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The Current Medicine

Volume 40, Issue 1 / 1992
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Contact dermatitis
The Current Medicine 40(1): 3-5, 1992.

Japanese Article Recent atopic dermatitis
The Current Medicine 40(1): 7-10, 1992.

Japanese Article Collagenosis
The Current Medicine 40(1): 11-16, 1992.

Japanese Article Drug eruption
The Current Medicine 40(1): 17-20, 1992.

Japanese Article Herpes
The Current Medicine 40(1): 21-23, 1992.

Japanese Article Scabies
The Current Medicine 40(1): 25-27, 1992.

Japanese Article Athlete's foot
The Current Medicine 40(1): 29-33, 1992.

Japanese Article Malignant melanoma
Tamotsu Kanzaki
The Current Medicine 40(1): 35-37, 1992.

Japanese Article Dysplasia of the skin
Hisashi Aoyama
The Current Medicine 40(1): 39-43, 1992.

Japanese Article Burn
The Current Medicine 40(1): 45-46, 1992.

Japanese Article Steroid drug for external use and liquor Tsuzumi dermatitis
The Current Medicine 40(1): 47-51, 1992.

Japanese Article Colorectal cancer development factor finding addendum
Kunio Aoki
The Current Medicine 40(1): 53-60, 1992.

Japanese Article HCV antibody positive rate in the volunteer blood donor
Tadashi Kamiya, Hasegawa Iwami, Takaharu Murase, Machiko Tsutsumi
The Current Medicine 40(1): 61-67, 1992.

Japanese Article Group study of hematopoietic organ malignant tumor treatment in the Tokai district
Osamu Kamiya
The Current Medicine 40(1): 69-75, 1992.

Japanese Article The blocker therapy β for heart failure of dilated cardiomyopathy
山田健二, 森本紳一郎, 水野康
The Current Medicine 40(1): 77-86, 1992.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the heart transplant in the world
Toshio Abe
The Current Medicine 40(1): 87-92, 1992.

Japanese Article Progress of the remarkable surgical treatment that applied ceramics
The Current Medicine 40(1): 93-95, 1992.

Japanese Article Art - of neck tumor - differential diagnosis and treatment
Hidehiro Matsuura
The Current Medicine 40(1): 123-126, 1992.

Japanese Article Cancer pain therapy
Kenichi Masuda, Fujii spring incense, 伴美夕貴, Shoichi Kawazumi
The Current Medicine 40(1): 127-131, 1992.

Japanese Article Rheumatism
Yoshifuji Matsumoto
The Current Medicine 40(1): 133-138, 1992.

Japanese Article Lower limbs obstruction-related arteriopathic disease
矢野孝, 牧篤彦
The Current Medicine 40(1): 139-144, 1992.

Japanese Article Infant nourishment
The Current Medicine 40(1): 145-149, 1992.

Japanese Article Ataxia
Tatsuo Muroga *, 星嘉使憲 **, Junko Watanabe **
The Current Medicine 40(1): 151-155, 1992.

Japanese Article Dysuria and rehabilitation
山田幸隆, Atsuo Kondo, Hiroharu Miyake
The Current Medicine 40(1): 157-159, 1992.

Japanese Article One autopsy case of the left atrial myxoma which occurred with cerebral infarction
都築豊徳*, 伊藤雅文*, 藤城健一郎**, 浅井淳平*
The Current Medicine 40(1): 161-167, 1992.

Japanese Article Biotechnological (17) in the medicine
玉木敬二, 打樋利英子, 勝又義直
The Current Medicine 40(1): 169-174, 1992.

Japanese Article (9) An antifungal agent
Ryuzo Ono
The Current Medicine 40(1): 175-177, 1992.

Japanese Article (10) An anticancer drug
Takahiko Sugiura
The Current Medicine 40(1): 179-183, 1992.

Japanese Article It is diencephalon, pituitary gland [XII]
Tatsuo Takahashi, Akio Kuwayama
The Current Medicine 40(1): 189-196, 1992.

Japanese Article [XI] Ultrasonic endoscope large intestine
水谷恵至, 塚本純久
The Current Medicine 40(1): 197-202, 1992.

Japanese Article [IV] 1 unstable angina - -
Hawk Tsu sentence Maro
The Current Medicine 40(1): 203-207, 1992.