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Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme

Volume 37, Issue 2 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Hematopoietic stem cells discovery secret story in SL1 umbilical blood and recent iPS cells study
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 281-281, 2014.

Japanese Article From SL2 cartilage cells transplant - development to insurance publication and the next-generation treatment -
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 281-281, 2014.

Japanese Article SL3 leukemia treatment, the progress for 35 years
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 282-282, 2014.

Japanese Article It is 120 years from SL4 Sino-Japanese War
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 282-282, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the SY1-1 PC-HLA transfusion adaptation patients
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 283-283, 2014.

Japanese Article The national present conditions of the SY1-2 PC-HLA supply
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 283-283, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems of the testing to affect SY1-3 PC-HLA supply
高橋大輔, 宮崎孔, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 284-284, 2014.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the PC-HLA supply in the SY1-4 Kanto Koshinnetsu block and a future problem
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 284-284, 2014.

Japanese Article Discussion about the crossmatch at supply of the SY1-5 (additional remark) HLA matched platelet
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 285-285, 2014.

Japanese Article Cooperation with SY2-1 preparation section and the drawing blood section in the block
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 285-285, 2014.

Japanese Article From the SY2-2 area blood center drawing blood section present conditions - of the remote island drawing blood in - Kagoshima
岩切栄子, 中園祐子, 米山幸江, 内門悦子, 桑畑恵子, 甲斐清子, 東珠子, 豊冨ケイ子, 大原律子, 櫻井眞理子, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 286-286, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the guarantee of quality activity in the SY2-3 Aomori center
成田久美子, 阿部浩
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 286-286, 2014.

Japanese Article Collaboration improvement activity - with SY2-4 J-ABC activity - local parts supplier
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 287-287, 2014.

Japanese Article Guarantee of quality of the blood for the SY2-5 transfusion
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 287-287, 2014.

Japanese Article SY3-1 lung transplantation medical care and infection
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 288-288, 2014.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the Ritsu xanthan gum in the SY3-2 blood group incompatibility liver transplant
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 288-288, 2014.

Japanese Article Challenge to the organ transplantation for the SY3-3 cross match positive case
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 289-289, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the pancreas transplantation from SY3-4 brain death and a live donor
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 289-289, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the examination of request in the SY4-1 Kanto Koshinnetsu block blood center
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 290-290, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... of ... Kanto Koshinnetsu block thinking about contribution of the future MR to a small medical institution out of SY4-2
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 290-290, 2014.

Japanese Article Holding of the transfusion testing practical skill workshop for the cooperation reinforcement with the SY4-3 medical institution
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 291-291, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the examination of transfusion skill up class (visit type) for SY4-4 medical institutions
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 291-291, 2014.

Japanese Article About the transfusion testing technique improvement support project of the medical institution in the SY4-5 Kyushu block
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 292-292, 2014.

Japanese Article About the way of the reference laboratory in the SY4-6 blood center
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 292-292, 2014.

Japanese Article The development of SY5-1 blood transfusion reaction, infection situation
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 293-293, 2014.

Japanese Article About various technique to analyze the condition of a patient, a cause of the SY5-2 non-hemolysis blood transfusion reaction
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 293-293, 2014.

Japanese Article An action to prevention of SY5-3 blood transfusion reaction development: Infection side effect (virus, bacteria, parasitic worm)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 294-294, 2014.

Japanese Article An action to prevention of SY5-4 blood transfusion reaction development: Infection side effect (HBc antibody standard revision and individual NAT introduction)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 294-294, 2014.

Japanese Article About the safety of the blood products which we looked at from the SY5-5 clinical settings
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 295-295, 2014.

Japanese Article Personnel training of the nurse in the SY6-1 drawing blood business
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 295-295, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the career development to work on in SY6-2 Hiroshima Red Cross blood center
川口泉, 木下ひとみ, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 296-296, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience drawing blood person in charge education based on SY6-3 adult education
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 296-296, 2014.

Japanese Article Thing ... which makes nurse education training ... enforcement in the SY6-4 Akita Red Cross blood center difficult
伊藤美恵子, 阿部真, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 297-297, 2014.

Japanese Article The supply system beyond a supply branch office and the prefectural border in the SY7-1 Kyushu block
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 297-297, 2014.

Japanese Article It is effect on supply and demand management in (heavy snow) at SY7-2 disaster
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 298-298, 2014.

Japanese Article SY7-3 blood business information system: The supply system which we saw from an online order
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 298-298, 2014.

Japanese Article Data analysis of the supply and demand management by the SY7-4 steady supply promotion subcommittee
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 299-299, 2014.

Japanese Article Medical institution satisfaction investigation for the SY7-5 supply system
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 299-299, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the supply and demand management from SY7-6 this
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 300-300, 2014.

Japanese Article Safety improvement and drug information activity - historic process, present conditions and problem ... of the SY8-1 transfusion therapy
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 300-300, 2014.

Japanese Article The blood business that we saw from SY8-2 medical institution and the present conditions and problem of the medical representative
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 301-301, 2014.

Japanese Article Relations from SY8-3 satisfaction investigation to a medical institution of the found blood center
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 301-301, 2014.

Japanese Article Information sharing of a medical doctor in hospital and the medical institution of the SY8-4 blood center
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 302-302, 2014.

Japanese Article Cooperation ... of contribution - area blood center and the medical institution to local transfusion medical care by SY8-5 combination transfusion therapy Committee
面川進, 國井華子, 吉田斉, 阿部真
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 302-302, 2014.

Japanese Article With the drug information activity demanded in SY8-6 now
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 303-303, 2014.

Japanese Article Challenge to SY9-1 movement bloodmobile one operation 50 people (400mL)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 303-303, 2014.

Japanese Article - that the person from action - movement drawing blood one operation 400mL60 of the volunteer blood donor increase that a staff of SY9-2 Okayama center worked on in solidarity is not a dream
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 304-304, 2014.

Japanese Article Real ... of the action to aim at 80 ... 1 operation about a securing of volunteer blood donor method in the movement drawing blood of the SY9-3 Ishikawa center
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 304-304, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the number of the blood donation maintenance per one operation in the SY9-4 Fukuoka center
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 305-305, 2014.

Japanese Article Of the SY9-5 Aomori center "have just begun" "until now"
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 305-305, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment of the thrombosis with ADAMTS13 in EL1 plasma
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 306-306, 2014.

Japanese Article The thing which is bought by a person producing EL2 pharmaceutical products
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 306-306, 2014.

Japanese Article Epidemiology of the hepatitis virus infection of the EL3 our country: The present conditions and problem
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 307-307, 2014.

Japanese Article About the study of the preventive measures against EL4 drawing blood side effects
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 307-307, 2014.

Japanese Article Cooperation to iPS cells study of the SR-1 Japanese Red Cross Society
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 308-308, 2014.

Japanese Article The existing stage and the prospects of the study on iPS cells stock construction for the SR-3 medical care
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 308-308, 2014.

Japanese Article WS-1 company-wide publicity work "more cross is a challenge of plan 2"
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 309-309, 2014.

Japanese Article The whole country's first WS-2; is the advanced action by 3 institution combination public information committees
円城寺正, 井川福康, 江口嘉則, 吉村博之, 入田和男
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 309-309, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... for WS-3 special WEB site people who "blood donation is so," want to convey ... feeling that we want to convey
池田真実1), 中岡直喜1), 村井貴吏1), 松田清功1), 駒田修1), 保坂勇一1), 龍延博1), 河敬世1), 毛藤もと子2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 310-310, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... about various actions that took examination ... "more cross" of the new information dispatch method in WS-4 blood donation room feel into consideration
森本ルイ子, 中村敬子, 高橋李沙, 清水穂菜美, 日沼繁, 塚原二朗, 田口淳一, 松崎浩史, 松崎政治, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 310-310, 2014.

Japanese Article The reclamation "blood donation and collaboration of the school canteen" of the volunteer blood donor that town Kyoto of the action (the second report) student of the securing of SP1-01 young group volunteer blood donor is new
林俊成, 野口友理子, 大西友浩, 島田夏海, 堀井健多, 渡邊琢仁, 宮本雄太, 中鋪成美, 河野早紀, 岩佐則之, 菅沼誠人, 籾井一也, 大橋一雄, 山口健彦, 伊藤俊之, 辻肇
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 311-311, 2014.

Japanese Article About the blood donation situation after an action and the graduation to blood donation as the SP1-02 school education
齋藤哉, 大村加織, 向井英明, 力竹てい子, 大久保理恵, 渡邊秀範, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 311-311, 2014.

Japanese Article About new duties of the Science Division for the purpose of SP1-03 transfusion studies education and the blood donation promotion
野口洋介1), 坊池義浩1), 小島正太郎1), 西村千恵1), 古田真沙子1), 秋田真哉1), 荒木延夫1), 福井孝之1), 布一正1), 三木均1), 藤盛好啓2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 312-312, 2014.

Japanese Article Change of the diabetes-related testing glycoalbumin abnormality rate in the SP1-04 Hokkaido volunteer blood donor for 5 years
西田菜穂子, 尾山秀明, 伊原弘美, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 312-312, 2014.

Japanese Article Enforcement of the briefing session for the purpose of the interactive communication with the SP1-05 medical institution
清水貴人, 柴田正道, 一條浩一, 内海喜美江, 澤村佳宏, 白取靖士, 中川國利
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 313-313, 2014.

Japanese Article Model case ... of future role of SP1-06 area blood center fixed institution - near future
清水慎一, 高橋正美, 豊岡重剛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 313-313, 2014.

Japanese Article By hands their in the thought of SP1-07 oneself. ... From an experience acquire an experience level in a review immediately. Public information skill up strategy ...
中野有華, 皆木暢之, 鳥居愛美, 曽根渉, 鈴木幸男, 加藤和彦, 森竹龍彦, 藤浪和彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 314-314, 2014.

Japanese Article Four measures - that we considered it by action - introduction of IT promotion project to the business efficiency by the SP1-08 young person staff
藤岡侑子, 住岡田和美, 松永祐, 仲香, 小野裕, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 314-314, 2014.

Japanese Article About SP1-09 Kyushu block intraluminal blood center commendation system "prize for good job"
青柳里美, 岩上真也, 武川俊明, 小材和美, 高附兼幸, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 315-315, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for the duties contents improvement with the SP1-10 Middle Shikoku block blood center accounting, the supplies duties efficiency study meeting
藤田一輝1), 中小路朝美1), 三浦萌子1), 木脇靖代1), 安木弘成1), 長野忠義1), 大前治久1), 後藤義典1), 草刈正2), 坪田徹1), 徳田修太郎1), 大川正史1), 古賀武生1), 土肥博雄1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 315-315, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the QC activity in the SP1-11 Tokai Hokuriku block blood center production section
大塚祥世, 杉浦良樹, 横家信華, 住亮一, 中村定生, 葛谷孝文, 高松純樹
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 316-316, 2014.

Japanese Article Try the demystification DVD making of examination - nurse duties of securing of SP1-12 nurse measures; and ...
舛田里枝, 古川多江子, 廣瀬静香, 岡村清子, 米村まり子, 早野俊一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 316-316, 2014.

Japanese Article It is examination about becoming it high sensitivity of the bacteria gene technique in blood for the SP2-1 transfusion
吉政隆, 坂田秀勝, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 317-317, 2014.

Japanese Article Efficiency - block of duties to affect the blood type that SP2-2 is rare effect - with becoming it
高橋美都保, 伊藤正一, 荻山佳子, 浅野朋美, 菱沼智子, 加賀屋美佳, 福村雅史, 入野美千代, 小原健良, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 317-317, 2014.

Japanese Article We think about the possibility of the bacteria mixture route to SP2-3 blood products
松本真実1), 金子萌2), 篠崎久美子1), 吉田昭治1), 木村泰1), 名雲英人1), 中島一格1), 佐竹正博2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 318-318, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action of the blood donation enlightenment writing "blood donation" in Fukui where we made use of a characteristic of the SP2-4 area in
宮川亮一, 西野翔太, 妹尾光朗, 藤井友幸, 斎藤雄一, 小林みゆき, 清水慎一, 南保利枝子, 塩田喜代子, 坂本修, 石田裕美, 高橋正美, 豊岡重剛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 318-318, 2014.

Japanese Article Effective SP2-5; do it and is examined the preparation start cell count standard for the belt blood bank business administration
堀江芳典, 松本加代子, 井上なおみ, 南明美, 米田典央, 坪倉裕昌, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 319-319, 2014.

Japanese Article About the supply and demand, the transfer system of the broad-based blood products beyond the SP2-6 prefectural border
安達航, 宮崎悠介, 杉原淳文, 今西博巳, 安達恵子, 増田雅也, 前迫直久, 伊福部広司
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 319-319, 2014.

Japanese Article Action (the first report) to VVR early detection through consecutive measurement of SP2-7 bloodstream and the pulse rate
林田直美1), 金井久美子1), 大町幸子2), 佐藤浩一2), 田中茂樹1), 首藤加奈子4), 松崎浩史5), 松浦史朗1), 入田和男3), 藤崎清道1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 320-320, 2014.

Japanese Article Genetic screening of Japanese RhD variant using the genetic screening reagent of the O-001 marketing
田中光信, 釜田生子, 高橋順子, 平島瑞子, 木村恵子, 松倉晴道, 谷慶彦, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 323-323, 2014.

Japanese Article Detection frequency of the low frequency antigen Miltenberger antigen in O-002 Hokkaido
久保晴敬, 三浦佳乃, 宮崎孔, 大橋恒, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 323-323, 2014.

Japanese Article An example of the ABO blood group chimera that an O-003 A1 type and an A2 type were thought to be mixed
河野薫, 小田晃, 井上広子, 奥田久実子, 平島瑞子, 石井博之, 木村恵子, 松倉晴道, 平山文也, 谷慶彦, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 324-324, 2014.

Japanese Article The establishment of the human monoclonal antiB-producing cell line in response to O-004 cisA1B3 (cisAB/A1) and strong positive
海透紗弥佳, 豊田智津, 鈴木由美, 後藤美幸, 常山初江, 矢部隆一, 鈴木雅治, 内川誠, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 324-324, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the panel cells manufacture for the blood grouping using the immortalization erythroid progenitor cells strain derived from O-005 humans iPS cells
船戸興自1), 長部隆広2), 常山初江2), 栗田良1), 小笠原健一1), 柴雅之1), 内川誠2), 佐竹正博1), 中村幸夫3), 田所憲治1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 325-325, 2014.

Japanese Article About an evaluation of the safety improvement of the blood for the transfusion after the O-006 HBc antibody standard change
礪波秀紀, 杉山美和, 橘川薫, 鈴木雅治, 佐竹正博, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 325-325, 2014.

Japanese Article About the geographical distribution of the person with positive HTLV-1 screening in O-007 Kyushu
守田麻衣子1), 井上由紀子1), 後藤信代1), 相良康子1), 平山秀明1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1),2), 清川博之1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 326-326, 2014.

Japanese Article About the use situation of the orchid control for the examination of O-008 nucleic acid amplification (NAT)
橘川薫, 服部文子, 福田俊洋, 礪波秀紀, 鈴木雅治, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 326-326, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems about the present conditions and the specificity of the examination for human parvoviral B19 antigen by O-009 chemiluminescence enzyme immunity method of measurement (CLEIA)
山保文, 坂田秀勝, 大和田尚, 伊原弘美, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 327-327, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action of the securing of O-010 CMV antibody-negative blood
中野稔, 竹本謙一, 藤村佳世子, 田久保智子, 真鍋寛司, 橋口聖一, 迫田岩根, 入田和男, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 327-327, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of blood donation simulation experience event "kids blood donation" for children who cooperated with O-011 commercial facilities
堀代達矢1), 松井伸之1), 水井一貴1), 笠井公一1), 中西淳1), 多田羅吉晴1), 頓部邦夫1), 岡田昌彦1), 八木基皓2), 泉屋直輝3), 福島智之3), 亀岡盾3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 328-328, 2014.

Japanese Article About blood donation enlightenment event "Ibaraki blood donation festival" in connection with O-012 prefecture Medical Association
小瀬剛志1), 武井浩充1), 豊田重特1), 佐藤純一1), 諸岡信裕2), 小松満2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 328-328, 2014.

Japanese Article About the birth of the O-013 blood donation promotion model designated city and the effect
平田章子, 徳瀬寛貴, 松尾圭馬, 古賀奈津子, 長崎敏幸, 橋口厚太, 上原徹, 白窪正四, 小山なせ, 藤村慎一, 米澤守光, 中村和郎, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 329-329, 2014.

Japanese Article Held ... of action ... Red Cross blood donation contact carnival as the O-014 pilot center
中出佳秀, 阪本晃, 嶋田博之, 宮崎敬三, 西山彰彦, 佐藤克明, 田村康一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 329-329, 2014.

Japanese Article O-015 Volunteer blood donor message & thank-you letter exchange ceremony 〜Thank you for much love〜
山里正, 井上稔之, 坂田竜司, 仲本正嗣, 山城幸広, 上江洲富夫, 大久保和明
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 330-330, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action in 20 unit platelet drawing blood in O-016 ingredient drawing blood device CCS
庭野美代子, 佐藤佳代子, 本間弥生, 小林智子, 立川泰雄, 今田恒芳, 布施一郎
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 330-330, 2014.

Japanese Article Securing of platelet by the utilization of the ingredient drawing blood device in the O-017 Lake Biwa Kusatsu blood donation room
小林てるみ, 川崎秀二, 半田純子, 西川健治, 新宮るみ, 藤居和美, 佐藤寛美, 横内光, 小笹宏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 331-331, 2014.

Japanese Article Questionary survey in consideration of the presence or absence of citric acid response for the O-018 platelet drawing blood expansion
平野知美, 栗又彩乃, 高松貴代, 菅谷啓子, 藤田裕子, 飯村峰子, 橋本あい子, 佐藤純一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 331-331, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the platelet ingredient drawing blood with the O-019 FFP standard change
奥山かおり, 山田葉子, 浅田恵, 塚本昭子, 泉本柳子, 中村一彦, 中出亮, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 332-332, 2014.

Japanese Article Preservation performance of the coagulation factor activity of the ACD-A liquid under the O-020 pH equivalence condition and the CPD liquid
森純平, 寺田あかね, 大橋祥朗, 小河英人, 坪倉裕昌, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 332-332, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about the freeze speed of the O-021 fresh frozen plasma
滝口淳1), 森純平1), 澤田京子1), 渕崎晶弘2), 寺田あかね1), 大橋祥朗1), 小河英人1), 坪倉裕昌1), 河敬世1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 333-333, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the maximal ice crystal generation zone at plasma freeze with the O-022 rapid freeze device
高橋翔太朗, 三浦隆太郎, 奥山寛稔, 千田愛美, 三浦正光, 川島航, 星尚宏, 及川伸治, 堀部泰人, 浦野慎一, 峯岸正好, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 333-333, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... about quality of time to separation of the O-023 whole blood liquid and examination - fresh frozen plasma -LR about the temperature
藤原満博1), 若本志乃舞1), 内藤祐1), 林宜亨1), 秋野光明1), 小野寺秀一2), 榎本圭介2), 茶谷真2), 栗原勝彦2), 柴雅之3), 本間稚広1), 紀野修一1), 池田久實1), 高本滋1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 334-334, 2014.

Japanese Article About quality of plasma preparation frozen by O-024 supercooling control and the red blood cell preparation
渕崎晶弘1), 大野裕貴2), 柴雅之1), 関原章司2), 佐竹正博1), 田所憲治1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 334-334, 2014.

Japanese Article About the effect that the change of the O-025 storage temperature gives to quality of irradiation red blood cell dope -LR
内藤祐1), 柴雅之2), 秋野光明1), 本間稚広1), 紀野修一1), 池田久實1), 高本滋1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 335-335, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... about quality of time to separation of the O-026 whole blood liquid and examination - red blood cell dope -LR about the temperature
布施久恵1), 内藤祐1), 藤原満博1), 林宜亨1), 若本志乃舞1), 秋野光明1), 小野寺秀一2), 榎本圭介2), 茶谷真2), 栗原勝彦2), 柴雅之3), 本間稚広1), 紀野修一1), 池田久實1), 高本滋1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 335-335, 2014.

Japanese Article About the course of the O-027 Middle Shikoku block blood center blood donation promotion support committee
小合郁夫, 立野俊治, 篠田達仁, 重田達身, 岡田英俊, 大川正史, 古賀武生, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 336-336, 2014.

Japanese Article Achievement ... of 10,000 utilization - 1 meeting place annual volunteer blood donor of "the blood donation station" using the parking lot for exclusive use of the O-028 shopping mall permanent construction
櫻井聡, 今脇崇行, 古谷野智, 沼本高志, 廣江善男, 村上文一, 大森久仁子, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 336-336, 2014.

Japanese Article For 50 drawing blood per the O-029 movement drawing blood 1 operation
永田慎, 金森慶太, 門脇晃一, 中村隆, 増田雅也, 前迫直久
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 337-337, 2014.

Japanese Article O-030 About the activities of the サイトノミクス in the Kinki block
下垣昭二, 松田清功, 藤田秀行, 田中孝, 面高修, 駒田修, 豊田尚志, 保坂勇一, 龍延博, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 337-337, 2014.

Japanese Article Measures to maintain the movement bloodmobile rate of operation in the depopulated area of O-031 Ehime
秋山大悟, 相原敬治, 福田稔, 上松陽二郎, 岡田麻美子, 稲丸里佳, 廣木哲也, 芦原俊昭
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 338-338, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to prefectural high school blood donation promotion business in the O-032 Kitakyusyu business jurisdiction
鍋島喜代隆, 仲岡奈美, 緒方毅史, 吉田正直, 櫓木健治, 森下亨, 松田敦志, 立花和彦, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 338-338, 2014.

Japanese Article About spread of blood donation enlightenment for the young group by the O-033 Tokyo student blood donation promotion league
郷原貴利1), 加藤恒生1), 青柳和彦1), 森田昭1), 村松昭1), 上村和哉1), 高橋彩1), 菊池正樹1), 押切結花1), 福山翔大2), 早川隼也2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 339-339, 2014.

Japanese Article About young group enlightenment activity to be carried out in O-034 promotion section, drawing blood section cooperation
川村綾, 重元百合香, 江南亜紀, 松本まゆみ, 泉真紀, 岡田真衣, 戸根安洋, 木下ひとみ, 上森清志, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 339-339, 2014.

Japanese Article Action about the securing of HLA match donor beyond the O-035 prefectural border
高橋秀典1), 須藤守弘2), 森田里美2), 藤原敦2), 金井準一1), 飛松昌宏2), 田口淳一2), 蓮見富也2), 松崎浩史2), 加藤恒生2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 340-340, 2014.

Japanese Article The present of the email request in the movement drawing blood of O-036 Kagawa and future problem
眞鍋知裕, 溝渕奈美恵, 川崎浩幸, 黒嶋秀樹, 山地眞, 森原久紀, 本田豊彦
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 340-340, 2014.

Japanese Article The analysis of the aggregate development factor of O-037 platelet raw materials and examination about the association with the platelet activation
小田島千尋, 及川伸治, 星尚宏, 川島航, 浦野慎一, 堀部泰人, 鈴木光, 峯岸正好, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 341-341, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of a platelet particle size distribution in O-038 platelet preparation and the cohesion situation
一杉芽美, 寺田周弘, 柴雅之, 佐竹正博, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 341-341, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor associated with development of PLT Clumps in the blood count of the platelet preparation in the O-039 automatic blood cell count device
若本志乃舞, 藤原満博, 秋野光明, 内藤祐, 林宜亨, 本間稚広, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 342-342, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the next day commotion preservation of the platelet preparation in the O-040 Saitama factory
高尾昭有, 蓮勇輝, 仲川寛斎, 吉田潤, 井上雅可, 名雲英人, 宮川賢一郎, 稲葉頌一, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 342-342, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the new formula of the washing platelet using the O-041 hollow thread
田中成憲1), 林智也1), 菅谷紗里2), 岸川竜也2), 野坂史朗2), 長部真博2), 上野良之2), 谷慶彦1), 平山文也1), 河敬世1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 343-343, 2014.

Japanese Article Enforcement report of the blood donation in O-042 "the first blood center Festival"
原山愛, 清水誠, 小林衛, 小林治夫, 仁科健二, 百瀬克彦, 齊藤敏, 佐藤博行
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 343-343, 2014.

Japanese Article O-043 blood center and local interchange "blood center festival"
阿部正博, 百瀬克彦, 松嶋寛, 小池敏幸, 齊藤敏, 佐藤博行
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 344-344, 2014.

Japanese Article Wave O-044 first blood center; about holding of the love Festival
佐橋昌邦, 岡部裕晃, 大田佳子, 岩崎秀一, 香田昌宏, 小池則弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 344-344, 2014.

Japanese Article New public information development with the O-045 digital photoframe
岡澤一将, 阪本晃, 中出佳秀, 古川晃義, 嶋田博之, 西山彰彦, 佐藤克明, 田村康一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 345-345, 2014.

Japanese Article O-046 Haruhi Suzumiya blood donation support masterpiece war
永濱義也, 平川通夫, 重森彩花, 堀口真悠子, 桑木孝典
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 345-345, 2014.

Japanese Article Of the VVR prophylaxis "slightly blood donation" in the O-047 Senior High School blood donation a trial
竹垣由香, 鈴木久子, 飯村峰子, 橋本あい子, 佐藤純一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 346-346, 2014.

Japanese Article Association between blood throughput and VVR at the O-048 plasma ingredient drawing blood
佐藤惠子, 大久保理恵, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 346-346, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis - of fluid intake and drawing blood side effect investigation (BDRI) by preventive measures against VVR - questionary survey in the O-049 platelet drawing blood
井田いづみ1), 松井智美1), 荒木あゆみ1), 算用子裕美1), 山森きぬえ1), 金井ひろみ1), 山本哲1), 高本滋2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 347-347, 2014.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the VVR pathogenesis as the O-050 drawing blood side effect
井上洋西, 伊藤寛泰, 佐藤泰子, 中島みどり, 長峯文男, 佐藤繁雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 347-347, 2014.

Japanese Article About a VVR incidence of O-051 venous return drop reduction effect by the prevention [one discussion about the VVR developmental mechanism]
比嘉洋平, 当間武, 大久保和明
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 348-348, 2014.

Japanese Article About the setting purpose of two blood donation rooms where O-052 is next to and the administration
森政順二, 下前孝典, 松本佳子, 住岡田和美, 三郎丸悦二, 西川滋祐, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 348-348, 2014.

Japanese Article About inspection for 3 blood donation room setting to around Yokohama Station in O-053 Kanagawa
田中由紀子, 石黒千尋, 大村加織, 吉野元晴, 田口博行, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 349-349, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... for action ... ultimate service of the O-054 "blood donation concierge" training
松永祐, 仲香, 住岡田和美, 小野裕, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 349-349, 2014.

Japanese Article Way of thinking using the O-055 interchange analysis technique for objection
渡部学1), 松下慎司1), 乙訓高一1), 森田昭1), 松崎浩史1),2), 加藤恒夫1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 350-350, 2014.

Japanese Article Of the "holistic health academy" home delivery of cooked foods lecture aiming at the aging of the O-056 social capital is scattered; about a composing type
竹島良子, 坂口美鈴, 小野美幸, 儀保景子, 永野幸子, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 350-350, 2014.

Japanese Article About the setting of the person concerned with O-057 Kyushu block blood business meeting
岩根一己, 大坪宏美, 中村博明, 小材和美, 高附兼幸, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 351-351, 2014.

Japanese Article Supply turn of eventss of the O-058 1 unit RCC-LR preparation
佐々木大, 内海直紀, 清水貴人, 一條浩一, 柴田正道, 澤村佳宏, 白取靖士, 中川國利
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 351-351, 2014.

Japanese Article About the supply correspondence to a pregnant woman of MDS holding the blood group antibodies that O-059 is rare
八田咲希, 守田豊, 山本嘉正, 立花和彦, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 352-352, 2014.

Japanese Article About drawing blood adjustment of the typing by the O-060 red blood cell stock balance
北村真吾1), 成田謙一1), 杉山朋邦1), 木暮秀哉1), 瀧川正弘2), 須崎栄2), 小泉雅由1), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 352-352, 2014.

Japanese Article About the trial of the demand for blood products prediction by the O-061 statistical model (ARIMA model)
荒添悟, 田中文惠, 中村勝徳, 高尾征義, 井上慎吾, 入田和男, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 353-353, 2014.

Japanese Article Trend prediction of the platelet preparation by the O-062 recollection-like statistics technique
関史行, 櫻井定明, 松嶋寛, 斉藤敏, 佐藤博行
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 353-353, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience intellect (about a foresight and measures) of the nurse for the O-063 vasovagal reflex
木村真弓, 最所浩美, 橋爪龍磨, 井上陽子, 鈴木裕子, 柴田玲子, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 354-354, 2014.

Japanese Article The bloodstream measurement that we are donating blood of that utilized O-064 laser rheometer
中山さやか, 岡本美恵, 橋爪龍磨, 最所浩美, 柴田玲子, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 354-354, 2014.

Japanese Article From one discussion - questionnaire findings of the O-065 late onset VVR prophylaxis -
岸本君恵, 葛島基子, 浅田恵, 松崎恵美, 高田知恵美, 若菜美代子, 塚本昭子, 中出亮, 手島博文, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 355-355, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the simple and easy device of the VVR development foresight as the O-066 drawing blood side effect
伊藤寛泰1), 高橋秀宣2), 岩井守生2), 小林宏一郎2), 佐藤繁雄1), 井上洋西1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 355-355, 2014.

Japanese Article O-067 she sulks; about introduction and nerve damage, the neuropathic consultation situation of the strike
甲斐修子, 葛島基子, 松崎恵美, 高田知恵美, 若菜美代子, 塚本昭子, 森本実, 中出亮, 手島博文, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 356-356, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action of the consciousness improvement for the quality by O-068 "quality motto" (Kanto Koshinnetsu block German self-support movement)
齊藤昌子1), 五味高志2), 長谷川健3), 小貫素弘4), 一倉保5), 川旗優子6), 森本寛二1), 河島道雄1), 小泉雅由1), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 356-356, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the consciousness improvement for the guarantee of quality by the O-069 motto
押野正次1), 齋藤順1), 堀勇二1), 新畑泰仁1), 神前昌敏1), 秋田真哉2), 荒木延夫2), 吉田和夫3), 黒田香織3), 梅田幸男4), 河村朋子4), 山根敏子5), 石井勝次6), 西山彰彦6), 小薗由香7), 内田和人7)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 357-357, 2014.

Japanese Article About a role in charge of the quality information in the incident of the O-070 drawing blood business association
鎌田博子, 二部琴美, 阿部真, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 357-357, 2014.

Japanese Article The examination of the guarantee of quality well-known enforcement method of carrying out an activity to affect O-071 quality system and problem
大西麻由, 五藤啓典, 入船秀典, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 358-358, 2014.

Japanese Article Through the attendance of health care - reflexology lecture of the staff who utilized O-072 holistic health plaza Kagoshima -
田原隆太郎, 坂口美鈴, 小野美幸, 儀保景子, 竹島良子, 永田祐輔, 加藤るみ子, 三反崎光夫, 永野幸子, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 358-358, 2014.

Japanese Article About a trial of the public information magazine publication in the place for the purpose of the promotion of the communication between the O-073 staffs
橋本麻衣子, 大坪宏美, 横山一行, 中村博明, 小材和美, 高附兼幸, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 359-359, 2014.

Japanese Article About the action of the mid-sized staff in O-074 "team 8 studio"
永野雄太, 松尾桂馬, 田原隆太郎, 久保尚美, 儀保景子, 古賀奈津子, 長崎敏幸, 永田祐輔, 松久保啓, 橋口厚太
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 359-359, 2014.

Japanese Article About improvement of the consciousness of the staff by the O-075 BSC introduction and the duties accomplishment power
永野幸子, 田原隆太郎, 永田祐輔, 加藤るみ子, 三反崎光夫, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 360-360, 2014.

Japanese Article About the second staff attitude survey results in the O-076 Kinki block blood center
生形聡, 池中洋介, 黒岡要輔, 中西愛, 入江満, 刀祢利昭, 駒田修, 保坂勇一, 龍延博, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 360-360, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action to analysis and the blunder prevention of the incident in the O-077 drawing blood section
菊地晴子, 石塚梓, 高屋英恵, 高橋明美, 土田睦子, 伊藤美恵子, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 361-361, 2014.

Japanese Article For the drawing blood procedure that is certain by O-078 security
佐久間幸代, 村瀬寿美, 伊藤美枝子, 小野知子, 北折健次郎, 濱口元洋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 361-361, 2014.

Japanese Article Attitude survey for a society, the authorized apheresis nurse acquisitor in the O-079 Kyushu pipe
椛島フクヱ1), 田代千穂1), 式田睦子1), 岩崎潤子1), 平安山知子2), 石川博徳1), 下田善太郎1), 佐川公矯1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 362-362, 2014.

Japanese Article Consciousness change - of satisfaction improvement and the staff of evaluation - volunteer blood donor for the donor care business of O-080 three years
中園祐子, 山下千代美, 久保尚美, 米山幸江, 岡崎靖代, 内門悦子, 桑畑恵子, 甲斐清子, 東珠子, 豊富ケイ子, 岩切栄子, 大原律子, 櫻井眞理子, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 362-362, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation - effectiveness and problem - after the O-081 preceptorship introduction
川口敦子, 川口泉, 木下ひとみ, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 363-363, 2014.

Japanese Article About comparison of O-082 simple type hemoglobin measuring assembly component stereo love HB and TS
中原瑶乃, 濱口元洋, 北折健次郎, 鈴木ゆかり, 田爪珠子, 東村洋子, 花井美恵
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 363-363, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action of 5S promotion Committee in the O-083 Kyushu block blood center
中村弥奈, 池田英里, 生野正子, 石原正朗, 元日田勉, 小材和美, 高附兼幸, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 364-364, 2014.

Japanese Article Good use of management tool - validation calibration ... using the O-084 Excel
石田忠, 野沢祐美, 大庭良枝, 橋本秀樹, 加藤和彦, 鈴木博雄, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 364-364, 2014.

Japanese Article About the action of a study session in the O-085 Kyushu block blood center and the workshop
牧野里子1), 藤村佳世子1), 黒田ゆかり1), 松岡治子2), 大坪宏美1), 成松奈穂1), 吉田幸明1), 古賀ひとみ1), 松永章1), 辻村充志1), 中村功1), 光富吉朗1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1), 高附兼幸1), 清川博之1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 365-365, 2014.

Japanese Article About the enforcement report of the O-086 "Kanto Koshinnetsu block meeting"
高橋みどり1), 加藤友里恵1), 松田真一1), 田角麻2), 入山鉄次3), 村山哲也4), 小泉善男1), 古谷克己1), 永島實1), 中島一格1), 南陸彦1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 365-365, 2014.

Japanese Article About the training acceptance of the clinical medic in the O-087 blood center
氣谷吉弘1), 中嶋善幸1), 高村康子1), 森吉正敏1), 泉篤史1), 山崎正喜1), 塩原信太郎1), 圓藤ルリ子2), 新田誠2), 圓満字豊2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 366-366, 2014.

Japanese Article For examination - constant temperature car introduction of the thermoregulation method of the raw materials blood (whole blood) before O-088 conveyance -
金子祐次1), 茶谷真1), 栗原勝彦1), 百瀬俊也1), 柴田玲子2), 松崎浩史2), 佐竹正博1), 加藤恒生2), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 366-366, 2014.

Japanese Article Improvement of the confirmation list in the stool export of O-089 raw materials blood and the specimen
関口茜, 垣下かよ, 向井和美, 香田昌宏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 367-367, 2014.

Japanese Article Association with teamwork and the effect factor of the O-090 nurse
石澤敦子, 山田美佳, 川口泉, 木下ひとみ, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 367-367, 2014.

Japanese Article O-091 Cooperation action to a study on medical iPS cells stock construction
小野典子, 大橋一雄, 伊藤俊之, 辻肇
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 368-368, 2014.

Japanese Article Use experience of O-092 non-invasion hemoglobin measuring assembly ASTRIM FIT
本田豊彦, 関田拓馬, 白井隆, 山地佳美, 砂子祐樹, 冨家直樹, 山地眞, 山下由美子, 綾野千秋, 白川由加子, 新名准子, 森原久紀
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 368-368, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the nutrition education by O-093 health care support system professional well BD
白川由加子, 沖和子, 北平裕子, 白井隆, 冨家直樹, 山地佳美, 砂子祐樹, 山下由美子, 新名准子, 森原久紀, 本田豊彦
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 369-369, 2014.

Japanese Article About participation of the blood center in the O-094 self blood drawing blood and a future problem
吉田斉, 國井華子, 山手昌子, 土田睦子, 佐藤貴美子, 伊藤美恵子, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 369-369, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the platelet washing technology using the hollow thread membrane of the O-095 marketing
小野寺秀一1), 栗原勝彦1), 百瀬俊也1), 松崎浩史2), 佐竹正博1), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 370-370, 2014.

Japanese Article A setup and progress of the O-096 cord-blood transplant histocompatible collaborative investigation group
屋部登志雄1),3), 東史啓1),3), 柏瀬貢一1),3), 折原武3), 矢部普正3), 橋本正美1),3), 松本加世子3), 甲斐俊朗3), 森鉄男3), 大村和代1), 鈴木雅治1), 高梨美乃子2),3), 佐竹正博1),2),3), 森島泰雄3), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 370-370, 2014.

Japanese Article About the training for the technology transfer to the medical institution of O-097 PBSC preparation storage duties
永島久子, 辻村充志, 池田浩, 日永田真弓, 大山政則, 中村功, 光富吉朗, 入田和男, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 371-371, 2014.

Japanese Article For the further use of the product transfer container with ice cradle for the O-098 vehicle installation applied - to - fresh frozen plasma
高井昭弘, 樋野幸男, 岩崎一美, 清水建靖, 新畑泰仁, 神前昌俊
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 371-371, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the product (PC and RCC) packing method using one set of O-099 shipping cask EBT-30HS, heat storage materials others conveyance material
北川浩, 野口和男, 大戸啓史, 新井恒夫, 中村圭太, 高橋好春, 蓮見富也, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 372-372, 2014.

Japanese Article About setting, the use of the O-100 Takayama supply branch office
福田浩二, 志知俊, 松尾康尚, 香田昌宏, 小池則弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 372-372, 2014.

Japanese Article The establishment of the supply system beyond the block with the O-101 Tsuruga supply branch office establishment and the future prospects
円満字宏一, 牧田昭, 田村利彦, 坂本修, 松原毅, 河崎勝自, 北林廣三郎, 橋本正之, 岩崎洋二, 高橋正美, 豊岡重剛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 373-373, 2014.

Japanese Article O-102 About the questionary survey after the change to the supply area more than prefectural borders and the system to distribute directly
佐藤等志, 片岡宗則, 中谷和夫, 山内裕之, 柴崎至
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 373-373, 2014.

Japanese Article It is an action to the expired oligemia with the changes from supply trust in Goto (remote island) to a storage medical institution in O-103 Nagasaki
草野敏樹1), 牟田徳浩1), 平瀬和廣2), 八坂貴宏2), 藤井実1), 中園一郎1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 374-374, 2014.

Japanese Article Change of blood products waste ratio three years in the main medical institution in O-104 Yamagata required
佐藤千恵1), 黒田優1), 佐藤勇人1), 清水博1), 大本英次郎2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 374-374, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the at-home transfusion in O-105 Yamagata
黒田優1), 佐藤千恵1), 佐藤勇人1), 清水博1), 大内清則2), 大本英次郎3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 375-375, 2014.

Japanese Article Activity of joint transfusion therapy Committee in O-106 Fukuoka for 17 years and role of the blood center
小田秀隆, 柳内大輝, 石井恵美, 松本岩雄, 松本浩二, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 375-375, 2014.

Japanese Article About a transfusion regime in O-107 Kagoshima and the use actual situation
寺野玉枝, 川西太徳, 宮下幸一郎, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 376-376, 2014.

Japanese Article Activity report of O-108 Gifu combination transfusion therapy Committee
香田昌宏1), 高井真一1), 和田美奈1), 小杉浩史2), 鬼束惇義1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 376-376, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for the disposal of blood products decrease in O-109 Niigata
松山雄一, 古俣妙, 瀬下敏, 伊藤さくら, 桑原利枝, 大滝裕司, 立川泰雄, 今田恒芳, 布施一郎
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 377-377, 2014.

Japanese Article About a setting method of the in-hospital fixed number stock of the red blood cell preparation in the O-110 medical institution
鈴木美奈子, 松田孝, 宮崎卓, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 377-377, 2014.

Japanese Article About supply demand for 200mL red blood cell preparation in the O-111 Osaka Red Cross blood center
藤本しのぶ, 清水建靖, 岩崎一美, 高井昭弘, 樋野幸男, 新畑泰仁, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 378-378, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience a long-term use case of O-112 PC-HLA
岩本はる香1), 木下克美1), 山下隆司1), 江川佐登子1), 藤井実1), 中園一郎1), 長井一浩2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 378-378, 2014.

Japanese Article About the example that racked its brains about supply of the O-113 type B Rh-negative irradiation frozen thawed red flood cell preparation
平安山睦美, 石垣元晴, 宮崎晃, 坂田絵利子, 福地隆, 上江洲富夫, 大久保和明
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 379-379, 2014.

Japanese Article An example of the information sharing with the medical institution in the supply of the blood type that O-114 is rare
矢野健一1), 谷崎光広1), 友澤勝1), 門田之彦1), 兵頭健一1), 廣木哲也1), 芦原俊昭1), 宇都宮佳代2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 379-379, 2014.

Japanese Article About the action for the decrease in O-115 emergency run
山村一, 今田一郎, 高田敏行, 瀧宮節夫, 村本信明, 古本雅明, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 380-380, 2014.

Japanese Article About 2 cases that HBs antibody of the patients seemed to make a change into positive by use of the O-116 platelet preparation
宮崎浩輔1), 岩崎香織1), 今井重美1), 多田羅吉晴1), 頓部邦夫1), 岡田昌彦1), 矢尾明美2), 関根隆夫2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 380-380, 2014.

Japanese Article Based on antigen-negative blood - complaint correspondence becoming incompatible in O-117 crossmatch, major test -
大藪達, 近藤陽司, 齋藤隆夫, 黒川昭, 新畑泰仁, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 381-381, 2014.

Japanese Article Correspondence to retrospective search and the examination for individual NAT shift after O-118 HBV history person blood donation restrictions
上田博1), 山下隆司1), 松本浩二2), 小田秀隆2), 柳内大輝2), 石井恵美2), 柴木弘3), 東島悦子3), 渡辺芳文4), 續隆文5), 伊東孝子5), 酒井和也6), 押川秀次6), 川西太徳7), 寺野玉枝7), 赤嶺廣幸8), 大城正巳8), 中園一郎1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 381-381, 2014.

Japanese Article About a development trend of the nonhemolytic blood transfusion reaction in O-119 Akita and the role of future report system
國井華子, 吉田斉, 二部琴美, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 382-382, 2014.

Japanese Article About the posterior testing request with the infection side effect in the O-120 Tohoku block
則竹保治, 安藤裕美子, 高橋彩子, 長谷川修, 及川一美, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 382-382, 2014.

Japanese Article About the effective effective duties management that utilized O-121 BSC
川西太徳, 寺野玉枝, 宮下幸一郎, 藤村慎一, 米澤守光, 中村和郎, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 383-383, 2014.

Japanese Article About the transfusion testing administrative work class for small medical institutions out of O-122
川上文徳1), 飴谷利江子1), 小野寺秀樹1), 蓮見富也1), 松崎浩史1), 加藤恒生1), 日野郁生2), 山本恵美2), 神谷昌弓2), 常山初江2), 高橋雅彦2), 中島一格2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 383-383, 2014.

Japanese Article About a self-blood briefing session by the cooperation of the O-123 Science Division and the drawing blood section
柳原暁子, 飴谷利江子, 小野寺秀樹, 蓮見富也, 西谷祐三子, 柴田玲子, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 384-384, 2014.

Japanese Article About the transfusion situation in O-124 Okinawa
大城正巳, 赤嶺廣幸, 上江洲富夫, 大久保和明
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 384-384, 2014.

Japanese Article About the correspondence of the nurse for the initial volunteer blood donor of the P-001 high school student
中里佐代子, 森下美千代, 加藤和美, 山崎みどり, 菊池喜代子, 関百合子, 阿久津美百生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 387-387, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the VVR prevention by the combination of P-002 relaxation (breathing) law and kinesitherapy
寺牛直子, 小川紗代, 久保聖子, 高橋明美, 中島みどり, 佐藤繁雄, 井上洋西
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 387-387, 2014.

Japanese Article It is consciousness charge account ... of ... drawing blood practitioner for rest time security in P-003 bed
松田早代, 中木敦子, 工藤理恵, 西野明子, 谷口弥生, 田村裕子, 井村鮎美, 藤田佳代, 栗野京子, 佐野周次, 沖野實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 388-388, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination - followup of the VVR prevention of the P-004 men plasma volunteer blood donor
西川恵美, 石黒昌代, 佐藤惠子, 大久保理恵, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 388-388, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the VVR development of the female plasma phlebotomist in P-005 Kanagawa
佐々木治子, 佐藤惠子, 大久保理恵, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 389-389, 2014.

Japanese Article It is an effect of the rest maintenance on Bet after P-006 drawing blood
林久美子, 今戸真弓, 別府一子, 山口知子, 立花和彦, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 389-389, 2014.

Japanese Article VVR-adaptive questionnaire for the P-007 blood center drawing blood charge nurse
益田里絵, 山口裕美, 田代千穂, 式田睦子, 石川博徳, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 390-390, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the blood vessel vagus nerve response to P-008 youth volunteer blood donor prevention
新井美香1), 加藤しのぶ1), 千葉睦子1), 松田清美1), 齋藤由美子1), 中川晃一郎1), 芝池伸彰1), 西信雄2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 390-390, 2014.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the prevention of side effect protocol for the purpose of the P-009 VVR development reduction
岩切典子, 日高美里, 西湯香, 渡邊成美, 和合明子, 石神みさき, 牧生恵, 西稔典, 櫻井眞理子, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 391-391, 2014.

Japanese Article Try securing of extension of the break after blood donation of the P-010 volunteer blood donor; and action ... of ... movement drawing blood group
山崎栄美子, 鈴木善美, 谷口ひとみ, 渡邊真由美, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 391-391, 2014.

Japanese Article Compare the bloodstream change during comparison - blood donation of the vasovagal reflex development by the P-011 bed angle; and ...
青柳季代子, 辻雅代, 樽井久美子, 最所浩美, 橋爪龍磨, 岡本美恵, 柴田玲子, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 392-392, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection of the delayed VVR protective efficacy by P-012 muscle of leg strain exercise (AMT)
齋藤博子, 武藤順子, 木村理香, 利根川ひろみ, 西谷祐三子, 最所浩美, 柴田玲子, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 392-392, 2014.

Japanese Article Count and analysis of the dealing with grievances development record about the P-013 sample
田原綾乃, 岡崎晃士, 小山邦子, 瀬戸勝也, 井上進, 小原琢巳, 東史啓, 森田庄治, 峰岸清, 稲葉頌一, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 393-393, 2014.

Japanese Article Than the example in the P-014 "recurrent preventive measures (thing using tools) that we thought about from an incident report example" Okaido branch office
曾根岡敬子, 福原千佳, 山本かずみ, 松本彩, 白石洋子, 廣木哲也, 芦原俊昭
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 393-393, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the infection measures team which aimed at bacteria mixture zero to P-015 raw materials blood
天野亜由美, 和崎美裕紀, 平田美沙江, 内藤智子, 原秀子, 谷口聡美, 伊達栄子, 増田雅也, 前迫直久
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 394-394, 2014.

Japanese Article To prevent a defect at P-016 specimen, raw materials delivery
内山日登美, 芥川仁美, 中野有華, 森竹龍彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 394-394, 2014.

Japanese Article About utilization of the storage of drawing blood material for the P-017 next system
塚本由美, 大畑弘恵, 大川澄江, 初川未記, 村越あきみ, 藤浪和彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article Review of the P-018 lev lot Ron method for measurement
小谷亜希, 下田ひろ子, 米橋早代美, 勝原悦子, 八木谷誠, 佐々木信之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action to red blood cell decrease rate decrease in the P-019 Kochi center
広岡里佳, 高橋みずほ, 藤原弓子, 三谷いづみ, 大崎彩乃, 宮口加奈子, 関文, 山崎美江, 山中満明, 溝渕樹, 中山伸, 木村勝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the drawing blood section for the raw materials plasma sampling system in P-020 Fukui
橋本由紀子, 中山澄恵, 木谷真佐美, 吉田美智子, 森田ふじ子, 清水慎一, 高橋正美, 豊岡重剛
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article A platelet by the high-speed drawing blood of P-021 Teru cis S tries effectively utilizing it of obtaining it and
内海和代, 津田待美, 市川幸子, 浅井温子, 伊藤京子, 前川智美, 大橋玲奈, 飯島奈緒美, 村瀬沙織, 花井美恵, 末永典子, 相澤峰子, 小出恵美子, 北折健次郎, 濱口元洋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article Shift to platelet sampling of the female volunteer blood donor with a little the P-022 intravascular volume
中野直美, 三浦有美, 重岡美穂, 岡崎直子, 徳永明子, 新道千絵, 守田真湖, 長田仁美, 堀良雄, 藤井輝正
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action for the securing of P-023 platelet blood donation instruction - from - movement drawing blood meeting place
坂田尚美, 丸山里見, 大久保益子, 横塚悦子, 牛山加奈子, 今井すみれ, 三村雅子, 清水かおり, 雨宮真恵, 佐藤博行
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article About use at the P-024 ingredient drawing blood of hot pack and association with the drawing blood time
中村マキ, 打越琴美, 池田美紀, 喜田奈央, 新谷順, 岡野彩, 東野麻祐子, 上田ちか, 辻万喜, 田村康一
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... Japan transfusion, cell therapy society authorization apheresis nurse acquisition support ... to P-025 nurse skill up
大町幸子1), 松岡治子2), 佐藤浩一1), 井上慎吾1), 清川博之1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 399-399, 2014.

Japanese Article About question contents from the volunteer blood donor in P-026 drawing blood settings
中山由紀, 北野秋枝, 中園一郎
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 399-399, 2014.

Japanese Article Usefulness by a nutrition education for the low hemoglobin volunteer blood donor in the P-027 movement bloodmobile and the follow
阿部まゆみ, 高橋久美代, 松村良子, 佐藤泰子, 田口千晴, 中島みどり, 長峯文男, 佐藤繁雄, 井上洋西
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 400-400, 2014.

Japanese Article Discussion (about Hb in particular) of the detailed analysis of the P-028 drawing blood inappropriate status reason and the inadequate countermeasure
祖父江一至, 栗野京子, 瀬尾光輝, 富田寿人, 板東志昌, 後藤良人, 勝浦洋一, 佐野周次, 沖野實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 400-400, 2014.

Japanese Article 2 inspection - - of the distribution of the leaflet to the person who blood vessel was thin, and declined blood donation in P-029 Senior High School blood donation and the effect
竹田恵子, 白井祐子, 岡本奈緒美, 杠美奈, 小柳出裕貴, 浅沼礼子, 伊村公良, 南沢孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 401-401, 2014.

Japanese Article P-030 Experience of venipuncture used the non-contact vein visualization device (VeinViewerFlex)
大西賀代子, 菅野和加子, 山西弘美, 石田宏美, 岩下恵子, 嶋裕子, 塩田明弘, 藤村吉博
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 401-401, 2014.

Japanese Article Exhaustive analysis of the P-031 plasma protein antibody
阿部高秋, 嶋田英子, 佐竹正博, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 402-402, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the examination of request before P-032 plasma protein-related transfusion
浅沼亜樹, 穴沢雅子, 下山田高茂, 渡辺嘉久, 嶋田英子, 佐竹正博, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 402-402, 2014.

Japanese Article About P-033 blood transfusion reaction investigation and complaint investigation processing correspondence
永崎真世, 山口裕, 入船秀典, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 403-403, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of the pre-medication in the nonhemolytic side effect that there was the report in the Japanese Red Cross Society in P-034 2013
水戸瀬利行, 石野田正純, 重信朋子, 梶本昌子, 五十嵐滋, 日野学, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 403-403, 2014.

Japanese Article About the example that developed hepatitis C after P-035 transfusion
江藤薫1), 今永京子1), 押川千紗1), 坂本めぐみ1), 長野冬子1), 吉田幸明1), 高石英美1), 遊畑貴志1), 今村由美子1), 永吉裕二1), 東島悦子2), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男2), 清川博之1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 404-404, 2014.

Japanese Article About the correspondence to a side effect, the infection report in the P-036 Osaka center
矢野眞紀, 近藤陽司, 齋藤隆夫, 黒川昭, 新畑泰仁, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 404-404, 2014.

Japanese Article From P-037 Ishikawa combination transfusion therapy Committee activity about enforcement of the intervisitation for - proper use -
小森匡紀1), 渡部真喜1), 北村弥生1), 喜多忠志1), 山崎正喜1), 塩原信太郎1), 高見昭良2),3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 405-405, 2014.

Japanese Article Point out the questionary survey of the plasma derivative by P-038 Aomori combination transfusion therapy Committee (report)
村上知教1), 阿部泰文1),7), 立花直樹2),7), 北澤淳一3),7), 玉井佳子4),7), 岡本道孝5),7), 兎内謙始2),7), 田中一人4),7), 手代森光仁6),7), 柴崎至1),7)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 405-405, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... second report ... about an action for the P-039 "person concerned with eight prefectures of Kyushu joint transfusion therapy Committee society" (tentative name) holding
浅尾洋次, 熊本誠, 石田忠三, 久田正直, 井上慎吾, 高附兼幸, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 406-406, 2014.

Japanese Article About a demand for blood products trend for the transfusion in P-040 Oita
渡辺芳文, 吉武成彦, 三浦佳美, 幸豊重, 坂本美智雄, 岡田薫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 406-406, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... for grasp of use fact-finding questionnaire ... use actual situation of blood products in P-041 Okayama
國米修平1), 内藤一憲1), 美崎辰徳1), 伊藤咲季1), 冨田徳子1), 川邉修1), 上田恭典2), 池田和眞1),2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 407-407, 2014.

Japanese Article P-042 presentation questionnaire findings report
酒井和也, 伊作洋美, 押川秀次, 松浦史朗, 藤崎清道
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 407-407, 2014.

Japanese Article About a use of blood products situation investigation for the transfusion in P-043 Ehime
是澤光治, 佐野万里子, 鶴原紀子, 井上誠一, 廣木哲也, 松坂俊光, 芦原俊昭
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 408-408, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience a use of P-044 Japan Red Cross polyglobin N10% results investigation
山口裕, 永崎真世, 入船秀典, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 408-408, 2014.

Japanese Article The prion removal of the plasma derivative process using the P-045 mouse acclimation vCJD strain
上平崇1), 久保純1), 大久保祐士1), 坂井薫1), 加藤(森)ゆうこ2), 萩原克郎2), 生田和良3), 柚木幹弘1),2),3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 409-409, 2014.

Japanese Article About the situation of the retrospective search in P-046 Tottori
松尾節恵, 八木谷誠, 佐々木信之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 409-409, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the examination of request in P-047 Saitama
中嶋寛之1), 神山泉1), 五十嵐寛幸2), 榎本隆行2), 峰岸清2), 芝池伸彰1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 410-410, 2014.

Japanese Article About drug information activity in Osaka judging from P-048 actograph count
高久修司, 近藤陽司, 齋藤隆夫, 黒川昭, 新畑泰仁, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 410-410, 2014.

Japanese Article About enforcement of the effective drawing blood in the exclusive duty system of P-049 public relations duties
別役周祐, 東山いずみ, 小野卓二, 中平秀行, 小橋信之, 山中満明, 溝渕樹, 中山伸, 木村勝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 411-411, 2014.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the P-050 blood donation cooperation group
伏見綾菜, 愛原正三, 若林至, 平松里美, 鈴木幸男, 藤浪和彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 411-411, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to securing of volunteer blood donor with symbiosis, the collaboration with the P-051 area
江口沙央理, 村山友佳子, 松久保啓, 横山修, 野口正一, 畠中康作, 牧野一洋, 白窪正四, 小山なせ, 藤村慎一, 米澤守光, 中村和郎, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 412-412, 2014.

Japanese Article About introduction of "the blood donation group information management system" under the P-052 BSC utilization and the effect
徳瀬寛貴, 松尾圭馬, 古賀奈津子, 長崎敏幸, 橋口厚太, 平田章子, 上原徹, 小山なせ, 米沢守光, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 412-412, 2014.

Japanese Article About the inflection of one's own document at P-053 public relations
齋藤慶太, 矢部梓, 黒木隆子, 小野田千也, 齊藤元彦, 伊村公良, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 413-413, 2014.

Japanese Article Instruction ... to a mother's body using promotion activity - ingredient blood donation request card from the nurse who targeted P-054 university student
土居明子, 青井あゆみ, 為本朋子, 石井乃生子, 大森久仁子, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 413-413, 2014.

Japanese Article About the new action in P-055 "Kyushu block student blood donation promotion meeting unification event" (the second report)
大坪宏美1), 江崎幸穂1), 田崎稔1), 横山一行1), 岩根一己1), 元日田勉1), 中村博明1), 小材和美1), 入田和男1),2), 高附兼幸1), 清川博之1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 414-414, 2014.

Japanese Article The P-056 Senior High School blood donation promotion is proper; or consideration ... about ... high school student blood donation
佐藤久美1), 伊藤孝2), 中川國利1), 澤村佳宏1), 新林佐知子1), 七島浩貴1), 白取靖士1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 414-414, 2014.

Japanese Article About the blood donation enlightenment activity to the young group by P-057 blood donation home delivery of cooked foods lecture, the blood donation seminar
中平秀行, 門脇希, 徳弘真弓, 江川功, 田村憲嗣, 小野卓二, 小橋信之, 山中満明, 溝渕樹, 木村勝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 415-415, 2014.

Japanese Article It is invitation of ... student volunteer and approach method ... from P-058 "school member circle" to "a student blood donation promotion committee"
鳥居愛美, 園田大志, 曽根渉, 中野有華, 鈴木幸男, 森竹龍彦, 藤浪和彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 415-415, 2014.

Japanese Article New utilization ... of the microbus for P-059 blood donation waiting for service "kids bus" - examination
曽根渉, 中野有華, 鳥居愛美, 鈴木幸男, 森竹龍彦, 藤浪和彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 416-416, 2014.

Japanese Article The blood donation room reopening public information that utilized P-060 Facebook
渡部厚, 戸根安洋, 佐々木義忠, 住岡田和美, 西川滋祐, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 416-416, 2014.

Japanese Article About public information development using P-061 Twitter
皆木暢之, 鈴木幸男, 齊藤元彦, 加藤和彦, 平野智巳, 青木日出夫, 疋田泰二, 望月尚登, 谷川昌平, 鈴木博雄, 藤浪和彦, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 417-417, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... about a trial to the blood donation spread of public information activity that took root in action - area with the P-062 hometown FM broadcast
八代麻衣, 佐伯俊也, 香田昌宏, 小池則弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 417-417, 2014.

Japanese Article About the common knowledge of the blood donation room by the P-063 road surface guidance mark setting and a volunteer blood donor instruction
鈴木大貴1), 田中邦枝1), 平野智已1), 望月尚登1), 鈴木博雄1), 藤浪和彦1), 南澤孝夫1), 柴田二郎2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 418-418, 2014.

Japanese Article About a volunteer blood donor introduction campaign in the P-064 winter season workplace blood donation
齊藤ゆかり, 今井志保, 粟津正樹, 島田晃, 大屋秀人, 末吉和夫, 庄司充男, 後藤利彦, 浅井隆善
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 418-418, 2014.

Japanese Article About the enforcement of the effective event in P-065 volunteer blood donor decrease period
遠藤立野, 吉田勝己, 小室裕希, 湯川昇, 中山明夫, 影山一郎, 渡邊秀範, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 419-419, 2014.

Japanese Article One suggestion of the university-industry research collaboration pattern in the P-066 blood donation room
有我由美子, 河野憲道, 生野晶子, 中島春菜, 山田芳雄, 三根芳文, 田口淳一, 松崎浩史, 加藤恒生
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 419-419, 2014.

Japanese Article About effect on number of the people of acceptance by the heat in the P-067 blood donation room
片桐勝元, 水野二充香, 岡田康司, 幸田昌宏, 小池則弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 420-420, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the blood donation time extension of the summer in the P-068 fixed institution
沼本高志, 廣江善男, 芦田幸稔, 大塚裕司, 廣岡和美, 中村仁美, 水畑太輔, 千原祥平, 村上文一, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 420-420, 2014.

Japanese Article About the tendency of the ingredient blood donation reservation using P-069 multiple times blood donation club and a mail delivery effect
小川桂, 掛川雅美, 今井俊樹, 末吉和夫, 後藤利彦, 齋藤稔, 浅井隆善
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 421-421, 2014.

Japanese Article About the drawing blood according to the kind according to the blood type in the fixed institution of the P-070 Tokai Hokuriku block
下島弘, 中根春波, 谷川歩, 岸上達也, 山田忍, 中津留敏也, 坂東勲, 高松純樹
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 421-421, 2014.

Japanese Article About the inflection of the P-071 effect-like request request postcard and an action for consent rate improvement
青木利昭, 堀越美智子, 鈴木浩一, 木村康一, 大場保巳, 大野徹, 白取靖士, 中川國利
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 422-422, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the blood donation awareness questionnaire count according to the generation in the P-072 blood donation room street with many fish shops silver shop street
大谷学, 森下亨, 松田敦志, 立花和彦, 下田善太郎, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 422-422, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination (the first report) of measures for blood donation rate improvement depending on behavior properties of the P-073 volunteer blood donor
河原和夫1),2), 菅河真紀子1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 423-423, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination (the second report) of measures for blood donation rate improvement depending on behavior properties of the P-074 volunteer blood donor
菅河真紀子1), 河原和夫1), 2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 423-423, 2014.

Japanese Article About enforcement of the questionary survey about the opportunity of the initial blood donation cooperation for the P-075 multiple volunteer blood donor
富田真知子, 神藤成利, 香田昌宏, 小池則弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 424-424, 2014.

Japanese Article One ... of the multiple donor who is thought to be high in correspondence ... fall risk to the difficult example of the P-076 drawing blood propriety judgment
岩崎潤子1), 鉄村進1), 田中幸徳1), 波多江英明1), 田中由利子1), 石川博徳1), 下田善太郎1), 逢坂泰弘2), 青田聖子2), 首藤加奈子2), 松崎浩史2), 佐川公矯1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 424-424, 2014.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the specialist in examination before and after the P-077 blood business information system introduction
藤本真里, 上森清志, 世良和子, 芳賀奈穂実, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 425-425, 2014.

Japanese Article From the second coming pattern analysis of the securing of volunteer blood donor blood donation reception desk person (volunteer blood donor & inappropriate person) in Akita where P-078 population decline continues
堀井和人, 菊池雄大, 高橋聡氏, 今野大樹, 田村昭彦, 伊藤美恵子, 阿部真, 面川進
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 425-425, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of acceptance and the ensuring safety of the effective volunteer blood donor with the P-079 reception desk service car
村山友佳子, 江口沙央理, 松久保啓, 横山修, 野口正一, 畠中康作, 牧野一洋, 白窪正四, 小山なせ, 藤村慎一, 米澤守光, 中村和郎, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 426-426, 2014.

Japanese Article About the action of the volunteer blood donor barker in the P-080 blood donation room
清川美智世, 川村富有子, 尾崎大地, 吉門早苗, 山中麗, 宮崎千秋, 白壁佐代, 梁川真理子, 今城俊文, 小橋信之, 溝渕樹, 中山伸, 木村勝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 426-426, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the blood donation promotion that utilized P-081 "elderly people spirit degree up point business"
儀保景子, 坂口美鈴, 小野美幸, 竹島良子, 上原徹, 平田章子, 白窪正四, 永野幸子, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 427-427, 2014.

Japanese Article About the efficiency of the preparation duties using the P-082 automatic blood stirrer
竹田瑠香, 古賀智英, 日永田真弓, 池田浩, 辻村充志, 大山正則, 中村功, 光富吉朗, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 427-427, 2014.

Japanese Article Are the roller pliers necessary for all the whole blood of the P-083 next day processing?
西勝洋, 本庄祐子, 酒田寿美恵, 新田誠, 圓満字豊, 高松純樹
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 428-428, 2014.

Japanese Article About the production decrease situation by the excessive quantity of red blood cell preparation in the P-084 Okinawa factory
西平和子1), 神山治郎1), 佐久川好史1), 宮本彰1), 橋口聖一1), 中村功1), 光富吉朗1), 入田和男1), 大久保和明2), 清川博之1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 428-428, 2014.

Japanese Article About blood products storage apparatus management using accumulation data of the P-085 concentration monitoring system
新開豪, 土屋大輔, 岩田恵理子, 齋藤美里, 高橋武良, 寺澤志穂, 井上雅可, 吉田潤, 名雲英人, 稲葉頌一, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 429-429, 2014.

Japanese Article P-086 Fundamental study of FRC transport using FFP conster
白田直樹, 三浦正光, 三浦隆太郎, 川島航, 星尚宏, 及川伸治, 堀部泰人, 浦野慎一, 峯岸正好, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 429-429, 2014.

Japanese Article Frozen refrigeration-response AGV introduction to the P-087 production section
梅田浩介, 石原徹也, 秋野光明, 本間稚広, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 430-430, 2014.

Japanese Article About the activity of the work procedure unification committee in the preparation section of the P-088 Kanto Koshinnetsu block blood center three factory
塙菜々, 小林奈穂子, 指田達也, 寺澤志穂, 佐藤えりか, 秋元正浩, 百瀬俊也, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 430-430, 2014.

Japanese Article About the activity in charge of the examination of process for the purpose of thorough P-089 procedure observance
栗下拓巳, 近藤秋乃, 市川小百合, 古田美奈子, 横家信華, 中村定生, 葛谷孝文, 高松純樹
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 431-431, 2014.

Japanese Article Efforts to promotion, entrenchment of 5S, the visualization activity that took advantage of the support from the P-090 J-ABC activity company
間賀田隆秀1), 毛利容子1), 鈴木佳寿美1), 一宮明美1), 原田博道1), 佐藤泰司1), 中田一正1), 井上正嗣2), 竹内稔美2), 直木恭子1), 土肥博雄1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 431-431, 2014.

Japanese Article About analysis and recurrent preventive measures against P-091 incident reports
渡辺京子, 久保千紗都, 鈴木佳寿美, 一宮明美, 佐藤泰司, 原田博道, 中田一正, 直木恭子, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 432-432, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the contamination in the bacteria gene detection system using the P-092 Real-time PCR and examination of the bacteria DNA extraction efficiency
小堺萌, 松本千惠子, 内田茂治, 佐竹正博, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 432-432, 2014.

Japanese Article About a sterility test-positive example in the P-093 complaint investigation
石川礼子1), 松島道子1), 平川慎一1), 清水輝恵2), 藤川克行1), 島村益広1), 峰岸清1), 稲葉頌一1), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 433-433, 2014.

Japanese Article About white-cell count test results of the leukopheresis preparation before P-094 preservation (2005-2014 years)
松本郷子, 宮島晴子, 菊地裕美, 齋藤彰一, 森山理恵, 柴田昭子, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 433-433, 2014.

Japanese Article About usefulness of P-095 new residual leukocyte counter ADAM-rWBC system
矢舗久美, 山本裕士, 豊田真木子, 佐伯昌与, 大熊重則, 中橋祥隆, 直木恭子, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 434-434, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of residual white-cell count measuring assembly ADAM-rWBC system of P-096 blood products developed newly
秋野光明, 若本志乃舞, 藤原満博, 内藤祐, 林宜亨, 本間稚広, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 434-434, 2014.

Japanese Article About hygiene environment check in the P-097 area blood center
松尾久美子, 勝浦洋一, 森下浩行, 後藤良人, 栗野京子, 富田寿人, 板東志昌, 瀬尾光輝, 祖父江一至, 佐野周次, 沖野實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 435-435, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 case with suspected P-098 Partial E
今絵未1), 宮崎孔1), 大橋恒1), 佐藤進一郎1), 加藤俊明1), 紀野修一1), 池田久實1), 高本滋1), 山田麻里江2), 山田尚友2), 東谷孝徳2), 末岡榮三朗2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 435-435, 2014.

Japanese Article Genetic analysis of the Gy (a-) type detected in P-099 Japanese
小野寺孝行1), 小笠原健一2), 常山初江1), 大村和代1), 矢部隆一1), 内川誠1), 鈴木雅治1), 中島一格1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 436-436, 2014.

Japanese Article About P-100 AB subtype and usefulness of the genetic screening
坂本慶子, 福村瞳, 川尻なぎさ, 猿渡晃, 平田康司, 中橋祥隆, 直木恭子, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 436-436, 2014.

Japanese Article About the control for the examination for ABO blood group back to use in P-101 PK7300
齋藤智美, 松本理加, 橋本香, 金子悦子, 小原久美, 五十嵐寛幸, 榎本隆行, 峰岸清, 稲葉頌一, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 437-437, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the QC blood corpuscle for PK7300 using the P-102 raw materials blood
土居慧郎, 今本充子, 渡辺みち子, 山崎健一, 後藤美幸, 矢部隆一, 鈴木雅治, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 437-437, 2014.

Japanese Article Composition examination of the screening blood corpuscle antigen in P-103 IH-1000
吉村崇, 山崎久義, 中山みゆき, 江崎利信, 渡辺聖司, 迫田岩根, 入田和男, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 438-438, 2014.

Japanese Article About P-104 HLA-C antibody and a platelet transfusion effect
山本ゆかり, 高陽淑, 西海真弓, 稲葉洋行, 原祐子, 西宮紘子, 石井博之, 松倉晴道, 谷慶彦, 河敬世
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 438-438, 2014.

Japanese Article Usefulness of inspection of the cutoff value of the ICFA method judging from P-105 transfusion effect and the in vitro englobement study
工藤総一, 高橋大輔, 宮崎孔, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一朗, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 439-439, 2014.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the new reagent in the securing of conformity volunteer blood donor for the P-106 PC-HLA adaptation patients
山口惠津子, 黒田ゆかり, 中村仁美, 田原大志, 井上純子, 宮本彰, 迫田岩根, 入田和男, 清川博之
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 439-439, 2014.

Japanese Article Reduction plan of the nonspecific reaction in the P-107 HLA antigens screening
岸友子, 阿部和眞, 岩渕佳那恵, 佐藤洋子, 岩城大輔, 小原健良, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 440-440, 2014.

Japanese Article The detection of the HNA-3 antibody by the P-108 antigen ICFA method using expression cells becoming stable
鎌田裕美, 渡辺嘉久, 中島文明, 中村淳子, 嶋田英子, 佐竹正博, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 440-440, 2014.

Japanese Article About an investigation of the blood NAT-negative with P-109 HBs antigen positive
井口勇太, 鴨志田勇, 松本晃映, 川村祐, 原島清, 市原孝浩, 加藤尚美, 須藤克己, 峰岸清, 稲葉頌一, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 441-441, 2014.

Japanese Article About the P-110 cytomegalovirus (CMV) test for antibodies screening situation (positive transformation)
荻原舞, 須澤ちひろ, 藤本晃久, 高橋照美, 花垣澄雄, 市原孝浩, 加藤尚美, 須藤克己, 小林晃, 峰岸清, 鈴木雅治, 稲葉頌一, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 441-441, 2014.

Japanese Article The change of the P-111 HBV screening NAT-positive example
相馬静穂, 星友二, 長谷川隆, 山岸尚仁, 若林菜穂子, 五反田裕子, 内田茂治, 佐竹正博, 田所憲治
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 442-442, 2014.

Japanese Article About epidemiologic survey results of P-112 Chagas' disease
古居保美1), 石野田正純1), 高橋勉1), 鈴木沙織1), 五十嵐滋1), 佐山勇輔2), 松本千惠子2), 日野学1), 田所憲治1),2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 442-442, 2014.

Japanese Article HEV-positive rate of the raw materials plasma in the P-113 Japan blood products mechanism
池川礎令1), 皆木隆男1), 井手野祥次1), 坂井薫1), 柚木幹弘1),2),3), 宮本尚1), 大場徹也1), 川浪雅好1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 443-443, 2014.

Japanese Article About the making of the answer to inquiry manual from P-114 volunteer blood donor
池田有理香, 松本真琴, 西本佳代, 塩川梢, 高畠麻紀, 西村拓史, 藤近和子, 谷重直子, 中橋祥隆, 直木恭子, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 443-443, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action of securing of nurse in the P-115 Hiroshima Red Cross blood center, the fixation
田中千晶, 仲香, 松永祐, 住岡田和美, 小野裕, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 444-444, 2014.

Japanese Article About enforcement of the broad-based staff adoption activity under the P-116 wide area business administration system
福嶌教綱, 大野学, 氏家法子, 近藤ゆかり, 中川秀一, 前田亜純, 疋田千明, 中澤薫子, 藤森隆之, 染谷由美子, 小泉善男, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 444-444, 2014.

Japanese Article It is performed analysis of the questionary survey to the staff and smoking measures about smoking measures in the P-117 workplace
佐藤登, 冨嶋邦彦, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 445-445, 2014.

Japanese Article About the action of the total health promotion plan (THP) in the P-118 Kinki block blood center
阪口純1), 田中英樹1), 柴垣香1), 濱秀和1), 辻美佐子1), 杉浦緑1), 村井貴吏1), 刀祢利昭1), 山田治雄2), 小河英人1), 駒田修1), 平山文也1), 保坂勇一1), 谷慶彦1), 龍延博1), 河敬世1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 445-445, 2014.

Japanese Article About publication of "guarantee of quality JOURNAL" as the P-119 block original guarantee of quality activity
長谷川秀弥1), 清水輝恵2), 石井紀子3), 佐々木伸樹4), 伊藤さくら5), 赤井洋美6), 河島道雄7)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 446-446, 2014.

Japanese Article Quality assurance unit and issue of newspaper ... by the P-120 reporting for the decrease in deficient in cooperation - interview work-site operations section in the company
大庭良枝1), 野沢祐美1), 石田忠1), 橋本秀樹1), 加藤和彦1), 齊藤善参1), 有馬秀明2), 藤浪和彦1), 鈴木博雄1), 南澤孝夫1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 446-446, 2014.

Japanese Article About collation of the product quality in the P-121 Kanto Koshinnetsu block blood center Kanagawa factory
中川絵美子, 松井真澄, 夏目紀子, 家泉静香, 佐野茂, 高梨一夫, 永島實, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 447-447, 2014.

Japanese Article About the enforcement of the P-122 "quality collation of the product" and a subsequent evaluation
粟木原修治, 川田明志, 原田博道, 佐藤泰司, 谷重直子, 大熊重則, 中田一正, 中橋祥隆, 岡田英俊, 直木恭子, 古賀武生, 本田豊彦, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 447-447, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for the emergency transportation that P-123 is appropriate
洲崎大海, 辻田千博, 豊國康志, 角野武, 森善文, 樋口征昭, 辻肇, 河野直樹
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 448-448, 2014.

Japanese Article Action - third report - to appropriate request promotion of the P-124 emergency supply
齊藤篤史, 福田光, 幸田秀樹, 天野克己, 三根堂
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 448-448, 2014.

Japanese Article Correspondence of our center in the P-125 record-like heavy snow
秋山進也, 福庭卓, 三枝薫, 伊藤直文, 久保田寿治, 田中均
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 449-449, 2014.

Japanese Article About the correspondence of the supply section in Nagano at the P-126 heavy snow disaster
傳田充, 関史行, 櫻井定明, 松嶋寛, 小池敏幸, 斎藤敏, 佐藤博行
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 449-449, 2014.

Japanese Article P-127 Shizuoka transportation system project
名倉洋子, 加藤文昭, 家城大輔, 竹内規泰, 村上優二, 鈴木博雄, 南澤孝夫
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 450-450, 2014.

Japanese Article About the validation at product transfer in the P-128 helicopter
花井隆信, 早川翔, 阿部聡史, 朝岡栄治, 中津留敏也, 坂東勲, 高松純樹
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 450-450, 2014.

Japanese Article Questionnaire findings one year after the supply system introduction more than P-129 prefectural borders
横山志のぶ, 桐山基次, 大野兼靖, 田中孝弘, 香田昌宏, 小池則弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 451-451, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the blood products supply for the transfusion beyond the P-130 prefectural border
森田睦志, 糸篤成, 永野雄太, 木下隆則, 西迫裕昭, 宮元勝, 藤村慎一, 中村和郎, 小山なせ, 米澤守光, 榮鶴義人, 吉田紀子
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 451-451, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action for the efficiency of P-131 supply duties
脇谷勇次, 川原敏夫, 三星武史, 神崎隆一, 田口博行, 大久保理恵, 北島英明, 佐藤研, 永島實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 452-452, 2014.

Japanese Article Action aiming at P-132 efficiency-like blood delivery of goods duties
中川拓哉, 岩本渉平, 吉屋友加里, 栗栖敏, 杉山智子, 辻晴政, 藤井輝正
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 452-452, 2014.

Japanese Article About a problem and the improvement of the storage medical institution in P-133 Shodoshima, Kagawa
漆原慎司, 蓮井彬, 黒川貴代, 鏡原吉之, 濱岡洋一, 森原久紀, 本田豊彦
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 453-453, 2014.

Japanese Article About "the parent and child visit meeting" where we performed in at P-134 supply branch office
八木克敏, 廣江善男, 村上文一, 内藤俊二, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 453-453, 2014.

Japanese Article Holding of a transfusion social gathering in the P-135 Kochi center supply section and the transfusion lecture
濱田秀誠, 北川晋士, 山下その子, 松村達也, 西森久剛, 西森健二, 山中満明, 溝渕樹, 中山伸, 木村勝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 454-454, 2014.

Japanese Article About the result of "the supply round-table conference" with the transfusion person in charge in P-136 Tokushima
吉田昌久, 後藤良人, 末岐祥子, 齋藤稔, 大塚智仁, 森下浩行, 佐野周次, 沖野實
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 454-454, 2014.

Japanese Article The supply situation of the HLA matched platelet in P-137 Nara
平田憲弘, 山根敏子, 中西秀行, 石橋良彦, 嶋裕子, 塩田明弘, 藤村吉博
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 455-455, 2014.

Japanese Article Change of the supply-demand balance based on a future estimated population and proper use hospital data in P-138 Niigata
瀬下敏, 松山雄一, 古俣妙, 伊藤さくら, 桑原利枝, 穂苅雄一, 植野正秋, 立川泰雄, 今田恒芳, 布施一郎
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 455-455, 2014.

Japanese Article About a packing method at the P-139 overknight correspondence
田中咲, 入江充, 松浦圭二, 大西公人, 浦博之, 山本昌弘
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 456-456, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the P-140 service improvement committee
森江たまみ, 児嶋直樹, 寺田孝弘, 西岡浩司, 能登谷智英, 吉本典彦, 石川雅一, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 456-456, 2014.

Japanese Article Correspondence and cooperation to autotransfusion enforcement for the P-141 elderly people artificial joint replacement
山下隆司1), 上田博1), 岩本はる香1), 江川佐登子1), 藤井実1), 鶴田千鶴2), 平野徹2), 中園一郎1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 457-457, 2014.

Japanese Article It is seven years from - testing section collection about the P-142 request testing acceptance situation
伊藤道子, 浜田由佳, 岩脇洋子, 吉山里美, 辻晴政, 藤井輝正
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 457-457, 2014.

Japanese Article Holding of the practical skill workshop to affect a role and an examination of the P-143 area blood center of transfusion
内藤一憲1), 國米修平1), 伊藤咲季1), 猿渡晃2), 川尻なぎさ2), 豊田真木子2), 福家洋子2), 冨田徳子1), 中橋祥隆2), 直木恭子2), 川邉修1), 土肥博雄2), 池田和眞1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 458-458, 2014.

Japanese Article It supports the transfusion testing inquiry in the P-144 Kochi center
北川晋士, 濱田秀誠, 山中満明, 溝渕樹, 中山伸, 木村勝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 458-458, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... of establishment - area center of the transfusion testing training laboratory as the P-145 regional activation business
古俣妙, 松山雄一, 瀬下敏, 立川泰雄, 今田恒芳, 布施一郎
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(2): 459-459, 2014.