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Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022)

Volume 21, Issue 4 / 2001
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The organ formation from anaplastic cells
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 369-370, 2001.

Japanese Article Mechanism analysis of inflammation judging from RNA expression analysis and development of the therapeutic drug
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 371-372, 2001.

Japanese Article Oxidative stress and apoptosis
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 373-374, 2001.

Japanese Article Inflammation due to chemokines and dendritic cells and immune link
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 375-375, 2001.

Japanese Article The regenerative therapy that is put to practical use
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 376-376, 2001.

Japanese Article Lipid mediator and PPAR
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 377-377, 2001.

Japanese Article Atopic dermatitis: Application to the mechanism and treatment of allergic inflammation
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 378-379, 2001.

Japanese Article Genetically-modified protein therapy
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 380-381, 2001.

Japanese Article Fundamental researches of the regenerative therapy using a stem cell
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 382-382, 2001.

Japanese Article "Important cells about inflammatory / regenerative medicine"
大内和雄*, 浅野茂隆**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 385-385, 2001.

Japanese Article S-1-1. The present conditions and the prospects of the hematopoietic stem cells gene therapy
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 385-385, 2001.

Japanese Article S-1-2. Plasticity of stem cells : Play with the collapse of the organization building
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 386-386, 2001.

Japanese Article S-1-3. The differentiation instruction system of the embryonic stem cell and angiogenic cellular biology
小川峰太郎, 西川伸一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 386-386, 2001.

Japanese Article S-1-4. Participation in angioplasty process of blood vessel progenitor cells derived from marrow
佐田政隆1), 鈴木亨1), 西田昌道2), 二見覚2), 平井久丸3), 前川和彦2), 永井良三1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 387-387, 2001.

Japanese Article S-1-5. Consideration about the eosinophilic role
大内和雄, 石原研治
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 387-387, 2001.

Japanese Article S-1-6. Significance of the DC/NKT/T cell interaction in the inflammatory response amplification
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 388-388, 2001.

Japanese Article "An important material about inflammatory / regenerative medicine"
中畑龍俊*, 森田育男**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 389-389, 2001.

Japanese Article S-2-1. Significance of the HGF in the regenerative medicine
中村敏一, 松本邦夫
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 389-389, 2001.

Japanese Article S-2-2. Role of VEGF in the vascular new life and reproduction
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 390-390, 2001.

Japanese Article S-2-3. Hematopoietic adjustment by the cytokine
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 390-390, 2001.

Japanese Article S-2-4. BMP and bone regeneration
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 391-391, 2001.

Japanese Article S-2-5. Control of construction and the rebuilding of the central nervous system by the cytokine
田賀哲也, 滝沢琢己, 柳沢亮, 落合和, 中島欽一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 391-391, 2001.

Japanese Article S-2-6. Prostaglandin and the receptor
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 392-392, 2001.

Japanese Article "How can the medicine manufacture industry be involved in regenerative medicine?"
水島裕1), 吉田彪2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 393-393, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-1. Of the regenerative medicine by the connection of a university and the pharmaceutical company is industrial
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 393-393, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-2. The present conditions and the prospects of the hematopoietic stem cells gene therapy
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 394-394, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-3. Corneal epithelial stem cell transplant
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 394-394, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-4. Real (3)-skin, cartilage, bone regeneration medical care of the regenerative therapy
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 395-395, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-5. Hybrid-artificial organ
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 395-395, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-6. Is the regenerative medicine an attractive domain for medicine manufacture industry?
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 396-396, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-7. Possibility of the regenerative therapy based on the embryonic stem cell
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 396-396, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-1-8. Examination of the regenerative therapy that assumed a somatic stem cell a target
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 397-397, 2001.

Japanese Article "The prospects of the regenerative therapy by the establishment and the differentiation instruction of the embryonic stem cell strain"
中辻憲夫, 堀田知光
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 398-398, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-2-1. The establishment and regenerative medicine of the primate embryonic stem cell strain
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 398-398, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-2-2. in vitro vascular, blood cell differentiation system using ES cells : A new perspective of the differentiation control study
山下潤, 西川伸一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 399-399, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-2-3. The prospects of the regenerative therapy by the establishment, maintenance and the differentiation instruction of the embryonic stem cell strain: Construction of trunk thin medicine engineering and the regenerative therapy system
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 399-399, 2001.

Japanese Article PD-2-4. An embryonic stem cell study and life ethics
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 400-400, 2001.

Japanese Article "Angiogenetic molecular mechanism and approach to reproduction"
渋谷正史*, 高倉伸幸**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 403-403, 2001.

Japanese Article W-1-1. Hematopoietic environment-specific angiogenic mechanism
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 403-403, 2001.

Japanese Article W-1-2. Angiogenetic signal transduction
渋谷正史, 木場篤, 高橋知子, 平塚佐千枝, 山口幸子
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 404-404, 2001.

Japanese Article W-1-3. Neovascularisation and MMP
平岡伸章, 門田守人
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 404-404, 2001.

Japanese Article W-1-4. Vascular endothelium progenitor cells and clinical application
室原豊明, 新谷理, 池田久雄, 今泉勉
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 405-405, 2001.

Japanese Article "The inflammatory control by the transcription factor"
岡本尚, 湯尾明
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 406-406, 2001.

Japanese Article W-2-1. Inflammatory control in the macrophage
竹田潔, 審良静男
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 406-406, 2001.

Japanese Article W-2-2. Control structure of transcription factor AP-1 with the TRAF6 and NFκB
小林徳彦1), 門野夕峰2), 内藤明日香3), 松本邦弘4), 山本雅3), 田中栄2), 井上純一郎5)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 407-407, 2001.

Japanese Article W-2-3. Transcription factor NF-κB and inflammatory control
手塚俊文, 浦西宏明, 高田統夫, 岡本尚
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 407-407, 2001.

Japanese Article W-2-4. Various roles of cAMP reply element-binding protein (CREB)
佐伯久美子, 湯尾明
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 408-408, 2001.

Japanese Article W-2-5. Analysis of the antirheumatic effect by the PGE2 receptor EP4/cAMP/PKA signal transduction system
山田秀裕1), 赤荻淳1), 浜信昭1), 内山奈津枝2), 川合眞一2), 菊川忠裕3), 森俊仁4)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 408-408, 2001.

Japanese Article For "the development strategy of the next-generation antiallergic agent"
黒沢元博1), 有田斉2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 409-409, 2001.

Japanese Article W-3-1. Development of the antiallergic agent which is a signal-specific of IL-13
白川太郎, 楊星, 毛暁全
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 409-409, 2001.

Japanese Article W-3-2. Chemokines and allergic conditions
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 410-410, 2001.

Japanese Article W-3-3. A role of prostaglandin D2 in the allergic inflammation and the control
有村昭典, 安井潔, 有田斉
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 410-410, 2001.

Japanese Article W-3-4. CpG as the antiallergic DNA vaccine: The effect and mechanism
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 411-411, 2001.

Japanese Article "Genetic engineering of the periodontium reproduction"
石川烈1), 村上伸也2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 412-412, 2001.

Japanese Article W-4-1. Cbfal and bone, chondrification
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 412-412, 2001.

Japanese Article W-4-2. Role in the hard tissue formation, the occurrence of Notch-CCN signal interaction
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 413-413, 2001.

Japanese Article W-4-3. For the periodontium reproduction therapy establishment using the bFGF
高山真一, 山田聡, 村上伸也, 岡田宏
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 413-413, 2001.

Japanese Article W-4-4. Reproduction of a characteristic and the periodontium of periodontal membrane cells
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 414-414, 2001.

Japanese Article "Cytokine, anticytokine therapy"
宮坂信之, 高津聖志
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 415-415, 2001.

Japanese Article W-5-1. The effectiveness and problems of the antiIL-6 receptor antibody in the Crohn's disease
伊藤裕章1), 山本光成1), 岸本忠三2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 415-415, 2001.

Japanese Article W-5-2. The effectiveness and problems of the antiIL-6 receptor antibody in the rheumatoid arthritis
西本憲弘, 吉崎和幸
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 416-416, 2001.

Japanese Article W-5-3. Change of the cytokine in the inflammatory bowel disease
日比紀文1), 佐藤俊朗1), 緒方晴彦1), 金井隆典2), 渡辺守2), 上出利光3)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 416-416, 2001.

Japanese Article W-5-4. Anti-TNFα antibody therapy for rheumatoid arthritis : Future challenges and passes through in Japan
竹内勤, 天野宏一, 小川祥江, 白石清乃, 安倍達
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 417-417, 2001.

Japanese Article W-5-5. The effectiveness and problems of soluble TNF - alpha receptor in the rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 417-417, 2001.

Japanese Article "System engineering of the skin"
真鍋求*, 宮地良樹**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 418-418, 2001.

Japanese Article W-6-1. Wound treatment with culture epidermatoplasty
熊谷憲夫, 松崎恭一, 大島秀男, 田辺雅祥, 井上肇
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 418-418, 2001.

Japanese Article W-6-2. Treatment with allogeneic culture dermis (public welfare science regenerative therapy millennium project) of the skin defective injury
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 419-419, 2001.

Japanese Article W-6-3. Analysis of the skin tissue architectural molecular cellular biology and the application
許南浩, 牧野輝彦, 高石樹朗
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 419-419, 2001.

Japanese Article W-6-4. Attempt of the hair period control with the morphosis inducer
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 420-420, 2001.

Japanese Article "The tissue engineering of the liver"
岡野光夫*, 赤池敏宏**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 421-421, 2001.

Japanese Article W-7-1. Hepatocellular culture, increase control by the cell matrix engineering to aim at the bioartificial liver
赤池敏宏, 渡辺恵史
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 421-421, 2001.

Japanese Article W-7-2. The prospects to hepatic regeneration medical care practice by the HGF
松本邦夫, 中村敏一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 422-422, 2001.

Japanese Article W-7-3. Expectation to the identification of the pluripotent liver stem cell and medical application
谷口英樹1), 鈴木敦史1), 鄭允文1), 宮下仁志1), 川口美穂1), 尾山和信1), 橋本和明1), 深尾立1), 中内啓光2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 422-422, 2001.

Japanese Article W-7-4. Reproduction of the hepatic lobule structure by the cell sheet engineering
岡野光夫, 大和雅之
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 423-423, 2001.

Japanese Article "A bone, cartilaginous development and reproduction"
江藤一洋*, 筏義人**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 424-424, 2001.

Japanese Article It is the bone regeneration using the marrow stem cell W-8-1
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 424-424, 2001.

Japanese Article W-8-2. Human osteoarthritis cartilage loss reproduction by the self-marrow mesenchyma system cells transplant
脇谷滋之, 山本鉄也
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 425-425, 2001.

Japanese Article W-8-3. Bone regeneration and BMP
野田政樹, 二藤彰, 辻邦和
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 425-425, 2001.

Japanese Article W-8-4. Endochondral ossification promotion effect of growth factors CTGF/Hcs24 derived from enlargement cartilage cells
滝川正春, 中西徹, 西田崇
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 426-426, 2001.

Japanese Article "NO and active oxygen"
吉川敏一1), 井上正康2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 427-427, 2001.

Japanese Article W-9-1. Inhibition by the chaperonin of the NO-dependent apoptosis
後藤知己, 寺田和豊, 森正敬
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 427-427, 2001.

Japanese Article W-9-2. Active oxygen, NO metabolism properties and biophylaxis system of stomach, oral bacteria
佐藤英介, 朴雅美, 三好真美, 井上正康
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 428-428, 2001.

Japanese Article W-9-3. Nitric oxide inhalation and pulmonary hypertension vascular disease
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 428-428, 2001.

Japanese Article W-9-4. The intestinal tract inflammation condition of a patient in the iNOS loss mouse
三浦総一郎, 穂苅量太
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 429-429, 2001.

Japanese Article W-9-5. Gastrointestinal inflammation in TNF - α loss mouse
内藤裕二1), 高木智久1), 吉田憲正1), 吉川敏一1), 南雅人2), 喜多正和2), 今西二郎2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 429-429, 2001.

Japanese Article "Inflammatory disease and gene polymorphism"
鎌谷直之1), 能勢眞人2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 430-430, 2001.

Japanese Article W-10-1. A theory and technique of the heredity statistics
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 430-430, 2001.

Japanese Article W-10-2. A disease gene of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the mechanism of action
塩沢俊一, 駒井浩一郎, 小西良武, 村山公一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 431-431, 2001.

Japanese Article W-10-3. The search that psoriasis vulgaris-sensitive genetic genome is wide
田宮元1), 小澤明2), 猪子英俊1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 431-431, 2001.

Japanese Article W-10-4. Human systemic lupus erythematosus disease by the candidate gene approach-sensitive genetic examination
土屋尚之1), 京極千恵子1), 黒木喜美子1), 川崎綾1), 氷上光輝1), 深沢徹2), 橋本博史2), 徳永勝士1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 432-432, 2001.

Japanese Article "The progress of the arachidonic acid metabolism study"
上田夏生*, 和泉孝志**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 433-433, 2001.

Japanese Article W-11-1. Localization and shift in cells of the 5-lipoxygenase
花香博美1)2), 清水孝雄1), 和泉孝志2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 433-433, 2001.

English Article W-11-2. Gene regulation of human 12-lipoxygenase
Wen-Chang Chang
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 434-434, 2001.

Japanese Article W-11-3. Synthase and degrading enzyme of the endogenous marijuana-like material anandamide
上田夏生1), 山中健司2), 劉倩1), 姜厚波1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 434-434, 2001.

Japanese Article W-11-4. Immunity of the prostanoid using the receptor knockout mouse, new role in inflammation
椛島健治1), 2), 宮地良樹2), 永井博弌3), 成宮周1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 435-435, 2001.

Japanese Article "A stem cell system and anagenesis"
中内啓光1), 田上八朗2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 436-436, 2001.

Japanese Article W-12-1. What is a thing controlling increase differentiation of the undifferentiated skin keratinocyte?
奥山隆平, 田上八朗
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 436-436, 2001.

Japanese Article W-12-2. Organ reproduction and cells transplant using the marrow interstitial cells
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 437-437, 2001.

Japanese Article W-12-3. Neurodifferentiation control and reproduction medical application from an embryonic stem cell
河崎洋志, 水関健司, 笹井芳樹
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 437-437, 2001.

Japanese Article W-12-4. A stem cell system and reproduction mechanism in the parenchymatous organ
谷口英樹1), 鈴木敦史1), 鄭允文1), 宮下仁志1), 川口美穂1), 尾山和信1), 橋本和明1), 深尾立1), 中内啓光2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 438-438, 2001.

Japanese Article "The remodeling of the inflammatory nest"
小林和夫*, 中村秀雄**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 439-439, 2001.

Japanese Article W-13-1. Problem of the respiratory tract remodeling establishment of the allergic inflammation in the animal
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 439-439, 2001.

Japanese Article W-13-2. Basic study on respiratory tract remodeling onset due to the allergic inflammation
田中宏幸, 永井博弌
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 440-440, 2001.

Japanese Article W-13-3. A role of alveolus macrophage (AM) in the inflammatory end: Mainly on hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) production
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 440-440, 2001.

Japanese Article W-13-4. Two-facedness of the cytokine effect to be associated with joint pain
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 441-441, 2001.

Japanese Article "The progress of the cell adhesion molecule study"
田中良哉*, 吉田憲正**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 442-442, 2001.

Japanese Article W-14-1. Role of the T-lymphocytes in the adhesion phenomenon of the neutrophils to vascular endothelial cells after the hypoxia / re-oxygenation
古倉聡1), 2), 内藤裕二2), 吉田憲正2), 吉川敏一2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 442-442, 2001.

Japanese Article W-14-2. Analysis of the adhesion change control structure of the lymphocytes with increase adjustment molecules
藤本浩子1), 田中良哉2), 南康博1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 443-443, 2001.

Japanese Article W-14-3. Control mechanism with a cytoskeleton reconfiguration and the cytomembrane reconfiguration in the cytokinesis
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 443-443, 2001.

Japanese Article W-14-4. New immunosuppressive drug, control of the lymphocytes homing by FTY720
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 444-444, 2001.

Japanese Article "A COX-2 inhibitor"
川合眞一1), 工藤一郎2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 445-445, 2001.

Japanese Article W-15-1. PLA2-COX-PG synthase: Overview
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 445-445, 2001.

Japanese Article W-15-2. Joint pain and COX-2 inhibitor
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 446-446, 2001.

Japanese Article W-15-3. Helicobacter pylori infection and COX-2
辻井正彦1), 木村新1), 辻晋吾1), 川野淳2), 堀正二1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 446-446, 2001.

Japanese Article W-15-4. Colon cancer and COX-2 inhibitor
岸本洋輔, 長谷川純一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 447-447, 2001.

Japanese Article W-15-5. Participation of cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor in the ischemic re-perfusion injury: Examination using the extended hepatectomy model and Total Hepatic Vascular Exclusion model with the blood circulation block
竹吉泉**, 須納瀬豊**, 岩崎茂**, 堤裕史**, 饗場正明**, 富沢直樹**, 川手進**, 大和田進**, 松本光司*, 森下靖雄**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 447-447, 2001.

Japanese Article About the secretion mechanism of 1 macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF)
坂本亘1, 磯村治男1, 西平順2
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 451-451, 2001.

Japanese Article Contribution to manufacture and the chemokines production of 2 mouse cystatin C recombinants
戸前昌樹, 高野克彦, 森秀一, 柴田太, 中川秀夫
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 451-451, 2001.

Japanese Article IL-8 production from human alveolar cells by 3 cryopreservation / rewarming
井上国彦1, 鈴木聡1, 久保裕司2, 植田信策3, 石田格1, 近藤丘1
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 452-452, 2001.

Japanese Article Production of IL-8 from U937cell by 4 hypoxia / re-oxygenation and the mechanism
今本栄子1), 古倉聡1), 2), 上田三穂1), 内藤裕二1), 吉田憲正1), 吉川敏一1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 452-452, 2001.

Japanese Article 5 platelet adhesion induces Monocyte Chemoattractant Prontein-1(MCP-1) production in mesangium cell through CD40/CD40L
田中崇元, 黒岩卓, 池内秀和, 金子和光, 植木嘉衛, 塚田義人, 野島美久
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 453-453, 2001.

Japanese Article TARC, MDC production from human B cells by 6 CD40 stimulation
琳琳, 野々山恵章, 水谷修紀
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 453-453, 2001.

Japanese Article Change of IL-18 in 7 first aid, intensive care domain
吉田竜介, 小池薫, 佐藤格夫, 鈴木崇生, 荒木尚, 柴田泰史, 山本保博
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 454-454, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination of the obese cell migration effect of 8 sterilization peptide humans β-defensin and LL-37
Francois Niyonsaba1), 岩渕和久1), 平田陸正2), 小川秀興3), 長岡功1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 454-454, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination about renal tubules VEGF expression in 9 nephritis tissue and the regulation of gene expression factor
喜多村真治, 山崎康司, 杉山斉, 槇野博史
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 455-455, 2001.

Japanese Article Expression of cytokine analysis in the skeletal muscle reproduction using 10 cDNA array
鈴木友子, 田村哲生, 甲斐和子, 武田伸一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 455-455, 2001.

Japanese Article Participation of the lymphoid cell in 11 mice staphylococcal exotoxin-induced uveal flame
山田利津子1, 上野聰樹1, 広井朋子2, 林奈穂2, 松井宏晃2, 山田誠一3
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 456-456, 2001.

Japanese Article The inhibition of the LPS blood vessel permeability sthenia effect by 12 heat stress.
菅沼太陽*, 入江かをる*, 藤井恵美子**, 吉岡俊正*, 村木篁*
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 456-456, 2001.

Japanese Article About an effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF) in 13 zymosan-induced inflammatory models
田中裕, 松本恭明, 中森靖, 入澤太郎, 西野正人, 杉本壽
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 457-457, 2001.

Japanese Article Change of the inflammatory creation factor in the 14 lats acute reflux oesophagitis model
戸祭直也, 吉田憲正, 高山龍烈, 山口泰司, 今本栄子, 高木智久, 半田修, 石川剛, 上田三穂, 松本尚之, 内藤裕二, 吉川敏一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 457-457, 2001.

Japanese Article Change of the prostaglandin E synthase in 15 inflammation
上野晃憲1), 池田智美1), 相川智裕1), 佐々木泰治1), 奈良場博昭2), 大石幸子3)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 458-458, 2001.

Japanese Article About pathology histology after the transplant to the SCID mouse of the patients with 16 rheumatoid arthritis synovium tissue
宇月美和1), 松野博明2), 遊道和雄2), 中澤不二雄2), 片山理恵2), 大槻昌彦3), 小川幸恵3), 平田万千代1), 木村友厚2), 澤井高志1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 458-458, 2001.

Japanese Article Characteristic (1.protein urine, the change of blood and urinary antibody titers) of the rat glomerulonephritis model induced in 17 K35
田澤洋一1), 斧研雅子1), 茅野理也1), 若狭芳男1), 服部俊二2), 横山司甫3)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 459-459, 2001.

Japanese Article Characteristic (2.the extension of the histopathological change) of the rat glomerulonephritis model induced in 18 K35
山本正敏1), 武井由弘1), 蛭間正巳1), 若狭芳男1), 田澤洋一1), 服部俊二2), 横山司甫3), 重松秀一4)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 459-459, 2001.

Japanese Article Antiinflammatory effect in the in vivo inflammatory model by 19 p38 MAP kinase inhibitor FR167653
入江かをる1, 錦織知弘2, 菅沼太陽1, 藤井恵美子1, 3, 吉岡俊正1, 村木篁1
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 460-460, 2001.

Japanese Article Analysis of the BALB/c mouse scratch behavior by 20 compound48/80
稲垣直樹, 金正煥, 白石紀子, 布施田和紀, 井下田勝広, 中村伸昭, 永井博弌
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 460-460, 2001.

Japanese Article Mutual relations of instruction type nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) in the myocardial ischemia conditioning phenomenon of 21 delayed phases
新村健1), Roberto Bolli2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 461-461, 2001.

Japanese Article Inhibitory effect of the NOS composition inhibitor for 22 mice LPS-induced acute pulmonary injury
石井芳樹, 知花和行, 阿部喜世子, 三好祐顕, 降籏友恵, 高橋幸成, 福田健
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 461-461, 2001.

Japanese Article Change of the nitrotyrosine of 23 burn wounds part neighborhood tissue
井上肇, 冨岡みゆき, 相原正記, 松崎恭一, 熊谷憲夫
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 462-462, 2001.

Japanese Article Role of nitric oxide (NO) in the vascular endothelial cells disorder by 24 inflammatory cytokine
山岡淳一, 戸田憲一, 宮地良樹
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 462-462, 2001.

Japanese Article Active oxygen-producing mechanism through 25 Lactosylceramide-enriched glycosignaling domain
岩渕和久1, 飯田和子2, 川又紀彦3, 長岡功1
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 463-463, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination of the inflammatory and cancer-causing inhibitory effect by the vitamin E oral intake in 26 mouse skin ultraviolet rays carcinogenesis models
口出将司1), 徳田春邦1), 西野輔翼1), 吉田憲正2), 吉川敏一2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 463-463, 2001.

Japanese Article 27 Study of blood flow improvement effect of rat ischemic limb by heme oxygenase-1 gene transfer
石坂信和1), 鈴木将敏1), 相澤達1), 大野実1), 森一郎2), 永井良三1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 464-464, 2001.

Japanese Article Stable examination in cells of NADPH oxidase constitution protein p67phox in 28 chronic granulomatosis
長谷部武1), 桐生千花1), 布井博幸2), 新島新一3), 藤田宏夫3), 長岡功1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 464-464, 2001.

Japanese Article 29 Anti-inflammatory mechanism of action by the 15-deoxy-△ 12, 14-PGJ2 in RA synovial cells
佐野統, 坪内康則, 川人豊, 河野正孝, 山田亮詞, 宮崎聡, 吉川敏一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 465-465, 2001.

Japanese Article COX-1 instruction with IL-1 α stimulation in the synovial cells of patients with 30 rheumatism
小野寺光江1), 森田育男1), 宗田大2), 室田誠逸1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 465-465, 2001.

Japanese Article Expression of thromboxane A2 receptor in 31 rheumatoid arthritis synovium
淺沼ゆう1), 遠藤平仁2), 赤星透2), 岡本連三3), 腰野富久3), 川合眞一1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 466-466, 2001.

Japanese Article Importance in the tumor vessel new life of 32 stroma cells PGE2-EP3 signaling
天野英樹1)2), 林泉1), 遠藤平仁3), 吉村博邦2), 成宮周4), 馬嶋正隆1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 466-466, 2001.

Japanese Article Role of the PGE2 receptor subtype in the condition of a patient formation of 33 interstitial pneumonia
遠藤平仁1), 林泉2), 馬嶋正隆2), 近藤啓文1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 467-467, 2001.

Japanese Article The prostaglandin receptor which is associated with 34 inflammatory pain: Examination by the rising response
大石幸子1), 上野晃憲2), 池田由理2), 奈良場博昭3), 牛首文隆4), 松岡俊行5), 成宮周5), 杉本幸彦6), 市川厚6)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 467-467, 2001.

Japanese Article Poly methoxyflavonoid for the PGE2 production of the human keratinocyte which we induced by 35 ultraviolet rays, depressant action of nobiletin
田中祥子1), 佐藤隆1), 矢野昌充2), 伊東晃1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 468-468, 2001.

Japanese Article Analysis of the sPLA2-IIA expression instruction regulatory mechanism in 36 culture line male blast
竹倉明子, 桑田浩, 中谷良人, 村上誠, 工藤一郎
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 468-468, 2001.

Japanese Article Participation of the excretory type phospholipase A2 in 37 experimental ulcerative colitis models
冨田泰彦1), 城山博邦1), 小林美香1), 桑原憲司1), 古江信吾1), 小野隆1), 野村浩二1), 岡安勲2), 堀洋三1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 469-469, 2001.

Japanese Article Control of RANKL/ODF and the OPG/OCIF expression in stromal cells derived from 38 periodontium
額賀潤, 小林誠, 滝口尚, 岡松良昌, 長谷川紘司
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 469-469, 2001.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic study on localization of the LPS receptor in 39 humans periodontitis gingivae
森由紀子, 吉村篤利, 金子高士, 鵜飼孝, 西田英治, 原宜興
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 470-470, 2001.

Japanese Article About a change of IFN - γ production in the resorption of bone induced by 40 LPS
森山弘隆, 鵜飼孝, 原宜興
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 470-470, 2001.

Japanese Article The onset of membrane complement control factor of the polymorphonuclear leukocyte in 41 adult periodontitis and study on function
金子高士, 小野山美穂, 原宜興
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 471-471, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give to a neutrophilic function of 42 glucosamine
華見1), 秋元智樽2), 坂本廣司3), 長岡功1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 471-471, 2001.

Japanese Article 43 Inhibitory effect of Leflunomide (HWA486) against bone destruction of adjuvant arthritis rat : Study using bone morphometry
上山清市, 吉田泰, 新井吉典, 大島健一, 矢口理史
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 472-472, 2001.

Japanese Article Effect for the adjuvant-induced arthritis of 44 new antirheumatic drug SMP-114
田頭秋三, 西角文夫
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 472-472, 2001.

Japanese Article LPS neutralization effect of the sterilization peptide LL-37 derivative of 45 cathelicidin families
長岡功1), 廣田聡子1), Francois Niyonsaba1), 関谷栄2), 平田陸正3)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 473-473, 2001.

Japanese Article Effect of pioglitazone on interaction between 46 neutrophils - walls
今本栄子, 吉田憲正, 上田三穂, 半田修, 石川剛, 高木智久, 内藤裕二, 吉川敏一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 473-473, 2001.

Japanese Article About the effect that 47 retinoid derivatives give to autoimmune disease
宮川直樹, 駒井正人, 長尾晃一, 村田昌行, 田中宏幸, 永井博弌
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 474-474, 2001.

Japanese Article 48 rheumatoid arthritis patient serums, density of MMPs(MMP-1,-9,-13) in synovial fluid and relations with the active form
伊藤崇1)2)3), 宇月美和1), 吉田渡1)2), 嶋村正2), 佐藤成大3), 澤井高志1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 474-474, 2001.

Japanese Article Synovial cells increase of 49 transforming growth factor-beta 1 and apoptosis-resistant inductive examination
川上純1), 山崎聡士1), 宮下賜一郎1), 飛田あゆみ1), 井田弘明1), 折口智樹2), 右田清志1), 江口勝美1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 475-475, 2001.

Japanese Article Association between expression of IL-12 receptor and disease activity in 50 Behcet's disease patients T cell
岳野光洋1), 永渕裕子2), 鈴木登1), 坂根剛1), 2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 475-475, 2001.

Japanese Article 51 humans Th1 cells-specific Tec family tyrosine kinase protein, expression in a functional analysis and various immunologic disease of Txk
武半優子, 岳野光洋, 鈴木登
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 476-476, 2001.

Japanese Article Secretion of the leptin from 52 humans hair papilla cells (FPC)
井口牧子, 相場節也, 芳野由美子, 田上八朗
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 476-476, 2001.

Japanese Article Effect of the new neuraminidase inhibitor zanamivir on influenza viral infection-induced airway hypersensitivity in 53 mice
来栖理, 仲埜那実, 前田真理子, 藤原将寿, 伊藤美幸, 後藤幸夫, 井上裕規, 串田宏, 横田智之, 木下美弥
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 477-477, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination about the manufacture of 54 delayed allergy-related bronchial asthma models
井本兼史, 新庄安宏, 奈邉健, 河野茂勝
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 477-477, 2001.

Japanese Article Effect of FR167653 in 55 aspirin creation-related rat gastric mucosa injury
市川寛1), 吉田憲正1), 内藤裕二1), 高木智久1), 石川剛1), 吉川敏一1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 478-478, 2001.

Japanese Article Distribution of the CD34-positive interstitial cells which we looked at in 56 humans gastric cancer tissue typing
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 478-478, 2001.

Japanese Article Clinical examination in the myelodysplastic syndrome that cellulitis in 57 our hospital was complicated with
藤田浩, 西村滋子, 富山順治
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 479-479, 2001.

Japanese Article Manufacture of 58 recombinant streptococcus fever toxin -B (SPE B) and the property
大国寿士1), 留目優子2), 加藤晃子1), 高橋秀実2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 479-479, 2001.

Japanese Article Possibility as the cow mastitis etiologic factor of 59 staphylococcal enterotoxin -C(SEC)
黒石智誠1, 貝健三1, 小林仁2, 太田實3, 小峯健一1, 熊谷勝男1
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 480-480, 2001.

Japanese Article Regulation of gene expression of 60 humans peripheral blood acidophile Interleukin-10 receptor
知花和行, 石井芳樹, 阿部喜世子, 福田健
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 480-480, 2001.

Japanese Article Transcription control of sterilization peptide, the β-defensins by 61 inflammatory cytokine
石井(堤)裕子, 長岡功
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 481-481, 2001.

Japanese Article The signal transduction through 62 class II HLA molecules and analysis of the biological significance
松下祥, 田畑博己, 松岡多香子
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 481-481, 2001.

Japanese Article Control of the Th1,Th2 creation cutaneous inflammation response due to suppressor cells induced through 63 respiratory tracts
照井正1), 岡田美喜子1), 國方なぎさ1), 田上八朗1), 佐野公仁夫2), 田村弦2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 482-482, 2001.

Japanese Article Inflammatory reply and acquired immunity reply disorder in 64 extracorporeal circulation
佐野哲朗, 西田誉浩, 富田幸裕, 益田宗孝, 森田茂樹, 安井久喬
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 482-482, 2001.

Japanese Article The detection of the plasma superantigen in 65 intensive care patients
小池薫1), 東和明2), 篠澤洋太郎1), 益子邦洋2), 山本保博2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 483-483, 2001.

Japanese Article Role of PAPS(3-phosphoadenosine 5' phosphosulfate) in 66 neutrophils sulfurous acid production
三橋秀基, 池内秀和, 太田史絵, 金子和光, 植木嘉衛, 塚田義人, 野島美久
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 483-483, 2001.

Japanese Article Change of various inflammatory markers in 67 pelvic peritonitis healing processes
小石麻子, 荻野満春, 堀川隆, 五味淵秀人, 箕浦茂樹
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 484-484, 2001.

Japanese Article Supplementary examination study for premature rupture (PROM) foresight diagnostic method establishment by the ceruloplasmin (aCp) measurement active in 68 cervical canal vaginal discharge (CVS)
荻野満春1, 2), 小石麻子1), 大川雅子2), 青塚新一2), 箕浦茂樹1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 484-484, 2001.

Japanese Article Analysis of structure and the function of new gene MMIG-1 which develops in the maturity process of 69 obese cells, and is induced
古賀久美子, 矢ノ下玲, 武富芳隆, 齋藤高範, 村上誠, 工藤一郎
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 485-485, 2001.

Japanese Article 70 refuse pace inhibitors relieve mouse acute GVHD
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 485-485, 2001.

Japanese Article apoptosis conduction for the macrophage by 71 Apicularen A
Hong JangJa1, 2), 八巻耕也2), Ahn Jong Woong3), Zee OkPyo1, 3), 大内和雄2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 486-486, 2001.

Japanese Article Effect of the antiphlogistic on apoptosis and that of white blood cell in 72 inflammation nests
村井直樹1), 川村道子2), 畑中公2), 原田芳照1, 3)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 486-486, 2001.

Japanese Article Depressant action of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug for the increase of 73 rheumatoid arthritis synovial cells
楠夏子1), 山崎竜太1, 2), 加藤美也子1), 岡本連三3), 腰野富久3), 川合眞一1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 487-487, 2001.

Japanese Article Various roles of 74 cAMP replies element-binding protein (CREB)
佐伯久美子, 湯尾明
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 487-487, 2001.

Japanese Article Study on role of the p70S6 kinase (p70S6K) cascade in differentiation, the increase to the neutrophils of 75 HL-60 cells
豊田淑江, 山口照英, 内田恵理子, 押澤正, 早川堯夫
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 488-488, 2001.

Japanese Article Analysis of the histamine-producing mechanism by the LPS stimulation in 76 macrophage
平澤典保, 村上晶, 大内和雄
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 488-488, 2001.

Japanese Article The cutting / resolution of 77 MAP kinase and neutrophilic function
鈴木賢一, 羽藤文彦, 北川誠一
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 489-489, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination about the polymorphonuclear cells intranuclear NF-κB expression in patients with 78 SIRS
中森靖**, 小倉裕司**, 康泰珍*, 藤見聡**, 西野正人**, 田中裕**, 嶋津岳士**, 杉本壽**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 489-489, 2001.

Japanese Article Fibroblastic transformation due to the expression of 79 adapter protein Gab1 abnormality
亀田秀人, 安倍達, 竹内勤
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 490-490, 2001.

Japanese Article Participation of endogenous PGE2 in the interleukin-6 production of the 80 lats peritoneal macrophage
一ノ渡学, 露木幸星, 山田将輝, 谷本敦男, 柳沼宏, 大内和雄
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 490-490, 2001.

English Article 81 Cell cycle of activated splenic lymphocytes
Zhi-ping Zong1, Ai-li Li2, Nobuo Yamaguchi2
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 491-491, 2001.

Japanese Article Hematopoietic development and joint frame work anagenesis in 82 chronicity knee joint inflammation
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 491-491, 2001.

Japanese Article Treatment of the arthritic model using the cartilage cells which we induced than 83 mouse embryonic-stem cells (embryonic stem cell)
鈴木登**, 岳野光洋**, 永渕裕子*, 武半優子**, 宮城司**, 葉俊明**
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 492-492, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination of the cytodifferentiation adjustment in 84 mouse fetuses calvarium sutures department
井関祥子1), 高橋英至2), 葭田敏之3), 石川烈3), 秦維郎2), 江藤一洋1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 492-492, 2001.

Japanese Article Attempt of the cardiac muscle cells differentiation mechanism elucidation using 85 mouse embryonic-stem cells
飯田みどり, 平家俊男, 吉本桃子, 中畑龍俊
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 493-493, 2001.

Japanese Article Pro-megakaryocytic differentiation from 86 humans hematopoietic stem cells and thrombocytopoiesis examination
佐藤孝浩1, 2, 森田育男1, 藤田浩1, 3, 小野稔2, 室田誠逸1
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 493-493, 2001.

Japanese Article 87 Activation of the extension and the bone matrix synthesis ability of osteoblasts life by telomerase induction : Attempt of bone mass improvement and bone tissue regeneration by overcoming the cell life and aging of osteoblasts
遊道和雄, 松野博明, 中澤不二雄, 片山理恵, 木村友厚
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 494-494, 2001.

Japanese Article Mixture-embedded cultural method with 88 cartilage cells and mesenchyma system stem cell
岩佐潤二, 越智光夫, 内尾祐司, 河崎賢三, 古川誠司, 片岡裕子
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 494-494, 2001.

Japanese Article Effect of the cardiac muscle cells transplant on chronic ischaemic cardiomyopathy rat which induced 89 neovascularisation
山本雅哉1), 榊原裕2), 西村和修2), 米田正始2), 田畑泰彦1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 495-495, 2001.

Japanese Article 90 art peritoneums: Application to peritoneal tissue making and study, clinical practice by the three-dimensional rebuilding
空閑啓高1), 森崎隆1), 大西秀哉1), 金丸孝昭2), 居石克夫3), 松田和久4), 田中雅夫5), 片野光男1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 495-495, 2001.

Japanese Article Hepatocytes increase control due to 91 Kupffer cell
宇山直樹1), 河田則文2), 奥山裕照1), 飯室勇二1), 嶌原康行1), 山岡義生1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 496-496, 2001.

Japanese Article Reproduction of periodontal membrane, cement by 92 recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2(rhBMP-2).
木下淳博, 小田茂, 村田秋彦, 土岡弘明, 白方良典, 古瀬大治, 石川烈
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 496-496, 2001.

Japanese Article The establishment of the α1-3GT homology recombination body in 93 cow somatic cells
澤田登起彦1), 浦川真実2), 宇留野勝好2), 青柳敬人2)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 497-497, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination of CD44 shedding induced by 94 antiCD44 monoclonal antibody
宮崎圭央, 村井稔幸, 宮坂昌之
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 497-497, 2001.

Japanese Article Analysis using the bloodstream model of the cell kinetics by the interaction with 95 CD44 and glycosaminoglycan
村井稔幸, 川島博人, 宮坂昌之
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 498-498, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination about the increase of the phi bath nectin in 96 mouse nephritis glomeruluses
永松正1), 佐伯英康1), 今井浩人1), 西山勤2), 鈴木良雄1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 498-498, 2001.

Japanese Article The reinforcement of the tumor vessel new life to go through 97 host stroma cells bradykinin B2 receptors
石原慶子1), 林泉1), 山科正平2), 塘義3), 松原弘明3), 馬嶋正隆1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 499-499, 2001.

Japanese Article Instruction of the apoptosis by the HIF-1α gene introduction in 98 vascular endothelial cells
飯田武1), 峯信一郎1), 齋藤和義1), 岡田洋右1), 藤本浩子2), 南康博2), 田中良哉1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 499-499, 2001.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of steroid, the protease inhibitor on leukocyte deformability, hemorheology in 99 SIRS
西野正人, 田中裕, 中森靖, 杉本壽
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 500-500, 2001.

Japanese Article Participation of the cyclooxygenase in the leukocyte adhesion in 100 liver microvessels
片桐寛之**, 伊藤義也**, 石井健一郎**, 柿田章**, 林泉*, 馬嶋正隆*
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 500-500, 2001.

Japanese Article Application to a differentiation instruction and the bone marrow transplantation to the hematopoietic system cells of 101 embryonic stem cells
宮城司1), 葉俊明1), 岳野光洋1), 永渕裕子2), 鈴木登1)
Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) 21(4): 501-501, 2001.