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Medical Imaging and Information Sciences

Volume 19, Issue 3 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Authoritative specialty society
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 121-121, 2002.

Japanese Article Chest Roentgenology for CAD Researchers
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 122-135, 2002.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Characteristic of Longitudinal Direction in Multi-slice CT using NEQ
Tsutomu GOMI, Toshio KASUGA†, Masumi KADOYA††, Tosiaki MIYATI†, Kichiro KOSHIDA†, Takashi ANDOU†††, Hitoshi UEDA†††, Hiroyuki SASAKI†††
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 136-140, 2002.

Japanese Article Automated Detection Method for Nipple Region on Digital Mammograms
Miao LU, Toshiaki NAKAGAWA†, Takeshi HARA††, Hiroshi FUJITA††, Tokiko ENDO†††, Takuji IWASE††††
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 141-144, 2002.

Japanese Article Active Contour Models: Snakes commentary
福岡大輔, 原武史†, 藤田広志†
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 145-150, 2002.

Japanese Article Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(CARS)2002- etching -
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 151-152, 2002.

Japanese Article IWDM2002 and CARS2002 participation relay report
Toshiaki Nakagawa, Sakae for laps, Tomoko Matsubara †, 張学軍 ††, Takeshi Hara †††, Hiroshi Fujita †††
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 153-158, 2002.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the physical characteristics of the medical monochrome display
Satoshi Ishii, Mandai Natsuko *, Yoshiharu Hirata **, Noriyuki Hashimoto ***, Shigeru Sanada
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 163-163, 2002.

Japanese Article About the assay of picture properties of the mammography
Miho Takamura, Emi Tsuboi, Saori Norizuki, Kaori Yamamoto, Machida Kei person *, 小寺吉衞
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 163-164, 2002.

Japanese Article Effect on rearrangement image of the sampling condition in the X-ray computed tomography
Masaya Teranishi, Isao Yamada *, Kazuo Tanaka, 蔡篤儀 *
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 164-164, 2002.

Japanese Article Deterioration analysis and image restoration of the rearrangement image by the movement of the organ by three-dimensional CT
楊義強, Nobuyuki Nakamori, Yasuo Yoshida
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 164-164, 2002.

Japanese Article Application to a phase (refraction) contrast imaging using the radial ray X-rays and a medical imaging
Yu Shima Daisuke
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 164-165, 2002.

Japanese Article Image compression using the integer arithmetic wavelet
Nobuyuki Nakamori, Yosuke Nakazawa *
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 165-165, 2002.

Japanese Article Study of the bone-salt fixed-quantity analytical method using the digital detector
町田佳士, 飯山清美*, 小寺吉衞**
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 165-165, 2002.

Japanese Article Precision evaluation of the dental dimensions, shape measurement from radiographic appearance
Junsuke Sugai, Katsutoshi Kuno, Yoshio Yokota **, Yasuo Suzuki ***, Minoru Ito ***
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 165-166, 2002.

Japanese Article Initial examination about the recognition of a body tissue, the organ region from a multi-slice trunk part CT image
Sakae for laps, Takeshi Hara *, Hiroshi Fujita *, Ryu Yokoyama Jiro *, Hiroaki Hoshi **
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 166-166, 2002.

Japanese Article CT Perfusion image analysis by the compartment model theory
舟迫慎太郎, 真田茂*, 対馬義人**, 井上克己*
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 166-166, 2002.

Japanese Article Development of the temporal lobe recognition algorithm for head MRI images
Norio Hayashi, Shigeru Sanada *, Masayuki Suzuki *
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 166-167, 2002.

Japanese Article It is extracted the core wall for animation images for a chest time series difference
Isamu Izumi period, Shigeru Sanada, Toshie Tanaka *, Hitoshi Inoue **
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 167-167, 2002.

Japanese Article Application of the 3D display in the comparison interpretation of the chest X-ray photogram
Mandai Natsuko, Shigeru Sanada *, Satoshi Ishii *, Hitoshi Inoue **
Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 19(3): 167-167, 2002.