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Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach

Volume 47, Issue / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the holding of the 47th gastropathy state function meeting for the study
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 3-3, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the bezoar symptom with the OI-1 aperient (Sato Lux (R))
岡明彦, 福庭暢彦, 結城崇史, 佐藤秀一, 石原俊治, 木下芳一
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 15-15, 2015.

Japanese Article It is 1 surgery case of pseudo achalasia due to the metastasis in the lower esophagus wall after OI-2 gastric cancer technique
山本世怜, 矢野文章, 秋元俊亮, 星野真人, 坪井一人, 小村伸朗, 柏木秀幸, 矢永勝彦
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 16-16, 2015.

Japanese Article One case that underwent small intestine segmental resection for an anastomotic region recurrence after the gastric cancer complete removal that occurred for OI-3 situs inversus
喜島博章, 阿部暁人, 田中元樹, 寺崎梓, 窪田敬一
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 17-17, 2015.

Japanese Article Two cases with suspected OI-4 Helicobacter suis gastritis
間部克裕1), 白鳥里佳2), 吉井新二2), 中村正彦3), 加藤元嗣4)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 18-18, 2015.

Japanese Article OII-1 Non-H. Clinical examination of pylori, the non-NSAIDs gastric ulcer
鎌田智有1), 徳毛健治2), 眞部紀明3), 楠裕明4), 山下直人4), 井上和彦4), 塩谷昭子1), 畠二郎3), 春間賢1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 21-21, 2015.

Japanese Article NBI magnifying endoscope diagnosis in the OII-2 stomach flatness polypoid lesion
野中敬1), 稲生優海1), 鹿野島健二1), 松浦瑞恵1), 飯田洋1), 中島淳1), 稲森正彦2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 22-22, 2015.

Japanese Article Endoscopic diagnosis system including the NBI combination magnifying endoscope of the OII-3 fundic gland type gastric cancer
上山浩也1), 永原章仁1), 田中一平1), 中川裕太1), 竹田努1), 松本紘平1), 松本健史1), 八尾隆史2), 渡辺純夫1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 23-23, 2015.

Japanese Article Including the grade classification of the cascade stomach of - newcomers many as for the person with OIII-1 cascade stomach as for not only the upper quadrant symptom but also the endoscopic reflux oesophagitis -
草野元康1), 保坂浩子2), 栗林志行2), 安岡秀敏2), 川田晃世2), 下山康之2), 河村修1), 茂木文孝3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 27-27, 2015.

Japanese Article About the change according to the generation of the OIII-2 gastric-acid secretion ability examination - of - the 1990s through the 2010s
飯島克則, 小池智幸, 下瀬川徹
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 28-28, 2015.

Japanese Article Association of gastric-acid secretion inhibitory effect of front-loaded dosing regimen by OIII-3 Rabeprazole and the CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism
鏡卓馬, 杉本光繁, 市川仁美, 佐原秀, 魚谷貴洋, 山出美穂子, 濱屋寧, 岩泉守哉, 大澤恵, 杉本健, 古田隆久
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 29-29, 2015.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment of the mucous membrane defense preparation rebamipide for the low-dose aspirin origin-related small intestinal injury by the S-1 multicenter placebo-controlled double-blind randomized, controlled clinical study
谷川徹也1), 渡辺俊雄1), 竹内利寿2), 樋口和秀2), 半田修3), 内藤裕二3), 吉川敏一3), 坂田資尚4), 藤本一眞4), 荒川哲男1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 33-33, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the change over time of stomach, the mucosa of small intestine injury with the aspirin using the S-2 healthy subject volunteer
橋永正彦, 水上一弘, 首藤充孝, 小川竜, 沖本忠義, 兒玉雅明, 村上和成
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article Pathologic examination of the S-3 non-steroid system anti-inflammatory analgesics origin-related mucosa of small intestine injury
井口宗威, 倉本貴典, 依藤直紀, 太田和寛, 原田智, 藤原薫, 江戸川祥子, 小嶋融一, 岡田俊彦, 柿本一城, 能田貞治, 川上研, 阿部洋介, 竹内利寿, 井上拓也, 樋口和秀
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 35-35, 2015.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the combination of S-4 aspirin, NSAIDs prescription and stomach medicine
金田義弘1),2), 稲森正彦1),3), 前田愼1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 36-36, 2015.

Japanese Article Mainly on examination - aspirin ulcer of the hemorrhagic gastroduodenal ulcer in the S-5 our hospital -
岩井直人, 冨江晃, 鎌田和浩, 土肥統, 岡山哲也, 吉田直久, 堅田和弘, 内山和彦, 半田修, 石川剛, 高木智久, 小西英幸, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the haemorrhagic ulcer in the S-6 Saga community-acquired base Hospital
田中雄一郎1), 冨永直之1), 澁木太郎1), 鶴岡ななえ2),3), 川副広明1), 緒方伸一4), 野田隆博3), 水田敏彦1), 藤本一眞2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 38-38, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the bleeding risk in the S-7 stomach duodenal ulcer case
川崎啓祐1),2), 蔵原晃一2), 梁井俊一1), 河内修司2), 渕上忠彦2), 松本主之1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 39-39, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect to give to upper gastrointestinal bleeding of the S-8 aspirin and stomach ESD afterbleeding
内田匡彦, 山内康平, 坂田資尚, 芥川剛至, 岩切龍一, 藤本一眞
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 40-40, 2015.

Japanese Article New afterbleeding prophylaxis - using treatment result - PGA felt + fibrin paste investing method of S-9 antithrombocytic agent internal use continuation bottom and anticoagulant, heparin substituted law lower ESD
福田浩子1), 山口直之1),2), 松島加代子1), 南ひとみ1), 赤澤祐子1), 大仁田賢1), 磯本一1),2), 竹島史直1), 宿輪三郎1), 中尾一彦1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 41-41, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the treatment result of the gastrectomy as the additional treatment after OIV-1 ESD
菊池真維子, 佐々木欣郎, 大塚吉郎, 里村仁志, 中島政信, 山口悟, 土岡丘, 加藤広行
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 45-45, 2015.

Japanese Article Association between expression of Fusobacterium nucleatum and carcinogenesis, molecular abnormality in OIV-2 upper gastrointestinal tract cancer
伊藤美樹1), 能正勝彦1), 三橋慧1), 栗原弘義1), 菅野伸一1), 五十嵐央祥1), 須河恭敬1), 篠村恭久1), 高橋宏明2), 田沼徳真3), 山本博幸4)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 46-46, 2015.

Japanese Article Quantity of preoperation line in the OIV-3 gastric cancer and prognostic association
岩上志朗, 藏重淳二, 清住雄希, 中村健一, 大内繭子, 泉大輔, 小澄敬祐, 徳永竜馬, 原田和人, 日吉幸晴, 坂本快郎, 宮本裕士, 馬場祥史, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 47-47, 2015.

Japanese Article OIV-4 Search for a target for gastric cancer peritoneal dissemination targeting microRNA
藏重淳二1),2), 美馬浩介1), 江藤弘二郎1), 岩上志朗1), 馬場祥史1), 吉田直矢1), 三森功士2), 馬場秀夫1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 48-48, 2015.

Japanese Article OV-1 H. Concrete method of stomach cancer death destruction measures by the pylori sanitization
間部克裕1), 加藤元嗣2), 浅香正博1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 51-51, 2015.

Japanese Article About a first, second pylori sanitization rate according to the PPI in the OV-2 our hospital
岡本憲洋, 遠藤広貴, 川内孝次郎, 中野良
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 52-52, 2015.

Japanese Article Digestive tract function evaluation after the total gastrectomy by the OV-3 water to drink drink test
中田浩二, 川村雅彦, 古西英央, 岩崎泰三, 村上慶四郎, 志田敦男, 矢野文章, 坪井一人, 石橋由朗, 小村伸朗, 柏木秀幸, 羽生信義, 三森教雄, 矢永勝彦
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 53-53, 2015.

Japanese Article Effect on gastric emptying with the OV-4 carbonated water
稲生優海1), 鹿野島健二2), 松浦瑞惠2), 飯田洋3), 野中敬2), 中島淳2), 稲森正彦1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 54-54, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give the gastric emptying of OVI-1 oral hypoglycemics
鹿野島健二1), 稲生優海2), 松浦瑞江1), 飯田洋3), 野中敬1), 中島淳1), 稲森正彦2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 57-57, 2015.

Japanese Article The gnarl-formed change of the OVI-2 bamboo is treatment with antiTNF α antibody medicine, but is a gastroscopy view of the constant Crohn's disease not to be affected
橋口慶一1),2), 竹島史直1), 赤澤祐子1), 松島加代子1), 南ひとみ1), 山口直之1), 塩澤健1), 大場一生2), 大仁田賢1), 市川辰樹1), 磯本一1), 中尾一彦1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 58-58, 2015.

Japanese Article About patients background, the long term prognosis of the ESD non-curative resection case for the OVI-3 early gastric cancer examination - in 2 institutions in - Saga
山内康平1), 下田良1), 芥川剛至2), 内田匡彦2), 坂田資尚2), 緒方伸一3), 坂田裕之2), 岩切龍一1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 59-59, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of OVI-4 endoscope views and the digestive organ symptom
桑田直子1), 河合隆1), 内藤咲貴子1), 杉本弥子1), 福澤麻理1), 福澤誠克1), 植松淳一2), 佐藤丈征2), 八木健二2), 草野央2), 後藤田卓志2), 森安史典2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 60-60, 2015.

Japanese Article Diachronic analysis of the lumen internal pressure change in the OVII-1 gastroscopy
東重慶1), 中島清一1), 広田将司3), 宮崎安弘1), 高橋剛1), 山崎誠1), 宮田博志1), 黒川幸典1), 瀧口修司1), 加藤元彦4), 辻井正彦2), 竹原徹郎2), 森正樹1), 土岐祐一郎1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 63-63, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of the examination of upper GI series as the residual stomach usability test after the OVII-2 fundusectomy
気賀澤悠1), 和田則仁1), 中村祐二朗2), 中村理恵子1), 高橋常浩1), 川久保博文1), 才川義朗1), 竹内裕也1), 北川雄光1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 64-64, 2015.

Japanese Article The endoscopy is necessary for follow of OVII-3 functionality GI tract disturbance; or from - physician questionnaire results -
松浦瑞惠, 稲生優海, 鹿野島健二, 飯田博, 野中敬, 中島淳, 稲森正彦
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 65-65, 2015.

Japanese Article pH monitoring of the OVII-4 impedance era
稲森正彦1), 飯田洋2), 前田愼2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 66-66, 2015.

Japanese Article Clinical features of the non-varix-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding case after the OVIII-1 earthquake disaster
久多良徳彦1), 樋口雅隆1), 千葉俊美2), 松本主之2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 69-69, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the gastrointestinal biopsy afterbleeding for the antithrombotic drug remedy patients in the OVIII-2 our hospital
近藤好博, 小笠原尚高, 海老正秀, 野田久嗣, 井澤晋也, 伊藤義紹, 田村泰弘, 舟木康, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 70-70, 2015.

Japanese Article Safety of the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract biopsy in the person of OVIII-3 antithrombotic drug internal use
山口太輔1), 小野敏嗣2), 藤城光弘1),2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 71-71, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the gastric biopsy Group2 case that OIX-1 final diagnosis was gastric cancer
土岐真朗1), 神保陽子1), 落合一成1), 権藤興一1), 太田博崇1), 新井健介1), 渡邉俊介1), 大野亜希子1), 倉田勇1), 畑英行1), 平野和彦2), 徳永健吾1), 山口康晴1), 大倉康男2), 高橋信一1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 75-75, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of treatment of Metallic stent for the pylorus vestibular region stenosis case with the OIX-2 gastric cancer
行元崇浩, 森崎智仁, 澤瀬寛典, 堂込明子, 小平俊一, 樋口徹, 今村祥子, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 76-76, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the huge diospyrobezoar which was complicated with OIX-3 hemorrhagic gastric ulcer, and was able to be under the medical treatment by cola therapy conservatively
白井慎平1), 山本甲二1), 山口俊介1), 緒方伸一1), 中野良2), 遠藤広貴2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 47: 77-77, 2015.