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Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme

Volume 32, Issue 2 / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article System of the 1-1 wide area supply and demand management
Kazuo Nishida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 169-169, 2009.

Japanese Article From administration of the 1-2 wide area supply and demand management, the situation of the control center
Ken Sato
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 169-169, 2009.

Japanese Article 1-3 wide area supply and demand management, the present conditions and problem of the Kyushu block
Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 170-170, 2009.

Japanese Article Proposals from a 1-4 medical institution to the wide area supply and demand management that we saw
Ryo Furukawa still
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 170-170, 2009.

Japanese Article From 1-5 wide area supply and demand management, the situation of the local center
Masahiro Koda
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 171-171, 2009.

Japanese Article Proposals from a 1-6 medical institution to the wide area supply and demand management that we saw
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 171-171, 2009.

Japanese Article Development and future - drug information and standardization - in 2-1 medical supplies
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 172-172, 2009.

Japanese Article Inflection to IT of the two-dimensional bar code in the 2-2 blood preparation
Yasushi Takenouchi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 172-172, 2009.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the IT utilization in 2-3 hospital settings
Shuji Shibayama
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 173-173, 2009.

Japanese Article Safety (an original title: the spread of systems and the future prospects) of a 2-4 transfusion collation system and the transfusion
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 173-173, 2009.

Japanese Article Idea of the 3-1 collection
Itaru Nishimoto
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 174-174, 2009.

Japanese Article Quality control of the blood for the transfusion with the 3-2 manufacturing facility collection
Mitsuaki Akino
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 174-174, 2009.

Japanese Article In the case of the present conditions and the problems (1) Kyushu block in an examination for 3-3, the preparation duties collection completion area
Takanori Higashiya 1), Hisada honesty 2), Akari Inaba 3), Yoshiaki Tachikawa 4), Kayoko Nagai 5), Description of Hiroshi Nagahara 6), 川上保浩 7)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 175-175, 2009.

Japanese Article In the case of present conditions and problems (2) Hakodate in an examination for 3-4, the preparation duties collection completion area
Sei Nobuo, Jun Sasaki, 森田曜江, Noriko Senoo, Noriaki Murata
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 175-175, 2009.

Japanese Article The 3-5 blood center collection from the questionnaire findings of voice - medical institution of the user for becoming it -
Period field Shuichi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 176-176, 2009.

Japanese Article Opinion of Japan Red Cross for a request, the concern of the user judging from a 3-6 questionnaire
Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 176-176, 2009.

Japanese Article Action of our country for the transfusion that 4-1 is safe
Kazunari Yamaguchi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 177-177, 2009.

Japanese Article Transfusion - transfusion medical system that 4-2 is safe in the desirable hospital
Yasuhiko Fujii 1), Takayoshi Asai 2), 下平滋隆 3), Hiroshi Matsuzaki 4), Tetsunori Tazaki 5), Yasutaka Hoshi 5)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 177-177, 2009.

Japanese Article Role of the transfusion laboratory technician concerned with the transfusion that 4-3 is safe
Shiyo Yamada friend
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 178-178, 2009.

Japanese Article Role of the 4-4 transfusion responsibility physician
Tetsunori Tazaki
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 178-178, 2009.

Japanese Article Role of the nurse in the 4-5 transfusion therapy
Nobuhiro Wakimoto
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 179-179, 2009.

Japanese Article Role of the pharmacist for the 4-6 transfusion service
Masashi Nakamura
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 179-179, 2009.

Japanese Article Problem (blood volume and technique necessary for an examination of transfusion) of the examination for 5-1 very small amount
Yasutaka Hoshi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 180-180, 2009.

Japanese Article Problem (unsolved problem and measures of the overall childhood transfusion) of the transfusion medical care of the 5-2 children region
Yasuo Horikoshi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 180-180, 2009.

Japanese Article About the division, the use situation of a problem of the transfusion management to 5-3 neonates particularly the preparation
宮下進 1), Tomohiko Nakamura 1), Yasutaka Hoshi 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 181-181, 2009.

Japanese Article Problem (the adaptation and safety) of the 5-4 self umbilical cord erythrocyte transfusion
Hajime Ogata
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 181-181, 2009.

Japanese Article About securing of volunteer blood donor measures at red blood cell preparation stock decrease using 1 JR Station yard broadcast
Hisashi Hasegawa 1), 前澤昭廣 1), Cheap tree Yoshiaki 1), Sakiyama tree 1), Hiromi Nakahashi 2), Masatoshi Matsumoto 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 185-185, 2009.

Japanese Article Holding of 2 students and more cross plan "borafestival in KANAGAWA"
Kazuhiko Fujii, Kazuhide Umezaki, Kunio Sato, Noboru Yukawa, Island lower Masaharu, Uchide Toshio, Imaizumi Yasushi, 稲葉頌一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 185-185, 2009.

Japanese Article About the reorganization maintenance of the blood donation room in 3 Kanagawa
上竹治, Yukiko Tanaka, 河上博毅, Jiro Tsukahara, Hiroshi Honjo, Island lower Masaharu, Uchide Toshio, Imaizumi Yasushi, 稲葉頌一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 186-186, 2009.

Japanese Article Correspondence to affect 4 new influenza (A/H1N1) country development
Toshihiko Ogawa, Tooru Tsuji, 淺野利明, Masahiko Tsuda, Yasushi Fujiwara three, 中倉広満, Fumiya Hirayama, Yoshio Oda, 中埜粛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 186-186, 2009.

Japanese Article 5 Introduction of staff award system [work Award]
山本洋一, 高松孝二, 古源哲二, 脇坂明美, 沼田芳彰
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 187-187, 2009.

Japanese Article Action to increase the enrollees of the blood donation club by 6 several times
Akira Harada, Kazuhiro Makino, Keiko Kinoshita, Sachiko Azuma, Yoko Kamata, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 187-187, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial of the nutrient consultation for specific gravity deficiency repeaters as 7 effective volunteer blood donor security plans
Katsuto Shishido 1), Hiroaki Yamagishi 1), Akira Kuwabara 1), Hisashi Akama 1), Masaaki Kamibayashi 1), 池田久實 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 188-188, 2009.

Japanese Article A trend and measures of the blood donation misfit in 8 Kumamoto center
Hidemi Ide, Saori Deguchi, Chie Yamamura, Kikuko Izumi, Mariko Yonemura, Shunichi Hayano
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 188-188, 2009.

Japanese Article An action of the nutrient consultation in 9 blood donation rooms and the discussion
Yukimi Nakanishi 1), Kenji Tsushima 1), Fumiko Kimura 1), Kazuhiro Hosokawa 1), Yasushi Mino will child 2), Toyohiko Honda 1), Tatsumi Uchida 1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 189-189, 2009.

Japanese Article About securing of volunteer blood donor in the blood donation room where 10 instruction is difficult
Matsumoto window or 1), Yukimi Oshikawa 1), Murayama Akifumi 1), Yuichi Tanaka 1), Takahiro Kimura 1), River spare Hideaki 1), Saito Minoru 1), Matsuzaki politics 2), Koji Matsumura 1), Masahiro Satake 1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 189-189, 2009.

Japanese Article Of the dormancy volunteer blood donor by 11 campaigns dig it and is taken measures raising and instruction to multiple blood donation
Yuko Toyama, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Yoshida Kiyonobu, Azusa Hashiba, Masayoshi Matsunaga, Masahiro Takigawa, 池田久實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 190-190, 2009.

Japanese Article 12 Doner Returns! Utilization efforts [request request postcard] to the blood donors increase
杉山恵1), 海野桂子1), 後藤美由紀1), 白井祐子1), 田村麻弥1), 遠藤勝枝1), 原幸子1), 池ノ谷しのぶ1), 柴田二郎1), 稲田武司1), 後藤恵吾1), 浅井隆善1), 加藤文昭2), 大畑弘恵2), 横山千賀子2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 190-190, 2009.

Japanese Article About a trial of the effective drawing blood not to waste the good will of 13 volunteer blood donors
Shuta Shimizu, Yodogawa Takako, Mitsuo Aikawa, 溜淵昌徳, Tadashi Koizumi reason, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 191-191, 2009.

Japanese Article 14 For initiatives of blood donation room [Labro]
作田和繁, 小林博司, 堀江千草, 高村康子, 前出あゆ美, 加藤正子, 吉田史絵, 近吉史奈子, 瀬野千賀子, 林哲夫, 金光公浩, 三輪梅夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 191-191, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial of the disaster prevention measures in the blood donation room based on 15 disaster simulated experience
Katsue Ochi, Tonguu indigo plant, Brook peak Tsue, Masae Takami, Yoko Yamamoto, 為本朋子, Yoko Mori, 武嶋信行, Tomiko Date, Naoki Kyoko, Hironobu Toki
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 192-192, 2009.

Japanese Article It is = about the questionnaire results to 16 = initial volunteer blood donors that "the blood donation was not painful"
Kazumi Kusumoto, Shunichi Hayano, Inner flat self denial, Setsuko Moriyama, Kayo Yoshida, Mihoko Yamate
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 192-192, 2009.

Japanese Article Information ... which the volunteer blood donor who became clear by public information - questionary survey by the information update of each 17 Tokyo Tokyo blood donation room homepage demands
宇都宮格朗, Munehisa Murata, Shingo Inoue, Tadashi Koizumi reason, Ken Sato, Koji Matsumura, Matsuzaki politics, Hirohisa Komatsu, Masahiro Satake, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 193-193, 2009.

Japanese Article Attitude survey - tertiary report - about the service side to 18 volunteer blood donors
Aya Shinohara, Kaori Okuyama, Misato Okazaki, Kayoko Yamanaka, Kuniko Satomura, Shinobu Miura, Miyoko Wakana, Osamu Komada, Shinya Koyanagi, 河相憲良, God former Masatoshi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 193-193, 2009.

Japanese Article Career development program - according to induction - ladder of 20 nurse education systems
Izumi Kawaguchi, Akiko Okamoto, Masaaki Mizui, Hajime Okita
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 194-194, 2009.

Japanese Article It is ... for the equalization of action ... drawing blood duties of 21 ingredient drawing blood instruction manual preparation
Calculation child Hiromi, Mayumi Hasegawa, Katsushi Tsukada, Ayumi Araki, Hiromi Kanai, 池田久實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 194-194, 2009.

Japanese Article Making and practice evaluation of the short-term training program for 22 drawing blood people in charge
Ishikawa order sea 1), Yasuko Kato 1), Mieko Ueno 1), Chiemi Takada 1), Itamochi Yoriko 1), Yasushi Okada branch 1), Yoshio Oda 1), 中埜粛 1), Miyoko Wakana 2), God former Masatoshi 2), Teruko Tsukamoto 3), Valley Keihiko 3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 195-195, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination part2 of the intravascular transition moisture before and after 23 400mL drawing blood
Tomoko Shimazu 1), Takako Itokawa 1), Misako Ito 1), Fumiko Saito 1), Hisao Yunoki 1), Masahiro Satake 1), Junko Miyamoto 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 195-195, 2009.

Japanese Article Action for 24 incident reduction
Mikiyo Tanabe, Masami Kitani, Fujiko Morita, Rieko Nanbo, Terue Asano, Shigetaka Toyooka
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 196-196, 2009.

Japanese Article Practice of 25 KYT (critical foresight training) and the effect
Mayumi Matsumoto, Hiroko Okamura, Junko Tabe, Kioroshi eyes, Akiko Okamoto, Masaaki Mizui, Hajime Okita
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 196-196, 2009.

Japanese Article About an analysis, the inflection of the incident report with 26 whole blood first bloodshed removal induction
Takahashi incense name, Yukiyo Sakuma, Nakamura Taki child, Etsuko Furuta, Tomoko Ono, Akemi Uozumi, 松井章洋, Toshi Hidaka, Jun Takamatsu tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 197-197, 2009.

Japanese Article About a present conditions analysis having poor label pasting with 27 incident reports
Taima Mizuho 1), Chiemi Takada 1), Yasushi Okada branch 1), Yoshio Oda 1), 中埜粛 1), Miyoko Wakana 2), God former Masatoshi 2), Teruko Tsukamoto 3), Valley Keihiko 3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 197-197, 2009.

Japanese Article One discussion of the manufacture rate improvement in 28 400mL drawing blood
Narita bookmark, Tomoko Kawano, Tomoko Nagai, Power bamboo Teiko, Nonoi Koji, Uchide Toshio, Imaizumi Yasushi, 稲葉頌一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 198-198, 2009.

Japanese Article About the action to an analysis and the incidence decrease in drawing blood decrease in our 29 blood center
Yumi Hasegawa, Mayumi Sato, Tomoko Kobayashi, Yasuo Tachikawa, Kaoru Nagai, Hiroo Matsumura
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 198-198, 2009.

Japanese Article A line of flow analysis and improvement of the nurse in the blood donation room in consideration of 30 work efficiency
Kyoko Saito, Hachiya Hiromi, Tokuko Watanabe, Tomiko Yamauchi, Yuzo Nishitani child, Fumiko Saito, Saito Minoru, Hisao Yunoki, Masahiro Satake
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 199-199, 2009.

Japanese Article About local freeze induction for securing of raw materials plasma for 31 coagulation factor preparations
Make hill, Ritsuko Ohara, 牧生恵, Mariko Sakurai, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 199-199, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial (1) of the prior ALT measurement in 32 movement bloodmobiles
Yuko Fujita, Junichi Sato, Masahide Sugiyama, Hisako Suzuki, Small sea Yoshie, Shoko Kojima, Mineko Iimura, Aiko Hashimoto
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 200-200, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial (2) of the prior ALT measurement in 33 movement bloodmobiles
Keiko Sugaya, Junichi Sato, Masahide Sugiyama, Hisako Suzuki, Keiko Odashima, Toshiko Terunuma
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 200-200, 2009.

Japanese Article In a process of action - simple Hb measuring assembly induction examination to error decrease (drawing blood rate up) at 34 hydrometry -
Ritsuko Ohara, 牧生恵, Mariko Sakurai, Make hill, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 201-201, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the blood corpuscle control specimen for 35 hemo- cue micro cuvet
Akira Okazaki person, Stone Masazumi Noda, 松田充俊, Etsuko Kaneko, Akira Sakuta incense, Kumi Ohara, Hiroyuki Igarashi, Takayuki Enomoto, Yumiko Saito, Nukida Taeko, Mitsuo Shoji, Ayako Ishijima, Hideaki Mizoguchi, Mutsuhiko Minami
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 201-201, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial of the screening performance enhancement of 36 noninvasive methods for determination of hemoglobin
Toyohiko Honda, Kazuhiro Hosokawa, Teiko Kato, Fumiko Kimura, Satsuki Kirita, Peiping Yuko, 井川佐也加, Tatsumi Uchida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 202-202, 2009.

Japanese Article About one discussion -CCS and Teru cis S about the PC sampling of 37 low weight donors -
Hiroko Okamura, Kioroshi eyes, Akiko Okamoto, Masaaki Mizui, Hajime Okita
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 202-202, 2009.

Japanese Article For the expansion of inflection - platelet volunteer blood donor of the trimmer accelerator to 38 low MCV level donor -
Yumi Mori, Shiho Makino, Kuniko Omori, Yuko Fukai, The country Nobuaki beauty, Tomiko Date, Naoki Kyoko, Hironobu Toki
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 203-203, 2009.

Japanese Article One trial to securing of raw materials plasma volume at 39 platelets, plasma simultaneous drawing blood
It is Shibuta or is, Tomiki Yamaguchi child, Hiromi Ishida, Kazuko Ichimura, Keiko Iwashita, Kazuto Uchida, Yuko Shima, 森田倫史
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 203-203, 2009.

Japanese Article An analysis and discussion of the unit breaking in 40 platelet preparations
Kaori Kobayashi, Mosquito nail Noriko, 100, Seki slop-bowl, Koichi Nozawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 204-204, 2009.

Japanese Article Action to unidentified unit of 41 platelet drawing blood breaking decrease
Field nail Tamako, Tomoko Saito, Shinobu Sakata, Mutsuko Ono, Kyoko Ito, Akemi Maeda, Keiko Niwa, Tatsuro Sugiyama, Toshi Hidaka, Jun Takamatsu tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 204-204, 2009.

Japanese Article About the present conditions analysis of the fall example by 42 VVR
川邊浩江, Katsurashima Motoko, Emi Matsuzaki, Yasushi Okada branch, Yoshio Oda, 中埜粛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 205-205, 2009.

Japanese Article Correlation of VVR and tension, the anxiety in 43 blood donation
上床勇揮, Make hill, 白窪正四, Akira Harada, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 205-205, 2009.

Japanese Article The making of the VVR measures check list for 44 initial volunteer blood donors and the effect
Yumiko Hamazaki, 葎屋康子, 余田容世, Makoto Sasaki Miyo, Hisako rare among cedars, Kazue Shimizu, Asami Takemura, Toshiyuki Ito, Hiroshi Fujii
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 206-206, 2009.

Japanese Article VVR foresight, preventive trial - second report - using the optical density-type monitoring pulse at 45 ingredient drawing blood
Miki Katagiri, Brook incense, Miyuki Okuda wisdom, Tsutsui Izumi, Kazumi Mukai, Yoko Morizaki, Masahiro Koda, Atsuyoshi Onitsuka, Hajime Hirose
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 206-206, 2009.

Japanese Article For VVR prevention in 46 whole blood drawing blood action - at - Obihiro branch office
Yumiko Ikeda 1), Eriko Osaka 1), Capital letter Yuko 1), Nobuyuki Okishio 2), Kanji Fukai 1), Masaaki Kamibayashi 1), 池田久實 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 207-207, 2009.

Japanese Article About the effect that the setting temperature of 47 quick freezing tank gives in coagulation factor VIII activity of the plasma
Yoshihiro Endo, Yoshie Kasahara, Doorway Reiko, Masahiro Toyama, 高橋武良, Kaori Sato, Masahiro Akimoto, Sho Kikkawa, Mutsuhiko Minami
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 207-207, 2009.

Japanese Article About the effect that manufacture time of 48 fresh frozen plasma -LR gives to coagulation factor activity
Junpei Mori, 下垣一成, Fumiko Fujiwara, Hideto Ogawa, 坪倉裕昌, Fumiya Hirayama, 中埜粛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 208-208, 2009.

Japanese Article Property of a difference and the plasma preparation of 49 anticongealed liquid and quality
Tadaaki Suzuki, Sadamu Nakamura life, Isao Takahashi, Ruriko Endo, Takayanagi beauty line, Tadashi Kamiya, Jun Takamatsu tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 208-208, 2009.

Japanese Article Bacteria pollution example of the platelet preparation discovered by an examination for 50 appearances
Toru Terada, Field Takako Sawa, Two copies of Kotomi, Hiroko Kamata, Takahito Saito, Akira Matsuda, Hiroshi Kato, Makoto Abe, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 209-209, 2009.

Japanese Article About WL indication to the measurement data of the automatic blood cell count device at 51 platelet measurement
Hitoshi Sato will, Yasuhiro Sato, Munenori Kataoka, 小舘昭示
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 209-209, 2009.

Japanese Article Reactivity of the hemophilia A inhibitor to 52 factor VIII
Isao Takahashi, Chikako Inoue, Tadashi Kamiya, Jun Takamatsu tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 210-210, 2009.

Japanese Article Preparation of the blood for exchange transfusion by 53 automatic blood corpuscle irrigation device ACP215
Shinji Oikawa, Chiaki Saito, Kenji Hirano, Dai Sasaki, Miyoko Takahashi, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 210-210, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the validity prolongation of 54 frozen thawed red flood cells
Yu Naito, Masayuki Shiba, Jin Okazaki, Masahiro Satake, Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 211-211, 2009.

Japanese Article It is the utility of the drawing blood place freeze in becoming it the collection of 55 preparation duties
Hisayoshi Yamazaki, Koji Inoue, Junko Inoue, 原口文顕, Kazumi Iwasaki, 荒添悟, Kennya Okubo, Light wealth Kichiro, Sakoda Iwane, Yoko Tomonari, Yuji Eguchi, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 211-211, 2009.

Japanese Article About the operational situation of the block type instrument placement in 56 preparation sections
古木孝亮, Mayumi Oyama, Abe River is elegant, Toshio Saito, Hiroshi Iwaki, Noriko Natsume, Toru Nagai, 菅原嘉都恵, Uchide Toshio, Imaizumi Yasushi, 稲葉頌一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 212-212, 2009.

Japanese Article About management (freeze, storage) of the blood using 57 cargo carts
Masamichi Otsubo, Koji Inoue, Junko Inoue, Light wealth Kichiro, Isao Nakamura, Kennya Okubo, 荒添悟, Sakoda Iwane, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 212-212, 2009.

Japanese Article A problem and the present conditions of 58 Shikoku blocks preparation duties collection
Ukawa Yasushi, History of Taku Nishimura, Shu Hamada truth, Akira Kawada will, Yoshitaka Nakahashi, Toyohiko Honda
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 213-213, 2009.

Japanese Article The collection in 59 Kagoshima centers about examination of request correspondence before and after becoming it
Koichiro Miyashita, 中野武伸, Shinichi Fujimura, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 213-213, 2009.

Japanese Article We gather a preparation section of 60 homonomy wood block 3 center (Hokuriku)
Yayoi Kitamura, Hiromi Araki, Akihiro Asai, Chestnut lower Takumi, Tadashi Kita, Makoto Nitta, Hajime Hirai, It is full of peaceful handwriting, 金光公浩, Three-wheeled plum husband
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 214-214, 2009.

Japanese Article Discussion about the new construction of 61 production areas
Dai Sasaki, Yoshikatsu Miyagi, Chiisago intellect, Tsukidate Kazuyoshi, Kenji Hirano, Koichi Chiba, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 214-214, 2009.

Japanese Article About the performance evaluation of 62 quick freezing devices
Chiisago intellect, Dai Sasaki, Masamitsu Miura, Yoshikatsu Miyagi, Tsukidate Kazuyoshi, Kenji Hirano, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 215-215, 2009.

Japanese Article About white-cell count test results of the leukopheresis preparation before 63 conservation (2005-2009 years)
Jin Morioka, Rie Moriyama, Haruko Miyajima, Kyoko Matsumoto, Hiromi Kikuchi, Emi Sekiguchi, 福田俊洋, Shoichi Saito, Teruko Shibata, Toshio Matsuda, Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 215-215, 2009.

Japanese Article About the dealing with grievances enforcement situation in 64 Kyushu centers
Yumiko Imamura, Terano Tamae, Mari Yasukochi, Akira Miyamoto, Yukiko Inoue, Isao Nakamura, Sakoda Iwane, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 216-216, 2009.

Japanese Article About the example that we conducted retrospective search in 65 screening NAT (HBV) change into positive examples retroactively to 1999
Akira Miyamoto, Mari Yasukochi, Yukiko Inoue, Yumiko Imamura, Isao Nakamura, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 216-216, 2009.

Japanese Article After the blood donation in 66 blood control centers about the situation of the information
Masaki Taniguchi, Naoki Mori, Hiroyuki Nakakura, Naoto Umehara, Hiroshi Koshi, Retsu Yamanaka next, Hiroshi Fujii
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 217-217, 2009.

Japanese Article About the relations with 67 HCV and fatty acid (saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid)
Isao Sato Sakae, Akiko Takakura, Yuko Gotanda, Keiko Miyakawa, Shigeji Uchida, Masahiro Satake, Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 217-217, 2009.

Japanese Article Testing - efficacy of the blood transfusion reaction case that we conducted at 68 center blood research institutes and future problem -
Masako Anazawa, 下山田高茂, Yoshihisa Watanabe, Abe mid-autumn, Junko Nakamura, Hideko Shimada, Jin Okazaki, Masahiro Satake, Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 218-218, 2009.

Japanese Article TRALI -2008 year - reported in 69 Japanese Red Cross Society
Junichi Ueki, Masato Muraoka, Satoshi Motegi good luck, Toshiya Momose, Jin Okazaki, Manabu Hino
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 218-218, 2009.

Japanese Article The process that used infection relief system about one case that caused the immediate blood transfusion reaction due to 70 bacteria
Motoko Ikura 1), Moat 1, Asuka), Misato Shiraki 1), Yuji Bessho 1), Takuya Yamazaki 1), Sanae Tanaka 1), Masumi Kawamura 1), Naoyuki Tanaka 1), Chiyo Narumi 1), 倉田守 1), Toshiki Okuda 2), Megumi Kawakami group 3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 219-219, 2009.

Japanese Article Analysis of the HCV infection case that we judged that an association with 71 transfusion was extremely low
Flat Rikizo, Yuji Otsuka, Kaoru Goi, Naoko Goto, Toshiya Momose, Manabu Hino
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 219-219, 2009.

Japanese Article About the posttransfusion HEV infection case that became clear than 72 retrospective search
Takayoshi Takase, Seri, Mito line, Many Yoshie Hara, 高貫洋, Michiko Maehashi, Paulownia Katsumi Hayashi, Cheap tree Yoshiaki, Sakiyama tree, Shigeji Uchida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 220-220, 2009.

Japanese Article Problem at situation and enforcement of the retrospective search in 73 Nagasaki
Takashi Terasawa, Takashi Yamashita, 千代田晨, Eisuke Kusaba
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 220-220, 2009.

Japanese Article About the holding of the information exchange "Tokyo cell therapy study meeting" in the field of 74 cell therapy
Iku Hino life, Masahiko Takahashi, Yoshiharu Takahashi, Mino Takanashi child, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 221-221, 2009.

Japanese Article 75 Tokyo hemophilia networks
Keita Nakamura, Seiichi Kameyama, Yoshiharu Takahashi, Masahiko Takahashi, Mino Takanashi child, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 221-221, 2009.

Japanese Article Action to proper use promotion in 76 Kochi
Shiro Okada, Kenji Nishimori, Susumu Kitagawa person, Isao Takahashi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 222-222, 2009.

Japanese Article About a medical institution in 77 Kagoshima Red Cross blood center, the number of from the public the inquiries and the correspondence
中野武伸, Koichiro Miyashita, Satomi Yamashita, Itsuo Tateyama, 宮元勝, One Yokoyama, Futoshi Kawanishi virtue, Nobuko Ueno, Shinichi Fujimura, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 222-222, 2009.

Japanese Article About the transfusion correspondence to the Rh null type patients which caused 78 significant anemia
Takashi Yamashita 1), Takashi Terasawa 1), Minoru Fujii 1), Eisuke Kusaba 1), 上領章久 2), Shimada summer period 2), Yukiko Fukahori 2), Kazuhiro Nagai 2), Ken Kamihira 2), Shunsuke Ishizaka 3), Izumi Nagata 3), Yutaka Motomura child 4), Koga Yoshito 4)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 223-223, 2009.

Japanese Article It is automatically detected the abnormal image at 79 PK7300 judgments
Shigeru Fujisaka next, Ryuichi Yabe, Takumi Ohara, Kanji Morimoto, Makoto Uchikawa, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 223-223, 2009.

Japanese Article Improvement of the choice method of blood corpuscle reagent raw materials for 80 PK7300
Ryuichi Yabe, Takumi Ohara, Kiyo Utsugi incense, Shigeru Fujisaka next, Kanji Morimoto, Makoto Uchikawa, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 224-224, 2009.

Japanese Article Analysis about the quantity of antigen of 81 type B blood corpuscles
Tomoko Suzuki, Yoshiko Ogiyama, Takeshi Sone, Shoichi Ito, Yuika Kurosawa, Chunchon Hirofumi, Mitsuru Ikuta, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 224-224, 2009.

Japanese Article ABO type judgment with the nail preparation of 82 subtype individuals
Shoichi Ito, Yoshiko Ogiyama, Tomoko Suzuki, 高橋美都保, Chunchon Hirofumi, Mitsuru Ikuta, Miyoko Takahashi, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 225-225, 2009.

Japanese Article Distribution of sex and the antibody titers of 83 irregular antibody-positive volunteer blood donors
Takayuki Tsutsui, 神戸考裕, Hiromi Sato, Kumi Ohara, Hiroyuki Igarashi, Takayuki Enomoto, Ayako Ishijima, Mutsuhiko Minami
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 225-225, 2009.

Japanese Article About the effect on blood grouping by the difference in 84 specimen storage temperature
Kei Nakamura, Yukiyo Shimizu, Kenichi Oya, House Ryoichi, Yoko Sato, Chikako Inoue, Tadashi Kamiya, Jun Takamatsu tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 226-226, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the lipids-related item in 85 biochemical tests
Miyoko Takahashi, Chunchon Hirofumi, Mitsuru Igarashi, Yasushi Horibe person, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 226-226, 2009.

Japanese Article About the notice for the ALT high level geek in 86 Tokyo Red Cross blood center and follow-up results
Mami Matsumoto, Stone Fujimaki child, Masaharu Suzuki, Makoto Uchikawa, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 227-227, 2009.

Japanese Article Limit control setting of the biochemical test using the general idea of the unsureness of the measurement in 87 routine laboratory tests
Shinichi Kishimoto, Hideaki Oyama, Yoko God, Yumiko Sato, Hiromi Ihara, Shinichiro Sato, Toshiaki Kato, 池田久實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 227-227, 2009.

Japanese Article Quality control of examination of 88 infections (CL4800)
Shinichi Kishimoto, Noriko Shimokawa, Hideaki Oyama, Kenta Nakauchi, Small Nogaki Sachi, Hiromi Ihara, Shinichiro Sato, Toshiaki Kato, 池田久實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 228-228, 2009.

Japanese Article About an examination of inquiry about the examination of transfusion after the examination for 89 collection and request
Two copies of Kotomi, Hiroko Kamata, Masako Sato, Makoto Abe, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 228-228, 2009.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the NAT in 90 Kyushu blood center
Kayoko Fujimura, West Hiroaki Sako, Yukinori Matsuoka, Seiichi Hashiguchi, Sakoda Iwane, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 229-229, 2009.

Japanese Article About effect of the testing quality control unit after 91 preparation collection
It is full of peaceful handwriting, Sumie Ito, Yuko Honjo, Hiroshi Kitabayashi Saburo, Kunimi Yuri, Yuko Murota, 前川幹恵, Wide village Yoshiko, Akemi Kobayashi, 金光公浩, Three-wheeled plum husband
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 229-229, 2009.

Japanese Article About the transfusion unresponsiveness attributable to 92 HLA-Cw antibodies
Hiroyuki Inaba, 高陽淑, Mayumi Saikai, Ayako Oka, Nun Etsuko Kishi, Michiko Katsuta, Yoshitaka Kojima, Sen Matsuyama tree, Junko Tanigami, Yasuo Fukumori, Keiji Yoshimura, 中埜粛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 230-230, 2009.

Japanese Article The examination for PC-HLA plan using 93 PCs and general patient care
Susumu Inoue, Miho Iino, Yuki Futagami, Hiroshi Kobayashi period, Naomi Kato, Shoji Morita, Ayako Ishijima, Mutsuhiko Minami
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 230-230, 2009.

Japanese Article Technical cooperation to the medical institution using 94 2008 ingredient drawing blood devices
Masami Oshiro, Hiroshi Akamine good luck, Senaha Katsumi, Tomoko Shinjo, Hanaki Tomoko, 久場美和子, Uezu Tomio, 屋良勲
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 231-231, 2009.

Japanese Article About effect by the cryopreservation of substituted liquid M-sol for 95 irrigation platelets
Kazunori Fukuda 1), 伊村公良 1), Takao Hattori 1), Takayoshi Asai 1), Junichi Hirayama 2), Mitsuaki Akino 2), 東寛 2), 本間稚広 2), 池田久實 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 231-231, 2009.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the technical cooperation in 96 Kyushu center preparation sections
Junko Inoue, Koji Inoue, Mitsuru Tsujimura will, 原口文顕, Kazumi Iwasaki, 荒添悟, Kennya Okubo, Light wealth Kichiro, Sakoda Iwane, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 232-232, 2009.

Japanese Article Action to quality improvement in 97 cord blood bank
Ito Miyuki, Mino Takanashi child, Atsuko Ogawa, Aki Ohba, Mutsumi Honda, Takeo Ide, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 232-232, 2009.

Japanese Article About an examination for 98 autologous blood data management system
Shigehiko Yoshitake, Toshinobu Ezaki, Kanji Manabe, Seiichi Hashiguchi, Sakoda Iwane, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 233-233, 2009.

Japanese Article About the effect on hepatitis B virus test value by the CLEIA method after 99 HB vaccination
Sakoda Iwane, Kanji Manabe, Toshinobu Ezaki, Yukinori Matsuoka, West Hiroaki Sako, Seiichi Hashiguchi, Yoko Tomonari, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 233-233, 2009.

Japanese Article About the anti-hepatitis B core antigen positive rate in 100 volunteer blood donors
Stone Fujimaki child, Umino law of nature, Akira Kobayashi, Masaharu Suzuki, Makoto Uchikawa, 1, Nakajima status
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 234-234, 2009.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the HDV superinfection in the HBV infected person in 101 volunteer blood donors
Yuko Gotanda, Isao Sato Sakae, Akiko Takakura, Keiko Miyakawa, Shigeji Uchida, Masahiro Satake, Manabu Hino, Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 234-234, 2009.

Japanese Article Distribution of anti-hepatitis B core antigen-positive HBV Genotype detected in 102 NAT
Furui Yasumi, Masashi Igarashi, Soba field Rieko, History of Inomata fathom, Star Tomoji, Matsumoto 1,000 Keiko, Hikari Suzuki, Shigeji Uchida, Masahiro Satake, Kenji Tadokoro
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 235-235, 2009.

Japanese Article Investigation about the Genotype distribution of human parvovirus B19 in 103 volunteer blood donors
Akiko Takakura 1), Isao Sato 1, Sakae), Yuko Gotanda 1), Keiko Miyakawa 1), Hitoshi Onuma 2), Shigeji Uchida 1), Masahiro Satake 1), Kenji Tadokoro 1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 235-235, 2009.

Japanese Article About the criteria of the HBIG raw materials study to secure raw materials plasma for 104 HBIG preparation production
Hidetoshi Ueki, Hideaki Inomata, Hiroyuki Emura, Tsugio Takeuchi, Akemi Wakisaka, 沼田芳彰
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 236-236, 2009.

Japanese Article About a manual of 105 new education training and the use
Satoshi Tamura, Yuki Nakamura male, 千脇廣, Sakiyama tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 236-236, 2009.

Japanese Article Action to an incident report system in our 106 center
Toshiko Yamane, Kazuto Uchida, Masayo Ohashi, Keiko Iwashita, Kunio Hara, Takashi Tanaka, Kiyoshi Takagi, Sosuke Nagayoshi, Yuko Shima, Yasufumi Takatsuka, 森田倫史
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 237-237, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the incident report in 107 Akita center
Makoto Abe, Field Takako Sawa, Toru Terada, Tsuyoshi Nagai, Hiroshi Kato, Akihiko Tamura, Eiko Wakabayashi, Mamoru Sato, Shoichi Ito, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 237-237, 2009.

Japanese Article For 108 plasma derivatives "ICH Q9 is application examination of the quality risk management"
Tetsuya Ohba, Tortoise shop Megumi, Hiroyuki Kinoshita, Toshiaki Hirai, 千葉眞彰, Akemi Wakisaka, 沼田芳彰
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 238-238, 2009.

Japanese Article Action to appropriate request promotion of 109 emergency supply
Hitoshi Shimazu, Kentaro Sato, Mine temple, 桑田進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 238-238, 2009.

Japanese Article Action aiming at reduction of the number of 110 emergency blood shipment
Next house field Hideo, Masahiko Sago, 守崎努, Yuichi Hirai, 光浦祥裕, Shigeharu Takei, Kosaku Hirai, Takayanagi beauty line, Tadashi Kamiya, Jun Takamatsu tree
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 239-239, 2009.

Japanese Article About use of 111 emergency carrying out blood
Akira Matsuda, Takahito Saito, Ikuyo Saito, Echigo Valley intellect, Hitoshi Yoshida, Hiroshi Kato, Makoto Abe, Shoichi Ito, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 239-239, 2009.

Japanese Article About the expansion of 112 FAX ordering medical institutions
谷靖政, Tsukada enthusiast daylight, Mamoru Kato, Kanomata Keiko, Seiji Chiba, 牟禮一秀
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 240-240, 2009.

Japanese Article Role of 113 blood adjustments section
Katsunori Nakamura, Akira Matsunaga, Masashi Eda, Prince Tanoe authority, Naoyuki Matsunaga, Tanomachi Hirofumi, Yuji Eguchi, Hiroyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kiyokawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 240-240, 2009.

Japanese Article Inspection ... with supply situation - distant place medical institution of the platelet preparation after 114 Kyushu block collection
Hiromi Maeda, Italy product Hiromi, Kotobuki, Kai, Hideji Oshikawa, Chie Kodama, Kodanakas, Shiro Ando, Toshio Tokuhisa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 241-241, 2009.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the supply system with the preparation collection of 115 Shikoku District
Hama Yoichi Oka, Satoshi Shinoda kernel, Hiroyuki Kawasaki, Takashi Shirai, Takayo Kurokawa, Yoshinori Nakanishi, 眞鍋知裕, Side Riyoichi, Toyohiko Honda, Tatsumi Uchida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 241-241, 2009.

Japanese Article About an action to prevention of water leak with the cold insulation agent at blood preparation transportation for 116 transfusion
宮元勝, One Yokoyama, Futoshi Kawanishi virtue, Itsuo Tateyama, Shinichi Fujimura, 高附兼幸, Noriko Yoshida
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 242-242, 2009.

Japanese Article 117 Comparison of blood transport for cold storage agent
藤川克行, 中島忠, 岸本眞哉, 石田克巳, 室賀清次, 遠藤嘉浩, 半戸啓一, 秋元正浩, 松下俊成, 石島あや子, 吉川昭, 溝口秀昭, 南陸彦
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 242-242, 2009.

Japanese Article Construction of the wide area mode of transportation of the blood preparation for the transfusion with 118 preparation collection
Kazuhiko Suzuki, 本間稚広, Toshiaki Kato, 池田久實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 32(2): 243-243, 2009.