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Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach

Volume 46, Issue / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About the present situation of the H.pyrori (HP) sanitization in the S1-1 our hospital
築根陽子(1), 木嶋麻衣子(1), 中村淳(1), 内田哲史(1), 湯原宏樹(1), 五十嵐宗喜(1), 小池潤(1), 鈴木孝良(1), 松嶋成志(2), 峯徹哉(1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 15-15, 2014.

Japanese Article With the optimal sanitization treatment in the S1-2 nation total sanitization era?
杉本光繁(1), 佐原秀(1), 市川仁美(1), 鏡卓馬(1), 古田隆久(2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 16-16, 2014.

Japanese Article Condition of a patient evaluation using the water to drink sonography for S1-3 Helicobacter pylori gastritis
工藤俊彦(1), 加藤元嗣(1), 西田睦(2), 坂本直哉(3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 17-17, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about pylori infection, gastritis of the S1-4 pepsinogen level
河合隆(1), 佐藤丈征(1), 福澤誠克(1), 草野央(2), 後藤田卓志(2), 森安史典(2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 18-18, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the LINE-1 methylation level in the S1-5 gastric cancer background mucous membrane and CD44 and the Helicobacter pylori infection
岩上志朗, 小澄敬祐, 馬場祥史, 石本崇胤, 辛島龍一, 井田智, 今村裕, 坂本快郎, 宮本裕士, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 19-19, 2014.

Japanese Article It is examined an effect on gastritis of the sanitization for the residual stomach and the metachronous multiple cancer development protective efficacy after S1-6 gastrectomy
安藤貴文, 宮原良二, 後藤秀実
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 20-20, 2014.

Japanese Article Prospective controlled trial - with the endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment postoperative ulcer management - 1w sanitization treatment +7w rebamipide administration and proton pump inhibitor 8w administration for the S2-1 H.pylori-positive early gastric cancer
小嶋融一, 竹内利寿, 太田和寛, 原田智, 江戸川祥子, 樋口和秀
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 23-23, 2014.

Japanese Article Does the stratum submucosum detachment technique for the S2-2 gastric tumor have an influence on enteric hormone and sugar, the lipid metabolism?
河野真, 後藤田卓志, 草野央, 鈴木翔, 福澤誠克, 森安史典
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 24-24, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of plasma TFF as the S2-3 gastric cancer early detection biomarker and identification of the origin
野村幸世(1), 豊田武士(2), 愛甲丞(1), 大本安一(3), 大津洋(4), 多田稔(5), 伊地知秀明(5), 小池和彦(5), 瀬戸泰之(1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 25-25, 2014.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the peritoneal dissemination rule factor using the S2-4 gastric cancer peritoneum dissemination model mouse
藏重淳二(1), 長谷川嵩矩(3), 新井田厚司(4), 美馬浩介(2), 内龍太郎(1), 高野裕樹(1), 井口友宏(1), 江口英利(1), 杉町圭史(1), 柳原五吉(5), 馬場秀夫(2), 三森功士(1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 26-26, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the new rays dynamic treatment with drug which assumed an S2-5 tumor meeting-related macrophage a target
林則之, 片岡洋望, 片野敬仁, 田中守, 西脇裕高, 尾関啓司, 塚本宏延, 海老正秀, 溝下勤, 森義徳, 澤田武, 久保田英嗣, 谷田諭史, 城卓志
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 27-27, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for the S2-6 Siewert TypeII / III esophagus, stomach junction cancer
牧野洋知(1), 國崎主税(1), 木村準(1), 高川亮(1), 大田貢由(1), 徳久元彦(2), 小坂隆司(2), 小野秀高(2), 秋山浩利(2), 遠藤格(2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 28-28, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the gastroesophageal reflux condition of a patient of the YS-1 functionality heartburn
井澤晋也(1), 舟木康(1),(2), 田村泰弘(1), 岡庭起子(1), 野田久嗣(1), 柳本研一郎(1), 伊藤義紹(1), 近藤好博(1), 飯田章人(1), 小笠原尚高(1), 佐々木誠人(1), 春日井邦夫(1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 31-31, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of Quality of Life (quality of life) in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease during YS-2 proton pump inhibitor internal use treatment
久保田英嗣, 神谷武, 鹿野美千子, 田中守, 澤田武, 林則之, 片野敬仁, 西脇裕高, 尾関啓司, 塚本宏延, 海老正秀, 溝下勤, 森義徳, 谷田諭史, 片岡洋望, 城卓志
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 32-32, 2014.

Japanese Article Relations of YS-3 functional dyspepsia-like symptom and the endoscopic atrophy of gastric mucosa
間嶋淳(1), 半田修(1), 内藤裕二(1), 伊藤義人(1), 安藤貴志(2), 岸本悦子(2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 33-33, 2014.

Japanese Article Correlative analysis with the expression of neurotrophy factor derived from the glia cells in the duodenal mucous membrane by the YS-4 chronicity stress load and the cell adhesion molecule expression
田中史生(1),(2),(3), 富永和作(1), 藤川佳子(1),(4), 谷川徹也(1), 渡辺俊雄(1), 藤原靖弘(1), 平田一人(2),(3), 荒川哲男(1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 34-34, 2014.

Japanese Article Sleep disorder, quality of life in the YS-5 EPS-PDS overlap group, trial of the comparison of the gastric emptying ability
山脇博士, 二神生爾, 新福摩弓, 坂本長逸
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of Nesfatin-1 in the YS-6 enterokinesis
木暮憲道, 渡辺亮, 矢野間透, 木村明春, 矢内充洋, 小川敦, 豊増義孝, 緒方杏一, 大野哲郎, 持木彫人, 桑野博行
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article Association between mucous membrane disorder and heartburn of the YS-7 ampulla of duodenum
濱中潤, 戸塚雄一朗, 佐々木典子, 平尾茉里名, 中尾聡, 小宮山哲史, 西郡修平, 寺田昌弘, 三浦雄輝, 岡裕之, 洲崎文男, 岡崎博
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article Search of the Rikkunshito effectiveness predictor in the YS-8 functionality dyspepsia
東川康嗣, 鈴木秀和, 松崎潤太郎, 六君子湯研究グループ
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of eight Celiac artery compression syndrome cases having difficulty in differentiation with YS-9 functional dyspepsia (FD)
楠裕明(1), 塚本真知(1), 神崎智子(1), 山下直人(1), 本多啓介(1), 井上和彦(2), 眞部紀明(2), 畠二郎(2), 中藤流似(3), 松本啓史(3), 垂水研一(3), 鎌田智有(3), 塩谷昭子(3), 春間賢(3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination - of the case that showed a mucous membrane injury to frequency, symptom of the upper gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane injury that resulted from O-1 low-dose aspirin, quality of life - multiple organs
嶋田裕慈, 永原章仁, 浅岡大介, 北條麻理子, 渡辺純夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 43-43, 2014.

Japanese Article Gastric emptying after the new high density liquid diet (Heine E gel (R)) oral intake to semisolidify in O-2 stomach
楠裕明(1), 山下直人(1), 塚本真知(1), 神崎智子(1), 本多啓介(1), 井上和彦(1), 眞部紀明(2), 畠二郎(2), 中藤流以(3), 石井学(3), 松本啓志(3), 垂水研一(3), 鎌田智有(3), 塩谷昭子(3), 春間賢(3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 44-44, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination - by effect - High-resolution manometry that use of the mesh in the O-3 peritoneoscope lower cardioplasty gives to an esophagus motor function
星野真人(1), 小村伸朗(1), 矢野文章(1), 坪井一人(1), 柏木秀幸(1), 矢永勝彦(2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 45-45, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about the bone density after the gastrectomy in the O-4 early gastric cancer
田鍾寛(1), 國崎主税(1), 木村準(1), 高川亮(1), 牧野洋知(1), 大田貢由(1), 小坂隆司(2), 小野秀高(2), 秋山浩利(2), 遠藤格(2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 46: 46-46, 2014.