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Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach

Volume 48, Issue / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the holding of the 48th gastropathy state function meeting for the study
北川 雄光
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 3-3, 2016.

Japanese Article OI-1 CY1 gastric cancer case with long-term stripped-and-revived survival by standardized surgery and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy
清水隆玄, 山口浩和, 吉澤奈央, 照屋正則, 上西紀夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 15-15, 2016.

Japanese Article OI-2 gastric cancer postoperative association to be prolonged between high CRP blood symptom and convalescence
松原大樹, 小松周平, 市川大輔, 岡島航, 宮前眞人, 小菅敏幸, 岡本和真, 小西博貴, 塩崎敦, 藤原斉, 大辻英吾
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 16-16, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the deep vein thrombosis screening in the OI-3 gastric cancer surgery
和田剛幸, 藤原久貴, 森田信司, 深川剛生, 片井均
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 17-17, 2016.

Japanese Article Additional gastrectomy - after examination - laparoscopic surgery and ESD of surgery results for the OII-1 early gastric cancer
倉山英豪1), 佐々木欣郎1), 里村仁志1), 依田紀仁1), 大塚吉郎1), 久保僚2), 小野寺真一2), 中島政信1), 山口悟1), 宮地和人2), 土岡丘1), 加藤広行1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article It is weighed the glucose tolerance degree of improvement by the rebuilding pattern after pylorus side gastrectomy in patients with OII-2 diabetes coexistence gastric cancer
中村謙一1), 須田康一1), 中内雅也1), 角谷慎一1), 稲葉一樹1), 石田善敬1), 鈴木敦詞2), 宇山一朗1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article It is weighed long-term results after OII-3 pylorus side gastrectomy in a short term by the Billroth-I method rebuilding and the Roux-en-Y rebuilding
清水浩紀, 市川大輔, 小菅敏幸, 小松周平, 岡本和真, 小西博貴, 塩崎敦, 藤原斉, 大辻英吾
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article A maneuver and invention of OII-4 peritoneoscope lower gullet making and the esophagus gullet anastomosis using the automatic suture instruments
大平寛典1), 吉田昌1), 伊藤栄作1), 鈴木範彦1), 今北智則1), 筒井信浩1), 柳澤暁1), 福島久喜1), 吉野肇一2), 北島政樹1), 鈴木裕1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article Significance of the vagus nerve celiac branches preservation in the SI-1 peritoneoscope adjuvant lower pylorus side gastrectomy
石畝亨, 持木彫人, 牟田優, 小倉俊郎, 福地稔, 熊谷洋一, 石橋敬一郎, 石田秀行
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article About residual stomach discharge ability in the SI-2 function preservation gastrectomy and diastolic overload-resistant association
中田浩二1),2), 川村雅彦1),2), 古西英央1), 岩崎泰三1), 村上慶四郎1), 志田敦男1), 石橋由朗1), 羽生信義1), 三森教雄1), 矢永勝彦1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the examination of upper GI series as the residual stomach function rating system after the SI-3 fundusectomy
気賀澤悠1), 和田則仁1), 中村祐二朗2), 中村理恵子1), 高橋常浩1), 川久保博文1), 竹内裕也1), 北川雄光1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 29-29, 2016.

Japanese Article It is invention - two folds jejunum pouch interposition technique ... of the reconstruction after the fundusectomy that aimed at SI-4 reflux oesophagitis zero
野口琢矢1), 柴田浩平1), 川野雄一郎1), 吉村健司1), 藤富豊1), 麓祥一2), 錦耕平2), 柴田智隆3), 猪股雅史3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 30-30, 2016.

Japanese Article From small range fundusectomy, short gullet Reconstruction Acts - idea for upper SI-5 early gastric cancer, the cardial part GIST to short-term results
木南伸一, 大西敏雄, 藤井頼孝, 藤田純, 甲斐田大資, 富田泰斗, 舟木洋, 藤田秀人, 上田順彦, 中野泰治, 小坂健夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article Fundusectomy in the SI-6 our hospital and the evaluation
鍋島一仁1), 富奥美藤1), 中村健司1), 野村栄治2), 中郡聡夫1), 小澤壯治1), 貞廣荘太郎1), 安田聖栄1), 生越喬二3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article Observation of the Indocyanine green fluorescence-positive lymph node with a color, the light field fluorographic camera which aimed at the SI-7 functional preservation operation
吉田昌1), 大平寛典1), 似鳥修弘2), 田中求2), 首村智久2), 池田佳史2), 北川雄光3), 北島政樹1),2), 鈴木裕1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article We evaluate it after an operation of the laparoscopic partial gastrectomy technique using the sentinel lymph node theory for the SI-8 early gastric cancer
大久保啓史, 上之園芳一, 有上貴明, 柳田茂寛, 貴島孝, 天辰仁彦, 石神純也, 夏越祥次
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of patients with esophagus motor disorder without the histopathological abnormality included in the OIII-1 functionality heartburn
吉峯崇, 舟木康1), 井澤晋也1), 近藤好博1), 伊藤義紹1), 海老正秀1), 小笠原尚高1), 佐々木誠人1), 春日井邦夫1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the esophagus motor function in approximately the endoscopic treatment for the OIII-2 esophageal tumor
竹田努, 松本健史, 泉健太郎, 赤澤陽一, 小森寛之, 松本紘平, 上山浩也, 嶋田裕慈, 浅岡大介, 北條麻理子, 永原章仁, 渡辺純夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the tissue variety in the OIII-3 esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma
岩槻政晃, 蔵重淳二, 小澄敬祐, 黒田大介, 江藤二男, 馬場祥史, 坂本快郎, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article About relations of analysis KRAS copy number and KRAS / BRAF mutation of the abnormality of the genes of RAS-RAF in OIII-4 esophagogastric junction cancer origin
中村健一, 今村裕, 徳永竜馬, 藏重淳二, 岩槻政晃, 馬場祥史, 坂本快郎, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization practice in the OIV-1 our hospital
野中敬1), 稲生優海1), 日暮琢磨1), 大久保秀則1), 飯田洋1), 遠藤宏樹1), 稲森正彦2), 中島淳1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article OIV-2 H. Examination of the pylori third sanitization therapy
徳永健吾, 田中昭文, 久松理一, 高橋信一
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article Association between OIV-3 5-HT2B receptor and stomach adaptability relaxation disorder by the stress
近藤隆1), 大島忠之1), 小瀬木順一2), 藤塚直樹2), 富田寿彦1), 應田義雄1), 福井広一1), 渡二郎1), 三輪洋人1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article OIV-4 Vonoprazan 20 mg oid and acid drying effect and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism at bid
鏡卓馬, 市川仁美, 佐原秀, 魚谷貴洋, 山出美穂子, 古田隆久
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of a part, the emergence of Barrett esophageal mucosa with the SII-1-1 small diameter nasal endoscope
河野真1), 河合隆2), 杉本暁彦1), 古賀幹教1), 桑田直子1), 佐藤丈征1), 八木健二1), 内藤咲貴子2), 福澤麻理2), 植松淳一2), 柳澤京介2), 山岸哲也2), 森安史典1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about clinical features of the acidophilic esophagitis to be limited to SII-1-2 lower esophagus
石村典久, 沖本英子, 泉大輔, 三上博信, 相見正史, 大嶋直樹, 石原俊治, 木下芳一
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of gender difference in the SII-1-3 esophageal mucosa injury
嶋田裕慈1), 永原章仁1), 村田礼人1), 亀井將人1), 廿楽裕徳1), 佐藤俊輔1), 金光芳生1), 成田諭隆1), 玄田拓哉1), 飯島克順1), 浅岡大介2), 北條麻理子2), 渡辺純夫2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article Relative examination of SII-1-4 GERD symptom and the esophagus exercise functional disease
川口真平, 竹内利寿, 井上陽介, 高橋良明, 江戸川祥子, 小嶋融一, 樋口和秀
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 52-52, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the individualization of the treatment by 24 hours pH impedance monitoring in the SII-1-5 PPI-resistant NERD patients
齊藤真弘, 小池智幸, 下瀬川徹
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 53-53, 2016.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of EGJ outflow obstruction which added an examination of esophageal pressure in the SII-1-6 seat rank
栗林志行1), 保坂浩子1), 川田晃世2), 秋山純一2), 深井泰守1), 小林剛1), 中山哲雄1), 富澤琢1), 安岡秀敏1), 大山達也1), 水出雅文1), 堀口昇男1), 山崎勇一1), 下山康之1), 佐藤賢1), 柿崎暁1), 河村修1), 草野元康1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article Clinical picture of the esophagogastric junction passage disorder diagnosed by SII-1-7 high definition measurement of esophageal pressure
正岡建洋1), 鈴木秀和1), 山根剛1), 松崎潤太郎1), 西澤俊宏1), 森英毅1), 気賀澤悠2), 竹内裕也2), 北川雄光2), 金井隆典1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article About the effect that an SII-2-1 preoperative nutrition state gives for the convalescence of esophagogastric junction cancer
藏重淳二, 岩槻政晃, 中村健一, 今村裕, 徳永竜馬, 小澄敬祐, 馬場祥史, 坂本快郎, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article Application of the sarcopenia in the surgery case of SII-2-2 esophagogastric junction cancer and the U domain gastric cancer
中島雄一郎, 佐伯浩司, 枝廣圭太郎, 是久翔太郎, 谷口大介, 堤亮介, 西村章, 中司悠, 田尻裕匡, 工藤健介, 堤智崇, 由茅隆文, 笠木勇太, 杉山雅彦, 大垣吉平, 園田英人, 沖英次, 前原喜彦
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article Molecular biologic diagnosis using the examination - endoscope lower brushing of the Barrett adenocarcinoma risk marker in the SII-2-3 Barrett's esophagus
村尾高久1), 塩谷昭子1), Michael B Wallace2), 春間賢3)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the endoscopic characteristic and convalescence of the SII-2-4 superficial type Barrett cancer of the esophagus
北市智子, 岩井直人, 上田智大, 間嶋淳, 小野澤由里子, 堀居雄介, 土肥統, 鎌田和浩, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article Individualization of the healing judgment due to the endoscopic treatment pathology tissue for SII-2-5 esophagogastric junction cancer
永見康明, 大南雅揮, 斯波将次, 坂井大志, 南野弘明, 福永周生, 杉森聖史, 田中史生, 谷川徹也, 山上博一, 富永和作, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘, 荒川哲男
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for esophagogastric junction cancer in the SII-2-6 our hospital
裏川直樹1),2), 鈴木知志1), 金治新悟1), 山本将士1), 押切太郎1), 中村哲1), 掛地吉弘1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article Possibility of the realization of the new personalized medicine of the SII-2-7 esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma
岡島航1), 小松周平1), 市川大輔1), 小菅敏幸1), 岡本和真1), 小西博貴1), 塩崎敦1), 藤原斉1), 津田均2), 大辻英吾1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy judging from the prognostic factor of the SII-2-8 esophagogastric junction cancer radical excision case
福地稔1), 持木彫人1), 石畝亨1), 傍島潤1), 斎藤加奈2), 内藤浩2), 熊谷洋一1), 石橋敬一郎1), 石田秀行1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of SII-2-9 esophagogastric junction cancer
泉澤祐介1), 國崎主税1), 佐藤圭1), 宮本洋1), 山口直孝1), 小坂隆司2), 大田貢由1), 円谷彰1), 秋山浩利2), 遠藤格2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the optimal technique, individualization treatment in SII-2-10 early esophagogastric junction cancer
由良昌大, 竹内裕也, 福田和正, 中村理恵子, 高橋常浩, 和田則仁, 川久保博文, 北川雄光
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 48: 68-68, 2016.