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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 56, Issue 2 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the treatment at home service
Ryo Iida
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 141-141, 1998.

Japanese Article Characteristic of stress responses in ovariectomized rat and pharmacological effect of Kami-syoyo-san
Zhen GUO, Masato INAZU, Etsuro YAMADA*, Hiroshi TAKEDA, Teruhiko MATSUMIYA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 143-151, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical Analysis on 101 patients with Primary Myelodysplastic Syndromes−With references to Prognosis, Therapies and Complications−
Nahoko SHOJI, Yoshikazu KAWANISHI, Keisuke TOYAMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 152-168, 1998.

Japanese Article A study of abnormal expression of p53 protein in Esophageal Mucosal-Submucosal Cancer, and its meaning in Precancerous Leasion
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 169-181, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of Local Cerebral Oxygenation in Temporal Lobe Epilepsies Shown by Near Infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS)
Yasunori OANA1), Chuanyu WANG2), Akinori HOSHIKA2), Yukito TAKEI2), Masanori KONDO1), Noriyuki SAKAUE3), Naotsugu HIRABAYASHI3), Hideo WATAHIKI1), Masahiko KANEKO1)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 182-189, 1998.

Japanese Article Left unilateral spatial neglect and its relation to visual field defect detected by Goldmann's perimeter and to lesions detected by MR imaging
Takahiko Umahara1,4), Satoshi Nakadomari3), Masayuki Kikukawa1,4), Yuichiro Tanaka3), Sumiko Yamagishi2), Chieko Nagayama2), Daihei Shirakawa2), Kiyoshi Kanaya4), Toshihiko Imamoto4), Masaru Takasaki4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 190-194, 1998.

Japanese Article Histology,growth pattern and intratumor trypsin localization in gastric cancers
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 195-202, 1998.

Japanese Article Statistical Evaluation of Summarized Reports of Patients after Discharge and Promoting the Future Utilization of the Reports
Hajime NAWA, Tatsumi OHHARA, Kento MASHIKO, Katsuo NAKAMURA, Yoshibumi WATANABE, Akio MURAKOSHI, Masayuki KITAMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 203-210, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinicopathological study on recurrence of node-negative breast cancer with special reference to expression of VEGF and PyNPase
Katsumasa HOSOKAWA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 211-224, 1998.

Japanese Article Development and application of high-performance liquid chromatography with multiple coulometric detector for evaluation of redox dynamics of serum tocopherol
Hiroko FUJII, Kiyotaka YANAGAWA, Hiroshi TAKEDA*, Teruhiko MATSUMIYA*, Masaru TAKASAKI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 225-235, 1998.

Japanese Article A case of mesenterium commune manifesting as symptomatic megacolon
Hideyuki UBUKATA, Takafumi TABUCHI, Shunichi KAWASAKI, Shigenori SATO, Ichiro NAKADA, Tetsuo SOMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 236-241, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the diffuse eosinophilic fasciitis who had the back born amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia purpura
坪井紀興, 高梨博文, 加藤雪彦*, 代田常道, 古賀道之*, 海老原善郎**, 林徹
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 242-250, 1998.

Japanese Article 1.Two cases of Multicentric Castleman's
山本浩文, 野口容子, 武市美鈴, 藤本博昭, 荒川敬, 近藤美知, 岡田潔, 代田常道, 林徹
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article 2. An example of the Ki-1 lymphoma regarded as the stomach origin that resulted in meningism with an extensive extranodal organ infiltration
Yuko Miyaji, Uno Masanobu, Daiji Ono, Six volost Norihito, 坂本茂貴, Yoichi Yoneta, Koichi Shin, Takasaki A
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article 4.One case of interferon-beta twice a day administration chronic hepatitis C that was curing, and developed hemolytic anemia
川田和秀, 鈴木隆史, 大石毅, 山中晃, 佐々木昭仁, 新井盛夫, 福武勝幸, 福江英尚*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article 5. Examination about the consumptive coagulopathy by the stent graft interpolation technique
Taro Shimazaki, Yoshihiko Yokoi, Satoshi Kawaguchi, Hiromitsu Tsuchida, Shin Ishimaru
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article 1. The change of the endodermis-dependent relaxation response in the rat pregnancy process
Hideo Honda, Hisayuki Ishihara, Kazuhiro Tamura, Hiroshi Kogo
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article 2. One case of lactational breast cancer that had difficulty in differentiation with the phyllodes tumor
Mikihiro Kusama, 蓮江健一郎, Kaize Hiroshi, Koichiro Kato, Tatsuya Aoki, Yasuhisa Koyanagi, Tadashi Matsunaga east *, Yuko Nakamura *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article 3. An example of primary aldosteronism diagnosed for the puerperal period when caused HELLP syndrome, premature separation of normally implanted placenta
Rikikazu Sugiyama, Yoshitomo Suzuki, Kazuo Iso, Kennya Shiraishi, 野平知良, Masato Yagishita, Jin Funayama, Masaomi Takayama, History of Takada Kei *, Takashi Ogawa *, Kiyomi accepted standards of behavior *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 253-253, 1998.

Japanese Article 4. One case of retroperitoneal malignant paraganglioma
Ichiro Sonoda, Tatsuya Aoki, Akihiko Tsuchida, Takashi Ozawa, Kazuhiko Kasuya, Kentaro Asami, Kazuhiro Nagashima, Keiichiro Inoue, Masuhara chapter, Tomoyuki Miyashita, Yasuhisa Koyanagi, Hiromi Serizawa *, Yoshiro Ebihara *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the male prolactinoma
Vermilion field Kiyohiro, Hiroshi Nishioka, Hiroshi Ito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article 7. Examination of the angiotensin-converting enzyme genetic polymorphism in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Haruko Takada, Rokuro Ito, Masahiko Kume, Katsunori Arai, Origin of Fukuda, Tsuneaki Inamura, 調進一郎, Akihiko Tanaka, Akira Kanazawa, Kanazawa truth male, Yoko Notoya, Tetsu Hayashi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 254-254, 1998.

English Article 1.Opening Address
Takeshi Shibuya
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 257-257, 1998.

English Article 2.Introduction
Shunichi Hoshino
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 258-258, 1998.

English Article 3.Lecture Four-year experience of a balloon expandable aortic endoluminal grafting:The GAD graft
Weiyun YU, Geoffrey H.WHITE, Xavier CHAUFOUR, James MAY, Michael S.STEPHEN, Richard C.WAUGH*, John P.HARRIS
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 259-264, 1998.

English Article Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair:Design and Current Clinical Results with the EVT Ancure Device
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 265-268, 1998.

English Article Early Experience With The Talent Endovascular Prosthesis For Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Peter D.FRY, Lindsay S.MACHAN
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 269-281, 1998.

English Article Endoluminal Grafting for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms−Stretching the Limits
Kenneth A.MYERS, Terence J.DEVINE
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 282-292, 1998.

English Article Endovascular Stent Graft Repair of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(2): 293-296, 1998.