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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research
Volume 3, Issue / 1971
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
1. Count of the Cutch calc method gastric acidity measurement in the classroom Toshihiko Nakajima, Hirofumi Suzuki, Muneyasu Sha, Takeshi Saito, Tei Shimomura, Bird dealer Castle man, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Koichi Sengoku, Kazuhiko Aoyagi, 浜口栄祐 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 16-17, 1971. |
2.Of the gastrin (exogenous) test is underlying; a clinical study 佐藤勝巳, 能勢隆, 木下博, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 18-19, 1971. |
3. About gastric-acid secretion abnormality judging from the tetragastrin stimulation method Kenkichi Konishi, 末原幹久, We obtain Shimojo and see it, Minoru Kawano Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 20-21, 1971. |
4. The relationship between in clinical example gastrin-like peptide stimulation and gastric juice electrolyte 新田隆*, 竹内隆*, 堀田哲夫*, 土屋隆*, 本多英邦*, 奥田光夫** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 22-23, 1971. |
5.Gastric secretion response to sustained administration of gastrin 島津久明, 額田克海, 宮田道夫, 小西富夫, 山岸健男 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 24-25, 1971. |
6. A basic study of gastric juice pH telemetering Keiichi Kawai, Hisaki Uematsu, Fumio Misaki Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 26-27, 1971. |
8.Basic examination about Radioimmunoassay of blood Gastrin 矢花剛, 阿部弘, 谷内昭, 木下博, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 29-30, 1971. |
9.Study on mutual relations of a change and the gastric-acid secretion of blood Gastrin level 阿部弘, 矢花剛, 桂田光彦, 今村洋, 室谷富蔵, 石沢光郎, 木下博, 谷内昭, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 31-32, 1971. |
10. About structure and the function of stomach judging from a viewpoint of a connective tissue and the mucopolysaccharide and the duodenal mucous membrane Katsumasa Kira, Ryuji Mizumoto, 倉塚均 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 33-34, 1971. |
11.A gastrocamera image and gastric secretion function (particularly about a gastric fluid volume, hydrochloric acid, pepsin) 原田英雄*, 山県洋二*, 菊地武志*, 三島邦基*, 万袋昌良*, 内多嘉具** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 35-36, 1971. |
12.Gastrin and cytologic study of a fundic gland, the pyloric gland domain 木下博, 坂本真一, 高須重家, 今村洋, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 37-38, 1971. |
13.Study on gastric secretion stimulation and inhibition condition and blood insulin change 大原弘通, 桂田光彦, 鬼原彰, 木下博, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 39-40, 1971. |
15.About bloodstream and the gastric juice secretion of the stomach (the first report) 浅野健夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 42-43, 1971. |
16. About a gastric secretion and the gastric mucosa blood flow in patients with gastroduodenal ulcer and gastric cancer Shoji Okuyama, Keisuke Sakamoto Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 44-45, 1971. |
17. The association of gastric mucosa blood flow (the aminopyrine small quantity intramuscular injection method) and the gastric secretion Kinichi Nakamura, Shiro Hayashi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 46-47, 1971. |
19.About the acidity gastric of patients with peptic ulcer and a gastric juice electrolyte 須賀昭二, 酒井幹生, 丹羽武一郎, 加藤建司, 二宮英 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 49-50, 1971. |
20.Uptake of 35S of the wall of stomach in the Clamping experiment gastric ulcer and excretion to the gastric juice 林徹, 鍋島靖人, 伊藤久雄, 梅原千治 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 51-52, 1971. |
21. Gastric acidity of hyperthyroidism Kazuhiko Aoyagi, Koichi Sengoku, Tadahiko Miyanaga, Tei Shimomura, Takeshi Saito Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 53-54, 1971. |
22. About a gastric secretion and the haemorrhage of digestive tract in the obstructing jaundice case 倉塚均, Ryuji Mizumoto, Katsumasa Kira Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 55-56, 1971. |
23. The gastric-acid secretion in the hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage Haruyuki Kanetani, Kenichi Osawa, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 57-58, 1971. |
24.Examination (in a thing choice method of the technique) of the technique that we saw than the optimal acidity after an operation 西山潔, 藤沢祥夫, 久間祥多, 大久保高明 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 59-60, 1971. |
25. The gastric secretion attitude before and after the elective operation toward peptic ulcer Hisashi Matsuki, 佐藤厳, Kazuhiko Enomoto, Hiroshi Nitta, Terukazu Muto Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 61-62, 1971. |
26. The study on gastric juice and digestion and absorption after the fundusectomy Shinji Miyagi, Kosaku Masuda, Yozo Watanabe, Hidehiko Tsuda, Masumi Okawa, Yoshiaki Sawada, Tadashige Murakami Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 63-64, 1971. |
27.About an effect to be running out of a proximal choice hesitation, and to lift diaphragm esophagus ligament, and to give to gastric-acid secretion of the fundusectomy 青木照明, 斉藤瑛, 佐藤良昭, 中村紀夫, 船津昭, 会沢寛美, 山口吉康, 長尾房大 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 65-66, 1971. |
28.A vagotomy and pepsin secretion 渡辺英生, 櫛田俊明, 榊原幸雄, 田北周平 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 3: 67-68, 1971. |