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Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme

Volume 37, Issue 3 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Performance evaluation - freeze time for new rapid freeze device and comparison - of the coagulation factor activity
石原徹也, 秋野光明, 内藤祐, 林宜亨, 本間稚広, 池田久實, 高本滋
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 557-563, 2014.

Japanese Article Usefulness of nourishment consultation to low hemoglobin volunteer blood donor by the staff of the blood donation room and the follow
高橋明美, 松村良子, 高橋久美代, 田口千晴, 八角キミ子, 中島みどり, 久末拓哉, 西海枝武志, 菊池拓也, 高島千恵, 長峯文男, 佐藤繁雄, 井上洋西
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 565-572, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about safety and problems of the use before drop-needle of battery-type tube Sheeler
佐々木宏美1), 武藤順子1), 西谷祐三子1), 松田好美1), 柴田玲子1), 石丸文彦1), 今井嘉紀1), 松崎浩史1), 中島一格2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 573-578, 2014.

Japanese Article From the blood type report investigation of the discussion - blood type non-enrollee about the blood type temporary judgment -
齊藤京子, 矢口百合子, 藤岡さとみ, 柴田玲子, 松崎浩史, 中島一格
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 581-584, 2014.

Japanese Article Receive the questionnaire findings about the wide area business administration system of the duties improvement - blood business based on the opinion from a medical institution; and -
船津理恵, 岡田英俊, 直木恭子, 土肥博雄
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 585-588, 2014.

Japanese Article She sulks as a self-check, and introduce a strike
大脇八重子1), 西亜矢子1), 佐藤千尋1), 谷川美佳子2), 田爪珠子1), 小野知子1), 丹羽啓子1), 津田正成1), 北折健次郎1), 濱口元洋1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 589-592, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect - when we used dry ice as blood donation truck indoor carbon dioxide concentration - ice pack
佐々木大, 澤村佳宏, 鈴木元悦, 伊藤孝
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 593-598, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience of the blood donation efforts for hearing people with a disability
上青木加保里, 渡邊琢仁, 野口友理子, 佐々木真美代, 南部絹子, 喜多陽子, 杉本恵, 木本昌史, 清水和枝, 山口健彦, 伊藤俊之, 辻肇
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 599-603, 2014.

Japanese Article Use experience of health care support system professional well BD
本田豊彦1), 白井隆1), 山地佳美1), 砂子祐樹1), 山下由美子1), 利根川ひろみ2), 青柳和彦2), 松崎浩史2), 中島一格2), 垣内幸子3), 中島久美子3), 三木均3)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 605-610, 2014.

Japanese Article Investigation in poor physical condition out of the blood donation meeting place
桑野秋江1), 佐藤惠子3), 松田好美1), 柴田玲子1), 松崎浩史1), 中島一格2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 611-614, 2014.

Japanese Article Communication from the Saga Red Cross blood center using the electric signboard
田崎稔, 藤崎美由紀, 稲富鈴子, 江頭重博, 吉村博之, 佐川公矯
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 615-618, 2014.

Japanese Article Recognition degree findings of the blood donation thought in the high school teacher of Saga about health and physical education
吉村博之1), 藤崎美由紀1), 稲富鈴子1), 江頭重博1), 佐川公矯1), 吉原崇晋2), 土師将裕2), 筒井寿2), 山下貞幸2), 公門勉2)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 619-625, 2014.

Japanese Article About the situation of the platelet supply and demand regime as the large-scale block in the Kanto Koshinnetsu block
中原誠1), 木暮秀哉1), 杉山朋邦1), 金子章洋2), 瀧川正弘1), 籏持俊洋3), 小泉雅由1), 南睦彦1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 627-630, 2014.

Japanese Article She sulks; an office visiting rate for nerve damage, the neuropathy of the volunteer blood donor by the strike introduction and a change of the duration of treatment
甲斐修子, 葛島基子, 松崎恵美, 高田知恵美, 若菜美代子, 塚本昭子, 森本実, 中出亮, 手島博文, 神前昌敏
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 37(3): 631-635, 2014.