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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 43, Issue 6 / 1985
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Ebb and flow of the tide
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 931-931, 1985.

Japanese Article Improvement - of form, the function of the auditory organ with the applied - high mud oxyapatite of the ceramics in middle ear operations
Sotaro Funasaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 933-939, 1985.

Japanese Article Detection of Singlet Oxygen from Hematoporphyrin Derivative (HpD) Using Luminol
Harumasa SAKAI1),2), Susumu O'HATA1), Yoshihiro HAYATA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 940-949, 1985.

Japanese Article Depth EEG and Electrocorticographic Activity Stimulating in Subicular Complex of the Left Hippocampus of Cats
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 950-959, 1985.

Japanese Article Comparative study on Three Kinds of Myocardial Protective Solution Using the Left Ventricular Balloon Method -St. Thomas' hospital solution, Fluosol-DA 20%, cold blood-
Hiroshi HINO, Masatoshi TAKAHASHI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 960-972, 1985.

Japanese Article Experimental Studies on the Effects of Perfluorochemical Blood (PFC) and L-carnitine on the Ischemic Myocardium
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 973-987, 1985.

Japanese Article Experimental Study on Hypoxia and Hypercapnia in Enflurane Anesthesia
Shinji ENZAN, Tamotsu MIYAKE
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 988-997, 1985.

Japanese Article The Analysis of Pathogenesis of Hydrocephalus in the Chronic Stage of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Indication for Shunt Operation -Assessment of continuous ICP monitoring and r-CBF-
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 998-1011, 1985.

Japanese Article An Experimental Study on Endotoxin Shock and Complements With reference to the effect of MP, PGE1 and PGI2
Taiji OKITA, Tamotsu MIYAKE
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1012-1022, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect of Adrenocorticosteroids on Local Aplastic Bone Marrow Induced by Microwave Irradiation in Rabbits -With histological and hematological evaluations-
Ryuya UEYAMA, Hisao ITO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1023-1035, 1985.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Tumor-localizing Component and Intracellular Localization Site of Hematoporphyrin Derivative(HpD)
Makoto SAITO, Yoshihiro HAYATA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1036-1048, 1985.

Japanese Article Experimental Study on the Effects of Perfluorochemical Blood and Coenzyme Q10 on the Ischemic Myocardium
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1049-1063, 1985.

Japanese Article A Study of the Permeation of the Synovial Membrane -An electron microscopic observation in the normal rabbit knee joint-
Tazunu KOJIMA1),2), Yukio MIURA1), Yuichi OTAKA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1064-1075, 1985.

English Article Endoscopic Laser Irradiation Therapy of Early Gastric Cancer -A New Trial of the Contact Irradiation Method-
Toshihiko SAITO, Haruo HIJIKATA, Atsushi FUJIE, Minoru KAWAGUCHI, Katsunori YOSHIMURA, Shinroku ASHIZAWA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1076-1082, 1985.

Japanese Article Pharmacological Study on the Central Mechanism of Imidazole Derivative Muscle-relaxant
Hung-Jung LIU, Takeshi SHIBUYA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1083-1092, 1985.

Japanese Article Pharmacological Studies on a New Central Muscle Relaxant Tizanidine I. Study on behavioral pharmacology
Katsuhiko SATO, Ming-Yung CHOU, Kuang-Hsiung CHANG, Makoto AOKI, Nobuyuki IMANISHI, Takeshi SHIBUYA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1093-1099, 1985.

Japanese Article Pharmacological Studies on a New Central Muscle Relaxant Tizanidine II. Study on general pharmacology
Katsuhiko SATO, Hung-Che SHIH, Yung-Lon HONG, Takayuki SARUHARA, Ichie HARA, Takeshi SHIBUYA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1100-1106, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of the mitral valve replacement that repeated a ventricular fibrillation attack after an operation on the 15th day of illness
土田博光, 矢尾善英, 石川幹夫, 工藤龍彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1107-1110, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of the Insulin autoimmunization syndrome
Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Teraoka, Shigehiko Suda, Satoru Akiyama, Jin Taniguchi, 沢近実, Nobuo Torii, Hiroshi Takakuwa, Osamu Kinjo, Ishii law of nature husband, Takao Kikuchi, Jin Soeda, Kanazawa truth male, Akio Ueki, Yoko Notoya, Hisao Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1111-1115, 1985.

Japanese Article Anesthesia management of progressive systemic sclerosis
Osamu Ishii husband, Naoya Ito, Yuko Imoto, Takanori Suzuki, Tadanori Sato, 伊藤聖衛, Willow Hisashi Hara, Yo Takahashi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1116-1118, 1985.

Japanese Article Comparison examination of various imaging diagnostic methods in the extrahepatic hepatic duct obstruction case
吉益均 1), Sadao Fukuda 1), Hajime Ikeda 1), 岩崎至利 1), Tomohiko Yoshida 1), Toshihiko Saito 1), Shinroku Ashizawa 1), Kosaburo Kimura 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1119-1123, 1985.

Japanese Article Application of the new material (apatite ceramic) in the ear department surgery
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1124-1125, 1985.

Japanese Article 1. Anesthesia of primary aldosteronism
Reiko Matsuo, Kazumi Ikeda, Kiyoshi Aizawa, Yoshibumi Makino, Tomoko Ito, Jun Isshiki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1125-1125, 1985.

Japanese Article 2. About an effect of the stellate ganglion block on nasal allergy
Fukumoto joy Kimio, Toshiaki Ikeda, Kazuhiko Shimada, Tomio Fukuhara, Osamu Ishii husband
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1125-1125, 1985.

Japanese Article 3. Experience the anesthesia of the patients after renal transplant
Junko Nonaka, Taiji Okita, Jiro Okada, Sei Hatayama, Takuma Kurosu, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Fukuda
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1125-1126, 1985.

Japanese Article 4. Comparison - with the maneuver of real - before of the perpendicular approach of Celiac plexus block, splanchnic nerve block
須田高之, 柴田敏幸, 荻原幸彦, 豊岡聡, 本間豊彦, 浅川実, 川端正博, 伊藤樹史
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1126-1126, 1985.

Japanese Article 5. Spinal anesthesia and adverse reaction
Masanori Hisamatsu, Toshiaki Ikeda, Kioroshi good luck size
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1126-1126, 1985.

Japanese Article 9. 1 case of the mixed tumor of salivary gland that occurred in an upper lip
Tomoko Kawamata 1), Kyoichi Wakuda 1), Hidekuni Ozeki 1), Toshio Hoshiyama 1), Hidemi Miyata 1), Kushiro Hideo 1), Yoshihiro Narita 1), Yasunobu Uchida 1), Outfield Masami 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1127-1127, 1985.

Japanese Article 10. About effect to give to the field volume of the goniotomy
Mie Nishizawa, Takahisa Nonaka, Akira Seki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1127-1127, 1985.

Japanese Article 13. The examination about the role of IgG 4 in atopic dermatitis
Akira Gondo 1), Eriko Yamamoto 1), 佐伯紀孝 1), Yasuaki Tokuda 1), Masayuki Matsunobu 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1128-1128, 1985.

Japanese Article 14. About structure of new carotenoid - dehydration lutein - which is present in serum and others
北原恵一1), 深澤知世子1), 佐藤久男1), 本多輝男2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1128-1128, 1985.

Japanese Article 16. The development of the sleep spindle in normal children
Yu Miyajima, Masaaki Ogiwara, Akinori Hoshika, Tetsuhiko Matsuno, Teruo Honda
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1129-1129, 1985.

Japanese Article 17. A trial of the A-PRTase activity level measurement with the HPLC (fluorescence test for the detection)
Tadao Noro 1), Kamikawa daylight 1), Tomoji Samori 1), Someya forest 1), Makoto Hoshino 1), Numabe Hironao 1), Fumito Igawa 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1129-1129, 1985.

Japanese Article 19. Tumor marker CA 125 in ovarian cancer and clinical significance of CA 19-9
佐野養, Kazuhiro Okabe, Spring water piety and obedience, Yoshiyuki Negishi, Kiyoshi Akitani, Yukiro Fujiwara
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1129-1130, 1985.

Japanese Article 20. Clinical application of the fetoscope
Kiyoshi Fujiwara, Jin Funayama, Seiichi Yaguchi, 小川俊隆, Masaomi Takayama, Hiroaki Soma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1130-1130, 1985.

Japanese Article 23. The statistical observation of the uterus origin malignant tumor autopsy case
Yutaka Miyazawa, Tetsuya Hachiya, Hiromi Serizawa, 佐々弘
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1130-1131, 1985.

Japanese Article 24. 2 cases of the old perilunate dislocation with the hand scaphoid fracture
徳毛康夫1), 藤村二郎1), 平野恵一1), 永井秀三1), 伊藤康二1), 市丸勝二1), 今給黎篤弘2), 三浦幸雄2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1131-1131, 1985.

Japanese Article 27. One case of suprascapular nerve paralysis that handball became the precipitants
Koichi Ito, Katsuaki Takahashi, Nango Toshiaki, Atsuhiro Imakiire, Yukio Miura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1132-1132, 1985.

Japanese Article 28. One case of the psychogenic torticollis
Now Katsushi, Muneo Shimizu
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1132-1132, 1985.

Japanese Article 29. About blood anticonvulsant levels and an attack control
Yuko Aruga, Norio Ikeuchi, Masanori Kondo, Satoshi Uchida, 孔益秀, 引場智, Noriyuki Sakagami, Muneo Shimizu
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1132-1132, 1985.

Japanese Article 30. One case of hair trichotillomania (Trichosillomania) with the depressed state
Osamu Ando, Hidenori Kawakita, 森里弥
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1132-1132, 1985.

Japanese Article 33. A role in the bullfrog sympathetic ganglion of the taurine
Toshio Hashiguchi 1), Tsuneo Noborisaka 1), Junko Tasaka 1), Akiko Sakai 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1133-1133, 1985.

Japanese Article 34. About the analytical procedure that inhibitory neurotransmitter amino acids is mainly new using the HPLC/ECD method
遠藤任彦, 加納節夫, 館林明子, 林裕子
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1133-1133, 1985.

Japanese Article 35. Classification differences and study on arterial wall construction - aorta elastic tissue fenestra of the scanning electron microscope and age changes - in the rat
Shigeru Masuda, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1133-1134, 1985.

Japanese Article 36. Artery distribution in the rat vocal fold
Akira Iimura, Masato Okubo, Masayuki Nakagawa, Akira Nakamura city, Sanae Ichikawa, Shigeo Uchino
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1134-1134, 1985.

Japanese Article 37. Observation - of the electron microscope at cut of vulnerary pathology - rabbit auricular cartilage
吉浜勲, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1134-1134, 1985.

Japanese Article 38. Two cases of black thyroid
Shinya Shimizu, Koda Masanori, Outfield Masami
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1134-1134, 1985.

Japanese Article 41. Effect of the lectin which gives it to the RF production of monoclonal rheumatoid factor (mRF)-producing human hybrid cells
下邦明, 鈴田達男
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1135-1135, 1985.

Japanese Article 42. Examination of the latex agglomeration immunoassay (the LA method) for rheumatoid factor detection
Masaki Sugimoto 1), Tatsuo Suzuta 1), Setsuko Nakamura 2), Nobuyuki Kubota 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1135-1136, 1985.

Japanese Article 43. Analysis of interferon gamma and the molecular difference of the macrophage activator
ルナール純子, 金兌貞
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1136-1136, 1985.

Japanese Article 44. The change of the hormone by the rat unilateral emasculation and testicular compensatory hypertrophy
Tetsuo Furuya, Junichi Kawano, Outfield Masami
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1136-1136, 1985.

Japanese Article 48 about measurement of the GFR by 99mTc-DTPA.
Toru Hirata 1), Koichi Imamura 1), 1, Kotobuki, Sasaki), Kaneyoshi Miyauchi 2), Fumio Nakazawa 2), 糖沢敦 2), Kazuo Umeda 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1137-1137, 1985.

Japanese Article 49. About RIA using the ferritin monoclonal antibody
吉川治, 永山佳史, 宮沢啓介, 木村之彦, 林洸洋, 鳴戸真美子, 井口祐三, 宮坂康彦, 田中邦生, 安達満雄, 伊藤健次郎, 長村重之
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1137-1137, 1985.

Japanese Article 50. One case of MDS which it became CMML from RA with thrombocytemia, and responded to exacerbation, V-P therapy
湯野川孝一, 笹井信夫, 高木康樹, 一色道之, 枡岡勇雄
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1137-1138, 1985.

Japanese Article 51. An example of the Ara-c initial diagnosis sudden turn type CML that was able to introduce into complete remission by administration in small quantities
Michi Kondo 1), Nomoto さい child 1), Hiroyuki Uchida 1), Daita usual way 1), Nobuhiko Sakai 1), Hisao Ito 1), Yasuko Mori 2), Atsushi Kodama 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1138-1138, 1985.

Japanese Article 52. An example of T cell lymphoma in acknowledgment of hypercalcemia and a bone lesion
Muraichi bud law of nature 1), Hatano exhibition reason 1), Yoshinori Miyamoto 1), Chisato Suzuki 1), Hideyo Katsunuma 1), Kimihiko Abe 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1138-1138, 1985.

Japanese Article 54. Effect of the phenytoin on intractable ITP
新井盛夫, 鈴木正義, 小池克昌, 福江英尚, 鈴木美登利, 山田享弘, 依藤寿, 羽田雅夫, 池松正次郎, 長沢洋, 浮田実, 藤巻道男, 福武勝博
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1138-1139, 1985.

Japanese Article 59. Family system of congenital LDH subunit M deficiency
Minoru Ukita 1), Katsumasa Koike 1), Morio Arai 1), Suguru Fukue still 1), Midori Suzuki 1), Takahiro Yamada 1), Masao Haneda 1), Michio Fujimaki 1), Katsuhiro Fukutake 1), Noriko Kimura 2), Ibukiyama Chiharu 2), Hisao Ito 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1140-1140, 1985.

Japanese Article 60. Study -Elastase, Ca++ antagonist about experimental arteriosclerotic vessel walls, effect - of the PTH
Kei Sato kernel, Shinya Shimizu, Akihiko Tamura, Junko Hayashi, Hideyo Katsunuma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1140-1140, 1985.

Japanese Article 62. An example of the paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia that multiple accessory pathways seemed to be associated with with Dual A-V node pathway
近藤宣如 1), Akio Hirai 1), Hiroshi Inuzuka 1), Tsuneaki Ochiai 1), Nobuo Akabane 1), Toshiya Abe 1), Shigeki Fujii 1), Kiyomi accepted standards of behavior 1), Toshihiro Abe 1), Tetsu Matsubara 2), Ibukiyama Chiharu 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1141-1141, 1985.

Japanese Article 64. Treatment of the esophageal varices
Yasumasa Shiratori 1), Masayuki Hayashi 1), Hajime Ikeda 2), Toshihiko Saito 2), Shinroku Ashizawa 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1141-1141, 1985.

Japanese Article 66. One case of the ulcerative colitis that caused Toxic megacolon
Tsuyoshi Kinoshita 1), 陳培欽 1), Yoshihiko Kubota 1), Shigehiro Katsumata 1), 堀向文憲 1), 竹下俊隆 1), Masaaki Miyaoka 1), Hidekazu Matsumoto 1), Yoji Harada 1), Toshihiko Saito 1), Shinroku Ashizawa 1), Yoshifumi Watanabe 2), Tadashi Sekine world 2), Akira Okabe 2), Takatoshi Nakamura 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1142-1142, 1985.

Japanese Article 67. Ten cases of the transgastric anisakiasis that was able to diagnose endoscopically
Jun Horiguchi 1), Kaoru Komatsuzaki 1), Kawamorita Yasuhiko 1), Satoru Shinoda straight 1), Fukutake Katsuhide 1), Isao Masuoka 1), Toshihiko Saito 2), Shinroku Ashizawa 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1142-1142, 1985.

Japanese Article 68. Average of "average length of life" and the life
Fence flat Hiroomi, Reiko Kobayashi, Kodo Yui, Yumiko Abe, Mamoru Hanyuda, Shuzo Kinoshita, Joji Fujinami, Miyazawa Kotobuki Ichiro
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1142-1143, 1985.

Japanese Article 69. Tokyo Medical College total computing system
Tatsumi Ohara 1), Satoshi Nakamura 1), Hajime Nawa 1), Ikuro Anzai 1), Kei Kusumoto light 1), Nakamura Hayao 1), Minoru Tanaka 2), Tsuchiya joy length 3), 成清哲也 3), Mt. interval root Shinichi 3), Kenji Tanaka 3), Shigeki Ebisawa 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1143-1143, 1985.

Japanese Article 72. Experience of the internal carotid artery endarterectomy for the recurrent cerebral ischemic attack
檮木治, Izumi Inaba, Toshifumi Maruyama, Yasuyuki Oiwa, 原岡襄, Tetsuro Miwa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1143-1144, 1985.

Japanese Article 73. Experience of neurovascular deconmpression for the mimetic convulsion
斎藤文男1), 陳美利1), 大岩泰之1), 三木保1), 斎藤裕1), 三輪哲郎1), 田島腎一2), 蓮江正道2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1144-1144, 1985.

Japanese Article 74. One case that labyrinthine syphilis was strongly suspected of as a cause of bilateral acute progressive nerve deafness
Satoshi Saito light 1), Mutsumi Hosoya 1), Hiromichi Hosoi 1), 伊藤真郎 1), Sotaro Funasaka 1), Tamotsu Miki 2), Takashi Kawashima 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1144-1144, 1985.

Japanese Article 75. The application of the apatite ceramics as external auditory canal posterior wall reconstruction materials
Tetsu Nishiyama, 伊藤真郎, 今給黎守慶, Sotaro Funasaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1144-1145, 1985.

Japanese Article 76. The present conditions and problems of the CAPD
Mitsuo Fujino 1), 東仲宣 1), 岡山和猷 1), Keiichiro Yamamoto 2), Yasuhisa Koyanagi 2), Kosaburo Kimura 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1145-1145, 1985.

Japanese Article 77. 1 autopsy case of PSS where multiple primary cancer was proved
Toru Hirabayashi 1), Eri Ide 1), Eriko Yamamoto 1), Takeo Kato 1), Michiyuki Koga 1), Yasuaki Tokuda 1), Akira Suzuki trunk 2), Hiroshi Watanabe wish 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1145-1145, 1985.

Japanese Article 78. An example of the gastric abscess
Yuichi Saito 1), 円岡寿 1), Yamamoto pickles person 2), Oomi clear provision 2), 河内堯 2), Ichita Kawamura 2), Toshihiko Saito 3), Ashizawa truth six 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1145-1145, 1985.

Japanese Article 79. An example of desmoplastic appendicitis
Yoshiyuki Sonoda, Kaoru Komatsuzaki, Watanabe morality, Hideyuki Ubukata, 後藤悦久, Yamada Takao, Fumikazu Matsumoto, Hiroshi Joko, Tomohide Taira, Jin Funayama line, Jiro Yumoto, Shigeru Sato example, Ichiro Nakata, Tabuchi Chongwen, Virtue hairs public person, 楠元慶明, Katsuhiko Yumoto, 金沢築, Tetsuo Soma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1145-1145, 1985.

Japanese Article 80. Application of FCR in the vascular surgery region
Toshiyuki Shibata 1), Undecided Hiroyuki 1), Kiyoyuki Fujiwara 1), 堀口泰良 1), Ogre book Hideki 2), Hiroyuki Ebina 2), Ryozo Fujita 2), Kazuo Umeda 2), Kazuhiko Murakami 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1145-1146, 1985.

Japanese Article 81. The clinical analysis of the valve replacement case in our institution
Hiromitsu Tsuchida, 矢尾善英, Mikio Ishikawa, Tatsuhiko Kudo
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1146-1146, 1985.

Japanese Article 84. The red blood cell deformability in the patient on dialysis
Takashi Shimizu 1), Yutaka Yamaguchi 1), Honbo Shuzo 1), Naoto Akimoto 1), Hakojima light 1), Hiroshi Hino 1), Tetsuzo Hirayama 1), Masayuki Kitamura 1), Shin Ishimaru 1), Sosuke Koike 1), Kinichi Furukawa 1), Masatoshi Takahashi 1), Mitsuo Fujino 2), 東仲宣 2), Mitsuru Suzuki 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1147-1147, 1985.

Japanese Article 85. An example of the fivefold cancer
Masahiro Shirai, 佐嶋健一, Shinya Abe, Harufumi Kato, Yoshihiro Hayata
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1147-1147, 1985.

Japanese Article 87. Effect of aging and the smoking to give to hemodynamics and the oxygen metabolism of the bronchus
Shinya Abe, Hiroshi Okitsu, Interest stone Yoshihiko, Jun Naito, Kenkichi Obo, Yoshihiro Hayata
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1147-1148, 1985.

Japanese Article 88. Affinity for the mitochondria of HpD
Makoto Saito, 木下孔明, River hand Norihiko, Katsuaki Nishinomiya, Chimori Konaka, Harufumi Kato, Yoshihiro Hayata
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1148-1148, 1985.

Japanese Article 89. Detection of excitation singlet oxygen derived from HpD using luminol reaction
Osamu Sakai original 1), 曾沢勝夫 1), Takahisa Tomono 1), Masao Kitahara 1), Akiko Sakai 1), Hiroko Saito 1), Susumu Ohata 1), Katsuaki Nishinomiya 2), Harufumi Kato 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1148-1148, 1985.

Japanese Article 90. The viscous liquid of the lung adenocarcinoma subtype classification and immunohistochemical examination
Hiroshi Kusama, Toshiro Nagata, Ichiro Hirabayashi, Tadashi Hashimoto children, 佐々弘
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1148-1148, 1985.

Japanese Article 91. Karyotype analysis (II) of glucagon-producing ascites cancer cells (GOAT)
Midori Imagawa, Hiroko Saito, Akiko Sakai, Katsuo Aizawa, Susumu Ohata
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1148-1149, 1985.

Japanese Article 95. Basic examination for IL2 application in the cancer-carrying patient
青田文雄, 遠山さつき, 大高正裕, 根橋良雄, 木島道夫, 長村重之
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1150-1150, 1985.

Japanese Article 97. About Photocystoscopy
Yoshimi Mamiya, Makoto Miki, The field Ko Hayashi class, Hisashi Sasaki, Tetsu Tsuchiya, Toshihiko Matsuoka, Tetsuo Matsumoto, Nobuo Ohara, Autumn deer just man, Toru Hirata, Hirofumi Shimizu, Tochimoto Masato
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1150-1150, 1985.

Japanese Article An example of the 148th clinical social gathering record severe women who got thinner, and accepted loss, anemia and molysmophobia of an underarm hair, the pubic hair
三浦四郎衛1), 清水宗夫1), 海老原英彦1), 伊藤久雄2), 伊藤健次郎2), 松岡敏彦3), 高山雅臣4), 佐藤茂樹5), 池内憲夫1)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1151-1160, 1985.

Japanese Article 1. From - patients admission situation to think about the way of the CCC nursing and a nursing system -
Yumi Osako, Yasuko Oe, Yoshimi Nakagawa, This Mayumi that it is the way it goes, Tomoko Yoshimura, Misako Yoshida, Miyuki Kobayashi, Yuko Hasegawa, Michiko Kuroda, Michiko Takano, Tsukako Hayakawa, Kazumi Ishimura, Masae Nishiyama, Onodera Sanki child
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1161-1161, 1985.

Japanese Article 3. The examination of the D. O. A. (Dead on Arrival) case in this center pediatrics
Isao Kusakawa, Sachiko Konishi, Hisashi Kawashima, Yu Miyajima, Tomoyuki Chiba, Masaaki Hagiwara, Tetsuro Tanaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1161-1162, 1985.

Japanese Article 4. One healed case of the acute organophosphate poisoning
Jun Murata, Hiroshi Futaki, Reiko Matsuo, Kazumi Ikeda, Kiyoshi Aizawa, Yoshibumi Makino, Tomoko Ito, Jun Isshiki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1162-1162, 1985.

Japanese Article 5. A perioperative fatal case
Toyohiko Honma, Satoshi Toyooka, Toshiyuki Shibata, Yukihiko Hagiwara, Takayuki Suda, Minoru Asakawa, Masahiro Kawabata, Tatsushi Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 43(6): 1162-1162, 1985.