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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research

Volume 4, Issue / 1972
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1.About reproducibility and a change of the gastric-acid secretion ability to see in a gastrin test
小西建吉, 末原幹久, 下条ゑみ, 河野実
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 5-6, 1972.

Japanese Article 2.The acidity gastric measurement of Histalog in the equivalence case and Tetragastrin
武藤弘, 梅田典嗣
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 7-8, 1972.

Japanese Article Comparison experiment of the nervous gastric secretion response by 3.2-deoxy-D-glucose and the insulin stimulation
島津久明, 木下智治, 額田克海, 宮田道夫, 小西富夫, 山岸健男
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 9-10, 1972.

Japanese Article 4.About the judgment method of the gastric-acid secretion function with the capsule
町田呆二, 河井啓三, 坂本忠成, 松本国光, 嶋田久, 岡部紀正, 小泉裕, 綿貫詰
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 11-12, 1972.

Japanese Article 5. Basic examination (the second report) of gastric juice pH-telemetering
Fumio Misaki, Hisaki Uematsu, Takayuki Miyaoka, Keiichi Kawai
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 13-14, 1972.

Japanese Article 6.Trial of the endoscopic lower gastric mucosa pH measurement
安藤博, 小室恵二, 岡田正, 林章彦, 大原敬二, 綿貫詰
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 15-16, 1972.

Japanese Article 7.About a change of the stomach movement venous blood carbon dioxide content about the gastric-acid secretion
沢田芳昭, 宮城伸二, 渡部洋三
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 17-18, 1972.

Japanese Article 8.Gastric secretion function of the chronic gastritis
増田久之, 井上修一, 荒川弘道, 小泉金次郎, 久保信之, 向島偕
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 19-20, 1972.

Japanese Article 9.The course and gastric juice secretion ability (acid secretion and pepsin activity) of the gastric ulcer
三浦邦彦, 鶴原一郎, 古城治彦, 三好洋二, 佐々木宏之, 佐久本健, 田中弘道
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 21-23, 1972.

Japanese Article 10.The stomach which we mainly looked at from a gastric secretion side, examination of the duodenal ulcer coexistence case
松木久, 佐藤厳, 新田洋, 李奎鉉, 中村康夫, 武藤輝一
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 24-25, 1972.

Japanese Article 11.Stimulation effect of Gastrin-like Peptide
伊藤健, 杉浦弘, 青木勲, 春日井達造
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 26-27, 1972.

Japanese Article 12. The relationship between in clinical example gastrin-like peptide stimulation and gastric juice electrolyte (Part 2)
新田隆, 森川勁介, 竹内降, 堀田哲夫, 土屋隆, 服部節朗, 本多英邦, 林活次*, 奥田光夫**
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 28-29, 1972.

Japanese Article 13.An example of the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome following up
瀬川昂生, 中沢三郎, 小出成行, 内藤靖夫, 今井健二, 松尾信男, 塩原正夫
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 30-31, 1972.

Japanese Article 14. About the judgment of gastric analysis results
Shoichi Yamagata, Akira Ishimori, Hiroyuki Sakurada, 下山維敏, 山形辿, Yoshikuni Miura
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 32-33, 1972.

Japanese Article 15. About gastric juice secretional capacity in various stomach disease and blood Gastrin dynamics
打矢透, 矢花剛, Hiroshi Abe, Akira Yachi, Katsumi Sato, Takeo Wada
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 34-35, 1972.

Japanese Article 16.Gastrin and gastric-acid secretion in out of the blood and the gastric mucosa
北村達也, 石川正, 森治樹, 関敦子, 松尾裕
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 36-37, 1972.

Japanese Article 17. Dynamics of blood gastrin in each gastrectomy operative method
Masakazu Kodama, Yoshihiro Harada, Yuji Kubo, Masaaki Shinoda, Isamu Hashimoto, Keiichi Kawai *
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 38-39, 1972.

Japanese Article 18.About LDH in the gastric juice, a change of Lactic acid,Pyruvate
佐藤八郎, 有馬桂, 笹平直夫, 仲尾嘉之, 内藤正治, 柚木一雄*
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 40-41, 1972.

Japanese Article 19.Change of wall of stomach AMPS in the experimental gastric ulcer
鍋島靖人, 林徹, 伊藤久雄, 梅原千治
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 42-43, 1972.

Japanese Article 20.Pepsin in the experimental gastric ulcer and gastric mucosa
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 44-45, 1972.

Japanese Article 21.Pepsinogen of the person stomach, variety of the pepsin
柚木一雄, 松元實
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 46-47, 1972.

Japanese Article 22.Effect of a gastric juice secretion spur to give it to rat gastric mucosa carbonic anhydrase activity and the enteric hormone
須山哲次, 三好秋馬
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 48-49, 1972.

Japanese Article 23.Are Secretin and Cholecystokinin(CCK) physiological gastric inhibitor?
伊藤漸, 竹内真人
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 50-51, 1972.

Japanese Article 24.Gastric secretion by the extensive enterectomy, change (experimental study) of the stomach bloodstream
中村欣一, 小林滋, 苅部徳郎, 松下昌充, 赤羽清夫, 草野充郎, 林四郎
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 52-53, 1972.

Japanese Article 25.Study on gastric secretion ability of the common bile duct ligation jaundice dog
金山知新, 玉熊正悦, 沖永功太, 碓井昌, 島津久明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 54-55, 1972.

Japanese Article 26.Gastric juice secretion manner of the duodenal ulcer case by the pentagastrin stimulation method
塩田彰郎, 平島毅, 原輝彦, 竹島徹, 塩田悌司, 竹内英世, 佐藤博
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 56-57, 1972.

Japanese Article 27.About gastric acid under tetragastrin,histimin and the insulin stimulation and pepsin secretion
渡辺英生, 榊原幸雄, 田北周平
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 58-59, 1972.

Japanese Article 28.About effect to give to the gastric juice secretion of the vagotomy
榊原幸雄, 櫛田俊明, 蔵本守雄, 桑島輝夫, 平野宇一, 田北周平
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 60-61, 1972.

Japanese Article 29.About the effect to give to the gastric secretion of the operation running out of a lot of all stomach preservation hesitation on duodenal ulcer
斎藤瑛, 青木照明, 山口吉康, 松島孝雄, 猪又義光, 江尻和正, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 4: 62-63, 1972.