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Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society

Volume 35, Issue 3 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article - to master the 51st pancreatic congress meet - pancreas in Japan
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A2-A2, 2020.

Japanese Article SL1. Safety as a construction in an overhanging style and the food of the fleshy schnapper by the genome editing technology
家戸敬太郎1, 鷲尾洋平1, 岸本謙太2,3, 荻野哲也2,3, 木下政人2,3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A88-A88, 2020.

Japanese Article SL2. The new anticancer agent development that assumed an epithelium form formation study a base
菊池章, 松本真司, 佐田僚太
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A90-A90, 2020.

Japanese Article The future prospects of the Japanese pancreatic academic conference
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A94-A94, 2020.

Japanese Article PL. Be charmed by pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A96-A96, 2020.

Japanese Article ES. Genomic medicine of the pancreatic cancer
西尾和人, 坂井和子
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A98-A98, 2020.

Japanese Article Special plan 1. Project study of the pancreatic academic conference
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A99-A99, 2020.

Japanese Article SP1-1. Analysis - by clinical picture - Japan pancreas association pancreatic cancer registration data of the pancreatic cancer case which developed in youth
江口英利1,4, 山上裕機2,4, 海野倫明3,4, 水間正道3,4, 濱田晋4, 五十嵐久人4, 黒木保4, 里井壯平4, 清水泰博4, 谷眞至4, 丹野誠志4, 廣岡芳樹4, 藤井努4, 正宗淳4, 水元一博4, 糸井隆夫4, 江川新一4, 児玉裕三4, 田中雅夫4, 下瀬川徹4, 岡崎和一4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A100-A100, 2020.

Japanese Article SP1-2. Than examination - Japan pancreas association project results of the significance of the peritoneal lavage cytodiagnosis in the excision pancreatic cancer
藤井努1, 土田浩喜1, 水間正道2, 里井壯平3, 江口英利4, 五十嵐久人5, 北野雅之5, 黒木保5, 清水泰博5, 谷眞至5, 丹野誠志5, 辻喜久5, 廣岡芳樹5, 正宗淳5, 海野倫明2, 山上裕機6, 岡崎和一5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A101-A101, 2020.

Japanese Article SP1-3. The making of the cancer predictive model of IPMN and evaluation with many
清水泰博1, 肱岡範2, 廣野誠子3, 金俊文4, 大塚隆生5, 菅野敦6, 越田真介7, 花田敬士8, 北野雅之9, 井上宏之10, 糸井隆夫11, 植木敏晴12, 柳澤昭夫13, 山上裕機3, 杉山政則14, 岡崎和一15
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A102-A102, 2020.

Japanese Article SP1-4. Observational, prospective study of the early chronic pancreatitis
正宗淳1, 菊田和宏1, 鍋島立秀1, 中野絵里子1, 粂潔1, 日本膵臓学会膵疾患臨床研究推進委員会2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A103-A103, 2020.

Japanese Article SP1-5. Therapy - Japan pancreas association questionary survey - for the 80 years or older elderly person pancreatic cancer
里井壯平, 山本智久, 内田一茂, 藤井努, 金俊文, 浅野賢道, 花田敬士, 糸井隆夫, 五十嵐久人, 江口英利, 黒木保, 清水泰博, 谷眞至, 丹野誠志, 辻喜久, 廣岡芳樹, 正宗淳, 下川敏雄, 山上裕機, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A104-A104, 2020.

Japanese Article Special plan 2. Approach to pancreatic disease by the community medical care cooperation
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A105-A105, 2020.

Japanese Article The pancreatic cancer early diagnosis project that we examined illness and made use of cooperation in
清水晃典, 花田敬士, 池田守登, 栗原啓介, 田妻進
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A106-A106, 2020.

Japanese Article SP2-1. Attempt of the improvement in small pancreatic cancer discovery rate of Kishiwada-shi, Kishiwada Katsuragi project and member of all medical associations pancreatic cancer attitude survey
坂本洋城1, 高松正剛2, 岡田俊彦3, 宮島真治4, 滝原浩守5, 小切匡史4, 久禮三子雄6
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A107-A107, 2020.

Japanese Article SP2-2. The medical practitioner-led pancreatic cancer screening is useful (Matsue-shi pancreatic cancer project)
松本和也1,7, 串山義則2,7, 泉明夫3,7, 小林淳子4,7, 大西浩二6,7, 三浦将彦5,7, 大内泰文2,7, 中村友則6,7, 堀郁子5,7, 堀浩太郎7, 越野健司7, 吉野生季三7, 星野潮7, 奥村剛清7, 谷村隆志7, 田中新亮7, 野津立秋7, 若槻豊7, 片山俊介7, 並河整7
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A108-A108, 2020.

Japanese Article SP2-3. Efforts of the pancreatic cancer early diagnosis by the cooperation of a medical examination institution and the university hospital
深澤光晴1,2, 進藤浩子1,2, 高野伸一1, 高橋英1, 廣瀬純穂1, 早川宏1, 川井田博充3, 板倉淳3, 佐藤公1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A109-A109, 2020.

Japanese Article SP2-4. Construction of regional medical cooperation system for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (Kinokuni Project)
北野雅之1, 吉田岳市1, 川路祐輝1, 山下泰伸1, 糸永昌弘1, 幡丸景一1, 田村崇1, 奴田絢也1, 江守智哉1, 蘆田玲子1, 川井学2, 廣野誠子2, 岡田健一2, 山上裕機2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A110-A110, 2020.

Japanese Article SP2-5. Examination of Stage0 in the Osaka early pancreatic cancer project mainly on regional alliances and the IA pancreatic cancer
江口考明1, 岡田明彦1, 森義治2, 東俊二郎2, 栗田亮2, 八隅秀二郎2, 山崎智朗3, 根引浩子3, 澤井勇悟4, 木村佳人4, 淺田全範4, 藤田光一5, 阿南隆洋5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A111-A111, 2020.

Japanese Article Special plan 3. The current situation and the prospects of the total pancreatectomy
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A113-A113, 2020.

Japanese Article SP3-1. A problem and measures of the pancreas complete removal for elderly people
伊関雅裕1,2, 水間正道1, 青木修一1, 畠達夫1, 三浦孝之1, 前田晋平1, 高舘達之1, 有明恭平1, 川口桂1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 大塚英郎1, 中川圭1, 森川孝則1, 林洋毅1, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A114-A114, 2020.

Japanese Article SP3-2. Quality of life investigation ... multicenter prospective study results ... of the pancreas complete removal patients
亀井敬子1, 松本逸平1, 加藤宏之2, 須藤広誠3, 三澤健之4, 海野倫明5, 新田浩幸6, 里井壯平7, 川畑康成8, 大塚将之9, 力山敏樹10, 首藤毅11, 岡野圭一3, 鈴木康之3, 佐田尚宏12, 伊佐地秀司13, 杉山政則14, 竹山宜典1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A115-A115, 2020.

Japanese Article SP3-3. Examination about a treatment result of the pancreas complete removal and the perioperative blood sugar, nourishment management and future problem
笹沼英紀, 佐田尚宏, 下平健太郎, 森嶋計, 宮戸秀世, 遠藤和洋, 吉田淳, 佐久間康成, 北山丈二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A116-A116, 2020.

Japanese Article SP3-4. From results of the prospective fact-finding for fatty liver incidence after the pancreas complete removal and risk analysis - pancreas complete removal patients -
加藤宏之1, 亀井敬子2, 須藤広誠3, 三澤健之4, 海野倫明5, 新田浩幸6, 里井壯平7, 川畑康成8, 大塚将之9, 力山敏樹10, 首藤毅11, 松本逸平2, 岡野圭一3, 鈴木康之3, 佐田尚宏12, 伊佐地秀司1, 杉山政則13, 竹山宜典2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A117-A117, 2020.

Japanese Article SP3-5. About diabetes control after the total pancreatectomy and the change of the nutrition index
須藤広誠1, 亀井敬子2, 加藤宏之3, 三澤健之4, 海野倫明5, 新田浩幸6, 里井壯平7, 川畑康成8, 大塚将之9, 力山敏樹10, 首藤毅11, 松本逸平2, 岡野圭一1, 鈴木康之1, 佐田尚宏12, 伊佐地秀司3, 杉山政則13, 竹山宜典2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A118-A118, 2020.

Japanese Article SP3-6. Complications risk model seriously ill after the operation of the total pancreatectomy by National clinical database
橋本大輔1,2, 水間正道3, 隈丸拓4, 宮田裕章5, 近本亮6, 五十嵐久人3, 糸井隆夫3, 江川新一3, 児玉裕三3, 里井壯平2,3, 濱田晋3, 水元一博3, 山上裕機7, 山本雅一7, 掛地吉弘8, 瀬戸泰之8, 馬場秀夫6, 海野倫明3, 下瀬川徹3, 岡崎和一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A119-A119, 2020.

Japanese Article Special plan 4. Briefing session about the pancreatic cancer handling terms change
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A121-A121, 2020.

Japanese Article SP4-1. The main point of the seventh edition enlarged edition revision
石田晶玄, 海野倫明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A122-A122, 2020.

Japanese Article SP4-2. Change in the pancreatic cancer local extension
北川裕久, 橋田和樹, 武藤純, 濱井健太, 河本和幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A123-A123, 2020.

Japanese Article SP4-3. About pancreatic cancer handling terms UR-LA (portal vein), a distant metastasis diagnosis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A124-A124, 2020.

Japanese Article SP4-4. About the mention method revision about the surgery of pancreatic cancer handling terms
大塚隆生1, 石田晶玄1, 中村雅史2, 海野倫明3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A125-A125, 2020.

Japanese Article SP4-5. Change of the pathology histological classification
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A126-A126, 2020.

Japanese Article SP4-6. The handling of the specimen for in King of the specimen and a genome diagnosis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A127-A127, 2020.

Japanese Article Special plan 5. Acute pancreatitis guidelines 2020 public hearing
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A129-A129, 2020.

Japanese Article SP5-1. Background of the acute pancreatitis guidelines revision
竹山宜典, 急性膵炎診療ガイドライン作成ワーキング
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A130-A130, 2020.

Japanese Article SP5-2. Acute pancreatitis whole country epidemiologic survey 2016
濱田晋, 菊田和宏, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A131-A131, 2020.

Japanese Article SP5-3. Disease severity criteria
廣田衛久, 急性膵炎診療ガイドライン作成ワーキング
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A132-A132, 2020.

Japanese Article SP5-4. Acute pancreatitis initial treatment (infusion, nasogastric tube, medical therapy, nutrition therapy)
土谷飛鳥, 急性膵炎診療ガイドライン作成ワーキング
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A133-A133, 2020.

Japanese Article SP5-5. Acute pancreatitis supportive care
北村伸哉, 急性膵炎診療ガイドライン作成ワーキング
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A134-A134, 2020.

Japanese Article SP5-6. It is pancreatitis precaution after endoscopic treatment and ERCP for the acute pancreatitis
向井俊太郎, 急性膵炎診療ガイドライン作成ワーキング
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A135-A135, 2020.

Japanese Article It is 30 years out of the original intention: The distance of acute pancreatitis practice guidelines to date
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A136-A136, 2020.

Japanese Article Symposium 1. Preoperation treatment for the resectable pancreatic cancer
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A141-A141, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-1. The second phase controlled trial of the S-1 combination radiotherapy and gemcitabine +S-1 therapy before operation for resectable pancreatic cancer
里井壯平1,2, 杉浦禎一2, 福冨晃2, 外山博近3, 平野聡4, 松本逸平5, 高橋進一郎6, 森永聡一郎7, 吉田真誠8, 佐久間康成9, 清水泰博10, 上坂克彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A142-A142, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-2. Results of a diagnosis, the treatment in approximately Prep02/JSAP05 study for the resectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
久田裕也1, 肱岡範1, 北村英俊1, 佐竹智行1, 原井正太1, 吉成元宏1, 丸木雄太1, 大場彬博1, 永塩美邦1, 近藤俊輔1, 森実千種1, 上野秀樹1, 高本健史2, 奈良聡2, 江崎稔2, 島田和明2, 奥坂拓志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A142-A142, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-3. Safety of the preoperative chemotherapy with the GS therapy for the T3 resectable pancreatic cancer
齋藤圭1, 中井陽介2, 有田淳一3, 石垣和祥1, 齋藤友隆1, 濱田毅1, 高原楠昊1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 石沢武彰3, 長谷川潔3, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A143-A143, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-4. Examination of safety and the tolerability of the Gemcitabine+S-1 therapy before operation for the resectable pancreatic cancer
伏木邦博1, 戸高明子1, 白数洋充2, 川上武志1, 濱内諭1, 對馬隆浩1, 横田知哉1, 町田望1, 山崎健太郎1, 福冨晃1, 小野澤祐輔2, 安井博史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A143-A143, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-5. Usefulness of the endoscopic biliary tract stent treatment before operation for the pancreatic cancer
市川広直1, 岩下拓司1, 千住明彦1, 岩佐悠平1, 三田直樹1, 上村真也1, 清水雅仁1, 手塚隆一2, 奥野充2, 向井強2, 吉田健作3, 丸田明範3, 安藤暢洋3, 岩田圭介3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A144-A144, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-6. Treatment result of the preoperative chemotherapy for the resectable pancreatic cancer
元井冬彦1,2, 青木修一1, 畠達夫1, 三浦孝之1, 高館達之1, 前田晋平1, 有明恭平1, 川口桂1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 大塚英郎1, 水間正道1, 中川圭1, 森川孝則1, 林洋毅1, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A144-A144, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-7. About significance of chemoradiotherapy - CA 19-9 normalization before operation for the resectable pancreatic cancer -
高橋秀典, 山田大作, 飛鳥井慶, 長谷川慎一郎, 和田浩志, 原尚志, 新野直樹, 牛込創, 原口直紹, 杉村啓二郎, 山本和義, 西村潤一, 安井昌義, 大森健, 宮田博志, 大植雅之, 矢野雅彦, 左近賢人, 石川治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A145-A145, 2020.

Japanese Article SY1-8. Examination of the histopathological effect of treatment judgment of the pancreatic cancer
松田陽子1, 成澤裕子1, 葉娟娟1, 山川けいこ1, 横平政直1, 大島稔2, 岡野圭一2, 鈴木康之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A145-A145, 2020.

Japanese Article Symposium 2. Significance of the diagnostic criteria revision of the chronic pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A147-A147, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-1. The present situation of the early chronic pancreatitis diagnosis judging from a national survey
菊田和宏1, 岡崎和一2, 正宗淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A148-A148, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-2. The current situation of the early chronic pancreatitis practice in the district hospital
木下真樹子, 木下幾晴
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A148-A148, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-3. Change of the early chronic pancreatitis clinical picture by the diagnostic criteria revision
津島健, 石井康隆, 芹川正浩, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 齋藤裕平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A149-A149, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-4. Examination of the factor correlating with early chronic pancreatitis image views in the ultrasonic endoscope
関根匡成, 眞嶋浩聡
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A149-A149, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-5. Examination - from significance - interobserver reliability of the diagnostic criteria revision of the early chronic pancreatitis
山宮知, 入澤篤志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A150-A150, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-6. EUS evidence of early chronic pancreatitis using the pancreatectomy case and comparison with the pathological finding of the background pancreas
猪股典子1, 増田充弘1, 田中雄志1, 芦名茂人1, 増田重人1, 阿部晶平1, 權田真知1, 山川康平1, 柿原茉耶1, 辻前正弘1, 山田恭孝1, 田中俊多1, 中野遼太1, 池川卓哉1, 小林隆1, 酒井新1, 塩見英之1, 外山博近2, 福本巧2, 児玉裕三1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A150-A150, 2020.

Japanese Article SY2-7. Significance of the MRCP views in the early chronic pancreatitis diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis clinical diagnosis standard 2019
伊藤嵩志, 池浦司, 光山俊行, 三好秀明, 島谷昌明, 高岡亮, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A151-A151, 2020.

Japanese Article Symposium 3. Problems of p-NEN practice guidelines
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A153-A153, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-1. Examination of the diagnosis ability for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor that tumor diameter is small
滝川哲也1, 池田美緒1, 佐野貴紀1, 松本諒太郎1, 田中裕1, 鍋島立秀1, 本郷星仁1, 三浦晋1, 濱田晋1, 粂潔1, 菊田和宏1, 海野倫明2, 正宗淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A154-A154, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-2. Examination about the pathological diagnosis ability before operation in the p-NEN practice
平野哲朗, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 津島健, 齋藤裕平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A154-A154, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-3. Usefulness and problem of the somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in the p-NEN practice
松本一秀1, 藤森尚1, 末廣侑大1, 村上正俊1, 寺松克人1, 高松悠1, 高岡雄大1, 大野隆真1, 小川佳宏1, 馬場眞吾2, 五十嵐久人1,3, 伊藤鉄英4,5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A155-A155, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-4. Attempt of the grade diagnosis before operation using the Fractal analysis of the contrasting CT in PAN-NEN
中野明, 益子太郎, 増岡義人, 中郡聡夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A155-A155, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-5. It is ... including a sighting in a clinical course - excision case, the course of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor of 2 cm or less
石井達也, 金俊文, 豊永啓翔, 筑後孝紀, 那須野央, 林毅, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A156-A156, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-6. The need of the lymph node excision based on the risk classification before operation of the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
笠井洋祐1,2,3, 増井俊彦1, Nakakura Eric2,3, 仲野健三1, 佐藤朝日1, 内田雄一郎1, 余語覚匡1, 長井和之1, 穴澤貴行1, Whitman Julia3, 高折恭一1, Bergsland Emily3,4, 上本伸二1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A156-A156, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-7. Examination of the optimal lymph node excision in the surgical radical cure resection of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
土川貴裕, 田中公貴, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 野路武寛, 中村透, 岡村圭佑, 平野聡
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A157-A157, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-8. Treatment result for pancreas neurosecretion cancer (NEC) in our hospital
原井正太, 肱岡範, 森実千種, 大場彬博, 永塩美邦, 近藤俊輔, 上野秀樹, 奥坂拓志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A157-A157, 2020.

Japanese Article SY3-9. Role of the radiotherapy for pancreas, the gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor
小林規俊1, 竹田雄馬1, 大久保直紀1, 徳久元彦1, 栗田裕介2, 長谷川翔2, 佐藤高光2, 細野邦広2, 窪田賢輔2, 市川靖史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A158-A158, 2020.

Japanese Article Video symposium 1. Progress of the low invasive pancreas surgery
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A159-A159, 2020.

English Article Laparoscopic pancreaticojejunostomy : How to improve the limited degree of freedom inherent from laparoscopic surgery
Yoo-Seok Yoon
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A160-A160, 2020.

English Article Robotic and laparoscopic surgery for difficult and unusual pancreatic surgeries
Brian K. P. Goh.
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A160-A160, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-1. The examination of the robot support lower body of pancreas tailpiece resection and safe introduction
石戸圭之輔, 木村憲央, 脇屋太一, 長瀬勇人, 袴田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A161-A161, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-2. Laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection for the pancreatic cancer utilized the characteristic of the peritoneoscope
森本守, 松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 加藤知克, 青山佳永, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A161-A161, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-3. Laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection by the head of pancreas side approach being aware of Gerota muscular fasciae
仲田興平, 大塚隆生, 渡邉雄介, 森泰寿, 池永直樹, 中村雅史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A162-A162, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-4. It is formulated laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy (LPD) in our hospital
黒木直美, 井上陽介, 風見由祐, 牛田雄太, 中川茂樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A162-A162, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-5. Surgery results of a laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection for the pancreatic cancer and the laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy
松下晃1, 金谷洋平1, 近藤亮太1, 山初和也1, 水谷聡2, 横山正3, 中村慶春1, 吉田寛1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A163-A163, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-6. Introduction of the robot support lower pancreaticoduodenectomy from the laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy that we formulated
瀧下智恵, 永川裕一, 小薗真吾, 刑部弘哲, 西野仁惠, 中川直哉, 鈴木健太, 岡崎直人, 勝又健次, 土田明彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A163-A163, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY1-7. A maneuver and results of the laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy
武田裕, 大村仁昭, 桂宜輝, 阪本卓也, 中平伸, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 畑泰司, 村田幸平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A164-A164, 2020.

Japanese Article Video symposium 2. A diagnosis and treatment of the pancreatic disease using the ultrasonic endoscope
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A165-A165, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-1. Pancreatic tumor benign, malignancy diagnosis using Deep learning
桑原崇通1, 原和生1, 清水康博2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A166-A166, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-2. Examination of the pancreatic tumor automatic segmentation using the depths learning in the contrasting ultrasonic endoscope image
岩佐悠平1, 岩下拓司1, 原武史2, 清水雅仁1, 上村真也1, 三田直樹1, 竹内祐慈2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A166-A166, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-3. Examination - of the EUS-FNA - exploring needle for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
水出雅文, 良沢昭銘, 藤田曜, 小川智也, 野口達矢, 鈴木雅博, 谷坂優樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A167-A167, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-4. Direction intervention study in front of the single institution about the usefulness of contrasting combination bottom EUS-FNA for the pancreas solid tumor
糸永昌弘, 幡丸景一, 北野雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A167-A167, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-6. EUS guide bottom prospective ethanol infusion therapy for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
松本和幸, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A168-A168, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-7. It is usefulness of the EUS lower drainage for pancreatic fistula (POPF) after the operation
中井敦史1, 山雄健太郎1, 竹中完1, 竹山宜典2, 工藤正俊1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A169-A169, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-8. Examination according to the EUS lower biliary tract drainage route to the obstructive jaundice that resulted in duodenal obstruction due to the pancreatic cancer
奥田篤, 小倉健, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A169-A169, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-9. Treatment result of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower pancreatic duct drainage
筑後孝紀, 金俊文, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A170-A170, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-10. Usefulness of an examination, the treatment after ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage technique and the fistula completion and safe examination
鈴木彬実, 牛尾真子, 高橋翔, 山形亘, 高崎祐介, 大川良洋, 落合一成, 冨嶋享, 石井重登, 藤澤聡郎, 伊佐山浩通
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A170-A170, 2020.

Japanese Article VSY2-11. Genome, genetic analysis by the EUS-FNA specimen for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
須藤研太郎1, 横井左奈2, 辻本彰子1, 喜多絵美里1, 伊丹真紀子3, 中村和貴1, 石井浩1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A171-A171, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 1. Long term prognosis of the autoimmune pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A173-A173, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-1. Characteristic of the course of the IgG4 associated diseases, autoimmune pancreatitis steroid therapy non-enforcement case in our hospital
田ノ上史郎1, 樋之口真1, 岩屋博道1, 有馬志穂1, 岩下祐司2, 田口弘樹3, 橋元慎一1, 井戸章雄1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A175-A175, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-2. Clinical course after the steroid remission maintenance in the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
石井康隆, 芹川正浩, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 津島健, 齋藤裕平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A175-A175, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-3. The long-term course and prognosis of patients with type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
與那嶺圭輔, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 枡かおり, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 宮本和明, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 遠藤和樹, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A176-A176, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-4. Examination about a risk of pancreatic cancer and the pancreas lesion revival in the autoimmune pancreatitis and the clinical features of both
石川卓哉1, 川嶋啓揮2, 大野栄三郎1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1, 山田健太2, 八鹿潤1, 芳川昌功1, 宜保憲明1, 青木聡典1, 片岡邦夫1, 森裕1, 藤城光弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A176-A176, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-5. A revival risk factor and long term prognosis of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
池浦司, 中丸洸, 高岡亮, 島谷昌明, 三好秀明, 光山俊行, 堀雄一, 伊藤嵩志, 桝田昌隆, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A177-A177, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-6. Prospective follow-up of the autoimmune pancreatitis
佐野貴紀, 菊田和宏, 鍋島立秀, 本郷星仁, 濱田晋, 粂潔, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A177-A177, 2020.

Japanese Article PD1-7. Examination of the exocrine function in the pancreas in the long-term course sighting of the autoimmune pancreatitis
倉石康弘, 渡邉貴之, 加古里子, 芦原典宏, 梅村武司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A178-A178, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 2. How is this case treated? Acute pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A179-A179, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 3. Combined modality therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A181-A181, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-1. GnP+ paclitaxel intraperitoneal administration combination therapy for the pancreatic cancer with the peritoneal dissemination
高原楠昊1, 中井陽介2, 小池和彦1, 石神浩徳3, 齋藤圭1, 佐藤達也1, 白田龍之介1, 石垣和祥1, 齋藤友隆1, 濱田毅1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 山下裕玄4, 瀬戸泰之4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A182-A182, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-2. Significance of the surgical resection for the unresectable pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis
水間正道1, 元井冬彦1, 林洋毅1, 青木修一1, 畠達夫1, 三浦孝之1, 高舘達之1, 前田晋平1, 有明恭平1, 川口桂1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 大塚英郎1, 中川圭1, 森川孝則1, 亀井尚1, 正宗淳2, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A182-A182, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-3. Results of radically divided intensity-modulated radiotherapy for locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer
吉村通央1, 増井俊彦2, 福田晃久3, 塩川雅広3, 金井雅史4, 高折恭一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A183-A183, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-4. Treatment strategy of the local progress pancreatic cancer using IRE (Irreversible electroporation, NanoKnife(TM))
森安史典1, 大久保政雄2, 佐野隆友1, 土屋貴愛3, 杉本勝俊3, 糸井隆夫3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A183-A183, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-5. Triple-modal combined modality therapy using the thermotherapy + proton beam + chemotherapy for the UR-LA pancreatic cancer
下村治1, 橋本真治1, 宮崎貴寛1, 土井愛美1, 荒木一寿1, 遠藤壮登2, 長谷川直之2, 石毛和紀2, 倉田昌直1, 小田竜也1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A184-A184, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-6. It is usefulness of the chemoradiotherapy after GEM+nab-PTX induction chemotherapy for the unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer
高田良司1, 池澤賢治1, 清田良介1, 今井俊裕1, 阿部友太朗1, 福武伸康1, 蘆田玲子2, 片山和宏1,2, 手島昭樹3, 大川和良1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A184-A184, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-7. Examination of the pre-rear predictor in the unresectable pancreatic cancer practice after the Gemcitabine+nabPaclitaxel therapy refractoriness
三木正美, 久野晃聖, 橋本理沙, 李倫學, 古川正幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A185-A185, 2020.

Japanese Article PD3-8. Significance of neutrophilic lymphocytes ratio (NLR) in the anticancer agent treatment for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
岡部弘尚, 加藤梨佳子, 佐藤寛紀, 高城克暢, 小森宏之, 富安真二朗, 廣田昌彦, 杉田裕樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A185-A185, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 4. A diagnosis and treatment of the exocrine function disorder in the pancreas
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A187-A187, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-1. Pancreas load diagnosis using the sonography in the exocrine function disorder case in the pancreas
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A188-A188, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-2. A CFTR variant and pancreas exocrine function of patients with cystic fibrosis of Japan
山本明子1, 中莖みゆき1, 成瀬達2, 小澤祐加1, 藤木理代3, 近藤志保4, 竹山宜典5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A188-A188, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-3. An evaluation and dietary survey of the nutritional status of patients with cystic fibrosis of Japan
小澤祐加1, 山本明子1, 福安智哉1, 中莖みゆき1, 近藤志保2, 成瀬達3, 藤木理代4, 竹山宜典5, 石黒洋1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A189-A189, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-4. Of our hospital for the external secretion disorder in the pancreas accompanied with the total pancreatectomy work
上田悟郎, 松尾洋一, 加藤知克, 青山佳永, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A189-A189, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-5. Effect on exocrine function in the pancreas with the treatment with ESWL combination endoscopic pancreaticocholangiography stone
佐伯翔, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 津島健, 齋藤裕平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A190-A190, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-6. Examination of the pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy for the pancreas inside and outside hypochylia case
松本敦史1, 柳町幸2, 山一真彦2, 藤田朋之2, 中村遼馬2, 中山弘文2, 佐藤江里2, 大門眞2, 中村光男3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A190-A190, 2020.

Japanese Article PD4-7. Examination about the association between exocrine pancreatic insufficiency merger frequency and nutritional status after the pancreatectomy
山一真彦1, 柳町幸1, 中山弘文1, 藤田朋之1, 中村遼馬1, 佐藤江里1, 松本敦史2, 丹藤雄介3, 石戸圭之輔4, 袴田健一4, 大門眞1, 中村光男5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A191-A191, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 5. Characteristic of invasive pancreatic duct cancer coexistent in IPMN
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A193-A193, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-1. Examination about the conventional pancreatic cancer coexistent in ramified IPMN in our hospital
石垣和祥, 大山博生, 濱田毅, 多田稔, 猪熊顕之, 鈴木由佳理, 金井祥子, 野口賢作, 鈴木辰典, 中村知香, 佐藤達也, 白田龍之介, 齋藤圭, 齋藤友隆, 高原楠昊, 水野卓, 木暮宏史, 中井陽介, 小池和彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A194-A194, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-2. About a diagnosis opportunity in the clinical difference and coexistence pancreatic cancer of IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer and the normal invasive pancreatic cancer
冨嶋享, 藤澤聡郎, 壁村大至, 太田寛人, 牛尾真子, 高橋翔, 山形亘, 高崎祐介, 鈴木彬実, 大川良洋, 落合一成, 石井重登, 斉藤紘昭, 伊佐山浩通
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A194-A194, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-3. A characteristic of the molecular pathology and prognostic difference in IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer and IPMN non-coexistence pancreatic cancer
池川卓哉1, 増田充弘1, 井上潤1, 猪股典子1, 芦名茂人1, 増田重人1, 阿部晶平1, 權田真知1, 山川康平1, 辻前正弘1, 山田恭孝1, 田中雄志1, 田中俊多1, 中野遼太1, 小林隆1, 酒井新1, 塩見英之1, 外山博近2, 福本巧2, 児玉裕三1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A195-A195, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-4. Usefulness and limit of the MRI for the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
川上智1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 門倉信1, 進藤浩子1, 高橋英1, 廣瀬純穂1, 深澤佳満1, 早川宏1, 倉富夏彦1, 吉村大1, 島村成樹1, 川井田博充2, 佐藤公1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A195-A195, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-5. Examination of contrasting endoscopic ultrasonography (CE-EUS) views in the IPMN-related pancreatic cancer
八鹿潤1, 川嶋啓揮2, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 飯田忠1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1, 山田健太1, 芳川昌功1, 宜保憲明1, 青木聡典1, 片岡邦夫1, 森裕1, 藤城光弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A196-A196, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-6. Usefulness of the ERCP lower pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis in the early detection of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
栗原啓介, 花田敬士, 田妻進, 清水晃典, 池田守登, 奥田康博, 山本卓哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A196-A196, 2020.

Japanese Article PD5-7. Lesion of the residual pancreas after the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer excision
松田諒太1, 宮坂義浩1,2, 大塚隆生1, 中村雅史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A197-A197, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 6. Inspection of IPMN country practice guidelines 2017
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A199-A199, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-1. Diagnosis precision and problem for it for IPMN country practice guidelines 2,017 years
佐藤辰宣1, 石渡裕俊1, 岡村行泰2, 佐藤純也1, 金子淳一1, 松林宏行1, 杉浦禎一2, 佐々木恵子3, 上坂克彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A200-A200, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-2. Examination of the IPMN malignancy predictor
三島敬, 賀川真吾, 吉富秀幸, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 高野重紹, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 中台英里, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A200-A200, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-3. Improvement and problem of the malignant IPMN diagnosis ability by the international practice guidelines revision
大野栄三郎1, 川嶋啓揮2, 石川卓哉1, 飯田忠1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1, 八鹿潤1, 山田健太2, 芳川昌功1, 宜保憲明1, 青木聡典1, 片岡邦夫1, 森裕1, 藤城光弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A201-A201, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-4. Inspection of the surgery adaptation for high-risk stigmata in IPMN2017 age country guidelines
奥野正隆, 清水泰博, 千田嘉毅, 夏目誠治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A201-A201, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-5. Risk factor of the HRS onset in the ramified IPMN follow-up case
山崎辰洋, 友田健, 加藤博也, 宮本和也, 松三明宏, 皿谷洋祐, 内田大輔, 松本和幸, 堀口繁, 堤康一朗, 岡田裕之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A202-A202, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-6. Inspection of the guidelines judging from prognosis on IPMN follow-up case with High risk stigmata
酒井新1, 増田充弘1, 江口考明2, 阿南隆洋3, 古松恵介4, 岡部純弘5, 佐貫毅6, 佐藤悠7, 八木洋輔8, 西勝久9, 小林隆1, 塩見英之1, 児玉裕三1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A202-A202, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-7. Validity of the international practice guidelines judging from a viewpoint on IPMN long-term follow-up
大山博生1,2, 多田稔1, 高木馨3, 濱田毅1, 猪熊顕之1, 鈴木由佳理1, 金井祥子1, 野口賢作1, 鈴木辰典1, 中村知香1, 佐藤達也1, 石垣和祥1, 白田龍之介1, 齋藤圭1, 齋藤友隆1, 高原楠昊1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 中井陽介1, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A203-A203, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-8. It is tested the follow-up method after IPMN excision in IPMN country practice guidelines 2017
廣野誠子1, 清水泰博2, 大塚隆生3, 金俊文4, 原和生2, 菅野敦5, 越田真介7, 花田敬士7, 北野雅之7, 井上宏之7, 糸井隆夫7, 植木敏晴7, 肱岡範8, 柳澤昭夫9, 中村雅史3, 岡崎和一10, 山上裕機1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A203-A203, 2020.

Japanese Article PD6-9. Residual pancreas high-risk lesion after the IPMN excision and the predictor
宮坂義浩1,2, 松田諒太2, 大塚隆生2,3, 中村雅史2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A204-A204, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 7. Local complication treatment for the acute pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A205-A205, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-1. Endoscopic treatment for pseudocyst, encapsulation necrosis after the acute pancreatitis
岩田圭介1, 岩下拓司2, 向井強3, 吉田健作1, 奥野充3, 丸田明範1, 上村真也2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A206-A206, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-2. Treatment result of the endoscopic step up approach method for walled-off necrosis symptomatic after the pancreatitis
向井俊太郎, 土屋貴愛, 糸井隆夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A207-A207, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-3. Comparison between Lumen apposing metal stent and treatment result of WON with the bile duct metallic stent
小倉健, 奥田篤, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A207-A207, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-4. Drainage technique using Hot AXIOS system for the around the pancreas liquid retention complicated with acute pancreatitis
那須野央, 林毅, 豊永啓翔, 植木秀太朗, 本多俊介, 筑後孝紀, 石井達也, 金俊文, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A208-A208, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-5. About recurrent factor of WON after the endoscopic necrosectomy
粂潔1, 菅野敦1, 池田未緒1, 佐野貴紀1, 松本諒太郎1, 田中裕1, 鍋島立秀1, 本郷星仁1, 滝川哲也1, 三浦晋1, 濱田晋1, 菊田和宏1, 海野倫明2, 正宗淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A208-A208, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-6. About usefulness of the LAMS with 10FrENCD sustained washing treatment for Walled-off necrosis
竹中完1, 石川嶺1, 岡本彩那1, 中井敦史1, 山崎友裕1, 大本俊介1, 三長孝輔1, 鎌田研1, 山雄健太郎1, 松本逸平2, 竹山宜典2, 工藤正俊1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A209-A209, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-7. Endoscopic surgical Step-up approach for Walled-off necrosis (WON)
飯澤祐介, 小松原春菜, 中川勇希, 前田光貴, 新貝達, 野口大介, 尭天一亨, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 櫻井洋至, 水野修吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A209-A209, 2020.

Japanese Article PD7-8. Small incision Videoscope assistance lower necrosectomy for left infectious Walled-off necrosis (WON)
笹沼英紀, 佐田尚宏, 下平健太郎, 森嶋計, 宮戸秀世, 遠藤和洋, 吉田淳, 佐久間康成, 北山丈二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A210-A210, 2020.

Japanese Article Panel discussion 8. How is this case treated? Chronic pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A211-A211, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 1. Treatment preferences for the pancreas NEN with the distant metastasis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A213-A213, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-1. Phase I study of the S-1+STZ combination (STS) therapy for progress gastrointestinal tract, pancreas NET (G1, G2, G3)
坂本康成1,2, 奥坂拓志2, 森実千種2, 肱岡範2, 本間義崇3, 渡邊一雄4, 橋本裕輔4, 朴成和3, 池田公史4, 吉野孝之5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A214-A214, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-2. Use experience of streptozocin for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the distant metastasis in our hospital
宮野亮, 桑原崇通, 孝田博輝, 奥野のぞみ, 羽場真, 水野伸匡, 原和生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A214-A214, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-3. Examination of the prognosis-related factor in the multicenter case in the unresectable pancreas NEN
平野哲朗, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 津島健, 齋藤裕平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A215-A215, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-4. Examination of the treatment strategy for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor postoperative liver metastasis
羽村凌雅1, 古川賢英1, 高野裕樹2, 松本倫典3, 飯田智憲4, 柴浩明1, 薄葉輝之4, 三澤健之2, 岡本友好3, 矢永勝彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A215-A215, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-5. Significance and adaptation of the surgical resection for pancreas neuroendocrine tumor liver metastases
増井俊彦, 長井和之, 穴澤貴行, 笠井洋祐, 佐藤朝日, 仲野健三, 内田雄一郎, 余語覚匡, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A216-A216, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-6. It is significance of the surgery after the sunitinib administration for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the distant metastasis
村瀬芳樹1, 工藤篤1, 八木宏平1, 前川彩1, 石井武1, 加藤智敬1, 赤須雅文1, 菅原俊喬1, 渡辺秀一1, 石川善也1, 赤星径一1, 小林正典2, 小川康介1, 小野宏晃1, 伴大輔1, 田邉稔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A216-A216, 2020.

Japanese Article WS1-7. Is Everolimus administration, the weight loss excision that we included the reintroduction in the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor in effective?
栗田裕介1,4, 小林規俊2, 水野伸匡4, 桑原崇通4, 奥野のぞみ4, 羽場真4, 千田嘉毅5, 夏目誠治5, 奥野正隆5, 長谷川翔1, 佐藤高光1, 細野邦広1, 本間祐樹3, 松山隆生3, 窪田賢輔1, 中島淳1, 市川靖史2, 遠藤格3, 清水泰博5, 原和生4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A217-A217, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 2. Treatment preferences surgery for benign pancreatic duct stenosis vs. internal medicine
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A219-A219, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-1. Usefulness of the endoscopic treatment as First line for the chronic pancreatitis
西岡伸, 小倉健, 山田真規, 小森忠浩, 植野紗緒里, 増田大介, 樋口和秀
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A220-A220, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-2. Treatment result of the pancreatic calculus complicated with a benign pancreatic duct stenosis
永山林太郎1, 植木敏晴1, 田中利幸1, 平塚裕晃1, 伊原諒1, 畑山勝子1, 丸尾達1, 野間栄次郎1, 八尾建史2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A220-A220, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-3. Examination about the usefulness of the long-term pancreatic duct stenting for the chronic pancreatitis
吉田健作1, 丸田明範1, 岩田圭介1, 手塚隆一2, 奥野充2, 向井強2, 市川広直3, 岩佐悠平3, 三田直樹3, 上村真也3, 岩下拓司3, 清水雅仁3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A221-A221, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-4. Examination about the endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting for benign pancreatic duct stenosis associated with the chronic pancreatitis
伊藤謙, 岡野直樹, 岸本有為, 吉本憲介, 木村祐介, 渡辺浩二, 山田悠人, 岩崎将, 宅間健介, 原精一, 五十嵐良典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A221-A221, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-5. Long-term results of the endoscopic stent in comparison with the surgical treatment for pancreatic duct stenosis of the chronic pancreatitis
長谷川翔1, 佐藤高光1, 窪田賢輔1, 栗田裕介1, 細野邦広1, 遠藤格2, 中島淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A222-A222, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-6. Endoscopic treatment result and long term prognosis including the EUS guide lower pancreatic duct drainage for benign pancreatic duct stenosis
酒井利隆, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 與那嶺圭輔, 宮本和明, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 遠藤和樹, 岡野春香, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A222-A222, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-7. Short term, long-term results of the pancreatic duct jejunum side-to-side anastomosis for benign pancreatic duct stenosis
浅野之夫1, 伊東昌広1, 石原慎1, 志村正博1, 林千紘1, 越智隆之1, 河合永季1, 安岡宏展1, 東口貴彦1, 三好広尚2, 乾和郎2, 堀口明彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A223-A223, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-8. Examination about the usefulness of endoscopic diagnosis, the treatment in benign pancreatic duct stenosis after the pancreas surgery
光山俊行, 島谷昌明, 桝田昌隆, 伊藤崇志, 徳原満雄, 池浦司, 高岡亮, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A223-A223, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-9. The treatment strategy for pancreaticojejunostomy postoperative pancreatic duct stenosis and the results
北川翔, 宮川宏之, 長川達哉, 平山敦, 岡村圭也, 奥大樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A224-A224, 2020.

Japanese Article WS2-10. It is usefulness of the pancreatic duct jejunum side-to-side anastomosis for the pancreas gastrointestinal tract anastomotic stricture after the pancreatoduodenectomy
亀井敬子, 松本逸平, 吉田雄太, 川口晃平, 村瀬貴昭, 里井俊平, 武部敦志, 中居卓也, 竹山宜典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A224-A224, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 3. It is precaution of the pancreatitis after ERCP
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A225-A225, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-1. It is examined the usefulness of the pancreatic enzyme measurement after ERCP operation three hours as a risk factor of the pancreatitis and the predictor later
羽根田賢一, 鬼頭佑輔, 鈴木雄太, 藤田恭明, 奥村文浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A226-A226, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-2. After ERCP risk factor and precaution - multicenter prospective cohort study - of the pancreatitis
松本久和1, 藤田光一2, 八隅秀二郎3, 竹中完4, 丸尾達5, 松本和也6, 河本博文7, 栗田亮3, 友田健8, 斧山巧6, 植木敏晴5, 淺田全範9, 根引浩子10
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A226-A226, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-3. It is examined the pancreatitis protective efficacy by the super low-dose diclofenac bougie in the pancreatitis after ERCP
友田健, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A227-A227, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-4. It is inspection about the pancreatitis protective efficacy after ERCP of the diclofenac intrarectal administration in the initial ERCP case
池浦司, 高岡亮, 島谷昌明, 三好秀明, 光山俊行, 徳原満雄, 堀雄一, 桝田昌隆, 伊藤嵩志, 高折綾香, 岡崎和一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A227-A227, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-5. It is safe with an effect of the pancreatitis prevention after ERCP by the diclofenac bougie
進藤浩子, 深澤光晴, 高野伸一, 門倉信, 高橋英, 廣瀬純穂, 深澤佳満, 川上智, 早川宏, 倉富夏彦, 吉村大, 島村成樹, 今川直人, 佐藤公
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A228-A228, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-6. It is usefulness of the 4Fr nature loss type pancreatic duct stent for the pancreatitis after ERCP
菊田大一郎1, 中河原浩史1, 森山光彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A228-A228, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-7. After ERCP the endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting (salvage ERCP) for the pancreatitis onset case
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 今川貴之1, 小野賢人1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A229-A229, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-8. Is the infusion load after measures to the High Risk group effective for inhibition of the PEP onset?
栗田裕介1, 窪田賢輔1, 長谷川翔1, 細野邦広1, 遠藤格2, 中島淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A229-A229, 2020.

Japanese Article WS3-9. The volume of the pancreas and the examination that the pancreatitis is it-related after the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
丸山紘嗣, 山本圭以, 木村明恵, 垣谷有紀, 田上光治郎, 林克平, 山村匡史, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A230-A230, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 4. Fundamental researches about the pancreatic cancer microenvironment
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A231-A231, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-1. Elucidation of the pancreatic cancer extension mechanism that a complement factor with the around the pancreatic cancer microenvironment gives
高野重紹, 島崎怜理, 佐々木亘亮, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 三島敬, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A232-A232, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-2. Function of platelet in the pancreatic cancer metastatic formation due to the intraperitoneal infections disease
岡崎充善, 山口貴久, 櫻井健太郎, 蒲田亮介, 石川聡子, 大畠慶直, 真橋宏幸, 寺井志郎, 中沼伸一, 岡本浩一, 酒井清祥, 牧野勇, 木下淳, 中村慶史, 田島秀浩, 二宮致, 伏田幸夫, 太田哲生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A232-A232, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-3. Functional analysis of the cytokine network in the pancreatic cancer microenvironment
松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 加藤知克, 青山佳永, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A233-A233, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-4. The pancreatic cancer promotion effect due to the pancreas Kupffer cell depends on Nrf2 of the pancreas Kupffer cell
濱田晋, 田中裕, 松本諒太郎, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A233-A233, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-5. Interaction between neurologic - tumor through the adrenalin type 2 receptor
高橋良太1,2, 伊地知秀明1, Timothy Wang2, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A234-A234, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-6. Malignant transformation mechanism by the hyaluronic acid hypermetabolism phenotype using pancreatic cancer microenvironment
佐藤典宏, 工藤遊山, 天池孝夫, 安達保尋, 大場拓哉, 厚井志郎, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A234-A234, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-7. Cell senescent significance in pancreatic cancer-related fibroblasts
山下洋市, 山尾宣暢, 山村謙介, 中尾陽佑, 伊東山瑠美, 遊佐俊彦, 北村文優, 上村紀雄, 松村和季, 東孝暁, 林洋光, 今井克憲, 馬場秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A235-A235, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-8. Cancer-related fibroblasts (CAF) derived from a pancreatic tumor epithelium and anticancer agent-resistant relations
山口淳平, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 梛野正人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A235-A235, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-9. Inhibition-related cancer-related fibroblastic identification
水谷泰之1, 榎本篤2, 川嶋啓揮1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 藤城光弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A236-A236, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-10. The effect that nucleic acid administration using the exosome gives in pancreatic cancer cells proliferative capacity
高橋賢治, 小山一也, 岩本英孝, 山北圭介, 北野陽平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A236-A236, 2020.

Japanese Article WS4-11. The exosome derived from pancreatic cancer cells damages vascular endothelial cells and aggravates distant metastasis
堀裕一1, 清水一也1,2, 三好真琴1, 寺田夢1, 脇田美音1, 大下彩1, 高嶋宏滋1, 宮下久美子1, 後藤百香1, 中山郁也1, 河野朱莉1, 前谷織江1, 渡邊ありさ1, 味木徹夫3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A237-A237, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 5. conversion surgery of the pancreatic cancer: A problem and the prospects
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A239-A239, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-1. An observational, prospective study ablative after the non-operative treatment response for the pancreatic cancer impossible of excision at initial diagnosis: Prep-04
元井冬彦1,2,3, 中森正二2,4, 松本逸平2,5, 里井壯平2,6, 平野聡2,7, 川畑康成2,8, 庄雅之2,9, 本田五郎2,10, 木村康利2,11, 岸和田昌之2,12, 青笹季文2,13, 岡野圭一2,14, 北川裕久2,15, 村上義昭2,16, 海野倫明2,3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A240-A240, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-2. Optimal surgery adaptive examination - judging from current situation - recurrence predictor of Conversion Surgery in our classroom
山田豪1, 高見秀樹1, 園原史訓1, 猪川祥邦1, 林真路1, 田中伸孟1, 藤井努2, 小寺泰弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A240-A240, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-3. Thing necessary for the current situation further pre-back improvement of UR-LA conversion surgery in our hospital
井上陽介1, 牛田雄太1, 黒木直美1, 風見由祐1, 宮下真美子1, 大庭篤志1, 小野嘉大1, 佐藤崇文1, 伊藤寛倫1, 佐々木隆2, 尾阪将人2, 笹平直樹2, 高橋祐1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A241-A241, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-4. Significance of the Conversion surgery in the local progress pancreatic cancer treatment strategy impossible of excision and problem
赤堀宇広, 中川顕志, 中村広太, 高木忠隆, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A241-A241, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-5. Examination about the optimal extent of resection in conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
浅野賢道, 平野聡, 中村透, 岡村圭祐, 土川貴裕, 野路武寛, 中西喜嗣, 田中公貴
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A242-A242, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-6. Excision results in our hospital of Conversion Surgery for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer
山田大作, 高橋秀典, 飛鳥井慶, 長谷川慎一郎, 和田浩志, 左近賢人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A242-A242, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-7. Significance and problem of conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
夏目誠治1, 清水泰博1, 千田嘉毅1, 奥野正隆1, 原和生2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A243-A243, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-8. We think about excision adaptation from an early relapse case after conversion Surgery for the local progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
林洋毅1, 水間正道1, 畠達夫1, 青木修一1, 高舘達之1, 前田晋平1, 有明恭平1, 川口桂1, 石田晶玄1, 中川圭1, 森川孝則1, 元井冬彦1,2, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A243-A243, 2020.

Japanese Article WS5-9. The current situation of Conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
山本智久1, 里井壯平1, 山木壮1, 坂口達馬1, 廣岡智1, 橋本大輔1, 石田光明2, 関本貢嗣1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A244-A244, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 6. Application to pancreatic cancer clinical practice of the genome practice
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A245-A245, 2020.

Japanese Article WS6-1. circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) observational, prospective study in the pancreatic cancer
本谷雅代1, 木村康利2, 中村透3, 吉田誠4, 平野雄大1, 川上裕次郎1, 柾木喜晴1, 室田文子1, 佐々木茂1, Fabio Pittella-Silva5, Siew-Kee Low5, 清谷一馬3, 平野聡3, 中村祐輔5, 仲瀬裕志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A246-A246, 2020.

Japanese Article WS6-2. The pancreatic cancer genome practice that took early diagnosis and the pre-back evaluation into consideration
水上裕輔1,2, 岡田哲弘1,3, 林明宏1,2, 河端秀賢1, 後藤拓磨1, 河本徹3, 唐崎秀則2, 奥村利勝1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A246-A246, 2020.

Japanese Article WS6-3. Next-generation sequence analysis by the EUS-FNA specimen which aimed at the genome practice of the pancreatic cancer
高野伸一1, 深澤光晴1, 進藤浩子1, 高橋英1, 川上智1, 深澤佳満1,3, 早川宏1, 倉富夏彦1, 廣瀬純穂1,4, 門倉信1,2, 佐藤公1,5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A247-A247, 2020.

Japanese Article WS6-4. About possibility of the pancreatic cancer individualization treatment by all Exxon sequences using the EUS-FNA specimen
須藤研太郎1, 横井左奈2, 喜多絵美里1, 辻本彰子1, 中村和貴1, 石井浩1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A247-A247, 2020.

Japanese Article WS6-5. The current situation and problem of the pancreatic cancer genome practice in our hospital
奥野のぞみ, 水野伸匡, 原和生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A248-A248, 2020.

Japanese Article WS6-6. Examination of the germline BRCA mutation in the gene-positive pancreatic cancer in our hospital
北村英俊1, 森実千種1, 佐竹智行1, 原井正太1, 久田裕也1, 吉成元宏1, 丸木雄太1, 大場彬博1, 永塩美邦1, 近藤俊輔1, 肱岡範1, 上野秀樹1, 田辺記子2, 吉田輝彦2, 奥坂拓志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A248-A248, 2020.

Japanese Article Workshop 7. The front line of the pancreatitis study: From the basics to clinical practice
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A251-A251, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-1. Cathepsin B and D act in the automatic fuzzy of pancreatic acinus cells complementarily
岩間英明1, 波多野悦朗1, 今坂舞2, 大村谷昌樹2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A252-A252, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-2. The effect that zinc deficiency gives to water secretion of the mouse isolation interlobular duct of pancreas
山本明子, 野村奈央, 中莖みゆき, 谷口いつか, 樋口万佑子, Libin Liu, 石黒洋
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A252-A252, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-3. Possibility as accommodative insufficiency and the treatment target of the PI3K/Hippo course in the chronic pancreatitis
田村猛1, 小玉尚宏1, 吉岡鉄平1, 重川稔1, 疋田隼人1, 阪森亮太郎1, 秋田裕史2, 江口英利2, 巽智秀1, 竹原徹郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A253-A253, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-4. Difference in gene expression of immortalization pancreas Kupffer cell and the primary culture pancreas Kupffer cell
田中裕, 濱田晋, 松本諒太郎, 滝川哲也, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A253-A253, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-5. Elucidation of the cancer-causing mechanism of the chronic pancreatitis that paid its attention to K-ras mutation in the gene and inflammatory cytokine
松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 加藤知克, 青山佳永, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A254-A254, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-6. Examination for acute pancreatitis treatment based on DPC data
池田未緒, 濱田晋, 菊田和宏, 粂潔, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A254-A254, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-7. Early chronic pancreatitis disease concept establishment and biomarker search using the metabolic loam analysis: The first report
関野雄典1, 鎌田健太郎2, 関根匡成3, 平尾元宏4, 砂村真琴5, 眞嶋浩聡3, 大西洋英6
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A255-A255, 2020.

Japanese Article WS7-8. About a pancreas disorder to occur after the checkpoint inhibitor administration of immunity
上西陽介1, 上野真行1, 辻喜久2, 池田有希1, 戸川文子1, 眞野俊史1, 石川将1, 金谷崇史1, 南麻里子1, 清輔良江1, 石田悦嗣1, 水野元夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A255-A255, 2020.

Japanese Article Medical staff session 1. Supportive care after pancreatitis, the pancreatectomy
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A257-A257, 2020.

Japanese Article MS1-1. It is the relation to patients with pancreatogenous diabetes after the pancreas complete removal associated with the chronic pancreatitis
渡辺紗弥佳1, 森田隆介1, 梶原克美1, 庭野史丸2, 能宗伸輔2, 川畑由美子2, 池上博司2, 竹山宜典3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A258-A258, 2020.

Japanese Article MS1-2. Remedial problems of the pancreatogenous diabetes to be complicated with pancreas external secretion imperfection (chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy)
松本敦史1, 柳町幸2, 山一真彦2, 藤田朋之2, 中村遼馬2, 中山弘文2, 佐藤江里2, 大門眞2, 中村光男3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A258-A258, 2020.

Japanese Article MS1-3. Characteristic of nutritional status and the diet intake situation after the pancreatectomy
柳町幸1, 中山弘文1, 藤田朋之1, 山一真彦1, 中村遼馬1, 松本敦史1, 佐藤江里1, 松橋有紀1, 丹藤雄介2, 大門眞1, 中村光男3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A259-A259, 2020.

Japanese Article MS1-4. Effectiveness digestibility - second report ... of the medical digestive enzymes preparation under low pH intraduodenal after the chronic pancreatitis, the pancreas technique, and the like
黒田学1, 高橋晶子1, 洪繁2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A259-A259, 2020.

Japanese Article MS1-5. Evaluation of the effect in the gastrointestinal tract of the digestive enzymes by the human chymification simulator
高橋晶子1, 黒田学1, 洪繁2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A260-A260, 2020.

Japanese Article MS1-6. Construction of the support network to patients with cystic fibrosis
近藤志保1, 藤木理代2, 小澤祐加3, 山本明子3, 福安智哉3, 中莖みゆき3, 洪繁4, 成瀬達5, 竹山宜典6, 石黒洋3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A260-A260, 2020.

Japanese Article Medical staff session 2. Supportive care of the pancreatic cancer
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A261-A261, 2020.

Japanese Article MS2-1. Invention of the pancreatic cancer classroom administration and the held results for 4 years
山田眞佐美, 大八木香奈江, 岡垣すえつみ, 藤森美野, 藤岡裕子, 佐藤みゆき, 水谷玉紀, 亀井こずえ, 岡崎梓, 谷口祐子, 伊藤久美子, 島雅晴, 西馬怜, 持山勝弥, 橿棒万昌美, 大浦ひろみ, 石橋美樹, 高橋秀典, 小西浩司, 井岡達也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A262-A262, 2020.

Japanese Article MS2-2. It is ... for enhancement of current situation - pancreatic cancer classroom and the patients support of patients with pancreatic cancer which we saw from questionary survey
本坂亜希子1, 梶野美保1, 市村磨衣子2, 南晴奈3, 吉澤裕子3, 上野寿弥4, 國栖真理4, 横山富美子4, 盛永彩香4, 花田浩和4, 高松悠5, 大野隆真5, 濱崎正子1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A262-A262, 2020.

Japanese Article MS2-3. From the viewpoint of uneasy reduction of usefulness - eating habits of the pancreatic cancer classroom in patients with pancreatic cancer preoperation -
岡崎梓1, 高橋秀典2, 亀井こずえ1, 谷口祐子1, 小川秀香3, 岡垣すえつみ3, 山中宏美3, 下里友美恵3, 藤森美野3, 藤岡裕子3, 佐藤みゆき3, 大八木香奈江3, 水谷玉紀3, 山田眞佐美3, 伊藤公美子4, 島雅晴4, 西馬怜5, 石橋美樹6, 小西浩司7, 井岡達也8
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A263-A263, 2020.

Japanese Article MS2-4. Examination of the usefulness of "the pancreatic cancer classroom" for the patients receiving radiotherapy with pancreatic cancer
藤岡裕子1, 藤森美野1, 福垣香織1, 小西浩司2, 山田眞佐美1, 水谷玉紀1, 岡垣すえつみ1, 伊藤公美子1, 島雅晴1, 岡崎梓1, 谷口祐子1, 高橋秀典3, 井岡達也4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A263-A263, 2020.

Japanese Article MS2-5. The improvement of examination - knowledge of the classroom effect in the patients relieves anxiety in the pancreatic cancer preoperation of the pancreatic cancer classroom; or -
下里友美恵, 藤森美野, 高橋秀典, 三谷祐子, 大西千絵, 戸田和佳奈, 梅津友加里, 甲斐宏美, 清水南那, 大八木香奈江, 山田眞佐美, 水谷玉紀, 岡垣すえつみ, 佐藤みゆき, 小川秀香, 岡崎梓, 谷口祐子, 石橋美樹, 小西浩司, 井岡達也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A264-A264, 2020.

Japanese Article MS2-6. Extraction and remedy of the problem for the pancreatic cancer classroom using the KJ method by the multi-type of job
天野瞳1, 岸和田昌之2, 西山枝織1, 早崎碧泉2, 水野修吾2, 本多正繁1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A264-A264, 2020.

Japanese Article PCA1. Plasma sVCAM-1 and the ANP rise are dangerous predictors of pancreatic cancer-related thrombosis/thromboembolism
佐野誠1, 高橋良太1, 伊地知秀明1,2, 宮林弘至1, 石垣和祥1, 水野卓1, 中井陽介1,3, 立石敬介1, 多田稔1, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A266-A266, 2020.

Japanese Article PCA2. Diagnosis rate - of prospective study - Stage 0 cancer of the pancreatic cancer diagnosis scoring system in consideration of risk composition
佐上亮太1,2, 早坂健司2, 氏原哲郎2, 辻博晶1, 佐藤孝夫1, 錦織英史1, 村上和成3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A266-A266, 2020.

Japanese Article PCA3. Physical Aging (PA) score for frailty predictions in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
梅澤早織, 小林慎二郎, 井田圭亮, 小倉佑太, 土橋篤仁, 片山真史, 小泉哲, 大坪毅人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A267-A267, 2020.

Japanese Article PCA4. Significance of the ctDNA monitoring in the pancreatic cancer genome practice
杉森慎1, 杉森一哉2, 土屋洋省2, 鈴木良優2, 露木翔1, 廣谷あかね2, 三箇克幸1, 戸塚雄一朗2, 小宮山哲史2, 佐藤健2, 手塚瞬2, 合田賢弘2, 入江邦泰1, 三輪治生2, 三浦雄輝2, 石井寛裕2, 金子卓2, 長濱正亞3, 野崎昭人2, 前田愼1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A267-A267, 2020.

Japanese Article PCA5. Role in the metastasis to pancreatic cancer of secretion glycoprotein Prosaposin
宮原洋司1, 高野重紹1, 曽川一幸2, 吉富秀幸1, 賀川真吾1, 古川勝則1, 高屋敷吏1, 久保木知1, 大塚将之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A268-A268, 2020.

Japanese Article O-1-1. Elucidation of the around the pancreas lymph flow by the ICG fluorescence method using HyperEye Medical System in the pancreatic cancer
飛鳥井慶, 高橋秀典, 山田大作, 長谷川慎一郎, 和田浩志, 新野直樹, 原尚志, 牛込創, 杉村啓二郎, 原口直紹, 山本和義, 西村潤一, 安井昌義, 大森健, 宮田博志, 大植雅之, 矢野雅彦, 左近賢人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A270-A270, 2020.

Japanese Article O-1-2. Clinical characteristic and prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancer detected with diabetes related conditions
滝川哲也1, 池田美緒1, 佐野貴紀1, 松本諒太郎1, 田中裕1, 鍋島立秀1, 本郷星仁1, 三浦晋1, 濱田晋1, 粂潔1, 菊田和宏1, 海野倫明2, 正宗淳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A270-A270, 2020.

Japanese Article O-1-3. Effect of the aging to give to the perioperative nutritional status of patients with pancreatic cancer
脇屋太一, 石戸圭之輔, 木村憲央, 長瀬勇人, 兼田杏里, 萩原悠介, 神田大周, 袴田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A271-A271, 2020.

Japanese Article O-1-4. It is ... from the ... our experience that cannot be called the pancreatic cancer in operation by liver metastases diagnosis only for contrasting MRI
奥村晋也1,2, 平良薫1, 西野恭平3, 高折恭一1,2, 東出俊一1, 若宮誠4, 黒澤学5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A271-A271, 2020.

Japanese Article O-1-5. Examination of the remaining pancreatic cancer which occurred in residual pancreas after the invasive pancreatic duct carcinectomy
久原佑太1, 橋本泰司1, 平原慧1, 土井寛文1, 白川賢司1, 豊田和宏1, 矢野雷太1, 小林弘典1, 横山雄二郎1, 坂下吉弘1, 二宮基樹2, 宮本勝也1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A272-A272, 2020.

Japanese Article O-1-6. Examination of the thrombosis that developed in patients with pancreatic cancer
藤本剛英1, 稲富理1, 竹田善哉1, 新谷修平1, 辻喜久3, 久津見弘2, 安藤朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A272-A272, 2020.

Japanese Article O-2-1. Safety and validity of the elderly people pancreatic cancer surgery
吉岡伊作, 渋谷和人, 平野勝久, 渡辺徹, 松井恒志, 藤井努
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A273-A273, 2020.

Japanese Article O-2-2. About chemotherapy of the pancreatic cancer in elderly people of our hospital, super elderly people
有賀啓之, 鹿志村純也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A273-A273, 2020.

Japanese Article O-2-3. Results of EUS-PD in our hospital
北村英俊, 肱岡範, 奥坂拓司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A274-A274, 2020.

Japanese Article O-2-4. About long-term results of EUS-BD for the malignant biliary tract obstruction associated with the pancreatic cancer in our hospital
戸塚雄一朗1, 杉森一哉1, 舩岡明宏1, 鈴木良優1, 小宮山哲史1, 佐藤健1, 三輪治生1, 金子卓1, 沼田和司1, 前田愼1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A274-A274, 2020.

Japanese Article O-2-5. The current situation of the examination for microsatellite instability in the pancreatic cancer of our institution
清田良介1, 高田良司1, 池澤賢治1, 今井俊裕1, 阿部友太朗1, 福武伸康1, 蘆田玲子2, 片山和宏1, 大川和良1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A275-A275, 2020.

Japanese Article O-2-6. The current situation of the cancer genomic medicine of the pancreas malignant tumor in the Okayama University Hospital
堀口繁, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A275-A275, 2020.

Japanese Article O-3-1. Development of the new diagnostic method of the pancreatic cancer by the digital PCR using the FNB specimen, Cell-burst gene analytical method
林明宏1, 水上裕輔1,3, 佐藤裕基1, 岡田哲弘2, 河端秀賢1, 後藤拓磨1, 唐崎秀則3, 奥村利勝1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A276-A276, 2020.

Japanese Article O-3-2. Examination about the intratumoral necrotic morphologic histologic characteristic and prognosis in the pancreatic cancer
工藤雅史1, 小嶋基寛2, 石井源一郎2, 後藤田直人1, 高橋進一郎1, 小林信1, 杉本元一1, 小西大1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A276-A276, 2020.

Japanese Article O-3-3. What is a head of pancreas nerve plexus first part (PLph I)? - PLph I is No. - that it is 8p
北川裕久, 橋田和樹, 武藤純, 横田満, 長久吉雄, 仁科慎一, 岡部道雄, 河本和幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A277-A277, 2020.

Japanese Article O-3-4. Examination of the early relapse group after the pancreatic cancer excision
和泉秀樹1, 吉井久倫1, 阿部凛1, 伊藤裕幸2, 杉山朋子3, 田尻琢磨3, 向井正哉1, 野村栄治1, 幕内博康1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A277-A277, 2020.

Japanese Article O-3-5. A cancer immunity reply to preoperation treatment in the pancreatic cancer and association with nourishment, the inflammatory index
松木裕輝1, 廣島幸彦2, 三宅謙太郎1, 藪下泰宏1, 本間祐樹1, 松山隆生1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A278-A278, 2020.

Japanese Article O-3-6. Examination of image views to suggest PanIN-3
川本裕介1, 本田五郎1, 星川真有美1, 早坂健司2, 千葉和朗3, 仲程純3, 菊山正隆3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A278-A278, 2020.

Japanese Article O-4-1. Early experience of the chemotherapy adjuvant in GEM+S-1 combination preoperation
小林智1, 神谷真梨子2, 上野誠1, 長島周平1, 佐野祐亮1, 田中聡1, 福島泰斗1, 浅間宏之1, 上岡祐人2, 村川正明2, 山本直人2, 森永聡一郎2, 森本学1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A279-A279, 2020.

Japanese Article O-4-2. Significance of preoperation treatment - biological BR factor for the resectable pancreatic cancer
青野高志1, 丸山智宏1, 三浦要平1, 有賀諭生2, 鈴木晋1, 金子和弘1, 佐藤友威1, 岡田貴幸1, 武藤一朗1, 長谷川正樹1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A279-A279, 2020.

Japanese Article O-4-3. Significance of the preoperation treatment in the combined modality therapy for the resectable pancreatic cancer
秋田裕史, 小林省吾, 岩上佳史, 富丸慶人, 野田剛広, 後藤邦仁, 土岐祐一郎, 江口英利
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A280-A280, 2020.

Japanese Article O-4-4. Inspection of the effectiveness of the Gemcitabine/S-1 combination chemoradiation treatment before operation for the resectable pancreatic cancer
村田泰洋, 早崎碧泉, 尭天一亨, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 櫻井洋至, 水野修吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A280-A280, 2020.

Japanese Article O-4-5. The effectiveness of the chemoradiotherapy before operation for the resectable pancreatic cancer
三木厚, 佐久間康成, 笹沼英紀, 遠藤和洋, 吉田淳, 森嶋計, 下平健太郎, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A281-A281, 2020.

Japanese Article O-4-6. Significance of the chemoradiotherapy before operation for the clinical T1 pancreatic cancer in the combined modality therapy era
中川顕志, 赤堀宇広, 中村広太, 高木忠隆, 池田直也, 庄雅之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A281-A281, 2020.

Japanese Article O-5-1. The current situation and problem of the preoperation treatment for the resectable pancreatic cancer
豊永啓翔, 林毅, 筑後孝紀, 石井達也, 那須野央, 金俊文, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A282-A282, 2020.

Japanese Article O-5-2. Introduction of the preoperation treatment for the R pancreatic cancer
賀川真吾, 吉富秀幸, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 高野重紹, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 三島敬, 中台英里, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A282-A282, 2020.

Japanese Article O-5-3. Examination of the preoperation treatment for the resectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
横瀬崇寛, 北郷実, 篠田昌宏, 八木洋, 阿部雄太, 大島剛, 堀周太郎, 遠藤泰, 阿部紘大, 嶋根学, 北川雄光
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A283-A283, 2020.

Japanese Article O-5-4. Possibility of the preoperation treatment for the resectable pancreatic cancer
岡林雄大1, 須井健太1, 室川剛廣1, 木村次郎1, 岡本宣人2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A283-A283, 2020.

Japanese Article O-5-5. Efforts of prognostic factor analysis before operation of the surgery precedence case in the resectable pancreatic cancer and the new preoperative chemotherapy
近藤成, 上村健一郎, 中川直哉, 岡田健司郎, 瀬尾信吾, 村上義昭
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A284-A284, 2020.

Japanese Article O-6-1. Examination of the sarcopenia-related factor -5 age survivors in the pancreatectomy case
上村健一郎, 近藤成, 中川直哉, 住吉辰朗, 岡田健司郎, 瀬尾信吾, 大塚裕之, 高橋信也, 村上義昭
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A284-A284, 2020.

Japanese Article O-6-2. A perioperative quantity of muscle rate of decline and association of the nutritional status that we saw according to technique in the pancreatectomy
前川毅, 前平博充, 飯田洋也, 森治樹, 安川大貴, 新田信人, 竹林克士, 貝田佐知子, 三宅亨, 谷眞至
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A285-A285, 2020.

Japanese Article O-6-3. Significance of the nutrition therapy with the ingredient nutrient preparation for patients with pancreatic cancer given chemotherapy
上村真也1, 岩下拓司1, 市川広直1, 岩佐悠平1, 伊井仁美2, 西村佳代子2, 清水雅仁1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A285-A285, 2020.

Japanese Article O-6-4. Usefulness of the serum procalcitonin measurement in the predictive diagnosis of severe complications after the pancreatoduodenectomy
畠達夫, 水間正道, 元井冬彦, 青木修一, 三浦孝之, 高舘達之, 有明恭平, 前田晋平, 川口桂, 益田邦洋, 石田晶玄, 大塚英郎, 中川圭, 林洋毅, 森川孝則, 亀井尚, 海野倫明
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A286-A286, 2020.

Japanese Article O-6-5. Examination of the pancreatic juice leak delayed-action after the pancreatoduodenectomy
大木克久, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A286-A286, 2020.

Japanese Article O-6-6. Is the quantity of operative haemorrhage of the pancreatic cancer surgery associated with a recurrence in the presence of pancreatic fistula?
齊藤亮, 川井田博充, 細村直弘, 雨宮秀武, 板倉淳, 河野寛, 市川大輔
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A287-A287, 2020.

Japanese Article O-7-1. Inspection of the benign, malignancy diagnosis index before operation of nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct
今井寿, 東敏弥, 田中秀治, 村瀬勝俊, 吉田和弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A287-A287, 2020.

Japanese Article O-7-2. IPMN histologic subtype predictive diagnosis based on EUS image
藤井佑樹1, 松本和幸1, 加藤博也1, 上田英次郎1, 宮本和也1, 松三明宏1, 皿谷洋祐1, 山崎辰洋1, 内田大輔1, 友田健1, 堀口繁1, 堤康一郎1, 八木孝仁2, 花田敬士3, 岡田裕之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A288-A288, 2020.

Japanese Article O-7-3. EUS views of the background pancreas parenchyma in the IPMN case and histologic relative examination
遠藤和樹1, 越田真介1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 輿那嶺圭輔1, 宮本和明1, 小堺史郷1, 岡野春香1, 野田裕1,2, 伊藤啓1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A288-A288, 2020.

Japanese Article O-7-4. Usefulness of the contrasting ultrasonic endoscope in the malignant diagnosis of IPMN
肱岡真之, 加来豊馬, 津田桂, 大野彰久, 河邉顕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A289-A289, 2020.

Japanese Article O-7-5. Examination of the usefulness of EUS in the IPMN intramural nodule diagnosis
川西彩1, 川嶌洋平1, 山路葉子1, 小玉敏生1, 加川建弘1, 益子太郎2, 中野明2, 増岡義人2, 中郡聡夫2, 平林健一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A289-A289, 2020.

Japanese Article O-7-6. Usefulness of the contrasting ultrasonic endoscope in the intramural nodule diagnosis of the papillosity myxomas in the pancreatic duct
岩下拓司1, 岩田圭介2, 清水雅仁1, 岩佐悠平1, 市川広直1, 三田直樹1, 上村真也1, 吉田健作2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A290-A290, 2020.

English Article O-8-1. Evaluation of 2017 Guideline in IPMN
出雲渉1,4, 樋口良太1, 古川徹2, 谷澤武久1, 植村修一郎1, 椎原正尋1, 田原純子3, 高山敬子3, 清水京子3, 山本雅一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A290-A290, 2020.

Japanese Article O-8-2. About inspection - technique choice of international guidelines 2017 in IPMN, an optimal dissection range
鈴木裕1, 百瀬博一1, 松木亮太1, 小暮正晴1, 中里徹矢1, 正木忠彦1, 森俊幸1, 須並英二1, 阿部展次1, 杉山政則2, 阪本良弘1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A291-A291, 2020.

Japanese Article O-8-3. Examination of the excision standard in IPMN country practice guidelines 2017
矢野正明, 川根太郎, 伊藤綾, 林洸太郎, 在原文教, 松田耕一郎, 小川浩平, 松田充, 酒井明人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A291-A291, 2020.

Japanese Article O-8-4. Reconsideration about the surgery adaptation of IPMN in our hospital
阿部紘大, 北郷実, 篠田昌宏, 八木洋, 阿部雄太, 大島剛, 堀周太郎, 遠藤泰, 横瀬崇寛, 嶋根学, 北川雄光
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A292-A292, 2020.

Japanese Article O-8-5. Examination of the IPMN excision case in our hospital
風見由祐, 井上陽介, 宮下真美子, 黒木直美, 小野嘉大, 佐藤崇文, 伊藤寛倫, 高橋祐
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A292-A292, 2020.

Japanese Article O-8-6. Usefulness of the CEA level out of the pancreatic juice in the malignant transformation prediction of IPMN
早川宏, 深澤光晴, 高野伸一, 進藤浩子, 高橋英, 廣瀬純穂, 倉富夏彦, 佐藤公
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A293-A293, 2020.

Japanese Article O-9-1. Characteristic of the autoantibody-positive case of the autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) in our hospital
木下勇次1, 中野真範1, 古守知太郎1, 富田陽一1, 河村篤1, 島本奈々2, 阿部孝広2, 金澤慶典2, 千葉允文2, 高倉一樹1, 月永真太郎2, 加藤正之3, 豊泉博史2, 鳥巣勇一1, 猿田雅之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A293-A293, 2020.

Japanese Article O-9-2. Problem of the autoimmune pancreatitis practice judging from an autoimmune pancreatitis long-term sighting
重川稔, 吉岡鉄平, 竹原徹郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A294-A294, 2020.

Japanese Article O-9-3. Prognosis of the steroid maintenance therapy in the autoimmune pancreatitis
田原純子, 大塚奈央, 赤尾潤一, 長尾健太, 高山敬子, 徳重克年, 清水京子
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A294-A294, 2020.

Japanese Article O-9-4. Comparison of the long term prognosis of an IgG4SC merger case and the non-merger case of the autoimmune pancreatitis
渡邊弘之1, 米元優一朗1, 野村能元1, 田中章浩1, 野村佳克1, 上田晃之1, 真田拓1, 野ツ俣和夫1, 登谷大修1, 寺田卓郎2, 三井毅2, 山城正司3, 宮山士朗3, 中沼安二4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A295-A295, 2020.

Japanese Article O-9-5. Long-term treatment results of the autoimmune pancreatitis, examination of the revival case
小林陽介, 木次健介, 芳澤社, 室久剛, 長澤正通
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A295-A295, 2020.

Japanese Article O-9-6. Can the image of pancreatic duct wall hypertrophy with the ultrasonic endoscope become the characteristic image evidence of autoimmune pancreatitis?
比佐岳史, 桃井環, 工藤彰治, 大瀬良省三, 福島秀樹, 友利彰寿, 篠原知明, 古武昌幸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A296-A296, 2020.

Japanese Article O-10-1. Examination of the long-term course of the autoimmune pancreatitis in the municipal hospital
藤井雅邦1, 水川翔1, 塩出純二1, 三村哲重2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A296-A296, 2020.

Japanese Article O-10-2. Examination of the autoimmune pancreatitis in our hospital
鈴木雄太, 鬼頭佑輔, 羽根田賢一, 藤田恭明, 奥村文浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A297-A297, 2020.

Japanese Article O-10-3. Long term prognosis of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
丸尾達1, 植木敏晴1, 八尾建史2, 田中利幸1, 平塚裕晃1, 伊原諒1, 永山林太郎1, 畑山勝子1, 野間栄次郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A297-A297, 2020.

Japanese Article O-10-4. Consideration of ERCP for the obstructive jaundice due to metastatic breast cancer
岡本武士, 山本和輝, 白鳥安利, 池谷敬, 高木浩一, 福田勝之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A298-A298, 2020.

Japanese Article O-10-5. Examination of the usefulness of the EUS-FNA25G needle in the pancreatic tumor differential diagnosis except invasive pancreatic duct cancer
杉森聖司, 根引浩子, 八木聡一, 山口奈々子, 中平晶雄, 櫛山菜穂子, 坂田侑平, 落合正, 中原憲一, 平田直人, 末包剛久, 山崎智朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A298-A298, 2020.

Japanese Article O-10-6. We look at the rear of the operation procell, biopsy evil-related non-confirmed case which reached the pancreatectomy and examine a mark
木村康利1, 今村将史1, 永山稔1, 村上武志1, 山口洋志1, 吉田真誠2, 本谷雅代3, 杉田真太郎4, 長谷川匡4, 竹政伊知朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A299-A299, 2020.

Japanese Article O-11-1. Treatment result of the chemoradiotherapy before operation for the renal failure coexistence pancreatic cancer case
富丸慶人1, 小林省吾1, 岩上佳史1, 秋田裕史1, 野田剛広1, 後藤邦仁1, 永野浩昭1,2, 土岐祐一郎1, 江口英利1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A299-A299, 2020.

Japanese Article O-11-2. Examination about the effect of the stent in the chemoradiation treatment before operation on pancreas head domain pancreatic cancer
岡野圭一1, 松川浩之1, 安藤恭久1, 須藤広誠1, 大島稔1, 近藤彰宏1, 上村淳1, 浅野栄介1, 岸野貴賢1, 隈元謙介1, 臼杵尚志1, 鎌田英紀2, 正木勉2, 鈴木康之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A300-A300, 2020.

Japanese Article O-11-3. It is usefulness in the pancreatic cancer of the CA 19-9, CEA level change after the chemoradiotherapy before operation
高木忠隆, 庄雅之, 赤堀宇広, 西和田敏, 中川顕志, 長井美奈子, 池田直也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A300-A300, 2020.

Japanese Article O-11-4. About results of the biliary tract drainage before operation for the resectable pancreatic cancer of our hospital in the preoperation treatment era
武田剛志, 佐々木隆, 三重尭文, 古川貴光, 金田遼, 春日章良, 松山眞人, 尾阪将人, 笹平直樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A301-A301, 2020.

Japanese Article O-11-5. Significance of the pictorial splenic status pulse permeation as the prognostic factor in surgery precedent resectable body of pancreas tailpiece cancer
川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 中村匡視, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A301-A301, 2020.

Japanese Article O-11-6. Usefulness of providing treatment precedent chemotherapy for the washing cytology-positive pancreatic cancer
有明恭平1, 水間正道1, 林洋毅1, 畠達夫1, 青木修一1, 高舘達之1, 三浦孝之1, 前田晋平1, 川口桂1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 大塚英郎1, 中川圭1, 森川孝則1, 元井冬彦1,2, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A302-A302, 2020.

Japanese Article O-12-1. Background factor of invasive pancreatic duct cancer liver metastases
濱田義浩1, 加藤大祐2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A302-A302, 2020.

Japanese Article O-12-2. It is tried the quick artery detachment side paratripsis cytodiagnosis during the operation in the pancreatectomy after the treatment in preoperation for the BR-A/URLA pancreatic cancer
長谷川慎一郎, 高橋秀典, 飛鳥井慶, 山田大作, 和田浩志, 新野直樹, 原尚志, 牛込創, 原口直紹, 杉村啓二郎, 山本和義, 西村潤一, 安井昌義, 大森健, 宮田博志, 大植雅之, 矢野雅彦, 左近賢人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A303-A303, 2020.

Japanese Article O-12-3. Usefulness of the fluorescence diagnosis for the pancreatic cancer
久保秀正, 村山康利, 窪田健, 生駒久視, 森村玲, 大辻英吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A303-A303, 2020.

Japanese Article O-12-4. Examination of the oligometa stasis case in the progress pancreatic cancer
林真路, 山田豪, 高見秀樹, 園原史訓, 猪川祥邦, 田中伸孟, 加藤吉康, 中川暢彦, 栗本景介, 鈴木雄之典, 山中雅也, 小寺泰弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A304-A304, 2020.

Japanese Article O-12-5. Examination about the methylation of plasma cancer inhibition type miRNA in the pancreas biliary tract disease
大坪公士郎1, 三宅邦夫2, 山下要1, 矢野聖二1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A304-A304, 2020.

Japanese Article O-12-6. Identification of the pancreatic cancer high risk patients due to the osteopontin, fatty acid, high triglyceride blood symptom
五十嵐聡, 林和直, 寺井崇二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A305-A305, 2020.

Japanese Article O-13-1. Notice ... to examination - diabetes coexistence case of a characteristic and the risk factor of invasive pancreatic duct cancer coexistent in IPMN
山口厚1, 和田薫1, 羽田野直人2, 首藤毅2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A305-A305, 2020.

Japanese Article O-13-2. Clinical features and treatment strategy of IPMN coexistence invasion pancreatic duct cancer
羽場真1, 原和生1, 清水泰博2, 水野伸匡1, 桑原崇通1, 奥野のぞみ1, 孝田博輝1, 宮野亮1, 千田嘉毅2, 夏目誠治2, 奥野正隆2, 細田和貴3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A306-A306, 2020.

Japanese Article O-13-3. Significance of the around the superior mesenteric artery lymph node all circumferences dissection in the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the pancreatic cancer
早馬聡1, 田中栄一1, 岸宗佑2, 野村友祐2, 丹野誠志2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A306-A306, 2020.

Japanese Article O-13-4. Significance of the SMA neighborhood nerve plexus dissection for pancreas head invasion pancreatic duct cancer
前村公成1, 又木雄弘1, 蔵原弘1, 川崎洋太1, 田上聖徳1, 伊地知徹也1, 新地洋之2, 夏越祥次1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A307-A307, 2020.

Japanese Article O-13-5. The metastasis to around the superior mesenteric artery lymph node situation in the cancer of head of pancreas and significance of the lymph node excision
牧野勇, 蒲田亮介, 岡崎充善, 大畠慶直, 真橋宏幸, 中沼伸一, 田島秀浩, 太田哲生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A307-A307, 2020.

Japanese Article O-13-6. Reconsideration of the regional lymph node which considered lymph node excision Efficacy index of the pancreatic cancer and recurrent lymph node part
今村泰輔, 山本有祐, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 蘆田良, 大木克久, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A308-A308, 2020.

Japanese Article O-14-1. Clinical significance of mesenchyma system cells in the pancreatic cancer frame work judging from the double fluorescence immunostaining
前平博充, 三宅亨, 飯田洋也, 徳田彩, 森治樹, 安川大貴, 新田信人, 前川毅, 谷眞至
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A308-A308, 2020.

Japanese Article O-14-2. Elucidation of the frame work formation mechanism through microRNA in the pancreatic cancer microenvironment
浅間宏之, 鈴木玲, 大平弘正
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A309-A309, 2020.

Japanese Article O-14-3. A quantity of frame work change with the pancreatic cancer preoperative chemotherapy and effect of the component
川原健治, 高野重紹, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 三島敬, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A309-A309, 2020.

Japanese Article O-14-4. The mesenchyma system stem cell derived from fat differentiates in cancer-associated fibroblast which is heterogeneous
宮崎貴寛1,2, 熊谷雄太郎2, 木田泰之2, 下村治1, 橋本真治1, 荒木一寿1, 高橋一広1, 小田竜也1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A310-A310, 2020.

Japanese Article O-14-5. Effect of treatment with Gemcitabine in the pancreatic cancer liver metastases mouse model and the antiPD-1 antibody administration
酒井佳夫1, Thuy Bich Tuyen Ho3, Alessandro Nasti1, 関晃裕1,2, 川口和紀1,2, 金子周一1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A310-A310, 2020.

Japanese Article O-14-6. Possibility of the autotaxin (ATX) control treatment out of the ascitic fluid for the pancreatic cancer peritoneum dissemination
神野成臣, 吉田道弘, 林香月, 内藤格, 堀寧, 夏目まこと, 加藤晃久, 加地謙太, 浅野剛, 佐橋秀典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A311-A311, 2020.

Japanese Article O-15-1. Elucidation of the antitumor effect of complement factor C4BPA through CD40 in the pancreatic cancer
佐々木亘亮, 高野重紹, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 三島敬, 中台英里, 大塚将之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A311-A311, 2020.

Japanese Article O-15-3. Examination of the hyaluronic acid metabolism of pancreatic cancer cells in the hypoxia environment
大場拓哉, 佐藤典宏, 天池孝夫, 工藤遊山, 安達保尋, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A312-A312, 2020.

Japanese Article O-15-5. Analysis of tumor microbiome by the next-generation sequencer using the excision specimen of the pancreatic cancer
橋本裕輔1, 小林信2, 杉本元一2, 高橋進一郎2, 池田公史1, 後藤田直人2, 福岡聖大1, 元岡大祐3, 中村昇太3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A313-A313, 2020.

Japanese Article O-15-6. Attempt of the antitumor effect instruction through the TFEB inhibition by the Lysosome enzyme regulation for the pancreatic cancer
羽村凌雅1,2, 白井祥睦1,2, 谷合智彦1,2, 柳垣充1,2, 斉藤庸博1,2, 堀内堯1,2, 高田直樹1,2, 嶋田洋太2, 鐘ヶ江裕美3, 大橋十也2, 矢永勝彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A314-A314, 2020.

Japanese Article O-16-1. Basic examination for permeation, the metastasis of the pancreatic cancer using the oral iron chelating agent deferasirox
天野彰吾1, 戒能聖治1, 藤本祐子1, 播磨博文1, 松本俊彦2, 藤澤浩一1, 高見太郎1, 山本直樹1, 山崎隆弘2, 坂井田功1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A314-A314, 2020.

Japanese Article O-16-2. Examination of frame work fibrosis in the pancreatic cancer after the neoadjuvant therapy
松田陽子1, 成澤裕子1, 葉娟娟1, 山川けいこ1, 横平政直1, 大島稔2, 岡野圭一2, 鈴木康之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A315-A315, 2020.

Japanese Article O-16-3. The origin when it is thought from a pancreatic cancer-related fibroblastic immunohistologic characteristic
宇山直樹1, 鍛利幸1, 高木秀和1, 稲本道1, 鈴村和大1, 岩間英明1, 波多野悦朗2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A315-A315, 2020.

Japanese Article O-16-4. Significance of TLS (Tertiary lymphoid structure) in the prognosis of the pancreatic cancer
田中雄志1, 増田充弘1, 井上潤1, 猪股典子1, 芦名茂人1, 増田重人1, 阿部昌平1, 権田真知1, 山川康平1, 田中俊多1, 辻前正弘1, 中野遼太1, 山田恭孝1, 池川卓哉1, 小林隆1, 酒井新1, 塩見英之1, 外山博近2, 福本巧2, 児玉裕三1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A316-A316, 2020.

Japanese Article O-16-5. Significance of the Keap1-Nrf2 course in the drug fast of the pancreatic cancer
松本諒太郎, 濱田晋, 田中裕, 滝川哲也, 正宗淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A316-A316, 2020.

Japanese Article O-16-6. Frequency of the pancreatic cancer with the mismatch restoration function loss and prognostic examination
大塚裕之, 村上義昭, 上村健一郎, 近藤成, 中川直哉, 岡田健司郎, 瀬尾信吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A317-A317, 2020.

Japanese Article O-17-1. Examination of the therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer in our hospital
鈴木修司, 下田貢, 大城幸雄, 今里亮介
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A317-A317, 2020.

Japanese Article O-17-2. Treatment result of the chemotherapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
中村真也, 芹川正弘, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 津島健, 齊藤裕平, 關藤剛, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A318-A318, 2020.

Japanese Article O-17-3. Treatment result of the GEM+nab-PTX therapy for the pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis in our hospital
和田薫, 山口厚, 森内里歩, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 三浦崚一, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A318-A318, 2020.

Japanese Article O-17-4. Unresectable; or is examined the S-IROX therapy as the second treatment for the recurrent pancreatic carcinoma after the operation
鈴木由佳理1, 中井陽介2, 齋藤圭1, 猪熊顕之1, 野口賢作1, 金井祥子1, 佐藤達也1, 石垣和祥1, 白田龍之介1, 齋藤友隆1, 高原楠昊1, 濱田毅1, 水野卓1, 木暮宏史1, 小池和彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A319-A319, 2020.

Japanese Article O-17-5. RDI until eight weeks of the nab-paclitaxel gemcitabine therapy for the progress pancreatic cancer and prognostic examination
家出清継1, 山田晃正2, 關口奈緒子2, 津田雄二郎2, 中島慎介2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A319-A319, 2020.

Japanese Article O-17-6. Clinical significance of Intramuscular adipose tissue content (IMAC) of patients with progress pancreatic cancer
堀井伸利, 藪下泰宏, 清水康博, 中山岳龍, 三宅謙太郎, 本間祐樹, 熊本宜文, 松山隆生, 秋山浩利, 遠藤格
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A320-A320, 2020.

Japanese Article O-18-1. Examination of the irinotecan weight loss modified FOLFIRINOX therapy for the UGT1A1 homo/compound heterozygote case
佐竹智行, 森実千種, 北村英俊, 原井正太, 久田裕也, 吉成元宏, 丸木雄太, 大場彬博, 永塩美邦, 近藤俊輔, 肱岡範, 上野秀樹, 奥坂拓志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A320-A320, 2020.

Japanese Article O-18-2. It is examined tumor enlargement pattern, the back treatment in the survival period after the GnP therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer exacerbation
植田圭二郎1, 下川雄三1, 中村聡2, 小薗真吾2, 空閑啓高2, 西原一善2, 藤森尚3, 大野隆真3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A321-A321, 2020.

Japanese Article O-18-3. Examination about the usefulness of the CA 19-9 change in the pancreatic cancer chemotherapy
寺島健志, 山下竜也, 鷹取元, 金子周一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A321-A321, 2020.

Japanese Article O-18-4. The pre-back predictive blood biomarker search of the FOLFIRINOX therapy for patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer
宮澤正樹1,2, 酒井佳夫1, Alessandro Nasti2, 小村卓也3, 金子周一1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A322-A322, 2020.

Japanese Article O-18-5. Examination of the Nab-Paclitaxel+Gemcitabine effective case for the case recurrent after the pancreatic cancer technique
川井田博充, 中田祐紀, 細村直弘, 雨宮秀武, 塚原勇, 齊藤亮, 庄田勝俊, 古屋信二, 赤池英憲, 河口賀彦, 須藤誠, 進藤浩子, 高橋英, 高野伸一, 深澤光晴, 河野寛, 板倉淳, 藤井秀樹, 市川大輔
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A322-A322, 2020.

Japanese Article O-18-6. Clinical practice and fundamental researches of the cancer vaccine for the pancreatic cancer
宮澤基樹, 勝田将裕, 水本有紀, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 岡田健一, 北畑裕司, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A323-A323, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-1. Examination about the change of the clinical picture of the early chronic pancreatitis
清水晃典, 花田敬士, 田妻進
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A323-A323, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-2. Examination of the surgical treatment for the chronic pancreatitis who had the bile duct stricture
林祐一, 松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 青山佳永, 加藤知克, 大見関, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A324-A324, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-3. Treatment result of the pancreatic duct decompression procedure for chronic pancreatitis, the pancreatic lithiasis
浅井浩司, 鯨岡学, 森山穂高, 渡邉学
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A324-A324, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-4. Use experience of SpyGlass DS in the pancreatic calculus treatment in our hospital
吉田道弘, 林香月, 内藤格, 堀寧, 夏目まこと, 神野成臣, 加地謙太, 浅野剛, 佐橋秀典, 片岡洋望
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A325-A325, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-5. Long-term results of the endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting for benign pancreatic duct stenosis
三輪治生1, 杉森一哉1, 土屋洋省1, 鈴木良優1, 戸塚雄一朗1, 小宮山哲史1, 佐藤健1, 金子卓1, 前田愼2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A325-A325, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-6. The effectiveness of the electricity expansion operation of the transnipple for the pancreatic duct high-grade stenosis due to the chronic pancreatitis
加藤新, 桑谷将城, 平田甫, 瀧新悠之介, 平田幸司, 古川龍太郎, 坂本直哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A326-A326, 2020.

Japanese Article O-19-7. About usefulness of the endoscopic treatment via 29 - accessory nipple of the pancreatic duct incompleteness concrescence symptom
辻忠男1, 栗原唯生2, 市川辰夫2, 加藤まゆみ3, 篠崎博志3, 山藤和夫4, 竹島薫4, 岡本信彦4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A326-A326, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-1. Examination of the professional haptoglobin-producing mechanism in the pancreatic cancer microenvironment
伊藤菜美1, 森下康一1, 本岡渓1, 坂田菜摘1, 山田桃子1, 高松真二1, 鎌田佳宏1, 森総一郎2, 秋田裕史2, 江口英利2, 野島聡3, 森井英一3, 三善英知1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A327-A327, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-2. Examination about the effect to give a factor and pancreas involved in survival of E.faecalis in the pancreatic juice
糸山幸来1, 野田愛美香1, 伊藤大樹1, 高松真二1, 鎌田佳宏1,2, 元岡大祐3, 中村昇太3, 秋田裕史4, 岩上佳史4, 江口英利4, 戸邉亨1, 三善英知1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A327-A327, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-3. Decision aiding to the young adults using the joint ownership type nursing consultation model to support decision-making process
山本歓奈1, 長山麗香1, 潟沼朗生2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A328-A328, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-4. Efforts by the elderly people general usability test multi-type of job in the liver pancreatic cancer chemotherapy patients
山上睦実1, 平尾千恵子1, 鈴木由佳理2, 齋藤圭2, 中井陽介3, 小池和彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A328-A328, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-5. Significance of the medical care person cooperation in the home care shift support of the pancreatic cancer terminally ill patients
安藤亜純1, 長山麗香1, 潟沼朗生1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A329-A329, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-6. Of the end-of-life medical treatment support to patients with pancreatic cancer actually arrive
菊地彩, 塩原萌望, 金丸道太郎, 潟沼朗生
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A329-A329, 2020.

Japanese Article O-20-7. Efforts of the triple purple ribbon: We work on a pancreatic cancer classroom, pancreatic cancer gourmet D Cal classroom, local enlightenment
岸和田昌之, 早崎碧泉, 尭天一亨, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 村田泰洋, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 櫻井洋至, 水野修吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A330-A330, 2020.

Japanese Article O-21-1. About education of convex EUS using "KINDAI20"
大本俊介, 竹中完, 工藤正俊
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A330-A330, 2020.

Japanese Article O-21-2. Development of the new ultrasonic endoscope underbrush inspection of a meter (EUS FNB Forceps Needle Biospy)
高島健司1,2, 青山直樹1, 鈴木啓太4, 矢野友規1,2, 橋本裕輔3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A331-A331, 2020.

Japanese Article O-21-3. Usefulness - of EUS lower drainage - Lumen apposing metal stent for the around the pancreas liquid retention
小泉光仁, 今村良樹, 兼光梢, 黒田太良, 熊木天児, 日浅陽一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A331-A331, 2020.

Japanese Article O-21-4. Algorithm of EUS-PD for the ERCP unsuccessfullness case
須田健太郎, 松原三郎, 大塚武史, 中川慧人, 名越澄子
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A332-A332, 2020.

Japanese Article O-21-5. Usefulness of the looking straight convex type ultrasonic endoscope for the pancreaticojejunostomy department lesion
石渡裕俊, 佐藤辰宣, 石川和真
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A332-A332, 2020.

Japanese Article O-21-6. After the operation in our hospital about Interventional EUS using looking straight type EUS for the pancreas anastomotic region obstruction
園山浩紀1, 森山一郎2, 角昇平1, 岡田真由美1, 石原俊治1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A333-A333, 2020.

Japanese Article O-22-1. Head of pancreas duodenal postoperative perioperative infusion, nourishment management to think about from pancreatic fistula and a gastric contents excretion delay onset risk
森田剛文, 坂口孝宣, 村木隆太, 古橋暁, 武田真, 竹内裕也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A333-A333, 2020.

Japanese Article O-22-2. It is examination about the association of the pancreatic juice leak after elevation jejunum edema and the operation in the pancreaticoduodenectomy
平野勝久, 渋谷和人, 吉岡伊作, 木村七菜, 渡辺徹, 藤井努
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A334-A334, 2020.

Japanese Article O-22-3. The efforts which we applied to pancreatic fistula reduction and hemorrhagic complications zero after the pancreatoduodenectomy
村田哲洋, 清水貞利, 高台真太郎, 西尾康平, 木下正彦, 濱野玄弥, 田嶋哲三, 金沢景繁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A334-A334, 2020.

Japanese Article O-22-4. Fixed form maneuver depending on a pancreas cutting apart part and thickness in the caudalis pancreatectomy
小林慎二郎1, 井田圭亮1, 小倉佑太1, 土橋篤仁1, 小泉哲1, 森田亮2, 路川陽介2, 中原一有2, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A335-A335, 2020.

Japanese Article O-22-5. The frequent use laparoscopic tail of pancreas side resection that we aimed at becoming it
森川孝則1, 石田晶玄1, 元井冬彦1,2, 亀井尚1, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A335-A335, 2020.

Japanese Article O-22-6. difficulty score and surgery results of the laparoscopic pancreas body of pancreas tailpiece resection
大村仁昭, 武田裕, 桂宜輝, 阪本卓也, 中平伸, 河合賢二, 村上剛平, 賀川義規, 益澤徹, 竹野淳, 畑泰司, 村田幸平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A336-A336, 2020.

Japanese Article O-23-1. Two cases of the endoscopic treated childhood traumatic pancreatic injury (IIIb type)
山本健治郎, 祖父尼淳, 土屋貴愛, 石井健太郎, 田中麗奈, 殿塚亮祐, 向井俊太郎, 朝井靖二, 松波幸寿, 黒澤貴志, 本間俊裕, 南裕人, 糸井隆夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A336-A336, 2020.

Japanese Article O-23-2. Examination of the surgical treatment case of Disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome
松本正孝1, 松本逸平1, 吉田雄太1, 山雄健太郎2, 川口晃平1, 村瀬貴昭1, 大本俊介2, 亀井敬子1, 里井俊平1, 竹中完2, 武部敦志1, 中居卓也1, 竹山宜典1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A337-A337, 2020.

Japanese Article O-23-3. Pancreaticoduodenectomy of the Heidelberg university hospital
田口昌延, 佐久間康成, 小泉大, 笹沼英紀, 下平健太郎, 齋藤晶, 木村有希, 青木裕一, 目黒由行, 笠原尚哉, 森嶋計, 兼田裕司, 三木厚, 宮戸英世, 遠藤和洋, 吉田淳, 清水敦, 山口博紀, 北山丈二, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A337-A337, 2020.

Japanese Article O-23-5. Comparison of predictive accuracy of postoperative complications after open pancreatic resection of malignant tumor: √th vs E-PASS vs POSSUM
林彦多, 中村光佑, 西健, 川畑康成, 田島義証
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A338-A338, 2020.

English Article O-23-6. One-stage subcutaneous transplantation of macroencapsulated islets-Effect of HGF and long-term observation [Machine Translation] (マクロカプセル化膵島の一期的皮下移植 - HGFの効果と長期観察)
Yang. SinYu, KaiChaing Yang, Shoichiro Sumi
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A339-A339, 2020.

Japanese Article O-24-1. A maneuver and results of laparoscopic RAMPS by artery-first approach for the resectable pancreatic cancer
川畑康成, 西健, 林彦太, 田島義証
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A339-A339, 2020.

Japanese Article O-24-2. Invention of the laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece excision for the pancreatic cancer in our hospital
中平伸, 前田栄, 小山啓介, 間狩洋一, 中田健, 藤田淳也, 大里浩樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A340-A340, 2020.

Japanese Article O-24-3. Effect of laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection - perioperative treatment on pancreatic cancer
小林省吾, 秋田裕史, 野田剛広, 岩上佳史, 富丸慶人, 後藤邦仁, 土岐祐一郎, 江口英利
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A340-A340, 2020.

Japanese Article O-24-4. An ossification of the technique of the laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection in our hospital and the results
首藤毅1, 羽田野直人1, 田原俊哉1, 石山宏平1, 山口厚2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A341-A341, 2020.

Japanese Article O-24-5. Laparoscopic caudalis pancreatectomy for the pancreatic cancer by the left rear approach
長井和之, 余語覚匡, 内田雄一郎, 仲野健三, 木口剛造, 穴澤貴行, 増井俊彦, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A341-A341, 2020.

Japanese Article O-24-6. Laparoscopic caudalis pancreatectomy with the retroperitoneal en bloc dissection for the pancreatic cancer
林洋光, 山下洋市, 東孝暁, 山尾宣暢, 武末亨, 上村紀雄, 松村和季, 山村謙介, 今井克憲, 馬場秀夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A342-A342, 2020.

Japanese Article O-25-1. Significance of Conversion Surgery for the local progress (UR-LA) pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
冨澤聡史, 高野重紹, 吉富秀幸, 賀川真吾, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 三島敬, 中臺英里
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A342-A342, 2020.

Japanese Article O-25-2. Long-term treatment results of the chemotherapy combination heavy particle radiotherapy for the local progress pancreatic cancer
篠藤誠1, 寺嶋広太郎1, 平田秀成1, 末藤大明1, 戸山真吾1, 植田稔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A343-A343, 2020.

Japanese Article O-25-3. Adaptation and results of conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
杉浦禎一, 大木克久, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 山本有佑, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A343-A343, 2020.

Japanese Article O-25-4. Treatment result of Conversion Surgery after first-line FOLFIRINOX for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer
三田直樹, 岩下拓司, 千住明彦, 市川広直, 岩佐悠平, 上村真也, 清水雅仁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A344-A344, 2020.

Japanese Article O-25-5. The current situation of Conversion Surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer and future problem
穴澤貴行, 増井俊彦, 長井和之, 秦浩一郎, 田浦康二朗, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A344-A344, 2020.

Japanese Article O-25-6. Our hospital results - mFFX/GnP therapy + Conversion surgery ... of the combined modality therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
牛田雄太, 井上陽介, 伊藤寛倫, 佐藤崇文, 小野嘉大, 中川茂樹, 黒木直美, 風見由祐, 高橋祐
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A345-A345, 2020.

Japanese Article O-26-1. Comparison between examination - micropancreatic cancer and benign pancreatic duct stenosis case - of the CT indirect views in the pancreatic duct stenosis case
山雄健太郎1, 竹中完1, 松本逸平2, 竹山宜典2, 沼本勲男3, 鶴崎正勝3, 工藤正俊1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A345-A345, 2020.

Japanese Article O-26-2. Echo-poor views - hypoecho stricture - reflecting acini atrophy contributes to a diagnosis of the pancreas in situ cancer
仲程純1, 菊山正隆1, 堀口慎一郎2, 来間佐和子1, 千葉和朗1, 神澤輝実1, 本田五郎3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A346-A346, 2020.

Japanese Article O-26-3. Examination about the MRI evidence of early pancreatic cancer
吉村大, 深澤光晴, 高野伸一, 進藤浩子, 高橋英, 廣瀬純穂, 川上智, 深澤佳満, 早川宏, 倉富夏彦, 佐藤公
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A346-A346, 2020.

Japanese Article O-26-4. Positioning of ERCP for localized pancreatic duct stenosis
池本珠莉1, 芹川正浩1, 石井康隆1, 壷井智史1, 河村良太1, 津島健1, 斎藤裕平1, 關藤剛1, 中村真也1, 平野哲朗1, 吹上綾美1, 清下裕介1, 佐伯翔1, 田村陽介1, 村上義昭2, 有廣光司3, 茶山一彰1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A347-A347, 2020.

Japanese Article O-26-5. About usefulness and safety of the consecutive pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis for early pancreatic cancer diagnoses
垣谷有紀, 丸山紘嗣, 山本圭以, 林克平, 山村匡史, 田上光治郎, 永見泰明, 谷川徹也, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A347-A347, 2020.

Japanese Article O-26-6. For early detection of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
壷井智史, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 河村良太, 津島健, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A348-A348, 2020.

Japanese Article O-27-1. Optimal duration of the preoperative chemotherapy for the resectable border pancreatic cancer
岡田健司郎, 上村健一郎, 近藤成, 中川直哉, 瀬尾信吾, 大塚裕之, 村上義昭
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A348-A348, 2020.

Japanese Article O-27-2. Use results of the chemoradiotherapy before operation for the cStageII/III resectable border pancreatic cancer
中島慎介, 山田晃正, 關口奈緒子, 上田正射, 津田雄二郎, 太田勝也, 松山仁, 池永雅一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A349-A349, 2020.

Japanese Article O-27-3. It is an effect and a problem of the treatment after/operation before operation for R, the BR pancreatic cancer
今村将史, 木村康利, 永山稔, 山口洋志, 及能大輔, 三浦亮, 及能拓朗, 竹政伊知朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A349-A349, 2020.

Japanese Article O-27-4. Attempt of the pancreatic cancer Conversion surgery adaptation judgment using the scoring system
岡田健一, 川井学, 廣野誠子, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 山上裕機
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A350-A350, 2020.

Japanese Article O-27-5. Excision standard of conversion surgery using CA 19-9/FDG-PET for the local progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
安藤恭久, 野毛誠示, 須藤広誠, 大島稔, 岡野圭一, 鈴木康之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A350-A350, 2020.

Japanese Article O-27-6. About significance of Conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis
尭天一亨, 岸和田昌之, 新貝達, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 櫻井洋至, 水野修吾
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A351-A351, 2020.

Japanese Article O-28-1. One case of the retroperitoneal abscess that occurred three years after a pancreatic duct stent hesitation case
新井田憩, 奥薗徹, 冨樫純一, 伊藤聡司, 阿部洋子, 中堀昌人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A351-A351, 2020.

Japanese Article O-28-2. It is efforts of the pancreatitis prevention after ERCP for the naive nipple case
家本孝雄, 佐貫毅, 三木美香, 佐々木綾香
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A352-A352, 2020.

Japanese Article O-28-3. After efforts - ERCP aiming at reduction of the ERCP-related accident mainly on pancreatitis -
小林照宗, 東郷聖子
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A352-A352, 2020.

Japanese Article O-28-4. It is examination about the protective efficacy of papillotomy for the pancreatitis and the pancreatic duct stenting after ERCP
浦本有記子, 階子俊平, 岩崎肇, 久木山直貴, 具嶋亮介, 宮本英明, 直江秀昭, 田中基彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A353-A353, 2020.

Japanese Article O-28-5. It is examined the pancreatitis after ERCP in the ERCP374 case of our hospital
島村拓弥1,2, 宮原貢一2, 井手康史2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A353-A353, 2020.

Japanese Article O-28-6. It is the pancreatitis prevention and pancreatic duct stenting after ERCP
千葉和朗, 菊山正隆, 田畑宏樹, 来間佐和子, 中程純, 神澤輝実
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A354-A354, 2020.

Japanese Article O-29-1. Usefulness of ERCP in the early diagnosis of the IPMN-related pancreatic cancer
池田守登, 花田敬士, 栗原啓介, 清水晃典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A354-A354, 2020.

Japanese Article O-29-2. Usefulness of SpyGlass DS in the diagnosis before operation of IPMN
川上裕次郎1, 本谷雅代1, 平野雄大1, 我妻康平1, 石上敬介1, 柾木喜晴1, 室田文子1, 佐々木茂1, 山口洋志2, 今村将史2, 木村康利2, 竹政伊知朗2, 仲瀬裕志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A355-A355, 2020.

Japanese Article O-29-3. Examination about the usefulness of oral pancreatic duct mirror (POPS) in the diagnosis before operation of IPMN
喜多絵美里1, 須藤研太郎1, 辻本彰子1, 中村和貴1, 石井浩1, 山口武人1, 高山亘2, 伊丹真紀子3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A355-A355, 2020.

Japanese Article O-29-4. Examination of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer case
青木琢, 櫻岡佑樹, 森昭三, 佐藤駿, 清水崇行, 多胡和馬, 朴景華, 白木孝之, 礒幸博, 窪田敬一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A356-A356, 2020.

Japanese Article O-29-5. Examination of the observation period of a risk factor of the malignant transformation for mucinous tumor in the ramified pancreatic duct and elderly people
山本圭以, 丸山紘嗣, 眞鍋琢, 金道麻記子, 木村明恵, 垣谷有紀, 田上光治郎, 林克平, 山村匡史, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 灘谷祐二, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 田中史生, 平良高一, 永見康明, 谷川徹也, 渡邊俊雄, 藤原靖弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A356-A356, 2020.

Japanese Article O-29-6. Exhaustive analysis of a fusion genotype and the gene expression change in IOPN
福村由紀1, 仲程純1,2, 平林健一3, 齋浦明夫4, 伊佐山浩通5, 藤澤聡郎5, 金井克晃6, 高瀬優1,7, 八尾隆史1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A357-A357, 2020.

Japanese Article O-30-1. The position of the intramural nodule of branch pancreatic duct type IPMN is useful in a prediction of the grade
新谷文崇1, 高野祐一1, 小林孝弘1, 野呂瀬朋子2, 大池信之2, 若林哲司3, 松尾憲一3, 田中邦哉3, 長浜正亞1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A357-A357, 2020.

Japanese Article O-30-2. Clinicopathologic characteristic of excision IPMN coexistence cancer
越田真介1, 川上裕次郎2, 伊藤啓1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A358-A358, 2020.

Japanese Article O-30-3. Characteristic of invasive pancreatic duct cancer coexistent in IPMN in our hospital
畔元信明1, 横田智行1, 小泉光仁2, 眞柴寿枝1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A358-A358, 2020.

Japanese Article O-30-4. Results and problems of the IPMN excision case
上田順彦, 三浦聖子, 西木久史, 橋本明史, 金了資, 藤井頼孝, 藤田純, 甲斐田大資, 富田泰斗, 宮田隆司, 中村直彦, 藤田秀人, 高村博之
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A359-A359, 2020.

Japanese Article O-30-5. Analysis about the postoperative course of the nipple mucinous tumor excision case in the pancreatic duct
山口洋志, 木村康利, 今村将史, 永山稔, 村上武志, 伊東竜哉, 信岡隆幸, 竹政伊知朗
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A359-A359, 2020.

Japanese Article O-30-6. Clinicopathologic examination of the pancreas solid pseudopapillary neoplasm7 case
神田大周, 長瀬勇人, 脇屋太一, 木村憲央, 石戸圭之輔, 袴田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A360-A360, 2020.

Japanese Article O-31-1. Examination of the drainage technique of the EUS bottom transgastrointestinal tract for the around the pancreas liquid retention after the acute pancreatitis
牛島知之, 岡部義信, 島松裕, 平井真吾, 深堀理, 安元真希子, 鶴田修, 鳥村拓司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A360-A360, 2020.

Japanese Article O-31-2. A treatment strategy based on the condition of a patient of the around the pancreas liquid retention: About the handling of infection in particular and the pancreatic fistula merger case
横井佳博1, 菊山正隆2, 川口真矢3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A361-A361, 2020.

Japanese Article O-31-3. Pancreatic fluid collections, Rearward examination of the choice of the drainage method for PFCs
伊藤泰斗1, 高山敬子1, 田中マリ子1, 大塚奈央1, 赤尾潤一1, 長尾健太1, 田原純子1, 清水京子1, 徳重克年1, 出雲渉2, 樋口亮太2, 山本雅一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A361-A361, 2020.

Japanese Article O-31-4. The current situation and invention of the endoscopic necrosectomy for walled-off necrosis in our hospital
鈴木良優1, 杉森一哉1, 土屋洋省1, 戸塚雄一朗1, 佐藤健1, 三輪治生1, 金子卓1, 前田慎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A362-A362, 2020.

Japanese Article O-31-5. It is the examination about the complications prediction of encapsulation necrosis (WON) after the acute pancreatitis
今川直人1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 進藤浩子1, 高橋英1, 廣瀬純穂1, 川上智1, 深澤佳満1, 早川宏1, 倉富夏彦1, 吉村大1, 島村成樹1, 門倉信2, 佐藤公1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A362-A362, 2020.

Japanese Article O-31-6. Look at the mirror for infectious WON; usefulness of lower adjuvant retroperitoneum necrosectomy
山下万平, 黒木保, 野田恵佑, 平山昂仙, 小林慎一朗, 夏田孔史, 徳永隆幸, 山之内孝彰, 竹下浩明, 前田茂人
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A363-A363, 2020.

Japanese Article O-32-1. The present situation of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower cyst drainage for the around the pancreas liquid retention of our hospital
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A363-A363, 2020.

Japanese Article O-32-2. It is the examination about the stenting period after the EUS lower drainage for the around the pancreas liquid retention after the pancreatitis
萬代晃一朗, 中瀬浩二朗, 宇野耕治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A364-A364, 2020.

Japanese Article O-32-3. A treatment result and accident of lumen-apposing metal stent for the around the pancreas liquid retention
藤森尚, 末廣侑大, 村上正俊, 松本一秀, 寺松克人, 高松悠, 高岡雄大, 大野隆真
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A364-A364, 2020.

Japanese Article O-32-4. Comparison of the EUS lower drainage method for the around the pancreas liquid retention in our hospital
藤本祐子, 戒能聖治, 天野彰吾, 播磨博文, 坂井田功
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A365-A365, 2020.

Japanese Article O-32-5. Treatment result of endoscopic drainage/necrosectomy for the encapsulation pancreatic necrosis in our hospital
南一洋1, 岩崎栄典1, 福原誠一郎2, 川崎慎太郎1, 玉川空樹1, 瀧本洋一1, 町田雄二郎1, 野田まりん1, 茅島敦人1, 緒方晴彦2, 金井隆典2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A365-A365, 2020.

Japanese Article O-32-6. Endoscopic treatment strategy for PFC which took prevention of recurrence into account
松原三郎, 中川慧人, 須田健太郎, 大塚武史, 名越澄子
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A366-A366, 2020.

Japanese Article O-33-1. A diagnosis and treatment result in the 10 mm or less nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
池田恵理子1,2, 牛尾純1, 三輪田哲郎1, 長井洋樹1, 川崎佑輝1, 横山健介1, 沼尾規且1, 玉田喜一1, 佐田尚宏3, 福嶋敬宜2, 山本博徳1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A366-A366, 2020.

Japanese Article O-33-2. Characteristic of the case having difficulty with a diagnosis before operation of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
宮本和明1, 越田真介1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 與那嶺圭輔1, 村林桃士1, 小堺史郷1, 遠藤和樹1, 及川昌也1, 澤井高志3, 野田裕1, 伊藤啓1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A367-A367, 2020.

Japanese Article O-33-3. Examination about the usefulness of the grade evaluation of contrasting harmonic EUS in PanNETG1/G2
石川嶺, 鎌田研, 田中秀和, 岡本彩那, 山崎友裕, 中井敦史, 大本俊介, 三長孝輔, 竹中完, 工藤正俊
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A367-A367, 2020.

Japanese Article O-33-4. It is the examination of the disagreement case of tumor Grade by the pathological diagnosis after the biopsy and operation before operation in the pancreas NEN excision case
仲野健三, 増井俊彦, 江本憲央, 余語覚匡, 内田雄一郎, 長井和之, 穴澤貴行, 高折恭一, 上本伸二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A368-A368, 2020.

Japanese Article O-33-5. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor diagnosis, results of FDG-PET
和田将弥, 谷口洋平
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A368-A368, 2020.

Japanese Article O-33-6. Examination about the usefulness of the radioisotope examination before operation for the treatment strategy decision of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
村上弘大, 秋田裕史, 小林省吾, 岩上佳史, 富丸慶人, 野田剛広, 後藤邦仁, 土岐祐一郎, 江口英利
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A369-A369, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-1. One patient who complicated acute pancreatitis for ileus that started from the jejunal fistula at the esophagogastric junction cancer surgery
村木隆太, 菊池寛利, 井田進也, 曽根田亘, 北嶋諒, 川田三四郎, 廣津周, 古橋暁, 松本知拓, 武田真, 森田剛文, 平松良浩, 神谷欣志, 坂口孝宣, 竹内裕也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A372-A372, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-2. Example that caused multiple gastrointestinal obstruction by encapsulation pancreatic necrosis after the severe acute pancreatitis
鈴木宏清, 遠藤壮登, 小野田翼, 池田貴文, 新里悠輔, 廣瀬優, 杉山雄太郎, 伊藤嘉美, 長谷川直之, 石毛和紀, 福田邦明, 溝上裕士
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A372-A372, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-3. Two cases of the severe acute pancreatitis that resulted in the colonic perforation that we were able to save by combined modality therapy
土屋洋省1, 船岡昭宏1, 鈴木良優1, 戸塚雄一朗1, 佐藤健1, 三輪治生1, 金子卓1, 杉森一哉1, 沼田和司1, 前田愼1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A373-A373, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-4. It is an example using LAMS for around recurrent pancreas liquid retention after the severe acute pancreatitis
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A373-A373, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-5. Example that the pancreatic duct stent by the EUS-rendezvous method was effective for pancreatic duct dysraphism
宮垣亜紀, 本村廉明, 山口恵梨子, 岡本梨沙, 吉岡翼, 高崎哲郎, 瀬川翔, 藤岡健人, 加藤綾, 山崎寛
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A374-A374, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-6. Examination of the clinical course of the false aneurysm explosion complicated with chronic pancreatitis
岩下祐司1, 橋元慎一3, 恒吉研吾1, 岩屋博道3, 田ノ上史郎3, 瀬之口輝寿2, 中山博史2, 堀剛1, 井戸章雄3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A374-A374, 2020.

Japanese Article P-1-7. Comparison of ESWL and the SpyGlass treatment result for the pancreatic lithiasis
丸田明範1, 吉田健作1, 安藤暢洋1, 岩下拓司2, 岩田圭介1, 向井強3, 清水雅仁2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A375-A375, 2020.

English Article P-2-1. Clinical Anatomy of the Anterior and Posterior Hepatic Plexuses
易勤1, 上田容子2, Ren Ke1, 永川裕一3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A375-A375, 2020.

Japanese Article P-2-2. Consideration about the change of the pancreatoduodenectomy reconstruction type in our hospital and the improvement of complications
下村克己1, 谷口史洋1, 佐藤秀樹2, 土井俊文2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A376-A376, 2020.

Japanese Article P-2-3. Invention of the surgery operation around the spleen in the laparoscopic caudalis pancreatectomy
小林信, 後藤田直人, 杉本元一, 高橋進一郎, 小西大
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A376-A376, 2020.

Japanese Article P-2-4. Examination of the usefulness of the pancreas stump jejunum anastomosis (DuVal strange law) that aimed at the pancreatic fistula reduction after the caudalis pancreatectomy
高岡宗徳, 浦上淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A377-A377, 2020.

Japanese Article P-2-5. Protective efficacy of the pancreas pancreatic fistula with Polyglycolic acid felt and the living body paste in the laparoscopic caudalis pancreatectomy
合川公康, 渡邉幸博, 高瀬健一郎, 岡田克也, 岡本光順, 平能康允, 佐藤弘, 櫻本信一, 山口茂樹, 小山勇
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A377-A377, 2020.

Japanese Article P-2-6. After the body of pancreas tailpiece resection in our hospital, it is a risk factor of the stump part fluid collection onset
下田貢, 大城幸雄, 鈴木修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A378-A378, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-1. Use experience of the flexible biopsy forceps for pancreatic duct stenosis
耕崎拓大1, 常風友梨1, 吉岡玲子1, 木岐淳1, 谷内恵介1, 宗景匡哉2, 上村直2, 花崎和弘2, 内田一茂1,3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A378-A378, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-2. Comparison of the diagnosis ability that we saw according to the diameters of the Franseen shape needle for pancreatic tumor and the accident
手塚隆一, 奥野充, 向井強, 冨田栄一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A379-A379, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-3. Use experience of the guidewire-type biopsy forceps for the pancreatic cancer with the bile duct stricture
日野真太郎, 上森文裕, 林義貴, 武田真依, 村上坤太郎, 夜久大晃, 壺阪真子, 池村隆弘, 福岡恵子, 和泉才伸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A379-A379, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-4. Examination about the EUS-FNA diagnosis according to the puncture route
大野芳敬, 沼田結希, 奥嶋優介, 上杉和寛, 多田藤政
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A380-A380, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-5. Difference of the diagnosis rate of EUS-FNB by the thickness of the exploring needle
柾木喜晴, 平野雄大, 川上裕次郎, 石上敬介, 室田文子, 本谷雅代, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A380-A380, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-6. Usefulness of EUS-FNAB based on SVWC cut-off value
玉置明寛, 奥脇興介, 升谷寛以, 渡辺真郁, 木田光広, 岩井知久, 山内浩史, 金子亨, 長谷川力也, 黒須貴浩, 今泉弘, 小泉和三郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A381-A381, 2020.

Japanese Article P-3-7. Pancreatic duct drainage of the transnipple for obstructive pancreatitis and malignant pancreatic duct stenosis with the pancreatic enzyme rise
池澤賢治, 高田良司, 福武伸康, 清田良介, 今井俊裕, 阿部友太朗, 片山和宏, 大川和良
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A381-A381, 2020.

Japanese Article P-4-1. Efforts of the pancreatic cancer early diagnosis project in our hospital
西山亮, 中野容, 平田雄紀, 下河原達也, 山田暢, 三原康紀, 江川智久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A382-A382, 2020.

Japanese Article P-4-2. Crossing study on blood PC-594 pancreas lesion diagnosis precision in the person of pancreatic cancer dock undergoing an examination
福庭暢彦1, 石飛ひとみ1, 高橋芳子1, 永岡真1, 佐藤秀一1, 雫稔弘1, 福原寛之2, 黒田弘之3, 深田真由4, 松原夕子4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A382-A382, 2020.

Japanese Article P-4-3. About the risk of a diagnosis opportunity and the recurrence of the pancreatic cancer which we discovered it during our hospital going to hospital and arose primarily and resected
小島康志1, 竹村信行2, 西家由里子1, 大久保栄高1, 渡辺一弘1, 野崎雄一1, 横井千寿1, 山本夏代1, 斎藤明子1, 正木尚彦1, 柳瀬幹雄1, 伊藤橋司2, 三原史規2, 國土典宏2, 秋山純一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A383-A383, 2020.

Japanese Article P-4-4. Examination of the rear pancreatic cancer case in our hospital which saw it, and was able to evaluate the long-term course with a CT image on a mark
織田典明, 小村卓也, 加賀谷尚史
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A383-A383, 2020.

Japanese Article P-4-6. Examination of the pancreatic juice cell block method for the purpose of the improvement of the pancreatic juice specimen pathological diagnosis ability
奥野充, 手塚隆一, 向井強, 冨田栄一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A384-A384, 2020.

Japanese Article P-4-7. It is examined the optimal modality in the local recurrence diagnosis after the pancreatic cancer technique
高野祐一1, 浅見哲史1, 新谷文崇1, 小林孝弘1, 若林哲史2, 松尾憲一2, 田中邦哉2, 野呂瀬朋子3, 大池信之3, 長浜正亞1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A385-A385, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-1. An example of small IPMC which coexisted in ramified IPMN
水口貴仁1, 永島一憲1, 井澤直哉1, 岩崎茉莉1, 山宮知1, 山部茜子1, 星恒輝1, 陣内秀仁1, 土田幸平1, 入澤篤志1, 野沢友美2, 大和田温子2, 中里宣正2, 石田和之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A385-A385, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-2. An example of the pancreatic duct dysraphism that coexisted in ramified IPMN and the accessory pancreatic duct domain cancer of head of pancreas
福井萌子1, 竹田善哉1, 新谷修平2, 藤本剛英1, 前平博充3, 飯田洋也3, 稲富理1, 谷眞至3, 安藤朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A386-A386, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-3. 1 excision case of localized pancreatic duct stenosis complicated with PanIN lesion
沢秀博1, 古松恵介2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A386-A386, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-4. An example of the MRI guide bottom low division intensity modulated radiation therapy for pancreatic cancer liver metastases close against intestinal tract
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A387-A387, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-5. One case of UR-LA which obtained pCR by Conversion excision after the enforcement for FOLFIRINOX therapy 16 months
荒木一寿1, 下村治1, 宮崎貴寛1, 橋本真治1, 遠藤壮登2, 長谷川直之2, 石毛和紀2, 倉田昌直1, 小田竜也1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A387-A387, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-6. One case of the pancreatic cancer detected in an examination of stomach maltoma process
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A388-A388, 2020.

Japanese Article P-5-7. One case of the pancreas field type early pancreatic cancer which was able to chase a pictorial change
吉川成一1, 北條雄暉1, 小林隆昌1, 小林陽子1, 小林雄司1, 河久順志1, 三浦努1, 竹内学1, 皆川昌弘2, 谷達夫2, 谷由子3, 薄田浩幸4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A388-A388, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-1. Examination of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma case in our hospital
寺田卓郎1, 三井毅1, 堀尾浩晃1, 北澤直樹1, 野村佳克2, 渡邊弘之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A389-A389, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-2. Examination of the double cancer case including the pancreatic cancer in our hospital
林泰寛, 天谷公司, 東海竜太朗, 藤原優太, 杉本優弥, 橋本優, 名倉慎人, 河合俊輔, 山口貴久, 廣瀬淳史, 渡邉利史, 柄田智也, 加治正英, 前田基一, 清水康一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A389-A389, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-3. Examination of seven early pancreatic cancer which we experienced in our hospital
山田玲子1, 坪井順哉2, 井上宏之1, 竹井謙之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A390-A390, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-4. Examination of the Trousseau syndrome complicated with pancreatic cancer
杉山祥晃, 齋藤敦, 藤井常志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A390-A390, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-5. One case that Denver shunt succeeded for intractable chyle ascitic fluid after the pancreas complete removal for the pancreatic cancer
田原俊哉1, 首藤毅1, 羽田野直人1, 石山宏平1, 山口厚2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A391-A391, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-6. Secondary minimal change type nephrotic syndrome due to the pancreatic cancer improved by chemotherapy
西野敬祥, 増田作栄, 小泉一也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A391-A391, 2020.

Japanese Article P-6-7. One case of the G-CSF-producing pancreatic cancer with metastases to skin and metastases to muscle
平尾建1, 岩崎哲也1, 尾下正秀2, 三田英治1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A392-A392, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-1. An example of the pancreatic cancer metastases to skin that resulted in the back of the head ulcer
伊藤裕幸1, 横田将1, 小嶋清一郎1, 田尻琢磨2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A392-A392, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-2. Example that Pembrolizumab succeeded for a recurrence after the pancreatic cancer technique with MSI-high
三木美香, 家本孝雄, 佐々木綾香, 佐貫毅
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A393-A393, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-3. Three patients who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for the cancer of head of pancreas with celiac artery region of origin stenosis
高野可赴1, 野村達也1, 塩路和彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A393-A393, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-4. One patient who was able to receive combined modality therapy after separating ligamentum arcuatum medianum for unresectable pancreatic cancer with the aneurysm ruptured
藤井渉, 飛鳥井慶, 山田大作, 長束佑太, 長谷川慎一郎, 和田浩志, 新野直樹, 牛込創, 原尚志, 杉村啓二郎, 原口直紹, 山本和義, 西村潤一, 安井昌義, 大森健, 宮田博志, 大植雅之, 矢野雅彦, 左近賢人, 高橋秀典
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A394-A394, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-5. Example that hepatic portal vein bloodstream was maintained after the portal vein reconstruction for pancreas body cancer by pancreas head collateral pathway
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A394-A394, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-6. One case of synchronism that coexisted in ramified IPMN-prone invasive pancreatic duct cancer
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A395-A395, 2020.

Japanese Article P-7-7. One case that NETG2 with the pancreatic duct permeation merged with nipple mucinous pancreatic cancer (IPMC) in the pancreatic duct
岩田朋之1, 宮崎輝1, 光定聖弥1, 藤原悠史1, 浅野侑1, 間渕一壽1, 吉田見紀1, 桑原明菜2, 宮崎国久2, 三澤綾子1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A395-A395, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-1. Pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which presented characteristic endoscopic views-prone liver metastases, example of the duodenal metastasis
小岩井明信, 廣田衛久, 高須充子, 目黒敬義, 佐藤賢一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A396-A396, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-2. One case of the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the cystic change
宇賀俊輔1, 耕崎拓大2, 常風友梨1, 吉岡玲子1, 木岐淳1, 谷内恵介1, 宗景匡哉3, 上村直3, 花崎和弘3, 内田一茂1,2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A396-A396, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-3. An example of the multiple pancreas neuroendocrine tumor without the MEN concurrence that showed specific views in contrasting CT
伊藤貴嗣1, 戸田勝久1, 岩下拓司2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A397-A397, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-4. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor given combined modality therapy for a paraaortic lymph node recurrence
岡田良, 石亀輝英, 小船戸康英, 武藤亮, 鈴志野聖子, 西間木淳, 木村隆, 見城明, 志村龍男, 丸橋繁
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A397-A397, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-5. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which showed the image views that were unrepresentativeness
大平正典1, 門多由恵1, 上田真裕2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A398-A398, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-6. All de-case of paraganglioma which occurred in the pancreas head
西田保則1, 高賢樹1, 新倉則和2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A398-A398, 2020.

Japanese Article P-8-7. Examination of the expression of adipophilin in the pancreas endocrinoma
石田光明1, 良田大典2, 山本智久2, 山木壮2, 橋本大輔2, 坂口達馬2, 里井壯平2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A399-A399, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-1. An example of the pancreas SCN which racked its brains about pancreas MCN and differentiation
佐藤辰貴, 日野啓輔, 吉田浩司, 中島義博, 時岡峻三, 西紋禮士, 三宅智雄, 北川貴之, 草加裕康, 佐々木啓壮
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A399-A399, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-2. An example of pancreas mucinous cyst tumor which developed in men
本間俊裕1, 祖父尼淳1, 土屋貴愛1, 石井健太郎1, 田中麗奈1, 殿塚亮祐1, 本定三季1, 向井俊太郎1, 永井一正1, 山本健治郎1, 黒澤貴志1, 小嶋啓之1, 南裕人2, 永川裕一2, 山口浩3, 糸井隆夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A400-A400, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-3. One case of nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct which accepted the onset of the pancreatic calculus in the course
山田翔, 前田一也, 服部昌和, 道傳研司, 橋爪泰夫
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A400-A400, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-4. 1 excision case of IPMC which repeated residual pancreas flame
岩崎純治1, 飯田拓1, 中村公治郎1, 伊丹淳1, 京極高久1, 石原美佐2, 橋本公夫2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A401-A401, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-5. One patient who underwent pancreas complete removal for multiple ramified IPMN with the pancreatic cancer family history
植村修一郎1, 出雲渉1, 樋口亮太1, 谷澤武久1, 松永雄太郎1, 古川徹2, 山本雅一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A401-A401, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-6. One case that performed Complete removal of the residual pancreas for the Lesion of the residual pancreas which occurred after the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma technique in the pancreatic duct of elderly people in the fifth year
千葉和治1, 畠達夫1, 水間正道1, 元井冬彦1, 青木修一1, 高舘達之1, 川口桂1, 益田邦洋1, 青木豪1, 石田晶玄1, 大塚英郎1, 森川孝則1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 菅野敦2, 正宗淳2, 大森優子3, 古川徹3, 亀井尚1, 海野倫明1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A402-A402, 2020.

Japanese Article P-9-7. It is examined the Complete removal of the residual pancreas case after the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma excision in the pancreatic duct
亀山眞一郎, 伊志嶺朝成
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A402-A402, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-1. An example of pancreas enhancement type serosity tumor with the neighborhood organ infiltration that racked its brains about a diagnosis before operation
高木諭隆1, 吉富秀幸1, 高地祐輔2, 古川勝規1, 高屋敷吏1, 久保木知1, 高野重紹1, 鈴木大亮1, 酒井望1, 賀川真吾1, 三島敬1, 中台英理1, 岸本充2, 池田純一郎2, 大塚将之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A403-A403, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-2. One case of the pancreas serous cyst line species which racked its brains about branch pancreatic duct type IPMN and differentiation
藤野里夏1, 益子太郎1, 中野明1, 増岡義人1, 川嶌洋平2, 川西彩2, 小玉敏生2, 山路葉子2, 平林健一3, 中郡聡夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A403-A403, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-3. Two cases of the pancreas serous cystadenoma which we matched portal vein merger excision and gave
木内亮太1, 梅村昌弘2, 笹田雄三2, 落合秀人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A404-A404, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-4. One case of the pancreas mucinous cystadenoma which caused a spontaneous rupture
小川雅生, 奥村哲
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A404-A404, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-5. One patient who had a diagnosis of pancreas serous cystadenocarcinoma
松本隆祐1, 市之川正臣2, 松本譲2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A405-A405, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-6. One case of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma (IPMC) coexistence pancreatic cancer in the pancreatic duct which had difficulty in indication of the conventional pancreatic cancer preoperatively
今里亮介, 大城幸雄, 下田貢, 鈴木修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A405-A405, 2020.

Japanese Article P-10-7. An example of the pancreatic cancer derived from IPMN which invaded the descending colon
高木智史, 野澤俊一郎, 西村友佑, 寺下勝巳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A406-A406, 2020.

Japanese Article P-11-1. 1 excision case of pancreas SPN of young people
川嶋裕資1, 堀田千恵子1, 三宅修輔1, 下西智徳1, 檜垣賢作1, 廣橋喜美1, 奥田康司2, 赤木由人2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A406-A406, 2020.

Japanese Article P-11-2. One case of Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm where endoscopic ultrasonography was useful in a diagnosis before operation
吉田恵理奈1, 藤本剛英1, 福井萌子1, 竹田善哉1, 新谷修平1, 稲富理1, 辻喜久4, 久津見弘3, 前平博充2, 飯田洋也2, 谷眞至2, 安藤朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A407-A407, 2020.

Japanese Article P-11-3. With SPN - malignant SPN which followed the sudden course -
金谷洋平, 松下晃, 青木悠人, 近藤亮太, 神田知洋, 清水哲也, 吉岡正人, 真々田裕宏, 吉田寛
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A407-A407, 2020.

Japanese Article P-11-4. 1 excision case of pancreas solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm (clear cell variant) which developed in men
笹倉勇一, 篠崎浩治, 寺内寿彰, 小林健二, 尾形佳郎
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A408-A408, 2020.

Japanese Article P-11-5. One case of pancreas Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm where proton radiotherapy was effective
児玉亮, 安藤皓一郎, 柳澤匠, 三枝久能, 牛丸博泰
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A408-A408, 2020.

Japanese Article P-12-1. The all de-case that hepatocellular carcinoma and pancreatic MiNEN repeated at the same time
寺部寛哉1, 岡部義信2, 和田義人3, 佐々木優3, 内藤嘉紀5, 森光洋介6
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A409-A409, 2020.

Japanese Article P-12-2. 1 excision case of Mixed acinar- neuroendocrine carcinoma
大田耕司1, 御厨美洋1, 浅木彰則2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A409-A409, 2020.

Japanese Article P-12-3. One case of Paraganglioma which occurred in the pancreas uncus part back
小倉佑太1, 小林慎二郎1, 井田圭亮1, 土橋篤仁1, 小泉哲1, 小池淳樹2, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A410-A410, 2020.

Japanese Article P-12-4. One case of accessory spleen epithelial cyst in the pancreas which we performed a robot support peritoneoscope lower body of pancreas tailpiece resection in
加藤知克, 松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 青山佳永, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A410-A410, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-1. Safe examination of the pancreaticoduodenectomy for elderly people 80 years or older
森本修邦, 瀧内大輔, 江口聡, 北國大輝, 和田遼平, 池嶋遼, 和田範子, 宗方幸二, 赤丸祐介, 太田博文, 柴田邦隆
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A411-A411, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-2. The current situation of perioperative infection measures of the pancreaticoduodenectomy in our hospital
橋本和彦, 木谷光太郎, 辻本智之, 額原敦, 福田周一, 石川原, 肥田仁一, 湯川真生, 井上雅智
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A411-A411, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-3. Risk factor of the fatty liver development after the pancreaticoduodenectomy
前田徹也, 土屋勝, 石井淳, 岡田嶺, 伊藤悠子, 松本悠, 木村和孝, 大塚由一郎, 船橋公彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A412-A412, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-4. It is the usefulness of the drain amylase level after the body of pancreas tailpiece excision in our hospital on the first day of illness
遠藤泰, 北郷実, 篠田昌宏, 八木洋, 阿部雄太, 大島剛, 堀周太郎, 横瀬崇寛, 阿部紘大, 嶋根学, 北川雄光
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A412-A412, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-5. It is the association of the pancreatic juice leak after the pancreas cutting apart line and the operation in the body of pancreas tailpiece excision
深見保之, 有川卓, 大澤高陽, 戸田瑶子, 松下希美, 鈴木健太, 加藤翔子, 内野大倫, 倉橋真太郎, 松村卓樹, 齊藤卓也, 小松俊一郎, 金子健一朗, 佐野力
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A413-A413, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-6. Examination of the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery lump explosion case due to the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome
森嶋計, 下平健太郎, 宮戸英世, 遠藤和洋, 吉田敦, 笹沼英紀, 佐久間康成, 佐田尚宏
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A413-A413, 2020.

Japanese Article P-13-7. The effect that the tip shape of the catheter gives to pancreatitis after ERCP
新谷修平1, 竹田善哉2, 藤本剛英2, 稲富理2, 辻善久3, 久津見弘4, 安藤朗2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A414-A414, 2020.

Japanese Article P-14-1. One patient who underwent pancreatic cyst drainage technique using a looking straight type convex scope from the afferent loop deep part
松永和大, 平井博和, 中西宏佳, 辻重継, 竹村健一, 土山寿志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A414-A414, 2020.

Japanese Article P-14-2. Ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage (EUS-PD) is one case of the pancreatic juice leak after the effective operation
吉川成一, 北條雄暉, 小林隆昌, 小林陽子, 小林雄司, 河久順志, 三浦努, 竹内学
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A415-A415, 2020.

Japanese Article P-14-3. One patient who was able to do the fistula closure by endoscopic measures and percutaneous measures for pancreatic fistula after the operation
佐々木善浩1, 上條孟1, 石坂俊二1, 大野志乃1, 慶徳大誠1, 柴田有1,2, 小野圭一1,2, 川村紀夫1, 一ノ瀬嘉明2, 森本公平2, 伊藤豊3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A415-A415, 2020.

Japanese Article P-14-4. One patient who presented with a wall of stomach abscess after EUS-FNA for pancreatic tumor
石垣賀子, 山本一太, 佐々木翔, 原田稔也, 花田浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A416-A416, 2020.

Japanese Article P-14-5. One case of the acute occlusive purulent pancreatic duct flame which occurred after ERCP
野村佳克, 渡邊弘之, 寺田卓郎, 三井毅, 中沼安二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A416-A416, 2020.

Japanese Article P-14-6. Example that caused duodenal obstruction by a pancreatic duct internal hemorrhage against a backdrop of pancreatic duct dysraphism and chronic pancreatitis
東野誠1, 宮垣亜紀2, 加藤綾2, 藤岡健人2, 吉岡翼2, 高崎哲郎2, 瀬川翔2, 山口恵梨子2, 岡本梨沙2, 本村廉明2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A417-A417, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-1. One case of the mass plasticity pancreatitis that racked its brains about a diagnosis before operation
草加裕康1, 佐々木啓壮1, 大海宏暢1, 三宅智雄1, 北川貴之1, 西紋禮士1, 時岡俊三1, 佐藤辰貴2, 中島義博2, 吉田浩司2, 上野富雄3, 神吉昭彦4, 佐貫史明5, 日野啓輔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A417-A417, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-2. One case of pancreas, the splenic abscess with splenic infarct and xanthogranulomatous inflammation of the pancreas tail
中村公治郎1, 飯田拓1, 岩崎純治1, 伊藤凌2, 京極高久1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A418-A418, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-3. One case of the splenic false aneurysm explosion that caused penetration to elevation jejunum after the total gastrectomy all over the chronic pancreatitis course
谷澤武久1, 樋口亮太1, 植村修一郎1, 出雲渉1, 松永雄太郎1, 椎原正尋1, 森田賢2, 山本雅一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A418-A418, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-4. One case of the alcoholic chronic pancreatitis with a large number of IgG4-positive cells
岩下祐司1, 田ノ上史郎2, 恒吉研吾1, 岩屋博道2, 橋元慎一2, 堀剛1, 末吉和宣3, 濱田信男4, 井戸章雄2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A419-A419, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-5. One case of the pancreatic pseudocyst in the mediastinum relieved by the pancreatic duct drainage of the endoscopic transnipple
北田修一, 渡邉俊介, 神林孔明, 野坂岳志, 後藤知之, 吉田翼, 大田博崇, 落合一成, 権藤興一, 土岐真朗, 森秀明, 久松理一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A419-A419, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-6. Two cases of the pancreatic pseudocyst internal hemorrhage
塚本忠司1, 西山毅1, 登千穂子1, 李友浩1, 貝崎亮二1, 井上透1, 前林真理子2, 山口誓子3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A420-A420, 2020.

Japanese Article P-15-7. Usefulness of the EUS guide lower pancreatic duct drainage in the ERCP difficult benign pancreatic duct stenosis case
酒井利隆, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 與那嶺圭輔, 宮本和明, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 遠藤和樹, 岡野春香, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A420-A420, 2020.

Japanese Article P-16-1. One case of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis that had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreatic cancer
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A421-A421, 2020.

Japanese Article P-16-2. Two cases of the pancreatitis by the immune-mediated adverse event that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis
入江邦泰, 露木翔, 三箇克幸, 桑島拓史, 山田博昭, 金子裕明, 佐々木智彦, 近藤正晃, 前田愼
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A421-A421, 2020.

Japanese Article P-16-3. Making of "the guidance for autoimmune pancreatitis biopsy diagnoses"
能登原憲司1, 神澤輝実2, 田尻琢磨3, 福嶋敬宜4, 古川徹5, 山口浩6, 川茂幸7, 岡崎和一8
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A422-A422, 2020.

Japanese Article P-16-4. Two cases of type 2 diabetes that presented significant CA 19-9 high level and diffuse pancreatomegaly size
伊藤哲也1, 原田真衣子1, 西山茂1, 若林俊一1, 徳竹康二郎1, 柴田壮一郎1, 柴田景子1, 丸山雅史1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1, 里見英俊2, 伊藤以知郎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A422-A422, 2020.

Japanese Article P-16-5. Three cases of Follicular pancreatitis
近藤亮太1, 松下晃1, 中村慶春1, 吉岡正人1, 清水哲也1, 神田知洋1, 金谷洋平1, 青木悠人1, 川野陽一2, 上田純志2, 平方敦史3, 高田英志3, 吉田寛3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A423-A423, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-1. Safety and validity of the pancreatectomy for elderly people
濱口雄平, 中島研郎, 森章
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A423-A423, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-2. Examination of the usefulness of the body constituent evaluation before operation by Inbody for the pancreatic cancer excision case
羽田野直人1, 首藤毅1, 田原俊哉1, 山口厚2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A424-A424, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-3. Examination of the 16th node-positive case in the pancreatic cancer
末永雅也, 竹田伸
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A424-A424, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-4. Analysis of the risk factor for the high heart atrophy after the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the pancreatic cancer
富岡淳, 井上喜博, 米田浩二, 清水徹之介, 朝隈光弘, 廣川文鋭, 内山和久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A425-A425, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-5. Examination of the excision case for pancreatic cancer liver metastases
中島隆善, 生田真一, 相原司, 笠井明大, 浜野郁美, 山中若樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A425-A425, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-6. It is examined survivors after the pancreatic cancer technique for existence recurrence five years
野田弘志, 渡部文昭, 加藤高晴, 相澤栄俊, 伊関雅裕, 力山敏樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A426-A426, 2020.

Japanese Article P-17-7. It is examined the usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope lower drainage for the intra-peritoneal abscess after the pancreatectomy in our hospital
森村玲1, 生駒久視1, 久保秀正1, 落合登志哉2, 大辻英吾1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A426-A426, 2020.

Japanese Article P-18-2. Expression of hyaluronic acid-binding protein HABP1 in the pancreatic cancer and functional analysis
安達保尋, 佐藤典宏, 天池孝夫, 大場拓哉, 工藤遊山, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A427-A427, 2020.

Japanese Article P-18-3. Effect on hyaluronic acid hypermetabolism and migration ability of pancreatic cancer cells by the radiation exposure
天池孝夫, 安達保尋, 大場拓哉, 工藤遊山, 佐藤典宏, 平田敬冶
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A428-A428, 2020.

Japanese Article P-18-4. Analysis of the molecular mechanism of the pancreatic duct generation in the pancreatic islet in the C414A variant overexpression mouse of clock protein CRY1
岡野聡1, 安井明2, 菅野新一郎2, 佐藤賢一3, 五十嵐雅彦4, 中島修1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A428-A428, 2020.

Japanese Article P-18-5. Chromatin remodeling factor Brg1 is important to an increase, metastasis of the pancreatic cancer
荒木理, 福田晃久, 津田喬之, 尾松万悠紀, 並川実桜, 薗誠, 益田朋典, 福永裕一, 吉川貴章, 長尾宗政, 平松由紀子, 丸野貴久, 中西祐貴, 妹尾浩
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A429-A429, 2020.

Japanese Article P-18-6. Development of the human pancreatic cancer orthotopic allograft implantation mouse model
渡邊ありさ1, 清水一也1,2, 三好真琴1, 寺田夢1, 脇田美音1, 大下彩1, 高嶋宏滋1, 宮下久美子1, 後藤百香1, 中山郁也1, 河野朱莉1, 前谷織江1, 味木徹夫3, 堀裕一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A429-A429, 2020.

Japanese Article P-18-7. Examination of the hybrid cells of different kind islet cells and the mesenchyma system stem cell
大薗三千代1,2, 柳井吾一1, 楊心ゆ1, 楊凱強1, 角昭一郎1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A430-A430, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-1. Treatment result of the Gemcitabine + nab-Paclitaxel combination therapy for the 75 years or older elderly person in our hospital
河口順二, 長尾涼太郎, 木村有志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A430-A430, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-2. The actual situation of the treatment for patients with old pancreatic cancer in our hospital and the prognostic examination
奥嶋優介, 沼田結希, 上杉和寛, 多田藤政, 大野芳敬
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A431-A431, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-3. Treatment result of the GEM + nab-PTX therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer which took Conversion Surgery into consideration
益子太郎1, 中野明1, 増岡義人1, 川西彩2, 川嶌洋平2, 小玉敏生2, 山路葉子2, 平林健一3, 中郡聡夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A431-A431, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-4. Examination of safety and the effectiveness of the preoperative chemotherapy for the resectable pancreatic cancer of our hospital
森英輝1, 知念健司1, 村上隆啓2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A432-A432, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-5. Treatment result of GEM + nab-PTX therapy and the GEM + S-1 therapy after the modified FOLFIRINOX therapy refractoriness
小宮山哲史1, 戸塚雄一朗2, 佐藤健2, 三輪治生2, 金子卓2, 杉森一哉2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A432-A432, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-6. Treatment result of the chemoradiotherapy after the combination chemotherapy enforcement for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
鈴木玲, 高木忠之, 杉本充, 入江大樹, 大平弘正
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A433-A433, 2020.

Japanese Article P-19-7. Mutual relations of hyaluronidase KIAA1199 and TMEM2 in the pancreatic cancer
工藤遊山, 大場拓哉, 安達保尋, 天池孝夫, 佐藤典宏, 平田敬治
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A433-A433, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-1. An example of the portal vein bypass combination pancreatoduodenectomy for the progress cancer of head of pancreas with the portal vein obstruction
戸田健夫1, 金本秀行1, 高木哲彦1, 大端考1, 渡邉昌也1, 川口真矢2, 大場範行1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A434-A434, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-2. One case of the invasive cancer derived from papillosity myxopoiesis tumor in the pancreatic duct which formed a pancreatic duct biliary fistula
武田真1, 坂口孝宣1, 井田進也1, 村木隆太1, 古橋暁1, 森田剛文1, 杉本健一1,2, 竹内裕也1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A434-A434, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-3. One case of the pancreatic cancer which we were able to diagnose with an oral glucose-tolerance test
藤田朋之1, 柳町幸1, 中村遼馬1, 山一真彦1, 中山弘文1, 佐藤江里1, 松本敦史2, 丹藤雄介3, 中村光男4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A435-A435, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-4. An example of the elderly people pancreatic cancer with the distant metastasis that was available for the long-term condition of a patient control
田口宏樹1, 山内拓真1, 上木原雄介1, 豊留孝史郎1, 坂江貴弘1, 上野雄一1, 嵜山敏男1, 井戸章雄2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A435-A435, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-5. One patient who underwent total pancreatectomy after the chemotherapy for highly local progress pancreatic cancer
田中利幸1, 植木敏晴1, 平塚裕晃1, 伊原諒1, 畑山勝子1, 永山林太郎1, 丸尾達1, 野間栄次郎1, 八尾建史2, 宮坂義浩3,4, 仲田興平4, 大塚隆生4, 中村雅史4, 山本猛雄5, 古賀裕5
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A436-A436, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-6. One case of pancreas body cancer associated with the liver metastases that GEM, nabPTX is effective, and were able to be given conversion surgery
安岡宏展1, 浅野之夫1, 伊東昌広1, 石原慎1, 志村正博1, 林千紘1, 越智隆之1, 神尾健士郎1, 河合永季1, 東口貴彦1, 三好広尚2, 乾和郎2, 堀口明彦1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A436-A436, 2020.

Japanese Article P-20-7. Two cases of the early pancreatic cancer which presented a pancreatic duct stenosis, branch expansion with the localized pancreatic atrophy
酒井駿1, 來間佐和子1, 菊山正隆1, 千葉和朗1, 仲程純1, 神澤輝実1, 堀口慎一郎2, 本田五郎3, 大目祐介3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A437-A437, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-1. 1 excision case of the invasive pancreatic duct cancer explosion with the carcinoma mucoides ingredient
久保智洋1, 村松丈児1, 吉田真誠1, 木内隆之2, 杉田真太朗3, 奥田敏徳4, 南伸弥4, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 宮西浩嗣1, 長谷川匡3, 加藤淳二1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A437-A437, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-2. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which occurred in 12 years after the operation of the pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom with the body of pancreas tailpiece loss
土橋篤仁1, 小林慎二郎1, 小倉佑太1, 片山真史1, 小泉哲1, 土居正和2, 高木正之2, 小池淳樹2, 大坪毅人1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A438-A438, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-3. 1 excision case of the pancreas in situ cancer that localized pancreatic atrophy was diagnosed with pancreatic duct expansion
中西美菜子1, 直田浩明1, 竹内俊文1, 金子真紀1, 藤村侑2, 田端正己2, 杉本寛子3, 山田玲子4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A438-A438, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-4. 3 cases of the pancreas in situ cancer (CIS) detected with acute pancreatitis
田畑宏樹1, 菊山正隆1, 吉本憲介1, 千葉和朗1, 来間佐和子1, 神澤輝実1, 堀口慎一郎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A439-A439, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-5. One case that we hepatectomized for pancreatic acinus basalioma liver metastases again
大畠慶直, 田島秀浩, 蒲田亮介, 岡崎充善, 真橋宏幸, 中沼伸一, 牧野勇
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A439-A439, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-6. One case of the isolated metastases to lung that appeared after the pancreatic cancer technique for four years, and showed slow increase
佐野周生1, 中田伸司1, 黒岩正嗣1, 坂井紘紀1, 草間啓1, 町田泰一1, 西尾秋人1, 袖山治嗣1, 里見英俊2, 伊藤以知郎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A440-A440, 2020.

Japanese Article P-21-7. One case of pancreas body cancer which presented sudden peritoneal dissemination recurrence, cancerous peritonitis four years after after heavy particle radiotherapy
山田淳貴, 本間祐樹, 窪田硫富人, 小倉巧也, 阿部有佳, 朴峻, 清水康博, 中山岳龍, 三宅謙太郎, 藪下泰宏, 熊本宜文, 松山隆生, 遠藤格
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A440-A440, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-1. An example of the pancreas in situ cancer complicated with distal cholangiocarcinoma
北川貴之1, 吉田浩司2, 草加康裕1, 佐々木啓壮1, 三宅智雄1, 佐藤辰貴1, 西紋禮士1, 青木啓純1, 時岡峻三1, 中島義博2, 日野啓輔1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A441-A441, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-2. 1 excision case of pancreas invasive micropapillary carcinoma obtaining survival after the operation for six years
青野高志, 丸山智宏, 三浦要平, 鈴木晋, 金子和弘, 佐藤友威, 岡田貴幸, 武藤一朗, 長谷川正樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A441-A441, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-3. An example of the Complete removal of the residual pancreas to have against a backdrop of IPMN
河合俊輔, 林泰寛, 東海竜太朗, 藤原優太, 杉本優弥, 橋本優, 名倉慎人, 山口貴久, 廣瀬淳史, 渡邉利史, 柄田智也, 天谷公司, 加治正英, 前田基一, 清水康一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A442-A442, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-4. One case of pancreas IPMN with the sarcoma-like change that recurred after the operation early
北澤直樹1, 寺田卓郎1, 堀尾浩晃1, 三井毅1, 野村佳克2, 渡邊弘之2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A442-A442, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-5. Example that the condition of a patient control was obtained by erlotinib single agent for EGFR mutation in the gene-positive pancreatic cancer
佐竹智行, 森実千種, 北村英俊, 原井正太, 久田裕也, 吉成元宏, 丸木雄太, 大場彬博, 永塩美邦, 近藤俊輔, 肱岡範, 上野秀樹, 奥坂拓志
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A443-A443, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-6. All de-case of the pancreatic cancer which occurred during follow after the colon cancer technique of patients with Lynch syndrome
加藤高晴, 野田弘志, 相澤栄俊, 遠藤裕平, 伊関雅裕, 渡部文昭, 力山敏樹
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A443-A443, 2020.

Japanese Article P-22-7. Two patients who conducted EUS guide lower duodenum stenting for duodenal high-grade stenosis in the unresectable pancreatic cancer
青山直樹1, 橋本裕輔2, 池田公史2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A444-A444, 2020.

Japanese Article P-23-1. One case that passed by combined modality therapy for a recurrence to be repeated after the VIP-producing pancreatic tumor technique for 12 years
小森淳二1, 久保敦司2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A444-A444, 2020.

Japanese Article P-23-2. One case of the advanced age onset insulinoma which presented hypoglycemia during medical treatment of type 2 diabetes
片山真穂1, 有賀啓之2, 鹿志村純也2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A445-A445, 2020.

Japanese Article P-23-3. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the change solid from a cystic lesion
広島康久1, 福地聡士1, 松本俊郎2, 平下禎二郎3, 木下慶亮4, 岡本和久4, 村上和成4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A445-A445, 2020.

Japanese Article P-23-4. One case of the multiple internal secretion neoplasia type 1 that led to a diagnosis with ultrasonic endoscope lower fine needle aspiration
井上大1,2, 松川愛未2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A446-A446, 2020.

Japanese Article P-23-5. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which occurred as a small cyst
野田恵佑1, 黒木保1, 山下万平1, 平山昂仙1, 小林慎一朗1, 夏田孔史1, 徳永隆幸1, 山之内孝彰1, 竹下浩明1, 松岡優毅2, 三浦史郎2, 前田茂人2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A446-A446, 2020.

Japanese Article P-23-6. An example of pancreas mixed acinar endocrine carcinoma which we resected under the peritoneoscope
丹治芳明, 羽村凌雅, 古川賢英, 堀内尭, 白井祥睦, 安田淳吾, 塩崎弘憲, 恩田真二, 後町武志, 柴浩明, 石田祐一, 矢永勝彦
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A447-A447, 2020.

Japanese Article P-24-1. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which was complicated with Lynch syndrome, and caused the growth in the pancreatic duct
吉田栄継, 渋川悟朗, 竹中一央, 中島勇貴, 舟窪彰, 山元勝悟
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A447-A447, 2020.

Japanese Article P-24-2. One case of pancreas neuroendocrine system cancer which presented a specific image
阿部晶平, 酒井新, 猪股典子, 芦名茂人, 田中俊多, 山田恭孝, 中野遼太, 池川卓哉, 小林隆, 塩見英之, 増田充弘, 児玉裕三
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A448-A448, 2020.

Japanese Article P-24-3. One patient who NET developed after the pancreaticoduodenectomy in the pancreas tail, and used ICG fluorescence method together, and resected a pancreas tail
阿部恭平1, 二川康郎1, 松本倫典1, 岡本友好1, 矢永勝彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A448-A448, 2020.

Japanese Article P-24-4. One case of the insulinoma given EUS guide lower ethanol infusion therapy
松本和幸1, 加藤博也1, 稲垣兼一2, 宮本和也1, 山崎辰洋1, 藤井祐樹1, 内田大輔1, 友田健1, 堀口繁1, 岡田裕之1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A449-A449, 2020.

Japanese Article P-24-5. All de-case of the around the pancreas lymph node origin gastrinoma
瀧島輝幸1, 羽村凌雅1, 古川賢英1, 堀内堯1, 白井祥睦1, 安田淳吾1, 塩崎弘憲1, 恩田真二1, 坂本太郎1, 後町武志1, 柴浩明1, 石田祐一1, 矢永勝彦2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A449-A449, 2020.

Japanese Article P-24-6. Treatment result of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor
坂元克考, 小川晃平, 井上仁, 新恵幹也, 松井貴司, 西悠介, 宇都宮健, 田村圭, 高井昭洋, 高田泰次
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A450-A450, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-1. An example of small solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm which we were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA
圓谷俊貴1, 高橋孝輔1, 小林才人1, 二日市有花1, 田尻和人1, 安田一朗1, 渋谷和人2, 吉岡井作2, 藤井努2, 井村穣二3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A450-A450, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-2. One case of pancreatic duct type IPMN that an oral pancreatic duct mirror of the accessory nipple approach was useful
柴田直季1, 竹田善哉1, 新谷修平2, 藤本剛英1, 前平博充4, 飯田洋也4, 稲富理1, 辻喜久3, 久津見弘5, 谷眞至4, 安藤朗1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A451-A451, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-3. One case of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer that an MRI diffusion weighted image was useful in a diagnosis
中村祐介, 岡屋智久
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A451-A451, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-4. An example of ramified IPMN which racked its brains about a diagnosis before operation
南裕人1, 本間俊裕1, 小嶋啓之1, 黒澤貴志1, 永井一正1, 山本健治郎1, 向井俊太郎1, 本定三季1, 殿塚亮祐1, 田中麗奈1, 石井健太郎1, 土屋貴愛1, 祖父尼淳1, 糸井隆夫1, 山口浩2, 長尾俊孝2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A452-A452, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-5. One case of pancreatobiliary type IPMC found with pancreatic duct irregularity in MRCP
豊田文興, 南竜城, 久須美房子, 大花正也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A452-A452, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-6. High-grade PanIN which accepted the change of the branch pancreatic duct all over the course and one patient who had a diagnosis
細川千佳生, 乾和郎, 三好広尚, 山本智支, 堀口明彦, 浅野之夫, 稲田健一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A453-A453, 2020.

Japanese Article P-25-7. Invasive pancreatic duct cancer and 1 excision case of in front of art pancreas body High-grade PanIN which we diagnosed
後藤直大1, 山崎隆2, 松浦敬憲3, 山中広大3, 川島龍樹1, 古出隆大1, 安田貴志1, 藤田敏忠1, 千堂宏義1, 宮下勝1, 具英成1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A453-A453, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-1. 1 excision case for metachronous metastases to pancreas the eleventh-year after the tibia origin mesenchymal chondrosarcoma technique
田中寛人, 船水尚武, 三島江平, 尾崎貴洋, 五十嵐一晴, 本多正幸, 若林剛, 岡本知実, 島田理子, 中西亮, 穂坂美樹, 石井智, 筒井敦子, 大村健二
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A454-A454, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-2. One case that EUS-FNA was useful for 10 mm or less renal cell carcinoma metastases to pancreas
今村良樹1, 熊木天児1, 兼光梢1, 黒田太良1, 小泉光仁1, 新恵幹也2, 坂元克考2, 日浅陽一1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A454-A454, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-3. One case of the carcinoma of submandibular gland metastases to pancreas that we were able to diagnose by EUS-FNA
小玉敏生1, 川嶌洋平1, 山路葉子1, 川西彩1, 加川建弘1, 畑中一仁2, 梶原博2, 平林健一2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A455-A455, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-4. One case of metastases to pancreas of intracranial hemangiopericytoma which we excised surgically
中野容1, 植松陽介1, 平田雄紀1, 下河原達也1, 山田暢1, 三原康紀1, 西山亮1, 西谷慎2, 木村徳宏2, 江川智久1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A455-A455, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-5. Two cases of the colon cancer metastases to pancreas that we diagnosed by the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy with the furan seal tip needle
和田卓也, 朝井靖二, 北村勝哉
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A456-A456, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-6. Three cases of renal cell carcinoma metastases to pancreas
梶山潔, 萱嶋寛人, 皆川亮介, 利田賢哉, 松枝花奈, 坂野高大, 小佐々貴博, 播磨朋哉, 賀茂圭介, 柿添圭成, 平山佳愛, 武谷憲二, 藤中良彦, 由茅隆文, 古賀聡, 甲斐正徳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A456-A456, 2020.

Japanese Article P-26-7. Examination of the metastatic pancreatic tumor excision case in our hospital
柳橋浩男, 有光秀仁, 石毛文隆, 岩立陽祐, 千葉聡, 高山亘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A457-A457, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-1. One case of the pancreas hamartoma which had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreas NEN
栗本信, 山中健也
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A457-A457, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-2. An example of the pancreas arterio-venous malformation that racked its brains about the differentiation with full-bloodedness-related tumor
野坂崇仁1, 小林克誠1, 松岡愛菜1, 森一洋2, 高橋道郎2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A458-A458, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-3. 1 excision case of the pancreas head xanthogranuloma-related Braun tumor where had difficulty in diagnosis before operation
黒木直美, 野村亮介, 井上陽介
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A458-A458, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-4. An example of the pancreatic duct stoppage due to the pancreas body sarcoid complicated with cancer of head of pancreas
津田桂, 大野彰久, 肱岡真之, 加来豊馬, 河邉顕
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A459-A459, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-5. One case of Solid pseudopapillary tumor and the in front of art diagnosed epidermoid cyst
山中健也, 栗本信, 青木光, 花畑佑輔, 新倉秋奈, 田村淳
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A459-A459, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-6. It is one patient of sporadic pancreatic cyst-related desmoid tumor with the definitive diagnosis by laparoscopic pancreatectomy
杉町圭史1, 間野洋平1, 久野晃聖2, 森田勝3, 藤也寸志3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A460-A460, 2020.

Japanese Article P-27-7. An example of the pancreas malignant lymphoma which we could observe the change over time of tumor and were able to definitively diagnose in EUS-FNA
末廣侑大1, 藤森尚1, 村上正俊1, 松本一秀1, 寺松克人1, 高松悠1, 高岡雄大1, 大野隆真1, 中村雅史2, 古賀裕3
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A460-A460, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-1. Two cases of the pancreas arterio-venous malformation that followed the contrastive course
高田夢実1, 石上敬介1, 平野雄大1, 川上裕次郎1, 柾木喜晴1, 室田文子1, 本谷雅代1, 山口洋志2, 今村将史2, 木村康利2, 岡俊州3, 金戸宏行4, 竹政伊知朗2, 仲瀬裕志1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A461-A461, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-2. Two cases of AOSPD with IPMC which we experienced in our hospital
長久保秀一, 清水智子, 岩瀬麻衣, 辻野誠太郎, 角田裕也, 今村諭, 諸星雄一, 小池祐司, 藤田由里子, 小松弘一
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A461-A461, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-3. Two cases that portal vein stenting succeeded for GI bleeding after the pancreatoduodenectomy
瀬木祐樹, 田端正己, 中邑信一朗, 中村俊太, 藤村侑, 出崎良輔, 小林基之, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A462-A462, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-4. One patient who underwent prophylactic embolization for a posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery lump
久保敦司1, 小森淳二2
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A462-A462, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-5. One patient who underwent residual pancreas jejunum anastomoses for pancreas stomach anastomotic region obstruction after the pancreatoduodenectomy
村瀬勝俊, 東敏弥, 田中秀治, 今井寿, 吉田和弘
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A463-A463, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-6. The pancreas complete removal case that a nutrition improvement was obtained by adjusting a quantity of digestive enzymes supplement based on a stable isotope breath test
中村遼馬1, 柳町幸1, 藤田朋之1, 山一真彦1, 中山弘文1, 佐藤江里1, 松本敦史2, 丹藤雄介3, 大門眞1, 中村光男4
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A463-A463, 2020.

Japanese Article P-28-7. Two cases of pancreas neuroendocrine system cancer
黒澤貴志1, 祖父尼淳1, 石井健太郎1, 土屋貴愛1, 田中麗奈1, 殿塚亮祐1, 本定三季1, 向井俊太郎1, 永井一正1, 山本健治郎1, 小嶋啓之1, 南裕人1, 本間俊裕1, 山口浩2, 永川裕一3, 糸井隆夫1
Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 35(3): A464-A464, 2020.