久保秀則, 冬木晶子, 中島淳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the small intestine capsule endoscope as the WS2-12 enterokinesis function test
冨永顕太郎, 横山純二, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-13 Study on the influence of Linaclotide on intestinal transport capacity, intestinal secretion and visceral pain sensation - Using a colon capsule endoscope -
中路幸之助, 中江遵義, 熊本光孝
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article Development of all endoscopic intestinal tract layer biopsies using Over-The-Scope Clip (OTSC) system in the WS2-14 Hirschsprung's disease relation disease diagnosis
小原英幹, 森宏仁, 正木勉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 137-137, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 3. Term of the microbiotic formation and chylopoietic disease chairmanship
安藤朗, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article The WS3-1 intestinal mucosa-related flora, establishment of the analytical technique of the metabolite and characteristic of the patients with ulcerative colitis bacterial flora
内藤裕二, 高木智久, 柏木里織
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism gives to a gut flora change at the WS3-2 lansoprazole administration
大塚武人1, 杉本光繁2, 今枝広丞1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about gut flora and the digestive tract function in the WS3-3 mother-infant separation rat model
福井広一, 大島忠之, 三輪洋人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article Identification of the enterocolitis causative organism which is present in patients with WS3-4 inflammatory bowel disease gut flora
清島淳, 飯田宗穂, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 140-140, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the antibiotics combination service transplantation for the WS3-5 ulcerative colitis and bacteriological examination
石川大1, 澁谷智義1, 長田太郎2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between effectiveness and gut flora change of the WS3-6 feces transplant
尾崎隼人, 城代康貴, 大宮直木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between Fusobacterium analysis and serrated pathway in the WS3-7 large intestine carcinogenesis
能正勝彦, 菅野伸一, 仲瀬裕志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article Develop-ment research of the colon cancer diagnosis kit which assumed WS3-8 intestinal bacteria an index
奥村慎太郎1, 長山聡2, 坂井義治1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii on WS3-9 non-alcoholic fatty liver flame and related conditions
結束貴臣1,2, 今城健人1, 中島淳1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-10 Effects of Rifaximin on liver cirrhosis and its effect on intestinal flora
鍛治孝祐, 高谷広章, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the gut flora associated with the liver carcinogenesis due to the WS3-11 hepatitis C
本多隆1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of intestinal bacteria and the interaction of the intrahepatic immune response to contribute to the primary sclerosing cholangitis condition of a patient using the mouse WS3-12 humans Flora
中本伸宏, 谷木信仁, 金井隆典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 142-142, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 4. Term of a treatment strategy and the convalescence chairmanship of the unidentified GI bleeding
山本博徳, 平田喜裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article The etiology search of the small intestine ulcer symptom which occurred for WS4-1 cause unidentified GI bleeding and long-term rebleeding
青木智則, 山田篤生, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article Can the WS4-2 arteriosclerosis become the risk factor of the vasa intestinae tenuis-related lesion?
青山大輝1, 福本晃2, 永田信二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article It is prospective cross sectional study ... using examination - small intestine capsule endoscope about the risk factor of the mucosa of small intestine injury in the patients after WS4-3 percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
原あずさ1, 太田和寛2, 樋口和秀2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of misoprostol for the WS4-4 NSAIDs origin-related small intestine bleeding
半田有紀子1, 本多啓介2, 塩谷昭子1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 144-144, 2018.

Japanese Article Long term prognosis of patients with unidentified GI bleeding given WS4-5 capsule endoscopy, Single institution retrospective study
島田直, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the rebleeding-related factor in the OGIB patients that a bleeding source was unknown by WS4-6 initial capsule endoscopy
原田英, 岡本康治, 江崎幹宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article Convalescence of the unidentified GI bleeding (OGIB) case judging from WS4-7 long-term observation
新井誠人1,2, 瀧口裕一1, 加藤直也2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article A characteristic and convalescence of the unidentified GI bleeding that assumed chronic liver disease in the WS4-8 our hospital background
朝日向良朗, 北村和哉, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 145-145, 2018.

Japanese Article A rebleeding prediction scoring model of patients with WS4-9 cause unidentified GI bleeding (OGIB): Tokyo OGIB Score
鈴木裕史1, 新倉量太2, 山本信三1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of long term prognosis of the small intestine capsule endoscope (CE) in WS4-10 cause unknown GI bleeding (OGIB)-negative case and double balloon endoscope (DBE): Diagnosis strategy using the predictive score
内田元太, 中村正直, 後藤秀実
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article A lesion prediction and convalescence by an underlying disease index and the age in the WS4-11 small intestine bleeding
大宮直木, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article Invention of the Gel immersion endoscopy effect doubling using the scope tip balloon of the WS4-12 double balloon endoscope
矢野智則, 坂本博次, 小林泰俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 146-146, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 5. Term of the new development chairmanship of the colon cancer low invasive treatment
正木忠彦, 矢作直久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article Scoring construction about the WS5-1 large intestine ESD degree of difficulty
松本吏弘, 眞嶋浩聡, 宮谷博幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the abatement of Dexmdetomideine (DEX) awareness bottom in WS5-2 large intestine ESD
衣笠秀明, 東玲治, 中川昌浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article The rubber clip extension contributes to effective stratum submucosum detachment in WS5-3 large intestine ESD
赤松拓司, 中谷泰樹, 山下幸孝
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of underwater ESD for WS5-4 large intestine tumor
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 148-148, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the one-day surgery in WS5-5 large intestine ESD
林武雅, 工藤進英, 宮地英行
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article Adaptation examination of the endoscopic treatment with pT1b colon cancer alone judging from the overall status of the WS5-6 patients
小泉理美1, 小泉浩一1, 田畑拓久2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article About validity of the endoscopic treatment eligibility criteria expansion to WS5-7 large intestine SM cancer
大木大輔1, 藤城光弘2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness - multicenter prospective collaborative investigation - of ESD for WS5-8 local site persistence recurrence / endoscope excision interruption large intestine tumor
田中秀典, 田中信治, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 149-149, 2018.

Japanese Article It is possibility of ESD for the anastomotic region lesion after WS5-9 large intestine technique
前畑忠輝, 加藤元彦, 矢作直久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article WS5-10 security surely single foramen-style colon cancer surgery
日比健志, 小川貴美雄, 堀田佳宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article Operation under laparoscopy and robot support poorness operation for WS5-11 rectal cancer
川合一茂, 渡邉聡明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 150-150, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 6. Term of the present conditions of the colon cancer screening aiming at colon cancer destruction and the future fine-view chairmanship
一瀬雅夫, 松田尚久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 151-151, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the WS6-1 basic tone lecture measures type colon cancer examination
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 152-152, 2018.

Japanese Article Successive examination of the Additional workup colonoscope consultation situation in the WS6-2 repeatedly fecal occult-blood testing-positive person
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt of the colon cancer screening by the immunologic occult blood reaction for the WS6-3 inpatient
川勝雪乃, 人見美鈴, 河端秀明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article About the colon cancer risk of the faecal occult blood-positive person with a history of the WS6-4 colonoscope enforcement
河村卓二, 上田悠揮, 宇野耕治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article Suggestion of the endoscopic combination examination on the basis of the present conditions of the examination of WS6-5 colon cancer
上野明子, 浦上尚之, 井上晴洋
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 153-153, 2018.

Japanese Article All life colonoscopic examination enforcement plan that aimed at WS6-6 colon cancer death zero
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of large intestine tumor occurring in the patients whom we begin WS6-7, and endoscopy was performed in
木村聖路1, 田中正則2, 福田眞作3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the rate of recurrence after WS6-8 large intestine EMR
有本純, 日暮琢磨, 中島淳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article Of the endoscope in the WS6-9 colon cancer examination for effectively utilizing it from the viewpoint of ... cost effectiveness and testee risk stratification
関口正宇, 角川康夫, 松田尚久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article Prospective comparative study of a large intestine tumor, the polyps lesion detectability using the FICE (Flexible Spectral Imaging Color Enhancement) function in the WS6-10 large intestine capsule endoscope
大森崇史, 城代康貴, 大宮直木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 155-155, 2018.

Japanese Article The role of the examination for large intestine CT in the WS6-11 colon cancer examination additional workup: Diagnosis precision in real world and safe examination
歌野健一, 愛澤正人, 冨樫一智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 155-155, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the prospects of the colon cancer examination judging from results of WS6-12 multicenter clinical trial JANCT and actual situation national survey GAIA-3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 155-155, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 7. Term of the fine-view chairmanship of the new therapy development for the HBV
加藤直也, 田中靖人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 157-157, 2018.

Japanese Article Therapeutic drug development for HIV and the HBV infection that assumed WS7-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) a target
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a fundamental research for the development of thing CDM / iCAM the small molecule with the WS7-2 cccDNA control effect
小嶋聡一1, 古谷裕1, 掛合秀昭2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article The administration of interferon and nucleic acid analog preparation method aiming at the HBs antigen negative conversion in the WS7-3 chronic hepatitis B case
鈴木文孝, 保坂哲也, 熊田博光
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of PegIFN judging from the long-term course after the Sequential therapy in WS7-4 NA chronic administration chronic hepatitis B
川中美和, 西野謙, 河本博文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 158-158, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison between WS7-5 TDF+Peg-IFN combination therapy and quantity of HBsAg-lowering effect in the TDF monotherapy
松本晶博, 城下智, 田中榮司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the HBV infection inhibition by WS7-6 Silibinin
梅津輝行, 井上淳, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article The antiHBV effect that assumed the transcription factor which acted on WS7-7 HBV cccDNA a target
川口和紀, 本多政夫, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article Creation of WS7-8 HBV DNA and the new antiHBV compound with the HBsAg drop effect
嶋根和毅1, 福田淑子1, 田中靖人2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 159-159, 2018.

Japanese Article Search of the antiHBV medicine based on the function inhibition of WS7-9 HBx
室山良介1, 平田喜裕1, 加藤直也2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the role in the HBV reproduction of WS7-10 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1
田中康雄, 立石敬介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article Basic examination for the new HBV treatment development that targeted WS7-11 carbohydrate chain
鎌田佳宏1, 竹原徹郎1, 三善英知1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 160-160, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 8. Term of the living apart chairmanship of the surgical internal medicine in the liver cancer local treatment
椎名秀一朗, 長谷川潔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 161-161, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of the local treatment for 283 3cm less than three HCC continuations in the WS8-1 municipal hospital
後藤亨, 新倉利啓, 井田智則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article Inspection ... of radiofrequency wave treatment - liver cancer practice guidelines for the 3cm less than three hepatocellular carcinoma non-isolated WS8-2
土谷薫, 黒崎雅之, 泉並木
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article A change of the liver residual function by the presence or absence of DAAs treatment after the WS8-3 C type liver cancer curative treatment and examination about the relapse therapy
高田昇, 山下竜也, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article Radiofrequency wave cauterization for the recurrence after the WS8-4 hepatocellular carcinoma excision
内野康志, 建石良介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 162-162, 2018.

Japanese Article Does the initial treatment choice for the WS8-5 first hepatocellular carcinoma have an influence on the convalescence? ... RFA and hepatectomy ...
遠藤美月, 清家正隆, 村上和成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of the hepatectomy, radiofrequency wave cauter therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma treatment in the WS8-6 our hospital
荒川智宏, 大村卓味, 狩野吉康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article Individualization - hepatectomy symptom of liver cancer treatment which aimed at the subregion recurrent reduction after the operation based on the WS8-8 biological malignant prediction, comparison - of the RFA case
川村祐介, 小林正宏, 池田健次
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 163-163, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment preferences for the WS8-9 small size first hepatocellular carcinoma
中野重治, 勝島慎二, 米田俊貴
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of the hepatectomy for the WS8-10 progress hepatocellular carcinoma
國土貴嗣, 阿部学, 長谷川潔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give liver residual function of the stereotactic radiation therapy on WS8-11 liver cancer
山道忍, 田浦直太, 中尾一彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 164-164, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 9. Term of the latest knowledge chairmanship of the autoimmune liver disease
大平弘正, 田中篤
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 165-165, 2018.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the WS9-1 autoimmunity-related acute hepatic failure
中山伸朗, 中尾将光, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the diachronic liver biopsy in the treatment strategy decision of the WS9-2 autoimmunity-related liver disease
上村博輝, 山際訓, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article Is the environment in the WS9-3 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) tissue of immunity associated with serum immunoglobulin G value? Consideration about the condition of a patient of non-fixed form AIH
小森敦正, 阿比留正剛, 八橋弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of a fibrosis extension degree prediction and the liver fibrosis treatment of the autoimmune hepatitis with WS9-4 zinc
守屋圭, 浪崎正, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 166-166, 2018.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the autoimmune hepatitis to be complicated with WS9-5 non-alcoholic fat-related liver disease
高橋敦史1, 有永照子2, 大平弘正1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of a symptom and the quality of life of patients with WS9-6 origin-related bilious cholangitis
八木みなみ, 田中篤, 滝川一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article Portal hypertension and anomaly of aminoacid metabolism in WS9-7 origin-related bilious cholangitis: Examination that we include histology
榎本平之, 坂井良行, 西口修平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article Association with the histologic factor which we looked at according to form of WS9-8 origin-related choler cholangitis
岡藤啓史, 水腰英四郎, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 167-167, 2018.

Japanese Article New therapy for primary bilious cholangitis development with the Ras inhibitor which assumed WS9-9 CD4-positive T cell a target
中川良1,2, 銭谷幹男3, 加藤直也1,4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical features of primary sclerosing cholangitis in WS9-10 this country and the ulcerative colitis merger case
熊谷純一郎, 露口利夫, 加藤直也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article The rise of WS9-11 IgA, the IgE is a poor prognostic factor of the primary sclerosing cholangitis
渡邉健雄1,2, 中井陽介1, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 168-168, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 10. Term of the development chairmanship of the new therapy based on the elucidation of the molecular mechanism for liver cancer
田中真二, 大塚基之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 169-169, 2018.

Japanese Article BEX2 induces it to a cancer stem cell in WS10-1 cholangiocarcinoma for interkinesis by controlling a mitochondrial function
玉井恵一1, 中村真央2, 佐藤賢一1,3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article mitophagy instruction as the WS10-2 liver cancer inhibition mechanism
原裕一, 仁科惣治, 日野啓輔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of polycomb group gene EZH1 in the WS10-3 liver cancer and EZH2
日下部裕子, 千葉哲博, 加藤直也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article Exhaustive search of the liver cancer driver gene derived from NASH using the WS10-4 transposon screening
小玉尚宏, 巽智秀, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article Identification of new biomarker of the WS10-5 metabolism-related liver cancer and the treatment target
赤星径一1,2, 田邉稔2, 田中真二1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article An elucidation of the participation to be able to put the hepatocellular carcinoma onset of the M-CSF developing in the WS10-6 background liver and application to new molecules target treatment of the hepatocellular carcinoma
河野寛, 赤澤祥弘, 市川大輔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article Search of the new therapy that targeted tumor im-munity and the microenvironment for the WS10-7 hepatocellular carcinoma
伊藤心二, 吉住朋晴, 前原喜彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the new therapy for liver cancer which assumed WS10-8 Dickkopf-1 a molecular target
須田烈史, 山下太郎, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 171-171, 2018.

Japanese Article The new gene therapy that targeted WS10-9 origin characteristics and a metastatic liver carcinoma
大山淳史, 白羽英則, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article Hepatocellular carcinoma treatment development using WS10-10 carbohydrate metabolism inhibitor 2-deoxy-D-glucose enclosure PLGA nanoparticles
佐々木恭, 仁科惣治, 日野啓輔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 172-172, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 11. Term of the acute pancreatitis practice Up-to-date chairmanship
安田一朗, 平野賢二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 173-173, 2018.

Japanese Article It is placed the asymptomatic hyperamylasemia in the pancreatitis diagnosis after WS11-1 ERCP
平野哲朗, 芹川正浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of Lactate out of the arterial blood as the convalescence prediction marker of the WS11-2 acute pancreatitis
廣瀬純穂, 深澤光晴, 榎本信幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of early Fluid Sequestration (FS) in the aggravation prediction of the acute pancreatitis non-severe at a WS11-3 diagnosis
武田剛志, 中井陽介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt of the WS11-4 acute pancreatitis prognostic factor score simplification
濱田晋, 正宗淳, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 174-174, 2018.

Japanese Article Can the WS11-5 isotonicity contrast media prevent pancreatitis incidence after ERCP?
西岡伸, 小倉健, 樋口和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article It is the usefulness of 25 mg of diclofenac suppositories in the pancreatitis prevention after WS11-6 ERCP
奥野充, 高田淳, 白子順子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article Prospective examination of the PEP onset to expect with an AMY level two hours judging from an AMY level before WS11-7 ERCP later
楠本聖典, 中井喜貴, 糸川芳雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article After WS11-8 ERCP examination - multicenter observational, prospective study (SOSUI Study) about the serum amylase level cutoff value setting in the pancreatitis -
稲富理, 馬場重樹, 安藤朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of positioning of urgent ERCP for the WS11-9 gallstones-related pancreatitis and elective EUS
長谷川翔1,2, 越田真介1, 伊藤啓1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article walled-off necrosis prediction of the acute pancreatitis by the iodine map using the WS11-10 Dual Energy CT
山宮知, 北村勝哉, 吉田仁
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article Predictor of infectious Walled-off necrosis after the WS11-11 serious case pancreatitis
瀧真也, 糸永昌弘, 北野雅之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article We look at the multicenter rear about the risk factor of the Walled-off necrosis merger in the WS11-12 serious case acute pancreatitis and study a mark
五十嵐聡, 林和直, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 176-176, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 12. Term of the new development chairmanship of IPMN
古川徹, 入澤篤志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 177-177, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the malignant IPMN diagnosis ability by WS12-1 revision Fukuoka guidelines
大野栄三郎1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article Positioning of EUS and the contrasting CT in the intramural nodule evaluation of WS12-2 branching type IPMN
瀧川有記子, 金俊文, 潟沼朗生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt of the diagnosis ability improvement using the present conditions and the neural network of the pancreatic cyst diagnosis using the WS12-3 cyst liquid analysis
栗田裕介, 桑原崇通, 原和生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article The identification of the invasive cancer predictor in WS12-4 pancreas IPMN: About usefulness of intramural nodule diameter and the pancreatic juice CEA level measurement
廣野誠子1, 柳澤昭夫2, 山上裕機1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 178-178, 2018.

Japanese Article Is the inflammatory marker which we obtained from blood corpuscle cells and a protein moiety in WS12-5 blood useful in a predictive diagnosis of nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma (IPMC) in the pancreatic duct?
畠達夫, 水間正道, 海野倫明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article Put it in Worrisome features, and is the WS12-6 histologic subtype useful for a benign, malignancy diagnosis?
喜多絵美里1, 高山亘2, 山口武人1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on immunologic parameter and IL-10 expression about the WS12-7 IPMN grade diagnosis
池本哲也, 島田光生, 高須千絵
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article Follow-up of IPMN where WS12-8 MRCP and EUS depend on
南智之, 花田敬士, 清水晃典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 179-179, 2018.

Japanese Article WS12-9-prone IPMN and narrowing strategy - of relative - IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer high risk case of the coexistence pancreatic cancer
池川卓哉, 増田充弘, 塩見英之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness and problems of the follow-up method by EUS and MRCP for the purpose of the early detection of the WS12-10 pancreas IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
関博之, 植木亨, 野間康宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - of the pancreatic cancer onset excision case after new development - IPMN excision in the follow-up after the WS12-11 pancreas IPMN excision
瀧川穣1, 北郷実2, 松井淳一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article Validity of the long-term observation for WS12-12 IPMN
大山博生, 多田稔, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 180-180, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 13. Is hard to be treated; a term of the invention chairmanship of the endoscopic treatment for the bile duct stone
糸井隆夫, 中井陽介
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 181-181, 2018.

Japanese Article Digital biliary tract endoscope lower EHL for WS13-1 Difficult stone
小倉健, 山田忠浩, 樋口和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment using per-oral digital cholangioscope for the calculus that WS13-2 has difficulty with
殿塚亮祐, 田中麗奈, 糸井隆夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison ... of oral examination - new model cholangioscope (SpyGlass DS) of the oral cholangioscope lower lithotripsy for the bile duct stone that WS13-3 treatment has difficulty with and conventional oral cholangioscope (CHF-B260)
村林桃士, 小川貴央, 伊藤啓
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examination in the usefulness of the balloon endoscope for the bile duct stone case with the rebuilding intestinal tract after WS13-4 technique
光山俊行, 島谷昌明, 岡崎和一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 182-182, 2018.

Japanese Article Balloon endoscope lower calculus exclusion method for the case gastrointestinal after the operation with the WS13-5 size calculus
三輪治生1, 杉森一哉1, 前田愼2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article It is endoscopic treatment strategy DBE-ERCP & EUS-AG for the common bile duct stone after WS13-6 Roux-en-Y reconstruction
佐藤達也, 木暮宏史, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the WS13-7 quarrying technique that used endoscopic large balloon expansion together for bile duct calculus disease with the bile duct jejunum anastomotic stricture severe more
木田明彦, 松田耕一郎, 酒井明人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the treatment with ESWL combination endoscope for the calculus that WS13-8 has difficulty with
小林陽介, 矢根圭, 潟沼朗生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 183-183, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the cholangioscope lower cholangioscopy of the percutaneous transliver for WS13-9 common bile duct stone, the intrahepatic calculosis
伊原諒1, 植木敏晴1, 八尾建史2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the intrahepatic stone in the WS13-10 our hospital
森豪, 芹川正浩, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of common bile duct stone treatment of super elderly people in the WS13-11 our hospital
浦田矩代, 谷川朋弘, 河本博文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article Common bile duct stone treatment for WS13-12 super elderly people
白鳥俊康, 中路聡, 平田信人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 184-184, 2018.

Japanese Article Workshop 14. Pancreas, term of biliary constancy and the failed chairmanship to read from fundamental researches
清水京子, 立石敬介
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 185-185, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the Rab7 function in the WS14-1 pancreas exocrine gland constancy maintenance
高橋健一1, 眞嶋浩聡2, 大西洋英3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article H+/HCO3- transportation in the isolation pancreatic duct of the WS14-2 cystic fibrosis mouse
山本明子, 谷口いつか, 石黒洋
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article Construction of the disease model based on the bile duct constancy rupture using the WS14-3 gene modification mouse organoid
中川勇人, 鈴木伸三, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article Androgen receptor in the WS14-4 pancreatic cancer extension, participation of endoplasmic reticulum stress protein GRP78
神田達郎, 松岡俊一, 森山光彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of pancreatic cancer treatment with WS14-5 new Nrf2 inhibitor halofuginone
濱田晋, 正宗淳, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article Breakthrough - Kras point mutations of the constancy of cancer - frame work interaction about WS14-6 pancreatic cancer carcinogenesis and inflammatory cytokine
松尾洋一, 森本守, 瀧口修司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article WS14-7 MicroRNA-195 inhibits epithelium mesenchyma transformation through an extracellular vesicle and restrains extension of the cholangiocarcinoma
太田雄, 高橋賢治, 太田嗣人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article microRNA profile in the WS14-8 progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision and liver metastases, significance - of the miR296-5p expression as chemosensitive and prognostic analysis - convalescence rule factor
岡崎潤1, 棚橋俊仁2, 高山哲治1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 187-187, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison between WS14-9 pancreatic cancer and gut flora of the autoimmune pancreatitis
酒井大輔1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 188-188, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the bile acid composition in NAFLD (non-alcoholic lipid liver disease) animal models with the WS14-10 high blood pressure
児玉尚伸, 菅野啓司, 田妻進
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 188-188, 2018.

Japanese Article It is basic clinical examination of the fatty liver after running out of WS14-11 pancreas
石田晶玄, 坂田直昭, 海野倫明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 188-188, 2018.

English Article IF1-1 Epigenetics, Nutrition and the Circadian Clock
Paolo Sassone-Corsi
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 190-190, 2018.

English Article IF1-2 Gut microbiota-liver crosstalk
Bernd Schnabl
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 191-191, 2018.

English Article IF1-3 Liver-Gut-Brain Interactions in Chronic Liver Disease
Gyongyi None Szabo, Jan Petrasek, Arvin Iracheta-Vellve
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 192-192, 2018.

English Article IF2-1 Novel Treatments of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Arun Sanyal
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 193-193, 2018.

English Article IF2-2 Therapeutic Opportunities for alcoholic steatohepatitis : Exploiting similarities and differences with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Vijay H Shah1, Thomas Greuter1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 194-194, 2018.

English Article IF3-1 Lipid Reprogramming Linking Liver Fibrosis to Cancer
Hidekazu Tsukamoto
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 195-195, 2018.

English Article IF3-2 Crosstalk between mitochondria and autophagy in exocrine pancreas homeostasis and pancreatitis
Anna S.Gukovskaya
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 196-196, 2018.

English Article IF3-3 Role of the vagus nerve in hepatic glucose metabolism and NAFLD progression
Hiroshi Inoue
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 197-197, 2018.

English Article IF4-1 Neutrophils, the NF-kB p50 subunit and exercise as interventional targets in liver inflammation and cancer
Derek Mann1, Caroline Wilson1, Helen Reeves1, Tyrell Cartwright1, William Mulvaney1, Tam Jamieson2, Owen Sansom2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 198-198, 2018.

English Article IF4-2 Metavert, a new therapeutic for treatment and prevention of metastasis in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Stephen Pandol1, Mouad Edderkaoui2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 199-199, 2018.

English Article IF4-3 Precision medicine for HCC and pancreatic cancer
Shinji Tanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 200-200, 2018.

English Article IF4-4 Epigenetics in liver fibrosis
Jelena Mann
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 201-201, 2018.

English Article IT1-1 Advanced imaging and therapy for early Barrett's neoplasia : Western Perspective
Michael B Wallace
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 204-204, 2018.

English Article IT1-2 Endoscopic aspects of Barrett's esophagus and adenocarcinoma in the East and West
Kenichi Goda, Haruhiro Inoue
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 205-205, 2018.

English Article IT2-1 Barrett's esophagus and neoplasia. A perspective of a western pathologist
Michael Vieth
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 206-206, 2018.

English Article IT2-2 Pathologic differences and similarities of Barrett's esophagus and cancers between Japan and Western countries
Junko Aida, Toshiyuki Ishiwata, Kaiyo Takubo
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 207-207, 2018.

English Article UEG1 Regulation of visceral pain by prokaryotic and eukaryotic bioactive lipids in irritable bowel syndrome
Nicolas Cenac
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 210-210, 2018.

English Article UEG2 Familial studies in IBD : Insights into risk, pathogenesis and the possibility of disease prediction and prevention.
Charlotte R H Hedin
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 211-211, 2018.

English Article APTC1-1 Genetic analysis of pseudomyxoma peritonei
Yoichi Furukawa1, Hideaki Yano2, Rei Noguchi1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 214-214, 2018.

English Article APTC1-2 Diagnosis and management in hereditary cancer syndrome : Clinical genetics of Lynch syndrome
Masami Arai
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 215-215, 2018.

English Article APTC1-3 Molecular Genetics of Colorectal Tumorigenesis
Barbara Anne Leggett1,2,3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 216-216, 2018.

English Article APTC1-4 Genetics of Colorectal Cancer Carcinogenesis
Chong Dawn
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 217-217, 2018.

English Article APTC2-1 Recent Progress of Colorectal Cancer Chemoprevention Study in Japan
Michihiro Mutoh
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 218-218, 2018.

English Article APTC2-2 Identification of differential gene expression and alternative splicing in ulcerative colitis-associated cancer : Effects on disease duration
Raja Affendi Raja Ali1, Low Ngah Den Eden2, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 219-219, 2018.

English Article APTC2-3 Risk factors for and early detection of colorectal cancer, with special reference to ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer
Keisuke Hata1,2, Yasuo Suzuki2, Toshiaki Watanabe1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 220-220, 2018.

English Article APTC2-4 A multicenter retrospective study : colorectal polyps and cancer in 342922 colonoscopy during recent 10 years in china
Shufang Wang, Yunsheng Yang
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 221-221, 2018.

English Article APTC2-5 High prevalence of colitis associated cancer in regions with low risk of sporadic colorectal cancer : The Asian Enigma
Vineet Ahuja
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 222-222, 2018.

English Article APTC3-1 Current status and future perspective of colorectal cancer screening in Japan
Takahisa Matsuda, Masau Sekiguchi, Yasuo Kakugawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 223-223, 2018.

English Article APTC3-2 Colorectal cancer screening : Evidence for the frontline and future challenges
Han-Mo Chiu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 224-224, 2018.

English Article APTC3-3 The ASIA-PACIFIC Colorectal Screening Score is Useful to Stratify Risk for Colorectal Advanced Neoplasms in Vietnamese Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Duc Trong Quach1, Thu Anh Nguyen2, Hoa Quoc Ly3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 225-225, 2018.

English Article APTC3-4 Lesson from the population-based big data from CRC screening in Korea
Hyun-Soo Kim
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 226-226, 2018.

English Article APTC3-5 Detailed diagnosis of early colorectal cancer
Hiroshi Kashida
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 227-227, 2018.

English Article APTC4-1 Recent progress and future perspective of endoscopic treatment for early colorectal carcinoma
Shinji Tanaka
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 228-228, 2018.

English Article APTC4-2 Prevention of recurrent colorectal adenoma after endoscpic removal : Drug or Diet ?
Wai Keung Leung
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 229-229, 2018.

English Article APTC4-3 Current status of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer and skill qualification system in Japan
Shigeki Yamaguchi, Toshimasa Ishii, Hiroka Kondo
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 230-230, 2018.

English Article APTC4-4 Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
Patarapong Kamalaporn
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 231-231, 2018.

English Article APTC4-5 Recent progress of systemic chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer
Kei Muro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 232-232, 2018.

English Article APTC P-1 Rectal T1 Cancer Had Worse Survival Than Colon T1 Cancer
Li-Chun Chang, Ming-Shiang Wu, Han-Mo Chiu
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 233-233, 2018.

English Article APTC P-2 Characteristics of interval colorectal cancer in Hong Kong : A territory-wide study of 197, 902 patients
Ka Shing Cheung, Lijia Chen, Wai Keung Leung
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 234-234, 2018.

English Article APTC P-3 Ovarian pseudomyxoma peritonei caused by mismatch repair deficiency in a patient with Lynch syndrome
Tsuneo Ikenoue, Rei Noguchi, Yoichi Furukawa
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 235-235, 2018.

English Article APTC P-4 A New Endoscopic Manipulation Model Predicting Endoscopic Trainee's Colonoscopy Competency
Kenichiro Imai, Kinichi Hotta, Hiroyuki Ono
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 236-236, 2018.

English Article APTC P-5 Should screeing for colorectal cancer be done in India ?
Saurabh Kedia, Vineet Ahuja
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 237-237, 2018.

English Article APTC P-6 Appropriate intervals to detect local recurrence after endoscopic treatment of colorectal neoplasms
Yoriaki Komeda, Hiroshi Kashida, Masatoshi Kudo
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 238-238, 2018.

English Article APTC P-7 Fusobacterium nucleatum Regulates Macrophages Reprogramming and Their Crosstalk with Enterocytes in Colitis Development
Le Liu, Bing Yun Lu, Ming Ming Wang
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 239-239, 2018.

English Article APTC P-8 CT colonography in colorectal cancer screening in Japan
Hiroshi Matsumoto1, Motoyasu Oosawa1, Shinya Fukushima1, Takahisa Murao1, Manabu Ishii1, Akiko Shiotani1, Tomoari Kamada2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 240-240, 2018.

English Article APTC P-9 Establishment of intestinal epithelial cell lines from ApcMin/+ mice in 2D and 3D cultures for cancer prevention research
Shingo Miyamoto1,2, Takahiro Hamoya2, Maiko Takahashi2, Yurie Kurokawa2, Gen Fujii3, Masami Komiya1, Michihiro Mutoh1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 241-241, 2018.

English Article APTC P-10 Hands-on training for endoscopic submucosal dissection using novel training model made with polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel
Kenichi Mizuno1, Hiroki Sato2, Kazuya Takahashi1, Naruhiro Kimura1, Kentaro Tominaga1, Junji Kohisa1, Satoshi Ikarashi1, Kazunao Hayashi1, Satoru Hashimoto1, Junji Yokoyama1, Shuji Terai1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 242-242, 2018.

English Article APTC P-11 The Risk of Advanced Metachronous Colorectal Neoplasia after Polypectomy According to the New Classification Including Diminutive Adenoma at Baseline : A KASID multicenter study
Chang Mo Moon1, Sung-Ae Jung1, Dong Il Park2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 243-243, 2018.

English Article APTC P-12 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Colorectal Polyps among Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients
Thu Anh Nguyen1, Duc Trong Quach2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 244-244, 2018.

English Article APTC P-13 No Right Sided Shift in Colorectal Cancer Location in a Multiracial Asian Population in Malaysia
Rajaram Ruveena, Suresh Sithambaram, Khean-Lee Goh
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 245-245, 2018.

English Article APTC P-14 The impact of Glasgow Prognostic Scale on the survival of patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer in second-line chemotherapy
Hiroya Taniguchi, Seiichiro Mitani, Kei Muro
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 246-246, 2018.

English Article APTC P-15 Long-term outcome of patients with para-aortic lymph node dissection in left-sided colorectal cancer
Jun Watanabe1, Atsushi Ishibe2, Itaru Endo2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 247-247, 2018.

English Article APTC P-16 Oncogenic BRAF Mutation Induces Widespread DNA Hypermethylation in a Murine Model for Human Serrated Colorectal Neoplasia
Vicki LJ Whitehall
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 248-248, 2018.

English Article APTC P-17 Colorectal neoplasia among patients with inflammatory bowel disease : Hospital-based study in an urban multi-ethnic population in Malaysia
Zhiqin Wong1, Norfilza M Mokhtar2, Raja Affendi Raja Ali1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 249-249, 2018.

English Article APTC P-18 Endoscopic and molecular signatures of sessile serrated adenoma / polyps with cytological dysplasia
Eiichiro Yamamoto1,2, Yoshihito Tanaka3, Hiro-o Yamano1, Hiro-o Matushita3, Tamotsu Sugai4, Hiromu Suzuki2, Hiroshi Nakase2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 250-250, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of blood free immune impoverishment marker in the PL-01 progress cancer of the esophagus
吉田寿一郎, 石川剛, 太田崇之, 安田知代, 土肥統, 岡山哲也, 吉田直久, 鎌田和浩, 内山和彦, 半田修, 高木智久, 小西英幸, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article Construction of the early diagnosis model of the squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus using the PL-02 serum miRNA panel
三好人正1, Goel Ajay2, 高山哲治1, 東田周祐2, 泉大輔3, 馬場秀夫3, 神田光郎4, 小寺泰弘4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article We analyze expression of exosome miRNA in the gastric cancer after PL-03 H.Pylori sanitization
合田杏佑1, 塩谷昭子1, 春間賢1,2, 近石昌也1, 葉祥元1, 平井伸典1, 中藤流以1, 大澤元保1, 村尾高久1, 石井学1, 藤田穣1, 松本啓志1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article Exosome micro RNA analysis out of the intraabdominal fluid in the PL-04 gastric cancer peritoneum dissemination treatment
大澤英之1,2, 熊谷裕子2, 山口博紀2,3, 佐久間康成2, 堀江久永2, 細谷好貝2, 佐田尚宏2, 北山丈二1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical study about a prediction recurrent after the operation by the gastric serosa stamp smear in the PL-05 gastric cancer and the prevention of recurrence
三木友一朗, 八代正和, 奥野倫久, 北山紀州, 田村達郎, 豊川貴弘, 田中浩明, 六車一哉, 平川弘聖, 大平雅一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the identification of the serum microRNA bio marker of the effect prediction of the Peg-IFNα-2a therapy in PL-06 chronic hepatitis B and the antivirus effect
藤田浩二1, 中原麻衣1, 大浦杏子1, 田所智子1, 坂本鉄平1, 野村貴子1, 米山弘人1, 森下朝洋1, 三村志麻1, 岩間久和2, 樋本尚志3, 正木勉1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article Consideration of the histologic examination and splenic fibrosis mechanism of the splenomegaly with the PL-07 portal hypertension
飯室勇二1, 岡田敏弘2, 藤元治朗2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of sorafenib acquisition of fastness and the regorafenib mechanism of action of the PL-08 hepatocellular carcinoma
羽柴智美, 山下太郎, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the antifibrosis effect mechanism by PL-09 Wnt/β-catenin inhibitor PRI-724
木村昌倫, 西川晃司, 今村潤, 木村公則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article Onset of Paritaprevir origin-related hyperbilirubinemia prediction using the PL-10 Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI
大久保裕直, 宗林祐史, 中寺英介, 深田浩大, 宮崎招久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment of the actual situation and the nalfurafine hydrochloride of the itch in the PL-11 chronic liver disease
芥田憲夫1, 熊田博光1, 藤山俊一郎1, 川村祐介1, 瀬崎ひとみ1, 保坂哲也1, 小林正宏1, 小林万利子2, 斎藤聡1, 荒瀬康司1, 池田健次1, 鈴木義之1, 鈴木文孝1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that PL-12 kinesitherapy gives to the sarcopenia of patients with liver cancer
川口巧1, 中野暖1, 橋田竜騎2, 城野智毅1, 下瀬茂男1, 岩本英希1, 相野一1, 新関敬1, 古賀浩徳1, 志波直人2, 鳥村拓司1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that PL-13 sarcopenia gives for an adult live donor liver transplant
篠田昌宏, 尾原秀明, 北郷実, 阿部雄太, 八木洋, 日比泰造, 松原健太郎, 大島剛, 若林大雅, 溝田高聖, 山田洋平, 板野理, 星野健, 黒田達夫, 北川雄光
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article Management of low invasive and accurate esophageal varices using the PL-14 splenic hardness
松井宣昭1,2, 今城健人1, 米田正人1, 結束貴臣1, 本多靖1, 留野渉1, 小川祐二1, 斉藤聡1, 中島淳1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article The body composition abnormality by PL-15 skeletal muscle decrease and the offal fat increase deteriorates non-alcoholic lipid liver disease (NAFLD)
岡田浩介1, 志田隆史1,2, 正田純一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article Improvement by abnormality and the probiotics of the gastric juice bacterial flora in the PL-16 functionality dyspepsia
古賀泰裕1, 峯徹哉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the stomach lymphocytes invasive cancer in the PL-17 our hospital
小池良樹1, 大平哲也1, 原田喜博1, 山形拓1, 田中恵1, 嶋田奉広1, 伊藤啓1, 及川昌也2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the immunohistologic cell kinetics in goose bumps (Nodular gastritis) in PL-18 H.pylori infection gastritis
岡本和久1, 兒玉雅明1,2, 阿部寿徳3, 沖本忠義1, 小川竜1, 水上一弘1, 首藤充孝1, 松成修1, 村上和成1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article The non-acid-secreting level gastric mucosa has high gastric cancer carcinogenesis potential after PL-19 sanitization
高橋靖, 宇野要, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article Functional analysis of the outer layer epithelial cells of the stomach using the PL-20 Tffl-Cre mouse
木下裕人1, 平田喜裕2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of a vital prognosis and the cause of death of patients with Crohn's disease in the PL-21 our hospital
安川重義1, 佐藤祐邦1, 矢野豊1, 久部高司1, 平井郁仁1, 植木敏晴1., 松井敏幸1, 東大二郎2, 二見喜太郎2, 鷲尾昌一3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article PL-22 Investigation of reoperation (third) rate in Crohn's disease and examination of usefulness of new anastomosis method for frequent reoperative cases
渡辺和宏, 長尾宗紀, 鈴木秀幸, 大沼忍, 唐澤秀明, 田中直樹, 工藤克昌, 青木豪, 井本博文, 武者宏昭, 元井冬彦, 亀井尚, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the celiac disease prevalence in the PL-23 Japanese: Shimane CoHRE Study
福永真衣1, 石村典久1, 石原俊治1, 木下芳一1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article Safety and the effectiveness of the small intestine endoscope for the PL-24 super advanced age OGIB patients
國原紗代子1, 岡志郎2, 田中信治1, 壷井章克2, 大谷一郎2, 茶山一彰2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of treatment of the biological drug in the PL-25 intestinal tract Behcet's disease / simple ulcer
膳所圭三, 平野敦士, 江崎幹宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article Hepatocellular acquisition by the establishment and the differentiation instruction of the PL-26 intrahepatic bile duct cancer organoid
齋藤義正, 中岡哉彰, 村松俊英, 杉山優子, 木村真規, 齋藤英胤
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article Does the PL-27 pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom get Asian sick? - Japan-U.S. comparison - judging from excision gallbladder cancer
村木崇1,2, 上原剛3, 伊藤哲也1, 長谷部修4, 岡庭信司5, 堀米直人6, 比佐岳史7, Basturk Olca8, Klimstra David8, Memis Bahar2, Adsay Volkan2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article It is Primary EUS-BD for the malignant bile duct stricture with the intestinal tract after PL-28 technique
奥野のぞみ, 桑原崇通, 原和生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the individualization peptide vaccine therapy for the PL-29 progress biliary cancer
由谷茂1, 白濱貴久2, 室屋大輔2, 吉富宗弘2, 奥田浩司2, 笹田哲朗3, 伊東恭悟1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of a convalescence rule factor and the adjuvant postoperative treatment of the distal cholangiocarcinoma given PL-30 pancreaticoduodenectomy
和田浩志, 友國晃, 高橋秀典, 秋田裕史, 飛鳥井慶, 小林省吾, 柳本喜智, 高橋佑典, 松永知之, 杉村啓二郎, 山本和義, 西村潤一, 安井昌義, 大森健, 宮田博志, 大植雅之, 矢野雅彦, 左近賢人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of clinical features for PL-31 IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer early detection
神野正隆, 吉田亮太, 野村能元, 野村佳克, 上田晃之, 真田拓, 渡邊弘之, 野ツ俣和夫, 登谷大修
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the TS1 pancreatic cancer in the PL-32 our hospital
谷口洋平, 和田将弥, 猪熊哲朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of contrasting harmonic EUS in the lymph node metastatic diagnosis of PL-33 pancreas biliary tract tumor
中井敦史, 宮田剛, 竹中完, 工藤正俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of lymphocytes - mononuclear leukocyte ratio (LMR) predicting the recurrence after the PL-34 pancreatic cancer resection
本村貴志, 吉住朋晴, 大平将史, 間野洋平, 戸島剛男, 伊藤心二, 原田昇, 池上徹, 副島雄二, 前原喜彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the antitumor effect to neuroendocrine tumor cells by PL-35 antidiabetic drug Metfomin
山名浩喜, 加藤清仁, 波間大輔, 大浦杏子, 千代大翔, 藤田浩二, 山下拓磨, 小林聖幸, 藤森崇行, 鎌田英紀, 正木勉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article PL-36 Vedolizumab Phase 3 trial in Introduction and Maintenance Therapy of Moderate or Severe Japanese Ulcerative Colitis Patients
日比紀文1, 本谷聡2, 渡辺憲治3, 緒方晴彦4, 金井隆典4, 松井敏幸5, 鈴木康夫6, 鹿村光宏7, 杉浦賢吉7, 小田和健7, 堀徹治7, 荒木孝浩7, 渡辺守8
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article Use actual situation analysis of the steroid for the ulcerative colitis in this country using the PL-37 administrative data base
小林拓1, 宇田晃仁2, 廣居伸蔵2, 宇田川恵理2, 峯山智佳2, 日比紀文1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness and the effect predictor of the infliximab for patients with PL-38 ulcerative colitis
西田裕, 細見周平, 湯川知洋, 大谷恒史, 永見康明, 田中史生, 平良高一, 鎌田紀子, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of a risk factor of the cytomegalovirus reactivation in the ulcerative colitis using the PL-39 intestinal mucosa PCR and the tacrolimus effect of treatment
柿本一城1, 井上拓也2, 邉見雄二郎1, 中沢啓1, 窪田美紀1, 平田有基1, 坂中太輔1, 竹内利寿1, 樋口和秀1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison ... with examination - immunologic stool occult blood reaction of the usefulness of PGE-MUM as the biomarker in the PL-40 ulcerative colitis
石田夏樹1, 魚谷貴洋2, 山出美穂子1, 濱屋寧1, 岩泉守哉3, 大澤恵2, 古田隆久4, 杉本健1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the cancer of the esophagus preoperation Invasion depth diagnosis using the esophagus society magnifying endoscope classification in the O-001 our hospital in Japan
園田隆賀, 宮本秀明, 脇幸太郎, 具嶋亮介, 小林起秋, 小山真一郎, 階子俊平, 庄野孝, 直江秀昭, 田中基彦, 佐々木裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 264-264, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance and problems of the salvage esophagectomy after the radical chemoradiotherapy for the O-002 cancer of the esophagus
竹村雅至1, 瀧井麻美子1, 大嶋勉1, 田中芳憲1, 藤尾長久1, 李栄柱2, 藤原有史2, 篠原尚3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 264-264, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of conversion surgery for the O-003 chest cancer of the esophagus
佐藤弘, 宮脇豊, 合川公康, 岡本光順, 桜本信一, 山口茂樹, 小山勇
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 264-264, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of the lymphocytes ratio neutrophilic after treatment in the O-005 local progress cancer of the esophagus impossible of excision
佐藤渉1, 國崎主税1, 末松秀明1, 田中優作1, 宮本洋1, 小坂隆司1, 湯川寛夫1, 田中邦哉1, 佐藤圭2, 秋山浩利2, 遠藤格2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the examination of esophageal pressure using O-006 High Resolution Manometry (HRM)
久礼里江1, 岸野真衣子2, 小林亜也子1, 新田裕樹1, 日向有紀子1, 山本浩隆1, 山本果奈1, 中村真一2, 徳重克年1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article The mucous membrane defense ability measurement of the PPI-resistant NERD patients using O-007 Mini-Ussing Chamber
乗田一明, 淺沼清孝, 小池智幸, 大方智樹, 阿部泰明, 菊池弘樹, 八田和久, 宇野要, 浅野直喜, 今谷晃, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of the Jackhammer esophagus in the O-008 our hospital
田村泰弘, 舟木康, 川村百合加, 吉峰崇, 山口純治, 井澤晋也, 山本さゆり, 土方康孝, 海老正秀, 小笠原尚高, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the esophagus motor function using high resolution manometry (HRM) in patients with O-009 diffuse scleroderma
川見典之, 星野慎太朗, 竹之内菜菜, 梅澤まり子, 花田優理子, 星川吉正, 小泉英里子, 貝瀬満, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 266-266, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about acetaldehyde out of the esophagus tissue after the O-010 drinking
大方英樹1, 八田和久1, 飯島克則2, 淺沼清孝1, 宇野要1, 浅野直喜1, 小池智幸1, 今谷晃1, 濱田晋1, 正宗淳1, 下瀬川徹1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 266-266, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical features of patients with PPI-resistant reflux oesophagitis O-011 80 years old or more
石川裕美子1, 星野慎太朗1, 小泉英里子1, 星川吉正2, 花田優理子3, 竹ノ内菜菜1, 梅澤まり子1, 川見典之1, 貝瀬満1, 岩切勝彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 266-266, 2018.

Japanese Article The most disease of the chronic cough in the O-012 primary care outpatient department is GERD
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 266-266, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the on demand therapy by 20 mg of vonoprazan in the maintenance therapy of patients with O-013 slight illness reflux oesophagitis
梅澤まり子, 川見典之, 星野慎太朗, 小泉英里子, 星川吉正, 竹之内菜菜, 花田優理子, 貝瀬満, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the on demand therapy by 20 mg of vonoprazan for the NERD patients that O-014 PPI treatment is effective
星野慎太朗, 川見典之, 星川吉正, 小泉英里子, 竹之内菜菜, 花田優理子, 梅澤まり子, 貝瀬満, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article Experience and treatment result of the operation under laparoscopy for the O-015 esophageal hiatal hernia
竹村雅至1, 瀧井麻美子1, 大嶋勉1, 田中芳憲1, 藤尾長久1, 藤原有史2, 李栄柱2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the gene change about stomach carcinogenesis using the O-016 ESD specimen
杉森慎1, 芝田渉1, 神保智彩2, 津村祥子2, 桑島拓史1, 澤田敦史3, 池田良輔3, 福地剛英3, 山田博昭1, 小林亮介3, 金子裕明1, 眞一まこも3, 佐藤知子3, 平澤欣吾3, 前田愼1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the cancer-causing mechanism by the genome analysis of many lesion of the O-017 gastric cancer
弘津陽介1, 望月仁1,2, 小俣政男1,2,3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the antitumor effect enhancement of the anticancer agent with the Notch signal inhibitor in the O-018 gastric cancer cell line
加藤諒1, 岩室雅也1, 堀口繁2, 内田大輔1, 大山淳史1, 田中瑛美3, 松本顕3, 澤原大明4, 永原照也5, 岡田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the signal adjustment through acetylcholine receptor M3R in O-019 gastric cancer cells
小西満1, 早河翼1, 井原聡三郎2, 木下裕人1, 中川勇人1, 平田喜裕3, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article Peritoneal dissemination control with the FGFR4 inhibitor administration for the establishment and the FGFR4 overexpression strain of O-020 C57BL/6 mouse possible transplant stomach cancer cell line
野村幸世1, 山本昌美2, 細井晃弘3, 長岡孝治3, 飯野環3, 松下博和3, 瀬戸泰之1, 垣見和宏3, 立松正衛5, 塚本徹哉4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article Convalescence prediction scoring system for personalized medicine in patients with O-021 elderly people gastric cancer
杉本彩, 西田勉, 稲田正己, 富田涼, 樋垣優, 島越洋美, 下田彬允, 大杉直人, 高橋啓, 中松大, 向井香織, 松原徳周, 林史郎, 山本政司, 中島佐知子, 福井浩司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the convalescence prediction using Systemic inflammatory marker for the chemotherapy of the O-022 progress gastric cancer impossible of excision
梅田大介, 筒井秀作, 村山洋子, 前田真吾, 佐竹真, 那須文香, 三浦由雄, 富永恒平, 荻山秀治, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穂, 飯石浩康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article Naked eye type as the preoperation prognostic factor in the O-023 gastric cancer
坂東悦郎1, 大森隼人1, 加治早苗1, 幕内梨恵1, 入野誠之1, 谷澤豊1, 川村泰一1, 杉浦禎一2, 山口智弘2, 塩見明生2, 寺島雅典1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance as the prognostic factor of inflammation, the nutrition index in the O-024 Stage III gastric cancer
豊川貴弘1, 六車一哉1, 田村達郎1, 福岡達成1, 大平豪1, 渋谷雅常1, 櫻井克宜2, 山添定明1, 木村健二郎1, 永原央1, 天野良亮1, 久保尚士2, 玉森豊2, 田中浩明1, 八代正和1, 前田清1, 平川弘聖1, 大平雅一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the Paclitaxel + Ramucirumab therapy for the unresectable progress recurrent gastric cancer in the O-025 our hospital and safe examination
山本洋一郎1, 那須淳一郎1, 河村玲央奈1, 大里俊樹1, 亀高大介1, 岡寿紀1, 野島智子1, 矢部俊太郎1, 金藤光博1, 斉藤俊介1, 藤井雅邦1, 犬飼道雄1, 伊藤守1, 石山修平1, 藤原明子1, 吉岡正雄1, 塩出純二1, 木村臣一2, 高畑隆臣2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical features and change over time including the bleeding incidence of complication of the O-026 patency stomach duodenal ulcer
松塲瞳, 蔵原晃一, 吉田雄一朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article Multicenter prospective study about the present situation of the O-027 stomach duodenal ulcer hemorrhage particularly examination of the characteristic in elderly patients
河口剛一郎1, 磯本一1, 木下芳一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the seasonal variation of the O-028 peptic ulcer hemorrhage
岡本真, 岩立堂佑, 阿部創平, 中川秀紀, 小田原成彬, 森山慎, 吉川剛史, 毛利大, 大前知也, 赤松雅俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly people in the O-029 our hospital
藤田勲生, 豊川達也, 槇野貴文, 松枝克典, 上田祐也, 藤田明子, 坂田雅浩, 片岡淳朗, 堀井城一朗, 村上敬子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 271-271, 2018.

Japanese Article It is the comparison of the recurrence after O-030 esophageal varices clinical features and esophageal varices treatment of the treated alcoholic cirrhosis and non-alcoholic lipid liver disease
内山明, 山科俊平, 多田昌弘, 石塚敬, 染谷秀忍, 泉健太郎, 青山友則, 今一義, 池嶋健一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 271-271, 2018.

Japanese Article A characteristic and the course of Crohn's disease residual small intestine long 150cm who had O-031 Intestinal failure or less
黒木博介1, 小金井一隆1, 辰巳健志1, 二木了1, 小原尚1, 荒井勝彦1, 福島恒男2, 杉田昭1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 271-271, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the incongruous case of the capsule endoscope scoring for the O-032 Crohn's disease
大森鉄平, 細矢さやか, 安廣和志, 神林玄隆, 村杉瞬, 柏木宏幸, 原敏文, 伊藤亜由美, 米澤麻利亜, 中村真一, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 271-271, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of tacrolimus and the use of antiTNF α antibody preparation case for the ulcerative colitis of the O-033 our hospital
金城徹1, 瑞慶山隆太1, 桑江聡1, 東江大樹1, 古賀絵莉香1, 藤田茜2, 仲松元二郎1, 宮里公也1, 田端そうへい1, 大平哲也1, 圓若修一2, 伊良波淳1, 新垣伸吾2, 與儀竜治1, 前城達次2, 平田哲生1, 外間昭1, 藤田次郎2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article AntiTNF - α antibody bio follower product switch treatment result for the O-035 inflammatory bowel disease
近藤哲, 大北喜基, 廣純一郎, 吉山繁幸, 藤川裕之, 安田裕美, 北嶋貴仁, 志村匡信, 沖哲, 浦谷亮, 奥川喜永, 井出正造, 市川崇, 山本晃, 重盛恒彦, 問山裕二, 大井正貴, 内田恵一, 楠正人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article Interim report of the specific use results investigation for the inflammatory bowel disease of the O-036 infliximab by Osh mirror
中川倫夫1, 西川清広2, 小林拓3, 浅井哲4, 鮫島由規則5, 鈴木康夫6, 渡辺守7, 日比紀文3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of safety and the effectiveness by the true clinical practice of adalimumab for the O-037 ulcerative colitis: Specific use results investigation interim analysis report
緒方晴彦1, 川合祐実2, 日比紀文3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article Use actual situation analysis of antiTNF - α antibody preparation for the ulcerative colitis in this country using the O-038 administrative data base
小林拓1, 宇田晃仁2, 廣居伸蔵2, 宇田川恵理2, 峯山智佳2, 日比紀文1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the postoperative pulmonary complication in the O-039 elderly people ulcerative colitis surgery case
二木了1, 小金井一隆1, 辰巳健志1, 黒木博介1, 荒井勝彦1, 小原尚1, 杉田昭1, 福島恒男2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of patients with elderly people ulcerative colitis in the O-040 our hospital
米沢麻利亜, 細矢さやか, 安廣和志, 村杉瞬, 神林玄隆, 伊藤亜由美, 大森鉄平, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 273-273, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the constipation practice in the O-041 General Hospital
朝山直樹, 永田信二, 向井伸一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the H.pylori sanitization therapy in the O-042 chronicity constipation practice
大槻晋士1, 杉本光繁2, 村田雅樹1, 中田俊朗1, 大塚武人1, 高橋憲一郎2, 伴宏充2, 西田淳史1, 稲富理1, 馬場重樹1, 安藤朗1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article About usefulness in the constipation practice of the epithelium function transformation medicine in the O-043 our hospital and problems
青柳仁, 大隅瞬, 柳澤大輔, 大和洸, 中村直裕, 丸山喬平, 三木淳史, 岡村喬之, 磯野朱里, 阿部浩一郎, 山本貴嗣, 喜多宏人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article For the effective operation of chronic constipation practice - guidelines that utilized O-044 abdomen X-rays -
水上健1, 小松弘一2, 金井隆典3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 274-274, 2018.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the chronic constipation in the O-045 lower digestive tract bleeding and the significance
榎本壮秀, 沢井正佳, 岩田臣弘, 岩井聡始, 小泉有利, 大谷絵美, 堀内葉月, 明石陽介, 森安博人, 松本昌美
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness and problems of cold polypectomy for early colon cancer less than 10mm that assumed a persistence recurrence a point of view after O-046 technique
梅村賢, 下田楓美子, 田中裕, 平本圭一郎, 木村修, 阿曽沼祥, 佐藤晃彦, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the endoscopic stent implantation for the large intestine malignant stenosis in the O-047 our hospital
岩井健太郎, 萩原悠也, 小林真理子, 越智大介, 大塚公一朗, 添田敦子, 池澤和人, 中原朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article Digestive organ lesion <colitis and liver damage> as the immune-mediated adverse event of the O-048 immunity checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab
古閑愛理, 中神聡太, 藤井洋佑, 柳井谷駿史, 河相宗矩, 村本雄哉, 吉川哲平, 西田未由, 三上貴生, 西田吉宏, 稗田信弘, 宮本由貴子, 北見元哉, 青山育雄, 本庶元, 近藤雅彦, 西川浩史, 三宅直樹, 河南智晴
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 275-275, 2018.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the colon cancer merger ulcerative colitis having naked eye type classification of the O-049 infiltrating type
辰巳健志1, 杉田昭1, 小金井一隆1, 二木了1, 黒木博介1, 小原尚1, 木村英明2, 荒井勝彦1, 福島恒男3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the treatment for the inflammatory bowel disease to be complicated with O-050 malignant tumor
奥山祐右, 榊田智喜, 中津川義和, 朝枝興平, 角埜徹, 小林令央, 梶原真理子, 小山友季, 吉田拓馬, 土井俊文, 川上巧, 山田真也, 西村健, 藤井秀樹, 戸祭直也, 佐藤秀樹, 木村浩之, 吉田憲正
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article Participation of chemokine receptor CCR7 in the O-051 NSAID origin-related mucosa of small intestine disorder
山口利朗, 飯島英樹, 谷瑞季, 大竹由利子, 良原丈夫, 岩谷修子, 川井翔一朗, 新崎信一郎, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a long term prognosis of rebleeding after the capsule endoscope in the O-052 OGIB case
内藤達志, 平松活志, 竹川祐未, 高橋和人, 大藤和也, 松田秀岳, 大谷昌弘, 根本朋幸, 中本安成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 276-276, 2018.

Japanese Article The traction method using new invention - S-O clip of the detachment in the ESD technique for O-053 duodenum tumor
滝本見吾, 赤松友梨, 濱田聖子, 中野重治, 筑後孝紀, 下釜翼, 江坂直樹, 太田義之, 岩本諭, 笠原勝宏, 水本吉則, 勝島慎二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the rebleeding risk factor of the O-054 cause unidentified GI bleeding
宮迫由季, 今川宏樹, 桑井寿雄, 三浦峻一, 隅田ゆき, 高砂健, 西村朋之, 山口敏紀, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of 19 acute mesentery ischemia in the O-055 our hospital
大澤一郎, 田端正己, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 前田光貴, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical examination about the risk factor of the large intestine epithelial neoplasm judging from O-056 lifestyle
寺島禎彦1, 阪口正博1, 沼圭次郎1, 田中宏典1, 山田忠浩1, 西田晋也1, 宮野亮1, 佐野達志1, 辺見英之1, 溝尻岳2, 李喬遠2, 岡博史2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article Morphologic and molecular biologic characteristic of SSAP in the O-057 left side colon
愛澤正人1, 隈元謙介1, 根本大樹1, 高柳大輔1, 五十畑則之1, 歌野健一1, 遠藤俊吾1, 北条洋2, 江口英孝3, 冨樫一智1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article Characteristic of colon cancer obtained from information of O-058 CT colonography
東海林久紀1, 中澤信博1, 茂木政彦1, 大澤清孝1, 生越喬二2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the background factor influencing the receptive drop of the testee in an examination for O-059 large intestine CT
粕谷加代子1, 永田浩一2,3, 伊山篤4, 三上鉄平4, 高橋則晃2, 斎藤博1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article About usefulness of CT colonography in all O-060 colonoscopic examination unsuccessfullness case
飛鳥井香紀, 大西浩史, 越野顕, 菅田亮太郎, 金子望, 河辺健太郎, 佐々木槙子, 高口裕規, 井上裕介, 戸川昭三, 長谷川泉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article The laparoscopic hepatectomy for the hepatocellular carcinoma of the O-061 our hospital and examination about surgical-site infections (SSI)
桂宜輝, 武田裕, 大村仁昭, 阪本卓也, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 加藤健志, 田村茂行, 村田幸平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article Laparoscopic hepatectomy for O-062 colon cancer liver metastases
武田裕, 大村仁昭, 桂宜輝, 阪本卓也, 中平伸, 河合賢二, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 野瀬陽平, 森良太, 高瀬洪生, 遠矢圭介, 湯川芳郎, 村上剛平, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 村田幸平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article Many aspects in bridge use of the artificial liver adjuvant setting in the O-063 acute hepatic failure
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the sclerotherapy using the monoethanolamine oleate for the O-064 symptom-related hepatic cyst
富山恭行, 吉岡奈穂子, 佐々木恭, 仁科惣治, 原裕一, 日野啓輔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article UDCA controls the IFN-g production from an immune cell involved in the condition of a patient deeply in O-065 PBC
下田慎治1, 原田憲一2, 中村稔3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the HBs antigen negative conversion case by the long-term follow-up of the O-066 HBV continuation infection case, drop case
長谷部千登美, 阿部真美, 相馬学, 細木弥生, 藤井常志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts for the hepatitis B reactivation in the O-067 our hospital
渡邊丈久, 楢原哲史, 田中健太郎, 徳永尭之, 川崎剛, 吉丸洋子, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 田中基彦, 佐々木裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article Pay the attention to examination - Vitamin D levels of the quantity of HBs antigen in the natural history of patients with O-068 chronic hepatitis B and quantity of HBs antigen drop speed; and ...
糸川典夫1, 厚川正則2, 肥田舞1, 大久保知美1, 新井泰央1, 岩下愛1, 近藤千紗1, 島田紀朋3, 岩切勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article The hepatitis B reactivation measures that consisted of medical cooperation with the O-069 pharmacy if all cases screening was possible
藤井康和, 松本正憲, 野村雄大, 板倉崇泰, 西崎朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the HBs antigen negative conversion case in the TDF/TAF-containing ART for the O-070 HIV/HBV overlap infected person
田中聡司, 石原朗雄, 石田永, 三田英治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of the progress liver cancer judging from O-071 sorafenib blood level and an etiology
永井英成1, 和久井紀貴1, 五十嵐良典1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article The liver cancer treatment strategy which assumed GWAS liver cancer by the O-072 ADAM17 control-sensitive gene MICA a target
荒井潤1,2, 後藤覚2,3, 伊藤彩弥香2, 貝瀬好美2, 中川良2, 室山良介2, 加藤直也2,4, 吉田仁1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article Exhaustive analysis about the IFN instruction gene expression control in the hepatocellular carcinoma using O-073 TCGA data
浅岡良成, 建石良介, 小池和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article Pro-circulation tumor cells detection in the liver cancer using O-074 Microcavity Array System establishment
高橋和人, 大藤和也, 野阪拓人, 内藤達志, 松田秀岳, 大谷昌弘, 平松活志, 根本朋幸, 中本安成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article Individualization treatment strategy based on the MRP3 onset of O-075 progress hepatocellular carcinoma impossible of excision
友成哲, 平尾章博, 高山哲治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article Are the esophageal varices improved after the liver arterial infusion chemotherapy for the O-076 progress hepatocellular carcinoma case?
杉本貴史1, 河井敏宏1, 近藤祐嗣1, 小尾俊太郎2, 佐藤新平1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article Pay the attention whether meet a change condition to regorafenib at image PD judgment in liver residual function change - first time after the sorafenib administration for the O-077 progress hepatocellular carcinoma; and -
葛谷貞二, 石上雅敏, 武藤久哲, 横山晋也, 田中卓, 山本健太, 安藤祐資, 伊藤隆徳, 安田諭, 石津洋二, 本多隆, 林和彦, 石川哲也, 廣岡芳樹, 後藤秀実
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article About the advisability of the regorafenib change as the 2nd line treatment in the sorafenib medical treatment case for the O-078 hepatocellular carcinoma impossible of excision
奥平知成, 平岡淳, 二宮朋之, 道堯浩二郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the three-dimensional bulk radiotherapy combination liver arterial infusion chemotherapy for the unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma with the severe vascular invasion in O-079 Child-Pugh classification B
野村貴子1, 谷丈二2, 正木勉1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of B-TACE in the O-080 our hospital
出口章広1, 琢磨慧1, 正木勉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the laparoscopic hepatectomy for the O-081 liver damage degree B hepatocellular carcinoma
大村仁昭, 武田裕, 桂宜輝, 阪本卓也, 中平伸, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 村田幸平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the safety of the laparoscopic hepatectomy in patients with liver cancer of the O-082 advanced age
阪本卓也, 武田裕, 大村仁昭, 桂宜輝, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 加藤健志, 田村茂行, 村田幸平
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauterization RFA for the metastatic liver tumor in the O-083 our hospital
俵誠一, 長谷川徳子, 藥師神崇行
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article Prospective study about the prophylactic antimicrobial administration in the O-084 percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauterization
中込良1, 建石良介1, 三神信太郎2, 和気泰次郎1, 西畠瑞希1, 佐藤雅哉1, 南達也1, 内野康志1, 榎奥健一郎1, 中川勇人1, 淺岡良成1, 椎名秀一朗3, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article Liver cancer histories of treatment using the O-085 second generation microwave solidification therapy (EmprintTM Ablation System)
吉田英雄, 谷口博順, 斎藤明子, 福田麟太郎, 松野達哉, 鈴木由佳理, 本田泰教, 斎藤友隆, 鈴木裕史, 山本信三, 伊藤由紀子, 中田良
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article Liver fibrosis inhibitory effect by apoptosis of the stellate cell of liver through the endoplasmic reticulum stress of O-086 Geanylgeranylacetone
佐々木龍, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article Blood Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) reflects liver function and a vital prognosis in patients with O-087 chronic liver disease
吉川恭子, 岩佐元雄, 江口暁子, 小島真一, 吉澤尚彦, 天白美奈, 杉本龍亮, 山本憲彦, 杉本和史, 小林由直, 長谷川浩司, 竹井謙之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the inhibitory effect for the progression of cirrhosis of the O-088 low power outside the body shock wave
氏家直人1, 中野徹2, 中西史1, 藤島史喜3, 亀井尚1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article Liver residual function and serum free amino acids profile of a lot of O-089 chronic liver disease
嘉数英二, 佐野晃俊, 諸沢樹, 井上淳, 二宮匡史, 岩田朋晃, 梅津輝行, 高井智, 中村琢也, 下瀬川徹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article Sarcopenia in the O-090 decompensated liver cirrhosis case, examination about the association of the bone metabolism and vitamin D concentration
大久保知美1, 厚川正則1,2, 肥田舞1, 新井泰央1, 糸川典夫1, 近藤千紗2, 岩切勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of plasma KRAS mutation analysis in patients with O-091 pancreatic cancer and the contribution to an episode of care
寺澤裕之1, 能祖一裕2, 岡田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article Are tissue and blood KRAS monitoring useful in preoperation treatment for the O-092 pancreatic cancer?
渡部文昭, 鈴木浩一, 力山敏樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article Wnt/β-catenin signal course in the O-093 pancreas oncogenesis
佐野誠1,3, 伊地知秀明2, Brian C.Lewis3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt ... of the Follow-up strategy construction by expression of O-094 IL-13Rα2 and relative examination - preoperation pancreatic juice cell blocking with the IPMN grade
藤澤聡郎1, 福村由紀2, 高橋翔1, 鈴木彬実1, 金澤亮1, 石井重登1, 斉藤紘昭1, 伊佐山浩通1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of the Cystatin A expression in patients with O-095 pancreatic cancer
小村卓也, 酒井佳夫, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic and molecular biologic study of the O-096 pancreas in situ cancer
横出正隆1,2, 森永友紀子1, 全陽1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the microsatellite instability in O-097 pancreatic duct cancer
森泰希1, 濱屋寧2, 馬場聡4, 松浦友春1, 魚谷貴洋2, 山出美穂子1, 岩泉守哉5, 大澤恵2, 古田隆久3, 杉本健1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the O-098 CA 19-9 normalcy pancreatic cancer
水間正道1, 元井冬彦1, 畠達夫1, 伊関雅裕1, 高舘達之1, 有明恭平1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 深瀬耕二1, 大塚英郎1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 森川孝則1, 内藤剛1, 亀井尚1, 下瀬川徹2, 海野倫明1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article The examination that it is DNA methylation in the malignant transformation extension of O-099 IPMN-modified
加藤裕之1, 立石敬介1, 藤原弘明1, 高木馨2, 野口賢作1, 鈴木辰典1, 中村知香1, 佐藤達也1, 白田龍之介1, 武田剛志1, 石垣和祥1, 齋藤圭1, 内野里枝1, 高原楠昊1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 伊地知秀明1, 中井陽介1, 多田稔1, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical pathology characteristic of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer which we experienced in O-100 our hospital
栗原啓介, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 辰川裕美子, 宮木英輔, 河村良太, 津島健, 関藤剛, 平野哲郎, 森毅, 吹上綾美, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the pancreatic excision case after the preoperation chemoradiation treatment introduction in the O-101 our hospital
田端正己, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 前田光貴, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor shortening hospitalization after an operation in the pancreaticoduodenectomy in O-102 elderly people
白井祥睦, 船水尚武, 飯田智憲, 大樂勝司, 平本悠樹, 友利賢太, 中林幸夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect that O-103 preoperative body composition gives to the convalescence of the pancreatic cancer excision case
宮本敦史, 濱直樹, 前田栄, 浜川卓也, 植村守, 三宅正和, 西川和宏, 宮崎道彦, 加藤健志, 平尾素宏, 関本貢嗣, 中森正二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article Progress of the combined modality therapy for the O-104 pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
岡林雄大, 志摩泰生, 住吉辰朗, 須井健太
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of the stent graft for the use of heparin blood vessel on false aneurysm bleeding after the O-105 pancreatectomy
合川公康1, 高瀬健一郎1, 上野陽介1, 岡田克也1, 岡本光順1, 佐藤弘1, 渡邉幸博1, 櫻本信一1, 山口茂樹1, 小山勇1, 中澤賢2, 内野晃2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic characteristic of the gastric cancer detected after O-106 Helicobacter pylori sanitization success after a long term
山本桂子1, 加藤麻倫2, 松田可奈2, 安孫子怜史2, 津田桃子2, 宮本秀一2, 小野尚子1, 工藤俊彦2, 清水勇一1, 坂本直哉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the predictor of the discovery gastric cancer after O-107 sanitization
澁川成弘, 大内祥平, 若松周司, 若原佑平, 金子晃
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article It is clinicopathologic examination about the gastric cancer after H.pylori sanitization after the treatment with O-108 endoscope
田中努1, 石原誠1, 平山裕1, 大西祥代1, 水野伸匡2, 肱岡範2, 奥野のぞみ2, 桑原崇通2, 鳥山和浩2, 岩屋博道2, 伊東文子2, 倉岡直亮2, 松本慎平2, 小畑雅寛2, 安田宗司2, 栗田祐介2, 原和生2, 田近正洋1, 丹羽康正1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the usefulness of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment after O-109 early gastric cancer ESD
中田理恵子, 永見康明, 坂井大志, 灘谷祐二, 福永周生, 湯川知洋, 杉森聖司, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 田中史生, 鎌田紀子, 平良高一, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 斯波将次, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article Protective efficacy of the primary gastric cancer with the O-110 Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment: Systematic review and meta-analysis
瀬田剛史1, 山下幸孝1, 中山健夫2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the O-111 Helicobacter pylori sanitization case
楠真帆1, 結城美佳2, 小林祥也2, 駒澤慶憲2, 雫稔弘2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of vonoprazan, metronidazole for the O-112 penicillin allergy case and the sitafloxacin three drugs combination H.pylori sanitization therapy
田中昭文1, 徳永健吾2, 高橋信一1,3, 森秀明1, 久松理一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect that sanitization of the O-113 H.pylori infection gives to BMI, lipid, carbohydrates intake, serum lipid concentrations, HbA1c
中川悟, 下山克, 珍田大輔, 福田眞作
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article The change that O-114 H.pylori sanitization treatment gives in nutritional status
菊池保治1, 平野達也2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the serum H.pylori test for antibodies using the latex cohesion immunity turbidimetric method in the O-115 junior high student
堤康志郎1,2, 草野央3, 池原久朝3, 鈴木翔3, 後藤田卓志3, 村上和成2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the gut flora in patients with O-116 ulcerative colitis and the healthy subject and the mucous membrane-related bacterial flora
柏木里織, 高木智久, 豊川優季, 土肥統, 岡山哲也, 吉田直久, 堅田和弘, 鎌田和浩, 内山和彦, 石川剛, 半田修, 保田宏明, 阪上順一, 小西英幸, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article AntiTNF - α antibody for the O-117 inflammatory bowel disease is examination of the paradoxical reaction generating situation in the maintenance therapy
荒木俊光, 近藤哲, 大北喜基, 廣純一郎, 吉山繁幸, 藤川裕之, 安田裕美, 北嶋貴仁, 志村匡信, 沖哲, 浦谷亮, 奥川喜永, 井出正造, 市川崇, 山本晃, 重盛恒彦, 問山裕二, 大井正貴, 内田恵一, 楠正人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article Immunogenicity of the influenza vaccine in the O-118 immunosuppressive drug therapy IBD patients
白井慎平1, 川内孝次郎2, 行元崇浩2, 鶴岡ななえ2, 坂田資尚2, 下田良1, 藤本一眞2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the malignant lymphoma which occurred in patients with inflammatory bowel disease using O-119 antiTNF α antibody preparation and the thiopurine preparation
河村卓二, 酒井浩明, 小川智也, 碕山直邦, 上田悠揮, 白川敦史, 岡田雄介, 真田香澄, 中瀬浩二朗, 萬代晃一朗, 鈴木安曇, 盛田篤広, 田中聖人, 宇野耕治, 安田健治朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the side effect of the penciled eyebrow in the O-120 ulcerative colitis
福田知広1, 長沼誠1, 杉本真也1, 南木康作1, 水野慎大1, 木村佳代子2, 高林馨2, 井上詠3, 緒方晴彦2, 岩男泰3, 金井隆典1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness of new 5ASA preparation re-Alda for the O-121 active stage ulcerative colitis
岡野荘, 酒匂美奈子, 吉村直樹, 高添正和
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of MMX-5ASA judging from switch case from O-122 existing 5ASA
福知工, 古賀英彬, 片岡康雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article A treatment result of hypodermic injection type antiTNF α antibody preparation for patients with O-123 ulcerative colitis and examination of the effect predictor
加藤真吾, 可児和仁, 屋嘉比康治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the convalescence predictor of the biological drug in the O-124 ulcerative colitis
村杉瞬, 伊藤亜由美, 安廣和志, 細矢さやか, 神林玄隆, 大森鉄平, 米沢麻利亜, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the steroid precedent reinforcement administration in the antiTNF α antibody therapy for the O-125 steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis
平尾元宏, 山田拓也, 平松直樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article O-127 Efficacy and safety of Rifaximin against intractable hepatic encephalopathy
冨田恭子, 奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 水野恵, 芳賀弘明, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article An effect of the nalfurafine hydrochloride on itch that patients with O-128 chronic liver disease measure up to and safe examination
仁科武人, 奥本和夫, 水野恵, 冨田恭子, 芳賀弘明, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article Chronic administration results of the carnitine therapy for the O-129 chronic liver disease
室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐, 清水恵理奈, 芳澤社, 木全政晴, 瀧浪将貴, 海野修平, 宮津隆裕, 木次健介, 杉浦喜一, 山中力行, 山田洋介, 加藤敦士
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article Change of effect of treatment and existing diuretic doses of the tolvaptan for the O-130 cirrhosis
川部直人, 橋本千樹, 中野卓二, 中岡和徳, 大城昌史, 倉下貴光, 高村知希, 野村小百合, 小山恵司, 福井愛子, 吉岡健太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that tolvaptan gives for medium-and-long term convalescence for O-131 hepatic induced oedema
岩下愛1, 厚川正則1,2, 加藤慶三3, 安部宏3, 島田紀朋4, 浅野徹5, 池上正6, 肥田舞2, 吉田祐士1, 葉山惟信1, 大久保知美2, 新井泰央2, 糸川典夫2, 近藤千紗2, 岩切勝彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of treatment predictor of the tolvaptan for the O-132 hepatic ascites
坂本雄飛, 加藤慶三, 安部宏, 塙紀子, 米澤健, 伊藤禎浩, 佐藤祥之, 井家麻紀子, 清水晶平, 遠藤慎治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article The muscle cramps in patients with O-133 cirrhosis: Sarcopenia, liver residual function, association with the quality of life
澤田保彦, 瓦谷英人, 久保卓也, 古川政統, 中西啓祐, 北川洸, 才川宗一郎, 佐藤慎哉, 関建一郎, 高谷広章, 鍛冶孝祐, 大倉康志, 下里直隆, 北出光輝, 赤羽たけみ, 守屋圭, 浪崎正, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article Association with sarcopenia and nutritional status, the quality of life in patients with O-134 cirrhosis
安藤祐資, 石上雅敏, 石津洋二, 葛谷貞二, 本多隆, 林和彦, 石川哲也, 廣岡芳樹, 後藤秀実
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about a loop diuretic and the sarcopenia in the intractable ascitic merger cirrhosis that we introduced O-135 tolvaptan treatment into
島田昌明, 岩瀬弘明, 平嶋昇, 龍華庸光, 齋藤雅之, 近藤尚, 浦田登, 宇仁田慧, 近藤高, 田中大貴
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the effectiveness of B-RTO for O-136 Portosystemic Shunt Syndrome
石川剛, 岩本拓也, 高見太郎, 坂井田功
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect on long-term liver function by O-137 balloon obstruction bottom backward movement-related transvenous embolization (B-RTO)
先田信哉1, 持田知洋1, 五十嵐亮1, 上妻千明1, 土屋淳1, 小澤尚子1, 池真美1, 安田圭吾1, 金城美幸1, 池宮城秀和1, 深見裕一1, 吉野耕平1, 朝比奈靖浩2, 渡辺守3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination including the data mining method for the effect prediction of Tolvaptan in patients with O-138 intractable ascitic merger cirrhosis
詫間義隆, 岩堂昭太, 植松周二, 岡本良一, 荒木康之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical enforcement of the reproduction therapy using self-bone marrow derived cells for the O-139 decompensated cirrhosis
高見太郎1,2, 松本俊彦3, 坂井田功1,2,4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the association between subclinical hepatic encephalopathy and gut flora of patients with O-140 cirrhosis
原口雅史, 三馬聡, 柴田英貴, 宮明寿光, 田浦直太, 竹島史直, 中尾一彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis practice in the O-141 our hospital
林和直, 五十嵐聡, 木村成宏, 河久順志, 高橋一也, 冨永顕太郎, 水野研一, 橋本哲, 横山純二, 山際訓, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article Long term prognosis of the autoimmune pancreatitis in the O-142 our hospital
平野賢二, 渡邉健雄, 前川久登
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the sarcopenia in the O-143 chronic pancreatitis
鈴木博貴1, 廣岡芳樹2, 川嶋啓揮1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 須原寛樹1, 竹山友章1, 橋詰清孝1, 小屋敏也1, 田中浩敬1, 酒井大輔1, 西尾亮1, 飯田忠1, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article Association of the pre-sepsine in the O-144 serious case acute pancreatitis
北村勝哉, 山宮知, 石井優, 三井佑太, 野本朋宏, 吉田仁
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical examination for acute pancreatitis and the recurrence that we experienced in O-145 our hospital
川崎洋輔, 西口恭平, 谷口舞子, 中村孝彦, 森麻奈加, 朝倉亜希子, 徳田貴昭, 齊木浩二, 澤村真理子, 徳田有記, 大西良輝, 河合知代, 日山智志, 濱野美奈, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 巽信之, 伊藤敏文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the EUS lower biliary tract drainage for the O-146 non-excision malignancy biliary tract obstruction
菅野良秀, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 酒井利隆
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts using the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower biliary tract drainage for O-147 recurrence-related retrograde cholangitis
佐藤高光, 岩崎暁人, 加藤真吾, 細野邦広, 中島淳, 窪田賢輔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness and safety of SpyGlass DS lower EHL for the bile duct stone case having difficulty in O-148 treatment
川田壮一郎, 松本和也, 武田洋平, 孝田博輝, 山下太郎, 菓裕貴, 斧山巧, 池淵雄一郎, 河口剛一郎, 原田賢一, 八島一夫, 磯本一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation and invention of the treatment of the bile duct stone using the O-149 double balloon endoscope
橋本千樹1, 大宮直木2, 川部直人1, 中野卓二1, 中岡和徳1, 大城昌史1, 倉下貴光1, 高村知希1, 野村小百合1, 小山恵司1, 吉岡健太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article Use results of the new shape bile duct plastic stent which we developed in O-150 our hospital
高橋幸治, 露口利夫, 杉山晴俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the endoscopic treatment using the Short-type single balloon endoscope for the choledocholithiasis with the O-151 Roux-en-Y rebuilding intestinal tract
永松晋作, 元川雄貴, 友岡文優, 芝本彰彦, 藤本優樹, 石田光志, 相原洋祐, 上嶋昌和, 松尾英城, 中谷敏也, 菊池英亮
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article Diagnosis ability of the forceps biopsy of the transnipple in the bile duct horizontal direction extension diagnosis of the O-152 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma
杉浦諒, 桑谷将城, 平田幸司, 加藤新, 川久保和道, 坂本直哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article It is usefulness of the EUS lower biliary tract treatment for the rebuilding intestinal tract case after O-153 technique
鎌田英紀, 小林聖幸, 正木勉, 加藤清仁, 藤森崇行, 山下拓磨
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma in the O-154 our hospital
遠藤裕平, 渡部文昭, 笠原尚哉, 加藤高晴, 齊藤正昭, 辻仲眞康, 宮倉安幸, 清崎浩一, 野田弘志, 力山敏樹
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article Surgery results of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the O-155 gallbladder twisting symptom
富丸慶人, 江崎さゆり, 野口幸蔵, 長瀬博次, 浜部敦史, 広田将司, 大島一輝, 谷田司, 森田俊治, 今村博司, 岩澤卓, 赤木謙三, 堂野恵三
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article Through successive change - treatment intervention of pancreatic enzyme and the EUS score of the O-156 early chronic pancreatitis -
樋口和寿, 二神生爾, 阿川周平, 山脇博士, 金子恵子, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical features of the pancreatic cancer which racked its brains about a diagnosis in acknowledgment of chronic pancreatitis with O157 ultrasonic endoscope
中岡和徳, 橋本千樹, 川部直人, 中野卓二, 大城昌史, 倉下貴光, 高村知希, 野村小百合, 小山恵司, 吉岡健太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness and limit of the endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting for the O-158 chronic pancreatitis
天野彰吾, 戒能聖治, 篠田崇平, 仙譽学, 坂井田功
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article Examine diagnosis ability of EUS-FNA for the O-159 lymph node and non-plus; the examination about the predictor
藤井佑樹, 菅野良秀, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 酒井利隆, 與那嶺圭輔, 川上裕次郎, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis in the early diagnosis of the O-160 pancreatic cancer
河村良太, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 栗原啓介, 辰川裕美子, 宮木英輔, 津島健, 齊藤裕平, 關藤剛, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 森豪, 茶山一彰
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the pancreas lesion screening in O-161 pancreas, the gallbladder examination
宮川宏之, 岡村圭也, 平山敦, 北川翔, 奥大樹, 長川達哉, 畑山加奈
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article Metastatic pancreas tumor - multicenter study - due to the O-162 sarcoma
森山一郎1, 津田喬之2, 増田大介3, 有坂好史4, 吉田太之5, 根引浩子6, 遠藤文司7, 伊藤嵩志8, 八隅秀二郎9, 河本博文10
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the CT image before the pancreatic cancer onset in the O-163 our hospital
山本晃大, 景岡正信, 矢野庄悟, 青山弘幸, 星野弘典, 青山春奈, 寺井智宏, 大畠昭彦, 吉井重人, 丸山保彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that O-164 life-style related diseases give to the condition of a patient and convalescence of the pancreatic cancer
熊木天児1,7, 黒田太良1,7, 宮田英樹2,7, 横田智行3,7, 畔元信明2,4,7, 上杉和寛4,5,7, 田中良憲6,7, 木阪吉保5,6,7, 寺尾孝志1,4,7, 今村良樹1,7, 小泉光仁1,7, 大野芳敬1,7, 石井浩4,7, 日浅陽一1,7
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... mainly on evaluation - zinc of the nutritional status of patients with O-165 pancreatic cancer
高山敬子, 清水京子, 伊藤泰斗, 木下普紀子, 大塚奈央, 赤尾潤一, 長尾健太, 田原純子, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the back treatment after the FOLFIRINOX/GEM+nabPTX administration for the O-166 pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
水川翔1, 堀口繁2, 加藤博也1, 皿谷洋祐1, 高田斎文1, 室信一郎1, 内田大輔1, 松本和幸1, 友田健1, 岡田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article The change of the treatment result of the chemotherapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer of the O-167 our hospital
吉田健作, 岩下拓司, 清水雅仁, 手塚隆一, 上村真也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article Progress of the second chemotherapy for the O-168 radical excision inability pancreatic cancer
寺島健志, 山下竜也, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article The treatment result of the GEM+nab-PTX method for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in the O-169 our hospital and examination of the convalescence rule factor
成瀬宏仁, 北潟谷隆, 霜田佳彦, 伊藤淳, 大野正芳, 工藤大樹, 畑中一映, 山本義也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article Shift possibility predictor to the second treatment after the GEM+nab-PTX first chemotherapy refractoriness in the O-170 progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
山口典高, 中原征則, 松本康史, 酒井優希, 大工和馬, 上村駿太, 高智恵, 相坂龍哉, 増田与也, 小来田幸世, 澤井良之, 井倉技, 福田和人, 今井康陽, 篠村恭久
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of inflammation of the liver in the fibrosis diagnosis of the HCV-related liver disease using O-171 Flash Replenishment sequence
和久井紀貴, 吉峰尚幸, 天沼誠, 荻野悠, 松清靖, 小林康次郎, 松井大吾, 向津隆規, 大道泰子, 籾山浩一, 篠原美絵, 池原孝, 永井英成, 五十嵐良典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the supersonic wave Elastography in the Direct acting antivirals (DAA) treatment for the O-172 C type chronic liver disease and various liver fibrosis index
木村修, 平本圭一郎, 阿曽沼祥, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor affecting the liver hardness improvement with the DAAs treatment in the O-173 hepatitis C
白橋亮作, 須田季晋, 大川修, 徳富治彦, 金子真由子, 行徳芳則, 正岡亮, 玉野正也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the liver fatty change in patients with O-174 chronic hepatitis C
清家拓哉, 太田肇, 鵜浦雅志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - by the portal blood pressure predictive model based on effect - CT that O-175 hepatitis C IFN free treatment gave to portal hypertension, convalescence
細川悠栄1, 神崎拓磨1, 長田俊祐1, 染矢剛1, 大塚征爾1, 中村篤志1, 奥山啓二1, 吉岡政洋1, 朝倉均1, 鈴木修1, 小山茂2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of OBV/PTV/r/RBV for the Genotype 2a type hepatitis C by the O-176 multicenter study and safe examination
肥田舞1, 厚川正則2, 大久保知美1, 池上正3, 熊田卓4, 中牟田誠5, 渡邊綱正6, 高口浩一7, 忠願寺義通8, 加藤慶三9, 安部宏8, 新井泰央1, 糸川典夫1, 近藤千紗2, 岩切勝彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of clinical picture and the antiviral therapy of the O-177 genotype type 3
尹聖哲, 廣畑成也, 松浦敬憲, 白川裕, 戎谷力, さか本喜雄, 渡部貴文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about frequency and the interferon-free effect of treatment of the O-178 hepatitis C mixed infection
林和彦, 石上雅敏, 後藤秀実
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the HCV effect of treatment with the IFN-free therapy for the HIV/HCV coinfection in the O-179 our hospital
西川晃司, 木村昌倫, 今村潤, 木村公則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical features of the initial interferon freelance treatment unsuccessfullness case for the O-180 hepatitis C
吉田晃浩, 萩原智, 南知宏, 千品寛和, 河野匡, 田北雅弘, 依田広, 上嶋一臣, 南康範, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of Elbasvir/Grazoprevir for chronic hepatitis C in the O-181 true clinical practice
厚川正則1, 豊田秀徳2, 高口浩一3, 島田紀朋4, 加藤慶三5, 安部宏5, 浅野徹6, 三上繁7, 正木勉8, 大久保知美9, 新井泰央9, 糸川典夫9, 近藤千紗1, 飯尾悦子10, 田中靖人10, 熊田卓2, 岩切勝彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination (multicenter study) about effect of treatment of the O-182 EBR+GZR combination therapy and the safety
内木隆文1,2, 冨田栄一2, 西垣洋一2, 鈴木祐介2, 末次淳3, 清水雅仁3, 清水省吾4, 杉原潤一4, 大洞昭博5, 小島孝雄5
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article O-183 Study of initial response of Elbasvir and Grazoprevir combination therapy: Multicenter collaborative research
長崎太1, 三浦雅人2, 小野寺博義3, 宮崎豊4, 佐藤修一5, 赤羽武弘6, 岡本裕正7, 真野浩8, 小林智夫9, 山川暢9, 木皿典宏10, 木村修11, 城戸治12, 小原範之13, 涌井祐太3, 諸沢樹14
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of Ombitasvir+Paritaprevir treatment for the O-184 hepatitis C and the Elbasvir+Grazoprevir treatment
杉原潤一, 清水省吾, 永野淳二, 入谷壮一, 林完成, 山下晃司, 小島健太郎, 中西孝之, 寺倉大志, 安藤暢洋, 岩田圭介, 山崎健路, 天野和雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article O-185 Study of the therapeutic effect and safety of combination therapy Ombitasvir + Paritaprevir / Ritonavir by multicenter collaboration
渡辺崇夫1, 上甲康二2, 道堯浩二郎3, 堀池典生4, 多田藤政5, 田中良憲6, 山内一彦7, 中西公王8, 廣岡昌史1, 阿部雅則1, 日浅陽一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article DAA treatment for O-186 chronic hepatitis C: Examination of the hepatocellular carcinoma radical excision case
田井謙太郎, 田中基文, 木戸正浩, 木下秘我, 小松昇平, 粟津正英, 権英寿, 中馬正志, 荒井啓輔, 保原祐樹, 白川幸代, 山下博成, 南野佳英, 津川大介, 椋棒英世, 寺井祥雄, 外山博近, 上野公彦, 味木徹夫, 福本巧
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect to give clinical features and the direct action type antiviral agent effect of treatment of the hepatitis C case with the O-187 hepatocellular carcinoma merger history
杉浦亜弓, 城下智, 梅村武司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a vital prognosis and the other organs carcinogenesis of the SVR case after O-188 IFN-free DAA treatment
勝島慎二, 中野重治, 江坂直樹, 米田俊貴, 滝本見吾, 赤松友梨, 浜田聖子, 筑後孝紀, 下釜翼, 太田義之, 遠藤文司, 岩本諭, 笠原勝宏, 水本吉則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the malignant tumor which occurred after the DAAs treatment for patients with O-189 chronic hepatitis C
古谷建悟, 光井洋, 関川憲一郎, 小林克也, 大久保政雄, 加藤知爾, 橋本直明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article Choice of the DAAs therapy for the C type chronic liver disease judging from O-190 cost effectiveness
羽生泰樹, 片山雅之, 南川健, 小松貴一, 松本浩尚, 松井淳, 松原揚典, 野山裕揮, 土屋さやか, 高貴範
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of the liver carcinogenesis in the case that obtained SVR by DAA combination IFN freelance treatment for patients with O-191 chronic hepatitis C / compensation-related cirrhosis
石上雅敏, 林和彦, 後藤秀実, 本多隆, 葛谷貞二, 石津洋二, 伊藤隆徳, 安田諭, 安藤祐資, 山本健太, 田中卓, 横山晋也, 武藤久哲
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article Hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence risk after the DAAs therapy enforcement for the O-192 C type chronic liver disease
青山徹, 山口菜緒美, 細見英里子, 杉浦香織, 林健次郎, 宮城直也, 松原三郎, 加藤真吾, 岡政志, 西川稿, 名越澄子, 屋嘉比康治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of a risk factor and the liver cancer recurrence liver residual function cancer-causing after O-193 IFN-free treatment SVR
本田浩一1, 清家正隆1, 岩尾正雄1, 所征範1, 荒川光江1, 遠藤美月1, 織部淳哉1, 大森薫2, 村上和成1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article It is a clinical feature about the liver carcinogenesis after Daclatasvir Asunaprevir treatment fruition for the O-194 hepatitis C
田中秀和, 萩原智, 南知宏, 千品寛和, 河野匡志, 田北雅弘, 南康範, 依田広, 上嶋一臣, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the initial liver carcinogenesis from an SVR case by the O-195 DAAs treatment and the liver residual function improvement
島田紀朋1, 豊田秀徳2, 高口浩一3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article O-196 Study on hepatic disorder during combination therapy of Grazoprevir and Elbasvir for chronic liver disease of type C
吉田雄一, 鈴木彰子, 宮坂昭生, 滝川康裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor involved in a rise in albumin value of the Sofosbuvir+Ledipasvir therapy for the O-197 hepatitis C
高村知希, 川部直人, 橋本千樹, 中野卓二, 菅敏樹, 中岡和徳, 大城昌史, 倉下貴光, 小山恵司, 福井愛子, 吉岡健太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article O-198 Relationship between lipid fluctuation and LDL-R, PCSK 9 by Sofosbuvir / Ledipasvir (SOF / LDV) treatment
山内涼1, 早田哲郎2, 山内絵理1, 福田洋美1, 福田祥1, 國本英雄1, 梅田かおる1, 高田和英1, 田中崇1, 横山圭二1, 森原大輔1, 竹山康章1, 入江真1, 釈迦堂敏1, 向坂彰太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that DAAs treatment gives to a blood cell count on patients with O-199 chronic hepatitis C, cirrhosis
石津洋二, 石上雅敏, 武藤久哲, 横山晋也, 田中卓, 山本健太, 安藤祐資, 伊藤隆徳, 安田諭, 葛谷貞二, 本多隆, 林和彦, 廣岡芳樹, 石川哲也, 後藤秀実
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article LDL and HDL rise from all over the treatment by Sofosbuvir and the ribavirin treatment of the O-200 serotype type 2 HCV and continue it after the end
成田翔平1, 本吉康英1, 本田徹郎1, 矢嶌弘之1, 植原亮平1, 林康平1, 堀朋子1, 市川辰樹1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article Patients with colon cancer plasma exosome new biomarker search by the O-201 high sensitivity proteome analysis
笠原桂子1, 長山聡2, 坂井義治1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of the exosome in the interaction between O-202 colon cancer cells - fibroblasts
吉井俊輔, 林義人, 竹原徹郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article About the mucous membrane barrier function in the O-203 rat mother-infant separation stress model
安田律, 鎌田和浩, 村上貴彬, 水島かつら, 岡山哲也, 堅田和弘, 内山和彦, 半田修, 石川剛, 高木智久, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the role of the automatic fuzzy in the O-204 dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) enterocolitis model
西野恭平1, 西田淳史1, 今井隆行1, 杉谷義彦1, 酒井滋企1, 今枝広丞1, 稲富理1, 馬場重樹1, 杉本光繁2, 安藤朗1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article Using organoid derived from examination - large intestine normalcy mucous membrane, polyps, colon cancer of the effect that O-205 Fusobacterium Nucleatum results in for large intestine carcinogenesis and extension -
松浦哲也, 小宮靖彦, 日暮琢磨, 中島淳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the high-dose bevacizumab administration to O-206 standard chemotherapy refractoriness colon cancer
神宝隆行1, 吉田俊太郎2, 石橋嶺1, 成田明子2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer with O-207 other organ infiltrations
佐藤美信, 宇山一朗, 花井恒一, 升森宏次, 小出欣和, 守瀬善一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article About convalescence of StageIV colon cancer given (curability B) which excised O-208 synchronism peritoneum metastatic focus completely from the histopathological views of - particularly the peritoneal metastatic focus -
小森康司, 木下敬史, 大城泰平, 伊藤誠二, 安部哲也, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 植村則久, 夏目誠治, 檜垣栄治, 大内晶, 筒山将之, 細井敬泰, 重吉到, 安炳九, 林大介, 田中秀治, 内野大倫, 清水泰博
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for O-209 local site progress lower part rectal cancer
神原健1, 門田一晃1, 貞森裕1, 高倉範尚1, 万波智彦2, 藤原延清2, 和久利彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the preoperation decompression effect on O-210 obstruction-related colon cancer
友利賢太, 大勝司, 白井祥睦, 平本悠樹, 飯田智憲, 船水尚武, 中林幸夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article Association of the residual small intestine head of the O-211 Crohn's disease and short bowel syndrome
池内浩基1, 内野基1, 坂東俊宏1, 蝶野晃弘1, 佐々木寛文1, 堀尾勇規1, 桑原隆一1, 皆川知洋1, 塚本潔2, 山野智基2, 野田雅史2, 池田正孝2, 冨田尚裕2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment for an effect of the increase in quantity for the effect attenuation case of the infliximab in the O-212 Crohn's disease and the intractable case
酒匂美奈子, 岡野荘, 吉村直樹, 高添正和
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article Multicenter study to compare a long term prognosis infliximab precedence case and the adalimumab precedence case of antiTNF α antibody treatment of the O-213 Crohn's disease
井口俊博1,3, 平岡佐規子1,3, 高橋索真2,3, 高木慎二郎3, 豊川達也3, 竹本浩二3, 宮池次郎3, 藤本剛3, 東玲治3, 森藤由記3, 名和徹3, 井上雅文3, 喜多雅英3, 鈴木誠祐3, 岡田裕之1,3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article Inspection of Crohn's disease small intestine stenosis of CT enterography by O-214 surgery views and the fistula lesion diagnosis ability
下山貴寛, 山本隆行, 井上靖浩, 梅枝覚
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical course - multicenter retrospective study - of the Crohn's disease treated with O-215 antiTNF α antibody preparation
杉山智哉1, 下郷彰礼1, 川村百合加1, 岡庭紀子1, 郷治滋希1, 足立和規1, 吉峰崇1, 山口純治1, 田村泰弘1, 井澤晋也1, 土方康孝1, 海老正秀1, 水野真理1, 山本さゆり1, 舟木康1, 小笠原尚高1, 佐々木誠人1, 春日井邦夫1, 溝下勤2, 遠藤雅行3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the association between sarcopenia and life-style related diseases in the O-216 chronic liver disease
藤山俊一郎, 斎藤聡, 川村祐介, 瀬崎ひとみ, 保坂哲也, 芥田憲夫, 小林正宏, 鈴木義之, 鈴木文孝, 荒瀬康司, 池田健次, 熊田博光
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of urinary Titin-N fragment densitometry in patients with O-217 chronic liver disease
近藤千紗, 厚川正則, 大久保知美, 肥田舞, 新井泰央, 糸川典夫, 岩切勝彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article A characteristic and measures of the sarcopenia merger case in patients with O-218 chronic liver disease
内田義人, 内木佳代子, 植村隼人, 中尾将光, 菅原通子, 中山伸朗, 今井幸紀, 富谷智明, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article About an association between sarcopenia and osteoporosis in patients with O-219 chronic liver disease
林学, 藤田将史, 岡井研, 阿部和道, 高橋敦史, 大平弘正
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about sarcopenia of the O-220 Sorafenib internal use hepatocellular carcinoma case
澤田康司1, 斎藤義徳2, 林秀美1, 長谷部拓夢1, 中嶋駿介1, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - using exacerbation mechanism - aging mouse of the non-alcoholic fatty liver flame by the O-221 aging
石塚敬, 今一義, 池嶋健一, 鈴木麻衣子, 青山友則, 内山明, 山科俊平, 渡辺純夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about a distribution ratio and the consultation encouragement of the NAFL / NASH case in the O-222 clinical survey testee
手島一陽1,2, 石井香織2, 楢林ゆり子2, 菅野真由子2, 木野梢2, 笹山名月2, 大塩香織1, 鈴木徳之1, 新野徹1, 田代淳1, 山本夏代1, 三輪純1, 新井雅裕1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article Extraction of the characteristic independent of sorting and the obesity of the O-223 non-alcoholic fatty liver flame candidate
須田剛士1, 兼藤努1, 寺井崇二2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of an impact and diabetes treatment of diabetes to give to a clinical course of O-224 NAFLD
芥田憲夫1, 川村祐介1, 荒瀬康司1, 藤山俊一郎1, 瀬崎ひとみ1, 保坂哲也1, 小林正宏1, 小林万利子2, 斎藤聡1, 鈴木義之1, 鈴木文孝1, 池田健次1, 熊田博光1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect on liver of the SGLT2 inhibitor in the O-225 DM merger NAFLD patients
吉田祐士1, 新井泰央1, 肥田舞1, 大久保知美1, 岩下愛2, 糸川典夫1, 近藤千紗2, 厚川正則2, 岩切勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness in the NAFLD practice of O-226 sphingolipid metabolism enzyme SPTLC3
伊集院翔1, 小田耕平1,2, 玉井努1, 馬渡誠一1, 笠井亜衣1, 谷山央樹1, 大西容雅1, 坂江遙1, 椨一晃1, 室町香織1, 森内昭博1, 宇都浩文3, 井戸章雄1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... including usefulness of M2BPGi as the biomarker of characteristic - arteriosclerosis of the arteriosclerosis in the O-227 NAFLD patients
新井泰央1, 厚川正則2, 肥田舞1, 吉田祐士2, 大久保知美1, 岩下愛2, 糸川典夫1, 近藤千紗2, 溝上雅史3, 岩切勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article It is pathological and is examined the genetic factor clinical practice of O-228 sarcopenia merger NAFLD
島俊英, 西脇聖剛, 大矢寛久, 光本保英, 水野雅之, 岡上武
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the ALD, NAFLD, intermediate drinking liver damage group by O-229 MR Elastography and the IDEAL IQ
鈴木康秋, 上原恭子, 小林裕, 久野木健仁, 藤林周吾, 芹川真哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility of the fatty liver inhibition by the equivalent drinking out of O-230
赤羽たけみ1, 福居健一2, 吉治仁志1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the risk factor of the sarcopenia onset in the O-231 achalasia
阿部洋文, 田中心和, 河原史明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the sarcopenia in the O-232 cancer of the esophagus preoperative chemotherapy
太田崇之1, 石川剛1, 吉田寿一郎1, 安田知代1, 土肥統1, 岡山哲也1, 吉田直久1, 鎌田和浩1, 内山和彦1, 半田修1, 高木智久1, 小西英幸1, 内藤裕二1, 伊藤義人1, 塩崎敦2, 藤原斉2, 大辻英吾2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of the sarcopenia in the O-233 cancer of the esophagus preoperative chemotherapy
大西祥代1, 田近正洋1, 丹羽康正1, 水野伸匡2, 桑原嵩道2, 奥野のぞみ2, 鳥山和浩2, 小畑雅寛2, 安田宗司2, 栗田裕介2, 松本慎平2, 原和生2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect on sarcopenia prevalence and convalescence that we saw from quantity of O-234 progress, muscle in recurrent elderly people gastric cancer impossible of excision
西田勉, 杉本彩, 富田涼, 樋垣優, 下田彬允, 島越洋美, 大杉直人, 高橋啓, 中松大, 向井香織, 松原徳周, 山本政司, 林史郎, 中島佐知子, 福井浩司, 稲田正己
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of the sarcopenia in the O-235 progress gastric cancer case impossible of excision
太田高志1, 竹野淳2, 須永紘史1, 山岡祥1, 三重尭文1, 芦田宗宏1, 水本塁1, 有本雄貴1, 戸田万生良1, 清水聡1, 山口真二郎1, 伊藤善基1, 萩原秀紀1, 林紀夫1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of O-236 esophagus granular cell myoblastoma and the esophagus leiomyoma
岩室雅也1, 田中健大2, 神崎洋光1, 川野誠司1, 河原祥朗3, 岡田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the clinical index of the O-237 high grade risk gastrointestinal stromal tumor
檜沢一興1, 藤田恒平1, 飯田真大1, 鷲尾恵万1, 坂本圭1, 増原裕之1, 伏見文良2, 江崎幹宏3, 飯田三雄1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower fine needle aspiration in the practice orientation of the O-238 gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane lower lesion
清水孟1, 越田真介1, 伊藤啓1, 大平哲也1, 原田喜博1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 小池良樹1, 山形拓1, 枡かおり1, 嶋田奉広1, 野田裕1,2, 澤井高志2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of O-239 stomach neuroendocrine system cancer
下田陽太1, 須田健1, 幕内洋介1, 片柳創2, 永川裕一1, 勝又健次1, 河地茂行2, 土田明彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the diagnosis ability of EUS in the O-240 IPMN-related pancreatic cancer
大坪公士郎1, 山下要1, 田島秀浩2, 太田哲生2, 池田博子3, 矢野聖二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article New treatment technique for nipple mucinous tumor (IPMN) in the pancreatic duct of the O-241 future
小島正之, 宇山一朗, 加藤悠太郎, 木口剛造, 棚橋義直, 中嶋早苗, 安田顕, 香川幹, 辻昭一郎, 花井恒一, 稲葉一樹, 杉岡篤
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the progress predictor judging from a course sighting of O-242 branching type IPMN
安藤暢洋1, 岩田圭介1, 安田一朗4, 杉原潤一1, 向井強2, 冨田栄一2, 岩下拓司3, 清水雅仁3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article A ratio and clinicopathologic characteristic of IPMN coexistence cancer judging from an O-243 pancreatic cancer case
川上裕次郎1, 越田真介1, 伊藤啓1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 與那嶺圭輔1, 藤井佑樹1, 村林桃士1, 長谷川翔1, 小堺史郷1, 岡田恭穂2, 及川昌也2, 野田裕1,3, 澤井高志3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article Association with intramural nodule views and the histologic subtype in O-244 IPMN
越田真介, 伊藤啓, 野田裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article P-001 A study on clinical utility to introduce HSP (Highly sensitive person) viewpoint to medical diagnosis of functional dyspepsia (FD)
平名浩史, 本藤有智, 河相覚, 松村孝之, 真野鋭志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between upper quadrant symptom and uneasy characteristic in the P-002 medical examination testee
荻巣恭平1, 藤田剛2, 増田充弘3, 山崎幸直4, 小林正夫5, 寺尾秀一7, 岡田明彦6, 佐貫毅8, 安達政恭9, 船津英司1, 久津見弘10, 梅垣英次3, 東健3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article Use report of the Acotiamide in the P-003 our hospital
藁谷雄一, 黒田聖人, 寺島久美子, 菅野有紀子, 児玉健太, 宮田昌之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of 20 acidophilic esophagitis in the P-004 our hospital
戸祭直也1, 朝枝興平1, 角埜徹1, 小林玲央1, 梶原真理子1, 小山友季1, 吉田拓馬1, 榊田智喜1, 土井俊文1, 川上巧1, 中津川善和1, 山田真也1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 佐藤秀樹1, 奥山祐右1, 木村浩之1, 吉田憲正1, 柳澤昭夫2, 浦田洋二2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article Develop in P-005 normal elderly people, and add it to the punching ulcer which is huge; one of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) oesophageal ulcer with a mucous membrane bridge and the false lumen formation
木下真樹子1, 木下幾晴1, 山本佳司2, 薮内以和夫2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article The P-006 hepatocyte growth factor promotes esophageal mucosa restoration in a rat esophageal mucosa injury model and inhibits a stenosis
小牧祐雅1, 上村修司1, 有馬志穂1, 佐々木文郷1, 那須雄一郎1, 田ノ上史郎1, 橋元慎一1, 森内昭博1, 坪内博仁2,3, 井戸章雄1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article In vitro of the antitumor effect of galectin -9 for the P-007 squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus, in vivo examination
千代大翔, 藤田浩二, 田所智子, 松井崇矩, 合田康宏, 小林伸也, 西山典子, 谷内田達夫, 森下朝洋, 小原英幹, 森宏仁, 正木勉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the esophagus superficial cancer MM / SM1 (except the high-risk case) case which we performed P-008 ESD in
豊川達也, 藤田勲生, 堀井城一朗, 槇野貴文, 松枝克典, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 片岡淳朗, 村上敬子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article Measures for effect and the treatment result improvement of sarcopenia in P-009 cancer of the esophagus treatment and life-style related diseases
岡本浩一, 二宮致, 太田哲生, 中沼伸一, 木下淳, 牧野勇, 中村慶史, 林泰寛, 尾山勝信, 宮下知治, 田島秀浩, 高村博之, 伏田幸夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient who complicated progress cancer of the esophagus as the second carcinogenesis after P-010 malignant lymphoma radiotherapy
奥野達哉, 植田勲人, 武川直樹, 野長瀬祥兼, 川上尚人, 谷崎潤子, 林秀敏, 田中薫, 武田真幸, 鶴谷純司, 中川和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article Perioperative results of pylorus side gastrectomy in the P-011 elderly people gastric cancer, the total gastrectomy
柴田近, 片寄友, 小川仁, 中野徹, 児山香, 向田和明, 岩指元, 武山大輔, 荒木孝明, 木村俊一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the chemotherapy using the oral pyrimidine system anticancer agent for the P-012 elderly aged 75 or over stage4 stomach cancer fluoride
伊奈研次1, 古田竜一1, 村上賢治2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of treatment judgment of the case that P-013 gastric cancer preoperative chemotherapy was provided and resected
遠藤俊治1, 池永雅一1, 足立真一1, 太田勝也1, 中島慎介1, 上田正射1, 津田雄二郎1, 高山碩俊1, 板倉弘明1, 知念良直1, 西川和宏2, 山田晃正1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness as the prognostic factor of the preoperation peripheral blood immune cell in patients with P-014 gastric cancer
齊藤博昭, 河野友輔, 村上裕樹, 宍戸裕二, 黒田博彦, 松永知之, 福本陽二, 尾崎知博, 蘆田啓吾, 藤原義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article P-015 laparoscopic fundusectomy and comparison of the laparoscopic total gastrectomy: From the viewpoint of nourishment
末松秀明1, 國崎主税1, 宮本洋1, 田中優作1, 佐藤渉1, 小坂隆司1, 湯川寛夫1, 田中邦哉1, 利野靖2, 益田宗孝2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the stomach ESD accident in the antithrombotic drug taking P-016 our hospital patients
竹村圭祐, 山田展久, 山根慧己, 山口勝利, 大阿久達郎, 堀田祐馬, 世古口悟, 磯崎豊, 長尾泰孝, 小山田裕一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article Multicenter examination about the accident of the endoscopic treatment in the person of P-017 anticoagulant internal use
井星陽一郎1, 加藤元嗣2, 原田直彦1, 豊川達也3, 加賀谷尚史4, 山下晴弘5, 桑井寿雄6, 松本美櫻7, 濱田博重8, 間部克裕2, 久保公利2, 西山仁9, 榊原祐子10
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of PPI and the P-CAB in the artificial ulcer healing after P-018 endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD)
石井泰明1,3, 山田博昭1, 佐藤健1, 須江聡一郎1, 金子裕明1, 入江邦泰1, 佐々木智彦1, 田村寿英1, 近藤正晃1, 芝田渉1,2, 川名一朗3, 前田愼1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison with clinical examination - esomeprazole + rebamipide combined treatment of the vonoprazan + rebamipide combined treatment in the ulcer artificial after P-019 stomach ESD
文野真樹1, 中沢和之1, 太田有紀1, 前北隆雄1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the stomach GIST that it was thought that it was of the muscularis mucosae which we were able to resect by P-020 endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique origin
三宅高和, 鈴木一也, 大久保陽介, 林優希, 福田昂一郎, 米澤和彦
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the long-term change of the serologic histologic change after the P-021 helicobacter pylori sanitization
福田健介, 松成修, 首藤充孝, 岡本和久, 小川竜, 水上一弘, 沖本忠義, 村上和成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article Four patients who showed a sunspot after P-022 H.pylori sanitization
藤澤智雄, 平田翔一郎, 根岸慎, 織田崇志, 河原総一郎, 関博之, 野間康宏, 小林沙代, 實藤宏美, 名和徹, 植木亨, 藪下和久, 坂口孝作
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect on endoscopic diagnosis of the differentiation type / undifferentiated type intramucosal carcinoma that P-023 H.pylori sanitization gives
丸山保彦, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 大畠昭彦, 寺井智宏, 青山春奈, 山本晃大, 星野弘典, 青山弘幸, 矢野庄吾
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the gastric cancer which we were discovered more than 10 years after P-024 sanitization, and ESD was performed in
田中匡実, 飯塚敏郎, 布袋屋修
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article Is the urease activity before and after the P-025 H.pylori sanitization therapy affected by endoscopic diagnosis and the H2 receptor blocker pre-medication?
堀井孝容1, 小西英幸2, 神林祐子3, 伊藤義人2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases that diverticulum bleeding to repeat P-026 was given barium plombage, and the good course was got from
浦川雅己1, 小林泰輔1, 村上哲朗1, 山本龍一2, 野崎達夫3, 須田清美4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the Ogilvie syndrome with P-027α-Streptococcus sepsis
立野太郎1, 福田容久2, 中村彰1, 本田一郎1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that caused recurrent inguinal hernia sigmoid perforation delayed-action postoperatively using the P-028 mesh plug
緒方奈々恵, 岡洋右, 児玉麻亜子, 高橋健二郎, 笹原弘子, 永松佳憲, 末吉晋
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient whom a rectal malignant lymphoma developed in during P-029 autoimmune hepatitis, follow-up of the Hashimoto's disease
柳生利彦, 八上佳和, 坂東具樹, 北野元一, 北野均
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article Use experience of the Budesonide for the Crohn's disease in the P-030 our hospital
長田巧平, 三原弘, 高木宏明, 吉田啓紀, 南條宗八, 梶浦新也, 安藤孝将, 藤浪斗, 杉山敏郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the intestinal tract Behcet's disease which caused ileal perforation during medical treatment with P-031 adalimumab
平田智也1,2, 山本章二朗1,2, 市成直樹1,2, 米澤瑛美1,2, 野田貴穂1,2, 鈴木翔1,2, 坂口舞1,2, 夏田朱一郎1,2, 安倍弘生1,2, 三池忠1,2, 田原良博1,2, 河上洋1, 宮崎康幸3, 池田拓人3, 武野慎祐3, 七島篤志3, 下田和哉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient whom the joint pain that drug-related lupus was suspected in for Crohn's disease during P-032 infliximab administration developed in
柳澤秀之, 菊池英明, 秋川和聖, 中島淳太, 松本隆祐, 深谷進司, 清水裕香
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment and the course in the inflammatory bowel disease merger pregnancy case of the P-033 our hospital
山内亨介1, 荒木俊博1, 吉村哲広1, 森敦1, 桑木光太郎1, 吉岡慎一郎1, 光山慶一2, 鶴田修3, 鳥村拓司1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article The clinical examination that we included the induction of remission effect in the line ivy intractable Crohn's disease case in by P-034 Adalimumab double dose administration
鈴木健人1, 溝下勤1, 谷田諭史1, 尾関啓司1, 片野敬仁1, 市川紘1, 野尻優1, 稲垣佑祐1, 北川美香1, 岩崎弘靖1, 田中守1, 西江裕忠1, 岡本泰幸1, 志村貴也1, 久保田英嗣1, 片岡洋望1, 神谷武1, 杉山智哉2, 佐々木誠人2, 城卓志1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article Of the re-Alda treatment in P-035 ulcerative colitis treatment, actually
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the frequency of the irritable bowel syndrome-like symptom in patients with clinical remission ulcerative colitis based on P-036 histologic views
川島耕作1,2, 石原俊治1,2, 福庭暢彦2, 片岡祐俊2, 山下詔嗣2, 園山浩紀2, 多田育賢2, 楠龍策2, 三島義之2, 大嶋直樹2, 結城崇史2, 木下芳一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the stool microbiologic testing in the P-037 inflammatory bowel disease practice
大森信弥, 片岡晃二郎, 大楽尚弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the ileocecum immune response in the experiment enterocolitis model by P-038 intra-vital imaging
渡部太郎1, 永石宇司1, 細谷明徳1, Nisha Jose1, 津川直也1, 小島裕大1, 安達貴弘2, 渡辺守1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect on gut flora of in the intestinal tract by the P-039 pancrelipase intake and the stool
永井知行1, 櫻井俊治1, 工藤正俊1, 西山拓輝2, 岡崎能久1, 東慶直3, 渡邉智裕1, 五斗進2, 緒方博之2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of FTY720 in the P-040 inflammatory bowel disease model mouse
今井隆行1, 西田淳史1, 酒井滋企1, 杉谷義彦1, 西野恭平1, 今枝広丞1, 稲富理1, 馬場重樹1, 杉本光繁2, 安藤朗1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that a temperature difference at P-041 cellulose acetate beads contact gives to interleukin 1 receptor antagonist release with granulocytes, the monocyte adsorption
西瀬祥一, 阿部靖彦, 佐々木悠, 八木周, 作田和裕, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article A mechanism of carcinogenesis elucidation by P-042 large intestine ESD+NGS: It is particularly coordinated intervention of WNT system and the MAPK system
沖元謙一郎1, 弘津陽介2, 明杖直樹1, 石川賢太郎1, 丸岡大介1, 松村倫明1, 中川倫夫1, 新井誠人1, 雨宮健司2, 望月仁2, 加藤直也1, 小俣政男2,3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the nutritional convalescence index (Prognostic Nutritional Index, PNI) of the elderly people curative resection colon cancer case P-043 75 years old or older
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the factor to block the reinstatement of patients with large intestine disease that received P-044 stoma construction
高橋賢一1, 羽根田祥1, 徳村弘実2, 本多博2, 成島陽一2, 西條文人2, 松村直樹2, 野村良平2, 武藤満完2, 安本明浩2, 澤田健太郎2, 柴原みい2, 安山陽信2, 千年大勝2, 佐藤馨2, 舟山裕士3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article Surgery results of the colon cancer peritoneum dissemination case in the P-045 our hospital
水本明良1, 基俊介1, 野口耕右1, 一瀬真澄1, 高尾信行1, 森河内豊1, 平野正満1, 米村豊2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the P-046 unresectable progress, FOLFIRI+ramucirumab therapy for recurrent colon cancer and safe examination
楠本哲也, 楠元英次, 新里千明, 橋本健吉, 吉永敬士, 上原英雄, 藤中良彦, 坂口善久, 池尻公二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article Importance of the microbiotic formation in insulin resistance, the NASH improvement effect of the P-047 obese surgery
柏原秀也, 島田光生, 吉川幸造, 東島潤, 徳永卓哉, 西正暁, 高須千絵, 石川大地, 和田佑馬
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article About the sarcopenia in patients with P-048 non-alcoholic lipid liver disease
樋本尚志1, 前場隆志2, 正木勉3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article P-049 Significance of sarcopenia, diabetes, and BMI on recurrence and prognosis after hepatectomy for NBNC hepatocellular carcinoma
脇山茂樹1, 恒松雅1, 丸口塁1,2, 岩瀬亮太1, 安田淳吾1, 春木孝一郎1, 鈴木文武1, 恩田真二1, 畑太悟1, 後町武志1, 石田祐一1, 矢永勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of the sarcopenia-related factor on convalescence of the P-050 unresectable gastrointestinal carcinoma
兼藤努1, 小田知友美1, 星隆洋1, 森田慎一1, 須田剛士1, 八木一芳1, 寺井崇二2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of the fatty liver as the organ index in life-style related diseases (metabolic syndrome) due to the P-051 obesity
福田彰, 後山尚久, 藤原祥子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the HCC merger PBC5 case in the P-052 our hospital
道免孝洋, 佐藤亘, 後藤隆, 飯島克則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the P-053 acute autoimmune hepatitis that had the onset, and was treated effectively with steroid
谷本博徳, 山下信行, 野村秀幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of primary bilious cholangitis in the P-054 our hospital
長谷川浩司, 小島真一, 川崎優也, 玉井康将, 吉川恭子, 小倉英, 杉本龍亮, 田中秀明, 山本憲彦, 杉本和史, 小林由直, 岩佐元雄, 竹井謙之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article Three cases of the liver hemochromatosis that an evaluation of the ferrugination in the liver by the P-055 MRI IDEAL IQ was useful
鈴木康秋, 上原恭子, 小林裕, 久野木健仁, 藤林周吾, 芹川真哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the malignant peritoneal mesothelioma which was discovered as a P-056 prominence-related mass out of the liver, and suffered from a diagnosis
深田浩大1, 大久保裕直1, 池田厚1, 宗林祐史1, 中寺英介1, 井草祐樹1, 小倉加奈子2, 松本俊治2, 宮崎招久1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article Change of fatty liver and the quantity of drinking in the P-057 clinical survey testee
守屋昭男1, 岩崎良章2, 大口創平3, 安東正晴1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of UDCA on NASH patients using the P-058 FibroScan
奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 水野恵, 冨田恭子, 芳賀弘明, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article P-059 Tofogliflozin improves hepatic injury of diabetic complication nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
江守智哉1, 玉井秀幸2, 新垣直樹2, 垣本哲宏1, 安田祐子1, 原猛1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of 75gOGTT led by patients with P-060 fatty liver: An MS merger and relations (the second report) with one hour blood sugar high level group and the liver condition of a patient
菅野雅彦, 松野たか子, 永田聖華, 藤原悠梨, 増本由美
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect of the quantity of drinking is different from degree of corpulence for the P-061 fatty liver onset in men and women
越智経浩, 小野正文, 西原利治
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article About P-062 Shear Wave Elastography and Magnetic Resonance Elastography
濱田晃市1, 斎藤聡2, 志波慶樹1, 西田晨也1, 堀川宣範1, 小柳亮太1, 福島大造1, 西野徳之1, 成井貴1, 十林賢児1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the five loss kiang XL probe for the P-063 obesity case
松田秀哉, 鈴木雄一朗, 村岡優, 佐藤光明, 中山康弘, 井上泰輔, 前川伸哉, 坂本穣, 榎本信幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about a P-064 liver fibrosis marker M2BPGi level and the ascitic presence
歳森淳一1, 小橋春彦1, 梶谷聡2, 服部直2, 佐藤亮介2, 上田英次郎2, 稲生祥子2, 安井稔博2, 永原照也2, 原田亮2, 井上雅文2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article P-065 Experience of using Rifaximin at our hospital
大崎理英1, 藤本剛英1, 村田雅樹1, 中田俊郎1, 大塚武人1, 田辺理恵1, 高橋憲一郎2, 今枝広丞1, 伴宏充2, 西田淳史1, 園田文乃1, 稲富理1, 馬場重樹1, 杉本光繁2, 辻川知之3, 安藤朗1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 342-342, 2018.

Japanese Article Cytokine analysis as the diagnosis biomarker of P-066 NASH fibrosis
池田愛璃, 高木章乃夫, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 342-342, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term effect of the carnitine preparation on P-067 hepatocirrhosis
小曽根隆, 高草木智史, 山口泰子, 鈴木秀行, 丸橋恭子, 高木均
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 342-342, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the tolvaptan effective case in the P-068 our hospital
高田和英, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 福田祥, 國本英雄, 梅田かおる, 田中崇, 横山圭二, 森原大輔, 竹山康章, 入江真, 釈迦堂敏, 向坂彰太郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 342-342, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect on hepatic ascites predictor of the use of tolvaptan case in the P-069 our hospital
今井径卓, 石川達, 大脇崇史, 佐藤裕樹, 野澤優次郎, 佐野知江, 岩永明人, 関慶一, 本間照, 吉田俊明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 343-343, 2018.

Japanese Article P-070 Experience of using Lusutrombopag at our hospital
野本弘章, 高岡良成, 渡邊俊司, 津久井舞未子, 三浦光一, 森本直樹, 礒田憲夫, 山本博徳
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 343-343, 2018.

Japanese Article P-071 A case of liver cirrhosis with Lusutrombopag administered
堂原彰敏1,2, 浅田翔平1, 金子三紀2, 村田晃児1, 小川裕之2, 中谷聡2, 塩山えりか2, 竹田幸祐2, 吉川雅章2, 簗瀬公嗣1, 上田重彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 343-343, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the early improvement effect to a sleep disorder by the P-072 nalfurafine hydrochloride
井上美奈子1, 楊和典1, 宮本優帆1, 石井紀子1, 中野智景2, 由利幸久1, 長谷川国大1, 高田亮1, 石井昭生1, 高嶋智之1, 坂井良行1, 會澤信弘1, 池田直人1, 西村貴士2, 西川浩樹1, 岩田恵典1, 榎本平之1, 飯島尋子2, 西口修平1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 343-343, 2018.

Japanese Article The liver hardness measurement using Shear Wave Elastography in the P-073 acute liver damage
須田季晋, 大川修, 白橋亮作, 徳富治彦, 金子真由子, 行徳芳則, 正岡亮, 玉野正也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 344-344, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the psoas major muscle assay by the automatic extraction function using the image software of the P-074 versatility
盛田真弘1, 小川力1, 工藤正俊2, 大村亜紀奈1, 野田晃世1, 久保敦司1, 松中寿浩1, 玉置敬之1, 柴峠光成1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 344-344, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the cirrhosis that it was thought that it was caused by P-075 amiodarone remedy
たてがみ瑛, 樫原博史, 林典子, 堀野次郎, 大畑裕之, 小川弘之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 344-344, 2018.

Japanese Article Manifestations - GLSG of the itch that it seemed that we conducted a P-076 patients questionnaire: Gunma Liver Study Group -
堀口昇男1,2, 柿崎暁1, 小林剛1, 戸島洋貴1, 山崎勇一1, 佐藤賢1, 橋爪洋明3, 濱田哲也4, 片貝堅志5, 竝川昌司6, 長沼篤7, 上野敬史8, 阿部毅彦9, 高草木智史10, 小曽根隆10, 高木均10
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 344-344, 2018.

Japanese Article The rate of recurrence after providing treatment radical P-077 C type liver cancer, liver residual function, the treatment after the recurrence: IFN, DAA, comparison of the antivirus treatment (-) case
黒松亮子, 井出達也, 野田悠, 岡村修祐, 佐谷学, 中野聖士, 鳥村拓司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 345-345, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the carcinogen after IFN Based Therapy and the DAA treatment in the P-078 our hospital
上村博輝, 坂牧僚, 寺井崇二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 345-345, 2018.

Japanese Article About the effect that P-079 liver carcinogenesis gives for Sofosbuvir Ledipasvir combination therapy
守屋聡1, 野崎昭人1, 中馬誠1, 原浩二1, 沼田和司1, 西郡修平1, 前田愼2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 345-345, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the course after the treatment of the DAAs-based antiviral therapy for the P-080 hepatitis C
西村健, 木村浩之, 角埜徹, 朝枝興平, 小林玲央, 吉田拓馬, 小山友季, 梶原真理子, 榊田智喜, 土井俊文, 川上巧, 中津川善和, 山田真也, 藤井秀樹, 戸祭直也, 佐藤秀樹, 奥山祐右, 吉田憲正
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 345-345, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the malignant tumor case except the hepatocellular carcinoma which DAA treatment was provided for P-081 hepatitis C, and occurred within one year after SVR confirmation
本合泰1, 藤原新也1, 中西吉彦1, 鈴鹿真理1, 都木航1, 上嶋一也1, 石塚保亘1, 樋口和秀2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article Common bile duct stone to occur after P-082 cholecystectomy, examination of a tendency and measures for cholangitis
前田光徳1,3, 西福康之1, 菅谷洋子1, 尾形英生2, 増田典弘2, 芳賀紀裕2, 土田幸平3, 平石秀幸3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of ERCP in the P-083 Performance status4 case and safe examination
北野礼奈, 井上匡央, 石井紀光, 小林佑次, 坂本和賢, 大橋知彦, 中出幸臣, 角田圭雄, 伊藤清顕, 中尾春壽, 米田政志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the no recurrence survival prognostic factor in the clinicopathologic factor of the distal P-084 cholangiocarcinoma excision case
鈴木修司1, 下田貢1, 島崎二郎1, 丸山常彦1, 西田清孝1, 森下慶一2, 小池伸定2, 原田信比古2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the abdominal pressure therapy in the calculus prevention of recurrence after the P-085 endoscopic papillotomy (EST)
小山裕紀子, 内田尚仁, 河野寿明, 濱谷紗江, 坂東夕子, 中津敏明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of origin bacteria and the antibiotic exposure of the acute cholecystitis in the P-086 our hospital
飯塚泰弘, 福田啓太, 杉山勇太, 志水太郎, 遠藤南, 橋口真子, 後藤文男, 河村貴広
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the treatment for the elderly people pancreatic cancer in the P-087 our hospital
稗田信弘, 本庶元, 河南智晴
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the pancreatic cancer practice in the P-088 municipal hospital
山本夏代, 福本剛, 大塩香織, 鈴木徳之, 柿本光, 新野徹, 田代淳, 手島一陽, 三輪純, 新井雅裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison about the survival period for the chemotherapy enforcement case in patients with P-089 pancreatic cancer 70 years or older and the non-enforcement case
冨田学, 松尾俊記, 稲田悠記, 大幸英喜, 辻宏和
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article Combined modality therapy for the locoregional pancreatic cancer in the P-090 our hospital
畔元信明, 石井浩, 浅木彰則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article Good use of examination peritoneoscope - RTRO first approach ... by the retroperitoneal approach as the treatment strategy decision tool of the P-091 combined modality therapy
木口剛造, 宇山一朗, 杉岡篤
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of the gemcitabine hydrochloride + nab-paclitaxel combination therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in the P-092 our hospital
小村卓也, 清家拓哉, 清水吉晃, 熊井達男, 大村仁志, 加賀谷尚史, 太田肇, 鵜浦雅志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the S-1 combination chemoradiotherapy for the P-093 local site progress pancreatic cancer
辻国広, 平井博和, 増永哲平, 宮島沙織, 出島彰宏, 西谷雅樹, 中島崇志, 脇田重徳, 柳瀬祐考, 木藤陽介, 吉田尚弘, 辻重継, 松永和大, 竹村健一, 土山寿志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of FOLFIRINOX (FFX) for P-094 unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer (UR-LA) and GEM+nab-PTX (GnP)
安田宗司, 水野伸匡, 原和生
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article Convalescence and treatment result of the unresectable pancreatic cancer in the P-095 our hospital
土居雅宗, 植木敏晴, 八尾建史, 丸尾達, 畑山勝子, 永山林太郎, 伊原諒, 平塚裕晃, 野間栄次郎, 光安智子
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of conversion surgery for the P-096 unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer
吉田真誠, 池田裕貴, 石川和真, 坂本拡基, 高田弘一, 宮西浩嗣, 加藤淳二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article Are the convalescence of P-097 body of pancreas tailpiece cancer and associated ... CEA with the presence or absence of symptom, the screening by the CA 19-9 uses? ...
柳田佳嗣, 高本健史, 橋本拓哉, 幕内雅敏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 350-350, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the pancreatic cancer detected with P-098 medical examination
柴田智華子1, 黒川憲1, 戸田信夫1, 新井絢也1, 黒崎滋之1, 船戸和義1, 近藤真由子1, 高木馨1, 小島健太郎1, 大木隆正1, 関道治1, 石坂裕子2, 田川一海1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 350-350, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the pancreatic cancer detected during follow-up by a P-099 examination for periodical image
黒川憲, 戸田信夫, 柴田智華子, 新井絢也, 黒崎滋之, 船戸和義, 近藤真由子, 高木馨, 小島健太郎, 大木隆正, 関道治, 田川一海
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 350-350, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the P-100 pancreas anaplastic carcinoma
高木智史1, 吉田純一1, 中川隆公2, 高橋昌宏2, 吉川裕幸3, 中西勝也4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 350-350, 2018.

Japanese Article The surgery adaptive validity of the IPMN case operated for in P-101 our hospital and possibility of the lymph node excision reduction
川井田博充1, 仲山孝1, 若菜弘幸1, 渡邉光章1, 細村直弘1, 赤池英憲1, 河口賀彦1, 雨宮秀武1, 須藤誠1, 河野寛1, 井上慎吾1, 深澤佳満2, 早川宏2, 廣瀬純穂2, 進藤浩子2, 高橋英2, 高野伸一2, 深澤光晴2, 市川大輔1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 351-351, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the Helicobacter pylori infection in less than P-102 E plate antibody titers 3 U/mL
珍田大輔1, 下山克1, 三上達也2, 新井徹1, 佐々木義雄3, 伊東重豪3, 小沼譲3, 川口均3, 岩村秀輝3, 秋山昌弘3, 蝦名鉄徳3, 駒井一雄3, 森山裕三3, 沢田美彦3, 福士玄3, 斎藤吉春3, 石澤誠3, 千葉博信3, 岡本勝博3, 福田眞作1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 351-351, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the diagnosis precision of E plate and the LZ test by the P-103 public inhabitants medical examination
下山克, 珍田大輔, 新井徹, 千葉大輔, 福田眞作
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 351-351, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the helicobacter pylori infection diagnosis in the P-104 our hospital
堀内亮郎1, 土屋杏平2, 早川優香2, 新見真央2, 大倉幸和2, 町田智世2, 松岡愛菜2, 野坂崇仁2, 加藤理恵2, 三角宣嗣2, 松本太一2, 三浦夏希2, 小林克誠2, 佐崎なほ子2, 古本洋平2, 淺野徹2, 忠願寺義通2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 351-351, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of quick urinary pylori test for antibodies with the P-105 own expense practice
間部克裕, 西村友佑, 久保公利, 加藤元嗣
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article The P-106 altitude atrophic gastritis is associated with pneumonia after the PEG
清水敦哉, 田中隆光, 紅林真理絵, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 橋本章, 脇田喜弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment in the P-107 our hospital (mainly on the comparison between traditional approach and use of vonoprazan case, a summary of the elderly people sanitization)
松岡正記, 植瑞希, 並川智香子, 田中肇
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article Sanitization treatment result ... by present conditions - vonoprazan (VPZ) of the Helicobacter pylori (H.pyiori) sanitization treatment in the P-108 our hospital
村山洋子, 佐竹真, 前田信吾, 那須文香, 梅田大介, 三浦由雄, 富永恒平, 荻山秀治, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穂, 筒井秀作, 飯石浩康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison between PPI and vonoprazan in the P-109 H.pylori Miyoshi sanitization therapy
古田隆久1, 山出美穂子2, 魚谷貴洋3, 鏡卓馬2, 鈴木崇弘2, 濱屋寧2, 岩泉守也4, 大澤恵3, 杉本健2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article P-110 Helicobacter. Usefulness (examination by the multicenter randomization controlled trial) of 4 drug regimen in the helicobacter pylori sanitization
内田哲史1, 松嶋成志1, 藤本龍太郎1, 中原史雄1, 水上創1, 中村淳1, 小池潤1, 五十嵐宗喜3, 出口隆造4, 鈴木孝良1, 峯徹哉1, 高木敦司2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of the H.pylori sanitization therapy in the P-111 our hospital
米地真, 佐藤格, 福士大介, 佐藤倫紀, 支倉翔太郎, 支倉さやか, 近藤史帆, 遠藤克哉, 小暮高之, 廣田衛久, 目黒敬義, 佐藤賢一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article The change of Era of the P-112 upper gastrointestinal bleeding and examination about the hemostasis technique for the hemorrhagic gastric ulcer
小川裕太郎1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 永田信二2, 下原康嗣1, 玉理太覚1, 朝山直樹1, 青山大樹1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the urgent endoscopic hemostasis technique for the elderly people non-varix-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the P-113 our hospital
古本洋平, 小林克誠, 忠願寺義通
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the tendency of the elderly people upper gastrointestinal bleeding case that was urgently given an endoscope in P-114 our hospital
深川一史1, 小野敏嗣1, 田村直樹1, 三浦裕子1, 大木大輔1, 水谷浩哉1, 片岡陽佑1, 齋藤格1,2, 坂口賀基1, 皆月ちひろ1,3, 辻陽介1, 新美恵子1,4, 小田島慎也1, 藤城光弘1,2, 小池和彦1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the hemostasis upper gastrointestinal bleeding case of the elderly people whom we treated endoscopic in P-115 our hospital
福定繁紀, 水島隆史, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 石原亮, 鬼頭佑輔, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 尾関貴紀, 安部快紀, 塚本宏延, 奥村文浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical examination about the usefulness of the PPI for the GI bleeding of P-116 elderly people
齊藤恭志, 松田秀岳, 高橋和人, 内藤達志, 大藤和也, 大谷昌弘, 平松活志, 根本朋幸, 中本安成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of pancreas duodenum aneurysms due to the midline spherical ligament syndrome which caused P-117 duodenum penetration
高島耕太, 大本俊介, 三長孝輔, 竹中完, 中井敦史, 宮田剛, 鎌田研, 山雄健太郎, 今井元, 米田頼晃, 松井繁長, 工藤正俊
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the splenic artery false rumina penetration attributable to Segmental arterial mediolysis (SAM) which occurred by P-118 vomiting of blood
長尾佳映1, 黒田浩平1, 藤井正俊1, 白坂大輔1, 横山祐二1, 嶋本有策1, 郡山隆志1, 田中沙苗1, 宮崎はる香1, 比江森晶子1, 森岳樹2, 林和宏2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of abdominal aorta false aneurysm - duodenal fistula which caused P-119 large quantity GI bleeding
高橋祥史1, 杉田萌乃1, 中島尚1, 丸山正樹1, 五十川修1, 水本雅弘2, 吉井新平2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the hemorrhagic gastric ulcer complicated for P-120 Plummer-Vinson syndrome
中園綾乃, 村田彩, 関口修平, 前田元, 山田大貴, 藤原俊, 山形亘, 伊東詩織, 栗原正道, 下地耕平, 藤木純子, 井上大, 堀家英之, 吉岡篤史, 小倉祐紀, 並木伸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that radiotherapy was useful for bleeding from P-121 gastric cancer
川田純司, 辻仲利政
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article Experience of the EB virus-related gastric cancer including P-122 chemotherapy long-term survivors
柳井秀雄1, 千原大典2, 中鉢龍徳2, 原野恵2, 坂口栄樹2, 矢原昇3, 安部俊弘3, 村上知之4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the gastric cancer which showed a recurrence after P-123 technique in the 14th year
武地蒼太, 飯田智憲, 大楽勝司, 白井祥睦, 友利賢太, 平本悠樹, 船水尚武, 中林幸夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the progress gastric cancer with para-aortic lymph node metastases that P-124 TS1, cisplatin combination chemotherapy was effective, and became resectable
木下和郎1, 大原美幸1, 櫻井有香1, 中村玲佳1, 笹井保孝1, 西田直浩1, 阪本めぐみ1, 上ノ山直人1, 土井喜宣1, 谷口英治2, 中場寛行2, 有馬良一3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article Three cases of P-125 gastric cancer metastases to skin
並川努1, 宇都宮正人1, 津田祥1, 藤澤和音1, 宗景絵里1, 岩部純1, 上村直1, 前田広道2, 北川博之1, 公文龍也3, 小林道也2,4, 花崎和弘1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 357-357, 2018.

Japanese Article Two patients who received chemotherapy for duodenal cancer in P-126 our hospital
中野間紘1, 上岡祐人2, 船岡昭宏1, 石田彩花1, 鈴木良優1, 三井智広1, 嵩原小百合1, 中山沙映1, 小串勝昭1, 天野仁至1, 飯塚千乃1, 有馬功1, 金子卓1, 岡裕之1, 岡崎博1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 357-357, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with hyperammonemia during P-127 5FU administration
柳沢直恵1, 細田清孝1, 草間啓1, 町田泰一1, 西尾秋人1, 中田伸司1, 袖山治嗣1, 渡辺正秀2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 357-357, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the cecum diverticulitis with the P-128-prone liver abscess
長濱正吉1, 西澤万貴2, 宮里賢2, 金城泉1, 宮里浩1, 友利寛文1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 357-357, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with metronidazole encephalopathy after P-129 abscess formation-related appendicitis treatment
木村次郎, 笹松信吾, 坂本貴志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article An example with suspected ANCA-related vasculitis drug-related with P-130 abdominal ultrasonography
野上麻子1, 森久保尚美1, 尾崎杏奈1, 白鳥航1, 辻川真太朗1, 小林貴1, 鈴木雅人1, 高柳卓也1, 梅村隆輔1, 内山詩織1, 金澤憲由1, 関野雄典1, 長谷川直樹3, 角田幸雄3, 川名憲一2, 永瀬肇1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the multiple myeloma that assumed the epigastric pain that racked its brains about a P-131 diagnosis the first symptom
福山俊彦, 吉見健太郎, 井元裕子, 磯野彩甫子, 西原圭一郎, 金子景弘, 緒方俊介, 石原禎子, 的場是篤, 花房正雄, 山東功佳, 森健次, 久保公了
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about safety and the effectiveness of the feces transplantation for the pouchitis ileal after P-132 ulcerative colitis technique
西田淳史, 今枝広丞, 馬場重樹, 安藤朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined the case using antiTNF - α preparation for the intestinal tract Behcet's disease which we experienced in P-133 our hospital
宮下春菜, 櫻井俊之, 秋田義博, 蜂谷眞未, 丸山友希, 宮崎亮祐, 永田祐介, 筒井佳苗, 澤田亮一, 三戸部慈実, 山崎琢士, 猿田雅之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 359-359, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the induction therapy using tacrolimus at ulcerative colitis revival of the P-134 middle and old age person
堀内朗, 井上亮, 玉置道生, 一瀬泰之, 梶山雅史
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 359-359, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the ulcerative colitis regarded as P-135 mesalazine intolerance
高崎元樹1, 羽柴基1, 矢野有佳里1, 北川達也1, 沖裕昌1, 水田洋2, 谷内恵介2, 岡本宣人1, 小野正文2, 西原利治1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 359-359, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the malignant tumor complicated with inflammatory bowel disease in the P-136 our hospital
安廣和志, 大森鉄平, 細矢さやか, 神林玄隆, 村杉瞬, 伊藤亜由美, 米沢麻利亜, 徳重克年
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 359-359, 2018.

Japanese Article About tacrolimus (TAC) for P-137 intractable ulcerative colitis (UC), combination induction therapy of biological drug (Bio)
伊藤亜由美, 大森鉄平, 徳重克年, 村杉瞬, 神林玄隆, 米沢麻利亜
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 360-360, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of Ustekinumab, the granulocytes removal reinforcement combination therapy on P-138 intractable active Crohn's disease
谷田諭史, 溝下勤, 尾関啓司, 片野敬仁, 野尻優, 市川鉱, 鈴木健人, 北川美香, 岩崎弘靖, 稲垣佑祐, 西江裕忠, 田中守, 岡本泰幸, 志村貴也, 久保田英嗣, 片岡洋望, 城卓志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 360-360, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of the early treatment intervention by IFX for the anal fistula coming from a P -139 krooni lesion
増田勉1,2, 稲次直樹2, 吉川周作2, 内田秀樹2, 樫塚久記2, 横谷倫世2, 山岡健太郎2, 稲垣水美2, 横尾貴史2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 360-360, 2018.

Japanese Article P-140 A case of ulcerative colitis corresponding to the physically handicapped first grade, completely eliminating the use of both lower limbs that have withdrawn repeated administration of steroid by continuing PENTASA enema and have been able to maintain remission for a long time
増田勉1,2, 稲次直樹2, 吉川周作2, 内田秀樹2, 樫塚久記2, 横谷倫世2, 山岡健太郎2, 稲垣水美2, 横尾貴史2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 360-360, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts of the internal use anticancer agent instruction team in the P-141 our hospital
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 361-361, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of sigmoid colon cancer that recurred after P-142 EMR treatment in the vicinity
白田智洋, 久保俊之, 風間友江, 平山大輔, 小野寺馨, 山本英一郎, 能正勝彦, 山下健太郎, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 361-361, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the P-143 super elderly people colon cancer case 90 years or older
池永雅一1, 太田勝也1, 上田正射1, 知念良直1, 板倉弘明1, 高山碩俊1, 津田雄二郎1, 中島慎介1, 足立真一1, 遠藤俊治1, 安井昌義2, 能浦真吾3, 山田晃正1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 361-361, 2018.

Japanese Article Safety and the effectiveness of the FOLFOXIRI+Bevacizumab therapy for progress recurrence colon cancer carried out in P-144 outpatient department
賀川義規, 村田幸平, 内藤敦, 河合賢二, 遠矢圭介, 湯川芳郎, 高瀬洪生, 野瀬陽平, 森良太, 阪本卓也, 村上剛平, 桂宜輝, 大村仁昭, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 武田裕, 加藤健志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 361-361, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that virologic complete response acquisition with the direct action type antiviral drug administration gives to a cancer recurrence and convalescence after P-145 hepatitis C-related hepatocellular carcinoma hepatectomy
田中肖吾1, 田守昭博2, 竹村茂一1, 新川寛二1, 河田則文2, 久保正二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 362-362, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examination about liver cancer recurrence after the treatment with antiviral drug for the C type chronic liver disease after P-146 liver cancer treatment
船木雅也, 島上哲朗, 金子周一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 362-362, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the recurrence after the antiviral therapy in the hepatocellular carcinoma radical cure case in the P-147 our hospital
立山雅邦, 田中基彦, 田中健太郎, 楢原哲史, 徳永尭之, 川崎剛, 吉丸洋子, 渡邊丈久, 佐々木裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 362-362, 2018.

Japanese Article A change of the liver residual function of the P-148 DAA treated C type cirrhosis case and examination about the carcinogenesis
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 山内夏未1, 飴田咲貴1, 宮崎悦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 362-362, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the HCC carcinogenesis after the P-149 DAA treatment
吉益悠, 古市好宏, 杉本勝俊, 笠井美孝, 竹内啓人, 糸井隆夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 363-363, 2018.

Japanese Article It is examined RAS and the adverse event after DAA effect of treatment, treatment for the hepatitis C of the P-150 our hospital
金子朋弘, 楡井和重, 森山光彦, 高橋央, 佐々木翔一, 石井大雄, 有間修平, 山名陽一郎, 金澤芯依, 水谷卓, 上村慎也, 松本直樹, 樋口晃久, 中村仁美, 山上裕晃, 神田達郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 363-363, 2018.

Japanese Article P-151 Consideration of oral administration of Grazoprevir and Elbasvir agent for type C chronic liver disease - About therapeutic effect -
妹尾知典1, 筒井朱美1, 永野拓也1, 高口浩一1, 馬場伸介2, 池田房雄3, 岡田裕之3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 363-363, 2018.

Japanese Article Two patients who were treated effectively with SOF / LDV therapy for genotype type 1 hepatitis C after a P-152 liver transplant
南慎一郎, 後藤隆, 大嶋重敏, 佐藤亘, 道免孝洋, 千葉充, 澁谷友美, 荒田英, 杉本侑孝, 高橋健一, 松澤尚徳, 鈴木寿明, 飯島克則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 363-363, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the DAA treatment for the hepatitis C complicated with P-153 Bernard-Soulier syndrome
木村綾子, 大野秀樹, 岡部ゆう子, 細田麻奈
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 364-364, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the tolvaptan treatment for the P-154 hepatic induced oedema
川崎剛, 田中健太郎, 楢原哲史, 徳永尭之, 吉丸洋子, 渡邊丈久, 立山雅邦, 田中基彦, 佐々木裕
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 364-364, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the portal vein circulation of blood arm of a river technique by the P-155 retrograde transvenous approach
真島雄一, 飯島誠, 石川睦, 増山智史, 阿部圭一朗, 室久俊光, 平石秀幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 364-364, 2018.

Japanese Article It is the thrombolytic effectiveness with the edoxaban administration, a report about the safety for P-156 cirrhosis merger portal vein thrombosis
谷丈二1, 香川雄亮1, 小野正大1, 岡田愛子1, 渡部浩二1, 吉野すみ1, 松岡裕士1, 正木勉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 364-364, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of P-157 huge tree type esophageal varices
木村睦海, 巽亮二, 山口将功, 荒川智宏, 中島知明, 桑田靖昭, 小関至, 大村卓味, 髭修平, 狩野吉康, 豊田成司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 365-365, 2018.

Japanese Article P-158 Suppressive effect of Febuxostat on ischemia-reperfusion hepatic disorder in chronic drinking rats
豊田健, 林伸彦, 平川祐希, 木下香織, 野村匡晃, 久保田龍一, 松江泰弘, 湊貴浩, 齊藤隆, 福村敦, 尾崎一晶, 利國信行, 土島睦, 堤幹宏
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 365-365, 2018.

Japanese Article Carcinoma cholangiocellulare inhibitory effect with the Angiotensin-II receptor inhibitor through the P-159 YAP course
才川宗一郎, 鍛治孝祐, 小堤隆広, 賀屋大介, 久保卓也, 辻裕樹, 藤永幸久, 古川政統, 関建一郎, 中西啓祐, 北川洸, 佐藤慎哉, 下里直隆, 瓦谷英人, 北出光輝, 守屋圭, 浪崎正, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 365-365, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of the Lineage cells for the gastrointestinal infection of the P-160 alcohol addict
土本雄亮, 朝井章, 安岡秀高, 福西新弥, 津田泰宏, 樋口和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 365-365, 2018.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient and transcriptome analysis of the severe form alcoholic hepatitis in the P-161 mouse model
古屋信二1, 河野寛1, 市川大輔1, Ivan Rusyn2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 366-366, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the role that P-162 automatic fuzzy serves as for cell adhesion
河野真一, 鳥巣剛弘, 松野雄一, 江崎幹宏, 北園孝成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 366-366, 2018.

Japanese Article It is two patients who had the hematobilia with P-163 percutaneous puncture of liver measures
山口将功, 荒川智宏, 横山崇, 巽亮二, 木村睦海, 中島知明, 桑田靖昭, 小関至, 大村卓味, 髭修平, 狩野吉康, 豊田成司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 366-366, 2018.

Japanese Article Two patients who underwent transcatheter mark artery embolization (TAE) for the hematobilia by the liver false aneurysm explosion that occurred after P-164 acute cholangitis
今井径卓, 石川達, 大脇崇史, 佐藤裕樹, 野澤優次郎, 佐野知江, 岩永明人, 関慶一, 本間照, 吉田俊明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 366-366, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of 42 P-165 liver abscesses
西谷雅樹, 辻国広, 宮島沙織, 増永哲平, 平井博和, 出島彰宏, 中島崇志, 脇田重徳, 柳瀬祐孝, 木藤陽介, 吉田尚弘, 松永和大, 辻重継, 竹村健一, 土山寿志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 367-367, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the portal vein gas blood symptom which we experienced in P-166 our hospital
權田真知, 池内愛実, 谷本直紀, 小川浩史, 澤井寛明, 角山沙織, 中島英信, 大須賀達也, 長谷川和範, 平野誠一, 中島卓利
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 367-367, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of P-167 liver origin microNeuroendocrine tumor
佐藤貴弘1, 茂内康友1, 平方敦史2, 牧野浩司2, 吉田寛2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 367-367, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the liver abscess case in the P-168 our hospital
世古口悟, 山根慧己, 竹村圭祐, 山口勝利, 大阿久達郎, 堀田祐馬, 山田展久, 磯崎豊, 長尾泰孝, 小山田裕一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 367-367, 2018.

Japanese Article We look at the rear for the bacterial liver abscess in the P-169 our hospital and examine a mark
佐々木陽一, 俵誠一, 藥師神崇行, 熊崎秀祐, 前川祐樹, 伊藤翔, 清水健史, 横山恵信, 井上拓也, 石井修二, 春名能通, 井上敦雄
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 368-368, 2018.

Japanese Article Two patients whom a liver abscess developed in by the penetration of the P-170 fish bone
滝新悠之介1, 松本将吾1, 斎藤理佳1, 仙波佳祐1, 山村貴洋1, 永井孝輔1, 加藤貴司1, 國枝保幸1, 町田卓郎2, 小西和哉3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 368-368, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that EUS lower drainage of the transstomach was effective for a P-171 infectivity hepatic cyst
吉川成一, 熊谷優, 小林陽子, 安住基, 高綱将史, 長島藍子, 三浦努, 竹内学
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 368-368, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the hepatic tuberculosis that presented the image views that P-172 was various, and racked its brains about a diagnosis
法正恵子1, 永原蘭1, 山根昌史1, 松木由佳子1, 岡本敏明2, 三好謙一1, 的野智光1, 大山賢治2, 岡野淳一1, 磯本一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 368-368, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of cholangitis due to the invasive influenza infection that occurred all over the course of the distal P-173 cholangiocarcinoma
下嵜啓太郎1, 岡村幸重1, 猪口和美1, 赤坂茉莉1, 上岡直史1, 上原淳1, 寺元研1, 東澤俊彦1, 金井隆典2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 369-369, 2018.

Japanese Article 3 adults with false cholelithiasis case with the P-174 ceftriaxone administration
田尻和也, 白髭明典, 西山千尋, 渡邉行人, 浅野基, 太田恭子, 清水慎一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 369-369, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the huge gallbladder treated with surgical therapy for P-175 gallstones, cholecystitis
小野博美1, 二瓶壮史1, 福島拓1, 草野満夫2, 林秀幸1,3, 嶋村剛2,4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 369-369, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of pancreas, the junction papillitis in the bile duct nipple responding to arm of a river treatment by P-176 EST+EBD
有井一雄, 山口俊介, 山口和哉
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 369-369, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the intrahepatic bile duct calculus disease that occurred after P-177 pancreaticoduodenectomy
鹿野敏雄1, 小林真2, 杉山斉2, 三輪田哲郎2, 小嶋健太郎2, 二宮淳2, 熊谷成将2, 前川直志2, 桑原好造2, 水谷哲也2, 矢野元義2, 森敏宏1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 370-370, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of false cholelithiasis that fell to P-178 common bile duct, and was relieved by conservative treatment
飴田咲貴1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 宮崎悦2, 山内夏未3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 370-370, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the acidophilic biliary tract disease that we were able to diagnose with an allergy to P-179 symptom
池田千咲, 牧野直彦, 安藤嘉章, 松田暁子, 柿崎泰明, 齋藤吉彦, 石澤哲也, 菅原心平, 上野義之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 370-370, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of 3 cases that required the endoscopic measures for the bile duct stone after P-180 laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 370-370, 2018.

Japanese Article Family system of the P-181 asymptomatic familial high alkaline phosphatase blood symptom
裴紀堯1, 裴起栄2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 371-371, 2018.

Japanese Article 36 metastasis to two - this country report renal carcinoma gallbladder of the P-182 metastatic gallbladder cancer, count - of four metastasis to breast cancer gallbladder
中沢和之1, 前北隆雄1,2, 文野真樹1, 新垣直樹1, 太田有紀1, 廣川佳織1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 371-371, 2018.

Japanese Article Use experience of the flexible biopsy forceps for pancreatic duct stenosis in the P-183 our hospital
耕崎拓大1, 木岐淳1, 吉岡玲子1, 谷内恵介1, 小野正文1, 西原利治1, 藤澤和音2, 上村直2, 北川博之2, 花崎和弘2, 弘井誠3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 371-371, 2018.

Japanese Article Experience of EUS-FNA with the 22G Francine shape needle in the P-184 our hospital
中村英明1, 高橋利幸2, 佐々木尚英1, 佐々木清貴1, 山田裕人1, 加賀谷英俊1, 目黒高志1, 堀田彰一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 371-371, 2018.

Japanese Article Results of Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for the intraabdominal lymph node in the P-185 our hospital
佐藤亘, 千葉充, 高橋健一, 松澤尚徳, 後藤隆, 飯島克則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 372-372, 2018.

Japanese Article The efforts which aims at the improvement of the sampling rate to date and the safe sedative law from the EUS-FNA introduction in the P-186 district core hospital
木下幾晴1, 木下真樹子1, 月元友厚1, 山本圭司2, 薮内以和夫2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 372-372, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of double stenting for the gastrointestinal obstruction with the obstruction of bile duct in the P-187 our hospital
和唐正樹, 榊原一郎, コルビン真梨子, 豊澤惇希, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 青山祐樹, 岡本邦男, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 372-372, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance as the IgG4 associated diseases in the P-188 autoimmune pancreatitis practice
渡邊弘之1, 吉田亮太1, 神野正隆1, 野村能元1, 野村佳克1, 上田晃之1, 真田拓1, 野ツ俣和夫1, 登谷大修1, 寺田卓郎2, 三井毅2, 山城正司3, 宮山士朗3, 須藤嘉子4, 中沼安二4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 372-372, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of autoimmune pancreatitis treatment in the P-189 our hospital
大藤和也, 大谷昌弘, 齊藤恭志, 内藤達志, 松田秀岳, 平松活志, 根本朋幸, 中本安成
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 373-373, 2018.

Japanese Article P-190 In order to avoid pancreatic dissection of localized autoimmune pancreatitis - Experiences 3 Things learned from resection examples -
近藤翔平1, 倉石康弘1, 芦原典宏1, 小澤真希子1, 中村晃1, 渡邊貴之1, 伊藤哲也1, 村木崇1, 上原剛2, 濱野英明1, 川茂幸3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 373-373, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the convalescence predictive value by the neutrophilic lymphocytes ratio in the P-191 unresectable pancreatic cancer and other inflammation, nutrition indexes
中野応央樹1, 川合弘一1, 小林隆昌1, 河久順志2, 五十嵐聡2, 林和直2, 横山順二2, 寺井崇二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 373-373, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison between pancreatic duct stent long-term custody and pancreatitis protective efficacy of the surgical treatment for pancreatic calculus, pancreatic duct stenosis with the P-192 chronic pancreatitis
岩田圭介1, 安藤暢洋1, 安田一朗2, 岩下拓司3, 向井強4, 杉原潤一1, 冨田栄一4, 清水雅仁3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 373-373, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment of the endoscopic bile duct stenting for the bile duct stricture complicated with P-193 alcoholicity chronic pancreatitis
下釜翼1, 赤松友梨1, 濱田聖子1, 筑後孝紀1, 中野重治1, 太田義之1, 江坂直樹1, 遠藤文司2, 岩本諭1, 笠原勝宏1, 滝本見吾1, 水本吉則1, 勝島慎二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 374-374, 2018.

Japanese Article Results and problem of the endoscopic treatment for the pancreatic calculus in the P-194 our hospital
山田恭孝, 酒井新, 増田充弘
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 374-374, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the P-195 acidophilic pancreatitis
坂東正1, 平野勝久1, 大澤宗士1, 岩本真也2, 菓子井良朗2, 井村穣二3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 374-374, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the branched-chain amino acid high component nutrient for intestinal administration in the treatment with P-196 esophageal varices endoscope
小嶋融一1, 竹内利寿1, 尾崎晴彦2, 原田智2, 太田和寛2, 富永和作3, 樋口和秀2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 374-374, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the Sox10 expression in the P-197 poorly-differentiated gastric cancer
石川麻倫1,2, 西原広史3, 林秀幸4, 木村太一1, 石田雄介1, 王磊1, 津田真寿美1, 谷野美智枝1, 坂本直哉5, 田中伸哉1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 375-375, 2018.

Japanese Article Trend of the gastric cancer to examine for P-198 Akita cancer registration
小泉重仁, 飯島克則, 神万里夫, 松橋保, 大場麗奈, 志賀永嗣, 畠山夏美, 渡部昇, 沢口昌亨, 鈴木優響, 石岡充彬, 福田翔, 菅原佳恵
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 375-375, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts in our hospital which fixed its eyes on P-199 endoscope examination introduction
石岡充彬, 松橋保, 高橋壮, 鈴木寿明, 福田翔, 菅原佳恵, 渡部昇, 沢口昌亨, 畠山夏美, 大場麗奈, 小泉重仁, 志賀永嗣, 神万里夫, 飯島克則
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 375-375, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the early risk of death factor in the P-200 transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy
三浦峻一, 桑井寿雄, 隅田ゆき, 高砂健, 宮迫由季, 西村朋之, 今川宏樹, 山口敏紀, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 375-375, 2018.

Japanese Article The EBV-related acute stomach lesion which needed the differentiation with the P-201 lymphoproliferative disorder
蜂谷眞未, 山崎琢士, 日高章寿, 宮下春菜, 秋田義博, 丸山友希, 宮崎亮佑, 永田祐介, 西村尚, 西尾依里, 野口正朗, 澤田亮一, 櫻井俊之, 三戸部慈実, 光永眞人, 加藤智弘, 猿田雅之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 376-376, 2018.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the malignant lymphoma with the gastrointestinal permeation varying in the course after the P-202 chemotherapy
高井利恵子, 上尾太郎, 山川剛, 水越健太, 小澤智美, 松本淳, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 376-376, 2018.

Japanese Article The way to the chylopoietic disease at P-203 large-scale disaster for medical care: Including at-home refuge medical care
原口義座1,2, 星野正巳2,4, 友保洋三2,3, 津端徹2,4, 石原哲2,3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 376-376, 2018.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the progress gastric cancer who had the P-204 essential thrombocythaemia
中村祐介, 鈴木弘文, 岡屋智久, 唐木洋一, 福田啓之, 越川尚男, 山森秀夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 376-376, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of stomach two folds cancer which an intragastric new lesion was detected during P-205 preoperative chemotherapy, and accepted a difference for a histologic response
山村和生1, 稲石貴弘1, 大谷聡1, 今澤正彦1, 佐賀信介2, 安藤修久1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 377-377, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of gastric glands squamous cell carcinoma which distinguished the liver metastatic tumor in the operation by P-206 ICG fluorescence method
小野博美1, 二瓶壮史1, 福島拓1, 草野満夫2, 林秀幸1,3, 嶋村剛2,4
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 377-377, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient who was complicated with early gastric cancer in P-207 imperfection type Behcet's disease, and underwent ESD
佐々木智彦1, 金子裕明1, 杉森慎1, 佐藤健1, 山田博昭1, 亀田英里1, 石井寛裕1, 田村寿英1, 近藤正晃2, 桐野洋平2, 前田愼1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 377-377, 2018.

Japanese Article Invention of ESD for the P-208 UL merger early gastric cancer: Application to stomach ESD of Pocket-creation method (PCM)
武田修身, 廣岡知臣, 廣岡大司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 377-377, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the association between P-209 diverticula of colon bleeding recurrence and life-style related diseases
大里俊樹, 吉岡正雄, 山本洋一郎, 亀高大介, 岡寿紀, 野島智子, 矢部俊太郎, 金藤光博, 齊藤俊介, 藤井雅邦, 伊藤守, 石山修平, 藤原明子, 那須淳一郎, 塩出純二, 山本和秀
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 378-378, 2018.

Japanese Article The constipation cancellation effect of the P-210 hydrogen water vs. inspection to do
結城美佳1, 駒澤慶憲1, 石飛ひとみ1, 永岡真1, 福庭暢彦1, 高橋芳子1, 福原寛之2, 松林夕子3, 中島さやか1, 雫稔弘1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 378-378, 2018.

Japanese Article Ileus with the intestinal tract cleaner at the lower nitrification pipe endoscope which cannot yet destroy P-211
栗本拓也, 趙智成, 野嵜昌, 後藤康幸
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 378-378, 2018.

Japanese Article Sedative fact-finding in the end-of-life care of patients with P-212 digestive organ cancer
堀木優志, 前田真吾, 佐竹真, 那須文香, 梅田大介, 佐野村珠奈, 三浦由雄, 富永恒平, 荻山秀治, 今中和穂, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作, 飯石浩康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 378-378, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the gastrointestinal transmucosal inflammatory cells permeation in the administration in P-214 LPS stimulation urocortin cistern rat
酒瀬川典子1, 二神生爾1, 山脇博士1, 阿川周平1, 樋口和寿2, 小高康裕1, 岩切勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 379-379, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of Peutz-Jeghers type polyps which caused P-215 invagination of intestine
板倉弘明, 太田勝也, 知念良直, 高山碩俊, 津田雄二郎, 上田正射, 中島慎介, 足立真一, 遠藤俊治, 池永雅一, 山田晃正
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 379-379, 2018.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the P-216 idiopathy greater omentum bleeding
井上義博1, 藤野靖久1, 小鹿雅博1, 菊池哲1, 佐藤正幸1, 佐藤寿穂1, 佐々木秀策1, 石田馨1, 加藤健一2, 江原茂2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 379-379, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the middle intestinal volvulus that did 2 rounds with the P-217 mesenterium commune symptom which it was diagnosed preoperatively and saw a complete mirror as an elective surgery and was able to restore without intestinal tract excision below
今村卓司1, 松山希一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 380-380, 2018.

Japanese Article A treatment strategy and long term prognosis of P-218 On going OGIB
岡本雄貴, 川野誠司, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 380-380, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the abdominal viscera aneurysms treatment case in the P-219 our hospital
櫻井有香1, 木下和郎1, 大原美幸1, 中村玲佳1, 笹井保孝1, 西田直浩1, 阪本めぐみ1, 上ノ山直人1, 土井喜宣1, 北山聡明2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 380-380, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the gut flora in patients with P-220 Crohn's disease
服部峻1, 渡辺修1, 中村正直1, 山村健史2, 松下正伸1, 梶川豪1, 久野剛史1, 山田啓策1, 石田哲也1, 西川貴広1, 内田元太1, 大塚裕之1, 鈴木悠土1, 石川恵里1, 丹羽慶樹1, 澤田つな騎1, 水谷泰之1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 380-380, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the thickness-formed fluid food twice a day administration in the P-221 tube feeding patients
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 381-381, 2018.

Japanese Article P-222 digestive organ surgery, examination about the usefulness of the ward NST activity in the digestive organ medical service
宮地正彦1, 鈴木健太1, 安井講平1, 倉橋真太郎1, 松村卓樹1, 大澤高陽1, 駒屋憲一1, 齊藤卓也1, 石黒成治1, 有川卓1, 小松俊一郎1, 佐野力1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 381-381, 2018.

Japanese Article The presence or absence of P-223 dominant bleeding does not influence a diagnosis rate of the unidentified GI bleeding
高橋索真1, コルビン真梨子1, 豊澤惇希1, 石田正也1, 青山祐樹1, 香川朋1, 岡本邦男1, 榊原一郎1, 泉川孝一1, 山本久美子1, 田中盛富1, 松浦美穂子2, 石川茂直1, 和唐正樹1, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 381-381, 2018.

Japanese Article Low invasive treatment for P-224 obstructive colon cancer
村田幸平1, 賀川義規1, 武田裕1, 内藤敦1, 河合賢二1, 野瀬陽平1, 森良太1, 高瀬洪生1, 遠矢圭介1, 湯川芳郎1, 竹野淳1, 益澤徹1, 村上剛平1, 大村仁昭1, 桂宜輝1, 阪本卓也1, 伊藤善基2, 山口真二郎2, 加藤健志3, 萩原秀紀2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 381-381, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the node-positive rectal neuroendocrine tumor which coexisted for P-225 progress rectal cancer
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 382-382, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the P-226 deep seated cystic colitis
黒田雅利1, 工藤泰崇1, 池田英二1, 劔持雅一1, 高木章司1, 山野寿久1, 井上雅文2, 原田亮2, 永原照也2, 安井稔博2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 382-382, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of Mixed Adeno Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (MANEC) where responded to P-227 octreotide preparation
木内誠, 金澤孝弘, 長谷川康弘, 山本久仁治, 佐藤正幸, 三浦康
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 382-382, 2018.

Japanese Article Episode of care of four Cronkhite-Canada syndrome including P-228 middle-age women
秋元直彦1, 大久保知美1, 片岡宏章2, 梅田隆満2, 高木信介2, 西本崇良2, 大森順1, 佐藤航2, 馬來康太郎2, 鈴木将大2, 江原彰仁2, 三井啓吾2, 米澤真興1, 田中周2, 辰口篤志2, 藤森俊二1, 岩切勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 382-382, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the small intestine malignant tumor in the P-229 our hospital
須永紘史1, 山口真二郎1, 山岡祥1, 三重尭文1, 芦田宗宏1, 水本塁1, 有本雄貴1, 戸田万生良1, 太田高志1, 清水聡1, 伊藤善基1, 賀川義規2, 竹野淳2, 吉村道子2, 村田光平3, 萩原秀紀1, 林紀夫1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 383-383, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - of 68 one - this country previous announcement cases of P-230 mesoileum Castleman disease
津田雄二郎1,2, 池永雅一1,2, 知念良直1,2, 板倉弘明1,2, 高山碩俊1,2, 上田正射1,2, 中島慎介1,2, 太田勝也1,2, 足立真一1,2, 遠藤俊治1,2, 千原剛2, 山内周2, 安井昌義3, 能浦真吾4, 山田晃正1,2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 383-383, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the metachronous small intestinal cancer detected with ileus after P-231 colon cancer technique in the twelfth year
上田正射1, 池永雅一1, 太田勝也1, 知念良直1, 板倉弘明1, 高山碩俊1, 津田雄二郎1, 中島慎介1, 足立真一1, 遠藤俊治1, 安井昌義2, 能浦真吾3, 山田晃正1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 383-383, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the peritoneal dissemination-positive small intestinal cancer passing by paclitaxel (ipPAC) therapy in the P-232 abdominal cavity well
大岩修太郎, 辻靖, 高山歳三, 平山眞章
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 383-383, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient whom hemorrhagic shock and ileus due to metastases to small intestine of the P-233 lung adenocarcinoma developed in
大田和世, 黒木茂信, 太田彩貴子, 松本善秀, 池内香子, 千田永理, 塩せいじ, 山田元
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 384-384, 2018.

Japanese Article Nucleic acid analog treatment and convalescence for the P-234 type B chronic liver disease
和栗暢生, 大崎暁彦, 佐藤宗広, 弥久保俊太, 森田真一, 木村淳史, 川田雄三, 相場恒男, 米山靖, 古川浩一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 384-384, 2018.

Japanese Article About the renal failure by changes from existing nucleic acid analog preparation in P-235 chronic hepatitis B to TAF, the change of the bone metabolism marker
野ツ俣和夫, 吉田亮太, 神野正隆, 野村能元, 野村佳克, 上田晃之, 真田拓, 渡邊弘之, 登谷大修
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 384-384, 2018.

Japanese Article P-236 A case in which change to Tenofovir alfenamide for Fanconi syndrome by Adefovir diagnosed with ALP elevation was effective
近藤啓介1, 道堯浩二郎2, 平岡淳2, 泉本裕文2, 植木秀太朗2, 北畑翔吾2, 壷内栄治2, 二宮朋之2, 加藤壽一3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 384-384, 2018.

Japanese Article Steroid, nucleic acid analog combination therapy for the P-237 type B acute hepatic failure acute infection case
安井伸, 藤原慶一, 高橋幸治, 中村昌人, 小笠原定久, 鈴木英一郎, 大岡美彦, 千葉哲博, 丸山紀史, 加藤直也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 385-385, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical picture of the hepatitis B case of P-238 Genotype A
中尾将光, 鈴木隆信, 印藤佳織, 渕上彰, 斎藤陽一, 鷹野雅史, 浅見真衣子, 塩川慶典, 藤井庸平, 内田義人, 打矢紘, 中澤学, 安藤さつき, 菅原通子, 本谷大介, 中山伸朗, 今井幸紀, 富谷智明, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 385-385, 2018.

Japanese Article Attempt of the hepatic lesion extension evaluation of the HBV-related liver disease by P-239 Flash Replenishment sequence
吉峰尚幸, 和久井紀貴, 天沼誠, 荻野悠, 松清靖, 小林康次郎, 松井太吾, 向津隆規, 大道泰子, 籾山浩一, 篠原美絵, 池原孝, 永井英成, 五十嵐良典
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 385-385, 2018.

Japanese Article HBV exposure and effect of the vaccine judging from HBc antibody-positive frequency by the P-240 staff medical examination
鶴岡未央, 三浦雅人, 小野地研吾, 堀井享, 沖口将夫
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 385-385, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of HBV reactivation measures in the P-241 non-alimentary division gastrointestinal division
内田靖1, 黒崎雅之2, 大崎住夫3, 辻恵二4, 長谷部千登美5, 泉並木6
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 386-386, 2018.

Japanese Article Hepatitis B measures to occur by immunodepression, chemotherapy of the P-242 our hospital
大沢幸嗣1, 光井洋4, 橋本直明1,4, 秦宏樹2, 寺島裕夫1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 386-386, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that distal arterial obstruction lower TACE was useful in microballoon catheter for P-243 liver central part HCC
湯浅憲章1, 藤井重之2, 前田征洋2, 仙丸直人3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 386-386, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the unresectable mixed type liver cancer that P-244 hepatic artery chemistry embolus therapy and gemcitabine systemic therapy succeeded
佐野知江1, 石川達1, 大脇崇史1, 佐藤裕樹1, 今井径卓1, 野澤優次郎1, 岩永明人1, 関慶一1, 本間照1, 吉田俊明1, 西倉健2, 石原法子2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 386-386, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the DEB-TACE case of P-245 DEB-TACE and the Bland-TAE combination
中村憲1, 西川知宏1, 松井將太1, 岡本紀夫1, 安岡秀高1, 横濱桂介1, 土本雄亮1, 朝井章1,2, 福西新弥1, 津田泰宏1, 時岡聡4, 樋口和秀1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 387-387, 2018.

Japanese Article Safety of TACE using the millimeters plastic Japanese spaniel for the liver cancer case which P-246 renal function decreased
今井幸紀, 平原和紀, 内田義人, 打矢紘, 中澤学, 安藤さつき, 菅原通子, 中山伸明, 富谷智明, 持田智
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 387-387, 2018.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case of the IGF-II (insulin-like growth factor II)-producing hepatocellular carcinoma which presented P-247 significant prolonged hypoglycemia
佐々木千世, 多田藤政, 山田瑞穂, 玉井惇一郎, 白石佳奈, 清水嵩之, 梅岡二美, 村上英広, 宮岡弘明
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 387-387, 2018.

Japanese Article Image examination of the cholangiole basalioma which had difficulty in P-248 preoperation diagnosis
松村まり子1, 松田千佳1, 村井太一1, 板谷一史1, 曽根孝之1, 小池祐太1, 藤田弘之1, 遠藤文菜1, 佃曜子1, 小野雄司1, 中村路夫1, 永坂敦1, 西川秀司1, 深澤雄一郎2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 387-387, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases that led to the change of the treatment strategy by difference in hepatocellular carcinoma depiction ability P-249 Gd-EOB-MRI and full-bloodedness in the arteriography lower CT
坂本拡基, 宮西浩嗣, 田中信悟, 河野豊, 中村元, 高田弘一, 加藤淳二
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 388-388, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts of our hospital for the HCC practice using the P-250 image support software
小川力1, 盛田真弘1, 大村亜紀奈1, 野田晃世1, 久保敦司1, 石川哲朗1, 松中寿浩1, 玉置敬之1, 柴峠光成1, 工藤正俊2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 388-388, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the radiofrequency wave cauterization for the P-251 caudate lobe hepatocellular carcinoma
広岡昌史, 小泉洋平, 日浅陽一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 388-388, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect that liver fibrosis gives to P-252 sorafenib effect of treatment
桑代卓也, 秋山巧, 西岡千佳, 窪津祥仁, 吉岡航, 高橋宏和, 岡田倫明, 大枝敏, 岩根紳治, 尾崎岩太, 安西慶三, 江口有一郎
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 388-388, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that the quantity of the ethanol intake in the liver cancer case with the P-253 fatty liver gives in a cancer-causing pattern
川村祐介, 小林正宏, 池田健次, 藤山俊一郎, 瀬崎ひとみ, 保坂哲也, 芥田憲夫, 斎藤聡, 鈴木文孝, 鈴木義之, 荒瀬康司, 熊田博光
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 389-389, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the difference according to the quantity of drinking of the P-254 NBNC liver cancer
阿部聡司, 寺井崇二, 川合弘一, 山際訓
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 389-389, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect on convalescence of the skeletal muscle mass in the P-255 HCV-related liver cancer radical treatment case
中島知明, 横山崇, 巽亮二, 山口将功, 木村睦海, 荒川智宏, 桑田靖昭, 小関至, 大村卓味, 髭修平, 狩野吉康, 豊田成司
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 389-389, 2018.

Japanese Article A fact and convalescence of the sorafenib administration for the hepatocellular carcinoma in the P-256 our hospital
中島慎介1, 山田晃正1, 知念良直1, 板倉弘明1, 高山碩俊1, 上田正射1, 津田雄二郎1, 太田勝也1, 足立真一1, 遠藤俊治1, 松本仁2, 池永雅一1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 389-389, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the cancer-causing case after the interferon freelance treatment in the P-257 our hospital
田中仁, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 松原浩, 山本英子, 坂巻慶一, 高田善久, 浦野文博
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 390-390, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness as the liver cancer early diagnosis marker of P-258 Von Willebrand factor and ADAMTS13
高谷広章, 浪崎正, 辻祐樹, 下里直隆, 中西啓祐, 鍛治孝祐, 関健一郎, 北川洸, 才川宗一郎, 佐藤慎哉, 澤田保彦, 瓦谷英人, 北出光輝, 守屋圭, 赤羽たけみ, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 390-390, 2018.

Japanese Article Convalescence of the case that became the complete response by antiviral therapy after P-259 C type hepatocellular carcinoma treatment
後藤亨1, 阿南秀征1, 立川準1, 西村正基1, 須藤拓馬1, 新倉利啓1, 河合恵美1, 河野直哉1, 芦苅圭一1, 桑原洋紀1, 中岡宙子1, 関志帆子1, 千葉秀幸1, 井田智則1, 諸橋大樹1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 390-390, 2018.

Japanese Article Long term prognosis of patients with type B cirrhosis after the P-260 entecavir administration
坂口智紘, 竹内康人, 和田望, 安中幸, 安中哲也, 大西秀樹, 池田房雄, 白羽英則, 高木彰乃夫, 岡田裕之
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 390-390, 2018.

Japanese Article Use - of approach - partial splenic artery embolization and thrombopoietin receptor agonist for the hepatocellular carcinoma case with the P-261 altitude thrombocytopenia
鈴木英一郎, 千葉哲博, 加藤直也
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 391-391, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the bile duct biopsy of choler cytodiagnosis, the transnipple in the P-262 hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma
斧山巧1, 松本和也2, 後藤大輔1, 濱田晋太郎1, 岡田智之1, 三村憲一1, 満田朱理1, 田中久雄1, 磯本一2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 391-391, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about rise in fat texture levels views around the right hepatic artery in the P-263 preoperation CT
志谷真啓1, 風間友江1, 我妻康平1, 柾木喜晴1, 阿久津典之1, 本谷雅代1, 佐々木茂1, 山口洋志2, 永山稔2, 今村将史2, 木村康利2, 水口徹2, 竹政伊知朗2, 仲瀬裕志1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 391-391, 2018.

Japanese Article The prognostic score based on the P-264 inflammatory marker predicts disease severity of the acute cholecystitis
木下晃吉1, 佐藤雅子1, 今井那美1, 廣瀬雄紀1, 柴田恵子1, 山口るり1, 三浦由紀子1, 赤須貴文1, 横田健晴1, 岩久章1, 木島洋征1, 小池和彦1, 猿田雅之2
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 391-391, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of Incidental gallbladder cancer discovered with P-265 gallstones cholecystitis
大洞昭博1, 小島孝雄1, 久米真2, 安田剛士1, 中畑由紀1, 黒部拓也1, 尾松達司1, 八木信明1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 392-392, 2018.

Japanese Article Use of the ultrasonic endoscope lower biliary tract drainage technique in the P-266 our hospital
谷川朋弘, 浦田矩代, 岡好仁, 中村純, 西野謙, 末廣満彦, 笹井貴子, 川中美和, 春間賢, 河本博文
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 392-392, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the sarcopenia in patients with P-267 unresectable pancreatic cancer
羽根田賢一, 貫井嵩之, 浦壁憲司, 石原亮, 鬼頭佑輔, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 福定繁紀, 尾関貴紀, 安部快紀, 塚本宏延, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 392-392, 2018.

Japanese Article Can the quantity of P-268 muscle drop become the convalescence rule factor of the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer?
古川政統, 佐藤慎哉, 井上雄太, 尾山雅文, 西村尚起, 森仁志, 久保卓也, 中西啓祐, 才川宗一郎, 高谷広章, 鍛冶孝祐, 瓦谷英人, 守屋圭, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 392-392, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the sarcopenia in the chemotherapy enforcement case for the P-269 inoperable progress pancreatic cancer
上村真也, 岩下拓司, 清水雅仁
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 393-393, 2018.

Japanese Article A P-270 offal fat area and life-style related diseases, liver pancreatic disease. Examination about the pancreas fatty degeneration
河久順志1, 五十嵐聡1, 林和直1, 高橋一也1, 冨永顕太郎1, 水野研一1, 橋本哲1, 上村博輝1, 高村昌昭1, 横山純二2, 川合弘一1, 寺井崇二1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 393-393, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of P-271 pancreatic cancer and the pancreas yellow granulomatous inflammation that it was hard to differentiate
土田秀元1, 鈴木義広1, 青木政則1, 折居智彦1, 吉田尚美1, 早坂高志1, 菅原俊樹1, 阿蘓里佳1, 岩野大輔1, 渋谷りか1, 渡邉敏治1, 今泉和臣2, 牧野直彦3
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 393-393, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma in the accessory pancreatic duct which showed the form that P-272 was specific
全圭夏1, 杉本博子1, 木村英憲1, 田中順子1, 中島潤1, 寄木浩行1, 城正泰1, 益澤明1, 松本尚之1, 高見史朗1, 若林直樹1, 大江秀典2, 光吉明2, 益澤尚子3, 片岡慶正1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 393-393, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases that caused metastases to pancreas in higher than after the renal carcinoma technique which was discovered with P-273 abdominal ultrasonography, and led to a diagnosis in EUS-FNA for 20 years
関野雄典1, 森久保尚美1, 尾崎杏奈1, 白鳥航1, 辻川真太朗1, 小林貴1, 鈴木雅人1, 高柳卓矢1, 野上麻子1, 梅村隆輔2, 内山詩織1, 金沢憲由1, 川名憲一2, 角田幸雄3, 永瀬肇1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 394-394, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the G-CSF-producing pancreatic cancer that P-274 Nab-PTX+GEM was effective
片岡邦夫, 阿知波宏一
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 394-394, 2018.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the borderline resectable cancer of head of pancreas which down staging was got from by P-275 Gemcitabin (GEM), nab-paclitaxiel (nab-PTX) combination preoperative chemotherapy
猪股典子, 太田匠吾, 原和也, 瀧本郁久, 高田裕, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 394-394, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of P-276 splenic SANT
野村良平1, 徳村弘実1, 片寄友2, 成島陽一1, 高橋賢一3, 西條文人1, 松村直樹1, 武藤満完1, 羽根田祥3, 安本明浩1, 澤田健太郎1, 安山陽信1, 佐藤馨1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 394-394, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the pancreatic pleural effusion complicated with the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor of the P-277 pancreas body
河野辰哉1, 山雄健太郎1, 中井敦史1, 大本俊介1, 鎌田研1, 三長孝輔1, 宮田剛1, 今井元1, 松本逸平2, 竹山宜典2, 田中伴典3, 筑後孝章3, 林暁洋4, 工藤正俊1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 395-395, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of unresectable / recurrence NEC which showed antitumor effect while relieving a side effect by P-278 CDDP weight loss
小船戸康英1, 西間木淳2, 武藤亮1, 渡邊淳一郎1, 佐藤直哉1, 石亀輝英1, 岡田良1, 木村隆1, 見城明1, 志村龍男1, 河野浩二3, 丸橋繁1
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 395-395, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the abdominal viscera aneurysms surgery case in the P-279 our hospital
狭間一明, 岩井和浩, 渡辺幹夫, 鯉沼潤吉, 高橋瑞奈, 臼井葉月, 関谷翔
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 395-395, 2018.

Japanese Article Chairperson greetings representing the future of the 104th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology general meeting variety - digestive organ disease studies to deepen
Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 115(suppl-1): 442-442, 2018.