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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research

Volume 19, Issue / 1987
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Effect to give to gastric-acid secretion of the progastrin which glycine extended to in the carboxy terminal
東健, 河合隆, 川井啓市, 井口秀人*
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 1-4, 1987.

Japanese Article About the effects for the rat gastric secretion of the CGRP
Mitsuru Aono, Motoyuki Moriga *, 鳴澤博昭 *, Chizuru Aono *, Haruto Uchino *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 5-8, 1987.

Japanese Article About the effect of calcitonin on high gastrin blood symptom with the H2-receptor antagonist
鳥海弥寿雄, 青木照明, 梅沢充, 秋元博, 守矢士郎, 柏木秀幸, 高山澄夫, 羽生信義, 瀬川豊, 高野哲, 伊藤顕彦, 徳安公之, 水永篤, 古川良幸, 大平洋一, 関根千秋, 福地康紀, 古賀神一郎, 阿部貞信, 中田浩二, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 9-12, 1987.

Japanese Article From the side of the pro-hydrochloric acid secretory function - calcium - calmodulin - actin of gastric mucosa parietal cells ultrastructure study -
Koichi Komatsu, Masaya Oda, Masahiko Nakamura, Toshibumi Azuma, Kotaro Kaneko, Takaya Honda, Mayumi Ishii, 塚田信廣, Yasufumi Akaiwa, Masaharu Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 17-20, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect to give to vagal blood Group 1 pepsinogen(PG1)
Masafumi Kim, Mitsugi Sugiyama, Keiichi Watanabe, Toshiro Yamamoto, Yukihiko Kadoguchi, 片村宏, 徐張嘉源, Chikara Kunisaki, Shigeyoshi Ito, Shuji Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 21-24, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect to give to intragastric external secretion of Innervated antral pouch and antral perfusion with various perfusate in the fundic pouch dog
Koichi Sato, 岡原由明, Seiichi Ono, 織畑道宏, Arrow ヶ 崎喜三郎, Ryuji Momose, Yasuhiro Ishii, Toshio Morimoto, Kiyotaka Yabuki, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Hiroshi Sasaki, Akio Nomi, 巾尊宣, Toshinobu Kawashima, Hidenori Tsumura, Yozo Watanabe
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 25-28, 1987.

Japanese Article Results of the Modified sham-feeding method for the duodenal ulcer symptom
伊藤顕彦, 青木照明, 秋元博, 柏木秀幸, 高山澄夫, 瀬川豊, 徳安公之, 水永篤, 梅沢充, 鳥海彌寿雄, 関根千秋, 古賀紳一郎, 阿部貞信, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 29-32, 1987.

Japanese Article Examination of the dopamine stimulation gastric-acid secretion
原俊介, 生越喬二, 近藤泰理, 菅野公司, 三富利夫
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 33-36, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect - of associated - vagotomy of a VIP joining site and the autonomic nervous function in the gastric mucosa
Masahiko Nakamura, Masaya Oda, Kotaro Kaneko, Toshibumi Azuma, Koichi Komatsu, Takaya Honda, Masaharu Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 37-40, 1987.

Japanese Article From the aspect of renal failure and gastric mucosa - attack factor -
Morino Nishina, Jinichi Kameyama, Satoshi Yagi, Akira Suzuki, Yuko Suzuki, Takeru Tsukamoto
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 41-44, 1987.

Japanese Article About the tunica mucosa ventriculi of the gastric ulcer complicated with rheumatoid arthritis (the third report)
Ken Yamanaka, Mitsugi Sugiyama, Shunji Eto, 施清源, Hidenori Hayashi, 城戸泰洋, Seiji Morohashi, Yoshiki Sato, Shuji Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 45-48, 1987.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis ...... coefficient of viscosity and acid secretional capacity of the gastric juice coefficient of viscosity
栗田恭充, Saburo Nakazawa, 瀬川昂生, Yoshihisa Tsukamoto, Goto Hidemi, Akira Fukui, Kenichi Takano, Satoshi Nagatani
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 49-52, 1987.

Japanese Article Examination - of peptic ulcer and gastric secretion (the fourth report) - cimetidine resistant ulcer
Manabu Imada, Yoshihiro Yamashita *, Yutaka Mieno *, Kadogawa Yasuhiko *, Masayuki Nakamura *, Toshio Shirakawa *, Masanori Inoue *, Goro Kajiyama *, Sachiko Murakami **, Wide arrow kernel **
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 53-56, 1987.

Japanese Article About effect to give to gastrin gastric-acid secretion stimulation of dopamine
熊谷仁人, 裏川公章, 安積靖友, 伊藤あつ子, 佐埜勇, 橋本可成, 武田浩一郎, 長畑洋司, 斉藤洋一
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 57-60, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the gastric mucosa bloodstream of the gastric-acid secretion inhibitor
塚本純久, 中澤三郎, 瀬川昂生, 後藤秀実, 栗田恭充, 福井明, 高野健市, 長谷智
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 61-64, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect on effect - serum gastrin change of the acid-secreting suppressant which gives it to a humoral background factor of the gastric-acid secretion
八木田眞光, 三浦良史, 永松悠二, 大江慶治, 田岡賢雄
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 65-68, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect to give to acid by Omeprazole and a pepsinogen secretion
Yoshihiro Yamashita, Yutaka Mieno, Kadogawa Yasuhiko, Masayuki Nakamura, Manabu Imada, Mortar river Toshio, Masanori Inoue, Goro Kajiyama, Sachiko Murakami *, Wide arrow kernel *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 69-72, 1987.

Japanese Article Effect on pH intragastric for 24 hours of Omeprazole
大原秀一, 本郷道夫, 平沢頼久, 浅木茂
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 73-76, 1987.

Japanese Article About the K channel of the Nectrus oxyntic cells basolateral membrane
Shunji Ueda, Toru Kodera, *D. D. F. Loo, *George Sachs
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 77-79, 1987.

Japanese Article Examination of H2 receptor responce to stimulus characteristics using human isolation parietal cells
Akinori Yanaka, Hiroshi Muto
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 81-84, 1987.

Japanese Article About the participation of the calcium ion in the acid secretion of the histamine stimulation (followup)
武藤信美, 谷礼夫, 渡辺順子, 唐沢博之, 原雅文, 三輪剛
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 85-88, 1987.

Japanese Article Inhibitory effect of the intracellular cyclic GMP for the pepsinogen secretion of the chief cell of stomach
Masato Noguchi, Hideki Adachi, Shunsuke Sato, Toyohiko Honda, Shuichi Onishi, Etsuo Aoki, Kanji Torizuka *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 89-92, 1987.

Japanese Article Study on pepsinogen secretion of guinea pig isolation chief cells
嗜澤博昭, 森賀本幸, 青野充*
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 93-96, 1987.

Japanese Article A gastric mucosa lesion and free radical by the stress load
Toshiichi Yoshikawa, Norimasa Yoshida, Haruo Miyakawa, Shigeru Sugino, Motoharu Kondo
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 97-100, 1987.

Japanese Article Gastric mucosal damage and lipid peroxide
Takeshi Kawamura, Hiroko Ebina, Fumiaki Koizumi, Akira Ishimori
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 101-104, 1987.

Japanese Article Impact of acute gastric mucosal lesion and free radicals-H + -K + ATP ase inhibitors viewed from ascorbate radical
渋谷大助, 大原正志, 浅木茂, 後藤由夫, 佐々木陸郎*
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 105-108, 1987.

Japanese Article Stomach ischemia and gastric-acid secretion
Oshima thickness, Masaki Kitajima, 酒井憲孝, 鳥田治文, 池田義毅, 中澤博江 *, Haruka Okino *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 109-112, 1987.

Japanese Article Cell damage of free radical for the gastric mucosa cultured cell
Hideyuki Hiraishi, Akira Terano *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 113-116, 1987.

Japanese Article Contribution - of a microcirculation disorder in the gastric mucosal damage formation and significance - energy metabolism of the free radical and polymorphonuclear leukocyte dynamics
Makoto Suematsu, Masayuki Suzuki, Soichiro Miura, Masaharu Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 117-120, 1987.

Japanese Article New rat experiment gastric ulcer using the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase inhibitor
荻野景規, 岡紳爾, Yukinori Okazaki, Tadayoshi Takemoto
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 121-124, 1987.

Japanese Article Defense of the rat gastric mucosa injury with the lesion tissue tropism SOD derivative
Masahiko Hirota, Masanobu Akagi, Yuki Ando male *, Masayasu Inoue *, Yoshimasa Morino *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 125-128, 1987.

Japanese Article About the gastric mucosa defense mechanism that we saw from an active oxygen elimination enzyme
Six Kazuhito, Takashi Kawai, 東健, Akira Aoike, Keiichi Kawai
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 19: 129-132, 1987.