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The Current Medicine

Volume 46, Issue 2 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article New knowledge of Alzheimer's disease
The Current Medicine 46(2): 171-175, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of the image in the early diagnosis of the demented disease
The Current Medicine 46(2): 177-182, 1998.

Japanese Article Medical therapy of Alzheimer's disease
The Current Medicine 46(2): 183-188, 1998.

Japanese Article Nonpharmacological approach of the senile dementia
Osamu Ogawa, Akihisa Iguchi
The Current Medicine 46(2): 189-193, 1998.

Japanese Article Care management of the senile dementia
遠藤英俊, 田島稔久, 益田雄一郎, 桜井孝
The Current Medicine 46(2): 195-198, 1998.

Japanese Article The mutation of the RET gene and disease of the human
Yoshihiro Ishiguro *1, 2, Naoya Asai *2, Toshihide Iwashita *2, Hideki Murakami *2, Masahide Takahashi *2
The Current Medicine 46(2): 199-203, 1998.

Japanese Article Treatment by hyperbaric oxygen to a macular oedema
Yuichiro Ogura
The Current Medicine 46(2): 205-208, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the space medicine study
The Current Medicine 46(2): 209-214, 1998.

Japanese Article Lethal osteodysplasty and abnormality of the genes
Hiroshi Kito
The Current Medicine 46(2): 215-221, 1998.

Japanese Article Home mechanical ventilation
Kamei three Expo
The Current Medicine 46(2): 223-234, 1998.

Japanese Article The whole story of children with dilated cardiomyopathy that hoped for a heart transplant abroad, but died without being able to achieve a purpose
The Current Medicine 46(2): 237-244, 1998.

Japanese Article The change of the child care and the problems
Masaki Mori
The Current Medicine 46(2): 271-274, 1998.

Japanese Article Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia
Yasuhiro Kondo *1, Hiroyuki Taniguchi *1, Toyoji Yokoi *2
The Current Medicine 46(2): 275-280, 1998.

Japanese Article Correspondence to an import epidemic
大羽健一*1, 森正幹*1, 水野芳樹*2, 熊田和徳*2
The Current Medicine 46(2): 281-285, 1998.

Japanese Article Autonomic nerve aplasia
古池保雄*1, 長谷川康博*2, 杉村公也*1
The Current Medicine 46(2): 287-290, 1998.

Japanese Article The surgical treatment for adolescent idiopathic side strikeouts disease
松山幸弘*1, 川上紀明*2, 荒尾和彦*3, 佐藤公治*1, 岩田久*1
The Current Medicine 46(2): 291-296, 1998.

Japanese Article Nursing care insurance and Care manager
Yuichiro Masuda, Akihisa Iguchi
The Current Medicine 46(2): 297-299, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) judging from a preventive medical point of view
Takayoshi Aoki
The Current Medicine 46(2): 307-310, 1998.

Japanese Article Case-6--impending infarction interesting (XXII) acute myocardial infarction -?
Hawk Tsu sentence Maro
The Current Medicine 46(2): 321-324, 1998.