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Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme

Volume 35, Issue 4 / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Trial to vasovagal response (VVR) suppression in the initial high school student blood donation
Akiko Matsuo, Takashi Terasawa, Kayo Yamaguchi, Valley Kie, Kitano Akie, Ichiro Sekine
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 639-642, 2013.

Japanese Article Future image of 1 blood business
Itaru Nishimoto
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 647-649, 2013.

Japanese Article Action to regular Tolly science of 2 Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 653-654, 2013.

Japanese Article Thing - blood business and TPP- which 3 TPP gives to medical care
Kazuo Kawahara
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 657-658, 2013.

Japanese Article (1) Directionality of the blood business strategy using iPS cells
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 661-664, 2013.

Japanese Article (2) The establishment of the human erythroid progenitor cells strain for red blood cell artificial production
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 667-668, 2013.

Japanese Article (3) The present conditions and the problem of the iPS cells study
Takayuki Aoi
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 671-673, 2013.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of 1 chronic anemia
Hideo Harikae
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 677-679, 2013.

Japanese Article For a further decrease in virus infection with 2 transfusion
Hiroaki Okamoto
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 683-684, 2013.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the blood business of 3 foreign countries
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 687-688, 2013.

Japanese Article With the quality of practice - drawing blood, supply process of the guarantee of quality in 4 blood business -
Setsu Yoshino
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 691-693, 2013.

Japanese Article New demand for role - blood preparation - of the Japanese Red Cross Society in the term transplant medical care of the symposium 1 chairmanship
Keisei Kawa 1), Shigeru Takamoto 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 697-697, 2013.

Japanese Article Supply and demand regime in the supply situation and the Kanto Koshinnetsu block of the blood for the transfusion in the organ transplantation
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 698-699, 2013.

Japanese Article About the cooperation of blood center and the medical institution in the liver transplantation
Tomoko Kawamura
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 700-702, 2013.

Japanese Article About the supply and demand trend of plasma, the platelet preparation of the type AB necessary for transplant
Masahide Nagasawa
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 703-705, 2013.

Japanese Article Supply and demand of blood products in the liver transplantation
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 706-709, 2013.

Japanese Article Organ transplantation - present conditions and future development -
Hiroaki Nagano
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 710-712, 2013.

Japanese Article Public information of the blood donation promotion to term young people of the symposium 2 chairmanship
Fujio Kanematsu 1), Shingo Inoue 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 715-716, 2013.

Japanese Article We work on blood donation promotion of the national student blood donation promotion
West ground male size
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 717-719, 2013.

Japanese Article Blood donation enlightenment in settings of the school education
Shigeru Tsuchiya
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 720-721, 2013.

Japanese Article The blood donation campaign that association of lacrosse in Japan pressured the student lacrosse department to work on
Taro Endo
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 722-724, 2013.

Japanese Article It is ... about the figure which there should be of the local blood center from blood donation promotion - this which conducted a blood donation seminar
Shinichi Shimizu
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 725-727, 2013.

Japanese Article Younger persons blood donation promotion public information in the Japanese Red Cross Society
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 35(4): 728-729, 2013.