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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 47, Issue 5 / 1989
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The medicine is for the patients
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 721-721, 1989.

Japanese Article Studies on Vitamin B12 in Neonatal Period
Yoshihiro HORI, Teruo HONDA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 723-735, 1989.

Japanese Article A Study in the Psychopathology of Expression by Chronic Schizophrenics Using the Landscape Montage Technique By the comparison of drawings made by japanese children and youths as well as by nepalese children
Masataka OHBA, Shiroe MIURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 736-745, 1989.

Japanese Article Measurement of Erythrocyte Deformability by Using the Method of Splenic Perfusion ―Influences of pentoxifylline, propentofylline and Ca antagonist on erythrocyte deformability―
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 746-757, 1989.

Japanese Article A General Evaluation of Platelet Function and Antiplatelet Therapies for Prosthetic Valve Replacement ―Special reference to comparison between lowdose aspirin and ticlopidine―
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 758-767, 1989.

Japanese Article Basic Studies in relation between Metabolic Changes and Rate Pressure Products on Ischemic Myocadium treated with Ulinastatin
Hiroaki YADA, Ikuhiro YAMASAWA, Sadamichi KIYOMI, Nobuhiko IKEBE, Mikio USUI, Norio NAKAGAWA, Ryutaro KASAI, Nanae TUMAKI, Takeo ICHIKI, Chiharu IBUKIYAMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 768-778, 1989.

Japanese Article The Study on Function of Brunner's Glands in Duodenal Ulcer
Kiyoshi KOGA, Shinroku ASHIZAWA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 779-788, 1989.

Japanese Article A Study on the Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer by Endoscopic Ultrasonography―Evaluation of the Depth of Invation, Stroma and Infiltrative Growth
Yasuhiro FUKAYA, Kozaburo KIMURA, Yasuhisa KOYANAGI, Kazunobu SUZUKI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 789-800, 1989.

Japanese Article A Basic Study on the Accumulation and Cytocidal Effects of HpD and PH-1008 in Ascites Tumors
Kinya FURUKAWA, Yoshihiro Hayata
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 801-811, 1989.

Japanese Article The Clincal Study of Scirrhous Type in Gastric Cancer
Shigeru TSURUI, Kazunobu SUZUKI, Shinichi SAITO, Kozaburo KIMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 812-824, 1989.

Japanese Article Recent Advances of the Reconstructive Surgery of Head and Neck Tumors
Tethuo SAEKI1), Tomoyuki YOSHIDA1), Shigeyuki OHTSUKA1), Tadao OKUDAIRA1), Hiroaki YAKUMARU2), Yoshio SUZUKI2), Sotaro FUNASAKA1), Koreo MAKINO2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 825-835, 1989.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the childhood dizziness
木村仁1), 李雅次1), 高橋整1), 舩坂宗太郎1), 細部裕子2), 本多輝男2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 836-840, 1989.

Japanese Article Form and onset frequency of the back of the head spike in the person with one epilepsy
檮木裕子, Chiaki Arai, Naoji Hirabayashi, Yasunori Oana, Shiroe Miura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 841-843, 1989.

Japanese Article 1 clinical example of the elderly people who assumed a decrease, dementia a cardinal symptom with cerebellum symptom, spontaneity that TRH therapy was effective
Mabaru Takahiko *, Tachikawa thickness Taro **, Yuriko Tanaka *, Katsuhiko Yamaguchi *, Toshihiko Iwamoto *, Shinzo Tachikawa ***, Hideyo Katsunuma *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 844-848, 1989.

Japanese Article One patient who showed serum CPK high level after iteration intramuscular injection of the antipsychotics
Noriyuki Sakagami, Toshimasa Maruta, Seiji Hongo, 朝信泰昌, Hiroshi Itagaki, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Osamu Tomizawa, Miyasaka Kei good luck, Masaaki Taniguchi, Shotaro Yajima, Shiroe Miura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 849-852, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the total iliac artery aneurysm explosion
Music Keisuke, Hiromitsu Tsuchida, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, 堀口泰良
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 853-856, 1989.

Japanese Article Analysis - by the effect - in vivo voltammetry method to give to dopamine isolation in the rat caudate of 3 Phencyclidine metabolite
Hiroshi Takeda, Takeshi Shibuya
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 858-858, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. The substance P inward current in inferior mesenteric ganglion cells
Takefumi Miyazaki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 859-859, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. An intracellular calcium storage mechanism is present in glucagonoma cells (ITC-1)
Mitsuko Hashiguchi 1), Toshio Hashiguchi 1), Tsuneo Noborisaka 1), Akiko Sakai 2), Kanazawa truth male 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 859-859, 1989.

Japanese Article About a bond of 6 tumor seeking agent Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 and bovine serum albumin
Takashi Tsuchida light 1), 會沢勝夫 1), River part Hirofumi 1), 1 related to Annaka), Kinya Furukawa 2), Hideki Yamamoto 2), Katsuaki Nishinomiya 2), River hand Norihiko 2), Chimori Konaka 2), Harufumi Kato 2), Yoshihiro Hayata 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 860-860, 1989.

Japanese Article Changes after death of the monoamine metabolite out of 7 cerebrospinal fluid
栗岩ふみ, 原修一, 加納節夫, 遠藤任彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 860-860, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the Lymphokine Activated Killer(LAK)cell for 12 gastrointestinal carcinoma and Interleukin-2(IL-2) administration therapy
吉益均, 比佐哲哉, 石田久人, 桜林忍, 斉藤利彦, 芦澤眞六
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 863-863, 1989.

Japanese Article 13 upper gastrointestinal tract emergency endoscopy
Hideo Matsui, Norihiko Saito, Kametani positive, Naoto Iijima, Chiaki Takizawa, Katsura, Tagawa Ichiro, Tatsuro Shimada, Seven Jo common good, 近裕, Masami Ueno, Ryoichi Misaka, Minoru Kawaguchi, Toshihiko Saito, Shinroku Ashizawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 863-863, 1989.

Japanese Article Three cases of 16 stomach origin malignant lymphoma and Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia(RLH)
Shuji Oda 1), Hajime Yoshida 1), Yukihiro Matsumoto 1), Nishisato Yoshinori 1), Shinji Hoshino 2), 佐嶋健一 2), Hideki Sakurai 2), Tadashi Nakayama 2), Yoshikazu Hara 2), Keiichiro Yamamoto 2), 若杉和倫 3), Hiromi Serizawa 4), Ryoichi Misaka 5), Toshihiko Saito 5), Shinroku Ashizawa 5), Tatsuya Aoki 6), Yasuhisa Koyanagi 6), Kosaburo Kimura 6)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 865-865, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the primary carcinoma of the appendix who had 17 appendicitis
Itsuro Nagae 1), Yamasaki ingredient group 1), Shigeki Nakayama 1), Muneaki Konishi 1), Isao Masuoka 1), Kosaburo Kimura 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 865-865, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the echogram in 18 hemangioma of liver
Yasushi Shinohara, Six river Hiroko, Yukiko Nonaka, Shunya Horibe, Kimio Okubo, Takashi Kawai, Hiroshi Sumiya, Masao Nakagawa, 新戸禎哲, Yuichi Saito, Tetsuo Otsubo, Takashi Yamada, Kaoru Nakata, Hajime Ikeda, Yoji Harada, Toshihiko Saito, 芦沢眞六
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 866-866, 1989.

Japanese Article Experience of the knee arthroscopic surgery in 21 Kasumigaura Hospital
Urawa Yasuto, Katsuji Ichimaru, Masahiro Kashiyama, Tomoyuki Okabe, Toru Takayasu, The Nishikawa truth, 松田了聡, Osamu Arisawa, Kenji Endo
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 867-867, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the surgery case of the juvenile lumbar vertebrae middle plate hernia in 22 our department
Takashi Nakayama 1), Hiroaki Matsuoka 1), 松田了聡 1), Takei Yoshinori 1), Atsuhiro Imakiire 1), Yukio Miura 1), Katsuji Ichimaru 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 868-868, 1989.

Japanese Article Quantity of consonant, semivowel communication of 23 22 channel cochlear implant patients
Hitoshi Takahashi, Jun Kawano, Kumiko Yukawa, Shiroma Masae, Kiyoshi Honda, Sotaro Funasaka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 868-868, 1989.

Japanese Article Report about 25 outpatient waiting time investigations
Akio Murakoshi, Yoshifumi Watanabe, Ken Mashiko soil, Nakamura Hayao, Tatsumi Ohara, Hajime Nawa, Ikuro Anzai, Satoshi Nakamura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 869-869, 1989.

English Article 29 Rat brain concentrations of biogenic amines, their metabolites and the other compounds after microwave irradiation
R. Ikeda, C. N. Svendsen*, Y. Nishikouri, H. Itagaki, Y. Asanobu, S. Hongo, S. Hikiba, M. Kondoh, N. Ikeuchi, N. Sakaue, M. Shimizu, S. Miura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 871-871, 1989.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the consultation liaison in 31 Tokyo Medical College Hospital
吉浜淳, Naoji Hirabayashi, Koji Naoi, Yasushi Nishikiori, Seiji Hongo, Masanori Kondo, 入江広, Ryoichi Ikeda, Shiroe Miura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 872-872, 1989.

Japanese Article Change of XIII factor in 33 Crohn's disease and the substrate
松本顕治, 佐藤猛, 小池克昌, 羽田雅夫, 池松正次郎, 藤巻道男, 高添正和*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 873-873, 1989.

Japanese Article Dynamics with blood erythropoietin level and treatment of patients with 35 iron-deficiency anemia
大塚孝裕 1), Masataka Sakamoto 2), 中村浩彰 2), 若杉和倫 2), Minoru Tanaka 3), Kazumi Tateyama 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 874-874, 1989.

Japanese Article Lymphatic distribution - first report - of 38 lats testes
Akira Iimura, Masato Okubo, Takafumi Suzuki, Akira Nakamura city, Sanae Ichikawa, Shigeo Uchino
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 876-876, 1989.

Japanese Article Cytotoxicity of the potassium fiber which is 42 asbestos (asbestos) substitutes materials titanate
花岡知之, 藤波襄二, 岩根久夫, 川合ゆかり
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 878-878, 1989.

Japanese Article MRI of 45 spinal cord tumors
Shuji Sugiki 1), Naoki Ito 1), 1, Gengo, Seki), Iwao Ishii 1), Mana Yoshimura 1), Shingo Inoue 1), Jiro Ishida 1), Naoto Kanesaka 1), Mugijima pure and innocent 1), Kakizaki University 1), Koji Kawana 1), Hiroyasu Murayama 1), Saburo Amino 1), Satoshi Toyooka 2), Yukio Miura 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 879-879, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination - of the metastasis to lung cancer lymph nodes by 46 MRI particularly experimental evaluation - of extraction lymph nodes
Junichi Yokochi 1), Yutaka Matsuda way 1), 1 related to Wakabayashi), Takeshi Akata city 1), Takanari Suzuki 1), Fumio Kotake 1), Masahiro Hirose 1), Kimihiko Abe 1), Saburo Amino 1), Yoshihiko Koshiishi 2), Kanji Nagai 2), Takahiro Amemiya 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 880-880, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination about the production ability of placental protein PP19 using 49 Cytotrophoblast culture
井坂恵一, 鈴木良知, 鈴木康伸, 高山雅臣, 秋谷清
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 881-881, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination (mainly on uterus adenocarcinoma) about the tissue of the tumor marker in 50 gynecologic malignancies and the intracellular localized change
Takao Hirata, Kiyoshi Fujiwara, Kazuhiro Okabe, Hiromi Sato, Yoshiyuki Negishi, Kiyoshi Akitani
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 882-882, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination about the association between sialic acid-related value and CRP, ESR in the inflammatory disorder that it is the way it goes of 52 pediatrics regions
Yutaka Kubota, Makoto Hoshino, Someya forest, Tadao Noro
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 883-883, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination about the sex differences of 53 pediatric lung functions
Asano thickness, Sei Kobayashi serf, Tetsuya Shimazaki, Yu Miyajima, Tetsuro Tanaka, Teruo Honda *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 883-883, 1989.

Japanese Article 55 both sides thoracotomy and anesthesia management
出頭裕元, Shiroishi historiography, Soil Ryoichi Tate, Tadanori Sato, Yo Takahashi, Hiroshi Komiya, Watanabe five-saving, Jiro Okada, Osamu Ishii husband, Tamotsu Miyake
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 884-884, 1989.

Japanese Article 60 Fundamental Research of the auxiliary circulation apparatus according to alternate driving of skeletal muscle ventricle (SMV) : Using the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major muscle
藤川正, 末定弘行, 長田一仁, 平山哲三, 石丸新, 古川欽一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 887-887, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the surgical cure in atrial septal defect (ASD) which we experienced in 61 these days 40 years or older
Koichi Shimizu, Naoki Konagai, Tetsuya Nagata, Hiroshi Hino, Tatsuhiko Kudo
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 887-887, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the breast cancer surgery case in 63 our hospital
星野伸二1), 山本啓一郎1), 平良修1), 原義和1), 中山正1), 桜井秀樹1), 佐嶋健一1), 西里吉則2), 松本恭弘2), 吉田肇2), 小田修治2), 木村幸三郎3), 青木達哉3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 888-888, 1989.

Japanese Article One patient who was able to detect a metastatic pericardial tumor of lung cancer by 64 cardiac tamponade
Music Keisuke, 堀口泰良, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, Hiromitsu Tsuchida
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 889-889, 1989.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment - to 67 LDL adsorption therapy - familial hypercholesterolemia
高橋芳洋 1), Takayuki Asahara 1), Toru Nakano 1), Takae joy Hisao 1), Kenji Takazawa 2), Toru Takeuchi 2), Ibukiyama Chiharu 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 890-890, 1989.

Japanese Article Basic examination about the change of the CPK-MB fractionation in 69 ischemia cardiac muscle
妻木奈々恵, Hideaki Hosaka, Makoto Aoki, Kiyomi accepted standards of behavior, Takao Miyashita, Nobuhiko Ikebe, Arrow Tahiro chapter, Norio Nakagawa, Yoshikazu Nagai, Ikuhiro Yamazawa, Ibukiyama Chiharu
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 891-891, 1989.

Japanese Article About the calorie consumption of 72 diabetes inpatients examination - using - calorie counter
Atsushi Ono, Akio Ueki *, Toshiaki Fukuda *, Minoru Fujita *, Akihiko Tanaka *, 金澤昭 *, Yoko Notoya *, Hisao Ito *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 893-893, 1989.

Japanese Article About the endogenous cortisol concentrations at the adrenocortical steroid therapy in 74 bronchial asthma
大坪昭代, 山口葉子, 安田奈央, 対馬裕典, 遠武孝悦, 松井久美子, 富川昭, 安達正夫, 新妻知行, 伊藤久雄, 山田忠史*, 菊池徹*, 本間真人*, 岡希太郎*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 894-894, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the nonsecretor myeloma of 76 youth onset
荒川敬, 野村信宏, 栗谷川紅子, 内田博之, 中村治道, 方波見圭子, 六本木尚, 高橋龍二, 殿塚典彦, 夏源天, 野本さい子, 酒井信彦, 伊藤久雄
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 895-895, 1989.

Japanese Article Molecular biologic examination in 77 chronic myelogenous leukemia
Oyashiki Junko, Hiroshi Iwabuchi High School, Tetsuzo Tauchi, Oyashiki Kazuma, Keisuke Toyama
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 895-895, 1989.

Japanese Article Comparison between primary tumor and DNA ploidy pattern of the lymph node metastatic lesion of 79 lung cancer
伊藤哲思, 池田徳彦, 玉地義弘, 三浦弘之, 木下孔明, 岩淵裕, 土田敬明, 平野隆, 河手典彦, 小中千守, 加藤治文, 早田義博
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 896-896, 1989.

Japanese Article The lung cancer case that needed difficulty for 80 diagnoses
Hideki Yamamoto, 木下孔明, Shin Nakajima, Kinya Furukawa, Hiroyuki Miura, 伊藤哲思, Norihiko Ikeda, Ball place Yoshihiro, 土田敬明, 藤光泰信, 坂本啓彰, River hand Norihiko, Chimori Konaka, Harufumi Kato, Yoshihiro Hayata
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 897-897, 1989.

Japanese Article A clinic of 82 viral chorioretinitis and experimental study
Toru Utsumi, 頼徳治, Yuko Okitsu, Kentaro Takamura, Masahiko Usui
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 898-898, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of six dissecting aneurysm of 83 arteria vertebralis
Jun Wada, High Akihide, Tadaharu Fukuda, 蓮江正道
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 898-898, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the intrathoracic meningocele which occurred for the 187th Tokyo Medical College clinical social gathering record lek ring how then disease
市丸勝二1), 松田了聡1), 大井綱郎2), 伊東良則3), 滝沢延彦4), 伊藤樹史5), 藤巻道男6), 大隅彰7)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 899-911, 1989.

Japanese Article Change of the immunological parameter with the BRM administration for 1 cervical malignant tumor patient
Takuya Okada, Tomoyuki Yoshida, Tetsuro Saeki, Sachiyuki Otsuka, Yumiko Aoyama, Okudaira just male, Funasaka Sotaro
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 912-912, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the ovarian embryonal carcinoma with 2 blood type abnormality
Product Nango High School 1), Toshifumi Tanaka 1), Yoshiyuki Negishi 1), Kiyoshi Akitani 1), Setsuko Nakamura 2), Eiko Amano 3), Lower Kuniaki 3), Hideki Asakura 3), Tatsuo Suzuta 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 912-912, 1989.

Japanese Article Singular immunotherapy of tumor cells by the immune latex including 3 fluorescence, magnetic body
Yanase Noriko, Hideki Asakura, Tatsuo Suzuta
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 912-912, 1989.

Japanese Article Prognostic comparison - with examination - various anticancer drugs of the intraarterial injection treatment for 4 cancer of maxillary antrum
Tetsuro Saeki, Tomoyuki Yoshida, Sachiyuki Otsuka, Shinya Ohashi, Okudaira just male, Funasaka Sotaro
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 913-913, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the recurrent gastric cancer that 5 CDDP monotherapy succeeded
Prince Tanifuji period, Kosaburo Kimura, Kazunobu Suzuki, Yasuhiro Fukaya, 鶴井茂, Shinichi Saito, 白石良伸, Tatsuyuki Yamazaki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 913-913, 1989.

Japanese Article Trial of the prognosis estimate by the fixed-quantity cytochemistry of 6 lung adenocarcinoma T1 cases
Takeshi Okuzawa, Norihiko Ikeda, Chimori Konaka, Hiroyuki Miura, River hand Norihiko, 木下孔明, 伊藤哲思, ギタ サヤミ, Harufumi Kato, Yoshihiro Hayata, Yoshiro Ebihara *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 913-913, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. About effect to give to glucagonoma cells (ITC-1) of the extracellular glucose concentration change
Toshio Hashiguchi 1), Mitsuko Hashiguchi 1), Akiko Sakai 2), Kanazawa truth male 3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 914-914, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the chronic administration case of active form vitamin D3 for the osteoporosis
高橋克明, 松岡宏昭, 山本謙吾, 南郷俊明, 三浦幸雄
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 915-915, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. The examination of the preoperative postoperative care of the adrenal cortical tumor
Osamu Uda, Yoshitaka Urata, Toshiaki Aoki, Shinichi Ito, Valley Chiaki, Tatsuya Aoki, Yasuhisa Koyanagi, Kosaburo Kimura
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 915-915, 1989.

Japanese Article 7. Endocrinologic examination of periodic ACTH, ADH-secreting supernumerary symptom
Jin Uchida, Hiroo Miyazawa, Sei Kobayashi serf, 野口文憲, Masaaki Ogiwara, Existence waterfall world grandfather, Teruo Honda
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 915-915, 1989.

Japanese Article 8. Dynamics of blood, urinary cyclic AMP in cyclic vomiting
Hiroo Miyazawa, Masaaki Ogiwara, Existence waterfall world grandfather, Teruo Honda
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 916-916, 1989.

Japanese Article 9. An example of the anorexia nervosa that presented Wernicke syndrome after hyperalimentation
Kanazawa truth male, Junichi Sato, Asako Takei, Nobuhiro Nomura, Shigehiko Suda, Takashi Miwa, Yoko Notoya, Hisao Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 916-916, 1989.

Japanese Article 10. About efficacy of Novolin U which saw from the viewpoint of supplement of the basic insulin secretion in patients with NIDDM
Atsushi Ono, Akihiko Tanaka *, 金澤昭 *, Akio Ueki *, Yoko Notoya *, Hisao Ito *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 916-916, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. An example of childhood acute myeloblastic leukemia that presented blood type of the Para Bombay phenotype temporarily
Sasamoto Masato, Jin Uchida, Kazumitsu Tsuyuki, Teruo Honda
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 917-917, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. The examination of three acute myelofibrosis
山口喜移, Yasutaka Kobayashi, Kei Sato kernel, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Hideyo Katsunuma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 917-917, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. An example of M5 that resulted in convulsions, disturbance of consciousness and retrograde amnesia by MTX intraspinal injection
Takashi Arakawa, Osamu Hayashi, Kuridani River rouge child, Nobuhiro Nomura, Hiroyuki Uchida, Osamu Nakamura way, One Hami Keiko, Roppongi still, Akira Kanazawa, Ryuji Takahashi, Nobuhiko Sakai, Hisao Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 917-917, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. Analysis about the B protein of blood XIII factor
Yorifuji Kotobuki, Suguru Fukue still, Masao Haneda, Shojiro Ikematsu, Michio Fujimaki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 918-918, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. The development of the Kappa-Lambda Imaging(KLI) method and the clinical application
川西慶一, 中野優, 外山圭助
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 918-918, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. A finding about placental protein PP19 located to chorioepithelium cells and granular leukocyte
Keiichi Isaka, Yoshitomo Suzuki, Yasunobu Suzuki, Masaomi Takayama, Kiyoshi Akitani
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 47(5): 918-918, 1989.