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Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan

Volume 6, Issue / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The issue of electromagnetic wave in clinical settings
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 1-7, 1999.

Japanese Article About relations with stimulation intensity and the muscle output with the middle cycle stimulator
Masato Kodera *1, 笘野佐知子 *1, Sanae Goto *1, Yoshiko Shimose *1, Makoto Ishikawa *1, Masami Hidaka *2, Seiichi Takemasa *2, Tomoaki Shimada *2, Naoto Tokuhara *3, 前田豊敬 *3, Ono Miyuki *3, Hidetoshi Imazato *4, Yoshihiko Hagiwara *4
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 9-11, 1999.

Japanese Article One discussion about the clinical response of the middle cycle stimulation for patients with injury
大野みゆき*1, 徳原尚人*1, 前田豊敬*1, 日高正巳*2, 武政誠一*2, 嶋田智明*2, 笘野佐知子*3, 後藤早苗*3, 下瀬ヨシ子*3, 小寺正人*3, 今里秀俊*4, 萩原嘉彦*4
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 13-17, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect of the semiconductor laser on painful shoulder of stroke hemiplegic patients
Suenaga English sentence 1), Yogi Tetsuhiro 1), Tetsu Nakamoto 1), 千知岩伸匡 1), Saku field Ayumi 1), Yoshinori Imamura 1), Tomoaki Shimada 2)
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 19-21, 1999.

Japanese Article The clinical practice of the physiotherapy and study on mechanism of action
坂元健一*1, 坂元藤雄*2, 田中俊朗*2, 福田旨宏*2, 中瀬修*2, 井川有里*2, 天満和人*3
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 23-27, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect of the transdermal electricity stimulation to give to human pain threshold
Kenichi Sakamoto 1), Kazuto Tenma 2), Fujio Sakamoto 3), Toshiaki Tanaka 3), Yuri Igawa 3), Nobusada Ishiko 3)
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 29-32, 1999.

Japanese Article About a physiologic effect of the natural salt preparation as bath articles
木村貞治*1, 藤原孝之*1, 大平雅美*1, 楊箸隆哉*2
Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan 6: 35-38, 1999.