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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 26, Issue 5 / 1968
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Changes of Aldosterone at the Time of Utero-renal Reflex and Pregnancy
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 577-623, 1968.

Japanese Article Induction of Ovulation by Stimulating the Uterine Cervix of the Rat in Persistent Estrus
Jun-ichi KONO, S.ARAI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 625-636, 1968.

Japanese Article Fundamental Conditions for Intrasplenic Ovarian Transplantation I: On Adhesion
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 637-646, 1968.

Japanese Article Histochemical Studies on the Acid Mucopolysaccharides Mainly of the Epithelial Tissues of Rabbits
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 647-717, 1968.

Japanese Article Medicolegal Studies on the Identification of Seminal Fluid and Dry Stains
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 719-736, 1968.

Japanese Article Fundamental Studies for Discussion on Usefulness of Milk Acid Bacteria for the Human Body III. Mechanism of Antagonistic Action of Milk Acid Bacteria Against Enteric Bacteria
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 737-745, 1968.

Japanese Article Study on Liver Scintigram.
Taira NIWA, Hiroyasu MURAYAMA, Tamiyuki ISHIZUKA, Schiuichi SUJUKI, Akihiko SAKURAI, Kimihiko ABE, Hiroto NISHIO, Shiujiro OKAMOTO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 747-756, 1968.

Japanese Article Study on Pancreas Scintigram
Akihiko SAKURAI, Hiroyasu MURAYAMA, Shiuichi SUZUKI, Tamiyuki ISHIZUKA, Taira NIWA, Shiujiro OKAMOTO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 757-764, 1968.

Japanese Article Study on Spleen Scintiscanning
Shiuichi SUZUKI, Hiroyasu MURAYAMA, Taira NIWA, Akihiko SAKURAI, Tamiyuki ISHIZUKA, Shiujiro OKAMOTO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 765-772, 1968.

Japanese Article Radiation therapy of the mediastinal tumor
Tamiyuki ISHIZUKA, Saburo AMINO, Taira NIWA, Akihiko SAKURAI, Shiuichi SUZUKI, Kimihiko ABE, Hiroto NISHIO, S.OKAMOTO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 773-777, 1968.

Japanese Article Report on Admission & Discharge section
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 779-791, 1968.

Japanese Article Intraepithelial Blood Capillaries in the Air-breathing Organs of Fish
Kyutaro MAEKAWA, Yoshio FUKUDA, Zin-ichi OKADA, Kaoru IMAMURA, S.ARAI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 793-799, 1968.

Japanese Article Clinical practice (special lecture abstract) of the metastasis of the chorionic neoplasia
相馬広明, 秋谷清, 武市恂, 奥沢昌道, 鈴木二郎, 横田正昭, 藤沢伸好, 佐久間明, 木部純一, 宇治田直記, 石井一正, 吉田啓治, 立岡脩, 中井才扛, 岡本六蔵, 青木徹, 指田達郎, 小柳賢一, 平岡玄次, 小松良竹, 田村貞夫, 高山雅臣, 豊田泰, 清川尚, 藤原幸郎
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 801-815, 1968.

Japanese Article Diagnosis (special lecture abstract) of the congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 817-826, 1968.

Japanese Article 1. 6-Dehydro-17α-acetoxyprogesterone anti-estrus hormone effect of derivatives
前川久太郎, 福田芳子, 西野栄一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 827-827, 1968.

Japanese Article 2. About a murine laryngeal cartilage aperture
Nokubi Kazuto
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 827-827, 1968.

Japanese Article 3. Testicular disorder effects of cadmium for the mouse put in hyperbaric oxygen
Kyutaro Maekawa, 恒成靖生, Koichiro Tamura, Junichi Kawano
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 827-828, 1968.

Japanese Article 4. An effect of the simple protein on adrenal iatrogenic atrophy
Shoji Arai, Takuro Suzuki, Nokubi Kazuto
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 828-828, 1968.

Japanese Article 5. Repair (the second report) of the village organization potency in heating bacteria
Katsumi Shimizu, Takahashi paternal blood good luck, Mutsuko Yoshikawa, 長船哲斉, Datei Kin, Isamu Okuro
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 828-828, 1968.

Japanese Article 6. A study on mechanism of action of antibiotics
Katsuhiko Tago
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 829-829, 1968.

Japanese Article 7. About the effect that gave study - about toxicity of the anticancer substance and the mechanism of action particularly episomal DNA -
Katsuhiko Tago
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 829-829, 1968.

Japanese Article 8. The fact of the urgent hospitalization in the senior Pope
Niwa is flat, Seizo Horikoshi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 829-830, 1968.

Japanese Article 9. About the toxic difference by the difference of the experimental study (the tenth report) alkyl group in butyl tin poisoning - (transstomach poison-related comparison between 1)Dibutyl-tin dichloride (C4H9)2SnCl2 and Di-octyl-tin dichloride (C8H17)2SnCl2
Keiji Akatsuka 1), Juichiro Miyazawa 1), Joji Fujinami 1), Masao Hashizume 1), Akio Suzuki 1), Shizue Shimizu 1), Katsumi Iizuka 1), 佐々弘 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 830-830, 1968.

Japanese Article 10. An inhibitor of metabolism effect on rabbit atrial muscle
Tsuneo Noborisaka, Kazuo Iiizumi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 830-831, 1968.

Japanese Article 11. A quantitative study of the antigen-antibody reaction in the mesenterium blood vessel
Wasaburo Hasegawa, Sozo Sano, Tatsuo Suzuta
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 831-831, 1968.

Japanese Article 12. About the new serologic test for syphilis (FTA) by the fluorescence antibody method
Toshi Nozawa purely, Tatsuo Suzuta
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 831-831, 1968.

Japanese Article 13. The serologic study of the rheumatoid factor
Tatsuo Suzuta 1), Pine 2, Yaho)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 831-832, 1968.

Japanese Article 14. A basic study of the immuno-electrophoresis
Hideko Nakagawa, Sozo Sano, Tatsuo Suzuta
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 832-832, 1968.

Japanese Article 15. The examination of the new lysozyme assay by the gel diffusion method
Tatsuo Suzuta, Shiro Takada
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 832-833, 1968.

Japanese Article 16. For hemophilia A revision effect on T.E.G. - tertiary report - of the serum
谷田部元裕, Yutaka Hashimoto, Keiko Hanazawa, Minoru Ukita, Katsuhiro Fukutake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 833-833, 1968.

Japanese Article 17. About antiplasmin effects of the trasylol
Yoshihiro Shiota, Sawada knob, Michio Fujimaki, Katsuhiro Fukutake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 833-834, 1968.

Japanese Article 18. Effect of the plasmin which gives it to blood sedimentation rate measurement
三上俊衛, Hirofumi Suzuki, Katsuhiro Fukutake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 834-834, 1968.

Japanese Article 19. Is one autopsy case of the attendant ivy diaphragmatic hernia with isolation lung
Masao Shimizu, Kenji Nakamura, Yasushi Ishizu, 土手剛, 佐々弘
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 834-834, 1968.

Japanese Article 20. 2 autopsies case of the congenital malformation of heart
Hiromi Sato, Masao Shimizu, Isao Nishimata, 土手剛, 佐々弘
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 834-835, 1968.

Japanese Article 21. About the organized classification of 207 fibroadenoma of breasts
Isamu Nakada
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 835-835, 1968.

Japanese Article 22. About a that ghee characteristics change of the muscle cells in the study (2)- Arthus phenomenon of the skeletal muscle with the electron microscope -
Akira Suzuki trunk, Reiko Hayashi, A Sekiguchi law is it lower, Sumida having fun, Michio between the outside, 正山堯
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 835-835, 1968.

Japanese Article 23. Immunohistochemistry of connective tissue lesions by fluorescent antibody method (2) - fibrinogen in fibrinoid, γ- globulin, the findings of albumin -
新郷珠美子, 新井早苗, 今給黎篤弘, 片海晟五, 山川雅義, 横山英三, 外野正巳
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 836-836, 1968.

Japanese Article 24. Examination - about the histochemistry (1)- fixing method of the connective tissue
Outfield Masami, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, 100, Seki child, Sayuri Komuro, Masao Tateno, 中島聚
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 836-836, 1968.

Japanese Article 25. The introduction of the one species of Fluid Amplifier Respirator
盧振西, Kazuo Iiizumi, Masao Takeuchi, Junji Takayasu, Tetsuo Ohori, Koichi Miyazaki, Tamotsu Miyake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 837-837, 1968.

Japanese Article 26. The anesthesia experience of Kravitz tumor
Middle Tawa Ichiro, Tamotsu Miyake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 837-837, 1968.

Japanese Article 27. Is examined the attendant ivy calculus urinary case for perioperative cardiac arrest
Hideo Yokoyama, Akira Sato next, Fujii Dharma doll, Koichi Uemura, 石谷直昌, Toshio Maruyama, Tamotsu Miyake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 837-838, 1968.

Japanese Article 28. Anesthesia at trachea and the esophageal foreign body extraction
Katsuyoshi Maehara, Tamotsu Miyake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 838-838, 1968.

Japanese Article 29. Current Status report of radiation Building 1 month year
岡本十二郎, 網野三郎, 村山弘泰, 上田巖, 岩田猛男, 梅田和夫, 阿部公彦, 西尾碩人, 鈴木修一, 福本義明
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 838-839, 1968.

Japanese Article 30. About the environmental difference of temperature and radiation sensitivity of the malignant tumor
Jujiro Okamoto, Soichi Yamamoto
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 839-839, 1968.

Japanese Article 31. About 16 millimeters of Sine sightings of the lymphocytes (supravital specimen) exercise
Jujiro Okamoto, Iwao Ueda, Seki Nishio person, Kimihiko Abe
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 839-840, 1968.

Japanese Article 32. Study of Liver scanning
岡本十二郎, 村山弘泰, 阿部公彦, 西尾碩人, 丹羽平, 桜井昭彦, 石塚民幸, 鈴木修一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 840-840, 1968.

Japanese Article 33. About an esophageal diverticulum-like lesion
Kazuo Umeda, Jujiro Okamoto, Saburo Amino, Kimihiko Abe, Seki Nishio person
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 840-841, 1968.

Japanese Article 34. About improvement of the Betatron electron beam irradiation for cervical cancer
Jujiro Okamoto 1), Saburo Amino 1), Kimihiko Abe 1), Seki Nishio person 1), Niwa flat 1), Akihiko Sakurai 1), Tamiyuki Ishizuka 1), Shuichi Suzuki 1), Ichiro Fujiwara 2), Kiyoshi Akitani 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 841-841, 1968.

Japanese Article 35. An example of stomach cardiac region leiomyosarcoma
Yoshiaki Fukumoto, Jujiro Okamoto
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 841-841, 1968.

Japanese Article 36. 4 cases showed Les line basis lobe between the grooves abnormal
岡本十二郎1), 上田巖1), 古守豊甫2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 841-842, 1968.

Japanese Article 37. One discussion about the balance test at plane operation student adoption
Toshio Shiraiwa, Kazuo Iwama, 深美淳一, Akihiko Osumi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 842-842, 1968.

Japanese Article 38. A study on minute angiogram second report of the nasal mucosa
Toshio Shiraiwa, 今給黎守慶, Kaoru Yamakawa, Field Tadashi Hara, Tsuneo Shiraiwa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 842-842, 1968.

Japanese Article 39. Infants retro-pharyngeal abscess and shock
今給黎守慶 1), Hiromasa Yanai 1), Kubota public welfare 2), Hideo Yokoyama 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 842-842, 1968.

Japanese Article 40. Examination (particularly about the application of the examination of the infants psychogenia) of a hearing and the psychogenia of the language child with a disability
Nobuo Horiguchi, Seiji Kitajima, Jun Arai, Kazuko Fujikawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 843-843, 1968.

Japanese Article 41. The examination of 2 cases given all enucleation technique after partial laryngectomy (the Mr. Conley method) early
Nobuo Horiguchi, Jun Arai, Bear oneself Toshiro, Hiroaki Tanaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 843-843, 1968.

Japanese Article 42. The various phases (around esophagus orifice) of abnormal deglutition dynamics
Toshio Shiraiwa, Jun Kawakubo, The Hashimoto Orient, Yoshiro Kuwajima, Kenichi Inagaki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 843-843, 1968.

Japanese Article 43. Examination of the two cases that caused the rapidly breathing difficult for the airway in the viscous secretions retention
向井敬, 熊己敏郎, 白岩恒男, 北村箴至, 横山秀男
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 843-844, 1968.

Japanese Article 44. 1 autopsy case of the Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Kiichiro Koike 1), Riding ground country Taro 1), Masaaki Kanetani 1), Hotta emperor 1), Takashi Yamada Castle 2), 土手剛 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 844-844, 1968.

Japanese Article 45. An example of the Ewing sarcoma
Toshihiko Nomura, Tamiya Jowa, Riding ground country Taro, Mountain village Masanori
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 844-844, 1968.

Japanese Article 46. The nutritional study of the nucleic acid-based ingredient out of the milk
Kiichiro Koike, Katsuhiko Osumi, The Kubota public welfare
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 844-845, 1968.

Japanese Article 47. About the nutrient of the nursing woman particularly lipids intake and the relations with milk lipids
Kiichiro Koike, 窪島弘通, Description of Suguru Kikuchi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 845-845, 1968.

Japanese Article 48. About the effect that intake fat of the pregnancy mother gives to fetal body constitution fat
張簡俊東, The Kubo straight public welfare, Kiichiro Koike, Takashi Iijima
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 845-845, 1968.

Japanese Article 49. Screening results of disease of inborn error of metabolism in the crippled child institution
Moe Suzuki, Existence waterfall world grandfather
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 845-846, 1968.

Japanese Article 50. Herpes zoster relevant to malignant lymphoma or other systemic disease
Kenichi Ueno, We consider matter Hogen, Suzuki positive
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 846-846, 1968.

Japanese Article 51. Four cases of Psendo Xanthoma slasticum
Setsuya Sonoda, Hiromitsu Shimada
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 846-846, 1968.

Japanese Article 52. Two cases of sporotrichosis found in Tochigi
儀保元彦, Hideyuki Fujisawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 847-847, 1968.

Japanese Article 53. A surgery case of the X-rays ulcer
Fortune Shinji, Susumu Imai, We consider matter Hogen
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 847-847, 1968.

Japanese Article 54. The clinical statistics of tumor in the urologic region for the past 5 years
Saburo Suzuki, Ooi iron Taro, Hisashi Sasaki, The field Ko Hayashi class, Kawabata inscription
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 847-848, 1968.

Japanese Article 55. (nonspecificity) about chronic cystitis
Saburo Suzuki, Hisashi Sasaki, Kawabata inscription
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 848-848, 1968.

Japanese Article 56. Is rare, passing about ivy oral cancer
Shiro Takada, Large percentage Toru, Yoshiaki Nakamura, Yasunobu Uchida
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 848-849, 1968.

Japanese Article 57. The hypnosis application (examination with the polygraph) in the dentistry region
Tatsuo Yoshida, Koichi Nishida, Large percentage Toru, Yoshiaki Nakamura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 849-849, 1968.

Japanese Article 59. A dentistry surgical operation and a psychosomatic response
Large percentage Toru, Koichi Nishida, Yasunobu Uchida
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 849-850, 1968.

Japanese Article 60. The study on non-confusion color of the person with dyschromatopsia congenitia
Single root Hiroko
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 850-850, 1968.

Japanese Article 61. About color sense of the acquired color-blind study - SMON syndrome -
Yasuo Ota
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 850-850, 1968.

Japanese Article 62. About 1 case thought to be multiple egg yolk-like retinal cysts
Toshiaki Yokoi, Masahiko Usui
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 850-851, 1968.

Japanese Article 63. Placental function and LDH Isozyme
Hiroaki Soma, Kiyoshi Akitani, Masaomi Takayama, Tamotsu Nakamura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 851-851, 1968.

Japanese Article 64. About the conditions of the pelvic arterial phase
Hiroaki Soma, 武市恂, Fujio Yamamoto, Ryo Komatsu bamboo, Yoshiyuki Negishi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 851-851, 1968.

Japanese Article 65. An experimental tumor and lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme of the uterine cancer
Yukiro Fujiwara, Kiyoshi Akitani, Sakauchi Minoru, Tamotsu Nakamura, Shoichi Kobori
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 851-852, 1968.

Japanese Article 66. About cranioplasty
Yoshihisa Onodera, Hiroshi Kaneko, 金沢築, Tomita Toshiro, Tetsuro Miwa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 852-852, 1968.

Japanese Article 67. Diagnostic value of Brain Scanning for the intracranial disease
Kunihiko Takanashi 1), 平良真昌 1), Masaki Togo 1), Fujio Shinmura 1), Tetsuro Miwa 1), Hiroyasu Murayama 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 852-853, 1968.

Japanese Article 68. About two cases of the Klinefelter syndrome which presented a schizophrenia-like symptom
Shiroe Miura, Kyoji Murakami, Miyakawa Jianping, Noriyuki Yamauchi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 853-853, 1968.

Japanese Article 69. Statistical observation of "so-called whiplash flagellum" in our department
Tomohiko Ushio, Naotaka Obuchi, Kawano 1, Yanagi, 当山護
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 853-853, 1968.

Japanese Article 73. One discussion about the linear ulcer
進藤捷介, Hachiro Nakano, Shinroku Ashizawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 854-854, 1968.

Japanese Article 74. Use experience of the new esophagofiberscope
Great Susumu Jou, Nobuyuki Nagano, Shinroku Ashizawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 854-854, 1968.

Japanese Article 75. An early gastric cancer case detected in a certain multiphasic health screening recently
Fumichika Yanagisawa 1), Nobuyuki Nagano 1), Shinroku Ashizawa 1), Kimiyoshi Tsuji 2), Akira Miyoshi 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 854-855, 1968.

Japanese Article 76. Effect of the antiphlogistic which gives it to the healing of experiment gastric ulcer
Tetsu Hayashi, Tadashi Abe, Moat Hiroo, 1, Sakae, Shibuya, 田林忠綱, Yoshiharu Koshiishi, Senji Umehara
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 855-855, 1968.

Japanese Article 77. Assume diarrhea chief complaint, and present gastrocolic fistula; 1 autopsy case with suspected gastric cancer
Hideo Shinmura 1), Hiroshi Kawaguchi 2), Itsuro Nakaya 2), Hiroshi Watanabe wish 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 855-856, 1968.

Japanese Article 78. The present situation of the treatment of hypertension in the circulatory organ special outpatient
Kohei Azuma, Kenichi Hagino, Masaaki Shimizu, Yoshiki Kasahara, Tsuneo Takagi, Kazuhiro Inamori, Shinichi Yasui, 渡辺悦弘, Yoshiaki Goto
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 856-856, 1968.

Japanese Article 80. Family system of the Osler's disease
Tsuneo Nishimura 1), Takasaki A 1), Hiroshi Nukaga 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 856-857, 1968.

Japanese Article 81. The diaphragm hernia in the advanced age person
渡辺佳俊 1), Hideyo Katsunuma 1), Jujiro Okamoto 2), Iwata manly man 2), Keizo Komine 3), Akira Ishii 3), Great Hiroshi Shima Jiro 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 857-857, 1968.

Japanese Article 82. About neoplastic blood disorder in the old man
Atsushi Sato, Nobuo Tsurumi, Hideyo Katsunuma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 857-857, 1968.

Japanese Article 83. A change of liver Mitochondria at the Ethionine liver damage
Koji Sakamoto, Yoshiko Matsushima, Takako Kasahara
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 857-858, 1968.

Japanese Article 84. Mainly on the enzymatic study of the resection remaining stomach particularly histochemistry
Koreyoshi Makino 1), Satoshi Nakamura 1), Tetsuo Soma 1), Takamura Prize 1), Keiichiro Yamamoto 1), Yasushi Ozawa 1), Kanazawa 1 old), Tadashi Sato trans1), 土手測 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 858-858, 1968.

Japanese Article 85. Preoperative irradiation of Betatron in the gastric cancer
Koreyoshi Makino 1), Satoshi Nakamura 1), Large 1, Ishiyama), Michio Fukuzawa 1), Akira Ishitani direct 1), Tadashi Sato trans1), Jujiro Okamoto 2), Saburo Amino 2), Kazuo Umeda 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 858-859, 1968.

Japanese Article 86. The experimental study about the ischemia intestinal tract
Koreyoshi Makino, Kosaburo Kimura, Katsuyuki Tanaka, Time pine Hideji, Mitsuru Otake, 棗弘, Yasuhisa Koyanagi, Norio Fukazawa, Shigeo Sagara
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 859-859, 1968.

Japanese Article 87. An effect of A.H.G in the surgery of patients with hemophilia A
Kazuhiko Murakami, Kazuo Shimazaki, Takae joy Hisao, Masahiro Nakamura, 常山肇, Hiroshi Kaneko, Masatoshi Takahashi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 859-860, 1968.

Japanese Article 88. Surgery experience of renal hypertension
Masatoshi Takahashi, 堀口泰良, Akira Tahara, Keiichi Shoji, Takahiko Tsuji, Yasuyuki Fujiwara
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 860-860, 1968.

Japanese Article 89. Surgery experience of Pheochromocytoma
Masatoshi Takahashi, Kinichi Furukawa, It is understood Madoka Hashimoto, Koji Saito, Yoshikazu Yamauchi, Tsutomu Hongo, Koji Ishii
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 860-860, 1968.

Japanese Article 90. Angioplasty by superior vena caval syndrome Homograft complicated for Behcet disease
Sadami Ishii, Takehiko Kudo, Hashiki Haruo, Relation place period kernel, Beach Takatoshi, Masatoshi Takahashi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 860-860, 1968.

Japanese Article 91. Basic examination of Cryosurgery
Kimiyoshi Tsuji, Italy Akira Fujimoto, Hiroshi Miyamoto, 照屋進, Inoki Yozo, Masao Tokuchi, Hiroshi Kaneko
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 860-861, 1968.

Japanese Article 92. The person peripheral blood lymphocyte sampling method
Hiroshi Miyamoto, Kimiyoshi Tsuji, Italy Akira Fujimoto, 照屋進, Inoki Yozo, Masao Tokuchi, Kaneko's house
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 861-861, 1968.

Japanese Article 93. Long-term lymphocytes conservation and the application
Kimiyoshi Tsuji, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Italy Akira Fujimoto, 照屋進, Inoki Yozo, Masao Tokuchi, Hiroshi Kaneko
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 861-862, 1968.

Japanese Article 94. Application of Diffusion Chamber for the effect of treatment judgment of the cancer
Italy Akira Fujimoto, Kimiyoshi Tsuji, Hiroshi Miyamoto, 照屋進, Inoki Yozo, Masao Tokuchi, Hiroshi Kaneko
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 862-862, 1968.

Japanese Article 95. Enhancement effect to give to dog lung transplantation
照屋進, Kimiyoshi Tsuji, Italy Akira Fujimoto, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Inoki Yozo, Masao Tokuchi, 金子広
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 862-863, 1968.

Japanese Article 96. Follow up study and a prognosis remedy of lung cancer treatment
Yoshihiro Hayata, Kenkichi Obo, 萩原勁, 船洋秀夫, Market Masatoshi, Hideo Nakajima, 垣田薫明
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 863-863, 1968.

Japanese Article 97. One cases of primary liver sarcoma accounted suspected fat cancer
早田義博, 吉岡孝明, 市場政敏, 金子宏
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 26(5): 863-863, 1968.