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Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research

Volume 9, Issue / 1977
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. About counting of intragastric pH and the clinical significance
足立坦, Keizo Kawai, 町田杲二, Norimasa Okabe, Yutaka Koizumi, Keiji Ohara, Toshiro Imamura, Takashi Machida, Masaya Suzuki, Watanuki filling
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 1-2, 1977.

Japanese Article 2. About a gastric emptying function (the third report) about - peptic ulcer and smoking
Katsunori Saigenji 1), Hisashi Mitsui three 1), Haruya Okabe 1), 為近義夫 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 3-4, 1977.

Japanese Article Examination of the examination of gastric juice by the 3.Hobsley strange law
Cormorant Tatsuya Ura 1), Motoki Tanaka 1), Tatsuo Kuwahara 1), Masaaki Iwasaki 1), Toshio Honda 1), Kaizo Ariga 1), Ichiro Matsunaga 2), Hiroshi Saito 2), Ken Morita 2), Isao Takahashi 3), Jun Takahashi 3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 5-6, 1977.

Japanese Article 4. About the ups and downs of the acid mucopolysaccharide fraction of gastric mucosa
Hideyuki Ichikawa, Shiro Hayashi, Norio Karibe
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 7-8, 1977.

Japanese Article 5.Study (IV) of the gastric juice mucoprotein -About association with the glucide and lipid -
森治樹, 北村達也, 関敦子, 松尾裕
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 9-10, 1977.

Japanese Article 6. The experimental study about calcium and the gastric secretion
Hida fields, Saburo Nakazawa, 瀬川昂生, Yoshihisa Tsukamoto
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 12-14, 1977.

Japanese Article 7. Experimental research in the small intestine bypass surgery
石田武1), 西村和夫1), 堀公行1), 関谷勝行1), 嶋田安秀1), 裏川公章1), 飯村正彦1), 植田洋二1), 尾崎敞彦1), 田中親彦1), 長瀬真一1), 光野孝雄1), 橘真郎2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 15-17, 1977.

Japanese Article 8.Effect (experimental examination due to the Heidenhain gastral pouch dog) to give to sugar, an amino acid, gastric juice secretion of the fat infusion
田近貞克, 松木久, 新田洋, 磯部茂, 鰐渕勉, 松原要一, 武藤輝一
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 18-20, 1977.

Japanese Article 9. Gastrin-secreting response - by the load in the arginine vein particularly examination (the second report) - in the small intestinal resection dog
Ken Kajiwara Hiro, Katsuhiro Tamura, Kunio Matsuoka, Hiroshi Ohara, Takashi Suzuki, Kazuo Honjo
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 21-23, 1977.

Japanese Article 10.Gastric-acid secretion inhibitory effect of the lipid microsphere hyperalimentation
佐藤日出夫, 川浦幸光, 小森吉晴, 深谷月泉
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 24-25, 1977.

Japanese Article 11. Enterogenous gastrin
山形廸 1), Akira Ishimori 1), Hiroyuki Sakurada 1), Takeshi Kawamura 1), Fumiaki Koizumi 1), 中目干之 1), Michio Hongo 1), Tsuneaki Sato 1), Katsuji Tsuda 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 27-28, 1977.

Japanese Article 12.We can put it for - particularly the insulin study about effect to give to adrenal gastric juice secretion
松本俊彦, 魚岸誠, 小森和俊, 有塚史郎, 宮崎仁見, 八尾直志, 加藤寛幸, 西田良夫, 宮崎逸夫
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 29-30, 1977.

Japanese Article 13.About gastric-acid secretion and the esophagus, gastric mucosa evidence of portal hypertension
稲垣芳則, 佐々木謙伍, 秋元博, 青木照明, 池内準次, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 31-32, 1977.

Japanese Article 14. Blood Gastrin of hyperthyroidism
Kazuhiko Aoyagi 1), Toshiro Ichikawa 1), Koichiro Uehara 1), Nobuyoshi Kimura 1), Kunihiko Ito 2), Takashi Mimura 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 33-34, 1977.

Japanese Article 15. Study of gastrin secretion abnormalities in thyroid disease : In particular α, about the impact of βblocker
清野裕1), 田港朝彦1), 森幸三郎1), 森寺邦三郎1), 池田正毅1), 松倉茂1), 井村裕夫2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 35-36, 1977.

Japanese Article 16. The study on gastrin release mechanism in extraction rat vestibular region mucosa perfusion (Perfusion)
Toru Hidaka 1), Yasushi Matsui success 2), Corner well Koji 2), Yukio Yokoyama 2), Kenji Suenaga 2), Akima Miyoshi 2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 38-39, 1977.

Japanese Article 17.Examination (followup) of the gastric secretory inhibition material in the rat perfusion stomach
青野充, 小島紘一, 森賀本幸, 内野治人
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 40-42, 1977.

Japanese Article 18. The examination of the gastric acidity of the anastomotic ulcer and fasting serum gastrin level
Ishimoto Minoru, Masanobu Akagi, Misumi thickness sincerity, Hisashi Ikeda period, 北岡発矢郎, Takeomi Hirata, 新城惟弘, Yagi Yasushi, 藤島捷年, 饒波保, Masanori Tanimura
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 43-44, 1977.

Japanese Article 19.About intragastric external secretion correlation at test Mir for peptic ulcer and insulin stimulation
塩野潔, 金沢寛, 近藤慶一郎, 宮上寛之, 小島常信, 清水浩, 加藤弘一, 沢田芳昭, 渡部洋三, 城所仂
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 45-46, 1977.

Japanese Article 20.Comparison between blood gastrin change and gastric-acid secretion ability - gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - by the Ewald's test load
谷礼夫1), 原沢茂1), 鈴木荘太郎1), 三輪正彦1), 崎田隆一1), 野見山哲1), 三輪剛1), 宮本二郎2), 崎田隆夫2), 阿部薫3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 47-49, 1977.

Japanese Article 21.Insulin test in after S.P.V. technique
秋元博, 青木照明, 斉藤瑛, 猪又義光, 江尻和正, 佐々木昭治, 須田健夫, 櫛田正敏, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 51-52, 1977.

Japanese Article 22.Secretion change of the endogenous gastrin by the insulin load after the running out of proximal choice hesitation
杉山貢, 滝沢利男, 山中研, 土屋周二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 53-55, 1977.

Japanese Article 23.Change of gastric acid, the pepsin-secreting change by various spurs before and after the selective proximal vagotomy of patients with duodenal ulcer
佐々木昭治, 青木照明, 斉藤瑛, 猪又義光, 江尻和正, 秋元博, 櫛田正敏, 須田建夫, 長尾房大
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 56-57, 1977.

Japanese Article 24. Proximal selective vagotomy and gastric secretion
Hideyuki Miyamoto, Toshikazu Tamura, 近藤肇彦, 小西正甫, Masato Kinoshita, Yoshiaki Kano, Toshiaki Kushida, Hideo Watanabe, Nobuhiko Komi
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 58-59, 1977.

Japanese Article 5.About the postoperative gastric secretion function for the gastroduodenal ulcer symptom examination (II) of the quantity of - Cl- particularly in gastric juice -
山中研, 杉山貢, 丹羽正幸, 滝沢利男, 土屋周二
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 60-62, 1977.

Japanese Article About hypergastrinemia after 26.SPV
Tetsuhiko Nakamura, Kazumichi Nasu, 横田稔昭, Hiromichi Ono, Ken Sato still, 轟敬, Shizuo Honma, Tetsuo Kitahara
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 63-65, 1977.

Japanese Article 27.Relations with the chronic peptic ulcer site of origin and gastric juice secretion
長町幸雄, 谷口章, 緒方伸男, 西田保二, 前田光久, 秋山典夫
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 67-68, 1977.

Japanese Article 28.The development of peptic ulcer by hydrochloric acid and the pepsin dribbling and study on viscous liquid defense quick wit
小島常信, 沢田芳昭, 近藤慶一郎, 宮上寛之, 塩野潔, 清水浩, 加藤弘一, 渡部洋三, 宮城伸二, 西崎弘之, 城所仂
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 69-70, 1977.

Japanese Article 29.The development of experimental peptic ulcer with the gastric juice secretion spur administration
鍾仁華1), 二川俊文1), 有馬桂1), 橋本修治1), 柚木一雄2), 松元實2), 田中貞夫3)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 71-72, 1977.

Japanese Article 30.About association with the CyclicAMP gastric ulcer stage of the person gastric mucosa
武藤弘1), 梅田典嗣1), 崎田隆夫1), 岡博2), 熊谷純一2), 丹羽寛文2), 織田敏次2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 73-74, 1977.

Japanese Article 31.Effect of various spurs on rat pepsin secretion
谷覚, 大塚陽子, 河本光広, 瀬川正昭, 元吉喜信, 続橋隆夫, 小塚久文
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 76-77, 1977.

Japanese Article 32.Examination of Pepsin activity measurements
桑野和夫1), 伊藤健1), 武田博子1), 井上幹夫1), 宮村通典2), 野田敏之2), 中井吉英2), 中川哲也2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 78-79, 1977.

Japanese Article 33.About effect to give to the protein decomposition activity in the gastric juice of various spurs and the gastric mucosa (second report)
辰上雅彦, 野口章男, 中村正義, 井上正規, 浦城三四郎, 川村一郎, 鱗川魏, 須山哲次, 大江慶治, 三好秋馬
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 80-82, 1977.

Japanese Article 34.Examination of the pepsinogen compartmentation in the person gastric mucosa by the fluorescence method
横地潔, 勝見康平, 野口良樹, 八木英司, 鋤柄宏, 伊藤誠, 小塚正雄, 武内俊彦
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 83-85, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect to give to pepsin secretion of 35.Motilin
Ryuichi Takayanagi, Shigeo Isshiki, 相澤勇, Zen Ito, Takuji Nakamura
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 87-88, 1977.

Japanese Article 36.Effect to give to acid of exogenous Calcitonin and Secretin and pepsin secretion
武井信介, 蓑田俊二, 三木宏, 三沢正, 早川滉, 井林博
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 89-90, 1977.

Japanese Article 37.Examination about the inhibition of synthetic secretin for the gastric juice secretion by the tetragastrin stimulation
森本洋一, 白鳥常男, 岡林敏彦, 島野吉裕, 三崎三郎, 桜井立良, 錦織方人, 桑田博文, 村田省吾, 金岡敏彦
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 91-92, 1977.

Japanese Article 38.Study on stomach pepsin-secreting change (the second report)
町野満夫1), 青池晟1), 池内秀夫1), 川井啓市2), 三崎文夫2), 宮岡孝幸2), 木本邦彦2), 佐々木善二2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 93-94, 1977.

Japanese Article 39. Examination of gastric-acid secretion and the serum gastrin in patients with chronic pancreatitis
Tetsuaki Hayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki, It is the best among Tsukui, Jinichi Kameyama, 桃野哲, Iwao Sasaki, Tsuyoshi Sekine, Yoichi Saito, Toshio Sato
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 96-97, 1977.

Japanese Article 40.Gastric secretion ability in the chronic pancreatitis
黒川正典1), 二見芳孝1), 浜辺順1), 姫野誠一1), 斉藤良太郎1), 梶山泰男1), 水野義晴1), 藤平尚文2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 98-99, 1977.

Japanese Article 41.Intraduodenal incurrent presence or absence of gastric juice and relations with the bile secretion
倉田稔, 西井三徳
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 100-102, 1977.

Japanese Article 42.Effect - clinical examination to give to gastric-acid secretion inhibition of the intraduodenal asking a preposterous price solution infusion
平田忠, 谷昌尚, 高橋忠雄, 朝隈貞雄, 井原悠紀夫, 島津久明
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 103-105, 1977.

Japanese Article 43.Organ culture - basic examination - of the mouse embryo gastric mucosa
佐々木善二1), 多田正大1), 中島正継1), 三崎文夫1), 奥田庚三1), 川井啓市1), 仲村春和2), 藤沢肇2), 井端泰彦2)
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research 9: 106-107, 1977.