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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research

Volume 11, Issue / 1979
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1.(127) Effect of the pituitary-adrenal system which gives it to gastrin and gastric-acid secretion
久保田憲彦, 石橋弘之, 児玉博行, 鋳谷周三, 野見山世司, 大西淳夫, 間島進
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 1-2, 1979.

Japanese Article 2.(128) About effect of catecholamine (Ep.,N.Ep.) on gastrin release (the second report)
若林厚夫, 渡部洋三, 小島一雄, 川島利信, 津村秀憲, 金沢寛, 近藤慶一郎, 西崎弘之, 城所仂
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 3-4, 1979.

Japanese Article 3.(129) About the mechanism of action of the sympathetic agonist for the rat gastric secretion
谷覚, 武藤徳男
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 5-6, 1979.

Japanese Article 4.(130) Intragastric eccrine innervation and catecholamine
櫛田正敏, 青木照明, 山崎義幸, 秋元博, 佐々木昭治, 須田健夫, 増田勝紀, 守矢士郎, 柏木秀幸, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 7-8, 1979.

Japanese Article 5. (131) Effect to give to the duodenal exogenous souring in the spinal cord injury dog and stomach, pancreas external secretion of the secretin administration
Yu Ihara Norio, Morning dark circles Sadao, Masayoshi Tani, Tadashi Hirata, Tadao Takahashi, Shiro Takebe, Tomio Konishi, Takeo Yamagishi, Hisaaki Shimazu
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 9-10, 1979.

Japanese Article 6.(132) A change (experimental study one third report) of stomach blood distribution by the stomach blood circulation block and the gastric juice secretion
大橋俊文, 福島恒男, 杉山貢, 土屋周二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 11-12, 1979.

Japanese Article 7.(133) The gastrin cell count of the gastric pyloric gland domain
南部匠1), 小松京子1), 渡辺英伸1), 遠城寺宗知1), 松井敏幸2), 飯田三雄3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 15-16, 1979.

Japanese Article 8.(134) A chronic gastritis atrophy border and a gastrin cells distribution change
榊信広, 飯田洋三, 沖田極, 岡崎幸紀, 河村奨, 竹本忠良
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 17-18, 1979.

Japanese Article 9.(135) Organ culture - hydrocortisone of the mouse embryo stomach and effect - of pentagastrin
佐々木善二, 多田正大, 中島正継, 三崎文夫, 赤坂裕三, 川井啓市
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 19-20, 1979.

Japanese Article 10. (136) About trophic action of the gastrointestinal hormone
Two Tetsu Inouchi 1), Measure taste Masamitsu 2), Shuzo Ishida 3), Kunio Ishida 3), 岡山敏賢 3), Akima Miyoshi 3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 21-22, 1979.

Japanese Article 11.(137) A study on gastrin secretion of Cysteamine
日高徹1), 吉川信夫2), 松井康功2), 三好秋馬2), 隅井浩治3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 25-26, 1979.

Japanese Article 12. (138) A gastrin-secreting response (the fourth report) by the load in the arginine vein about effect of the hyperalimentation:
Place field Koji 1), Susumu Kitagawa 1), Takashi Suzuki 1), Ryukichi Tobe 1), Katsuhiro Tamura 2), 梶原建熙 3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 27-28, 1979.

Japanese Article 13. (140) Examination - of the serum gastrin level due to gastrin-secreting - meat juices stimulation in G.verrucosa and G.erosiva
Osamu Watanabe 1), Taigoro Kondo 1), Hiroshi Takada 1), Hiroshi Sada 1), Katsuo Okuda 1), Hisako Miyazaki 1), Tadakazu Shimoda 1), Yoji Harada 2), Shinroku Ashizawa 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 29-30, 1979.

Japanese Article 14. (141) About abnormality of secretion of gastrin of various digestive system disease due to the experimental diet stimulation
Masato Noguchi 1), Hideki Adachi 1), Kanji Torizuka 1), Takashi Suzuki 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 31-32, 1979.

Japanese Article 15. (142) Comparison - of distribution of the Gastrin cells in the Gastrin kinetics of secretion - resected stomach in a gastric ulcer and the duodenal ulcer and cell mass and functional G-cell mass
Shotaro Fujimoto 1), Kunihiko Kimoto 1), Keiichi Kawai 1), Takanori Hattori 2), Shigeo Yamashita 3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 33-34, 1979.

Japanese Article 16.(143) Clinical and experimental examination about the effect to give to gastric juice secretion of various transfusion
田近貞克, 松木久, 奈良井省吾, 高桑一喜, 磯部茂, 佐々木広憲, 鰐渕勉, 松原要一, 武藤輝一
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 37-38, 1979.

Japanese Article 17.(144) About a change of various enteric hormone at gastric juice secretion stimulation and the ionized calcium
田近貞克, 松木久, 奈良井省吾, 田宮洋一, 大坂道敏, 松原要一, 福田稔, 武藤輝一
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 39-40, 1979.

Japanese Article 18. (145) The serum gastrin level in the duodenectomy dog, a serum secretin level and oxyntic dynamics and the correlation
Yoichi Morimoto, Hirofumi Kuwata, Shogo Murata, 金泉年郁, Jiro Okada, Kazuo Sakai, Tsuneo Shiratori
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 41-42, 1979.

Japanese Article 19. (146) The experimental examination about H+ reverse transmission and the gastric secretion in the chronic liver disease
Mitsuru Hatayama, 鎌田悌輔, Tokio Ono, Kenzo Kobayashi, Sukeo Yamamoto
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 43-44, 1979.

Japanese Article 20.(147) A change of the gastric juice secretion in the liver wide excision
古田紘一, 山碕芳生, 野口孝, 山本宣一, 村林紘二, 吉良勝正, 川原田嘉文, 水本龍二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 45-46, 1979.

Japanese Article 21.(148) Gastric juice secretion ability in the chronic renal insufficiency
浜辺順1), 姫野誠一1), 黒川正典1), 二見芳孝1), 高橋修一1), 篠村恭久1), 黄呂銘1), 斎藤良太郎1), 寺田幾蔵2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 47-48, 1979.

Japanese Article 22.(149) About study - of intragastric pH particularly pH in the night during sleep - (the second report)
町田崇, 河井啓三, 山田真一, 足立坦, 星康夫, 岡部紀正, 鈴木正弥, 綿貫詰
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 49-50, 1979.

Japanese Article 23. (150) back diffusion of the reversible hydrogen ion due to the intragastric alveus perfusion rat by the Ghosh-Schild method
Wide arrow kernel, Sound field Masaki, Akio Noguchi, It is Masahiko in a dragon, Pucheng Sanshiro, Masanori Inoue, Keiji Oe, Akima Miyoshi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 53-54, 1979.

Japanese Article 24.(151) Gastric secretion inhibition and glucagon by the intraduodenal asking a preposterous price glucose solution infusion
平田忠1), 谷昌尚1), 高橋忠雄1), 朝隈貞雄1), 井原悠紀夫1), 武部嗣郎1), 昌子正実1), 山岸健夫1), 小西富夫1), 島津久明1), 日下洋一2), 梶沼宏3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 55-56, 1979.

Japanese Article 25. (152) About the humoral regulation of the gastric secretion particularly a suppression mechanism to come from the antrum of stomach
Hiroshi Sakamoto 1), Kazuo Yunoki 1), Nakao Yoshiyuki 2), Toshibumi Futagawa 2), Arima 2, Katsura)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 57-58, 1979.

Japanese Article 26.(153) The secretory function of stomach and the transplant stomach running out of hesitation in Rat
虎渓邦孝1), 植田利貞1), 田中隆1), 坂部孝1), 小林槇雄2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 59-60, 1979.

Japanese Article 27. (154) The study on pepsinogen secretion of the rabbit gastric mucosa by the organ cultural method
Makoto Ito, Yoshiki Noguchi, Kiyoshi Yokochi, Yagi Eiji, Kohei Katsumi, 岸本高比古, Toshihiko Takeuchi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 61-62, 1979.

Japanese Article 28. (155) Effect to give to a rat gastric secretion of Cimetidine particularly a pepsin secretion
Toshibumi Futagawa 1), Bell field kernel sinter 1), Arima 1, Katsura), Shuji Hashimoto 1), Kazuo Yunoki 2), Toshiro Motoya 3), 石橋丸應 3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 63-64, 1979.

Japanese Article 29.(156) Secretin Radioimmunoassay (third report) -Change - of Secretin in the duodenal ulcer
原田容治1), 関根紀世1), 吉崎友康1), 川上當邦1), 白川和夫1), 西里吉則1), 斉藤利彦1), 芦沢真六1), 森山昭子2), 村山弘泰2), 鈴田達男3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 67-68, 1979.

Japanese Article 30.(157) Pancreas external secretion change - primarily blood secretin in the experimental acid supersecretion dog for an index -
川村武1), 石森章1), 小泉文明1), 本郷道夫1), 中目千之1), 佐藤恒明1), 鵜浦章1), 小泉勝1), 後藤由夫1), 亀山仁一2), 佐々木厳2), 桃野哲2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 69-70, 1979.

Japanese Article 31. (158) Is particularly dynamics - Yokohama City University second surgery in a placenta and children placental transfer-related - of endogenous secretin
Toshio Takizawa, Mitsugi Sugiyama, Shuji Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 71-72, 1979.

Japanese Article 32.(159) A secretion response of secretin, motilin by a diet intake and the duodenal acidification and the VIP
小川俊樹1), 大島一洋1), 斎藤史郎1), 冨田作2), 大野ますみ2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 73-74, 1979.

Japanese Article 33. (160) About immunoreactive somatostatin(IRS) content in the gastric mucosa
Naoyuki Yamada 1), Sotaro Fukuchi 1), Hiromitsu Kumada 1), Saito Kotaro 1), 澤野眞二 2), Yoshimasa Shishiba 2), Yuko Yamazaki 2), Mitsuru Hara 3), West shade Saburo 3), 澤野眞二 4)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 77-78, 1979.

Japanese Article 34. (161) About various pancreases, stomach somatostatin with the gastrointestinal hormone and gastrin kinetics of secretion
Tsutomu Chiba 1), Tomohiko Taminato 1), Seizo Kadowaki 1), Yutaka Seino 1), Takuo Fujita 1), Toshibumi Kondo 2), Noboru Yanaihara 3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 79-80, 1979.

Japanese Article 35. (162) Saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice of the substance P, the examination about the effects for the bile secretion
Motonobu Murakami 1), Mitsuru Aono 1), Motoyuki Moriga 1), Haruto Uchino 1), Haruaki Yajima 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 81-82, 1979.

Japanese Article 36. (163) In change - of blood Substance P value in the glucose tolerance test particularly hyperthyroidism -
Akira Tsuyuki 1), Susumu Kodaira 1), Osahiko Abe 1), Takashi Oigoshi two 2), Kaoru Abe 3), Noboru Yanaihara 4)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 83-84, 1979.

Japanese Article 37. (164) Gastrointestinal hormone and pancreas internal secretion
Tatsuji Yokoyama 1), Masaki Kobayashi 1), Measure taste Masamitsu 2), Kunio Ishida 3), Shuzo Ishida 4), Two Tetsu Inouchi 4), 岡山敏賢 4), Akima Miyoshi 4)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 85-86, 1979.

Japanese Article 38.(165) A study of the stomach pancreas correlation by the analysis of the pure pancreatic juice which obtained under endoscopic observation
矢部英幸, 武田正彦, 山本二平, 小野彰範, 林天明, 花房英二, 三島邦基, 原田英雄, 木村郁郎
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 87-88, 1979.

Japanese Article 39. (166) About a secretion of gastric juice mucoprotein with a lot of study (VII)- stimulant of gastric juice mucoprotein -
Haruki Mori, Tatsuya Kitamura, Seki Atsuko, Yutaka Matsuo
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 91-92, 1979.

Japanese Article 40. (167) A study on mucoprotein of the gastric mucosa
Yasuhiro Kawakami, Akabonai Yoshikazu, Akira Yachi, Takeo Wada
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 93-94, 1979.

Japanese Article 41.(168) Mucopolysaccharide in gastric juice under various condition of a patient
市川英幸, 小池秀夫, 水野正, 苅部徳郎, 林四郎
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 95-96, 1979.

Japanese Article 42.(169) The acute lesion and gastric ulcer of the stomach
吉良勝正, 水本龍二, 世古口務, 日高直昭
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 97-98, 1979.

Japanese Article 43.(170) Gastric mucosa defense mechanisms (the first report) by the HCO3- secretion -Increase - of the HCO3- secretion by the Secretin stimulation
平松紘一1), 寺田昭1), 鎌田武信1), 七里元亮1), 佐藤信紘1), 房本英之1), 中川彰史1), 斉藤光則1), 阿部裕1), 宮田正彦2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 99-100, 1979.

Japanese Article 44. (171) The tunica mucosa ventriculi (the second report) HCO3- by the HCO3- secretion secretes it; is carbonic Anhydrase- of - mucosal epithelium
寺田昭 1), Koichi Hiramatsu 1), Takenobu Kamata 1), Motoaki Shichiri 1), Nobuhiro Sato 1), Yutaka Abe 1), Masahiko Miyata 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 101-102, 1979.

Japanese Article 45. (172) Effects (the second report) of the gastrointestinal hormone for the guinea pig stomach smooth muscle
市川朝洋 1), Saburo Nakazawa 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 105-106, 1979.

Japanese Article 46.(173) Effect to give to stomach motility and stomach bloodstream of the enteric hormone
青野充1), 村上元庸1), 小島紘一1), 森賀本幸1), 内野治人1), 矢島治明2), 藤井一元3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 107-108, 1979.

Japanese Article 47.(174) An effect of prostaglandin F2α and insulin on fasting exercise of stomach, duodenum
施清源, 杉山貢, 衛藤俊二, 土屋周二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 109-110, 1979.

Japanese Article 48. (175) Circadian rhythm and stomach motility of intraduodenal pH in the subconscious dog
Ryuichi Honda, 相沢勇, Zen Ito, Takuji Nakamura
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 111-112, 1979.

Japanese Article 49. (176) A change of blood motilin due to the oral stimulation
Hideki Adachi 1), Masato Noguchi 1), Kanji Torizuka 1), Takashi Suzuki 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 11: 113-114, 1979.