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Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach

Volume 50, Issue / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the holding of the 50th gastropathy state function meeting for the study
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 3-3, 2018.

Japanese Article About an ML-1 gastropathy state function meeting for the study
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 17-17, 2018.

Japanese Article The message samurai sauce which an ML-2 gastropathy state function society for the study left!
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 18-18, 2018.

Japanese Article We look back toward the ML-3 gastropathy state function society for the study and: Mainly on clinical studies about the functional dyspepsia medical treatment
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 19-19, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the serum gastrin level in S1-1-1 Vonoprazan user and the PPI long-term user
小嶋融一, 竹内利寿, 樋口和秀
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 23-23, 2018.

Japanese Article An effect and problems of the gastric-acid secretion antagonist at the S1-1-2 antithrombocytic agent internal use
魚谷貴洋1), 鈴木崇弘2), 鏡卓馬2), 谷伸也3), 山出美穂子2), 濱屋寧2), 岩泉守哉4), 大澤恵1), 杉本健2), 古田隆久5)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 24-24, 2018.

Japanese Article S1-1-3 H. Examination about the stomach bacterial flora which paid attention to a change before and after the pylori sanitization
灘谷祐二, 渡辺俊雄, 島田直, 大谷恒史, 平良高一, 細見周平, 永見康明, 田中史生, 鎌田紀子, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 藤原靖弘
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 25-25, 2018.

Japanese Article ... which shows that intragastric pH is high as for White opaque substance (WOS)-positive intestinal metaplasia under the S1-1-4 NBI extended observation and clinical significance - WOS positive intestinal metaplasia which gastric acid environment shows
都甲和美1), 上尾哲也1), 和田蔵人1), 井上翔太郎1), 安部雄治1), 村上和成2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 26-26, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect on evaluation of the stomach acid pocket using the S1-1-5 vertical axis 8ch pH monitoring system and acid pocket formation of the acid-secreting antagonist
角昇平, 石村典久, 木下芳一
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 27-27, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of condition of a patient and Vonoprazan of the S1-2-1 PPI-resistant NERD patients
齊藤真弘1), 小池智幸2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 31-31, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the molecular biomarker associated with the Barrett's esophagus using the S1-2-2 endoscope lower brushing
合田杏佑, 村尾高久, 塩谷昭子
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 32-32, 2018.

Japanese Article Risk factor of the PPI-resistant reflux oesophagitis in patients with S1-2-3 diffuse scleroderma
栗林志行1),2), 茂木精一郎3), 原健一郎4), 保坂浩子2), 下山康之2), 関口明子3), 山口公一5), 河村修2), 浦岡俊夫2), 草野元康2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the Linked Color Imaging observation in the S1-2-4 esophagus Barrett mucous membrane: A checker interval, the agreement degree in the checker and quantitative analysis
竹田努1), 浅岡大介1), 鈴木麻衣子1), 赤澤陽一2), 小森寛之2), 泉健太郎2), 松本紘平2), 上山浩也2), 佐々木仁1), 嶋田裕慈, 松本健史2), 北條麻理子2), 永原章仁2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Etiology of PPI double quantity judging from S1-2-5 acid drying effect and P-CAB-resistant NERD
川見典之, 星野慎太朗, 星川吉正, 竹之内菜菜, 梅澤まり子, 花田優理子, 貝瀬満, 岩切勝彦
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 35-35, 2018.

Japanese Article New development of the S2-1 GERD treatment
岩切勝彦, 星野慎太朗, 川見典之
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 39-39, 2018.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of a Barrett's esophagus, cancer judging from S2-2 gastric-acid secretion
小池智幸1), 大方智樹1), 阿部泰明1), 乗田一明1), 菊池弘樹1), 齊藤真弘2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 40-40, 2018.

Japanese Article A study and clinical practice of the S2-3 functionality dyspepsia
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 41-41, 2018.

Japanese Article S2-4 H. pylori sanitization and acid secretion
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 42-42, 2018.

Japanese Article Gastric-acid secretion in the gastric mucosa injury by the S2-5 low-dose aspirin, role of the gastric mucus secretion
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article The intragastric environmental characteristic that the O-1 hematin onset shows, - that the hematin adhesion of endoscopic views shows that intragastric pH is low
上尾哲也1), 都甲和美1), 井上翔太郎1), 和田蔵人1), 安部雄治1), 村上和成2)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 47-47, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the cytomegalovirus gastritis case in the O-2 our hospital
水野達人1), 正岡建洋1), 亀山尚子1), 山本悠太1), 亀山香織2), 金井隆典1)
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 48-48, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the association between O-3 upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope views and digestive organ symptom
青木勇樹, 高橋孝慈, 植松淳一, 竹内眞美, 羽山弥毅, 福澤麻理, 柳澤京介, 山岸哲也, 河合隆
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 50: 49-49, 2018.