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The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 63 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 1-1, 2018.

Japanese Article About the offer system of the cancer genomic medicine
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-1. DNA quality control and heredity counseling in the cancer genomic medicine
永橋昌幸, 島田能史, 市川寛, 羽入隆晃, 坂田純, 小林隆, 亀山仁史, 若井俊文
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-2. Precision Cancer Medicine in the colon cancer practice
島田能史, 永橋昌幸, 市川寛, 田島陽介, 中野雅人, 羽入隆晃, 小林隆, 坂田純, 亀山仁史, 若井俊文
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Past, present, one or ... that future ... we can speak what as the woman doctor
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 37-37, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-1. Rare species - women abdomen surgeon
北見智恵, 河内保之, 牧野茂人, 川原聖佳子, 西村淳, 新国恵也
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 38-38, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-2. As a woman doctor specialized in the liver pancreas domain
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 38-38, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-3. At the scale hospital out of the district as a working woman digestive organ surgeon
北原弘恵, 織井崇, 江原毅人, 吉村昌記, 唐澤幸彦
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-4. Way to a digestive organ physician
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-1 消. Efforts of the standardization for the trouble prevention at the histoacryl hemostasis technique
小島英吾, 久場弘子, 松村真生子
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-2. About in the operation in the colonoscopy treatment and frequency and a coping method of the delayed-action perforation
佐藤明人, 夏井一輝, 野澤良祐, 後藤諒, 小川光平, 岡宏充, 本田穣, 福原康夫, 渡辺庄治, 小林由夏, 富所隆
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-3 内. Study on pancreatitis and hyperamylasemia after ERCP of Pancreatic duct guide wire method
夏井正明, 田中裕登, 内山敦司, 小林雄司, 佐藤聡史, 影向一美, 津端俊介, 川合弘一, 渡辺雅史, 塚田芳久
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 44-44, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-4 消. Biliary drainage strategies for patients with ERCP - Experience of EUS-RV technique
倉岡直亮, 鈴木庸弘, 佐藤知巳
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 44-44, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-5. Correspondence to papillotomy afterbleeding in our hospital
中村晃, 芦原典宏, 倉石康弘, 小澤真希子, 金井圭太, 渡邉貴之, 田中榮司
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-6. Invention of the endoscopic drainage for a pancreatic pseudocyst in our hospital and encapsulation necrosis
高橋俊晴1), 小林浩幸1), 橋上遣太1), 野沢祐一1), 菅沼孝紀1), 岡庭信司1), 中村喜行1), 堀米直人2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article W1-7. Usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope lower biliary tract drainage of the external fistula drainage precedence
森田慎一1), 永山逸夫1), 星隆洋1), 阿部聡司1), 八木一芳1), 須田剛士1), 兼藤努2), 寺井崇二3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-1 消. Safety of stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) of the gastroscopy for elderly people
石田剛士1), 吉田貴史1), 小林祥司1), 石田泰章1), 久野徹1), 田中佳祐1), 岩本史光1), 津久井雄也1,2), 浅川幸子1,3), 山口達也1), 植竹智義1,4), 大高雅彦1,5), 佐藤公1), 榎本信幸1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-2 消. Examination of ERCP for postoperative reconstruction intestine of elderly people
水澤健, 五十嵐聡, 林和直, 寺井崇二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-3 消. Examination of EUS-HGS for the biliary tract obstruction of elderly people
吉川成一, 石井結唯, 小関洋平, 小林隆昌, 小林陽子, 安住基, 河久順志, 三浦努, 竹内学
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 48-48, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-4 消. About the present conditions and results in our hospital of the endoscopic treatment in the common bile duct stone of elderly people
久保田大輔, 山本力, 柳澤匠, 宮澤仁美, 宮澤鷹幸, 小林聡, 佐藤淳一, 田尻和男
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 48-48, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-5 消. Examination about the need of the liver knob after common bile duct stone treatment for elderly people in our hospital
児玉亮, 高裕信, 池内浩志, 鎌倉雅人, 三枝久能, 牛丸博泰
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 49-49, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-6 消. Our hospital device in the treatment of acute cholecystitis in the elderly - Percutaneous intracapsular fistula tube placement -
丸山正樹, 五十川修, 杉田萌乃, 中島尚, 高橋祥史
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 49-49, 2018.

Japanese Article W2-7 消. About a treatment strategy for the cholecystitis of elderly people in our hospital
柴田壮一郎, 山下裕騎, 柴田景子, 徳竹康二郎, 丸山雅史, 伊藤哲也, 藤澤亨, 森宏光, 松田至晃, 和田秀一
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 50-50, 2018.

Japanese Article 1 内専. One case that Double Stent was useful for a cancer of the esophagus tracheoesophageal fistula
武田信峻1), 釋亮也1), 樽陽介1), 山田聡1), 高野明人1), 佐藤英夫2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 53-53, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 2. One case of the idiopathic wall of stomach abscess which it was drained with biopsy, and was improved
柳田祐貴1), 荒生祥尚1), 池見雅俊1,2), 高木将之1), 高橋俊作1), 清野智1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 53-53, 2018.

Japanese Article 3 内専. A case of endoscopic tumor nucleation for gastric lipoma causing hemorrhage
大越麻理奈1), 野澤優次郎1), 富吉圭1), 小島雄一1), 堀米亮子1), 今井径卓1), 佐野知江1), 岩永明人1), 石川達1), 本間照1), 吉田俊明1), 武者信行2), 根本健夫3), 武田敬子3), 西倉健4)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 54-54, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 4. One case of the ulcerative colitis that developed ileal pouchitis, a stomach duodenum lesion ten years after large intestine complete removal
羽入龍太郎1), 野澤優次郎1), 本間照1), 岩永明人1), 酒井靖夫2), 吉澤和哉3), 西倉健4), 富吉圭1), 大越麻理奈1), 小島雄一1), 堀米亮子1), 今井径卓1), 佐野知江1), 石川達1), 須田陽子3), 吉田俊明1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 54-54, 2018.

Japanese Article 5 内研. Introduction of countermeasure type gastroscope examination in Nagano Sukou district
勝山翔太1), 赤松泰次2), 上原尚也1), 下平和久3), 宮島正行3), 中村真一郎3), 木畑穣4), 植原啓之3), 松澤正浩5), 北村静信6), 金児泰明7), 立岩伸之8)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 55-55, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 6. Example that the custody of the metallic stent was useful for the pyloric stenosis due to breast cancer metastases to stomach
武川慎治1), 丸山康弘2), 平林正裕1), 保坂亮介2), 小口貴也2), 小松通治2), 太田裕志2), 武川建二2), 中村智次3), 花村徹4), 大野晃一4), 小山洋5)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 56-56, 2018.

Japanese Article 7 内専. One case in acknowledgment of coexistence of the adenocarcinoma well differentiated after H.pylori sanitization during proton pump inhibitor medication for fundic gland polyps
南澤昌郁1), 大工原誠一1), 佐藤幸一1), 鈴木宏1), 大野和幸1), 倉石康弘1), 伊東哲宏1), 平山敦大2), 長屋匡信1), 太田浩良3), 菅智明2), 田中榮司1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 56-56, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 8. It is one case of the gastric cancer after the Helicobacter sanitization that gradually presented a form of increased submucosal tumor in the course of four years
中井亜美1), 中村直1,2), 樋口和男1,2), 須藤貴森1,2), 北原桂1,2), 一條哲也1,2), 張淑美2,3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article 9 内専. One case of the submucosal tumor state progress gastric cancer which presented a low grade of atypism well differentiated type adenocarcinoma
石井結唯1), 竹内学1), 小関洋平1), 小林陽子1), 小林隆昌1), 安住基1), 河久順志1), 吉川成一1), 三浦努1), 内藤哲也2), 谷達夫2), 薄田浩幸3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 57-57, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 10. One patient who was followed up as duodenal ectopic gastric mucosa, and showed stomach type adenoma in the course of eight years
加古里子1), 長谷部修1), 越知泰英1), 原悦雄1), 関亜矢子1), 櫻井晋介1), 北畠央之1), 齋藤博美1), 原大地1), 太田浩良2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 58-58, 2018.

Japanese Article 11 内専. Adult case of the gastrointestinal overlap symptom that led to a diagnosis with a double balloon endoscope
丹羽佑輔1), 上村顕也1), 小林隆昌1), 高橋一也1), 冨永顕太郎1), 河久順志1), 阿部聡司1), 川合弘一1), 横山純二2), 杉野英明3), 梅津哉4), 寺井崇二1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 59-59, 2018.

Japanese Article 12 内専. A case of the vasa intestinae tenuis-related lesion which did rebleeding after endoscopic hemostasis technique in approximately six years
久場弘子, 小島英吾, 松村真生子
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 59-59, 2018.

Japanese Article 13 内専. A case of the stenosis type ischemia-related enteritis that we observed with a double balloon endoscope
小関洋平1), 竹内学1), 石井結唯1), 小林隆昌1), 小林陽子1), 安住基1), 河久順志1), 吉川成一1), 三浦努1), 茂木大輔2), 佐藤優2), 堅田朋大2), 内藤哲也2), 皆川昌広2), 谷達夫2), 薄田浩幸3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 60-60, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 14. One case of the invagination of intestine which assumed type 1 colon cancer covered in white coating leading part
上原尚也, 赤松泰次, 勝山翔太, 植原啓之, 下平和久, 宮島正行, 中村真一郎, 木畑穣, 久保直樹, 古澤徳彦, 増尾仁志, 寺田克
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 60-60, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 15. Occur against a backdrop of diverticula of colon, one case of filiform polyposis with the intestinal stenosis
中村駿介1), 長谷部修1), 原悦雄1), 越知泰英1), 関亜矢子1), 櫻井晋介1), 北畠央之1), 斎藤博美1), 加古里子1), 原大地1), 草間由紀子2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 61-61, 2018.

Japanese Article 16 内専. One case of the huge sacculation accessory pancreas that EUS-FNA was effective for a pylorus passage disorder
横山邦彦1), 渡邉順1), 中村厚夫1), 佐藤祐一1), 青木真2), 桑原史郎2), 古川浩一2), 橋立英樹2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article 17 内専. One case of the acute pancreatitis that occurred after EUS-FNA
山崎文紗子, 有賀諭生, 高橋一也, 熊木大輔, 山川雅史, 平野正明, 船越和博
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 62-62, 2018.

Japanese Article 18 内専. A case of bile duct non-expansion type pancreas which we diagnosed in EUS, bile duct junction abnormality (PBM)
夏井一輝1), 岡宏充1), 野澤良祐1), 後藤諒1), 小川光平1), 本田穣1), 佐藤明人1), 福原康夫1), 渡辺庄治1), 小林由夏1), 富所隆1), 吉川明1), 宗岡悠介2), 北見智恵2), 河内保之2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 19. We experience the use of fistulation prosthesis materials for the pancreas for walled-offnecrosis (WON) (HotAXIOS system) after severe pancreatitis
今井淳葵1), 山本智清1), 新倉則和2), 雄山澄華2), 西条勇哉2), 岡村卓磨2), 藤本瞳2), 横澤秀一2), 手島憲一2), 薄田誠一2), 寺川偉温1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 63-63, 2018.

Japanese Article 20 内専. One case of the Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus development of fundal type gallbladder adenomyoma symptom gallbladder cancer that we were able to diagnose during follow-up
工藤彰治, 比佐岳史, 山田崇裕, 桃井環, 大瀬良省三, 篠原知明, 友利彰寿, 福島秀樹, 古武昌幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 64-64, 2018.

Japanese Article 21 消専. A case of the esophagus GIST that a cytoreductive effect was obtained by administration of imatinib mesilate
山下裕騎, 丸山雅史, 柴田壮一郎, 柴田景子, 徳竹康二郎, 伊藤哲也, 藤澤亨, 森宏光, 松田至晃, 和田秀一
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article 22 消研. A case of the acidophilic esophagitis that resulted in a well-known passage disorder
知久喜明1), 矢山貴之1), 茅野周治2), 西村好裕3), 日原優1), 井上勝朗1), 丸山敦史1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article 23 消. A case of the superficial esophagus origin adenocarcinoma which occurred in a non-palette epithelium
白勢大門, 長谷川浩之, 末木良太, 進藤邦明, 伊瀬洋史, 曽田均, 小澤俊総, 中村暢樹
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article 24. Examination about the use of sedative in the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract
原田学, 山川良一, 河内邦裕, 入月聡, 岩田真弥
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article 25. Examination about the computer-assisted diagnosis of the upper gastrointestinal tract normal endoscopic image using the object detection model
山川良一, 原田学, 河内邦裕, 入月聡, 岩田真弥
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article 26 消. A case of the gastromegaly lipoma which became incarcerated in the duodenum
井村仁郎1), 塩澤秀樹1), 岸本恭1), 安達亙1), 吉田憲司2), 小松修2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article 27 消専. A case of early gastric cancer with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the submucosa
安村智生, 小林祥司, 吉村大, 石田剛士, 石田泰章, 久野徹, 田中佳祐, 岩本史光, 吉田貴史, 山口達也, 佐藤公, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article 28 消専. One case of the Rindi Type I gastric carcinoid which caused a residual stomach recurrence after pylorus side gastrectomy
原大地, 長谷部修, 原悦雄, 越知泰英, 関亜矢子, 櫻井晋介, 北畠央之, 齊藤博美, 加古里子
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article 29 消研. A case report of Long-term survival with multidisciplinary treatment for unresectable advanced and recurrent gastric cancer
清水忠朗, 得丸重夫, 片岡将宏, 島田奈緒, 山本悠太, 小山誠, 中村聡, 村中太, 北沢将人, 宮川雄輔, 小林聡
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article 30 消研. One case of the progress gastric cancer with lymph node metastases treated effectively with Ramucirumab administration as the second chemotherapy
飯島靖博, 池野龍雄, 北濱卓実, 岡田一郎, 秋田倫幸, 五明良仁, 宮本英雄
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article 31 消. One case of stomach glomus tumor which was diagnosed preoperatively, and was given laparoscopic supporting lower partial gastrectomy
加賀谷丈紘1), 小出直彦1), 小山佳紀1), 小林惇一2), 若林俊一2), 田中友之2), 加賀谷結華2), 飯嶌章博2), 下条久志3), 大谷真紀3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article 32. One case of the malignant pyloric stenosis due to the progress gastric cancer which nivolumab succeeded, but resulted in a stent malfunction
三枝久能, 鎌倉雅人, 児玉亮, 牛丸博泰
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article 33 消研. One case of the unresectable origin-related duodenal cancer that chemotherapy with the paclitaxel alone succeeded
池内浩志, 三枝久能, 牛丸博泰, 児玉亮
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article 34 消. Five cases of duodenal NET in our hospital
白石謙介, 河口賀彦, 齊藤亮, 清水浩紀, 古屋信二, 赤池英憲, 細村直弘, 雨宮秀武, 川井田博充, 須藤誠, 井上慎吾, 河野寛, 市川大輔
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article 35 消研. One case of elderly people with malrotation that resulted in first ileus by abdominal aortic aneurysm increase
村松夏季, 土屋敦紀, 小田知友美, 木村淳史, 保坂和徳, 木村成宏, 冨永顕太郎, 林和直, 寺井崇二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 74-74, 2018.

Japanese Article 36 消研. One case of the intestinal tract Behcet perforation complicated with Trisomy8-positive myelodysplastic syndrome
森優喜, 岩本史光, 高岡慎弥, 加藤亮, 石田泰章, 久野徹, 田中佳祐, 小林祥司, 吉田貴史, 山口達也, 佐藤公, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 74-74, 2018.

Japanese Article 37 消. One case that caused penetration of the small intestine and the retroperitoneum by toothpick mis-deglutition
中岫奈津子1), 浅川幸子1), 白石謙介2), 須貝英光2), 小林正史2), 渡邉光章2), 渡邉一孝1), 市川新太郎3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article 38 消専. One case of the intussusception that occurred during the ileus pipe custody
小林浩幸1), 野沢祐一1), 橋上遣太1), 菅沼孝紀1), 高橋俊晴1), 岡庭信司1), 中村喜行1), 坂本広登2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article 39 消研. A case in which percutaneous sclerotherapy was effective for stoma varicose veins rupture
河原徹, 芦沢浩, 小嶋裕一郎, 天野博之, 三浦優子, 中込圭子, 大山広, 細田健司, 鈴木洋司, 望月仁, 小俣政男
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article 40 消研. A case of the lymphangitis carcinomatosis to originate in sigmoid colon cancer that a respiratory symptom preceded
木村嘉克1), 高橋俊作1), 清野智1), 荒生祥尚1), 石川大輔2), 高木将之1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article 41 消. One case of the colitis that occurred with Pembrolizumab
倉岡直亮1), 吉田悠紀1), 鈴木庸弘1), 合志聡1), 佐藤知巳1), 竹内寛之2), 関谷政雄3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article 42 消研. A case of the cecal cancer rapidly increased during follow-up of the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
栗原知弘1), 菅沼孝紀1), 橋上遣太1), 小林浩幸1), 野沢祐一1), 高橋俊晴1), 水上佳樹2), 白籏久美子3), 岡庭信司1), 中村善行1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article 43 消. One case of the direct intestinal glands neuroendocrine system basalioma with multiple liver metastases
田村康1), 早川雅人1), 五十嵐正人1), 高橋澄雄1), 内藤眞2), 青柳豊1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 78-78, 2018.

Japanese Article 44 消専. One case of the rectal endometriosis who had ileus that had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
橋上遣太1), 高橋俊晴1), 小林浩幸1), 野沢祐一1), 菅沼孝紀1), 白籏久美子2), 高畠周吾3), 坂本広登3), 荒井義和3), 前田知香3), 荻原裕明3), 水上佳樹3), 平栗学3), 堀米直人3), 金子源吾3), 佐野健司4), 岡庭信司1), 中村善行1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 79-79, 2018.

Japanese Article 45 消. Two cases of the Listeria monocytogenes bacteremia that occurred in patients with ulcerative colitis during antiTNF α antibody preparation administration
堀米亮子, 本間照, 大越麻理奈, 富吉圭, 小島雄一, 今井径卓, 野澤優次郎, 岩永明人, 佐野知江, 石川達, 吉田俊明
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 79-79, 2018.

Japanese Article 46. Pouchitis ileal after the large intestine complete removal technique enforcement, an example of the severe ulcerative colitis who had duodenitis
小川原秀太郎1), 丸山雅史2), 山下裕騎2), 柴田景子2), 柴田壮一郎1), 徳竹康二郎2), 伊藤哲也2), 藤澤亨2), 森宏光2), 松田至晃2), 和田秀一2), 渡辺正秀3), 伊藤以知郎3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article 47 消研. Two cases that caused septic shock by obstructive colitis by the feces ileus
登内孝文, 安住基, 小関洋平, 石井結唯, 小林隆昌, 小林陽子, 河久順志, 吉川成一, 三浦努, 竹内学
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article 48. Approach of the meeting of the pediatric IBD transition stage support in Shinshu University
中山佳子1), 加藤沢子1), 倉沢伸吾1), 日高奈緒1), 草刈麻衣1), 菅智明2), 平山敦大2), 佐渡智光3), 上田宗胤4), 須田絢子5)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 81-81, 2018.

Japanese Article 49 消専. Two cases of metastases to pancreas of the lung cancer
鎌倉雅人1), 児玉亮1), 牧野睦月2), 三枝久能1), 牛丸博泰1), 川口研二2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article 50 消専. A case of the posterior head of pancreas origin malignant lymphoma which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
木村大, 野竹剛, 清水明, 本山博章, 福島健太郎, 細田清孝, 坂井紘紀, 池原智彦, 小林聡
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 82-82, 2018.

Japanese Article 51 消. One case of the IgG4 associated diseases that steroid therapy succeeded to a diagnosis with hyperplastic pachymeningitis
小林雄司, 塚田芳久, 夏井正明, 渡辺雅史, 川合弘一, 佐藤聡史, 津端俊介, 影向一美, 田中裕登, 内山敦司
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 83-83, 2018.

Japanese Article 52 消研. One case of the serum IgG4 where a cyst disappeared by steroid therapy-negative autoimmune pancreatitis
巻渕絢子, 河久順志, 吉川成一, 石井結唯, 小関洋平, 小林隆昌, 小林陽子, 安住基, 三浦努, 竹内学
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 83-83, 2018.

Japanese Article 53 消専. A Case of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma Successfully Treated with Regorafenib
依田宏貴, 鈴木雄一朗, 松田秀哉, 村岡優, 佐藤光明, 辰巳明久, 中山康弘, 井上泰輔, 前川伸哉, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article 54 消. One case of the portal vein tumor emboli progress hepatocellular carcinoma treated effectively with liver arterial infusion chemotherapy using new reservoir system (System-I)
今井径卓, 石川達, 大越麻理奈, 富吉圭, 小島雄一, 堀米亮子, 野澤優次郎, 佐野知江, 岩永明人, 本間照, 吉田俊明
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 84-84, 2018.

Japanese Article 55 消専. A Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Multiple Lung Metastasis Successfully Treated by Lenvatinib
柴田理, 上村顕也, 酒井規裕, 森田真一, 水澤健, 佐藤裕樹, 坂牧僚, 寺井崇二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article 56 消. A case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which caused the stomach direct permeation which reached the radical surgery by condition of a patient control by the sorafenib
井上良介1), 佐々木俊哉1), 青柳智也1), 栗田聡1), 塩路和彦1), 小林正明1), 成澤林太郎1), 高野可赴2), 野村達也2), 川崎隆3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 85-85, 2018.

Japanese Article 57 消. Examination of the percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauter therapy for the metastatic liver tumor in our hospital
桃井環, 古武昌幸, 工藤彰治, 山田崇裕, 友利彰寿, 篠原知明, 福島秀樹, 比佐岳史
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 86-86, 2018.

Japanese Article 58 消. A case of the resectable liver origin neuroendocrine tumor
佐々木俊哉1), 井上良介1), 青柳智也1), 栗田聡1), 塩路和彦1), 小林正明1), 成澤林太郎1), 高野可赴2), 野村達也2), 川崎隆3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 87-87, 2018.

Japanese Article 59 消専. A case of the amoebic liver abscess who had the intestinal tract spirochetal disease
小山究太郎, 大崎暁彦, 水戸將貴, 弥久保俊太, 渡邉雄介, 佐藤宗広, 相場恒男, 米山靖, 古川浩一, 和栗暢生
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 87-87, 2018.

Japanese Article 60 消. A case of the hemorrhagic hepatic cyst which had difficulty in hepatic cyst adenocarcinoma and differentiation
多田井敏治1), 古田清1), 北村宏2), 中澤功3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 88-88, 2018.

Japanese Article 61 消研. A case of the liver abscess that complicated sepsis-related pulmonary embolism by hyperviscosity-related Klebsiella Pneumoniae
木村究, 大崎暁彦, 小山究太郎, 水戸將貴, 弥久保俊太, 渡邉雄介, 佐藤宗広, 相場恒男, 米山靖, 古川浩一, 和栗暢生
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 88-88, 2018.

Japanese Article 62 消. One case that was regarded as liver inflammatory pseudotumor pointed out by medical examination
大高雅彦, 依田芳起, 三浦美香, 花輪充彦, 廣瀬雄一, 北橋敦子, 高相和彦
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 89-89, 2018.

Japanese Article 63 消. Elucidation of the cancer cell genealogy of Inter / Intra Hepatic Nodule by the genome analysis
飯室勇二1), 弘津陽介2), 望月仁2,3), 小俣政男3,4)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article 64 消. A case of the malignant lymphoma complicated with C type cirrhosis
高岡慎弥, 辰巳明久, 安村智生, 前川伸哉, 依田宏貴, 加藤亮, 鈴木雄一朗, 佐藤光明, 中山康弘, 井上泰輔, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 90-90, 2018.

Japanese Article 65 消研. A case of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that formed huge liver masses
渡邉沙緒里1), 高橋一也1), 山崎文沙子1), 熊木大輔1), 有賀諭生1), 山川雅史1), 平野正明1), 奥泉譲1), 酒井剛3), 木原好則2), 船越和博1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article 66 消研. One case of the metastasis to hepatocellular carcinoma sphenoid bone discovered with exophthalmos
薬袋里彩, 今川直人, 雨宮史武, 奥脇徹也, 島村成樹, 高田ひとみ, 門倉信
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 91-91, 2018.

Japanese Article 67 消研. A case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma that tumor biopsy was useful for an unknown primary liver tumor-prone liver metastases
大久保卓哉1), 森田進1), 吉澤要1), 翠川創2), 浅野純平2), 藤森一也2), 滋野俊2), 鈴木宏明3), 前島俊孝4), 福島敏郎5), 関口和5), 小泉知展5)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 92-92, 2018.

Japanese Article 68 消研. One case of the E type acute hepatitis without foreign tour history and the clear uncooked meat intake
高橋良彰1), 村木崇2), 富田威2), 山崎智生3), 梅村武司3), 岡本宏明4), 田中榮司3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 93-93, 2018.

Japanese Article 69 消専. A case of chronic hepatitis C that developed huge HCC after 27 years of SVR
中嶋太郎1), 高橋芳之1), 山崎智生1), 堀内一太郎1), 南澤昌郁1), 栗林直矢1), 杉浦亜弓1), 藤森尚之1), 城下智1), 梅村武司1), 松本晶博1), 田中榮司1), 本山博章2), 小林聡2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 93-93, 2018.

Japanese Article 70 消研. One case of autoimmune hepatitis merger chronic hepatitis C improved with DAA preparation
北條雄暉, 吉川成一, 石井結唯, 小関洋平, 小林隆昌, 小林陽子, 安住基, 河久順志, 三浦努, 竹内学
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 94-94, 2018.

Japanese Article 71 消研. A case of the acute hepatitis C that racked its brains about differentiation with the drug induced hepatic injury
杉田萌乃1), 中島尚1), 高橋祥史1), 丸山正樹1), 五十川修1), 内藤眞2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 94-94, 2018.

Japanese Article 72 消. A case of the acute hepatic failure that occurred after pregabalin and celecoxib internal use
松村真生子, 平野拓己, 久場弘子, 永村良二, 小島英吾
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 95-95, 2018.

Japanese Article 73 消研. A case of severe acute pancreatitis due to Tacrolimus
西出亮, 三浦優子, 小嶋裕一郎, 天野博之, 芦澤浩, 中込圭子, 大山広, 細田健司, 鈴木洋司, 望月仁, 小俣政男
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 96-96, 2018.

Japanese Article 74 消専. One case of the asymptomatic acute pancreatitis that a multiple subcutaneous nodule and arthralgia were a discovery opportunity
山下洸司, 廣瀬純穂, 深澤光晴, 高野伸一, 進藤浩子, 高橋英, 深澤佳満, 川上智, 早川宏, 佐藤公, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 96-96, 2018.

Japanese Article 75 消研. A case of the infectious pancreatic cyst which formed a cyst colonic fistula after a pancreatic pseudocyst internal hemorrhage
佐藤昴介, 高橋一也, 有賀諭生, 山崎文沙子, 熊木大輔, 山川雅史, 平野正明, 船越和博
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article 76 消研. A case of epidermoid cyst which occurred in pancreas accessory spleen, and presented high CEA, a CA 125 blood symptom
石関加波1), 山下裕騎1), 柴田壮一郎1), 柴田景子1), 徳竹康二郎1), 伊藤哲也1), 丸山雅史1), 藤澤亨1), 森宏光1), 松田至晃1), 和田秀一1), 草間啓2), 伊藤以知郎3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 97-97, 2018.

Japanese Article 77 消研. A case of pancreas IPMN which presented Pancreatic panniculitis
結城智康, 山下裕騎, 伊藤哲也, 柴田壮一郎, 柴田景子, 徳竹康二郎, 丸山雅史, 藤澤亨, 森宏光, 松田至晃, 和田秀一
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 98-98, 2018.

Japanese Article 78 消研. 1 autopsy case of primary pancreas squamous cell carcinoma without the adenocarcinoma ingredient
高裕信1), 児玉亮1), 池内浩志1), 鎌倉雅人1), 三枝久能1), 牛丸博泰1), 牧野睦月2), 川口研二2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 99-99, 2018.

Japanese Article 79 消専. A case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor who had pancreatic duct stenosis
奥村太規, 小澤真希子, 芦原典宏, 倉石康弘, 中村晃, 金井圭太, 渡邉貴之, 田中榮司
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 99-99, 2018.

Japanese Article 80 消研. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which racked its brains about differentiation with the mass plasticity pancreatitis
瀬原田魁, 坂井紘紀, 清水明, 池原智彦, 細田清孝, 福島健太郎, 野竹剛, 本山博章, 小林聡
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article 81 消研. A case of the pancreatic cyst-related myxoma (MCA) which developed in men
佐藤千紘, 有賀諭生, 山崎文紗子, 高橋一也, 熊木大輔, 山川雅史, 平野正明, 船越和博
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 100-100, 2018.

Japanese Article 82 消専. A case of pancreas solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm discovered with the abdominal pain due to the gastric ulcer
渕野真代1), 中田直克1), 島田清太郎1), 金山雅美1), 月城孝志1), 藤井努3), 安田一朗2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 101-101, 2018.

Japanese Article 83. Histories of treatment for the pancreatic duct jejunum anastomotic stricture using the looking straight type convex scope
塩路和彦, 井上良介, 青柳智也, 栗田聡, 佐々木俊哉, 小林正明, 成澤林太郎
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article 84. One case that art of endoscopic pancreaticocholangiography funnel drainage was effective for traumatic pancreatitis complicated with pancreatic duct dysraphism
釋亮也, 樽陽介, 武田信峻, 山田聡, 高野明人
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 102-102, 2018.

Japanese Article 85 消研. A case of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis complicated with multiple bloody hepatic nodules and liver abscess
若林拓哉1), 大崎暁彦1), 水戸將貴1), 弥久保俊太1), 渡邉雄介1), 佐藤宗広1), 相場恒男1), 米山靖1), 古川浩一1), 和栗暢生1), 塩井生馬2), 佐藤大輔2), 橋立英樹3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 103-103, 2018.

Japanese Article 86 消専. A case in which EHL under Spy DS (R) was effective for choledocholithiasis under anticoagulation therapy
吉田悠紀, 倉岡直亮, 鈴木庸弘, 合志聡, 佐藤知巳
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 103-103, 2018.

Japanese Article 87. One case that SpyGlass DS Shimoden mind water pressure shock wave was useful for confluence stone which was the huge which became incarcerated in persistence cystic duct
小宮山泰之, 高橋英, 深澤光晴, 高野伸一, 門倉信, 進藤浩子, 廣瀬純穂, 川上智, 深澤佳満, 早川宏, 原井正太, 佐藤公, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 104-104, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance of the immune checkpoint inhibitor (nivolumab) in the gastric cancer
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 108-108, 2018.

Japanese Article Endoscopic pathognomy of the duodenal lesion
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 113-113, 2018.

Japanese Article Endoscopic diagnosis of the large intestine inflammatory disorder
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 115-115, 2018.

Japanese Article Pancreatic cancer surgical treatment
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (63): 117-117, 2018.