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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 51, Issue 3 / 1993
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Lesson of the I teacher
Kokichi Kikuchi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 207-207, 1993.

Japanese Article Effects of Platelet Aggregation Suppressing Agents on Cancer Metastasis in Mice
Kenichi SAJIMA, Hitoshi EIRAKU, Kozaburo KIMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 209-218, 1993.

Japanese Article Influence of M-CSF (macrophage-colony stimulating factor) on Mouse Megakaryopoiesis
Osamu HAYASHI, Hisao ITO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 219-225, 1993.

Japanese Article Total Deaths due to Diseases and Total Number of Autopsies in Cases of Death due to Malignant Tumors in the Digestive System in Japan according to Sex and Age
Shuzo KINOSHITA1), Hiroomi KAKIHIRA1), Jouji FUJINAMI1), Hiroshi SASSA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 226-233, 1993.

Japanese Article Total Deaths due to Diseases and Total Number of Autopsies in Cases of Death due to Malignant Tumors apart from those of the Digestive System in Japan according to Sex and Age
Hiroomi KAKIHIRA1), Shuzo KINOSHITA1), Jouji FUJINAMI1), Hiroshi SASSA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 234-241, 1993.

Japanese Article Experimental Study on Local Administration of Liposome Inclusion Adriamycin
Kiminori TANIFUJI, Kazunobu SUZUKI, Keiji SUZUKI, Kozaburo KIMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 242-253, 1993.

Japanese Article Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap and Omentum Pedicle Flap for the Revascularization of 6-ring Tracheal Autotrasplantation
Masahiko TAGUCHI, Harubumi KATO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 254-262, 1993.

Japanese Article Optimum Immunochemotherpy Regimens in a Mouse Liver Metastasis Model and Effect on Prostaglandin Metabolism in Tumor
Tomoyoshi KAKINUMA, Kozaburo KIMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 263-276, 1993.

Japanese Article Ultrastructural Study of the Effects of Loading on Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint in C57 Black Mice
Katsumi TAKASE, Yukio MIURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 277-291, 1993.

Japanese Article Clinical Assessment of Esophageal Cancer by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Masao SAI, Saburo AMINO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 292-299, 1993.

Japanese Article Calcification of the Achilles Tendon Matrices in Zucker Fatty Rats
Tomoji YONEDA, Yukio MIURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 300-310, 1993.

Japanese Article Pharmacokinetics of the cefazolin sodium in the renal failure case during CHDF enforcement
Ryoichi Hamada, Hiroyuki Kamata, 神里潔, Takeyuki Fukutome, 得津馨, Mari Kubota, Hiromi Oka, Shigeru Okazaki fruit, Jun Isshiki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 311-315, 1993.

Japanese Article Intraventricular hemorrhage secondary to eclampsia
Kunio Yanagida, Kumagai exhibition country, Toshimi Arai, Hiromi Oka, 得津肇, Tatsushi Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 316-320, 1993.

Japanese Article 1 case that aortic incompetence generated postoperatively of the ventricular septal defect who had Valsalva sinus aneurysms
Hiroyuki Fukushima 1), 張益商 1), Music Keisuke 2), Tetsuya Nagata 1), Tatsuhiko Kudo 1)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 321-324, 1993.

Japanese Article 2. An example of the CD7-positive acute megakaryocytic leukaemia that shifted than marrow atypism syndrome
野村信宏, 野本さい子, 上原豊彦, 近藤美知, 岡田潔, 内田博之, 六本木尚, 代田常道, 酒井信彦, 伊藤久雄
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 325-325, 1993.

Japanese Article 3. Effect - to give to use of rh-GCSF experience - renal graft function in renal-transplant recipients
内山正美, 玉置透, 田中三津子, 松野直徒, 河野和之, 小崎浩一, 岩堀徹, 伊保谷憲子, 梶尚志, 川口美香, 杉浦美沙, 加地紀夫, 吉田雅治, 櫻井悦夫, 玉置勲, 小崎正巳
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 325-325, 1993.

Japanese Article 5. Basic examination about the combination of property and heparin of the clot of blood study of the water-soluble iodocontrast media
Tetsuya Yamagishi, Fukutake Katsuyuki
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 326-326, 1993.

Japanese Article 7. An example of the thoracic aortic aneurysm with the consumptive coagulopathy that an antiplasmine agent was effective
矢尾善英, 土井信, 土田博光, 秋元直人, 平山哲三, 石川幹夫, 石丸新, 古川欽一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 51(3): 326-326, 1993.