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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research
Volume 6, Issue / 1974
English Article Japanese Article
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1. Effect of the phosphoric acid solution administration in effects (the fourth report) - dog of the calcitonin which gives it to a gastric secretion Saburo Obi *, Yoshiki Nishizawa **, Teruo Okamoto **, Kanji Nozaki **, Takao Morimoto **, Shinichi Noda **, Hirotoshi Morii **, Masahisa Wada ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 1-3, 1974. |
2. An experimental study about the effect of the pyloric antrum which gives it to a humoral gastric secretion Masato Kinoshita *, Hideo Watanabe *, 甲藤延重 *, Yoshiaki Kano *, 小西正甫 *, Nobuhiko Komi *, Yukio Sakakibara ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 4-6, 1974. |
3.Effect (experimental examination) to give to the gastric-acid secretion of the stomach vagus nerve each branch and pyloric antrum part 山岸健男, 島津久明, 小西富夫, 谷昌尚, 高橋忠雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 7-8, 1974. |
4. Cinchophen gastric ulcer and gastric secretion : Especially ulcers local acidity and pepsin 長町幸雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 9-11, 1974. |
5.Emotion and gastric juice (the first report) 長門宏, 中川哲也, 高山武彦, 河野友信, 中井吉英 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 12-14, 1974. |
7. About the effect of clinical course and the acid secretional capacity (the first report) therapeutic drug Kenkichi Konishi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 16-17, 1974. |
8. An effect to give to intragastric pH of the anticholinergic agent and a gastric secretion Mikio Inoue, Kazuo Kuwano, Hiroyuki Taketomi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 18-21, 1974. |
9.Study on acid protein decomposition osmogen (APZ) and acid proteinase (APE) 川村武, 山形敬一, 石森章, 桜田弘之, 山形廸, 三浦義邦, 津田克二 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 22-23, 1974. |
10.Change of gastric juice secretion from Heidenhain Pouch in the running out of various hesitations and the serum gastrin 新田洋, 武藤輝一, 松木久, 佐藤厳, 中村康夫, 李奎鉉, 野沢晃一, 奈良井省吾 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 24-25, 1974. |
11. The effect of the drug which gives it to a gastrin secretion and the hormone Masao Shiobara, Saburo Nakazawa, 瀬川昂生, Kenji Imai, Nobuo Matsuo, Yoshiki Yamamoto Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 26-27, 1974. |
12. Examination of a serum gastrin level at the food administration and intragastric pH Yoshiki Yamamoto, Saburo Nakazawa, 瀬川昂生, Kenji Imai, Nobuo Matsuo, Masao Shiobara Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 28-30, 1974. |
13.About blood Gastrin release in various endurance tests 杉下智昭*, 石田稔*, 関口利和*, 小林節雄*, 竹内真人**, 伊藤漸** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 31-33, 1974. |
14. About a gastric emptying study with the glycine solution in various stomach disease and the change of the serum gastrin level Katsunori Saigenji *, 為近義夫 *, Haruya Okabe *, Hisashi Mitsui three *, New Hiroshi Seki *, Naramoto Junichi *, Hideo Ishida **, Noriko Takashima ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 34-36, 1974. |
15.Study on presence style of the gastrin in out of the blood and the tissue 今田正威, 矢花剛, 高須重家, 谷内昭, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 37-39, 1974. |
16.About a difference of the metabolism of person composition gastrin and the tetragastrin 長尾之弘, 児玉求, 松山敏哉, 田村泰三, 江崎治夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 40-41, 1974. |
17.It is the comparison with the radioimmunoassay method and the gastrin kit method (CIS) by the double antibody assay using -Wilson antisera about the basic examination of blood gastrin assay and the clinical application results 角本芳隆*, 打矢透*, 木下博*, 安斎哲郎*, 和賀豊**, 今田正威**, 矢花剛**, 鬼原彰**, 近藤文衛**, 谷内昭**, 和田武雄** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 42-44, 1974. |
18. Effect of secretin which gives it to blood gastrin Katsuji Tsuda *, Shoichi Yamagata *, Akira Ishimori *, Hiroyuki Sakurada *, 山形廸 *, Yoshikuni Miura *, Takeshi Kawamura *, Tadashi Yamazaki ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 45-48, 1974. |
19.Antrectomy, effect on serum gastrin level of exogenous secretin in the nonresected dog 西井三徳, 倉田稔, 村林紘二, 日高直昭, 古田紘一, 広正彦, 松本征海, 五島博道, 山本宣一, 田中誠, 吉田寿, 伊東敬之 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 49-50, 1974. |
20. Isolation of the tissue gastrin by the gel filtration technique Tadao Ito *, Masaharu Tatsuta *, 奥田茂 *, Hiroshi Tamura *, 乾久朗 *, Tomoko Nishio ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 51-52, 1974. |
21. A study on blood gastrin Katsumi Konno, Takeshi Hara way, Tatsuo Kuwahara, Motoki Tanaka, Isobe wise person, Toshio Hattori, Masayuki Okada, Cormorant Tatsuya Ura, Iwasaki Arira, Isao Takahashi, Masanao Abe, Hisashi Maeda, Takao Hayashi, Masaaki Iwasaki, Jun Takahashi, Toshio Honda, Kaizo Ariga Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 53-54, 1974. |
22.Change (III) of blood gastrin by study (the 19th report) - glycine endurance test of the enteric hormone 北村達也, 松尾裕, 関敦子, 森治樹, 石川正 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 55-56, 1974. |
23.Liver Clearance of the endogenous gastrin 杉山貢, 福島恒男, 阿部哲夫, 鬼頭文彦, 佐藤一美, 西山潔, 杉田秀雄, 藤沢祥夫, 竹村浩, 土屋周二 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 57-59, 1974. |
24.About two - of Insuloma which we experienced recently particularly blood glucose level and serum gastrin level and acidity gastric 平田武臣, 赤木正信, 三隅厚信, 八木泰志, 石本稔, 饒波保, 北岡発矢郎, 岡部正人, 三隅克毅, 木原信市 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 60-61, 1974. |
25. Association with the mucopolysaccharide collagen in stomach blood flow and the wall of stomach Michio Kusano, Kinichi Nakamura, Hideyuki Ichikawa, Shiro Hayashi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 62-63, 1974. |
26.Mucous experimental and clinical examination in peptic ulcer 今井健二, 中沢三郎, 瀬川昂生, 松尾信男, 山本義樹, 塩原正夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 64-65, 1974. |
27.About relations of quantity of hexose and the acidity gastric out of in the mucopolysaccharide (the second report) gastric mucosa in the disease of stomach and the gastric juice 関野壮, 斎藤泰弘, 石川隆章, 粒良邦彦 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 66-68, 1974. |
28.About the course and the gastric-acid secretion ability of the gastric ulcer about observation according to - each stage and the participation of the effect factor 関山伸男*, 室谷富蔵*, 佐藤勝巳*, 奥瀬哲**, 高須重家***, 角田了***, 株本敞*** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 69-70, 1974. |
29. Stomach, the active stage of the duodenal ulcer, blood gastrin level and gastric acid in the healing period, dynamics of the pepsin Osamu Kondo, Kiyoko Imamura, 佐島敬清, Shozo Omata Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 71-72, 1974. |
30. Peptic ulcer and Gastric Emptying: Especially gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer difference 宮岡孝幸*, 三崎文夫*, 川井啓市*, 木本邦彦** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 73-75, 1974. |
31. The gastric juice secretional capacity of the person gastric ulcer to give it an order to start high Hiroyuki Sasaki, Tsuruhara Ichiro, Kunihiko Miura, Hiromichi Tanaka, Ishihara country Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 76-77, 1974. |
32.It is caused by observation of - electron microscope study about the reactivity of the parietal cell after the change of the parietal cell after the elective operation for the duodenal ulcer and an operation 加藤弘一, 宮上寛之, 塩野潔, 渡部洋三, 宮城伸二, 城所働, 芹沢俊明 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 78-80, 1974. |
33.The course and gastric-acid secretion of the duodenal ulcer 武藤弘, 梅田典嗣, 丹羽寛文 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 81-83, 1974. |
34.Gastric juice secretion change of the duodenal ulcer 伊藤健, 杉浦弘, 伊藤克昭, 春日井達造 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 84-85, 1974. |
35.Gastric cancer with the hyperacidity 藤野冷子*, 丹羽寿美*, 黄沾*, 平嶋登志夫*, 谷礼夫*, 福富久之*, 服部信*, 崎田隆夫*, 広田映五**, 佐野量造** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 86-87, 1974. |
36. The acid secretional capacity of the diffuse cancer Hisashi Fukutomi *, Sosuke Fujikawa *, Munekichi Koga *, 黄沾 *, Toshio Hirashima *, Norio Tani *, Makoto Hattori *, Takao Sakida *, Teruyuki Hirota **, Tadakazu Shimoda **, Ryozo Sano ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 88-90, 1974. |
37.Gastric juice secretion change in the gastric cancer 杉浦弘, 伊藤健, 伊藤克昭, 春日井達造 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 91-92, 1974. |
38.About the gastric secretion after the selective proximal vagotomy 中村哲彦, 田中満善, 横田稔昭, 海野勝利, 春山茂雄, 山崎晃良, 大野博通, 佐藤憲尚, 轟敬, 本間静夫, 北原哲夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 93-95, 1974. |
Effect of the proximal selective vagotomy to give it to vagal release of Gastrin by 39.Insulin hypoglycaemia Yoshimitsu Inomata, Teruaki Aoki, 船津昭, Ei Saito, Hiroshi Akimoto, Fusahiro Nagao Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 96-98, 1974. |
40. The examination of the gastric secretion in the anastomotic ulcer Tetsuaki Hayashi, Jinichi Kameyama, It is the best among Tsukui, Tadashi Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Sekine, Toshio Sato Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 99-100, 1974. |
41. An experimental study about the gastric secretion ability sthenia after the extensive small intestinal resection Yoshiaki Kano *, Hideo Watanabe *, Masato Kinoshita *, Nobuhiko Komi *, Yukio Sakakibara ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 101-102, 1974. |
42.Acid, pepsin-secreting change of the selective vagotomy for the duodenal ulcer and the antrectomy enforcement case 西村昌幸, 鴇田典夫, 花上仁, 古屋正人, 豊田元, 北条一宇, 中川自夫, 阿部令彦 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 6: 103-105, 1974. |