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Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society

Volume 33, Issue 3 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 49th pancreatic congress meet - inside and outside union flower arrangement philosophical thinking - chairperson greetings in Japan
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 186-186, 2018.

English Article IL1. Advances of Endoscopy in the Diagnosis and Management of Pancreatic Disease
Jong H.Moon
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 282-282, 2018.

English Article IL2. Recent advancement in EUS-FNA and interventional EUS for pancreatic disease
Anthony Yuen Bun Teoh
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article PL1. For pancreatic surgical evidence
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article EL1. Condition of a patient analysis of the autoimmune pancreatitis and progress of the treatment
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 290-291, 2018.

English Article EL2. Up-to-date of the treatment for pancreatic cancer
Sun Whe Kim
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 293-295, 2018.

English Article SP1-1. Strategy of treatment for locally advanced pancreatic cancer in the world ; surgery vs. chemotherapy vs. radiochemotherapy
Jin-Young Jang
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 298-298, 2018.

English Article SP1-2. Impact of surgery following neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiation therapy in locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Dong-Sup Yoon1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 299-303, 2018.

English Article SP1-3. Strategies for the management of locally advanced pancreatic cancer : surgery vs. chemotherapy vs. chemoradiotherapy - Experience from NICR/NCKUH, Taiwan
Li-Tzong Chen1,2, Yen-Shen Shan3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 304-304, 2018.

English Article SP1-4. Resection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in initially unresectable pancreatic cancer
Oliver Strobel
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 305-305, 2018.

English Article SP1-5. Long-term impact of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for pancreatic cancer
Masayuki Sho, Takahiro Akahori, Satoshi Nishiwada, Kenji Nakagawa, Minako Nagai, Kota Nakamura, Naoya Ikeda
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 306-306, 2018.

English Article SP1-6. Chemoradiotherapy improves the outcome of locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Tatsuya Ioka, Hidenori Takahashi, Teruki Teshima
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article The problems of pancreatic cancer guidelines and future problem
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-1. Problem in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer guidelines
北野雅之1, 糸井隆夫2, 鎌田研3, 川井学4, 菅野敦5, 芹川正浩6, 高岡亮7, 高折恭一8, 高山敬子9, 花田敬士10, 奥坂拓志11
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-2. Problem in pancreatic cancer guidelines - surgical treatment
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-3. The consensus in the adjuvant setting of the pancreatic cancer and future problem
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-4. The problems of the field of ray therapy and future problem
伊藤芳紀1, 澁谷景子2, 中村聡明3, 大栗隆行4, 染谷正則5, 堀正和5, 高橋昌太郎2, 篠藤誠6, 梅澤玲7
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-5. Chemotherapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer: Problem in guidelines
古瀬純司1, 福冨晃2, 尾阪将人3, 井岡達也4, 水野伸匡5, 奥坂拓志6
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-6. Mainly on problem - biliary tract drainage in the endoscopic treatment -
糸井隆夫1, 花田敬士2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article SP2-7. Support, palliative treatment: Problem in guidelines
奥坂拓志1, 小川朝生2, 余宮きのみ3, 丹藤雄介4, 藤森麻衣子5, 森雅紀6, 辻哲也7, 保田知生8, 坂本はと恵9, 鈴木賢一10, 眞島喜幸11
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 313-313, 2018.

English Article SP3. Sharing ideas in English : writing, speaking and presenting
Benjamin T.Phillis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article Problems over acute pancreatitis disease severity criteria
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article SY1-1. Problems and problem of criteria in the severe acute pancreatitis
北村勝哉, 山宮知, 石井優, 三井佑太, 吉田仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article SY1-2. The problems of current acute pancreatitis disease severity criteria judging from practical clinical practice and future directionality
桐山勢生, 谷川誠, 金森明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article SY1-3. Comparison between pancreatic necrosis diagnosis and precision of the aggravation prediction of the APACHEII score of the onset early stage
辻喜久1, 児玉祐三2, 千葉勉3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article SY1-4. Examination of the WON generating factor in patients with severe acute pancreatitis
江口考明, 松下萌未, 辻前正弘, 青木康浩, 岡本典大, 橋村弘毅, 加納千勢, 松本慶, 金森厚志, 吉崎哲也, 百瀬健次, 小畑大輔, 奥山俊介, 山下博司, 岡田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article SY1-5. Examination of the onset early factor about convalescence of the acute pancreatitis
濱田晋, 正宗淳, 菊田和宏, 下瀬川徹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article SY1-6. Examination of disease severity criteria of the acute pancreatitis in the intraarterial injection therapy multicenter retrospective study
岩崎栄典1, 堀部昌靖1, 佐々木満仁2, 池浦司3, 濱田毅4, 北村勝哉5, 千葉宣孝6, 武田和憲7, 金井隆典1, 真弓俊彦8
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article Immune therapy - basics in the pancreatic cancer and clinical -
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article SY2-1. Change of the host immunity reply that the Gemcitabine treatment in the pancreatic cancer mouse model causes
小村卓也, 酒井佳夫, 高畠央, 吉田桂子, 奥薗舞, アレッサンドロナスティ, 山田長司, 金子周一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article SY2-2. Clinical significance about the expression of WT1 protein in the pancreatic cancer
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article SY2-3. Possibility as clinical significance of the onset of Necl-5 pancreatic cancer and the new treatment target factor
西和田敏, 赤堀宇広, 中川顕志, 長井美奈子, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article SY2-4. Development of the treatment with new pancreatic cancer vaccine with the pig type carbohydrate chain
三善英知1, 種村匡弘2, 古川健太2, 高松真二1, 江口英利3, 森正樹3, 土岐祐一郎3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article SY2-5. Cancer immune therapy for the progress pancreatic cancer
鳥越俊彦1, 島宏彰2, 水口徹2, 木村康利2, 竹政伊知朗2, 釣田義一郎3, 安井寛3, 和田聡4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 324-324, 2018.

English Article SY2-6. Immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer from basic research to clinical application
Joon Seong Park
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article From diagnosis and treatment - basics of autoimmune pancreatitis to application -
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 325-325, 2018.

Japanese Article SY3-1. Pancreas external secretion ability evaluation using the Sine dynamic MRI in the autoimmune pancreatitis case
岩崎栄典1, 南一洋1, 町田雄二朗1, 瀧本洋一1, 玉川空樹1, 片山正1, 清野隆史1, 堀部昌靖1, 福原誠一郎2, 金井隆典1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article SY3-2. Role of the response of the natural immunity in the pathophysiology of the type 1 immunologic pancreatitis (AIP)
柳川雅人, 内田一茂, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article SY3-3. Association of a change and the revival of the serum IgG4 level during autoimmune pancreatitis steroid therapy
鈴木大輔1,2, 清水京子1, 田原純子1, 高山敬子1, 徳重克年1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article SY3-4. Usefulness of EUS-guided Fine Needle Biopsy in the diagnosis of the autoimmune pancreatitis
石川卓哉1, 川嶋啓揮1, 廣岡芳樹2, 大野栄三郎1, 須原寛樹1, 小屋敏也1, 田中浩敬1, 酒井大輔1, 西尾亮1, 飯田忠1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1, 山田健太1, 八鹿潤1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article SY3-5. Histopathological examination of the autoimmune pancreatitis by EUS-FNA
菅野敦, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article SY3-6. Examination of usefulness of the steroid therapy for the autoimmune pancreatitis merger pancreatic cyst and cyst-related complications
倉石康弘, 渡邉貴之, 中村晃
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the combined modality therapy of the excision border pancreatic cancer and future problem - particularly pancreas head BR-A pancreatic cancer -
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article SY4-1. Treatment strategy of the local pancreatic cancer judging from international consensus 2017 of the Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
伊佐地秀司, 水野修吾, 岸和田昌之, 早崎碧泉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 330-330, 2018.

English Article SY4-2. Surgical strategy for borderline resectable (BR) and unresectable pancreatic cancer
Yan-Shen Shan
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article SY4-4. gemcitabine combination preoperation chemoradiotherapy for the BR-A pancreas head pancreatic cancer
高橋秀典, 秋田裕史, 和田浩志, 友國晃, 飛鳥井慶, 左近賢人, 石川治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article SY4-5. Usefulness of the Gemcitabine+ nab-Paclitaxel therapy for the pancreas head BR-A pancreatic cancer
宮坂義浩, 森泰寿, 仲田興平, 大塚隆生, 中村雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article SY4-6. Treatment result of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy that we put examination peritoneoscopes for the BR-A cancer of head of pancreas together and took
川畑康成, 林彦多, 西健, 岸隆, 梶俊介, 田島義証
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article Video "Interventional endoscopy in the pancreatic disease"
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article SY5-1. It is a result of EUS-FNA for the pancreas head mass of the rebuilding intestinal tract case after an operation
田中一成, 矢根圭, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article SY5-2. The oral pancreatic duct mirror in the preoperation diagnosis of IPMN: Examination about the usefulness of SpyGlassDS
喜多絵美里1, 山口武人1, 高山亘2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article SY5-3. Usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage for the relapsing pancreatitis that ERCP has difficulty with
松波幸寿, 祖父尼淳, 土屋貴愛, 田中麗奈, 本定三季, 殿塚亮祐, 藤田充, 向井俊太郎, 山本健治郎, 朝井靖二, 黒澤貴志, 糸井隆夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article SY5-4. Interventional endoscopy for the relapsing pancreatitis after the pancreaticoduodenectomy
木暮宏史1, 高原楠昊1, 水野卓1, 中井陽介1, 多田稔1, 伊佐山浩通1, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article SY5-5. Results of Interventional endoscopy for Pancreatic fluid collection
酒井新, 塩見英之, 田中雄志, 田中俊多, 山田恭孝, 中野遼太, 佐藤悠, 池川卓哉, 藤垣誠治, 江崎健, 家本孝雄, 那賀川峻, 小林隆, 増田充弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article SY5-6. Comparison of the ultrasonic endoscope lower coeliac plexus / ganglion block for the cancer pain with the pancreatic cancer
辻川尊之1, 土井晋平1, 國吉宣行1, 関根一智1, 馬淵正敏1, 岩下拓司2, 上村真也2, 向井強3, 岩田圭介4, 安田一朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1. Right or wrong - of treatment strategy - conversion surgery in the unresectable pancreatic cancer
平野聡, 古瀬純司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-1. Evidence of the preoperation treatment for the Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
池田公史1, 橋本裕輔1, 大野泉1, 高橋進一郎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-2. conversion surgery with chemotherapy, the chemoradiotherapy in the unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer
上野誠, 小林智, 森本学
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-3. conversion surgery with the chemotherapy in the pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis
岡野尚弘1, 松木亮太2, 西岡真理子1, 前園知宏1, 河合桐男1, 小林敬明1, 鈴木裕2, 長島文夫1, 柴原純二3, 杉山政則2, 古瀬純司1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-4. Significance of Conversion Surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
元井冬彦1,2, 海野倫明1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-5. Including adaptation decision - distant metastasis case of conversion surgery -
里井壯平, 山本智久, 柳本泰明, 山木壮, 小坂久, 廣岡智, 小塚雅也, 良田大典, 松井陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PD1-6. It is an attempt of making it it low infestation using the quick pathology in the optimal extent of resection ... operation of conversion surgery for the pancreatic cancer
浅野賢道, 平野聡, 中村透, 岡村圭祐, 土川貴裕, 野路武寛, 中西喜嗣, 七戸俊明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article PD2. For early diagnosis, the treatment of pancreatic duct cancer
植木敏晴, 花田敬士
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 342-342, 2018.

Japanese Article PD3. Treatment of ramified IPMN: Surgery vs. Follow-up
杉山政則, 真口宏介
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 343-343, 2018.

Japanese Article PD4. Treatment strategy for the chronic pancreatitis, Surgery vs. Interventional endoscopy
竹山宜典, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 344-344, 2018.

Japanese Article The latest video diagnosis and treatment of pancreas NET
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 345-345, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-1. Association of histologic degree of differentiation and image views of pancreas neuroendocrine tumor PNEN
宮木英輔, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 栗原啓介, 辰川裕美子, 河村良太, 津島健, 關藤剛, 齋藤裕平, 平野哲朗, 森豪, 吹上綾美, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-2. Grade evaluation of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor by contrasting harmonic EUS
石川嶺, 鎌田研, 竹中完, 田中秀和, 中井敦史, 大本俊介, 宮田剛, 三長孝輔, 山雄健太郎, 今井元, 工藤正俊
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-3. Role of medical therapy and the surgery of NET-G3
工藤篤, 水野裕貴, 伴大輔, 田邉稔
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-4. The present conditions of the streptozocin therapy for the progress pancreas neuroendocrine tumor in this country
坂本康成1, 肱岡範1, 渋谷仁2, 伊藤鉄英3, 今村正之4, 河本泉4, 工藤篤5, 小林規俊6, 保田宏明7, 有田淳一8, 森実千種1, 奥坂拓志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-5. The present situation of pancreas NET G3 in our hospital and the NEC G3 practice
藤森尚1, 三木正美2, 大野彰久1, 松本一秀1, 寺松克人1, 安永浩平2, 高松悠2, 高岡雄大2, 立花雄一2, 河邉顕1, 伊藤鉄英3, 小川佳宏2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-6. The analysis of the risk factor of lymph node metastases in PNET and examination of the optimal lymph node excision domain
山本有祐, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-7. The present conditions of the adjuvant postoperative treatment for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor in our hospital
肱岡真之1,2, 宮原稔彦1,2, 吉田佳弘1,3, 祇園智信1,3, 山本学1,3, 伊藤鉄英1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article WS1-8. Significance of a surgical treatment strategy and the operation aftercare for the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
中川直哉, 村上義昭, 上村健一郎, 近藤成, 岡田健司郎, 瀬尾信吾, 久原佑太, 高橋信也, 末田泰二郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article Mainly on preoperation treatment and effect measurement - image, pathological diagnosis and tumor marker in the pancreatic cancer -
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 351-351, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-1. Clinical significance of the histologic effect of treatment judgment of the chemoradiation treatment for invasive pancreatic duct cancer
村田泰洋, 早崎碧泉, 飯澤裕介, 藤井武宏, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 安積良紀, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-2. Examination of an image, the pathological finding of the GEM + nab - PTX pancreatic cancer case which we resected after administration
川勝章司1, 井上陽介1, 三瀬祥弘1, 石沢武彰1, 伊藤寛倫1, 高橋祐1, 平塚真紀子2, 松川陽子3, 齋浦明夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-3. Effect on tumor-related fibroblasts with the cancer preoperative chemotherapy and activated platelet out of the blood vessel
宮下知治, 岡崎充善, 大畠慶直, 中沼伸一, 牧野勇, 田島秀浩, 高村博之, 伏田幸夫, 太田哲生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-4. Significance of the effect of treatment judgment for the preoperation treatment with CA 19-9 rate of decline
高野重紹, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 野島広之, 三島敬, 吉留博之, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-5. Importance of the tumor marker negative conversion in the preoperative chemotherapy for the artery contact pancreatic cancer
近藤成, 村上義昭, 上村健一郎, 中川直哉, 岡田健司郎, 末田泰二郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-6. Examination of the image factor predicting treatment response in the FOLFIRINOX therapy in preoperation for the BR pancreatic cancer
堀寧1,2, 井上大3,4, 内藤格2, 高橋直幹3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-7. Relations with a thread job effect in the pancreatic cancer preoperation treatment and the change of an image, the tumor marker
水間正道1, 元井冬彦1, 畠達夫1, 伊関雅裕1, 有明恭平1, 高舘達之1, 益田邦洋1, 青木豪1, 石田晶玄1, 深瀬耕二1, 大塚英郎1, 森川孝則1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 内藤剛1, 亀井尚1, 菅野敦2, 正宗淳2, 古川徹3, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-8. Examination of the usefulness of FDG-PET for preoperation effect on pancreatic cancer predictions in the preoperation CRT and the CA 19-9
秋田裕史, 高橋秀典, 飛鳥井慶, 友國晃, 和川浩志, 左近賢人, 石川治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-9. Effect measurement to reflect convalescence in the chemoradiotherapy in preoperation for the pancreatic cancer
蔵原弘1, 前村公成1, 又木雄弘1, 迫田雅彦1, 飯野聡1, 川崎洋太1, 橋口真征1, 新地洋之2, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article WS2-10. Usefulness of the nomogram in the convalescence prediction before pancreatic cancer treatment which paid its attention to antitumor effect of the chemoradiotherapy
加藤宏之1, 岸和田昌之1, 早崎碧泉1, 藤井武宏1, 飯澤祐介1, 種村彰洋1, 村田泰洋1, 栗山直久1, 安積良紀1, 水野修吾1, 臼井正信1, 櫻井洋至1, 小椋透2, 伊佐地秀司1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article Genome analysis - condition of a patient elucidation in pancreas tumor and clinical significance
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 357-357, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-1. The future of the clinical implementation and cancer practice of the cancer clinical sequence
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-2. Pancreatic cancer clinical sequence in the practical medical care
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-3. All unresectable pancreatic cancer Exxon sequences using the EUS-FNA specimen and all genome copy number analysis
須藤研太郎1, 横井左奈2, 小原收3, 喜多絵美里1, 辻本彰子1, 中村和貴1, 中山学3, 山口武人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 359-359, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-4. Practice of the genome practice in pancreas tumor using Digital PCR and the next-generation sequencer
杉森慎1, 杉森一哉2, 神保智彩3, 廣谷あかね2, 三箇克幸2, 佐藤健1, 手塚瞬2, 合田賢弘2, 入江邦泰1, 三輪治生2, 三浦雄輝4, 石井寛裕5, 芝田渉1, 野崎昭人2, 前田愼1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 359-359, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-5. Genetic analysis of an invasive cancer and the coexistence pancreatic cancer derived from IPMN aiming at surveillance by the pancreatic juice
高野伸一, 深澤光晴, 進藤浩子, 高橋英, 深澤佳満, 川上智, 早川宏, 廣瀬純穂, 門倉信, 佐藤公
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 360-360, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-6. Construction of the noninvasive diagnostic technique of invasive pancreatic duct cancer by the comprehensive approach
吉川一博1, 楳田祐三1, 吉田龍一1, 信岡大輔1, 杭瀬崇1, 藤智和1, 安井和也1, Goel Ajay2, 八木孝仁1, 藤原俊義1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 360-360, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-7. Pro-pancreatic cancer-related mutation in the gene detection from blood circulation tumor DNA in the pancreatic cancer establishment and the usefulness
大川和良1, 高田良司1, 福武伸康1, 阿部友太朗1, 今井俊裕1, 久木田洋児2, 加藤菊也2, 片山和宏1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 361-361, 2018.

Japanese Article WS3-8. Genome analysis of pancreas tumor
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 361-361, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term results of the total pancreatectomy and problems
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 363-363, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-1. Glycemic control results after the total pancreatectomy
志和亜華1, 中島亨2, 中川直哉3, 上村健一郎3, 村上義昭3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 364-364, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-2. Examination of the short term of the pancreas complete removal case and long-term results
柿本忠俊1,2, 樋口亮太2, 谷澤武久2, 植村修一郎2, 出雲渉2, 松永雄太郎2, 清水京子3, 高山敬子3, 古川徹4, 山本雅一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 364-364, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-3. It is the clinical course of the case after total pancreatectomy
柳町幸1, 中山弘文1, 山一真彦1, 佐藤江里1, 松本敦史1, 近澤真司1, 松橋有紀1, 大門眞1, 石戸圭之輔2, 袴田健一2, 丹藤雄介3, 中村光男4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 365-365, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-4. About the excision results in the pancreas complete removal case and the postoperative weight, an insulin dose change
岡村行泰, 杉浦禎一, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 大木克久, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 365-365, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-5. Examination of a postoperative course of the total pancreatectomy in our hospital and long-term results
小坂久, 里井壯平, 柳本泰明, 山本智久, 廣岡智, 山木壮, 小塚雅也, 道浦拓, 井上健太郎, 松井陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 366-366, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-6. Clinical significance of the pancreas complete removal that we examined from a pancreatectomy stump
山田豪1, 浅野智成1, 高見秀樹1, 園原史訓1, 末永雅也1, 丹羽由紀子1, 林真路1, 藤井努2, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 366-366, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-7. Treatment result of the total pancreatectomy for invasive pancreatic duct cancer
松本逸平, 吉田雄太, 川口晃平, 松本正孝, 村瀬貴昭, 岩崎寿光, 亀井敬子, 里井俊平, 武部敦志, 中居卓也, 竹山宜典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 367-367, 2018.

Japanese Article WS4-8. Pancreas complete removal in our hospital, Complete removal of the residual pancreas postoperative treatment result
安保義恭, 高田実, 田本英司, 武内慎太郎, 今村清隆, 渡邊祐介, 加藤健太郎, 木ノ下義宏, 中村文隆, 樫村暢一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 367-367, 2018.

Japanese Article PCA1. A role of the general hospital for local early pancreatic cancer discovery rate improvement: Make use of experience of the endoscopic ultrasonography
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 370-370, 2018.

Japanese Article PCA2. New liver metastases-related factor of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which we detected by proteomics analysis
志村充広, 水間正道, 畠達夫, 伊関雅裕, 高舘達之, 有明恭平, 青木豪, 深瀬耕二, 森川孝則, 中川圭, 林洋毅, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 370-370, 2018.

Japanese Article PCA3. Examination about the new non-invasive diagnostic method of the pancreatic cancer by urinary free microRNA
西別府敬士1, 小松周平1, 今村泰輔1, 木内純1, 森村玲1, 生駒久視1, 小西博貴1, 塩崎敦1, 市川大輔2, 大辻英吾1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 371-371, 2018.

Japanese Article PCA4. About usefulness of the drainage of the ultrasonic endoscope bottom transgastrointestinal tract for the pancreatic fistula after the pancreatectomy
田村崇1, 糸永昌弘1, 川路祐輝1, 奴田絢也1, 幡丸景一1, 小林良平2, 北畑裕司2, 宮澤基樹2, 岡田健一2, 廣野誠子2, 川井学2, 山上裕機2, 北野雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 371-371, 2018.

Japanese Article PCA5. Elucidation of the new local micropermeation mechanism of invasive pancreatic duct cancer using the pancreas organoid
米永晃子1, 肥川和寛1, 大内田研宙1, 進藤幸治1, 仲田興平1, 森山大樹1,2, 宮坂義浩1, 大塚隆生1, 水元一博1, 中村雅史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 372-372, 2018.

Japanese Article O-001. A treatment result and validity of the total pancreatectomy
吉岡伊作, 渋谷和人, 関根慎一, 平野勝久, 藤井努
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 374-374, 2018.

Japanese Article O-002. Perioperative care in the total pancreatectomy and the results
前田徹也, 土屋勝, 伊藤悠子, 吉野翔, 松本悠, 木村和孝, 石井淳, 久保田喜久, 片桐敏雄, 大塚由一郎, 金子弘真, 船橋公彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 374-374, 2018.

Japanese Article O-003. About the long-term results of the total pancreatectomy case in our hospital and the problems
須藤広誠, 岡野圭一, 大島稔, 安藤恭久, 鈴木康之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 375-375, 2018.

Japanese Article O-004. Results of the total pancreatectomy in the classroom
浅野之夫, 石原慎, 伊東昌広, 荒川敏, 古田晋平, 志村正博, 林千紘, 神尾健士郎, 河合永季, 安岡宏展, 東口貴彦, 堀口明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 375-375, 2018.

Japanese Article O-005. Examination of the total pancreatectomy in our hospital
又木雄弘1, 前村公成1, 蔵原弘1, 川崎洋太1, 田上聖徳1, 新地洋之2, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 376-376, 2018.

Japanese Article O-006. Long-term results after the total pancreatectomy in our center
小畑雅寛, 桑原崇通, 水野伸匡, 奥野のぞみ, 岩屋博道, 松本慎平, 伊東文子, 倉岡直亮, 栗田裕介, 田中宏樹, 安田宗司, 原和生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 376-376, 2018.

Japanese Article O-007. Possibility - that constriction of the pancreas parenchyma in the CT and allied - pancreatic cancer early diagnosis with the conventional pancreatic cancer development are new
小橋優子1, 松井淳一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 377-377, 2018.

Japanese Article O-008. Examination of clinical features in the TS1 pancreatic cancer
小堤隆広, 北川洸, 関建一郎, 花谷純一, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 377-377, 2018.

Japanese Article O-009. Results of the endoscopic diagnosis for the Stage0, IA pancreatic cancer in our hospital
南竜城, 小澤智美, 上尾太郎, 久須美房子, 大花正也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 378-378, 2018.

Japanese Article O-010. Clinicopathologic examination of 3 excision case of stage0 pancreatic duct cancer
肱岡範1, 島田和明2, 江崎稔2, 岸庸二2, 奈良聡2, 森実千種1, 近藤俊輔1, 坂本康成1, 大場彬博1, 丸木雄太1, 奥坂拓志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 378-378, 2018.

Japanese Article O-011. Examination of the pTS1 pancreatic cancer excision case in our hospital
前田光貴, 田端正己, 中西美菜子, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 379-379, 2018.

Japanese Article O-012. Look at the mirror for infectious WON after pancreatitis; lower adjuvant retroperitoneum necrosectomy
北里周, 黒木保, 山下真理子, 松村尚美, 釘山統太, 平山昂仙, 徳永隆幸, 竹下浩明, 谷口堅, 前田茂人, 藤岡ひかる
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 379-379, 2018.

Japanese Article O-013. It is featured the EUS lower drainage refractoriness case for Walled-off necrosis after acute pancreatitis
永井一正, 林毅, 宇都宮蘭, 田中一成, 瀧川有記子, 小林陽介, 金俊文, 矢根圭, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 380-380, 2018.

Japanese Article O-014. After ERCP associated - with aggravation predictor - offal fat of the pancreatitis
横山政明1, 鈴木裕1, 金翔哲1, 百瀬博一1, 松木亮太1, 小暮正晴1, 中里徹矢1, 倉田勇2, 土岐真朗2, 阿部展次1, 森俊幸1, 杉山政則1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 380-380, 2018.

Japanese Article O-015. Urgently focus on early ERCP/ES present conditions - of gallstones-related pancreatitis treatment in our hospital; and ...
山口厚1, 三浦崚一1, 宮迫由希1, 高砂健1, 隅田ゆき1, 西村直之1, 今川宏樹1, 山口敏紀1, 桑井寿雄1, 河野博孝1, 首藤毅2, 村尾正樹3, 岩崎泰昌3, 高野弘嗣1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 381-381, 2018.

Japanese Article O-016. Examination of Interventional EUS for the pancreas local complication after the acute pancreatitis
水野創太1, 中平有紀1, 宜保憲明1, 野々垣浩二1, 印牧直人1, 川嶋啓揮2, 廣岡芳樹3, 後藤秀実2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 381-381, 2018.

Japanese Article O-017. It is examined the pancreatitis protective efficacy after ERCP in the low-dose (25 mg) diclofenac suppository
奥野充, 白子順子, 田口大輔, 高田淳, 今井奨, 佐藤寛之, 棚橋忍
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 382-382, 2018.

Japanese Article O-018. It is examined the serum amylase as the predictor of the pancreatitis, lipase measurement significance and the risk factor after ERCP
枡かおり, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 與那嶺圭輔, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 382-382, 2018.

Japanese Article O-019. It is examined the usefulness of the serum pancreas type amylase measurement in the early diagnosis of the pancreatitis after ERCP
紺野直紀1, 高木忠之1, 鈴木玲1, 杉本充1, 佐藤雄紀1, 入江大樹1, 引地拓人2, 渡辺晃1,2, 中村純1,2, 高住美香1, 大平弘正1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 383-383, 2018.

Japanese Article O-020. It is an early predictor of PPC/WON after severe pancreatitis
瀧真也, 糸永昌弘, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 383-383, 2018.

Japanese Article O-021. Association with DIC and WON in the severe acute pancreatitis
加藤隆介, 提中克幸, 諏訪兼敏, 三宅隼人, 十亀義生, 保田宏明, 阪上順一, 伊藤義人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 384-384, 2018.

Japanese Article O-022. Two cases of the drug-related pancreatitis complicated with inflammatory bowel disease
平塚裕晃1, 伊原諒1, 土居雅宗1, 畑山勝子1, 永山林太郎1, 丸尾達1, 野間栄次郎1, 光安智子1, 植木敏晴1, 八尾建史2, 平井郁仁3, 田邊寛4, 原岡誠司4, 岩下明徳5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 384-384, 2018.

Japanese Article O-023. A diagnosis and treatment of the pancreas arterio-venous malformation
田中浩敬1, 廣岡芳樹2, 川嶋啓揮1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 須原寛樹1, 小屋敏也1, 酒井大輔1, 飯田忠1, 西尾亮1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1, 八鹿潤1, 山田健太1, 後藤秀実1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 385-385, 2018.

Japanese Article O-024. Examination of survivors long-term after pancreatic cancer radiotherapy in our hospital
大橋広和, 松本岳士, 岡原聡, 菅原伸明, 須貝茂, 小平純一, 小池容史, 高橋宏明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 385-385, 2018.

Japanese Article O-025. It is heavy particle radiotherapy for the local recurrence after pancreatic cancer technique
山田滋1, 川城壮平1, 磯崎由佳1, 鎌田正1, 宮崎勝2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 386-386, 2018.

Japanese Article O-026. planning study of the normal position radiotherapy using the MR image instruction radiotherapy to pancreatic cancer
稲葉浩二, 岡本裕之, 西岡史絵, 飯島康大郎, 土田圭祐, 柏原大朗, 高川佳明, 島聖, 高橋加奈, 村上直也, 伊藤芳紀, 井垣浩, 中山優子, 伊丹純
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 386-386, 2018.

Japanese Article O-027. Examination of the hyperfractionation acceleration irradiation for the local progress pancreatic cancer vs. the proton radiotherapy
前村公成1, 又木雄弘1, 蔵原弘1, 川崎洋太1, 田上聖徳1, 飯野聡1, 迫田雅彦1, 新地洋之2, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 387-387, 2018.

Japanese Article O-028. Strong convergence supersonic wave (HIFU) therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
藤田充, 祖父尼淳, 土屋貴愛, 田中麗奈, 殿塚亮祐, 本定三季, 向井俊太郎, 山本健治郎, 朝井靖二, 松波幸寿, 黒澤貴志, 糸井隆夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 387-387, 2018.

Japanese Article O-029. Echography of the pancreas inflammatory disorder to need the differentiation with pancreas tumor
佐藤愛1, 入澤篤志1,2, 能登原憲司3, 澁川悟朗1, 阿部洋子1, 山部茜子1, 荒川典之1, 高崎祐介1, 吉田吉継1, 牧匠1, 五十嵐亮1, 山元勝悟1, 池田恒彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 388-388, 2018.

Japanese Article O-030. The present situation of diabetes in the pancreatic lithiasis following up conservatively
菊田和宏, 菅野敦, 粂潔, 濱田晋, 三浦晋, 滝川哲也, 本郷星仁, 鍋島立秀, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 388-388, 2018.

Japanese Article O-031. Treatment result of the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the chronic pancreatitis case
代田智樹, 永川裕一, 佐原八束, 瀧下智恵, 土方陽介, 小林直, 刑部弘哲, 中島哲史, 細川勇一, 土田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 389-389, 2018.

Japanese Article O-032. Usefulness of ERCP lower EHL for the pancreatic calculus in the pancreatic duct using the digital type pancreatic duct endoscope
西岡伸, 小倉健, 宮野亮, 神山理絵子, 今西みゆき, 奥田篤, 植野紗織里, 井元章, 増田大介, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 389-389, 2018.

Japanese Article O-033. Examination of Frey surgery and the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the chronic pancreatitis
林祐一, 松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 社本智也, 坪井謙, 森本守, 高橋広城, 石黒秀行, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 390-390, 2018.

Japanese Article O-034. It is a treatment result of the EUS lower drainage for the pancreatic fistula after an operation
岩田圭介1, 安田一朗2, 向井強3, 岩下拓司4, 安藤暢洋1, 杉原潤一1, 清水雅仁4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 390-390, 2018.

Japanese Article O-035. Examination of the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage in our hospital
中島義博1, 吉田浩司1, 三宅智雄2, 北川貴之2, 西紋禮士2, 青木啓純2, 時岡峻三2, 日野啓輔2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 391-391, 2018.

Japanese Article O-036. Usefulness and safety of the bile duct intubation by the pancreatic duct broaching open for the selective bile duct difficulty with intubation case
小野寺学, 江上大基, 鈴木茉理奈, 宮本大輔, 太宰昌佳, 横山朗子, 吉井新二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 391-391, 2018.

Japanese Article O-037. It is a treatment result of the pancreatic fistula after caudalis pancreatectomy by endoscopic intervention
松井聡1, 今井寿1, 多和田翔1, 前田健一1, 上村真也1,2, 岩下拓司2, 清水雅仁2, 吉田和弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 392-392, 2018.

Japanese Article O-038. Examination of the ERCP, liver pancreas regional endoscopic intervention 18 years or younger
岸本有為, 岡野直樹, 伊藤謙, 吉本憲介, 岩崎将, 木村祐介, 山田悠人, 渡辺浩二, 五十嵐良典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 392-392, 2018.

Japanese Article O-039. Comparison of propofol and the midazolam in foreign liver pancreas EUS
井上薪, 奥園徹, 中堀昌人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 393-393, 2018.

Japanese Article O-040. About results and problems of the metallic stent for distal biliary tract stenosis due to the nonresected pancreatic cancer
小林照宗, 東郷聖子
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 393-393, 2018.

Japanese Article O-041. The need of the EST at the fully covered metallic stent custody for the lower bile duct stricture due to pancreas tumor
森田亮1, 中原一有1, 小林慎二郎2, 路川陽介1, 森田望1, 佐藤純也1, 辻顕介1, 大坪毅人2, 伊東文生1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 394-394, 2018.

Japanese Article O-042. Usefulness of the bile duct plastic stent for pancreatic cancer preoperation chemoradiotherapy and the surgery medical treatment
中村広太1, 赤堀宇広1, 長井美奈子1, 西和田敏1, 中川顕志1, 池田直也1, 田中利洋2, 吉川公彦2, 玉本哲郎3, 長谷川正敏3, 美登路昭4, 吉治仁志4, 庄雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 394-394, 2018.

Japanese Article O-043. Usefulness of the endoscopic duodenal stenting for Gastric outlet obstruction due to the pancreatic cancer
上村真也, 岩下拓司, 三田直樹, 吉田健作, 清水雅仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 395-395, 2018.

Japanese Article O-044. Interventional Endoscopy for the bile duct, duodenal obstruction case due to the pancreatic cancer
小倉健, 西岡伸, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 395-395, 2018.

Japanese Article O-045. Examination of the bile duct stenting endoscopic in preoperation for the pancreatic cancer
石井優, 北村勝哉, 山宮知, 三井佑太, 吉田仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 396-396, 2018.

Japanese Article O-046. About treatment adaptation of the endoscopic necrosectomy for the necrotising pancreatitis and the complications
粂潔, 菅野敦, 鍋島立秀, 本郷星仁, 三浦晋, 滝川哲也, 濱田晋, 菊田和宏, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 396-396, 2018.

Japanese Article O-047. Endoscopic pancreaticocholangiography funnel drainage technique for the acute purulent pancreatic duct flame with the pancreas malignant tumor
清水口涼子, 菊山正隆, 神澤輝実, 来間佐和子, 千葉和朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 397-397, 2018.

Japanese Article O-048. Stent remand technique for the pancreatitis that occurred after pancreatitis prophylactic objective pancreatic duct stenting after ERCP
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 飴田咲貴1,4, 佐藤正文2, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2, 宮崎悦3, 富田夏未1,4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 397-397, 2018.

Japanese Article O-049. Endoscopic approach for the pancreatic pseudocyst explosion
北川翔, 宮川宏之, 長川達哉, 平山敦, 岡村圭也, 奥大樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 398-398, 2018.

Japanese Article O-050. The present conditions about the endoscopic close inspection, treatment for the chronic pancreatitis in our hospital
浦田矩代1, 谷川朋弘1, 石井克憲1, 中村純1, 西野謙1, 末廣満彦1, 笹井貴子1, 川中美和1, 浦上淳2, 春間賢1, 河本博文1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 398-398, 2018.

Japanese Article O-051. It is usefulness of the EUS lower drainage for pancreatic fistula (POPF) after an operation
中井敦史1, 竹中完1, 山雄健太郎1, 松本逸平2, 竹山宜典2, 工藤正俊1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 399-399, 2018.

Japanese Article O-052. Interventional Endoscopy for the chronic pancreatitis
馬淵正敏, 土井晋平, 國吉宣行, 関根一智, 辻川尊之, 安田一朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 399-399, 2018.

Japanese Article O-053. Possibility of the pancreatic duct mirror using SpyGlass DS in the practice orientation of IPMN
越田真介, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 400-400, 2018.

Japanese Article O-054. Pancreatectomy Reconstruction Acts and Interventional Endoscopy which considered endoscopic approach to residual pancreas after an operation
松井淳一, 瀧川穣, 門多由恵
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 400-400, 2018.

Japanese Article O-055. Two cases that combination of the EUS lower pancreatic duct drainage succeeded for pancreatic fistula after the operation that suffered from medical treatment
福原誠一郎1, 岩崎栄典2, 町田雄二郎2, 玉川空樹2, 瀧本洋一2, 片山正2, 川崎慎太郎2, 清野隆史2, 堀部昌靖2, 八木洋3, 阿部雄太3, 北郷実3, 緒方晴彦1, 金井隆典2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 401-401, 2018.

Japanese Article O-056. The present conditions of the endoscopic treatment in our hospital for the pancreatic duct jejunum anastomotic stricture after the pancreaticoduodenectomy
合田賢弘1, 杉森一哉1, 尾関雄一郎1, 三箇克幸1, 廣谷あかね1, 手塚瞬1, 入江邦泰2, 三輪治生1, 沼田和司1, 前田愼2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 401-401, 2018.

Japanese Article O-057. Usefulness of EUS-cyst drainage using Fully-covered self-expanding metal stent
奥野のぞみ, 水野伸匡, 桑原崇通, 松本慎平, 栗田裕介, 小畑雅弘, 原和生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 402-402, 2018.

Japanese Article O-058. Examination of the GEM + nab - PTX combination therapy for the unresectable progress, recurrent pancreatic carcinoma in our hospital
和唐正樹, 榊原一郎, 田中盛富
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 402-402, 2018.

Japanese Article O-059. Fact-finding of the GEM + nab - paclitaxel therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in the Kagoshima inside and outside
有馬志穂1, 橋元慎一1, 川崎洋太3, 田口宏樹2, 田ノ上史郎1, 蔵原弘3, 又木雄弘3, 前村公成3, 新地洋之4, 井戸章雄1, 夏越祥次3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 403-403, 2018.

Japanese Article O-060. Usefulness of the TUBB3 staining as the effect on unresectable pancreatic cancer predictor of the Gem + nabPTx therapy
加藤晃久, 内藤格, 林香月, 宮部勝之, 吉田道弘, 堀寧, 夏目まこと, 神野成臣, 城卓志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 403-403, 2018.

Japanese Article O-061. We look at the rear of the Gemcitabine + nab - Paclitaxel combination therapy for the elderly people progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision and examine a mark
津村英隆, 三木生也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 404-404, 2018.

Japanese Article O-062. Observational, prospective study about fatigue during the gemcitabine nab-paclitaxel combination therapy enforcement
岡田健一, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 404-404, 2018.

Japanese Article O-063. Treatment result of the Nab - Pacritaxel + Gemcitabine therapy for the case recurrent after pancreatic cancer technique in our hospital
川井田博充1, 望月理玄1, 渡邉光章1, 細村直弘1, 雨宮秀武1, 河野寛1, 藤井秀樹2, 市川大輔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 405-405, 2018.

Japanese Article O-064. Experience of the FOLFIRINOX therapy for metastasis, the recurrent pancreatic carcinoma of our hospital
大村仁昭, 武田裕, 桂宜輝, 阪本卓也, 湯川芳郎, 遠矢圭介, 高瀬洪生, 森良太, 野瀬陽平, 河合賢二, 稲留遵一, 村上剛平, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 柄川千代美, 村田幸平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 405-405, 2018.

Japanese Article O-065. About significance of the combination chemotherapy in the unresectable elderly people pancreatic cancer
藤本剛英1, 園田文乃1, 高橋憲一郎1, 大塚武人2, 今枝広丞1, 大崎理英1, 伴宏光2, 稲富理1, 馬場重樹3, 杉本光繁2, 安藤朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 406-406, 2018.

Japanese Article O-066. Experience of the Gemcitabine + nab - Paclitaxel combination therapy for the elderly people pancreatic cancer
滝沢一泰, 小林隆, 仲野哲也, 堅田朋大, 坂田純, 若井俊文
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 406-406, 2018.

Japanese Article O-067. Comparison between modified FOLFIRINOX and full-dose FOLFIRINOX in the common practice
大場彬博, 上野秀樹, 小宮山哲史, 丸木雄太, 坂本康成, 近藤俊輔, 肱岡範, 森実千種, 奥坂拓志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 407-407, 2018.

Japanese Article O-068. Treatment result of the modified FOLFIRINOX therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
安藤暢洋, 岩田圭介
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 407-407, 2018.

Japanese Article O-069. Phase II study of the pegfilgrastim combination FOLFIRINOX therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis
佐々木満仁1,2, 上野秀樹1, 大場彬博1, 細井寛子1, 小林智3, 上野誠3, 大川伸一3, 寺沢哲志4, 後藤昌弘4, 井上大5, 並木伸5, 坂本康成1, 近藤俊輔1, 森実千種1, 奥坂拓志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 408-408, 2018.

Japanese Article O-070. Acute pancreatitis disease severity prediction by the iodine map using the Dual Energy CT
山宮知, 北村勝哉, 石井優, 三井佑太, 吉田仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 408-408, 2018.

Japanese Article O-071. About the clinical effect that laterality of the inflammatory influence gives on inferior pole of kidney in the severe acute pancreatitis
三宅隼人1, 高田智規1, 提中克幸1, 諏訪兼敏1, 加藤隆介1, 十亀善生2, 保田宏明1, 阪上順一1, 伊藤義人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 409-409, 2018.

Japanese Article O-072. Histopathological examination of acute inflammation of the pancreas in the autopsy case
松田陽子1, 柿崎元恒1, 野中敬介1, 石渡俊行2, 新井冨生1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 409-409, 2018.

Japanese Article O-073. Examination of poor predictor of the severe acute pancreatitis and the encapsulation necrosis (WON) merger predictor
大本俊介1, 竹中完1, 松本逸平2, 竹山宜典2, 工藤正俊1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 410-410, 2018.

Japanese Article O-074. The present situation of EUS-CD (abscess drainage) in our hospital
岡俊州1, 飯塚尭1, 山川司1, 平野雄大1, 横山佳浩1, 牛島慶子1, 鈴木亮1, 笠原薫1, 小林寿久1, 矢和田敦1, 金戸宏行2, 本谷雅代3, 志谷真啓3, 柾木喜晴3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 410-410, 2018.

Japanese Article O-075. An outcome of the DIC merger serious case acute pancreatitis and antiDIC treatment
千葉宣孝, 木下浩作
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 411-411, 2018.

Japanese Article O-076. Examination about clinical features of the limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis
與那嶺圭輔, 越田真介, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 枡かおり, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 411-411, 2018.

Japanese Article O-077. Clinical picture of the serum IgG4-negative autoimmune pancreatitis
石井康隆, 芹川正浩, 壷井智史, 栗原啓介, 辰川裕美子, 宮木英輔, 河村良太, 津島健, 齋藤裕平, 關藤剛, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 森豪, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 412-412, 2018.

Japanese Article O-078. Comparison between limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis and image evidence of pancreatic cancer
瀧川有記子, 金俊文, 潟沼朗生, 宇都宮蘭, 田中一成, 永井一正, 小林陽介, 矢根圭, 林毅, 高橋邦幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 412-412, 2018.

Japanese Article O-079. Significance of Apolipoprotein AII isoform measurement in autoimmune pancreatitis
小林隆1, 八木洋輔1,2, 塩見英之1, 佐藤悠1, 酒井新1, 増田充弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 413-413, 2018.

Japanese Article O-080. Clinical features and effect of treatment of the old onset autoimmune pancreatitis
大野芳敬1,8, 熊木天児1, 横田智行2, 宮田英樹3, 田中良憲4, 多田藤政5, 川崎敬太郎6, 畔元信明7, 小泉光仁1, 黒田太良1, 今村良樹1, 日浅陽一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 413-413, 2018.

Japanese Article O-081. Examination of 70 type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis in our hospital
松本慎平, 原和生, 水野伸匡, 桑原崇通, 奥野のぞみ, 岩屋博道, 伊東文子, 倉岡直亮, 小畑雅寛, 栗田裕介, 田中宏樹, 安田宗司, 田近正洋, 田中努, 石原誠, 平山裕, 大西祥代, 鳥山和浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 414-414, 2018.

Japanese Article O-082. Inspection of SMA neighborhood extension style and the resectability classification in the cancer of head of pancreas judging from an SMA merger excision case
牧野勇, 中沼伸一, 宮下知治, 田島秀浩, 岡崎充善, 山口貴久, 大畠慶直, 林泰寛, 高村博之, 太田哲生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 414-414, 2018.

Japanese Article O-083. Usefulness of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for the resectable pancreatic cancer
三木厚, 佐久間康成, 斉藤晶, 目黒由行, 遠藤和洋, 小泉大, 笹沼英紀, 堀江久永, 細谷好則, 北山丈二, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 415-415, 2018.

Japanese Article O-084. Clinicopathologic difference in superior mesenteric artery contact pancreatic cancer and common hepatic artery contact pancreatic cancer and the treatment strategy
村上義昭, 上村健一郎, 近藤成, 中川直哉, 岡田健司郎, 久原佑太, 末田泰二郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 415-415, 2018.

Japanese Article O-085. Control of the BR pancreatic cancer with the preoperation S-1 combination radiotherapy: Than analysis results of JASPAC05
清水泰博1, 高橋進一郎2, 外山博近3, 森永聡一郎4, 中森正二5, 菱沼正一6, 小林達伺7, 池田公史8, 上坂克彦9
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 416-416, 2018.

Japanese Article O-086. Neoadjuvant therapy for treatment strategy - BR-A cancer of head of pancreas for the cancer of head of pancreas and surgical ablative importance -
吉富秀幸1, 高野重紹1, 賀川真吾1, 古川勝規1, 高屋敷吏1, 久保木知1, 鈴木大亮1, 酒井望1, 野島広之1, 三島敬1, 吉留博之1, 宮崎勝1,2, 大塚将之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 416-416, 2018.

Japanese Article O-087. Preoperation chemoradiotherapy for the cancer of head of pancreas with main artery permeation
天野良亮, 木村健二郎, 山添定明, 大平豪, 田内潤, 田中涼太, 大平雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 417-417, 2018.

Japanese Article O-088. Difference between preoperation chemoradiotherapy and effect of treatment of the GS chemotherapy for the BR-A cancer of head of pancreas
増井俊彦, 佐藤朝日, 仲野健三, 内田雄一郎, 余語覚匡, 長井和之, 穴澤貴行, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 417-417, 2018.

Japanese Article O-089. Effect of the preoperation GS therapy on pancreas head BR-A pancreatic cancer
青木琢, 松本尊嗣, 鈴木隆志, 清水崇行, 谷圭吾, 朴景華, 白木孝之, 森昭三, 礒幸博, 加藤正人, 窪田敬一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 418-418, 2018.

Japanese Article O-090. The present conditions and problem of the pancreas head Borderline resectable-A pancreatic cancer
中村透, 浅野賢道, 岡村圭祐, 土川貴裕, 野路武寛, 村上壮一, 海老原裕磨, 倉島庸, 中西喜嗣, 田中公貴, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 418-418, 2018.

Japanese Article O-091. Treatment result of the BR-A pancreatic cancer
杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 大木克久, 渡辺伸元, 山田美保子, 皆川卓也, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 419-419, 2018.

Japanese Article O-092. Treatment result of the pancreaticoduodenectomy enforcement case after the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for the BR-A pancreatic cancer
村上崇, 松山隆生, 森隆太郎, 藪下泰宏, 澤田雄, 土屋伸広, 押正徳, 後藤晃紀, 熊本宜文, 遠藤格
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 419-419, 2018.

Japanese Article O-093. Optimal treatment strategy of the local progress pancreatic cancer of the pancreas head domain
赤堀宇広, 長井美奈子, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 420-420, 2018.

Japanese Article O-094. Examination about the surgical treatment for unresectable invasive pancreatic duct cancer
京田有介, 大場範行, 金本秀行, 高木哲彦, 戸田健夫, 高木正和
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 420-420, 2018.

Japanese Article O-095. A treatment result and adaptation of conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
益子太郎1, 矢澤直樹1, 古川大輔1, 山田美鈴1, 増岡義人1, 川西彩2, 川嶌洋平2, 小川真実2, 平林健一3, 中郡聡夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 421-421, 2018.

Japanese Article O-096. About examination early relapse of the artery contact pancreatic cancer (BRA, URLA) and the relations of the previous treatment period
夏目誠治1, 清水泰博1, 千田嘉毅1, 原和生2, 水野伸匡2, 桑原崇通2, 奥野のぞみ2, 岩屋博道2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 421-421, 2018.

Japanese Article O-097. Results of the tail of pancreas side excision for the highly local progress pancreatic cancer and the abdominal cavity arterial trunk excision (DP-CAR) case
西岡歩美, 高済峯, 田中幸美, 宮尾晋太朗, 中谷充宏, 松阪正訓, 向川智英, 石川博文, 渡辺明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 422-422, 2018.

Japanese Article O-098. Is the preoperation treatment effective for Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer of the DP-CAR adaptation?
高橋進一郎1, 杉本元一1, 小林信1, 小西大1, 池田公史2, 後藤田直人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 422-422, 2018.

Japanese Article O-099. Positioning of the treatment with nanoknife in the treatment strategy of the local progress pancreatic cancer
森安史典1, 佐野隆友1, 糸井隆夫2, 土田明彦3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 423-423, 2018.

Japanese Article O-100. Reconsideration of the preoperative chemotherapy for the Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
石戸圭之輔, 工藤大輔, 木村憲央, 櫻庭伸悟, 脇屋太一, 澤野武行, 須藤亜希子, 袴田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 423-423, 2018.

Japanese Article O-101. About the clinical significance of the preoperation chemoradiation treatment protocol successful execution case for the local pancreatic cancer
武内泰司郎, 水野修吾, 村田泰洋, 早崎碧泉, 岸和田昌之, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 424-424, 2018.

Japanese Article O-102. The effect that drug-related pulmonary disorder with the treatment gives for the perioperative period in pancreatic cancer preoperation
中川顕志, 赤堀宇広, 西和田敏, 長井美奈子, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 424-424, 2018.

Japanese Article O-103. Examination of recurrent rule factor of the Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer given chemoradiotherapy in preoperation
松木裕輝, 松山隆生, 土屋伸広, 村上崇, 藪下泰宏, 澤田雄, 森隆太郎, 熊本宜文, 遠藤格
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 425-425, 2018.

Japanese Article O-104. Significance of the pancreaticoduodenectomy that we matched artery merger excision reconstruction for the pancreatic cancer and took
松山隆生, 藪下泰宏, 村上崇, 土屋伸広, 澤田雄, 熊本宜文, 遠藤格
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 425-425, 2018.

Japanese Article O-105. Combined modality therapy strategy for the artery contact cancer of head of pancreas
元井冬彦, 畠達夫, 有明恭平, 青木豪, 深瀬耕二, 水間正道, 林洋毅, 中川圭, 森川孝則, 内藤剛, 江川新一, 海野倫明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 426-426, 2018.

Japanese Article O-106. Endoscopic approach to a bile duct jejunum anastomotic region after the Child method rebuilding not to use a balloon endoscope for
小宮山哲史, 肱岡範, 丸木雄太, 大場彬博, 坂本康成, 近藤俊輔, 森実千種, 奥坂拓志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 426-426, 2018.

Japanese Article O-107. Clinical characteristic of the pancreatic cancer diagnosed during follow-up of the chronic liver disease
中島隆善, 生田真一, 相原司, 山中若樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 427-427, 2018.

Japanese Article O-108. Protective efficacy of the pancreas enteroanastomosis part pancreatic fistula with Polyglycolic acid felt and the living body paste
渡邉幸博, 合川公康, 高瀬健一郎, 岡田克也, 岡本光順, 佐藤弘, 桜本信一, 山口茂樹, 小山勇
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 427-427, 2018.

Japanese Article O-109. It is examination about the pancreatic fistula after pancreas fibrosis and the operation in pancreatic cancer and the non-pancreatic cancer case
野田佳史, 五島聡, 河合信行, 川田紘資, 棚橋裕吉, 松尾雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 428-428, 2018.

Japanese Article O-110. The examination that the pancreatic fistula is pancreas-related after quantification and the pancreaticoduodenectomy of the contrasting effect by the CT level ratio substantially
森治樹1, 飯田洋也1, 前平博充1, 北村直美1, 清水智治1, 稲富理2, 安藤朗2, 谷眞至1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 428-428, 2018.

Japanese Article O-111. It is association with the pancreatic fistula after the amount of staple and an operation in the body of pancreas tailpiece excision
前平博充1, 飯田洋也1, 北村直美1, 森治樹1, 稲富理2, 安藤朗2, 三宅亨1, 清水智治1, 谷眞至1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 429-429, 2018.

Japanese Article O-112. Fistula Risk Score and drain withdrawal standard in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
上村健一郎, 村上義昭, 近藤成, 中川直哉, 岡田健司郎, 瀬尾信吾, 末田泰二郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 429-429, 2018.

Japanese Article O-113. Examination of the pancreaticojejunostomy method and the pancreatic juice lean person fistula in the pancreaticoduodenectomy in our hospital
仲野哲矢, 滝沢一泰, 坂田純, 小林隆, 若井俊文
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 430-430, 2018.

Japanese Article O-114. Significance of the serum procalcitonin level in the infectious complications diagnosis after the pancreatoduodenectomy
飯田洋也1, 谷眞至1, 前平博充1, 森治樹1, 北村直美1, 新田信人1, 清水智治1, 稲富理2, 安藤朗2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 430-430, 2018.

Japanese Article O-115. Examination about biliary system complications severe after pancreaticoduodenectomy
長井美奈子, 赤堀宇広, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 431-431, 2018.

Japanese Article O-116. Association between use and pancreatic fistula of the flurbiprofen axetil after the pancreatoduodenectomy
真木健裕, 中村透, 田中公貴, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 野路武寛, 土川貴裕, 岡村圭祐, 平野聡
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 431-431, 2018.

Japanese Article O-117. 17 examination that resulted in arterial spurting by pancreatic fistula after the pancreatectomy
田内潤, 木村健二郎, 天野良亮, 山添定明, 大平豪, 田中涼太, 平川弘聖, 大平雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 432-432, 2018.

Japanese Article O-118. Examination of the risk factor for the fatty liver development after the pancreatoduodenectomy in our hospital
関口奈緒子, 中島慎介, 上田正射, 津田雄二郎, 太田勝也, 足立真一, 遠藤俊治, 池永雅一, 山田晃正
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 432-432, 2018.

Japanese Article O-119. Examination about the pancreatic fistula after the body of pancreas tailpiece excision in our hospital
白木孝之, 青木琢, 鈴木隆志, 清水崇行, 谷圭吾, 朴景華, 松本尊嗣, 森昭三, 礒幸博, 加藤正人, 窪田敬一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 433-433, 2018.

Japanese Article O-120. After pancreatoduodenectomy, it is clinical significance of the pancreatic juice infection in the pancreatic duct tube
國友愛奈1, 夏目誠治1, 千田嘉毅1, 原和生2, 水野伸匡2, 桑原崇通2, 奥野のぞみ2, 清水泰博1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 433-433, 2018.

Japanese Article O-121. We predict drain contrasting views and pancreatic fistula healing after pancreatoduodenectomy
櫛谷洋樹, 中村透, 真木健裕, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 土川貴裕, 岡村圭祐, 平野聡
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 434-434, 2018.

Japanese Article O-122. Efforts for the reduction of the pancreatic fistula aggravation after the pancreatoduodenectomy
橋本泰司, 迫田拓弥, 江口紀章
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 434-434, 2018.

Japanese Article O-123. Participation of Enterococcus faecalis in the condition of a patient extension of the chronic pancreatitis
糸山幸来1, 深谷莉紗子1, 前川友裕1, 高松真二1, 鎌田佳宏1, 江口英利2, 戸邊亨3, 三善英知1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 435-435, 2018.

Japanese Article O-124. New carbohydrate chain biomarker of the pancreatic cancer, the fucosylation haptoglobin level change in the genotype
伊藤菜美, 森下康一, 幸田彩也加, 高松真二, 鎌田佳宏, 三善英知
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 435-435, 2018.

Japanese Article O-125. It is difference in weight loss ... by the presence or absence of actual situation - preoperative chemotherapy of the patients after pancreaticoduodenectomy
若林佐緒理1, 東谷朗子1, 安保芳恭2, 高田実2, 田本英司2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 436-436, 2018.

Japanese Article O-126. We run it with pancreatic cancer classroom - classroom evaluation of the nurse judging from a participant questionnaire and a nurse questionnaire continuously
甲斐あやか1, 岸和田昌之2, 岸田朋子1, 松田未来子1, 早崎碧泉2, 伊佐地秀司2, 本田正繁1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 436-436, 2018.

Japanese Article O-127. Nutritional status and nourishment care of patients with cystic fibrosis
藤木理代1, 石黒洋2, 山本明子2, 中莖みゆき2, 近藤志保3, 竹山宜典4, 成瀬達5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 437-437, 2018.

Japanese Article O-128. Efforts - questionary survey and test of taste - that the pancreatic cancer gourmet D Cal classroom is continuous
原なぎさ1, 岸和田昌之2, 石留真寿美1, 早崎碧泉2, 伊佐地秀司2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 437-437, 2018.

Japanese Article O-129. Examination of the pancreatoduodenectomy postoperative complications in the one kidney case
高木忠隆, 西和田敏, 寺井太一, 中村広太, 長井美奈子, 中川顕志, 赤堀宇広, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 438-438, 2018.

Japanese Article O-130. Pancreatoduodenectomy perioperative nourishment support and the effect to begin for an operation
森一洋1, 脊山泰治1, 米田杏子2, 鹿股宏之1, 本荘谷利子2, 真栄城剛1, 宮本幸雄1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 438-438, 2018.

Japanese Article O-131. The effect of the diabetes merger in pancreatic cancer chemotherapy patients and examination of the diabetes effect of treatment
寺島健志1, 山下竜也1, 鷹取元1, 島孝佑2, 金子周一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 439-439, 2018.

Japanese Article O-132. Examination of the clinical inside and outside secretory function disorder in the course case long-term after pancreatectomy
小林慎二郎1, 井田圭亮1, 瀬上航平1, 星野博之1, 片山真史1, 小泉哲1, 森田亮2, 路川陽介2, 中原一有2, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 439-439, 2018.

Japanese Article O-133. Optimal duration of the prophylactic antimicrobial in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
里井壯平1, 山本智久1, 藤井努2, 山田豪3, 柳本泰明1, 山木壮1, 高見秀樹3, 廣岡智1, 小坂久1, 小塚雅也1, 松井陽一1, 小寺泰弘3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 440-440, 2018.

Japanese Article O-134. Examination about the safety of the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the elderly aged 75 or over
吉川卓郎, 田村太一, 宗慎一, 土田忍
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 440-440, 2018.

Japanese Article O-135. Usefulness - of standardization - ERAS program of pancreaticoduodenectomy perioperative care
眞次康弘1,2, 大下彰彦2, 伊藤圭子1, 延原浩3, 中原英樹2, 板本敏行2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 441-441, 2018.

Japanese Article O-136. Clinical significance of the examination for CT early after pancreaticoduodenectomy
内田雄一郎, 増井俊彦, 余語覚匡, 仲野健三, 佐藤朝日, 長井和之, 穴澤貴之, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 441-441, 2018.

Japanese Article O-137. Examination of the drain withdrawal time in the body of pancreas tailpiece resection
平野勝久, 坂東正, 大澤宗士, 清水哲郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 442-442, 2018.

Japanese Article O-138. An optimal pancreas parenchyma jejunum serosa muscular layer anastomosis of the pancreaticojejunostomy: Pay attention to a drain drainage amylase level
飯澤祐介, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 安積良紀, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 442-442, 2018.

Japanese Article O-139. The effect that antithrombotic drug remedy history gives to pancreatectomy afterbleeding
中村広太1, 里井壯平2, 小坂久2, 赤堀宇広1, 長井美奈子1, 西和田敏1, 中川顕志1, 山本智久2, 柳本泰明2, 廣岡智2, 山木壮2, 小塚雅也2, 池田直也1, 庄雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 443-443, 2018.

Japanese Article O-140. Postoperative nutrition evaluation of the total pancreatectomy case that we conducted in our hospital
細村直弘1, 川井田博充1, 望月理玄1, 古谷元宏1, 渡邉光章1, 雨宮秀武1, 大森征人1, 木村亜矢子1, 赤澤祥弘1, 古屋信二1, 平山和義1, 中田祐紀1, 白石謙介1, 赤池英憲1, 河口賀彦1, 須藤誠1, 河野寛1, 井上慎吾1, 板倉淳2, 市川大輔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 443-443, 2018.

Japanese Article O-141. Surgery results of the pancreaticoduodenectomy for patients with old pancreatic cancer in our hospital
土方陽介, 永川裕一, 佐原八束, 瀧下智恵, 代田智樹, 刑部弘哲, 小林直, 中島哲史, 細川裕一, 勝又健次, 土田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 444-444, 2018.

Japanese Article O-142. Results of the pancreaticojejunostomy method in our hospital
仲田興平, 大塚隆生, 森泰寿, 宮坂義浩, 中村雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 444-444, 2018.

Japanese Article O-143. Left side portal hypertension after the splenic vein transection in portal vein merger PD for the cancer of head of pancreas and the measures
水野修吾, 尭天一亨, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 安積良紀, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 445-445, 2018.

Japanese Article O-144. About usefulness of mesenteric approach in the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the pancreatic cancer
廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 445-445, 2018.

Japanese Article O-145. Examination of the pancreaticoduodenectomy for elderly people
伊地知徹也1, 蔵原弘1, 前村公成1, 又木雄弘1, 川崎洋太1, 橋口真征1, 飯野聡1, 迫田雅彦1, 上野真一2, 新地洋之3, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 446-446, 2018.

Japanese Article O-146. The emboly-style pancreas stomach anastomosis rebuilding is suitable for pancreatoduodenectomy 79 years or older
落合登志哉1, 井上博之1,2, 原田恭一1,2, 伊藤博士1,2, 當麻敦史1,2, 森村玲2, 生駒久視2, 大辻英吾2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 446-446, 2018.

Japanese Article O-147. Examination of the splenic vein Reconstruction Acts in the pancreatoduodenectomy with the splenic vein merger excision
小野嘉大, 井上陽介, 高橋祐, 石沢武彰, 三瀬祥弘, 伊藤寛倫, 佐藤崇文, 大庭篤志, 齋浦明夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 447-447, 2018.

Japanese Article O-148. Comparison of the Blumgart strange law and Kakita strange law in the pancreatoduodenectomy for the normal pancreas patients
大木克久, 山本有祐, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 蘆田良, 皆川卓也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 447-447, 2018.

Japanese Article O-149. Examination of PpPD for pancreas head domain tumor in our hospital
西尾康平, 村田哲洋, 清水貞利, 高台真太郎, 金沢景繁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 448-448, 2018.

Japanese Article O-150. Examination about the pancreas enteroanastomosis method and surgery results in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
阪本卓也, 武田裕, 大村仁昭, 桂宜輝, 湯川芳郎, 遠矢圭介, 高瀬洪生, 森良太, 野瀬陽平, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 村田幸平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 448-448, 2018.

Japanese Article O-151. Examination of the duodenal mesojejunum excision that assumed J1V in the pancreaticoduodenectomy a landmark
藤山泰二, 本庄真彦, 坂元克考, 高井昭洋, 渡邊常太, 田村圭, 井上仁, 山本久斗, 小川晃平, 高田泰次
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 449-449, 2018.

Japanese Article O-152. Development of the new pancreas enteroanastomosis method by the stent sliding guide method who met mechanism of the pancreatic juice rhea
佐藤好信1,2, 水上博喜1, 石田文生2, 工藤進英2, 青木武士1, 田中淳一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 449-449, 2018.

Japanese Article O-153. Usefulness of all automatic pancreas cutting apart with the electric suture instruments with the reinforcing structure in the caudalis pancreatectomy
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 450-450, 2018.

Japanese Article O-154. Total gastrectomy for needle tract seeding after preoperative chemotherapy + DP - CAR for the pancreatic cancer
首藤毅1, 羽田野直人1, 石山宏平1, 山口厚2, 谷山大樹3, 倉岡和矢3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 450-450, 2018.

Japanese Article O-155. Results of the laparoscopic pancreatectomy for the malignant tumor
武田裕, 大村仁昭, 桂宜輝, 阪本卓也, 河合賢二, 内藤敦, 村上剛平, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 村田幸平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 451-451, 2018.

Japanese Article O-156. Surgery results of the laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection for invasive pancreatic duct cancer
松下晃, 中村慶春, 山初和也, 住吉宏樹, 横山正, 内田英二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 451-451, 2018.

Japanese Article O157. Usefulness of the ICG fluorescence angiography in abdominal cavity arterial trunk merger body of pancreas tail excision, the left gastric artery rebuilding
大庭篤志, 井上陽介, 佐藤崇文, 中瀬古祐一, 入江彰一, 小野嘉大, 三瀬祥弘, 伊藤寛倫, 高橋祐, 齋浦明夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 452-452, 2018.

Japanese Article O-158. The perioperative results of the laparoscopic spleen preservation body of pancreas tailpiece resection and future problem
木村健二郎, 天野良亮, 山添定明, 大平豪, 田内潤, 田中涼太, 大平雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 452-452, 2018.

Japanese Article O-159. Usefulness of the upper arm outside undergrounding CV port surgery using the upper arm dorsum tunneling method in the pancreatic cancer case
岸宗佑, 野村友祐, 二川憲昭, 丹野誠志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 453-453, 2018.

Japanese Article O-160. About biotaxis and resectability of Proximal dorsal jejunal vein for the cancer of head of pancreas
細川勇一1,2, 永川裕一1, 佐原八束1, 瀧下智恵1, 代田智樹1, 土方陽介1, 中島哲史1, 刑部弘哲1, 勝又健次1, 土田明彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 453-453, 2018.

Japanese Article O-161. Usefulness and problem of the stomach jejunum bypass operation in the case having difficulty with unresectable pancreatic cancer eating
寺井太一, 赤堀宇広, 長井美奈子, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 高木忠隆, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 454-454, 2018.

Japanese Article O-162. It is artery precedence processing pancreatoduodenectomy by becoming it a complete mesentery using Retromesenteric approach
水上陽, 壷井邦彦, 足立幸人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 454-454, 2018.

Japanese Article O-163. About the usefulness of the Double Pancreaticojejunostomy Reconstruction Acts in the pancreas center resection
池田直也1, 中川顕志1, 赤堀宇広1, 長井美奈子1, 西和田敏1, 中村広太1, 里井壯平2, 柳本泰明2, 山本智久2, 庄雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 455-455, 2018.

Japanese Article O-164. Pancreas central excisional treatment result in our hospital
岸龍一1, 小林慎二郎1, 井田圭亮1, 土橋篤仁1, 片山真史1, 中原一有2, 路川陽介2, 森田亮2, 小泉哲1, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 455-455, 2018.

Japanese Article O-165. Treatment result of conversion surgery in our institution
瀧下智恵, 永川裕一, 佐原八束, 土方陽介, 代田智樹, 細川勇一, 中島哲史, 勝又健次, 土田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 456-456, 2018.

Japanese Article O-166. The present conditions of conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
杉本元一, 小林信, 高橋進一郎, 小西大, 後藤田直人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 456-456, 2018.

Japanese Article O-167. PLR in the conversion progress pancreatic cancer case which we operated for and prognostic correlation
隈元雄介, 海津貴史, 田島弘, 西澤伸恭, 永滋教, 渡邊昌彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 457-457, 2018.

Japanese Article O-168. Treatment strategy for the initial diagnosis situation place progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
林洋毅1, 有明恭平1, 水間正道1, 畠達夫1, 伊関雅裕1, 高舘達之1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 深瀬耕二1, 大塚英郎1, 中川圭1, 森川孝則1, 元井冬彦1, 内藤剛1, 江川新一2, 亀井尚1, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 457-457, 2018.

Japanese Article O-169. Examination of the prognostic factor in unresectable pancreatic cancer conversion surgery
柳本泰明, 里井壯平, 山本智久, 小坂久, 廣岡智, 山木壮, 小塚雅也, 良田大典, 道浦拓, 井上健太郎, 松井陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 458-458, 2018.

Japanese Article O-170. Examination of chemical (radiation) therapy for the severe progress pancreatic cancer and Conversion surgery
梶山潔1, 皆川亮介1, 萱島寛人1, 小佐々貴博1, 武末亨1, 賀茂圭介1, 坂野高大1, 笠井明大1, 武谷憲二1, 由茅隆文1, 木村和恵1, 古賀聡1, 甲斐正徳1, 宜保淳也2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 458-458, 2018.

Japanese Article O-171. Does aggressive Conversion surgery with the FOLFIRINOX therapy extend convalescence of the UR pancreatic cancer?
二宮理貴, 小暮亮太, 中沢祥子, 三井哲弥, 宮田陽一, 駒込昌彦, 牧章, 別宮好文
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 459-459, 2018.

Japanese Article O-172. Examination of Conversion surgery with induction chemotherapy and the chemoradiotherapy for the UR pancreatic cancer
伴大輔1, 渡辺秀一1, 吉野潤1, 浅野大輔1, 加藤智敬1, 赤須雅文1, 小川康介1, 小野宏晃1, 光法雄介1, 工藤篤1, 田中真二2, 田邊稔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 459-459, 2018.

Japanese Article O-173. It is adaptation and significance of conversion surgery after chemoradiotherapy precedent treatment for the pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis
岸和田昌之, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 村田泰洋, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 安積良紀, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 460-460, 2018.

Japanese Article O-174. A treatment result and problem of Conversion surgery for the unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer
赤堀宇広, 長井美奈子, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 460-460, 2018.

Japanese Article O-175. Short term, long-term results of Conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
吉田雄太, 村瀬貴昭, 松本逸平, 川口晃平, 松本正孝, 里井俊平, 亀井敬子, 中居卓也, 竹山宜典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 461-461, 2018.

Japanese Article O-176. Examination of a treatment result and the surgery adaptation of Conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
和田慶太, 佐野圭二, 三浦文彦, 澁谷誠, 貝沼雅彦, 高橋邦彦, 峯崎峻亮, 根本憲太郎, 豊田啓恵
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 461-461, 2018.

Japanese Article O-177. Analysis of the pancreatic cancer extension control structure by the interaction of long-chain functionality RNA and microRNA
高橋賢治, 太田雄, 岩本英孝, 山北圭介, 北野陽平, 牧野雄一, 太田嗣人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 462-462, 2018.

Japanese Article O-178. Pancreatic cancer stem cell casualties effect by the combination of heavy particle line and microRNA200c mimic
崔星1, クムウンソップ2,3, 新田祐樹2,4, 鈴木雅雄1, 山田滋2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 462-462, 2018.

Japanese Article O-179. The carbohydrate chain ornamentation of CD133 out of the exosome derived from the carcinomatous ascites in patients with pancreatic cancer is a convalescence predictor
阪上尊彦1,2, 古賀浩徳1,2, 岡部義信1, 牛島知之1,3, 安元真希子1, 石田祐介1, 三原勇太郎4, 内藤嘉紀4,5, 鳥村拓司1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 463-463, 2018.

Japanese Article O-180. Participation of microRNA-155 in the anticancer agent-resistant mechanism of the pancreatic cancer
江口英利, 山田大作, 岩上佳史, 三賀森学, 小林省吾, 後藤邦仁, 野田剛広, 浅岡忠史, 森正樹, 土岐祐一郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 463-463, 2018.

Japanese Article O-181. Examination of the miR4653-3p expression in invasive pancreatic duct cancer and PanIN
平林健一1, 川西彩2, 山田美鈴3, 高梨由美1, 中村直哉1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 464-464, 2018.

Japanese Article O-182. Regulation of gene expression mechanism of KIAA1199 in the pancreatic cancer: Participation of the inflammatory and microRNA
古賀敦大, 厚井志郎, 佐藤典宏, 天池孝夫, 工藤遊山, 又吉信貴, 柴尾和徳, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 464-464, 2018.

Japanese Article O-183. Significance about epithelium mesenchyma conversion of LRG which is a new pancreatic cancer marker and the metastasis
小林省吾1, 大鶴徹1, 和田浩志1, 江口英利1, 後藤邦仁1, 高橋剛1, 世良田聡2, 藤本穣2, 岩上佳史1, 山田大作1, 浅岡忠史1, 野田剛広1, 仲哲治2, 森正樹1, 土岐祐一郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 465-465, 2018.

Japanese Article O-184. Mutation elucidation of BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2 gene in the pancreas canalicular adenoma and 50 cancer-related genes
武内祥子1, 土井愛美1, 碇直樹1, 山本雅一1, 古川徹2,3,4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 465-465, 2018.

Japanese Article O-185. Examination of the clinicopathologic significance about the Lysyl Oxidase-like protein 2 expression in the pancreatic cancer
田中伸孟1, 山田豪1, 加藤吉康1, 多代充1, 田中晴祥1, 浅野智成1, 園原史訓1, 高見秀樹1, 末永雅也1, 丹羽由紀子1, 林真路1, 藤井努2, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 466-466, 2018.

Japanese Article O-186. The new treatment that targeted a role and a degrading enzyme of the small molecule hyaluronic acid in the pancreatic cancer malignant transformation
佐藤典宏, 厚井志郎, 古賀敦大, 又吉信貴, 工藤遊山, 天池孝夫, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 466-466, 2018.

Japanese Article O-187. Examination of the association between expression of inflammasome element and convalescence in the pancreatic cancer excision case
園原史訓1, 山田豪1, 林真路1, 高見秀樹1, 末永雅也1, 丹羽由紀子2, 藤井努2, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 467-467, 2018.

Japanese Article O-188. Brg1 plays an important role in the formation of the pancreatic cancer derived from maintenance, PanIN of PanIN through control of apoptosis
津田喬之, 福田晃久, 妹尾浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 467-467, 2018.

Japanese Article O-189. Instruction of ABCG2-positive pancreatic cancer cells with the extensive stem cell characteristics and drug discharge ability by the three-dimensional culture
石渡俊行1, 佐々木紀彦2, 長谷川文雄1, 道下正貴3, 石川直1, 田久保海誉1, 松田陽子4, 新井冨生4, 相田順子1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 468-468, 2018.

Japanese Article O-190. Characteristic of the gene expression profile change in proton beam, the roentgen radiation for the pancreatic cancer cell line
藤永晴夫1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 荒井邦明1, 寺島健志1, 小村卓也1, 関晃裕1, 川口和紀1, ナスティアレッサンドロ1, 吉田佳子1, 和田隆志2, 久米恭3, 長谷川崇3, 高田卓志3, 本多政夫1, 金子周一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 468-468, 2018.

Japanese Article O-191. Examination about the role of lymphatic vessel endothelial cells in the metastasis to pancreatic cancer lymph node
中山宏道, 大内田研宙, 相良亜希子, 米永晃子, 安藤陽平, 岐部晋, 武居晋, 肥川和寛, 厳子龍, 進藤幸治, 森山大樹, 仲田興平, 宮坂義浩, 藤田逸人, 永井俊太郎, 岡部安博, 大塚隆生, 水元一博, 中村雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 469-469, 2018.

Japanese Article O-192. Expression of STAT5b in the pancreatic cancer and gemcitabine sensitivity, the adhesion, participation in permeation ability
住吉宏樹, 松下晃, 中村慶春, 勝野暁, 山初和也, 内田英二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 469-469, 2018.

Japanese Article O-193. Expression and a functional analysis of transcription factor ETV1 in pancreatic cancer cells: Relations with the hyaluronic acid production
又吉信貴, 佐藤典宏, 天池孝夫, 工藤遊山, 古賀敦大, 厚井志郎, 平田敬冶
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 470-470, 2018.

Japanese Article O-194. The CXCLs/CXCR2 inhibition in the pancreatic cancer modifies the environment of cancer of immunity, and it contributes to survival
佐野誠1, 伊地知秀明1,2, 立石敬介1, 多田稔1, 伊佐山浩通3, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 470-470, 2018.

Japanese Article O-196. Development of the HLA-A24 restrictive epitope peptide derived from mesothelin for the application to pancreatic cancer immunotherapy
塚越真梨子1,2, 和田聡3, 廣野誠子4, 山中崇弘1,2, 萩原慶1,2, 石井範洋1,2, 五十嵐隆通1,2, 渡辺亮1,2, 久保憲生1,2, 新木健一郎1,2, 播本憲史1,2, 山上裕機4, 桑野博行1, 調憲1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 471-471, 2018.

Japanese Article O-197. Possibility - MSI. of the immune therapy in the pancreatic cancer It is ... based on PD-1/PD-L1, immune-mediated genetic polymorphism analysis
藤智和1,2, 楳田祐三1, 吉田一博1, 杭瀬崇1, 信岡大輔1, 吉田龍一1, 八木孝仁1, 藤原俊義1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 472-472, 2018.

Japanese Article O-198. Possibility of the treatment that assumed soluble ULBP2 in the pancreatic cancer a target
氣賀澤斉史, 巽智秀, 田村猛, 末吉弘尚, 須田貴広, 吉岡鉄平, 山井琢陽, 池澤賢治, 小玉尚宏, 重川稔, 疋田隼人, 阪森亮太郎, 竹原徹郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 472-472, 2018.

Japanese Article O-199. The interaction of Annexin II and Tenascin C promotes pancreatic cancer extension through EMT
米浦直子, 高野重紹, 中田泰幸, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 野島広之, 三島敬, 吉留博之, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 473-473, 2018.

Japanese Article O-200. Development of the new pancreatic cancer target therapy using sugar-binding protein "lectin"
下村治1,2, 小田竜也1, 舘野浩章2, 木村聡太1, 宮崎貴寛1, 小澤祐介1, 野口雅之3, 平林淳2, 浅島誠2, 大河内信弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 473-473, 2018.

Japanese Article O-202. Suppression of autophagy enhances pancreatic cancer cell proliferation effect by Salinomycin
相良亜希子1, 仲田興平1, 遠藤翔1, 米永晃子1, 安藤陽平1, 岐部晋1, 中山宏道1, 武居晋1, 肥川和寛1, 進藤幸治1, 森山大樹1,2, 宮坂義浩1, 大内田研宙1, 大塚隆生1, 水元一博1, 中村雅史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 474-474, 2018.

Japanese Article O-203. Functional analysis in the pancreas exocrine gland of low molecular weight G protein Rab7
高橋健一1, 眞嶋浩聡2, 大西洋英3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 475-475, 2018.

Japanese Article O-204. Significance of matrix metalloproteinase-9 as the prognostic factor in the WT1 dendritic cells vaccine
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 475-475, 2018.

English Article O-205. A novel physio-biological parameter-based grading system for resectable PC
岡林雄大, 志摩泰生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 476-476, 2018.

Japanese Article O-206. The establishment of anticancer agent Gemcitabine-resistant mouse pancreatic cancer cells and the analysis
鶴田大生1, 清水一也1,2, 梅本陵平1, 角井祐介1, 竹垣普惠1, 西村綾乃1, 三好真琴1, 赤城剛3, 笹井研3, 堀裕一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 476-476, 2018.

Japanese Article O-207. Possibility of the exhaustive oncogene panel examination using the ROSE specimen of the pancreatic cancer
石澤哲也1, 牧野直彦1, 安藤嘉章1, 松田暁子1, 柿崎泰明1, 齋藤吉彦1, 小林敏一1, 池田千咲1, 菅原心平1, 小関歩1, 佐藤秀則2, 村上綾2, 鈴木俊紀3, 上野義之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 477-477, 2018.

Japanese Article O-208. Clinicopathologic characteristic and genetic analysis of the pancreas in situ cancer
横出正隆1,2, 全陽1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 477-477, 2018.

Japanese Article O-209. Participation of the chromosome instability in development, the extension of nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct
畠達夫1,2, 水間正道2, 元井冬彦2, 海野倫明2, Michael Goggins1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 478-478, 2018.

Japanese Article O-210. Significance of the bile duct axis deviation in the differential diagnosis of the cholangiocarcinoma in cancer of head of pancreas and the pancreas
富丸慶人1, 白川透2, 林史郎3, 野口幸蔵1, 西田勉3, 堂野恵三1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 478-478, 2018.

Japanese Article O-211. Is SPACE for pancreatic duct stenosis and branch pancreatic duct expansion case without the mass useful?
南智之, 花田敬士, 平野巨通, 清水晃典, 丸山紘嗣, 森英輝, 福原基允, 矢野成樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 479-479, 2018.

Japanese Article O-212. Comparison of Flat type, Low papillary type of pancreas in situ cancer (PCIS)
福原基允, 花田敬士, 南智之, 平野巨通
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 479-479, 2018.

Japanese Article O-213. Diagnosis ability of the pancreatic duct paratripsis cytodiagnosis using the liquefaction specimen cytodiagnosis (Liquid-based cytology)
美登路昭, 関建一郎, 北川洸, 小堤隆広, 花谷純一, 吉治仁志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 480-480, 2018.

Japanese Article O-214. Examination of bile duct pathological diagnosis results for the cancer of head of pancreas with the bile duct stricture
本村充輝1, 村上和成2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 480-480, 2018.

Japanese Article O-215. Examination about Tumor deposits in the pancreatic cancer
谷脇慎一, 久下亨, 緑川隆太, 内野馨博, 小嶋聡生, 佐々木晋, 西村太郎, 野村頼子, 嬉野浩樹, 平川雄介, 佐藤寿洋, 川原隆一, 酒井久宗, 石川博人, 安永昌史, 赤木由人, 奥田康司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 481-481, 2018.

Japanese Article O-216. Examination about the participation of Interleukin (IL -) 36 α in fibrosis of the chronic pancreatitis
西田淳史, 藤本剛英, 稲富理, 安藤朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 481-481, 2018.

Japanese Article O-217. Attempt of the ultrasonic endoscope image quantification analysis in the chronic pancreatitis diagnosis
野村舟三, 今津博雄, 葉山譲, 香川敦教, 松田昌範, 藤澤真理子, 森山光彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 482-482, 2018.

Japanese Article O-218. About usefulness of the EUS Elastography in the diagnosis of the chronic pancreatitis
松本健吾, 阿部純子, 木村瑛司, 谷本考史, 大西幸作, 楠本侑弘, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 法水淳, 平松直樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 482-482, 2018.

Japanese Article O-219. The present situation of follow up for the purpose of the pancreatic cancer discovery of the chronic pancreatitis in our hospital
佐藤愛1, 入澤篤志1,2, 澁川悟朗1, 阿部洋子1, 山部茜子1, 荒川典之1, 高崎祐介1, 吉田吉継1, 牧匠1, 五十嵐亮1, 山元勝悟1, 池田恒彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 483-483, 2018.

Japanese Article O-220. Examination of a revival form and the revival predictor of the lesion of the autoimmune pancreatitis out of the pancreas
三木正美1, 河邉顕2, 大野彰久2, 松本一秀2, 寺松克人2, 安永浩平1, 高松悠1, 高岡雄大1, 立花雄一1, 藤森尚2, 小川佳宏1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 483-483, 2018.

Japanese Article O-221. Treatment and long term prognosis of the autoimmune pancreatitis
丸尾達1, 八尾建史2, 植木敏晴1, 平塚裕晃1, 伊原諒1, 畑山勝子1, 土居雅宗1, 永山林太郎1, 野間栄次郎1, 光安智子1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 484-484, 2018.

Japanese Article O-222. Usefulness of the EUS guide lower pancreatic duct drainage in benign pancreatic duct stenosis
酒井利隆, 越田真介, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 484-484, 2018.

Japanese Article O-223. The endoscopic nasal pancreatic duct drainage tube internal fistula by scissors forceps is safe with the effectiveness of becoming it
寺田修三, 川口真矢, 佐藤辰宣
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 485-485, 2018.

Japanese Article O-224. Examination of the drainage of the transnipple of the chronic pancreatitis in our hospital
大畠昭彦1, 景岡正信1, 渡辺文利2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 485-485, 2018.

Japanese Article O-225. Examination of the usefulness of the new stenting for pancreatic duct stenosis due to the chronic pancreatitis
宮野亮, 小倉健, 奥田篤, 西岡伸, 神山理絵子, 恩田紗織里, 増田大介, 井元章, 今西みゆき, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 486-486, 2018.

Japanese Article O-226. Usefulness of bile duct duodenum anastomoses using all cover metallic stent modified for intractable benign bile duct stricture
蓼原将良, 岩井知久, 木田光広, 宮田英治, 長谷川力也, 金子亨, 山内浩史, 奥脇興介, 今泉弘, 小泉和三郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 486-486, 2018.

Japanese Article O-227. Clinical studies of the pancreatic cancer immune therapy using the cancer vaccine
宮澤基樹, 勝田将裕, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 487-487, 2018.

Japanese Article O-228. Clinical usefulness of blood KRAS mutation DNA detection in the GEM/nab-PTX effect of treatment prediction of patients with pancreatic cancer
高田良司1, 大川和良1, 今井俊裕1, 日下部暎1, 阿部友太朗1, 福武伸康1, 蘆田玲子1, 片山和宏1, 久木田洋児2, 加藤菊也2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 487-487, 2018.

Japanese Article O-229. Development of the new therapy for pancreatic cancer which assumed cancer-related fibroblasts using Conophylline a target
石井範洋1, 新木健一郎1, 萩原慶1, 山中崇弘1, 塚越真梨子1, 五十嵐隆通1, 渡辺亮1, 久保憲生1, 播本憲史1, 梅澤一夫3, 桑野博行2, 調憲1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 488-488, 2018.

Japanese Article O-230. Pancreatic cancer by the radiation exposure, fibroblastic hyaluronic acid hypermetabolism: Mechanism of the radiation resistance
天池孝夫, 工藤遊山, 古賀敦大, 厚井志郎, 又吉信貴, 佐藤典宏, 柴尾和徳, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 488-488, 2018.

Japanese Article O-231. O-GlcNAc to be phenotypic, and to be associated with under the three-dimensional culture of the pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma-modified functional analysis
粂優彦1, 山口高志2,3, 池原譲2,3, 山本一夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 489-489, 2018.

Japanese Article O-232. It is association with the pancreas rhea development after the pancreas hardness and pancreatoduodenectomy with the pancreas hardness-meter
川原隆一, 西村太郎, 佐々木晋, 緑川隆太, 谷脇慎一, 内野馨博, 小嶋聡生, 酒井久宗, 石川博人, 久下亨, 安永昌史, 奥田康司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 489-489, 2018.

Japanese Article O-233. Examination of the new contrasting echography for the pancreas enhancement-related mass
三輪治生1, 杉森一哉1, 尾関雄一郎1, 三箇克幸1, 廣谷あかね1, 手塚瞬1, 合田賢弘1, 沼田和司1, 前田愼2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 490-490, 2018.

Japanese Article O-234. Examination of the MRCP existence views rate in the examination undergoing an examination person with the pancreatic cancer family history
福庭暢彦1, 石飛ひとみ1, 松原夕子2, 永岡真1, 高橋芳子1, 福原寛之3, 結城美佳1, 駒澤慶憲1, 雫稔弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 490-490, 2018.

Japanese Article O-235. Relations with the superior mesenteric artery neighborhood soft part shadow in the nerve plexus permeation and CT in the cancer of head of pancreas out of the pancreas
金俊文, 小松直広, 林毅, 宇都宮蘭, 瀧川有記子, 小林陽介, 田中一成, 遠藤壮登, 永井一正, 矢根圭, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 491-491, 2018.

Japanese Article O-236. Results of the EUS Elastography for the pancreatic mass-related lesion in our hospital
飯野陽太郎, 三方林太郎, 新行内綾子, 大和睦実, 高橋幸治, 熊谷純一郎, 日下部裕子, 中村昌人, 大山広, 安井伸, 杉山晴俊, 露口利夫, 加藤直也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 491-491, 2018.

Japanese Article O-237. Significance of main artery neighborhood Hazy density in the Resectable pancreatic cancer
加藤智敬, 伴大輔, 吉野潤, 赤星径一, 小倉俊郎, 小川康介, 小野宏晃, 光法雄介, 工藤篤, 田邉稔
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 492-492, 2018.

Japanese Article O-238. Progress of the chemotherapy for the pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis in the true clinical practice
佐々木隆, 金田遼, 片桐智子, 秋山大, 川田育弘, 松山眞人, 尾阪将人, 高野浩一, 笹平直樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 492-492, 2018.

Japanese Article O-239. Examination of the gemcitabine nab-paclitaxel therapy of our hospital: Comparison between differentiation type and non-differentiation type pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma
瀧浪将貴, 室久剛, 加藤敦士, 山田洋介, 杉浦喜一, 山中力行, 宮津隆裕, 木次健介, 海野修平, 木全政晴, 芳澤社, 清水恵理奈, 細田佳佐, 長澤正通
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 493-493, 2018.

Japanese Article O-240. Clinical features of patients with pancreatic cancer which developed drug-related interstitial pneumonia with the chemotherapy
植田圭二郎1, 田中琢磨1, 佛坂孝太1, 糸永周一1, 林康代1, 横山梓1, 向坂誠一郎1, 細川泰三1, 田中義将1, 水谷孝弘1, 秋穂裕唯1, 竹下正文2, 井上孝治2, 渡邉雄介3, 西原一善3, 藤森尚1, 河邉顕4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 493-493, 2018.

Japanese Article O-241. About the background of the person who introduced chemotherapy for unresectable progress pancreatic cancer, and was not able to receive the second treatment
小島康志, 忌部航
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 494-494, 2018.

Japanese Article O-242. It is examined the predictor of the dose intensity in the S-1 adjuvant chemotherapy after pancreatic cancer curative operation
高畠和也, 生駒久視, 今村泰輔, 森村玲, 松尾久敬, 大辻英吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 494-494, 2018.

Japanese Article O-243. Examination about the effect that preoperative body composition gives to the adjuvant chemotherapy of the pancreatic cancer excision case
宮本敦史, 濱直樹, 前田栄, 浜川卓也, 植村守, 三宅正和, 西川和宏, 宮崎道彦, 加藤健志, 平尾素宏, 関本貢嗣, 中森正二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 495-495, 2018.

Japanese Article O-244. Examination of six Conversion cases after the systemic chemotherapy for metastatic pancreatic carcinoma
後藤田直人, 杉本元一, 小林信, 高橋進一郎, 小西大
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 495-495, 2018.

Japanese Article O-245. Three cases of anaplasia-related pancreatic duct cancer which we experienced in our hospital
新谷文崇1, 小林孝弘1, 高野祐一2, 山村詠一1, 丸岡直隆1, 長濱正亞1, 野呂瀬朋子3, 大池信之3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 496-496, 2018.

Japanese Article O-246. Examination of the anaplasia-related pancreatic cancer excision case
伊東浩次, 上田浩樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 496-496, 2018.

Japanese Article O-247. Three cases that caused a recurrence after pCR was obtained by chemoradiotherapy in preoperation
村上弘大, 秋田裕史, 高橋秀典, 飛鳥井慶, 友國晃, 和田浩志, 左近賢人, 石川治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 497-497, 2018.

Japanese Article O-248. Treatment intervention for the primary lung cancer that became clear after an invasive pancreas sedge cancer radical cure resection
青野高志1, 齋藤正幸2, 鈴木晋1, 丸山智宏1, 金子和弘1, 佐藤友威1, 岡田貴幸1, 武藤一朗1, 長谷川正樹1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 497-497, 2018.

Japanese Article O-249. Examination about the clinicopathologic characteristic of the secondary primary pancreatic cancer
星本相淳, 菱沼正一, 白川博文, 富川盛啓, 尾澤巖, 尾形佳郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 498-498, 2018.

Japanese Article O-250. Examination of the usefulness of carbohydrate chain which is a new pancreatic cancer diagnosis marker-modified ribonuclease 1 (RNase1)
土岐真朗1, 仲田大輔2, 後藤知之1, 吉田翼1, 太田博崇1, 落合一成1, 権藤興一1, 渡邉俊介1, 倉田勇1, 岡野尚弘3, 小暮正晴4, 松木亮太4, 横山政明4, 立石秀勝5, 鈴木裕4, 柴原純二6, 古瀬純司3, 杉山政則4, 森秀明1, 久松理一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 498-498, 2018.

Japanese Article O-251. Examination of the pancreatic cancer diagnosis biomarker using exosome out of the pancreatic juice
中村聡, 貞苅良彦, 岡山卓史, 中島陽平, 後藤佳登, 森泰寿, 仲田興平, 宮坂義浩, 大塚隆生, 中村雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 499-499, 2018.

Japanese Article O-252. Application to an elucidation and a diagnosis of the pancreatic cancer frame work reaction formation mechanism by microRNA
鈴木玲1, 高木忠之1, 杉本充1, 紺野直紀1, 渡辺晃2, 中村純1,2, 佐藤雄紀1, 入江大樹1, 引地拓人2, 大平弘正1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 499-499, 2018.

Japanese Article O-253. Attempt of the pancreatic cancer diagnosis using the 5-aminolevulinic acid
池浦司, 高岡亮, 内田一茂, 島谷昌明, 三好秀明, 光山俊行, 堀雄一, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 500-500, 2018.

Japanese Article O-254. Examination about expression of SMAD4, RUNX3 in the pancreatic cancer surgery specimen and the clinicopathologic sign
廣瀬勝也1,2, 古川徹3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 500-500, 2018.

Japanese Article O-255. Possibility of the establishment and the clinical application of the new carbohydrate chain antibody for the fucosylation haptoglobin
森下康一, 幸田彩也加, 西野公博, 片岡直也, 伊藤菜美, 高松真二, 鎌田佳宏, 三善英知
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 501-501, 2018.

Japanese Article O-256. The anticancer agent sensitivity testing using the CD - DST method predicts the effectiveness of the supportive care after pancreatic cancer technique
有明恭平, 元井冬彦, 水間正道, 林洋毅, 大塚英郎, 深瀬耕二, 益田邦洋, 高舘達之, 畠達夫, 内藤剛, 亀井尚, 海野倫明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 501-501, 2018.

Japanese Article O-257. Usefulness of the photodynamics diagnostic method using the 5-aminolevulinic acid in pancreas tumor
平尾元宏, 法水淳, 木村瑛司, 谷本孝史, 大西幸作, 楠本侑弘, 末吉由佳, 松本健吾, 山田拓也, 平松直樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 502-502, 2018.

Japanese Article O-258. Fluorescence diagnosis of the pancreatic cancer peritoneum dissemination by protoporphyrin IX using the 5-aminolevulinic acid
松尾久敬, 村山康利, 生駒久視, 森村玲, 大辻英吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 502-502, 2018.

Japanese Article O-259. High sensitive abdominal cavity washings diagnostic method of the pancreatic cancer surgery patients using the mutation in the gene detection by the digital PCR
末永雅也1, 山田豪1, 林真路1, 高見秀樹1, 丹羽由紀子1, 園原史訓1, 浅野智成1, 多代充1, 加藤吉康1, 田中晴祥1, 田中伸孟1, 神田光郎1, 田中千恵1, 中山吾郎1, 藤原道隆1, 藤井努2, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 503-503, 2018.

Japanese Article O-260. Peritoneal lavage cytodiagnosis diagnosis by the variant KRAS detection
小野雅人1, 中村透1, 田中公貴1, 中西喜嗣1, 浅野賢道1, 野路武寛1, 倉島庸1, 海老原裕磨1, 村上壮一1, 土川貴裕1, 岡村圭祐1, 七戸俊明1, 水上裕輔2, 平野聡1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 503-503, 2018.

Japanese Article O-261. The detection of the microintraabdominal cancer cell using RT-PCR in the preoperation treatment for the pancreatic cancer and peritoneal recurrence prediction
高橋秀典, 秋田裕史, 和田浩志, 友國晃, 飛鳥井慶, 左近賢人, 石川治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 504-504, 2018.

Japanese Article O-262. Examination of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy effect measurement in the Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
皆川卓也, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 盧田良, 大木克久, 山田美保子, 渡辺伸元, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 504-504, 2018.

Japanese Article O-263. Is contrasting harmonic EUS useful for effect measurement of the preoperation treatment of the pancreatic cancer?
田中秀和, 鎌田研, 竹中完, 石川嶺, 中井敦史, 大本俊介, 三長孝輔, 宮田剛, 山雄健太郎, 今井元, 工藤正俊
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 505-505, 2018.

Japanese Article O-264. Preoperation treatment and effect measurement of the artery contact Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
齋藤圭1, 中井陽介1, 阪本良弘2, 鈴木辰典1, 佐藤達也1, 石垣和祥1, 武田剛志1, 白田龍之介1, 齋藤友隆1, 高原楠昊1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 有田淳一2, 多田稔1, 長谷川潔2, 伊佐山浩通1,3, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 505-505, 2018.

Japanese Article O-265. An effect of treatment judgment of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for the pancreatic cancer and short-term results
長井和之1, 増井俊彦1, 余語覚匡1, 内田雄一郎1, 仲野健三1, 佐藤朝日1, 穴澤貴行1, 吉村通央1,2, 児玉裕三3, 松本繁巳1, 高折恭一1, 上本伸二1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 506-506, 2018.

Japanese Article O-266. Examination about the effect measurement of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy for the pancreatic cancer
鈴木隆志, 青木琢, 松本尊嗣, 清水崇行, 谷圭吾, 朴景華, 白木孝之, 森昭三, 礒幸博, 加藤正人, 窪田敬一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 506-506, 2018.

Japanese Article O-267. Examination of the effect measurement in the chemoradiotherapy case for the local progress pancreatic cancer
伊佐勉1,3, 柳澤昭夫2, 伊志嶺朝成3, 亀山眞一郎3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 507-507, 2018.

Japanese Article O-268. About usefulness of MRI diffusion weighted image ADC-map in the pancreatic cancer diagnosis
有賀啓之, 鹿志村純也, 小野田翼, 熊倉有里
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 507-507, 2018.

Japanese Article O-269. Diagnosis results of the MR diffusion weighted image for the pancreas enhancement-related mass
小川貴央, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 酒井利隆, 與那嶺圭輔, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 508-508, 2018.

Japanese Article O-270. Significance of 18F-FMISO PET/CT as the prognostic factor in the pancreatic cancer excision case
合川公康1, 山根登茂彦2, 上野陽介1, 高瀬健一郎1, 岡田克也1, 佐藤弘1, 渡邉幸博1, 櫻本信一1, 山口茂樹1, 小山勇1, 久慈一英2, 安田政実3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 508-508, 2018.

Japanese Article O-271. Usefulness and problems of the pancreatic cancer screening MRI in our hospital
桃井環, 比佐岳史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 509-509, 2018.

Japanese Article O-272. Significance of the examination of PET in the pancreatic cancer combined modality therapy
関根慎一, 馬場逸人, 平野勝久, 渋谷和人, 吉岡伊作, 長田拓哉, 藤井努
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 509-509, 2018.

Japanese Article O-273. For preoperation treatment and effect measurement - resectability in the pancreatic cancer significance - of the PET by the classification
岡野圭一, 大島稔, 須藤広誠, 安藤恭久, 松川浩之, 古市ゆみ, 和田侑希子, 西浦文平, 浅野栄介, 岸野貴賢, 藤原理朗, 臼杵尚志, 鈴木康之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 510-510, 2018.

Japanese Article O-274. Comparison of the high suction pressure in EUS-FNA using the standard 22G needle on pancreas tumor and the normal suction pressure
佐藤純也1, 石渡裕俊1, 藤江慎也1, 松井徹1, 松林宏行1, 佐々木恵子2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 510-510, 2018.

Japanese Article O-275. Effect on postoperative course of preoperation EUS-FNA for body of pancreas tailpiece cancer
矢根圭, 潟沼朗生, 高橋邦幸, 林毅, 金俊文, 永井一正, 田中一成, 小林陽介, 瀧川有記子, 宇都宮蘭
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 511-511, 2018.

Japanese Article O-276. Usefulness of EUS-FNA for the lesser pancreas lesion
井元章, 小倉健, 神山理絵子, 西岡伸, 宮野亮, 植野紗緒里, 増田大介, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 511-511, 2018.

Japanese Article O-277. Results of preoperation EUS-FNA for the pancreatic cancer
階子俊平, 千代永卓, 佐々木裕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 512-512, 2018.

Japanese Article O-278. Usefulness of the new Francine shape needle in EUS-FNA for pancreas tumor
鈴木雄太, 鬼頭佑輔, 羽根田賢一, 福定繁紀, 藤田恭明, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 512-512, 2018.

Japanese Article O-279. Attempt of the diagnosis of the benign, malignancy of the EUS-FNA specimen in the pancreatic cancer cohort using the Deep learning depths learning
橋本裕輔, 高橋秀明, 大野泉, 今岡大, 佐々木満仁, 光永修一, 池田公史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 513-513, 2018.

Japanese Article O-280. Of EUS-FNA using the order blade type core trap shape biopsy needle for the pancreatic mass, actually
金田遼, 山田育弘, 野坂崇仁, 片桐智子, 秋山大, 佐々木隆, 松山眞人, 尾阪将人, 高野浩一, 笹平直樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 513-513, 2018.

Japanese Article O-281. Examination of the accident of EUS-FNA for the pancreas malignant tumor in our hospital
冨樫純一, 奥薗徹, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 514-514, 2018.

Japanese Article O-282. Usefulness of the Kras mutation measurement using liquid-based cytology in EUS-FNA for pancreas tumor
糸永昌弘, 田村崇, 川路裕輝, 奴田絢也, 幡丸景一, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 514-514, 2018.

Japanese Article O-283. Examination of the effective specimen treatment method using the EUS-FNA - liquefaction specimen cytodiagnosis for the pancreatic mass
杉森一哉1, 合田賢弘1, 三箇克幸1, 廣谷あかね1, 手塚瞬1, 入江邦泰3, 三輪治生1, 沼田和司1, 小寺輝明2, 稲山嘉明2, 前田愼1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 515-515, 2018.

Japanese Article O-284. Examination about the usefulness of the Francine needle in EUS-FNA for the pancreas solid tumor
垣谷有紀, 杉森聖司, 藤原靖弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 515-515, 2018.

Japanese Article O-285. It is ... including the mutation in the gene analysis using usefulness - washings of EUS-FNA for the recurrence after pancreatic cancer technique
松本和幸1, 加藤博也1, 赤穂宗一郎1, 吉田龍一2, 楳田祐三2, 信岡大輔2, 皿谷洋祐1, 高田斎文1, 室信一郎1, 内田大輔1, 友田健1, 堀口繁1, 能祖一裕2, 八木孝仁2, 岡田裕之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 516-516, 2018.

Japanese Article O-286. It is the examination about the pancreatitis case after an operation by EUS-FNA in our hospital
大坪公士郎, 山下要, 矢野聖二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 516-516, 2018.

Japanese Article O-287. As a treatment choice with the development of the chemotherapy of examination - late years of the pancreas complete removal case that paid its attention to a long term prognosis -
池本哲也, 島田光生, 森根裕二, 居村暁, 岩橋衆一, 齋藤裕, 寺奥大貴
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 517-517, 2018.

Japanese Article O-288. Safety and long-term results of the Complete removal of the residual pancreas technique
橋本大輔1,2, 梅崎直紀1, 山村謙介1, 有馬浩太1, 中川茂樹1, 近本亮1, 松村富二夫2, 馬場秀夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 517-517, 2018.

Japanese Article O-289. Examination about the convalescence of the pancreas complete removal case in our hospital
北郷実, 篠田昌宏, 八木洋, 阿部雄太, 高野公徳, 大島剛, 伊吹省, 中野容, 遠藤泰, 北川雄光
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 518-518, 2018.

Japanese Article O-290. The present conditions of a short term after the total pancreatectomy in our hospital and long-term results
内田洋一朗, 寺嶋宏明, 岡本共弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 518-518, 2018.

Japanese Article O-291. About perioperative care and the convalescence of 20 pancreas complete removal
生駒久視1, 森村玲1, 落合登志哉1,2, 大辻英吾1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 519-519, 2018.

Japanese Article O-292. Examination of results medium-and-long term after pancreas complete removal
貝原聡, 細谷亮
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 519-519, 2018.

Japanese Article O-293. An evaluation and postoperative nutrition state of the fat absorbency after the total pancreatectomy
岡田健司郎, 村上義昭, 上村健一郎, 近藤成, 中川直哉, 瀬尾信吾, 久原佑太, 高橋信也, 末田泰二郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 520-520, 2018.

Japanese Article O-294. It is examined the long-term survival case after total pancreatectomy
岩間英明, 鈴村和大, 波多野悦朗, 岡田敏弘, 麻野泰包, 宇山直樹, 中村育夫, 多田正晴, 飯田健二郎, 宮下正寛, 末岡英明, 栗本亜美, 伊藤礼, 西田広志, 玉川慎二郎, 藤元治朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 520-520, 2018.

Japanese Article O-295. Examination of a pancreas usability test and long-term results after the total pancreatectomy in our hospital
島崎怜理, 高野重紹, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 野島広之, 三島敬, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 521-521, 2018.

Japanese Article O-296. One case that underwent pylorus side gastrectomy, splenic status pulse preservation pancreas complete removal for progress gastric cancer and a pancreatic duct type IPMC merger case
乙供茂1, 市川宏文1, 初貝和明1, 大原勝人1, 佐藤明史1, 福富俊明1, 宮地智洋1, 梶原大輝1, 板倉裕子2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 521-521, 2018.

Japanese Article O-297. Invention to a short term, the long-term complication in the pancreas complete removal case
鈴木修司, 下田貢, 丸山常彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 522-522, 2018.

Japanese Article O-298. Examination of the obtained pancreas complete removal case of the long-term survival
上田悟郎, 松尾洋一, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 社本智也, 坪井謙, 森本守, 高橋広城, 石黒秀行, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 522-522, 2018.

Japanese Article O-299. An example of nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor NET G3 which a wide area progressed, and was hard to distinguish the pancreatic duct from ITPN
堤宏介1, 本庄由佳1, 西山憲一2, 柴田久美子3, 小倉康裕1, 井上重隆1, 山元啓文1, 小島雅之1, 本山健太郎1, 永井英司1, 中房祐司1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 523-523, 2018.

Japanese Article O-300. Evaluation of the usefulness of SASI test for the localized diagnosis of pancreas, the duodenal neuroendocrine tumor
出雲渉1, 樋口亮太1, 谷澤武久1, 植村修一郎1, 松永雄太郎1, 椎原正尋1, 高山敬子2, 清水京子2, 徳重克年2, 山本雅一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 523-523, 2018.

Japanese Article O-301. Examination about the usefulness of SRS for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor in our hospital
栗田裕介1, 桑原崇通1, 原和生1, 水野伸匡1, 奥野のぞみ1, 田近正洋2, 田中努2, 石原誠2, 平山裕2, 大西祥代2, 田中宏樹1, 安田宗司1, 小畑雅寛1, 松本慎平1, 倉岡直亮1, 伊東文子1, 岩屋博道1, 鳥山和浩2, 丹羽康正2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 524-524, 2018.

Japanese Article O-302. Clinical significance of CT image views in pancreas NET
岡部弘尚, 山下洋市, 松本嵩史, 伊東山瑠美, 遊佐俊彦, 中尾陽佑, 北野雄希, 中川茂樹, 今井克憲, 新田英利, 近本亮, 馬場秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 524-524, 2018.

Japanese Article O-303. Examination of pancreas neurosecretion tumor given somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
藤井雅邦1, 矢部俊太郎1, 塩出純二1, 三村哲重2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 525-525, 2018.

Japanese Article O-304. Examination about the usefulness of the dynamic CT in the prediction recurrent after pancreas NET technique
堀口繁1, 加藤博也1, 松本和幸1, 友田健1, 内田大輔1, 室信一郎1, 水川翔1, 高田斎文1, 皿谷洋祐1, 田中顕之2, 八木孝仁3, 岡田裕之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 525-525, 2018.

Japanese Article O-305. Usefulness and treatment strategy of the somatostatin receptor scintigraphy for the pancreas NET recurrent diagnosis
賀川真吾, 吉富秀幸, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 高野重紹, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 野島広之, 三島敬, 吉留博之, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 526-526, 2018.

Japanese Article O-306. Video diagnosis and treatment result for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor in our hospital
大平豪, 天野良亮, 木村健二郎, 山添定明, 田中涼太, 田内潤, 平川弘聖, 大平雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 526-526, 2018.

Japanese Article O-307. Examination about the convalescence of nonfunction pNEN in our hospital
滝川哲也1, 菅野敦1, 本郷星仁1, 鍋島立秀1, 三浦晋1, 濱田晋1, 粂潔1, 菊田和宏1, 元井冬彦2, 海野倫明2, 藤島史喜3, 下瀬川徹1, 正宗淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 527-527, 2018.

Japanese Article O-308. Preoperation diagnostic method and surgery results of PNEN in our hospital
山田大作, 江口英利, 岩上佳史, 浅岡忠史, 野田剛広, 川本弘一, 後藤邦仁, 小林省吾, 森正樹, 土岐祐一郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 527-527, 2018.

Japanese Article O-309. Significance as the prognostic factor of the Rb protein immunostaining in the pancreas neuroendocrine system carcinectomy case
吉田司1,9, 肱岡範2,9, 吉富秀幸3,8, 中森正二4, 柳本泰明5, 古川正幸6, 矢根圭7, 森実千種2, 土屋嘉昭8, 原和生9, 古瀬純司10, 水野伸匡9
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 528-528, 2018.

Japanese Article O-310. Treatment result of PNET in the classroom
藪下泰宏, 松山隆生, 田鍾寛, 土屋伸広, 村上崇, 澤田雄, 森隆太郎, 熊本宜文, 遠藤格
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 528-528, 2018.

Japanese Article O-311. It is ... from the comparison with results - splenic merger resection after the operation of the laparoscopic splenic preservation body of pancreas tailpiece resection
森川孝則1, 石田晶玄1, 高舘達之1, 畠達夫1, 伊関雅裕1, 有明恭平1, 益田邦洋1, 青木豪1, 深瀬耕二1, 大塚英郎1, 水間正道1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 元井冬彦1, 亀井尚1, 内藤剛1, 江川新一2, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 529-529, 2018.

Japanese Article O-312. A grade evaluation and surgery adaptation judging from the preoperation pathological diagnosis for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
吉野翔1, 土屋勝1, 前田徹也1, 伊藤悠子1, 久保田喜久1, 片桐敏雄1, 木村和孝1, 松本悠1, 岡野直樹2, 五十嵐良典2, 根本哲生3, 金子弘真1, 大塚由一郎1, 島田英昭1, 船橋公彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 529-529, 2018.

Japanese Article O-313. It is the examination about the effect of the hepatic artery catheter therapy on liver metastases after PNET technique
植村修一郎1, 出雲渉1, 樋口亮太1, 谷澤武久1, 加藤孝章1, 高橋豊1, 有泉俊一1, 古川徹2, 山本雅一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 530-530, 2018.

Japanese Article O-316. Reexamination of pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma using new WHO classification 2017
渡辺真郁, 奥脇興介, 安達快, 蓼原将良, 中谷征吾, 上原一帆, 升谷寛以, 川口佑輔, 宮田英治, 松本高明, 長谷川力也, 金子亨, 山内浩史, 岩井知久, 今泉弘, 木田光広, 小泉和三郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 530-530, 2018.

Japanese Article O-317. Diagnosis ability of the ultrasonic endoscope lower fine needle aspiration for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
中村健二1, 本田寛和1, 岡本武士1, 白鳥安利1, 岡田瑠理子1, 池谷敬1, 奥山秀平1, 高木浩一1, 砂川宏樹2, 福田勝之1, 鈴木高祐3, 藤田善幸1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 531-531, 2018.

Japanese Article O-318. Examination of the usefulness of PET - CT in the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
横瀬崇寛, 北郷実, 篠田昌宏, 八木洋, 阿部雄太, 高野公徳, 大島剛, 中野容, 遠藤泰, 北川雄光
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 531-531, 2018.

Japanese Article O-319. Four patients who received combined modality therapy for a pancreas NET scattering type liver metastases case
清水貞利, 村田哲洋, 金沢景繁, 高台真太郎, 西尾康平, 木下正彦, 濱野玄弥, 三浦光太郎, 田嶋哲三, 櫛山周平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 532-532, 2018.

Japanese Article O-321. Treatment result of pancreas neuroendocrine tumor (pNET) with synchronism liver metastases
和田浩志, 高橋秀典, 秋田裕史, 飛鳥井慶, 友國晃, 柳本喜智, 高橋佑典, 松永知之, 杉村啓二郎, 山本和義, 西村潤一, 安井昌義, 大森健, 宮田博志, 大植雅之, 矢野雅彦, 左近賢人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 533-533, 2018.

Japanese Article O-322. Change of the quantity of offal fat in survivors long-term after pancreatoduodenectomy for the pancreatic cancer
中村祐介, 鈴木弘文, 岡屋智久, 唐木洋一, 福田啓之, 越川尚男, 山森秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 533-533, 2018.

Japanese Article O-323. Examination of the pancreatic cancer postoperative early relapse group
和泉秀樹1, 吉井久倫1, 阿部凛1, 伊藤裕幸2, 杉山朋子3, 田尻琢磨3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 534-534, 2018.

Japanese Article O-324. Significance of preoperation immunity, the nutrition index in the pancreatic cancer radical excision case
中尾陽佑, 山下洋市, 有馬浩太, 伊東山瑠美, 遊佐俊彦, 梅崎直紀, 塚本雅代, 山尾宣暢, 北野雄希, 宮田辰徳, 中川茂樹, 岡部弘尚, 今井克憲, 新田英利, 近本亮, 石河隆敏, 馬場秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 534-534, 2018.

Japanese Article O-325. Effect on convalescence of the cancer of head of pancreas diarrhoea post-operative
佐原八束, 永川裕一, 瀧下智恵, 代田智樹, 土方陽介, 土田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 535-535, 2018.

Japanese Article O-326. The definition of the cancer persistence degree in invasive pancreatic duct cancer and clinical significance
早崎碧泉1, 岸和田昌之1, 飯澤祐介1, 藤井武宏1, 加藤宏之1, 種村彰洋1, 村田泰洋1, 安積良紀1, 栗山直久1, 水野修吾1, 臼井正信1, 櫻井洋至1, 内田克典2, 伊佐地秀司1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 535-535, 2018.

Japanese Article O-327. The inflammatory / immunity nutrition index in the chemoradiotherapy enforcement case for the local pancreatic cancer and prognostic relations
市川健, 水野修吾, 早崎碧泉, 岸和田昌之, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 村田泰洋, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 536-536, 2018.

Japanese Article O-328. Usefulness of the examination peritoneoscope for the excision project pancreatic cancer
森村玲1, 生駒久視1, 落合登志哉2, 大辻英吾1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 536-536, 2018.

Japanese Article O-329. Examination as the convalescence predictor of the preoperation lymphocytes / monocyte ratio in the cancer of head of pancreas excision case
尾上俊介, 金岡祐次, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 宇治誠人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 537-537, 2018.

Japanese Article O-330. About effect to give the perioperative period of the chemoradiotherapy and convalescence in preoperation on pancreatic cancer
長井美奈子, 赤堀宇広, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 537-537, 2018.

Japanese Article O-331. Clinical significance of the sarcopenia in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer
羽根田賢一, 鈴木雄太, 福定繁紀, 奥村文浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 538-538, 2018.

Japanese Article O-332. Obese effect to give to the convalescence of patients with nonresected pancreatic cancer
虻江誠, 菅井隆広
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 538-538, 2018.

Japanese Article O-333. Patients with pancreatic cancer support and local enlightenment - pancreatic cancer classroom and pancreatic cancer gourmet D Cal classroom, triple purple ribbon
岸和田昌之, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 村田泰洋, 種村彰洋, 安積良紀, 栗山直久, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 539-539, 2018.

Japanese Article O-334. The effect that the neutrophilic / lymphocytes ratio gives for the long-term survival of the early pancreatic cancer excision case in preoperation
安部智之1, 天野尋暢1, 花田敬士2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 539-539, 2018.

Japanese Article O-335. CA 19-9, the Span-1 high level is an early relapse predictor of the resectable pancreatic cancer in preoperation
森田剛文, 坂口孝宣, 古橋暁, 木内亮太, 武田真, 竹内裕也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 540-540, 2018.

Japanese Article O-336. We suggest backward extension and "" condition of a patient due to other organ infiltrations of body of pancreas tailpiece cancer impossible of excision
木村康利, 今村将史, 山口洋志, 永山稔, 水口徹, 竹政伊知朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 540-540, 2018.

Japanese Article O-337. Usefulness of the convalescence predictive model in the pancreatic cancer terminal phase
門倉信, 今川直人, 石田剛士, 島村成樹, 廣瀬純穂, 辰巳明久, 雨宮史武
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 541-541, 2018.

Japanese Article O-338. Comparison between convalescence and recurrent pattern judging from tumor localization in the cancer of head of pancreas
浅岡忠史, 江口英利, 岩上佳史, 山田大作, 野田剛広, 後藤邦仁, 小林省吾, 森正樹, 土岐祐一郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 541-541, 2018.

Japanese Article O-339. Treatment result judging from nourishment and inflammation in the unresectable pancreatic cancer
柳本泰明, 里井壯平, 山本智久, 小坂久, 廣岡智, 山木壮, 小塚雅也, 良田大典, 道浦拓, 井上健太郎, 松井陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 542-542, 2018.

Japanese Article O-340. Examination of the usefulness as the correlation with the clinical factor of the quantity of frame muscle in the pancreatic cancer case and the prognostic factor
遠藤泰, 北郷実, 篠田昌宏, 八木洋, 阿部雄太, 大島剛, 中野容, 横瀬崇寛, 北川雄光
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 542-542, 2018.

Japanese Article O-341. derived neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio rate of change and convalescence in the pancreatic cancer preoperative chemotherapy
宮田陽一, 小暮亮太, 中沢祥子, 三井哲弥, 二宮理貴, 駒込昌彦, 牧章, 別宮好文
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 543-543, 2018.

Japanese Article O-342. Usefulness of Muscle Attenuation in the pancreatic cancer combined modality therapy non-successful execution prediction
赤堀宇広, 長井美奈子, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 543-543, 2018.

Japanese Article O-343. Significance of inflammation-based prognostic score in the recurrent pancreatic carcinoma
中川顕志, 赤堀宇広, 西和田敏, 長井美奈子, 中村広太, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 544-544, 2018.

Japanese Article O-344. It is a risk factor of the early relapse after pancreatic cancer technique
西健, 川畑康成, 岸隆, 林彦多, 田島義証
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 544-544, 2018.

Japanese Article O-345. It is examined results after the operation that the nutritional status in the excision case gives it to after treatment in pancreatic cancer preoperation
大久保悟志, 高橋進一郎, 安田将, 八木直樹, 谷口理丈, 鈴木敏之, 森末遼, 相澤栄俊, 工藤雅史, 高橋大五郎, 杉本元一, 小林信, 小西大, 後藤田直人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 545-545, 2018.

Japanese Article O-346. About a function of the estrogen-receptor in pancreas mucinous cyst tumor
鈴木裕, 金翔哲, 百瀬博一, 松木亮太, 小暮正晴, 横山政明, 中里徹矢, 阿部展次, 森俊幸, 杉山政則
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 545-545, 2018.

Japanese Article O-347. The examination that it is DNA methylation in the malignant transformation extension of IPMN-modified
加藤裕之1, 立石敬介1, 藤原弘明1, 高木馨2, 野口賢作1, 鈴木辰典1, 中村知香1, 佐藤達也1, 白田龍之介1, 武田剛志1, 石垣和祥1, 齋藤圭1, 内野里枝1, 高原楠昊1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 伊地知秀明1, 中井陽介1, 多田稔1, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 546-546, 2018.

Japanese Article O-348. Analysis of the molecular pathology of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
大森優子1,2, 小野裕介3, 唐崎秀則4, 山口浩5, 古川徹6, 水上裕輔3,7, 真口宏介8
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 546-546, 2018.

Japanese Article O-349. Expression of IL-13Rα2 in the pancreatic juice cell block and examination of the IPMN grade
藤澤聡郎1, 福村由紀2, 高橋翔1, 鈴木彬実1, 冨嶋享1, 金澤亮1, 石井重登1, 斉藤紘昭1, 八尾隆史2, 伊佐山浩通1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 547-547, 2018.

Japanese Article O-350. Examination of the usefulness of a limit and the diffusion weighted image of MRCP in the diagnosis of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
川上智, 深澤光晴, 佐藤公, 高野伸一, 門倉信, 進藤浩子, 高橋英, 廣瀬純穂, 深澤佳満, 早川宏, 原井正太
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 547-547, 2018.

Japanese Article O-351. Inspection of pancreas IPMN Revisions of International Consensus Fukuoka Guidelines
渡邉雄介, 遠藤翔, 新川智彦, 水内祐介, 阿部祐治, 西原一善
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 548-548, 2018.

Japanese Article O-352. Carbohydrate metabolism and cancerization in nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct
平下禎二郎, 太田正之, 猪股雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 548-548, 2018.

Japanese Article O-353. Usefulness of contrasting EUS and the pancreatic juice CEA in the preoperation grade evaluation of IPMN
川路祐輝1, 廣野誠子2, 阿部弘子1, 奴田絢也1, 田村崇1, 幡丸景一1, 糸永昌弘1, 北野雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 549-549, 2018.

Japanese Article O-354. Association with cancer derived from IPMN practice guidelines classification and High Risk features and IPMN for 2,012 years
木内亮太, 坂口孝宣, 古橋暁, 武田真, 森田剛文, 竹内裕也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 549-549, 2018.

Japanese Article O-355. Attempt to the diagnosis ability improvement of the pancreatic cyst diagnosis using artificial intelligence and the cyst liquid analysis
桑原崇通1, 原和生1, 水野伸匡1, 奥野のぞみ1, 松本慎平1, 小畑雅寛1, 栗田祐介1, 鳥山和浩2, 大西祥代2, 平山裕2, 石原誠2, 田中努2, 田近正洋2, 丹羽康正2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 550-550, 2018.

Japanese Article O-356. Preoperation predictor of cancer in IPMN
山下洋市, 岡部弘尚, 新田英利, 遊佐俊彦, 中尾陽佑, 伊東山瑠美, 北野雄希, 有馬浩太, 宮田辰徳, 梅崎直紀, 塚本雅代, 山尾宣暢, 今井克憲, 中川茂樹, 近本亮, 石河隆敏, 馬場秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 550-550, 2018.

Japanese Article O-357. Pancreatic juice washing cytology in the IPMN follow-up, usefulness of the MUC staining using the cell block specimen
石井重登1, 冨嶋享4, 高橋翔1, 鈴木彬実1, 金澤亮3, 斎藤紘昭1, 藤澤聡郎1, 福村由紀2, 椎名秀一朗1, 伊佐山浩通1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 551-551, 2018.

Japanese Article O-358. Clinicopathologic characteristic of IPMN coexistence cancer
川上裕次郎1, 越田真介1, 伊藤啓1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 與那嶺圭輔1, 藤井佑樹1, 村林桃士1, 長谷川翔1, 小堺史郷1, 岡田恭穂2, 及川昌也2, 野田裕1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 551-551, 2018.

Japanese Article O-359. Significance of the serum antip53 antibody measurement in the predictive diagnosis of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma in the pancreatic duct
畠達夫1, 水間正道1, 元井冬彦1, 伊関雅裕1, 高舘達之1, 有明恭平1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 深瀬耕二1, 大塚英郎1, 森川孝則1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 亀井尚1, 内藤剛1, 古川徹2, 江川新一3, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 552-552, 2018.

Japanese Article O-360. Examination about the pancreatectomy case that a pancreas mucinous cyst tumor was diagnosed preoperatively
斧山巧, 武田洋平, 孝田博輝, 山下太郎, 菓裕貴, 川田壮一郎, 松本和也, 磯本一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 552-552, 2018.

Japanese Article O-361. Examination of the validity of the IPMN guidelines that assumed our hospital treatment result the basis
足立智彦, 大野慎一郎, 松島肇, 足立利幸, 山下万平, 曽山明彦, 日高匡章, 高槻光寿, 江口晋
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 553-553, 2018.

Japanese Article O-362. Examination of the treatment strategy of pancreas mucinous cyst tumor (MCN)
高舘達之, 森川孝則, 畠達夫, 伊関雅裕, 有明恭平, 益田邦洋, 青木豪, 石田晶玄, 深瀬耕二, 大塚英郎, 水間正道, 中川圭, 林洋毅, 元井冬彦, 亀井尚, 内藤剛, 江川新一, 海野倫明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 553-553, 2018.

Japanese Article O-363. A grade evaluation and surgery adaptation of IPMN which we saw from international practice guidelines in 2012
土屋勝1, 前田徹也1, 伊藤悠子1, 吉野翔1, 木村和孝1, 松本悠1, 岡田嶺1, 久保田喜久1, 片桐敏雄1, 石井淳2, 田村晃2, 金子弘真1, 大塚由一郎1, 船橋公彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 554-554, 2018.

Japanese Article O-364. Suggestion of the disease severity criteria revision of the cystic fibrosis
石黒洋1, 山本明子1, 中莖みゆき1, 藤木理代2, 近藤志保3, 成瀬達4, 竹山宜典5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 554-554, 2018.

Japanese Article O-365. Clinicopathologic characteristic of nipple viscous liquid tumor in the pancreatic duct resected after surveillance
杉町圭史1, 井口友宏1, 安森翔2, 永塩美邦2, 久野晃聖2, 古川正幸2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 555-555, 2018.

Japanese Article O-366. Treatment strategy of IPMN
菅野将史, 新田浩幸, 片桐弘勝, 長谷川康, 高原武志, 佐々木章
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 555-555, 2018.

Japanese Article O-367. Long-term results of the low moderate degree variant IPMN excision case
西澤伸恭1, 隈元雄介1, 永滋教1, 田島弘1, 海津貴史1, 宮田英治2, 長谷川力也2, 金子亨2, 山内浩史2, 奥脇興介2, 岩井知久2, 今泉弘2, 西山亮1, 木田光広2, 渡邊昌彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 556-556, 2018.

Japanese Article O-368. Does the mutation of the p16-Rb course index the extensive malignant change of pancreas SPN?
野呂瀬朋子1, 大池信之1, 磯邊友秀1, 今井秀之1, 藤政浩一朗1,2, 高野祐一3, 山村詠一3, 長濱正亞3, 冨岡幸大2, 青木武士2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 556-556, 2018.

Japanese Article O-369. Treatment result of Solid and pseudopapillary neoplasm in our hospital
藤野泰宏1, 吉田佐智子1, 津村英隆2, 三木生也2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 557-557, 2018.

Japanese Article P-001. An example of the local progression pancreatic cancer given conversion surgery after GnP therapy impossible of excision
横田哲生, 高野重紹, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝則, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 野島広之, 三島敬, 吉留博之, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 560-560, 2018.

Japanese Article P-002. Examination of three conversion pancreatectomy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
村上隆啓1, 知念健司2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 560-560, 2018.

Japanese Article P-003. One case of the UR-M pancreatic cancer which was effective by chemotherapy, and was given Conversion Surgery
辻江正徳1, 石川原1, 水野成人2, 文田壮一3, 若狭朋子4, 木谷光太郎1, 小山太一1, 井上啓介1, 福田周一1, 眞鍋弘暢1, 田村孝雄3, 太田善夫4, 湯川真生1, 井上雅智1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 561-561, 2018.

Japanese Article P-004. One case of pancreas head, pancreas tail cancer with the peritoneum dissemination that GEM+nab-PTX was effective and resected
多和田翔, 今井寿, 松井聡, 棚橋利行, 田中善宏, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 山口和也, 吉田和弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 561-561, 2018.

Japanese Article P-005. One case of resectable border pancreas body cancer which chemoradiotherapy completely succeeded in preoperation, and obtained long-term survival
水上陽, 足立幸人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 562-562, 2018.

Japanese Article P-006. One case of the pancreatic acinus basalioma which reduced by SOX therapy, and became resectable
田島康平, 益子太郎, 矢澤直樹, 古川大輔, 山田美鈴, 増岡義人, 中郡聡夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 562-562, 2018.

Japanese Article P-007. Episode of care of the pancreatic cancer given Conversion surgery in our hospital
工藤大樹, 北潟谷隆, 霜田佳彦, 伊藤淳, 大野正芳, 畑中一映, 山本義也, 成瀬宏仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 563-563, 2018.

Japanese Article P-008. Two patients who underwent celiac artery merger caudalis pancreatectomy after preoperative chemotherapy as conversion surgery
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 563-563, 2018.

Japanese Article P-009. An example of the unresectable pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis that became the radical excision possibility after the FOFIRINOX enforcement
西山亮1, 水野翔大1, 武居友子1, 瀬尾雄樹1, 北郷実2, 亀山哲章1, 秋山芳伸1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 564-564, 2018.

Japanese Article P-010. One case that became resectable, and was able to perform radical excision after chemotherapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer with liver metastases
桂宜輝, 武田裕, 大村仁昭, 阪本卓也, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 内藤敦, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 加藤健志, 田村茂行, 村田幸平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 564-564, 2018.

Japanese Article P-011. One case of the BR cancer of head of pancreas that histologic CR was obtained by chemoradiotherapy in preoperation
中西美菜子, 田端正己, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 前田光貴, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 565-565, 2018.

Japanese Article P-012. Examination about the convalescence of invasive cancer derived from IPMN and the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
原井正太, 深澤光晴, 早川宏, 川上智, 深澤佳満, 高橋英, 進藤浩子, 高野伸一, 佐藤公
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 565-565, 2018.

Japanese Article P-013. IPMN heterochrony recurrence and histologic examination of the pancreas complete removal case
久下亨, 石川博人, 酒井久宗, 川原隆一, 中山剛一, 野村頼子, 安永昌史, 川中啓之, 赤木由人, 奥田康司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 566-566, 2018.

Japanese Article P-014. Grow against a backdrop of chronic pancreatitis; one case of the necrotic ingredient-rich pancreas head branching type IPMC
大西佳文1, 榎沢哲司1, 宮原利行2, 中野浩2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 566-566, 2018.

Japanese Article P-015. One patient who exploded during invasive cancer (IPMC) follow-up derived from IPMN, and died
田端康人, 糸永昌弘, 川路裕輝, 奴田絢也, 幡丸景一, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 567-567, 2018.

Japanese Article P-016. An example of IPMC diagnosed with diffuse pulmonary disease
佐久間文, 土田幸平, 常見美佐子, 陣内秀仁, 井澤直哉, 岩崎茉莉, 永島一憲, 水口貴仁., 金森瑛, 福士耕, 嘉島賢, 平石秀幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 567-567, 2018.

Japanese Article P-017. One patient who removed surgically in acknowledgment of a pancreatic duct stenosis during follow-up of IPMN
鈴木健太, 駒屋憲一, 大澤高陽, 有川卓, 佐野力
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 568-568, 2018.

Japanese Article P-018. 1 excision case of pancreas head huge IPMC which suffered from a diagnosis in preoperation
城崎友秀1, 浅野賢道1, 中村透1, 中西喜嗣1, 野路武寛1, 倉島庸1, 海老原裕磨1, 村上壮一1, 土川貴裕1, 岡村圭祐1, 七戸俊明1, 三橋智子2, 平野聡1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 568-568, 2018.

Japanese Article P-019. An example of IPMC where we resected a residual pancreas recurrence and an abdominal wall recurrence, and long-term survival was got from
間室奈々, 増岡義人, 矢澤直樹, 古川大輔, 山田美鈴, 益子太郎, 中郡聡夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 569-569, 2018.

Japanese Article P-020. One case of nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct which accompanied stomach penetration
今村良樹1, 熊木天児1, 黒田太良1, 小泉光仁1, 大野芳敬2, 中村太郎3, 北澤理子4, 阿部雅則1, 日浅陽一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 569-569, 2018.

Japanese Article P-021. 1 excision case of nipple mucinous tumor in stomach and the pancreatic duct with the penetration to spleen
張野誉史, 富丸慶人, 野口幸蔵, 堂野恵三
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 570-570, 2018.

Japanese Article P-022. An example of pancreatobiliary type invasive IPMC which racked its brains about a diagnosis in preoperation
李東河, 外山博近, 白川幸代, 寺井祥雄, 椋棒英世, 山下博成, 南野佳英, 水本拓也, 上田悠貴, 田中基文, 上野公彦, 木戸正浩, 味木徹夫, 福本巧
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 570-570, 2018.

Japanese Article P-023. One case of pancreas head noninvasion IPMC which caused GI bleeding from duodenal penetration
石戸圭之輔, 工藤大輔, 木村憲央, 脇屋太一, 袴田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 571-571, 2018.

Japanese Article P-024. 1 excision case of pancreatic duct type IPMC that differentiation to glucagon-positive NET is suggested
五十嵐隆通1, 新木健一郎1, 山中崇弘1, 萩原慶1, 石井範洋1, 塚越真梨子1, 渡辺亮1, 久保憲生1, 播本憲史1, 桑野博行2, 調憲1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 571-571, 2018.

Japanese Article P-025. An example of IPMC which pancreas Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm was diagnosed, and performed a body of pancreas tailpiece resection
田宮雅人, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 清水敦史, 北畑裕司, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 小林良平, 須崎紀彦, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 572-572, 2018.

Japanese Article P-026. An example of the pancreatic duct dysraphism in acknowledgment of ramified IPMN with the intramural nodule
宮田直輝, 首村智久, 羽鳥隆, 片岡幹統, 梅田瑠美子, 海老沼浩利, 樋口肇
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 572-572, 2018.

Japanese Article P-027. One case of nipple mucinous adenoma in the pancreatic duct who had the pancreatic lithiasis
細川千佳生, 乾和郎, 片野義明, 三好広尚, 山本智支, 小林隆, 松浦弘尚, 鳥井淑敬, 黒川雄太, 安江祐二, 大屋貴裕, 堀口明彦, 浅野之夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 573-573, 2018.

Japanese Article P-028. An example of the pancreas cystic disease that racked its brains about a diagnosis in preoperation
東出俊一, 平良薫, 川島和彦, 神田雄史, 野田秀樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 573-573, 2018.

Japanese Article P-029. One case that metallic stent was effective for repeated acute pancreatitis with IPMN
吉川成一, 熊谷優, 小林陽子, 安住基, 高綱将史, 長島藍子, 三浦努, 竹内学
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 574-574, 2018.

Japanese Article P-030. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas liver metastases that perform Conversion Surgery after GEM/nab-PTX therapy, and live long
藤川奈々子, 吉田寛, 川口信哉, 橋本明彦, 白相悟, 根本紀子, 高野成尚, 片桐宗利, 篠崎康晴, 新谷史明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 574-574, 2018.

Japanese Article P-031. One case that we performed DP-CAR after systemic chemotherapy for an unresectable pancreas body cancer with the peritoneal dissemination and were able to make radical excision
中島慎吾, 樋上翔一郎, 泉谷康仁, 小見山聡介, 崔聡仁, 川上定男
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 575-575, 2018.

Japanese Article P-032. An example of the cancer of head of pancreas with the distant metastasis that a complete response was got from by GEM+nab-PTX therapy
山初和也1, 横室茂樹1, 川野陽一1, 宮下正夫1, 中村慶春2, 内田英二2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 575-575, 2018.

Japanese Article P-033. One case of pancreas tail cancer with the distant metastasis that complete fruition was obtained by Gemcitabine + nab-paclitaxel
田中涼太, 木村健二郎, 天野良亮, 山添定明, 大平豪, 田内潤, 平川弘聖, 大平雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 576-576, 2018.

Japanese Article P-034. One case of the unresectable pancreatic cancer having BRCA2 biography child mutation treated effectively with mFFX after GEM + nab-PTX refractoriness
前園知宏, 岡野尚弘, 西岡真理子, 河合桐男, 小林敬明, 長島文夫, 古瀬純司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 576-576, 2018.

Japanese Article P-035. One case of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma given GEM + nab-PTX therapy
杉本啓之1, 廣岡芳樹2, 川嶋啓揮3, 大野栄三郎3, 石川卓哉3, 後藤秀実3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 577-577, 2018.

Japanese Article P-036. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which remote lymph node metastases disappeared by chemotherapy, and resected the primary tumor
田村峻介, 伊藤貴明, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 577-577, 2018.

Japanese Article P-037. One autopsy case given GEM + nab-PTX combination therapy and whole brain irradiation for the meningeal carcinoma due to pancreatic duct cancer
菊田大一郎1, 中河原浩史1, 武井章矩1, 藤澤真理子1, 岩塚邦生1, 高橋利実1, 山本敏樹1, 小川眞広1, 今津博雄1, 山雄健次1, 後藤田卓志1, 森山光彦1, 逸見明博2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 578-578, 2018.

Japanese Article P-038. 1 autopsy case of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma given combined modality therapy for various complications during FOLFIRINOX therapy
宮澤正樹1, 渕崎宇一郎1, 上田善道2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 578-578, 2018.

Japanese Article P-039. One case of the unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer that long-term survival was obtained by chemoradiotherapy, chemotherapy
金戸宏行1, 那須野央1, 柾木喜晴2, 石上敬介2, 志谷真啓2, 本谷雅代2, 佐々木茂2, 岡俊州3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 579-579, 2018.

Japanese Article P-040. One case of the pancreatic cancer with the liver metastases that responded to GEM + nab-PTX therapy after FOLFIRINOX and GEM tolerance
西岡真理子, 岡野尚弘, 前園知宏, 河合桐男, 小林敬明, 長島文夫, 古瀬純司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 579-579, 2018.

Japanese Article P-041. One case of the pancreatitis thought to be the immune-mediated adverse event of the antiPD-1 antibody nivolumab
田中雄志, 酒井新, 田申俊太, 佐藤悠, 中野遼太, 山田恭孝, 吉田竜太郎, 池川卓哉, 藤垣誠治, 江崎健, 家本孝雄, 那賀川峻, 小林隆, 塩見英之, 増田充弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 580-580, 2018.

Japanese Article P-042. An example of the IgG4-negative localized type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis that racked its brains about differentiation with the pancreatic cancer
高野祐一1, 長浜正亞1, 新谷文崇1, 小林孝弘1, 山村詠一1, 丸岡直隆1, 水上博喜2, 田中淳一2, 大池信之3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 580-580, 2018.

Japanese Article P-043. Pancreas head that the steroid administration for other diseases diagnosed it, and was useful in treatment, one case of the body mass
月原秀1, 兼平卓1, 阿部恭平1, 藤原裕樹1, 二川康郎1, 岡本友好1, 矢永勝彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 581-581, 2018.

Japanese Article P-044. One case of the limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis that steroid mini-pulse therapy was useful for a diagnosis
宇野澤秀美1, 西野隆義1, 森千奈津1, 橋本佳恵1, 菅元泰1, 新村秀樹1, 光永豊1, 濱野徹也2, 戸張真紀1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 581-581, 2018.

Japanese Article P-045. One case that produced renal pelvis penetration by metachronous retroperitoneal fibrosis after autoimmune pancreatitis remission
中谷征吾1, 岩井知久1, 宮田英治1, 長谷川力也1, 金子亨1, 山内浩史1, 奥脇興介1, 今泉弘1, 木田光広2, 小泉和三郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 582-582, 2018.

Japanese Article P-046. Example that had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreatic cancer all over the course of the IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis
森千奈津1, 西野隆義1, 宇野澤秀美1, 橋本佳恵1, 菅元泰1, 新村秀樹1, 光永豊1, 濱野徹夜2, 戸張真紀1, 白戸美穂1, 白戸泉1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 582-582, 2018.

Japanese Article P-047. 1 excision case of the autoimmune pancreatitis that had difficulty in differentiation with pancreas tumor
秋元悠1, 齊藤宇亮1, 小川泰司1, 藤本剛1, 田中彰一1, 内海方嗣2, 青木秀樹2, 佐藤由美子3, 高田晋一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 583-583, 2018.

Japanese Article P-048. An example of the body of pancreas tailpiece mass which needed differentiation with the pancreatic cancer during follow-up of Castleman disease
錦織英史1, 村上和成2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 583-583, 2018.

Japanese Article P-049. One case of the IgG4-related pancreatitis that formed a localized mass, and had difficulty in differentiation
井田圭亮1, 小林慎二郎1, 勝又健太1, 瀬上航平1, 星野博之1, 片山真史1, 小泉哲1, 高木正之2, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 584-584, 2018.

Japanese Article P-050. One case of the pancreatic cancer which racked its brains about differentiation with the limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis
渡邉誠太郎1, 遠藤智広1, 藤澤信隆1, 川口雅彦2, 渡邊透2, 柳本邦雄3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 584-584, 2018.

Japanese Article P-051. Led by one patient whom PK developed in during case - follow-up who had the malignant tumor for autoimmune pancreatitis -
加藤まゆみ1, 篠崎博志1, 山藤和夫2, 竹島薫2, 岡本信彦2, 辻忠男3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 585-585, 2018.

Japanese Article P-052. One patient whom a B-cell malignant lymphoma developed in in an episode of care of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
山内陽平, 大島忠, 渡邊悠人, 甲嶋洋平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 585-585, 2018.

Japanese Article P-053. One case of the autoimmune pancreatitis with the pancreatic necrosis
児玉亮, 三枝久能, 牛丸博泰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 586-586, 2018.

Japanese Article P-054. An example of the autoimmune pancreatitis who had the extrahepatic bile duct cancer which presented outer layer extension widely
岡村圭也, 宮川宏之, 長川達哉, 平山敦, 奥大樹, 北川翔
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 586-586, 2018.

Japanese Article P-055. Example that identified the new PRSS1 mutation thought to be the cause of the genetic pancreatitis
丸井彩子, 垣内伸之, 宇座徳光, 桑田威, 曽我部裕子, 友野輝子, 松森友昭, 森田敏広, 津田喬之, 西川義浩, 山内雄揮, 丸野貴久, 塩川雅広, 児玉裕三, 妹尾浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 587-587, 2018.

Japanese Article P-056. Pathological background of Follicular Pancreatitis and exhaustive genetic analysis
良田大典1, 石田光明2, 柳本泰明1, 山本智久1, 小坂久1, 廣岡智1, 山木壮1, 小塚雅也1, 松井陽一1, 里井壯平1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 587-587, 2018.

Japanese Article P-057. About a diagnosis and a treatment result for the autoimmune pancreatitis in our hospital
川嶌洋平, 杉山悟, 藤本龍太郎, 吉原四方, 川西彩, 小川真実, 峯徹哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 588-588, 2018.

Japanese Article P-058. Pancreatic pseudocyst, one case of the autoimmune pancreatitis who had the pancreatic fistula
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 588-588, 2018.

Japanese Article P-059. A Case of Autoimmune Pancreatitis Combined with Mesenteric Fatty Inflammation and Multiple Pancreatic Cyst
加来豊馬1, 高松悠2, 藤森尚2, 村上正俊1, 藤山隆1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 589-589, 2018.

Japanese Article P-060. Participation of the immune system of the malignant tumor complicated with autoimmune pancreatitis
田原純子, 清水京子, 伊藤泰斗, 木下普紀子, 大塚奈央, 赤尾潤一, 長尾健太, 高山敬子, 徳重克年
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 589-589, 2018.

Japanese Article P-061. Three patients whom acute pancreatitis developed in during pazopanib administration
諏訪兼敏1, 高田智規1, 提中克幸1, 三宅隼人1, 加藤隆介1, 十亀義生2, 保田宏明1, 阪上順一1, 伊藤義人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 590-590, 2018.

Japanese Article P-062. 2 autopsies case that was complicated with bleeding during the necrosectomy enforcement for encapsulation pancreatic necrosis after acute pancreatitis, and died
松下萌未, 江口考明, 青木康浩, 岡本典大, 橋村弘毅, 加納千勢, 金森厚志, 松本慶, 辻前正弘, 吉崎哲也, 百瀬健次, 小畑大輔, 奥山俊介, 山下博司, 岡田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 590-590, 2018.

Japanese Article P-063. One case of the giardiasis diagnosed with acute pancreatitis
須田佳菜子1, 金森瑛1, 嘉島賢1, 佐久間文1, 福士耕1, 阿部圭一朗1, 井澤直哉1, 岩崎茉莉1, 村岡信二1, 小松原利典1, 福島篤仁2, 土田幸平1, 平石秀幸1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 591-591, 2018.

Japanese Article P-064. 2 excision case of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer diagnosed with acute pancreatitis
塩見尚礼1, 東口貴之1, 長門優1, 谷口正展1, 丹後泰久1, 張弘富1, 中村一郎1, 中村誠昌1, 横田佳大2, 新谷修平2, 佐藤祐斗2, 井上博登2, 田辺浩喜2, 馬場弘道2, 駒井康伸2, 行岡直哉3, 下松谷匠1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 591-591, 2018.

Japanese Article P-065. One case of the severe acute pancreatitis who had the Candida endophthalmitis
山宮知, 北村勝哉, 石井優, 三井佑太, 吉田仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 592-592, 2018.

Japanese Article P-066. One case of the mass plasticity pancreatitis that had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
古賀哲也1, 伊集院裕康1, 増田秀一郎1, 田島誠一郎1, 松元淳2, 吉川弘太3, 海江田衛3, 菰方輝夫3, 野元三治4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 592-592, 2018.

Japanese Article P-067. An example of the pancreatic acinus basalioma which racked its brains about a diagnosis in preoperation
余語覚匡, 増井俊彦, 内田雄一郎, 仲野健三, 佐藤朝日, 長井和之, 穴澤貴行, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 593-593, 2018.

Japanese Article P-068. One patient who showed pancreatic acinus basalioma in heterochrony during the treatment of conventional pancreatic duct cancer
阿部友太朗1, 大川和良1, 今井俊裕1, 高田良司1, 福武伸康1, 蘆田玲子1, 秋田裕史2, 高橋秀典2, 手島昭樹3, 片山和宏1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 593-593, 2018.

Japanese Article P-069. One case of the pancreatic acinus basalioma detected with a subcutaneous nodule (subcutaneous nodular fat necrosis)
栗原唯生1, 市川辰夫1, 辻忠男2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 594-594, 2018.

Japanese Article P-070. Examination of the anaplasia pancreatic cancer 2 excision case
坂口将文1, 古賀毅彦1, 今村治男1, 生田義明2, 高森啓史2, 神尾多喜浩3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 594-594, 2018.

Japanese Article P-071. Examination of 3 cases of the pancreatic acinus basalioma in our hospital
中野容1, 北郷実1, 篠田昌宏1, 八木洋1, 阿部雄太1, 高野公徳1, 大島剛1, 益田悠貴1, 坂元享宇1, 北川雄光2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 595-595, 2018.

Japanese Article P-072. Eight image evidence of pancreatic acinus basalioma and examination of the prognostic factor
冨嶋享1, 藤澤聡郎1, 高橋翔1, 鈴木彬実1, 金澤亮1, 石井重登1, 斉藤紘昭1, 福村由紀2, 川崎誠治3, 伊佐山浩通1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 595-595, 2018.

Japanese Article P-073. An example of the cancer of head of pancreas which showed a mass shadow four and a half years after a malignancy was diagnosed pathologically
武田洋平, 孝田博輝, 山下太郎, 菓裕貴, 斧山巧, 松本和也, 八島一夫, 磯本一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 596-596, 2018.

Japanese Article P-074. 1 excision case of invasive pancreatic duct cancer which presented multilocular cyst structure
大澤高陽, 有川卓, 駒屋憲一, 倉橋真太郎, 佐野力
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 596-596, 2018.

Japanese Article P-075. An example of the familial pancreatic cancer detected with papules - erythroderma
三宅智雄1, 中島義博2, 北川貴之1, 西紋禮士1, 時岡峻三1, 青木啓純1, 岡田敏正3, 吉田浩司2, 上野富雄3, 日野啓輔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 597-597, 2018.

Japanese Article P-076. One case of the pancreatic cancer with germline PTEN mutation (p.Arg234Gln)
松林宏行1,2, 石渡裕俊1, 藤江慎也1, 佐藤純也1, 浄住佳美2, 上村直3, 山本有祐3, 上坂克彦3, 佐々木恵子4, 阿部将人4, 小野裕之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 597-597, 2018.

Japanese Article P-077. One case of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma passing by no recurrence after an operation for one year
吉井久倫1, 和泉秀樹1, 伊藤裕幸2, 杉山朋子3, 田尻琢磨3, 向井正哉1, 野村栄治1, 幕内博康1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 598-598, 2018.

Japanese Article P-078. One case of the adenosquamous carcinoma derived from IPMN
工藤遊山, 佐藤典宏, 矢吹慶, 田村利尚, 井上譲, 皆川紀剛, 柴尾和徳, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 598-598, 2018.

Japanese Article P-079. Primary tumor and an example of pancreas tail cancer that a metastatic focus presented the hypervolemic nature together
池澤賢治, 重川稔, 田村猛, 佐藤克彦, 占部真貴子, 末吉弘尚, 山井琢陽, 須田貴広, 氣賀澤斉史, 吉岡鉄平, 阪森亮太郎, 巽智秀, 竹原徹郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 599-599, 2018.

Japanese Article P-080. An example of the Groove pancreatic cancer which had the onset for duodenal stricture, and racked its brains about differentiation with the pancreatitis
赤松学1, 西塚麻代1, 伊藤美保1, 白幡名香雄1, 高橋邦之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 599-599, 2018.

Japanese Article P-081. Clinical examination of a pancreatic duct cancer, the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma in the pancreatic duct which occurred for pancreatic duct dysraphism
川口真矢1, 大津卓也1, 佐藤辰宣1, 寺田修三1, 金本秀行2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 600-600, 2018.

Japanese Article P-082. One case that suffered from differentiation of groove pancreatic cancer and the duodenal primary carcinoma
岡崎充善, 田島秀浩, 山口貴久, 大畠慶直, 中沼伸一, 牧野勇, 林泰寛, 宮下知治, 高村博之, 太田哲生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 600-600, 2018.

Japanese Article P-083. An example of pancreas tail cancer diagnosed with large intestine ileus
畠山知也1, 坂井利規1, 松村篤1, 荻野史朗1, 赤見敏和1, 岡野晋治1, 上田祐二1, 眞嵜武2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 601-601, 2018.

Japanese Article P-084. One case that was regarded as a residual pancreas recurrence by the dissemination in the distal cholangiocarcinoma postoperative pancreatic duct
寺田卓郎1, 三井毅1, 杉田浩章1, 加藤陽介1, 渡邊弘之2, 野村佳克2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 601-601, 2018.

Japanese Article P-085. One case of pancreas body cancer detected with a pancreatic cyst
川西彩1, 藤本龍太郎1, 川嶌洋平1, 小川真実1, 峯徹哉1, 船木裕2, 益子太郎2, 増岡義人2, 山田美鈴2, 古川大輔2, 矢澤直樹2, 中郡聡夫2, 平林健一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 602-602, 2018.

Japanese Article P-086. One case of conventional invasive pancreatic duct cancer which suddenly developed during the follow-up of nipple mucinous tumor in the ramified pancreatic duct
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 602-602, 2018.

Japanese Article P-087. An example of the cancer of head of pancreas which occurred in an annular pancreas
木下慶亮1, 福地聡士1, 廣島康子1, 井上邦光1, 青山佳正1, 白鳥敏夫1, 蒲池綾子1, 村上和成2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 603-603, 2018.

Japanese Article P-088. One case of pancreas tail cancer which progressed in a coexistent cyst, and caused cyst-formed liver metastases recurrence
小柴裕1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 飴田咲貴1, 佐藤正文2, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2, 宮崎悦3, 富田夏未1,4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 603-603, 2018.

Japanese Article P-089. One case of the synchronism double cancer of gallbladder cancer and the pancreatic cancer complicated with pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality
高野可赴1, 野村達也1, 土屋嘉昭1, 塩路和彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 604-604, 2018.

Japanese Article P-090. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which occurred in an annular pancreas
清水敦史1, 大西博儲2, 岩橋誠1, 山本基1, 坂口聡1, 加藤紘隆1, 小林康人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 604-604, 2018.

Japanese Article P-091. One case of the metachronous double cancer of an ampulla of duodenum cancer and the cancer of head of pancreas
山村和生1, 大谷聡1, 今澤正彦1, 佐賀信介2, 安藤修久1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 605-605, 2018.

Japanese Article P-092. One case of the synchronism pancreatic cancer which complicated adenosquamous carcinoma and an invasive pancreatic duct cancer in residual pancreas after lower cholangiocarcinoma technique
吉田佐智子, 柿木啓太郎, 藤野泰宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 605-605, 2018.

Japanese Article P-093. An example of pancreas tail pancreatic duct cancer which presented an SCN-like form during follow of the localized pancreatic atrophy
奴田絢也1, 川路祐樹1, 田村崇1, 糸永昌弘1, 幡丸景一1, 北野雅之1, 北畑裕司2, 宮澤基樹2, 廣野誠子2, 岡田健一2, 川井学2, 山上裕機2, 岩橋吉史3, 村田晋一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 606-606, 2018.

Japanese Article P-094. One case of the jejunum allopatry pancreatic cancer which pointed out pancreatic duct expansion irregular preoperatively
石川英樹1, 春田明範1, 小島久実1, 野村彩1, 安藤貴文1, 野尻基2, 山口貴之2, 平田明裕2, 服部正興2, 青野景也2, 生田宏次2, 浅野昌彦2, 渡邉緑子3, 溝口良順1, 石川卓哉4, 大野栄三郎4, 川嶋啓揮4, 廣岡芳樹5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 606-606, 2018.

Japanese Article P-095. One case of the long-term survival of the pancreatic cancer which was discovered with inguinal hernia strangulation accidentally, and was resected
藤崎滋1, 高階幹1, 冨田涼一2, 高山忠利3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 607-607, 2018.

Japanese Article P-096. An example of the invasive pancreatic cancer with the sacculation that they presented with haemoperitoneum, and was operated on electively
井田智則, 阿南秀征, 西村正基, 立川準, 新倉利啓, 須藤拓馬, 中岡宙子, 千葉秀幸, 諸橋大樹, 後藤亨
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 607-607, 2018.

Japanese Article P-097. It is the usefulness of the contrasting CT equilibrium aspect extracellular fluid compartmentation value in the convalescence prediction after chemotherapy of the Stage IV pancreatic cancer
福倉良彦1, 前村公成2, 又木雄弘2, 蔵原弘2, 橋元慎一3, 有馬志穂3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 608-608, 2018.

Japanese Article P-098. The present situation of Stage 0 in the early pancreatic cancer project in northern Osaka-shi and the IA pancreatic cancer
工藤寧1, 東俊二郎1, 栗田亮1, 八隅秀二郎1, 藤田光一2, 阿南隆洋2, 向井秀一2, 江口考明3, 岡田明彦3, 山崎智朗4, 根引浩子4, 澤井勇悟5, 淺田全範5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 608-608, 2018.

Japanese Article P-099. Two cases of the pancreas small cell carcinoma which we experienced in our hospital
田村崇祥, 糸永昌弘, 川路裕輝, 奴田絢也, 幡丸景一, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 609-609, 2018.

Japanese Article P-100. Examination of EUS-FNA for the 10 mm or less small lesion in our hospital
赤尾潤一1, 高山敬子1, 伊藤泰斗1, 木下普紀子, 大塚奈央1, 長尾健太1, 田原純子1, 清水京子1, 徳重克年1, 出雲渉2, 樋口亮太2, 山本雅一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 609-609, 2018.

Japanese Article P-101. One case of squamous cell carcinoma of lung pancreas, the liver metastases that a diagnosis was obtained by EUS-FNA
木下真樹子1, 本下幾晴1, 今井元2, 鎌田研1, 三長孝輔2, 大本俊介2, 山本佳司3, 薮内以和夫3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 610-610, 2018.

Japanese Article P-102. Diagnosis results of EUS-FNA using the Francine shape needle for the pancreatic mass-related lesion
三浦由雄, 前田真吾, 佐竹真, 那須文香, 梅田大介, 富永恒平, 荻山秀治, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穗, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作, 飯石浩康
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 610-610, 2018.

Japanese Article P-103. Treatment result in our hospital for the resectable pancreatic cancer
小塚雅也, 里井壮平, 山本智久, 柳本泰明, 山木壮, 小坂久, 廣岡智, 松井陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 611-611, 2018.

Japanese Article P-104. One case of URLA head of pancreas cancer given radical excision with the portal vein rebuilding using the collateral circulation after treatment in preoperation
加藤吉康1, 山田豪2, 末永雅也2, 高見秀樹2, 丹羽由紀子2, 林真路2, 園原史訓2, 中尾昭公3, 小寺泰弘2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 611-611, 2018.

Japanese Article P-105. Two patients who received Complete removal of the residual pancreas after chemotherapy for remaining pancreatic cancer after conventional pancreatic cancer excision
赤石隆信, 梅村孝太郎, 石戸圭之輔, 工藤大輔, 木村憲央, 脇屋太一, 袴田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 612-612, 2018.

Japanese Article P-106. 1 case that was resectable after GnP therapy for local progress pancreatic cancer in DP-CAR
高橋健二郎1, 石川博人1, 内藤嘉紀2, 佐藤寿洋1, 酒井久宗1, 川原隆一1, 久下亨1, 安永昌史1, 奥田康司1, 赤木由人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 612-612, 2018.

Japanese Article P-107. It is one patient of the long-term survival of five years after Complete removal of the residual pancreas technique for metachronous pancreatic cancer after the body of pancreas tailpiece excision
牧田直樹1, 萱原正都1, 山崎裕人1, 武居亮平1, 宗本将義1, 八木康道1, 大西一朗1, 川島篤弘2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 613-613, 2018.

Japanese Article P-108. One patient who underwent gullet preservation pancreaticoduodenectomy for cancer of the esophagus postoperative pancreatic duct type IPMN
荒田了輔, 眞次康弘, 大下彰彦, 中原英樹, 漆原貴, 板本敏行
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 613-613, 2018.

Japanese Article P-109. Examination of the invasive pancreatic duct carcinosis case that occurred in residual pancreas
平野拓郎1, 前村公成1, 又木雄弘1, 蔵原弘1, 川崎洋太1, 新地洋之2, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 614-614, 2018.

Japanese Article P-110. The change after the introduction of the clinical path in the pancreaticoduodenectomy aiming at standardization
山本智久, 里井壮平, 柳本泰明, 山木壮, 小坂久, 小塚雅也, 廣岡智, 松井陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 614-614, 2018.

Japanese Article P-111. Pancreatoduodenectomy for the pancreas head domain carcinosis case with abdominal cavity arterial trunk stenosis
水本雅己, 木下浩一, 大越香江
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 615-615, 2018.

Japanese Article P-112. Creating a system to work on ACP team medicine - Start with pancreatic cancer class -
内海元美1, 田中千枝子1, 藤原ちえみ1, 樋本瑞江1, 花田敬士2, 畝本由貴3, 比良大輔3, 黒飛佳子4, 重廣奈緒子5, 豊田直之6
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 615-615, 2018.

Japanese Article P-113. An example of the pancreatic cancer local recurrence that caused Septic pulmonary emboli
塚本忠司1, 枝川永二郎1, 貝崎亮二1, 堀高明1, 高塚聡1, 高台真太郎2, 金沢景繁2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 616-616, 2018.

Japanese Article P-114. One case of the pancreatic cancer obtaining survival after an operation by the combined modality therapy for the recurrence after an operation for ten years
青野高志, 鈴木晋, 丸山智宏, 金子和弘, 佐藤友威, 岡田貴幸, 武藤一朗, 長谷川正樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 616-616, 2018.

Japanese Article P-115. One patient whom the abdominal wall metastasized to in pancreatic fistula after an operation by Needle tract seeding (NTS) of the CT guide lower drainage
時岡峻三1, 中島義博2, 三宅智雄2, 北川貴之2, 西紋禮士2, 青木啓純2, 吉田浩司2, 日野啓輔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 617-617, 2018.

Japanese Article P-116. 1 excision case for the local recurrence of pancreas body cancer out of the pancreas
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 617-617, 2018.

Japanese Article P-117. One case of metastatic body of pancreas tailpiece cancer which recurred bone six years after after operation
上田順彦1, 藤井頼孝1, 三浦聖子1, 藤田純1, 富田泰斗1, 大西敏雄1, 藤田秀人1, 木南伸一1, 小坂健夫1, 薄田勝男2, 相川あかね3, 中田聡子3, 山田壮亮3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 618-618, 2018.

Japanese Article P-118. Two cases of pancreatic cancer metastases to lung with the cavitation
伊藤泰斗1, 高山敬子1, 木下普紀子1, 大塚奈央1, 赤尾潤一1, 長尾健太1, 田原純子1, 清水京子1, 徳重克年1, 出雲渉2, 古川徹3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 618-618, 2018.

Japanese Article P-119. About the difference of the background factor of operable pancreatic cancer and the impossible pancreatic cancer
土井俊文, 佐藤秀樹, 川上巧, 朝枝興平, 角埜徹, 小林玲央, 梶原真理子, 小山友季, 吉田拓馬, 榊田智喜, 中津川善和, 山田真也, 西村健, 藤井秀樹, 戸祭直也, 奥山祐右, 木村浩之, 吉田憲正
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 619-619, 2018.

Japanese Article P-120. Observational, prospective study of the ctDNA usefulness as the preoperative chemotherapy biomarker for the BR pancreatic cancer
北畑裕司, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 須崎紀彦, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 619-619, 2018.

Japanese Article P-121. An example of the cancer of head of pancreas which obtained a good clinical course in Helical tomotherapy IMRT
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 620-620, 2018.

Japanese Article P-122. One case of the pancreas tail cancer peritoneum dissemination that obtained CR after the chemotherapy with the multiple regimens for five years
小林信1, 杉本元一1, 橋本裕輔2, 後藤田直人1, 高橋進一郎1, 小西大1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 620-620, 2018.

Japanese Article P-123. Examination of the combination medical therapy enforcement case for unresectable recurrent pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma
山内芳也, 西岡真理子, 前園知宏, 河合桐男, 小林敬明, 岡野尚弘, 長島文夫, 古瀬純司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 621-621, 2018.

Japanese Article P-124. Examination of the usefulness of the body composition before the treatment as the convalescence predictor of the pancreatic cancer chemotherapy
古賀風太1, 野下祥太郎1, 中下俊哉1, 大座紀子1, 大塚大河2, 嬉野紀夫2, 三好篤3, 北原賢二3, 河口康典1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 621-621, 2018.

Japanese Article P-125. One case of the pancreas origin plasmacytoma which we complicated pancreatitis and were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA
末谷敬吾1, 森田亮2, 佐々木大祐4, 路川陽介2, 中原一有2, 小林慎二郎3, 奥瀬千晃1, 伊東文生2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 622-622, 2018.

Japanese Article P-126. Vater's papilla NET and one case of the multiple GIST that were complicated with von Recklinghausen disease which conducted pancreatoduodenectomy
中島慎介, 山田晃正, 知念良直, 板倉弘明, 高山碩俊, 上田正射, 津田雄二郎, 太田勝也., 足立真一, 遠藤俊治, 池永雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 622-622, 2018.

Japanese Article P-127. One case of Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm with liver metastases
吉田寛1, 川口信哉1, 橋本明彦1, 白相悟1, 根本紀子1, 藤川奈々子1, 高野成尚1, 片桐宗利1, 篠崎康晴1, 池谷伸一2, 浅野重之3, 新谷史明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 623-623, 2018.

Japanese Article P-128. One case of neoplastic lesion (PanIN) intracutaneous in the pancreas which resulted in a jejunum accessory pancreas
高岡宗徳1,2, 浦上淳1,2, 吉田和弘1,2, 田村地生1,2, 松原正樹1,2, 石田尚正1,2, 林次郎1,2, 山辻知樹1,2, 羽井佐実1,2, 猶本良夫1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 623-623, 2018.

Japanese Article P-129. One case of the invasive cancer derived from IPMN of Oncocytic type which showed the extension in a wide range of pancreatic ducts
渡邉善寛1, 羽鳥隆1, 首村智久1, 池田佳史1, 加藤厚1, 宮崎勝1, 古川徹2, 高山敬子3, 田原純子3, 清水京子3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 624-624, 2018.

Japanese Article P-130. One case of pancreas origin MALT lymphoma
岸隆, 西健, 林彦多, 川畑康成, 田島義証
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 624-624, 2018.

Japanese Article P-131. One excision case of the asymptomatic localized pancreatic duct expansion that had potentiality gallbladder cancer
北田浩二, 稲垣優, 徳永尚之, 岩垣博巳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 625-625, 2018.

Japanese Article P-132. 1 autopsy case of the extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma which arose primarily in the bile duct in the pancreas
伊藤裕幸1, 平岩真一郎2, 杉山朋子2, 田尻琢磨2, 小嶋清一郎1, 高清水眞二1, 和泉秀樹3, 渡辺勲史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 625-625, 2018.

Japanese Article P-133. One excision case of Pseudolipomatous hypertrophy of pancreas (pancreas pseudolipomatous hypertrophy)
星野弘樹1, 杉浦篤1, 川東豊1, 佐々木順平1, 高橋健1, 秋山智之2, 林良紀2, 岩村太郎3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 626-626, 2018.

Japanese Article P-134. 1 excision case of the pancreas inflammatory pseudotumor which had difficulty in differentiation with invasive pancreatic duct cancer
徳永尚之, 稲垣優, 北田浩二, 加藤卓也, 安井雄一, 赤井正彦, 濱野亮輔, 宮宗秀明, 常光洋輔, 大塚眞哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 626-626, 2018.

Japanese Article P-135. One case of Castleman disease which occurred on the pancreas body head side which had difficulty in differentiation with pancreas tumor
土屋昭彦1, 中村めぐみ1, 山下美華1, 外處真道1, 近藤春彦1, 三科雅子1, 田中由理子1, 小林倫子1, 三科友二1, 明石雅博1, 笹本貴広1, 西川稿1, 山中正己1, 豊田真之2, 若林剛2, 横田亜矢3, 長田宏巳3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 627-627, 2018.

Japanese Article P-136. Six clinical examination of the pancreatic duct dysraphism suspicion in our hospital
西口恭平, 伊藤敏文, 高木康宏, 谷口舞子, 中村孝彦, 朝倉亜希子, 森麻奈加, 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 齊木浩二, 澤村真理子, 大西良輝, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 日山智史, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 巽信之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 627-627, 2018.

Japanese Article P-137. 1 excision case of metastases to pancreas multiple after renal cell carcinoma technique in the ninth year
門馬浩行1, 白川裕2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 628-628, 2018.

Japanese Article P-138. 3 cases of the renal carcinoma metastases to pancreas that were detected after passing for a long term after an operation
関野雄典1, 鈴木雅人1, 松尾憲一2, 大西洋英3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 628-628, 2018.

Japanese Article P-139. Examination of four metastatic pancreatic carcinoma which we experienced in our hospital
岡崎彰仁, 斎宏, 上平祐輔, 豊島元, 山下由美子, 宮本明香, 古川善也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 629-629, 2018.

Japanese Article P-140. 1 excision case for metastases to pancreas the fifth-year after lung cancer technique
高賢樹, 西田保則
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 629-629, 2018.

Japanese Article P-141. An example of the pancreas granulocytic sarcoma detected with obstructive jaundice
福士耕, 土田幸平, 常見美佐子, 陣内秀仁, 井澤直哉, 岩崎茉莉, 水口貴仁, 永島一憲, 佐久間文, 嘉島賢, 平石秀幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 630-630, 2018.

Japanese Article P-142. One patient who removed surgically for metastases to pancreas of Merckel cell carcinoma
吉村知紘, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 須崎紀彦, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 630-630, 2018.

Japanese Article P-143. Characteristic of the pancreatic acinus basalioma in our hospital
小川真実, 川嶌洋平, 川西彩, 峯徹哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 631-631, 2018.

Japanese Article P-144. 1 excision case of pancreas that nonfunction pancreas endocrinoma was complicated with a body of pancreas tailpiece cancer-prone tumor
君島映, 篠原寿彦, 済陽義久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 631-631, 2018.

Japanese Article P-145. One case of epithelial cyst which occurred in the accessory spleen in the pancreas
小暮正晴, 松木亮太, 横山政明, 鈴木裕, 杉山政則
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 632-632, 2018.

Japanese Article P-146. An example of a lymphoproliferative disorder with the iatrogenic immunodeficiency and diagnosed pancreas tumor
高田亮1, 岩田恵典1, 井上美奈子1, 宮本優帆1, 石井紀子1, 由利幸久1, 長谷川国大1, 楊和典1, 石井昭生1, 高嶋智之1, 坂井良行1, 會澤信弘1, 池田直人1, 西川浩樹1, 榎本平之1, 飯島尋子1,2, 西口修平1, 夏秋優3, 森本麻衣4, 松田育雄5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 632-632, 2018.

Japanese Article P-147. One case of the epidermoid cyst which occurred in the accessory spleen in the pancreas
中山剛一1, 亀井英樹1, 梅谷有希1, 田中克明1, 村上直孝2, 内藤嘉紀3, 中島収4, 白水和雄1, 田中眞紀1, 奥田康司2, 赤木由人2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 633-633, 2018.

Japanese Article P-148. One case of hemosuccs pancreaticus due to the pancreatic duct internal hemorrhage from Crisp aneurysm
松原和英1, 金本秀行1, 高木哲彦1, 京田有介1, 大場範行1, 高木正和1, 川口真矢2, 大津卓也2, 室博之3, 村松彩3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 633-633, 2018.

Japanese Article P-149. Examination about the usefulness of contrasting EUS for pancreas tumor
吉田健作, 岩下拓司, 上村真也, 三田直樹, 清水雅仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 634-634, 2018.

Japanese Article P-150. Usefulness of contrasting EUS in the pancreas tumor diagnosis
山下泰伸1,2, 糸永昌弘1, 川路祐輝1, 奴田絢也1, 田村崇1, 幡丸景一1, 井田良幸1, 吉田岳市1, 前北隆雄1, 井口幹崇1, 加藤順1, 北野雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 634-634, 2018.

Japanese Article P-151. Three cases of Intraductal Tubulopapillary Neoplasm (ITPN) which we experienced in our hospital
西尾亮1, 廣岡芳樹2, 川嶋啓揮1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 須原寛樹1, 小屋敏也1, 田中浩敬1, 酒井大輔1, 飯田忠1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 635-635, 2018.

Japanese Article P-152. Three cases of pancreas good nature, the low-grade tumor which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
小林隆, 滝沢一泰, 三浦宏平, 石川博補, 堅田朋大, 仲野哲矢, 安藤拓也, 油座築, 坂田純, 若井俊文
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 635-635, 2018.

Japanese Article P-153. About a difference of the automatic suture instruments in the body of pancreas tailpiece resection in our hospital
村上昌裕, 清水潤三, 古賀睦人, 古川陽菜, 新野直樹, 末田聖倫, 松村多恵, 川端良平, 能浦真吾, 長谷川順一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 636-636, 2018.

Japanese Article P-154. The effect that infectious complications give to the convalescence of body of pancreas tailpiece cancer after an operation
山添定明, 天野良亮, 木村健二郎, 大平豪, 田内潤, 田中涼太, 大平雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 636-636, 2018.

Japanese Article P-155. Examination of the laparoscopic splenic preservation caudalis pancreatectomy
太田正之, 平下禎二郎, 猪股雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 637-637, 2018.

Japanese Article P-156. Examination of the laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece excision in our hospital
渋谷和人, 吉岡伊作, 関根慎一, 平野勝久, 馬場逸人, 藤井努
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 637-637, 2018.

Japanese Article P-157. One case of young man pancreas SPN which performed a laparoscopic splenic preservation body of pancreas tailpiece resection
沢秀博1, 佐々木綾香2, 佐貫毅2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 638-638, 2018.

Japanese Article P-158. IMV first approach peritoneoscope lower body of pancreas tailpiece resection
朝隈光弘, 清水徹之介, 井上善博, 廣川文鋭, 林道廣, 内山和久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 638-638, 2018.

Japanese Article P-159. One case of the external secretion replacement therapy - PD postoperative pancreatogenous diabetes in the pancreas after the pancreatectomy
松本敦史1,2, 柳町幸2, 佐藤江里2, 山一真彦2, 中山弘文2, 大門眞2, 丹藤雄介3, 中村光男4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 639-639, 2018.

Japanese Article P-160. One case that pancreatic duct residual stomach side-to-side anastomosis succeeded for pancreaticojejunostomy department obstruction after the pancreaticoduodenectomy
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 639-639, 2018.

Japanese Article P-161. It is examined the pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy for the cancer of head of pancreas in our hospital
岡屋智久1, 平井太2, 中村祐介1, 黒澤浄2, 山森秀夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 640-640, 2018.

Japanese Article P-162. One case of IPMC which detained portal vein stent for a portal vein stenosis, thrombosis after the pancreatoduodenectomy
上月章史, 金田邦彦, 高松学
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 640-640, 2018.

Japanese Article P-163. Examination of the pancreas suitable for pancreaticojejunostomy (Blumgart strange law Jichiidai method)
小泉大, 斎藤晶, 目黒由行, 宮戸秀世, 田口昌延, 兼田裕司, 三木厚, 遠藤和洋, 笹沼英紀, 佐久間康成, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 641-641, 2018.

Japanese Article P-164. 2 cases that they presented with portal vein obstruction after pancreatoduodenectomy, and developed GI bleeding of the different mechanism
山崎将人1, 鈴木崇之1, 成島一夫1, 細川勇1, 森幹人1, 小杉千弘1, 首藤潔彦1, 後藤学2, 清水宏明1, 幸田圭史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 641-641, 2018.

Japanese Article P-165. An example of the pancreaticojejunostomy failure of the sutures that was able to perform recovery by a fistula jejunum anastomosis
水谷聡1, 鈴木英之1, 相本隆幸1, 山岸征嗣1, 大山莉奈1, 渡辺昌則1, 中村慶春2, 内田英二2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 642-642, 2018.

Japanese Article P-166. Comparison of the treatment result of the pancreatic duct stent distinction (external fistula vs. internal fistula) in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
鈴村和大, 波多野悦朗, 飯田健二郎, 岩間英明, 岡田敏弘, 麻野泰包, 宇山直樹, 中村育夫, 裴正寛, 多田正晴, 末岡英明, 西田広志, 玉川慎二郎, 藤元治朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 642-642, 2018.

Japanese Article P-167. Effect to give to biliary infection of the reduction in yellow in preoperation in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
伊東山瑠美, 岡部弘尚, 中尾陽佑, 遊佐俊彦, 梅崎直樹, 塚本雅代, 山尾宣暢, 北野雄希, 宮田辰徳, 中川茂樹, 新田英利, 今井克憲, 山下洋市, 近本亮, 馬場秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 643-643, 2018.

Japanese Article P-168. Relative examination of peritoneal lavage liquid after an operation in front of development and the shut stomach of the pancreatic fistula and the intraabdominal drain drainage culture
松木亮太, 鈴木裕, 小暮正晴, 横山正明, 杉山政則
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 643-643, 2018.

Japanese Article P-169. Example that they presented with a pancreatic duct stenosis after spontaneous loss type pancreatic duct stenting, and caused pancreatitis
安達快, 山内浩史, 木田光広, 宮田英治, 長谷川力也, 金子亨, 奥脇興介, 岩井知久, 今泉弘, 小泉和三郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 644-644, 2018.

Japanese Article P-170. Usefulness of the bloodstream evaluation by the angiography in the operation at the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the celiac artery stenosis case
森本大士1, 藤井努2, 山田豪1, 鈴木耕次郎3, 加藤吉康1, 多代充1, 田中伸孟1, 田中晴祥1, 園原史訓1, 高見秀樹1, 末永雅也1, 丹羽由紀子1, 林真路1, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 644-644, 2018.

Japanese Article P-171. An example of pancreatic cyst-related tumor given laparoscopic splenic preservation body of pancreas tailpiece excision using SAND balloon
中平伸, 岸本朋也, 小川久貴, 日村保志, 眞木良祐, とう傑之, 西秀美, 三上城太., 間狩洋一, 中田健, 辻江正樹, 藤田淳也, 大里浩樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 645-645, 2018.

Japanese Article P-172. Laparoscopic pancreatectomy surgery for MCN
田中栄一, 早馬聡, 三橋洋介, 上奈津子, 松本哲, 越湖進
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 645-645, 2018.

Japanese Article P-173. Pancreatoduodenectomy for the uncus of the pancreas origin huge serous cystadenoma
竹村茂一, 浦田順久, 濱野玄弥, 西岡孝芳, 野沢彰紀, 伊藤得路, 坂田親治, 田中肖吾, 新川寛二, 久保正二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 646-646, 2018.

Japanese Article P-174. Examination of metastatic pancreas tumor surgery results in our hospital
遠藤裕平, 野田弘志, 渡部文昭, 笠原尚哉, 加藤高晴, 力山敏樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 646-646, 2018.

Japanese Article P-176. Tardive graft duodenum association complications and the turning point when we showed it after brain death pancreatic transplant
福田泰也1, 浅岡忠史1, 江口英利1, 伊藤壽記2, 山田大作1, 岩上佳史1, 野田剛広1, 後藤邦仁1, 小林省吾1, 森正樹1, 土岐祐一郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 647-647, 2018.

Japanese Article P-177. One patient who underwent Letton-Wilson surgery for a traumatic pancreatic injury IIIb type
石井智, 豊田真之, 水口法生, 大友直樹, 岡本知美, 尾崎貴洋, 穂坂美樹, 庄子渉, 田中求, 中村和徳, 小野里航, 水谷知央, 峯田章, 栗田淳, 大村健二, 若林剛
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 648-648, 2018.

Japanese Article P-178. Histories of treatment (mainly on an IIIb type) of the traumatic pancreatic injury
清水徹之介1, 朝隈光弘1, 井上善博1, 廣川文鋭1, 秋元寛2, 内山和久1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 648-648, 2018.

Japanese Article P-179. One case that collected the hesitation pancreatic duct stent which we did containing in snare for the blood vessel to pancreatic duct
野村友祐, 丹野誠志, 岸宗佑, 二川憲昭
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 649-649, 2018.

Japanese Article P-180. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which presented a distinguishable specific form by video diagnosis in preoperation
羽田野直人, 首藤毅, 石山宏平, 山口厚, 谷山大樹, 倉岡和矢
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 649-649, 2018.

Japanese Article P-181. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with eggshell-formed calcification and ossification and the cystic degeneration
古賀毅彦, 坂口将文, 今村治男
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 650-650, 2018.

Japanese Article P-182. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which formed a cyst, and racked its brains about a diagnosis
伊藤昴1, 稲富理1, 新谷修平1, 藤本剛英1, 今枝広丞1, 馬場重樹1, 久津見弘2, 安藤朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 650-650, 2018.

Japanese Article P-183. An example of MEN 1 glucagonoma which we diagnosed in EUS-FNA
井澤直哉, 土田幸平, 嘉島賢, 佐久間文, 福士耕, 永島一憲, 水口貴仁, 金森瑛, 岩崎茉莉, 陣内秀仁, 常見美佐子, 平石秀幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 651-651, 2018.

Japanese Article P-184. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor complicated with Von Hippel Lindau disease which followed the poor course
與儀竜治1, 宮里公也2, 高木亮3, 外間昭2, 藤田次郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 651-651, 2018.

Japanese Article P-185. Example that long-term survival is obtained by combined modality therapy for multiple metastases recurrence after the pancreas NET excision
仲野健三, 増井俊彦, 余語覚匡, 内田雄一郎, 佐藤朝日, 長井和之, 穴澤貴行, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 652-652, 2018.

Japanese Article P-186. One case of cystic nonfunction P-NET which suffered from a diagnosis in preoperation
久保孝文, 太田徹哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 652-652, 2018.

Japanese Article P-187. 1 excision case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the liver metastases that suffered from the differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma
鈴木和臣, 下田貢, 鈴木修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 653-653, 2018.

Japanese Article P-188. One case of the accessory nipple origin neuroendocrine tumor diagnosed four years after unknown primary liver neuroendocrine tumor excision
川村幸代1, 和田慶太1, 石田剛2, 高橋芳久2, 東海林琢男2, 笹島ゆう子2, 近藤福雄2, 三浦文彦1, 澁谷誠1, 貝沼雅彦1, 高橋邦彦1, 峯崎俊亮1, 豊田啓恵1, 根本憲太郎1, 佐野圭二1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 653-653, 2018.

Japanese Article P-189. One case of the nonfunction pancreas head neuroendocrine tumor which occurred for a bloody bowel discharge
坂田好史, 前田恒宏, 小澤悟, 阪中俊博, 嶋田浩介, 青木洋三
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 654-654, 2018.

Japanese Article P-190. One case of neuroendocrine system cancer complicated with a nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct
金子卓1, 三井智広1, 杉森一哉2, 岡崎博1, 前田愼3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 654-654, 2018.

Japanese Article P-191. One case of the insulinoma that residual pancreas recurred after an operation in the 31st year
兼光梢1, 田中孝明1, 上杉和寛1, 日浅陽一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 655-655, 2018.

Japanese Article P-192. Examination of PNET which presented atypical image views
中井智暉, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 宮本篤, 須崎紀彦, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 655-655, 2018.

Japanese Article P-193. One case of MCN which SPN was diagnosed in preoperation, and performed a laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection
兵貴彦1, 北畑裕司1, 川井学1, 廣野誠子1, 岡田健一1, 宮澤基樹1, 清水敦史1, 上野昌樹1, 速水晋也1, 藤本正教2, 山上裕機1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 656-656, 2018.

Japanese Article P-194. Early experience of the somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
小橋優子1, 松井淳一2, 阿内謙吉3, 杉山幸一3, 田中博俊3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 656-656, 2018.

Japanese Article P-195. Examination of 21 nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumors
中島亨1, 志和亜華2, 行武正伸3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 657-657, 2018.

Japanese Article P-196. 1 excision case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which caused pancreatic duct stoppage
古橋暁, 坂口孝宣, 北嶋諒, 木内亮太, 武田真, 平出貴乗, 柴崎泰, 森田剛文, 菊池寛利, 竹内裕也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 657-657, 2018.

Japanese Article P-197. Two cases that performed SASI test in the operation for the insulinoma which occurred for an MEN1 case, and were able to be treated with enucleation
山下博成, 外山博近, 寺井祥雄, 椋棒英世, 白川幸代, 南野佳英, 水本拓也, 上田悠貴, 朝倉悠, 清水貴, 李東河, 木戸正浩, 味木徹夫, 福本巧
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 658-658, 2018.

Japanese Article P-198. Examination of six insulinoma which we diagnosed in our hospital
足立真穂, 有賀啓之, 鹿志村純也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 658-658, 2018.

Japanese Article P-199. Examination of the pancreas neuroendocrine system cancer 3 case
栗山勝利, 貴田雅也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 659-659, 2018.

Japanese Article P-200. Treatment strategy of pancreas NET complicated with von Hippel-Lindau disease
信岡大輔, 杭瀬崇, 楳田祐三, 吉田龍一, 吉田一博, 安井和也, 小西大輔, 岡林弘樹, 八木孝仁, 藤原俊義
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 659-659, 2018.

Japanese Article P-201. Examination about the differentiation type nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the cystic degeneration
中島陽平, 大塚隆生, 岡山卓史, 中村聡, 後藤佳登, 森泰寿, 貞苅良彦, 仲田興平, 宮坂義浩, 中村雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 660-660, 2018.

Japanese Article P-202. Examination of lymph node metastases in the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
高橋大五郎1,2, 小嶋基寛1, 杉本元一1, 小林信1, 高橋進一郎1, 小西大1, 後藤田直人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 660-660, 2018.

Japanese Article P-203. One patient who underwent laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece excision for the pancreas endocrinoma of elderly people
飯田健二郎, 鈴村和大, 岡田敏弘, 玉川慎二郎, 西田広志, 岩間英明, 末岡英明, 宮下正寛, 多田正晴, 中村育夫, 宇山直樹, 麻野泰包, 波多野悦朗, 藤元治朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 661-661, 2018.

Japanese Article P-204. 1 excision case of the childhood pancreas insulinoma that functionality and a nonfunction tumor coexisted
伊藤得路1, 田中肖吾1, 竹村茂一1, 新川寛二1, 宮崎徹1, 青田尚哲1, 江田将樹1, 田中さやか2, 久保正二1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 661-661, 2018.

Japanese Article P-205. Reoperation case of pancreas internal secretion cancer that initial left gastric artery preservation was useful for pancreas head residual pancreas recurrence
泉遼, 遠藤和洋, 斉藤晶, 田口昌延, 三木厚, 小泉大, 笹沼英紀, 佐久間康成, 堀江久永, 細谷好則, 北山丈二, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 662-662, 2018.

Japanese Article P-206. One case of the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which resulted in metastasis to skull five years after after operation
木村憲治1, 吉田直樹1, 鵜飼克明1, 島村弘宗2, 鈴木博義3, 櫻田潤子3, 岡直美3, 石田和之4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 662-662, 2018.

Japanese Article P-207. One case of the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which produced cystic degeneration in the short-term course
金本徳之1, 相浦浩一1, 三原規奨1, 疋田康祐1, 井上正純1, 小田秀奈1, 菊池弘人1, 夏錦言1, 松原祥平2, 井上健太郎2, 市東昌也1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 663-663, 2018.

Japanese Article P-208. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which presented an increased secretion symptom of the ACTH during the follow-up of the gastrinoma
八木直樹1, 橋本裕輔1, 佐々木満仁1, 高橋秀明1, 今岡大1, 大野泉1, 光永修一1, 池田公史1, 後藤田直人2, 小嶋基寛3, 大池信之4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 663-663, 2018.

Japanese Article P-209. Two cases of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor detected by an examination for abdominal echography of the medical examination
笹田雄三1, 齋田康彦1, 落合秀人2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 664-664, 2018.

Japanese Article P-210. One case of the small pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which was complicated with conventional cancer of head of pancreas, and was detected accidentally
鈴木雅人1, 関野雄典1, 松尾憲一2, 大西洋英3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 664-664, 2018.

Japanese Article P-211. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with fibrosis significant in the tumor inside
吉田直樹1, 木村憲治1, 島村弘宗2, 鈴木博義3, 櫻田潤子3, 鵜飼克明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 665-665, 2018.

Japanese Article P-212. One case that the glucose tolerance test in the operation was useful in confirmation of the complete resection in sugar-responsive hypoglycemic insulinoma
大蔵良介1, 吉富秀幸1, 高屋敷吏1, 古川勝規1, 久保木知1, 高野重紹1, 鈴木大亮1, 酒井望1, 賀川真吾1, 野島広之1, 三島敬1, 三方林太郎2, 加藤直也2, 横手幸太郎3, 大塚将之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 665-665, 2018.

Japanese Article P-213. One case of a pancreas mucinous cyst tumor and the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which it was hard to differentiate
全有美1, 前平博充1, 飯田洋也1, 北村直美1, 森治樹1, 三宅亨1, 清水智治1, 稲富理2, 安藤朗2, 九嶋亮二3, 谷眞至1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 666-666, 2018.

Japanese Article P-214. An example of CT, a mass solid in EUS, a lesion cystic by MRI and the diagnosed pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
来間佐和子1, 千葉和朗1, 菊山正隆1, 本田五郎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 666-666, 2018.

Japanese Article P-215. Effect and the expression that zinc and albumin give to water secretion of the isolation interlobular duct of pancreas of zinc transporter
野村奈央, 山本明子, 中莖みゆき, 石黒洋
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 667-667, 2018.

Japanese Article P-216. Examination about the effect that total gastric resection technique gives to the body of pancreas product and a pancreas function
里井俊平, 松本正孝, 川口晃平, 吉田雄太, 村瀬貴昭, 亀井敬子, 松本逸平, 中居卓也, 竹山宜典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 667-667, 2018.

Japanese Article P-217. Usefulness of the ApoA2 isoform in the pancreas exocrine function evaluation
庄田勝俊, 生駒久視, 森村玲, 松尾久敬, 有田智洋, 小菅敏幸, 小西博貴, 村山康利, 塩崎敦, 栗生宜明, 窪田健, 中西正芳, 岡本和真, 藤原斉, 大辻英吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 668-668, 2018.

Japanese Article P-218. General digestibility controlled trial (the second report) of the medical digestive enzymes preparation using the gastrointestinal model
高橋晶子1, 黒田学1, 洪繁2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 668-668, 2018.

Japanese Article P-219. The antiinflammatory effect that the glycemic control using the perioperative artificial pancreas in the pancreatectomy results in
赤堀浩也, 谷眞至, 前平博充, 森治樹, 北村直美, 飯田洋也, 仲成幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 669-669, 2018.

Japanese Article P-220. An example of pancreatic duct stenosis given body of pancreas tailpiece excision by a diagnosis of suspicious in SPACE
来間佐和子1, 千葉和朗1, 菊山正隆1, 本田五郎2, 堀口慎一郎3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 669-669, 2018.

Japanese Article P-221. An example of the pT1a pancreatic cancer which usefulness of ADC map was shown in in preoperation in the small pancreatic cancer
早馬聡1, 田中栄一1, 野村友祐2, 岸宗佑2, 丹野誠志2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 670-670, 2018.

Japanese Article P-222. One case of Low-grade PanIN which caused a pancreatic duct stenosis
宮ヶ原典1, 下川雄三1, 末廣侑大1, 藤森尚2, 大野隆真2, 河邉顕2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 670-670, 2018.

Japanese Article P-223. 2 cases of PanIN-2 which in situ cancer was suspected with pancreatic duct expansion, and performed pancreatectomy
関根匡成1, 宮谷博幸1, 野田弘志2, 力山敏樹2, 大西洋英3, 眞嶋浩聡1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 671-671, 2018.

Japanese Article P-224. Two cases of TS1 invasion pancreatic duct cancer given endoscopic nasal pancreatic duct drainage (ENPD) custody lower pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 671-671, 2018.

Japanese Article P-225. 2 cases of the TS1 pancreatic cancer which came by lesion confirmation in ultrasonic endoscope (EUS)
佐伯哲1,2, 大園太貴1, 中尾康彦1, 中村裕1, 戸次鎮宗1, 橋元悟1, 長岡進矢3, 阿比留正剛1, 山崎一美3, 小森敦正3, 八橋弘3, 北里周4, 黒木保4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 672-672, 2018.

Japanese Article P-226. An example of the cancer of head of pancreas which resulted in duodenal perforation by the ENPD tube which we cut in stomach
大野彰久1, 藤森尚1, 松本一秀1, 寺松克人1, 安永浩平2, 高松悠2, 三木正美2, 高岡雄大2, 立花雄一2, 河邉顕1, 小川佳宏2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 672-672, 2018.

Japanese Article P-227. Example that caused purulent pancreatic duct flame, abscess formation after the metallic stent custody for pancreatic cancer malignancy bile duct stricture
藤山隆, 村上正俊, 加来豊馬
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 673-673, 2018.

Japanese Article P-228. One case that ultrasonic endoscope lower stomach afferent loop fistula plastic surgery was useful for a malignant afferent loop syndrome of the pancreatic cancer
耕崎拓大1, 吉岡玲子1, 木岐淳1, 坪井麻記子1, 谷内恵介1, 西原利治1, 藤澤和音2, 上村直2, 花崎和弘2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 673-673, 2018.

Japanese Article P-229. An example of the false aneurysm after the SEMS custody that suffered from a diagnosis
新谷修平1, 横田佳大1, 佐藤祐斗1, 井上博登1, 田辺浩喜1, 馬場弘道1, 駒井康伸1, 嶋田功太郎2, 稲富理3, 安藤朗3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 674-674, 2018.

Japanese Article P-230. An example of the pancreatic cancer which presented hemorrhagic shock during chemotherapy after the duodenal stent insertion
柳克司1, 北里雄平2, 牛島知之3, 岡部義信3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 674-674, 2018.

Japanese Article P-231. One case of pancreatic cancer metastases to small intestine with suspected perforation of the at first duodenal stenting department
石川将, 山崎辰洋, 清輔良江, 石田悦嗣, 萱原隆久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 675-675, 2018.

Japanese Article P-232. An example of the pancreatic lithiasis that we made lithotomy by oral pancreatic duct mirror Shimoden mind water pressure shock wave crush art
後野徹宏1, 土居雅宗1, 丸尾達1, 伊原諒1, 平塚裕晃1, 畑山勝子1, 永山林太郎1, 野間栄次郎1, 光安智子1, 八尾建史2, 植木敏晴1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 675-675, 2018.

Japanese Article P-233. An example of disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome which was able to remove stent after the follow-up of three years
山北圭介, 高橋賢治, 北野陽平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 676-676, 2018.

Japanese Article P-234. Example that accessory pancreatic duct stent succeeded for repetition of the acute pancreatitis by the pancreatic duct meandering of the reverse Z type
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 676-676, 2018.

Japanese Article P-235. One case of the polyarteritis nodosa that endoscopic treatment succeeded for pancreatic fistula with the pancreas infarction
村上正俊, 藤山隆, 加來豊馬
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 677-677, 2018.

Japanese Article P-236. One case of the pancreas neighborhood liquid retention that the pancreatic duct drainage by the EUS-guided Rendezvous method was effective
増田あい1, 大内琴世1, 窪田賢輔1, 藤川博敏1, 中河原浩史2, 山本敏樹2, 今津博雄2, 森山光彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 677-677, 2018.

Japanese Article P-237. An example of the pancreatic pseudocyst complicated with the pancreatic duct dysraphism that endoscopic treatment was effective
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 678-678, 2018.

Japanese Article P-238. Four cases of the small incision Videoscope assistance lower necrosectomy for left infectious WON
笹沼英紀, 佐田尚宏, 田口昌延, 三木厚, 遠藤和洋, 小泉大, 佐久間康成
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 678-678, 2018.

Japanese Article P-239. One patient who underwent urgent pancreaticoduodenectomy for duodenal necrosis with the severe pancreatitis
松本正孝, 里井俊平, 村瀬貴昭, 吉田雄太, 川口晃平, 亀井敬子, 松本逸平, 中居卓也, 竹山宜典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 679-679, 2018.

Japanese Article P-240. One case of the cholecystitis complicated for the unresectable pancreatic cancer that EUS-GBD was effective
山田裕規, 糸永昌弘, 川路裕輝, 奴田絢也, 幡丸景一, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 679-679, 2018.

Japanese Article P-241. It is examined the reocclusion after endoscopic stomach duodenum stenting for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
角南智彦, 萱原隆久, 水野元夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 680-680, 2018.

Japanese Article P-242. One case that endoscopic drainage by FCSEMS was useful for intractable WON
湊口仁史, 田村崇, 川路祐輝, 奴田絢也, 幡丸景一, 糸永昌弘, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 680-680, 2018.

Japanese Article P-243. An example of the pancreas simple cyst with the retroperitoneal explosion
奥村拓也1, 金本秀行2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 681-681, 2018.

Japanese Article P-244. One patient who had a diagnosis of a serous cyst-related tumor by surgical resection
中平有紀1, 水野創太1, 宜保憲明1, 野々垣浩二1, 印牧直人1, 川嶋啓揮2, 廣岡芳樹3, 後藤秀実2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 681-681, 2018.

Japanese Article P-245. One case of epidermoid cyst which occurred in the accessory spleen in the pancreas which needed differentiation of the pancreas tail cystic disease
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 682-682, 2018.

Japanese Article P-246. Clinicopathologic examination of solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm
土橋篤仁1, 小林慎二郎1, 井田圭亮1, 岸龍一1, 片山真史1, 中原一有2, 路川陽介2, 森田亮2, 小泉哲1, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 682-682, 2018.

Japanese Article P-247. 1 excision case of serous cyst-related tumor which is the huge which caused obstructive jaundice
橋本理沙1, 明石哲郎1, 松本一秀1, 中村由佳里1, 蓮田博文2, 二宮瑞樹2, 内山秀昭2, 内藤嘉紀3, 加藤誠也3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 683-683, 2018.

Japanese Article P-248. One excision case of the pancreas lymphoepithelial cyst which accepted a tendency to increase in approximately three years
中村典明, 真田貴弘, 佐藤拓, 五関謹秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 683-683, 2018.

Japanese Article P-249. One case of pancreas frog tongue tumor which showed spontaneous reduction all over the course
提中克幸1, 高田智規1, 諏訪兼敏1, 三宅隼人1, 加藤隆介1, 十亀義生2, 保田宏明1, 阪上順一1, 安川覚3, 柳澤昭夫3, 森村玲4, 生駒久視4, 大辻英吾4, 伊藤義人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 684-684, 2018.

Japanese Article P-250. One case of multiple pancreas serous cyst tumors which repeated acute pancreatitis
齋藤匠, 笹沼英紀, 田口昌延, 三木厚, 遠藤和洋, 小泉大, 佐久間康成, 堀江久永, 細谷好則, 北山丈二, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 684-684, 2018.

Japanese Article P-251. One case of Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma less than greatest dimension 40mm that EUS was useful for nodose identification
齊藤宇亮, 秋元悠, 小川泰司, 藤本剛, 田中彰一, 青木秀樹, 佐藤由美子, 高田晋一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 685-685, 2018.

Japanese Article P-252. One case of anaplastic carcinoma which occurred in Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
塩路和彦1, 安住里映1, 青柳智也1, 栗田聡1, 佐々木俊哉1, 小林正明1, 成澤林太郎1, 高野可赴2, 野村達也2, 土屋嘉昭2, 本間慶一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 685-685, 2018.

Japanese Article P-253. One excision case of the Mucinous cystic adenocarcinoma explosion that occurred for sudden abdominal pain
佐藤公俊, 北畑裕司, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 上野昌樹, 小林良平, 速水晋也, 須崎紀彦, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 686-686, 2018.

Japanese Article P-254. Three cases of pancreas Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm which we diagnosed by EUS-FNA
山村詠一1, 小林孝弘1, 新谷文崇1, 高野祐一1, 丸岡直隆2, 長浜正亜1, 野呂瀬朋子3, 大池信之3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 686-686, 2018.

Japanese Article P-255. One case of pancreas tumor that we had a diagnosis of NET in EUS-FNA, but final pathology was SPN
植木秀太朗, 宮田英樹, 岩崎竜一朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 687-687, 2018.

Japanese Article P-256. One case of pancreas Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) which accompanied left-sided portal hypertension
伊藤悠子1, 土屋勝1, 吉野翔1, 松本悠1, 木村和孝1, 久保田喜久1, 片桐敏雄1, 前田徹也1, 大塚由一郎1, 島田英昭1, 金子弘真1, 船橋公彦1, 栃木直文2, 根本哲生2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 687-687, 2018.

Japanese Article P-257. Examination of the clinicopathologic characteristic of pancreas Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm ten
田上聖徳1, 前村公成1, 又木雄弘1, 蔵原弘1, 川崎洋太1, 迫田雅彦1, 飯野聡1, 橋口真征1, 上野真一2, 新地洋之3, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 688-688, 2018.

Japanese Article P-258. One case of pancreas solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm which was diagnosed in EUS-FNA in preoperation, and performed a pancreas segmental resection
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 688-688, 2018.

Japanese Article P-259. One patient who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for pediatric pancreas solid pseudopapillary neoplasma
武田真, 坂口孝宣, 古橋暁, 木内亮太, 森田剛文, 竹内裕也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 689-689, 2018.

Japanese Article P-260. Three cases of male pancreas solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm which we experienced in our hospital
行武正伸1, 中島亨2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 689-689, 2018.

Japanese Article P-261. An example of the localized chronic pancreatitis with the glass calcification
牧匠1, 入澤篤志1, 澁川悟朗1, 佐藤愛1, 阿部洋子1, 山部茜子1, 荒川典之1, 高崎祐介1, 吉田栄継1, 五十嵐亮1,2, 山元勝悟1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 690-690, 2018.

Japanese Article P-262. An example of the chronic pancreatitis with the eggshell-formed calcification that suspected a pancreas tumor with the significant calcification, and was operated on
松尾享1, 鈴木俊幸1, 大越惠一郎1, 辻田英司2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 690-690, 2018.

Japanese Article P-263. One case of the pancreatic pseudocyst in the splenic in acknowledgment of a cyst internal hemorrhage
宮田隆司1, 藤原優太1, 西島弘二1, 二上文夫1, 中村隆1, 高村博之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 691-691, 2018.

Japanese Article P-264. One case of the chronic pancreatitis with the duodenal stricture
富岡淳, 清水徹之介, 朝隈光弘, 井上善博, 廣川文鋭, 林道廣, 内山和久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 691-691, 2018.

Japanese Article P-265. An example of the pancreatic pseudocyst which extended to mediastinum
澤田成朗1, 福田卓真1,2, 田澤賢一1, 山岸文範1, 藤井努2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 692-692, 2018.

Japanese Article P-266. One case that underwent pancreatic duct jejunum side-to-side anastomosis for the asymptomatic women who presented with the protein stopper in the pancreatic duct and expansion
川口晃平1, 松本逸平1, 吉田雄大1, 松本正孝1, 村瀬貴昭1, 亀井敬子1, 里井俊平1, 中居卓也1, 水野成人2, 竹山宜典1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 692-692, 2018.

Japanese Article P-267. Examination of survivors long-term after conventional pancreatic cancer excision
笠原尚哉, 野田弘志, 相澤栄俊, 遠藤裕平, 渡部文昭, 加藤高晴, 力山敏樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 33(3): 693-693, 2018.