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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 30, Issue 3 / 1972
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Studies of the Basis Cranii Externa of Japanese Adults by Measurement
Kiyoshe TAKEKAWA, T.Sano, S.Arai, K.Mori
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 235-256, 1972.

Japanese Article Experimental studies on the Effect of the Combined Administration of Anabolic Steroid and Vitamin B6 Preparations on Bone Metabolism
Naoki OKUDA, Hiromitsu NOZAKI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 257-274, 1972.

Japanese Article The Pharmacological Study of Dipropylacetic Acid Sodium (DPA), especially the Effects on the Behavior and Spinal Reflex
Takeshi SHIBUYA, Mitsunobu FUJITA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 275-286, 1972.

Japanese Article Clinical Studies with Skiaskotometry Report I. Normal Eyes
Kohko SUZUKI, Harutake MATSUO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 287-291, 1972.

Japanese Article Clinical Studies with Skiaskotometry Report II. Clinical Cases
Kohko SUZUKI, Harutake MATSUO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 293-306, 1972.

Japanese Article The History of Classification of Lactobacilli
Naoyuki IKI, Isamu OHKURO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 307-314, 1972.

Japanese Article Studies on Serological Classification of Lactobacilli I. Supplementary Studies by Traditional Serological Methods for the Classification
Naoyuki IKI1), I.OHKURO2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 30(3): 315-322, 1972.