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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research
Volume 7, Issue / 1975
English Article Japanese Article
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1.About a gastrin test by Maximal dose and submaximal dose 能勢隆*, 打矢透*, 矢花剛*, 室谷富蔵**, 佐藤勝己** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 1-2, 1975. |
2.Basic examination about a person by Gastrin radioimmunoassay kit(CIS) and the mouse serum gastrin measurement 立石弘, 大西淳夫, 野見山世司, 間島進 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 3-5, 1975. |
3.Significance of Big Gastrin over study on presence style - release of the gastrin, the metabolism 打矢透*, 角本芳隆*, 矢花剛*, 高須重家*, 谷内昭*, 和田武雄*, 佐藤勝己** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 6-8, 1975. |
4. Is particularly the arteriovenous amplitude in each organ and the significance invivo metabolism - of the endogenous gastrin Ken Yamanaka, Mitsugi Sugiyama, Masayuki Niwa, Toshio Takizawa, Toshibumi Ohashi, Tetsuo Abe, Fumihiko Kito, Kiyoshi Nishiyama, Hideo Sugita, Yoshio Fujisawa, Tsuneo Fukushima, Hiroshi Takemura, Shuji Tsuchiya Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 9-11, 1975. |
5.It is particularly the change in the placenta and children placenta passage-related - of the endogenous gastrin 杉山貢, 山中研, 丹羽正幸, 滝沢利男, 大橋俊文, 阿部哲夫, 鬼頭文彦, 西山潔, 杉田秀雄, 福島恒男, 藤沢祥夫, 山岸俊彦, 竹村浩, 大久保高明, 渡辺三作, 土屋周二 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 12-14, 1975. |
6. A change of blood gastrin in patients with head trauma Masahiko Noguchi, Gain swamp studies, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Jun Kawano, Takenobu Kamata, Yutaka Abe Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 15-17, 1975. |
7. The examination of the serum gastrin level in a liver damage case and the renal failure case Yoshihisa Kato *, Tadashi Tsuru exhibition *, Masanori Hirano *, 鈴木侑信 *, Kazunori Matsumoto *, Eight crossroads Yukinobu *, Tatsuya Motoki *, Satoru Murao *, Hitoshi Tagawa **, Kijuro Nomura ***, Kimiko Otsubo ****, Toru Migita ***** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 18-20, 1975. |
8.About relations with significance in the gastric analysis of the examination with pH meter particularly the existence pipe examination of gastric juice 園田仁志, 武井秀夫, 谷村修, 山元国光, 斉藤光 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 21-22, 1975. |
9.Effect (the third report) to give to intragastric pH of the cholinolytic drug and gastric juice secretion 桑野和夫, 武富弘行, 今井義治, 喜田剛, 奥村幸哉, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 23-24, 1975. |
10. About a change of intragastric pH of a food composition and the albino rat Shoji Horii, Seiji Yoshikawa Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 25-27, 1975. |
11.Examination of the case indicating the gastric juice secretion drop 古賀宗吉*, 藤川荘介*, 丹羽寿美*, 藤野冷子*, 福富久之**, 新井三郎**, 鈴木荘太郎**, 吉森正喜**, 中村耕三**, 小黒八七郎** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 28-30, 1975. |
12. The response of factors out of the gastric juice to succagogue Takeshi Kawamura, Shoichi Yamagata, Akira Ishimori, Hiroyuki Sakurada, 山形廸, Yoshikuni Miura, Katsuji Tsuda Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 31-32, 1975. |
13.Examination of the gastric juice secretion with the caerulein administration 松尾信男*, 中沢三郎**, 瀬川昂生**, 今井健二**, 山本義樹**, 塩原正夫** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 33-34, 1975. |
14. Effect of the calcium load in effects (the fifth report) - dog of the calcitonin which gives it to a gastric secretion Saburo Obi *, Shigeru Yano *, 辛島喜廣 *, Kanji Nozaki **, Yoshiki Nishizawa **, Shinichi Noda ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 35-36, 1975. |
15.Histamine out of gastric secretion ability and the gastric juice 鵜浦達也*, 田中基樹*, 原威道*, 桑原龍雄*, 今野勝己*, 高橋勇夫*, 高橋淳*, 本田利男*, 有賀槐三*, 伊藤武雄**, 小林茂三郎** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 37-39, 1975. |
16.CAMP in gastric juice and CGMP 熊谷純一, 岡博, 武藤弘, 梅田典嗣, 丹羽寛文 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 40-42, 1975. |
17. About effect to give to a gastric secretion of the stomach blood flow Toshibumi Ohashi, Tetsuo Abe, Fumihiko Kito, Masayuki Niwa, Kazumi Sato, Takeshi Yonezawa, Mitsugi Sugiyama, Kiyoshi Nishiyama, Yoshio Fujisawa, Tsuneo Fukushima, Shuji Tsuchiya Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 43-44, 1975. |
Examination of the 18.Pyloro-oxyntic reflex Nishii triple-purpose, Hiroshi Murabayashi two, Minoru Kurata, Naoaki Hidaka, Sumikazu Yamamoto, Takayuki Ito Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 45-47, 1975. |
19.Peptic ulcer and Gastrin Emptying (the second report) - ulcer stage and Gastric Emptying 宮岡孝幸, 木本邦彦, 三崎文夫, 川井啓市 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 48-49, 1975. |
20.Clinical examination about dilution and the discharge of the gastric contents 塩原正夫, 中沢三郎, 瀬川昂生, 今井健二, 山本義樹, 祖父江国雄, 山田憲一 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 50-51, 1975. |
21.Purified fractional physiological function of Urogastrone 伊藤漸, 竹内真人, 相沢勇, 本多隆一, 高柳隆一, 田部三男治, 樋渡克俊, 一色重雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 52-54, 1975. |
22.Gastric juice pepsin compartmentation by the polylye re-llama id electrophoresis and the fixed-quantity 佐藤久留士*, 近藤哲夫*, 渡辺一晶*, 山田哲*, 和田武雄*, 能勢隆**, 佐藤勝巳** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 55-57, 1975. |
23.Analysis of the gastric juice protein by the SDS-Acrylamide gel electrophoresis 長谷川吉康, 高橋正憲, 大沢仁 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 58-59, 1975. |
24. About gastric acidity, pepsin and pepsinogen in the gastric mucosa Hiroshi Sukigara, Kiyoshi Yokochi, Yutaka Yazaki, Makoto Ito, Masao Kozuka, Toshihiko Takeuchi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 60-61, 1975. |
25.Effect to give to pepsin secretion of various antacid 小島紘一, 森賀本幸 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 62-64, 1975. |
26.Gastric juice pepsin activity and mucosubstances 関野壮, 斉藤泰弘, 村田克己, 粒良邦彦 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 65-67, 1975. |
27. A non-parietal cells-related ingredient of gastric juice at Acute restraint-cold stress in the rat particularly about a change of Mucosubstances. Tetsu Hayashi *, G. B. J. Glass** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 68-70, 1975. |
28.Effect to give to the gastric secretion of the selective proximal vagotomy 秋元博, 青木照明, 斉藤瑛, 猪又義光, 江尻和正, 佐々木昭治, 長尾房大 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 71-73, 1975. |
29.The acid effect that it decreases by it of the selective proximal vagotomy 中島俊彦*, 与儀進*, 熱田二士行*, 仙石耕一*, 大倉久直** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 74-76, 1975. |
About a difference by the presence or absence of serum gastrin level - instruction technique after 30.SPV Tetsuhiko Nakamura, Chen daylight, Mitsuru Tanaka good, 横田稔昭, Shigeo Haruyama, Hiromichi Ono, Ken Sato still, 轟敬, Shizuo Honma Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 77-78, 1975. |
31.About eccrine correlation in one of the running out of choice hesitation for the duodenal ulcer and pylorus molding technique 宮上寛之, 加藤弘一, 塩野潔, 沢田芳昭, 渡部洋三, 城所働 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 79-80, 1975. |
32.Views (experimental examination) of the electron microscope study of the parietal cell after running out of hesitation, vestibular region excision and the merger surgery 高橋忠雄, 島津久明, 山岸健男, 小西富夫, 谷昌尚, 朝隈貞雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 81-83, 1975. |
33. The experimental study about the gastric secretion suppression mechanism 近藤肇彦, Hideo Watanabe, Masato Kinoshita, Yoshiaki Kano, Toshiaki Kushida, Nobuhiko Komi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 84-85, 1975. |
34.Vagus nerve participation in the gastrin secretion at gastric dilatation stimulation 白鳥常男, 岡林敏彦, 錦織方人, 桜井立良, 島野吉裕, 三崎三郎, 稲次直樹, 桑田博文, 松原康泰, 村田省吾, 金岡敏彦 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 86-87, 1975. |
35.Change of the serum gastrin during the running out of blood glucose level by the insulin stimulation and various hesitations 新田洋, 松木久, 中村康夫, 李奎鉉, 野沢晃一, 奈良井省吾, 田近貞克, 高桑一喜, 武藤輝一 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 88-89, 1975. |
36.The ups and downs of the hexosamine in gastric operations and gastric juice, wall of stomach 市川英幸, 荻原廸彦, 草野充郎, 林四郎 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 90-91, 1975. |
37.Examination of the gastric acid in the gastroduodenal ulcer and the pepsin secretion 亀山仁一, 林哲明, 佐々木巌, 桃野哲, 津久井一, 山崎匡, 関根毅, 佐藤寿雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 92-93, 1975. |
38.Experimental hypergastrinemia by Fundectomy 竜田正晴, 山村倫子, 伊藤忠雄, 奥田茂, 田村宏 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 94-95, 1975. |
39.Significance of the extensive gastrectomy including the pyloric antrum removal for peptic ulcer judging from gastric juice secretion 平田武臣, 赤木正信, 三隅厚信, 岡部正人, 久野則明, 北岡発矢郎, 三隅克毅, 新城惟弘, 八木泰志, 石本稔, 饒波保 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 96-98, 1975. |
40.As pathophysiology - master of of the gullet as the rebuilding esophagus of the excision cancer of the esophagus case than serum gastrin, gastric juice secretion and histologic views 李奎鉉, 奈良井省吾, 松木久, 新田洋, 中村康夫, 野沢晃一, 田近貞克, 高桑一喜, 曽我淳, 藤巻雅夫, 武藤輝一 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 99-100, 1975. |
41.Effect to give to gastric secretion of all very much bowel subtotal extirpation 下村禎*, 宇都宮譲二**, 青柳和彦**, 浜口栄祐** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 101-102, 1975. |
About 42.Aging and gastric juice basal secretion Yukio Nagamachi, Taniguchi chapter Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 103-104, 1975. |
43. The gastric secretion dynamics of person peptic ulcer to give it an order to start high Toshibumi Futagawa *, Katsura Arima *, Nakao Yoshiyuki *, 鍾仁華 *, Noriyuki Shiaku *, Hachiro Sato *, Kazuo Yunoki **, Teruya Ichiki **, Minoru Matsumoto **, Noriichi Morita ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 105-107, 1975. |
44. Biopsy histology and the gastric juice secretional capacity of the endoscopic normal person Hiroyuki Sasaki, Tsuruhara Ichiro, Yoji Miyoshi, 杉山将洋, Kunihiko Miura, Hiromichi Tanaka, Ishihara country Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 108-109, 1975. |
45.Protruded lesion of stomach and the acidity gastric 鈴木荘太郎*, 福富久之*, 新井三郎*, 吉森正喜*, 中村耕三*, 小黒八七郎*, 藤川荘介**, 丹羽寿美**, 藤野冷子**, 古賀宗吉**, 佐野量造***, 広田映五*** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 110-112, 1975. |
46.The course and gastric juice secretion of peptic ulcer 武藤弘, 梅田典嗣, 丹羽寛文, 熊谷純一, 岡博, 織田敏次 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 113-115, 1975. |
47.Mucopolysaccharide in the course and the gastric juice of peptic ulcer 今井健二, 中沢三郎, 瀬川昂生, 山本義樹, 塩原正夫, 山田憲一, 祖父江国雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 116-118, 1975. |
48.About a clinical course and the gastric-acid secretion ability (the second report) - gastrin twice stimulation method 小西健吉 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 7: 119-122, 1975. |