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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 42, Issue 3 / 1984
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Geriatrics and Gerontology
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 431-431, 1984.

Japanese Article A study on changes in hematopoiesis associated with ageing ―With reference to the nucleated cell count, fat area and cell density in bone marrow determined by a new point counting method―
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 433-443, 1984.

Japanese Article Clinico-pathological Studies of Minute Gastric Cancers
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 445-457, 1984.

Japanese Article The Effect of E. coli L-Asparaginase on Insulin Release in Isolated Islets of Langerhans
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 459-469, 1984.

Japanese Article A Study on Diagnosis of Laryngeal Cancer using Acoustic Analysis
Tadao Konno, Chisato Taketa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 471-481, 1984.

Japanese Article Studies on the Nature of Flagella-like Structure of Bacteria
Chaw Ming WANG, Isamu OHKURO, Taijeong KIM
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 483-497, 1984.

Japanese Article Clinical Significance of Gas Myelography and CT Gas Myelography of the Thoracic spine and the Lumbar spine
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 499-513, 1984.

Japanese Article The Effect of Glucocorticoid on the Secretion of Insulin, Glucagon and Somatostatin Stimulated by Perfusion of Isolated Rat Pancreas
Junsuke IKEDA, Hisao ITO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 515-528, 1984.

Japanese Article Clinico-pathological Investigation of Long-term Prognosis Subsequent to Gastric Carcinoma Resection
Hiroshi TAKAMURA, Kozaburo KIMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 529-547, 1984.

Japanese Article Consideration on the diagnostic ability of various imaging techniques in relation to renal tumor (with emphasis on comparison of-computed tomography, ultrasonography and angiography and their respective suitabilities)
Katsushi IKE, Saburo AMINO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 549-564, 1984.

Japanese Article Radiotherapy for Cancer of the Lung (with emphasis on the optimum application in terms of irradiation efficacy and lung tissue damage)
Masahiro HIROSE, saburo AMINO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 565-579, 1984.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Therapeutic Effectiveness in Oat Cell Carcinoma and Large Cell Carcinoma of the Lung Using Human Tumors Transplanted to Nude Mice
Nobuhiko TAKIZAWA, Yoshihiro HAYATA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 581-590, 1984.

Japanese Article Clinical and pathological study of dural arteriovenous malformation in the posterior fossa ―On the basis of reclassification according to its neuroradiological findings―
Terukazu ITO, Tetsuro MIWA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 591-610, 1984.

Japanese Article Direct Effect of Glucocorticoid on Insulin Secretion
Hiroshi TAKAKUWA, Hisao ITO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 611-618, 1984.

Japanese Article The Mechanism of Action of TC Antibiotics Against Acne Vulgaris
Haruo HOKAMA, Yasuaki TOKUDA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 619-632, 1984.

Japanese Article Natural killer activity and its serum suppressive factor in cancer patients
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 633-645, 1984.

Japanese Article One case of the lower right hepatic duct which it was hard to distinguish if right and left hepatic duct low degree junction was abnormal
Sadao Fukuda, 岩崎至利, Tatsuya Kojima, Takashi Yamakawa, Tomohiko Yoshida, Toshihiko Saito, Shinroku Ashizawa, Chiyuki Tomori *, Yutaka Umeda *, Yasuhisa Koyanagi *, Kosaburo Kimura *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 647-649, 1984.

Japanese Article One case of the ischaemic colitis found in chronic patients on dialysis
陳培欽, 窪田良彦, 堀向文憲, 勝亦重弘, 竹下俊隆, 宮岡正明, 松本英一, 沖田秀二, 佐々木公夫, 林正之, 斉藤利彦, 芦沢真六, 松永至, 野中博, 中野徹
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 651-654, 1984.

Japanese Article Examination of significance of the electrocardiogram telephone transmission in the community medical care and 3,205
堀口泰良, 村上和彦, 辻孝彦, 藤原靖之, 阿部敏弘, 清見定道, 高橋一, 平井明生, 藤井茂樹, 落合恒明, 阿部俊也, 小林泰彦, 久保田議康
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 655-659, 1984.

Japanese Article Application to general anesthesia of the buprenorphine hydrochloride
池田寿昭, 阪口大和, 福元喜公男, 藤田理恵, 一色淳
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 661-664, 1984.

Japanese Article The 133rd clinical social gathering MOF (multipul organ failure)?
三宅有, 石井脩夫, 木下幸大, 牧野義文*1, 日野宏*2, 高江喜久郎*2, 長沢洋*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 665-674, 1984.

Japanese Article 1. Hormone measurement for egg collection time decision with the laparoscopes
Kenichi Okudera, Naoko Sayama, Jun Yoshii, Masaomi Takayama, Hiroaki Soma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 675-675, 1984.

Japanese Article 2. A change of apoprotein with diabetes treatment
Yoko Notoya, Shigehiko Suda, 沢近実, Hiroshi Takakuwa, Nobuo Torii, Jin Soeda, Kanazawa truth male, Hisao Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 675-675, 1984.

Japanese Article 3. Experience using the human insulin synthetic for patients with diabetes that presented insulin allergy
Satoru Akiyama, Akio Ueki, Tsutomu Ouchi, Junsuke Ikeda, Ishii law of nature husband, Osamu Kinjo, Akira Kanazawa, Hisao Ito, Flat Nobuo Mine *, Masahiro Shimizu *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 42(3): 675-676, 1984.