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Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society

Volume 21, Issue 6 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Diagnosis and management of acute pancreatitis ―In view of the JPN guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis―
Koichi HIRATA1), Yasutoshi KIMURA1), Takayuki NOBUOKA1), Hidenori OHSHIMA1), Toshihiko MAYUMI2), Masahiro YOSHIDA3), Tadahiro TAKADA3)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 471-478, 2006.

Japanese Article Evidence-based medicine and evidence-based guidelines
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 479-483, 2006.

Japanese Article JPN guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis :characteristics, basic findings and effects
Masahiro YOSHIDA1), Tadahiro TAKADA1), Koichi HIRATA2), Toshihiko MAYUMI3), Masaru KOIZUMI4), Syuji ISAJI5), Kazunori TAKEDA6), Masahiko HIROTA7), Miho SEKIMOT8), Yasutoshi KIMURA2), Fumihiko MIURA1), Keita WADA1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 484-490, 2006.

Japanese Article Current concept for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 491-494, 2006.

Japanese Article Japanese guidelines for management of acute pancreatitis : issues in Japanese criteria for severity assessment in acute pancreatitis
Kazunori TAKEDA
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 495-499, 2006.

Japanese Article The criterion for patients' transfer with severe acute pancreatitis ; special reference to overseas guidelines, the concept for criterion, and its problems to be solved
Yasutoshi KIMURA, Kouichi HIRATA
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 500-503, 2006.

Japanese Article Problems in the surgical treatment of severe acute pancreatitis
Yoshifumi TAKEYAMA1), Yasuyuki KIHARA2), Makoto OTSUKI2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 504-509, 2006.

Japanese Article Clinical perspectives concerning the present JPN guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis : gallstone pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 510-513, 2006.

Japanese Article Changes in the treatment for acute pancreatitis after introduction of the evidence-based practice guidelines
Toshihiko MAYUMI1, 3), Tadahiro TAKADA2, 3), Kouichi HIRATA3), Masahiro YOSHIDA2, 3), Yasutoshi KIMURA3), Miho SEKIMOTO3), Keita WADA2, 3), Kazunori TAKEDA3), Hideji ISAJI3)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 514-518, 2006.

Japanese Article A case of severe acute pancreatitis caused by intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm involving the main pancreatic duct
Shingo MITOMO1), Ryoko SASAKI2), Osamu FUNATO1), Hidenori ITABASHI1), Tomohiro FUJITA1), Yuichiro TAKEDA1), Koichi HOSHIKAWA1), Masahiro TAKAHASHI1), Hiroyuki NITTA1), Hidenobu KAWAMURA1), Noriyuki UESUGI3), Tamotsu SUGAI3), Shinichi NAKAMURA3), Go WAKABAYASHI1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 519-524, 2006.

Japanese Article A case of acute abdomen due to rupture of mutinous cystadenoma of the pancreas
Masaharu ISHIDA1), Shinichi EGAWA1), Naoaki SAKATA1), Yukio MIKAMI1), Fuyuhiko MOTOI1), Tadayoshi ABE1), Shoji FUKUYAMA1), Ryoichi ANZAI2), Hiroaki TANNO2), Makoto SUNAMURA1), Toru FURUKAWA3), Michiaki UNNO1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 525-529, 2006.

Japanese Article - close as a result of effect - whole country fact-finding of the steroid therapy to give it to course of diabetes complicated with autoimmune pancreatitis
Nishimori success 1), Akiko Tamakoshi 2), Kawamo good luck 3), Shigeru Tanaka Castle 4), Kazuo Takeuchi 5), 神澤輝実 6), Hiromitsu Saisho 7), Kenji Hirano 8), 岡村圭也 9), Nobuyuki Yanagawa 10), 大槻眞 11), Investigation study group about the refractory pancreatic disease of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 533-535, 2006.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic comparison - with invasive cancer - conventional pancreatic cancer derived from a nipple mucinous tumor in the ductus pancreaticus
Kazuaki Shimada 1), Yoshihiro Sakamoto 1), Chikara Sano 1), Tomoo Kosuge 1), Shinsuke Hiraoka 2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 536-538, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of nestin expression cells in the rat arginine-induced acute pancreatitis
石渡俊行1), 工藤光洋1), 恩田宗彦1), 藤井雄文1), 手塚潔1), 鈴木妙子1), Murray Korc2), 内藤善哉1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 539-541, 2006.

Japanese Article Lymph node metastases, histologic grade of atypism, association between Skp2 expression and poor prognosis in the pancreas tubular adenocarcinoma
Eternal life Takahiro 1), 1 full of Kagata), Hitoshi Tsuda 1), Daisaku Morita 2), Ogata center 3), Shigeto Ueda 1), Toshimichi Takigawa 1), Riverbank Nobuaki Hayashi 1), 深柄和彦 1), Kaoru Sugiura chapter 1), Osamu Matsubara 2), Kazuo Hatsuse 1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 542-544, 2006.

Japanese Article Pancreas tumor diagnosis by the methylation measurement of the SARP2 gene of pancreatic juice
渡邊弘之1), 岡田源作1), 大坪公士郎1), 姚凡1), 姜培紅1), 毛利久継1), 若林時夫2), 澤武紀雄1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 21(6): 545-547, 2006.