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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research

Volume 22, Issue / 1990
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. The examination of the early gastric cancer case that presented a high acid secretion, high gastrin secretion
Kunihiro Iwata, Takashi Oigoshi two, Masao Miyaji, Shunsuke Hara, Yasushi Kondo law of nature, Tomoo Tajima, Toshio Mitomi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 1-4, 1990.

Japanese Article 2. The experimental examination about the pyloric antrum demucosation range in the selective proximal vagotomy and the pyloric antrum demucosation
Takashi Sakakibara *, Tsuyoshi Okubo *, Sen Sakakibara *, Yozo Watanabe **
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 5-8, 1990.

Japanese Article 3. Effect to give to a rat gastric secretion of H+ - K+ ATPase inhibitor (E3810)
Matsumoto ability village, 原田修江, Yuji Kawamoto, Minoru Kida, 末永敏彰, Nakamura Masuo, Sachiko Murakami, First deer Yuji, Yutaka Mieno, Toshio Shirakawa, Masanori Inoue, Goro Kajiyama
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 9-12, 1990.

Japanese Article 4. Effect for the parietal cell of the polypeptide
片村宏, 杉山貢, 石川孝, 市川靖史, 土屋周二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 13-16, 1990.

Japanese Article 5. Effect of the in front of H2 blocker going to bed once administration that we saw from an intragastric pH monitor for 24 hours of patients with peptic ulcer
田村由美子, 阿部俊之, 松丸一彦, 大溝雅史, 上東洋一, 正岡一良, 屋嘉比康治, 中村孝司
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 17-20, 1990.

Japanese Article 1. 24-hour difference in gastric pH monitor viewed from refractory gastric ulcer and heal easily stomach ulcer
阪口正博, 芦田潔, 大坂直文, 浅田修二, 平田一郎, 大柴三郎
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 21-24, 1990.

Japanese Article 2. The condition of a patient of the intractable ulcer judging from gastric-acid secretion ability
村上祥子, 松本能里, 木田実, 川本雄二, 末永敏彰, 中村万寿夫, 初鹿祐二, 三重野寛, 白川敏夫, 井上正規, 梶山梧朗
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 25-28, 1990.

Japanese Article 3. Intractable ulcers and stomach secretion: About duodenal ulcer and adrenergic acid secretion
柏木秀幸, 秋元博, 高山澄夫, 高野哲, 伊藤顕彦, 梅沢充, 鳥海弥寿雄, 福地康紀, 古賀紳一郎, 渡辺正光, 鈴木裕, 青木照明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 29-32, 1990.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the intractable ulcer judging from a gastric-acid secretion load inhibition test
加藤俊幸, 丹羽正之, 斎藤征史, 小越和栄
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 33-36, 1990.

Japanese Article 6. Study of healing easy to ulcers and intractable ulcers and stomach secretion in H2 receptor antagonist under administration
安海義曜, 西元寺克禮
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 41-44, 1990.

Japanese Article 1. Periodic motion and the secretion of the fasting stomach
Tooru Naruse, D. F. Maggie *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 45-48, 1990.

Japanese Article 2. Stomach motility and a gastric secretion correlation
Nobuyoshi Habu, Sada Abe sincerity, Teruaki Aoki, Yoichi Ohira, Koji Nakada, Shigeo Morita, Kei Hashimoto Expo, Motoi Iikura plus, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Mitsuru Umezawa, Sumio Takayama, Hideyuki Kashiwagi, Hiroshi Akimoto
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 49-52, 1990.

Japanese Article 3. The effect of the gastric-acid secretion on antrum of stomach exercise motilin-induced for the hunger period
Naoki Hayashi *, Akira Mizumoto **, 柴田近 **, Zen Ito **
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 53-56, 1990.

Japanese Article 4. About pH and the stomach duodenum exercise correlation in the hunger period stomach duodenum of the human
Grass Yasushi Nomoto, Toshikazu Sekiguchi, Tsutomu Matsuzaki, Tsutomu Horikoshi, Kazuma Kikuchi, Osamu Kawamura
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 57-60, 1990.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the gastric-acid secretion dynamics in the diabetes rat and the gastric emptying ability
中島正暢, Masaki Kitajima, Unbleached Yukio, Akira Yoshida, Daishi Tsuji, Makiko Hayashi, 池田義毅, Atsushi Chiba
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 61-64, 1990.

Japanese Article 6. Acid-secreting change and gastric contents of the acute phase are delayed after pylorus ring preservation pancreatoduodenectomy
西川雅裕, 丹黒章, 浜中裕一郎, 鈴木敞
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 65-68, 1990.

Japanese Article 7. Effect of gastric-acid secretion and gastric emptying ability -Omeprazole
山田昌彦, 本郷道夫, 奥野洋, 西村成夫, 上野正道, 大原秀一, 平澤頼久, 豊田隆謙
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 69-72, 1990.

Japanese Article 8. Gastric-acid secretion, stomach motility depressant action of dopamine
長畑洋司*, 黒田浩光*, 武田浩一郎*, 市原隆夫*, 守友仁志*, 伊藤あつ子*, 斎藤洋*, 裏川公章**
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 73-76, 1990.

Japanese Article 9. The correlation of gastric juice secretional capacity and stomach discharge function in the upper gastrointestinal tract disease
Hasebe philosophical principles, 原澤茂, Hiroyuki Takayasu, Tsuyoshi Miwa
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 77-80, 1990.

Japanese Article 1. About effect - to give it to the gastric mucosa of the autonomic nerve particularly intragastric PH, gastric mucosa hexosamine
鈴木祐子*, 亀山仁一*, 仁科盛之*, 塚本長*, 石原和彦**, 西山憲子**, 堀田恭子**
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 81-84, 1990.

Japanese Article 2. Viscous liquid histochemical examination of the rat water immersion restriction ulcer healing process
原田晴久*, 橋倉泰彦*, 小林忠二郎*, 杉山敦*, 市川英幸*, 幕内雅敏*, 太田浩良**, 勝山努**
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 85-88, 1990.

Japanese Article 3. Effect on pyloric antrum gastrin cells of H2 blocker and the prostaglandin E preparation
渡辺正光, 柏木秀幸, 福地康紀, 高野哲, 鳥海弥寿雄, 梅沢充, 古賀紳一郎, 秋元博, 青木照明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 89-92, 1990.

Japanese Article 1. About Gastrin in body of stomach parietal cell and D cells and a CCK receptor
千葉勉*1, 松本雅裕*2, 屋嘉比康治*3, T. Yamada*4
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 93-96, 1990.

Japanese Article 2. Guinea pig isolation chief cell of stomach pepsinogen-secreting irritant action of the various prostaglandin preparation
Honda Yoshitaka, 坂本長逸, Akira Nishizaki, Osamu Nakano, Kohei Matsuda, Ken Wada, 的崎尚, Munehiko Nagao
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 97-100, 1990.

Japanese Article 3. Change of blood pepsinogen 1 at sustained acid-secreting inhibition
金正文, 杉山貢, 山本俊郎, 土屋周二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 101-104, 1990.

Japanese Article 1. About a role of the sympathetic nervous system for the stimulation acid secretion after the selective proximal vagotomy
岡原由明*, 矢吹清隆*, 榊原宣*, 渡部洋三**
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 105-108, 1990.

Japanese Article 2. Change - at histochemical examination - experimental liver cirrhosis formation about the ECL cell distribution in the gastric mucosa
Masahiko Nakamura *, **, Masaya Oda *, Yasuhiro Nishizaki *, Jun Inoue *, Toshibumi Azuma *, Jiro Nishida *, Masaharu Tsuchiya *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 109-112, 1990.

Japanese Article 3. effect of cysteamine for adrenergic acid secretion
古賀紳一郎, 柏木秀幸, 高野哲, 高山澄夫, 秋元博, 青木照明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 22: 113-116, 1990.