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Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society

Volume 22, Issue 6 / 2007
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A proposal concerning pancreatic reconstruction
Toshihide IMAIZUMI*, Yasuhisa OIDA*, Masanori ISHII*, Kosuke TOBITA*, Shoichi DOWAKI*, Naoki YAZAWA*, Masahiro MATSUYAMA*, Hiroyasu MAKUUCHI*
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 609-619, 2007.

Japanese Article Autoimmune pancreatitis
Makoto OTSUKI*
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 620-623, 2007.

Japanese Article Preparation process of the clinical diagnostic criteria of AIP 2006
Kazuichi OKAZAKI*
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 624-628, 2007.

Japanese Article US, CT and MRI findings of autoimmune pancreatitis based on "Clinical diagnostic criteria of autoimmune pancreatitis 2006"
Hiroyuki IRIE3), Tetsuhide ITO2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 629-633, 2007.

Japanese Article Clinical diagnostic criteria of autoimmune pancreatitis: Pancreatography
Takayoshi NISHINO1), Fumitake TOKI2), Keiko SHIRATORI3)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 634-640, 2007.

Japanese Article Serological markers for the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis
Shigeyuki KAWA1), Hideaki HAMANO2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 641-645, 2007.

Japanese Article Clinical diagnostic criteria of autoimmune pancreatitis: revised proposal, 2006 ―4. Pathohistological findings of the pancreas―
Masaru TAKASE1), Koichi SUDA1), 2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 646-650, 2007.

Japanese Article Nationwide survey for autoimmune pancreatitis in Japan
Isao NISHIMORI1), Saburo ONISHI1), Makoto OTSUKI2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 651-656, 2007.

Japanese Article Systemic extrapancreatic lesions associated with autoimmune pancreatitis
Hirotaka OHARA*, Takahiro NAKAZAWA*, Tomoaki ANDO*, Kazuki HAYASHI*, Hajime TANAKA*, Kanto OGAWA*, Itaru NAITOH*, Fumihiro OKUMURA*, Takushi JOH*
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 657-662, 2007.

Japanese Article Therapeutic procedure and prognosis in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis
Shigeki TANAKA*, Hitoshi YOSHIDA*, Akitoshi IKEGAMI*, Katsuya KITAMURA*
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 663-671, 2007.

Japanese Article Autoimmune pancreatitis in foreign countries
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 672-676, 2007.

Japanese Article Autoimmune pancreatitis: problems and prospects
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 677-680, 2007.

Japanese Article Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in patients with pancreatolithiasis
Masahiro KAI*, Kazuo CHIJIIWA*, Shiko NAGANUMA*, Kazuhiro KONDO*, Kazuhiro OTANI*, Jiro OHUCHIDA*, Motoaki NAGANO*, Masahide HIYOSHI*
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 681-690, 2007.

Japanese Article A case of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis accompanied by gastric bleeding derived from the penetration of an aneurysm of the left gastric artery to the stomach
Haruhiko NAGAMI1), Teiji ODA2), Tsuneo TANAKA3), Riruke MARUYAMA4), Yoshinori NIO5), Yasunari KAWABATA3), Seiji YANO3), Takeshi NISHI3), Seishi NOSAKA6), Yoshitoshi SATO7), Hiroshi OMORI7)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 691-697, 2007.

Japanese Article Acute pancreatitis caused by afferent loop obstruction after gastrectomy with Billroth-II
Junko TAHARA1), Kyoko SHIMIZU1), Hiroyuki KONISHI1), Takashi HATORI2), Keiko SHIRATORI1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 698-702, 2007.

Japanese Article Usefulness of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNA) in patients with malignant lymphoma derived from pancreas
Takayoshi TSUCHIYA1), Takao ITOI1), Atsushi SOFUNI1), Fumihide ITOKAWA1), Toshio KURIHARA1), Syujiro TSUJI1), Kentaro ISHII1), Nobuhito IKEUCHI1), Sakiko TSUKAMOTO1), Mami TAKEUCHI1), Takashi KAWAI2), Fuminori MORIYASU1)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 703-709, 2007.

Japanese Article A case of pancreatic metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: usefulness of dynamic CT for the diagnosis
Tetsuro HAMAMOTO1), Yuji TAKANO1), Masayuki INOUE1), Michiko NOGUCHI1), Hiroshi OHMURA1), Tatsuaki HORI1), Ichiro TSURUHARA1), Keigo ASHIDA2), Kenichi SUMI2), Yoko MURATA2), Koji YANAGI3), Kiyoshi NAKAMURA4)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 710-716, 2007.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis - of 115 pancreatic acinus basalioma - pancreatic society registration in Japan
Northing Hidehiko, Kondo 哲, Plains 聡 1), Kawakami 洋 2), Shinichi Egawa 3, 4), Masao Tanaka 3, 5)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 718-720, 2007.

Japanese Article Sensitivity of IgG and IgG4 in the diagnosis of the autoimmune pancreatitis, report - from specificity - Korea
Eun Kwang Choi1), Myung-Hwan Kim, Tae Yoon Lee, Seunghyun Kwon, Hyoung-Chul Oh, Chang Yun Hwang, Dong Wan Seo, Sang Soo Lee, Sung Koo Lee2)
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 22(6): 721-722, 2007.