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Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme

Volume 40, Issue 4 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Examination for the aggregate incidence of platelet preparation reduction
末広千紗都1), 三橋久子2), 鈴木佳寿美3), 大橋祥朗1), 中橋祥隆1), 大熊重則1), 本田豊彦1), 土肥博雄1), 椿和央1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 723-729, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the report of the nurse about the drawing blood side effect
浅川百合子1), 石川美佐子1), 本城陽子1), 小島七重1), 張替美千代1), 籾山英子1), 岡野陽子1), 石黒昌代1), 香山マミ1), 高松貴代1), 丸山里美1), 都丸冷子1), 佐藤惠子1), 延島俊明3), 柴田玲子3), 佐竹正博4), 中島一格2), 松崎浩史5)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 731-737, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the blood donation enlightenment seminar for the young group
中川國利, 猪野健, 青木利昭, 高橋勝彦, 渡邊明博, 大友友次郎, 鈴木一江, 相原史子, 鈴木春貴
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 741-745, 2018.

Japanese Article Efficiency improvement and leveling of infectious disease related inspection work including NAT
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 751-754, 2018.

Japanese Article Customer satisfaction improvement by the service manner improvement of the specialist in examination
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 755-757, 2018.

Japanese Article Duties efficiency by the block one management of the "winning the economic contribution prize subject" raw materials blood shipment
梅田浩介1), 名村喜一郎1), 遠藤正浩3), 本間稚広1), 村井利文1), 兼松藤男2), 山本哲2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 759-761, 2018.

Japanese Article About the effective inflection of the reception desk situation report
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 763-765, 2018.

Japanese Article Blood donation activity 400: To make Tokyo hot with blood donation in this winter.
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 767-769, 2018.

Japanese Article Improvement of the kaizen awareness by "visualization"
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 771-773, 2018.

Japanese Article Improvement of the communication between the staff
佐野美紗子, 山野由佳, 松本真帆, 名取小百合, 秋山進也, 佐藤宣之, 久保田寿治, 田中均
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 775-777, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the optimization of the sampling platelet total number in connection with a drawing blood section
内藤友紀1), 内藤祐1), 算用子裕美2), 荒木あゆみ2), 塚田克史1), 横山雅敏1), 名村喜一郎1), 本間稚広1), 山本哲2), 池田久實2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 781-783, 2018.

Japanese Article Evaluation of citrate response and vasovagal reflex in component donation by high resolution electrocardiograph
中居賢司, 田口千晴, 伊藤寛泰, 久保聖子, 石井典子, 崎尾智穂, 佐藤泰子, 中島みどり
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 785-788, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts to registration duties kaizen by the effective good use of multiple email club
新妻基, 藏俣沙緒理, 中川絵美子, 高橋直子, 降旗清一, 齋藤里司, 千葉泰之, 大久保理恵, 藤崎清道
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 789-791, 2018.

Japanese Article The blood donation of the high school student "visualization" - keyword "flower" -
吉田朱里, 江戸屋裕次, 大田佳子, 佐伯俊也, 伊藤篤延, 林勝知
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 793-795, 2018.

Japanese Article Making of small custom - to have organization and methods - major results in the General Administration Division which aimed at the smooth information sharing
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 797-799, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts - present conditions and problem ... of the medical institution cooperation reinforcement
小迫真理子, 石原大介, 大江安政, 漆原翔太, 世良志穂美, 能登谷智英, 吉本典彦, 児嶋直樹, 内藤一憲, 冨田徳子, 内藤俊二, 石川雅一, 川元勝則, 池田和眞
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 801-803, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts of the prevention of incident by the memo card utilization
三根久美子, 林田直美, 松元千佳子, 元日田勉, 北折健次郎
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 805-807, 2018.

Japanese Article To blood business future for a technique and knowledge of the blood center!
Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme 40(4): 811-812, 2018.