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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research
Volume 8, Issue / 1976
English Article Japanese Article
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1.Examination about dose response of tetragastrin for the gastric-acid secretion 村田省吾, 白鳥常男, 岡林敏彦, 島野吉裕, 三崎三郎, 桜井立良, 錦織方人, 桑田博文, 金岡敏彦, 森本洋一, 松田泰次 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 1-2, 1976. |
2.Change of the acidity gastric before and after the Mann-Williamson experiment and serum gastrin level 新城惟弘, 赤木正信, 三隅厚信, 岡部正人, 池田恒紀, 北岡発矢郎, 平田武臣, 八木泰志, 藤島捷年, 石本稔, 高野定, 松浦憲司, 坂本不出来 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 3-5, 1976. |
3. A stomach hemodynamics change at small bowel massive resection Tadao Manabe, Takashi Suzuki, Ken Kajiwara Hiro, Katsuhiro Tamura, Toru Todo Ichiro, Kazuo Honjo Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 6-8, 1976. |
4.Effect and the clinical significance to give it to gastric juice secretion of glucagon 中目千之*, 石森章*, 桜田弘之*, 山形廸*, 津田克二*, 三浦義邦*, 川村武*, 本郷道夫*, 小泉文明*, 山形敞一*, 関根毅**, 山崎匡** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 9-10, 1976. |
5. The examination in gastrin-secreting response - by the load in the arginine vein particularly the small intestinal resection dog Ken Kajiwara Hiro, Katsuhiro Tamura, Toru Todo Ichiro, Hiroshi Ohara, Kunio Matsuoka, Tadao Manabe, Takashi Suzuki, Kazuo Honjo Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 11-13, 1976. |
Blood Gastrin dynamics in 6.Maggi Bouillon test 渡辺一晶 *, Yoshitaka Kakumoto *, Shuichi Maeda *, Nakagawa Toru *, 三谷深泰 *, 打矢透 *, Nobuo Sekiyama *, 矢花剛 *, 高須重家 *, Akira Yachi *, Takeo Wada *, Katsumi Sato **, Tomizo Muroya ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 15-17, 1976. |
7.Comparison between blood gastrin change and gastric-acid secretion ability - normal human and patients with gastric ulcer by the Ewald's test load 谷礼大*, 鈴木荘太郎*, 原沢茂*, 三輪剛*, 崎田隆夫**, 福富久之*** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 18-19, 1976. |
8.The gastric secretion in the duodenal ulcer and blood gastrin 横山行男, 本間マリオ, 隅井浩治, 日高徹, 末永健二, 奥原種臣, 三好秋馬 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 20-21, 1976. |
9. About a gastric secretion in liver cirrhosis and blood gastrin dynamics Toru Hidaka, Main room Mario, Yukio Yokoyama, Corner well Koji, Kenji Suenaga, Hiroiku Kawakami, 奥原種臣, Akima Miyoshi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 22-23, 1976. |
10. The examination by upper gastrointestinal tract lesion (the fourth report) - gastric secretion dynamics in patients with head trauma Masahiko Noguchi, Jun Kawano, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Gain swamp studies, Takenobu Kamata, Yutaka Abe Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 24-25, 1976. |
11. Thyroid disease and serum gastrin Kazuhiko Aoyagi *, Toshiro Ichikawa *, Kunihiko Ito ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 26-27, 1976. |
12.Experimental study about the gastric secretion regulatory mechanism 仁木寛治, 近藤肇彦, 木下真人, 宮本英之, 加納嘉明, 櫛田俊明, 渡辺英生, 古味信彦 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 29-30, 1976. |
13.Examination before and after the surgery in the change of the quantity of Cl- in gastric juice and clinical applied - particularly peptic ulcer symptom 丹羽正幸, 杉山貢, 滝沢利男, 福島恒男, 土屋周二 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 31-32, 1976. |
14.Analysis about the gastric phase-related secretion of the duodenal ulcer case 谷昌尚*, 島津久明*, 小西富夫*, 山岸健男*, 高橋忠雄*, 朝隈貞雄*, 井原悠紀夫*, 阿部薫** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 33-34, 1976. |
15.After S.P.V technique, it is gastric-acid secretion in the Insulin stimulation and the change of the serum gastrin level 秋元博, 青木照明, 斉藤瑛, 猪又義光, 江尻和正, 山崎義幸, 佐々木昭治, 須田健夫, 長尾房大 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 35-36, 1976. |
16.Reexamination of insulin as the vagus nerve spur that we saw than a serum gastrin level 塩野潔, 近藤慶一郎, 宮上寛之, 加藤弘一, 沢田芳昭, 渡部洋三, 城所仂 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 37-38, 1976. |
17.About a response of the serum gastrin by mixed Ewald's test before and after SPV and the insulin stimulation 中村哲彦, 陳晃, 横田稔昭, 大野博通, 佐藤憲尚, 轟敬, 本間静夫, 北原哲夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 39-40, 1976. |
18.The adaptation of the operation running out of selective proximal hesitation and comparison with significance - medical treatment that we particularly saw from a gastric-acid secretion side 杉山貢, 滝沢利男, 丹羽正幸, 山中研, 福島恒男, 土屋周二 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 41-42, 1976. |
19.Effect on gastric juice secretion by the laparotomy (experimental study) 松本俊彦, 竹山茂, 山口明夫, 今堀努, 磯部次正, 八尾直志, 浅野健, バンバーグ・ソンディー, 加藤寛幸, 西田良夫, 宮崎逸夫 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 44-45, 1976. |
20.Experimental examination due to the effect -Heidenhain Pouch dog to give to gastric juice secretion of the sugar infusion 田近貞克, 松木久, 新田洋, 李奎鉉, 奈良井省吾, 松原要一, 武藤輝一 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 46-47, 1976. |
21.About the mechanism of action of the inhibiting factor in the rat stomach stimulation acid secretion 中川享, 渡辺一晶, 矢花剛, 関山伸男, 高須重家, 谷内昭, 和田武雄 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 48-49, 1976. |
22.Experimental study about the gastric secretion inhibition mechanism 日高直昭, 倉田稔, 西井三徳, 村林紘二, 山本宣一, 黒田弘之, 伊東敬之 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 50-52, 1976. |
23.Examination of the gastric secretion enzyme inhibitor in the rat perfusion stomach 青野充*, 小島紘一*, 森賀本幸*, 矢島治明** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 53-54, 1976. |
24.About inhibition of secretin for the gastric juice secretion by the synthetic gastrin stimulation 金岡敏彦, 白鳥常男, 岡林敏彦, 島野吉裕, 三崎三郎, 桜井立良, 錦織方人, 桑田博文, 村田省吾, 森本洋一 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 55-56, 1976. |
25. About effect to give to proteolysis activity in the gastric juice of various stimulants and the gastric mucosa It is Masahiko in a dragon, 土橋敬弘, Pucheng Sanshiro, Masayoshi Nakamura, Masanori Inoue, Ichiro Kawamura, Kazuko Kawagoe, Mackerel river Wei, Tetsuji Suyama, Akima Miyoshi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 58-59, 1976. |
26. A change of the gastric juice pepsin activity over time Toshibumi Futagawa *, 鍾仁華 *, Nakao Yoshiyuki *, Katsura Arima *, Shuji Hashimoto *, Minoru Matsumoto **, Kazuo Yunoki ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 60-61, 1976. |
27.Study on gastric juice and pepsin in the gastric mucosa 桑原龍雄*, 小口公人*, 田中基樹*, 服部俊男*, 磯部賢士*, 鵜浦達也*, 高橋勇夫*, 岩崎政明*, 本田利男*, 有賀槐三*, 高橋淳** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 62-63, 1976. |
28. The study on gastric juice pepsin secretion judging from pepsinogen in the gastric mucosa Masao Kozuka, Yagi Eiji, Kiyoshi Yokochi, Hiroshi Sukigara, Makoto Ito, Toshihiko Takeuchi Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 64-65, 1976. |
29.Study on stomach pepsin-secreting change 町野満夫*, 青池晟*, 池内秀夫*, 川井啓市**, 三崎文夫**, 宮岡孝幸**, 木本邦彦**, 佐々木善二**, 田中多恵子** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 66-67, 1976. |
30. Organ culture of the gastric mucosa Tetsuo Kondo *, Sato Hisadome person *, Tetsu Yamada *, Tsuneo Ikeda *, Takeo Wada *, Katsumi Sato ** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 68-69, 1976. |
31. About a change of the gastric juice at Restraint-alcohol-cold stress gastric mucosal damage in the rat Tetsu Hayashi *, George B. Jerzy Glass** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 71-73, 1976. |
32.About a change of the gastric juice glycoprotein sialic acid 森治樹, 石川正, 北村達也, 松尾裕 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 74-75, 1976. |
33.Obstructive jaundice and stomach, hexosamine of the duodenal mucous membrane 苅部徳郎, 市川英幸, 荻原廸彦, 宮沢幸一, 志賀知之, 草野充郎, 林四郎 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 76-77, 1976. |
34.Cyclic AMP (second report) of the person gastric mucosa 武藤弘*, 岡博*, 熊谷純一*, 丹羽寛文*, 織田敏次*, 梅田典嗣**, 崎田隆夫** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 78-79, 1976. |
35. cyclic nucleotides in in the dog gastric mucosa and gastric juice Junichi Kumagai *, Hiroshi Muto *, Hiroshi Oka *, Hirofumi Niwa *, Toshitsugu Oda *, Noritsugu Umeda **, Hisaaki Shimazu *** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 80-81, 1976. |
36.Clinical study on plasma protein ingredient in the gastric juice and secretory IgA 前田修一*, 赤保内良和*, 谷内昭*, 和田武雄*, 佐藤勝巳** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 82-83, 1976. |
37.Histamine and gastric secretion ability (the fourth report) out of the gastric juice 田中基樹*, 井上富夫*, 今野勝己*, 鵜浦達也*, 高橋勇夫*, 岩崎政明*, 本田利男*, 有賀槐三*, 伊藤武雄**, 小林茂三郎**, 高橋淳*** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 84-85, 1976. |
38.About the significance of the gastric emptying disorder 塩原正夫, 中沢三郎, 瀬川昂生, 今井健二, 肥田野等, 可知常昭, 林繁和 Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 87-88, 1976. |
39.About the effect that association with glycine load gastric emptying study (second report) - particularly the acid-secreting ability and the drug give 幾世橋篤*, 秋間礼二*, 渡辺恵幸*, 外山久太郎*, 西元寺克礼*, 新関寛*, 楢本純一*, 為近義夫*, 三井久三*, 岡部治弥*, 石田秀夫**, 高島憲子**, 荒谷協子** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 89-90, 1976. |
40.About a tissue form and the acidity gastric of the gastric polyp 鈴木荘太郎*, 福富久之*, 吉田茂昭*, 吉森正喜*, 霞朝雄*, 中村耕三*, 小黒八七郎*, 藤川荘介**, 丹羽寿美**, 藤野冷子**, 古賀宗吉**, 広田映五***, 佐野量造*** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 91-92, 1976. |
41.Gastric juice secretion change of the gastric ulcer 杉浦弘*, 伊藤克昭*, 春日井達造*, 伊藤健** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 93-94, 1976. |
42.About a change of the gastric secretion by the aging 石田秀夫*, 高島憲子*, 荒谷協子*, 幾世橋篤**, 秋間礼二**, 渡辺恵幸**, 外山久太郎**, 西元寺克礼**, 新関寛**, 楢本純一**, 為近義夫**, 三井久三**, 岡部治弥** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 95-96, 1976. |
43.Gastric secretion ability in the chronic gastritis 伊藤忠雄*, 竜田正晴*, 奥田茂*, 田村宏*, 山村倫子** Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 8: 97-98, 1976. |