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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research

Volume 23, Issue / 1991
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. Histochemical examination - second report about the ECL cell distribution in the gastric mucosa distribution - in the human biopsy tissue:
Masahiko Nakamura *, **, Masaya Oda *, **, Jun Inoue *, **, Takashi Ito *, **, Masaharu Tsuchiya **
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 1-4, 1991.

Japanese Article 2.Pyloric antrum endocrine cells change in the experimental pyloric stenosis rat
小村伸朗, 柏木秀幸, 秋元博, 高野哲, 梅沢充, 福地康紀, 渡辺正光, 古賀紳一郎, 鳥海弥寿雄, 石橋由朗, 鈴木裕, 木村恵三, 青木照明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 5-8, 1991.

Japanese Article 3.Physiological change of the actin localization of the gastric parietal cell
三宅克也, 鈴木一憲, 菅井尚則
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 9-12, 1991.

Japanese Article Gastric secretory inhibition effect nucleus-related 4.Basic fibroblast growth factor:
Toshikatsu Okumura, Satoshi Uehara, 北守茂, Yoshiki Taniguchi, Kazuyuki Tsuji, Hisato Hara, Tomoaki Nagashima, Shibata enthusiast, 岡村毅與志, Masayoshi Namiki
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 13-16, 1991.

Japanese Article 5.Effect on D cells of prostaglandin E1,E2 under H2 blocker large doses
渡辺正光, 柏木秀幸, 福地康紀, 高野哲, 鳥海弥寿雄, 梅沢充, 木村恵三, 小村伸朗, 秋元博, 青木照明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 17-20, 1991.

Japanese Article 6. Effect to give to a rat experiment ulcer of proton pump inhibitor (NC-1300-O-3)
Akira Okano, Haruki Takahashi, Yumi Kume, Mimori success child, Noriko Shono, 董秀芸, Hiroshi Sato, Haruki Mori
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 21-24, 1991.

Japanese Article 7. Examination - using effect - CCK receptor antagonist MK-329,L-365,260 to give to acid secretion of the CCK and gastric fundal gland part histidine decarboxylase activity
Seiji Kawabata, Kanayama lap next, Miyazaki Yoshiji, 篠村恭久, Seiichiro Tarui
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 25-28, 1991.

Japanese Article 8.Comparison with the pH monitor intragastric after H2 blocker breakfast for 24 hours of the administration method and the administration method before going to bed
田村由美子, 長瀬裕平, 友野寛樹, 宮本昭彦, 阿部俊之, 松丸一彦, 大溝雅史, 上東洋一, 正岡一良, 屋嘉比康治, 中村孝司
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 29-32, 1991.

Japanese Article 9. About effect to give to gastric secretion suppression with the omeprazole IV infusion and gastrin, gastric juice histamine
Haruki Takahashi, Akira Okano, Yumi Kume, Mimori success child, Noriko Shono, 董秀雲, Hiroshi Sato, Haruki Mori
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 33-36, 1991.

Japanese Article 10. A change of pH in the remaining stomach after the gastrectomy
Hiroshi Asahi *, Tadashi Abe *, Hiroaki Omori *, Nishinari Naoto *, Hiroshi Ito sincerity *, Shinya Matsuno *, Kazuyoshi Saito *, Kazuhiko Oikawa **
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 37-40, 1991.

Japanese Article About control and problems of the gastric-acid secretion for the long term of the 11.Gastrinoma case
Keizo Kimura, Hideyuki Kashiwagi, Mitsuru Umezawa, Yasushi Fukuchi period, 福地由朗, Shinnichiro Koga, Masamitsu Watanabe, Yutaka Suzuki, 小林伸朗, Hiroshi Akimoto, Teruaki Aoki
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 41-44, 1991.

Japanese Article 12.The condition of a patient of the gastric mucosa lesion development at obstructive jaundice
伊藤浩信*, 旭博史*, 阿部正*, 大森浩明*, 斎藤和好*, 堀内三郎**, 小野繁**
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 45-48, 1991.

Japanese Article Effect of the lansoprazole on pH intragastric for 1.24 hours
Takayuki Kinpara, Michio Hongo, Shuichi Ohara, Shinichiro Abe, Satoshi Moriyama, Shigeru Asagi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 49-52, 1991.

Japanese Article Effect to give to intragastric pH of 2.Proton pump inhibitor
Matsumoto ability village, Sachiko Murakami, Komatsu Hironao, Mountain pass 1,000 clothes, Masashi Yamazaki, Yuji Kawamoto, 末永敏彰, Nakamura Masuo, Yutaka Mieno, Michio Nakamura, Wide arrow kernel, Toshio Shirakawa, Masanori Inoue, Goro Kajiyama
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 53-56, 1991.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect on flora out of the intragastric liquid of patients with gastric ulcer with the 3.New proton pump inhibitor (AG-1749) administration
Moat Shinji, Tamura Watami, Yoshihiro Fukuda, Hinuma Kazuo, Akihiko Kawaura, 奥井雅憲, Shinji Nishikawa, Takashi Shimoyama
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 57-60, 1991.

Japanese Article 4. About the change of a clinical response and the serum gastrin level with the proton pump inhibitor
Toshiyuki Kato, Seishi Saito, Masayuki Niwa, Kazuei Ogoshi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 61-64, 1991.

Japanese Article 1. Basic examination about the H+,K+ -ATPase antagonism expression of proton pump inhibitor
Hisato Hara *, 岡村毅與志 *, Toshikatsu Okumura *, 北守茂 *, Shibata enthusiast *, Kazumichi Harada *, Masayoshi Namiki *, Koji Kubo **
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 65-68, 1991.

Japanese Article 3. Morphologic examination about the effect to give to parietal cells of the proton pump inhibitor
Hiroyuki Karasawa, Norio Kimura, Norio Tani, Masafumi Hara, Nobumi Muto, Hitoshi Kondo, Masayuki Miyazawa, Tsuyoshi Miwa, Keiichi Watanabe *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 73-76, 1991.

Japanese Article 5. About effect of singularity of H+/K+ -ATPase inhibitor (Omeprazole) and the combination therapy on gastrointestinal hormone of the rat gastric mucosa
Yoshinori Sakai, Iwasaki Arira, Yutaka Matsuo
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 81-84, 1991.

Japanese Article 6. Effects of proton pump inhibitor AG1749 for rabbit separation barrier cells and stomach vesicle H+,K+ -ATPase
Kentaro Sugano, Excellent wealth Hitomi, Masaru Kato, Hisashi Saito kernel
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 85-88, 1991.

Japanese Article 7. Site protection effects of the proton pump inhibitor
Kazunari Koike, Tetsuo Arakawa, Hiroyuki Sakuma, Kazuhide Higuchi, Takashi Fukuda, Hajime Nakamura, Kenzo Kobayashi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 89-91, 1991.

Japanese Article 8. About gastrin increase depression effect of gastrin increase effects - of the proton pump inhibitor particularly enprostil -
History of Shun Nasu, Tadashi Misawa, A great variety of kinds rock Yoshiharu, Hiroshi Fujishima, Naohiko Harada, 良永雅弘, Kazuya Akaboshi, Masafumi Tanaka, Hajime Nawata
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 93-96, 1991.

Japanese Article 1.From association with acid and effect - prostaglandin to give to gastric mucosa defense mechanisms of the acid-secreting stimulation
樋口和秀, 木村修二, 荒川哲男, 小林絢三
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 99-102, 1991.

Japanese Article 2. Effect on gastric mucus of the exogenous and intrinsic intragastric acidity change
Akio Matsumoto, Shuji Asada, 奥村泰啓, 滝内比呂也, Hirofumi Miyoshi *, Ichiro Hirata *, Saburo Oshiba *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 103-106, 1991.

Japanese Article About the effect on intragastric PH with the gastric-acid secretion inhibitor around 3.H2-blocker and defense factor
Akira Yoshida, Masaki Kitajima, 池田義毅, Tatsuo Kiuchi, Mizuhiro Mogi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 107-110, 1991.

Japanese Article 4. Effect to give gastric-acid secretion of the dopamine, a gastric mucosa defense factor
Hiromitsu Kuroda, Yoji Nagahata, Koichiro Takeda, Kenji Tomonaga, Shoot appearance; Hideki, Yoichi Saito, Lord of back river chapter *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 111-114, 1991.

Japanese Article 5. About an association between gastric secretion and gastric mucosa blood flow
Mitsuru Aono, Motoyuki Moriga, Masayuki Matsuda
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 23: 115-118, 1991.